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Two dozen (un)useful one-liners
Me, Myself and I. 
❖ Ex (win) sysadmin, ex (lousy) php dev 
❖ Rails developer @dlabs, still a bit lousy, getting better 
❖ @miha_mencin, radiokills@github
Its all about history 
$ history 
7550 git commit -a -m 'renaming pg to postgresql in database.yml template' 
7551 git push origin master 
7552 git push origin postgres 
7553 rake update web web1 testing 
7554 bundle 
7555 rake update web web1 testing 
7556 bundle update 
7557 rake update web web1 testing 
$ cat ~/.zsh_history 
: 1378713558:0;diff 
: 1378713783:0;git commit -a -m 'duplicated_payment_details' 
: 1378713798:0;git push origin duplicated_payment_details: 
: 1378713805:0;git push origin duplicated_payment_details 
: 1378716721:0;git checkout -b alter_service_center_payment 
: 1378716812:0;rails g migration add_bank_details_to_service_center bank_account bank_sorting_code 
: 1378719452:0;git commit -a -m 'migration, validation, form, DIP-257' 
: 1378720670:0;git merge diplicated_payment_detail 
Controll your history 
$ echo $HISTSIZE 
$ echo $HISTFILE 
$ vi ~/.zshrc 
export HISTSIZE=10000 
export HISTFILESIZE=2000 
export HISTIGNORE=cd:cat:dir 
Command line pr0n mode? Yes we can! 
$ <space>vi love-letter-to-my-mistress.txt
Use your history 
[CTRL] + r = (fuzzy) search through history 
$ vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts 
bc-i-search: vi 
$ history 
7550 git commit -a -m 'renaming pg to postgresql in database.yml template' 
7551 git push origin master 
7552 git push origin postgres 
7553 rake update web web1 testing 
7554 bundle 
7555 rake update web web1 testing 
7556 bundle update 
7557 rake update web web1 testing 
$ !7556 
Fetching gem metadata from 
➜ !7556 
➜ bundle update 
Fetching gem metadata from
Re-run last command 
$ ls -lah 
drwxrwxr-x 3 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 18:52 apps 
-rw------- 1 miha miha 649 Jul 26 21:58 .bash_history 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 220 Jul 26 12:26 .bash_logout 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miha miha 200 Jul 26 12:53 .bash_profile 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 3.7K Jul 26 12:53 .bashrc 
drwx------ 2 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 12:31 .cache 
drwxrwxr-x 3 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 15:05 .gem 
-rw------- 1 miha miha 41 Oct 18 09:55 .mysql_history 
drwxrwxr-x 10 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 22:03 .oh-my-zsh 
$ fc -ln -1 
ls -lah 
$ $(fc -ln -1) 
drwxrwxr-x 3 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 18:52 apps 
-rw------- 1 miha miha 649 Jul 26 21:58 .bash_history 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 220 Jul 26 12:26 .bash_logout 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miha miha 200 Jul 26 12:53 .bash_profile 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 3.7K Jul 26 12:53 .bashrc
sudo Re-run last command 
sudo Re-run last command 
$ nginx -s reload 
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 
2014/10/19 12:09:52 [warn] 1800#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 
2014/10/19 12:09:52 [notice] 1800#0: signal process started 
2014/10/19 12:09:52 [alert] 1800#0: kill(1007, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted) 
$ sudo nginx -s reload 
$ sudo $(fc -ln -1) 
$ sudo !! 
“!!” is called ‘expansion’. !22124 is also expansion.
More about expansions 
$ cd ~ 
We all know it 
$ !! 
Repeats last command 
$ !2123 
Repeats command 2123 from history 
$ !$ 
Expands to last argument. For example: 
$ mkdir -p /home/miha/awesome_folder/awesome_subfolder/data 
$ cd !$ 
$ pwd 
(Similar thing can be achieved by pressing [Esc] and then [.]
Even more expansions 
$ A=ruby 
$ echo $A 
$ A=ruby 
$ echo ${#A} 
$ A=ruby 
$ echo ${A/r/ch} 
$ echo ${A^} 
$ echo ${A^^} 
//use ${A,,} for downcast
Brace expansions 
$ echo {1,2,3} 
1 2 3 
$ echo file-{a,b,c} 
file-a file-b file-c 
$ echo {1..5} 
1 2 3 4 5 
$ echo {2..-3} 
2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 
$ echo {a..e} 
a b c d e // does not work in zsh 
➜ setopt BRACE_CCL 
➜ echo {a-e} 
a b c d e
Brace expansions 
$ touch file{a..d}{1..4}.{rb,py,css,js} 
$ ls 
filea1.css filea4.css fileb3.css filec2.css filed1.css filed4.css 
filea1.js filea2.rb filea4.js fileb1.rb fileb3.js fileb4.rb filec2.js filec3.rb filed1.js filed2.rb filed4.js filea3.css fileb2.css filec1.css filec4.css filed3.css 
filea1.rb filea3.js filea4.rb fileb2.js fileb3.rb filec1.js filec2.rb filec4.js filed1.rb filed3.js filed4.rb 
filea2.css fileb1.css fileb4.css filec3.css filed2.css 
filea2.js filea3.rb fileb1.js fileb2.rb fileb4.js filec1.rb filec3.js filec4.rb filed2.js filed3.rb 
file.1.rb file.2.rb file.3.rb file.4.rb filea1.rb filea2.rb filea3.rb filea4.rb filed1.rb filed2.rb filed3.rb filed4.rb 
$ rm !(*.rb|*.py) 
$ ls filea2.rb fileb1.rb …….. 
$ mv fileb1.{py,cpp} 
$ cp fileb2.{py,bak}
About pipes 
Pipes let you use the output of a program as the input of another one 
$ ls -l | grep filea1 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 filea1.rb 
Redirection makes it possible to control where the output of a command goes to, 
and where the input of a command comes from. (via 
$ ls -l | grep filea1 > myfiles.txt 
$ cat mayflies.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 filea1.rb
Useful piping 
Task: Copy a mysql database over the ssh 
local1$ ssh 
dbserv$ mysqldump my_remote_db > my_remote_db.sql 
local1$ scp . 
local1$ mysql my_local_db < my_remote_db.sql 
But… It is so much work… And I need coffee 
$ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db' > my_remote_db.sql 
$ mysql my_local_db < my_remote_db.sql 
Still… can we do better? Yes we can! 
$ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db' | mysql my_local_db
Not everyone’s happy 
Umm, yeah…. If you’d just make it - let’s say - twice as fast… 
That’d be great
Yes we can!!
But… we really (almost) can. 
$ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db | gzip -c' | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 
But… Is it happening at all? 
$ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db | gzip -c' | pv | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 
6MiB 0:00:13 [2.35MiB/s] [ <=> ] 
(In some cases we could use tee) 
$ ls | tee files.txt 
How much coffee can I have in meantime? 
$ ssh …| pv -s 200m | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 
35.9MiB 0:00:15 [2.34MiB/s] [========> ] 17% ETA 0:01:08 
That is not enough time for coffee break :( 
$ ssh …| pv -s 200m -L128K | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 
5.38MiB 0:00:43 [ 125kiB/s] [> ] 2% ETA 0:25:57
Piping through ruby 
$ echo "My String" | ruby -e "puts gets.downcase” 
> my string 
# upcase.rb 
ARGF.each do |line| 
puts line.upcase 
$ ls | ruby upcase.rb 
A Bash alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an abbreviation, 
a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence 
$ alias 
l='ls -lah' 
la='ls -lAh' 
ll='ls -lh' 
ls='ls -G' 
lsa='ls -lah' 
md='mkdir -p 
Alias scopes 
$ sudo ll 
sudo: ll: command not found 
$ alias sudo=‘sudo ‘ 
$ sudo ll 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0B Oct 22 00:30 file1.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0B Oct 22 00:30 file2.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0B Oct 22 00:30 file3.txt
zsh specific aliases 
Zsh specific aliases 
-s (suffix aliases) 
$ alias -s rb=subl 
$ somefile.rb 
# will open somefile.rb in sublime text 
# we can set multiple filetypes also 
$ alias -s {mkv,avi}=vlc 
-g (gloabal aliases) 
$ alias -g G=“| grep -i” 
$ ls G file 
Let’s have some fun 
$ nginx -s reload 
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 
2014/10/22 01:08:01 [warn] 2282#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 
2014/10/22 01:08:01 [notice] 2282#0: signal process started 
2014/10/22 01:08:01 [alert] 2282#0: kill(1038, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted) 
$ alias please='$(fc -ln -1)' 
$ nginx -s reload 
#error msg.. 
$ sudo please 
$ #yeey 
But… also… 
$ alias bitch=‘sudo ‘
Let’s have some fun 
$ nginx -s reload 
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 
2014/10/22 01:08:01 [warn] 2282#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 
2014/10/22 01:08:01 [notice] 2282#0: signal process started 
2014/10/22 01:08:01 [alert] 2282#0: kill(1038, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted)
More of zsh awesomeness 
Tab completion I 
Tab completion II 
$ cd /u/l/b # +[TAB] = 
$ cd /usr/local/bin 
Tab completion III 
$ git # +[TAB] = 
add -- add file contents to index 
am -- apply patches from a mailbox 
apply -- apply patch to files and/or to index 
archimport -- import an Arch repository into git 
archive -- create archive of files from named tree 
bisect -- find, by binary search, change that introduced a bug 
blame -- show what revision and author last modified each line of a file 
branch -- list, create, or delete branches 
bundle -- move objects and refs by archive 
cat-file -- provide content or type information for repository objects
More of zsh awesomeness 
cd between subfolders 
$ cd /home/miha/projects/dipstix/app/assets/javascripts 
# Upsie, wrong project 
$ cd dipstix playon 
$ pwd 
Autocorrection - can be annoying 
$ spec 
zsh: correct 'spec' to 'rspec' [nyae]? 
$ unsetoption correct_all 
Recursive listing 
$ ls **/action_card* 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 530B Jul 31 14:48 app/admin/action_card_priorities.rb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 1.8K Sep 30 12:07 app/admin/action_cards.rb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 1.5K Aug 13 10:00 app/controllers/api/v1/action_cards_controller.rb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 1.2K Aug 20 15:01 app/models/action_card.rb
More of zsh awesomeness 
Edit your variables 
$ vared PATH 
oh-my-zsh is an open source, community-driven framework 
for managing your Zsh configuration. 
It comes bundled with a ton of helpful functions, 
helpers, plugins, themes, and a few things that make you shout… 
$ curl -L | sh
..='cd ..' 
...='cd ../..' 
1='cd -' 
2='cd -2’ 
d='dirs -v | head -10’ 
$ d 
0 ~/www_rails/playon/lib/tasks 
1 ~/www_rails/playon/lib 
2 ~/www_rails/playon 
3 ~/www_rails 
4 ~/www_rails/dipstix/app 
5 ~/www_rails/dipstix/app/controllers 
6 ~/www_rails/dipstix/app/controllers/custom_devise 
7 ~/www_rails/dipstix 
8 ~/www_rails/dipstix/lib 
9 ~ 
$ 3 
To sum up… 
$ history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head 
2807 git 
920 cd 
454 ssh 
382 ls 
375 rails 
348 ll 
343 l 
341 rake 
291 sudo 
165 rm
thnx and… 
to work with us

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Dtalk shell

  • 1. Console Tips&Tricks Two dozen (un)useful one-liners
  • 2. Me, Myself and I. ❖ Ex (win) sysadmin, ex (lousy) php dev ❖ Rails developer @dlabs, still a bit lousy, getting better ❖ @miha_mencin, radiokills@github
  • 3. Its all about history $ history … 7550 git commit -a -m 'renaming pg to postgresql in database.yml template' 7551 git push origin master 7552 git push origin postgres 7553 rake update web web1 testing 7554 bundle 7555 rake update web web1 testing 7556 bundle update 7557 rake update web web1 testing … $ cat ~/.zsh_history … : 1378713558:0;diff : 1378713783:0;git commit -a -m 'duplicated_payment_details' : 1378713798:0;git push origin duplicated_payment_details: : 1378713805:0;git push origin duplicated_payment_details : 1378716721:0;git checkout -b alter_service_center_payment : 1378716812:0;rails g migration add_bank_details_to_service_center bank_account bank_sorting_code : 1378719452:0;git commit -a -m 'migration, validation, form, DIP-257' : 1378720670:0;git merge diplicated_payment_detail …
  • 4. Controll your history $ echo $HISTSIZE 1000 $ echo $HISTFILESIZE 2000 $ echo $HISTFILE /home/miha/.zsh_history $ vi ~/.zshrc … export HISTSIZE=10000 export HISTFILESIZE=2000 export HISTIGNORE=cd:cat:dir … Command line pr0n mode? Yes we can! $ <space>vi love-letter-to-my-mistress.txt
  • 5. Use your history [CTRL] + r = (fuzzy) search through history $ vi ~/.ssh/known_hosts bc-i-search: vi $ history … 7550 git commit -a -m 'renaming pg to postgresql in database.yml template' 7551 git push origin master 7552 git push origin postgres 7553 rake update web web1 testing 7554 bundle 7555 rake update web web1 testing 7556 bundle update 7557 rake update web web1 testing … $ !7556 Fetching gem metadata from ➜ !7556 ➜ bundle update Fetching gem metadata from
  • 6. Re-run last command $ ls -lah drwxrwxr-x 3 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 18:52 apps -rw------- 1 miha miha 649 Jul 26 21:58 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 220 Jul 26 12:26 .bash_logout -rw-rw-r-- 1 miha miha 200 Jul 26 12:53 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 3.7K Jul 26 12:53 .bashrc drwx------ 2 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 12:31 .cache drwxrwxr-x 3 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 15:05 .gem -rw------- 1 miha miha 41 Oct 18 09:55 .mysql_history drwxrwxr-x 10 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 22:03 .oh-my-zsh … $ fc -ln -1 ls -lah … $ $(fc -ln -1) drwxrwxr-x 3 miha miha 4.0K Jul 26 18:52 apps -rw------- 1 miha miha 649 Jul 26 21:58 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 220 Jul 26 12:26 .bash_logout -rw-rw-r-- 1 miha miha 200 Jul 26 12:53 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 miha miha 3.7K Jul 26 12:53 .bashrc
  • 7. sudo Re-run last command (via
  • 8. sudo Re-run last command $ nginx -s reload nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 2014/10/19 12:09:52 [warn] 1800#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 2014/10/19 12:09:52 [notice] 1800#0: signal process started 2014/10/19 12:09:52 [alert] 1800#0: kill(1007, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted) … $ sudo nginx -s reload $ sudo $(fc -ln -1) $ sudo !! “!!” is called ‘expansion’. !22124 is also expansion.
  • 9. More about expansions $ cd ~ We all know it $ !! Repeats last command $ !2123 Repeats command 2123 from history $ !$ Expands to last argument. For example: $ mkdir -p /home/miha/awesome_folder/awesome_subfolder/data $ cd !$ $ pwd /home/miha/awesome_folder/awesome_subfolder/data $ (Similar thing can be achieved by pressing [Esc] and then [.]
  • 10. Even more expansions $ A=ruby $ echo $A ruby $ A=ruby $ echo ${#A} 4 $ A=ruby $ echo ${A/r/ch} chuby $ echo ${A^} Ruby $ echo ${A^^} RUBY //use ${A,,} for downcast
  • 11. Brace expansions $ echo {1,2,3} 1 2 3 $ echo file-{a,b,c} file-a file-b file-c $ echo {1..5} 1 2 3 4 5 $ echo {2..-3} 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 $ echo {a..e} a b c d e // does not work in zsh ➜ setopt BRACE_CCL ➜ echo {a-e} a b c d e
  • 12. Brace expansions $ touch file{a..d}{1..4}.{rb,py,css,js} $ ls filea1.css filea4.css fileb3.css filec2.css filed1.css filed4.css filea1.js filea2.rb filea4.js fileb1.rb fileb3.js fileb4.rb filec2.js filec3.rb filed1.js filed2.rb filed4.js filea3.css fileb2.css filec1.css filec4.css filed3.css filea1.rb filea3.js filea4.rb fileb2.js fileb3.rb filec1.js filec2.rb filec4.js filed1.rb filed3.js filed4.rb filea2.css fileb1.css fileb4.css filec3.css filed2.css filea2.js filea3.rb fileb1.js fileb2.rb fileb4.js filec1.rb filec3.js filec4.rb filed2.js filed3.rb file.1.rb file.2.rb file.3.rb file.4.rb filea1.rb filea2.rb filea3.rb filea4.rb filed1.rb filed2.rb filed3.rb filed4.rb $ rm !(*.rb|*.py) $ ls filea2.rb fileb1.rb …….. $ mv fileb1.{py,cpp} $ cp fileb2.{py,bak}
  • 13. Pipes
  • 14. About pipes Pipes let you use the output of a program as the input of another one $ ls -l | grep filea1 -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 filea1.rb Redirection makes it possible to control where the output of a command goes to, and where the input of a command comes from. (via $ ls -l | grep filea1 > myfiles.txt $ cat mayflies.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0 Oct 21 22:19 filea1.rb
  • 15. Useful piping Task: Copy a mysql database over the ssh local1$ ssh dbserv$ mysqldump my_remote_db > my_remote_db.sql local1$ scp . local1$ mysql my_local_db < my_remote_db.sql But… It is so much work… And I need coffee $ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db' > my_remote_db.sql $ mysql my_local_db < my_remote_db.sql Still… can we do better? Yes we can! $ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db' | mysql my_local_db
  • 16. Not everyone’s happy Umm, yeah…. If you’d just make it - let’s say - twice as fast… That’d be great
  • 18. But… we really (almost) can. $ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db | gzip -c' | gunzip | mysql my_local_db But… Is it happening at all? $ ssh 'mysqldump my_remote_db | gzip -c' | pv | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 6MiB 0:00:13 [2.35MiB/s] [ <=> ] (In some cases we could use tee) $ ls | tee files.txt How much coffee can I have in meantime? $ ssh …| pv -s 200m | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 35.9MiB 0:00:15 [2.34MiB/s] [========> ] 17% ETA 0:01:08 That is not enough time for coffee break :( $ ssh …| pv -s 200m -L128K | gunzip | mysql my_local_db 5.38MiB 0:00:43 [ 125kiB/s] [> ] 2% ETA 0:25:57
  • 19. Piping through ruby $ echo "My String" | ruby -e "puts gets.downcase” > my string # upcase.rb ARGF.each do |line| puts line.upcase end $ ls | ruby upcase.rb FILE1.TXT FILE2.TXT FILE3.TXT FILE4.TXT UPCASE.RB
  • 20. Aliases A Bash alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an abbreviation, a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence $ alias … l='ls -lah' la='ls -lAh' ll='ls -lh' ls='ls -G' lsa='ls -lah' md='mkdir -p … Alias scopes $ sudo ll sudo: ll: command not found $ alias sudo=‘sudo ‘ $ sudo ll -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0B Oct 22 00:30 file1.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0B Oct 22 00:30 file2.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 0B Oct 22 00:30 file3.txt
  • 21. zsh specific aliases Zsh specific aliases -s (suffix aliases) $ alias -s rb=subl $ somefile.rb # will open somefile.rb in sublime text # we can set multiple filetypes also $ alias -s {mkv,avi}=vlc -g (gloabal aliases) $ alias -g G=“| grep -i” $ ls G file file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt
  • 22. Let’s have some fun $ nginx -s reload nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 2014/10/22 01:08:01 [warn] 2282#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 2014/10/22 01:08:01 [notice] 2282#0: signal process started 2014/10/22 01:08:01 [alert] 2282#0: kill(1038, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted) $ alias please='$(fc -ln -1)' $ nginx -s reload #error msg.. $ sudo please $ #yeey But… also… $ alias bitch=‘sudo ‘
  • 23. Let’s have some fun $ nginx -s reload nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 2014/10/22 01:08:01 [warn] 2282#0: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 2014/10/22 01:08:01 [notice] 2282#0: signal process started 2014/10/22 01:08:01 [alert] 2282#0: kill(1038, 1) failed (1: Operation not permitted)
  • 24. More of zsh awesomeness Tab completion I Tab completion II $ cd /u/l/b # +[TAB] = $ cd /usr/local/bin Tab completion III $ git # +[TAB] = add -- add file contents to index am -- apply patches from a mailbox apply -- apply patch to files and/or to index archimport -- import an Arch repository into git archive -- create archive of files from named tree bisect -- find, by binary search, change that introduced a bug blame -- show what revision and author last modified each line of a file branch -- list, create, or delete branches bundle -- move objects and refs by archive cat-file -- provide content or type information for repository objects
  • 25. More of zsh awesomeness cd between subfolders $ cd /home/miha/projects/dipstix/app/assets/javascripts # Upsie, wrong project $ cd dipstix playon $ pwd /home/miha/projects/playon/app/assets/javascripts Autocorrection - can be annoying $ spec zsh: correct 'spec' to 'rspec' [nyae]? $ unsetoption correct_all Recursive listing $ ls **/action_card* -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 530B Jul 31 14:48 app/admin/action_card_priorities.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 1.8K Sep 30 12:07 app/admin/action_cards.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 1.5K Aug 13 10:00 app/controllers/api/v1/action_cards_controller.rb -rw-r--r-- 1 miha staff 1.2K Aug 20 15:01 app/models/action_card.rb
  • 26. More of zsh awesomeness Edit your variables $ vared PATH /Users/miha/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@firely-api/bin:/Users/miha/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global/bin:/Users/miha/.rvm/rubies/ruby- 2.1.1/bin:/Users/miha/.rvm/bin:/usr/local/heroku/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2014basic/bin/x86_64- darwin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/Users/miha/.bin:/Applications/ usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/ oh-my-zsh oh-my-zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. It comes bundled with a ton of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes, and a few things that make you shout… $ curl -L | sh
  • 27. oh-my-useful-aliases ..='cd ..' ...='cd ../..' 1='cd -' 2='cd -2’ … d='dirs -v | head -10’ $ d 0 ~/www_rails/playon/lib/tasks 1 ~/www_rails/playon/lib 2 ~/www_rails/playon 3 ~/www_rails 4 ~/www_rails/dipstix/app 5 ~/www_rails/dipstix/app/controllers 6 ~/www_rails/dipstix/app/controllers/custom_devise 7 ~/www_rails/dipstix 8 ~/www_rails/dipstix/lib 9 ~ $ 3 ~/www_rails
  • 28. To sum up… $ history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head 2807 git 920 cd 454 ssh 382 ls 375 rails 348 ll 343 l 341 rake 291 sudo 165 rm
  • 29. thnx and… to work with us