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Minimizing Major Version
Upgrade Downtime
Using Slony!
Jeff Frost | SCALE | 2017/03/03
+ dump / restore
+ pg_upgrade
+ logical replication
Major Version Upgrade Methods
+ pg_dump mydb | psql -h mynewdbserver
+ pg_dump -Fc -f mydb.dmp mydb && rsync
mydb.dmp mynewdbserver:/tmp
+ pg_restore -j 8 -d mydb mydb.dmp
+ Probably fine for DBs under 100GB…
Dump / Restore
+ A good option if you need to do the
upgrade in place
+ A good option if you are missing
primary keys (gasp!) on larger tables
+ It’s a one way trip! (You tested the
new PostgreSQL version with your
workload, right?)
+ Bucardo -
+ Londiste -
+ Slony! -
Logical Replication
+ Graceful Switchover
+ **AND**
+ Graceful Switchback!!
Why Slony?
+ Trigger based logical replication
+ Requires Primary Keys on all replicated
+ Kicks off an initial sync
+ Triggers store data modification
statements in log tables for later replay
+ Slony Trivia: Slony is Russian for a
Group of Elephants
Slony High Level
+ Cluster
+ Node
+ Set
+ Origin
+ Provider
+ Subscriber
Slony Basic Terminology
+ “A named set of PostgreSQL database
+ cluster name = migration
+ _migration schema created in
PostgreSQL DBs that are part of the
Slony Cluster
+ A database that is part of a cluster
+ Ultimately defined by the CONNINFO
+ 'dbname=mydb host=myserver user=slony'
+ 'dbname=mydb host=mynewserver user=slony'
+ 'dbname=mydb host=myserver user=slony port
= 5433'
Slony Node
+ “A set of tables and sequences that
are to be replicated”
+ You can have multiple sets in a
+ We’re not going to do that today
Slony Set
+ Origin is the read/write master
+ Origin is also the first Provider
+ Subscriber nodes receive their data
from Providers
+ For the purpose of this tutorial, we
will have an Origin node which is the
only Provider node
Slony Origin/Provider/Subscriber
+ Debian Derivatives
+ postgresql-9.5-slony1-2
+ slony1-2-bin
+ Redhat Derivatives
+ slony1-95
Slony Installation
+ wget
+ tar xvfj slony1-2.2.5.tar.bz2
+ cd slony1-2.2.5
+ ./configure && make && sudo make
Slony Installation
+ Don’t make any schema changes while
you’ve got slony running
One item of Note!
+ Make a schema-only copy of the DB
+ Our first “slonik” script
+ Preamble
+ Cluster Initialization
+ Node Path Info
+ Set Creation
+ Table Addition
+ Sequence Addition
+ Subscribe
+ Kick off replication!
Let’s get started!
pg_dump --schema-only mgd |
psql --host db2.jefftest mgd
Schema Only Copy of the DB
Let’s Not Do That!
Who Wants to See a LIVE Demo?
Schema Only Copy of the DB
+ Slonik is the Slony command processor
+ You call it just like any other
scripting language with a shebang at
the top:
+ #!/usr/bin/slonik
+ Trivia: Slonik means “little
elephant” in Russian
Our First Slonik Script!
CLUSTER NAME = migration;
NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest
dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432';
NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest
dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432';
INIT CLUSTER (id = 1, comment =
Initialize the Cluster
INIT CLUSTER (id = 1, comment =
This becomes the id of the Origin
Initialize the Cluster
STORE NODE (id = 2, comment =
'db2.jefftest', event node = 1);
Initialize Node 2
STORE PATH (server = 1, client = 2,
conninfo = 'host=db1.jefftest
dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432');
STORE PATH (server = 2, client = 1,
conninfo = 'host=db2.jefftest
dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432');
Setup the PATHs
CREATE SET (id = 1, origin = 1, comment
= 'all tables and sequences');
Create the Set
CREATE SET (id = 1, origin = 1, comment
= 'all tables and sequences');
ID of the Origin node.
Create the Set
Got Primary Keys on all your tables?
SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1,
SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1,
Add Tables to the Set!
Don’t do this:
SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1,
Add Tables to the Set!
Don’t have primary keys on all your tables:
'mgd.acc_accession', comment='mgd.acc_accession TABLE');
'mgd.acc_accessionmax', comment='mgd.acc_accessionmax TABLE');
'mgd.acc_accessionreference', comment='mgd.acc_accessionreference
Add Tables to the Set!
SQL to the Rescue:
SELECT 'SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1,
FULL QUALIFIED NAME = ''' || nspname || '.' ||
relname || ''', comment=''' || nspname || '.'
|| relname || ' TABLE'');' FROM pg_class JOIN
pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relhaspkey AND nspname
NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog');
Add Tables to the Set!
What about the tables that don’t have pkeys?
+Add primary keys if you can
+ If not, dump/restore just those tables
during the maintenance window
Add Tables to the Set!
SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin =
1, SEQUENCES = 'public.*');
SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin =
1, SEQUENCES = 'mgd.*');
Don’t Forget the Sequences!
Or the old school way:
SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL
QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.pwi_report_id_seq',
comment='mgd.pwi_report_id_seq SEQUENCE');
SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL
QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.pwi_report_label_id_seq',
comment='mgd.pwi_report_label_id_seq SEQUENCE');
Add Sequences to the Set!
SUBSCRIBE SET (id = 1, provider = 1,
receiver = 2, forward = yes);
Subscribe the Set!
CLUSTER NAME = migration;
NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432';
NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432';
INIT CLUSTER (id = 1, comment = 'db1.jefftest');
STORE NODE (id = 2, comment = 'db2.jefftest', event node = 1);
STORE PATH (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo = 'host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony');
STORE PATH (server = 2, client = 1, conninfo = 'host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony');
CREATE SET (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'all tables and sequences');
SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='public.*');
SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='mgd.*');
SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, SEQUENCES = 'public.*');
SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, SEQUENCES = 'mgd.*');
SUBSCRIBE SET (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes);
Here’s the entire (unreadable on a slide?) script
Kick Off Our Script!
OMG The Site is Down!!!
Add lock_timeout if possible
+ Added in 9.3
+ Abort any statement that waits longer than this
for a lock.
+ We only need it for trigger addition, so we just
add the ENV variable before we call our slonik
PGOPTIONS="-c lock_timeout=5000" ./subscribe.slonik
Add lock_timeout if possible
jfrost@db1.jefftest: ~$ PGOPTIONS="-c lock_timeout=5000" ./subscribe.slonik
./subscribe.slonik:11: Possible unsupported PostgreSQL version (90601) 9.6,
defaulting to 8.4 support
./subscribe.slonik:20: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR lock table
"_migration".sl_config_lock;select "_migration".setAddTable(1, 1,
'mgd.acc_accession', 'acc_accession_pkey', 'replicated table'); - ERROR: canceling
statement due to lock timeout
CONTEXT: SQL statement "lock table "mgd"."acc_accession" in access exclusive mode"
PL/pgSQL function _migration.altertableaddtriggers(integer) line 48 at EXECUTE
SQL statement "SELECT "_migration".alterTableAddTriggers(p_tab_id)"
PL/pgSQL function setaddtable_int(integer,integer,text,name,text) line 104 at PERFORM
SQL statement "SELECT "_migration".setAddTable_int(p_set_id, p_tab_id, p_fqname,
p_tab_idxname, p_tab_comment)"
PL/pgSQL function setaddtable(integer,integer,text,name,text) line 33 at PERFORM
+Slon is the Slony daemon which manages
+ You need one for each node.
+ Trivia: slon is Russian for “elephant”
Introducing Slon
nohup /usr/bin/slon migration "dbname=mgd
host=db1.jefftest user=slony" >>
~/slony.log &
nohup /usr/bin/slon migration "dbname=mgd
host=db2.jefftest user=slony" >>
~/slony.log &
Start up the Slons!
Start up the Slons!
jfrost@db2.jefftest: ~$ tail -f slony.log
2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: prepare to copy table "mgd"."wks_rosetta"
2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: all tables for set 1 found on subscriber
2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "mgd"."acc_accession"
2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table "mgd"."acc_accession"
NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."acc_accession" failed - doing delete
2017-02-07 00:44:45 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 2935201458 bytes copied for table
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 369.339 seconds to copy table
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "mgd"."acc_accessionmax"
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table "mgd"."acc_accessionmax"
NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."acc_accessionmax" succeeded
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 119 bytes copied for table
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 0.088 seconds to copy table
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "mgd"."acc_accessionreference"
2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table
NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."acc_accessionreference" succeeded
2017-02-07 00:49:37 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 538589206 bytes copied for table
"mgd"."acc_accessionreference" 45
Watch the Logs (and Exercise Patience!)
SELECT st_lag_num_events,
FROM _migration.sl_status
Watch every 2s Tue Feb 7 00:52:01 2017
st_lag_num_events | st_lag_time
64 | 00:11:40.097368
(1 row)
Watch the sl_status view
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of
table "mgd"."wks_rosetta"
NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."wks_rosetta" succeeded
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 5302 bytes
copied for table "mgd"."wks_rosetta"
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 0.060 seconds to
copy table "mgd"."wks_rosetta"
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC INFO remoteWorkerThread_1: copy_set SYNC
found, use event seqno 5000000205.
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC INFO remoteWorkerThread_1: 0.016 seconds to
build initial setsync status
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC INFO copy_set 1 done in 1837.853 seconds
2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG enableSubscription: sub_set=1
Initial Sync is done!
SELECT st_lag_num_events,
FROM _migration.sl_status
Watch every 2s Tue Feb 7 02:27:51 2017
st_lag_num_events | st_lag_time
1 | 00:00:11.986675
(1 row)
Wait for slony to catch up
CLUSTER NAME = migration;
NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony
NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony
LOCK SET ( ID = 1, ORIGIN = 1);
Time to Switchover!
Time to Switchover!
Let’s check!
+ Test!
+ Exercise patience
Now What?
+That’s the best part about Slony!
+We can switch back!
CLUSTER NAME = migration;
NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432';
NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432';
LOCK SET ( ID = 1, ORIGIN = 2);
What if we find a regression on Monday?
Let’s give it a shot!
+Let’s rip it out!
+ Can be as simple as:
+killall slon
+ Watch out for locking!
What if we didn’t find a regression?
Let’s give it a shot!

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SCALE 15x Minimizing PostgreSQL Major Version Upgrade Downtime

  • 1. Minimizing Major Version Upgrade Downtime Using Slony! Jeff Frost | SCALE | 2017/03/03
  • 2. + dump / restore + pg_upgrade + logical replication 2 Major Version Upgrade Methods
  • 3. + pg_dump mydb | psql -h mynewdbserver mydb + pg_dump -Fc -f mydb.dmp mydb && rsync mydb.dmp mynewdbserver:/tmp + pg_restore -j 8 -d mydb mydb.dmp + Probably fine for DBs under 100GB… 3 Dump / Restore
  • 5. + A good option if you need to do the upgrade in place + A good option if you are missing primary keys (gasp!) on larger tables + It’s a one way trip! (You tested the new PostgreSQL version with your workload, right?) 5 pg_upgrade
  • 6. + Bucardo - + Londiste - s + Slony! - 6 Logical Replication
  • 7. + Graceful Switchover + **AND** + Graceful Switchback!! 7 Why Slony?
  • 8. + Trigger based logical replication + Requires Primary Keys on all replicated tables + Kicks off an initial sync + Triggers store data modification statements in log tables for later replay + Slony Trivia: Slony is Russian for a Group of Elephants 8 Slony High Level
  • 9. + Cluster + Node + Set + Origin + Provider + Subscriber 9 Slony Basic Terminology
  • 10. + “A named set of PostgreSQL database instances” + cluster name = migration + _migration schema created in PostgreSQL DBs that are part of the cluster 10 Slony Cluster
  • 11. + A database that is part of a cluster + Ultimately defined by the CONNINFO string + 'dbname=mydb host=myserver user=slony' + 'dbname=mydb host=mynewserver user=slony' + 'dbname=mydb host=myserver user=slony port = 5433' 11 Slony Node
  • 12. + “A set of tables and sequences that are to be replicated” + You can have multiple sets in a cluster + We’re not going to do that today 12 Slony Set
  • 13. + Origin is the read/write master + Origin is also the first Provider + Subscriber nodes receive their data from Providers + For the purpose of this tutorial, we will have an Origin node which is the only Provider node 13 Slony Origin/Provider/Subscriber
  • 14. + Debian Derivatives + + postgresql-9.5-slony1-2 + slony1-2-bin + Redhat Derivatives + + slony1-95 14 Slony Installation
  • 15. + wget ource/slony1-2.2.5.tar.bz2 + tar xvfj slony1-2.2.5.tar.bz2 + cd slony1-2.2.5 + ./configure && make && sudo make install 15 Slony Installation
  • 16. + Don’t make any schema changes while you’ve got slony running 16 One item of Note!
  • 17. + Make a schema-only copy of the DB + Our first “slonik” script + Preamble + Cluster Initialization + Node Path Info + Set Creation + Table Addition + Sequence Addition + Subscribe + Kick off replication! 17 Let’s get started!
  • 18. pg_dump --schema-only mgd | psql --host db2.jefftest mgd 18 Schema Only Copy of the DB
  • 19. Let’s Not Do That! 19 Who Wants to See a LIVE Demo?
  • 20. 20 Schema Only Copy of the DB
  • 21. + Slonik is the Slony command processor + You call it just like any other scripting language with a shebang at the top: + #!/usr/bin/slonik + Trivia: Slonik means “little elephant” in Russian 21 Our First Slonik Script!
  • 22. #!/usr/bin/slonik CLUSTER NAME = migration; NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; 22 Preamble
  • 23. INIT CLUSTER (id = 1, comment = 'db1.jefftest'); 23 Initialize the Cluster
  • 24. INIT CLUSTER (id = 1, comment = 'db1.jefftest'); This becomes the id of the Origin Node. 24 Initialize the Cluster
  • 25. STORE NODE (id = 2, comment = 'db2.jefftest', event node = 1); 25 Initialize Node 2
  • 26. STORE PATH (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo = 'host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'); STORE PATH (server = 2, client = 1, conninfo = 'host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'); 26 Setup the PATHs
  • 27. CREATE SET (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'all tables and sequences'); 27 Create the Set
  • 28. CREATE SET (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'all tables and sequences'); ID of the Origin node. 28 Create the Set
  • 29. Got Primary Keys on all your tables? SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='public.*'); SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='mgd.*'); 29 Add Tables to the Set!
  • 30. Don’t do this: SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='*'); 30 Add Tables to the Set!
  • 31. Don’t have primary keys on all your tables: SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.acc_accession', comment='mgd.acc_accession TABLE'); SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.acc_accessionmax', comment='mgd.acc_accessionmax TABLE'); SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.acc_accessionreference', comment='mgd.acc_accessionreference TABLE'); …… 31 Add Tables to the Set!
  • 32. SQL to the Rescue: SELECT 'SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL QUALIFIED NAME = ''' || nspname || '.' || relname || ''', comment=''' || nspname || '.' || relname || ' TABLE'');' FROM pg_class JOIN pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relhaspkey AND nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog'); 32 Add Tables to the Set!
  • 33. What about the tables that don’t have pkeys? +Add primary keys if you can + If not, dump/restore just those tables during the maintenance window 33 Add Tables to the Set!
  • 34. SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, SEQUENCES = 'public.*'); SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, SEQUENCES = 'mgd.*'); 34 Don’t Forget the Sequences!
  • 35. Or the old school way: SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.pwi_report_id_seq', comment='mgd.pwi_report_id_seq SEQUENCE'); SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, FULL QUALIFIED NAME = 'mgd.pwi_report_label_id_seq', comment='mgd.pwi_report_label_id_seq SEQUENCE'); 35 Add Sequences to the Set!
  • 36. SUBSCRIBE SET (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes); 36 Subscribe the Set!
  • 37. #!/usr/bin/slonik CLUSTER NAME = migration; NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; INIT CLUSTER (id = 1, comment = 'db1.jefftest'); STORE NODE (id = 2, comment = 'db2.jefftest', event node = 1); STORE PATH (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo = 'host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony'); STORE PATH (server = 2, client = 1, conninfo = 'host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony'); CREATE SET (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'all tables and sequences'); SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='public.*'); SET ADD TABLE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, TABLES='mgd.*'); SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, SEQUENCES = 'public.*'); SET ADD SEQUENCE (SET id = 1, origin = 1, SEQUENCES = 'mgd.*'); SUBSCRIBE SET (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes); 37 Here’s the entire (unreadable on a slide?) script
  • 38. 38 Kick Off Our Script!
  • 39. OMG The Site is Down!!! 39
  • 40. 40 Add lock_timeout if possible + Added in 9.3 + Abort any statement that waits longer than this for a lock. + We only need it for trigger addition, so we just add the ENV variable before we call our slonik script: PGOPTIONS="-c lock_timeout=5000" ./subscribe.slonik
  • 41. 41 Add lock_timeout if possible jfrost@db1.jefftest: ~$ PGOPTIONS="-c lock_timeout=5000" ./subscribe.slonik ./subscribe.slonik:11: Possible unsupported PostgreSQL version (90601) 9.6, defaulting to 8.4 support ./subscribe.slonik:20: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR lock table "_migration".sl_config_lock;select "_migration".setAddTable(1, 1, 'mgd.acc_accession', 'acc_accession_pkey', 'replicated table'); - ERROR: canceling statement due to lock timeout CONTEXT: SQL statement "lock table "mgd"."acc_accession" in access exclusive mode" PL/pgSQL function _migration.altertableaddtriggers(integer) line 48 at EXECUTE statement SQL statement "SELECT "_migration".alterTableAddTriggers(p_tab_id)" PL/pgSQL function setaddtable_int(integer,integer,text,name,text) line 104 at PERFORM SQL statement "SELECT "_migration".setAddTable_int(p_set_id, p_tab_id, p_fqname, p_tab_idxname, p_tab_comment)" PL/pgSQL function setaddtable(integer,integer,text,name,text) line 33 at PERFORM
  • 42. +Slon is the Slony daemon which manages replication. + You need one for each node. + Trivia: slon is Russian for “elephant” 42 Introducing Slon
  • 43. nohup /usr/bin/slon migration "dbname=mgd host=db1.jefftest user=slony" >> ~/slony.log & nohup /usr/bin/slon migration "dbname=mgd host=db2.jefftest user=slony" >> ~/slony.log & 43 Start up the Slons!
  • 44. 44 Start up the Slons!
  • 45. jfrost@db2.jefftest: ~$ tail -f slony.log 2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: prepare to copy table "mgd"."wks_rosetta" 2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: all tables for set 1 found on subscriber 2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "mgd"."acc_accession" 2017-02-07 00:43:07 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table "mgd"."acc_accession" NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."acc_accession" failed - doing delete 2017-02-07 00:44:45 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 2935201458 bytes copied for table “mgd"."acc_accession" 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 369.339 seconds to copy table "mgd"."acc_accession" 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "mgd"."acc_accessionmax" 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table "mgd"."acc_accessionmax" NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."acc_accessionmax" succeeded 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 119 bytes copied for table "mgd"."acc_accessionmax" 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 0.088 seconds to copy table "mgd"."acc_accessionmax" 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: copy table "mgd"."acc_accessionreference" 2017-02-07 00:49:17 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table "mgd"."acc_accessionreference" NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."acc_accessionreference" succeeded 2017-02-07 00:49:37 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 538589206 bytes copied for table "mgd"."acc_accessionreference" 45 Watch the Logs (and Exercise Patience!)
  • 46. SELECT st_lag_num_events, st_lag_time FROM _migration.sl_status watch Watch every 2s Tue Feb 7 00:52:01 2017 st_lag_num_events | st_lag_time -------------------+----------------- 64 | 00:11:40.097368 (1 row) 46 Watch the sl_status view
  • 47. 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: Begin COPY of table "mgd"."wks_rosetta" NOTICE: truncate of "mgd"."wks_rosetta" succeeded 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 5302 bytes copied for table "mgd"."wks_rosetta" 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG remoteWorkerThread_1: 0.060 seconds to copy table "mgd"."wks_rosetta" 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC INFO remoteWorkerThread_1: copy_set SYNC found, use event seqno 5000000205. 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC INFO remoteWorkerThread_1: 0.016 seconds to build initial setsync status 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC INFO copy_set 1 done in 1837.853 seconds 2017-02-07 02:11:30 UTC CONFIG enableSubscription: sub_set=1 47 Initial Sync is done!
  • 48. SELECT st_lag_num_events, st_lag_time FROM _migration.sl_status watch Watch every 2s Tue Feb 7 02:27:51 2017 st_lag_num_events | st_lag_time -------------------+----------------- 1 | 00:00:11.986675 (1 row) 48 Wait for slony to catch up
  • 49. #!/usr/bin/slonik CLUSTER NAME = migration; NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; LOCK SET ( ID = 1, ORIGIN = 1); MOVE SET ( ID = 1, OLD ORIGIN = 1, NEW ORIGIN = 2); 49 Time to Switchover!
  • 52. +Test + Test! +Test!! + Exercise patience 52 Now What?
  • 53. +That’s the best part about Slony! +We can switch back! CLUSTER NAME = migration; NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db1.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO='host=db2.jefftest dbname=mgd user=slony port=5432'; LOCK SET ( ID = 1, ORIGIN = 2); MOVE SET ( ID = 1, OLD ORIGIN = 2, NEW ORIGIN = 1); 53 What if we find a regression on Monday?
  • 55. +Let’s rip it out! + Can be as simple as: +killall slon +DROP SCHEMA _migration CASCADE; + Watch out for locking! 55 What if we didn’t find a regression?

Editor's Notes

  1. Slony = plural for (many) elephants Slonik = little elephant (in a cute way) Slon = 1 elephant
  2. The old fashioned, tried/true method. It always works! Depending on your maintenance window requirements and disk subsystem But, you might end up like this poor fella…..
  3. What do I mean by this? In slony a switchover reverses the direction of the subscription.
  4. It’s going to be very different than what you’re used to and it can break replication. So just put a freeze on DDL changes till the migration is complete.
  5. Interprets the slony confguration and command scripting language
  6. Define the cluster name Admin Conninfo is how the slonik interpreter will connect to the nodes.
  7. Creating the _migration slony schema in the primary DB Prefer to make the “comment” the name of the DB server Might not make sense if you’re replicating to a DB on the same server In that case, maybe use something like db1.jefftest.old and
  8. This is how the slon daemons will connect to each node. This is usually the same as the ADMIN CONNINFO, but not necessarily.
  9. It’ll subscribe the slony schema as well and chaos will ensue after the initial sync.
  10. * Make sure you script up *and test* that dump / restore to minimize the downtime and also don’t forget to script up dump/restoring them the opposite direction in case you need to revert.
  11. Might have to break up your slonik script into multiple SET ADD TABLE scripts Outside the scope of this talk, but you can talk to me later if you’re interested
  12. * Which is about 30 minutes for our 40GB mgd database
  13. You probably did this off hours or on a weekend! Wait until you’ve had at least a day or two running on the new PostgreSQL version before you tear it down.
  14. * Might also want to uninstall the packages