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Redis & ZeroMQ: How to
scale your application
Presented at #PHPLX – 11 July 2013
@rjsmelo 2
● PHP, Mysql, Linux and lots of other
● ZCE, RHCE, LPI 3, ITIL, etc
● +10 years building (and breaking)
@rjsmelo 3
● 14 Year old academic spin-off
● Pragmatic OSS Orientation
● PHP, Mysql, SugarCRM, Drupal,
JavaScript, Linux, etc.
● Crafters, Integrators
● Always looking for software developers
– Yes, right now!
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 4
● Redis
● ZeroMQ
● Use Cases
● Conclusions
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 5
“Redis is an open source, BSD licensed,
advanced key-value store. It is often
referred to as a data structure server
since keys can contain strings, hashes,
lists, sets and sorted sets.”
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 6
● Pure PHP Redis Client
● Use composer:
– composer install
"name": "rjsmelo/talk-redis-zmq",
"description": "Sample code for Redis & ZeroMQ presentation",
"require": {
"ext-zmq": "*",
"predis/predis": "dev-master"
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"authors": [
"name": "Ricardo Melo",
"email": ""
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 7
1 <?php
2 //redis_strings.php
3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379');
6 // Using SET
7 $redis->set("SampleKey", "Throw me any thing here....");
8 echo $redis->get("SampleKey") . "n"; // Throw me any thing here....
10 // Remove Key
11 $redis->del("SampleKey");
13 // Using APPEND
14 $redis->append("SampleKey", "Hello"); // Hello
15 $redis->append("SampleKey", " World!"); // Hello World!
16 echo $redis->get("SampleKey") . "n";
18 // Other commands: incr, decr, incrby, getrange, setrange
19 //
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 8
1 <?php
2 //redis_lists.php
3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379');
6 $redis->del('SampleList');
8 // Using {L,R}PUSH
9 $redis->lpush('SampleList', 'a'); // a
10 $redis->lpush('SampleList', 'b'); // b, a
11 $redis->rpush('SampleList', 'c'); // b, a, c
13 // Using LLEN
14 echo $redis->llen('SampleList') . "n"; // 3
16 // Using LINDEX (note: zero indexed)
17 echo $redis->lindex('SampleList', 1) . "n"; // a
19 // Using {L,R}POP
21 echo $redis->lpop('SampleList') . "n"; // b
22 echo $redis->rpop('SampleList') . "n"; // c
24 // Other commands: lrange, rpoplpush
25 //
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 9
1 <?php
2 //redis_sets.php
3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379');
6 $redis->del('SampleSet');
7 $redis->del('OtherSampleSet');
9 // Using SADD
10 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'Hello'); // Hello
11 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'World'); // Hello, World
12 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'World'); // Hello, World
14 // Using SMEMBERS
15 var_dump($redis->smembers('SampleSet')); // Hello, World
17 // Using SINTER
18 $redis->sadd('OtherSampleSet', 'Hello');
19 $redis->sadd('OtherSampleSet', 'All');
20 var_dump($redis->sinter('SampleSet', 'OtherSampleSet')); // Hello
22 // Using SUNION
23 var_dump($redis->sunion('SampleSet', 'OtherSampleSet')); // Hello, World, All
25 // Other commands: smove, srandmember, srem, scard
26 //
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 10
1 <?php
2 //redis_hashes.php
3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379');
6 $redis->del('SampleHash');
8 // Using HMSET
9 $redis->hmset("SampleHash", array(
10 'prop_a' => 'aaa',
11 'prop_b' => 'bbb',
12 ));
14 // Using HGETALL
15 var_dump($redis->hgetall("SampleHash")); // prop_a=>aaa, prop_b=>bbb
17 // Using HSET
18 $redis->hset('SampleHash', 'prop_b', 'ccc');
21 echo $redis->hget("SampleHash", 'prop_b') ."n"; // ccc
23 // Other commands: hexists, hdel, hlen, hkeys, hvals
24 //
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 11
Sorted Sets
1 <?php
2 //redis_sorted_sets.php
3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379');
6 $redis->del('SampleSortedSet');
8 // Using SADD
9 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 1, 'Hello'); // Hello(1)
10 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 2, 'World'); // Hello(1), World(2)
11 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 3, 'World'); // Hello(1), World(3)
13 // Using ZRANGE
14 var_dump($redis->zrange('SampleSortedSet', 0, -1,
array('withscores'=>true))); // Hello(1), World(3)
16 // Using ZSCORE
17 echo $redis->zscore('SampleSortedSet', 'World') . "n"; // 3
19 // Other commands: zrank, zrevrange, zrangebyscore, zremrangebyscore
20 //
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 12
“ØMQ is a high-performance asynchronous
messaging library aimed at use in scalable
distributed or concurrent applications. It provides a
message queue, but unlike message-oriented
middleware, a ØMQ system can run without a
dedicated message broker. With bindings for 30+
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 13
PHP Module - zmq
# ZMQ instalation -
tar xzvf zeromq-3.2.2.tar.gz
cd zeromq-3.2.2
make install
echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/
# ZMQ PHP Binding Instalation
pear channel-discover
pecl install
echo "" > /etc/php.d/zmq.ini
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 14
Socket Types
● Threads in a process (inproc://)
● Processes in a box (ipc://)
● Processes over the network (tcp://)
● Multicast group (pgm://)
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 15
Pattern: Request - Reply
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 16
Pattern: Request - Reply
1 <?php
2 // zmq_request.php
3 $context = new ZMQContext();
5 $requester = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
6 $requester->connect("tcp://localhost:5555");
8 for ($number = 0 ; $number <= 10 ; $number++) {
9 $mensage = "Hello " . $number . "!";
10 echo "Sending - " . $mensage . "n";
11 $requester->send($mensage);
12 $reply = $requester->recv();
13 echo "Received - " . $reply . "n";
14 }
1 <?php
2 //zmq_reply.php
3 $context = new ZMQContext();
5 $responder = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REP);
6 $responder->bind("tcp://*:5555");
8 while (true) {
9 $request = $responder->recv();
10 echo $request . "n";
11 sleep (1); // some work
12 $responder->send("Reply to: " . $request);
13 }
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 17
Pattern: Publish - Subscribe
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 18
Pattern: Publish - Subscribe
1 <?php
2 // zmq_publisher.php
3 $context = new ZMQContext();
5 $publisher = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB);
6 $publisher->bind("tcp://*:5556");
8 $timezones = array('UTC', 'EST');
9 while (true) {
10 foreach($timezones as $tz) {
11 date_default_timezone_set($tz);
12 $message = date('T:c'); // the message to broadcast
13 $publisher->send($message);
14 }
15 sleep(1);
16 } 1 <?php
2 // zmq_subscriber.php
3 $context = new ZMQContext();
5 $subscriber = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
6 $subscriber->connect("tcp://localhost:5556");
8 $filter = $_SERVER['argc'] > 1 ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : "UTC";
9 $subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, $filter);
11 while (true) {
12 $message = $subscriber->recv();
13 echo substr($message,4) . "n"; // remove prefix
14 }
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 19
Pattern: Pipeline
Pattern: Pipeline
1 <?php
2 // zmq_ventilator.php
3 // extracted from:
5 $context = new ZMQContext();
7 // Socket to send messages on
8 $sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH);
9 $sender->bind("tcp://*:5557");
11 echo "Press Enter when the workers are ready: ";
12 $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
13 $line = fgets($fp, 512);
14 fclose($fp);
15 echo "Sending tasks to workersâÀ¦", PHP_EOL;
17 // The first message is "0" and signals start of batch
18 $sender->send(0);
20 // Send 100 tasks
21 $total_msec = 0; // Total expected cost in msecs
22 for ($task_nbr = 0; $task_nbr < 100; $task_nbr++) {
23 // Random workload from 1 to 100msecs
24 $workload = mt_rand(1, 100);
25 $total_msec += $workload;
26 $sender->send($workload);
28 }
30 printf ("Total expected cost: %d msecn", $total_msec);
31 sleep (1); // Give 0MQ time to deliver
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 21
Pattern: Pipeline
1 <?php
2 // zmq_worker.php
3 // extracted from:
5 $context = new ZMQContext();
7 // Socket to receive messages on
8 $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
9 $receiver->connect("tcp://localhost:5557");
11 // Socket to send messages to
12 $sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH);
13 $sender->connect("tcp://localhost:5558");
15 // Process tasks forever
16 while (true) {
17 $string = $receiver->recv();
19 // Simple progress indicator for the viewer
20 echo $string, PHP_EOL;
22 // Do the work
23 usleep($string * 1000);
25 // Send results to sink
26 $sender->send("");
27 }
Pattern: Pipeline
1 <?php
2 // zmq_sink.php
3 // extracted from:
5 // Prepare our context and socket
6 $context = new ZMQContext();
7 $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL);
8 $receiver->bind("tcp://*:5558");
10 // Wait for start of batch
11 $string = $receiver->recv();
13 // Start our clock now
14 $tstart = microtime(true);
16 // Process 100 confirmations
17 $total_msec = 0; // Total calculated cost in msecs
18 for ($task_nbr = 0; $task_nbr < 100; $task_nbr++) {
19 $string = $receiver->recv();
20 if ($task_nbr % 10 == 0) {
21 echo ":";
22 } else {
23 echo ".";
24 }
25 }
27 $tend = microtime(true);
29 $total_msec = ($tend - $tstart) * 1000;
30 echo PHP_EOL;
31 printf ("Total elapsed time: %d msec", $total_msec);
32 echo PHP_EOL;
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 23
Pattern: Pipeline
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 24
Use Case: Service Cluster
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 25
Use Case: “Unix Style” Application
● Lots of simple, “focused” programs
– Or in different servers, different languages, etc
● All components collaborate to get the
job done
– cat file | sort | uniq -c
● Glue everything with ZeroMQ
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 26
Use Case: Cache
● We need to cache some values for
● Use SET / GET on Redis
● I could use memcache, but this is a
Redis Talk :-)
● They have similar performance
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 27
Use Case: Buffer
● Use Redis as a FIFO (or LIFO)
● Hidden Goods
– Decoupling
– Flow control
– rpoplpush
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 28
Use Case: Background Tasks
● Your application needs to do some
heavy work
– Send Email
– Image Resizing
– Mega Huge map-reduce query to your pentabyte cluster :-)
● You don't want to keep your user
● Send things to background
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 29
Use Case: Background Tasks
● Use Redis as your Job Queue
– Your application should send job to be run and parameters to the
● Use workers to POP jobs from the
queue and do the heavy work.
● Don't reinvent the well
– Look for php-resqueue
1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 30
● Both ZeroMQ and Redis are extremely
● ZeroMQ is great to “glue things” as well
as adding flexibility to scale dynamical
● Redis is great as a queue and allows
you to cope with your load.
Thank you
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Redis & ZeroMQ: How to scale your application

  • 1. Follow this topic: @rjsmelo Redis & ZeroMQ: How to scale your application RICARDO MELO Presented at #PHPLX – 11 July 2013
  • 2. @rjsmelo 2 RICARDO MELO ● CTO @ DRI ● PHP, Mysql, Linux and lots of other OSS ● ZCE, RHCE, LPI 3, ITIL, etc ● +10 years building (and breaking) things
  • 3. @rjsmelo 3 About ● 14 Year old academic spin-off ● Pragmatic OSS Orientation ● PHP, Mysql, SugarCRM, Drupal, JavaScript, Linux, etc. ● Crafters, Integrators ● Always looking for software developers – Yes, right now!
  • 4. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 4 Outline ● Redis ● ZeroMQ ● Use Cases ● Conclusions
  • 5. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 5 Redis “Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.” source:
  • 6. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 6 Predis ● Pure PHP Redis Client – ● Use composer: – composer install { "name": "rjsmelo/talk-redis-zmq", "description": "Sample code for Redis & ZeroMQ presentation", "require": { "ext-zmq": "*", "predis/predis": "dev-master" }, "license": "Apache-2.0", "authors": [ { "name": "Ricardo Melo", "email": "" } ] }
  • 7. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 7 Strings 1 <?php 2 //redis_strings.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 // Using SET 7 $redis->set("SampleKey", "Throw me any thing here...."); 8 echo $redis->get("SampleKey") . "n"; // Throw me any thing here.... 9 10 // Remove Key 11 $redis->del("SampleKey"); 12 13 // Using APPEND 14 $redis->append("SampleKey", "Hello"); // Hello 15 $redis->append("SampleKey", " World!"); // Hello World! 16 echo $redis->get("SampleKey") . "n"; 17 18 // Other commands: incr, decr, incrby, getrange, setrange 19 //
  • 8. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 8 Lists 1 <?php 2 //redis_lists.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleList'); 7 8 // Using {L,R}PUSH 9 $redis->lpush('SampleList', 'a'); // a 10 $redis->lpush('SampleList', 'b'); // b, a 11 $redis->rpush('SampleList', 'c'); // b, a, c 12 13 // Using LLEN 14 echo $redis->llen('SampleList') . "n"; // 3 15 16 // Using LINDEX (note: zero indexed) 17 echo $redis->lindex('SampleList', 1) . "n"; // a 18 19 // Using {L,R}POP 20 21 echo $redis->lpop('SampleList') . "n"; // b 22 echo $redis->rpop('SampleList') . "n"; // c 23 24 // Other commands: lrange, rpoplpush 25 //
  • 9. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 9 Sets 1 <?php 2 //redis_sets.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleSet'); 7 $redis->del('OtherSampleSet'); 8 9 // Using SADD 10 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'Hello'); // Hello 11 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'World'); // Hello, World 12 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'World'); // Hello, World 13 14 // Using SMEMBERS 15 var_dump($redis->smembers('SampleSet')); // Hello, World 16 17 // Using SINTER 18 $redis->sadd('OtherSampleSet', 'Hello'); 19 $redis->sadd('OtherSampleSet', 'All'); 20 var_dump($redis->sinter('SampleSet', 'OtherSampleSet')); // Hello 21 22 // Using SUNION 23 var_dump($redis->sunion('SampleSet', 'OtherSampleSet')); // Hello, World, All 24 25 // Other commands: smove, srandmember, srem, scard 26 //
  • 10. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 10 Hashes 1 <?php 2 //redis_hashes.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleHash'); 7 8 // Using HMSET 9 $redis->hmset("SampleHash", array( 10 'prop_a' => 'aaa', 11 'prop_b' => 'bbb', 12 )); 13 14 // Using HGETALL 15 var_dump($redis->hgetall("SampleHash")); // prop_a=>aaa, prop_b=>bbb 16 17 // Using HSET 18 $redis->hset('SampleHash', 'prop_b', 'ccc'); 19 20 //USING HGET 21 echo $redis->hget("SampleHash", 'prop_b') ."n"; // ccc 22 23 // Other commands: hexists, hdel, hlen, hkeys, hvals 24 //
  • 11. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 11 Sorted Sets 1 <?php 2 //redis_sorted_sets.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new PredisClient('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleSortedSet'); 7 8 // Using SADD 9 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 1, 'Hello'); // Hello(1) 10 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 2, 'World'); // Hello(1), World(2) 11 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 3, 'World'); // Hello(1), World(3) 12 13 // Using ZRANGE 14 var_dump($redis->zrange('SampleSortedSet', 0, -1, array('withscores'=>true))); // Hello(1), World(3) 15 16 // Using ZSCORE 17 echo $redis->zscore('SampleSortedSet', 'World') . "n"; // 3 18 19 // Other commands: zrank, zrevrange, zrangebyscore, zremrangebyscore 20 //
  • 12. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 12 ZeroMQ “ØMQ is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library aimed at use in scalable distributed or concurrent applications. It provides a message queue, but unlike message-oriented middleware, a ØMQ system can run without a dedicated message broker. With bindings for 30+ languages” source:
  • 13. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 13 PHP Module - zmq # # ZMQ instalation - # tar xzvf zeromq-3.2.2.tar.gz cd zeromq-3.2.2 ./configure make make install echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ ldconfig # # ZMQ PHP Binding Instalation # pear channel-discover pecl install echo "" > /etc/php.d/zmq.ini
  • 14. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 14 Socket Types ● Threads in a process (inproc://) ● Processes in a box (ipc://) ● Processes over the network (tcp://) ● Multicast group (pgm://)
  • 15. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 15 Pattern: Request - Reply
  • 16. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 16 Pattern: Request - Reply 1 <?php 2 // zmq_request.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $requester = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); 6 $requester->connect("tcp://localhost:5555"); 7 8 for ($number = 0 ; $number <= 10 ; $number++) { 9 $mensage = "Hello " . $number . "!"; 10 echo "Sending - " . $mensage . "n"; 11 $requester->send($mensage); 12 $reply = $requester->recv(); 13 echo "Received - " . $reply . "n"; 14 } 1 <?php 2 //zmq_reply.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $responder = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); 6 $responder->bind("tcp://*:5555"); 7 8 while (true) { 9 $request = $responder->recv(); 10 echo $request . "n"; 11 sleep (1); // some work 12 $responder->send("Reply to: " . $request); 13 }
  • 17. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 17 Pattern: Publish - Subscribe
  • 18. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 18 Pattern: Publish - Subscribe 1 <?php 2 // zmq_publisher.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $publisher = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); 6 $publisher->bind("tcp://*:5556"); 7 8 $timezones = array('UTC', 'EST'); 9 while (true) { 10 foreach($timezones as $tz) { 11 date_default_timezone_set($tz); 12 $message = date('T:c'); // the message to broadcast 13 $publisher->send($message); 14 } 15 sleep(1); 16 } 1 <?php 2 // zmq_subscriber.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $subscriber = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB); 6 $subscriber->connect("tcp://localhost:5556"); 7 8 $filter = $_SERVER['argc'] > 1 ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : "UTC"; 9 $subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, $filter); 10 11 while (true) { 12 $message = $subscriber->recv(); 13 echo substr($message,4) . "n"; // remove prefix 14 }
  • 19. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 19 Pattern: Pipeline
  • 20. 20 Pattern: Pipeline 1 <?php 2 // zmq_ventilator.php 3 // extracted from: 4 5 $context = new ZMQContext(); 6 7 // Socket to send messages on 8 $sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); 9 $sender->bind("tcp://*:5557"); 10 11 echo "Press Enter when the workers are ready: "; 12 $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); 13 $line = fgets($fp, 512); 14 fclose($fp); 15 echo "Sending tasks to workersâÀ¦", PHP_EOL; 16 17 // The first message is "0" and signals start of batch 18 $sender->send(0); 19 20 // Send 100 tasks 21 $total_msec = 0; // Total expected cost in msecs 22 for ($task_nbr = 0; $task_nbr < 100; $task_nbr++) { 23 // Random workload from 1 to 100msecs 24 $workload = mt_rand(1, 100); 25 $total_msec += $workload; 26 $sender->send($workload); 27 28 } 29 30 printf ("Total expected cost: %d msecn", $total_msec); 31 sleep (1); // Give 0MQ time to deliver
  • 21. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 21 Pattern: Pipeline 1 <?php 2 // zmq_worker.php 3 // extracted from: 4 5 $context = new ZMQContext(); 6 7 // Socket to receive messages on 8 $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); 9 $receiver->connect("tcp://localhost:5557"); 10 11 // Socket to send messages to 12 $sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); 13 $sender->connect("tcp://localhost:5558"); 14 15 // Process tasks forever 16 while (true) { 17 $string = $receiver->recv(); 18 19 // Simple progress indicator for the viewer 20 echo $string, PHP_EOL; 21 22 // Do the work 23 usleep($string * 1000); 24 25 // Send results to sink 26 $sender->send(""); 27 }
  • 22. 22 Pattern: Pipeline 1 <?php 2 // zmq_sink.php 3 // extracted from: 4 5 // Prepare our context and socket 6 $context = new ZMQContext(); 7 $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); 8 $receiver->bind("tcp://*:5558"); 9 10 // Wait for start of batch 11 $string = $receiver->recv(); 12 13 // Start our clock now 14 $tstart = microtime(true); 15 16 // Process 100 confirmations 17 $total_msec = 0; // Total calculated cost in msecs 18 for ($task_nbr = 0; $task_nbr < 100; $task_nbr++) { 19 $string = $receiver->recv(); 20 if ($task_nbr % 10 == 0) { 21 echo ":"; 22 } else { 23 echo "."; 24 } 25 } 26 27 $tend = microtime(true); 28 29 $total_msec = ($tend - $tstart) * 1000; 30 echo PHP_EOL; 31 printf ("Total elapsed time: %d msec", $total_msec); 32 echo PHP_EOL;
  • 23. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 23 Pattern: Pipeline
  • 24. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 24 Use Case: Service Cluster Reference:
  • 25. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 25 Use Case: “Unix Style” Application ● Lots of simple, “focused” programs – Or in different servers, different languages, etc ● All components collaborate to get the job done – cat file | sort | uniq -c ● Glue everything with ZeroMQ
  • 26. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 26 Use Case: Cache ● We need to cache some values for speed ● Use SET / GET on Redis ● I could use memcache, but this is a Redis Talk :-) ● They have similar performance –
  • 27. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 27 Use Case: Buffer ● Use Redis as a FIFO (or LIFO) ● Hidden Goods – Decoupling – Flow control – rpoplpush
  • 28. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 28 Use Case: Background Tasks ● Your application needs to do some heavy work – Send Email – Image Resizing – Mega Huge map-reduce query to your pentabyte cluster :-) ● You don't want to keep your user waiting ● Send things to background
  • 29. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 29 Use Case: Background Tasks ● Use Redis as your Job Queue – Your application should send job to be run and parameters to the queue ● Use workers to POP jobs from the queue and do the heavy work. ● Don't reinvent the well – Look for php-resqueue
  • 30. 1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 30 Conclusions ● Both ZeroMQ and Redis are extremely fast ● ZeroMQ is great to “glue things” as well as adding flexibility to scale dynamical ● Redis is great as a queue and allows you to cope with your load.
  • 32. Follow this topic: @rjsmelo QA Code: Feedback: