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Genetic and Management Methods to
   Improve Reproductive Efficiency in
                Allen D. Leman Swine Conference:
                     Pre-Conference Program

         University of Alberta-University of Minnesota
                  Reproduction Workshop:

                               12 - September - 2012
                                 Ken Stalder, PhD
                    Professor & Extension Swine Specialist
                          Iowa State University, Ames

Department of Animal Science
 Pork producer profits are constrained
     Increased feed costs
     Increased labor costs
     Increased regulatory issues
 Areas where production efficiency can be
  improved should be continually evaluated.
   Remain competitive with other protein food
   Remain competitive with other producers world-
Department of Animal Science
Increased Cost of Production
 Feed costs have impacted pork production
  in many ways.
     Grow – finish cost of production
     Gilt development costs
          If feed costs had remained low and price high – Positive
           NPV attained within P1 or P2
          Increased feed costs – Positive NPV attained ~ P3
               Really high feed costs – Positive NPV will not be attained until
                feed costs decline or market price increases

Department of Animal Science
Sow Longevity Value
 Commercial producers and genetic
  suppliers are recognizing the value of sow
     Value of retaining sows in the breeding herd for a
      greater number of parities.
 Many contributing factors leading to a sow
  leaving the breeding herd earlier than farm
  management desires.

Department of Animal Science
Complexity of Sow Length of Productive
 Involvement of
      Genetics
      Environmental
          Caretaker skills or stockmanship
          Gilt development
          Gilt conformation
          Fecundity
          Nutrition
             – Gilt development
             – Gestation
             – Lactation
          Health
          Housing
             – Pen vs. crated environment
             – Flooring
          Behavior
          Seasonal effects
          Cull sow market price

Department of Animal Science
 Many of these topics are not well
  researched particularly when modern
  housing systems and genetics are taken
  into consideration.

Department of Animal Science
Incidence of failure to breed, lameness and culling for old
 age, in the sows according to litter parity                                                                              Dagorn & Aumaitre, 1978

                                                                                                             Similar findings have been
   Cumulated percentage of culled sows

                                                                                                              reported in a more recent
                                                                                                              popular press article in the
                                                                                                             Conclusion very similar to
                                                                                                              those previously presented
                                               1     2    3    4    5    6     7     8      9    10   >10
                                                              Number of litters per sow

                                           Failure to breed   Lameness     Old Age       Other               Challenging data
                                                                                                               Retrospective data
                                                                                                               Reported vs real reason
                                                                                                                 sows are removed

Department of Animal Science
Characterization of U.S. Midwestern cull
 Examined > 3,100 cull sows at harvest
 Obtained data from two harvest plants
 Farm production data from ~ 1,000 animals
     Characterize physical and reproductive
      conditions of cull sows from U.S. Midwestern sow
      harvest plants

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- data collection
  Traits measured
           Foot lesions (presence or absence)
                 Front pad lesions
                 Rear pad lesions
                 Front cracked toes
                 Rear cracked toes
                 Front digital overgrowth
                 Rear digital overgrowth
                 Front missing dew claws
                 Rear missing dew claws
                 Front abscesses
                 Rear abscesses

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
 Pad lesions- rear 67.5%, front 32.9%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
 Cracked toes- front 22.6%, rear 18.1%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Sows with front cracked toes compared to
    sows without tended (P = 0.07) to have
    fewer pigs born alive/day/herd life (0.0703
    vs. 0.0725)
      equates to ~0.8 pigs/sow/year

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
 Digital overgrowth- rear 21.1%, front 3.5%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Sows with rear digital overgrowth in
    comparison to sows without had
      fewer (P < 0.05) pigs born alive in last litter (0.54)
      tendency (P = 0.06) for decreased pigs born
        alive/day/herd life (0.0702 vs. 0.0724)
           equates to ~0.80 pigs/sow/year

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Traits measured
      reproductive tract evaluation
           ovary status

              normal- 84.7%

              acyclic-         9.0%

              cystic-          6.3%
           pregnant-          5.9%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Traits measured
      shoulder lesions
           none-              82.7%
           abrasions-         12.5%
           open wounds- 4.8%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Sows with shoulder
    lesions had 2.01 fewer
    (P < 0.05) lifetime pigs
    born alive compared
    to sows without
    shoulder lesions

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Traits measured
      Systematic lesions
           Pneumonia- 9.7%
              1-10% lung involvement from pneumonia- 5.0%

              10% lung involvement from pneumonia- 4.7%

           Pleural adhesions- 5.6%
           Peritonitis- 1.7%
           Other- < 1%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  A higher percentage of lung involvement
    from pneumonia tended (P < 0.10) to be
    associated with higher producing sows
    (lifetime pigs born alive, pigs
    born/day/herd life)

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Traits measured
      Teeth
           top teeth number
           bottom teeth number
           wear
              minimum- 10.5%
              moderate- 47.0%
              severe- 42.5%

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- results
  Sows with severe teeth wear in
    comparison to sows without had
      fewer (P = 0.06) pigs born alive in last litter (0.44)
      fewer (P < 0.01) pigs born alive/day/herd life
        (0.0704 vs. 0.0734)
           equates to ~1.1 pigs/sow/year

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- culling reasons

                                       1,2        3,4        5,6        7,8        9+

Farm culling code                    n= 198     n= 145     n= 219     n= 201     n= 160

Body condition, %                   11.6 (2)a   15.2 (3)   9.6 (5)    7.5 (3)    5.6 (3)

Old age, %                           1.5 (6)    4.1 (6)    21.5 (2)   65.7 (1)   83.8 (1)

Lameness, %                          10.6 (3)   17.9 (2)   11 (4)     5.5 (4)    0.6 (6)

Other, %                             7.1 (4)    10.3 (4)   8.2 (6)    5.5 (4)    1.3 (5)

Poor litter performance, %           6.1 (5)    6.2 (5)    19.6 (3)   2.5 (6)    2.5 (4)

Reproduction, %                      63.1 (1)   46.2 (1)   30.1 (1)   13.4 (2)   6.3 (2)
    Rank of culling code within parity group.

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- reproductive failure
  No heat most frequent farm culling code
   in parity 1 (41.1%)
  Did not conceive most common in parities
   2 to 5 (39.2, 36.5, 25.4, and 27.4%,
  Of the sows culled for reproductive
   failure, 86.2% were classified as having
   normal ovaries

Department of Animal Science
U.S. cull sow study- summary
   U.S. cull sows evaluated at harvest had foot,
    reproductive, shoulder, and systemic lesions
   Body condition was associated with multiple
    abnormal conditions of sows
   Several conditions were associated with reduced
    sow performance parameters (lifetime pigs born
    alive, pigs born alive in last litter, pigs born
    alive/day/herd life)
   The majority of low parity sows were culled for
    reproductive failure, but ovaries were normal in

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity
 Study designed to estimate the
  phenotypic and genetic associations of
  gilt compositional and structural
  soundness traits with reproductive and
  longevity traits
 Determine factors measured or evaluated
  early in a sow’s life that are associated
  with superior sow productive lifetime.
  Data collected through at least parity 5
Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity
 The study involved 1447 females from two
  commercially available genetic lines.
 Gilts were on average 190 days of age and
  124 kg body weight at the time of body
  composition and structural soundness
 National Pork Board Funded project

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity
 Traits evaluated
     Compositional traits
          Body weight,
          Loin muscle area,
          10th rib backfat, and
          Last rib backfat.

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity
 Reproductive traits evaluated
       Lifetime total number born,
       Lifetime number born alive,
       Number born alive per lifetime days, and
       Percentage productive days from total herd days.
 Lifetime, herd days and removal parity were considered as
  longevity traits.

Department of Animal Science
Means and heritability estimates for lifetime reproduction traits in study evaluating the
 relationship between compositional, structural soundness, reproductive performance
 and productive lifetime in commercial lines of sows.

                             Mean ± s.e.        Mean ± s.e.     P-valuea      h² ± s.e.
Lifetime reproduction                                                        Across genetic
                           Grandparent line     Parent line                      lines
Lifetime total number
born                         40.94 ± 1.74      46.01 ± 1.31       0.04      0.16 ± 0.06
Lifetime number born
alive                        37.71 ± 1.62      41.17 ± 1.14       0.04      0.17 ± 0.06
LBA/Lb                                            0.040 ±
                             0.036 ± 0.001        0.001           0.005     0.16 ± 0.06
PD%c                         58.22 ± 1.48      62.79 ± 0.95       0.01      0.14 ± 0.06

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity
  ~ 70% of the females were removed prior to the sixth parity. At
   the termination of data collection,
  14% of the females were still alive and in production at the
   commercial sow herd.
  Reproductive failure was the most frequent culling reason during
   the first three parities and it caused the loss of 16% of the
   research females before the fourth parity.
  Culling for lameness or feet and leg problems primarily occurred
   prior to the third parity causing the removal of 7.5% of the young

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity
 Heritability Estimates
  Longevity traits 0.12 to 0.16
  Lifetime reproduction traits 0.13 to 0.17
  Compositional traits 0.50 - 0.70
  Body structure traits 0.11 - 0.34
  Leg structure traits 0.07 - 0.29
        Greatest heritability estimates were obtained for weak front and rear pastern postures 0.28 and
         0.29, respectively.

  Overall leg action 0.12

Department of Animal Science
Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity Genetic
 Correlation Estimates
 Most were low and non-significant (P > 0.05)
 Larger loin muscle area was significantly
  associated with greater lifetime, removal
  parity and lifetime number born
 Less upright rear legs were associated with
  greater lifetime born alive per day of life and
  percentage of productive days and
  intermediate rear foot size with greater
  lifetime and removal parities.

Department of Animal Science
Sow Longevity and Genetic Progress
  Replacement and culling decisions should not be
   influence by the genetic progress occurring in the
   maternal lines from their genetic supplier.
  Under the most optimistic genetic improvement
   situations, a sow would not be replaced until the 6 th or 7th
  This represents the parities where the value of the
   genetic progress that has occurred for maternal and
   growth traits is equal to or greater than the gilt
   development variable costs.

Department of Animal Science
Sow Longevity and Genetic Progress
  The parity at which gilt development variable costs and
   the genetic progress value are equal defines the number
   of parities that commercial breeding herds should cull
   sows for old age.
  Under realistic genetic improvement values, the
   cumulative value for the genetic improvement made
   across the traits is equal to the gilt development costs
   to at least the 10th parity or greater.
  Genetic issues should not enter into culling /
   replacement decisions for breeding herd sows

Department of Animal Science
 Many factors contribute to the ability of a
  sow to have a long and productive herd
 These factors include genetic and
  environmental issues.
 A renewed focus on sow nutrition
  research is warranted.

Department of Animal Science
 Many traits genetically correlated with
  sow productive lifetime and can be
  improved through selection.
 We cannot ignore the people factor on any
  production process including pork
 Caretaker skills / stockmanship /
  management ability, effects on the sow
  productivity cannot be underestimated.
Department of Animal Science

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Dr. Ken Stalder - Genetic and Management Methods to Improve Reproductive Efficiency in Sows

  • 1. Genetic and Management Methods to Improve Reproductive Efficiency in Sows Allen D. Leman Swine Conference: Pre-Conference Program University of Alberta-University of Minnesota Reproduction Workshop: 12 - September - 2012 Ken Stalder, PhD Professor & Extension Swine Specialist Iowa State University, Ames IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 2. Introduction Pork producer profits are constrained Increased feed costs Increased labor costs Increased regulatory issues Areas where production efficiency can be improved should be continually evaluated. Remain competitive with other protein food sources Remain competitive with other producers world- wide IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 3. Increased Cost of Production Feed costs have impacted pork production in many ways. Grow – finish cost of production Gilt development costs If feed costs had remained low and price high – Positive NPV attained within P1 or P2 Increased feed costs – Positive NPV attained ~ P3  Really high feed costs – Positive NPV will not be attained until feed costs decline or market price increases IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 4. Sow Longevity Value Commercial producers and genetic suppliers are recognizing the value of sow longevity. Value of retaining sows in the breeding herd for a greater number of parities. Many contributing factors leading to a sow leaving the breeding herd earlier than farm management desires. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 5. Complexity of Sow Length of Productive Life  Involvement of  Genetics  Environmental  Caretaker skills or stockmanship  Gilt development  Gilt conformation  Fecundity  Nutrition – Gilt development – Gestation – Lactation  Health  Housing – Pen vs. crated environment – Flooring  Behavior  Seasonal effects  Cull sow market price IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 6. Introduction Many of these topics are not well researched particularly when modern housing systems and genetics are taken into consideration. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 7. Incidence of failure to breed, lameness and culling for old age, in the sows according to litter parity Dagorn & Aumaitre, 1978 100 90  Similar findings have been Cumulated percentage of culled sows reported in a more recent 80 70 60 50 40 popular press article in the 30 20 US 10 0  Conclusion very similar to those previously presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >10 Number of litters per sow Failure to breed Lameness Old Age Other  Challenging data  Retrospective data  Reported vs real reason sows are removed IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 8. Characterization of U.S. Midwestern cull sows Examined > 3,100 cull sows at harvest Obtained data from two harvest plants Farm production data from ~ 1,000 animals available Objective Characterize physical and reproductive conditions of cull sows from U.S. Midwestern sow harvest plants IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 9. U.S. cull sow study- data collection  Traits measured  Foot lesions (presence or absence)  Front pad lesions  Rear pad lesions  Front cracked toes  Rear cracked toes  Front digital overgrowth  Rear digital overgrowth  Front missing dew claws  Rear missing dew claws  Front abscesses  Rear abscesses IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 10. U.S. cull sow study- results Pad lesions- rear 67.5%, front 32.9% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 11. U.S. cull sow study- results Cracked toes- front 22.6%, rear 18.1% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 12. U.S. cull sow study- results  Sows with front cracked toes compared to sows without tended (P = 0.07) to have fewer pigs born alive/day/herd life (0.0703 vs. 0.0725)  equates to ~0.8 pigs/sow/year IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 13. U.S. cull sow study- results Digital overgrowth- rear 21.1%, front 3.5% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 14. U.S. cull sow study- results IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 15. U.S. cull sow study- results  Sows with rear digital overgrowth in comparison to sows without had  fewer (P < 0.05) pigs born alive in last litter (0.54)  tendency (P = 0.06) for decreased pigs born alive/day/herd life (0.0702 vs. 0.0724)  equates to ~0.80 pigs/sow/year IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 16. U.S. cull sow study- results  Traits measured  reproductive tract evaluation  ovary status normal- 84.7% acyclic- 9.0% cystic- 6.3%  pregnant- 5.9% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 17. U.S. cull sow study- results IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 18. U.S. cull sow study- results  Traits measured  shoulder lesions  none- 82.7%  abrasions- 12.5%  open wounds- 4.8% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 19. U.S. cull sow study- results IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 20. U.S. cull sow study- results  Sows with shoulder lesions had 2.01 fewer (P < 0.05) lifetime pigs born alive compared to sows without shoulder lesions IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 21. U.S. cull sow study- results  Traits measured  Systematic lesions  Pneumonia- 9.7% 1-10% lung involvement from pneumonia- 5.0% 10% lung involvement from pneumonia- 4.7%  Pleural adhesions- 5.6%  Peritonitis- 1.7%  Other- < 1% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 22. U.S. cull sow study- results IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 23. U.S. cull sow study- results  A higher percentage of lung involvement from pneumonia tended (P < 0.10) to be associated with higher producing sows (lifetime pigs born alive, pigs born/day/herd life) IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 24. U.S. cull sow study- results  Traits measured  Teeth  top teeth number  bottom teeth number  wear minimum- 10.5% moderate- 47.0% severe- 42.5% IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 25. U.S. cull sow study- results IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 26. U.S. cull sow study- results  Sows with severe teeth wear in comparison to sows without had  fewer (P = 0.06) pigs born alive in last litter (0.44)  fewer (P < 0.01) pigs born alive/day/herd life (0.0704 vs. 0.0734)  equates to ~1.1 pigs/sow/year IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 27. U.S. cull sow study- culling reasons Parity 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+ Farm culling code n= 198 n= 145 n= 219 n= 201 n= 160 Body condition, % 11.6 (2)a 15.2 (3) 9.6 (5) 7.5 (3) 5.6 (3) Old age, % 1.5 (6) 4.1 (6) 21.5 (2) 65.7 (1) 83.8 (1) Lameness, % 10.6 (3) 17.9 (2) 11 (4) 5.5 (4) 0.6 (6) Other, % 7.1 (4) 10.3 (4) 8.2 (6) 5.5 (4) 1.3 (5) Poor litter performance, % 6.1 (5) 6.2 (5) 19.6 (3) 2.5 (6) 2.5 (4) Reproduction, % 63.1 (1) 46.2 (1) 30.1 (1) 13.4 (2) 6.3 (2) a Rank of culling code within parity group. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 28. U.S. cull sow study- reproductive failure  No heat most frequent farm culling code in parity 1 (41.1%)  Did not conceive most common in parities 2 to 5 (39.2, 36.5, 25.4, and 27.4%, respectively)  Of the sows culled for reproductive failure, 86.2% were classified as having normal ovaries IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 29. U.S. cull sow study- summary U.S. cull sows evaluated at harvest had foot, reproductive, shoulder, and systemic lesions Body condition was associated with multiple abnormal conditions of sows Several conditions were associated with reduced sow performance parameters (lifetime pigs born alive, pigs born alive in last litter, pigs born alive/day/herd life) The majority of low parity sows were culled for reproductive failure, but ovaries were normal in appearance IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 30. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity Study designed to estimate the phenotypic and genetic associations of gilt compositional and structural soundness traits with reproductive and longevity traits Determine factors measured or evaluated early in a sow’s life that are associated with superior sow productive lifetime.  Data collected through at least parity 5 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 31. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity The study involved 1447 females from two commercially available genetic lines. Gilts were on average 190 days of age and 124 kg body weight at the time of body composition and structural soundness evaluation. National Pork Board Funded project IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 32. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity Traits evaluated Compositional traits Body weight, Loin muscle area, 10th rib backfat, and Last rib backfat. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 33. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 34. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity  Reproductive traits evaluated  Lifetime total number born,  Lifetime number born alive,  Number born alive per lifetime days, and  Percentage productive days from total herd days.  Lifetime, herd days and removal parity were considered as longevity traits. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 35. Means and heritability estimates for lifetime reproduction traits in study evaluating the relationship between compositional, structural soundness, reproductive performance and productive lifetime in commercial lines of sows.   REML Mean ± s.e. Mean ± s.e. P-valuea h² ± s.e. Lifetime reproduction Across genetic Grandparent line Parent line lines Lifetime total number born 40.94 ± 1.74 46.01 ± 1.31 0.04 0.16 ± 0.06 Lifetime number born alive 37.71 ± 1.62 41.17 ± 1.14 0.04 0.17 ± 0.06 LBA/Lb 0.040 ± 0.036 ± 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.16 ± 0.06 PD%c 58.22 ± 1.48 62.79 ± 0.95 0.01 0.14 ± 0.06 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 36. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity  ~ 70% of the females were removed prior to the sixth parity. At the termination of data collection,  14% of the females were still alive and in production at the commercial sow herd.  Reproductive failure was the most frequent culling reason during the first three parities and it caused the loss of 16% of the research females before the fourth parity.  Culling for lameness or feet and leg problems primarily occurred prior to the third parity causing the removal of 7.5% of the young females. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 37. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity Heritability Estimates  Longevity traits 0.12 to 0.16  Lifetime reproduction traits 0.13 to 0.17  Compositional traits 0.50 - 0.70  Body structure traits 0.11 - 0.34  Leg structure traits 0.07 - 0.29  Greatest heritability estimates were obtained for weak front and rear pastern postures 0.28 and 0.29, respectively.  Overall leg action 0.12 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 38. Genetic Effects on Sow Longevity Genetic Correlation Estimates Most were low and non-significant (P > 0.05) Larger loin muscle area was significantly associated with greater lifetime, removal parity and lifetime number born Less upright rear legs were associated with greater lifetime born alive per day of life and percentage of productive days and intermediate rear foot size with greater lifetime and removal parities. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 39. Sow Longevity and Genetic Progress Relationship  Replacement and culling decisions should not be influence by the genetic progress occurring in the maternal lines from their genetic supplier.  Under the most optimistic genetic improvement situations, a sow would not be replaced until the 6 th or 7th parity.  This represents the parities where the value of the genetic progress that has occurred for maternal and growth traits is equal to or greater than the gilt development variable costs. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 40. Sow Longevity and Genetic Progress Relationship  The parity at which gilt development variable costs and the genetic progress value are equal defines the number of parities that commercial breeding herds should cull sows for old age.  Under realistic genetic improvement values, the cumulative value for the genetic improvement made across the traits is equal to the gilt development costs to at least the 10th parity or greater.  Genetic issues should not enter into culling / replacement decisions for breeding herd sows IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 41. Summary Many factors contribute to the ability of a sow to have a long and productive herd life. These factors include genetic and environmental issues. A renewed focus on sow nutrition research is warranted. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science
  • 42. Summary Many traits genetically correlated with sow productive lifetime and can be improved through selection. We cannot ignore the people factor on any production process including pork production. Caretaker skills / stockmanship / management ability, effects on the sow productivity cannot be underestimated. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Animal Science