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Introduction to .Call interface

                                         Hao Chai

                       Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
                                 The University of Iowa

                                 Productive Seminar
                                   March 6, 2012

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1   Introduction

2   C part
      .C interface
      .Call interface

3   R part

4   Examples

5   Other

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1   Introduction

2   C part
      .C interface
      .Call interface

3   R part

4   Examples

5   Other

     Hao Chai (U of Iowa)   Introduction to .Call interface   3 / 41

.C and .Call are two interfaces in R to call C routines. Similar foreign
language interface functions are .Fortran and .External.

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Advantages of R
       Straight forward syntax.
       Easy to learn, to use, to track the results and to debug.
       Over 3,000 packages available to carry out many kinds of statistical
       analysis and produce professional graphics.
       Vectorized language.
Disadvantage of R

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Advantages of R
       Straight forward syntax.
       Easy to learn, to use, to track the results and to debug.
       Over 3,000 packages available to carry out many kinds of statistical
       analysis and produce professional graphics.
       Vectorized language.
Disadvantage of R

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Toy example
Our goal is to generate a variance-covariance matrix Σ = (σij ), where
        a · b|i−j| , if i = j;
σij =
        1,           if i = j.
We have at least three methods:
    A simple R function matgen R:
    matgen_R = function(P, a, b)
      Covmatrix = matrix(rep(1, P * P), nrow = P)
      for (i in 1 : P)
        for (j in 1 : P)
          if (i != j)
            Covmatrix[i, j] = exp(log(a) + log(b)
            * abs(i - j))
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Toy example

   An R function using matrix indexing matgen Rind:
   matgen_Rind = function(P, a, b)
     Covmatrix = matrix(rep(1, P * P), nrow = P)
     for (i in 1 : (P - 1))
       {Covmatrix[cbind((1 + i) : P, 1 : (P - i))] =
       exp(log(a) + log(b) * abs(i))
        Covmatrix[cbind(1 : (P - i), (1 + i) : P)] =
        exp(log(a) + log(b) * abs(i))}

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    An R function calling C routines matgen RC:
    matgen_RC = function(P, a, b)
      .Call("matrix_gen", as.integer(P), as.double(a),
Also we can use R compiler to compile the first two pure R functions and
get matgen Rcmp and matgen Rindcmp.

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Toy example

> P = 1000

           test                                            elapsed     user.self   relative
     5     matgen          Rindcmp(P, 0.5, 0.9)               0.80         0.75       1.00
     4     matgen          Rind(P, 0.5, 0.9)                  0.97         0.86       1.21
     1     matgen          RC(P, 0.5, 0.9)                    1.04         1.01       1.30
     2     matgen          Rcmp(P, 0.5, 0.9)                 19.98       19.51       24.98
     3     matgen          R(P, 0.5, 0.9)                    65.44       64.45       81.80

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C part


1   Introduction

2   C part
      .C interface
      .Call interface

3   R part

4   Examples

5   Other

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C part

Header files

To enable the communication between R and C, the following header files
are needed in the C code.

#include      <R.h>
#include      <Rinternals.h> /% For .C or .Call %/
#include      <Rdefines.h> /% For .External %/
#include      <R_ext/Rdynload.h>

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C part     .C interface

To use .C interface, main() function in C code needs to be replaced by

static void CFuncName(arg1, arg2, ...)

    Arguments above have to be of pointer type. Therefore, we need to
    coerce the scalar arguments to scalars in C.
    C function can only return values to R through its arguments. In
    other words, there are two kinds of arguments: arguments that pass
    values from R to C and arguments that return values from C to R.
The C code using .C interface in the toy example is

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C part     .C interface

.C interface in toy example

#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
#include <math.h>
static void matrix_gen(double *Rp, double *Ra, double *Rb,
                       double *Rmatrix)
    R_len_t i, j, p = Rp[0];
    double a = Ra[0], b = Rb[0];
    for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            if (i == j) Rmatrix[i * p + j] = 1;
            else Rmatrix[i * p + j] = exp(log(a) + abs(i - j)
            * log(b));
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C part     .C interface

Mapping types between R and C

                          Table: Comparison of R and C data types.1
                               R storage mode               C types
                                    logical                  int *
                                    integer                  int *
                                    double                 double *
                                  character                 char **
                                   complex                Rcomplex *

      Cited from “Writing R Extensions”
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C part     .Call interface

What can we expect from .Call?2

       Pass R objects to C
       Create R objects in C
       Manipulate R objects in C
       Return R objects from C
       Call R functions from C

      See Brian Caffo
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C part     .Call interface

To use .Call interface, main() function in C code needs to be replaced by

SEXP CFuncName(SEXP arg1, SEXP arg2, ...)

    SEXP is a structure in C standing for S expression.
    The returned value from C will also be SEXP type.
    If new SEXP objects are defined within the C function, use
    PROTECT to protect them in the memory so that it will not be
    cleaned by R as garbage.

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C part     .Call interface

Basic structure of C functions

SEXP CFuncName(SEXP arg1, arg2, ...)
  [arg1 = coerceVector(arg1, INTSXP)]
  # Coerce the vector to the right type.
  SEXP Robj, return_val;   # Define new R objects.
  PROTECT(return_val = allocMatrix(REALSXP, arg1, arg2))
  # Protect return_val.
  [body of function]
  return(return_val) # Return the values to R.

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C part     .Call interface

Useful data types in Rinternals.h

                              Table: SEXPTYPE and R equivalent
                   SEXPTYPE                      R equivalent
                    REALSXP          numeric with storage mode double
                     INTSXP                         integer
                     LGLSXP                          logical
                    STRSXP                         character
                    VECSXP                  list (generic vector)
                    DOTSXP                       a ‘...’ object
                    ENVSXP                       environment

      Cited from “Writing R Extensions”
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C part     .Call interface

Useful macros in Rinternals.h
There are plenty of useful functions defined in Rinternals.h. Useful
functions can be found in “Writing R Extensions” or “R Internals”.

                        Table: List of useful functions in Rinternals.h4

     Name                                 Usage                                    Example
 coerceVector                 Coerce R object to SEXPTYPE                  arg1=..(arg1,INTSXP)
  allocVector                  Allocate memory for R vector                 Robj=..(STRSXP,2)
  allocMatrix                  Allocate memory for R matrix                Robj=..(STRSXP,2,2)
     nrows                    Get the No. of rows of a matrix                 ..nrow(Rmatrix)
      ncols                   Get the No. of cols of a matrix                  ..ncol(Rmatrix)
  PROTECT                           Protect an R object                         See examples.
 UNPROTECT                     UNPROTECT some R objects                         See examples.

      .. represents the function name in the same row.
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C part     .Call interface

Useful functions in Rinternals.h

                    Table: List of useful functions in Rinternals.h Cont.5

       Name                                   Usage                             Example
   STRING ELT                  Returns the memo. add. of R string             ..(Rstr, 0)
   VECTOR ELT                   Returns the memo. add. of R list              ..(Rlist, 1)
     INTEGER                    Return the memo. add. of R int                   ..(Rint)
       REAL                     Return the memo. add. of R real                ..(Rdoub)
       CHAR                       Convert a Rchar to characters                 ..(Rchar)
 SET VECTOR ELT                Assign value to an element of R list          See example

      .. represents the function name in the same row.
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C part     .Call interface

Special Values

There are some constants for special values in R
    R NaN
    R PosInf
    R NegInf
    R NaReal
    R NilValue
There are also some macros for error checking in C ISNA, ISNAN,

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C part     .Call interface

.Call interface in toy example

#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
#include "math.h"
SEXP matrix_gen(SEXP RP, SEXP Ra, SEXP Rb)
    R_len_t i, j, p = INTEGER(RP)[0];
    SEXP Rmatrix;
    RP = coerceVector(RP, INTSXP);
    Ra = coerceVector(Ra, REALSXP);
    Rb = coerceVector(Rb, REALSXP);
    PROTECT(Rmatrix = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, p));

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C part     .Call interface

.Call interface in toy example

    double *mat, a = REAL(Ra)[0], b = REAL(Rb)[0];
    mat = REAL(Rmatrix);
    for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            if (i == j) mat[i * p + j] = 1;
            else mat[i * p + j] = exp(log(a) +
            abs(i - j) * log(b));

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R part


1   Introduction

2   C part
      .C interface
      .Call interface

3   R part

4   Examples

5   Other

     Hao Chai (U of Iowa)   Introduction to .Call interface   24 / 41
R part

Interfaces in R

To create a dynamic library, run the following code in the command line:


CFileName.dll or will be generated in the same directory.
Then load the dynamic library which is generated by C code using
> dyn.load("")
in Linux/MacOS, or
> dyn.load("CFileName.dll")
in Windows, or a universal solution
> dyn.load(paste("CFileName", .Platform$dynlib.ext,
+                sep = ""))

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R part

There are three interfaces in R to load the dynamic library generated by C.
  1   .C(”CFuncName” arg1, arg2, ...)
  2   .Call(”CFuncName” arg1, arg2, ...)
  3   .External(”CFuncName”, arg1, arg2, ...)

      There are some options when using .C, such as NAOK and
      PACKAGE. For detailed information, refer to “Writing R Extensions”.

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1   Introduction

2   C part
      .C interface
      .Call interface

3   R part

4   Examples

5   Other

     Hao Chai (U of Iowa)   Introduction to .Call interface   27 / 41

Pass numeric values to C
func1 is a function with two arguments Rn and Rvec. It returns the largest
element of the first Rn elements of vector Rvec.
SEXP func1(SEXP Rvec, SEXP Rn)
  Rvec = coerceVector(Rvec, REALSXP);
  R_len_t i = 0, n = INTEGER(Rn)[0];
  double *vec, max = REAL(Rvec)[0];
  SEXP return_val;
  PROTECT(return_val = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
  vec = REAL(Rvec);
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
    if (vec[i] >= max) max = vec[i];
  REAL(return_val)[0] = max;
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Pass numeric values to C

In R, we do the following

a = c(7, 4, 8, 9, 2, 5)
n = 4
.Call("func1", as.double(a), as.integer(n))

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Pass strings, return a list

func2 is able to calculate the quadratic form or the linear product of a
matrix and a vector. It has three arguments: Rstr, Ry and RM. Ry is a
vector, RM is a matrix. If Rstr is ”quadratic”, then t(Ry) %*% RM %*%
Ry is returned. If Rstr is ”linear”, then RM %*% Ry is returned. If Rstr is
”both” then both of the above will be returned as an R list.

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Pass strings, return a list

  Rstr = coerceVector(Rstr, STRSXP);
  RM = coerceVector(RM, REALSXP);
  Ry = coerceVector(Ry, REALSXP);
  SEXP return_lst, vec, num;
  double *M = REAL(RM), *y = REAL(Ry);
  double result1 = 0, *result2;
  R_len_t i, j, nr, nc, l;
  const char *method;
  method = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Rstr, 0));
  nr = nrows(RM);
  nc = ncols(RM);
  l = length(Ry);

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if (((strcmp(method, "both") == 0) ||
     (strcmp(method,"linear") == 0)) && (nc != l))
 error("The matrix and the vector need to be conformable!");
if (((strcmp(method, "both") == 0) ||
     (strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0)) &&
     ((nc != l) || (nr != l)))
 error("The matrix and the vector need to be conformable!");
if (strcmp(method, "both") == 0)
      PROTECT(return_lst = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
      PROTECT(vec = allocVector(REALSXP, nr));
      PROTECT(num = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
      result2 = REAL(vec);
      result1 = REAL(num)[0];
else PROTECT(return_lst = allocVector(VECSXP, 1));

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if (strcmp(method, "linear") == 0)
   PROTECT(vec = allocVector(REALSXP, nr));
   result2 = REAL(vec);
if (strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0)
   PROTECT(num = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
   result1 = REAL(num)[0];
if ((strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0) ||
    (strcmp(method, "both") == 0))
  for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
          result1 = result1 + M[i + j * nr] * y[i] * y[j];

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if ((strcmp(method, "linear") == 0) ||
      (strcmp(method, "both") == 0))
    for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
        result2[i] = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
            result2[i] = result2[i] + M[i + j * nr] * y[j];

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    if (strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0)
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 0, num);
    if (strcmp(method, "linear") == 0)
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 0, vec);
    if (strcmp(method, "both") == 0)
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 0, num);
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 1, vec);
    if (strcmp(method, "both") == 0)

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Pass strings, return a list

The R code to call the function func2 is

M <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), nrow = 3)
y <- c(1, 0, -1)
.Call("func2", M, as.double(y), "both")

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1   Introduction

2   C part
      .C interface
      .Call interface

3   R part

4   Examples

5   Other

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Evaluating R expressions in C

It is also possible to evaluate R expressions in C code. The following
functions/macros are useful in this case. More details can be found in
“Writing R extensions”  .

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Some misc.
    The “Writing R Extensions” manual is the main source for this talk.
    More functions and macros can be found in Rinternals.h, or
    alternatively Rdefines.h. Choose one and stick to it.
    Several times, when ran .Call in R, R crashed. Very likely, it was
    caused by the difference between number of arguments in .Call and
    number of arguments in the original C functions.
    Related C and R files are available at Related files.

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Writing R Extensions
R Internals
Using .Call in R by Brian Caffo.
dot Call Interface by Gopi Goswami.

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                       Thank you!

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Dot Call interface

  • 1. Introduction to .Call interface Hao Chai Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science The University of Iowa Productive Seminar March 6, 2012 Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 1 / 41
  • 2. Outline 1 Introduction 2 C part .C interface .Call interface 3 R part 4 Examples 5 Other Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 2 / 41
  • 3. Introduction Outline 1 Introduction 2 C part .C interface .Call interface 3 R part 4 Examples 5 Other Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 3 / 41
  • 4. Introduction .C and .Call are two interfaces in R to call C routines. Similar foreign language interface functions are .Fortran and .External. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 4 / 41
  • 5. Introduction Advantages of R Straight forward syntax. Easy to learn, to use, to track the results and to debug. Over 3,000 packages available to carry out many kinds of statistical analysis and produce professional graphics. Vectorized language. ... Disadvantage of R Loops. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 5 / 41
  • 6. Introduction Advantages of R Straight forward syntax. Easy to learn, to use, to track the results and to debug. Over 3,000 packages available to carry out many kinds of statistical analysis and produce professional graphics. Vectorized language. ... Disadvantage of R Loops. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 5 / 41
  • 7. Introduction Toy example Our goal is to generate a variance-covariance matrix Σ = (σij ), where a · b|i−j| , if i = j; σij = 1, if i = j. We have at least three methods: A simple R function matgen R: matgen_R = function(P, a, b) { Covmatrix = matrix(rep(1, P * P), nrow = P) for (i in 1 : P) for (j in 1 : P) if (i != j) Covmatrix[i, j] = exp(log(a) + log(b) * abs(i - j)) Covmatrix } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 6 / 41
  • 8. Introduction Toy example An R function using matrix indexing matgen Rind: matgen_Rind = function(P, a, b) { Covmatrix = matrix(rep(1, P * P), nrow = P) for (i in 1 : (P - 1)) {Covmatrix[cbind((1 + i) : P, 1 : (P - i))] = exp(log(a) + log(b) * abs(i)) Covmatrix[cbind(1 : (P - i), (1 + i) : P)] = exp(log(a) + log(b) * abs(i))} Covmatrix } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 7 / 41
  • 9. Introduction An R function calling C routines matgen RC: matgen_RC = function(P, a, b) { .Call("matrix_gen", as.integer(P), as.double(a), as.double(b)) } Also we can use R compiler to compile the first two pure R functions and get matgen Rcmp and matgen Rindcmp. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 8 / 41
  • 10. Introduction Toy example Result > P = 1000 test elapsed user.self relative 5 matgen Rindcmp(P, 0.5, 0.9) 0.80 0.75 1.00 4 matgen Rind(P, 0.5, 0.9) 0.97 0.86 1.21 1 matgen RC(P, 0.5, 0.9) 1.04 1.01 1.30 2 matgen Rcmp(P, 0.5, 0.9) 19.98 19.51 24.98 3 matgen R(P, 0.5, 0.9) 65.44 64.45 81.80 Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 9 / 41
  • 11. C part Outline 1 Introduction 2 C part .C interface .Call interface 3 R part 4 Examples 5 Other Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 10 / 41
  • 12. C part Header files To enable the communication between R and C, the following header files are needed in the C code. #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> /% For .C or .Call %/ #include <Rdefines.h> /% For .External %/ #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h> Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 11 / 41
  • 13. C part .C interface To use .C interface, main() function in C code needs to be replaced by static void CFuncName(arg1, arg2, ...) Arguments above have to be of pointer type. Therefore, we need to coerce the scalar arguments to scalars in C. C function can only return values to R through its arguments. In other words, there are two kinds of arguments: arguments that pass values from R to C and arguments that return values from C to R. The C code using .C interface in the toy example is Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 12 / 41
  • 14. C part .C interface .C interface in toy example #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h> #include <math.h> static void matrix_gen(double *Rp, double *Ra, double *Rb, double *Rmatrix) { R_len_t i, j, p = Rp[0]; double a = Ra[0], b = Rb[0]; for (i = 0; i < p; i++) for (j = 0; j < p; j++) if (i == j) Rmatrix[i * p + j] = 1; else Rmatrix[i * p + j] = exp(log(a) + abs(i - j) * log(b)); } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 13 / 41
  • 15. C part .C interface Mapping types between R and C Table: Comparison of R and C data types.1 R storage mode C types logical int * integer int * double double * character char ** complex Rcomplex * 1 Cited from “Writing R Extensions” Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 14 / 41
  • 16. C part .Call interface What can we expect from .Call?2 Pass R objects to C Create R objects in C Manipulate R objects in C Return R objects from C Call R functions from C 2 See Brian Caffo Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 15 / 41
  • 17. C part .Call interface To use .Call interface, main() function in C code needs to be replaced by SEXP CFuncName(SEXP arg1, SEXP arg2, ...) SEXP is a structure in C standing for S expression. The returned value from C will also be SEXP type. If new SEXP objects are defined within the C function, use PROTECT to protect them in the memory so that it will not be cleaned by R as garbage. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 16 / 41
  • 18. C part .Call interface Basic structure of C functions SEXP CFuncName(SEXP arg1, arg2, ...) { [arg1 = coerceVector(arg1, INTSXP)] # Coerce the vector to the right type. SEXP Robj, return_val; # Define new R objects. PROTECT(return_val = allocMatrix(REALSXP, arg1, arg2)) # Protect return_val. [body of function] UNPROTECT(1) return(return_val) # Return the values to R. } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 17 / 41
  • 19. C part .Call interface Useful data types in Rinternals.h 3 Table: SEXPTYPE and R equivalent SEXPTYPE R equivalent REALSXP numeric with storage mode double INTSXP integer LGLSXP logical STRSXP character VECSXP list (generic vector) DOTSXP a ‘...’ object ENVSXP environment 3 Cited from “Writing R Extensions” Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 18 / 41
  • 20. C part .Call interface Useful macros in Rinternals.h There are plenty of useful functions defined in Rinternals.h. Useful functions can be found in “Writing R Extensions” or “R Internals”. Table: List of useful functions in Rinternals.h4 Name Usage Example coerceVector Coerce R object to SEXPTYPE arg1=..(arg1,INTSXP) allocVector Allocate memory for R vector Robj=..(STRSXP,2) allocMatrix Allocate memory for R matrix Robj=..(STRSXP,2,2) nrows Get the No. of rows of a matrix ..nrow(Rmatrix) ncols Get the No. of cols of a matrix ..ncol(Rmatrix) PROTECT Protect an R object See examples. UNPROTECT UNPROTECT some R objects See examples. 4 .. represents the function name in the same row. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 19 / 41
  • 21. C part .Call interface Useful functions in Rinternals.h Table: List of useful functions in Rinternals.h Cont.5 Name Usage Example STRING ELT Returns the memo. add. of R string ..(Rstr, 0) VECTOR ELT Returns the memo. add. of R list ..(Rlist, 1) INTEGER Return the memo. add. of R int ..(Rint) REAL Return the memo. add. of R real ..(Rdoub) CHAR Convert a Rchar to characters ..(Rchar) SET VECTOR ELT Assign value to an element of R list See example 5 .. represents the function name in the same row. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 20 / 41
  • 22. C part .Call interface Special Values There are some constants for special values in R R NaN R PosInf R NegInf R NaReal R NilValue There are also some macros for error checking in C ISNA, ISNAN, R FINITE, NA INTEGER, NA LOGICAL, NA STRING, NA REAL Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 21 / 41
  • 23. C part .Call interface .Call interface in toy example #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h> #include "math.h" SEXP matrix_gen(SEXP RP, SEXP Ra, SEXP Rb) { R_len_t i, j, p = INTEGER(RP)[0]; SEXP Rmatrix; RP = coerceVector(RP, INTSXP); Ra = coerceVector(Ra, REALSXP); Rb = coerceVector(Rb, REALSXP); PROTECT(Rmatrix = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, p)); Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 22 / 41
  • 24. C part .Call interface .Call interface in toy example double *mat, a = REAL(Ra)[0], b = REAL(Rb)[0]; mat = REAL(Rmatrix); for (i = 0; i < p; i++) for (j = 0; j < p; j++) if (i == j) mat[i * p + j] = 1; else mat[i * p + j] = exp(log(a) + abs(i - j) * log(b)); UNPROTECT(1); return(Rmatrix); } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 23 / 41
  • 25. R part Outline 1 Introduction 2 C part .C interface .Call interface 3 R part 4 Examples 5 Other Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 24 / 41
  • 26. R part Interfaces in R To create a dynamic library, run the following code in the command line: R CMD SHLIB CFileName.c CFileName.dll or will be generated in the same directory. Then load the dynamic library which is generated by C code using > dyn.load("") in Linux/MacOS, or > dyn.load("CFileName.dll") in Windows, or a universal solution > dyn.load(paste("CFileName", .Platform$dynlib.ext, + sep = "")) Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 25 / 41
  • 27. R part There are three interfaces in R to load the dynamic library generated by C. 1 .C(”CFuncName” arg1, arg2, ...) , 2 .Call(”CFuncName” arg1, arg2, ...) , 3 .External(”CFuncName”, arg1, arg2, ...) There are some options when using .C, such as NAOK and PACKAGE. For detailed information, refer to “Writing R Extensions”. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 26 / 41
  • 28. Examples Outline 1 Introduction 2 C part .C interface .Call interface 3 R part 4 Examples 5 Other Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 27 / 41
  • 29. Examples Pass numeric values to C func1 is a function with two arguments Rn and Rvec. It returns the largest element of the first Rn elements of vector Rvec. SEXP func1(SEXP Rvec, SEXP Rn) { Rvec = coerceVector(Rvec, REALSXP); R_len_t i = 0, n = INTEGER(Rn)[0]; double *vec, max = REAL(Rvec)[0]; SEXP return_val; PROTECT(return_val = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); vec = REAL(Rvec); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) if (vec[i] >= max) max = vec[i]; REAL(return_val)[0] = max; UNPROTECT(1); return(return_val); } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 28 / 41
  • 30. Examples Pass numeric values to C In R, we do the following a = c(7, 4, 8, 9, 2, 5) n = 4 dyn.load("f:/presentation/intro2dotCall/illust.dll") .Call("func1", as.double(a), as.integer(n)) Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 29 / 41
  • 31. Examples Pass strings, return a list func2 is able to calculate the quadratic form or the linear product of a matrix and a vector. It has three arguments: Rstr, Ry and RM. Ry is a vector, RM is a matrix. If Rstr is ”quadratic”, then t(Ry) %*% RM %*% Ry is returned. If Rstr is ”linear”, then RM %*% Ry is returned. If Rstr is ”both” then both of the above will be returned as an R list. , Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 30 / 41
  • 32. Examples Pass strings, return a list SEXP func2(SEXP RM, SEXP Ry, SEXP Rstr) { Rstr = coerceVector(Rstr, STRSXP); RM = coerceVector(RM, REALSXP); Ry = coerceVector(Ry, REALSXP); SEXP return_lst, vec, num; double *M = REAL(RM), *y = REAL(Ry); double result1 = 0, *result2; R_len_t i, j, nr, nc, l; const char *method; method = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Rstr, 0)); nr = nrows(RM); nc = ncols(RM); l = length(Ry); Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 31 / 41
  • 33. Examples if (((strcmp(method, "both") == 0) || (strcmp(method,"linear") == 0)) && (nc != l)) error("The matrix and the vector need to be conformable!"); if (((strcmp(method, "both") == 0) || (strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0)) && ((nc != l) || (nr != l))) error("The matrix and the vector need to be conformable!"); if (strcmp(method, "both") == 0) { PROTECT(return_lst = allocVector(VECSXP, 2)); PROTECT(vec = allocVector(REALSXP, nr)); PROTECT(num = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); result2 = REAL(vec); result1 = REAL(num)[0]; } else PROTECT(return_lst = allocVector(VECSXP, 1)); Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 32 / 41
  • 34. Examples if (strcmp(method, "linear") == 0) { PROTECT(vec = allocVector(REALSXP, nr)); result2 = REAL(vec); } if (strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0) { PROTECT(num = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); result1 = REAL(num)[0]; } if ((strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0) || (strcmp(method, "both") == 0)) for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) for (j = 0; j < nc; j++) result1 = result1 + M[i + j * nr] * y[i] * y[j]; Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 33 / 41
  • 35. Examples if ((strcmp(method, "linear") == 0) || (strcmp(method, "both") == 0)) for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { result2[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < nc; j++) result2[i] = result2[i] + M[i + j * nr] * y[j]; } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 34 / 41
  • 36. Examples if (strcmp(method, "quadratic") == 0) SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 0, num); if (strcmp(method, "linear") == 0) SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 0, vec); if (strcmp(method, "both") == 0) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 0, num); SET_VECTOR_ELT(return_lst, 1, vec); } UNPROTECT(2); if (strcmp(method, "both") == 0) UNPROTECT(1); return(return_lst); } Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 35 / 41
  • 37. Examples Pass strings, return a list The R code to call the function func2 is dyn.load("f:/presentation/intro2dotCall/illust.dll") M <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), nrow = 3) y <- c(1, 0, -1) .Call("func2", M, as.double(y), "both") Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 36 / 41
  • 38. Other Outline 1 Introduction 2 C part .C interface .Call interface 3 R part 4 Examples 5 Other Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 37 / 41
  • 39. Other Evaluating R expressions in C It is also possible to evaluate R expressions in C code. The following functions/macros are useful in this case. More details can be found in “Writing R extensions” . defineVar findVar findFun install Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 38 / 41
  • 40. Other Some misc. The “Writing R Extensions” manual is the main source for this talk. More functions and macros can be found in Rinternals.h, or alternatively Rdefines.h. Choose one and stick to it. Several times, when ran .Call in R, R crashed. Very likely, it was caused by the difference between number of arguments in .Call and number of arguments in the original C functions. Related C and R files are available at Related files. Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 39 / 41
  • 41. Other Refrences Writing R Extensions R Internals Using .Call in R by Brian Caffo. dot Call Interface by Gopi Goswami. Rinternals.h Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 40 / 41
  • 42. Other Thank you! Hao Chai (U of Iowa) Introduction to .Call interface 41 / 41