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Chapter 9
Dominance relation and multiple
alleles in diploid organisms
Genetics Third edition
Monroe W.strickberg
• The basic contribution of Mendel was his
discovery of the unit nature of inheritance-that it
consists of particulate factors, or genes, whose
presence can be traced from one generation to
another without change or dilution.
• F2 mendelian ratios of 3:1 in monohybrid
crosses and 9:3:3:1 in dihybrid crosses among
diploids are found as expected.
• These ratios has been found as expected ratio
derive from segregation of two different alleles
for each gene pair, one dominant and one
• Experiments have revealed appearance of
phenotypes in novel proportions that can't be
explained on basis of simple dominance or
presence of only two kind of alleles.
Incomplete dominance
• In simple or complete dominance, the heterozygote,
although genetically different has same phenotype
as one of the homozygotes (i.e.,Aa=AA)
• In Mendel's example the chosen gene differences all
showed simple dominance except for one-character,
flowering time, for which his experiments were
unfortunately incomplete.
• Rasmusson, found that influenced by different
factors among a pair of alleles called A and a.
• There was a 5-day difference in flowering time
between homozygous AA and aa.
Incomplete dominance
• If we designate the aa flowering time as zero(early), the flowering time
of different genotypes are:
aa 0.0 early
Aa 3.7 intermediate
AA 5.2 late
• Selfing the heterozygotes result in the following ratios:
1AA: 2Aa : 1aa
late: intermediate: early
• The genotypic ratios are same as we expected
in Mendelian segregation, it is the phenotype
that has changed from their usual 3:1 dominant
to recessive ratio
• The absence of complete dominance by one
allele thus make each genotype separately
• The usual allelic symbols implying dominance
and recessiveness (e.g., A and a) can be
replaced by symbols in which the alleles
affecting the observed character are merely
differently numbered. e.g., A1 and A2
Incomplete dominance
• Many examples of departure
from complete dominance
relationship have been found
for various traits in both plants
and animals.
• For example, Correns found
that red-flowered four-o’clock
crossed to white-flowered
plants give pink heterozygotes.
• If the pink F1 is self fertilized
the F2 ratio is:
1red: 2pink: 1white.
Incomplete dominance
• Certain feather color genes in birds act similarly, the blue
Andalusian fowl arises from the combination of alleles for
white and black feathers.
• A mating between two blue fowl gives offspring in the
ratio 1white:2blue:1black.
• The pink and blue colors in these two types of
heterozygotes may not be exactly intermediate
to red, white and black and white.
• A pink and blue heterozygote, measured on a
calorimetric scale, may inclined more towards
one parental colors than other.
• If the heterozygous phenotype, i.e,A1A2
Concides with the phenotype of either one of
the homozygotes i.e. ,A1A1 or A2A2 is complete
for one of these alleles. Any lesser phenotypic
effect of the heterozygote i.e., towards A1A1 or
towards A2A2 can then be termed incomplete or
partial dominance.
Incomplete dominance
• There are some instances where dominance appears to be complete, it is
not usual to find some functional effects of the recessive gene in
heterozygote. This can be seen in one of the Mendel’s own crosses, that
between smooth and wrinkled-seeded plants.
• Investigation by Darbishire have shown that this physical appearance of the
starch grain is closely connected with the shape and appearance of starch
grains in the seed.
• Smooth seeds have many large, round starch grains they can retain more
water and consequently appear fuller and rounder.
• Wrinkled seeds on other hand are more sugary than starchy and lose water
upon ripening. Hybrids although smooth in appearance, have starchy grains
that are intermediate in type and amount.
Incomplete dominance
• In Drosophila, Ziegler-Gunder and Hadorn showed that effects of
normal eye color genes appear dominant on superficial examination,
some recessive mutations affect the amount of eye pigments in
• Thus, the sepia eye-colored mutant for example acts as recessive
gene to normal red eye color, but still reduces the quantity of some of
the fluorescent pteridine pigments in the heterozygotes.
• Wild type alleles normally found in diploids are dominant because of
their advantageous affects on the organism, mutant alleles are often
nonfunctional or only partly functional.
On occasion for some traits heterozygote may exceed
the phenotypic measurement for both homozygous
parents. Such heterozygotes are described as
Example: in drosophila the white-eyed gene (w) in
heterozygous condition (w+/w) causes a marked
increase in the amount of certain fluorescent
pigments( sepiapteridine and himmelblaus) over
both the white and wild-wild type homozygotes.
Many gene differences are usually involved in such
crosses, it is difficult to determine the exact
dominance relations of particular individual genes.
Codominance and
blood types
and Blood
• Codominance occurs when both substances appear
together in heterozygote. For example, if unique
phenotypic substances X and Y are associated with
the homozygotes A1A1 and A2A2 respectively, the
codominant heterozygote A1A2 would produce both
substances, X and Y at the same time.
• There are examples in which visible effects are
produced by each allele of a gene pair, but the
detection of such qualitative differences is usually
• The blue Andalusian fowl, which exhibit incomplete
dominance between black and white feather color
alleles, is really a fine mosaic of black and white
areas that appear to be blue.
Codominance and Blood types
When a foreign material, an antigen when enters a bloodstream of an organism it will
elicit the production of substance in the host called antibodies which react with the
material and thereby reduce harmful effects.
Thus, the bloodstream(specifically the blood serum) of an individual may contain many
different kind of antibodies for many different kind of antigens.
Human RBCs(erythrocytes) can be used to elicit the production of antibodies. If such
cells are washed and then injected into a rabbit, the rabbits blood serum(antiserum)
soon contain antibodies that can be extracted by special methods.
and Blood
• The type of reaction that usually occurs is a
clumping or agglutination of cells into groups.
• More formal terminology describes the antigen
as an agglutinogen and the antibody as
• Landsteiner and Levine tested the red blood
cells of various people, they found at first three
general types, called M,N and MN, respectively.
• The M type elicited antibodies (anti M-serum)
specific for M which could not agglutinate N,
while the N red blood cells caused the
production of antibodies specific for N (anti N-
serum). Both types of antibodies however, could
agglutinated the MN red blood cells.
and Blood types
• By analyzing the relationship between
people carrying the various blood types, it
was found that the genes for M and N
appeared to be alleles to each other.
• in honor of Landsteiner the gene was
named L and the alleles were named LM
and LN respectively.
• LMLM Individuals had the M phenotype and
produce only LM gametes, LNLN individuals
had the N phenotype and produced only
LN gametes, LMLN individuals had the MN
phenotype and produced both LM andLN
gametes and these alleles are also
distinguished simply M or N.
and Blood
Table 9.1, there are three different
genotypes , there are six possible
matings, each of which, as shown.
Among different mating
combinations some exclude the
appearance of particular classes of
offsprings; i.e. N×N matings can't
give rise to M and MN offspring.
Parents Offspring
all ------- -----------
LMLM ×LMLN or MM×MN 1 1 ------------
LMLM ×LNLN or MM×NN ------------ all -------------
LMLN ×LMLN or MN×MN 1 2 1
LMLN ×LNLN or MM×NN ------------- 1 1
LNLN ×LNLN or NN×NN ------------- ---------- all
Multiple alleles
Multiple Alleles
• Alleles can be defined as genes that are members of the same gene
pair, each kind of allele affecting a particular character somewhat
differently than the others.
• In Mendel's experiments there were two possible kinds of alleles in a
gene pair, i.e, smooth or wrinkled (S,s) yellow or green (Y, y)
• There are more than only two possible kinds of alleles in a gene;
hundreds or perhaps thousands of possibilities exist.
• The grouping of all different alleles that may be present in a gene pair
is defined as a system of multiple alleles.
• Dominance in this series appears to be
incomplete, although it would be difficult to
make such a decision without this type of
refined analysis.
• Alleles of this type which act within the same
phenotypic range of each other have been
termed isoalleles.
• Some of these alleles has also been discovered
in abnormal character, mutant isoalleles and
some within the phenotypic range of wild type,
normal isoalleles.
• A multiple allele system may therefore be quite
complex, including within it various subsidiary
isoallelic systems.
Multiple allelic blood group systems
Allelic Blood-
• In animals, tissues that are removed from
one individual and grafted onto another are
frequently sloughed off or rejected because
of incompatibility between the introduced
material and that of host.
• In 1947, Walsh and Montgomery found that
a certain portion of human blood serum
could be used to distinguish new varieties of
MN blood system.
• There appear to be four codominant alleles
LMS, LMs, LNS, LNs, (or MS, Ms, Ns, NS) which
would give nine different phenotypic
The first case of multiple alleles demonstrated in
man was really that of another blood group system
which has been discovered by Landsteiner and his
students in early 1900s.
This system called ABO was shown by Bernstein in
1925 to consist of three alleles of a single gene, IA,
IB and IO forming four different phenotypic groups:
A(IAIA or IAIO), B(IBIB or IBIO), AB(IAIB) and O(IoIo).
In this case, the blood serum of man himself
manufactured the antibodies that reacted with the
blood-cell antigens of other individuals.
Multiple-Allelic Blood-Group
• According to Kabat, Watkins and others it is the terminal
sugars of these compounds which differ between the A
and B antigens.
• The A substance bears an N-acetyl group at the number
2position of the galactose sugar; the B substance carries
a hydroxyl group at this position and the O substance
lacks the terminal galactose sugar entirely.
• The distinction between the A and B substances thus
arise from the distinctive difference in the kinds of
terminal galactose sugars transferred to a precursor
substance by the action of the a and B alleles; each allele
produce transferase enzyme but one function as an N-
acetyl galactosaminyl transferase(A) and other as
galactosyl transferase(B).
• In case of O, no terminal transferase enzyme appears to
be produced and it can therefore be called a null allele.
• In respect to A and B, we can see the antigenic
differences, although small, are nevertheless
significant, so that antibodies can discriminate
between one antigen and the other.
• In fact, additional multiple alleles at the ABO
locus have recently been found(A2, A3, Ax and
Am) which probably differ in even more minor
• According to Stormont, the number of
different alleles for a particular blood type
gene called B reached more than 300.
RH and ABO
RH and ABO
The agglutination reaction that occurs when red blood
cells are clumped by serum antibodies may also occur in
the circulation of the mammalian embryo having a
blood type antigenically different from its mother.
The first instance of such compatibility was noted in
checking the blood types of children born with serious
anemia(erythroblastosis fetalis or hemolytic disease of
the newborn) caused by the breakdown (hemolysis) of
their normal red blood cells.
Before 1940, this disease was present in about one out
of 200 births.
RH and ABO
As determined by Levine and others, these children had a blood
type, Rh positive, inherited from their fathers, but antigenically
different from their Rh-negative mothers.
This Rh factor, first detected in the red blood cells of Rhesus
monkeys, was initially thought to be caused by a gene with only
two alleles, R and r.
The events leading to erythroblastosis thus arose from the Rh-
negative genotype of the mother (rr) producing antiserum
against the antigens of the Rh-positive offspring(Rr)
Since the R allele acted as a dominant to r, Rh positive males
married to Rh negative females could have either all or half their
offspring phenotypically Rh positive depending on parent's
genetic constitution was respectively homozygous (RR) or
heterozygous (Rr).
RH and ABO incompatibility
• The Rh blood group is only one of the systems which may cause mother-offspring
• Other blood group antigens may also travel across the placenta and produce
maternal antisera.
• Rh incompatibility is estimated to occur in about 10percent of all pregnancies;
nevertheless, only 1/20 to 1/50 of these incompatible offspring turn out to be
affected by hemolytic anemia.
• This diffusion not seem to occur very frequently and even when it occurs the
amount of diffused antigen may be low enough so that the amount of maternal
antibody production is not very high.
RH and ABO
• Although Rh incompatibility may exist
between mother and offspring
• ABO incompatibility may prevent anti-Rh
serum from developing.
• Incidence of Rh hemolytic disease occur when
mother and offspring are compatible for the
ABO blood groups.
• When they are incompatible, and the diffusing
fetal cells can be destroyed by maternal ABO
antibodies, the frequency of Rh hemolytic
disease decreases.
genes and antibody
genes and
Blood group incompatibility is only one possible
interaction between different vertebrate
Another type of interaction may occur when
transplants of skin or most other organs are
attempted between individuals.
This rejection and second transplant is usually
rejected because of production of antibodies.
Unless individuals are identical twins or come
from an inbred stock with a high degree of
genetic similarity.
genes and
Antibody producing cells in vertebrates are
known to arise in the bone marrow and are
then processed by two main types of
lymphatic organs to B and T lymphocytes.
It involves many steps in the recognition of
antigens and the stimulation and release of
either serum antibodies (B cells) or cell
surface antibodies (T-cells and macrophages)
The fact that an organism may be exposed to
thousands of different kinds of antigens
places emphasis on the ability to produce a
wide variety of possible kind of antibodies.
genes and
antibody formation
Genes involved in the production of cell surface antigens
that are recognized by the rejection or tolerance of
tissue transplants are collectively called
histocompatibility genes or loci
The action of antigen-producing alleles at many of these
gene's loci seems to be codominant, and individuals will
reject the tissue of donors that carry alleles which they
themselves do not carry.
In humans' histocompatibility is believed to be primarily
determined by a counterpart of the mouse H-2 system,
called the HLA system (human lymphocyte antigens),
although antigens produced by the ABO blood group
and other systems are also involved.
Histocompatibility genes and
antibody formation
• Four separate genes linked together on the same
chromosome (number 6) have been proposed for the
HLA system, each gene producing 8-40 multiple
alleles, each allele specifying a particular antigen.
• Number 6 chromosome may have one of the 20
possible alleles at genes HLA-A, one of 40 possible
alleles at gene HLA-B, etc.
• There are over 75,000 theoretically possible
combinations of HLA alleles on a single number 6
chromosome (20×40×8×12) each combination called a
haplotype (haploid genotype).
genes and
• The fact that an individual usually possesses two
different haplotypes, one from each parent,
probably provides millions of different possible HLA
diploid genotypes. (theoretically, if N is the number
of haplotypes, there can be N(N+1)/2 different
diploid genotypes).
• Tests to obtain as close an HLA match as possible
between transplant recipient and donor are
therefore a necessity.
• HLA test can also be used to help decide questions
of genetic relatedness (such as paternity problems)
and to provide information on anthropological
matters (such as the almost complete absence of
the HLA-A1 allele in oriental populations).
Histocompatibility genes and antibody
• One of the most interesting aspects of the HLA complex is the correlation between HLA
antigens and the incidence or severity of particular disease.
• The most dramatic of such associations is that between ankylosing spondylitis and
antigen B27.
• Individuals carrying this allele in Caucasian populations suffer from the disease about 87
times more frequently than individuals carrying other B alleles.
• A long list of such autoimmune diseases can be compiled that ranges from the rejection
of specific organs because of antibodies formed against thyroid glands and adrenal
glands to the widespread breakdown of numerous tissues.
Dominance relation and multiple alleles in diploid organisms.pptx

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Dominance relation and multiple alleles in diploid organisms.pptx

  • 1. Chapter 9 Dominance relation and multiple alleles in diploid organisms Genetics Third edition Monroe W.strickberg
  • 2. Introduction • The basic contribution of Mendel was his discovery of the unit nature of inheritance-that it consists of particulate factors, or genes, whose presence can be traced from one generation to another without change or dilution. • F2 mendelian ratios of 3:1 in monohybrid crosses and 9:3:3:1 in dihybrid crosses among diploids are found as expected. • These ratios has been found as expected ratio derive from segregation of two different alleles for each gene pair, one dominant and one recessive. • Experiments have revealed appearance of phenotypes in novel proportions that can't be explained on basis of simple dominance or presence of only two kind of alleles.
  • 4. Incomplete Dominance • In simple or complete dominance, the heterozygote, although genetically different has same phenotype as one of the homozygotes (i.e.,Aa=AA) • In Mendel's example the chosen gene differences all showed simple dominance except for one-character, flowering time, for which his experiments were unfortunately incomplete. • Rasmusson, found that influenced by different factors among a pair of alleles called A and a. • There was a 5-day difference in flowering time between homozygous AA and aa.
  • 5. Incomplete dominance • If we designate the aa flowering time as zero(early), the flowering time of different genotypes are: aa 0.0 early Aa 3.7 intermediate AA 5.2 late • Selfing the heterozygotes result in the following ratios: Aa×Aa 1AA: 2Aa : 1aa late: intermediate: early
  • 6. Incomplete Dominance • The genotypic ratios are same as we expected in Mendelian segregation, it is the phenotype that has changed from their usual 3:1 dominant to recessive ratio • The absence of complete dominance by one allele thus make each genotype separately distinguishable • The usual allelic symbols implying dominance and recessiveness (e.g., A and a) can be replaced by symbols in which the alleles affecting the observed character are merely differently numbered. e.g., A1 and A2
  • 7. Incomplete dominance • Many examples of departure from complete dominance relationship have been found for various traits in both plants and animals. • For example, Correns found that red-flowered four-o’clock crossed to white-flowered plants give pink heterozygotes. • If the pink F1 is self fertilized the F2 ratio is: 1red: 2pink: 1white.
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  • 9. Incomplete dominance • Certain feather color genes in birds act similarly, the blue Andalusian fowl arises from the combination of alleles for white and black feathers. • A mating between two blue fowl gives offspring in the ratio 1white:2blue:1black.
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  • 11. Incomplete dominance • The pink and blue colors in these two types of heterozygotes may not be exactly intermediate to red, white and black and white. • A pink and blue heterozygote, measured on a calorimetric scale, may inclined more towards one parental colors than other. • If the heterozygous phenotype, i.e,A1A2 Concides with the phenotype of either one of the homozygotes i.e. ,A1A1 or A2A2 is complete for one of these alleles. Any lesser phenotypic effect of the heterozygote i.e., towards A1A1 or towards A2A2 can then be termed incomplete or partial dominance.
  • 12. Incomplete dominance • There are some instances where dominance appears to be complete, it is not usual to find some functional effects of the recessive gene in heterozygote. This can be seen in one of the Mendel’s own crosses, that between smooth and wrinkled-seeded plants. • Investigation by Darbishire have shown that this physical appearance of the starch grain is closely connected with the shape and appearance of starch grains in the seed. • Smooth seeds have many large, round starch grains they can retain more water and consequently appear fuller and rounder. • Wrinkled seeds on other hand are more sugary than starchy and lose water upon ripening. Hybrids although smooth in appearance, have starchy grains that are intermediate in type and amount.
  • 13. Incomplete dominance • In Drosophila, Ziegler-Gunder and Hadorn showed that effects of normal eye color genes appear dominant on superficial examination, some recessive mutations affect the amount of eye pigments in heterozygotes. • Thus, the sepia eye-colored mutant for example acts as recessive gene to normal red eye color, but still reduces the quantity of some of the fluorescent pteridine pigments in the heterozygotes. • Wild type alleles normally found in diploids are dominant because of their advantageous affects on the organism, mutant alleles are often nonfunctional or only partly functional.
  • 15. Overdominance On occasion for some traits heterozygote may exceed the phenotypic measurement for both homozygous parents. Such heterozygotes are described as overdominance. Example: in drosophila the white-eyed gene (w) in heterozygous condition (w+/w) causes a marked increase in the amount of certain fluorescent pigments( sepiapteridine and himmelblaus) over both the white and wild-wild type homozygotes. Many gene differences are usually involved in such crosses, it is difficult to determine the exact dominance relations of particular individual genes.
  • 17. Codominance and Blood types • Codominance occurs when both substances appear together in heterozygote. For example, if unique phenotypic substances X and Y are associated with the homozygotes A1A1 and A2A2 respectively, the codominant heterozygote A1A2 would produce both substances, X and Y at the same time. • There are examples in which visible effects are produced by each allele of a gene pair, but the detection of such qualitative differences is usually difficult. • The blue Andalusian fowl, which exhibit incomplete dominance between black and white feather color alleles, is really a fine mosaic of black and white areas that appear to be blue.
  • 18. Codominance and Blood types When a foreign material, an antigen when enters a bloodstream of an organism it will elicit the production of substance in the host called antibodies which react with the material and thereby reduce harmful effects. Thus, the bloodstream(specifically the blood serum) of an individual may contain many different kind of antibodies for many different kind of antigens. Human RBCs(erythrocytes) can be used to elicit the production of antibodies. If such cells are washed and then injected into a rabbit, the rabbits blood serum(antiserum) soon contain antibodies that can be extracted by special methods.
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  • 20. Codominance and Blood types • The type of reaction that usually occurs is a clumping or agglutination of cells into groups. • More formal terminology describes the antigen as an agglutinogen and the antibody as agglutinin • Landsteiner and Levine tested the red blood cells of various people, they found at first three general types, called M,N and MN, respectively. • The M type elicited antibodies (anti M-serum) specific for M which could not agglutinate N, while the N red blood cells caused the production of antibodies specific for N (anti N- serum). Both types of antibodies however, could agglutinated the MN red blood cells.
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  • 22. Codominance and Blood types • By analyzing the relationship between people carrying the various blood types, it was found that the genes for M and N appeared to be alleles to each other. • in honor of Landsteiner the gene was named L and the alleles were named LM and LN respectively. • LMLM Individuals had the M phenotype and produce only LM gametes, LNLN individuals had the N phenotype and produced only LN gametes, LMLN individuals had the MN phenotype and produced both LM andLN gametes and these alleles are also distinguished simply M or N.
  • 23. Codominance and Blood types Table 9.1, there are three different genotypes , there are six possible matings, each of which, as shown. Among different mating combinations some exclude the appearance of particular classes of offsprings; i.e. N×N matings can't give rise to M and MN offspring.
  • 24. Parents Offspring ratios M MN N LMLM ×LMLM or MM×MM all ------- ----------- LMLM ×LMLN or MM×MN 1 1 ------------ LMLM ×LNLN or MM×NN ------------ all ------------- LMLN ×LMLN or MN×MN 1 2 1 LMLN ×LNLN or MM×NN ------------- 1 1 LNLN ×LNLN or NN×NN ------------- ---------- all
  • 26. Multiple Alleles • Alleles can be defined as genes that are members of the same gene pair, each kind of allele affecting a particular character somewhat differently than the others. • In Mendel's experiments there were two possible kinds of alleles in a gene pair, i.e, smooth or wrinkled (S,s) yellow or green (Y, y) • There are more than only two possible kinds of alleles in a gene; hundreds or perhaps thousands of possibilities exist. • The grouping of all different alleles that may be present in a gene pair is defined as a system of multiple alleles.
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  • 29. Multiple Alleles • Dominance in this series appears to be incomplete, although it would be difficult to make such a decision without this type of refined analysis. • Alleles of this type which act within the same phenotypic range of each other have been termed isoalleles. • Some of these alleles has also been discovered in abnormal character, mutant isoalleles and some within the phenotypic range of wild type, normal isoalleles. • A multiple allele system may therefore be quite complex, including within it various subsidiary isoallelic systems.
  • 30. Multiple allelic blood group systems
  • 31. Multiple- Allelic Blood- Group Systems. • In animals, tissues that are removed from one individual and grafted onto another are frequently sloughed off or rejected because of incompatibility between the introduced material and that of host. • In 1947, Walsh and Montgomery found that a certain portion of human blood serum could be used to distinguish new varieties of MN blood system. • There appear to be four codominant alleles LMS, LMs, LNS, LNs, (or MS, Ms, Ns, NS) which would give nine different phenotypic combinations.
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  • 33. Multiple- Allelic Blood- Group Systems The first case of multiple alleles demonstrated in man was really that of another blood group system which has been discovered by Landsteiner and his students in early 1900s. This system called ABO was shown by Bernstein in 1925 to consist of three alleles of a single gene, IA, IB and IO forming four different phenotypic groups: A(IAIA or IAIO), B(IBIB or IBIO), AB(IAIB) and O(IoIo). In this case, the blood serum of man himself manufactured the antibodies that reacted with the blood-cell antigens of other individuals.
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  • 35. Multiple-Allelic Blood-Group Systems • According to Kabat, Watkins and others it is the terminal sugars of these compounds which differ between the A and B antigens. • The A substance bears an N-acetyl group at the number 2position of the galactose sugar; the B substance carries a hydroxyl group at this position and the O substance lacks the terminal galactose sugar entirely. • The distinction between the A and B substances thus arise from the distinctive difference in the kinds of terminal galactose sugars transferred to a precursor substance by the action of the a and B alleles; each allele produce transferase enzyme but one function as an N- acetyl galactosaminyl transferase(A) and other as galactosyl transferase(B). • In case of O, no terminal transferase enzyme appears to be produced and it can therefore be called a null allele.
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  • 38. Multiple- Allelic Blood- Group Systems • In respect to A and B, we can see the antigenic differences, although small, are nevertheless significant, so that antibodies can discriminate between one antigen and the other. • In fact, additional multiple alleles at the ABO locus have recently been found(A2, A3, Ax and Am) which probably differ in even more minor respects. • According to Stormont, the number of different alleles for a particular blood type gene called B reached more than 300.
  • 40. RH and ABO incompatibility The agglutination reaction that occurs when red blood cells are clumped by serum antibodies may also occur in the circulation of the mammalian embryo having a blood type antigenically different from its mother. The first instance of such compatibility was noted in checking the blood types of children born with serious anemia(erythroblastosis fetalis or hemolytic disease of the newborn) caused by the breakdown (hemolysis) of their normal red blood cells. Before 1940, this disease was present in about one out of 200 births.
  • 41. RH and ABO incompatibility As determined by Levine and others, these children had a blood type, Rh positive, inherited from their fathers, but antigenically different from their Rh-negative mothers. This Rh factor, first detected in the red blood cells of Rhesus monkeys, was initially thought to be caused by a gene with only two alleles, R and r. The events leading to erythroblastosis thus arose from the Rh- negative genotype of the mother (rr) producing antiserum against the antigens of the Rh-positive offspring(Rr) Since the R allele acted as a dominant to r, Rh positive males married to Rh negative females could have either all or half their offspring phenotypically Rh positive depending on parent's genetic constitution was respectively homozygous (RR) or heterozygous (Rr).
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  • 43. RH and ABO incompatibility • The Rh blood group is only one of the systems which may cause mother-offspring incompatibilities. • Other blood group antigens may also travel across the placenta and produce maternal antisera. • Rh incompatibility is estimated to occur in about 10percent of all pregnancies; nevertheless, only 1/20 to 1/50 of these incompatible offspring turn out to be affected by hemolytic anemia. • This diffusion not seem to occur very frequently and even when it occurs the amount of diffused antigen may be low enough so that the amount of maternal antibody production is not very high.
  • 44. RH and ABO incompatibility • Although Rh incompatibility may exist between mother and offspring • ABO incompatibility may prevent anti-Rh serum from developing. • Incidence of Rh hemolytic disease occur when mother and offspring are compatible for the ABO blood groups. • When they are incompatible, and the diffusing fetal cells can be destroyed by maternal ABO antibodies, the frequency of Rh hemolytic disease decreases.
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  • 47. Histocompatibility genes and antibody formation Blood group incompatibility is only one possible interaction between different vertebrate individuals. Another type of interaction may occur when transplants of skin or most other organs are attempted between individuals. This rejection and second transplant is usually rejected because of production of antibodies. Unless individuals are identical twins or come from an inbred stock with a high degree of genetic similarity.
  • 48. Histocompatibility genes and antibody formation Antibody producing cells in vertebrates are known to arise in the bone marrow and are then processed by two main types of lymphatic organs to B and T lymphocytes. It involves many steps in the recognition of antigens and the stimulation and release of either serum antibodies (B cells) or cell surface antibodies (T-cells and macrophages) The fact that an organism may be exposed to thousands of different kinds of antigens places emphasis on the ability to produce a wide variety of possible kind of antibodies.
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  • 50. Histocompatibility genes and antibody formation Genes involved in the production of cell surface antigens that are recognized by the rejection or tolerance of tissue transplants are collectively called histocompatibility genes or loci The action of antigen-producing alleles at many of these gene's loci seems to be codominant, and individuals will reject the tissue of donors that carry alleles which they themselves do not carry. In humans' histocompatibility is believed to be primarily determined by a counterpart of the mouse H-2 system, called the HLA system (human lymphocyte antigens), although antigens produced by the ABO blood group and other systems are also involved.
  • 51. Histocompatibility genes and antibody formation • Four separate genes linked together on the same chromosome (number 6) have been proposed for the HLA system, each gene producing 8-40 multiple alleles, each allele specifying a particular antigen. • Number 6 chromosome may have one of the 20 possible alleles at genes HLA-A, one of 40 possible alleles at gene HLA-B, etc. • There are over 75,000 theoretically possible combinations of HLA alleles on a single number 6 chromosome (20×40×8×12) each combination called a haplotype (haploid genotype).
  • 52. Histocompatibility genes and antibody formation • The fact that an individual usually possesses two different haplotypes, one from each parent, probably provides millions of different possible HLA diploid genotypes. (theoretically, if N is the number of haplotypes, there can be N(N+1)/2 different diploid genotypes). • Tests to obtain as close an HLA match as possible between transplant recipient and donor are therefore a necessity. • HLA test can also be used to help decide questions of genetic relatedness (such as paternity problems) and to provide information on anthropological matters (such as the almost complete absence of the HLA-A1 allele in oriental populations).
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  • 54. Histocompatibility genes and antibody formation • One of the most interesting aspects of the HLA complex is the correlation between HLA antigens and the incidence or severity of particular disease. • The most dramatic of such associations is that between ankylosing spondylitis and antigen B27. • Individuals carrying this allele in Caucasian populations suffer from the disease about 87 times more frequently than individuals carrying other B alleles. • A long list of such autoimmune diseases can be compiled that ranges from the rejection of specific organs because of antibodies formed against thyroid glands and adrenal glands to the widespread breakdown of numerous tissues.