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Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 1
Doctrine ORM
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 2
Doctrine project architecture
DBAL (Database Abstraction Layer)
ORM (Object Relationnal Mapping)
How to with ORM
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 3
The doctrine project
A bunch of projects
Like Symfony Components
Some dependencies around them
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 4
An organisation designing libraries for modern PHP development
Database focused
Database abstraction
Universal component
General pupose tools
Database Abstract Layer
Based on, and using PDO
Object Relationnal Mapper
What is Doctrine ?
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 5
Doctrine project
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 6
What we'll study
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 7
use DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotation;
class MyAnnot extends Annotation
public $something;
public $hey = array();
* @MyAnnot(something="foo", hey="hola")
class Foo
{ }
$an = new DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationReader();
var_dump($an->getClassAnnotations(new ReflectionClass('Foo')));
Annotation ::= "@" AnnotationName ["(" [Values] ")"]
AnnotationName ::= QualifiedName | SimpleName
QualifiedName ::= NameSpacePart "" {NameSpacePart ""}* SimpleName
NameSpacePart ::= identifier | null | false | true
SimpleName ::= identifier | null | false | true
0 =>
public 'something' => string 'foo'
public 'hey' => string 'hola'
public 'value' => null
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 8
Doctrine - DBAL
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 9
DBAL : Database Abstraction Layer
Uses PDO and copies its API
You must know PDO
Allows simple CRUD
Allows query building using OO
Abstracts SQL types and allow mapping them on PHP types
Allows to play with the DB Schema structure
Can log queries
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 10
DBAL : Connection
The main element
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 11
DBAL : connection
Main element
Allows to drive the whole DB
Like :
Connect() - close()
Update() - executeUpdate()
Query() - executeQuery()- exec() - prepare()
fetchAll() - fetchArray() - fetchColumn() - fetchRow()
BeginTransaction() - commit() - rollback()
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 12
DBAL : Easy
$stmt = $con->query("SELECT id, title, comment FROM Ratings");
while($result = $stmt->fetch()) {
vprintf("%d, %s, %s", $result);
$params = array('unix_socket'=>'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
$con = DoctrineDBALDriverManager::getConnection($params);
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 13
DBAL looks like PDO
DBAL has a very similar interface that PDO
But it overpowers it significantly
$stmt = $con->executeQuery("SELECT id, text FROM Ratings WHERE InsertTimeStamp > ?
AND id IN(?)",
[new DateTime("now"), [2,3,4]],
['datetime', DoctrineDBALConnection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY];
while($result = $stmt->fetch()) {
vprintf("%d, %s", $result);
$con->delete('Ratings', ['id' => 3] ) ;
$con->update('Ratings', ['comment'=>'hey !!'] ,['id' => 3] ) ;
$con->insert('Ratings', [/* Columns detail */]) ;
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 14
DBAL QueryBuilder
Build and practice queries with OO API
An ExpressionBuilder also exists
$query = $con->createQueryBuilder() ;
$query->from('User', 'u')
->addSelect("DATE_FORMAT(User.regdate, '%Y%m%d') as DATESORT")
->add('join', [
'c' => [
'joinType' => 'straight',
'joinTable' => 'Comments',
'joinAlias' => 'comment',
'joinCondition' => ''
], true)
/* … etc … */
echo $query; /* __toString() */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 15
DBAL and schema introspection
listFunctions() - listSequences()
listTables() platform = $con->getDatabasePlatform();
$schema = new DoctrineDBALSchemaSchema();
$myTable = $schema->createTable("Users");
$myTable->addColumn("id", "integer", ["unsigned" => true]);
$myTable->addColumn("username", "string", ["length" => 32]);
$queries = $schema->toSql($platform);
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Doctrine - ORM
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 17
System design to adapt relationnal system to OO system
Persistence : mecanism to flush object data into database so that
data can survive across HTTP requests by being restored
ORM makes use of metadata to bind OO model to relationnal
Metadata need to be in sync with the model
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 18
Doctrine ORM
DBAL Connection
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 19
Business layer synchronized data object
Describes metadata
Do not extend any class (DTO)
Can have getters and setters
Can have some business logic
Can be validated by Sf Validators (Sf Form usage)
Should not depend on any other service
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 20
namespace Entities;
* @Entity
* @Table(name="my_users")
class User
* @Id
* @GeneratedValue
* @Column(type="integer", length="5")
protected $id;
* @Column(type="text", name="user_name")
protected $name;
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
public function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
Can be generated from the DB schema
Mapping is usually described using
annotations for metadata
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 21
Types mapping
PHP types are mapped onto RDBM types depending on the RDBM brand
You can add your own types
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RDBM - SQL Doctrine
Doctrine needs to read the metadata for each entity access or operation
Metadata explain Doctrine how to convert the data between formats
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 23
object(DoctrineORMMappingClassMetadata)#321 (36) {
string(7) "FooBar"
string(3) "Foo"
string(7) "FooBar"
array(0) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
array(1) {
string(2) "id"
array(8) {
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 24
Metadata are taken by parsing mapping infos (annot or XML)
They are cached
Using Sf Cache in Sf apps
Must be refreshed, updated, for each mapping change
Add / remove / change type of field
Add / remove entity or table
Add / remove change type of association
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 25
$user = new EntitiesUser;
$user->setName("foo") ;
$user->setAddress("somewhere") ;
$em->persist($user) ;
$em->flush($user) ;
persist() attaches a new entity into the IdentityMap
May also be used with deferred_explicit change tracking policy
flush() persists the whole IdentityMap (sync it with the DB)
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 26
$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3);
$user->setName("foo") ;
$em->flush($user) ;
find() finds by PK and attaches the found entity to the IdentityMap
find() actually SELECT * all fields, take care of that.
flush() persists the IdentityMap (performs an "update" if some fields have
been modified on entities)
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 27
$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3);
$em->remove($user) ;
$em->flush($user) ;
remove() marks the entity as "to be deleted" into the IdentityMap
flush() persists the state (issues a "delete" on the DB).
Cascading is honnored
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$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3);
$em->detach($user) ;
detach() deletes the entity from the IdentityMap
Opposite to persist()
Once detached, the entity is not tracked anymore for changes
Cascading is honnored
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$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3);
echo $user->getName() // "bar"
$user->setName("FOO") ;
echo $user->getName() // "FOO"
$em->refresh($user) ;
echo $user->getName() // "bar"
refresh() Cancels any modification done to the entity so far from the
Entity is loaded, tracked for modifications and those modifications are
cancelled by refresh().
Usually , an SQL query is not issued for that. ORM knows about the original
data of any Entity
Cascading is honnored
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 30
$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3);
$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 4);
$user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 5);
$em->clear() ;
clear() empties the IdentityMap in the UnitOfWork
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 31
EntityManager in theory
The IdentityMap into the UnitOfWork gets filled by entities which are
queried for, or persist()ed
UOW then tracks modifications of those entities (by default)
Calling flush(), UOW computes a change matrix of what have changed on
known tracked entities
Computes a diff
Orders it
Uses a DB transaction to play the modifications
Synchronizes with DB
If exception is thrown, transaction is rollbacked
Forgetting a call to flush() means forgetting a sync
Calling flush() on a big IdentityMap will impact performances
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 32
Doctrine ORM
DBAL Connection
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 33
You usually don't access the UOW by yourself, but may :
UOW is the central object of the ORM .
EntityManager is just a thin layer on top of it.
See computeChangeSets()
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 34
UOW Performances
The more entities into the IdentityMap, the slower the
computation for changes
$obj = $em->find('BazOffer', 1);
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 35
UOW Analysis
getIdentityMap() returns the IdentityMap and thus the entities actually
tracked by Doctrine ORM.
All dependencies are also in
$obj = $em->find('FooBar', 1);
array(3) {
array(1) {
string(8) "FooBar"
array(1) {
string(28) "DoctrineProxies__CG__FooWow"
array(1) {
string(14) "FooUser"
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 36
UOW changeset
getEntityChangeSet($entity) allows to see what operations are to
be sent to the DB for $entity, when flush() will come
$to = $em->find('FooBar', 1);
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(3) "foo"
string(3) "BAR"
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 37
Change Tracking Policy
Deferred implicit
Default mode, the more comfortable, but the less performant
Compare every attribute of every entities, and cascades
Will be very heavy on big payloads ! (foreach(){foreach(){}})
Deferred explicit
Only compare entities that are explicitely persisted back after
The best mode, balance against performances and lines of code
User must notify the UOW about what changes it performed so that the
UOW doesn't have to compute those by itself
The most performant mode, but needs more code to be written
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 38
Example Deferred implicit
* @ORMTable(name="User")
* @ORMEntity
class User {
$user = $em->find('User', 1);
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 39
Example Deferred explicit
You tell UOW what entities to track
Prevents the UOW from tracking a very big group of entities
* @ORMTable(name="User")
* @ORMEntity
* @ORMChangeTrackingPolicy("DEFERRED_EXPLICIT")
class User {
$user = $em->find('User', 1);
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 40
Identity map
Doctrine memorises entities into the IdentityMap and re-provides them when
re-queried later, not performing additionnal SQL query
Some cases bypass the identity map
DQL queries
Partial entities queries
Queries not selecting using pk
$u1 = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ;
$u1->setName('foobarbaz') ;
/* ... */
$u2 = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ; /* SQL is NOT re-run */
echo $u2->getName() ; /* foobarbaz */
assert($u1 === $u2) ; /* true */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 41
Place where you write queries concerning an entity
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 42
Repository API
find(), findAll(), findBy(), findOneBy()
Only find() makes use of the IdentityMap
/* findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null) */
$results = $repo->findBy(array('name'=>'foo'), array('name'=>'asc'), 2, 3);
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 43
Association mapping
Relations ?
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 44
bi-directional :
One User can post several trips -> OneToMany
Several trips can reference a same User -> ManyToOne
namespace Entities;
/** @Entity */
class User
/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user") */
protected $tripOffer;
/* ... */
namespace Entities;
/** @Entity */
class TripOffer
/**@ManyToOne(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="tripOffer")
* @JoinColumn(name="Users_Id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $user;
/* ... */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 45
ArrayCollection is used to handle the "Many" part
Otherwise the Entity itself
namespace Entities;
use DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection;
/** @Entity */
class User
/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user") */
protected $tripOffer;
public function __construct()
{ $this->tripOffer = new ArrayCollection; }
public function getTripOffer()
{ return $this->tripOffer; }
public function addTripOffer(TripOffer $t)
{ $this->tripOffer[] = $t; }
public function removeTripOffer(TripOffer $t)
{ $this->tripOffer->removeElement($t); }
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 46
Proxy objects
By default, the "LAZY" fetch mode: dependancies are not loaded but
replaced by Proxy classes or collections :
Informations are read from DB only when entities are accessed
You can ask for a proxy explicitely :
$r = $em->find('EntitiesRating', 1);
var_dump($r) ;
protected 'id' => int 1
protected 'creator' =>
private '_entityPersister' => ...
$realRating = $em->find('EntitiesRating', 1);
$proxyRating = $em->getReference('EntitiesRating', 1);
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 47
Hydration modes
Uses Proxies and only loads the data when those are accessed
Always loads the data (even if it is not used)
Do not load the data for accesses :
Collection#slice($offset, $length = null)
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 48
Examples hydration modes
Association is always loaded
Several requests are used
namespace Entities;
/** @Entity */
class User
/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user", fetch="EAGER") */
protected $tripOffer;
/* ... */
SELECT AS id1, AS name2, t0.userName AS userName3, t0.isvip AS isvip4
FROM users t0 WHERE = ?
SELECT AS id1, t0.SeatsOffered AS SeatsOffered2, t0.TripOfferType AS TripOfferType3, t0.Users_Id AS Users_Id4
FROM TripOffer t0 WHERE t0.Users_Id = ?
$u = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ;
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 49
Examples hydration modes
Like LAZY, but does not load the data if some statistical questions
are asked for it
User, do you own some TripOffers ?
No need to load all the trips to know that
namespace Entities;
/** @Entity */
class User
/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user", fetch="EXTRA_LAZY") */
protected $tripOffer;
/* ... */
$u = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ;
echo $u->getTripOffer()->count() ; /* SELECT count(*) FROM TripOffer WHERE Users_Id = ? */
/* SELECT AS id1, t0.SeatsOffered AS SeatsOffered2, t0.TripOfferType AS TripOfferType3, t0.Users_Id AS Users_Id4
FROM TripOffer t0 WHERE t0.Users_Id = ? LIMIT 8 OFFSET 3 */
$someTripOffers = $u->getTripOffer()->slice(3, 8) ;
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 50
Collections and hydration
$u = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1);
$tripStatus = $u->getTripOffer()->get(0)->getTrips()->get(0)->getStatus();
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 51
What to do with dependencies when acting on a root entity :
By default, no cascades are used
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 52
Example cascade (persist)
namespace Entities;
/** @Entity */
class User
/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user", cascade={"persist"}) */
protected $tripOffer;
/* ... */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 53
Doctrine Query Language
Looks like SQL but
Queries Entities, not tables
Associations are used, not foreign keys
Mapping informations is used to convert to SQL
INSERT does not exist
DQL is fully extensible by the user
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 54
DQL example
You query entities, not tables
createQuery() for a DQL query
createNamedQuery() for a pre-recorded DQL query
createNativeQuery() for a SQL query
createNamedNativeQuery() for a pre-recorded SQL query
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = ?1');
$q->setParameter(1, 'foo');
$r = $q->getResult();
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u, r FROM EntitiesUser u LEFT JOIN u.ratings r');
$r = $q->getResult();
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 55
DQL and joins
namespace Entities;
use DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection;
* @Table(name="my_users")
class User
* @OneToMany(targetEntity="Rating", mappedBy="userCreator")
protected $ratings;
$q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u, r FROM EntitiesUser u JOIN u.ratings r");
$r = $q->getArrayResult();
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 56
Named queries
Queries recorded to be recalled / re-run later
$dql = "SELECT ... ... ..." ;
$conf = new DoctrineORMConfiguration();
$conf->addNamedQuery('search', $dql);
$q = $em->createNamedQuery('search');
$r = $q->getResult();
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 57
DQL and return values
By default, the return type is an array of Entities
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = ?1');
$q->setParameter(1, 'foo');
$r = $q->getResult();
0 =>
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = ?1');
$q->setParameter(1, 'foo');
$r = $q->getSingleResult();
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 58
DQL and return values
0 => &
'id' => int 2
'name' => string 'foo' (length=3)
'userName' => string 'fooname' (length=7)
'vip' => int 0
SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = 'foo'
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 59
DQL and return values
Use the right result type you need
single**() must be used on single results, if not :
SELECT COUNT(u) FROM EntitiesUser u
1 => string '5008'
0 =>
1 => string '5008'
string '5008'
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 60
DQL and return values
Often used : getResult()
If you select not all fields of an entity :
An array will be returned
You can ask for a partial entity
select('PARTIAL alias.{col1, col2}')
$q = $em->createQuery("SELECT, u.userName FROM EntitiesUser u");
$r = $q->getResult();
0 =>
'name' => string 'bar' (length=3)
'userName' => string 'barname' (length=7)
1 =>
'name' => string 'foo' (length=3)
'userName' => string 'fooname' (length=7)
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 61
DQL and return values
$q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u, UPPER(r.comment),, to.type FROM EntitiesUser u
LEFT JOIN u.ratings r LEFT JOIN u.tripOffer to");
$results = $q->getResult();
0 =>
0 => object(EntitiesUser)[103]
1 => string 'THIS IS A COMMENT' (length=17)
'id' => string '1' (length=1)
'type' => null
1 => (...)
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 62
DQL and Identity Map
DQL queries store into the IdentityMap but don't read from it
Store selected entities
If they are full (all fields selected)
If the result is asked to be an entity, and not an array
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM FooRating r WHERE');
$q->setParameter(1, 1);
$result = $q->getSingleResult();
$rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1); /* Query is not re-played */
assert($rating1 === $result); /* that's true */
$rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1);
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM FooRating r WHERE');
$q->setParameter(1, 1);
$result = $q->getSingleResult(); /* Query is re-played */
assert($rating1 === $result); /* that's true */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 63
DQL and Identity Map
Dependancies benefit from IdentityMap
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u, r FROM EntitiesUser u JOIN u.ratings r');
$results = $q->getResult()
$rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1); /* No query played */
foreach ($results as $user) {
$user->getRatings(); /* No query played */
$rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1);
$rating1->setComment('I have changed');
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM FooRating r WHERE');
$q->setParameter(1, 1);
$q->setHint(DoctrineORMQuery::HINT_REFRESH, 1);
$result = $q->getSingleResult();
assert($rating1 === $result);
assert($rating1->getComment() != 'I have changed');
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 64
DQL functions
$q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u, CONCAT('foo','bar') as baz FROM EntitiesUser u");
$r = $q->getResult();
0 =>
0 =>
'baz' => string 'foobar' (length=6)
1 =>
array ...
$rating1 = $em->find('EntitiesRating', 1) ;
$q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE ?1 MEMBER OF u.ratings");
$q->setParameter(1, $rating1);
/* A sub-select is used */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 65
Writing using DQL
INSERT not possible
Warning, this could desync the UnitOfWork
$user = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 66);
$q = $em->createQuery('DELETE EntitiesUser u WHERE');
$em->flush(); /* UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ? */
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 66
SQL can still be used, through DBAL
But :
That bypasses all the Entities and the mapping done
That can desync the UnitOfWork
$results = $em->getConnection()->fetchAll("/* some query here*/") ;
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 67
DQL or SQL ?
DQL uses Entities and mapping informations, not the DB and its tables directly
DQL is parsed and turned to SQL
This transformation should get cached
DQL can be deeply hooked
DQL can return Entities
SQL returns arrays
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 68
Several caches may (must) be used
"Query Cache" (DQL->SQL)
Result Cache : caches a result from a query
Metadata Cache
Using SF, Doctrine will be bound to SF caches
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 69
Query Cache
Activated per query
$conf = new DoctrineORMConfiguration();
$conf->setResultCacheImpl(new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache());
$q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u, r, r2 FROM EntitiesUser u JOIN u.ratings r
JOIN u.ratingsConcerned r2');
$q->useResultCache(1, 3600, 'foo_result') ;
$r = $q->execute();
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 70
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 71
Setup symfony-demo
Get familiar with the DB structure
Navigate into the BlogController and the PostRepository
> composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo some_project_dir
> bin/console s:r
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 72
Create a query using DQL to get 3 random posts
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 73
Create a query using DQL to get 3 random posts
See how the authors are replaced with proxies
Access one author field
See how N+1 query is issued by Doctrine
Give a hint to the QueryBuilder to load partial entities
See how dependencies are now NULLed
Change the fetchmode of the author dependency to EAGER
See how the authors are now gathered by Doctrine using N+1
In every case, dump the identity map and check the state of each
entity as being STATE_MANAGED
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 74
Create a query using DQL to get 3 random posts
Get the first post from the collection
Modify the post content
Compute the changeset from the UOW
Dump the changeset
Change the tracking policy of posts to DEFERRED_EXPLICIT
Modify the post content
Compute the changeset from the UOW
Dump the changeset
What happens ? How to do ?
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 75
Add a new "avatar" field to the User
Play the migration
Patch the User form to add a new type to upload an avatar
Create an entityListener to treat the avatar
The DB should save the avatar file path
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 76
Add a new RoleType to the Type mappings
This type maps sf ROLE_** to an integer
Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 77
Create a query to get the comments written by ROLE_ADMIN
Delete those

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  • 12. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 12 DBAL : Easy $stmt = $con->query("SELECT id, title, comment FROM Ratings"); while($result = $stmt->fetch()) { vprintf("%d, %s, %s", $result); } $params = array('unix_socket'=>'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', 'user'=>'foobar', 'password'=>'secret', 'driver'=>'pdo_mysql', 'dbname'=>'foobar'); $con = DoctrineDBALDriverManager::getConnection($params);
  • 13. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 13 DBAL looks like PDO ● DBAL has a very similar interface that PDO ● But it overpowers it significantly $stmt = $con->executeQuery("SELECT id, text FROM Ratings WHERE InsertTimeStamp > ? AND id IN(?)", [new DateTime("now"), [2,3,4]], ['datetime', DoctrineDBALConnection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY]; while($result = $stmt->fetch()) { vprintf("%d, %s", $result); } $con->delete('Ratings', ['id' => 3] ) ; $con->update('Ratings', ['comment'=>'hey !!'] ,['id' => 3] ) ; $con->insert('Ratings', [/* Columns detail */]) ;
  • 14. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 14 DBAL QueryBuilder ● Build and practice queries with OO API ● An ExpressionBuilder also exists $query = $con->createQueryBuilder() ; $query->from('User', 'u') ->select('') ->addSelect("DATE_FORMAT(User.regdate, '%Y%m%d') as DATESORT") ->add('join', [ 'c' => [ 'joinType' => 'straight', 'joinTable' => 'Comments', 'joinAlias' => 'comment', 'joinCondition' => '' ] ], true) /* … etc … */ echo $query; /* __toString() */
  • 15. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 15 DBAL and schema introspection ● API : ● listDatabases() ● listFunctions() - listSequences() ● listTableColumns($tableName) ● listTableConstraints($tableName) ● listTableDetails($tableName) ● listTableForeignKeys($tableName) ● listTableIndexes($tableName) ● listTables() platform = $con->getDatabasePlatform(); $schema = new DoctrineDBALSchemaSchema(); $myTable = $schema->createTable("Users"); $myTable->addColumn("id", "integer", ["unsigned" => true]); $myTable->addColumn("username", "string", ["length" => 32]); $myTable->setPrimaryKey(["id"]); $queries = $schema->toSql($platform);
  • 16. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 16 Doctrine - ORM
  • 17. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 17 ORM ? ● System design to adapt relationnal system to OO system ● Persistence : mecanism to flush object data into database so that data can survive across HTTP requests by being restored ● ORM makes use of metadata to bind OO model to relationnal model ● Metadata need to be in sync with the model O.R.M
  • 18. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 18 Doctrine ORM Entities Repository EntityManager UnitOfWork DBAL Connection PDO ClassMetadata IdentityMap DataPersisters
  • 19. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 19 Entity ● Business layer synchronized data object ● Describes metadata ● Annotations ● Xml ● Do not extend any class (DTO) ● Can have getters and setters ● Can have some business logic ● Can be validated by Sf Validators (Sf Form usage) ● Should not depend on any other service
  • 20. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 20 Entities namespace Entities; /** * @Entity * @Table(name="my_users") */ class User { /** * @Id * @GeneratedValue * @Column(type="integer", length="5") */ protected $id; /** * @Column(type="text", name="user_name") */ protected $name; public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } ● Can be generated from the DB schema analysis ● Mapping is usually described using annotations for metadata
  • 21. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 21 Types mapping ● PHP types are mapped onto RDBM types depending on the RDBM brand ● You can add your own types ● DoctrineDBALTypesType
  • 22. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 22 RDBM - SQL Doctrine Metadata ● Doctrine needs to read the metadata for each entity access or operation ● Metadata explain Doctrine how to convert the data between formats Entity Metadata Table 1 Entity Entity Table 2 Table 3
  • 23. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 23 metadata var_dump($em->getClassMetadata('FooBar::class')); object(DoctrineORMMappingClassMetadata)#321 (36) { ["name"]=> string(7) "FooBar" ["namespace"]=> string(3) "Foo" ["rootEntityName"]=> string(7) "FooBar" ["customGeneratorDefinition"]=> NULL ["customRepositoryClassName"]=> NULL ["isMappedSuperclass"]=> bool(false) ["parentClasses"]=> array(0) { } ["subClasses"]=> array(0) { } ["namedQueries"]=> array(0) { } ["namedNativeQueries"]=> array(0) { } ... ... ["sqlResultSetMappings"]=> array(0) { } ["identifier"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(2) "id" } ["inheritanceType"]=> int(1) ["generatorType"]=> int(4) ["fieldMappings"]=> array(8) { ["id"]=>
  • 24. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 24 Metadata ● Metadata are taken by parsing mapping infos (annot or XML) ● They are cached ● Using Sf Cache in Sf apps ● Must be refreshed, updated, for each mapping change ● Add / remove / change type of field ● Add / remove entity or table ● Add / remove change type of association
  • 25. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 25 EntityManager ● find() ● clear() ● detach() ● persist() ● refresh() ● remove() ● flush() $user = new EntitiesUser; $user->setName("foo") ; $user->setAddress("somewhere") ; $em->persist($user) ; $em->flush($user) ; ● persist() attaches a new entity into the IdentityMap ● May also be used with deferred_explicit change tracking policy ● flush() persists the whole IdentityMap (sync it with the DB)
  • 26. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 26 EntityManager ● find() ● clear() ● detach() ● persist() ● refresh() ● remove() ● flush() $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3); $user->setName("foo") ; $em->flush($user) ; ● find() finds by PK and attaches the found entity to the IdentityMap ● find() actually SELECT * all fields, take care of that. ● flush() persists the IdentityMap (performs an "update" if some fields have been modified on entities)
  • 27. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 27 EntityManager ● find() ● clear() ● detach() ● persist() ● refresh() ● remove() ● flush() $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3); $em->remove($user) ; $em->flush($user) ; ● remove() marks the entity as "to be deleted" into the IdentityMap ● flush() persists the state (issues a "delete" on the DB). ● Cascading is honnored
  • 28. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 28 EntityManager ● find() ● clear() ● detach() ● persist() ● refresh() ● remove() ● flush() $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3); $em->detach($user) ; ● detach() deletes the entity from the IdentityMap ● Opposite to persist() ● Once detached, the entity is not tracked anymore for changes ● Cascading is honnored
  • 29. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 29 EntityManager ● find() ● clear() ● detach() ● persist() ● refresh() ● remove() ● flush() $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3); echo $user->getName() // "bar" $user->setName("FOO") ; echo $user->getName() // "FOO" $em->refresh($user) ; echo $user->getName() // "bar" ● refresh() Cancels any modification done to the entity so far from the IdentityMap. ● Entity is loaded, tracked for modifications and those modifications are cancelled by refresh(). ● Usually , an SQL query is not issued for that. ORM knows about the original data of any Entity ● Cascading is honnored
  • 30. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 30 EntityManager ● find() ● clear() ● detach() ● persist() ● refresh() ● remove() ● flush() $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 3); $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 4); $user = $em->find('EntitiesUsers', 5); $em->clear() ; ● clear() empties the IdentityMap in the UnitOfWork
  • 31. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 31 EntityManager in theory ● The IdentityMap into the UnitOfWork gets filled by entities which are queried for, or persist()ed ● UOW then tracks modifications of those entities (by default) ● Calling flush(), UOW computes a change matrix of what have changed on known tracked entities ● Computes a diff ● Orders it ● Uses a DB transaction to play the modifications ● Synchronizes with DB ● If exception is thrown, transaction is rollbacked ● Forgetting a call to flush() means forgetting a sync ● Calling flush() on a big IdentityMap will impact performances
  • 32. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 32 Doctrine ORM Entities Repository EntityManager UnitOfWork DBAL Connection PDO ClassMetadata IdentityMap DataPersisters
  • 33. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 33 EM & UOW ● You usually don't access the UOW by yourself, but may : ● UOW is the central object of the ORM . ● EntityManager is just a thin layer on top of it. ● See computeChangeSets() $em->getUnitOfWork()
  • 34. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 34 UOW Performances ● The more entities into the IdentityMap, the slower the computation for changes var_dump($em->getUnitOfWork()->size()); $obj = $em->find('BazOffer', 1); var_dump($em->getUnitOfWork()->size()); int(0) int(3)
  • 35. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 35 UOW Analysis ● getIdentityMap() returns the IdentityMap and thus the entities actually tracked by Doctrine ORM. ● All dependencies are also in $obj = $em->find('FooBar', 1); Debug::dump($em->getUnitOfWork()->getIdentityMap()); array(3) { ["FooBar"]=> array(1) { [1]=> string(8) "FooBar" } ["FooWow"]=> array(1) { [1]=> string(28) "DoctrineProxies__CG__FooWow" } ["FooUser"]=> array(1) { [10]=> string(14) "FooUser" } }
  • 36. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 36 UOW changeset ● getEntityChangeSet($entity) allows to see what operations are to be sent to the DB for $entity, when flush() will come var_dump($em->getUnitOfWork()->size()); $to = $em->find('FooBar', 1); $to->setCurrency('BAR'); var_dump($em->getUnitOfWork()->size()); $em->getUnitOfWork()->computeChangeSets(); dump($em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityChangeSet($to)); int(0) int(3) array(1) { ["currency"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "foo" [1]=> string(3) "BAR" } }
  • 37. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 37 Change Tracking Policy ● Deferred implicit ● Default mode, the more comfortable, but the less performant ● Compare every attribute of every entities, and cascades ● Will be very heavy on big payloads ! (foreach(){foreach(){}}) ● Deferred explicit ● Only compare entities that are explicitely persisted back after modification ● The best mode, balance against performances and lines of code ● Notify ● User must notify the UOW about what changes it performed so that the UOW doesn't have to compute those by itself ● The most performant mode, but needs more code to be written
  • 38. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 38 Example Deferred implicit /** * @ORMTable(name="User") * @ORMEntity */ class User { $user = $em->find('User', 1); $user->setAge(30); $em->flush();
  • 39. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 39 Example Deferred explicit ● You tell UOW what entities to track ● Prevents the UOW from tracking a very big group of entities /** * @ORMTable(name="User") * @ORMEntity * @ORMChangeTrackingPolicy("DEFERRED_EXPLICIT") */ class User { $user = $em->find('User', 1); $user->setAge(30); $em->persist($user); $em->flush();
  • 40. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 40 Identity map ● Doctrine memorises entities into the IdentityMap and re-provides them when re-queried later, not performing additionnal SQL query ● Some cases bypass the identity map ● DQL queries ● Partial entities queries ● Queries not selecting using pk $u1 = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ; $u1->setName('foobarbaz') ; /* ... */ $u2 = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ; /* SQL is NOT re-run */ echo $u2->getName() ; /* foobarbaz */ assert($u1 === $u2) ; /* true */
  • 41. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 41 Repository ● Place where you write queries concerning an entity
  • 42. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 42 Repository API ● find(), findAll(), findBy(), findOneBy() ● Only find() makes use of the IdentityMap /* findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null) */ $results = $repo->findBy(array('name'=>'foo'), array('name'=>'asc'), 2, 3);
  • 43. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 43 Association mapping ● Relations ? ● OneToOne ● OneToMany ● ManyToOne ● ManyToMany
  • 44. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 44 Associations ● bi-directional : ● One User can post several trips -> OneToMany ● Several trips can reference a same User -> ManyToOne namespace Entities; /** @Entity */ class User { /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user") */ protected $tripOffer; /* ... */ } namespace Entities; /** @Entity */ class TripOffer { /**@ManyToOne(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="tripOffer") * @JoinColumn(name="Users_Id", referencedColumnName="id") */ protected $user; /* ... */ }
  • 45. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 45 Associations ● ArrayCollection is used to handle the "Many" part ● Otherwise the Entity itself namespace Entities; use DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection; /** @Entity */ class User { /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user") */ protected $tripOffer; public function __construct() { $this->tripOffer = new ArrayCollection; } public function getTripOffer() { return $this->tripOffer; } public function addTripOffer(TripOffer $t) { $this->tripOffer[] = $t; } public function removeTripOffer(TripOffer $t) { $this->tripOffer->removeElement($t); } }
  • 46. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 46 Proxy objects ● By default, the "LAZY" fetch mode: dependancies are not loaded but replaced by Proxy classes or collections : ● Informations are read from DB only when entities are accessed ● You can ask for a proxy explicitely : $r = $em->find('EntitiesRating', 1); var_dump($r) ; object(EntitiesRating)[54] protected 'id' => int 1 protected 'creator' => object(DoctrineProxiesEntitiesUserProxy)[86] private '_entityPersister' => ... ... $realRating = $em->find('EntitiesRating', 1); $proxyRating = $em->getReference('EntitiesRating', 1);
  • 47. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 47 Hydration modes ● LAZY ● Default ● Uses Proxies and only loads the data when those are accessed ● EAGER ● Always loads the data (even if it is not used) ● EXTRA_LAZY ● Do not load the data for accesses : ● Collection#contains($entity) ● Collection#containsKey($key) ● Collection#count() ● Collection#get($key) ● Collection#slice($offset, $length = null)
  • 48. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 48 Examples hydration modes ● EAGER ● Association is always loaded ● Cascaded ● Several requests are used namespace Entities; /** @Entity */ class User { /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user", fetch="EAGER") */ protected $tripOffer; /* ... */ } SELECT AS id1, AS name2, t0.userName AS userName3, t0.isvip AS isvip4 FROM users t0 WHERE = ? SELECT AS id1, t0.SeatsOffered AS SeatsOffered2, t0.TripOfferType AS TripOfferType3, t0.Users_Id AS Users_Id4 FROM TripOffer t0 WHERE t0.Users_Id = ? $u = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ;
  • 49. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 49 Examples hydration modes ● EXTRA_LAZY ● Like LAZY, but does not load the data if some statistical questions are asked for it ● User, do you own some TripOffers ? ● No need to load all the trips to know that namespace Entities; /** @Entity */ class User { /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user", fetch="EXTRA_LAZY") */ protected $tripOffer; /* ... */ } $u = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1) ; echo $u->getTripOffer()->count() ; /* SELECT count(*) FROM TripOffer WHERE Users_Id = ? */ /* SELECT AS id1, t0.SeatsOffered AS SeatsOffered2, t0.TripOfferType AS TripOfferType3, t0.Users_Id AS Users_Id4 FROM TripOffer t0 WHERE t0.Users_Id = ? LIMIT 8 OFFSET 3 */ $someTripOffers = $u->getTripOffer()->slice(3, 8) ;
  • 50. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 50 Collections and hydration $u = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 1); $tripStatus = $u->getTripOffer()->get(0)->getTrips()->get(0)->getStatus();
  • 51. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 51 Cascades ● What to do with dependencies when acting on a root entity : ● persist ● remove ● merge ● detach ● refresh ● all ● By default, no cascades are used
  • 52. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 52 Example cascade (persist) namespace Entities; /** @Entity */ class User { /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TripOffer", mappedBy="user", cascade={"persist"}) */ protected $tripOffer; /* ... */ }
  • 53. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 53 DQL ● Doctrine Query Language ● Looks like SQL but ● Queries Entities, not tables ● Associations are used, not foreign keys ● Mapping informations is used to convert to SQL ● INSERT does not exist ● DQL is fully extensible by the user
  • 54. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 54 DQL example ● You query entities, not tables ● createQuery() for a DQL query ● createNamedQuery() for a pre-recorded DQL query ● createNativeQuery() for a SQL query ● createNamedNativeQuery() for a pre-recorded SQL query $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = ?1'); $q->setParameter(1, 'foo'); $r = $q->getResult(); $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u, r FROM EntitiesUser u LEFT JOIN u.ratings r'); $r = $q->getResult();
  • 55. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 55 DQL and joins namespace Entities; use DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection; /** * @Table(name="my_users") */ class User { /** * @OneToMany(targetEntity="Rating", mappedBy="userCreator") */ protected $ratings; } $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u, r FROM EntitiesUser u JOIN u.ratings r"); $r = $q->getArrayResult();
  • 56. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 56 Named queries ● Queries recorded to be recalled / re-run later $dql = "SELECT ... ... ..." ; $conf = new DoctrineORMConfiguration(); $conf->addNamedQuery('search', $dql); $q = $em->createNamedQuery('search'); $r = $q->getResult();
  • 57. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 57 DQL and return values ● By default, the return type is an array of Entities $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = ?1'); $q->setParameter(1, 'foo'); $r = $q->getResult(); array 0 => object(DoctrineProxiesEntitiesUserProxy)[81] $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = ?1'); $q->setParameter(1, 'foo'); $r = $q->getSingleResult(); object(DoctrineProxiesEntitiesUserProxy)[81]
  • 58. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 58 DQL and return values $q->getArrayResult() array 0 => & array 'id' => int 2 'name' => string 'foo' (length=3) 'userName' => string 'fooname' (length=7) 'vip' => int 0 SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE = 'foo'
  • 59. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 59 DQL and return values ● Use the right result type you need ● single**() must be used on single results, if not : ● NoResultException ● NonUniqueResultException SELECT COUNT(u) FROM EntitiesUser u $q->getScalarResult() $q->getSingleResult() $q->getSingleScalarResult() array 1 => string '5008' array 0 => array 1 => string '5008' string '5008'
  • 60. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 60 DQL and return values ● Often used : getResult() ● If you select not all fields of an entity : ● An array will be returned ● You can ask for a partial entity ● select('PARTIAL alias.{col1, col2}') $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT, u.userName FROM EntitiesUser u"); $r = $q->getResult(); array 0 => array 'name' => string 'bar' (length=3) 'userName' => string 'barname' (length=7) 1 => array 'name' => string 'foo' (length=3) 'userName' => string 'fooname' (length=7)
  • 61. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 61 DQL and return values $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u, UPPER(r.comment),, to.type FROM EntitiesUser u LEFT JOIN u.ratings r LEFT JOIN u.tripOffer to"); $results = $q->getResult(); array 0 => array 0 => object(EntitiesUser)[103] 1 => string 'THIS IS A COMMENT' (length=17) 'id' => string '1' (length=1) 'type' => null 1 => (...)
  • 62. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 62 DQL and Identity Map ● DQL queries store into the IdentityMap but don't read from it ● Store selected entities ● If they are full (all fields selected) ● If the result is asked to be an entity, and not an array $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM FooRating r WHERE'); $q->setParameter(1, 1); $result = $q->getSingleResult(); $rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1); /* Query is not re-played */ assert($rating1 === $result); /* that's true */ $rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1); $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM FooRating r WHERE'); $q->setParameter(1, 1); $result = $q->getSingleResult(); /* Query is re-played */ assert($rating1 === $result); /* that's true */
  • 63. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 63 DQL and Identity Map ● Dependancies benefit from IdentityMap $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u, r FROM EntitiesUser u JOIN u.ratings r'); $results = $q->getResult() $rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1); /* No query played */ foreach ($results as $user) { $user->getRatings(); /* No query played */ } $rating1 = $em->find('FooRating', 1); $rating1->setComment('I have changed'); $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM FooRating r WHERE'); $q->setParameter(1, 1); $q->setHint(DoctrineORMQuery::HINT_REFRESH, 1); $result = $q->getSingleResult(); assert($rating1 === $result); assert($rating1->getComment() != 'I have changed');
  • 64. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 64 DQL functions $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u, CONCAT('foo','bar') as baz FROM EntitiesUser u"); $r = $q->getResult(); array 0 => array 0 => object(EntitiesUser)[30] ... 'baz' => string 'foobar' (length=6) 1 => array ... $rating1 = $em->find('EntitiesRating', 1) ; $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u FROM EntitiesUser u WHERE ?1 MEMBER OF u.ratings"); $q->setParameter(1, $rating1); /* A sub-select is used */
  • 65. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 65 Writing using DQL ● INSERT not possible ● DELETE and UPDATE are OK ● Warning, this could desync the UnitOfWork $user = $em->find('EntitiesUser', 66); $q = $em->createQuery('DELETE EntitiesUser u WHERE'); $q->execute(); $user->setName('hello'); $em->flush(); /* UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ? */
  • 66. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 66 SQL ● SQL can still be used, through DBAL ● But : ● That bypasses all the Entities and the mapping done ● That can desync the UnitOfWork $results = $em->getConnection()->fetchAll("/* some query here*/") ;
  • 67. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 67 DQL or SQL ? ● DQL uses Entities and mapping informations, not the DB and its tables directly ● DQL is parsed and turned to SQL ● This transformation should get cached ● $query->getSQL(); ● DQL can be deeply hooked ● DQL can return Entities ● SQL returns arrays
  • 68. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 68 Cache ● Several caches may (must) be used ● "Query Cache" (DQL->SQL) ● Result Cache : caches a result from a query ● Metadata Cache ● Using SF, Doctrine will be bound to SF caches
  • 69. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 69 Query Cache ● Activated per query $conf = new DoctrineORMConfiguration(); $conf->setResultCacheImpl(new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache()); $q = $em->createQuery('SELECT u, r, r2 FROM EntitiesUser u JOIN u.ratings r JOIN u.ratingsConcerned r2'); $q->useResultCache(1, 3600, 'foo_result') ; $r = $q->execute();
  • 70. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 70 Q/A ● ? ● ? ● ? ● ? ● ? ● ? ● ? ● ? ● ?
  • 71. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 71 Practice ● Setup symfony-demo ● Get familiar with the DB structure ● Navigate into the BlogController and the PostRepository > composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo some_project_dir > bin/console s:r
  • 72. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 72 Practice ● Create a query using DQL to get 3 random posts
  • 73. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 73 Practice ● Create a query using DQL to get 3 random posts ● See how the authors are replaced with proxies ● Access one author field ● See how N+1 query is issued by Doctrine ● Give a hint to the QueryBuilder to load partial entities ● See how dependencies are now NULLed ● Change the fetchmode of the author dependency to EAGER ● See how the authors are now gathered by Doctrine using N+1 ● In every case, dump the identity map and check the state of each entity as being STATE_MANAGED
  • 74. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 74 Practice ● Create a query using DQL to get 3 random posts ● Get the first post from the collection ● Modify the post content ● Compute the changeset from the UOW ● Dump the changeset ● Change the tracking policy of posts to DEFERRED_EXPLICIT ● Modify the post content ● Compute the changeset from the UOW ● Dump the changeset ● What happens ? How to do ?
  • 75. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 75 Practice ● Add a new "avatar" field to the User ● Play the migration ● Patch the User form to add a new type to upload an avatar ● Create an entityListener to treat the avatar ● The DB should save the avatar file path
  • 76. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 76 Practice ● Add a new RoleType to the Type mappings ● This type maps sf ROLE_** to an integer
  • 77. Doctrine | SymfonyCon2019 77 Practice ● Create a query to get the comments written by ROLE_ADMIN ● Delete those