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– Newsletter February 2012 -

kind of education

 Some more news from the DNS teams...


– Newsletter February 2012 -

Preparing the Bus for travelling to Africa                       DNS 2012 Team first fundraising experience
by Ruta, DNS 2011                                                Fundraising means asking people for donations on
The bus is a necessity for our travel, and for sure it will be   the street or at people's doors.
an adventure to be in it for more than 4 months, but it is       Before my team started to fundraise on the street
also an adventure to get it ready and running. I joined the      selling roses and bananas, one of the DNS teachers
                                          bus preparation        – Carla - gave us a little presentation about fun-
                                          team, partly be-       daising and ...
                                          cause I wanted to
                                          learn something        Preparation weekend and first impression by
                                          about it, and          Egle, DNS 2012
                                          partly because I
                                          wanted to get          The preparation weekend was unforgettable and full
                                          used to being in it    of impressions. I understood the real meaning of
                                          all day long. Read     “Another kind of education”.
                                          more..                                                          Read more..

Winter concert in Tvind by DNS 2009
All of us were waiting for this big event on 4th of February in Tvind. It was a
magnificent Winter Concert where the new DNS team together with our
team and 20 Development Instructors from our partner schools in England
and Norway did a big work in organizing the concert and preparing all the
practicalities: to accommodate the Polish symphonic orchestra from
Zielonogorska for 2 days, preparing food for some hundreds people, turn
our sportshall into a concert hall. Read more..

ANGOLA Don´t call me “professora” by Ana DNS 2008                       Matus, DNS 2008 tells about his work at
                                                                                DNS college in India

When remembering the last year´s feelings of going to Africa,
                                                                     Big classes up to 100 students, teachers are not
they seem a little bit vague, as if they were just part of my
imagination, because everything turned the other way around.         coming to school every day, time keeping
At first I was scared, but in the end I felt Angola is my home.      schedule, lesson starts when teacher feels like...
Read more..                                                          Read more..


– Newsletter February 2012 -

                             Winter concert in Tvind

        All of us were waiting for this big event on
4th of February in Tvind. We started the preparations
on 31th of January. It was a magnificent Winter Con-
cert where the new DNS team DNS 2011 together
with our team DNS 2009 and 20 Development In-
structors from our partner schools in England and
Norway did a big work in organizing the concert and
preparing all the practicalities: to accommodate the
Polish symphonic orchestra from Zielonogorska for 2
days, preparing food for some hundreds people, turn
our sportshall into a concert hall, prepare eating

                                                       everything starts from an idea - it is very important,
                                                       because there should be a balance - music, pictures,
                                                       silhouettes. The group was working productive and
                                                       they reached the goal! The movie makers made really
                                                       beautiful picture slides to be projected during the
                                                       concert. There was also a a host group for the orches-
                                                       tra. The musician have been pretty demanding and
                                                       complained about different small things, since they
                                                       are used to live in nice hotels in a higher standard
                                                       than we can provide as a school. It was good to see
places in tip top shape for 500 more people to come    them in action, showing their skills during the con-
in all available classrooms and meeting halls.         cert - they have been really great.
DNS 2009 team shares with us their experiences and im-          In our conclusion after the concert, we all
pressions about the Winter Concert:                    agreed that it was a very good concert, practically
        “To manage the preparations for this concert, well organized and regarding the music - it was well
we made different groups to be in charge of all the    composed - The classical part and the film music part
needed areas: accommodation group, decoration          made the
group, catering group etc. We had four leaders who audience
divided people according to what they have to do -     enjoying
they composed the teams, they took the leadership to the con-
manage all and had to have the overview about all      cert very
tasks.                                                 much -
        The accommodation group's task was plan-       even our
ning and preparing rooms for 60 polish musicians       some-
from the orchestra. The decoration group was in        times dif-
charge to design and make nice decoration for the      ficult stu-
concert hall - signs associated with music. Of course, dents.


– Newsletter February 2012 -

          Preparing the Bus for travelling to Africa

                                                                    The bus is, of course, a necessity for our
                                                           travel, and for sure it will be an adventure to be
                                                           in it for 4 months, but it is also an adventure to
                                                           get it ready and running.

                                                                  I joined the bus preparation team, partly
                                                           because I wanted to learn something about it, and
                                                           partly because I wanted to get used to being in it
                                                           all day long. And from the first day I’ve had more
                                                           questions than answers. How does it work? What
                                                           should it look like on the inside? How to fix it,
                                                           and how do we teach others how to fix it? What
                                                           should be the name of our bus? Do we need a
                                                           sink? And which question should be answered
                                                                   We decided to start with the interior. Of
                                                           course, it’s not as easy as choosing new curtains
                                                           or bedsheet colours. We measured, we screwed
                                                           (the seats), we unscrewed, we had discussions,
                                                           we drilled holes,we got angry at the bus, we
                                                           welded,we even had to go under the bus a couple
                                                           of times. Now the seats are ready, but we still
                                                           need to build beds, kitchen, fix some electrical
                                                           problems... still a lot of work to do!

       Now I’m getting to know the bus and where is
what in the engine (did I mention that none of us know
much about the bus mechanics?).
       Of course, it gets frustrating sometimes, but I’m
optimistic and I’m looking forward to the result.


– Newsletter February 2012 -

            DNS 2012 Team fundraising experience

        Fundraising means asking people for dona-        we made before. Amazingly Natalya could even
tions on the street or at people's doors.                fundraise our lunch - she managed to get food for
Before my team started to fundraise on the street                                         all of us - a lot of
selling roses and bananas, one of the DNS teachers                                        free and tasty
– Carla - gave us a little presentation about fund-                                       pizza. The lunch
raising and the important principles of how to do it                                      time was relaxing
in the right way. If you ask people for money you                                         and we got many
must be very confident about the purpose you are                                          new ideas about
raising funds for.                                                                        what to do next
        It is important to remember that not every-                                       and how to plan
body will support you. It takes a lot of tries to meet                                    our time for the
people who will support you, but you always meet                                          next hours.
them.                                                                                     We stopped street
                                      Do not give up!                                     -fundraising
                                      You cannot al-                                      around five
                                      low yourself to                                     o'clock and con-
                                      be discouraged.                                     tinued with an-
                                      So, after Carlas                                    other method :
                                      evening presen-           Fundraising from door to door. It was an
                                      tation about       other new experience, how to talk with people,
                                      fundraising we     how to explain why we disturb people in their
                                      went to sleep      homes.
                                      and the next              In the end of the day we hitchhiked back
day, we hitchhiked to Holstebro. We were 4 per-          and had a team meeting where we counted the
sons. Egle, Ciprian, our DNS teacher Natalya and         money we have earned during our first fundrais-
myself.                                                  ing day! We all got a pretty high amount regard-
        In the beginning we split up individually        ing that it was our first time.
and agreed to meet after 1,5 hours to share our first
experiences. In that time all of us realized, that
fundraising is not as easy how it probably looks. In
our short brake we discussed our mistakes and
success. We concluded that our attitude and how
we speak with people is very important. People
need to understand why we need to collect the
money and feel that we have a good cause. After
the brake we continued and that was much better
than before, because we could avoid the mistakes


– Newsletter February 2012 -

            Preparation weekend and first impression

                                                             free - that was something. Surprisingly the cars really
                                                             stop for you and you reach your destination some-
                                                             times faster than by train. You meet a lot of nice peo-
                                                             ple and sometimes you can get usefull contacts about
                                                             schools and work for the future. I was impressed by
                                                             my team mates Janina and Marcel, they travelled by
                                                             hitchhiking to Germany for work.
                                                                     In the mornings we have "Morning Assembly".
                                                             Twice a week we have it in common together with the
                                                             other teams where we have presentations and discus-
                                                             sions about important issues of our time. At the mo-
                                                             ment we have morning assemblies about "Open Fu-
                                                             ture". There is no such a thing as "Open Future" it is an
                                                             invention and we see it as a positive and creative way
                                                             to look at all our activities to make the world a better
         The preparation weekend was unforgettable           place for all the people living in it.
and full of impressions. Now I understand the mean-                  As one example we discussed the situation of
ing of “Another kind of education”                           young people in Japan. Many young Japanese are liv-
For me it is a quite new experience to be part of a          ing alone and do not want to be in social relations. At
team. People with various talents and interests share        the same time Japan has one of the highest suicide rate
their life and abilities for the benefit of the team. The    in the world. Is that somehow connected? What are the
individuals are united in a common goal to find solu- reasons? Isn't this trend also widespread in other parts
tions, to help each other with sharing ideas, common         of the northern/western world? In Europe, United
time.                                                        States and other high developed countries more peo-
         I was happy to find out, that DNS teachers are ple live alone than at any other time in history. The
like our friends. Such a teacher is more close to the stu- most privileged people on earth use their resources to
dents and proves to be a better educator as well. The        separate from each other, to buy private and personal
life in DNS also includes artistic activities, sports, trav- space. The image of a modern family in a room to-
elling.                                                      gether, each plugged into a separate reality, be it a
         It was a pleasant discovery that in their free      smartphone, computer, video game or TV show has
time the DNS’ers play piano and educate each other.          become a cultural norm. In our summary we con-
There is a tradition of doing sports in evenings. For me cluded that in our global world – we prefer to work
it was an unforgettable experience and when I was            and act together with many other people of the world.
playing volleyball for the first time it was difficult for
me, but after some practice it became a really funny
activity! Sport is very important to everyone. It's im-
portant for staying healthy, helps to build self-esteem,
keeps you mind alert, and helps to relax after a full
day of work and studies. Another very new thing for
me was hitchhiking. To stop a car to get around for


– Newsletter February 2012 -

  Matus, DNS 2008 answered our questions about his
     work of educating teachers in DNS college
                   Jashpur, India
Describe your students                                      started to paint them already as my footprint. I got left
There are up to 100 students in one class (there are two    -over material from a building weekend. From some
classes in the first year) so far maximum 60 per day,       money that was left I ordered dark green color and
around 20-30 which are coming every day. Their              painted all the benches. The classroom will be sky-
knowledge differs, from fluent English to nothing,          blue, the benches green (though now they tell me to
from fluency in computer skills (one girl knows all         not do it – after completed the first part, they said they
function in word, excel, presentation – and she just sat    will hire a company and paint the whole school build-
quietly in a corner and made simple tasks like others –     ing – interior and exterior also.) That can take up to the
makes the font bigger, underlines it...ridiculous – now     end of this school year by governmental procedures, if
she is learning to type with 10 fingers) to not even        everything goes fine. And anyway it is white-washed,
knowing how to use a mouse, what an 'enter' button is
for. Also, the science level is low.
What are their main problems? What are the main
problems in the Indian education system?
Big classes up to 100 students, teachers are not coming
to school every day, time keeping schedule, lessons
start when the teacher feels like, comes to class and
decides OK now we have … . It can last half an hour or
two hours.
What are the main questions in your school?
The main question is how to get the technical equip-
ment and generator for electricity and how to make
them to come to the school.
How can you contribute to bring this forward?
By buying speakers on my own, using them and my             so a couple of layers are needed, and difference is sim-
laptop, simply for watching movies and playing mu-          ply nice.
sic. Nobody has a laptop here. It is a big thing for them   2. Create a typical Bollywood music video with the
- touching and working with it, generally to work with      whole class, in which two students are dancing and
technical equipment is new and exciting, it is unique,      singing in front and the rest are behind them, all stu-
not a normal, everyday experience as it is for us.          dents will be in white school uniform.
Which footprint will you leave?                         3. To get a world map or to make it as a poster with
1. The entrance hall and classrooms look bad, so I have the students and to hang it in the classroom.


– Newsletter February 2012 -

                        Don´t call me “professora” by Ana
        When remembering the last year´s feelings of go-       notes and other paper work that needed to be done as a
ing to Africa, they seem a little bit vague, as if they were   responsibility of the team leader. That of course was not
just part of my imagination, because everything turned         the most exciting work, but it needed to be done. The
the other way around. At first I was scared, but in the        other part of my job was more focused on the social part
end I felt Angola is my home. I was concerned about my
job, but I left with good feedbacks. I was worried about
health issues and nutrition, but many of my challenges
turned out to be just part of African way of living...
Things turned much better than I expected and Africa
indeed left a big mark in my notebook of memories and
experiences. Out of nothing comes nothing. A lot of pa-
tience, organizing, creativity, plan B's, love and energy, a
lot of energy.
        In my last teaching practice I have been working
at a teacher training college in Angola, situated close to
the Atlantic Ocean, in a province called Benguela.
I have been involved in many administrative tasks con-
cerning week plans, running the program, working
closely with the headmaster, taking care of the student´s

                                                               where we have been organizing practical tasks, garden-
                                                               ing actions, cleaning actions, investigations and events,
                                                               evening programs and cultural gatherings with music
                                                               and dance, including sports activities and other activities
                                                               on the main study path outside in the shadow, while sun
                                                               was shining bright already in the early morn-ing hours.
                                                                        We have been socializing in the common areas of
                                                               the school in the evenings after dinner time, talking
                                                               about everything that would cross our mind. From eve-
                                                               ryday and personal problems of the students to their
                                                               family situation (which was many times shocking and
                                                               sad) to religious views, from relationships and the posi-
                                                               tion of men and women in African and European society,
                                                               to problems, solutions and thoughts about the program
                                                               and life at EPF Benguela.
                                                                        Angola indeed moved something in me that I will
                                                               take everywhere I go, however old I will be. If I just try to
                                                               look for the word to explain the feeling, I do not find it,
                                                               but if I could dance it through, I would shake my bootie
                                                               singing “SWEGUE” (hot). And then you as a reader just
                                                               can make your own picture if I am telling the truth or

– Newsletter February 2012 -

   DNS TVIND The Necessary Teacher Training
         – Newsletter February 2012 -

   Thank you for reading!
You are most welcome to write
 us your feedback, comments
        and questions

       DNS Promotion office
            Skorkærvej 8
       Phone: +45 21 12 43 60


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DNS newsletter february 2012

  • 1. – Newsletter February 2012 - Another kind of education Some more news from the DNS teams... 1
  • 2. – Newsletter February 2012 - CONTENT Preparing the Bus for travelling to Africa DNS 2012 Team first fundraising experience by Ruta, DNS 2011 Fundraising means asking people for donations on The bus is a necessity for our travel, and for sure it will be the street or at people's doors. an adventure to be in it for more than 4 months, but it is Before my team started to fundraise on the street also an adventure to get it ready and running. I joined the selling roses and bananas, one of the DNS teachers bus preparation – Carla - gave us a little presentation about fun- team, partly be- daising and ... cause I wanted to learn something Preparation weekend and first impression by about it, and Egle, DNS 2012 partly because I wanted to get The preparation weekend was unforgettable and full used to being in it of impressions. I understood the real meaning of all day long. Read “Another kind of education”. more.. Read more.. Winter concert in Tvind by DNS 2009 All of us were waiting for this big event on 4th of February in Tvind. It was a magnificent Winter Concert where the new DNS team together with our team and 20 Development Instructors from our partner schools in England and Norway did a big work in organizing the concert and preparing all the practicalities: to accommodate the Polish symphonic orchestra from Zielonogorska for 2 days, preparing food for some hundreds people, turn our sportshall into a concert hall. Read more.. ANGOLA Don´t call me “professora” by Ana DNS 2008 Matus, DNS 2008 tells about his work at DNS college in India When remembering the last year´s feelings of going to Africa, Big classes up to 100 students, teachers are not they seem a little bit vague, as if they were just part of my imagination, because everything turned the other way around. coming to school every day, time keeping At first I was scared, but in the end I felt Angola is my home. schedule, lesson starts when teacher feels like... Read more.. Read more.. 2
  • 3. – Newsletter February 2012 - Winter concert in Tvind All of us were waiting for this big event on 4th of February in Tvind. We started the preparations on 31th of January. It was a magnificent Winter Con- cert where the new DNS team DNS 2011 together with our team DNS 2009 and 20 Development In- structors from our partner schools in England and Norway did a big work in organizing the concert and preparing all the practicalities: to accommodate the Polish symphonic orchestra from Zielonogorska for 2 days, preparing food for some hundreds people, turn our sportshall into a concert hall, prepare eating everything starts from an idea - it is very important, because there should be a balance - music, pictures, silhouettes. The group was working productive and they reached the goal! The movie makers made really beautiful picture slides to be projected during the concert. There was also a a host group for the orches- tra. The musician have been pretty demanding and complained about different small things, since they are used to live in nice hotels in a higher standard than we can provide as a school. It was good to see places in tip top shape for 500 more people to come them in action, showing their skills during the con- in all available classrooms and meeting halls. cert - they have been really great. DNS 2009 team shares with us their experiences and im- In our conclusion after the concert, we all pressions about the Winter Concert: agreed that it was a very good concert, practically “To manage the preparations for this concert, well organized and regarding the music - it was well we made different groups to be in charge of all the composed - The classical part and the film music part needed areas: accommodation group, decoration made the group, catering group etc. We had four leaders who audience divided people according to what they have to do - enjoying they composed the teams, they took the leadership to the con- manage all and had to have the overview about all cert very tasks. much - The accommodation group's task was plan- even our ning and preparing rooms for 60 polish musicians some- from the orchestra. The decoration group was in times dif- charge to design and make nice decoration for the ficult stu- concert hall - signs associated with music. Of course, dents. 3
  • 4. – Newsletter February 2012 - Preparing the Bus for travelling to Africa The bus is, of course, a necessity for our travel, and for sure it will be an adventure to be in it for 4 months, but it is also an adventure to get it ready and running. I joined the bus preparation team, partly because I wanted to learn something about it, and partly because I wanted to get used to being in it all day long. And from the first day I’ve had more questions than answers. How does it work? What should it look like on the inside? How to fix it, and how do we teach others how to fix it? What should be the name of our bus? Do we need a sink? And which question should be answered first? We decided to start with the interior. Of course, it’s not as easy as choosing new curtains or bedsheet colours. We measured, we screwed (the seats), we unscrewed, we had discussions, we drilled holes,we got angry at the bus, we welded,we even had to go under the bus a couple of times. Now the seats are ready, but we still need to build beds, kitchen, fix some electrical problems... still a lot of work to do! Now I’m getting to know the bus and where is what in the engine (did I mention that none of us know much about the bus mechanics?). Of course, it gets frustrating sometimes, but I’m optimistic and I’m looking forward to the result. 4
  • 5. – Newsletter February 2012 - DNS 2012 Team fundraising experience Fundraising means asking people for dona- we made before. Amazingly Natalya could even tions on the street or at people's doors. fundraise our lunch - she managed to get food for Before my team started to fundraise on the street all of us - a lot of selling roses and bananas, one of the DNS teachers free and tasty – Carla - gave us a little presentation about fund- pizza. The lunch raising and the important principles of how to do it time was relaxing in the right way. If you ask people for money you and we got many must be very confident about the purpose you are new ideas about raising funds for. what to do next It is important to remember that not every- and how to plan body will support you. It takes a lot of tries to meet our time for the people who will support you, but you always meet next hours. them. We stopped street Do not give up! -fundraising You cannot al- around five low yourself to o'clock and con- be discouraged. tinued with an- So, after Carlas other method : evening presen- Fundraising from door to door. It was an tation about other new experience, how to talk with people, fundraising we how to explain why we disturb people in their went to sleep homes. and the next In the end of the day we hitchhiked back day, we hitchhiked to Holstebro. We were 4 per- and had a team meeting where we counted the sons. Egle, Ciprian, our DNS teacher Natalya and money we have earned during our first fundrais- myself. ing day! We all got a pretty high amount regard- In the beginning we split up individually ing that it was our first time. and agreed to meet after 1,5 hours to share our first experiences. In that time all of us realized, that fundraising is not as easy how it probably looks. In our short brake we discussed our mistakes and success. We concluded that our attitude and how we speak with people is very important. People need to understand why we need to collect the money and feel that we have a good cause. After the brake we continued and that was much better than before, because we could avoid the mistakes 5
  • 6. – Newsletter February 2012 - Preparation weekend and first impression free - that was something. Surprisingly the cars really stop for you and you reach your destination some- times faster than by train. You meet a lot of nice peo- ple and sometimes you can get usefull contacts about schools and work for the future. I was impressed by my team mates Janina and Marcel, they travelled by hitchhiking to Germany for work. In the mornings we have "Morning Assembly". Twice a week we have it in common together with the other teams where we have presentations and discus- sions about important issues of our time. At the mo- ment we have morning assemblies about "Open Fu- ture". There is no such a thing as "Open Future" it is an invention and we see it as a positive and creative way to look at all our activities to make the world a better The preparation weekend was unforgettable place for all the people living in it. and full of impressions. Now I understand the mean- As one example we discussed the situation of ing of “Another kind of education” young people in Japan. Many young Japanese are liv- For me it is a quite new experience to be part of a ing alone and do not want to be in social relations. At team. People with various talents and interests share the same time Japan has one of the highest suicide rate their life and abilities for the benefit of the team. The in the world. Is that somehow connected? What are the individuals are united in a common goal to find solu- reasons? Isn't this trend also widespread in other parts tions, to help each other with sharing ideas, common of the northern/western world? In Europe, United time. States and other high developed countries more peo- I was happy to find out, that DNS teachers are ple live alone than at any other time in history. The like our friends. Such a teacher is more close to the stu- most privileged people on earth use their resources to dents and proves to be a better educator as well. The separate from each other, to buy private and personal life in DNS also includes artistic activities, sports, trav- space. The image of a modern family in a room to- elling. gether, each plugged into a separate reality, be it a It was a pleasant discovery that in their free smartphone, computer, video game or TV show has time the DNS’ers play piano and educate each other. become a cultural norm. In our summary we con- There is a tradition of doing sports in evenings. For me cluded that in our global world – we prefer to work it was an unforgettable experience and when I was and act together with many other people of the world. playing volleyball for the first time it was difficult for me, but after some practice it became a really funny activity! Sport is very important to everyone. It's im- portant for staying healthy, helps to build self-esteem, keeps you mind alert, and helps to relax after a full day of work and studies. Another very new thing for me was hitchhiking. To stop a car to get around for 6
  • 7. – Newsletter February 2012 - Matus, DNS 2008 answered our questions about his work of educating teachers in DNS college Jashpur, India Describe your students started to paint them already as my footprint. I got left There are up to 100 students in one class (there are two -over material from a building weekend. From some classes in the first year) so far maximum 60 per day, money that was left I ordered dark green color and around 20-30 which are coming every day. Their painted all the benches. The classroom will be sky- knowledge differs, from fluent English to nothing, blue, the benches green (though now they tell me to from fluency in computer skills (one girl knows all not do it – after completed the first part, they said they function in word, excel, presentation – and she just sat will hire a company and paint the whole school build- quietly in a corner and made simple tasks like others – ing – interior and exterior also.) That can take up to the makes the font bigger, underlines it...ridiculous – now end of this school year by governmental procedures, if she is learning to type with 10 fingers) to not even everything goes fine. And anyway it is white-washed, knowing how to use a mouse, what an 'enter' button is for. Also, the science level is low. What are their main problems? What are the main problems in the Indian education system? Big classes up to 100 students, teachers are not coming to school every day, time keeping schedule, lessons start when the teacher feels like, comes to class and decides OK now we have … . It can last half an hour or two hours. What are the main questions in your school? The main question is how to get the technical equip- ment and generator for electricity and how to make them to come to the school. How can you contribute to bring this forward? By buying speakers on my own, using them and my so a couple of layers are needed, and difference is sim- laptop, simply for watching movies and playing mu- ply nice. sic. Nobody has a laptop here. It is a big thing for them 2. Create a typical Bollywood music video with the - touching and working with it, generally to work with whole class, in which two students are dancing and technical equipment is new and exciting, it is unique, singing in front and the rest are behind them, all stu- not a normal, everyday experience as it is for us. dents will be in white school uniform. Which footprint will you leave? 3. To get a world map or to make it as a poster with 1. The entrance hall and classrooms look bad, so I have the students and to hang it in the classroom. 7
  • 8. – Newsletter February 2012 - ANGOLA Don´t call me “professora” by Ana When remembering the last year´s feelings of go- notes and other paper work that needed to be done as a ing to Africa, they seem a little bit vague, as if they were responsibility of the team leader. That of course was not just part of my imagination, because everything turned the most exciting work, but it needed to be done. The the other way around. At first I was scared, but in the other part of my job was more focused on the social part end I felt Angola is my home. I was concerned about my job, but I left with good feedbacks. I was worried about health issues and nutrition, but many of my challenges turned out to be just part of African way of living... Things turned much better than I expected and Africa indeed left a big mark in my notebook of memories and experiences. Out of nothing comes nothing. A lot of pa- tience, organizing, creativity, plan B's, love and energy, a lot of energy. In my last teaching practice I have been working at a teacher training college in Angola, situated close to the Atlantic Ocean, in a province called Benguela. I have been involved in many administrative tasks con- cerning week plans, running the program, working closely with the headmaster, taking care of the student´s where we have been organizing practical tasks, garden- ing actions, cleaning actions, investigations and events, evening programs and cultural gatherings with music and dance, including sports activities and other activities on the main study path outside in the shadow, while sun was shining bright already in the early morn-ing hours. We have been socializing in the common areas of the school in the evenings after dinner time, talking about everything that would cross our mind. From eve- ryday and personal problems of the students to their family situation (which was many times shocking and sad) to religious views, from relationships and the posi- tion of men and women in African and European society, to problems, solutions and thoughts about the program and life at EPF Benguela. Angola indeed moved something in me that I will take everywhere I go, however old I will be. If I just try to look for the word to explain the feeling, I do not find it, but if I could dance it through, I would shake my bootie singing “SWEGUE” (hot). And then you as a reader just can make your own picture if I am telling the truth or not. 8
  • 9. – Newsletter February 2012 - DNS TVIND The Necessary Teacher Training – Newsletter February 2012 - Thank you for reading! You are most welcome to write us your feedback, comments and questions DNS Promotion office Skorkærvej 8 Ulfborg Denmark 6990 Email: Phone: +45 21 12 43 60 9