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DEI VERBUM – Nov 18, 1965
We announce to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and
was made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to
you, so that you may have fellowship with us and our common
fellowship be with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ" (1Jn 1:2-3).
In His goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal Himself and to make known
to us the hidden purpose of His will (see Eph. 1:9) by which through Christ,
the Word made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father
and come to share in the divine nature (see Eph. 2:18; 2 Peter 1:4). DV 2
Through this revelation, therefore,
the invisible God (Col. 1;15, 1 Tim. 1:17)
out of the abundance of His love
speaks to men as friends
(see Ex. 33:11; John 15:14-15) DV 2
He lives among them (see Bar.
3:38), so that He may invite
and take them into fellowship
with Himself. DV 2
This plan of revelation is realized by deeds and
words having an inner unity: the deeds wrought
by God in the history of salvation manifest and
confirm the teaching and realities signified by the
words, while the words proclaim the deeds and
clarify the mystery contained in them. DV 2
God, who through the Word creates all things (see John 1:3)
and keeps them in existence, gives men an enduring witness
to Himself in created realities (see Rom. 1:19-20). DV 3
His promise of redemption aroused in them the
hope of being saved (see Gen. 3:15) and from that
time on He ceaselessly kept the human race in
His care, to give eternal life to those who
perseveringly do good in search of salvation
(Rom. 2:6-7). DV 3
He called Abraham
in order to make of
him a great nation
(see Gen. 12:2).DV 3
Through the patriarchs, and after them through Moses and
the prophets, He taught this people to acknowledge Himself
the one living and true God, provident father and just judge,
and to wait for the Savior promised by Him. DV 3
For He sent His
Son, the eternal
Word, who
enlightens all men,
so that He might
dwell among men
and tell them of
the innermost
being of God
(John 1:1-18). DV 4
Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as "a man to men."
He "speaks the words of God" (John 3;34), and completes the work of
salvation which His Father gave Him to do (John 5:36; John 17:4). DV 4
oreover He confirmed
with divine testimony
what revelation
proclaimed, that God
is with us to free us
from the darkness of
sin and death, and to
raise us up to life
eternal. DV 4
through His words
and deeds, His signs
and wonders, but
especially through
His death and
glorious resurrection
from the dead and
final sending of the
Spirit of truth.
"The obedience of faith" (Rom. 16:26; see 1:5; 2 Cor 10:5-6)
"is to be given to God who reveals, an obedience by which
man commits his whole self freely to God, offering the full
submission of intellect and will to God who reveals,". DV 5
2 HANDING ON DIVINE REVELATION - the Apostles who, by their oral preaching,
by example, and by observances handed on what they had received from the lips of Christ,
from living with Him, and from what He did, or what they had learned through the prompting
of the Holy Spirit. The commission was fulfilled, too, by those Apostles and apostolic men who
under the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit committed the message of salvation to writing. DV7
But in order to
keep the Gospel
forever whole
and alive within
the Church, the
Apostles left
bishops as their
"handing over"
to them "the
authority to
teach in their
own place.
DV 7
this sacred tradition, therefore, and Sacred Scripture of both the Old
and New Testaments are like a mirror in which the pilgrim Church on
earth looks at God, from whom she has received everything, until she
is brought finally to see Him as He is, face to face (1 John 3:2). DV 7
The apostolic preaching,
which is expressed in a
special way in the
inspired books, was
To be preserved by an
unending succession
of preachers until
the end of time.
DV 8
This tradition which comes from the Apostles develop
in the Church with the help of the Holy Spirit. DV 8
the Holy Spirit, through whom the living voice of the Gospel resounds in the
Church, and through her, in the world, leads unto all truth those who believe
and makes the word of Christ dwell abundantly in them (Col. 3:16).. DV 8
Sacred tradition takes the word of God
entrusted by Christ the Lord and the Holy
Spirit to the Apostles, and hands it on to
their successors in its full purity, so that led
by the light of the Spirit of truth, they may
in proclaiming it preserve this word of God
faithfully, explain it, and make it more
widely known. DV 9
Sacred tradition and
Sacred Scripture form
one sacred deposit of the
word of God, committed
to the Church. DV 10
task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed
on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church,
whose authority is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ. DV 10
Holy mother Church, relying on the belief of the Apostles (see John 20:31; 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter
1:19-20, 3:15-16), holds that the books of both the Old and New Testaments in their entirety,
with all their parts, are sacred and canonical because written under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, they have God as their author and have been handed on as such to the Church. DV 11
the interpreter of Sacred Scripture, in order to see clearly what God wanted to
communicate to us, should carefully investigate what meaning the sacred writers
really intended, and what God wanted to manifest by means of their words. DV 12
For the correct understanding of what the sacred author wanted to assert,
due attention must be paid to the customary and characteristic styles of
feeling, speaking and narrating which prevailed at the time of the sacred
writer, and to the patterns men normally employed at that period
in their everyday dealings with one another. 12
EL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO - He so manifested Himself through
words and deeds as the one true and living God that Israel
came to know by experience the ways of God with men. DV 14
These same books, then, give
expression to a lively sense of God,
contain a store of sublime teachings
about God, sound wisdom about
human life, and a wonderful
treasury of prayers, and in them the
mystery of our salvation is present in
a hidden way. Christians should
receive them with reverence. DV 15
The books of the Old Testament with all their parts, caught up into the
proclamation of the Gospel, (3) acquire and show forth their full meaning
in the New Testament (see Matt. 5:17; Luke 24:27; Rom. 16:25-26;
2 Cor. 14:16) and in turn shed light on it and explain it. DV 16
Christ established the kingdom
of God on earth, manifested His
Father and Himself by deeds and
words, and completed His work
by His death, resurrection and
glorious Ascension and by the
sending of the Holy Spirit. DV 17
The Church has always and everywhere held and continues
to hold that the four Gospels are of apostolic origin. DV 18
The four gospels, faithfully hand on what Jesus Christ, while
living among men, really did and taught for their eternal
salvation until the day He was taken up into heaven (see Acts 1:1) DV 19
After the Ascension of the Lord the Apostles handed on to their hearers
what He had said and done. This they did with that clearer understanding
which they enjoyed after they had been instructed by the glorious events
of Christ's life and taught by the light of the Spirit of truth. DV 19
"For the word of God is
living and active" (Heb.
4:12) and "it has power to
build you up and give you
your heritage among all
those who are sanctified"
(Acts 20:32; see 1 Thess. 2:13).
DV 21
The bride of the
incarnate Word,
the Church taught
by the Holy Spirit,
is concerned to
move ahead toward
a deeper
understanding of
the Sacred Scriptures
so that she may
increasingly feed her
sons with the divine
word. DV 23
let them remember
that prayer should
accompany the
reading of Sacred
Scripture, so that
God and man may
talk together; for
"we speak to Him
when we pray; we
hear Him when we
read the divine
saying." DV 25
Bishops "who have the apostolic
teaching"(7) to give the faithful
entrusted to them suitable instruction
in the right use of the divine books,
especially the New Testament and
above all the Gospels. DV 25
through the reading and study of the sacred books
"the word of God may spread rapidly and be
glorified" (2 Thess. 3:1) and the treasure of
revelation, entrusted to the Church, may more
and more fill the hearts of men. DV26
the life of the Church is strengthened through more
frequent celebration of the Eucharistic mystery,
similar we may hope for a new stimulus for the life of
the Spirit from a growing reverence for the word of
God, which "lasts forever" (Is. 40:8; see 1 Peter 1:23-25). DV26
Revised 30-9-2021
Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace
All Souls Day
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – In the Light of the Word
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – The Experiences and Challenges of Families
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 - Looking to Jesus, the Vocation of the Family
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - Love in Marriage
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Love made Fruitfuol
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Some Pastoral Perspectives
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Towards a better education of children
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Accompanying, discerning and integrating weaknwss
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family
Beloved Amazon 1ª – A Social Dream
Beloved Amazon 2 - A Cultural Dream
Beloved Amazon 3 – An Ecological Dream
Beloved Amazon 4 - An Ecclesiastical Dream
Christ is Alive
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Football in Spain
Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII
Holidays and Holy Days
Holy Spirit
Holy Week – drawings for children
Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC
Inauguration of President Donald Trump
Juno explores Jupiter
Laudato si 1 – care for the common home
Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation
Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis
Laudato si 4 – integral ecology
Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action
Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality
Love and Marriage 12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4
Martyrs of North America and Canada
Medjugore Pilgrimage
Misericordiae Vultus in English
Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint
Pope Franciss in Thailand
Pope Francis in Japan
Pope Francis in Sweden
Pope Francis in Hungary, Slovaquia
Pope Francis in America
Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016
Querida Amazonia
Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels
Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921
Russian Revolution and Communism 1
Russian Revolution and Communismo 2
Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr
Saint Albert the Great
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Francis de Sales
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint James, apostle
Saint John N. Neumann, bishop of Philadelphia
Saint Joseph
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint Martin of Tours
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta
Saint Jean Baptiste MarieaVianney, Curé of Ars
Saint John N. Neumann, bishop of Philadelphia
Saint John of the Cross
Saint Patrick and Ireland
Saints Zachary and Elizabeth, parents of John Baptis
Signs of hope
Sunday – day of the Lord
Thanksgiving – History and Customs
The Body, the cult – (Eucharist)
Vocation –
Way of the Cross – drawings for children
For commentaries – email –
Fb – Martin M Flynn
Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA
IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493
Revisado 30-9-2021
Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza
Amor y Matrimonio 1 - 9
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – A la luz de la Palabre
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – Realidad y Desafíos de las Familias
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 La mirada puesta en Jesús: Vocación de la Familia
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - El Amor en el Matrimonio
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Amor que se vuelve fecundo
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Algunas Perspectivas Pastorales
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Fortalecer la educacion de los hijos
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar
Cristo Vive
Dia de todos los difuntos
Domingo – día del Señor
El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños
El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucarisía)
Espíritu Santo
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen
Feria de Sevilla
Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón
Hermandades y cofradías
Laudato si 1 – cuidado del hogar común
Laudato si 2 – evangelio de creación
Laudato si 3 – La raíz de la crisis ecológica
Laudato si 4 – ecología integral
Laudato si 5 – líneas de acción
Laudato si 6 – Educación y Espiritualidad Ecológica
Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4
Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa
María y la Biblia
Martires de Nor America y Canada
Medjugore peregrinación
Misericordiae Vultus en Español
Papa Francisco en Bulgaria
Papa Francisco en Rumania
Papa Francisco en Marruecos
Papa Francisco en México
Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016
Papa Francisco – visita a Chile
Papa Francisco – visita a Perú
Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2
Papa Francisco en Cuba
Papa Francisco en Fátima
Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia
Papa Francisco en Hugaría e Eslovaquia
Queridas Amazoznia 1,2,3,4
Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios
Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1, 2, 3
Santa Agata, virgen y martir
San Alberto Magno
San Antonio de Padua
San Francisco de Asis 1,2,3,4
San Francisco de Sales
Santa Maria Goretti
San Ignacio de Loyola
San José, obrero, marido, padre
San Juan Ma Vianney, Curé de’Ars
San Juan de la Cruz
San Juan N. Neumann, obispo de Philadelphia
San Martin de Tours
San Maximiliano Kolbe
Santa Teresa de Calcuta
San Padre Pio de Pietralcina
San Patricio e Irlanda
Santiago Apóstol
Santos Zacarias e Isabel, padres de Juan Bautista
Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC
Vacaciones Cristianas
Virgen de Guadalupe
Vocación – www.vocació
Vocación a evangelizar
Para comentarios – email –
fb – martin m. flynn
Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA
Name – EUR-CA-ASTI. IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493
Divine Revelation (English)

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Divine Revelation (English)

  • 3. 1 - DIVINE REVELATION We announce to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and was made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to you, so that you may have fellowship with us and our common fellowship be with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ" (1Jn 1:2-3). DV1
  • 4. In His goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal Himself and to make known to us the hidden purpose of His will (see Eph. 1:9) by which through Christ, the Word made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father and come to share in the divine nature (see Eph. 2:18; 2 Peter 1:4). DV 2
  • 5. Through this revelation, therefore, the invisible God (Col. 1;15, 1 Tim. 1:17) out of the abundance of His love speaks to men as friends (see Ex. 33:11; John 15:14-15) DV 2
  • 6. He lives among them (see Bar. 3:38), so that He may invite and take them into fellowship with Himself. DV 2
  • 7. This plan of revelation is realized by deeds and words having an inner unity: the deeds wrought by God in the history of salvation manifest and confirm the teaching and realities signified by the words, while the words proclaim the deeds and clarify the mystery contained in them. DV 2
  • 8. God, who through the Word creates all things (see John 1:3) and keeps them in existence, gives men an enduring witness to Himself in created realities (see Rom. 1:19-20). DV 3
  • 9. His promise of redemption aroused in them the hope of being saved (see Gen. 3:15) and from that time on He ceaselessly kept the human race in His care, to give eternal life to those who perseveringly do good in search of salvation (Rom. 2:6-7). DV 3
  • 10. He called Abraham in order to make of him a great nation (see Gen. 12:2).DV 3
  • 11. Through the patriarchs, and after them through Moses and the prophets, He taught this people to acknowledge Himself the one living and true God, provident father and just judge, and to wait for the Savior promised by Him. DV 3
  • 12. For He sent His Son, the eternal Word, who enlightens all men, so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God (John 1:1-18). DV 4
  • 13. Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as "a man to men." He "speaks the words of God" (John 3;34), and completes the work of salvation which His Father gave Him to do (John 5:36; John 17:4). DV 4
  • 14. oreover He confirmed with divine testimony what revelation proclaimed, that God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to life eternal. DV 4 through His words and deeds, His signs and wonders, but especially through His death and glorious resurrection from the dead and final sending of the Spirit of truth.
  • 15. "The obedience of faith" (Rom. 16:26; see 1:5; 2 Cor 10:5-6) "is to be given to God who reveals, an obedience by which man commits his whole self freely to God, offering the full submission of intellect and will to God who reveals,". DV 5
  • 16. 2 HANDING ON DIVINE REVELATION - the Apostles who, by their oral preaching, by example, and by observances handed on what they had received from the lips of Christ, from living with Him, and from what He did, or what they had learned through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The commission was fulfilled, too, by those Apostles and apostolic men who under the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit committed the message of salvation to writing. DV7
  • 17. But in order to keep the Gospel forever whole and alive within the Church, the Apostles left bishops as their successors, "handing over" to them "the authority to teach in their own place. DV 7
  • 18. this sacred tradition, therefore, and Sacred Scripture of both the Old and New Testaments are like a mirror in which the pilgrim Church on earth looks at God, from whom she has received everything, until she is brought finally to see Him as He is, face to face (1 John 3:2). DV 7
  • 19. The apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was To be preserved by an unending succession of preachers until the end of time. DV 8
  • 20. This tradition which comes from the Apostles develop in the Church with the help of the Holy Spirit. DV 8
  • 21. the Holy Spirit, through whom the living voice of the Gospel resounds in the Church, and through her, in the world, leads unto all truth those who believe and makes the word of Christ dwell abundantly in them (Col. 3:16).. DV 8
  • 22. Sacred tradition takes the word of God entrusted by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and hands it on to their successors in its full purity, so that led by the light of the Spirit of truth, they may in proclaiming it preserve this word of God faithfully, explain it, and make it more widely known. DV 9
  • 23. Sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture form one sacred deposit of the word of God, committed to the Church. DV 10
  • 24. task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church, whose authority is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ. DV 10
  • 25. 3 SACRED SCRIPTURE, ITS INSPIRATION AND DIVINE INTERPRETATION Holy mother Church, relying on the belief of the Apostles (see John 20:31; 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-20, 3:15-16), holds that the books of both the Old and New Testaments in their entirety, with all their parts, are sacred and canonical because written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author and have been handed on as such to the Church. DV 11
  • 26. the interpreter of Sacred Scripture, in order to see clearly what God wanted to communicate to us, should carefully investigate what meaning the sacred writers really intended, and what God wanted to manifest by means of their words. DV 12
  • 27. For the correct understanding of what the sacred author wanted to assert, due attention must be paid to the customary and characteristic styles of feeling, speaking and narrating which prevailed at the time of the sacred writer, and to the patterns men normally employed at that period in their everyday dealings with one another. 12
  • 28. EL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO - He so manifested Himself through words and deeds as the one true and living God that Israel came to know by experience the ways of God with men. DV 14
  • 29. These same books, then, give expression to a lively sense of God, contain a store of sublime teachings about God, sound wisdom about human life, and a wonderful treasury of prayers, and in them the mystery of our salvation is present in a hidden way. Christians should receive them with reverence. DV 15
  • 30. The books of the Old Testament with all their parts, caught up into the proclamation of the Gospel, (3) acquire and show forth their full meaning in the New Testament (see Matt. 5:17; Luke 24:27; Rom. 16:25-26; 2 Cor. 14:16) and in turn shed light on it and explain it. DV 16
  • 31. 5 – THE NEW TESTAMENT Christ established the kingdom of God on earth, manifested His Father and Himself by deeds and words, and completed His work by His death, resurrection and glorious Ascension and by the sending of the Holy Spirit. DV 17
  • 32. The Church has always and everywhere held and continues to hold that the four Gospels are of apostolic origin. DV 18
  • 33. The four gospels, faithfully hand on what Jesus Christ, while living among men, really did and taught for their eternal salvation until the day He was taken up into heaven (see Acts 1:1) DV 19
  • 34. After the Ascension of the Lord the Apostles handed on to their hearers what He had said and done. This they did with that clearer understanding which they enjoyed after they had been instructed by the glorious events of Christ's life and taught by the light of the Spirit of truth. DV 19
  • 35. 6 - SACRED SCRIPTURE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH "For the word of God is living and active" (Heb. 4:12) and "it has power to build you up and give you your heritage among all those who are sanctified" (Acts 20:32; see 1 Thess. 2:13). DV 21
  • 36. The bride of the incarnate Word, the Church taught by the Holy Spirit, is concerned to move ahead toward a deeper understanding of the Sacred Scriptures so that she may increasingly feed her sons with the divine word. DV 23
  • 37. let them remember that prayer should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, so that God and man may talk together; for "we speak to Him when we pray; we hear Him when we read the divine saying." DV 25
  • 38. Bishops "who have the apostolic teaching"(7) to give the faithful entrusted to them suitable instruction in the right use of the divine books, especially the New Testament and above all the Gospels. DV 25
  • 39. through the reading and study of the sacred books "the word of God may spread rapidly and be glorified" (2 Thess. 3:1) and the treasure of revelation, entrusted to the Church, may more and more fill the hearts of men. DV26
  • 40. the life of the Church is strengthened through more frequent celebration of the Eucharistic mystery, similar we may hope for a new stimulus for the life of the Spirit from a growing reverence for the word of God, which "lasts forever" (Is. 40:8; see 1 Peter 1:23-25). DV26
  • 41. LIST OF PRESENTATIONS IN ENGLISH Revised 30-9-2021 Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace All Souls Day Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – In the Light of the Word Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – The Experiences and Challenges of Families Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 - Looking to Jesus, the Vocation of the Family Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - Love in Marriage Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Love made Fruitfuol Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Some Pastoral Perspectives Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Towards a better education of children Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Accompanying, discerning and integrating weaknwss Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family Beloved Amazon 1ª – A Social Dream Beloved Amazon 2 - A Cultural Dream Beloved Amazon 3 – An Ecological Dream Beloved Amazon 4 - An Ecclesiastical Dream Carnival Christ is Alive Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Football in Spain Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII Holidays and Holy Days Holy Spirit Holy Week – drawings for children Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC Inauguration of President Donald Trump Juno explores Jupiter Laudato si 1 – care for the common home Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis Laudato si 4 – integral ecology Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality Love and Marriage 12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4 Martyrs of North America and Canada Medjugore Pilgrimage Misericordiae Vultus in English Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint Pope Franciss in Thailand Pope Francis in Japan Pope Francis in Sweden Pope Francis in Hungary, Slovaquia Pope Francis in America Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016 Querida Amazonia Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921 Russian Revolution and Communism 1 Russian Revolution and Communismo 2 Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr Saint Albert the Great Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Francis de Sales Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint James, apostle Saint John N. Neumann, bishop of Philadelphia Saint Joseph Saint Maria Goretti Saint Martin of Tours Saint Maximilian Kolbe Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta Saint Jean Baptiste MarieaVianney, Curé of Ars Saint John N. Neumann, bishop of Philadelphia Saint John of the Cross Saint Patrick and Ireland Saints Zachary and Elizabeth, parents of John Baptis Signs of hope Sunday – day of the Lord Thanksgiving – History and Customs The Body, the cult – (Eucharist) Valentine Vocation – Way of the Cross – drawings for children For commentaries – email – Fb – Martin M Flynn Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA Name – EUR-CA-ASTI IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493
  • 42. LISTA DE PRESENTACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Revisado 30-9-2021 Abuelos Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza Amor y Matrimonio 1 - 9 Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – A la luz de la Palabre Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – Realidad y Desafíos de las Familias Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 La mirada puesta en Jesús: Vocación de la Familia Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - El Amor en el Matrimonio Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Amor que se vuelve fecundo Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Algunas Perspectivas Pastorales Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Fortalecer la educacion de los hijos Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar Carnaval Cristo Vive Dia de todos los difuntos Domingo – día del Señor El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucarisía) Espíritu Santo Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen Feria de Sevilla Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón Hermandades y cofradías Hispanidad Laudato si 1 – cuidado del hogar común Laudato si 2 – evangelio de creación Laudato si 3 – La raíz de la crisis ecológica Laudato si 4 – ecología integral Laudato si 5 – líneas de acción Laudato si 6 – Educación y Espiritualidad Ecológica Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4 Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa María y la Biblia Martires de Nor America y Canada Medjugore peregrinación Misericordiae Vultus en Español Papa Francisco en Bulgaria Papa Francisco en Rumania Papa Francisco en Marruecos Papa Francisco en México Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016 Papa Francisco – visita a Chile Papa Francisco – visita a Perú Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2 Papa Francisco en Cuba Papa Francisco en Fátima Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia Papa Francisco en Hugaría e Eslovaquia Queridas Amazoznia 1,2,3,4 Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1, 2, 3 Santa Agata, virgen y martir San Alberto Magno San Antonio de Padua San Francisco de Asis 1,2,3,4 San Francisco de Sales Santa Maria Goretti San Ignacio de Loyola San José, obrero, marido, padre San Juan Ma Vianney, Curé de’Ars San Juan de la Cruz San Juan N. Neumann, obispo de Philadelphia San Martin de Tours San Maximiliano Kolbe Santa Teresa de Calcuta San Padre Pio de Pietralcina San Patricio e Irlanda Santiago Apóstol Santos Zacarias e Isabel, padres de Juan Bautista Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC Vacaciones Cristianas Valentín Virgen de Guadalupe Vocación – www.vocació Vocación a evangelizar Para comentarios – email – fb – martin m. flynn Donations to - BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA Name – EUR-CA-ASTI. IBAN – IT61Q0306909606100000139493