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Durante Degli Alighieri
• Born Mid-May to mid-June, c. 1265
Florence, Republic of Florence
• Died September 13/14, 1321
(aged about 56)
Ravenna, Papal States
• Occupation Statesman, poet, language
theorist, political theorist
• Nationality Italian
• Period Late Middle Ages
• Literary movement Dolce Stil Novo
The Divine Comedy is composed of 14,233 lines that are divided into
three canticas (Italian plural cantiche)
-each consisting of 33 cantos (Italian plural canti). An initial canto, serving as
an introduction to the poem and generally considered to be part of the first
cantica, brings the total number of cantos to 100.
Additionally, the verse scheme used, terza rima, is hendecasyllabic (lines of
eleven syllables), with the lines composing tercets according to the rhyme
scheme aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ....
The physical aspect of Hell is a
gigantic funnel that leads to the
very center of the Earth.
According to the legend used by
Dante, this huge, gigantic hole in
the Earth was made when God
threw Satan (Lucifer) and his
band of rebels out of Heaven
with such force that they created
a giant hole in the Earth.
Satan was cast all the way to the
very center of the Earth, has
remained there since, and will
remain there through all of
Circle 1: Those in Limbo
Circle 2: The Lustful
Circle 3: The Gluttonous
Circle 4: The Hoaders
Circle 5: The Wrathful
Circle 6: The Heretics
Circle 7: The Violent
Ring 1:Murderers, Robberers & Plunders
Ring 2:Suicides and those harmful to the world
Ring 3:Against GOD, Nature & Art
Circle 8: The Faudulent
Trench I: Panderers & Seducers
Trench II: Flatterers
Trench III: Simoniacs
Trench IV: Sorcerers
Trench V: Barrators
Trench VI: Hyprocrites
Trench VII: Theives
Trench VIII: Evil Counselors
Trench IX: Sowers of Discord
Trench X: Falsifiers
Circle 9: Traitors
Region 1: Kindred
Region 2: Country
Region 3: Guests
Region 4: Lords
Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso
CANTO I The Dark worlds of Error
The Inferno follows the
wanderings of the poet Dante
as he strays off the rightful
and straight path of moral
truth and gets lost in a dark
wood. And that, folks,
is just the beginning.
At the age of thirty-five,
on the night of Good
Friday in the year 1300,
Dante finds himself lost in
a dark wood and full of
CANTO I The Dark worlds of Error
Just as three wild
animals threaten
to attack him,
Dante is rescued
by the ghost of
Virgil, a
Roman poet and
also Dante’s idol.
CANTO II The Descent
Virgil asked the
deceased love-of-
Beatrice, to send
someone down to
help him. Virgil to
the rescue! He’s an
appropriate guide
because he’s very
much like Dante, a
fellow writer and
famous poet.
When asked why
he came, Virgil
answers that the
head honchos of
Virgin Mary and
Santa Lucia—felt
sorry for Dante.
CANTO III The Opportunists
Dante passes through the gate of
Hell, which bears an inscription
ending with the famous phrase
"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi
ch'intrate", most frequently
translated as "Abandon all hope, ye
who enter here
Dante and his guide hear the
anguished screams of the
Uncommitted. These are the souls
of people who in life took no sides;
the opportunists who were for
neither good nor evil, but merely
concerned with themselves.
CANTO III The Opportunists
After passing through the
vestibule, Dante and Virgil
reach the ferry that will take
them across the river
Acheron and to Hell proper.
The ferry is piloted by
Charon, who does not want
to let Dante enter, for he is a
living being
Virgil forces Charon to take
him however, the passage
across the Acheron is
undescribed, since Dante
faints and does not awaken
until he is on the other side.
CANTO IV The Virtuous Pagan
Circle 1 - Limbo
The first circle of Hell (Limbo),
considered pre-Hell, just contains all
of the unbaptized and good people
born and before the coming of
Christ, who obviously couldn’t be
saved by him.
CANTO IV The Virtuous Pagan
Circle 1 - Limbo
The first circle of Hell (Limbo) :
Virgil resides here, along with
a bunch of other Greek and
Roman poets.
Dante encounters the poets
Homer, Horace, Ovid, and
Lucan, who include him in
their number and make him
"sixth in that high company".
CANTO V The Lustful
Circle 2
Dante and Virgil leave Limbo
and enter the Second Circle
— the first of the circles of
Incontinence — where the
punishments of Hell proper
begin. It is described as "a
part where no thing gleams.
They find their way hindered
by the serpentine Minos.
- who judges all of those
condemned for active,
deliberately willed sin to
one of the lower circles.
He sentences each soul to
its torment by wrapping his
tail around himself a
corresponding number of
CANTO V The Lustful
Circle 2
In the second circle,
lustful sinners are tossed
around by endless
CANTO V The Lustful
Circle 2
Dante speaks to the soul
of Francesca da Rimini, a
woman who was stuck in
a loveless, arranged
marriage and committed
adultery when she fell in
love with a dashing youth
named Paolo.
CANTO VI The Gluttonous
Circle 3
Cerberus - the monstrous
three-headed beast of
Hell, ravenously guards
the gluttons lying in the
freezing mire, mauling
and flaying them with his
claws as they howl like
CANTO VI The Gluttonous
Circle 3
Dante then awakes in
the third circle,
where the
Gluttonous sinners
suffer under a cold
and filthy rain.
CANTO VII The Avaricious and Prodigal
Circle 4
Virgil leads Dante on to the
fourth circle, where the
Avaricious (greedy people)
and Prodigal (reckless
spenders) roll heavy
weights in endless circles.
Circle 4 –
Guarded by Plutus.
CANTO VIII The Wrathful and Sullen
Circle 5 – The River Styx
The next stop on the
tour is the fifth circle,
where the Wrathful and
Sullen are immersed in
the muddy river Styx.
While they are crossing
the Styx, a sinner
named Filippo Argenti
reaches out to Dante
(presumably for help),
but Dante angrily
rejects him.
CANTO IX-XI The Wrathful and Sullen
Circle 5 – The Gate of Dis
Now at the gates of
a city called Dis,
Virgil takes it upon
himself to persuade
the demon guards
to let them pass.
Unexpectedly, he
CANTO IX-XI The Wrathful and Sullen
Circle 5 – The Gate of Dis
The walls of Dis are
guarded by fallen
Demon guards
This means that instead of
continuing on with the
journey, Dante and Virgil
must wait for an angel to
come down and force
open the gates for them.
CANTOIX-XI The Heretics
Circle 6
After passing the
city of Dis, our
dynamic duo, enters
the sixth circle,
where the Heretics
lay in fiery tombs.
Dante talks to
Farinata degli
Uberti, who predicts
that Dante will have
difficulty returning
to Florence from
Farinata degli Uberti
CANTO XII The Violent against
Neighbors Circle 7
This circle houses the
violent. Its entry is guarded
by Minotaur.
Divided into 3 rings:
Outer ring
Middle ring
Inner ring
CANTO XII The Violent
Circle 7
As they cross from
the sixth to the
seventh circle, where
the Violent are
punished, Virgil finally
begins explaining the
layout of Hell.
Violent against their neighbors
Circle 7
Violent against themselves
Violent against GOD
Outer ring
Middle ring
Inner ring
The Violent against their
Circle 7 – Outer Ring
Outer ring –
housing the violent
against people and
property, who are
immersed in
Phlegethon – a river
of boiling blood, to a
level commensurate
with their sins.
The Violent against
Circle 7 – Middle Ring
Middle ring –
In this ring are the
suicides, who are
transformed into
gnarled thorny
bushes and trees.
*The trees are a
metaphor; In life the
only way of the relief
of suffering was
through pain
The Violent against GOD, Nature
and Art
Circle 7 – Inner Ring
Inner ring –
All reside in a desert
of flaming sand with
fiery flakes raining
from the sky.
Violent against:
GOD – blasphemers,
Nature –Sodomites;
Art – Usurers
CANTO XVIII The Fraudulent
Circle 8
Finally, Dante and
Virgil ready
themselves to
cross to the eighth
circle. Dante, at
Virgil’s command,
summons the beast
Geryon from the
depths with a cord
wrapped around
his waist.
-Geryon, symbol of
Virgil stays to talk
with the beast while
urging Dante to look
at the last of the
Violent sinners.
When Dante comes
back, they mount
Geryon and ride the
beast during the
descent into the
eighth circle.
CANTO XVIII The Fraudulent
Circle 8
The eighth circle
contains ten pouches,
each containing
different types of
Dante’s Inferno
Circle 1: Those in Limbo
Circle 2: The Lustful
Circle 3: The Gluttonous
Circle 4: The Hoaders
Circle 5: The Wrathful
Circle 6: The Heretics
Circle 7: The Violent
Ring 1:Murderers, Robberers & Plunders
Ring 2:Suicides and those harmful to the world
Ring 3:Against GOD, Nature & Art
Circle 8: The Faudulent
Trench I: Panderers & Seducers
Trench II: Flatterers
Trench III: Simoniacs
Trench IV: Sorcerers
Trench V: Barrators
Trench VI: Hyprocrites
Trench VII: Theives
Trench VIII: Evil Counselors
Trench IX: Sowers of Discord
Trench X: Falsifiers
Circle 9: Traitors
Region 1: Kindred
Region 2: Country
Region 3: Guests
Region 4: Lords
The Fraudulent Circle 8
Trench I: Panderers & Seducers
Trench II: Flatterers
Panderers and Seducers walk
in separate line in opposite
direction, whipped by demons.
Flatterers are steeped in
human excrement.
CANTO XIX-XX The Fraudulent - Circle 8
Trench III: Simoniacs
Trench IV: Sorcerers
Simoniacs -Those who
committed simony are place
head first in holes in the rock,
with flames burning on the
soles of their feet.
Sorcerers and false prophets-
they have their heads twisted
around on their bodies
backward, so they can only see
what is behind them and not in
the future.
The Fraudulent
Circle 8
Trench VI: Hyprocrites
Trench VII: Theives
Corrupt politicians( barrators)
are immersed in a lake of
boiling pitch, guarded by
devils, the Malebranche
Hypocrites listlessly walking
along wearing gold-gilded lead
The Fraudulent Circle 8
Trench VII: Theives
Trench VIII: Evil Counselors
Thieves are bitten by snakes.
Snakes bites make them
undergo various
transformations and some
resrrected after being turned
to ashes.
Evil counsellors are
encased in individual
*They’re watching the flaming spirits
of Oddyseus and Diomedes
(Trojan War)
CANTO XXVII-XXXI The Fraudulent Circle 8
Trench IX: Sowers of Discord
Trench X: Falsifiers
A sword-wieldded
devil hacks at the
sowers of discord.
As their wounds heal,
the devil will tear their
bodies again.
Groups of various sort of
falsifiers are afflicted with
different types of
The severed
head of
Bertrand de
Born speaks
to Dante
Circle 8
As they leave,
Virgil points out the
sinning giants who
are immobilized
around them in
Circle 8
Nimrod of the giants
Nimrod—who was
responsible for building
the Tower of Babel—has
lost the ability to speak
coherently. His words
are gibberish.
Virgil requests that one
of the unbound giants,
Antaneus, transport
them in the palm of his
hand down to the last
circle of Hell. He
The giant Antaeus lowers Dante and Virgil into the last circle
Circle 9
The ninth circle of Hell,
where traitors are
punished, contains four
different zones.
Dante’s Inferno
Circle 1: Those in Limbo
Circle 2: The Lustful
Circle 3: The Gluttonous
Circle 4: The Hoaders
Circle 5: The Wrathful
Circle 6: The Heretics
Circle 7: The Violent
Ring 1:Murderers, Robberers & Plunders
Ring 2:Suicides and those harmful to the world
Ring 3:Against GOD, Nature & Art
Circle 8: The Faudulent
Trench I: Panderers & Seducers
Trench II: Flatterers
Trench III: Simoniacs
Trench IV: Sorcerers
Trench V: Barrators
Trench VI: Hyprocrites
Trench VII: Theives
Trench VIII: Evil Counselors
Trench IX: Sowers of Discord
Trench X: Falsifiers
Circle 9: Traitors
Region 1: Kindred
Region 2: Country
Region 3: Guests
Region 4: Lords
Circle 9
Traitors, distinguished
from the “merely”
fraudulent in that their
acts involve betraying
one in a special
relationship to the
betrayer, are frozen in a
lake of ice known as
The traitors frozen in the ice of Cocytus
Circle 9 – The Four Concentric Zones of 9th Circle
Traitors to their Kindred
Named for Cain, is home to
traitors to their kindered.
Is name for Antenor
of troy,who betrayed
his city to the Greeks.
Is probably named
for Ptolemy, the
captain of Jericho ,
He killed Simon
Maccabaeus and his
Is named for Judas
the Iscariot, Biblical
betrayer of Christ, is
for traitor to their
Traitors to their Country Traitors to their Guests Traitors to their Lords
Circle 9 – REGION 1:Caïna
REGION 1:Caïna
The souls here are
immersed in the ice up
to their necks.
Dante addresses the traitor Bocca degli Abati
Bocca degli Abati
Circle 9 – REGION 2:Antenora
REGION 2: Antenora
The souls here are
immersed the same
level as those in Caïna,
except they are unable
to bend their necks.
Ugolino gnaws upon the head of Archbishop Ruggieri
Archbishop Ruggierir
Circle 9 – REGION 3:Ptolomæa
REGION 3:Ptolomæa
Where traitors against
their guests suffer,
immobilized in ice and
their tears frozen
against their eyes.
As they cry, their tears freeze and seal their eyes shut – they are denied even comfort of tears.
Circle 9 – REGION 4:Judecca
REGION 4:Judecca
In the fourth the final
zone, Judecca, where
traitors against their
benefactors are
punished, Dante
witnesses the king of
Hell, the three-headed
Lucifer, giant and frozen
at the core. In his three
mouths, Lucifer
mechanically chews on
the most evil mortal
sinners—Judas, Brutus,
and Cassius.
Lucifer, king of Hell, frozen in the ice
• Having survived the
depths of Hell, Dante
and Virgil ascend out
of the undergloom, to
the Mountain
of Purgatory on the far
side of the world.
Beatrice, Dante's ideal
woman, guides him
through PURGATORY.
Beatrice was a Florentine
woman whom he had met
in childhood and admired
from afar in the mode of
the then-
fashionable courtly love
tradition which is
highlighted in Dante's
earlier work La Vita
•This is the level where the late-repentants stay.
•These sinners stay in purgatory until the
prayers of their loved ones shorten their stay
•Those who are proud are being punished in this
•The proud are purged by carrying giant stones
on their backs, unable to stand up straight
•Those who are envious are being punished in
this level.
•The envious are purged by having their eyes
sewn shut and wearing clothing that makes the
soul indistinguishable from the ground
• Those who are wrathful are being punished in this level.
• The wrathful are purged by walking around in acrid smoke
• Those who are slothful are being punished in this level.
• The slothful are purged by continually running
• Those who sinned on the fifth through seventh terraces
are those who loved good things but loving them in a
disordered way.
• Those who are avaricious and prodigal are being
punished in this level.
• The avaricious and prodigal are purged by lying face-
down on the ground, unable to move
• Those who are gluttonous are being punished in this
• The gluttonous are purged by abstaining from any food
or drink
• Those who are lustful are being punished in this level.
• The lustful are purged by burning in an immense wall of
An illustration of purgatorio
•Dante, under the guidance of Beatrice,
completes his journey to the afterlife by leaving
the earth and rising through the ten celestial
heavens of the ancient cosmos. Paradiso
narrates how Dante and Beatrice encounter
blessed spirits in the seven planetary spheres.
In describing the heavens, Dante is going beyond
previous poets, driven by intellect (Minerva),
steered by divine creativity (Apollo), and guided by
poetic inspiration (The Muses).
The System of
Dante's Paradise
The sphere is that of faith, the content of faith,
taken on trust that will be revealed, realised,
self-evidently as “truth.”
The spirits in the moon is also associated in our
culture with woman, with the virginity and
chastity of Diana.
Spirits are those who failed in the aspect of faith
by breaking their vows.
• Justinian and the hope of the Roman Empire
• refers to the justice of the sin of the Fall of
• Mercury is filled with spirits who hoped for
earthly fame and honor, so they impaired the
force of their spiritual hope.
• The spirits are satisfied because reward is
matched with merit and they are free of envy.
• Still in the heaven of Venus, Dante speaks first with
Cunizza, the mistress of the troubadour poet, Sordello,
and sister of the tyrant, Ezzelino da Romano, and
secondly with Foulquet of Marseilles, a troubadour poet,
renowned as much for his amours as for his poetry. The
discourse of both souls is concerned with affairs on earth,
Cunizza foretelling the disasters which will befall the
inhabitants of the Trevisan territory, and Foulquet
deploring the avarice of the Church and her neglect of true
religion. Both spirits rejoice in the degree of bliss to which
God has destined them; the love in which they erred in
their first life is now discerned by them as the power
by which the universe is governed.
• The spirits are manifested who reconciled spiritual and earthly
wisdom; pagan and Christian learning and history, and directed
the virtuous Christian life on Earth.
Signifies the virtue of Fortitude.
• The red planet carries traditional associations of blood
and war in myth and astrology; but in here, it represents the
associations of the Church Militant and of the Crucifixion.
• The Spirits are those of the warriors of God; those who
fought for the Chosen People of the old law (Old Testament),
and of Christ’s Church in the new (New Testament).
• It is associated with Justice and Wisdom, with Jupiter
the Roman God, and therefore with the Roman
Emperors, and with the Christian God.
• The head and neck of an Eagle
• 1. The emblem of Rome
• 2. The divine sign of Empire and justice
• The mind of God inspires the earthly forms, the nests
where intellect builds and creates justice.
• The contemplative spiritual life of an individual and the
fourth cardinal virtue of Temperance
• Is also a reminder of the Golden Age when in myth, Saturn
ruled the Earth; a time of simplicity, moderation and primal
• Love, in all its forms, reads to him, is Divine Love, The
good God, Himself. Love is one continuum, from the
divine to the earthly. All love is one.
Dante will be examined by the Apostles who stand at the threshold
to the Primum Mobile, concerning his understanding of the
theological virtues:
Saint Peter
• Faith
Saint James
• Hope
Saint John
• Love
The Primum Mobile/ Crystalline
The Angelic Circles
-There is a spiritual
rather than a spatial
between the two
Concentric Sphere
-Centered on Earth
Concentric Angelic
Centered on God
The Empyrean
• Here, Dante had seen the redeemed spirits and the
angels in their form of the Last Judgment.
• The Emyprean is the full Light of Truth which is filled
with Divine Love. That love is full of transcendent joy
coming from the Supreme God, the essence of Love.
• The Angels fly among the redeemed, in the form of a
white rose, and God. Angels’ faces are flame, their
wings golden and the rest, white: the three colors that
symbolize Love, Knowledge and Purity.
Divine comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso)

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Divine comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso)

  • 1. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Durante Degli Alighieri • Born Mid-May to mid-June, c. 1265 Florence, Republic of Florence • Died September 13/14, 1321 (aged about 56) Ravenna, Papal States • Occupation Statesman, poet, language theorist, political theorist • Nationality Italian • Period Late Middle Ages • Literary movement Dolce Stil Novo
  • 2. STRUCTURE OF THE STORY The Divine Comedy is composed of 14,233 lines that are divided into three canticas (Italian plural cantiche) Inferno (Hell) Purgatori (Purgatory) Paradiso (Paradise) -each consisting of 33 cantos (Italian plural canti). An initial canto, serving as an introduction to the poem and generally considered to be part of the first cantica, brings the total number of cantos to 100. Additionally, the verse scheme used, terza rima, is hendecasyllabic (lines of eleven syllables), with the lines composing tercets according to the rhyme scheme aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ....
  • 3. The physical aspect of Hell is a gigantic funnel that leads to the very center of the Earth. According to the legend used by Dante, this huge, gigantic hole in the Earth was made when God threw Satan (Lucifer) and his band of rebels out of Heaven with such force that they created a giant hole in the Earth. Satan was cast all the way to the very center of the Earth, has remained there since, and will remain there through all of eternity. Circle 1: Those in Limbo Circle 2: The Lustful Circle 3: The Gluttonous Circle 4: The Hoaders Circle 5: The Wrathful Circle 6: The Heretics Circle 7: The Violent Ring 1:Murderers, Robberers & Plunders Ring 2:Suicides and those harmful to the world Ring 3:Against GOD, Nature & Art Circle 8: The Faudulent Trench I: Panderers & Seducers Trench II: Flatterers Trench III: Simoniacs Trench IV: Sorcerers Trench V: Barrators Trench VI: Hyprocrites Trench VII: Theives Trench VIII: Evil Counselors Trench IX: Sowers of Discord Trench X: Falsifiers Circle 9: Traitors Region 1: Kindred Region 2: Country Region 3: Guests Region 4: Lords
  • 4. DIVINE COMEDY Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso BY DANTE ALIGHIERI
  • 5.
  • 6. CANTO I The Dark worlds of Error The Inferno follows the wanderings of the poet Dante as he strays off the rightful and straight path of moral truth and gets lost in a dark wood. And that, folks, is just the beginning. At the age of thirty-five, on the night of Good Friday in the year 1300, Dante finds himself lost in a dark wood and full of fear.
  • 7. CANTO I The Dark worlds of Error Just as three wild animals threaten to attack him, Dante is rescued by the ghost of Virgil, a celebrated Roman poet and also Dante’s idol.
  • 8. CANTO II The Descent Virgil asked the deceased love-of- Dante’s-life, Beatrice, to send someone down to help him. Virgil to the rescue! He’s an appropriate guide because he’s very much like Dante, a fellow writer and famous poet. When asked why he came, Virgil answers that the head honchos of Heaven—the Virgin Mary and Santa Lucia—felt sorry for Dante. Beatrice
  • 9. CANTO III The Opportunists (Gate) Dante passes through the gate of Hell, which bears an inscription ending with the famous phrase "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", most frequently translated as "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here Dante and his guide hear the anguished screams of the Uncommitted. These are the souls of people who in life took no sides; the opportunists who were for neither good nor evil, but merely concerned with themselves.
  • 10. CANTO III The Opportunists (Gate) After passing through the vestibule, Dante and Virgil reach the ferry that will take them across the river Acheron and to Hell proper. The ferry is piloted by Charon, who does not want to let Dante enter, for he is a living being Virgil forces Charon to take him however, the passage across the Acheron is undescribed, since Dante faints and does not awaken until he is on the other side. Charon
  • 11. CANTO IV The Virtuous Pagan Circle 1 - Limbo The first circle of Hell (Limbo), considered pre-Hell, just contains all of the unbaptized and good people born and before the coming of Christ, who obviously couldn’t be saved by him.
  • 12. CANTO IV The Virtuous Pagan Circle 1 - Limbo The first circle of Hell (Limbo) : Virgil resides here, along with a bunch of other Greek and Roman poets. Dante encounters the poets Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan, who include him in their number and make him "sixth in that high company".
  • 13. CANTO V The Lustful Circle 2 Dante and Virgil leave Limbo and enter the Second Circle — the first of the circles of Incontinence — where the punishments of Hell proper begin. It is described as "a part where no thing gleams. They find their way hindered by the serpentine Minos. Minos - who judges all of those condemned for active, deliberately willed sin to one of the lower circles. He sentences each soul to its torment by wrapping his tail around himself a corresponding number of times.
  • 14. CANTO V The Lustful Circle 2 In the second circle, lustful sinners are tossed around by endless storms.
  • 15. CANTO V The Lustful Circle 2 Dante speaks to the soul of Francesca da Rimini, a woman who was stuck in a loveless, arranged marriage and committed adultery when she fell in love with a dashing youth named Paolo. Paolo Francesca
  • 16. CANTO VI The Gluttonous Circle 3 Cerberus - the monstrous three-headed beast of Hell, ravenously guards the gluttons lying in the freezing mire, mauling and flaying them with his claws as they howl like dogs.
  • 17. CANTO VI The Gluttonous Circle 3 Dante then awakes in the third circle, where the Gluttonous sinners suffer under a cold and filthy rain.
  • 18. CANTO VII The Avaricious and Prodigal Circle 4 Virgil leads Dante on to the fourth circle, where the Avaricious (greedy people) and Prodigal (reckless spenders) roll heavy weights in endless circles. Circle 4 – Guarded by Plutus.
  • 19. CANTO VIII The Wrathful and Sullen Circle 5 – The River Styx The next stop on the tour is the fifth circle, where the Wrathful and Sullen are immersed in the muddy river Styx. While they are crossing the Styx, a sinner named Filippo Argenti reaches out to Dante (presumably for help), but Dante angrily rejects him. Philippo
  • 20. CANTO IX-XI The Wrathful and Sullen Circle 5 – The Gate of Dis Now at the gates of a city called Dis, Virgil takes it upon himself to persuade the demon guards to let them pass. Unexpectedly, he fails.
  • 21. CANTO IX-XI The Wrathful and Sullen Circle 5 – The Gate of Dis The walls of Dis are guarded by fallen angels. Demon guards This means that instead of continuing on with the journey, Dante and Virgil must wait for an angel to come down and force open the gates for them.
  • 22. CANTOIX-XI The Heretics Circle 6 After passing the city of Dis, our dynamic duo, enters the sixth circle, where the Heretics lay in fiery tombs. Dante talks to Farinata degli Uberti, who predicts that Dante will have difficulty returning to Florence from exile. Farinata degli Uberti
  • 23. CANTO XII The Violent against Neighbors Circle 7 This circle houses the violent. Its entry is guarded by Minotaur. Divided into 3 rings: Outer ring Middle ring Inner ring Minotaur
  • 24. CANTO XII The Violent Circle 7 As they cross from the sixth to the seventh circle, where the Violent are punished, Virgil finally begins explaining the layout of Hell. Violent against their neighbors Circle 7 Violent against themselves Violent against GOD Outer ring Middle ring Inner ring
  • 25. CANTO XII The Violent against their neighbors Circle 7 – Outer Ring Outer ring – housing the violent against people and property, who are immersed in Phlegethon – a river of boiling blood, to a level commensurate with their sins.
  • 26. CANTO XIII The Violent against themselves Circle 7 – Middle Ring Middle ring – In this ring are the suicides, who are transformed into gnarled thorny bushes and trees. *The trees are a metaphor; In life the only way of the relief of suffering was through pain (suicide)
  • 27. CANTO XIV-XVII The Violent against GOD, Nature and Art Circle 7 – Inner Ring Inner ring – All reside in a desert of flaming sand with fiery flakes raining from the sky. Violent against: GOD – blasphemers, Nature –Sodomites; Art – Usurers Latini
  • 28. CANTO XVIII The Fraudulent Circle 8 Finally, Dante and Virgil ready themselves to cross to the eighth circle. Dante, at Virgil’s command, summons the beast Geryon from the depths with a cord wrapped around his waist. -Geryon, symbol of deceitGeryon Virgil stays to talk with the beast while urging Dante to look at the last of the Violent sinners. When Dante comes back, they mount Geryon and ride the beast during the descent into the eighth circle.
  • 29. CANTO XVIII The Fraudulent Circle 8 The eighth circle contains ten pouches, each containing different types of sinners. Dante’s Inferno Circle 1: Those in Limbo Circle 2: The Lustful Circle 3: The Gluttonous Circle 4: The Hoaders Circle 5: The Wrathful Circle 6: The Heretics Circle 7: The Violent Ring 1:Murderers, Robberers & Plunders Ring 2:Suicides and those harmful to the world Ring 3:Against GOD, Nature & Art Circle 8: The Faudulent Trench I: Panderers & Seducers Trench II: Flatterers Trench III: Simoniacs Trench IV: Sorcerers Trench V: Barrators Trench VI: Hyprocrites Trench VII: Theives Trench VIII: Evil Counselors Trench IX: Sowers of Discord Trench X: Falsifiers Circle 9: Traitors Region 1: Kindred Region 2: Country Region 3: Guests Region 4: Lords
  • 30. CANTO XVIII The Fraudulent Circle 8 Trench I: Panderers & Seducers Trench II: Flatterers Panderers and Seducers walk in separate line in opposite direction, whipped by demons. Flatterers are steeped in human excrement.
  • 31. CANTO XIX-XX The Fraudulent - Circle 8 Trench III: Simoniacs Trench IV: Sorcerers Simoniacs -Those who committed simony are place head first in holes in the rock, with flames burning on the soles of their feet. Sorcerers and false prophets- they have their heads twisted around on their bodies backward, so they can only see what is behind them and not in the future.
  • 32. CANTO XXI-XXIII The Fraudulent Circle 8 Trench VI: Hyprocrites Trench VII: Theives Corrupt politicians( barrators) are immersed in a lake of boiling pitch, guarded by devils, the Malebranche Hypocrites listlessly walking along wearing gold-gilded lead cloaks. lol
  • 33. CANTO XXIV-XXVII The Fraudulent Circle 8 Trench VII: Theives Trench VIII: Evil Counselors Thieves are bitten by snakes. Snakes bites make them undergo various transformations and some resrrected after being turned to ashes. Evil counsellors are encased in individual flames *They’re watching the flaming spirits of Oddyseus and Diomedes (Trojan War)
  • 34. CANTO XXVII-XXXI The Fraudulent Circle 8 Trench IX: Sowers of Discord Trench X: Falsifiers A sword-wieldded devil hacks at the sowers of discord. As their wounds heal, the devil will tear their bodies again. Groups of various sort of falsifiers are afflicted with different types of diseases. The severed head of Bertrand de Born speaks to Dante
  • 35. CANTO XXVII-XXXI The Fraudulent Circle 8 As they leave, Virgil points out the sinning giants who are immobilized around them in punishment.
  • 36. CANTO XXVII-XXXI The Fraudulent Circle 8 Nimrod of the giants Nimrod—who was responsible for building the Tower of Babel—has lost the ability to speak coherently. His words are gibberish. Virgil requests that one of the unbound giants, Antaneus, transport them in the palm of his hand down to the last circle of Hell. He complies. The giant Antaeus lowers Dante and Virgil into the last circle Nimrod Antaneus
  • 37. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 The ninth circle of Hell, where traitors are punished, contains four different zones. Dante’s Inferno Circle 1: Those in Limbo Circle 2: The Lustful Circle 3: The Gluttonous Circle 4: The Hoaders Circle 5: The Wrathful Circle 6: The Heretics Circle 7: The Violent Ring 1:Murderers, Robberers & Plunders Ring 2:Suicides and those harmful to the world Ring 3:Against GOD, Nature & Art Circle 8: The Faudulent Trench I: Panderers & Seducers Trench II: Flatterers Trench III: Simoniacs Trench IV: Sorcerers Trench V: Barrators Trench VI: Hyprocrites Trench VII: Theives Trench VIII: Evil Counselors Trench IX: Sowers of Discord Trench X: Falsifiers Circle 9: Traitors Region 1: Kindred Region 2: Country Region 3: Guests Region 4: Lords
  • 38. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 Traitors, distinguished from the “merely” fraudulent in that their acts involve betraying one in a special relationship to the betrayer, are frozen in a lake of ice known as Cocytus. The traitors frozen in the ice of Cocytus
  • 39. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 – The Four Concentric Zones of 9th Circle Traitors to their Kindred REGION 1: Caïna Named for Cain, is home to traitors to their kindered. REGION 2: Antenora Is name for Antenor of troy,who betrayed his city to the Greeks. REGION 3: Ptolomæa Is probably named for Ptolemy, the captain of Jericho , He killed Simon Maccabaeus and his sons. REGION 4: Judecca Is named for Judas the Iscariot, Biblical betrayer of Christ, is for traitor to their Lords. Traitors to their Country Traitors to their Guests Traitors to their Lords
  • 40. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 – REGION 1:Caïna REGION 1:Caïna The souls here are immersed in the ice up to their necks. Dante addresses the traitor Bocca degli Abati Bocca degli Abati
  • 41. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 – REGION 2:Antenora REGION 2: Antenora The souls here are immersed the same level as those in Caïna, except they are unable to bend their necks. Ugolino gnaws upon the head of Archbishop Ruggieri Archbishop Ruggierir Ugolino
  • 42. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 – REGION 3:Ptolomæa REGION 3:Ptolomæa Where traitors against their guests suffer, immobilized in ice and their tears frozen against their eyes. As they cry, their tears freeze and seal their eyes shut – they are denied even comfort of tears.
  • 43. CANTO XXXIII The Traitors Circle 9 – REGION 4:Judecca REGION 4:Judecca In the fourth the final zone, Judecca, where traitors against their benefactors are punished, Dante witnesses the king of Hell, the three-headed Lucifer, giant and frozen at the core. In his three mouths, Lucifer mechanically chews on the most evil mortal sinners—Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. Lucifer, king of Hell, frozen in the ice
  • 44.
  • 45. • Having survived the depths of Hell, Dante and Virgil ascend out of the undergloom, to the Mountain of Purgatory on the far side of the world.
  • 46. Beatrice, Dante's ideal woman, guides him through PURGATORY. Beatrice was a Florentine woman whom he had met in childhood and admired from afar in the mode of the then- fashionable courtly love tradition which is highlighted in Dante's earlier work La Vita Nuova.
  • 48. ANTE-PURGATORY (LATE-REPENTANT) •This is the level where the late-repentants stay. •These sinners stay in purgatory until the prayers of their loved ones shorten their stay there.
  • 49. FIRST TERRACE (PROUD) •Those who are proud are being punished in this level. •The proud are purged by carrying giant stones on their backs, unable to stand up straight
  • 50. SECOND TERRACE (ENVIOUS) •Those who are envious are being punished in this level. •The envious are purged by having their eyes sewn shut and wearing clothing that makes the soul indistinguishable from the ground
  • 51. THIRD TERRACE (WRATHFUL) • Those who are wrathful are being punished in this level. • The wrathful are purged by walking around in acrid smoke
  • 52. FOURTH TERRACE (SLOTHFUL) • Those who are slothful are being punished in this level. • The slothful are purged by continually running
  • 53. FIFTH TERRACE (AVARICIOUS) • Those who sinned on the fifth through seventh terraces are those who loved good things but loving them in a disordered way. • Those who are avaricious and prodigal are being punished in this level. • The avaricious and prodigal are purged by lying face- down on the ground, unable to move
  • 54. SIXTH TERRACE (GLUTTONOUS) • Those who are gluttonous are being punished in this level. • The gluttonous are purged by abstaining from any food or drink
  • 55. SEVENTH TERRACE (LUSTFUL) • Those who are lustful are being punished in this level. • The lustful are purged by burning in an immense wall of flame
  • 56. An illustration of purgatorio
  • 57.
  • 58. •Dante, under the guidance of Beatrice, completes his journey to the afterlife by leaving the earth and rising through the ten celestial heavens of the ancient cosmos. Paradiso narrates how Dante and Beatrice encounter blessed spirits in the seven planetary spheres. In describing the heavens, Dante is going beyond previous poets, driven by intellect (Minerva), steered by divine creativity (Apollo), and guided by poetic inspiration (The Muses).
  • 60. Moon The sphere is that of faith, the content of faith, taken on trust that will be revealed, realised, self-evidently as “truth.” The spirits in the moon is also associated in our culture with woman, with the virginity and chastity of Diana. Spirits are those who failed in the aspect of faith by breaking their vows.
  • 61. Mercury • Justinian and the hope of the Roman Empire • refers to the justice of the sin of the Fall of Man. • Mercury is filled with spirits who hoped for earthly fame and honor, so they impaired the force of their spiritual hope. • The spirits are satisfied because reward is matched with merit and they are free of envy.
  • 62. VENUS • Still in the heaven of Venus, Dante speaks first with Cunizza, the mistress of the troubadour poet, Sordello, and sister of the tyrant, Ezzelino da Romano, and secondly with Foulquet of Marseilles, a troubadour poet, renowned as much for his amours as for his poetry. The discourse of both souls is concerned with affairs on earth, Cunizza foretelling the disasters which will befall the inhabitants of the Trevisan territory, and Foulquet deploring the avarice of the Church and her neglect of true religion. Both spirits rejoice in the degree of bliss to which God has destined them; the love in which they erred in their first life is now discerned by them as the power by which the universe is governed.
  • 63. SUN • The spirits are manifested who reconciled spiritual and earthly wisdom; pagan and Christian learning and history, and directed the virtuous Christian life on Earth.
  • 64. MARS Signifies the virtue of Fortitude. • The red planet carries traditional associations of blood and war in myth and astrology; but in here, it represents the associations of the Church Militant and of the Crucifixion. • The Spirits are those of the warriors of God; those who fought for the Chosen People of the old law (Old Testament), and of Christ’s Church in the new (New Testament).
  • 65. JUPITER • It is associated with Justice and Wisdom, with Jupiter the Roman God, and therefore with the Roman Emperors, and with the Christian God. • The head and neck of an Eagle • 1. The emblem of Rome • 2. The divine sign of Empire and justice • The mind of God inspires the earthly forms, the nests where intellect builds and creates justice.
  • 66. SATURN • The contemplative spiritual life of an individual and the fourth cardinal virtue of Temperance • Is also a reminder of the Golden Age when in myth, Saturn ruled the Earth; a time of simplicity, moderation and primal innocence.
  • 67. FIXED STARS • Love, in all its forms, reads to him, is Divine Love, The good God, Himself. Love is one continuum, from the divine to the earthly. All love is one.
  • 68. Dante will be examined by the Apostles who stand at the threshold to the Primum Mobile, concerning his understanding of the theological virtues: Saint Peter • Faith Saint James • Hope Saint John • Love
  • 69. The Primum Mobile/ Crystalline The Angelic Circles -There is a spiritual rather than a spatial correspondence between the two arrangements. Concentric Sphere -Centered on Earth Concentric Angelic -Orders Centered on God
  • 70. The Empyrean • Here, Dante had seen the redeemed spirits and the angels in their form of the Last Judgment. • The Emyprean is the full Light of Truth which is filled with Divine Love. That love is full of transcendent joy coming from the Supreme God, the essence of Love. • The Angels fly among the redeemed, in the form of a white rose, and God. Angels’ faces are flame, their wings golden and the rest, white: the three colors that symbolize Love, Knowledge and Purity.

Editor's Notes

  1. These souls are forever unclassified; they are neither in Hell nor out of it, but reside on the shores of the Acheron. Naked and futile, they race around through the mist in eternal pursuit of an elusive, wavering banner (symbolic of their pursuit of ever-shifting self-interest) while relentlessly chased by swarms of wasps and hornets, who continually sting them.[9] Loathsome maggots and worms at the sinners' feet drink the putrid mixture of blood, pus, and tears that flows down their bodies. This symbolizes the sting of their guilty conscience and the repugnance of sin. This may also be seen as a reflection of the spiritual stagnation they lived in.