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1Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Digital Marketing Tools Magazine | Issue 79 | January 2020
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4Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Marketing Trends for 2020: Here’s What Will Happen That Nobody is Talking About
by Neil Patel
21 MARKETING 2030:
by Joe Pulizzi
by Ian Cleary
by Ann Smarty
by Kim Garst
By Jeff Bullas
by Melonie Dodaro
By Eric Enge
5Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Welcome to Digital Marketing Tools!
Thank you to everyone who clicked the link below and
took my quick survey. You said you wanted more SEO
and Content Marketing Tips.
My goal is to bring you the latest digital marketing tools,
practical step-by-step guides and ‘how-to’ blueprints from
the best SEO, Social and Content Marketing masters on
the planet!
That said, here are the latest marketing strategies, Content
Marketing tools, Social Selling tips and SEO blueprints
from today’s top digital marketing professionals.
•	 Marketing Trends for 2020: Here’s What Will Happen That Nobody is Talking About
•	 Marketing 2030: 7 Laws for Content Marketing Success
•	 How to Use to Rapidly Create Awesome Video Content
•	 The Ultimate Guide for Your Product Page Keyword Research
•	 21No-FailTacticstoBoostYourFacebookGroupEngagement(andKeepMembersAround)
•	 The 8 Best Instagram Tools for Massive Instagram Growth in 2020
•	 How to Build a Social Media Following (It’s Not What You Think)
•	 What Google Says vs. What SEOs Believe
Please connect with our contributors and tell me what you think!
Editor’s Notes
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7Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
by Neil Patel
Marketing Trends for 2020: Here’s What Will Happen
That Nobody is Talking About
Cover Story
he new year is right around the corner. And I know you are already prepared because you
read this blog and tons of other marketing blogs, right?
But here is the thing: I also read most of the popular marketing blogs, follow all of the marketing
YouTube channels, and listen to the same podcasts you do.
And I’ve noticed that very few people are talking about what’s really going to happen in 2020.
8Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Sure, they will tell you things like voice search is going to account for over 50% of the search
queries next year but all of that stuff has already been talked about.
And there are actually more interesting trends that will affect your marketing that no one is really
talking about.
So, what are these trends? What’s going to happen in 2020?
Alright, here goes…
Trend #1: Companies who rely on
Google Analytics will get beat by
their competition
We all love Google Analytics.
Heck, I love it so much I log in at least 3 or 4 times a day. And here is the kicker: I get so much
traffic that my Google Analytics only updates once a day.
I really need to break that habit but that’s for another day.
You are probably wondering, what’s wrong with Google Analytics?
There actually isn’t much wrong with it. It’s a great tool, especially considering that it’s free.
But here is the thing… marketing has been changing. New channels are being constantly
introduced, such as voice search.
And transactions no longer are as simple as someone coming and buying from you and that’s it.
These days there are things like upsells, down sells, repeat purchases, and even checkout
bumps. On top of that, there are so many different ways you can generate revenue for your
online business, such as partnerships, affiliate marketing, and even webinars.
This has caused companies to start using analytics solutions that tie into their database better,
such as Amplitude. Or better yet, you are seeing a big push into business intelligence.
9Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
A central place where you can tie in all of your data and make better-informed decisions so you
can optimize for your lifetime value instead of your short-term income.
In 2020, you will see more companies adopting business intelligence solutions… from paid
ones to free ones like Google Data Studio.
If you haven’t checked out Data Studio, you’ll want to start now because it is easy to pass in all
of your business and marketing data into one place. For example, you can pass in more granular
data from your Facebook ad campaigns into Data Studio while that would be a bit difficult to do
with Google Analytics.
10Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Trend #2: Companies will
optimize for voice search,
but not for revenue
According to ComScore, over 50% of the searches in 2020 will be from voice search. But that’s
not really a new trend… everyone has been talking about that for years.
So, what’s the big deal?
Optimizing for voice search is a great way to get your brand out more, but how is that going to
convert into sales?
I haven’t seen too many solutions so far when it comes to capitalizing on your voice search
traffic, but so far there is
If you aren’t familiar with, it makes it so people can buy from your site using voice search.
It doesn’t matter if it is Alexa or Google Home, they work with most of the popular devices.
11Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
What’s cool about is that it can learn from each customer and customize the interactions.
For example, if I keep ordering the same toothpaste from a specific store using voice search, keeps track of that so you can easily keep ordering the same product over and over
again with little to no friction.
Heck, it’s easier than logging into your computer or pulling out your phone to make a purchase.
Trend #3: Your lists won’t convert
as well, so you’ll have to look for
alternative communication channels
Email, it’s something we all use in the corporate world.
But here is something interesting when it comes to marketing emails… I’m in a group with a bit
over 109 email marketers across different industries in different parts of the world.
And can you guess what we are all noticing?
Our open rates are staying roughly the same and that’s largely because we all know how to
clean and optimizing for deliverability.
But our click rates are going down.
So far as a group we have seen our click rates drop by 9.4% in 2019.
That’s crazy considering as a group we have over 146 million email addresses.
Now does this mean email is dead?
Of course not!!!
Email is here to stay and will be here for a very long time.
But what companies will have to do in 2020 is to leverage more communication channels.
12Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Chatbots will take off drastically. Not necessarily the Intercom’s or Drift’s of the world but more
so the solutions like ManyChat and MobileMonkey.
ManyChat and MobileMonkey leverage Facebook Messenger and as they connect it with
Instagram and WhatsApp it will get even more popular.
In addition to chatbots, you’ll see more people leveraging tools that allow push notifications
like Subscribers.
It’s so powerful, here is the impact I’ve been able to generate from push notifications so far
using Subscribers.
You can wait till next year to lever chatbots and push notifications, but I’d recommend you start
sooner than later.
13Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Trend #4: Moats will almost be
non-existent, other than brands
You’ve probably heard the word “moat” before. If you haven’t, just think about water around
a castle.
Back in the day, they had water all around the castle and they used a drawbridge to get in and
out of the castle, so it would protect them from invaders.
With your business, you may have a moat. It could be a feature, your cost structure, a technological
advantage, or even a marketing advantage.
Over the years, moats in the online world have slowly been disappearing.
It’s easy for anyone to copy these days. So, what’s separating you from your competition?
Something could work right now, but it won’t last forever…
14Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
But do you know what will still be a strong moat in 2020 and even a stronger one in the future?
It’s branding.
People buy Jordan shoes because they love Michael Jordan. His brand is stronger than ever
even though he hasn’t played in the NBA for roughly 16 years.
His shoes are so popular, it’s helped him boost his net worth to over a billion dollars. Plus
owning a basketball team doesn’t hurt either.
But what’s interesting is he’s made more money after retirement than he did as a basketball player.
And it’s not just Jordan who built a strong brand… so have the Kardashians.
Kylie launched a billion-dollar company according to Forbes and it was all because of her
personal brand. Her cosmetic company isn’t doing anything revolutionary. She just has a strong
brand… and good for her for monetizing her brand.
The same goes for companies like Nike, Ferrari, Tesla, American Express… and the list goes on
and on.
It’s why companies are spending over 10 billion dollars a year on influencer marketing.
15Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Just look at my agency NP Digital. It’s literally one of the fastest-growing ad agencies out there.
And when I look at all of my competitors’ numbers, we are growing at a much faster pace
because of my brand.
Yes, we have a great team, but again, that really isn’t a moat as a lot of agencies have great
teams. It’s my brand that gave us a really fast kick start and continues to hopefully push us up.
You’ll want to build a brand in 2020. Whether it is personal or corporate, it’s the best moat you
can build in marketing. Plus, it will help you with Google’s EAT.
Trend #5: Marketing will become a
more even playing field, you’ll have
no choice but to use automation
When I first started off as an entrepreneur, I turned to SEO because I couldn’t afford the big ad
budgets as my competitors.
Heck, I couldn’t even afford to run any paid ads.
Over the years, the playing field has become more level.
There are credit card companies like Brex that make it easier for startups to get approved for
larger limits and you may not have to pay them back right away.
There are financing companies that will give you cash to spend on marketing, so non-venture
funded companies can more easily compete.
There are even companies like Lighter Capital that will give you loans without all of the headaches
based on your existing revenue.
And to top it off, software solutions are now starting to integrate AI to give better recommendations.
From Clickflow and RankScience to Distilled ODN… everyone is trying to use AI to make SEO
and other forms of marketing.
Heck, BrightEdge can even automate your SEO (or at least a large portion of it). According to
them, their automated SEO solution increases page views per visit by 60% as well as provides
21% more keywords on page one​.
16Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Keep in mind their clients are really big (their software starts in the thousands of dollars per
month) so they would probably see better results than most companies, but still, you will start
seeing many more software companies leverage AI.
Even with Ubersuggest, I’m working on creating AI that does the SEO for you so you no longer
have to spend endless hours while, at the same time, saving you thousands of dollars.
In other words, the marketing playing field is getting more even. And if you want to do well, you
are going to have to leverage AI and automation.
If everyone else is using it and you aren’t, you are going to get crushed because it will make
changes faster and more accurately than a human. Again, it’s the only option you’ll have if you
want to continually compete.
But don’t worry, there will be affordable/free solutions that exist, it’s just a matter
of time.
If everyone is leveraging the same AI marketing technology, how can you beat your competitors?
Well, it will come down to everything else… price, customer service, upselling, operations,
sales… All of the small stuff is what’s going to help you win.
17Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Trend #6: There will be no more
silver bullets, we will all have to
optimize for marginal gains
A lot of businesses were built off of one marketing channel.
Dropbox grew through referral marketing. Invite more friends, get more free space.
18Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Facebook was built off your email
address book. Facebook used to tap
into it and invite all of your contacts to
use Facebook on your behalf.
Companies like Quora and Yelp were
built off of SEO. All of those rankings
really help drive their businesses.
But you no longer can build a business
through just one marketing channel.
Good channels now get saturated
extremely fast.
Even if they work and cause explosive
growth, it will only last for a short while
before your competitors jump on board
and make it harder.
Marketing is now heading in the direction of being about “marginal gains.”
There’s a British cycling coach named Dave Brailsford. His belief was that if you improved
every area related to cycling by just 1 percent, then those small gains would add up to
remarkable improvement.
And he’s right, that’s how you win a race.
The same will be with your marketing. There will be a big shift from people focusing on one
channel and trying to find the “Holy Grail of marketing” to working on slightly improving each
area of your marketing.
From split testing your title tags to get a few ranking improvements to adding checkout bumps
to your order page so you can spend a little bit more on your paid ads to using Google Data
Studio so you can better optimize for your lifetime value…
It’s all about the little things. That’s what is going to add up to winning.
That’s what you’ll have to shift your mindset to in order to win in 2020 and beyond.
19Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Trend #7: Personalization is the
new marketing
The problem with marketing as it exists today is that 95% of your visitors will never convert into
a customer. And that’s if you are lucky.
Chances are you are more likely looking at 97% plus of your visitors never converting.
The big reason isn’t that your marketing sucks or that all of those visitors are junk and unqualified.
It’s that your message doesn’t fit every single one of your visitors.
But through personalization, you can convert more of your visitors into customers.
A basic example of this is Amazon. When you go to Amazon, they know your patterns and
what you typically buy so they show you what they think you want to see in order to boost
their conversions.
And it works! When I log into Amazon I see tons of household supplies because that is what
I buy the most often. I never buy dog food (which is smart because I don’t have a dog,) so I’ll
never see ads for dog food.
20Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Businesses are also trying to personalize each and every single experience both online and offline.
Companies like Amperity are trying to create a customer relationship engine so you can better
serve each of your customers, whether it is online or offline.
Marketing is going to become a game of personalization. With ad costs and even general
marketing costs rising, you have no choice but to figure out how to convert the 97% of your
traffic that just never comes back.
You’ll see a big push for this in 2020.
I know a lot of the stuff I mentioned above isn’t talked about a lot and they aren’t popular
marketing topics that everyone wants to hear… but it is the future.
These are trends that will come true, some already are, and you have to adapt for them.
Here’s the beautiful part, though. You just read this, and now have a chance to act on the
information before your competition. So, make sure you go and do so.
I want to see you not only succeed but I want you to beat your competition. And I believe you
can, whether you are a big company, or just starting off with very little to no money.
So, what do you think of the trends above? Do you see any marketing trends that will
come true in 2020 that few people talk about?
21Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
by Joe Pulizzi
Marketing 2030:
7 Laws for Content Marketing Success
his article is based on Joe’s keynote presentation at Content Marketing World 2019. You
can see the presentation slides here.
First, I’d like to apologize.
Back in 2008, when Newt Barrett and I wrote the book Get Content Get Customers (please, do
not buy this book), I wrote some things that simply aren’t true. At least not anymore.
Now don’t get me wrong. I love that book. Without that book, there wouldn’t be a Content
Marketing Institute or a Content Marketing World. Heck, “content marketing” wasn’t even a
“thing” when we wrote that book.
22Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
But, I did write things like “create content wherever your customers are at.” Ouch. Please don’t
do that. Or, if you look at the mock case study at the end of the book, I’m telling people to launch
multiple content initiatives at the same time. In this case, it was a print magazine, an e-book
series, a blog, a research white paper series, etc. Uh, don’t do that either (more on that later).
And here we are today, and in many cases, content runs amok. Marketers think that because they
can, they should. In some circles, content marketing has a black eye. Many believe (and shout
it from the blogtops) that content marketing like this doesn’t work. Well, because it doesn’t.
But there is hope. There is a way out. I’ve made it a mission to go back to the basics. To speak
the “truth” about what does work in content marketing and what doesn’t. This article is a start
to that.
A word of warning: These recommendations are not for the weak of heart. To be a
successful content marketer moving forward you have to be strong-willed. You need fortitude.
You must have a fighting spirit. You’ll make it out alive, but you’ll probably look like Rocky at the
end of Rocky I, II, III … Worth it? Yes. Easy? No.
Here we go. My seven laws for the next decade of marketing. The seven things that will,
hopefully, lead you to success in 2030.
Law 1: Always be selling internally
There are many high-profile content marketing failures to choose from. There’s mattress
company Casper’s shutdown of its content brand, Van Winkle. Verizon shuttering its news site,
SugarString, also comes to mind. When I first started in content marketing, our client Agilent
Technologies closed its B2B magazine for engineers without ever really telling us why.
And there will be more to come, but not for the reason you think.
Over my 20 years in content marketing, I’ve preached over and over why content marketing
programs fail:
•	 No documented strategy
•	 Inconsistent content delivery
•	 Lack of valuable or differentiated content
•	 Company doesn’t have patience and kills the program
before results are met
23Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
All good reasons for failure, but they are not the main one. The biggest reason why content
marketing programs are killed is because the people in the organization who control the budget
and decisions have no idea what you are doing.
Let me restate this just in case you missed it. Most content marketing programs don’t stop
because of lack of results. They don’t stop because they aren’t working (the Agilent Technologies
one I mentioned was working quite well). They stop because the people with the purse strings
– the ones who control the budget – don’t understand content marketing, why you are doing it,
and what impact it could and should make on the organization.
And when that happens, your content marketing goes bye-bye.
I learned this the hard way when I first started selling content marketing projects. No matter
how well the programs were doing, my boss couldn’t understand why I was selling custom
magazines and newsletters over advertising programs.
The fix
There is a solution. First, find those people who control the budget: the chief marketing officer,
the chief financial officer, anyone else who truly influences budgetary and strategic decisions.
Second, create an internal content marketing program just for them. It could be a regular email,
a handwritten note with samples, an audio overview … whatever … but it’s your job to teach
them about the craft of content marketing. Teach them why it’s important. Who’s doing it well?
What’s the payoff?
If your content marketing program gets canceled, you can no longer blame the executive team
because they didn’t understand what you were doing. And if you don’t educate them, there’s
only one person to blame when your project ends up on the cutting board.
Law 2: Plan for multiple lines of revenue
When you launch a content marketing initiative, you start with a marketing goal. It could be lead
generation or to help in the nurturing process. Maybe the goal is to increase the value of current
customers or to keep customers longer.
24Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
Your marketing goal is your most important goal and you need to focus on it. But is it enough?
Did you know that BuzzFeed, through its Tasty brand, is going to sell approximately $260 million
of household appliances in 2019, with plans for a half-billion dollars in 2020? And here come
Tasty Toys, Tasty Spices, Tasty Ice Cream, and more.
Did you know Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials blog drives almost enough direct revenue
to cover its cost of operation? Sure, Cleveland Clinic’s main goal for the blog is to drive more
patients into its health system (and it does that very well). But at the same time, it drives
direct revenue through advertising and sponsored content. The Health Essentials team creates
original health-related content for large technology companies. It also syndicates content on
other platforms.
25Digital Marketing Tools Magazine
The fix
In 2017, Robert Rose and I wrote Killing
Marketing. One of the core concepts of the book
was planning for multiple lines of revenue. In
the book we predicted that the most innovative
organizations would drive five, six, or even
seven lines of revenue from their audience-
building efforts:
Traditional content marketing revenue choices:
•	 Sell more products
•	 Sell more services
•	 Drive repeat customer sales
•	 Create more profitable customers (yield increase)
•	 Sell other products to current customers (cross-sales)
Traditional media revenue choices:
•	 Advertising/sponsorship
•	 Conference and event revenue
•	 Paid content subscriptions
•	 Premium content for sale (e.g., e-books, research reports)
•	 Donations (e.g., Patreon)
It’s your job to plan and anticipate these types of revenue opportunities. If done correctly, as
with the Cleveland Clinic, your department could be self-sustaining.

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  • 2. DIGITALMARKETING TOOLS © Digital Marketing Tools Magazine 2020 Nick Nicholls 2850 Shoreline Trail Suite 56 Rockwall, TX 75032 Website: Website: Email: Design and Layout by Lise-Mari Coetzee
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  • 5. 5Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Welcome to Digital Marketing Tools! Thank you to everyone who clicked the link below and took my quick survey. You said you wanted more SEO and Content Marketing Tips. My goal is to bring you the latest digital marketing tools, practical step-by-step guides and ‘how-to’ blueprints from the best SEO, Social and Content Marketing masters on the planet! That said, here are the latest marketing strategies, Content Marketing tools, Social Selling tips and SEO blueprints from today’s top digital marketing professionals. • Marketing Trends for 2020: Here’s What Will Happen That Nobody is Talking About • Marketing 2030: 7 Laws for Content Marketing Success • How to Use to Rapidly Create Awesome Video Content • The Ultimate Guide for Your Product Page Keyword Research • 21No-FailTacticstoBoostYourFacebookGroupEngagement(andKeepMembersAround) • The 8 Best Instagram Tools for Massive Instagram Growth in 2020 • How to Build a Social Media Following (It’s Not What You Think) • What Google Says vs. What SEOs Believe Please connect with our contributors and tell me what you think! NickEditor-in-Chief Editor’sNotes Editor’s Notes
  • 6. 6Digital Marketing Tools Magazine SUBSCRIBE TO We hope you’re enjoying the Tips and Tools from Digital Marketing Tools magazine. Stay informed and up-to- date on the latest proven Digital Marketing Tools, Tips & Strategies from the world’s experts! Subscribe & Connect with Digital Marketing Tools DIGITALMARKETING TOOLS
  • 7. 7Digital Marketing Tools Magazine by Neil Patel Marketing Trends for 2020: Here’s What Will Happen That Nobody is Talking About Cover Story MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout T he new year is right around the corner. And I know you are already prepared because you read this blog and tons of other marketing blogs, right? But here is the thing: I also read most of the popular marketing blogs, follow all of the marketing YouTube channels, and listen to the same podcasts you do. And I’ve noticed that very few people are talking about what’s really going to happen in 2020.
  • 8. 8Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Sure, they will tell you things like voice search is going to account for over 50% of the search queries next year but all of that stuff has already been talked about. And there are actually more interesting trends that will affect your marketing that no one is really talking about. So, what are these trends? What’s going to happen in 2020? Alright, here goes… Trend #1: Companies who rely on Google Analytics will get beat by their competition We all love Google Analytics. Heck, I love it so much I log in at least 3 or 4 times a day. And here is the kicker: I get so much traffic that my Google Analytics only updates once a day. I really need to break that habit but that’s for another day. You are probably wondering, what’s wrong with Google Analytics? There actually isn’t much wrong with it. It’s a great tool, especially considering that it’s free. But here is the thing… marketing has been changing. New channels are being constantly introduced, such as voice search. And transactions no longer are as simple as someone coming and buying from you and that’s it. These days there are things like upsells, down sells, repeat purchases, and even checkout bumps. On top of that, there are so many different ways you can generate revenue for your online business, such as partnerships, affiliate marketing, and even webinars. This has caused companies to start using analytics solutions that tie into their database better, such as Amplitude. Or better yet, you are seeing a big push into business intelligence. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 9. 9Digital Marketing Tools Magazine A central place where you can tie in all of your data and make better-informed decisions so you can optimize for your lifetime value instead of your short-term income. In 2020, you will see more companies adopting business intelligence solutions… from paid ones to free ones like Google Data Studio. If you haven’t checked out Data Studio, you’ll want to start now because it is easy to pass in all of your business and marketing data into one place. For example, you can pass in more granular data from your Facebook ad campaigns into Data Studio while that would be a bit difficult to do with Google Analytics. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 10. 10Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Trend #2: Companies will optimize for voice search, but not for revenue According to ComScore, over 50% of the searches in 2020 will be from voice search. But that’s not really a new trend… everyone has been talking about that for years. So, what’s the big deal? Optimizing for voice search is a great way to get your brand out more, but how is that going to convert into sales? I haven’t seen too many solutions so far when it comes to capitalizing on your voice search traffic, but so far there is If you aren’t familiar with, it makes it so people can buy from your site using voice search. It doesn’t matter if it is Alexa or Google Home, they work with most of the popular devices. VIDEO PLACEHOLDERINTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 11. 11Digital Marketing Tools Magazine What’s cool about is that it can learn from each customer and customize the interactions. For example, if I keep ordering the same toothpaste from a specific store using voice search, keeps track of that so you can easily keep ordering the same product over and over again with little to no friction. Heck, it’s easier than logging into your computer or pulling out your phone to make a purchase. Trend #3: Your lists won’t convert as well, so you’ll have to look for alternative communication channels Email, it’s something we all use in the corporate world. But here is something interesting when it comes to marketing emails… I’m in a group with a bit over 109 email marketers across different industries in different parts of the world. And can you guess what we are all noticing? Our open rates are staying roughly the same and that’s largely because we all know how to clean and optimizing for deliverability. But our click rates are going down. So far as a group we have seen our click rates drop by 9.4% in 2019. That’s crazy considering as a group we have over 146 million email addresses. Now does this mean email is dead? Of course not!!! Email is here to stay and will be here for a very long time. But what companies will have to do in 2020 is to leverage more communication channels. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 12. 12Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Chatbots will take off drastically. Not necessarily the Intercom’s or Drift’s of the world but more so the solutions like ManyChat and MobileMonkey. ManyChat and MobileMonkey leverage Facebook Messenger and as they connect it with Instagram and WhatsApp it will get even more popular. In addition to chatbots, you’ll see more people leveraging tools that allow push notifications like Subscribers. It’s so powerful, here is the impact I’ve been able to generate from push notifications so far using Subscribers. You can wait till next year to lever chatbots and push notifications, but I’d recommend you start sooner than later. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 13. 13Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Trend #4: Moats will almost be non-existent, other than brands You’ve probably heard the word “moat” before. If you haven’t, just think about water around a castle. Back in the day, they had water all around the castle and they used a drawbridge to get in and out of the castle, so it would protect them from invaders. With your business, you may have a moat. It could be a feature, your cost structure, a technological advantage, or even a marketing advantage. Over the years, moats in the online world have slowly been disappearing. It’s easy for anyone to copy these days. So, what’s separating you from your competition? Something could work right now, but it won’t last forever… MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 14. 14Digital Marketing Tools Magazine But do you know what will still be a strong moat in 2020 and even a stronger one in the future? It’s branding. People buy Jordan shoes because they love Michael Jordan. His brand is stronger than ever even though he hasn’t played in the NBA for roughly 16 years. His shoes are so popular, it’s helped him boost his net worth to over a billion dollars. Plus owning a basketball team doesn’t hurt either. But what’s interesting is he’s made more money after retirement than he did as a basketball player. And it’s not just Jordan who built a strong brand… so have the Kardashians. Kylie launched a billion-dollar company according to Forbes and it was all because of her personal brand. Her cosmetic company isn’t doing anything revolutionary. She just has a strong brand… and good for her for monetizing her brand. The same goes for companies like Nike, Ferrari, Tesla, American Express… and the list goes on and on. It’s why companies are spending over 10 billion dollars a year on influencer marketing. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 15. 15Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Just look at my agency NP Digital. It’s literally one of the fastest-growing ad agencies out there. And when I look at all of my competitors’ numbers, we are growing at a much faster pace because of my brand. Yes, we have a great team, but again, that really isn’t a moat as a lot of agencies have great teams. It’s my brand that gave us a really fast kick start and continues to hopefully push us up. You’ll want to build a brand in 2020. Whether it is personal or corporate, it’s the best moat you can build in marketing. Plus, it will help you with Google’s EAT. Trend #5: Marketing will become a more even playing field, you’ll have no choice but to use automation When I first started off as an entrepreneur, I turned to SEO because I couldn’t afford the big ad budgets as my competitors. Heck, I couldn’t even afford to run any paid ads. Over the years, the playing field has become more level. There are credit card companies like Brex that make it easier for startups to get approved for larger limits and you may not have to pay them back right away. There are financing companies that will give you cash to spend on marketing, so non-venture funded companies can more easily compete. There are even companies like Lighter Capital that will give you loans without all of the headaches based on your existing revenue. And to top it off, software solutions are now starting to integrate AI to give better recommendations. From Clickflow and RankScience to Distilled ODN… everyone is trying to use AI to make SEO and other forms of marketing. Heck, BrightEdge can even automate your SEO (or at least a large portion of it). According to them, their automated SEO solution increases page views per visit by 60% as well as provides 21% more keywords on page one​. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 16. 16Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Keep in mind their clients are really big (their software starts in the thousands of dollars per month) so they would probably see better results than most companies, but still, you will start seeing many more software companies leverage AI. Even with Ubersuggest, I’m working on creating AI that does the SEO for you so you no longer have to spend endless hours while, at the same time, saving you thousands of dollars. In other words, the marketing playing field is getting more even. And if you want to do well, you are going to have to leverage AI and automation. If everyone else is using it and you aren’t, you are going to get crushed because it will make changes faster and more accurately than a human. Again, it’s the only option you’ll have if you want to continually compete. But don’t worry, there will be affordable/free solutions that exist, it’s just a matter of time. If everyone is leveraging the same AI marketing technology, how can you beat your competitors? Well, it will come down to everything else… price, customer service, upselling, operations, sales… All of the small stuff is what’s going to help you win. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 17. 17Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Trend #6: There will be no more silver bullets, we will all have to optimize for marginal gains A lot of businesses were built off of one marketing channel. Dropbox grew through referral marketing. Invite more friends, get more free space. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 18. 18Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Facebook was built off your email address book. Facebook used to tap into it and invite all of your contacts to use Facebook on your behalf. Companies like Quora and Yelp were built off of SEO. All of those rankings really help drive their businesses. But you no longer can build a business through just one marketing channel. Good channels now get saturated extremely fast. Even if they work and cause explosive growth, it will only last for a short while before your competitors jump on board and make it harder. Marketing is now heading in the direction of being about “marginal gains.” There’s a British cycling coach named Dave Brailsford. His belief was that if you improved every area related to cycling by just 1 percent, then those small gains would add up to remarkable improvement. And he’s right, that’s how you win a race. The same will be with your marketing. There will be a big shift from people focusing on one channel and trying to find the “Holy Grail of marketing” to working on slightly improving each area of your marketing. From split testing your title tags to get a few ranking improvements to adding checkout bumps to your order page so you can spend a little bit more on your paid ads to using Google Data Studio so you can better optimize for your lifetime value… It’s all about the little things. That’s what is going to add up to winning. That’s what you’ll have to shift your mindset to in order to win in 2020 and beyond. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 19. 19Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Trend #7: Personalization is the new marketing The problem with marketing as it exists today is that 95% of your visitors will never convert into a customer. And that’s if you are lucky. Chances are you are more likely looking at 97% plus of your visitors never converting. The big reason isn’t that your marketing sucks or that all of those visitors are junk and unqualified. It’s that your message doesn’t fit every single one of your visitors. But through personalization, you can convert more of your visitors into customers. A basic example of this is Amazon. When you go to Amazon, they know your patterns and what you typically buy so they show you what they think you want to see in order to boost their conversions. And it works! When I log into Amazon I see tons of household supplies because that is what I buy the most often. I never buy dog food (which is smart because I don’t have a dog,) so I’ll never see ads for dog food. MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 20. 20Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Businesses are also trying to personalize each and every single experience both online and offline. Companies like Amperity are trying to create a customer relationship engine so you can better serve each of your customers, whether it is online or offline. Marketing is going to become a game of personalization. With ad costs and even general marketing costs rising, you have no choice but to figure out how to convert the 97% of your traffic that just never comes back. You’ll see a big push for this in 2020. Conclusion I know a lot of the stuff I mentioned above isn’t talked about a lot and they aren’t popular marketing topics that everyone wants to hear… but it is the future. These are trends that will come true, some already are, and you have to adapt for them. Here’s the beautiful part, though. You just read this, and now have a chance to act on the information before your competition. So, make sure you go and do so. I want to see you not only succeed but I want you to beat your competition. And I believe you can, whether you are a big company, or just starting off with very little to no money. So, what do you think of the trends above? Do you see any marketing trends that will come true in 2020 that few people talk about? MarketingTrendsfor2020:Here’sWhatWillHappenThatNobodyisTalkingAbout
  • 21. 21Digital Marketing Tools Magazine by Joe Pulizzi Marketing 2030: 7 Laws for Content Marketing Success Marketing2030:7LawsforContentMarketingSuccess T his article is based on Joe’s keynote presentation at Content Marketing World 2019. You can see the presentation slides here. First, I’d like to apologize. Back in 2008, when Newt Barrett and I wrote the book Get Content Get Customers (please, do not buy this book), I wrote some things that simply aren’t true. At least not anymore. Now don’t get me wrong. I love that book. Without that book, there wouldn’t be a Content Marketing Institute or a Content Marketing World. Heck, “content marketing” wasn’t even a “thing” when we wrote that book.
  • 22. 22Digital Marketing Tools Magazine But, I did write things like “create content wherever your customers are at.” Ouch. Please don’t do that. Or, if you look at the mock case study at the end of the book, I’m telling people to launch multiple content initiatives at the same time. In this case, it was a print magazine, an e-book series, a blog, a research white paper series, etc. Uh, don’t do that either (more on that later). And here we are today, and in many cases, content runs amok. Marketers think that because they can, they should. In some circles, content marketing has a black eye. Many believe (and shout it from the blogtops) that content marketing like this doesn’t work. Well, because it doesn’t. But there is hope. There is a way out. I’ve made it a mission to go back to the basics. To speak the “truth” about what does work in content marketing and what doesn’t. This article is a start to that. A word of warning: These recommendations are not for the weak of heart. To be a successful content marketer moving forward you have to be strong-willed. You need fortitude. You must have a fighting spirit. You’ll make it out alive, but you’ll probably look like Rocky at the end of Rocky I, II, III … Worth it? Yes. Easy? No. Here we go. My seven laws for the next decade of marketing. The seven things that will, hopefully, lead you to success in 2030. Law 1: Always be selling internally There are many high-profile content marketing failures to choose from. There’s mattress company Casper’s shutdown of its content brand, Van Winkle. Verizon shuttering its news site, SugarString, also comes to mind. When I first started in content marketing, our client Agilent Technologies closed its B2B magazine for engineers without ever really telling us why. And there will be more to come, but not for the reason you think. Over my 20 years in content marketing, I’ve preached over and over why content marketing programs fail: • No documented strategy • Inconsistent content delivery • Lack of valuable or differentiated content • Company doesn’t have patience and kills the program before results are met Marketing2030:7LawsforContentMarketingSuccess
  • 23. 23Digital Marketing Tools Magazine All good reasons for failure, but they are not the main one. The biggest reason why content marketing programs are killed is because the people in the organization who control the budget and decisions have no idea what you are doing. Let me restate this just in case you missed it. Most content marketing programs don’t stop because of lack of results. They don’t stop because they aren’t working (the Agilent Technologies one I mentioned was working quite well). They stop because the people with the purse strings – the ones who control the budget – don’t understand content marketing, why you are doing it, and what impact it could and should make on the organization. And when that happens, your content marketing goes bye-bye. I learned this the hard way when I first started selling content marketing projects. No matter how well the programs were doing, my boss couldn’t understand why I was selling custom magazines and newsletters over advertising programs. The fix There is a solution. First, find those people who control the budget: the chief marketing officer, the chief financial officer, anyone else who truly influences budgetary and strategic decisions. Second, create an internal content marketing program just for them. It could be a regular email, a handwritten note with samples, an audio overview … whatever … but it’s your job to teach them about the craft of content marketing. Teach them why it’s important. Who’s doing it well? What’s the payoff? If your content marketing program gets canceled, you can no longer blame the executive team because they didn’t understand what you were doing. And if you don’t educate them, there’s only one person to blame when your project ends up on the cutting board. Law 2: Plan for multiple lines of revenue When you launch a content marketing initiative, you start with a marketing goal. It could be lead generation or to help in the nurturing process. Maybe the goal is to increase the value of current customers or to keep customers longer. Marketing2030:7LawsforContentMarketingSuccess
  • 24. 24Digital Marketing Tools Magazine Your marketing goal is your most important goal and you need to focus on it. But is it enough? Did you know that BuzzFeed, through its Tasty brand, is going to sell approximately $260 million of household appliances in 2019, with plans for a half-billion dollars in 2020? And here come Tasty Toys, Tasty Spices, Tasty Ice Cream, and more. Did you know Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials blog drives almost enough direct revenue to cover its cost of operation? Sure, Cleveland Clinic’s main goal for the blog is to drive more patients into its health system (and it does that very well). But at the same time, it drives direct revenue through advertising and sponsored content. The Health Essentials team creates original health-related content for large technology companies. It also syndicates content on other platforms. Marketing2030:7LawsforContentMarketingSuccess
  • 25. 25Digital Marketing Tools Magazine The fix In 2017, Robert Rose and I wrote Killing Marketing. One of the core concepts of the book was planning for multiple lines of revenue. In the book we predicted that the most innovative organizations would drive five, six, or even seven lines of revenue from their audience- building efforts: Traditional content marketing revenue choices: • Sell more products • Sell more services • Drive repeat customer sales • Create more profitable customers (yield increase) • Sell other products to current customers (cross-sales) Traditional media revenue choices: • Advertising/sponsorship • Conference and event revenue • Paid content subscriptions • Premium content for sale (e.g., e-books, research reports) • Donations (e.g., Patreon) It’s your job to plan and anticipate these types of revenue opportunities. If done correctly, as with the Cleveland Clinic, your department could be self-sustaining. Marketing2030:7LawsforContentMarketingSuccess