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Interesting Cryptocurrency business ideas for 2019
2018 is the year, the world has woke up all eyes wide to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. All of
the sudden there is a huge rush among Entrepreneurs, Investors, Startups towards starting an
innovative Cryptocurrency Business. Thanks to the sudden surge in ICO’s and Coin pricing
earlier this year, the belief in this ecosystem is seeing a hockey stick growth. Also thanks to
Startups like “BitExchange”, you can get Ready-made Blockchain Projects ( along with 100%
Source code ) to kick start your venture in 2019 instantly.
1. Cryptocurrency Exchange Business
A Cryptocurrency Exchange Software allows anyone to seamlessly trade their cryptocurrencies
for other cryptocurrencies or sell it and get fiat currency (USD, AUD, EUR, INR). Users holding
cryptocurrencies would want to trade and multiply or sell it to others. Because of the recent
increase in awareness about cryptocurrencies, more and more people are trying to purchase
them and this scale of demand cannot be handled by the existing exchanges. Hence, there’s
scope for more exchanges. In the recent times, it is even easier for an entrepreneur to start a
cryptocurrency exchange business by using a ready-made cryptocurrency exchange script that
efficiently matches all the orders that is done on the platform and safely carries out the
transactions. Using the above available script, you can also run a custom Cryptocurrency
Exchange Development Company. However, you would need to invest in securing the
exchange as it a prerequisite for starting an exchange. Because of its ease to start, this idea
tops the trending cryptocurrency business ideas list.
2. Blockchain powered Cross border payments app
Even today, making payments to friends and family abroad is expensive and would take days,
owing to middlemen (Banks, exchange agencies, etc) and settlement systems that were built to
make money at every stage of transaction. This would bloat up the cost of sending payments to
overseas. A Blockchain powered app that uses stellar’s XLM / Lumen tokens would speed up
the transaction by cutting off additional middlemen that slow down the process.
Payments made in the sender’s fiat currency (assuming it’s USD) would be converted to XLM
tokens and the XLM tokens are sent to the recipient. The recipient can then request for
withdrawal in their fiat currency (behind the scenes the XLM is converted to their region’s fiat
currency and deposited to recipient’s bank account). All this at a fraction of the cost and less
than a day’s time and now you probably know why it’s among the list of trending cryptocurrency
business ideas.
3. Bitcoin borrowing / lending business
The lending and borrowing business thrives globally based on the growing needs and wants of
the consumers. It is estimated to go trifold as more and more millennials are looking for avenues
to make wise investments with less risks and high returns. As they are also one of the early
adopters of cryptocurrencies and offering them a way to multiply their crypto asset is lucrative.
Giving them a guaranteed return for a fixed period of time would woo investors who would want
to lend their crypto assets.
Using a Bitcoin borrowing and lending script, you can start a lending business, manage the
customer’s, keep track of the transactions, automatically remind borrowers to payback on time
across channels, etc. Your source of revenue would be partially through the investments you
make with these cryptocurrencies and partially through the interest that is being back by the
borrowers. If you’ve been in the lending and borrowing industry for a while and know it inside-
out, this would be your favorite among the trending cryptocurrency business ideas listed here. :)
4. Bitcoin wallet-as-a-service business
Next on our list of trending cryptocurrency business ideas is the Bitcoin Wallet-as-a-service. As
you know, cryptocurrency exchanges are extremely vulnerable to attacks and the keeping
cryptocurrencies in the exchange’s own wallet can be compared to a ticking time bomb waiting
to explode, the risk of losing cryptocurrencies is always high. Seasoned traders often shift the
cryptocurrencies to a secure wallet that is not operated by the exchange by the exchange to
safeguard it. Starting a Wallet-as-a-service platform would require you to securely store the
cryptocurrencies on behalf of the user. Additionally, if you can build the capability to send and
receive cryptocurrencies, it makes people’s lives easier. Integrating it with other businesses will
allow user to make cryptocurrency payments. You’d make money on every transaction done
through the wallet or charge them a subscription fee.
5. Blockchain crowdfunding business
Aspiring creators with path breaking ideas often face rejection from investors who fail to see the
value in the product. Their secondary medium of choice to raise funds? Crowdfunding.
Crowdfunding is a concept that allows a large pool of general public to see what the idea is and
then if they believe in the idea, can choose to contribute sum as small as $5 to anything.
Crowdfunding campaigns when backed by many people have raised more capital than they
intended to in the past. Not limiting to a specific region, a blockchain powered crowdfunding
business would enable investors of all backgrounds across different countries to back genuine
idea, without many limitations that were plaguing investments earlier. A turnkey crowdfunding
script would help allow you to start a crowdfunding business immediately and every transaction
done on the platform, when people buy token or when creators want to withdraw the sum in a
fiat currency of their choice, you stand to make money, while helping them achieve their
dreams. This is our final idea on the list of trending cryptocurrency business ideas.
Whether you are a first time entrepreneur or a seasoned one, cashing in on the cryptocurrency
or blockchain trend could help you make a mark in the technology industry. Remember, fortune
favors the bold!
If you want to add an idea to this list of cryptocurrency business ideas, do let us know in the
This Ingenious ICO Marketing Strategy, will BOOST your ICO sales!
Lets be very clear and straight forward in our thought process. Normal ICO marketing
techniques are not going to work out anymore. Its the sad truth. You need a clever and stealth
ICO marketing Strategy to sell your offering in the coming days. The strategy needs to be
combined with a clear execution. In this post, we will be revealing some aggressive ICO
marketing strategies that can actually sky rocket your sales instantly. Please take 5 mins and read
through the entire article to understand the overall plan.
Get Entrepreneurs to Sell Your ICO:
Yes, you read that right. Did you know? There are millions of wanna-be entrepreneurs, searching
everyday for Open Source Projects online. Their intention is to download an interesting Open
source code and start an online business. If you use this opportunity properly > You can get all
these Entrepreneurs selling your ICO. But How?
Simple. Develop a small application. Integrate your coin / token as the default coin powering the
entire concept. Write a good documentation on how to setup this Script. Distribute it for Free.
You will start seeing the magic happen in 24 hours!
Sounds difficult? Not really. Checkout this service that specifically helps you with this unique
ICO Marketing Strategy.
The above technique not only gets your coins moving, it starts creating a real value for your
token / coin in people's mind. Because in the above strategy, you are not selling your token. But
instead, you are helping people to achieve something and the mode of payment is going to be
your token. This will show your coin getting transacted in volumes on sites like Blockchain info,
Ether Scan etc.
Optimal Pricing for the FOMO investors: 
*FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
Thanks to the constant growing craze of Crypto, there is a flood of first time investors every day.
You need to understand the mind set of these newbie Cryptocurrency investors, to sell your ICO
in huge masses. Following are some points to consider:
- A majority of the First time investors don’t know much about the world of crypto. They are
here to just buy some crypto, because they hear everyone buying Cryptocurrency. The primary
reason for them to buy is FOMO.
- They would feel happy if they have a lot of coins ie. Rather than buying 1 coin for $100 , they
would like to hold 1000 coins for 10 cents each. Quantity speaks!
- They goto Cryptocurrency forums and follow the advice of the community there to
narrow down on which Cryptocurrency to purchase.
Pricing your token or coin to meet the expectations of 'FOMO' investors is an important part of
your ICO marketing strategy.
Try to get at least 1 sponsored coverage about your ICO story in a leading media ex: Forbes,
Wall Street Journal etc. This gives your campaign these unfair advantages:
- A coverage in such a media, boosts the validity of your Business model tremendously. Making
it sound like the next APPLE.
- It creates a ripple effect and your ICO gets covered immediately in a series of smaller media
channels for free.
- It will start creating discussion topics on Cryptocurrency forums ( from where the 'FOMO'
investors take their advice ). And if you are present in these threads and Stir the conversation ...
more people will join the discussion.
- And obviously you will get an avalanche of traffic from the coverage.
Note: Getting at-least one good media coverage is a very essential part of your ICO Marketing
Strategy. This will provide a solid ground for you to device your entire ICO campaign
successfully. Finding it difficult to get this done? Contact us HERE, and we will get it done for
Investment Buzz:
By now you have these 3 things:
(1) A couple of Entrepreneurs around the world running startups powered by your token/ coin.
Also spending money, time to market their Applications.
(2) Big media coverage, Crypto community talking about your ICO. Good traffic to your ICO
(3) Many people buying your ICO tokens and holding them.
Well, this is all a VC wants to invest in your idea ie. Traction, Community and Paying
customers. Using these credentials, try to raise a small round of funding ( and for sure you can ).
This part of the ICO Marketing Strategy requires you to establish connection with as many VC
firms as possible. You would need a professional Pitch Deck at this point of time ( that explains
your execution, Business plan, work done so far, vision ). You would need to distribute your
Executive summary to as many Angels, VC Brokers, Investment firms etc.
If you find it difficult to do this, you can contact us HERE. We will get this going for you.
Tip: If you can WOO your investors in some way, your job gets done more easily. Before
contacting them, setup a small Google Ads Re-Targeting campaign on your ICO Page. Once
someone visits your page, a cookie is dropped and your Ad will be shown to them in whichever
site they go. Also since its Re-Targeting, you get each click for very very cheap rates. Once the
VC visits your site, he will start seeing your Ads everywhere he goes. This will give him a very
big picture about your ICO brand. And he will for sure get back.
Phase 2:
Once you have raised an investment, do this:
(1) Close your ICO sales. Call it 'Phase 1 ICO sales closed'
(2) Increase the price a little bit and open phase 2 of your ICO sales.
Using the money you raised from VC and in phase 1 ICO Sales, again create news about your
new round of investment. Announce it on more leading online media > do more marketing
activities like email marketing, banner ads etc.
This will bring in more traffic and investors. More people will start discussing about your ICO in
forums and communities. More sales!
Tip: At this phase of your ICO marketing Strategy, its good to send out targeted mass Email's to
the crypto investors community. If you find it difficult, you can contact us. We will get this
going for you.
Platform ready:
At this point, your ICO Marketing strategy is working good. Let’s push further.
Now you have the left over money from the investment, more money coming in from phase 2
ICO sales. Use this chance to build the perfect platform you promised to your investors ( the
business plan you proposed in the Whitepaper ). While the platform is getting ready, start
creating Tie-ups with other businesses. Once the platform is ready and you have some good tie-
ups with businesses, do this:
1) Arrange for a demo day. Invite all the press and media. Invite representatives from your
business tie-ups.
2) Showcase your product. Introduce your business partnerships. Get all the more press
Note: For the success of any ICO Marketing Strategy, gaining the trust of your investors is very
important. You have promised your investors a business plan / App / Platform, and you will need
to get it done. If you get this done, you are for sure riding a wave to a massive success. Don’t
worry if you have limited experience or resources to get the technology part done. You can
contact us. We will get this going for you.
Phase 3:
Now you have the attention of many. You have money. You have a product. You have an
institutional investor backing you. Do this:
(1) Speak to your investor and ask him to aid you in raising the next round. He will be more than
glad to do it ( as he sees things moving to the next level ). He will start introducing your business
to his network of investors.
(2) Stop the Phase 2 sales. Revamp your website > Display all the press coverage > Link your
product demo > Provide your sales plan > showcase your business tie-ups etc.  In short, show
that a gold mine is awaiting to be opened.
(3) Increase the price of the ICO and start Phase 3 sales. Mention very clearly in your expense
plan that the funds raised in this round will be used for sales and marketing of the developed
technology platform.
At this point of the ICO Marketing Strategy, you will see experienced investors roll in
automatically. They will bite in for the new price you have set. As they see a decent product, 2
phases of ICO sales completed successfully. And the new money raised is for scaling the
List your coin:
Now that many people own your coin, you can easily speak to Cryptocurrency exchanges and list
your coin there. There is a very high chance that your coin will start trading in a premium price
(1) The first ICO Marketing Strategy we deployed, would have got many Entrepreneurs to
execute their start-up’s. This would show your coins getting transacted in Main Net. This will
show huge volumes already.
(2) Your Coin launch in the exchanges is backed by so many media coverage, hype, institutional
investment etc. Well, I would buy your coins :)
If the above ICO marketing Strategy is applied correctly and executed likewise, you can easily
take your ICO into a proper Initial Public Offering ( IPO ) from here. In just a few years.
Following are some of the points you need to keep in mind while executing this ICO
marketing strategy:
-       Always maintain your ICO as a utility token. Be careful that it does not come under the
Securities category. Or else your ICO Marketing strategy needs to be converted to a STO
Marketing Strategy :)
-       As mentioned at the start of this article, it is always best to get Entrepreneurs Sell Your ICO
for you. Do follow the ICO Marketing strategy of distributing Open Source software( powered
by your token ). So you easily get wanna-be entrepreneurs to start a business and sell for you.
You can never find a better sales person!
-       Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Everything you need to execute this ICO marketing
strategy is available ready-made Ex: ICO Dashboard Software, Paid Media Coverage, Tools etc.
-       When creating your coin or token, don’t over complicate it. Just go ahead and create a
token instantly on the Ethereum platform ( an ERC20 token ). Also going with such platforms
have a lot of merits ie. More community support, Easy Development, lot of skilled programmers
available etc.
BitExchange is a Cryptocurrency and ICO development company. We have helped many
Entrepreneurs with their ICO Marketing Strategy. We are more than happy to help you in your
venture :) Lets talk!
Yes, now you can Start a Crypto Powered ‘FinTech’ business for just
Quick Cross Border Money Transfer has always been a pain till date. Many enterprises and
startups have taken different approach to solve this issue. With Cryptocurrency, a perfect
solution looks very much possible. There are 193+ countries in the world, and there is a huge
scope for solutions that would provide smooth and fast money transfer. Globally investors and
VC’s are on a constant lookout to fund startups that are working in the Cryptocurrency and
Blockchain FinTech space.
BitExchange provides a Turn-key script, using which anyone can start a Cryptocurrency
powered Money Transfer App instantly. The company is targeting budding entrepreneurs who
wish to start up a FinTech Blockchain business. The product addresses Blockchain financial
services use case - with all the required Tech, bundled for you to download and use.
So why is this Blockchain financial services use case important?
Sending money across borders proved to be expensive; the transaction fee and the exchange
fee tend to bloat up the cost of sending payments to recipients in other countries.  
A Cross-border Fintech blockchain business app that uses cryptocurrency as a medium of
transfer would enable faster transactions by cutting off additional middlemen that slow down the
How does this Fintech blockchain business script work?
The Fintech Blockchain business app can work with stellar’s XLM cryptocurrency or with your
own cryptocurrency as well.
As a sender a user would have to purchase a certain amount of tokens on the app that is
equivalent to the fiat currency they intend to send. For example, let’s assume your
cryptocurrency tokens are priced at US $1. The sender and the recipient should have signed up
on the cryptocurrency powered money transfer app and their respective wallets are created.
Suppose the sender wants to transfer $100 to another person in France, they would have to
deposit $100 into their wallet through the app. Once the sender deposits the fiat currency, it is
converted to cryptocurrency tokens, which gets transferred to recipients in any country.
The recipient can then request for withdrawal to their bank account in their fiat currency of
choice (cryptocurrency powers the entire transfer process, in the backend, cryptocurrency is
being sent from one wallet to another.)
As a platform owner, everytime someone makes a transaction, you stand to make commission
on transaction fee and when a user withdraws from their wallet to their bank account, they
would have to pay a small withdrawal fee, that would cover the transactional expenses. Both the
transaction fee and withdrawal fee can be configured by the admin. This is one of the
blockchain financial services use case that when executed brilliantly would help an entrepreneur
scale quickly.
Some of the salient features of the app:
Stripe Payments Integrated with stripe, the platform can accept payments in fiat currency. You
can add any such or any number of payment gateway’s.
Payment Routing engine The payment routing engine in the backend routes the payments to
be sent for the native currency the recipient chooses to withdraw in.
Mobile apps and Web: Users can access your platform through both web and mobile apps.
Crypto Corner: An informational dashboard right within the app that displays the current
cryptocurrency prices from the global market.
Blockchain powered: Blockchain powered app that takes advantage of cryptocurrency and the
blockchain ledger (for transaction records)
Monetization: The admin makes revenue whenever a transaction is successfully sent and
when a user withdraws.
Admin Panel: The admin interface is easy to manage and gives complete control over the
Advanced Reporting: Clear cut reports on transactions like deposit, sent, received and
Robust API layer: Different APIs are at play, the price of the cryptocurrencies are automatically
updated through services like Coingecko, Coinmarketcap etc. If a developer wishes to build new
feature, they can do so with the help of the system’s API.
Easy Withdrawals: Recipient’s wishing to withdraw the amount they received in their wallet can
do so by simply selecting the bank account they want the amount to get deposited in.
Send to a phone number: Users can register on the platform with their phone number. Both
the sender and the recipient should be registered with their phone numbers on the platform to
send and receive money.
Stellar Wallet: Every user gets a stellar wallet when they register, as a user, everytime a fiat
amount is deposited by the sender, in the background stellar tokens (XLM) from the admin
wallet is transferred to the user which they can use for sending it to the recipient's number.
Easy to use: The app script is easy to use and well designed for anyone who is using the app
for the first time can quickly make a transaction.
What is the significance of a Fintech Blockchain Business?
Facing threats from newer fintech startups and other financial institutions, Banks are slowly
moving towards adopting Blockchain or the distributed ledger technology.
This shifting trend, however has put a lot of pressure on various entities in the Fintech space as
well, namely on financial institutions that deal with cross border money transfer and the ones
that lending money globally.
The reason Blockchain technology plays an important role in transforming the way organizations
work is by ensuring that all the transaction details are transparent and immutable.
Why should you start a Fintech Blockchain Business?
The 2008 financial crisis proved to be a low point, where citizens entrusted their hard earned
money with financial institutions and felt helpless and betrayed when most of the institutions
shut down.
The prominent issue around these institutions is the lack of transparency and trust. At present,
financial/banking institutions are only a handful to cater to a large user base beyond their
capacity and there’s still space in the fintech space for new entrants and more innovative
solutions. Using this blockchain financial services use case as an example or as a foundation
for further innovation, you can start a Fintech Blockchain Business.
What are some of the blockchain fintech services use case?
Most of the present fintech solutions offered are archaic and haven’t been updated to suit the
needs of the present days and needs. However, in the near future, we expect startups armed
with game changing Fintech Blockchain Business ideas would impact the industry.
Some of the Blockchain fintech services use cases that we feel would change the game are:
Blockchain powered Cross-border lending:
The cross border lending business is subject to a lot of regulatory constraints which acts as a
roadblock to global lenders from entering markets in countries other than theirs. Blockchain
powered Cross border lending enables borrowers to receive money from lenders in different
parts of the world. This is achieved by adopting cryptocurrency as a medium of transaction to
lower fees and conversion charges, so the borrowers gets most of the funds with lesser
transaction fee in his local currency.
Blockchain Powered insurance:
Another highly disputed blockchain financial services use case that needs innovation is the
insurance services, each insurance policy is backed by a smart contract and when the
conditions set out in the smart contract are met, the money is released to the requester in
minutes after verification instead.
It is estimated that by the year 2027, a majority of financial services will run on the Blockchain.
Is your Fintech business in the race?
BitExchange provides a variety of Turn-key solutions for niche Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
use cases.
BitExchange: A Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company
with an innovative Twist!
Crytocurrency and Blockchain is without question the talk of the town. As this new trend sets in,
everyday more entrepreneurs come up with more ideas. While most companies follow the
traditional services model for delivery, BitExchange is doing it with a difference. This
Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company has taken a product based approach. They
have ready-made Exchange scripts and related products that customers can test before acquiring
it to start their own Exchange.
When asked about the significance of this approach, Krish says “ Blockchain is a relatively new
technology. Quality Blockchain developers are scarce. Because of this the per hour price of
decent Blockchain developers are very high. To create and setup a solid Crytocurrency
Exchange, one needs to invest a lot of time and money( and still not be sure if he is getting a
quality product). This was proving to be a big hurdle for Entrepreneurs and we wanted to squash
this problem. The solution to this was creating a Turn-key product using which anyone can easily
start an exchange instantly. We have invested our time and money to create readymade
Cryptocurrency products. Using these anyone can hit the road running. Save a lot of time and
This Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company not only provides ready-made software,
but the Exchange script they sport is available for free download ( along with Android apps, IOS
apps and detailed installation instructions ). Now, that is something! Apart from the
Cryptocurrency Exchange script, they also have an Add-ons section which is filled with useful
premium modules that any Cryptocurrency Exchange would require.
When asked why the Crypto Exchange Script is available for free, Krish responds “ We wanted
to make a difference in the market. What Wordpress has done to the blogging space, we wanted
to do for the Crypto Exchange Space. So it is Free. Every month we launch a new version of this
base script. And all updates reach people who have downloaded for free as well”
The folks at BitExchange not only seem to provide a Ready-made Centralised Exchange script,
but also a Decentralised Token Exchange script. The Add-ons marketplace has a wide variety of
premium modules that can add a lot of value to any Cryptocurrency exchange. Some of the Add-
ons that caught our attention were: The Liquidity Management module, Multi Tier Referral
module, Cold Storage integration module, Easy ERC20 tokens integrator, Taxation module etc.
Apart from the Add-ons, this Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company also provides
whole ready-made Blockchain projects and interesting cryptocurrency products. Some of the
niche Blockchain projects offered are: Money Transfer App, Decentralised Supply Chain
management platform, Crpto Market Capitalization script, Token powered Crowd Funding
platform, Bitcoin Lending plaform, Cloud mining solution, ICO Dashboard script,
Cryptocurrency Wallet SAAS platform, Decentralised Ecommerce Marketplace etc.
“ All the Add-ons and modules available in the BitExchange marketplace are not just made to
work with the BitExchange Base script. Each one of them are architected to be easily fitted into
any application built on any technology. All the Add-ons come with detailed documentation, so
developers can read them and integrate them on any Blockchain application” Says a
Spokesperson from the company.
Apart from the functional Add-ons, modules and Turn-key crypto products this Cryptocurrency
Exchange Development Company also offers beautiful Themes. The Themes section is filled
with professional and elegant looking Exchange templates that can be used to change the look
and feel of your exchange. Having an appealing User interface is a must for Crypto exchanges.
The sleek themes and skins offered by BitExchange provides a good variety of options for
Entrepreneurs to choose from. And yes, these HTML themes can also be used on any crypto
exchange built on any technology.
This innovative Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company, also offers a wide suite of
other related services. They have a dedicated team for Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) services.
They have a one stop shop for entrepreneurs to create their ICO, get Whitepaper done, Launch it
and also get it marketed. The ICO marketing page sports a big list of activities they do for
“ After ICO development services, we have started doing Security Token Offering ( STO )
services as well. We will be soon launching a sophisticated STO Dashboard that has all required
features like Dividend management, Accounting etc. With this we also plan on offering quality
STO Marketing services as well“ said Krish.
Some of the upcoming products from this incredible Cryptocurrency Exchange Development
Company are: Blockchain powered Chat application, Crytpocurrency powered Decentralised
Gaming platform, Blockchain powered healthcare script etc. They also seemto be doing a lot of
research on Atomic Swaps. Also the Bitcoin programming tutorial launched by the company has
been downloaded by many and read.
The company also has an ambitious plan of creating a Turn-key Project for every possible
Blockchian Use Case. And they plan to give away all these read-made scripts in the same
manner as now. They also plan on releasing continues updates for each and every product they
have and make them all the more better and easy to setup. The team of dedicated writers they
have keep continually updating the documentation of all the products.
“ We coordinate with a variety of high class vendors to get products done. Every effort is taken
to keep the quality high and price low as much as possible. What we are building is a complete
ecosystem that consists of contributions from various companies, Freelancers, startups etc. to
make Blockchain development affordable to any entrepreneur who has a brilliant idea” Say the
folks from BitExchange.
With so many different things happening in the world of Crypto and Blockchain everyday, a
Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company like BitExchange is required to help
Blockchain startups launch their products quickly. As this space gains heat, we will see a lot
many decentralised applications launching. The decentralised world will for sure bring in a lot of
advantages to the common man and make everything transparent and affordable by all.
Businesses switching to Blockchain will make everything all the more secure and high

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Cryptocurrency business ideas

  • 1. Interesting Cryptocurrency business ideas for 2019 2018 is the year, the world has woke up all eyes wide to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. All of the sudden there is a huge rush among Entrepreneurs, Investors, Startups towards starting an innovative Cryptocurrency Business. Thanks to the sudden surge in ICO’s and Coin pricing earlier this year, the belief in this ecosystem is seeing a hockey stick growth. Also thanks to Startups like “BitExchange”, you can get Ready-made Blockchain Projects ( along with 100% Source code ) to kick start your venture in 2019 instantly. 1. Cryptocurrency Exchange Business A Cryptocurrency Exchange Software allows anyone to seamlessly trade their cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies or sell it and get fiat currency (USD, AUD, EUR, INR). Users holding cryptocurrencies would want to trade and multiply or sell it to others. Because of the recent increase in awareness about cryptocurrencies, more and more people are trying to purchase them and this scale of demand cannot be handled by the existing exchanges. Hence, there’s scope for more exchanges. In the recent times, it is even easier for an entrepreneur to start a cryptocurrency exchange business by using a ready-made cryptocurrency exchange script that efficiently matches all the orders that is done on the platform and safely carries out the transactions. Using the above available script, you can also run a custom Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company. However, you would need to invest in securing the exchange as it a prerequisite for starting an exchange. Because of its ease to start, this idea tops the trending cryptocurrency business ideas list.
  • 2. 2. Blockchain powered Cross border payments app Even today, making payments to friends and family abroad is expensive and would take days, owing to middlemen (Banks, exchange agencies, etc) and settlement systems that were built to make money at every stage of transaction. This would bloat up the cost of sending payments to overseas. A Blockchain powered app that uses stellar’s XLM / Lumen tokens would speed up the transaction by cutting off additional middlemen that slow down the process. Payments made in the sender’s fiat currency (assuming it’s USD) would be converted to XLM tokens and the XLM tokens are sent to the recipient. The recipient can then request for withdrawal in their fiat currency (behind the scenes the XLM is converted to their region’s fiat currency and deposited to recipient’s bank account). All this at a fraction of the cost and less than a day’s time and now you probably know why it’s among the list of trending cryptocurrency business ideas. 3. Bitcoin borrowing / lending business The lending and borrowing business thrives globally based on the growing needs and wants of the consumers. It is estimated to go trifold as more and more millennials are looking for avenues to make wise investments with less risks and high returns. As they are also one of the early adopters of cryptocurrencies and offering them a way to multiply their crypto asset is lucrative. Giving them a guaranteed return for a fixed period of time would woo investors who would want to lend their crypto assets. Using a Bitcoin borrowing and lending script, you can start a lending business, manage the customer’s, keep track of the transactions, automatically remind borrowers to payback on time across channels, etc. Your source of revenue would be partially through the investments you make with these cryptocurrencies and partially through the interest that is being back by the borrowers. If you’ve been in the lending and borrowing industry for a while and know it inside- out, this would be your favorite among the trending cryptocurrency business ideas listed here. :) 4. Bitcoin wallet-as-a-service business Next on our list of trending cryptocurrency business ideas is the Bitcoin Wallet-as-a-service. As you know, cryptocurrency exchanges are extremely vulnerable to attacks and the keeping cryptocurrencies in the exchange’s own wallet can be compared to a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, the risk of losing cryptocurrencies is always high. Seasoned traders often shift the cryptocurrencies to a secure wallet that is not operated by the exchange by the exchange to safeguard it. Starting a Wallet-as-a-service platform would require you to securely store the cryptocurrencies on behalf of the user. Additionally, if you can build the capability to send and receive cryptocurrencies, it makes people’s lives easier. Integrating it with other businesses will allow user to make cryptocurrency payments. You’d make money on every transaction done through the wallet or charge them a subscription fee. 5. Blockchain crowdfunding business
  • 3. Aspiring creators with path breaking ideas often face rejection from investors who fail to see the value in the product. Their secondary medium of choice to raise funds? Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a concept that allows a large pool of general public to see what the idea is and then if they believe in the idea, can choose to contribute sum as small as $5 to anything. Crowdfunding campaigns when backed by many people have raised more capital than they intended to in the past. Not limiting to a specific region, a blockchain powered crowdfunding business would enable investors of all backgrounds across different countries to back genuine idea, without many limitations that were plaguing investments earlier. A turnkey crowdfunding script would help allow you to start a crowdfunding business immediately and every transaction done on the platform, when people buy token or when creators want to withdraw the sum in a fiat currency of their choice, you stand to make money, while helping them achieve their dreams. This is our final idea on the list of trending cryptocurrency business ideas. Whether you are a first time entrepreneur or a seasoned one, cashing in on the cryptocurrency or blockchain trend could help you make a mark in the technology industry. Remember, fortune favors the bold! If you want to add an idea to this list of cryptocurrency business ideas, do let us know in the comments.
  • 4. This Ingenious ICO Marketing Strategy, will BOOST your ICO sales! Lets be very clear and straight forward in our thought process. Normal ICO marketing techniques are not going to work out anymore. Its the sad truth. You need a clever and stealth ICO marketing Strategy to sell your offering in the coming days. The strategy needs to be combined with a clear execution. In this post, we will be revealing some aggressive ICO marketing strategies that can actually sky rocket your sales instantly. Please take 5 mins and read through the entire article to understand the overall plan. Get Entrepreneurs to Sell Your ICO: Yes, you read that right. Did you know? There are millions of wanna-be entrepreneurs, searching everyday for Open Source Projects online. Their intention is to download an interesting Open source code and start an online business. If you use this opportunity properly > You can get all these Entrepreneurs selling your ICO. But How? Simple. Develop a small application. Integrate your coin / token as the default coin powering the entire concept. Write a good documentation on how to setup this Script. Distribute it for Free. You will start seeing the magic happen in 24 hours! Sounds difficult? Not really. Checkout this service that specifically helps you with this unique ICO Marketing Strategy. The above technique not only gets your coins moving, it starts creating a real value for your token / coin in people's mind. Because in the above strategy, you are not selling your token. But instead, you are helping people to achieve something and the mode of payment is going to be your token. This will show your coin getting transacted in volumes on sites like Blockchain info, Ether Scan etc. Optimal Pricing for the FOMO investors:  *FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out Thanks to the constant growing craze of Crypto, there is a flood of first time investors every day. You need to understand the mind set of these newbie Cryptocurrency investors, to sell your ICO in huge masses. Following are some points to consider: - A majority of the First time investors don’t know much about the world of crypto. They are here to just buy some crypto, because they hear everyone buying Cryptocurrency. The primary reason for them to buy is FOMO. - They would feel happy if they have a lot of coins ie. Rather than buying 1 coin for $100 , they would like to hold 1000 coins for 10 cents each. Quantity speaks!
  • 5. - They goto Cryptocurrency forums and follow the advice of the community there to narrow down on which Cryptocurrency to purchase. Pricing your token or coin to meet the expectations of 'FOMO' investors is an important part of your ICO marketing strategy. Attention:  Try to get at least 1 sponsored coverage about your ICO story in a leading media ex: Forbes, Wall Street Journal etc. This gives your campaign these unfair advantages: - A coverage in such a media, boosts the validity of your Business model tremendously. Making it sound like the next APPLE. - It creates a ripple effect and your ICO gets covered immediately in a series of smaller media channels for free. - It will start creating discussion topics on Cryptocurrency forums ( from where the 'FOMO' investors take their advice ). And if you are present in these threads and Stir the conversation ... more people will join the discussion. - And obviously you will get an avalanche of traffic from the coverage. Note: Getting at-least one good media coverage is a very essential part of your ICO Marketing Strategy. This will provide a solid ground for you to device your entire ICO campaign successfully. Finding it difficult to get this done? Contact us HERE, and we will get it done for you. Investment Buzz: By now you have these 3 things: (1) A couple of Entrepreneurs around the world running startups powered by your token/ coin. Also spending money, time to market their Applications. (2) Big media coverage, Crypto community talking about your ICO. Good traffic to your ICO portal. (3) Many people buying your ICO tokens and holding them. Well, this is all a VC wants to invest in your idea ie. Traction, Community and Paying customers. Using these credentials, try to raise a small round of funding ( and for sure you can ). This part of the ICO Marketing Strategy requires you to establish connection with as many VC firms as possible. You would need a professional Pitch Deck at this point of time ( that explains
  • 6. your execution, Business plan, work done so far, vision ). You would need to distribute your Executive summary to as many Angels, VC Brokers, Investment firms etc. If you find it difficult to do this, you can contact us HERE. We will get this going for you. Tip: If you can WOO your investors in some way, your job gets done more easily. Before contacting them, setup a small Google Ads Re-Targeting campaign on your ICO Page. Once someone visits your page, a cookie is dropped and your Ad will be shown to them in whichever site they go. Also since its Re-Targeting, you get each click for very very cheap rates. Once the VC visits your site, he will start seeing your Ads everywhere he goes. This will give him a very big picture about your ICO brand. And he will for sure get back. Phase 2: Once you have raised an investment, do this: (1) Close your ICO sales. Call it 'Phase 1 ICO sales closed' (2) Increase the price a little bit and open phase 2 of your ICO sales. Using the money you raised from VC and in phase 1 ICO Sales, again create news about your new round of investment. Announce it on more leading online media > do more marketing activities like email marketing, banner ads etc. This will bring in more traffic and investors. More people will start discussing about your ICO in forums and communities. More sales! Tip: At this phase of your ICO marketing Strategy, its good to send out targeted mass Email's to the crypto investors community. If you find it difficult, you can contact us. We will get this going for you. Platform ready: At this point, your ICO Marketing strategy is working good. Let’s push further. Now you have the left over money from the investment, more money coming in from phase 2 ICO sales. Use this chance to build the perfect platform you promised to your investors ( the business plan you proposed in the Whitepaper ). While the platform is getting ready, start creating Tie-ups with other businesses. Once the platform is ready and you have some good tie- ups with businesses, do this: 1) Arrange for a demo day. Invite all the press and media. Invite representatives from your business tie-ups. 2) Showcase your product. Introduce your business partnerships. Get all the more press coverage.
  • 7. Note: For the success of any ICO Marketing Strategy, gaining the trust of your investors is very important. You have promised your investors a business plan / App / Platform, and you will need to get it done. If you get this done, you are for sure riding a wave to a massive success. Don’t worry if you have limited experience or resources to get the technology part done. You can contact us. We will get this going for you. Phase 3: Now you have the attention of many. You have money. You have a product. You have an institutional investor backing you. Do this: (1) Speak to your investor and ask him to aid you in raising the next round. He will be more than glad to do it ( as he sees things moving to the next level ). He will start introducing your business to his network of investors. (2) Stop the Phase 2 sales. Revamp your website > Display all the press coverage > Link your product demo > Provide your sales plan > showcase your business tie-ups etc.  In short, show that a gold mine is awaiting to be opened. (3) Increase the price of the ICO and start Phase 3 sales. Mention very clearly in your expense plan that the funds raised in this round will be used for sales and marketing of the developed technology platform. At this point of the ICO Marketing Strategy, you will see experienced investors roll in automatically. They will bite in for the new price you have set. As they see a decent product, 2 phases of ICO sales completed successfully. And the new money raised is for scaling the business. List your coin: Now that many people own your coin, you can easily speak to Cryptocurrency exchanges and list your coin there. There is a very high chance that your coin will start trading in a premium price because: (1) The first ICO Marketing Strategy we deployed, would have got many Entrepreneurs to execute their start-up’s. This would show your coins getting transacted in Main Net. This will show huge volumes already. (2) Your Coin launch in the exchanges is backed by so many media coverage, hype, institutional investment etc. Well, I would buy your coins :) If the above ICO marketing Strategy is applied correctly and executed likewise, you can easily take your ICO into a proper Initial Public Offering ( IPO ) from here. In just a few years.
  • 8. Following are some of the points you need to keep in mind while executing this ICO marketing strategy: -       Always maintain your ICO as a utility token. Be careful that it does not come under the Securities category. Or else your ICO Marketing strategy needs to be converted to a STO Marketing Strategy :) -       As mentioned at the start of this article, it is always best to get Entrepreneurs Sell Your ICO for you. Do follow the ICO Marketing strategy of distributing Open Source software( powered by your token ). So you easily get wanna-be entrepreneurs to start a business and sell for you. You can never find a better sales person! -       Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Everything you need to execute this ICO marketing strategy is available ready-made Ex: ICO Dashboard Software, Paid Media Coverage, Tools etc. -       When creating your coin or token, don’t over complicate it. Just go ahead and create a token instantly on the Ethereum platform ( an ERC20 token ). Also going with such platforms have a lot of merits ie. More community support, Easy Development, lot of skilled programmers available etc. BitExchange is a Cryptocurrency and ICO development company. We have helped many Entrepreneurs with their ICO Marketing Strategy. We are more than happy to help you in your venture :) Lets talk!
  • 9. Yes, now you can Start a Crypto Powered ‘FinTech’ business for just $99 Quick Cross Border Money Transfer has always been a pain till date. Many enterprises and startups have taken different approach to solve this issue. With Cryptocurrency, a perfect solution looks very much possible. There are 193+ countries in the world, and there is a huge scope for solutions that would provide smooth and fast money transfer. Globally investors and VC’s are on a constant lookout to fund startups that are working in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain FinTech space. BitExchange provides a Turn-key script, using which anyone can start a Cryptocurrency powered Money Transfer App instantly. The company is targeting budding entrepreneurs who wish to start up a FinTech Blockchain business. The product addresses Blockchain financial services use case - with all the required Tech, bundled for you to download and use. So why is this Blockchain financial services use case important? Sending money across borders proved to be expensive; the transaction fee and the exchange fee tend to bloat up the cost of sending payments to recipients in other countries.   A Cross-border Fintech blockchain business app that uses cryptocurrency as a medium of transfer would enable faster transactions by cutting off additional middlemen that slow down the process.
  • 10. How does this Fintech blockchain business script work? The Fintech Blockchain business app can work with stellar’s XLM cryptocurrency or with your own cryptocurrency as well. As a sender a user would have to purchase a certain amount of tokens on the app that is equivalent to the fiat currency they intend to send. For example, let’s assume your cryptocurrency tokens are priced at US $1. The sender and the recipient should have signed up on the cryptocurrency powered money transfer app and their respective wallets are created. Suppose the sender wants to transfer $100 to another person in France, they would have to deposit $100 into their wallet through the app. Once the sender deposits the fiat currency, it is converted to cryptocurrency tokens, which gets transferred to recipients in any country. The recipient can then request for withdrawal to their bank account in their fiat currency of choice (cryptocurrency powers the entire transfer process, in the backend, cryptocurrency is being sent from one wallet to another.) As a platform owner, everytime someone makes a transaction, you stand to make commission
  • 11. on transaction fee and when a user withdraws from their wallet to their bank account, they would have to pay a small withdrawal fee, that would cover the transactional expenses. Both the transaction fee and withdrawal fee can be configured by the admin. This is one of the blockchain financial services use case that when executed brilliantly would help an entrepreneur scale quickly. Some of the salient features of the app: Stripe Payments Integrated with stripe, the platform can accept payments in fiat currency. You can add any such or any number of payment gateway’s. Payment Routing engine The payment routing engine in the backend routes the payments to be sent for the native currency the recipient chooses to withdraw in. Mobile apps and Web: Users can access your platform through both web and mobile apps. Crypto Corner: An informational dashboard right within the app that displays the current cryptocurrency prices from the global market. Blockchain powered: Blockchain powered app that takes advantage of cryptocurrency and the blockchain ledger (for transaction records) Monetization: The admin makes revenue whenever a transaction is successfully sent and when a user withdraws. Admin Panel: The admin interface is easy to manage and gives complete control over the platform. Advanced Reporting: Clear cut reports on transactions like deposit, sent, received and withdrawals. Robust API layer: Different APIs are at play, the price of the cryptocurrencies are automatically updated through services like Coingecko, Coinmarketcap etc. If a developer wishes to build new feature, they can do so with the help of the system’s API. Easy Withdrawals: Recipient’s wishing to withdraw the amount they received in their wallet can do so by simply selecting the bank account they want the amount to get deposited in. Send to a phone number: Users can register on the platform with their phone number. Both the sender and the recipient should be registered with their phone numbers on the platform to send and receive money. Stellar Wallet: Every user gets a stellar wallet when they register, as a user, everytime a fiat amount is deposited by the sender, in the background stellar tokens (XLM) from the admin
  • 12. wallet is transferred to the user which they can use for sending it to the recipient's number. Easy to use: The app script is easy to use and well designed for anyone who is using the app for the first time can quickly make a transaction. What is the significance of a Fintech Blockchain Business? Facing threats from newer fintech startups and other financial institutions, Banks are slowly moving towards adopting Blockchain or the distributed ledger technology. This shifting trend, however has put a lot of pressure on various entities in the Fintech space as well, namely on financial institutions that deal with cross border money transfer and the ones that lending money globally. The reason Blockchain technology plays an important role in transforming the way organizations work is by ensuring that all the transaction details are transparent and immutable. Why should you start a Fintech Blockchain Business? The 2008 financial crisis proved to be a low point, where citizens entrusted their hard earned money with financial institutions and felt helpless and betrayed when most of the institutions shut down. The prominent issue around these institutions is the lack of transparency and trust. At present, financial/banking institutions are only a handful to cater to a large user base beyond their capacity and there’s still space in the fintech space for new entrants and more innovative solutions. Using this blockchain financial services use case as an example or as a foundation for further innovation, you can start a Fintech Blockchain Business. What are some of the blockchain fintech services use case? Most of the present fintech solutions offered are archaic and haven’t been updated to suit the needs of the present days and needs. However, in the near future, we expect startups armed with game changing Fintech Blockchain Business ideas would impact the industry. Some of the Blockchain fintech services use cases that we feel would change the game are: Blockchain powered Cross-border lending: The cross border lending business is subject to a lot of regulatory constraints which acts as a roadblock to global lenders from entering markets in countries other than theirs. Blockchain powered Cross border lending enables borrowers to receive money from lenders in different parts of the world. This is achieved by adopting cryptocurrency as a medium of transaction to lower fees and conversion charges, so the borrowers gets most of the funds with lesser transaction fee in his local currency.
  • 13. Blockchain Powered insurance: Another highly disputed blockchain financial services use case that needs innovation is the insurance services, each insurance policy is backed by a smart contract and when the conditions set out in the smart contract are met, the money is released to the requester in minutes after verification instead. It is estimated that by the year 2027, a majority of financial services will run on the Blockchain. Is your Fintech business in the race? BitExchange provides a variety of Turn-key solutions for niche Cryptocurrency and Blockchain use cases. BitExchange: A Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company with an innovative Twist! Crytocurrency and Blockchain is without question the talk of the town. As this new trend sets in, everyday more entrepreneurs come up with more ideas. While most companies follow the traditional services model for delivery, BitExchange is doing it with a difference. This Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company has taken a product based approach. They have ready-made Exchange scripts and related products that customers can test before acquiring it to start their own Exchange.
  • 14. When asked about the significance of this approach, Krish says “ Blockchain is a relatively new technology. Quality Blockchain developers are scarce. Because of this the per hour price of decent Blockchain developers are very high. To create and setup a solid Crytocurrency Exchange, one needs to invest a lot of time and money( and still not be sure if he is getting a quality product). This was proving to be a big hurdle for Entrepreneurs and we wanted to squash this problem. The solution to this was creating a Turn-key product using which anyone can easily start an exchange instantly. We have invested our time and money to create readymade Cryptocurrency products. Using these anyone can hit the road running. Save a lot of time and money.” This Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company not only provides ready-made software, but the Exchange script they sport is available for free download ( along with Android apps, IOS apps and detailed installation instructions ). Now, that is something! Apart from the Cryptocurrency Exchange script, they also have an Add-ons section which is filled with useful premium modules that any Cryptocurrency Exchange would require. When asked why the Crypto Exchange Script is available for free, Krish responds “ We wanted to make a difference in the market. What Wordpress has done to the blogging space, we wanted to do for the Crypto Exchange Space. So it is Free. Every month we launch a new version of this base script. And all updates reach people who have downloaded for free as well” The folks at BitExchange not only seem to provide a Ready-made Centralised Exchange script, but also a Decentralised Token Exchange script. The Add-ons marketplace has a wide variety of premium modules that can add a lot of value to any Cryptocurrency exchange. Some of the Add- ons that caught our attention were: The Liquidity Management module, Multi Tier Referral module, Cold Storage integration module, Easy ERC20 tokens integrator, Taxation module etc. Apart from the Add-ons, this Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company also provides whole ready-made Blockchain projects and interesting cryptocurrency products. Some of the niche Blockchain projects offered are: Money Transfer App, Decentralised Supply Chain management platform, Crpto Market Capitalization script, Token powered Crowd Funding platform, Bitcoin Lending plaform, Cloud mining solution, ICO Dashboard script, Cryptocurrency Wallet SAAS platform, Decentralised Ecommerce Marketplace etc. “ All the Add-ons and modules available in the BitExchange marketplace are not just made to work with the BitExchange Base script. Each one of them are architected to be easily fitted into any application built on any technology. All the Add-ons come with detailed documentation, so developers can read them and integrate them on any Blockchain application” Says a Spokesperson from the company. Apart from the functional Add-ons, modules and Turn-key crypto products this Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company also offers beautiful Themes. The Themes section is filled with professional and elegant looking Exchange templates that can be used to change the look and feel of your exchange. Having an appealing User interface is a must for Crypto exchanges. The sleek themes and skins offered by BitExchange provides a good variety of options for Entrepreneurs to choose from. And yes, these HTML themes can also be used on any crypto exchange built on any technology.
  • 15. This innovative Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company, also offers a wide suite of other related services. They have a dedicated team for Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) services. They have a one stop shop for entrepreneurs to create their ICO, get Whitepaper done, Launch it and also get it marketed. The ICO marketing page sports a big list of activities they do for customers. “ After ICO development services, we have started doing Security Token Offering ( STO ) services as well. We will be soon launching a sophisticated STO Dashboard that has all required features like Dividend management, Accounting etc. With this we also plan on offering quality STO Marketing services as well“ said Krish. Some of the upcoming products from this incredible Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company are: Blockchain powered Chat application, Crytpocurrency powered Decentralised Gaming platform, Blockchain powered healthcare script etc. They also seemto be doing a lot of research on Atomic Swaps. Also the Bitcoin programming tutorial launched by the company has been downloaded by many and read. The company also has an ambitious plan of creating a Turn-key Project for every possible Blockchian Use Case. And they plan to give away all these read-made scripts in the same manner as now. They also plan on releasing continues updates for each and every product they have and make them all the more better and easy to setup. The team of dedicated writers they have keep continually updating the documentation of all the products. “ We coordinate with a variety of high class vendors to get products done. Every effort is taken to keep the quality high and price low as much as possible. What we are building is a complete ecosystem that consists of contributions from various companies, Freelancers, startups etc. to make Blockchain development affordable to any entrepreneur who has a brilliant idea” Say the folks from BitExchange. With so many different things happening in the world of Crypto and Blockchain everyday, a Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company like BitExchange is required to help Blockchain startups launch their products quickly. As this space gains heat, we will see a lot many decentralised applications launching. The decentralised world will for sure bring in a lot of advantages to the common man and make everything transparent and affordable by all. Businesses switching to Blockchain will make everything all the more secure and high performing.