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Diagnosis Of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Your child just received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders. What do you do now? As the
parent of a child with ASD, the best thing you can do for your child is to start treatment right away.
Through the screening and diagnostic process used to determine your child's diagnosis, you might
have heard and been a bit overwhelmed with many new terms. Autism spectrum disorder has many
terms used to describe treatments, services, scenarios, and more. There are many resources available
to you such as books, research articles, websites, and more. Unfortunately, weeding through them
can be a daunting and overwhelming process. We hope to clarify some of these terms and help you
understand the options available for you and your child. We have put ... Show more content on ...
I–10 Service Road, West Metairie, Louisiana, 70001. For more information call 504–838–5357 or
2. Johnny will benefit from intensive early intervention services aimed to address his delays in
specific areas. Based on his age and diagnosis, Johnny is eligible to receive treatment through the
Early Steps program, Louisiana's early intervention program for children ages birth to three years
old with developmental disabilities. Those who qualify for Early Steps can receive services such as
occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech–language therapy in their home setting. It is
recommended that Johnny receives early intervention at the Connect Model. The Connect Model
involves a family–centered approach to evidence–based early intervention for children with
disabilities and would be ideal for Johnny's delays across areas, it is recommended that Johnny's
family contact Gina Esaterly, Ph.D., Assistant Program Manager at Early Steps at 225–287–9925 or
225–342–2586 or for questions about Early Steps.
3. With the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Johnny should be eligible for services through
the Louisiana Department of Special Education Child Search program should he attend public
school. Johnny's family should contact the Louisiana Department of Education, Division of Special
Populations, 626 N. 4th St.,
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Autism Spectrum Disorder In Children
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disease that occurs in children that usually are an infant and beyond
but it affects them for the rest of their life. Autism is a disease that makes kids be shy and they don't
want to participate so they seclude themselves from everyone. 1 in 68 children in the United States
are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. This includes 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls. An
estimated 50,000 teens with autism become adults and lose school–based autism services each year.
Children with autism usually start showing symptoms by losing the connection with others. Some
children will just stop talking and try to not be around people because they're very shy or just don't
feel like they should talk to others. Some children
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Autism Spectrum Disorders
Varying Types of Autism on the Spectrum and
Their Effects on Individuals Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined as a group of complex disorders
of the brain. The autism spectrum contains many other disorders within itself, and each of them have
different symptoms. These disorders include autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, childhood
disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, and Asperger syndrome (Frequently
Asked Questions, 2015). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that around 1 in
68 American children are on the spectrum, with the statistics in other countries being even higher.
This number has increased in the last 40 years and could partly be because of the improved
diagnosis and awareness, all because ... Show more content on ...
(Rosenblatt, 2012) It is important to help the child eliminate non–helpful behavior, such as throwing
tantrums when they get confused or scared, and help them understand what is acceptable in a public
space. The basic goal for parent's is to help their child develop self advocacy (Rosenblatt, 2012).
Self advocacy is often a learned task, but sometimes the use of medications is required to help the
child achieve the self advocacy needed to make it through everyday life tasks. People that are
diagnosed with ASD are often put on medications that help with irritability, aggression, repetitive
behavior, hyperactivity, attention problems, anxiety, and depression. Each medication is tailored to a
specific symptom, and along with the benefits of the medications comes the negative side effects.
Some children with ASD are heavily medicated, while others carry out daily life on only a couple of
medications (Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2014). Throughout a person with autism's life their
medications are altered multiple times to find the perfect amount to help them be a fully functioning
member of
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The Effects Of Autism Spectrum Disorder On Children
Many children have to live their entire lives under the shadow of a disorder that entirely alters the
typical life of a person. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a common neurobehavioral disorder that is
caused during prenatal development. This specific disorder affects 1 in 68 children in Canada and is
increasing every single year. "More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with
AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined" (KenCrest). Children who are affected often don't get
diagnosed until the late years of elementary school; Parents, caregivers, and teachers need to know
how to recognise Autism so affected children can get the help they require as soon as possible.
There are many environmental factors that can contribute to Autism during the prenatal
development. Although many can be avoided, some factors are non–avoidable. Assistant professor
of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University, Stelios Georgiades (n.d.) states
that "Because autism runs in families, researchers saw autism as almost entirely genetic. The old
thinking was that heritability accounted for up to 90 percent of all cases. A comprehensive study of
twins with autism showed that environmental factors also play an important role in driving autism
recurrence in families. By environment, researchers mean anything non–genetic. This study
highlighted the reality that even though autism runs in families, we can't assume that it's entirely
During the prenatal development,
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Not An Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
When compared to their peers without an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), children with high–
functioning autism have unique handwriting patterns. In academic progress, activities related to
writing account for 30 to 60 percent of a student's daily school activity. If a child with an ASD has
difficulty writing, he or she becomes fatigued. This fatigue frequently leads to problems coping with
the cognitive, social and functional challenges he or she faces on a daily basis. Researchers state that
a child who has to finish copying text from the board may miss recess, which impacts his or her
ability to practice social skills: When assigning tasks to students with high–functioning ASD,
teachers should take these differences into account.
Satisfactory Handwriting Skills Are Crucial for Academic Development and Communication
The American Academy of Neurology states that if a child is to be successful throughout his or her
school career as well as when communicating with others, handwriting skills are vital; furthermore,
if a child is experiencing difficulty in this area, his or her self–esteem may also begin to suffer. In
addition, handwriting skills increase the likelihood that a child with autism will eventually become
Numerous Studies Find Children with Autism Have Difficulty with Handwriting Skills
Researchers at the Kennedy Krieger Institute conducted the first study (2009) dedicated to
examining the quality of handwriting in children with autism spectrum
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
According to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Autism is defined as a
spectrum disorder (ASD). It refers to a wide range of complex neurodevelopment conditions
characterized by repetitive and distinctive patterns of behavior and difficulties with social skills,
communication, and interaction. The symptoms start from early childhood and affect daily
functioning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approximates ASD's prevalence
as 1 in 68 children in the United States. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM–5) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Autistic disorder, Rett's
disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD–NOS) ... Show more
content on ...
On the other hand, the hypothesis that children with ASD would demonstrate more physiological
distress compared to TD children was validated for NS–SCR frequency but not for SCL. A
significantly higher electro dermal arousal was seen only for NS–SCR. These results therefore
incompletely validate the hypothesis that children with ASD would be more uncooperative than TD
children always activating their sympathetic nervous system in this time of stress. It was observed
that physiological stress is notably interrelated with behavioral distress in children with ASD. As
physiological stress increases so did behavioral distress. This was not seen in the TD children. A
possible reason for this is their better coping mechanisms. Uncooperative behavior in the TD group
was correlated only with age. As the child's age decrease, the greater uncooperative behavior was
noted. Uncooperative behavior was strongly correlated with impairments in communication and
expression in children with ASD. This suggest that the dentist's ability to give instructions may be
restricted, and the child's ability to communicate choices, needs, fears, and pain to the dentist may
be likewise compromised. Children with ASD will possibly benefit from conventional behavioral
management strategies that rely on communication such as tell–show–do, visual aids, voice control,
nonverbal communication, and verbal positive reinforcement.
The second study I chose
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Autism Spectrum Disorder And Autism
In America about one out of 88 children have autism spectrum disorder and about 36,500 in four
million children are born with autism. Currently approximately 1.5 million adults are living with
autism in the United States. The autistic brain is a complicated phenomenon, which has required
many years of research in the biomedical field by institutes, organizations, and the government to
comprehend the disorder. Depending on the severity of the disorder – low functioning or high
functioning – and the aggressiveness of the treatment, a person with autism can live a fairly normal
life; however, complete independence might be a dream for most living with autism. Thanks to
advancements in the medical field, technology experts are going deeper in the brain trying to find a
cure for this disorder. In this research paper I will deal with what autism means, what causes autism,
and how to get help. According to the National Institutes of Health, they define autism spectrum
disorder as a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by social impairments,
communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Scientists
have discovered that a person with autism has false connections with the brain, and this causes
miscommunication between brain cells. False connections between brain cells will lead to improper
behavior, and even to improper body movements.
A person does not have to have abnormal features or characteristics in order to
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
Statistical evidences. ASD's gender proportion suggests that the autism is sex–linked, and the
statistical evidence convincingly shows that genetic factors are playing key role in the prevalence of
ASD. To begin with, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) published the relationship between the number of autistic boys and girls. The
statistical evidence shows that boys are more inclined to become autistic than girls. CDC states that
1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls were identified as having ASD. This observation shows that ASD is
likely a sex–linked inheritance. Sex–liked inheritance is defined as a pattern of inheritance
characteristic of genes located on the sex chromosomes of organisms having a chromosomal
mechanism for sex determination (Sadava et al., 2014). If the ASD was sex–linked inheritance, the
ratio between male and female exhibiting the phenotype would result in 3 to 1 under the normal
curve. The ratio between boy and girl is approximately 5 to 1, which shows that there is a strong
association between sex–linked inheritance and ASD. For this reason, it is reasonable to conclude
that ASD is primarily influenced by the genetic factor, which is prenatal. On the other hand, some
behavioral psychiatrists would argue that the conclusion is inaccurately determined, since the
genetic mutation would not occur within a decade. As indicated in Appendix C: Table 1, the rate at
which the number of ASD children increase
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Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ADS)
Many people are psychologically effected due to being stigmatized by association with a certain
group of people. In this essay, I hope to develop a greater understanding of how this happens with
family members of those suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ADS). First I will define what
is meant by stigma, stigma by association and ASD. Next I will look at the psychological difficulties
of being associated with someone suffering from ASD. Then I will look at how different family
members are stigmatized differently. Finally, I will look into why these stigmatizing attitudes are
being displayed. This should provide a greater understanding of the psychological effects of stigma
by association in ASD. Stigma can be separated into four different ... Show more content on ...
As I have already noticed in my research, many of those who are displaying these stigmatizing
behaviours are actually close friends of the families with someone suffering from ASD. In the same
study, as above, that took place in Belgrade it was found that persons with the least knowledge
showed the highest tendency towards stigmatization of parents in the mentioned field (Milacic–
Vidojevic, Gligorovic, & Dragojevic, 2012). They also concluded that participants in the age
category of over 45 years were significantly more prone to pity (Milacic–Vidojevic, Gligorovic, &
Dragojevic, 2012). From this study, it appears that adults under the age of 45 with lower levels of
knowledge surrounding ASD tend to be the most stigmatizing group. It was also found that women
showed more understanding for the mother's position (Milacic–Vidojevic, Gligorovic, &
Dragojevic, 2012) however as we discovered above it is generally the mother who is having to deal
with these stigmatizing behaviours in the first place. Psychologically there is no real solution to this
problem. It would be more useful to educate people better about ASD so they can be more prepared
to deal with a situation if it is to arise. In a separate study in Hong Kong it has been discovered that
self–compassion could be a potential buffer against these stigmatizing
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Autism Spectrum Disorder And Its Potential Treatments
About Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Potential Treatments
Courtney Bowen
West Georgia Technical College
Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is characterized by various symptomology ranging from
inappropriate social behavior due to inability to experience and express situation–appropriate affect
and lack of interest in other persons in general to repetitive, stereotyped behavior like insistence on
routine, situation–specific actions, or obsessive focus on object–placement or sensory aspects of
objects. There have been several attempted strategies at correcting these characteristics of ASD over
the years, including cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) which focuses on thought process
correction and behavior alteration, ... Show more content on ...
In terms of repetitive behaviors, this may include a fixation on patterns or textures in objects, focus
on following a particular routine to the point of being upset over any minor change in the routine, or
repeating certain words, behaviors, or movements linked to certain situations (i.e. eating the same
food every day for a given meal) (APA, 2013; Rotheram–Fuller, 2011). In terms of treatment for
autism spectrum disorder, there has been debate on whether or not a strict behavioral method should
be used versus medication that may affect cognition through biological
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Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that affects a child's communication,
behavior, and emotional understanding. It has been described as primarily being a social disability
(Laushey et at.,2009). Due to their inability to perceive others emotions, ASD children feel
alienated. Consequently, this will result in ASD children having ongoing social problems caused by
to their helplessness to interact with others. Since children with ASD are delayed in development,
they face many challenges; however, the most severe one is the lack of social relationships. A social
relationship is something shared with another person; it is formed when you share common interest,
have give and take conversations on that interest, experience the rise or downfall with a friend,
being there when a friend is in need. These sensitive moments are when relationships are formed.
ASD children have a difficulty seeing things from a different perspective, they cannot analyze
people's emotions, and consequently, it is hard for them to understand another person's actions when
trying to accomplish a particular goal. ASD has become more prevalent each year, however, the
cause and treatment are still unknown. Even though children with ASD have a social disability, they
also face challenges because they cannot learn from parents or peers, they are incapable of reading
others emotional cues and are not able to cope with others emotional regulation. There is a
separation when it
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Understanding Girls With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Understanding Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Differences between Males and Females
on the Autism Spectrum
The differences between males and females with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) is a topic that
has recently become more prevalent. In order to better diagnose, treat, and educate females with
ASDs it is vital to understand the differences between the sexes. The dissimilarities between females
and males with ASDs range from subtle variances to more obvious. According to Fornbonne
(1999,2001), "boys are diagnosed with autism at a 4:1 ratio compared to girls." Therefore, it is easy
to understand why there is much more known about the diagnoses, treatment, and education that a
male with autism receives and benefits from. Females with ASDs tend to fly under the radar since
they exhibit different symptoms than males. They tend to be underdiagnosed and take longer to
receive a diagnoses due to their lack of outward communication and behavior deficits. Parents and
professionals have begun to question the 4:1 ratio for boys to girls with autism and wonder if the
research studies that include more boys than girls and only take the symptoms of boys with ASDs
into consideration may be hindering the ability to identify and treat girls with ASDs earlier. This
research paper will explore what is currently known about females with autism, the differences
between males and females with autism, the treatment and interventions that girls with autism
benefit from,
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Essay on Autism Spectrum Disorder and its Comorbidities
Autism spectrum disorder is complex in and of itself but that complexity is only compounded by the
comorbid conditions that can come with it. Some of these include sensory processing disorder,
obsessive compulsive disorder, and seizures. Understanding the disorder and its comorbid
conditions is challenging yet important for parents, medical professionals, and educators. A common
comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder is sensory processing disorder. Sensory processing disorder
is the breakdown in the way the nervous system receives sensory input and translates it into the
appropriate responses, motor and behavioral (Sensory Processing Disorder Explained, 2014). In the
normal process, the first step there is some kind of sensory ... Show more content on
This can cause difficulty in functioning with every day activities especially in a classroom setting. In
the book The Challenging Child, Stanley Greenspan (1996) explained sensory processing disorder
in this way; "Imagine driving a car that isn't working well. When you step on the gas the car
sometimes lurches forward and sometimes doesn't respond. When you blow the horn it sounds
blaring. The brakes sometimes slow the car, but not always. The blinkers work occasionally, the
steering is erratic, and the speedometer is inaccurate. You are engaged in a constant struggle to keep
the car on the road, and it is difficult to concentrate on anything else (Greenspan, 1996, p. 4)."
Interestingly, most people who suffer from sensory processing disorder do not have autism spectrum
disorder. However, the majority of people with autism spectrum disorder have sensory processing
disorder. In fact, studies performed by the Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation have showed
that 75% of people with autism spectrum disorder will have sensory processing disorder (Sensory
Processing Disorder Explained, 2014).
Another common comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder.
Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a brain and behavior disorder where the person has unreasonable
fears and thoughts that they have to do certain ritualistic or repetitive behaviors. The fear part of the
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
An estimated 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States (Autism
Speaks, n.d.). Can be diagnosed in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. In the
2013 publication of DSM–5 diagnostic manual, Asperger syndrome, Autistic disorder, childhood
disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder– not otherwise specified (PDD–
NOS) were merged into one category of ASD. This paper will explain what Autism Spectrum
Disorder is, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, clinical trials and what it is like
living with someone with Autism (Autism Society, n.d.).
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Autism are general
terms for a group of complex ... Show more content on ...
Diagnosis in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. Boys face about four to five
time's higher risk at 1 in 42 than girls at 1 in 189. A child is usually diagnosed with ASD by age 2;
even though some researchers suggest that some of the screening tests are more helpful at 18 months
or younger. Some of the screening tests include, Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (CHAT), Modified
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M–CHAT), Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), Autism
Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ), and a few more (NIMH, n.d.). The Modified Checklist
for Autism in Toddlers (M–CHAT) is a list of informative questions about your child. The answers
can indicate whether he or she should be further evaluated by a specialist (Autism Speaks, n.d.).
There is no known treatment for Autism. Each Autism intervention plan should be personalized to
address the specific needs of each unique child or adult. Intervention can involve medication,
behavioral treatments or both to help improve their needs. Early behavioral interventions involve a
child's entire family who work closely with a team of professionals, some of which deliver home
services including parent training (Autism Speaks, n.d.).
Objective scientific studies confirmed benefits of two methods of comprehensive behavioral early
intervention, Lovaas Model (Applied Behavior Analysis) and the Early Start Denver Model. Lovaas
Model goals are to
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A Research Study On Autism / Spectrum Disorder
The little boy who is constantly clapping his hands, humming his favorite song, and is seemingly
enjoying the world much more than the rest of us, is one of many children in the United States with
Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism or ASD is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it has a wide range
of ways that it affects each person. While every child diagnosed with autism encounters different
personal challenges, many share similar difficulties with social interactions, communication skills,
appropriate behavior, and empathy. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimated that in 2007
over 673,000 US children had ASD (Prevalence). As more children in the US are being diagnosed
with ASD, it is important to understand the contributing factors, learn the early signs, and recognize
how to effectively treat this disorder.
Although researchers and doctors are unable to detect a singular factor that causes ASD, they have
found that there are a variety of factors that contribute its development. However, recent studies
have shown that environmental factors are playing a huge role in the diagnosis. Not only does
having a family history of ASD increase one's risk, researchers have started to recognize specific
genes that can increase it even more. Fragile X syndrome has been linked to ASD because it is an
inherited condition that is peculiarly vulnerable to damage when paired with folic acid deficiency or
lack of vitamin B while in the womb. Individuals who suffer from Fragile X Syndrome
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Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Assignment 2
Part A.
Classroom engagement is always a key issue to rookie teachers. There are various types of learner
exist within a classroom and they each need to be treated differently. As teachers, we need to raise
our awareness of the attributes, competencies and challenges for each of those different learner types
in order to engage them in the class. This portfolio will introduce Autism Spectrum Disorder,
Hearing Impairment, Gifted and Talented Students and Challenging Behaviour in the classroom as
example of various learner types and discuss learning competencies and challenges, and then
provide possible engagement strategies for each of those learner types. Part B of this portfolio will
discuss four teaching strategies that are likely to engage students with autism spectrum disorder.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
"Autism Spectrum Disorder" (ASD) is a developmental condition that will impair individuals'
communication ability and social interaction with others. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder
will more lilely to have restricted and repetitive behaviour or interest (Dawson & Osterling, 1997).
Dawson & Osterling then further added that students with autism spectrum disorder are often more
passive and more likely to be disengaged than their peers. Even when engaged, those students often
engage to object rather than people or surrounding enviroment (eg. class). This means students with
autism spectrum disorder will have significantly less interaction with
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Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
How Autism Influences the Interactions with Others
There is a little boy that gets up every morning and goes to school. He goes home to his parents after
school each day. He eats, sleeps, and plays just like any other child. There is one difference. He sees
the world in a unique way than most other children not affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. The
boy's life and actions are a bit different and can be challenging for him. He needs understanding
parents, family members, and teachers. Autism Spectrum Disorder can be a challenge for the little
boy as well as those he interacts with in everyday life.
A disorder that affects almost everyone, in one sense or another, is Autism. Autism may not affect
everyone in the same sense, but affects ... Show more content on ...
There have been many different methods that have been used in day to day education of autistic
children that have been proven to work in certain cases.
Social interaction can be extremely difficult for an autistic child. Simple tasks such as eye contact or
sharing a toy may be a struggle. Autism NI has helpful tools on its website to help the social
interaction process easier to develop. Better eye contact, helping take turns, and encouraging
interaction with other children are some of their main points. There are many other details and steps
to go along with these points in order for the interaction process to flow smoothly.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is not universally the same when it comes to the symptoms. The
symptoms or effects of autism depend on the severity of the disorder and can also differ from person
to person. For example, non–verbal autism is at such a stage in which the child cannot communicate
or express himself or herself vocally. In this case, some learn sign language to communicate basic
needs or wants. Non–verbal autism could be considered a more stressful condition due to lack of
communication between parent and child or educator and child. Parents as well as teachers must
know or learn to sign and help teach the child to sign as well in order to set a basis of
communication. Children affected by verbal autism can express their needs vocally. Unlike non–
verbal autism, the
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The Prevalence Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay
The apparent increase in the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States has been
a growing public concern. The lifelong condition can cause severe neurodevelopmental problems
characterized by symptoms such as impaired communication, diminished social interaction, and
unusual ritualistic behaviors (Johnson, Handen, Zimmer, Sacco, & Turner, 2010). Unfortunately,
doctors and researchers have not been able to agree on the direct cause for Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) or ways to treat the various conditions on the Spectrum. With little definitive
information, families affected by ASD seek alternative interventions. One of the more popular
interventions is based off the hypothesis that "the physiology and psychology of autism might be
explained by excessive opioid activity" due to gluten and casein (Millward, Ferriter, Calver, &
Connell–Jones, 2008). According to research, people with ASD can have excess levels of gluten and
casein peptides in their urine and spinal fluid; this is attributed to "abnormally porous intestinal
membrane(s)" (Whiteley, Rodgers, Savery & Shattock, 1999; Knvisberg, Reichelt, Høien, &
Nødland, 2002). Because gluten and casein are not properly digested in children with ASD, the
peptides can enter the circulatory and central nervous systems. From there, research suggests that
the peptides bind to opioid receptors, disrupting brain chemistry, thereby impairing cognitive
function. In accordance with this hypothesis, some promote a
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name for a group of developmental disorders. ASD includes
a wide range, "a spectrum," of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability. People with ASD often
have these characteristics such as ongoing social problems that include difficulty communicating
and interacting with others. Repetitive behaviors as well as limited interests or activities. Symptoms
that typically are recognized in the first two years of life. Symptoms that hurt the individual's ability
to function socially, at school or work, or other areas of life. Some people are mildly impaired by
their symptoms, while others are severely disabled. Treatments and services can improve a person's
symptoms and ability to function. In the presence of ... Show more content on ...
Social communication / interaction behaviors may include, getting upset by a slight change in a
routine or being placed in a new or overly stimulating setting, making little or inconsistent eye
contact, having a tendency to look at and listen to other people less often, Rarely sharing enjoyment
of objects or activities by pointing or showing things to others, Responding in an unusual way when
others show anger, distress, or affection, Failing to, or being slow to, respond to someone calling
their name or other verbal attempts to gain attention, having difficulties with the back and forth of
conversations, often talking at length about a favorite subject without noticing that others are not
interested or without giving others a chance to respond, repeating words or phrases that they hear, a
behavior called echolalia, using words that seem odd, out of place, or have a special meaning known
only to those familiar with that person's way of communicating, having facial expressions,
movements, and gestures that do not match what is being said, having an unusual tone of voice that
may sound sing–song or flat and robot–like, having trouble understanding another person's point of
view or being unable to predict or understand other people's actions. People with ASD may have
other difficulties, such as being very sensitive to light, noise, clothing, or temperature. They may
also experience sleep problems, digestion problems, and
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Autism Spectrum Disorders
The purpose of this chapter is to review the literate that identifies and examines early identification
of social communication deficits related to autism spectrum disorder. It will also review literature
based around early interventions to improve social communication deficits. This paper will begin by
identifying retrospective research studies followed by prospective students. It will continue with
evidence based interventions identified by the American Speech – Language – Hearing –
Associations (ASHS)
Research examining early development in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has shifted over the
past several years from mainly retrospective designs to prospective longitudinal studies of at–risk
infants. Retrospective designs focuses on parent ... Show more content on ...
Clinical Question 2: What are the effects of communication interventions on social reciprocity
outcomes for children 36 months old or less at – risk for or diagnose with ASD? Findings from
single –subject that addressed prelinguistic–social reciprocity outcomes were small to large in effect
with findings from the simultaneous communication and social engagement interventions falling
solely in the large range.
Clinical Question 3: What are the effects of communication interventions on language and related
cognitive skill outcomes for children 36 months old or less at – risk for or diagnose with ASD? The
findings from the single– subject were in the small to large range with most falling in the medium to
large range for the following interventions: pivotal response training, video modeling imitation
training, UCLA treatment model, and simultaneous communication.
Clinical Question 4: What are the effects of communication interventions on behavioral and
emotional regulation outcomes for children 36 months old or less at – risk for or diagnose with
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
You hear the term Autism everywhere, but what is it truly. Autism is a developmental disability; it is
not just a single disorder but many disorders that associate with each other. There are different types
of autism; the behaviors differ from child to child, parents find it hard to notice abnormal behaviors
in babies. With autism parents should not look for abnormal behaviors but normal behaviors that the
child has just completely stopped doing. Autism can be caused by many things but it is hard to pin
point the exact cause in a child. There are ways to get your baby or toddler diagnosed and the sooner
the better. When your baby or toddler gets diagnosed there will never be a cure but there are
treatments to get your child the help ... Show more content on ...
If the baby does not make eye contact during such things as feedings but did before, does not smile
when being smiled at, doesn't reach to be picked up, doesn't play with other people or share interest
in enjoyment, doesn't make noises to get your attention, doesn't follow the gesture when you point
things out, doesn't follow objects visually, doesn't respond to his/her name, doesn't point or wave
goodbye or use other gestures to communicate. If you think your child could have autism you
should make an appointment with their health care provider. "Early detection is key, monitor your
child's development, take action if you are concerned, do not accept and wait to see what happens
and if you think something is wrong take
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Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Autistic spectrum disorder, otherwise known as autism, is a complex disorder of the central nervous
system and a developmental disability that comes from a neurological disorder that affects the
normal functioning of the brain. (Dowshen, 2008). It is not something one can catch or pass along to
someone else. It makes interacting with other people incredibly difficult. Autism was first identified
in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Autism spectrum disorder can usually be
reliably diagnosed by age 3, however new research is pushing back the age of diagnosis to as early
as six months. Autism is a developmental disorder that makes it very difficult for one to
communicate with others and live a normal life. (What is ... Show more content on
A very good amount of autistic children have very bad tempers. As a result, numerous parents end
up quitting their jobs to care for their autistic child. (Packard, 2009). Many people with autism also
have other disorders of the central nervous system, such as developmental disabilities, epilepsy, or
schizophrenia. However, not all children with autism are severely impacted. Autism persists through
a person's lifetime, although many people are able to learn to control and modify their behavior to
some extent. Some people are affected fairly mildly; several of these individuals learn to live
independent lives. Others more severely affected, require lifelong care and supervision. (Dowshen,
2008). Most families of autistic children also learn to get support from their parents and other
children with autism. Some children with mild autism will grow up and be able to live on their own.
Those with problems that are more serious will always need some kind of help, but all kids with
autism have brighter futures when they have support and understanding from their doctors, teachers,
caregivers, parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. (Dowshen, 2008). At this point in time there is no
cure for autism, but doctors, therapists, and special teachers can help kids with autism overcome or
adjust to many difficulties they have to face. The earlier a child starts treatment for autism, the better
because the best results are
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Doll Making With School Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Petra Artz School Of
Visual Arts Introduction Clinical Setting The following directive was developed as part of ongoing
individual art therapy for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) attending a Jewish culture
school. Students at the school range between three and eleven, and are classified as being either pre–
school aged or school aged. Students are separated in their classes, based on level of functioning, as
well as age. Each student has an individualized education plan (IEP) that specifies any extra
therapies they receive, including occupational, speech, and physical therapy. Art therapy is not
included on the IEP, but is available to all students. These therapies are used in tandem with a full
day of Applied Behavioral Therapy (ABA). The students participate in group art therapy once a
week in their classrooms. All students over the age of five, within the school–aged group, have
individual art therapy sessions at least once a week. There are some students who are seen twice a
week if approved by the head art therapist. Population These students are diagnosed as being
autistic, a neurodevelopmental disorder, either under the previous DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders)– IV criteria or the DSM–5 criteria. Students, who were previously
diagnosed according to the DSM–IV classifications, have kept their diagnosis (American Psychiatric
Association [APA], 2013a).
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public Health Problem
Autism or autism spectrum disorder ( ASD) is a developmental disorder that has been found world
wide. However unlike many other disorders, autism is fairly new in the sense that there is no cure
nor a set factor causing it. Today, the public is more aware of the disorder, yet there is still concern
about how to treat autism in children as well as what risk factors are more likely to lead to autism.
Autism has been around for the past hundred years, however previous to the 1980's, psychiatrists
and researchers associated the term autism with schizophrenia. Between 1960 and 1980, treatment
for autism included electric shock, LSD, and pain/punishment. It wasn't until 1980 when
intervention techniques like behavior therapy and learning through positive reinforcement was
introduced and autism was recognized as a separate diagnosis from other syndromes and disorders.
Autism is a larger disorder with autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder and Asperger
syndrome falling under the general category of autism. Currently 1 in 68 children are affected with
ASD, which a majority of them being boys. Diagnosis for this disorder begins around age 2 or 3 and
major symptoms include the inability to communicate and interact easily with others and difficulty
interpreting body language. Parents are more likely to diagnose their child with autism through their
child's behavior and since there is no medical test that can be done, most medical doctors rely on
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A Dialogue With Autism Spectrum Disorder
The two children I chose to discuss is Lexi and Wyatt. Both Lexi and Wyatt has ASD also known as
Autism Spectrum Disorder. What is interesting about these two children is that although they both
have the same disorder they do not act the same. Lexi shows that she has ASD because I see some
stereotyped movement that we talked in class such as flapping hand and rocking back and forth. I
remember when she is around new people, like enter the the Miracle Project I felt that she was
uncomfortable because she was very fidgety, she couldn 't stop flapping her hands and turning in
circles.She is quiet and her verbal skills are not high functioning because she is not good at
expressing herself. She loses her train of thought easily when expressing ... Show more content on ...
Whenever Wyatt is expressively expressing himself he does not look at anyone in the eye. When he
was telling his mom about bullies he was looking up to the sky and never looked at the mom
expressing. When he was in the circle talking about bullies to everyone, he was looking around the
classroom but never at a child or Coach E. Whenever anyone talks to Lexi she also does not look at
anyone in the eye. She is usually giggling, scrunching in her shoulders and looking down, never
sharing the same joint attention with anyone. Both of these children also show their restrictive
activities. I 've noticed that Lexi only likes to sing and Wyatt only likes to talk about bullies and
wanting to make friends. When watching this film I saw that many of the families who found out
that their child is Autistic it led to an eruption of arguments amongst couples. The couple that stood
out to me the most was Lexi 's parents because I felt that they struggled the most because they were
not able to be on the same page as to caring and loving After finding out that Lexi was diagnosed
with ASD, Lexi 's mom was depressed and was taking medicine to stay sane. She said she was not
functioning and at the same time Lexi 's dad was upset with the mom because she couldn 't get
herself together for Lexi and let herself become depressed and not functioning. When Lexi was
diagnosed with ASD, it became a stressor for
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Asperger 's Disorder And Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay
Asperger's disorder is also known as Asperger's syndrome has been at the end of the autism
spectrum and its own category for many years. Now over the last few years in the Diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders–5 (DSM–V) it has combined two core deficit areas. They are
impairments in social interaction and impairments in communication into a single domain of
social/communication deficits. It subsumes Asperger's disorder into a single diagnostic category of
autism spectrum disorder. (TEXTBOOKp.237). It is estimated one percentage of the world's
population and over three million Americas are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. ( ).
Children with Asperger syndrome are mostly likely to be average or above average on their
intelligence level and usually will not have a language delay. Some may have an odd speech pattern
or a formal style of speaking. Individuals with Asperger's usually want to fit in and have interactions
with others, but sometimes they have difficult and they don't know how to do it. Having a
conversation back and forth may be difficult. Some may talk too much and not let others talk and
have difficult with active listening skills. They also may be considered socially awkward, have
limited eye contact, seem unengaged in a conversation and not understand the use of jokes or
sarcasm. Individuals with Asperger Syndrome may like to have collections of red toy cars, marbles,
bottle caps, and be amused with maps, globes, routes,
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
More than two million individuals are affected by autism in the United States and it is one of the
fastest growing disorders but with very much research being put behind it. Autism can tend to be
one of the most confusing and stressful disorders but yet it is still able to be coped with lots of
patience. Imagine being put down or not given an opportunity deserved because of something that is
out of one's control, more specifically children with autism spectrum disorder. Parents have a huge
role in preparing their kids in order for them to be able to be around others. It is not easy especially
with autistic ones but kids with autism can be capable of being at the same pace as others and should
be treated the same just as students normally ... Show more content on ...
The earlier information starts to be acquired the easier it might be to get a controlled behavior out of
the son or daughter. There is a tremendous amount of valuable and credible information out there to
be obtained. Once obtaining that information the main objective should be getting an increase in the
understanding of the way autism works, the child's social and behavior presentation, and
communication. It is crucial to stick with getting that better understanding instead of spending time
on trying to find a cure or focusing on some sort of myth on how to control autistic kids. The key
point is to learn in order to be able to see the world the way they see it and their unique way of
learning will have an impact on how they connect not only with the parents but with everyone else.
Adding on to this would be the amount of definite attention the children receive. They might not
always notice it but as part of parent instinct one will always be there. Keeping both eyes wide open
for them will help learn a little bit more about them through close observation by focusing on what
causes certain behavior and also of course keep them safe and sound.
In addition, It is true some autistic kids may be sort of a handful, however how will it be possible for
kids with autism to succeed in just about anything if there is no understanding on behalf of someone
without this disorder? Focusing on what a child with autism
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Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism defines as a developmental disability affecting verbal, and
non–verbal communication and social interaction. Many experts estimated that 1 out of 68 children
are diagnosed with autism and researchers are not sure about what causes it? There are numerous
treatment to support children with autism but there is no known cure (Mash and Wolfe, 2015). In
article,"The Kid Who Beat Autism", Ruth Padawer states that autism can be cured with A.B.A
therapy whereas "The Kid Who Don 't Beat Autism" Joel Yanofsky refers that autism cannot be
cured. I believe it depends upon an individual. One patient can significantly develop while other
remains the same. Both articles helped me to draw a conclusion for my claim. As Padawer
mentioned B who was the patient of Autism recovered with the help of ABA therapy. According to
the Yanofsky, Matthew who recieved the same therapy as B did not recovered. While it sounds
promising that autism can be treated, it is important to acknowledge that autism is a highly complex
disorder with many different symptoms. Hence the saying: "If you know one person with autism,
you know one person with autism." (Yanofsky ). This quote states that while a certain type of
treatment might be very helpful for one child, it might not be as effective for another child.
Reseachers have confirmed that a significant number of autistic children legitimately lose their
diagnosis. Those
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism, as defined by the DSM–V, is the demonstration (either in the past or in the present) of
deficits in social–emotional reciprocity, deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for
social interaction, and deficits in developing maintaining and understanding relationships
( Autism is a spectrum disorder with varying levels of severity. Some children
may be highly functioning while others remain non–verbal. These deficits can negatively affect a
child's ability to learn and participate in extra–curricular activities. In the classroom, a disruptive
behavior may even negatively impact the learning of the other students. Outside of the classroom,
communication and relationship barriers typically result in children with autism not participating in
sports or other physically demanding activities. Swimming can be a valuable addition to education
programs as it is both enjoyable for the subject and contributes to motor development (Mosher 1975
and Wing 1976). A well designed and carefully implemented instructional aquatics program can be
instrumental in promoting health and wellness (Auxter, Pyfer, & Huettig, 2001; Lepore, Gayle, &
Stevens, 1998). A group swimming and aquatic exercise program has the potential for providing
exercise in a social environment and this may have positive aspects on social development and self–
esteem in addition to positive effects on health for children with ASD.
Pan and Frey (2006) used an
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder also known as ASD is a Neurological Disorder affecting about 1 out of
54 boys and 1 in 252 girls in the United States. The Government has said that the Autism rate has
increased a 10 to 17 percent annually in recent years. ASD is a Disease that has such a big effect on
a kid's life, the family, and everyone around them. A Child diagnosed with autism will have to
everyday struggle to deal with normal life situations like communication and social skills that
normal toddlers are able to pick up naturally. There are three main types of ASD's: Autistic disorder
which is also called "Classic" Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Persuasive Developmental
Disorder– Not Otherwise Specified short for PDD–NOS also called ... Show more content on ...
It turned out it was a huge surprise to everyone because today Jacob is Fourteen Years old at the
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), he has earned a Masters and is
studying to get a PhD in Quantum Physics. He enrolled in (IUPUI) at the age of 10, he has surprised
everyone with his intelligence. Jacob is said to have a higher IQ then Albert Einstein, that is
tremendous and never before seen, especially not in a child so young. "I'm not supposed to be here
at all" (Barnett 23), Jacob could serve as an inspiration for many of those who have ever been
diagnosed and have gotten an ultimatum on future possibilities."You know, I was told that I wouldn't
talk. There's probably a therapist watching who is freaking out right now"(Barnett 24–25). Jacob
should be a hope to many who suffer Asperger or any type of ASD today. "I hope it really inspires
children to actually be doing something . . . [and] encourages them to do what they like doing. I just
hope it is inspirational" (Barnett 39–41).
Asperger Disorder can be most recognized by problems with social communication skills, specific
order in things they tend to like to do, the repetition of a specific behavior like any type of hand
movement or small details, very obsessive interest in specific things like a specific cartoon or
television, also they could happen to be very talented in particular areas, and in their body
Pervasive Developmental Disorder–Not
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Gender Differences In Autism Spectrum Disorder
HW: Meta–Analysis– Investigating the genetic and prognostic Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Introduction: While Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) has been researched extensively, the
role of gender in this disease is still poorly understood. With a 4:1 gender distribution in the
diagnosis of ASD, many research studies have attempted to explain this difference
(Fombonne,2009). Current research has theorized about various different etiologies for this gender
discrepancy, such as a female protective effect (Jacquemont et al., 2014). The female protective
effect suggests that females must demonstrate higher levels of genetic risk factors in order to reach
clinically impaired functional status and therefore be diagnosed (Chawarska, ... Show more content
on ...
Females with ASD are significantly more vulnerable than their male counterparts to "delayed or
missed diagnosis", leaving them untreated and at significant risk for adverse psychosocial and
medical outcomes (Lai, 2015). Second, understanding the etiology of the gender discrepancies in
presentation of ASD will deepen our understanding of the disease from a nosological perspective
and possibly lead to new and novel hypotheses about the conceptualization and treatment avenues of
ASD. Specific Aims: To examine existing literature for genotypic and phenotypic differences
between males and females diagnosed with ASD. While prior meta–analyses have examined the
differences between males and females with ASD in the "core triad of impairments", none have
examined genetic variations as well as symptomatology (Van Wjingaarden–Cremers et al. 2014). As
our nosological framework is limited in our understanding of gender's effect on autism, examining
both phenotypic and genotypic data such as neuroimaging (brain MRIs), and genetic analyses, could
further our understanding. On examination of brain MRI, genetic mutation burden, and symptomatic
impairments validated using various outcome measures such as the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of
Intelligence – Second Edition, Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition and the Child Behavior
Checklist, females with
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Paper
Approaches for Helping Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Succeed in School Settings
Keith Allen Reuter
St. Ambrose University
The topic of investigation for this paper is effective techniques for helping students with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) succeed in school. Communication and socialization were the two areas
of focus. If students with ASD are helped in these two areas, the likelihood of success in school
increases. With ASD increasing, literature reviews with effective techniques can assist school
personnel in selecting the best options for students with ASD in less time than completing formal
research. This is a topic of interest to me, because of two reasons. One reason is my work ... Show
more content on ...
(Simmons) Great performance on visual tasks have been reported in children with ASD, which
further validates the use of technology as an effective way to help students with Autism succeed in
schools. Due to children with Autism typically having difficulty communicating with appropriate
verbal expressions and physical gestures, the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) was
created by the Delaware Autism Program. This program uses photographs, drawings, and pictures of
objects, which are now available with technology. The PECS system was created in 1985 in a
physical format, but can now be accessed using mobile devices. The use of applications was
discussed by Kate Simmons (ND). There are a plethora of applications available, some of which
assist students with ASD. One application is MyVoice which was design to assist with speech and
language difficulties. The individual can select the picture they desire, and then build sentences to
communicate what they want. Also SocialSkillBuider is an application that has modules to assist
students with interactions and social situations they common face in a day. Give Me 5! Also helps
with social skills, by having individuals analyze social situations in a gaming format. These are just
a few of the applications available for assisting individuals with ASD. Technology can assist in the
improved social and
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Families with children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD) experiences more stress than the typical
family without a children with ASD. A previous research study by Baker–Ericzen, Brookman–
Frazee & Stahmer(2005, p. 194) supports this statement, "Both parents of children with ASD report
higher levels of both parent and child related stress juxtaposed with parents of typically developing
In order to comprehend the information of the study, one must understand what autism spectrum
disorder is. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is broad term which is used to describe autism and four
other disabilities that affects one 's ability to socialize, communicate, and respond to one 's
environment. Autism is a complex disorder of brain development that is characterized in varying
degrees of difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive
behaviors. Some of these symptoms include: a delay or lack in communication and social
interaction, violent and disruptive behavior, and inappropriate eating and toileting. ASD is a disorder
that impacts males more than females. According to statistics from CDC's Autism and
Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, about 1 in 68 children have been
identified with ASD. As this time, there are no known cures for ASD. However, there are many
treatment options which may help reduce symptoms and support development and learning.
When people think of autism spectrum disorder, they think how the
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders need to learn the academic and social skills that will
prepare them for future jobs, just as typically developing students do. The term "Autism Spectrum
Disorders," or ASD, refers to a group of disorders with specific characteristics including deficits
with communication and socialization, repetitive behaviors, and limited or restricted interests. As
much as possible, students with this disorder are typically mainstreamed, or included in, general
education classes to improve their social behaviors and communication. Mainstreaming students
with autism has positive benefits for their peers as well. Depending on the severity, students may
also benefit academically from inclusion. However, since ... Show more content on
How Autism was diagnosed changed, and the term "Autism" started to be considered as a wide
spectrum of disabilities (Daily 1). The Education for All Children Act was passed in 1975 and it
guaranteed a "free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment" (Dybvik 2). This
means that in public education, an autistic student would be able to be educated with their
nondisabled peers in the general education as much as possible. The Education for All Children Act
was updated y the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1997 (Dybvik 3). The
IDEA added Autism as a category. As a result, over sixty–five thousand students with Autism across
the country were educated in inclusive environments (Daily 1). Since the discovery of Autism,
research has shown that the severity of disability can be very different in individual students.
Therefore, children that may have once been excluded from general education can be mainstreamed
more. Mainstreaming children with ASD will help these children grow socially. They will be
introduced to typically developing children, and this helps ASD students to work on their social
development (Haiduac 29). One thing that helps these students develop socially is the use of their
peers as role models (Haiduac 29). They observe other behaviors and change the way they act
accordingly (Haiduac 29). Heather McIntyre, who is a mother of a second grader with ASD, says
that her son Kellen has
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Summary: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
The purpose of this paper was to research fully–developed strategies available for educators to
utilize who may have the opportunity of working with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) student
in their general education classroom. It may be as a teacher, an associate, or a paraeducator. With a
shift toward inclusive classrooms, it is not uncommon to see special needs students learning
alongside their typical peers. ASD students have deficits within four engagement categories ––
auditory, visual, social, or physical. They may struggle in one, all, or any combination of the four
categories. ASD issues involving auditory engagement can be lessened by the use of cues, prompts,
and song transitions. ASD deficits involving visual engagement can be ... Show more content on ...
Most special education departments contain collections of resources obtained throughout the years.
Any teacher in that district has access to peruse and checkout applicable materials. Along with these
reference materials, any staffed educator within the department would be a great resource to further
educate one's self. Not only do they have the expertise and training on specialized learners, but they
have the experience to back it up. If it happens to be a subject they are not as familiar with, most
likely they can point the inquirer in the direction of someone more knowledgeable than themselves.
The department also has the ability to sign people up for available workshops and
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Analysis Of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become a steadily growing issue and is a lifelong condition.
Individuals with ASD may not have an understanding of the expectations of a crisis worker
relationship especially when they are dealing with a trauma (Attwood, 2003). This needs to be
taught through turn taking and sharing of information. So individuals with ASD require specific
modifications and adaptations to benefit from the crisis worker, both through relationships and
strategies of the worker. This paper discusses critical issues associated with ASD individuals and
some techniques that can be used during a traumatic event.
Understanding An Individual With Autism During a Crisis
According to the Center of Disease control and ... Show more content on ...
Trauma can be defined as any event that causes stressors in one's life (Puleo & McGlothlin, 2010).
Some traumatic events can become overwhelming for individuals. Understanding the safety and
security of one who has been exposed to a trauma can help with the knowledge of the intensity that
the individual has been exposed to.
According to King (2010), traumatic events that occur in the ASD's life can become intertwined in
the child's psychosocial development. This could be something that is easily dismissed with an
individual with ASD as the definition of ASD refers to the struggle of development of self and even
prior to repeated exposure to trauma. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques can be made
meaningful for individuals with ASD during trauma.
Crisis Intervention Therapeutic Techniques The manner in which CBT is used and approached can
be important for individuals with ASD. Crisis Intervention workers can achieve adherence to CBT
principals while working with ADS individuals. They need to establish interpersonal, emphatic, and
a collaborative approach. Also convey an understanding through rephrasing and summarizing. Being
able to acknowledge the individuals point of view is very important. The interventionist should ask
questions without being demeaning and provide appropriate questions to reframe the meaning.
Once the therapeutic process is established, with a sense
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Data as collected for 18 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder ranging from ages 3;0
to 3;11. There were eight males and eight females who participated in the study and each child was
match on both gender and severity of autism and randomly placed in the ABA therapy group, the
Floortime therapy group, or the control group. Each child received a diagnosis of an ASD using the
DSM–V criteria by a qualified, independent Speech–Language Pathologist from the community
prior to entry into the study. These children had no prior exposure to therapy programs and did not
receive outside services during the enrollment of the study.
Assessments and therapy sessions took place in university clinic room that was equipped with two
child–sized tables, two child–sized chairs, and a toy shelf with a variety of age appropriate toys that
were designed to promote play for children at a variety of developmental levels. Each session was
videotaped for later scoring, with a video camera in view of the child and experimenter. Materials
present at various points throughout the assessment were books, play sets such as a farm or school
bus, puzzles, cars, simple cause–and–effect toys like a ball spinner or jack–in–the–box pop–up toys,
shape sorters, blocks, etc.
All participants were assessed using a part of the ESAT as described in part in MacDonald et al
(2006). This direct observational assessment measures performance on several core developmental
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Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental and neurological condition that affects
individuals in the areas of social communication and social interaction, and it is also characterized
by the presence of repetitive behaviors and language difficulties. Other characteristics include delays
in reasoning and self help skills (Smith, 2011) p. 1037). Individuals with ASD vary widely in level
of intelligence and may also exhibit other co–existing conditions such as intellectual disability,
depression, and phobias (Nozomi, 2009). The disorder begins in early childhood, but is usually not
diagnosed prior to the age of two to five years old or when a child enters school. In 2013, the Center
for Disease Control reported that there was a major ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of this research assignment is to give an explanation of Applied Behavior Analysis
(ABA), provide information about the two major categories of behavioral intervention approaches
that utilize ABA, structured and naturalistic, and discuss available research regarding them. Also
addressed is information about specific (ABA) treatments or models that have been used. Many of
them do provide positive benefits and have been considered to be highly successful by many
professionals, parents, and support groups. Lovaas's contribution to the field is also included
because he was a pioneer of ABA intervention for children with ASD, although he was not the only
individual in the field of psychology that contributed to the study of the disorder (Matson & Neal,
2009). According to Smith "Applied behavior analysis is a discipline of research and practice within
the helping professions. ABA interventions are implemented in many settings, with many different
clinical and nonclinical populations." (Smith, 2011, p. 1037). It is believed that ABA has become a
very important intervention strategy because it is science based and involves data collection with the
use of direct observation. It also includes the use of operant conditioning, a term devised by B.F.
Skinner to describe a method of changing behavior through the use
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) hits very close to home for me. Considering I have been a
child/adult with Autism, I thought the topic of how to handle people with Autism in the health care
industry was a good fit. As a child, I personally had difficulties going to the doctor. I have had
countless unpleasant encounters with doctors, and I understand what Autistic people go through. If
there was more understanding of the condition and more culture competence towards the issues
faced with someone having Autism, there would be more autistic people who receive health care.
As some may know, Autism is a disorder which makes communication and social interaction
difficult for the one affected. Autism is commonly referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Autism is made up of different "levels" and the patient can be severely autistic or mildly autistic as
with Asperger's Syndrome. Since there is a variety of different "levels," there is a wide range of
possible reactions that can occur. These reactions can occur when dealing with autistic patient in any
setting, but especially in a health care setting.
Considering the spectrum is so large and diverse, doctors and nurses cannot necessarily understand
each reaction that may occur when caring for a patient with ASD. Although, this wide range of
reactions can be overwhelming for a doctor or nurse to handle, the issues that arise still need to be
addressed as people with autism are still people and they need care just as anyone
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Diagnosis Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • 1. Diagnosis Of Autism Spectrum Disorders Your child just received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders. What do you do now? As the parent of a child with ASD, the best thing you can do for your child is to start treatment right away. Through the screening and diagnostic process used to determine your child's diagnosis, you might have heard and been a bit overwhelmed with many new terms. Autism spectrum disorder has many terms used to describe treatments, services, scenarios, and more. There are many resources available to you such as books, research articles, websites, and more. Unfortunately, weeding through them can be a daunting and overwhelming process. We hope to clarify some of these terms and help you understand the options available for you and your child. We have put ... Show more content on ... I–10 Service Road, West Metairie, Louisiana, 70001. For more information call 504–838–5357 or 800–838–5400. 2. Johnny will benefit from intensive early intervention services aimed to address his delays in specific areas. Based on his age and diagnosis, Johnny is eligible to receive treatment through the Early Steps program, Louisiana's early intervention program for children ages birth to three years old with developmental disabilities. Those who qualify for Early Steps can receive services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech–language therapy in their home setting. It is recommended that Johnny receives early intervention at the Connect Model. The Connect Model involves a family–centered approach to evidence–based early intervention for children with disabilities and would be ideal for Johnny's delays across areas, it is recommended that Johnny's family contact Gina Esaterly, Ph.D., Assistant Program Manager at Early Steps at 225–287–9925 or 225–342–2586 or for questions about Early Steps. 3. With the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Johnny should be eligible for services through the Louisiana Department of Special Education Child Search program should he attend public school. Johnny's family should contact the Louisiana Department of Education, Division of Special Populations, 626 N. 4th St., ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Autism Spectrum Disorder In Children Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disease that occurs in children that usually are an infant and beyond but it affects them for the rest of their life. Autism is a disease that makes kids be shy and they don't want to participate so they seclude themselves from everyone. 1 in 68 children in the United States are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. This includes 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls. An estimated 50,000 teens with autism become adults and lose school–based autism services each year. Children with autism usually start showing symptoms by losing the connection with others. Some children will just stop talking and try to not be around people because they're very shy or just don't feel like they should talk to others. Some children ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Autism Spectrum Disorders Varying Types of Autism on the Spectrum and Their Effects on Individuals Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined as a group of complex disorders of the brain. The autism spectrum contains many other disorders within itself, and each of them have different symptoms. These disorders include autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, and Asperger syndrome (Frequently Asked Questions, 2015). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that around 1 in 68 American children are on the spectrum, with the statistics in other countries being even higher. This number has increased in the last 40 years and could partly be because of the improved diagnosis and awareness, all because ... Show more content on ... (Rosenblatt, 2012) It is important to help the child eliminate non–helpful behavior, such as throwing tantrums when they get confused or scared, and help them understand what is acceptable in a public space. The basic goal for parent's is to help their child develop self advocacy (Rosenblatt, 2012). Self advocacy is often a learned task, but sometimes the use of medications is required to help the child achieve the self advocacy needed to make it through everyday life tasks. People that are diagnosed with ASD are often put on medications that help with irritability, aggression, repetitive behavior, hyperactivity, attention problems, anxiety, and depression. Each medication is tailored to a specific symptom, and along with the benefits of the medications comes the negative side effects. Some children with ASD are heavily medicated, while others carry out daily life on only a couple of medications (Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2014). Throughout a person with autism's life their medications are altered multiple times to find the perfect amount to help them be a fully functioning member of ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Effects Of Autism Spectrum Disorder On Children Many children have to live their entire lives under the shadow of a disorder that entirely alters the typical life of a person. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a common neurobehavioral disorder that is caused during prenatal development. This specific disorder affects 1 in 68 children in Canada and is increasing every single year. "More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined" (KenCrest). Children who are affected often don't get diagnosed until the late years of elementary school; Parents, caregivers, and teachers need to know how to recognise Autism so affected children can get the help they require as soon as possible. There are many environmental factors that can contribute to Autism during the prenatal development. Although many can be avoided, some factors are non–avoidable. Assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University, Stelios Georgiades (n.d.) states that "Because autism runs in families, researchers saw autism as almost entirely genetic. The old thinking was that heritability accounted for up to 90 percent of all cases. A comprehensive study of twins with autism showed that environmental factors also play an important role in driving autism recurrence in families. By environment, researchers mean anything non–genetic. This study highlighted the reality that even though autism runs in families, we can't assume that it's entirely inherited". During the prenatal development, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Not An Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) When compared to their peers without an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), children with high– functioning autism have unique handwriting patterns. In academic progress, activities related to writing account for 30 to 60 percent of a student's daily school activity. If a child with an ASD has difficulty writing, he or she becomes fatigued. This fatigue frequently leads to problems coping with the cognitive, social and functional challenges he or she faces on a daily basis. Researchers state that a child who has to finish copying text from the board may miss recess, which impacts his or her ability to practice social skills: When assigning tasks to students with high–functioning ASD, teachers should take these differences into account. Satisfactory Handwriting Skills Are Crucial for Academic Development and Communication The American Academy of Neurology states that if a child is to be successful throughout his or her school career as well as when communicating with others, handwriting skills are vital; furthermore, if a child is experiencing difficulty in this area, his or her self–esteem may also begin to suffer. In addition, handwriting skills increase the likelihood that a child with autism will eventually become independent. Numerous Studies Find Children with Autism Have Difficulty with Handwriting Skills Researchers at the Kennedy Krieger Institute conducted the first study (2009) dedicated to examining the quality of handwriting in children with autism spectrum ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder According to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Autism is defined as a spectrum disorder (ASD). It refers to a wide range of complex neurodevelopment conditions characterized by repetitive and distinctive patterns of behavior and difficulties with social skills, communication, and interaction. The symptoms start from early childhood and affect daily functioning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approximates ASD's prevalence as 1 in 68 children in the United States. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Autistic disorder, Rett's disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD–NOS) ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the hypothesis that children with ASD would demonstrate more physiological distress compared to TD children was validated for NS–SCR frequency but not for SCL. A significantly higher electro dermal arousal was seen only for NS–SCR. These results therefore incompletely validate the hypothesis that children with ASD would be more uncooperative than TD children always activating their sympathetic nervous system in this time of stress. It was observed that physiological stress is notably interrelated with behavioral distress in children with ASD. As physiological stress increases so did behavioral distress. This was not seen in the TD children. A possible reason for this is their better coping mechanisms. Uncooperative behavior in the TD group was correlated only with age. As the child's age decrease, the greater uncooperative behavior was noted. Uncooperative behavior was strongly correlated with impairments in communication and expression in children with ASD. This suggest that the dentist's ability to give instructions may be restricted, and the child's ability to communicate choices, needs, fears, and pain to the dentist may be likewise compromised. Children with ASD will possibly benefit from conventional behavioral management strategies that rely on communication such as tell–show–do, visual aids, voice control, nonverbal communication, and verbal positive reinforcement. The second study I chose ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Autism Spectrum Disorder And Autism In America about one out of 88 children have autism spectrum disorder and about 36,500 in four million children are born with autism. Currently approximately 1.5 million adults are living with autism in the United States. The autistic brain is a complicated phenomenon, which has required many years of research in the biomedical field by institutes, organizations, and the government to comprehend the disorder. Depending on the severity of the disorder – low functioning or high functioning – and the aggressiveness of the treatment, a person with autism can live a fairly normal life; however, complete independence might be a dream for most living with autism. Thanks to advancements in the medical field, technology experts are going deeper in the brain trying to find a cure for this disorder. In this research paper I will deal with what autism means, what causes autism, and how to get help. According to the National Institutes of Health, they define autism spectrum disorder as a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Scientists have discovered that a person with autism has false connections with the brain, and this causes miscommunication between brain cells. False connections between brain cells will lead to improper behavior, and even to improper body movements. A person does not have to have abnormal features or characteristics in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Autism Spectrum Disorder Statistical evidences. ASD's gender proportion suggests that the autism is sex–linked, and the statistical evidence convincingly shows that genetic factors are playing key role in the prevalence of ASD. To begin with, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published the relationship between the number of autistic boys and girls. The statistical evidence shows that boys are more inclined to become autistic than girls. CDC states that 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls were identified as having ASD. This observation shows that ASD is likely a sex–linked inheritance. Sex–liked inheritance is defined as a pattern of inheritance characteristic of genes located on the sex chromosomes of organisms having a chromosomal mechanism for sex determination (Sadava et al., 2014). If the ASD was sex–linked inheritance, the ratio between male and female exhibiting the phenotype would result in 3 to 1 under the normal curve. The ratio between boy and girl is approximately 5 to 1, which shows that there is a strong association between sex–linked inheritance and ASD. For this reason, it is reasonable to conclude that ASD is primarily influenced by the genetic factor, which is prenatal. On the other hand, some behavioral psychiatrists would argue that the conclusion is inaccurately determined, since the genetic mutation would not occur within a decade. As indicated in Appendix C: Table 1, the rate at which the number of ASD children increase ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ADS) Many people are psychologically effected due to being stigmatized by association with a certain group of people. In this essay, I hope to develop a greater understanding of how this happens with family members of those suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ADS). First I will define what is meant by stigma, stigma by association and ASD. Next I will look at the psychological difficulties of being associated with someone suffering from ASD. Then I will look at how different family members are stigmatized differently. Finally, I will look into why these stigmatizing attitudes are being displayed. This should provide a greater understanding of the psychological effects of stigma by association in ASD. Stigma can be separated into four different ... Show more content on ... As I have already noticed in my research, many of those who are displaying these stigmatizing behaviours are actually close friends of the families with someone suffering from ASD. In the same study, as above, that took place in Belgrade it was found that persons with the least knowledge showed the highest tendency towards stigmatization of parents in the mentioned field (Milacic– Vidojevic, Gligorovic, & Dragojevic, 2012). They also concluded that participants in the age category of over 45 years were significantly more prone to pity (Milacic–Vidojevic, Gligorovic, & Dragojevic, 2012). From this study, it appears that adults under the age of 45 with lower levels of knowledge surrounding ASD tend to be the most stigmatizing group. It was also found that women showed more understanding for the mother's position (Milacic–Vidojevic, Gligorovic, & Dragojevic, 2012) however as we discovered above it is generally the mother who is having to deal with these stigmatizing behaviours in the first place. Psychologically there is no real solution to this problem. It would be more useful to educate people better about ASD so they can be more prepared to deal with a situation if it is to arise. In a separate study in Hong Kong it has been discovered that self–compassion could be a potential buffer against these stigmatizing ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Autism Spectrum Disorder And Its Potential Treatments About Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Potential Treatments Courtney Bowen West Georgia Technical College Abstract Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is characterized by various symptomology ranging from inappropriate social behavior due to inability to experience and express situation–appropriate affect and lack of interest in other persons in general to repetitive, stereotyped behavior like insistence on routine, situation–specific actions, or obsessive focus on object–placement or sensory aspects of objects. There have been several attempted strategies at correcting these characteristics of ASD over the years, including cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) which focuses on thought process correction and behavior alteration, ... Show more content on ... In terms of repetitive behaviors, this may include a fixation on patterns or textures in objects, focus on following a particular routine to the point of being upset over any minor change in the routine, or repeating certain words, behaviors, or movements linked to certain situations (i.e. eating the same food every day for a given meal) (APA, 2013; Rotheram–Fuller, 2011). In terms of treatment for autism spectrum disorder, there has been debate on whether or not a strict behavioral method should be used versus medication that may affect cognition through biological ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that affects a child's communication, behavior, and emotional understanding. It has been described as primarily being a social disability (Laushey et at.,2009). Due to their inability to perceive others emotions, ASD children feel alienated. Consequently, this will result in ASD children having ongoing social problems caused by to their helplessness to interact with others. Since children with ASD are delayed in development, they face many challenges; however, the most severe one is the lack of social relationships. A social relationship is something shared with another person; it is formed when you share common interest, have give and take conversations on that interest, experience the rise or downfall with a friend, being there when a friend is in need. These sensitive moments are when relationships are formed. ASD children have a difficulty seeing things from a different perspective, they cannot analyze people's emotions, and consequently, it is hard for them to understand another person's actions when trying to accomplish a particular goal. ASD has become more prevalent each year, however, the cause and treatment are still unknown. Even though children with ASD have a social disability, they also face challenges because they cannot learn from parents or peers, they are incapable of reading others emotional cues and are not able to cope with others emotional regulation. There is a separation when it ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Understanding Girls With Autism Spectrum Disorder Understanding Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Differences between Males and Females on the Autism Spectrum The differences between males and females with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) is a topic that has recently become more prevalent. In order to better diagnose, treat, and educate females with ASDs it is vital to understand the differences between the sexes. The dissimilarities between females and males with ASDs range from subtle variances to more obvious. According to Fornbonne (1999,2001), "boys are diagnosed with autism at a 4:1 ratio compared to girls." Therefore, it is easy to understand why there is much more known about the diagnoses, treatment, and education that a male with autism receives and benefits from. Females with ASDs tend to fly under the radar since they exhibit different symptoms than males. They tend to be underdiagnosed and take longer to receive a diagnoses due to their lack of outward communication and behavior deficits. Parents and professionals have begun to question the 4:1 ratio for boys to girls with autism and wonder if the research studies that include more boys than girls and only take the symptoms of boys with ASDs into consideration may be hindering the ability to identify and treat girls with ASDs earlier. This research paper will explore what is currently known about females with autism, the differences between males and females with autism, the treatment and interventions that girls with autism benefit from, ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Essay on Autism Spectrum Disorder and its Comorbidities Autism spectrum disorder is complex in and of itself but that complexity is only compounded by the comorbid conditions that can come with it. Some of these include sensory processing disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and seizures. Understanding the disorder and its comorbid conditions is challenging yet important for parents, medical professionals, and educators. A common comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder is sensory processing disorder. Sensory processing disorder is the breakdown in the way the nervous system receives sensory input and translates it into the appropriate responses, motor and behavioral (Sensory Processing Disorder Explained, 2014). In the normal process, the first step there is some kind of sensory ... Show more content on ... This can cause difficulty in functioning with every day activities especially in a classroom setting. In the book The Challenging Child, Stanley Greenspan (1996) explained sensory processing disorder in this way; "Imagine driving a car that isn't working well. When you step on the gas the car sometimes lurches forward and sometimes doesn't respond. When you blow the horn it sounds blaring. The brakes sometimes slow the car, but not always. The blinkers work occasionally, the steering is erratic, and the speedometer is inaccurate. You are engaged in a constant struggle to keep the car on the road, and it is difficult to concentrate on anything else (Greenspan, 1996, p. 4)." Interestingly, most people who suffer from sensory processing disorder do not have autism spectrum disorder. However, the majority of people with autism spectrum disorder have sensory processing disorder. In fact, studies performed by the Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation have showed that 75% of people with autism spectrum disorder will have sensory processing disorder (Sensory Processing Disorder Explained, 2014). Another common comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder. Obsessive–compulsive disorder is a brain and behavior disorder where the person has unreasonable fears and thoughts that they have to do certain ritualistic or repetitive behaviors. The fear part of the disorder ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Autism Spectrum Disorder An estimated 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States (Autism Speaks, n.d.). Can be diagnosed in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. In the 2013 publication of DSM–5 diagnostic manual, Asperger syndrome, Autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder– not otherwise specified (PDD– NOS) were merged into one category of ASD. This paper will explain what Autism Spectrum Disorder is, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, clinical trials and what it is like living with someone with Autism (Autism Society, n.d.). What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Autism are general terms for a group of complex ... Show more content on ... Diagnosis in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. Boys face about four to five time's higher risk at 1 in 42 than girls at 1 in 189. A child is usually diagnosed with ASD by age 2; even though some researchers suggest that some of the screening tests are more helpful at 18 months or younger. Some of the screening tests include, Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (CHAT), Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M–CHAT), Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ), and a few more (NIMH, n.d.). The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M–CHAT) is a list of informative questions about your child. The answers can indicate whether he or she should be further evaluated by a specialist (Autism Speaks, n.d.). Treatments There is no known treatment for Autism. Each Autism intervention plan should be personalized to address the specific needs of each unique child or adult. Intervention can involve medication, behavioral treatments or both to help improve their needs. Early behavioral interventions involve a child's entire family who work closely with a team of professionals, some of which deliver home services including parent training (Autism Speaks, n.d.). Objective scientific studies confirmed benefits of two methods of comprehensive behavioral early intervention, Lovaas Model (Applied Behavior Analysis) and the Early Start Denver Model. Lovaas Model goals are to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. A Research Study On Autism / Spectrum Disorder The little boy who is constantly clapping his hands, humming his favorite song, and is seemingly enjoying the world much more than the rest of us, is one of many children in the United States with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism or ASD is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it has a wide range of ways that it affects each person. While every child diagnosed with autism encounters different personal challenges, many share similar difficulties with social interactions, communication skills, appropriate behavior, and empathy. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimated that in 2007 over 673,000 US children had ASD (Prevalence). As more children in the US are being diagnosed with ASD, it is important to understand the contributing factors, learn the early signs, and recognize how to effectively treat this disorder. Although researchers and doctors are unable to detect a singular factor that causes ASD, they have found that there are a variety of factors that contribute its development. However, recent studies have shown that environmental factors are playing a huge role in the diagnosis. Not only does having a family history of ASD increase one's risk, researchers have started to recognize specific genes that can increase it even more. Fragile X syndrome has been linked to ASD because it is an inherited condition that is peculiarly vulnerable to damage when paired with folic acid deficiency or lack of vitamin B while in the womb. Individuals who suffer from Fragile X Syndrome ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder Assignment 2 Part A. Classroom engagement is always a key issue to rookie teachers. There are various types of learner exist within a classroom and they each need to be treated differently. As teachers, we need to raise our awareness of the attributes, competencies and challenges for each of those different learner types in order to engage them in the class. This portfolio will introduce Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hearing Impairment, Gifted and Talented Students and Challenging Behaviour in the classroom as example of various learner types and discuss learning competencies and challenges, and then provide possible engagement strategies for each of those learner types. Part B of this portfolio will discuss four teaching strategies that are likely to engage students with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder "Autism Spectrum Disorder" (ASD) is a developmental condition that will impair individuals' communication ability and social interaction with others. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder will more lilely to have restricted and repetitive behaviour or interest (Dawson & Osterling, 1997). Dawson & Osterling then further added that students with autism spectrum disorder are often more passive and more likely to be disengaged than their peers. Even when engaged, those students often engage to object rather than people or surrounding enviroment (eg. class). This means students with autism spectrum disorder will have significantly less interaction with ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) How Autism Influences the Interactions with Others There is a little boy that gets up every morning and goes to school. He goes home to his parents after school each day. He eats, sleeps, and plays just like any other child. There is one difference. He sees the world in a unique way than most other children not affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. The boy's life and actions are a bit different and can be challenging for him. He needs understanding parents, family members, and teachers. Autism Spectrum Disorder can be a challenge for the little boy as well as those he interacts with in everyday life. A disorder that affects almost everyone, in one sense or another, is Autism. Autism may not affect everyone in the same sense, but affects ... Show more content on ... There have been many different methods that have been used in day to day education of autistic children that have been proven to work in certain cases. Social interaction can be extremely difficult for an autistic child. Simple tasks such as eye contact or sharing a toy may be a struggle. Autism NI has helpful tools on its website to help the social interaction process easier to develop. Better eye contact, helping take turns, and encouraging interaction with other children are some of their main points. There are many other details and steps to go along with these points in order for the interaction process to flow smoothly. Autism Spectrum Disorder is not universally the same when it comes to the symptoms. The symptoms or effects of autism depend on the severity of the disorder and can also differ from person to person. For example, non–verbal autism is at such a stage in which the child cannot communicate or express himself or herself vocally. In this case, some learn sign language to communicate basic needs or wants. Non–verbal autism could be considered a more stressful condition due to lack of communication between parent and child or educator and child. Parents as well as teachers must know or learn to sign and help teach the child to sign as well in order to set a basis of communication. Children affected by verbal autism can express their needs vocally. Unlike non– verbal autism, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Prevalence Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay The apparent increase in the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States has been a growing public concern. The lifelong condition can cause severe neurodevelopmental problems characterized by symptoms such as impaired communication, diminished social interaction, and unusual ritualistic behaviors (Johnson, Handen, Zimmer, Sacco, & Turner, 2010). Unfortunately, doctors and researchers have not been able to agree on the direct cause for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or ways to treat the various conditions on the Spectrum. With little definitive information, families affected by ASD seek alternative interventions. One of the more popular interventions is based off the hypothesis that "the physiology and psychology of autism might be explained by excessive opioid activity" due to gluten and casein (Millward, Ferriter, Calver, & Connell–Jones, 2008). According to research, people with ASD can have excess levels of gluten and casein peptides in their urine and spinal fluid; this is attributed to "abnormally porous intestinal membrane(s)" (Whiteley, Rodgers, Savery & Shattock, 1999; Knvisberg, Reichelt, Høien, & Nødland, 2002). Because gluten and casein are not properly digested in children with ASD, the peptides can enter the circulatory and central nervous systems. From there, research suggests that the peptides bind to opioid receptors, disrupting brain chemistry, thereby impairing cognitive function. In accordance with this hypothesis, some promote a ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name for a group of developmental disorders. ASD includes a wide range, "a spectrum," of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability. People with ASD often have these characteristics such as ongoing social problems that include difficulty communicating and interacting with others. Repetitive behaviors as well as limited interests or activities. Symptoms that typically are recognized in the first two years of life. Symptoms that hurt the individual's ability to function socially, at school or work, or other areas of life. Some people are mildly impaired by their symptoms, while others are severely disabled. Treatments and services can improve a person's symptoms and ability to function. In the presence of ... Show more content on ... Social communication / interaction behaviors may include, getting upset by a slight change in a routine or being placed in a new or overly stimulating setting, making little or inconsistent eye contact, having a tendency to look at and listen to other people less often, Rarely sharing enjoyment of objects or activities by pointing or showing things to others, Responding in an unusual way when others show anger, distress, or affection, Failing to, or being slow to, respond to someone calling their name or other verbal attempts to gain attention, having difficulties with the back and forth of conversations, often talking at length about a favorite subject without noticing that others are not interested or without giving others a chance to respond, repeating words or phrases that they hear, a behavior called echolalia, using words that seem odd, out of place, or have a special meaning known only to those familiar with that person's way of communicating, having facial expressions, movements, and gestures that do not match what is being said, having an unusual tone of voice that may sound sing–song or flat and robot–like, having trouble understanding another person's point of view or being unable to predict or understand other people's actions. People with ASD may have other difficulties, such as being very sensitive to light, noise, clothing, or temperature. They may also experience sleep problems, digestion problems, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Autism Spectrum Disorders The purpose of this chapter is to review the literate that identifies and examines early identification of social communication deficits related to autism spectrum disorder. It will also review literature based around early interventions to improve social communication deficits. This paper will begin by identifying retrospective research studies followed by prospective students. It will continue with evidence based interventions identified by the American Speech – Language – Hearing – Associations (ASHS) Research examining early development in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has shifted over the past several years from mainly retrospective designs to prospective longitudinal studies of at–risk infants. Retrospective designs focuses on parent ... Show more content on ... Clinical Question 2: What are the effects of communication interventions on social reciprocity outcomes for children 36 months old or less at – risk for or diagnose with ASD? Findings from single –subject that addressed prelinguistic–social reciprocity outcomes were small to large in effect with findings from the simultaneous communication and social engagement interventions falling solely in the large range. Clinical Question 3: What are the effects of communication interventions on language and related cognitive skill outcomes for children 36 months old or less at – risk for or diagnose with ASD? The findings from the single– subject were in the small to large range with most falling in the medium to large range for the following interventions: pivotal response training, video modeling imitation training, UCLA treatment model, and simultaneous communication. Clinical Question 4: What are the effects of communication interventions on behavioral and emotional regulation outcomes for children 36 months old or less at – risk for or diagnose with ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism You hear the term Autism everywhere, but what is it truly. Autism is a developmental disability; it is not just a single disorder but many disorders that associate with each other. There are different types of autism; the behaviors differ from child to child, parents find it hard to notice abnormal behaviors in babies. With autism parents should not look for abnormal behaviors but normal behaviors that the child has just completely stopped doing. Autism can be caused by many things but it is hard to pin point the exact cause in a child. There are ways to get your baby or toddler diagnosed and the sooner the better. When your baby or toddler gets diagnosed there will never be a cure but there are treatments to get your child the help ... Show more content on ... If the baby does not make eye contact during such things as feedings but did before, does not smile when being smiled at, doesn't reach to be picked up, doesn't play with other people or share interest in enjoyment, doesn't make noises to get your attention, doesn't follow the gesture when you point things out, doesn't follow objects visually, doesn't respond to his/her name, doesn't point or wave goodbye or use other gestures to communicate. If you think your child could have autism you should make an appointment with their health care provider. "Early detection is key, monitor your child's development, take action if you are concerned, do not accept and wait to see what happens and if you think something is wrong take ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Autistic Spectrum Disorder Autistic spectrum disorder, otherwise known as autism, is a complex disorder of the central nervous system and a developmental disability that comes from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. (Dowshen, 2008). It is not something one can catch or pass along to someone else. It makes interacting with other people incredibly difficult. Autism was first identified in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Autism spectrum disorder can usually be reliably diagnosed by age 3, however new research is pushing back the age of diagnosis to as early as six months. Autism is a developmental disorder that makes it very difficult for one to communicate with others and live a normal life. (What is ... Show more content on ... A very good amount of autistic children have very bad tempers. As a result, numerous parents end up quitting their jobs to care for their autistic child. (Packard, 2009). Many people with autism also have other disorders of the central nervous system, such as developmental disabilities, epilepsy, or schizophrenia. However, not all children with autism are severely impacted. Autism persists through a person's lifetime, although many people are able to learn to control and modify their behavior to some extent. Some people are affected fairly mildly; several of these individuals learn to live independent lives. Others more severely affected, require lifelong care and supervision. (Dowshen, 2008). Most families of autistic children also learn to get support from their parents and other children with autism. Some children with mild autism will grow up and be able to live on their own. Those with problems that are more serious will always need some kind of help, but all kids with autism have brighter futures when they have support and understanding from their doctors, teachers, caregivers, parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. (Dowshen, 2008). At this point in time there is no cure for autism, but doctors, therapists, and special teachers can help kids with autism overcome or adjust to many difficulties they have to face. The earlier a child starts treatment for autism, the better because the best results are ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Doll Making With School Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Petra Artz School Of Visual Arts Introduction Clinical Setting The following directive was developed as part of ongoing individual art therapy for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) attending a Jewish culture school. Students at the school range between three and eleven, and are classified as being either pre– school aged or school aged. Students are separated in their classes, based on level of functioning, as well as age. Each student has an individualized education plan (IEP) that specifies any extra therapies they receive, including occupational, speech, and physical therapy. Art therapy is not included on the IEP, but is available to all students. These therapies are used in tandem with a full day of Applied Behavioral Therapy (ABA). The students participate in group art therapy once a week in their classrooms. All students over the age of five, within the school–aged group, have individual art therapy sessions at least once a week. There are some students who are seen twice a week if approved by the head art therapist. Population These students are diagnosed as being autistic, a neurodevelopmental disorder, either under the previous DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)– IV criteria or the DSM–5 criteria. Students, who were previously diagnosed according to the DSM–IV classifications, have kept their diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013a). ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Autism Spectrum Disorder Public Health Problem Autism or autism spectrum disorder ( ASD) is a developmental disorder that has been found world wide. However unlike many other disorders, autism is fairly new in the sense that there is no cure nor a set factor causing it. Today, the public is more aware of the disorder, yet there is still concern about how to treat autism in children as well as what risk factors are more likely to lead to autism. Autism has been around for the past hundred years, however previous to the 1980's, psychiatrists and researchers associated the term autism with schizophrenia. Between 1960 and 1980, treatment for autism included electric shock, LSD, and pain/punishment. It wasn't until 1980 when intervention techniques like behavior therapy and learning through positive reinforcement was introduced and autism was recognized as a separate diagnosis from other syndromes and disorders. Autism is a larger disorder with autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder and Asperger syndrome falling under the general category of autism. Currently 1 in 68 children are affected with ASD, which a majority of them being boys. Diagnosis for this disorder begins around age 2 or 3 and major symptoms include the inability to communicate and interact easily with others and difficulty interpreting body language. Parents are more likely to diagnose their child with autism through their child's behavior and since there is no medical test that can be done, most medical doctors rely on ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. A Dialogue With Autism Spectrum Disorder The two children I chose to discuss is Lexi and Wyatt. Both Lexi and Wyatt has ASD also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder. What is interesting about these two children is that although they both have the same disorder they do not act the same. Lexi shows that she has ASD because I see some stereotyped movement that we talked in class such as flapping hand and rocking back and forth. I remember when she is around new people, like enter the the Miracle Project I felt that she was uncomfortable because she was very fidgety, she couldn 't stop flapping her hands and turning in circles.She is quiet and her verbal skills are not high functioning because she is not good at expressing herself. She loses her train of thought easily when expressing ... Show more content on ... Whenever Wyatt is expressively expressing himself he does not look at anyone in the eye. When he was telling his mom about bullies he was looking up to the sky and never looked at the mom expressing. When he was in the circle talking about bullies to everyone, he was looking around the classroom but never at a child or Coach E. Whenever anyone talks to Lexi she also does not look at anyone in the eye. She is usually giggling, scrunching in her shoulders and looking down, never sharing the same joint attention with anyone. Both of these children also show their restrictive activities. I 've noticed that Lexi only likes to sing and Wyatt only likes to talk about bullies and wanting to make friends. When watching this film I saw that many of the families who found out that their child is Autistic it led to an eruption of arguments amongst couples. The couple that stood out to me the most was Lexi 's parents because I felt that they struggled the most because they were not able to be on the same page as to caring and loving After finding out that Lexi was diagnosed with ASD, Lexi 's mom was depressed and was taking medicine to stay sane. She said she was not functioning and at the same time Lexi 's dad was upset with the mom because she couldn 't get herself together for Lexi and let herself become depressed and not functioning. When Lexi was diagnosed with ASD, it became a stressor for ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Asperger 's Disorder And Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay Asperger's disorder is also known as Asperger's syndrome has been at the end of the autism spectrum and its own category for many years. Now over the last few years in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders–5 (DSM–V) it has combined two core deficit areas. They are impairments in social interaction and impairments in communication into a single domain of social/communication deficits. It subsumes Asperger's disorder into a single diagnostic category of autism spectrum disorder. (TEXTBOOKp.237). It is estimated one percentage of the world's population and over three million Americas are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. ( ). Children with Asperger syndrome are mostly likely to be average or above average on their intelligence level and usually will not have a language delay. Some may have an odd speech pattern or a formal style of speaking. Individuals with Asperger's usually want to fit in and have interactions with others, but sometimes they have difficult and they don't know how to do it. Having a conversation back and forth may be difficult. Some may talk too much and not let others talk and have difficult with active listening skills. They also may be considered socially awkward, have limited eye contact, seem unengaged in a conversation and not understand the use of jokes or sarcasm. Individuals with Asperger Syndrome may like to have collections of red toy cars, marbles, bottle caps, and be amused with maps, globes, routes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder More than two million individuals are affected by autism in the United States and it is one of the fastest growing disorders but with very much research being put behind it. Autism can tend to be one of the most confusing and stressful disorders but yet it is still able to be coped with lots of patience. Imagine being put down or not given an opportunity deserved because of something that is out of one's control, more specifically children with autism spectrum disorder. Parents have a huge role in preparing their kids in order for them to be able to be around others. It is not easy especially with autistic ones but kids with autism can be capable of being at the same pace as others and should be treated the same just as students normally ... Show more content on ... The earlier information starts to be acquired the easier it might be to get a controlled behavior out of the son or daughter. There is a tremendous amount of valuable and credible information out there to be obtained. Once obtaining that information the main objective should be getting an increase in the understanding of the way autism works, the child's social and behavior presentation, and communication. It is crucial to stick with getting that better understanding instead of spending time on trying to find a cure or focusing on some sort of myth on how to control autistic kids. The key point is to learn in order to be able to see the world the way they see it and their unique way of learning will have an impact on how they connect not only with the parents but with everyone else. Adding on to this would be the amount of definite attention the children receive. They might not always notice it but as part of parent instinct one will always be there. Keeping both eyes wide open for them will help learn a little bit more about them through close observation by focusing on what causes certain behavior and also of course keep them safe and sound. In addition, It is true some autistic kids may be sort of a handful, however how will it be possible for kids with autism to succeed in just about anything if there is no understanding on behalf of someone without this disorder? Focusing on what a child with autism ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Autism defines as a developmental disability affecting verbal, and non–verbal communication and social interaction. Many experts estimated that 1 out of 68 children are diagnosed with autism and researchers are not sure about what causes it? There are numerous treatment to support children with autism but there is no known cure (Mash and Wolfe, 2015). In article,"The Kid Who Beat Autism", Ruth Padawer states that autism can be cured with A.B.A therapy whereas "The Kid Who Don 't Beat Autism" Joel Yanofsky refers that autism cannot be cured. I believe it depends upon an individual. One patient can significantly develop while other remains the same. Both articles helped me to draw a conclusion for my claim. As Padawer mentioned B who was the patient of Autism recovered with the help of ABA therapy. According to the Yanofsky, Matthew who recieved the same therapy as B did not recovered. While it sounds promising that autism can be treated, it is important to acknowledge that autism is a highly complex disorder with many different symptoms. Hence the saying: "If you know one person with autism, you know one person with autism." (Yanofsky ). This quote states that while a certain type of treatment might be very helpful for one child, it might not be as effective for another child. Reseachers have confirmed that a significant number of autistic children legitimately lose their diagnosis. Those ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Autism Spectrum Disorder Introduction Autism, as defined by the DSM–V, is the demonstration (either in the past or in the present) of deficits in social–emotional reciprocity, deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, and deficits in developing maintaining and understanding relationships ( Autism is a spectrum disorder with varying levels of severity. Some children may be highly functioning while others remain non–verbal. These deficits can negatively affect a child's ability to learn and participate in extra–curricular activities. In the classroom, a disruptive behavior may even negatively impact the learning of the other students. Outside of the classroom, communication and relationship barriers typically result in children with autism not participating in sports or other physically demanding activities. Swimming can be a valuable addition to education programs as it is both enjoyable for the subject and contributes to motor development (Mosher 1975 and Wing 1976). A well designed and carefully implemented instructional aquatics program can be instrumental in promoting health and wellness (Auxter, Pyfer, & Huettig, 2001; Lepore, Gayle, & Stevens, 1998). A group swimming and aquatic exercise program has the potential for providing exercise in a social environment and this may have positive aspects on social development and self– esteem in addition to positive effects on health for children with ASD. Background Pan and Frey (2006) used an ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder also known as ASD is a Neurological Disorder affecting about 1 out of 54 boys and 1 in 252 girls in the United States. The Government has said that the Autism rate has increased a 10 to 17 percent annually in recent years. ASD is a Disease that has such a big effect on a kid's life, the family, and everyone around them. A Child diagnosed with autism will have to everyday struggle to deal with normal life situations like communication and social skills that normal toddlers are able to pick up naturally. There are three main types of ASD's: Autistic disorder which is also called "Classic" Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Persuasive Developmental Disorder– Not Otherwise Specified short for PDD–NOS also called ... Show more content on ... It turned out it was a huge surprise to everyone because today Jacob is Fourteen Years old at the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), he has earned a Masters and is studying to get a PhD in Quantum Physics. He enrolled in (IUPUI) at the age of 10, he has surprised everyone with his intelligence. Jacob is said to have a higher IQ then Albert Einstein, that is tremendous and never before seen, especially not in a child so young. "I'm not supposed to be here at all" (Barnett 23), Jacob could serve as an inspiration for many of those who have ever been diagnosed and have gotten an ultimatum on future possibilities."You know, I was told that I wouldn't talk. There's probably a therapist watching who is freaking out right now"(Barnett 24–25). Jacob should be a hope to many who suffer Asperger or any type of ASD today. "I hope it really inspires children to actually be doing something . . . [and] encourages them to do what they like doing. I just hope it is inspirational" (Barnett 39–41). Asperger Disorder can be most recognized by problems with social communication skills, specific order in things they tend to like to do, the repetition of a specific behavior like any type of hand movement or small details, very obsessive interest in specific things like a specific cartoon or television, also they could happen to be very talented in particular areas, and in their body movement. Pervasive Developmental Disorder–Not ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Gender Differences In Autism Spectrum Disorder HW: Meta–Analysis– Investigating the genetic and prognostic Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Introduction: While Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) has been researched extensively, the role of gender in this disease is still poorly understood. With a 4:1 gender distribution in the diagnosis of ASD, many research studies have attempted to explain this difference (Fombonne,2009). Current research has theorized about various different etiologies for this gender discrepancy, such as a female protective effect (Jacquemont et al., 2014). The female protective effect suggests that females must demonstrate higher levels of genetic risk factors in order to reach clinically impaired functional status and therefore be diagnosed (Chawarska, ... Show more content on ... Females with ASD are significantly more vulnerable than their male counterparts to "delayed or missed diagnosis", leaving them untreated and at significant risk for adverse psychosocial and medical outcomes (Lai, 2015). Second, understanding the etiology of the gender discrepancies in presentation of ASD will deepen our understanding of the disease from a nosological perspective and possibly lead to new and novel hypotheses about the conceptualization and treatment avenues of ASD. Specific Aims: To examine existing literature for genotypic and phenotypic differences between males and females diagnosed with ASD. While prior meta–analyses have examined the differences between males and females with ASD in the "core triad of impairments", none have examined genetic variations as well as symptomatology (Van Wjingaarden–Cremers et al. 2014). As our nosological framework is limited in our understanding of gender's effect on autism, examining both phenotypic and genotypic data such as neuroimaging (brain MRIs), and genetic analyses, could further our understanding. On examination of brain MRI, genetic mutation burden, and symptomatic impairments validated using various outcome measures such as the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – Second Edition, Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition and the Child Behavior Checklist, females with ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Autism Spectrum Disorder Paper Approaches for Helping Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Succeed in School Settings Keith Allen Reuter St. Ambrose University Abstract The topic of investigation for this paper is effective techniques for helping students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) succeed in school. Communication and socialization were the two areas of focus. If students with ASD are helped in these two areas, the likelihood of success in school increases. With ASD increasing, literature reviews with effective techniques can assist school personnel in selecting the best options for students with ASD in less time than completing formal research. This is a topic of interest to me, because of two reasons. One reason is my work ... Show more content on ... (Simmons) Great performance on visual tasks have been reported in children with ASD, which further validates the use of technology as an effective way to help students with Autism succeed in schools. Due to children with Autism typically having difficulty communicating with appropriate verbal expressions and physical gestures, the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) was created by the Delaware Autism Program. This program uses photographs, drawings, and pictures of objects, which are now available with technology. The PECS system was created in 1985 in a physical format, but can now be accessed using mobile devices. The use of applications was discussed by Kate Simmons (ND). There are a plethora of applications available, some of which assist students with ASD. One application is MyVoice which was design to assist with speech and language difficulties. The individual can select the picture they desire, and then build sentences to communicate what they want. Also SocialSkillBuider is an application that has modules to assist students with interactions and social situations they common face in a day. Give Me 5! Also helps with social skills, by having individuals analyze social situations in a gaming format. These are just a few of the applications available for assisting individuals with ASD. Technology can assist in the improved social and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Families with children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD) experiences more stress than the typical family without a children with ASD. A previous research study by Baker–Ericzen, Brookman– Frazee & Stahmer(2005, p. 194) supports this statement, "Both parents of children with ASD report higher levels of both parent and child related stress juxtaposed with parents of typically developing toddlers". In order to comprehend the information of the study, one must understand what autism spectrum disorder is. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is broad term which is used to describe autism and four other disabilities that affects one 's ability to socialize, communicate, and respond to one 's environment. Autism is a complex disorder of brain development that is characterized in varying degrees of difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Some of these symptoms include: a delay or lack in communication and social interaction, violent and disruptive behavior, and inappropriate eating and toileting. ASD is a disorder that impacts males more than females. According to statistics from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, about 1 in 68 children have been identified with ASD. As this time, there are no known cures for ASD. However, there are many treatment options which may help reduce symptoms and support development and learning. When people think of autism spectrum disorder, they think how the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders need to learn the academic and social skills that will prepare them for future jobs, just as typically developing students do. The term "Autism Spectrum Disorders," or ASD, refers to a group of disorders with specific characteristics including deficits with communication and socialization, repetitive behaviors, and limited or restricted interests. As much as possible, students with this disorder are typically mainstreamed, or included in, general education classes to improve their social behaviors and communication. Mainstreaming students with autism has positive benefits for their peers as well. Depending on the severity, students may also benefit academically from inclusion. However, since ... Show more content on ... How Autism was diagnosed changed, and the term "Autism" started to be considered as a wide spectrum of disabilities (Daily 1). The Education for All Children Act was passed in 1975 and it guaranteed a "free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment" (Dybvik 2). This means that in public education, an autistic student would be able to be educated with their nondisabled peers in the general education as much as possible. The Education for All Children Act was updated y the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1997 (Dybvik 3). The IDEA added Autism as a category. As a result, over sixty–five thousand students with Autism across the country were educated in inclusive environments (Daily 1). Since the discovery of Autism, research has shown that the severity of disability can be very different in individual students. Therefore, children that may have once been excluded from general education can be mainstreamed more. Mainstreaming children with ASD will help these children grow socially. They will be introduced to typically developing children, and this helps ASD students to work on their social development (Haiduac 29). One thing that helps these students develop socially is the use of their peers as role models (Haiduac 29). They observe other behaviors and change the way they act accordingly (Haiduac 29). Heather McIntyre, who is a mother of a second grader with ASD, says that her son Kellen has ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Summary: Autistic Spectrum Disorder The purpose of this paper was to research fully–developed strategies available for educators to utilize who may have the opportunity of working with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) student in their general education classroom. It may be as a teacher, an associate, or a paraeducator. With a shift toward inclusive classrooms, it is not uncommon to see special needs students learning alongside their typical peers. ASD students have deficits within four engagement categories –– auditory, visual, social, or physical. They may struggle in one, all, or any combination of the four categories. ASD issues involving auditory engagement can be lessened by the use of cues, prompts, and song transitions. ASD deficits involving visual engagement can be ... Show more content on ... Most special education departments contain collections of resources obtained throughout the years. Any teacher in that district has access to peruse and checkout applicable materials. Along with these reference materials, any staffed educator within the department would be a great resource to further educate one's self. Not only do they have the expertise and training on specialized learners, but they have the experience to back it up. If it happens to be a subject they are not as familiar with, most likely they can point the inquirer in the direction of someone more knowledgeable than themselves. The department also has the ability to sign people up for available workshops and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Analysis Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become a steadily growing issue and is a lifelong condition. Individuals with ASD may not have an understanding of the expectations of a crisis worker relationship especially when they are dealing with a trauma (Attwood, 2003). This needs to be taught through turn taking and sharing of information. So individuals with ASD require specific modifications and adaptations to benefit from the crisis worker, both through relationships and strategies of the worker. This paper discusses critical issues associated with ASD individuals and some techniques that can be used during a traumatic event. Understanding An Individual With Autism During a Crisis Autism According to the Center of Disease control and ... Show more content on ... Trauma Trauma can be defined as any event that causes stressors in one's life (Puleo & McGlothlin, 2010). Some traumatic events can become overwhelming for individuals. Understanding the safety and security of one who has been exposed to a trauma can help with the knowledge of the intensity that the individual has been exposed to. According to King (2010), traumatic events that occur in the ASD's life can become intertwined in the child's psychosocial development. This could be something that is easily dismissed with an individual with ASD as the definition of ASD refers to the struggle of development of self and even prior to repeated exposure to trauma. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques can be made meaningful for individuals with ASD during trauma. Crisis Intervention Therapeutic Techniques The manner in which CBT is used and approached can be important for individuals with ASD. Crisis Intervention workers can achieve adherence to CBT principals while working with ADS individuals. They need to establish interpersonal, emphatic, and a collaborative approach. Also convey an understanding through rephrasing and summarizing. Being able to acknowledge the individuals point of view is very important. The interventionist should ask questions without being demeaning and provide appropriate questions to reframe the meaning. Once the therapeutic process is established, with a sense ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Participants Data as collected for 18 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder ranging from ages 3;0 to 3;11. There were eight males and eight females who participated in the study and each child was match on both gender and severity of autism and randomly placed in the ABA therapy group, the Floortime therapy group, or the control group. Each child received a diagnosis of an ASD using the DSM–V criteria by a qualified, independent Speech–Language Pathologist from the community prior to entry into the study. These children had no prior exposure to therapy programs and did not receive outside services during the enrollment of the study. Setting Assessments and therapy sessions took place in university clinic room that was equipped with two child–sized tables, two child–sized chairs, and a toy shelf with a variety of age appropriate toys that were designed to promote play for children at a variety of developmental levels. Each session was videotaped for later scoring, with a video camera in view of the child and experimenter. Materials present at various points throughout the assessment were books, play sets such as a farm or school bus, puzzles, cars, simple cause–and–effect toys like a ball spinner or jack–in–the–box pop–up toys, shape sorters, blocks, etc. Assessment All participants were assessed using a part of the ESAT as described in part in MacDonald et al (2006). This direct observational assessment measures performance on several core developmental skills ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental and neurological condition that affects individuals in the areas of social communication and social interaction, and it is also characterized by the presence of repetitive behaviors and language difficulties. Other characteristics include delays in reasoning and self help skills (Smith, 2011) p. 1037). Individuals with ASD vary widely in level of intelligence and may also exhibit other co–existing conditions such as intellectual disability, depression, and phobias (Nozomi, 2009). The disorder begins in early childhood, but is usually not diagnosed prior to the age of two to five years old or when a child enters school. In 2013, the Center for Disease Control reported that there was a major ... Show more content on ... The purpose of this research assignment is to give an explanation of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), provide information about the two major categories of behavioral intervention approaches that utilize ABA, structured and naturalistic, and discuss available research regarding them. Also addressed is information about specific (ABA) treatments or models that have been used. Many of them do provide positive benefits and have been considered to be highly successful by many professionals, parents, and support groups. Lovaas's contribution to the field is also included because he was a pioneer of ABA intervention for children with ASD, although he was not the only individual in the field of psychology that contributed to the study of the disorder (Matson & Neal, 2009). According to Smith "Applied behavior analysis is a discipline of research and practice within the helping professions. ABA interventions are implemented in many settings, with many different clinical and nonclinical populations." (Smith, 2011, p. 1037). It is believed that ABA has become a very important intervention strategy because it is science based and involves data collection with the use of direct observation. It also includes the use of operant conditioning, a term devised by B.F. Skinner to describe a method of changing behavior through the use ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) hits very close to home for me. Considering I have been a child/adult with Autism, I thought the topic of how to handle people with Autism in the health care industry was a good fit. As a child, I personally had difficulties going to the doctor. I have had countless unpleasant encounters with doctors, and I understand what Autistic people go through. If there was more understanding of the condition and more culture competence towards the issues faced with someone having Autism, there would be more autistic people who receive health care. As some may know, Autism is a disorder which makes communication and social interaction difficult for the one affected. Autism is commonly referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism is made up of different "levels" and the patient can be severely autistic or mildly autistic as with Asperger's Syndrome. Since there is a variety of different "levels," there is a wide range of possible reactions that can occur. These reactions can occur when dealing with autistic patient in any setting, but especially in a health care setting. Considering the spectrum is so large and diverse, doctors and nurses cannot necessarily understand each reaction that may occur when caring for a patient with ASD. Although, this wide range of reactions can be overwhelming for a doctor or nurse to handle, the issues that arise still need to be addressed as people with autism are still people and they need care just as anyone ... Get more on ...