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Digital Graphic Narrative
Matthew Pinkney
Shape Task
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
What would you improve if you did it again?
What did you like about your image?
I am very happy with the overall look of the image and how certain aspects have been
coloured differently due to them being further away from the foreground. This gives
an illusion of depth in the image and makes the rotoscope look a bit more realistic
while keeping it simple. I also like the facial features on the character, such as the eyes
and nose. I believe these aspects really bring the image to life.
What would you improve if you did it again?
For improvements, I would like to have added more detail onto the rotoscope,
particularly on the shoes and in the hair. I also think that some parts look a bit rough,
such as the sword handle and black lines on the jumpsuit. Despite looking this way on
the original photo, I don’t think it translates well to the rotoscope style due to it’s
simplicity and basic colours. I would improve this aspect simply be straightening the
lines out by going over them again or using the warp/distort tool.
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
What would you improve if you did it again?
Text Based
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
What would you improve if you did it again?
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
What I’m really happy with in this image is the use of colour. The use turquoise against
a blank background works really well and gives of a very cold look to the image, while
the orange and yellow contrast this with the look and feel of heat in-between the
character and whoever he is talking to on the phone.
What would you improve if you did it again?
While I like the look of the current background, I do believe that with more time put
into the making of the image it could have been a lot more interesting. Thinking about
it, adding in a brick wall of even cracks in a sheet of glass could have made the image a
lot more interesting to look at.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
One element that stands out as one I really, really like is the use of exclamation and
question marks. These show the character’s reactions to events that aren’t on the
panel and fits in with the comic theme that I was aiming for. Making them red allows
them to stand out more and adds more urgency to the scene.
I also like how the bottom middle panel has its events highlighted in a circle shape. I
find that this is a unique and more interesting way to present the action to the reader
rather than put it in another basic, square panel.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I think the look of the page could have been more consistent. The middle two panels
in particular look so much lighter than the others around it that they draw in more
attention than necessary. Going forwards, I will make sure to alter the brightness
settings on those panels alone to make they fit in with the other images.
What did you like about your image?
What would you improve if you did it again?
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
What would you improve if you did it again?
Initial Ideas
Character Mood Board
Environment Mood Board
I plan to make the story 12 pages long, with the dimensions being 210mm by 297mm.
Story Overview
It is the 19th Century. In fear of death, one of England’s wealthiest men travels across
the country with his wife and his most treasured belongings in search of a place
without death.
Export Format
Advantages: These file types can be accessed quickly and easily.
Disadvantages: These files can be difficult to edit and there are various types.
June 15th 2016
The age of my target audience will be between 6-8 year olds who live in the UK. The reason for this choice
comes from the fact that the story takes place in the same country. It will also appeal to kids who are more
grown up and understanding for their age, with the concepts and themes being pretty dark for younger
readers. The book will most likely appeal to male readers, as part of the narrative explores the
characteristics associated with that gender.
While children are the primary focus for my story, I feel that it is also important for the book to be aimed
towards adults when they read it to their kids. With this in mind, the themes explored in the book with
more than likely intrigue adult readers as the importance of letting go, moving on and acceptance are all
hard issues they would have dealt with in life. The target gender will also be males, with the central
character being of the same gender. British upper class citizens will also relate to the main character and
better understand his way of life.
Production Methods
To produce the images and their respected art style in my book, I am thinking of taking images of real-life
people and applying filters over them to make it look like a detailed comic book. This is so the character’s
expressions and emotions can easily been seen in the illustrations, without the text having to constantly
describe the way they are feeling. However, the background will be mostly made out of shapes. This is so I
have complete control over the way they look, which is important when getting the actual locations will be
impossible. I will also do it like this in an attempt to make the style look very dark, gothic and Tim Burton-
like. The reason for this style comes from the main theme of the narrative (death) and how everything looks
more twisted and decayed as the book goes along.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
They are very specific on their audience which is an
important especially in their dark content which
could scare some viewers. They have also talked
lot in detail about the the editing techniques that
they plan to use, in which could link well in the
Talk about the story in more content like characters,
proper location, style and visual aspects some
scene to scene.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
They have broken their mood board down into
specific content. It helped me understand what the
mood, ideas and plans that their intend to get
inspiration from. They have loads of photos mainly
on location as they are some many places to create
the story around due to the stories dark
I think that the main area to further their work is to
literally add in more images and content as they
were lacking in some areas of the mood board.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
It is a very good overall summary of your storyline,
and how you plan to make it. The audience in
particular seems to be suited really well for the type
of story you’re are doing as it seems to complex for
those of the younger ages (2-5) to be able to
understand. You’ve thought really hard on the
audience and the methods in which you are going
to use which help you a lot when it comes to
actually making it.
Try to add more detail into your story overview to
give the viewers a little more to go off.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Its very unique idea, and therefore will appeal a lot
to the audience you’ve aimed as there are little
children's books out there with a similar storyline.
The setting I like as you’ve defined it into the era Of
the late 1800’s. WELL DONE
Add more pictures into the mood board, to give the
viewers a better idea of the visual side of things,
and maybe explore colours in which will be used
within the book.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You have clearly summarized what you intend to
achieve with the topic in a detailed manner. You
have considered age, gender, social class and
geographical location in regard to audience really
well, and you have done well to highlight the
production technique you will use for your story
(rotoscope). I think that all of this could have a
positive impact on the way your final product will
look, mainly because you have already identified
the techniques that you will employ.
To improve, you could add more detail to the file
format you will be using e.g. provide information on
the pros and cons of using the PDF format and how
it could influence your work.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
You have provided a great amount of detail on your
mind map, having identified the characters that will
appear and the layout of the story. It is quite
obvious that the book you are hoping to create is a
dark and foreboding one.
You could add more images to the moodboard.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
In summary, people were positive about my ideas and proposal. Everyone seemed to
agree with my points about aiming the book at a slightly older audience and the dark
themes seemed to go down well.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
Looking back, I do believe that more images can be added to the mood board. This
would give people a better understanding of what the characters and environments will
look like while also inspiring and influencing me by finding new pictures which lead to
new ideas.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
The only piece of feedback that I kind of disagree with is how short the story summary
is. The reason I kept it this way was because the story itself is very simple and doesn’t
need much of an explanation, although I can see why the inclusion of other plot points
could help people understand and get a better idea of the narrative.
Original Script (1)
ONCE upon a time there lived a man whose one wish and prayer was to get rich. Day and night he thought of nothing else, and at last his prayers were
granted, and he became very wealthy. Now being so rich, and having so much to lose, he felt that it would be a terrible thing to die and leave all his
possessions behind; so he made up his mind to set out in search of a land where there was no death. He got ready for his journey, took leave of his wife, and
started. Whenever he came to a new country the first question that he asked was whether people died in that land, and when he heard that they did, he set
out again on his quest. At last he reached a country where he was told that the people did not even know the meaning of the word death. Our traveller was
delighted when he heard this, and said:
`But surely there are great numbers of people in your land, if no one ever dies?'
`No,' they replied, `there are not great numbers, for you see from time to time a voice is heard calling first one and then another, and whoever hears that
voice gets up and goes away, and never comes back.'
`And do they see the person who calls them,' he asked, `or do they only hear his voice?'
`They both see and hear him,' was the answer.
Well, the man was amazed when he heard that the people were stupid enough to follow the voice, though they knew that if they went when it called them
they would never return. And he went back to his own home and got all his possessions together, and, taking his wife and family, he set out resolved to go and
live in that country where the people did not die, but where instead they heard a voice calling them, which they followed into a land from which they never
returned. For he had made up his own mind that when he or any of his family heard that voice they would pay no heed to it, however loudly it called.
After he had settled down in his new home, and had got everything in order about him, he warned his wife and family that, unless they wanted to die, they
must on no account listen to a voice which they might some day hear calling them.
For some years everything went well with them, and they lived happily in their new home. But one day, while they were all sit-ting together round the table,
his wife suddenly started up, exclaiming in a loud voice:
`I am coming! I am coming!'
And she began to look round the room for her fur coat, but her husband jumped up, and taking firm hold of her by the hand, held her fast, and reproached
her, saying:
`Don't you remember what I told you? Stay where you are unless you wish to die.'
`But don't you hear that voice calling me?' she answered. `I am merely going to see why I am wanted. I shall come back directly.'
So she fought and struggled to get away from her husband, and to go where the voice summoned. But he would not let her go, and had all the doors of the
house shut and bolted. When she saw that he had done this, she said:
`Very well, dear husband, I shall do what you wish, and remain where I am.'
So her husband believed that it was all right, and that she had thought better of it, and had got over her mad impulse to obey the voice. But a few minutes
later she made a sudden dash for one of the doors, opened it and darted out, followed by her husband. He caught her by the fur coat, and begged and
implored her not to go, for if she did she would certainly never return. She said nothing, but let her arms fall backwards, and suddenly bending herself
forward, she slipped out of the coat, leaving it in her husband's hands. He, poor man, seemed turned to stone as he gazed after her hurrying away from him,
and calling at the top of her voice, as she ran:
`I am coming! I am coming!’
Original Script (2)
When she was quite out of sight her husband recovered his wits and went back into his house, murmuring:
`If she is so foolish as to wish to die, I can't help it. I warned and implored her to pay no heed to that voice, however loudly it might call.'
Well, days and weeks and months and years passed, and nothing happened to disturb the peace of the household. But one day the man was at
the barber's as usual, being shaved. The shop was full of people, and his chin had just been covered with a lather of soap, when, suddenly
starting up from the chair, he called out in a loud voice:
`I won't come, do you hear? I won't come!'
The barber and the other people in the shop listened to him with amazement. But again looking towards the door, he exclaimed:
`I tell you, once and for all, I do not mean to come, so go away.'
And a few minutes later he called out again:
`Go away, I tell you, or it will be the worse for you. You may call as much as you like but you will never get me to come.'
And he got so angry that you might have thought that some one was actually standing at the door, tormenting him. At last he jumped up, and
caught the razor out of the barber's hand, exclaiming:
`Give me that razor, and I'll teach him to let people alone for the future.'
And he rushed out of the house as if he were running after some one, whom no one else saw. The barber, determined not to lose his razor,
pursued the man, and they both continued running at full speed till they had got well out of the town, when all of a sudden the man fell head
foremost down a precipice, and never was seen again. So he too, like the others, had been forced against his will to follow the voice that called
The barber, who went home whistling and congratulating himself on the escape he had made, described what had happened, and it was noised
abroad in the country that the people who had gone away, and had never returned, had all fallen into that pit; for till then they had never
known what had happened to those who had heard the voice and obeyed its call.
But when crowds of people went out from the town to examine the ill-fated pit that had swallowed up such numbers, and yet never seemed to
be full, they could discover nothing. All that they could see was a vast plain, that looked as if it had been there since the beginning of the world.
And from that time the people of the country began to die like ordinary mortals all the world over.
Story Breakdown
1. After wishing to be rich and having that wish granted, the now wealthy man fears losing
everything once he has passed on.
2. Protesting against death, he sets out to find a land where there is no such thing and is
successful in his findings.
3. However, he is told that a voice will call to people who live in the village and draw them
to a another land that they don’t return from.
4. The man cautions his family about the warning and tells them never to follow it.
5. However, on a seemingly peaceful day, his wife hears the voice calling to her.
6. He chases her down and tries to bring her home.
7. She agrees to stay, only to trick him and run away again, never to be seen again.
8. Days later, the man is sitting at the Barber’s and hears the voice calling to him.
9. Angered, he chases down the voice and falls down a pit
10. All the villagers discover that a voice has been coming from the bottomless pit.
Story Breakdown
1. Wealthy man doesn’t want to die and lose his riches.
2. He then sets out on a journey across England to find a land without death.
3. First town proves unsuccessful.
4. Second town, again, unsuccessful, wealthy man becomes aggressive
5. Third town, unsuccessful and is plagued with a disease.
6. Fourth town, wife passes from the disease, wealthy man is robbed.
7. Walks alone and finds and old, deserted town.
8. Speaks to a lone villager who says there is no death in his town.
9. The wealthy man grows old by himself.
10. Is tricked into dying at a call of a voice.
Draft Script
Once upon a time, a man who was as rich as a man could be, became fearful of losing all of his riches after he had died. Every morning, the
wealthy man would become more and more angry over his impending doom, so he and his wife went in search of a land where death could not
reach them. All of his treasures were packed onto the back of a cartridge and the two set out on their quest to find this land.
After a day of travelling, they find a village outside of the city and ask the locals:
“Tell us, does death come to this land?”
The villagers, all of who despite the man and his decision not to give money to the poor respond with:
“Death comes here, and with the way we’re living he can’t come soon enough!”
After another day of travelling, they find a second village and ask the same question:
“Does death come to this land?”
These villagers, poorer and more desperate than the last, respond with:
“He does indeed, and always on a moment too soon. But with your help and money we can live longer!”
Disgusted by them, the two travel for another week until they find a small, quiet town.
“Does death come to this town?” The wealthy man asks.
With a wagon of hidden content’s passing by, an ill, injured man responds with:
“Death? There is nothing but death here! Nothing will rid us of this foul plague!”
The two, of course, carry on with their journey. However, his wife has fallen ill with what seems to be the same illnesses the people in the town
displayed. They stop the cartridge and the man carries his wife out in his arms, only for the poor villagers from earlier to show up and rob him of
his transport and money.
The man continues his journey alone, up the tallest hill he has come across (picture shows a gravestone behind him) until he finds an abandoned
village at the top.
Reaching the village, he finds a lone, cloaked figure digging a hole in the ground. Approaching the figure, out of breath, he says:
“Excuse me… Does death come to this land?”
The figure reveals itself to be an ordinary man, who responds with:
“No, absolutely not. Death has never shown his presence here…”
Many years later, we see the man has grown old. He lives alone in an old, rotting hut with what little fortune he has left to cherish. But then, in the
distance, he hears his name being called. Weak, he walks out into the rain and follows the voice to the hole that was dug all them years ago. He
crawls down into the pit in search of the voice, only for the cloaked figure to return with no signs of aging on his face.
The next morning, the same hole has now been filled and marked with a headstone. Here lies: Geoffrey Proud (Main character’s name).
Final Script
Once upon a time, a man who was as rich as a man could be, became fearful of losing all of his riches after he had died.
So one morning, he and his wife went in search of a land where death could not reach them and take his treasures.
After a day of travelling, they find a village outside of the city and ask the locals:
“Tell us, does death come to this land?”
“Death comes here, and with the way we’re living he can’t come soon enough!” Said the villager.
After another day of travelling, they find a second village and ask the same question:
“Does death come to this land?”
“He does indeed, and always on a moment too soon. But with your help and money we can live longer!” Said the villager.
Disgusted by them, the two travel for another week until they find a small, quiet town.
“Does death come to this town?” The wealthy man asks.
“Death? There is nothing but death here! Nothing will rid us of this foul plague!” Said the town’s folk.
The two carry on with their journey. However, the man’s wife falls ill with the same symptoms displayed in the town. He stops the cart and
carries her to an empty field...
The man continues his journey alone, up the tallest hill he has come across (picture shows a gravestone behind him) until he finds an
abandoned village at the top.
Reaching the village, he finds a lone, cloaked figure digging a hole in the ground. He says:
“Excuse me… Does death come to this land?”
“No, absolutely not. Death has never shown his presence here…”
Many years later, the wealthy man grew old. He lives alone in an old, rotting hut with his fortune surrounding him. But then, in the
distance, he hears his name being called.
Weak, he walks out into the rain and follows the voice to the hole that was dug all them years ago.
He crawls down into the pit in search of the voice, only for the cloaked figure to return with no signs of aging on his face.
The next morning, the same hole has now been filled and marked with a headstone. Here lies: Geoffrey Proud (Main character’s name).
Digital Flat Plans
Once upon a time,
Text describing the character goes
Text describing the events of the
page go here.
Text that introduces the location.
Dialogue here.
Text that introduces the location.
Dialogue here.
More dialogue
More dialogue here.
Digital Flat Plans
Text that introduces the location.
Dialogue here.
More dialogue here.
Text that introduces the location.
Text that
describes the
actions and the
events of the
Text that introduces the location
and describes the page’s
Text that introduces the location and page’s
Dialogue here. Dialogue here.
Digital Flat Plans
Text that introduces the location and time jump. Text that describes the character’s actions and the
scene’s events.
Text that concludes the story…
Description of the scene’s events.
Dialogue here.
Text that describes the character’s actions and the
scene’s events.
Text introducing scene.Text that describes the character’s actions and the
scene’s events.

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Development pro forma

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What would you improve if you did it again?
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I am very happy with the overall look of the image and how certain aspects have been coloured differently due to them being further away from the foreground. This gives an illusion of depth in the image and makes the rotoscope look a bit more realistic while keeping it simple. I also like the facial features on the character, such as the eyes and nose. I believe these aspects really bring the image to life. What would you improve if you did it again? For improvements, I would like to have added more detail onto the rotoscope, particularly on the shoes and in the hair. I also think that some parts look a bit rough, such as the sword handle and black lines on the jumpsuit. Despite looking this way on the original photo, I don’t think it translates well to the rotoscope style due to it’s simplicity and basic colours. I would improve this aspect simply be straightening the lines out by going over them again or using the warp/distort tool.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What would you improve if you did it again?
  • 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What would you improve if you did it again?
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I’m really happy with in this image is the use of colour. The use turquoise against a blank background works really well and gives of a very cold look to the image, while the orange and yellow contrast this with the look and feel of heat in-between the character and whoever he is talking to on the phone. What would you improve if you did it again? While I like the look of the current background, I do believe that with more time put into the making of the image it could have been a lot more interesting. Thinking about it, adding in a brick wall of even cracks in a sheet of glass could have made the image a lot more interesting to look at.
  • 15. Evaluation What did you like about your image? One element that stands out as one I really, really like is the use of exclamation and question marks. These show the character’s reactions to events that aren’t on the panel and fits in with the comic theme that I was aiming for. Making them red allows them to stand out more and adds more urgency to the scene. I also like how the bottom middle panel has its events highlighted in a circle shape. I find that this is a unique and more interesting way to present the action to the reader rather than put it in another basic, square panel. What would you improve if you did it again? I think the look of the page could have been more consistent. The middle two panels in particular look so much lighter than the others around it that they draw in more attention than necessary. Going forwards, I will make sure to alter the brightness settings on those panels alone to make they fit in with the other images.
  • 17. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What would you improve if you did it again?
  • 19. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What would you improve if you did it again?
  • 21.
  • 24. Proposal Dimensions I plan to make the story 12 pages long, with the dimensions being 210mm by 297mm. Story Overview It is the 19th Century. In fear of death, one of England’s wealthiest men travels across the country with his wife and his most treasured belongings in search of a place without death. Export Format PDF Advantages: These file types can be accessed quickly and easily. Disadvantages: These files can be difficult to edit and there are various types.
  • 25. Deadline June 15th 2016 Audience The age of my target audience will be between 6-8 year olds who live in the UK. The reason for this choice comes from the fact that the story takes place in the same country. It will also appeal to kids who are more grown up and understanding for their age, with the concepts and themes being pretty dark for younger readers. The book will most likely appeal to male readers, as part of the narrative explores the characteristics associated with that gender. While children are the primary focus for my story, I feel that it is also important for the book to be aimed towards adults when they read it to their kids. With this in mind, the themes explored in the book with more than likely intrigue adult readers as the importance of letting go, moving on and acceptance are all hard issues they would have dealt with in life. The target gender will also be males, with the central character being of the same gender. British upper class citizens will also relate to the main character and better understand his way of life. Production Methods To produce the images and their respected art style in my book, I am thinking of taking images of real-life people and applying filters over them to make it look like a detailed comic book. This is so the character’s expressions and emotions can easily been seen in the illustrations, without the text having to constantly describe the way they are feeling. However, the background will be mostly made out of shapes. This is so I have complete control over the way they look, which is important when getting the actual locations will be impossible. I will also do it like this in an attempt to make the style look very dark, gothic and Tim Burton- like. The reason for this style comes from the main theme of the narrative (death) and how everything looks more twisted and decayed as the book goes along.
  • 26. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? They are very specific on their audience which is an important especially in their dark content which could scare some viewers. They have also talked lot in detail about the the editing techniques that they plan to use, in which could link well in the content. Talk about the story in more content like characters, proper location, style and visual aspects some scene to scene. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? They have broken their mood board down into specific content. It helped me understand what the mood, ideas and plans that their intend to get inspiration from. They have loads of photos mainly on location as they are some many places to create the story around due to the stories dark atmosphere. I think that the main area to further their work is to literally add in more images and content as they were lacking in some areas of the mood board.
  • 27. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? It is a very good overall summary of your storyline, and how you plan to make it. The audience in particular seems to be suited really well for the type of story you’re are doing as it seems to complex for those of the younger ages (2-5) to be able to understand. You’ve thought really hard on the audience and the methods in which you are going to use which help you a lot when it comes to actually making it. Try to add more detail into your story overview to give the viewers a little more to go off. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Its very unique idea, and therefore will appeal a lot to the audience you’ve aimed as there are little children's books out there with a similar storyline. The setting I like as you’ve defined it into the era Of the late 1800’s. WELL DONE Add more pictures into the mood board, to give the viewers a better idea of the visual side of things, and maybe explore colours in which will be used within the book.
  • 28. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You have clearly summarized what you intend to achieve with the topic in a detailed manner. You have considered age, gender, social class and geographical location in regard to audience really well, and you have done well to highlight the production technique you will use for your story (rotoscope). I think that all of this could have a positive impact on the way your final product will look, mainly because you have already identified the techniques that you will employ. To improve, you could add more detail to the file format you will be using e.g. provide information on the pros and cons of using the PDF format and how it could influence your work. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You have provided a great amount of detail on your mind map, having identified the characters that will appear and the layout of the story. It is quite obvious that the book you are hoping to create is a dark and foreboding one. You could add more images to the moodboard.
  • 29. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. In summary, people were positive about my ideas and proposal. Everyone seemed to agree with my points about aiming the book at a slightly older audience and the dark themes seemed to go down well. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? Looking back, I do believe that more images can be added to the mood board. This would give people a better understanding of what the characters and environments will look like while also inspiring and influencing me by finding new pictures which lead to new ideas. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? The only piece of feedback that I kind of disagree with is how short the story summary is. The reason I kept it this way was because the story itself is very simple and doesn’t need much of an explanation, although I can see why the inclusion of other plot points could help people understand and get a better idea of the narrative.
  • 30. Original Script (1) ONCE upon a time there lived a man whose one wish and prayer was to get rich. Day and night he thought of nothing else, and at last his prayers were granted, and he became very wealthy. Now being so rich, and having so much to lose, he felt that it would be a terrible thing to die and leave all his possessions behind; so he made up his mind to set out in search of a land where there was no death. He got ready for his journey, took leave of his wife, and started. Whenever he came to a new country the first question that he asked was whether people died in that land, and when he heard that they did, he set out again on his quest. At last he reached a country where he was told that the people did not even know the meaning of the word death. Our traveller was delighted when he heard this, and said: `But surely there are great numbers of people in your land, if no one ever dies?' `No,' they replied, `there are not great numbers, for you see from time to time a voice is heard calling first one and then another, and whoever hears that voice gets up and goes away, and never comes back.' `And do they see the person who calls them,' he asked, `or do they only hear his voice?' `They both see and hear him,' was the answer. Well, the man was amazed when he heard that the people were stupid enough to follow the voice, though they knew that if they went when it called them they would never return. And he went back to his own home and got all his possessions together, and, taking his wife and family, he set out resolved to go and live in that country where the people did not die, but where instead they heard a voice calling them, which they followed into a land from which they never returned. For he had made up his own mind that when he or any of his family heard that voice they would pay no heed to it, however loudly it called. After he had settled down in his new home, and had got everything in order about him, he warned his wife and family that, unless they wanted to die, they must on no account listen to a voice which they might some day hear calling them. For some years everything went well with them, and they lived happily in their new home. But one day, while they were all sit-ting together round the table, his wife suddenly started up, exclaiming in a loud voice: `I am coming! I am coming!' And she began to look round the room for her fur coat, but her husband jumped up, and taking firm hold of her by the hand, held her fast, and reproached her, saying: `Don't you remember what I told you? Stay where you are unless you wish to die.' `But don't you hear that voice calling me?' she answered. `I am merely going to see why I am wanted. I shall come back directly.' So she fought and struggled to get away from her husband, and to go where the voice summoned. But he would not let her go, and had all the doors of the house shut and bolted. When she saw that he had done this, she said: `Very well, dear husband, I shall do what you wish, and remain where I am.' So her husband believed that it was all right, and that she had thought better of it, and had got over her mad impulse to obey the voice. But a few minutes later she made a sudden dash for one of the doors, opened it and darted out, followed by her husband. He caught her by the fur coat, and begged and implored her not to go, for if she did she would certainly never return. She said nothing, but let her arms fall backwards, and suddenly bending herself forward, she slipped out of the coat, leaving it in her husband's hands. He, poor man, seemed turned to stone as he gazed after her hurrying away from him, and calling at the top of her voice, as she ran: `I am coming! I am coming!’
  • 31. Original Script (2) When she was quite out of sight her husband recovered his wits and went back into his house, murmuring: `If she is so foolish as to wish to die, I can't help it. I warned and implored her to pay no heed to that voice, however loudly it might call.' Well, days and weeks and months and years passed, and nothing happened to disturb the peace of the household. But one day the man was at the barber's as usual, being shaved. The shop was full of people, and his chin had just been covered with a lather of soap, when, suddenly starting up from the chair, he called out in a loud voice: `I won't come, do you hear? I won't come!' The barber and the other people in the shop listened to him with amazement. But again looking towards the door, he exclaimed: `I tell you, once and for all, I do not mean to come, so go away.' And a few minutes later he called out again: `Go away, I tell you, or it will be the worse for you. You may call as much as you like but you will never get me to come.' And he got so angry that you might have thought that some one was actually standing at the door, tormenting him. At last he jumped up, and caught the razor out of the barber's hand, exclaiming: `Give me that razor, and I'll teach him to let people alone for the future.' And he rushed out of the house as if he were running after some one, whom no one else saw. The barber, determined not to lose his razor, pursued the man, and they both continued running at full speed till they had got well out of the town, when all of a sudden the man fell head foremost down a precipice, and never was seen again. So he too, like the others, had been forced against his will to follow the voice that called him. The barber, who went home whistling and congratulating himself on the escape he had made, described what had happened, and it was noised abroad in the country that the people who had gone away, and had never returned, had all fallen into that pit; for till then they had never known what had happened to those who had heard the voice and obeyed its call. But when crowds of people went out from the town to examine the ill-fated pit that had swallowed up such numbers, and yet never seemed to be full, they could discover nothing. All that they could see was a vast plain, that looked as if it had been there since the beginning of the world. And from that time the people of the country began to die like ordinary mortals all the world over.
  • 32. Story Breakdown 1. After wishing to be rich and having that wish granted, the now wealthy man fears losing everything once he has passed on. 2. Protesting against death, he sets out to find a land where there is no such thing and is successful in his findings. 3. However, he is told that a voice will call to people who live in the village and draw them to a another land that they don’t return from. 4. The man cautions his family about the warning and tells them never to follow it. 5. However, on a seemingly peaceful day, his wife hears the voice calling to her. 6. He chases her down and tries to bring her home. 7. She agrees to stay, only to trick him and run away again, never to be seen again. 8. Days later, the man is sitting at the Barber’s and hears the voice calling to him. 9. Angered, he chases down the voice and falls down a pit 10. All the villagers discover that a voice has been coming from the bottomless pit.
  • 33. Story Breakdown 1. Wealthy man doesn’t want to die and lose his riches. 2. He then sets out on a journey across England to find a land without death. 3. First town proves unsuccessful. 4. Second town, again, unsuccessful, wealthy man becomes aggressive 5. Third town, unsuccessful and is plagued with a disease. 6. Fourth town, wife passes from the disease, wealthy man is robbed. 7. Walks alone and finds and old, deserted town. 8. Speaks to a lone villager who says there is no death in his town. 9. The wealthy man grows old by himself. 10. Is tricked into dying at a call of a voice.
  • 34. Draft Script Once upon a time, a man who was as rich as a man could be, became fearful of losing all of his riches after he had died. Every morning, the wealthy man would become more and more angry over his impending doom, so he and his wife went in search of a land where death could not reach them. All of his treasures were packed onto the back of a cartridge and the two set out on their quest to find this land. After a day of travelling, they find a village outside of the city and ask the locals: “Tell us, does death come to this land?” The villagers, all of who despite the man and his decision not to give money to the poor respond with: “Death comes here, and with the way we’re living he can’t come soon enough!” After another day of travelling, they find a second village and ask the same question: “Does death come to this land?” These villagers, poorer and more desperate than the last, respond with: “He does indeed, and always on a moment too soon. But with your help and money we can live longer!” Disgusted by them, the two travel for another week until they find a small, quiet town. “Does death come to this town?” The wealthy man asks. With a wagon of hidden content’s passing by, an ill, injured man responds with: “Death? There is nothing but death here! Nothing will rid us of this foul plague!” The two, of course, carry on with their journey. However, his wife has fallen ill with what seems to be the same illnesses the people in the town displayed. They stop the cartridge and the man carries his wife out in his arms, only for the poor villagers from earlier to show up and rob him of his transport and money. The man continues his journey alone, up the tallest hill he has come across (picture shows a gravestone behind him) until he finds an abandoned village at the top. Reaching the village, he finds a lone, cloaked figure digging a hole in the ground. Approaching the figure, out of breath, he says: “Excuse me… Does death come to this land?” The figure reveals itself to be an ordinary man, who responds with: “No, absolutely not. Death has never shown his presence here…” Many years later, we see the man has grown old. He lives alone in an old, rotting hut with what little fortune he has left to cherish. But then, in the distance, he hears his name being called. Weak, he walks out into the rain and follows the voice to the hole that was dug all them years ago. He crawls down into the pit in search of the voice, only for the cloaked figure to return with no signs of aging on his face. The next morning, the same hole has now been filled and marked with a headstone. Here lies: Geoffrey Proud (Main character’s name).
  • 35. Final Script Once upon a time, a man who was as rich as a man could be, became fearful of losing all of his riches after he had died. So one morning, he and his wife went in search of a land where death could not reach them and take his treasures. After a day of travelling, they find a village outside of the city and ask the locals: “Tell us, does death come to this land?” “Death comes here, and with the way we’re living he can’t come soon enough!” Said the villager. After another day of travelling, they find a second village and ask the same question: “Does death come to this land?” “He does indeed, and always on a moment too soon. But with your help and money we can live longer!” Said the villager. Disgusted by them, the two travel for another week until they find a small, quiet town. “Does death come to this town?” The wealthy man asks. “Death? There is nothing but death here! Nothing will rid us of this foul plague!” Said the town’s folk. The two carry on with their journey. However, the man’s wife falls ill with the same symptoms displayed in the town. He stops the cart and carries her to an empty field... The man continues his journey alone, up the tallest hill he has come across (picture shows a gravestone behind him) until he finds an abandoned village at the top. Reaching the village, he finds a lone, cloaked figure digging a hole in the ground. He says: “Excuse me… Does death come to this land?” “No, absolutely not. Death has never shown his presence here…” Many years later, the wealthy man grew old. He lives alone in an old, rotting hut with his fortune surrounding him. But then, in the distance, he hears his name being called. Weak, he walks out into the rain and follows the voice to the hole that was dug all them years ago. He crawls down into the pit in search of the voice, only for the cloaked figure to return with no signs of aging on his face. The next morning, the same hole has now been filled and marked with a headstone. Here lies: Geoffrey Proud (Main character’s name).
  • 36. Digital Flat Plans Once upon a time, Text describing the character goes here. Text describing the events of the page go here. Text that introduces the location. Dialogue here. Text that introduces the location. Dialogue here. More dialogue here. More dialogue here.
  • 37. Digital Flat Plans Text that introduces the location. Dialogue here. More dialogue here. Text that introduces the location. Text that describes the actions and the events of the page. Text that introduces the location and describes the page’s events. Text that introduces the location and page’s events. Dialogue here. Dialogue here.
  • 38. Digital Flat Plans Text that introduces the location and time jump. Text that describes the character’s actions and the scene’s events. Text that concludes the story… Description of the scene’s events. Dialogue here. Text that describes the character’s actions and the scene’s events. Text introducing scene.Text that describes the character’s actions and the scene’s events.