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Spiritual Science
Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds

       The Law of Karma and Destiny

Spiritual Science
        Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds       

Jeff’s car was hit by a drunk driver and he is being airlifted to a nearby hospital.
Jeff will never be able to walk again.
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds        

Little Nathaniel is 5 but the cancer that afflicts him will not let him live to
see his 6th birthday.
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds     

Sometimes the best student in University may not do well in life.
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds

Omar was born in war-torn Dafur. Due to the
country he has been born in and through no fault of
his, young Omar will never have a proper education
and will only know violence and hunger throughout
his life.
Spiritual Science
Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds

Spiritual Science
      Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds

“Lord why did this
 have to happen
 to me ” ?
Spiritual Science
Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds

          “God works in mysterious ways and
       we aren’t always meant to understand
         why things happen the way they do”
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds  

But why would God make one person the child of a poor family and the
other the child of a wealthy family.
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       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds   

Why would he let one child be born physically impaired and the other healthy?
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Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds       

            Is there some Universal rationale behind which
      all of us are granted different circumstances in our lives?
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       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds

Law of Karma (Law of Give-and-Take)
Governs the all human life
(even devolved humans)
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds  

Law of Karma (Law of Give-and-Take)
Governs the all human life
(even devolved humans)

  • According to the Law of Karma every positive deed generates a
    ‘Merit’ while every negative deed generates a ‘Demerit’.
  • Every person has to undergo the consequences of the merits and
     demerits of accounts created by him.
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds            

                                               Newton's Third Law states that,
                                               “For every action there is
                                               an equal and opposite reaction”.

Sir Isaac Newton (4 Jan 1643 – 31 Mar 1727)
Spiritual Science
Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds 

                     As you sow, so shall you reap
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Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds        

                      Person A swindles Person B

                                                   B gets 5 units of pain
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Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds        

                      Person A swindles Person B

                                                   B gets 5 units of pain

         As a result A creates a negative account with B.
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   Research Foundation
    Bridging the known and unknown worlds    

  5 units of pain

Consequently Person A will have to suffer 5 units of pain from Person B
for the account to be settled.
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     Research Foundation
     Bridging the known and unknown worlds               

                                     Account carried over
     Previous Lifetime                                         Next Lifetime

Account cannot be settled as B dies                 It will need to be settled when both A
soon after A swindles B                             and B reincarnate on Earth together
Spiritual Science
        Research Foundation
        Bridging the known and unknown worlds   

   What have I done to
   him that he keeps on
   troubling me?

                                   A              B

• When Person A does get 5 units of pain from Person B, he will wonder why
  Person B is so intent on hurting him.
• The answer lies in an account that was created in a previous lifetime.
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       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds     

Mark buys his buddy Chris a couple of drinks at the bar. The next day Chris
returns the favour.
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Research Foundation
Bridging the known and unknown worlds                   

                                        The reasons that the act of consuming
                                        alcohol is a sin :

                                        1. We reduce the subtle sattva
                                        2. We increase the subtle tama
                                        3. An increase in the subtle tama
                                           component leads to an overall
                                           increase in the spiritual pollution in

                                        Refer to the article on Sattva, Raja and Tama
                                        on our website.
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       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

Selflessly helping the poor in need will generate a merit
                                                       Picture courtesy
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         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds  

              Sanchit Karma
            The Accumulated
          Give-and-Take Account

Over many lifetimes we continue to add to our accumulated give-and-take account
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds   

What decides – intensity of merit / severity of demerit (sin)?

   Law of Karma and how the give-and-take plays out is complex and
   depends on various factors such as:

   •   Intention behind the act
   •   Severity or extent of the act
   •   Situation at that time
   •   Happiness or anguish faced by the person wronged
   •   Who has been robbed (an average person or a seeker of God or a
       Saint, a spiritual organisation etc.).

These factors also determine the intensity of the account created whether
positive or negative (if it is a sin).
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds    

Beyond merits and demerits


More Demerits

Depending on the intensity of the merits or demerits that one incurs in one
lifetime, after death one goes to either the positive or negative subtle regions
of the Universe.
Spiritual Science
      Research Foundation
      Bridging the known and unknown worlds    

“Lord why did this
 have to happen
 to me?
But if we were to understand this law

• We could have a philosophical view of why bad things happen to us
• We could strive try not to create any more negative accounts
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds        

                                                       Subtle Regions of the Universe

                                                                        Earth Regions

                  Birth                                 Death

Unless we settle all our accounts, we cannot gain liberation from the cycle
of birth and death
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         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds   

                  Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma)

Portion to settle in the
current lifetime which
is known as our destiny
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         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds       

                  Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma)

Portion to settle in the
current lifetime which
is known as our destiny

                                                  35%        Willful action

This pie chart shows the proportion of our lives which is destined versus free will
Spiritual Science
          Research Foundation
          Bridging the known and unknown worlds                    

 Proportion of destiny versus willful action over time

                    First birth                   In the current era              Last birth

Destined Actions       0%                              65%                         100%

       Free Will      100%                             35%                           0%

                               Destined Actions                 Willful Actions
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

The spiritual purpose of our lives

1. Settle and complete our destiny and subsequently our accumulated account
   i.e. experience happiness or sadness according to our destiny

2. To do spiritual practice to grow spiritually thereby coming out of the cycle of
   birth and death
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds     

Example of Destiny

A person parks in a proper parking zone obeying all rules and while he is in
his office a tree falls on his car.
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        Research Foundation
        Bridging the known and unknown worlds   

Example of willful action or use of free will

  A person drives home drunk inspite of knowing that it is wrong to do so and
  hits a tree.
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        Research Foundation
        Bridging the known and unknown worlds

All major events life are destined
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       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

1. Distress caused by a
person’s departed ancestors
who have passed away

Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are
other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

1. Distress caused by a
person’s departed ancestors
who have passed away
2. Being affected or
possessed by ghosts

Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are
other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

1. Distress caused by a
person’s departed ancestors
who have passed away
2. Being affected or
possessed by ghosts

3. A reduction of
vital energy within us

Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are
other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

1. Distress caused by a                             4. A block in the Spiritual
person’s departed ancestors                         Energy System (Kundalini)
who have passed away
                                               ??   within our bodies

2. Being affected or
possessed by ghosts

3. A reduction of
vital energy within us

Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are
other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

1. Distress caused by a                             4. A block in the Spiritual
person’s departed ancestors                         Energy System (Kundalini)
who have passed away
                                               ??   within our bodies

2. Being affected or                                5. Black Magic / Voodoo
possessed by ghosts                                 done on the person

3. A reduction of
vital energy within us

Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are
other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
Spiritual Science
       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

1. Distress caused by a                             4. A block in the Spiritual
person’s departed ancestors                         Energy System (Kundalini)
who have passed away
                                               ??   within our bodies

2. Being affected or                                5. Black Magic / Voodoo
possessed by ghosts                                 done on the person

3. A reduction of                                   6. Distressing vibrations in the
vital energy within us                              premise that we live and work

Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are
other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
Spiritual Science
        Research Foundation
        Bridging the known and unknown worlds    

Who do we have the most give-and-take account with in our current life time?

       Give and take account with                                    %
       Spouse                                                        27
       Parents – child relation                                      25
       Siblings                                                       9
       Close friends                                                  9
       People romantically involved                                   9
       Colleagues                                                     9
       Other relatives                                                4
       Other acquaintances (neighbours, friends and
       associates)                                                    4
       Others                                                         4
       Total                                                       100.0
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        Research Foundation
        Bridging the known and unknown worlds 

Factors influencing compatibility

          Type                                    %
          Physical                                5%
          Psychological                           8%
                 Likes and dislikes               2%
                 Temperamental characteristics    2%
                 Personality defects              2%
                 Ego                              2%
          Intellectual                            2%
          Spiritual                              85%
          Total                                  100%
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds  

Types of Destiny

              Mild                               Medium   Severe
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           Research Foundation
           Bridging the known and unknown worlds

Types of Destiny

Types of Destiny                      Mild

Examples                   Minor illnesses,
                           more than average
                           efforts required to
                           get a partner
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           Research Foundation
           Bridging the known and unknown worlds             

Types of Destiny

Types of Destiny                      Mild              Medium

Examples                   Minor illnesses,        Financial losses,
                           more than average       marital problems,
                           efforts required to     inability to have
                           get a partner           children
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           Research Foundation
           Bridging the known and unknown worlds             

Types of Destiny

Types of Destiny                      Mild              Medium                     Severe

Examples                   Minor illnesses,        Financial losses,      Major accidents,
                           more than average       marital problems,      severe disabilities,
                           efforts required to     inability to have      untimely death
                           get a partner           children
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       Research Foundation
       Bridging the known and unknown worlds         

How to overcome destiny

             Spiritual problem                     Spiritual solution

                   Destiny                        Spiritual Practice

      Spiritual practice that is undertaken as per the 6 basic principles
      of spiritual practice burns destiny and eventually gets one out of
      the cycle of birth and death
Spiritual Science
           Research Foundation
           Bridging the known and unknown worlds             

Types of Destiny

Types of Destiny                      Mild              Medium                     Severe

Examples                   Minor illnesses,        Financial losses,      Major accidents,
                           more than average       marital problems,      severe disabilities,
                           efforts required to     inability to have      untimely death
                           get a partner           children

How to overcome?           Moderate spiritual      Intense spiritual      Cannot be changed
                           practice                practice               with one’s spiritual
                           (4-5 hours per day)     (10-12 hours per       practice alone.
                                                   day)                   Only the grace of a
                                                                          Spiritual Master
                                                                          (Guru) can alter it
Spiritual Science
 Research Foundation
 Bridging the known and unknown worlds      

Please refer to the SSRF website
• Who is a Saint and
• What spiritual practice one can do to ‘Start your Spiritual Journey’.
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds         

Example of settling accounts through spiritual practice
Let’s take a look at an example of how spiritual practice can help nullify our destiny.

       5 units of pain

    Person A will have to suffer 5 units of pain from Person B for the account
    to be settled.
Spiritual Science
        Research Foundation
        Bridging the known and unknown worlds     

Example of settling accounts through spiritual practice

                                                        The spiritual energy
                                                        generated from spiritual
                                                        practice goes towards
                                                        nullifying the give-and-
   A starts                                             take impression in B’s
   spiritual practice                                   mind

            End result : B then forgets about the account he has with A.
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           Research Foundation
           Bridging the known and unknown worlds                

                            Initial spiritual level    Spiritual growth


                    Person A                                     Person B

Difference in spiritual levels between two people after the same years and effort of spiritual
practice can be attributed to the spiritual practice being used to nullify severe destiny
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         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds         

Settling the Accumulated Account

   Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma)                 100

   Amount to settle as destiny in the current lifetime         -6

   Theoretical accumulated account after                       94*
   the current lifetime

 * This means at this rate a person should attain liberation from one’s accumulated
   account within 16-17 births i.e. 100 / 6 = 16.67
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
          Bridging the known and unknown worlds        

Settling the Accumulated Account
                                                         Theoretically    Practically

   Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma)                 100            100

   Amount to settle as destiny in the current lifetime         -6              -6

   Theoretical accumulated account after                       94              94
   the current lifetime

   With willful action we add more accounts                                  +10

   Practically the Accumulated Account after                                 104 *
   the current lifetime

 * This means one continues to get stuck in the cycle of birth and death due to the
   improper use of ones freewill or willful action.
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    Research Foundation
     Bridging the known and unknown worlds       

• We are now in Kaliyuga the Era of Strife.
• The proportion of pain in one’s destiny is most likely to increase as one
  keeps getting born in Kaliyuga.
• Using free will to do spiritual practice is the only way out.
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         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds                

Here no account is created between Nicole and Kristen, no merits or demerits, as the
activity and the actions are in line with our basic purpose of life which is to grow spiritually.
Spiritual Science
         Research Foundation
         Bridging the known and unknown worlds     

Beyond merits and demerits


More Demerits

• At a practical level Earth is the only plane of existence where one can do
 spiritual practice to grow spiritually and settle our accumulated account or
 Sanchit Karma.

• Merits and demerits both keep us in the cycle of birth and death.
Spiritual Science
     Research Foundation
      Bridging the known and unknown worlds                 

                                              • Spiritual practice should conform to the
                                                six basic principles
                                              • If spiritual practice is done sincerely,
                                                regularly and in progressively higher

                                              • it is possible for a person to not only
                                                overcome all his destined accounts but
                                                also his entire accumulated account in
                                                one lifetime itself.

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Destiny And Karma

  • 1. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds The Law of Karma and Destiny
  • 2. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Jeff’s car was hit by a drunk driver and he is being airlifted to a nearby hospital. Jeff will never be able to walk again.
  • 3. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Little Nathaniel is 5 but the cancer that afflicts him will not let him live to see his 6th birthday.
  • 4. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Sometimes the best student in University may not do well in life.
  • 5. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Omar was born in war-torn Dafur. Due to the country he has been born in and through no fault of his, young Omar will never have a proper education and will only know violence and hunger throughout his life.
  • 6. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Life
  • 7. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds “Lord why did this have to happen to me ” ?
  • 8. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds “God works in mysterious ways and we aren’t always meant to understand why things happen the way they do”
  • 9. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds But why would God make one person the child of a poor family and the other the child of a wealthy family.
  • 10. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Why would he let one child be born physically impaired and the other healthy?
  • 11. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Is there some Universal rationale behind which all of us are granted different circumstances in our lives?
  • 12. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Law of Karma (Law of Give-and-Take) Governs the all human life (even devolved humans)
  • 13. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Law of Karma (Law of Give-and-Take) Governs the all human life (even devolved humans) • According to the Law of Karma every positive deed generates a ‘Merit’ while every negative deed generates a ‘Demerit’. • Every person has to undergo the consequences of the merits and demerits of accounts created by him.
  • 14. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Newton's Third Law states that, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Sir Isaac Newton (4 Jan 1643 – 31 Mar 1727)
  • 15. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds As you sow, so shall you reap
  • 16. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Person A swindles Person B B gets 5 units of pain
  • 17. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Person A swindles Person B B gets 5 units of pain As a result A creates a negative account with B.
  • 18. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 5 units of pain Consequently Person A will have to suffer 5 units of pain from Person B for the account to be settled.
  • 19. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Account carried over Previous Lifetime Next Lifetime Account cannot be settled as B dies It will need to be settled when both A soon after A swindles B and B reincarnate on Earth together
  • 20. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds What have I done to him that he keeps on troubling me? A B • When Person A does get 5 units of pain from Person B, he will wonder why Person B is so intent on hurting him. • The answer lies in an account that was created in a previous lifetime.
  • 21. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Mark buys his buddy Chris a couple of drinks at the bar. The next day Chris returns the favour.
  • 22. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds The reasons that the act of consuming alcohol is a sin : 1. We reduce the subtle sattva component 2. We increase the subtle tama component 3. An increase in the subtle tama component leads to an overall increase in the spiritual pollution in society. Refer to the article on Sattva, Raja and Tama on our website.
  • 23. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Selflessly helping the poor in need will generate a merit Picture courtesy
  • 24. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Sanchit Karma Or The Accumulated Give-and-Take Account Over many lifetimes we continue to add to our accumulated give-and-take account
  • 25. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds What decides – intensity of merit / severity of demerit (sin)? Law of Karma and how the give-and-take plays out is complex and depends on various factors such as: • Intention behind the act • Severity or extent of the act • Situation at that time • Happiness or anguish faced by the person wronged • Who has been robbed (an average person or a seeker of God or a Saint, a spiritual organisation etc.). These factors also determine the intensity of the account created whether positive or negative (if it is a sin).
  • 26. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Beyond merits and demerits Merits More Demerits Depending on the intensity of the merits or demerits that one incurs in one lifetime, after death one goes to either the positive or negative subtle regions of the Universe.
  • 27. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds “Lord why did this have to happen to me? ” But if we were to understand this law • We could have a philosophical view of why bad things happen to us • We could strive try not to create any more negative accounts
  • 28. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Subtle Regions of the Universe Afterlife Earth Regions Birth Death Unless we settle all our accounts, we cannot gain liberation from the cycle of birth and death
  • 29. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma) Portion to settle in the current lifetime which is known as our destiny
  • 30. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma) Portion to settle in the current lifetime which is known as our destiny 65% Destiny (Prarabdh) 35% Willful action This pie chart shows the proportion of our lives which is destined versus free will
  • 31. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Proportion of destiny versus willful action over time First birth In the current era Last birth Destined Actions 0% 65% 100% Free Will 100% 35% 0% Destined Actions Willful Actions
  • 32. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds The spiritual purpose of our lives 1. Settle and complete our destiny and subsequently our accumulated account i.e. experience happiness or sadness according to our destiny 2. To do spiritual practice to grow spiritually thereby coming out of the cycle of birth and death
  • 33. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Example of Destiny A person parks in a proper parking zone obeying all rules and while he is in his office a tree falls on his car.
  • 34. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Example of willful action or use of free will A person drives home drunk inspite of knowing that it is wrong to do so and hits a tree.
  • 35. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds All major events life are destined
  • 36. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 1. Distress caused by a person’s departed ancestors who have passed away ?? Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
  • 37. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 1. Distress caused by a person’s departed ancestors who have passed away ?? 2. Being affected or possessed by ghosts Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
  • 38. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 1. Distress caused by a person’s departed ancestors who have passed away ?? 2. Being affected or possessed by ghosts 3. A reduction of vital energy within us Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
  • 39. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 1. Distress caused by a 4. A block in the Spiritual person’s departed ancestors Energy System (Kundalini) who have passed away ?? within our bodies 2. Being affected or possessed by ghosts 3. A reduction of vital energy within us Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
  • 40. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 1. Distress caused by a 4. A block in the Spiritual person’s departed ancestors Energy System (Kundalini) who have passed away ?? within our bodies 2. Being affected or 5. Black Magic / Voodoo possessed by ghosts done on the person 3. A reduction of vital energy within us Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
  • 41. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds 1. Distress caused by a 4. A block in the Spiritual person’s departed ancestors Energy System (Kundalini) who have passed away ?? within our bodies 2. Being affected or 5. Black Magic / Voodoo possessed by ghosts done on the person 3. A reduction of 6. Distressing vibrations in the vital energy within us premise that we live and work in Apart from just negative accounts with other people problems in life there are other spiritual elements that can influence us as part of our destiny
  • 42. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Who do we have the most give-and-take account with in our current life time? Give and take account with % Spouse 27 Parents – child relation 25 Siblings 9 Close friends 9 People romantically involved 9 Colleagues 9 Other relatives 4 Other acquaintances (neighbours, friends and associates) 4 Others 4 Total 100.0
  • 43. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Factors influencing compatibility Type % Physical 5% <15% Psychological 8% Likes and dislikes 2% Temperamental characteristics 2% Personality defects 2% Ego 2% Intellectual 2% Spiritual 85% Total 100%
  • 44. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Types of Destiny Mild Medium Severe
  • 45. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Types of Destiny Types of Destiny Mild Examples Minor illnesses, more than average efforts required to get a partner
  • 46. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Types of Destiny Types of Destiny Mild Medium Examples Minor illnesses, Financial losses, more than average marital problems, efforts required to inability to have get a partner children
  • 47. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Types of Destiny Types of Destiny Mild Medium Severe Examples Minor illnesses, Financial losses, Major accidents, more than average marital problems, severe disabilities, efforts required to inability to have untimely death get a partner children
  • 48. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds How to overcome destiny Spiritual problem Spiritual solution Destiny Spiritual Practice Spiritual practice that is undertaken as per the 6 basic principles of spiritual practice burns destiny and eventually gets one out of the cycle of birth and death
  • 49. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Types of Destiny Types of Destiny Mild Medium Severe Examples Minor illnesses, Financial losses, Major accidents, more than average marital problems, severe disabilities, efforts required to inability to have untimely death get a partner children How to overcome? Moderate spiritual Intense spiritual Cannot be changed practice practice with one’s spiritual (4-5 hours per day) (10-12 hours per practice alone. day) Only the grace of a Spiritual Master (Guru) can alter it
  • 50. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Please refer to the SSRF website • Who is a Saint and • What spiritual practice one can do to ‘Start your Spiritual Journey’.
  • 51. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Example of settling accounts through spiritual practice Let’s take a look at an example of how spiritual practice can help nullify our destiny. 5 units of pain Person A will have to suffer 5 units of pain from Person B for the account to be settled.
  • 52. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Example of settling accounts through spiritual practice The spiritual energy generated from spiritual practice goes towards nullifying the give-and- A starts take impression in B’s spiritual practice mind End result : B then forgets about the account he has with A.
  • 53. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Initial spiritual level Spiritual growth 40% 32% 30% Person A Person B Difference in spiritual levels between two people after the same years and effort of spiritual practice can be attributed to the spiritual practice being used to nullify severe destiny
  • 54. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Settling the Accumulated Account Theoretically Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma) 100 Amount to settle as destiny in the current lifetime -6 Theoretical accumulated account after 94* the current lifetime * This means at this rate a person should attain liberation from one’s accumulated account within 16-17 births i.e. 100 / 6 = 16.67
  • 55. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Settling the Accumulated Account Theoretically Practically Entire Accumulated Account (Sanchit Karma) 100 100 Amount to settle as destiny in the current lifetime -6 -6 Theoretical accumulated account after 94 94 the current lifetime With willful action we add more accounts +10 Practically the Accumulated Account after 104 * the current lifetime * This means one continues to get stuck in the cycle of birth and death due to the improper use of ones freewill or willful action.
  • 56. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds • We are now in Kaliyuga the Era of Strife. • The proportion of pain in one’s destiny is most likely to increase as one keeps getting born in Kaliyuga. • Using free will to do spiritual practice is the only way out.
  • 57. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Here no account is created between Nicole and Kristen, no merits or demerits, as the activity and the actions are in line with our basic purpose of life which is to grow spiritually.
  • 58. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds Beyond merits and demerits Merits More Demerits • At a practical level Earth is the only plane of existence where one can do spiritual practice to grow spiritually and settle our accumulated account or Sanchit Karma. • Merits and demerits both keep us in the cycle of birth and death.
  • 59. Spiritual Science Research Foundation Bridging the known and unknown worlds • Spiritual practice should conform to the six basic principles • If spiritual practice is done sincerely, regularly and in progressively higher steps… Then • it is possible for a person to not only overcome all his destined accounts but also his entire accumulated account in one lifetime itself. If you think that this tutorial will help your near and dear ones please do forward the link to them.