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       Fahad Ali Shaikh
About Me
• CIS Graduate
• 3+ years experience in software development
• Asp.Net 3.5, Silverlight 3, Drupal
  CMS, Android, CRM
• Currently CRM consultant at Sakonent
• Passionate Technology Trainer
• Wing Chun Kung Fu student
• Google Fahad Ali Shaikh for more 
• What are Design Patterns and why should we
  use them?
• Let’s strengthen our OOP.
• Creational Pattern
  – Singleton
  – Factory Pattern
• Behavioral Patterns
  – Strategy Pattern
  – Observer Pattern
• Structural Patterns
  – Decorator Pattern
• Architectural Patterns
  – MVC
What are DP and Why DP?
What are DP and Why DP?
• A design pattern is a documented best
  practice or core of a solution that has been
  applied successfully in multiple environments
  to solve a problem that recurs in a specific set
  of situations.

• Patterns address solution to a problem
What are DP and Why DP?

• Focus on solving the MAIN problem rather
  than the small ones
What are DP and Why DP?

• Someone has already done what you want to
What are DP and Why DP?

• A shared language for communicating the
  experience gained in dealing with these
  recurring problems and their solutions
What are DP and Why DP?

• Patterns are discovered not invented
What are DP and Why DP?

• Patterns are used effectively with experience
Design Patterns Categories
Purpose      Design Pattern            Aspects that can vary

Creational    Abstract Factory   Families of product objects
              Singleton            Creation of a single object
              Factory Method     Subclass of object instantiated

Structural     Adapter           Interface to an object

               Facade              Interface to a subsystem
               Flyweight           Storage costs of objects
               Proxy              How an object is accessed
Behavioral    Command             When & how a request is fulfilled
               Iterator          Traversal of elements in an
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• Tight Encapsulation
• Encapsulation refers to the combining of
  fields and methods together in a class
  such that the methods operate on the
  data, as opposed to users of the class
  accessing the fields directly.
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• Loose Coupling
• Coupling is the extent to which one object
  depends on another object to achieve its
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• Loose Coupling
  –Coupling is the extent to which one
   object depends on another object
   to achieve its goal.
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• Loose Coupling

•   public class Address {
•   public String street;
•   public String city;
•   public int zip;
•   }
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• Not so Loose Coupling
•   public class Employee {
•   private Address home;
•   public Employee(String street, String city, int zip) {
•   home = new Address();
•   home.street = street;
• = city;
• = zip;
• }
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!

• Loose Coupling
• Encapsulate – Use getters and setters
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• High Cohesion
• Cohesion refers to how closely related
  the specific tasks are of an object.
• High cohesion is when an object performs
  a collection of closely related tasks.
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• High Cohesion
•   public class Payroll {
•   public void computeEmployeePay() {
•   System.out.println(“Compute pay for employees”);
•   }
•   public void computeEmployeeTaxes() {
•   System.out.println(“Compute taxes for employees”);
•   }
•   public void addNewEmployee(Employee e) {
•   System.out.println(“New employee hired...”);
•   }
•   }
Lets Strengthen Our OOP!
• Composition vs Inheritance
The Strategy Pattern
• Composition vs Inheritance
The Strategy Pattern
• Define a family of
  algorithms, encapsulate each
  one, and make them

• Strategy lets the algorithm vary
  independently from clients that use
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
But now we need ducks to fly
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
What do you think about this design?
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Strategy Pattern
The Singleton Pattern
The Singleton Pattern
• Ensures a class has only one instance

• Provides a single point of reference
The Singleton Pattern – Use When
• There must be exactly one instance of a

• May provide synchronous access to
  avoid deadlocks.

• Very common in GUI toolkits, to specify
  the connection to the OS/Windowing
The Singleton Pattern - Benefits
• Controls access to a scarce or unique

• Helps avoid a central application class with
  various global object references

• Subclasses can have different
  implementations as required. Static or
  global references don’t allow this

• Multiple or single instances can be allowed
The Singleton Pattern
public class ClassicSingleton {
     private static ClassicSingleton instance = null;
     protected ClassicSingleton() {
        // exists only to defeat instantiation.
       //should be private and final for performance
     public static ClassicSingleton getInstance() {
       if(instance == null) {
        instance = new ClassicSingleton();
       return instance;
The Factory Pattern
The Factory pattern returns an instance of one of several possible
classes depending on the data provided to it.

   Here, x is a base class and classes xy and xz are derived from it.
   The Factory is a class that decides which of these subclasses to
    return depending on the arguments you give it.
   The getClass() method passes in some value abc, and returns
    some instance of the class x. Which one it returns doesn't matter
    to the programmer since they all have the same methods, but
    different implementations.
The Factory Pattern
The Factory pattern returns an instance of one of several possible
classes depending on the data provided to it.

   Here, x is a base class and classes xy and xz are derived from it.
   The Factory is a class that decides which of these subclasses to
    return depending on the arguments you give it.
   The getClass() method passes in some value abc, and returns
    some instance of the class x. Which one it returns doesn't matter
    to the programmer since they all have the same methods, but
    different implementations.
The Factory Pattern
   Suppose we have an entry form and we want to allow the user to enter his
    name either as “firstname lastname” or as “lastname, firstname”.
   Let’s make the assumption that we will always be able to decide the name
    order by whether there is a comma between the last and first name.

class Namer { //a simple class to take a string apart into two names
        protected String last; //store last name here
        protected String first; //store first name here
        public String getFirst() {
                  return first; //return first name
        public String getLast() {
                  return last; //return last name
The Factory Pattern
In the FirstFirst class, we assume that everything before the last
space is part of the first name.

class FirstFirst extends Namer {
     public FirstFirst(String s) {
          int i = s.lastIndexOf(" "); //find sep space
          if (i > 0) {
                 first = s.substring(0, i).trim(); //left is first name
                 last =s.substring(i+1).trim(); //right is last name
          } else {
                 first = “” // put all in last name
                 last = s; // if no space
The Factory Pattern
In the LastFirst class, we assume that a comma delimits the last

class LastFirst extends Namer { //split last, first
    public LastFirst(String s) {
        int i = s.indexOf(","); //find comma
            if (i > 0) {
                 last = s.substring(0, i).trim(); //left is last name
                 first = s.substring(i + 1).trim(); //right is first name
            } else {
                 last = s; // put all in last name
                 first = ""; // if no comma
The Factory Pattern
The Factory class is relatively simple. We just test for the existence
of a comma and then return an instance of one class or the other.

class NameFactory {
      //returns an instance of LastFirst or FirstFirst
      //depending on whether a comma is found
      public Namer getNamer(String entry) {
            int i = entry.indexOf(","); //comma determines name order
            if (i>0)
                   return new LastFirst(entry); //return one class
                   return new FirstFirst(entry); //or the other
The Factory Pattern
NameFactory nfactory = new NameFactory();
String sFirstName, sLastName;
private void computeName() {
  //send the text to the factory and get a class back
  namer = nfactory.getNamer(entryField.getText());
  //compute the first and last names using the returned class
  sFirstName = namer.getFirst();
  sLastName = namer.getLast();
The Factory – When to use
You should consider using a Factory pattern
 A class can’t anticipate which kind of class of
  objects it must create.
 A class uses its subclasses to specify which
  objects it creates.
 You want to localize the knowledge of which
  class gets created.
Feeling hungry ?
Let’s have a break
The Observer Pattern
 The cases when certain objects need to be
 informed about the changes which occurred
 in other objects and are frequent.
The Observer Pattern
 The cases when certain objects need to be
 informed about the changes which occurred
 in other objects and are frequent.

 Define a one-to-many dependency between
 objects so that when one object changes
 state, all its dependents are notified and
 updated automatically.
The Observer Pattern
• This pattern is a cornerstone of the Model-
  View-Controller architectural design, where
  the Model implements the mechanics of the
  program, and the Views are implemented as
  Observers that are as much uncoupled as
  possible to the Model components.
The Observer Pattern
• The participants classes in the Observer pattern are:
  Observable - interface or abstract class defining the operations for
  attaching and de-attaching observers to the client. In the GOF
  book this class/interface is known as Subject.

• ConcreteObservable - concrete Observable class. It maintain the
  state of the observed object and when a change in its state occurs
  it notifies the attached Observers.

• Observer - interface or abstract class defining the operations to be
  used to notify the Observer object.

• ConcreteObserverA, ConcreteObserverB - concrete Observer
The Observer Pattern
•    Observable()
•                 Construct an Observable with zero Observers.
•    void addObserver(Observer o)
•                 Adds an observer to the set of observers for this
     object, provided     that it is not the same as some observer
     already in the set.
•    protected void clearChanged()
•                 Indicates that this object has no longer
     changed, or that it has     already notified all of its
     observers of its most recent change, so    that the hasChanged
     method will now return false.
•    int countObservers()
•                 Returns the number of observers of this
     Observable object.
•    void deleteObserver(Observer o)
•                 Deletes an observer from the set of observers of
     this object.
•    void deleteObservers()
•                 Clears the observer list so that this object no
     longer has any              observers.
The Observer Pattern
•   boolean hasChanged()
•              Tests if this object has changed.
•   void notifyObservers()
•              If this object has changed, as indicated by
    the hasChanged method, then notify all of its
    observers and then call the clearChanged     method to
    indicate that this object has no longer changed.
•   void notifyObservers(Object arg)
•              If this object has changed, as indicated by
    the hasChanged method, then notify all of its
    observers and then call the clearChanged     method to
    indicate that this object has no longer changed.
•   protected void setChanged()
•              Marks this Observable object as having been
    changed; the hasChanged method will now return true.
The Observer Pattern
•   // A Sub-class of Observable: a Clock Timer
•   import java.util.Observable;

•   class ClockTimerModel extends Observable {
•       int GetHour(){return hour};
        int GetMinute(){return minute};
        int GetSecond(){return second};
•       void tick(){
•        // update internal time-keeping state ……………………
         // The Observable object notifies all its registered observers
•        notifyObservers();};
•     private:
•       int hour;
•       int minute;
•       int second;

• In green are the changes to be applied to the class to be made an observable
The Observer Pattern

• public void update(Observable o, Object arg)
•     This method is called whenever the observed
  object is changed. An       application calls an
  Observable object's notifyObservers method to
      have all the object's observers notified of
  the change.
•     Parameters:
•         o   - the observable object.
•         arg - an argument passed to the
  notifyObservers method.
The Observer Pattern
•   // A specific Observer to observe ClockTimerModel:
•   //

•   import java.util.Observer;

•   class DigitalClockView implements Observer {

•        public void update(Observable obs, Object x) {
•         //redraw my clock’s reading
         void draw(){
          int hour    = obs.GetHour();
          int minute = obs.GetMinute();
          int second = obs.GetSecond();
•         // draw operation};
•   };
The Observer Pattern
•   public class ObserverDemo extends Object {
•     DigitalClockView clockView;
•     ClockTimerModel clockModel;

•    public ObservDemo() {
•      clockView = new DigitalClockView();
•      clockModel = new ClockTimerModel();
•      clockModel.addObserver(clockView);
•    }
•    public static void main(String[] av) {
•      ObserverDemo me = new ObserverDemo();
•      me.demo();
•    }
•    public void demo() {
•      clockModel.Tick();
•    }
The Decorator Pattern
The Decorator Pattern
First Idea of Implementation
In Reality
Now a beverage can be mixed from different condiment to form
a new
Now, your turns. It is a good solution?
Take some time to complete
What can you criticize about this
inheritance architecture?

Write down your notes to see if you are right…
3 minutes….
Ok time’s up.
The Problem
• The problems of two previous designs
  – we get class explosions, rigid designs,
  – or we add functionality to the base class that
    isn’t appropriate for some of the subclasses.
The Problem Revisited
• If a customer wants a Dark Roast with Mocha
  and Whip
  – Take a DarkRoast object
  – Decorate it with a Mocha object
  – Decorate it with a Whip object
  – Call the cost() method and rely on
  – delegation to add on the condiment costs
Decorator at action
Decorator at action
Decorator at action
Decorator at action
Decorator Pattern Defined
Decorator Pattern for StarBuzz Bevereges
Let’s see some code…
Abstract class for condiments
Concrete base class for beverages
Concrete condiment class
Constructing the new beverages instance
Constructing the new beverages instance
Model View Controller
Questions ?

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Design patterns(red)

  • 1. DESIGN PATTERNS Fahad Ali Shaikh
  • 2. About Me • CIS Graduate • 3+ years experience in software development • Asp.Net 3.5, Silverlight 3, Drupal CMS, Android, CRM • Currently CRM consultant at Sakonent • Passionate Technology Trainer • Wing Chun Kung Fu student • Google Fahad Ali Shaikh for more 
  • 3. Agenda • What are Design Patterns and why should we use them? • Let’s strengthen our OOP. • Creational Pattern – Singleton – Factory Pattern • Behavioral Patterns – Strategy Pattern – Observer Pattern
  • 4. Agenda • Structural Patterns – Decorator Pattern • Architectural Patterns – MVC
  • 5. What are DP and Why DP?
  • 6. What are DP and Why DP? • A design pattern is a documented best practice or core of a solution that has been applied successfully in multiple environments to solve a problem that recurs in a specific set of situations. • Patterns address solution to a problem
  • 7. What are DP and Why DP? • Focus on solving the MAIN problem rather than the small ones
  • 8. What are DP and Why DP? • Someone has already done what you want to do
  • 9. What are DP and Why DP? • A shared language for communicating the experience gained in dealing with these recurring problems and their solutions
  • 10. What are DP and Why DP? • Patterns are discovered not invented
  • 11. What are DP and Why DP? • Patterns are used effectively with experience
  • 12. Design Patterns Categories Purpose Design Pattern Aspects that can vary Creational Abstract Factory Families of product objects Singleton Creation of a single object Factory Method Subclass of object instantiated Structural Adapter Interface to an object Facade Interface to a subsystem Flyweight Storage costs of objects Proxy How an object is accessed Behavioral Command When & how a request is fulfilled Iterator Traversal of elements in an aggregate
  • 14. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Tight Encapsulation • Encapsulation refers to the combining of fields and methods together in a class such that the methods operate on the data, as opposed to users of the class accessing the fields directly.
  • 15. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Loose Coupling • Coupling is the extent to which one object depends on another object to achieve its goal.
  • 16. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Loose Coupling –Coupling is the extent to which one object depends on another object to achieve its goal.
  • 17. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Loose Coupling • public class Address { • public String street; • public String city; • public int zip; • }
  • 18. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Not so Loose Coupling • public class Employee { • private Address home; • public Employee(String street, String city, int zip) { • home = new Address(); • home.street = street; • = city; • = zip; } • }
  • 19. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Loose Coupling • Encapsulate – Use getters and setters
  • 20. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • High Cohesion • Cohesion refers to how closely related the specific tasks are of an object. • High cohesion is when an object performs a collection of closely related tasks.
  • 21. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • High Cohesion • public class Payroll { • public void computeEmployeePay() { • System.out.println(“Compute pay for employees”); • } • public void computeEmployeeTaxes() { • System.out.println(“Compute taxes for employees”); • } • public void addNewEmployee(Employee e) { • System.out.println(“New employee hired...”); • } • }
  • 22. Lets Strengthen Our OOP! • Composition vs Inheritance
  • 23. The Strategy Pattern • Composition vs Inheritance
  • 24. The Strategy Pattern • Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. • Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
  • 27. But now we need ducks to fly
  • 34. What do you think about this design?
  • 45. The Singleton Pattern • Ensures a class has only one instance • Provides a single point of reference
  • 46. The Singleton Pattern – Use When • There must be exactly one instance of a class. • May provide synchronous access to avoid deadlocks. • Very common in GUI toolkits, to specify the connection to the OS/Windowing system
  • 47. The Singleton Pattern - Benefits • Controls access to a scarce or unique resource • Helps avoid a central application class with various global object references • Subclasses can have different implementations as required. Static or global references don’t allow this • Multiple or single instances can be allowed
  • 48. The Singleton Pattern public class ClassicSingleton { private static ClassicSingleton instance = null; protected ClassicSingleton() { // exists only to defeat instantiation. //should be private and final for performance } public static ClassicSingleton getInstance() { if(instance == null) { instance = new ClassicSingleton(); } return instance; } }
  • 49. The Factory Pattern The Factory pattern returns an instance of one of several possible classes depending on the data provided to it.  Here, x is a base class and classes xy and xz are derived from it.  The Factory is a class that decides which of these subclasses to return depending on the arguments you give it.  The getClass() method passes in some value abc, and returns some instance of the class x. Which one it returns doesn't matter to the programmer since they all have the same methods, but different implementations.
  • 50. The Factory Pattern The Factory pattern returns an instance of one of several possible classes depending on the data provided to it.  Here, x is a base class and classes xy and xz are derived from it.  The Factory is a class that decides which of these subclasses to return depending on the arguments you give it.  The getClass() method passes in some value abc, and returns some instance of the class x. Which one it returns doesn't matter to the programmer since they all have the same methods, but different implementations.
  • 51. The Factory Pattern  Suppose we have an entry form and we want to allow the user to enter his name either as “firstname lastname” or as “lastname, firstname”.  Let’s make the assumption that we will always be able to decide the name order by whether there is a comma between the last and first name. class Namer { //a simple class to take a string apart into two names protected String last; //store last name here protected String first; //store first name here public String getFirst() { return first; //return first name } public String getLast() { return last; //return last name } }
  • 52. The Factory Pattern In the FirstFirst class, we assume that everything before the last space is part of the first name. class FirstFirst extends Namer { public FirstFirst(String s) { int i = s.lastIndexOf(" "); //find sep space if (i > 0) { first = s.substring(0, i).trim(); //left is first name last =s.substring(i+1).trim(); //right is last name } else { first = “” // put all in last name last = s; // if no space } } }
  • 53. The Factory Pattern In the LastFirst class, we assume that a comma delimits the last name. class LastFirst extends Namer { //split last, first public LastFirst(String s) { int i = s.indexOf(","); //find comma if (i > 0) { last = s.substring(0, i).trim(); //left is last name first = s.substring(i + 1).trim(); //right is first name } else { last = s; // put all in last name first = ""; // if no comma } } }
  • 54. The Factory Pattern The Factory class is relatively simple. We just test for the existence of a comma and then return an instance of one class or the other. class NameFactory { //returns an instance of LastFirst or FirstFirst //depending on whether a comma is found public Namer getNamer(String entry) { int i = entry.indexOf(","); //comma determines name order if (i>0) return new LastFirst(entry); //return one class else return new FirstFirst(entry); //or the other } }
  • 55. The Factory Pattern NameFactory nfactory = new NameFactory(); String sFirstName, sLastName; …. private void computeName() { //send the text to the factory and get a class back namer = nfactory.getNamer(entryField.getText()); //compute the first and last names using the returned class sFirstName = namer.getFirst(); sLastName = namer.getLast(); }
  • 56. The Factory – When to use You should consider using a Factory pattern when:  A class can’t anticipate which kind of class of objects it must create.  A class uses its subclasses to specify which objects it creates.  You want to localize the knowledge of which class gets created.
  • 58. Let’s have a break
  • 59. The Observer Pattern  The cases when certain objects need to be informed about the changes which occurred in other objects and are frequent.
  • 60. The Observer Pattern  The cases when certain objects need to be informed about the changes which occurred in other objects and are frequent.  Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
  • 61. The Observer Pattern • This pattern is a cornerstone of the Model- View-Controller architectural design, where the Model implements the mechanics of the program, and the Views are implemented as Observers that are as much uncoupled as possible to the Model components.
  • 62. The Observer Pattern • The participants classes in the Observer pattern are: • Observable - interface or abstract class defining the operations for attaching and de-attaching observers to the client. In the GOF book this class/interface is known as Subject. • ConcreteObservable - concrete Observable class. It maintain the state of the observed object and when a change in its state occurs it notifies the attached Observers. • Observer - interface or abstract class defining the operations to be used to notify the Observer object. • ConcreteObserverA, ConcreteObserverB - concrete Observer implementations.
  • 63. The Observer Pattern • Observable() • Construct an Observable with zero Observers. • void addObserver(Observer o) • Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object, provided that it is not the same as some observer already in the set. • protected void clearChanged() • Indicates that this object has no longer changed, or that it has already notified all of its observers of its most recent change, so that the hasChanged method will now return false. • int countObservers() • Returns the number of observers of this Observable object. • void deleteObserver(Observer o) • Deletes an observer from the set of observers of this object. • void deleteObservers() • Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any observers.
  • 64. The Observer Pattern • boolean hasChanged() • Tests if this object has changed. • void notifyObservers() • If this object has changed, as indicated by the hasChanged method, then notify all of its observers and then call the clearChanged method to indicate that this object has no longer changed. • void notifyObservers(Object arg) • If this object has changed, as indicated by the hasChanged method, then notify all of its observers and then call the clearChanged method to indicate that this object has no longer changed. • protected void setChanged() • Marks this Observable object as having been changed; the hasChanged method will now return true.
  • 65. The Observer Pattern • // A Sub-class of Observable: a Clock Timer • import java.util.Observable; • class ClockTimerModel extends Observable { public: ClockTimer(); • int GetHour(){return hour}; int GetMinute(){return minute}; int GetSecond(){return second}; • void tick(){ • // update internal time-keeping state …………………… // The Observable object notifies all its registered observers setChanged(); • notifyObservers();}; • private: • int hour; • int minute; • int second; }; • In green are the changes to be applied to the class to be made an observable class.
  • 66. The Observer Pattern • public void update(Observable o, Object arg) • This method is called whenever the observed object is changed. An application calls an Observable object's notifyObservers method to have all the object's observers notified of the change. • Parameters: • o - the observable object. • arg - an argument passed to the notifyObservers method.
  • 67. The Observer Pattern • // A specific Observer to observe ClockTimerModel: DigitalClockView • // • import java.util.Observer; • class DigitalClockView implements Observer { • public void update(Observable obs, Object x) { • //redraw my clock’s reading draw();}; • void draw(){ int hour = obs.GetHour(); int minute = obs.GetMinute(); int second = obs.GetSecond(); • // draw operation}; • };
  • 68. The Observer Pattern • public class ObserverDemo extends Object { • DigitalClockView clockView; • ClockTimerModel clockModel; • public ObservDemo() { • clockView = new DigitalClockView(); • clockModel = new ClockTimerModel(); • clockModel.addObserver(clockView); • } • public static void main(String[] av) { • ObserverDemo me = new ObserverDemo(); • me.demo(); • } • public void demo() { • clockModel.Tick(); • }
  • 71. First Idea of Implementation
  • 73. Now a beverage can be mixed from different condiment to form a new
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76. Now, your turns. It is a good solution?
  • 77. Take some time to complete
  • 78. What can you criticize about this inheritance architecture? Write down your notes to see if you are right… 3 minutes….
  • 80.
  • 81. The Problem • The problems of two previous designs – we get class explosions, rigid designs, – or we add functionality to the base class that isn’t appropriate for some of the subclasses.
  • 82. The Problem Revisited • If a customer wants a Dark Roast with Mocha and Whip – Take a DarkRoast object – Decorate it with a Mocha object – Decorate it with a Whip object – Call the cost() method and rely on – delegation to add on the condiment costs
  • 88. Decorator Pattern for StarBuzz Bevereges
  • 89. Let’s see some code…
  • 90. Abstract class for condiments
  • 91. Concrete base class for beverages
  • 93. Constructing the new beverages instance dynamically
  • 94. Constructing the new beverages instance dynamically
  • 96. MVC

Editor's Notes

  1. This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting.SectionsRight-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors.NotesUse the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production)Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes.Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale.Graphics, tables, and graphsKeep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors.Label all graphs and tables.
  2. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  3. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  4. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  5. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  6. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  7. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  8. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  9. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  10. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  11. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  12. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  13. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  14. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  15. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  16. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  17. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  18. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  19. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  20. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  21. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  22. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  23. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  24. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  25. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  26. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  27. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  28. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  29. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  30. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  31. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  32. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  33. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  34. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  35. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  36. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  37. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  38. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  39. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  40. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  41. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  42. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  43. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  44. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  45. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  46. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  47. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  48. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  49. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  50. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  51. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  52. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  53. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  54. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  55. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  56. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  57. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  58. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  59. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  60. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  61. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  62. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  63. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  64. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  65. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  66. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  67. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  68. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  69. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  70. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  71. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  72. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  73. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  74. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  75. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  76. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  77. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  78. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  79. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  80. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  81. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  82. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  83. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  84. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  85. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  86. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  87. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  88. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  89. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  90. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  91. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  92. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  93. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  94. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  95. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  96. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.
  97. Give a brief overview of the presentation. Describe the major focus of the presentation and why it is important.Introduce each of the major topics.To provide a road map for the audience, you can repeat this Overview slide throughout the presentation, highlighting the particular topic you will discuss next.