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Design for 
Developing, producing and evaluating
Initial Ideas 
Sports drink: This focuses energy from organic sources and plants, so there is nothing artificial, everything is natural. 
It will come in a bottle with a sports cap. 
The target market are people who like to exercise. The age group who like to exercise. The age group will people in 
their 30s-40s, people who want to keep fit, but feel excluded by other sport energy drinks on the market. This will be 
aimed at middle class people. 
Colours of the sports drink will be natural and organic, but it also must look sporty, but the main focus is energy that 
comes from plants. 
Simple name should appeal to older people. 
Music drink: This focuses on the energy needed for going to music gigs and music festivals. The product will be like 
relentless and be caffeine and taurine based. It will come in a can and be fizzy. 
The target market would be aimed towards teens, people in their 16s- early 20s. The kind of people who are into 
music and have time and money to go to music events. 
The colour theme on the drink would be bright and colourful, almost garish, so concentrating that it gives out a lot 
of energy. A short catchy, maybe musical based name. 
Natural drink: This is a natural energy drink. It is vegan. Packaging is recyclable 
and everything about this drink is natural and eco friendly. 
Age target market would be focused on younger people, age 18-29. Because of 
the fun packaging. 
Focus on saving the environment. Be supported and approved by vegetarian 
society, environmental organizations and animal organizations. 
Fresh flavors mixed with water, so it is healthy. 
This is for people who need an extra boost in the day. For focus and combat 
This is focusing on younger people because there is actually no drinks in this 
market that are healthy and give energy. 
To endorse this pop-stars could advertise, this would have a big influence.
Protein drink: This energy drink focuses on people who want to build up muscle. 
Focus on bodybuilders, weight trainers and people who go to the gym who want to 
have energy as well as protein in a drink. Whilst not having as much calories. 
The protein energy drink would be the same shape as a protein shake drinker. This 
gives the drinker a clear idea of what this drink is about. 
The shape is familiar and also will have connections to the protein shake. 
These drinks would not be fizzy and fresh fruit based, but milk based, like a milk 
shake consistency. Flavors would be like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Then there 
could be limited edition flavors like oreo. 
The idea is that this over-takes protein shakes, and energy drinks for this target 
market. Could be sponsored by famous body builders and worlds strongest man. 
Video game drink: This drink is going to be based around people who play video 
games. The target market of this drink is going to be teenage boys, 18-26. These 
drinks will not exclude girls and women. 
I think that these drinks should be based on having extra energy for playing games 
Different and new games appear on cans as limited editions of the versions of 
drinks and for advertising campaigns. 
The drinks company could have a focus on esports and gaming conventions. 
Get famous esports players to be sponsored by the drink OR get famous game 
makers to endorse the drink. Also use social media and youtubers to be sponsored 
so they advertise the drink.
Mind map(s)
Mood board(s)
Mood board(s)
Copy/Script development 
Use this space to document your variations of product names, tag lines 
and any spoken elements of your advert. 
The more development you have the better. 
You can further develop your concept for the advertising campaign.
Copy/Script development 
Use this space to document your variations of product names, tag lines 
and any spoken elements of your advert. 
The more development you have the better. 
You can further develop your concept for the advertising campaign.
Font/Colour Scheme development 
These tests are going to be a development on the 
drink in the style of GTA. This is a popular third 
person shooting game. This style on the font cover 
is iconic and people will usually be aware of what 
the style of font and colour means without seeing 
the name of the game. 
The colour and flare of this cover is mainly 
very feminine, light colours, these colours 
are including pastel pinks, pastel greens, 
yellow, light blue, red. But then the colour of 
these images is then contrasted, with a lot of 
black. The images are cut into sections with 
black lines. The colour of the images are also 
contrasted with the subject matter. Each 
picture is a action scene, that looks violent, 
for example a car explosion, a man holding a 
gun and a scary looking dog. 
These colours are the ones that 
represent grand theft auto. 
These make the game look 
classy but violent at the same 
time, but not cheap. The 
colours all compliment each 
other and have matching 
feelings with each other, all the 
colours have a cool tone, so 
that they look clean and bright. 
Here you can see where I have tested 
and experimented with colours, but it 
wasn’t about which colour it was, as 
this kind of theme is open to any 
colour, but mainly, what kind of 
colour. From my research I could see 
GTA concentrated on using pastel 
colours that were gentle and 
appealing. So here I experimented to 
see which colours would look better 
and most appropriate for my design 
on this theme. 
For the text it is 
always a white font, 
with black outline. 
This makes the font 
stand out against 
busy background.
For this style I think that I need to keep my font 
as a white one with a black, thick outline around 
the font. This will keep the feeling of GTA and 
also stand out really well on a can and other 
advertising. The font will have to be big and the 
main feature on my drink to keep the theme and 
style going. 
Here is an example of how the 
font looks better in white rather 
than any other colour, as this 
looks too messy and confusing, it 
also doesn’t look clear and easy to 
Over-all, I think that for this colour theme the pastel colours work the best 
because these link so well to the GTA game. I think that bright colours 
would look more infantile, looking like it directed to a younger audience, 
and I also think that it would not be clear on what game theme I was trying 
to re-create. I think that the pastel colours have been successful because of 
the link to GTA and how well known and popular it is. I also think that on a 
drinks can the colours would appeal to female whilst the hard text and 
harsh outline makes the style also masculine. So even though the game 
GTA is directed to a male audience, I think an energy drink designed in this 
way would be very gender neutral and appeal to all genders.
Font/Colour Scheme development 
For this theme I have now gone with 
a different style and a different 
colour pallet. The game I am basing 
the colours off is Call of Duty, which 
is a war themed first person 
shooting game. The main colours in 
this game are very dark and 
dramatic. The main colours in this 
game is green, black and browns. In 
the colour pallet this shows the most 
popular colours used in these 
specific pictures, which really gives 
an outlook on what kind of colours 
will be used in the game. 
Here is a colour wheel 
including all the darker 
colours of greens, blues 
and reds that would be 
used in this kind of theme, 
to keep the feeling of the 
war and violence ongoing 
throughout the game. 
Here I have clustered together 
colours that were in the CoD 
colour palette. This is to see 
how well the colours work 
together and what feeling it 
gives off when used, to see if 
this would be suitable for a 
drinks can. 
I think that this theme will have a similar feel to MONSTER, 
because of the colours. The colour palette has matching colours to 
the colours in CoD, with the blacks and greens. I think they are very 
similar in their logo, the style and colour. The style is ragged and 
masculine, made to look violent because of the nature of what the 
product is about. The colour is nearly the same, neon green that 
stands out against the dark background, the green also is styled so 
it looks like it is glowing off the screen, made to look like a real 
light. These colours give off similar feelings, so the drink looks like 
it is targeted towards teen males, which is true. The thing that I 
don’t like about this theme is that it isn't inclusive of the female 
market, it seems to exclude women and come off too violent.
The font I think that would be something most suited 
to the theme of a war type game theme for a drink is 
something that is similar to CoD’s font for their 
games. Their games are very popular and people 
would get the idea that this is a drink for gaming 
because of the theme and the font and how it has 
been designed. The kind of fonts that I am choosing 
are ones that are very bold, large and violent. The 
font all have the ragged feeling about them, as if 
they are old, distressed and been used. This gives 
also a war feeling, that this kind of font has been 
dirty and distressed, so it is representing the drink in 
this way to link to that kind of gaming theme. 
I also think that having two fonts would be effective 
on my drink, to break up the logo and the energy 
side of the name. For example WIRE would be in the 
bold, large and distressed font, where as energy 
would be underneath it in a thinner none distressed 
font. I wouldn’t want this smaller font distressed 
because it might be too hard to read. 
I think that the colour choices all work 
together really well. I think that the most 
unsuccessful colours used on each other 
for this theme would be the beige and 
light blue, I think these colours do not 
portray the kind of feelings I want to give 
out. These colours seem calm and 
almost feminine, which I don’t want. I 
think that the most successful colours 
are the dark green background with the 
white and neon green text. These are 
very similar to the CoD logo and 
continues to keep up with a theme of 
gaming and that this drink is for gamers. 
The only thing I am aware of is that this 
could turn out look very similar to 
MONSTER energy drink.
Font/Colour Scheme development 
For this drink theme colour palette I have decided to go with 
the game ‘Fez’ as inspiration for my colours. This game is a 
platform game, so it is less serious and more novelty. The 
colour theme is very concentrated on simple, vibrant colours, 
but the shades of the colours are infantile and child like, to give 
the game a harmonious feeling, and that’s what these colours 
will reflect on to my drink. Fez uses pixel art, so all the colour 
are blocked together rather than colours running in to each 
other. Another example of pixel art is the game Minecraft, but 
these colours are not as vibrant and fun. 
These colours are very simple but 
specific. I have taken a typical shot 
where the most popular colours 
appear, then dissected the colours 
down into their own square, so I can 
use these colours and make them work 
Here I have made a quick scene as an example 
of how the colours would be placed. The 
colours are all bright and in this instance 
because of the subject matter, that this is 
meant to look like a scene from a game, then 
the colours will match because of things in the 
scene, it is appropriate to use these colours 
because these are like colours are used in real 
life. These colours, are very simple and the blue 
and red compliment each other because they 
are primary colours, so they also stand out. 
These colours would also make the brand very 
recognisable against other energy drinks, 
because they are not typically put together for 
an energy drink.
Font/Colour Scheme development 
For the font, I want this to be in keeping with the theme of 
pixel art and pixilated games, so that everything matches 
and people get the idea it is themed after this genre of 
games. I made sure it was in a similar style to Fez but I 
found out that if I had made the text in a 3D style it would 
become difficult to read and not clear for the consumer. So 
I found a version of text was similar to the Fez one, but not 
in 3D, in 2D. This was a lot easier to read and gives the style 
of pixels still, but in a different way. I found that the fonts 
that were see-through on the inside took up too much 
space on the background, as there is quite a lot of detail on 
this, so little space needs to be taken up whilst still being 
clear and bold. 
I think over-all the colours and font work really well 
together. Because of their brightness they stand out, but 
do not clash with each other. What I think also helps 
each part of the picture stand out is the different shades 
of colour on each subject in the picture, for example the 
purple block, the different shading gives it more texture 
and helps it stand out. I think the fonts work really well 
together because ‘WIRE’ is in its own place, in its own 
style of font, but the energy is blending in with the 
picture as if it’s a part of the video game scene, for 
example it looks like a level-up bar.
Product packaging development
Product packaging development
Product packaging development
Storyboard development 
Use this space to document your storyboard development. 
There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, 
the better your final piece of work.
Storyboard development 
Use this space to document your storyboard development. 
There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, 
the better your final piece of work.
Storyboard development 
Use this space to document your storyboard development. 
There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, 
the better your final piece of work.
Task 6: Advert Development 
Here I took the the approach of experimenting with a different kind of style that I am 
used to. For this advert I wanted to make it look dramatic yet simple, but detailed at the 
same time. 
I stuck to the black background because of how this worked against the colours, but also 
during my research I found out that energy drinks that focus on males and video games 
tend to have a darker background, look look more masculine, focusing on darker colours 
to contrast against the bright neon greens that other drinks have used for example 
monster energy drink and relentles, even though they focus more on extreme sports. . 
I wanted this advert to be simple and show what the energy drink does 
without being cheesy or over the top. I think the simple idea with the spots 
being the energy drink illustrates what the drink entails and how it works. 
The dots I have made come out of the boys head represent wires and energy, 
like bubbles in the energy drink, giving it that kind of feel. 
I feel that this idea of the advert if a good one, but I think that I have not executed it as 
well as I would have liked to. The reason I think this is because of the rotoscoped boy. I 
think that this element has made the advert not as good as it could have been, but this is 
because of time and facilities that I am lacking in, for example I would need a male model 
and a real can of my made up project, which would be impossible to get. But in real life a 
photo of a teenage boy drinking the energy drink would have been a lot more effective 
and dramatic instead of looking like a cartoon. 
From that poster I went on a learnt I needed to develop the poster better, in 
the poster would not contain any elements that would need models or 
humans. So I decided to make the poster more obvious it is advertising an 
energy drink that is targeted at video gamers rather than using a stereotype 
gamer to represent this drink, so I have just got the outline of a games 
controller to represent it instead. 
This advert is my favourite so far because of the professional and minimal look of it. I think that 
the poster looks minimal but not plain, and think this is really important, so it grabs the readers 
attention and doesn’t bore them. I think that it doesn’t appear boring because of all the small 
details, like the background, the word energy has been repeated many times across the whole 
poster, and the font has been put into an opacity of 16% so it blends into the black and 
becomes the background, rather than being a separate part and sticking out. But then one part 
of the background is sticking out on purpose and this is the tag line of the drink, ‘get wired’ and 
even though this is in line with the energy background it still sticks out because it doesn’t have 
any opacity on it and it is also a bright green that has got a glowing effect of it, so this works 
well in getting the tagline to stand out and be noticed. Another thing that I like about this is 
that is keeps consistent design with a previous can design I had already made. 
The only real 
concern I have 
with this poster is 
the actual brand 
name of the 
drink and if it 
doesn’t stand out 
enough or is not 
big enough. But I 
think that 
because of the 
colours they 
stand out enough 
to be modest but 
catch the viewers 
Task 6: Advert Development 
This poster I decided to take a different approach to my previous ideas for the 
poster. This one has a dark green background to keep the idea of of the COD 
army theme still alive, but still taking a different feel with the lighter, fun 
colours being introduced. The colours of yellow, red, green and blue being 
made more relevant and larger on this poster, in fact being made the most 
important thing on the poster. The colours represent the buttons on an xbox 
controller, but I feel as if on this poster that is not clear and it doesn’t come 
across like that, instead it just looks like different colours from the logo being 
repeated. I also think that these colours become over-bearing and too much 
to look at when used so much in a small area or space. 
The fonts in this poster have been kept the same as in the previous posters I had made, 
so this aspect of the posters have been kept consistent, because these fonts are the most 
suitable to my product and translate to the target market audience that I want to entice 
to buy my drink. But the WIRE that I have put in the different colours I feel has lost its 
feeling of video gaming to a certain extent, especially when placed on the green 
background rather than being placed in front of the circle of colour it matches with. But I 
think the white font works really well and effectively in this instance. It stands out against 
the strong colours and brings the poster down and makes it look less infantile. 
If I was to develop this further I would think 
more carefully about my colours and sizes and a 
background or motif to break up the hard khaki 
green. I feel this is my least favourite because I 
am finding it difficult to be able to improve this 
poster as I can’t see how this idea could be 
improved This design I created with the one off design I made of the can because it wasn’t good to start with. 
previously. This design was a one off and it was something I wanted to 
try to break up the dark, masculine designs and vary that a different 
design can still be relevant. This design for the poster looks more 
friendly and feminine, which is the background, but then the font and 
the colours contrast with this. I like this because this contrasts and is 
different to similar kinds of drinks like this on the market, so it will stand 
out to the others. I feel like the poster with the darker background looks 
the best and is the most suitable for this energy drink. 
The colours in this design are very organized and matching, and 
also minimal. The main colour is grey, which then contrasts with 
a white of the ‘get’ and ‘wire’. But then the colour green has 
been introduced in the outer glow of of the WIRE which is white 
mainly. I thought that with just the the text and the square 
background the poster would be too minimal and almost boring 
and it also would not be clear what it was advertising. So I 
decided to add a game controller motif, to make it clear that this 
is a drink for gamers. But then I realised that there is nothing on 
this poster telling the reader that this is a energy drink. SO then I 
decided to put a picture of a can design to make sure it is clear 
and not ambiguous. 
I think that this poster and 
design look like it is more 
marketed towards a 
different target market, that 
is older and more aged, 
because of the more 
sophisticated take on the 
simple advertising 
comparing to the advert 
above which is much more 
directed at a younger 
Task 6: Final Advert
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
The technical qualities in my work have all been created digitally on photoshop. These technical qualities are mainly focused on fonts, text, rotoscoping, 
texture and pattern building. Throughout this piece of work I had to do a few different technical challenges. The first one I encountered was dealing with 
how I would present my fonts, working with the colour scheme, the different effects and the perspective to give it. The main product name, ‘WIRE’ I 
decided from doing research and development I know I wanted to present it in a way that have never been done before, and that also gave a reference 
to videogames, so that this was obvious to the viewer looking a the poster. I went about making sure the xbox theme was clear, so I put the name of the 
drink ‘WIRE’ in that style, putting each separate letter in a circle which would represent the xbox button on the controller. I think this looked effective 
because I beveled and embossed the circles to make them look like 3D buttons rather than 2D circles, I also think it is effective because of how easily 
recognisable it is, and that those colours are iconic in its own way. The next technical aspect of my poster is the second most important thing on the 
page. This is the outline of the games controller that is making up some of the background. This breaks up the background text and the title so that the 
title is not lost in the background, but the opacity lets the background through so its not lost and cut up, so the advert doesn’t flow. Another thing that 
breaks up the background and makes the controller stand out is the texture I have put on the design. This makes the advert appear more masculine and 
gritty, making the target market more obvious. I created this gritty texture by first doing a colour over-lay on the games controller, which I chose a dark, 
masculine green. Then I made the opacity higher so it became translucent so you could see the background through it slightly. Then to separate and 
break the background and the controller up I applied a texture affect on the controller and made it as a half way intensity, so it was too over-bearing. I 
then applied a border around the controller to make it stand out and make it its own. I created the controller by rotoscoping around a picture of a real 
controller, essentially using it as a template. To compare this to other energy drinks I feel that the texture is the most similar to monster energy drink, 
because monster have the M logo which has been given a texture to emulate as if the can had been ripped by a claw. The aesthetical qualities are first of 
all very masculine and looks like it is appealing to the male gender. The colour scheme is a really big contributor to this, the colours are mainly dark, for 
example, black, grey and green. But then there is a contrast in these colours, that uses small parts of the advert as a light neon colour, in my advert I 
have shown it is green, and this is done to make it look as if the can holds a large amount of energy, this neon green against the black gives a radioactive 
feel to the product inside of the can. Making it seem as if the product inside is as plutonium, or something along the lines of that. The other colours that 
also contrast to the dark background is the main feature of the can, which is the name/logo of the product. These colours are very important in the 
showing of who the drink is aimed at, the colours represent the gaming community, these colours being very familiar to them as they are the xbox 
controller colours of the buttons. In other products I find it hard to compare this element of my can because I have not seen any other product relate to 
their audience in that sort of way. But I can compare my drink in the way it uses its colours to appeal to a certain target audience, so the drinks that are 
dark in colour are seen as masculine, so they are typically male drinks, for example relentless and monster. I feel that there are plenty of opportunities to 
be able to develop my work so that it will be better and more improved. The main aspect that I would develop on is the fact that on the poster there is 
no obvious way of telling that this poster is advertising a drink, it could be advertising any product in the gaming and male genre. I feel that I could 
develop it by adding in some elements that gave away more information that the poster is advertising a energy drink that is specifically made for the 
gaming community, top make this more obvious I could add pictures of the actual can on the poster layout, putting it in the gap in the middle. To also 
improve this poster to make it more relevant to the modern day teen the poster could have twitter, instagram, facebook and tumblr links on the bottom 
of the page. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Improved poster
Task 7: Product Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your product packaging. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 7: Product Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your product packaging. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 7: Product Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your product packaging. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 7: Final Packaging
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 8: Final Web Banner
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.

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Desig pro forma

  • 1. Design for Advertising Developing, producing and evaluating
  • 2. Initial Ideas Sports drink: This focuses energy from organic sources and plants, so there is nothing artificial, everything is natural. It will come in a bottle with a sports cap. The target market are people who like to exercise. The age group who like to exercise. The age group will people in their 30s-40s, people who want to keep fit, but feel excluded by other sport energy drinks on the market. This will be aimed at middle class people. Colours of the sports drink will be natural and organic, but it also must look sporty, but the main focus is energy that comes from plants. Simple name should appeal to older people. Music drink: This focuses on the energy needed for going to music gigs and music festivals. The product will be like relentless and be caffeine and taurine based. It will come in a can and be fizzy. The target market would be aimed towards teens, people in their 16s- early 20s. The kind of people who are into music and have time and money to go to music events. The colour theme on the drink would be bright and colourful, almost garish, so concentrating that it gives out a lot of energy. A short catchy, maybe musical based name. Natural drink: This is a natural energy drink. It is vegan. Packaging is recyclable and everything about this drink is natural and eco friendly. Age target market would be focused on younger people, age 18-29. Because of the fun packaging. Focus on saving the environment. Be supported and approved by vegetarian society, environmental organizations and animal organizations. Fresh flavors mixed with water, so it is healthy. This is for people who need an extra boost in the day. For focus and combat tiredness. This is focusing on younger people because there is actually no drinks in this market that are healthy and give energy. To endorse this pop-stars could advertise, this would have a big influence.
  • 3. Protein drink: This energy drink focuses on people who want to build up muscle. Focus on bodybuilders, weight trainers and people who go to the gym who want to have energy as well as protein in a drink. Whilst not having as much calories. The protein energy drink would be the same shape as a protein shake drinker. This gives the drinker a clear idea of what this drink is about. The shape is familiar and also will have connections to the protein shake. These drinks would not be fizzy and fresh fruit based, but milk based, like a milk shake consistency. Flavors would be like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Then there could be limited edition flavors like oreo. The idea is that this over-takes protein shakes, and energy drinks for this target market. Could be sponsored by famous body builders and worlds strongest man. Video game drink: This drink is going to be based around people who play video games. The target market of this drink is going to be teenage boys, 18-26. These drinks will not exclude girls and women. I think that these drinks should be based on having extra energy for playing games longer. Different and new games appear on cans as limited editions of the versions of drinks and for advertising campaigns. The drinks company could have a focus on esports and gaming conventions. Get famous esports players to be sponsored by the drink OR get famous game makers to endorse the drink. Also use social media and youtubers to be sponsored so they advertise the drink.
  • 5.
  • 8. Copy/Script development Use this space to document your variations of product names, tag lines and any spoken elements of your advert. The more development you have the better. You can further develop your concept for the advertising campaign.
  • 9. Copy/Script development Use this space to document your variations of product names, tag lines and any spoken elements of your advert. The more development you have the better. You can further develop your concept for the advertising campaign.
  • 10. Font/Colour Scheme development These tests are going to be a development on the drink in the style of GTA. This is a popular third person shooting game. This style on the font cover is iconic and people will usually be aware of what the style of font and colour means without seeing the name of the game. The colour and flare of this cover is mainly very feminine, light colours, these colours are including pastel pinks, pastel greens, yellow, light blue, red. But then the colour of these images is then contrasted, with a lot of black. The images are cut into sections with black lines. The colour of the images are also contrasted with the subject matter. Each picture is a action scene, that looks violent, for example a car explosion, a man holding a gun and a scary looking dog. These colours are the ones that represent grand theft auto. These make the game look classy but violent at the same time, but not cheap. The colours all compliment each other and have matching feelings with each other, all the colours have a cool tone, so that they look clean and bright. Here you can see where I have tested and experimented with colours, but it wasn’t about which colour it was, as this kind of theme is open to any colour, but mainly, what kind of colour. From my research I could see GTA concentrated on using pastel colours that were gentle and appealing. So here I experimented to see which colours would look better and most appropriate for my design on this theme. For the text it is always a white font, with black outline. This makes the font stand out against busy background.
  • 11. For this style I think that I need to keep my font as a white one with a black, thick outline around the font. This will keep the feeling of GTA and also stand out really well on a can and other advertising. The font will have to be big and the main feature on my drink to keep the theme and style going. Here is an example of how the font looks better in white rather than any other colour, as this looks too messy and confusing, it also doesn’t look clear and easy to read. Over-all, I think that for this colour theme the pastel colours work the best because these link so well to the GTA game. I think that bright colours would look more infantile, looking like it directed to a younger audience, and I also think that it would not be clear on what game theme I was trying to re-create. I think that the pastel colours have been successful because of the link to GTA and how well known and popular it is. I also think that on a drinks can the colours would appeal to female whilst the hard text and harsh outline makes the style also masculine. So even though the game GTA is directed to a male audience, I think an energy drink designed in this way would be very gender neutral and appeal to all genders.
  • 12. Font/Colour Scheme development For this theme I have now gone with a different style and a different colour pallet. The game I am basing the colours off is Call of Duty, which is a war themed first person shooting game. The main colours in this game are very dark and dramatic. The main colours in this game is green, black and browns. In the colour pallet this shows the most popular colours used in these specific pictures, which really gives an outlook on what kind of colours will be used in the game. Here is a colour wheel including all the darker colours of greens, blues and reds that would be used in this kind of theme, to keep the feeling of the war and violence ongoing throughout the game. Here I have clustered together colours that were in the CoD colour palette. This is to see how well the colours work together and what feeling it gives off when used, to see if this would be suitable for a drinks can. I think that this theme will have a similar feel to MONSTER, because of the colours. The colour palette has matching colours to the colours in CoD, with the blacks and greens. I think they are very similar in their logo, the style and colour. The style is ragged and masculine, made to look violent because of the nature of what the product is about. The colour is nearly the same, neon green that stands out against the dark background, the green also is styled so it looks like it is glowing off the screen, made to look like a real light. These colours give off similar feelings, so the drink looks like it is targeted towards teen males, which is true. The thing that I don’t like about this theme is that it isn't inclusive of the female market, it seems to exclude women and come off too violent.
  • 13. The font I think that would be something most suited to the theme of a war type game theme for a drink is something that is similar to CoD’s font for their games. Their games are very popular and people would get the idea that this is a drink for gaming because of the theme and the font and how it has been designed. The kind of fonts that I am choosing are ones that are very bold, large and violent. The font all have the ragged feeling about them, as if they are old, distressed and been used. This gives also a war feeling, that this kind of font has been dirty and distressed, so it is representing the drink in this way to link to that kind of gaming theme. I also think that having two fonts would be effective on my drink, to break up the logo and the energy side of the name. For example WIRE would be in the bold, large and distressed font, where as energy would be underneath it in a thinner none distressed font. I wouldn’t want this smaller font distressed because it might be too hard to read. I think that the colour choices all work together really well. I think that the most unsuccessful colours used on each other for this theme would be the beige and light blue, I think these colours do not portray the kind of feelings I want to give out. These colours seem calm and almost feminine, which I don’t want. I think that the most successful colours are the dark green background with the white and neon green text. These are very similar to the CoD logo and continues to keep up with a theme of gaming and that this drink is for gamers. The only thing I am aware of is that this could turn out look very similar to MONSTER energy drink.
  • 14. Font/Colour Scheme development For this drink theme colour palette I have decided to go with the game ‘Fez’ as inspiration for my colours. This game is a platform game, so it is less serious and more novelty. The colour theme is very concentrated on simple, vibrant colours, but the shades of the colours are infantile and child like, to give the game a harmonious feeling, and that’s what these colours will reflect on to my drink. Fez uses pixel art, so all the colour are blocked together rather than colours running in to each other. Another example of pixel art is the game Minecraft, but these colours are not as vibrant and fun. These colours are very simple but specific. I have taken a typical shot where the most popular colours appear, then dissected the colours down into their own square, so I can use these colours and make them work together. Here I have made a quick scene as an example of how the colours would be placed. The colours are all bright and in this instance because of the subject matter, that this is meant to look like a scene from a game, then the colours will match because of things in the scene, it is appropriate to use these colours because these are like colours are used in real life. These colours, are very simple and the blue and red compliment each other because they are primary colours, so they also stand out. These colours would also make the brand very recognisable against other energy drinks, because they are not typically put together for an energy drink.
  • 15. Font/Colour Scheme development For the font, I want this to be in keeping with the theme of pixel art and pixilated games, so that everything matches and people get the idea it is themed after this genre of games. I made sure it was in a similar style to Fez but I found out that if I had made the text in a 3D style it would become difficult to read and not clear for the consumer. So I found a version of text was similar to the Fez one, but not in 3D, in 2D. This was a lot easier to read and gives the style of pixels still, but in a different way. I found that the fonts that were see-through on the inside took up too much space on the background, as there is quite a lot of detail on this, so little space needs to be taken up whilst still being clear and bold. I think over-all the colours and font work really well together. Because of their brightness they stand out, but do not clash with each other. What I think also helps each part of the picture stand out is the different shades of colour on each subject in the picture, for example the purple block, the different shading gives it more texture and helps it stand out. I think the fonts work really well together because ‘WIRE’ is in its own place, in its own style of font, but the energy is blending in with the picture as if it’s a part of the video game scene, for example it looks like a level-up bar.
  • 19. Storyboard development Use this space to document your storyboard development. There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, the better your final piece of work.
  • 20. Storyboard development Use this space to document your storyboard development. There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, the better your final piece of work.
  • 21. Storyboard development Use this space to document your storyboard development. There should be lots of variety here. The more options you look at now, the better your final piece of work.
  • 22. Task 6: Advert Development Here I took the the approach of experimenting with a different kind of style that I am used to. For this advert I wanted to make it look dramatic yet simple, but detailed at the same time. I stuck to the black background because of how this worked against the colours, but also during my research I found out that energy drinks that focus on males and video games tend to have a darker background, look look more masculine, focusing on darker colours to contrast against the bright neon greens that other drinks have used for example monster energy drink and relentles, even though they focus more on extreme sports. . I wanted this advert to be simple and show what the energy drink does without being cheesy or over the top. I think the simple idea with the spots being the energy drink illustrates what the drink entails and how it works. The dots I have made come out of the boys head represent wires and energy, like bubbles in the energy drink, giving it that kind of feel. I feel that this idea of the advert if a good one, but I think that I have not executed it as well as I would have liked to. The reason I think this is because of the rotoscoped boy. I think that this element has made the advert not as good as it could have been, but this is because of time and facilities that I am lacking in, for example I would need a male model and a real can of my made up project, which would be impossible to get. But in real life a photo of a teenage boy drinking the energy drink would have been a lot more effective and dramatic instead of looking like a cartoon. From that poster I went on a learnt I needed to develop the poster better, in the poster would not contain any elements that would need models or humans. So I decided to make the poster more obvious it is advertising an energy drink that is targeted at video gamers rather than using a stereotype gamer to represent this drink, so I have just got the outline of a games controller to represent it instead. This advert is my favourite so far because of the professional and minimal look of it. I think that the poster looks minimal but not plain, and think this is really important, so it grabs the readers attention and doesn’t bore them. I think that it doesn’t appear boring because of all the small details, like the background, the word energy has been repeated many times across the whole poster, and the font has been put into an opacity of 16% so it blends into the black and becomes the background, rather than being a separate part and sticking out. But then one part of the background is sticking out on purpose and this is the tag line of the drink, ‘get wired’ and even though this is in line with the energy background it still sticks out because it doesn’t have any opacity on it and it is also a bright green that has got a glowing effect of it, so this works well in getting the tagline to stand out and be noticed. Another thing that I like about this is that is keeps consistent design with a previous can design I had already made. The only real concern I have with this poster is the actual brand name of the drink and if it doesn’t stand out enough or is not big enough. But I think that because of the bright contrasting colours they stand out enough to be modest but catch the viewers attention.
  • 23. Task 6: Advert Development This poster I decided to take a different approach to my previous ideas for the poster. This one has a dark green background to keep the idea of of the COD army theme still alive, but still taking a different feel with the lighter, fun colours being introduced. The colours of yellow, red, green and blue being made more relevant and larger on this poster, in fact being made the most important thing on the poster. The colours represent the buttons on an xbox controller, but I feel as if on this poster that is not clear and it doesn’t come across like that, instead it just looks like different colours from the logo being repeated. I also think that these colours become over-bearing and too much to look at when used so much in a small area or space. The fonts in this poster have been kept the same as in the previous posters I had made, so this aspect of the posters have been kept consistent, because these fonts are the most suitable to my product and translate to the target market audience that I want to entice to buy my drink. But the WIRE that I have put in the different colours I feel has lost its feeling of video gaming to a certain extent, especially when placed on the green background rather than being placed in front of the circle of colour it matches with. But I think the white font works really well and effectively in this instance. It stands out against the strong colours and brings the poster down and makes it look less infantile. If I was to develop this further I would think more carefully about my colours and sizes and a background or motif to break up the hard khaki green. I feel this is my least favourite because I am finding it difficult to be able to improve this poster as I can’t see how this idea could be improved This design I created with the one off design I made of the can because it wasn’t good to start with. previously. This design was a one off and it was something I wanted to try to break up the dark, masculine designs and vary that a different design can still be relevant. This design for the poster looks more friendly and feminine, which is the background, but then the font and the colours contrast with this. I like this because this contrasts and is different to similar kinds of drinks like this on the market, so it will stand out to the others. I feel like the poster with the darker background looks the best and is the most suitable for this energy drink. The colours in this design are very organized and matching, and also minimal. The main colour is grey, which then contrasts with a white of the ‘get’ and ‘wire’. But then the colour green has been introduced in the outer glow of of the WIRE which is white mainly. I thought that with just the the text and the square background the poster would be too minimal and almost boring and it also would not be clear what it was advertising. So I decided to add a game controller motif, to make it clear that this is a drink for gamers. But then I realised that there is nothing on this poster telling the reader that this is a energy drink. SO then I decided to put a picture of a can design to make sure it is clear and not ambiguous. I think that this poster and design look like it is more marketed towards a different target market, that is older and more aged, because of the more sophisticated take on the simple advertising comparing to the advert above which is much more directed at a younger audience.
  • 24. Task 6: Final Advert
  • 25. Task 6: Advert Evaluation The technical qualities in my work have all been created digitally on photoshop. These technical qualities are mainly focused on fonts, text, rotoscoping, texture and pattern building. Throughout this piece of work I had to do a few different technical challenges. The first one I encountered was dealing with how I would present my fonts, working with the colour scheme, the different effects and the perspective to give it. The main product name, ‘WIRE’ I decided from doing research and development I know I wanted to present it in a way that have never been done before, and that also gave a reference to videogames, so that this was obvious to the viewer looking a the poster. I went about making sure the xbox theme was clear, so I put the name of the drink ‘WIRE’ in that style, putting each separate letter in a circle which would represent the xbox button on the controller. I think this looked effective because I beveled and embossed the circles to make them look like 3D buttons rather than 2D circles, I also think it is effective because of how easily recognisable it is, and that those colours are iconic in its own way. The next technical aspect of my poster is the second most important thing on the page. This is the outline of the games controller that is making up some of the background. This breaks up the background text and the title so that the title is not lost in the background, but the opacity lets the background through so its not lost and cut up, so the advert doesn’t flow. Another thing that breaks up the background and makes the controller stand out is the texture I have put on the design. This makes the advert appear more masculine and gritty, making the target market more obvious. I created this gritty texture by first doing a colour over-lay on the games controller, which I chose a dark, masculine green. Then I made the opacity higher so it became translucent so you could see the background through it slightly. Then to separate and break the background and the controller up I applied a texture affect on the controller and made it as a half way intensity, so it was too over-bearing. I then applied a border around the controller to make it stand out and make it its own. I created the controller by rotoscoping around a picture of a real controller, essentially using it as a template. To compare this to other energy drinks I feel that the texture is the most similar to monster energy drink, because monster have the M logo which has been given a texture to emulate as if the can had been ripped by a claw. The aesthetical qualities are first of all very masculine and looks like it is appealing to the male gender. The colour scheme is a really big contributor to this, the colours are mainly dark, for example, black, grey and green. But then there is a contrast in these colours, that uses small parts of the advert as a light neon colour, in my advert I have shown it is green, and this is done to make it look as if the can holds a large amount of energy, this neon green against the black gives a radioactive feel to the product inside of the can. Making it seem as if the product inside is as plutonium, or something along the lines of that. The other colours that also contrast to the dark background is the main feature of the can, which is the name/logo of the product. These colours are very important in the showing of who the drink is aimed at, the colours represent the gaming community, these colours being very familiar to them as they are the xbox controller colours of the buttons. In other products I find it hard to compare this element of my can because I have not seen any other product relate to their audience in that sort of way. But I can compare my drink in the way it uses its colours to appeal to a certain target audience, so the drinks that are dark in colour are seen as masculine, so they are typically male drinks, for example relentless and monster. I feel that there are plenty of opportunities to be able to develop my work so that it will be better and more improved. The main aspect that I would develop on is the fact that on the poster there is no obvious way of telling that this poster is advertising a drink, it could be advertising any product in the gaming and male genre. I feel that I could develop it by adding in some elements that gave away more information that the poster is advertising a energy drink that is specifically made for the gaming community, top make this more obvious I could add pictures of the actual can on the poster layout, putting it in the gap in the middle. To also improve this poster to make it more relevant to the modern day teen the poster could have twitter, instagram, facebook and tumblr links on the bottom of the page. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 27. Task 7: Product Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your product packaging. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 28. Task 7: Product Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your product packaging. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 29. Task 7: Product Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your product packaging. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 30. Task 7: Final Packaging
  • 31. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 32. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 33. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 34. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 35. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 36. Task 8: Web Banner Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 37. Task 8: Web Banner Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 38. Task 8: Web Banner Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 39. Task 8: Final Web Banner
  • 40. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 41. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 42. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 43. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 44. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 45. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 46. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 47. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 48. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 49. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 50. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 51. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 52. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.