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Descriptive Essay Sunny Day
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Descriptive Essay Sunny Day Descriptive Essay Sunny Day
Water In Emerson s Essay
An essay discussing the use of water throughout Emerson s Nature. The essay analyzes the use
of water to symbolize a man s spirit, a life force, the connection of man and nature, and the sheer
power that nature holds. The use of water metaphorically and literally is explained in depth and
viewed through many different lenses. Many metaphors and multiple uses of imagery are
created through the idea of water. I will use this source to connect and bring more figurative
language pieces about water into my essay. The essay also explains Emerson s background and
why water is used so frequently throughout Emerson s essay. Knowing this background
information will be helpful in explaining the metaphors. A blog post depicting how Emerson used
metaphors of nature and of himself to show how nature should be viewed. The post provided a
further argument that Emerson believes that Nature should be viewed as innocent and pure and
not as a way for temporary gain. The post also explains the metaphor pertaining to a snake
shedding his skin, and the allusion to youthfulness. I will use this post to explain Emerson s views
on youthfulness, and bring a different perspective to the meaning behind the transparent eyeball.
The post also explains some of the reasons for Emerson to be study nature in such a close manner,
which I will use to explain... Show more content on ...
Later, in the essay it discusses each argument in Nature and the relevance in today s society.
Language is the most thoroughly discussed chapter. The author discusses the use of figurative
language and how many writers after Emerson followed his lead and used more metaphors, and
personification in their own writings. The essay also discusses how Emerson viewed Nature and
Philosophy, the author argues that Emerson believed Nature to be the law. I will use this
perspective to explain the reasoning behind certain
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Family And Family Life
50 years ago, a prominent stereotype in America portrayed the men as hardworking breadwinners
while on the opposite side of the spectrum the woman stayed home taking care of the house,
children, cooking and cleaning. In the current generation, a lot has changed, roles have slightly
switched and men and women both have the opportunity to work in the field they desire. These
changes have brought new values and brought forth many obstacles with balancing the family/work
life. Although the stereotype about the father being the one working and the motherstaying home
changed significantly over the years, when both parents are working and trying to keep their
family together there are many obstacles that come along. In today s society, many face the
complication of not being able to spend enough time with their children due to work, not being as
flexible in balancing the work life versus family life and having to face the situation of trying to
pick between choosing their child over a dream job.
To begin with, today it is very common that both parents go to work in order to support their
family, but sometimes either mom, dad, or both can be working too much and not realize that they
can be missing out on being a part of their child s life later regretting their pass decisions as their
children grow older. It is very common that some parents put more time into working rather than
spending time with their child and do not realize that it affects their family and their child due to
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Essay about The Truth About The Big Two He
While reading Ernest Hemingway s short story Big Two Hearted River, ; one might think that it
is just about a man named Nick Adams returning to Seney, to go camping and fishing. It may not
be clear to some readers why the town of Seney is burned down or why Hemingway talks about
each of Nick s action in great amount of detail. While first reading the story one might not notice
that Hemingway has many symbolic parts, so that he can get the true meaning of the story across to
the reader. The story is truly about Nick Adams wanting to get on with his life enjoying to its fullest
and putting all of the awful events that have happened to him in the past.
When Nick arrives at the town of Seney, he sees that the town is completely burned to ... Show
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He started to walk through the ferns and jack pines and Nick was becoming exceedingly content.
Nick was thinking that, amp;#8230;the country was alive again, ; (474). Hemingway left the
country untouched by the fire because he wanted to show to the readers that Nick was trying to the
war behind him and get on with his life trying to enjoy it to its fullest, ;Nick tries to put everything
behind him, which is shown by his happiness and excitement amp;#8230; ; (Annelie Lewis).
When Nick gets to the fishing grounds he does not use normal worm bait he uses, grasshoppers
as bait. When Nick got into the river he hooked the grasshopper from the thorax to the last
segment of the abdomen. Then grasshopper proceeded to hold the hook with his front feet, while
it was spitting tobacco juice on it. Hemingway used the grasshopper as a symbol that when life
had Nick down he was just going to get back up and continue to try and not give up.
While Nick is fishing he caught a small fish but he ended up letting it go, but soon after he caught
another fish which was the biggest one he had ever seen. He tried valiantly to get a hold of the
fish and pull it in but he could not and the fish bit through the line and escaped. Hemingway was
showing that nothing in this life is easy and it should not put you down, because when the fish got
away from Nick, he was not aggravated he smoked his cigarette and continued to fish. He
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The Fifth Of May By Francisco De Goya
Gladis Flores
Humanities 1101 The Third of May Francisco De Goya was born on March 30 about 1746 in
Fuentes de todos, Spain. He studied painting from age 14. He became a court painter to the
Spanish Crown in 1786 and the early portion of his career. Goya was considered one of the most
crucial Spanish artists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Francisco married Josefa Bayeu y
SubГas.The couple had only one child; he received the name of Xavier. One of the most
recognized paintings was the Third of May in 1808. The third of May, is one of the greatest
testament to the honors of the war ever painted (Discovering the humanities page. 405) The oil
canvas painting is shocking since it shows a terrible moment in the Spanish war versus French
army. The French army invaded the Spanish, putting them in a line and they started to shoot, not
asking questions just shooting.This painting is very controversial, because in the picture the very
first thing that we can see are the terrifying faces of the Spanish moreover, the face of monk asking
for marcy is symbolic because a monk in the hispanic culture mean church, religion and seeing him
in his knees is unrespefull. Second, the symbolic lamb that is in the middle can reflect faith for
Spanish in the moment. the fellow in the middle is calling all attention in the painting with the light
on him with the white shirt and yellow pants and his terrifying gestures. Lastly, the french soldiers
who are ready to kill the Spanish
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The Biological Theory Of Psychology
There are 5 renowned approaches to abnormal Psychology, each one is unique and have influenced
each other in some way. Freud s approach infuriated psychologists, Watson felt it was not testable,
Carl Rogers (Humanism) rejects Watson s (Behaviour) scientific method.
Some approaches are practiced more than others, they all have their strength and weaknesses,
different assumptions and treatments however, the end goal is the same. Finding the underlying
cause of abnormal behaviour and applying treatment.
I am going to explain the biological model, also known as the Medical model.
The biological model views mental illnesses the same way it views physical illness. The biological
model emphasises on the biological and physical bases of ... Show more content on
A transmitter is a neurochemical that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. Norepinephrine,
Dopamine and Serotonin are especially important when it comes to mental health issues. High
levels of Norepinephrine and Dopamine are seen when a depressed mood is evident. Serotonin is
thought to cause high anxiety when there is too much available. The Endocrine system releases
hormones, in males if there s an imbalance in testosterone levels it is thought to cause high level of
Third assumption is genetic predisposition. It was Charles Dawin who first introduced the idea that
evolution and genetics play a role in human behaviour, natural selection influences whether certain
behaviour patterns are passed down to future generations. Genetics are biological markers passed
down from generation to generation that can influence a range of things, what colour eyes they
have to whether they develop a mental disorder. There are many psychological disorders that are
influenced by genetics, including schizophrenia, bipolar, Alzheimer s and anxiety disorders.
Psychologists study the relationship between genes and mental heath in several ways. A couple of
well known studies are the Minnesota Twin study identical twins (monozygotic) were raised
separately and did not meet until they were 40 years old. The personality and temperament traits
were surprisingly similar as if they were reared together. Another
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The Brothers Grimm s Cinderella
Life lessons stick with people throughout their life even if they re derived from children s stories.
There are valuable lessons in three versions of Cinderella, a beloved fairy tale around the world.
Grimm s version of Cinderella published in 1812 was a very momentous tale among youngins in
Germany. Korea s version of Cinderellapublished in 1990 was a widespread tale amount children
in Korea. Disney s depiction of Cinderella was a popular tale amount kids in America. In each
variation of Cinderella Grimm, Korea, and Disney one valuable theme stands out among all others.
The Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella displays and proves a very simple but meaningful
theme: if you do everything that you are asked to do you will be rewarded in the end. Before the
readers could realize that this was the theme of the story the Grimm Brothers explained how the
evil stepmom made Cinderella do extra work so she couldn t go to the ball, even though
Cinderella did all the work her evil stepmother kept giving more and more so she definitely could
not go to the ball. This theme was meant for children in Europe particularly Germany ... Show more
content on ...
The theme is meant to imply that you have to work and do what you re asked for a reward. The
way the author showed this is when Pear Blossomed evil stepmother scatterers a bag of rice
around the courtyard and says to pear blossom you have to hull this rice and polish it all or else
you ll be put in a sack and sent back to china. (2) Later when she does all of this thanks to one of
her bird friend s her stepmother was outraged and had her do more hard work to be able to go to
the festival in town.This theme was meant for children in the 1990 s in Korea, because there was
a lot of work to do in Korea in the 1990 s. This is why the author kept on bringing up that Pear
Blossom had to do hard work such as hulling and polishing
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The Admin Curse Short Story
The Admin Curse
Long ago, a few years after the Ender Plague, Creator Notch had finally completed the creation
of the majority of the Worlds of Minecraftia. He had created it to be large enough for numerous
players to roam about and live in it. He had become content with his creation, but he could not
watch over every part of it by himself. He needed a form of assistance.
Notch had handpicked a group of players who exemplified an excellent leading ability to assist him
in the supervision of each section of the World of Minecraftia. This group preferred to call
themselves administrators of these sections, or Admins for short. They spent many years carefully
watching over each section of Minecraftia.
The Admins had decided to elect a secondary leader who would answer directly to Notch and
inform the other Admins of his requests. This would make the administration of Minecraftia more
efficient. Notch ... Show more content on ...
The armies marched across the Worlds of Minecraftia, cursing the land with Adminium as they
marched. The Admin Armies had entered many sections uncharted by players and quickly invaded
and took over these sections, enslaved the resident mobs to do the Leader s bidding, and began to
terraform the land to build the Leader s Admin Towers. The Admins had soon created an empire,
and the Admin Leader was their ruler.
After thinking long and hard about the future of his empire, the Admin Leader decided that his
army was not enough as it was. He needed more Admin Creations to join his ranks. He would do
this without a second thought, but one problem arose: there were very few players left within
Minecraftia, and what few remained went into hiding where the Admin Leader could not find them.
For the future of his empire, he needed to find these players so that he could transform
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Tuban Missile Crisis
It s hard to think that the press of a button by any world leader at any moment. You and everyone
you knew would would disappear without any notice. Each country had their own nuclear weapons
during the cold war and knew they could destroy each other but during the cuban missile crisis this
was the closet both countries came to having an all out nuclear war. Destruction was feared the
most for the 13 days it took place. After the failed attempt at attacking cubaknown as the bay of
pigs, cuba asked for help from the ussr and they happily agreed. They secretly set up nuclear
missiles in cuba to protect cuba and the soviet uniontook it as an advantage.
On october 14, 1962 a U 2 spy plane was flying over Cuba and discovered a medium range missile
being assembled. It was photographed ... Show more content on ...
Kennedy also demanded a withdrawal of all the soviet missiles on cuba. This danger was a
serious threat because the soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said that they would not send
offensive weapons to cuba after the Bay of pigs and this made it clear that he was lying.
Kennedy knew the gravest dangers were at hand and was shocked to find this out. It was such a
danger because Cuba was only 90 miles away from Florida, this would be an advantage for the
soviet union. He responded with a naval blockade surrounding Cuba. This is technically an act of
war so they only stopped the missile carrying ships, the Soviet union was very mad so he wrote a
letter to Kennedy The violation of freedom to use international waters and international airspace is
an act of aggression which pushes mankind toward the abyss of world nuclear missile war It was a
very tense time where both leaders were ready to launch an attack. With Kennedy demanding the
removal of the missiles the soviet union would not budge. Another
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Brand and Roy Morgan
THE BANG OLUFSEN CASE STUDY Using the Roy Morgan Values Segments 1 to re position a
Discover your edge
By Colin Benjamin, Michele Levine, Simon Pownall Stuart Tolliday
1 Developed in conjunction with Colin Benjamin of The Horizon Network
Bang Olufsen brand repositioning case study
This report examines in detail the application of the theory of Roy Morgan Values Segments 1
between 1994 and 1997 to affect a change in the target customers for a prestige brand in the home
entertainment industry, and so increase turnover and profits significantly above that which could be
expected with a more of the same approach.
Bang Olufsen is one of the oldest ... Show more content on ...
The service backup is second to none with regard to spare parts availability, and customers fall in
love with their products to the point that they will spend hundreds of dollars repairing fifteen
and twenty year old equipment rather than replace it. The average time between purchases was
over seven years, which meant that repeat business was hard to come by. The business in
Australia was small, successful and profitable, with steady but unspectacular growth. By 1993,
Bang Olufsen in Denmark had just completed a radical restructure, and the company, under a
new young and aggressive management team was in the process of making a remarkable turn
around from the brink of disaster. Following the massive restructuring program, Bang Olufsen
was looking for significant growth opportunities. The main European markets were well
established and it was assumed that there was limited opportunity for double digit growth,
therefore it was decided to focus on the agency run markets and push some serious expansion
into the Asian region. There had long been a belief held by Bang Olufsen Denmark (typical of
many European based companies) that a country as large as Australia needed far wider coverage
than just the main capital cities. In Denmark, a country of five million people, there were over
100 B O dealers, in fact one in almost every town, so they could not see why at least the top 50
towns and cities in Australia should
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The Worth Of Sport Event Sponsorship A
Journal of Management and Marketing Research
The worth of sport event sponsorship: an event study
Jin Woo Kim
The University of Texas at Arlington
The authors investigate the relationship between sports related event sponsorship and stock market
valuation and identify factors that influence the financial rewards of sponsorship using World Cup
and PGA tour sponsorship data. In particular, relationship between sports sponsorship with financial
performance is examined in terms of sponsorship fit, event characteristics, and brand equity. Event
study results show that sponsorship for World Cup and
PGA is positively related to abnormal stock returns for sponsors but not every sponsor enjoys
significantly positive cumulative abnormal ... Show more content on ...
Sports sponsorship makes it possible to link the aspiration and passion of a target audience to
specific sports (Arun, 2004). In general, sponsorship holds a unique position in the marketing mix
because it is effective in building brand awareness, providing differentiated marketing platforms,
facilitating direct business benefits and providing valuable networking and hospitality opportunities
(ADREVIEW). The number of companies sponsoring events has increased over the past decade.
However, it is somewhat unclear how the effectiveness of event marketing activities can be
measured. As mentioned earlier, approach to sports sponsorship can be divided into two
The worth of sport, Page 2
Journal of Management and Marketing Research research stream (see Table 1). One is the
consumer psychology approach which incorporates effect of sports sponsorship in terms of
consumers awareness, recognition, and behavioral intentions. The other approach focuses on
grasping the potential contribution of sports sponsorship to positive or negative changes in stock
price. The effect of sponsorship on firm value in the stock market can be investigated in financial
psychologic al approach
Table 1. Literature Review on Sponsorship Effects
Speed and
Conceptual framework about the effect of
sponsor event fit, perceived sincerity of the
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The Benefits Of College Athletes
A majority of college athletes is living in poverty and know the NCAA is exploiting their talents
for financial gain. College athletes deserve more than a scholarship; their values, on average, are
much greater, The fair market value of the average FBS football and basketball [player] was
$121,048 and $265,027, respectively. ( Price of Poverty). More often than not, players know that
they are not being treated fairly, often finding work arounds in the system to receive payments they
feel they deserve. Top level athletes jump on the opportunity to go pro to be paid for their work,
feeling there is no reward for sticking around to finish their degree in an impoverished environment.
Although they are not professionals, college athletes would... Show more content on
College athletes graduate at an abysmal rate, but improve under conditions where players received
the equivalent of more money in private colleges. Today, athletes continue to grow impatient with
the NCAA s strict regulation of paying athletes, so much that many have been driven to accepting
under the table money from third parties. Although they are not professionals, college athletes
would greatly benefit from being paid because it improves their financial security, increases their
likelihood to complete their degree, and lessens their feeling of being exploited. In sum, the
evidence displayed the necessary information to conclude and affirm the claim that college athletes
are struggling in more ways than one, and the NCAA s outdated restrictions have lead to nothing
but frustration of former and current
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An Example Of An Immigrant As A Refugee
To be considered a refugee, one must be forcefully removed from their homeland through a fear
of violent persecution or driven away by some form of armed conflict (UNHCR, 2016).
Examples of this would be people being displaced by violent warfare or other political conflict in
which their lives or well being may be at stake. In addition to this, such conditions may make it
difficult, or even impossible, for these people to return to their home. On the other hand, migrants
are defined as people who leave their homeland by choice without any threat of violence. Often,
migrants hope to find a better life for their families by seeking out economic opportunity in a
foreign land, and are not necessarily at risk if they were to return (UNHCR, 2016).
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The Four Gospels Of Matthew, Luke, And John
In the New Testament, the main figure Jesus Christ brings us the definitive truth about divine
Revelation. In the New Testament the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the main
witnesses to the life and teaching of Jesus, forms the heart of all writings and occupy a unique
place in Church. It is a collection of 27 Books written in less than 100 years (51 to 105 A.D.)
after Christ as a Missionary Handbook. In which proclaims the birth, growth and teachings of the
Christian Church. The New Testament is a record of historical events, the good news events of the
saving life of the Lord JesusChrist, His life, death, resurrection, ascension and how his work is
continued in the world. This overall is explain and asserted by the apostles... Show more content on ...
after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. It seems written for Jews to prove Jesus fulfilled prophecies
of the coming of Messiah. Mark, is the earliest and shortest story of Jesus life, as it was written
about 70 A.D. and publish after the fall of Jerusalem. Luke, was written about 75 A.D. It is
present as for the Greeks to show Jesus as a universal saviour. John, written between 90 and 100
A.D. and is written for instruction of the early Christian Church, as it presents Jesus as the eternal
Word of God who descended from heaven and became a man.. Then next follows The acts of the
Apostles Peter and Paul which are the acts. After than are the 13 Epistles (letters) from Paul to
Churches and people. This large section includes Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy,
Titus, Philemon. Then follows 8 Other Letters , which are the Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1
john, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The last section is A Vision , which are the revelations. The Old
Testament is the story of the preparation for the coming of Christ. The old Testament is filled with
many sacred events, people and place. The Acts are the proclaiming the message of the Saviour
who has
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Summary Of Destiny Of The Republic
Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Medicine, Madness, and Murder of a President by Candice
Millard is a non fiction book that explains the assassination of the 20th president of the United
States, James Garfield. President Garfield was the second president to be murdered while
serving a term in office. This book is exceptional because of the historical context it makes you
feel as if Charles Guiteau is standing right in front of you with a gun pointed at the president.
Personally, I never knew much about President Garfield, until I read Destiny of the Republic.
The thing about this book is that Mr. Garfield is a person who I have come to love. I admire his
courage and honesty. President Garfield grew up without much money but somehow managed to
make it work; he did everything he could in order to get a good education. President Garfield s
honesty was prevalent in almost every part of the book. There wasn t really any moment when Mr.
Garfield wasn t honest. It was extraordinary how the author was able to intertwine multiple different
stories into one book. She included President Garfield s assassination, Roscoe Conkling exploiting
the spoils system in American government, Joseph Lister s journey with attempting a sterile
environment while operating, and Alexander Graham Bell making a metal detector to try and find
the bullet stuck inside the president.
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Queen Guinevere Research Paper
Love, betrayal, and death all describe one legendary queen s story. Queen Guinevere s love story,
predominantly found in different types of literature, varies widely in many different portrayals, and
is still used present day. Even though the stories details may vary, they all usually have the same
tragic end. This makes Guinevereone of the most interesting characters to learn more about. The
legend of Queen Guinevere is one of deep love and heavy heartbreak. It always ends in betrayal
and death. However, the love story within is one of greatest told. She was married to King Arthurof
Britain ( Guinevere. Compton s). However, she was not in love with him. She loved someone else
named Sir Lancelot. He was King Arthur s closest knight ( Guinevere. ... Show more content on ...
In some stories, Guinevere is abducted and King Arthur or Sir Lancelot comes to rescue her. In
some cases this rescue leads to King Arthur s death. The abductor also varies from story to story.
In some cases, it is Arthur s nephew, Mordred, who wants to take the throne from Arthur (
Guinevere. UXL Encyclopedia). In others, it is random people who want to get an edge up on
the king. Regardless of the abductor, in stories where she is discussed and has to have a man
come save her, it makes her seem less strong and capable. One more detail that changes from
story to story is how Queen Guinevere is portrayed. All of the other details of the story help to
justify this. She is either portrayed as loyal or betraying. In most cases, she is seen as betraying
to King Arthur because of her affair ( Guinevere. UXL Encyclopedia). However, in others she is
seen as loyal for not seeing Lancelot after her husband s death ( Guinevere. UXL Encyclopedia).
How she is portrayed helps to realize the theme of the story and understand her character
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A Report On Phr ( Personal Health Record )
INTRODUCTION: I am going to prepare a report on PHR (personal health record), What are its
benefits and How it is useful.PHR is an E device used by the patients to maintain their health
information in a safe and secure environment. This stands in opposite to the more likely used e
medical record and data is operated by hospitals and contains data entered by physician or billing
data to help insurance company. The proposition of a PHR is to give a total and brief outline of
a patient s health history which is available on the internet. The information data on a PHR may
consolidate patient reported result data, lab results, data from contraptions, for instance, remote
electronic measuring scales or assembled inactively from an advanced cell phone.
BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY: St. jon Medical Hospital: The development work of the
another stage comprising of an 600 bed healing facility, Nurses lodging and living arrangements
of Staff was begun in june 1977. The OPD were opened on July 8, 1985. From there on, the IPD
were opened steadily. At the point when the last period of development was finished in 1989, the
grounds had all the obliged offices. A theater, with 900 seats, was included 1999 as a
remembrance of the Silver Jubilee of the hospital. At present St. Jon Medical Hospital has 1800
IPD beds, conveyed among the Departments of GM, GS, O G, Ped, CT Surgery, Plastic Surgery,
Ophthal, Dermat, Dental Sx, Genito urinary Sx, ENT dept, kidny, Ortho, ICU, Cardiac,
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Nicaraguan Revolution
Research Question: To what extent was liberation theology a catalyst for the Nicaraguan
Revolution? Historical Context of the Nicaraguan Revolution Somoza GarcГa gained support from
the US through the assassination of Sandino and repression of a peasant movement and was elected
President of Nicaragua in 1936. Under the Somozas, social stability was achieved through political
schemes and brutal repression, which allowed for rapid economic growth in which the elite would
benefit the most. Under the last Somoza dictator, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, corruption and human
rights violations made the Nicaraguan government especially unpopular and led to the end of the
Somoza dictatorship as the guerrilla Sandinistas eventually took over the Nicaraguan government.
Both the... Show more content on ...
It became a concern to some Bishops in Nicaragua that the Sandinistas would actually gain power
after they overthrew the Somoza government, however if they rejected the Sandinistas movement
they would be alienating themselves from the majority of the Catholic people who supported the
Sandinistas and prevent the possibility of a relationship between the Sandinistas. So the support of
the Sandinistas by Catholic bishops was a strategic one in order for the Church to have some
influence over the Nicaraguan government. The political activism of the Church in Nicaragua was
through collaboration with the Sandinistas. Students from the Revolutionary Christian Movement
participated in the Sandinistas movement as soldiers and the clerical base leaders joined the
movement as well as they collaborated with Sandinistas to end the struggles of the Nicaraguan
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Welfare And Economic Security
Welfare and economic security are issues that have plagued every society, if an individual is too
old to work, disabled, the family bread winner dies, or is involuntarily unemployed, societies
have to deal with this, and usually the government has to step in to fix this issue (DeWitt 2010).
The United States is a very interesting society to watch deal with a problem such as inequality as
social and economic inequality has marked the American experience (Lewis 1993, pg. 4). The
individualist and self reliant mindset emphasises the idea that individuals have the equal chance to
wind up unequal (Lewis 1993). Equal opportunities for everyone mean that if you fail to take care
of your family, it is no ones fault but your own. However, this... Show more content on ...
This is reflected in aspects of American life such as private property, the free market, and welfare.
Because of this, there has always been a distrust of government, gaining too much power and
controlling the American way of life too much, and limiting the result of pure individualism. The
gruelling system of checks and balances was put in place to control this very fear. The prospect of
equal personal opportunity developed in the late nineteenth century, with names such as Ford,
Carnegie, and Rockefeller made it big in their fields, after starting from so little in life (Lewis
1993). If an individual pursues their own self interests, they will indirectly promote the good of
society (Smith 2013).
The individualistic nature is ingrained deep in the American psyche and lifestyle. America has
always been the land of equal opportunity for all. Society is benign and what you achieve in life is
all on you. When it comes to the free market, the government is kept at bay, only stepping in to
control monopolies from corrupting the system. When the market is left alone, it will adjust, this is
the same mindset Americans have about themselves, leave people alone and they will adjust and
get through themselves. America is a country based around fear. Fears of an imperial presidency
emerging, of the government gaining too much power, and of the people rebelling. Inequality of
initial opportunity is not taken into account. Parents give their kids every head start in life that
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Media Portrayal Of Beauty
Some people occasionally feel that their own appearance is unacceptable to society because of
what others are expecting based on published media. Those include, social media, published
articles, and even movies and TV shows. The media s portrayal of beauty has had a generational
effect on American society with young people falling victim to unrealistic standards. Failing to
participate in these ideals can lead to non acceptance, ostracization, and even bullying due to the
unfounded judgements of those who do participate in the beauty standards perpetuated by the media
. As a matter of fact, research on the impact of those ideals have been done. Many of the studies
have been made based on the outlook of people who would most likely be affected by the media,
and their arguments refute the idea that the media doesn t impact people. The concept of having
or being pressured into aiming for unrealistic visions based on what society deems acceptable is
absurd and should be addressed. Although in the past decades, women have been the center of
beauty, during the present time, the portrayal of beauty is no longer limited to females only. The
vision of beauty applies to both male and female teenagers, young adults and adults. Based on
what you own, dress like, and even the way you act determines if you are considered beautiful by
the media. The ultimate goal of this paper is to explore the reasons on why media affect people,
how some feel pressured into changing just for the fear of
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Technology And Modern Society
Sometimes in life, we have to learn how to take a joke. In a society where making fun of a
serious issue is often looked down upon, people tend to lose their sense of humor and forget
about maintaining a positive mindset. Although there are situations and events that should not
be made fun of, there are still minor flaws in society that should be pointed out. One of these
flaws is the way technology is being used by today s generation. Our minds are becoming
consumed and preoccupied by modern technology. The advancement of technology has had an
enormous impact on our world. Whether it has had a positive or negative impact is debatable,
however, technology has indeed changed the lives of millions of people around the world. One
journalist who efficiently managed to describe this issue is Peter Greene. Peter Greene is a
contributor for the Huffington Post. His satire A Classroom of Tomorrow takes place in a
classroom where the teacher is focusing his/her lesson more on the sponsored technology than
actually teaching the children. This piece of satire was intriguing due to the fact that it focused
on a concept that is prevalent in today s world. As technology continues to develop day by day,
more questions about the use of technology arise. Technology is a pivotal aspect of modern
society which is why Greene felt the need to talk about issues surrounding technology. This piece
of satire also focusses on America s education system and the funding behind it. In the satire, the
school prioritized sponsorships. If a student did not have a sponsorship deal, they were perceived
as poor. As a result, they were not given the same quality of education as the other students who
did have sponsorship deals. This issue corresponds with a larger issue in America which is the
funding given to public schools. Schools are mostly funded by the local and state governments.
The issue with this is that the poorer regions are given less funding for their schools. This
drastically affects a student s learning experience since their quality of education and their access to
resources are dependent on their financial situation. The main targets of this satire are poverty, the
government, and the way people of this generation are
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Little Rock Nine Thesis
Imagine if you were a young 15 year old girl or boy growing up in Little Rock, Arkansas and the
Supreme Court just ruled that school segregation is unconstitutional. So you enroll in a previously
white only school. As you enter on your first day of school, there are people outside that school
yelling and screaming at you. There are armed men outside your schoolthat will not let you enter.
You eventually get let in through a side door. The next thing that you know you are in the school
and people are harassing you. When the day finally ends, you hate your life because you have to
go back to school the next day. When you wake up the next morning though, you find out that for
the rest of the school year you will need to be escorted by members... Show more content on ...
Outside the school they would rally around the nine and create taunts to bring down the nine s
moral (source #1). They would create mean or cruel nicknames for the nine (source #4). Many
people wanted them gone, some parents wanted even kept their children home in protest to the
nines being at the school. The white students mocked the African American students (source #4).
They were mistreated so much that they were not allowed to enter through the front door, instead
to enter the school they had to go through a side door (source #4). The nine were only allowed to
enter because people were massing outside the school yelling and chanting at the nine to go away
(source #4). One of the nine has said that a group of students trapped her in the bathroom and tried
to burn her alive by dropping small pieces of paper that was on fire onto her (source #1). Some
people hated them so much that when they saw them the white students might spit on them (source
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The Liberal And Realist Interpretations Of The Period...
Esau Quiroz
Essay #1 When one begins to examine the period of 1815 until 1914 one will find that there are
various interpretations of what transpired during this period. The two interpretations that will be
examined in this analysis are the liberal and realist s interpretations of this period. The Liberal
interpretation refers to this period as Pax Britannica. Liberals see this period as a time of peace
and a time in which Britain became the first liberal hegemonic power. The relist interpretation
seeks to demonstrate how this period was not entirely peaceful and demonstrate why they do not
believe Britain can be referred to as a hegemonic power. This analysis will seek to demonstrate three
separate notion the first being the similarities between Britain in the period between 1815 1914 and
the modern day US dominated international system. The second notion will be to demonstrate how
the liberal interpretation of this period is the most accurate, and to also demonstrate how the United
States is the modern day hegemon. The third notion will be to demonstrate that a hegemonic power
does not need to be the largest militarily.
Before one may enter an analysis of the liberal and realist interpretations of the periods between
1815 and 1914 one must define what a hegemon is. Hegemony is when the predominance of one
nation state over others is present. (FLS 8) In the eyes of liberals hegemonic powers are public
goods as long as the hegemonic nation state is a liberal
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History And Background Of Bed Bath And Beyond
History and Background Bed, Bath and Beyond is part of the Home Furnishing Stores Industry.
This industry finished the 2016 year with $96.57 Billion in sales, a 3.4% increase over 2015.
(Yahoo Finance, 2017) Per Yahoo Finance Bed Bath and Beyond Inc. leads the Home Furnishing
Stores Industry in terms of market capitalization with a $5.8 Billion market cap. (Yahoo Finance,
20172) This industry is directly impacted by the housing market though despite the housing market
crash in 2008, it has remained strong due to no debt and the introduction of online sales and
mobile optimization of its online shopping platform. As the housing market slowly recovers from
the rapid decline in 2008, Bed Bath and Beyond is gradually rising in terms of sales... Show more
content on ...
In 1987, The founders changed the name of the company to Bed Bath and Beyond to better
reflect their superstore format. By 1991 Bed Bath and Beyond had opened 7 new superstores in
New Jersey, California, Virginia, Illinois, Maryland, and Florida, and expanded two existing
stores into the superstore format. The company s growth soared in the early 1990s, fueled by its
ability to tap into hot marketing trends. Between 1989 and 1993 the company increased its
number of stores from 24 to 38 in 11 states. (Company, n.d) Bed Bath Beyond went
public on the NASDAQ exchange in June 1992, trading at $17 per share, and immediately
became a Wall Street favorite, fueled by a rush of media coverage and the launch of a new
Manhattan store. By May 1993 shares were trading around $32 as the company announced record
sales for the year, an astonishing $216.7 million, with earnings of $15.9 million. In 1994 the
company began offering small electric appliances such as coffee makers, hair dryers, toaster
ovens, and vacuum cleaners, as well as other home accessories such as gourmet foods, clocks and
lamps, further expanding its customer base and strengthening the chain s edge in the retail market.
Today Bed Bath Beyond stock shares trade at $39.71, demonstrating a steady, gradual increase,
despite some ups and downs along
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Chaucer s The Franklin s Tale from the Canterbury Tales
Chaucer s The Franklin s Tale from the Canterbury Tales
The Franklin s Tale, one of the many stories comprising the Canterbury Tales, is one of Chaucer s
most celebrated and most contradictory works. This tale set in medieval Brittany narrates the
uncanny marriage of the knight Arveragus and his lady Dorigen. This unlikely union was based on
mutual trust, love and truthfulness and knew neither the rule of the lady that was typical of courtly
love, nor the domination by the husband that was expected of a traditional marriage. In the
controversial scene that will be discussed here, Arveragus orders Dorigen to give herself to a man
to whom she had made the reckless promise of giving her love if he could accomplish an
impossible deed. ... Show more content on ...
In their vows Arveragus and Dorigen constantly refer to each other, as shows the presence of many
He freely gave his promise as a knight
That he would never darken her delight
By exercising his authority
Against her will, or showing jealousy,
To which Dorigen replies:
God grant there never be betwixt us twain,
Through any fault of mine, dispute or strife.
Sir, I will be your true and humble wife, (Chaucer 337 338)
Trouthe is what the promise is based on but it is not the promise itself. The promise is respect and
truth to each other, obedience but not authority.
Finally, we should also note that Arveragus poses one condition to this agreement: that it should
remain private and that it should never stain his honor.
Save that his sovereignty in name upon her
He should preserve, lest it should shame his honour. (Chaucer 338)
After such an ideal marriage agreement comes the time to try its practicability. Arveragus leaves
for two years of battle and noble deeds and Dorigen waits in worry and despair. So far, the
marriage is safe. No one, not even his wife expected Arveragus to stay home by her side. The rules
of knighthood compelled him to go fight. Derek Brewer, Professor Emeritus of English literature at
the University of
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Animal Assisted Therapy By Dr. Levinson
Animal assisted therapy was created in 1792 to help patients in mental asylums to be able to
interact with animals in peaceful environments and opportunities that otherwise they would not
see. This was created by Dr. Levinson when he first saw a dog and boy that he had been treating
interact with one another. This soon began to spread throughout the countries. It first arrived in
the U.S. in 1944 through 1945 at a Hospital north of New York City, the hospital called Pawling
army air force convalescent. The patients here interacted with farm animals such as horses and
chickens. But with many things it took a long time before any data from places like this was
collected. However it is becoming a more respected field among professionals ( Altschiller, D.
2011). It has been seen that pets can help calm people, lower blood pressure and they are great
for people or children that cannot or do not relate well to other people. Pets may help patients
recover from acute illness a study of patients following their discharge from the critical care unit
found that 11 out of 39 patients without pets died within the subsequent year, compared with only
three of 53 patients who had pets (Floyd, et al. 2003).There are many animals that can be used in
pet therapybut we are going to mainly focus on dogs and horses. Therapy Dogs are people s pets
registered with an organization such as Therapy Dogs International, founded in 1976, the dogs are
temperament tested and insured by the
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Research Paper On The Great Chicago Fire
The Greatness of The Great Chicago Fire The Great Chicago Fire was a fire that kept growing
and eventually burned a majority of Chicago. It destroyed over 40 acres of Chicago. Over
100,000 of the people living there were left homeless and around 300 people were killed. Around
17,500 buildings perished in the fire. The fire overall burned through about 4 acres of Chicago,
taking out everything and most living things in its path. The fire started around 9 at night on
October 8th. The fire started in or around the O Leary family s barn. Nobody even knows how the
fire started, but there are many stories telling how. A very popular story says a cow kicked over a
lantern in the barn which then caught the hay on fire then leading to the whole
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Globalization Is A Form Of A New Market
As our world has grown increasingly interconnected the practices in the field of business have
changed in a way never seen before in history. With a globalized economy come many advantages
for the western countries at the forefront of this development. Inexpensive labor sources,
countless potential business partners, and a larger pool of potential customers have drastically
increased profits for Western corporations. However, with these benefits many have come to
question the morality of this form of business. Many have cited these advantages as being
extremely one sided and believe that a globalized market is simply a form of neo imperialism. As
a result, business has become a balancing act with leaders of the economy expected to balance...
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Aside from Pearl Harbor the mainland of the U.S. remained completely untouched (Timeline).
During the war new life was breathed into the economy, factories were built to supply weapons
causing employment to skyrocket (World War). As a result America was the only country that
possessed an industrial system capable of supplying the tools necessary for rebuilding the world.
Eisenhower began providing the countries left in shambles with aide manufactured by U.S.
factories, establishing America as a global leader. Because of this aide and these country s lack of
industry a system of global economic dependence on the United States began. The U.S. also began
to help redevelop the economies and systems of self sufficiency within Western Germany, Japan,
and Britain to help it combat the Soviet Union and its allies (BBC, History). All the while the profits
of American corporations skyrocketed (Modern). By taking advantage of these countries in their
state of weakness and their dependence on U.S. manufactured goods, America entered the Golden
Age of Capitalism (Modern). With the war s end started an upward trend for the west, with the
United States at the helm, towards worldwide financial hegemony. From the post war era to now
America continued to utilize unsustainable business practices, leading to its position as the central
economic hub of the world. With the top gross domestic
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Mayoral Political Campaigns
Holbrook, T. M., and Weinschenk, A.C. 2013. Campaigns, Mobilization, and Turnout in Mayoral
Elections. Political Research Quarterly 67(1): 42 55.
Thesis: Political campaigns, campaign activities, and campaign spending drive turnout in mayoral
Theory: Voter turnout in local elections is relatively low compared to state and federal elections.
Research that has been done on local level turnout has largely focused on institutional influences,
such as nonpartisan elections, the form of government and timing of elections (Karnig and Walter,
1983; Marschall, 2010; Hajnal and Lewis, 2003). One aspect that has been missing is campaign
influence on local mayoral election turnout. The influence of campaigns on turnout has primarily
focused on presidential and congressional races (Holbrook and McClurg, 2005). Local elections are
useful in that voters preexisting information of the elections and candidates are quite low and
additional information from campaigns would reduce information costs associated with voting ...
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Cities, 340 elections occurring in 144 cities from 1996 2011. The outcome, voter turnout in mayoral
elections measured by the number of votes cast divided by the city s voting age population. Primary
variables of interest, spending, is the amount of spending per capita and also look at spending gap
between first and second place candidates, margin of victory, number of candidates, number of city
council seats up for election, if election is a runoff election, if there is an incumbent on the ballot,
and also account for institutional and socioeconomic variables. The authors use multivariate general
least squares regressions first looking at mobilization, institutions, population characteristics, and
turnout (Table1) followed by campaign determinants of competition (Table 2), effects of incumbent
challengers spending (Table 3), and changes in campaign activities on voter turnout (Table
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Analysis Of The Painting Cathedral Street
The painting Cathedral Street, Woolloomooloo 56x29 cm was painted by Jeffery Smart. Jeffery
Smart was born in Adelaide South Australia in 1921, he attended the South Australia School of
Arts Crafts, and he finished school in 1941. He had travelled and studied in Europe from 1948
to 1950. Smart was involved in many things such as making the Australia radio and television
program the Argonauts and also took a role in a program under the pseudonyms Phidias , he as a
writer for the Daily Telegraph newspaper as an art critic. He lived in Italy in 1963, he s into fine
arts, he sees paintingas a form of incarnation and a spirit man made in the world, I am trying to
paint the real world I live, as beautifully as I can with my own... Show more content on ...
There s only one figure in this painting and it s a lady sitting on her chair crossed legged at the
left side near the door, she is the main subject matter. There is half painted window on the right
side; the window has red Curtin s. Secondary colours and a bit of primary have been used, the
wall of the house is mixed colours greyish and pinkish, the door is blue, and the boxes one is red
and the other green.
The pathway is dark grey. The lady s clothes are purple; she s also wearing pink shoes. In imageB (
Nighthawks ) there are Three customers sitting in a restaurant named Phillie s with one server
unlike image A , the figures are the subject matters , these figures are three males and one female
siting on the beach in the cafe , the one of them the opposite directions to other two customers
while the cafe worker serves them drinks. The cafe is an organic shaped, buildings are at the
opposite side of the cafe. The name of the cafe is on top of the cafe s building the letters are bold
and delicate. There are chairs around the bench in the cafe. Image A B have windows, doors in
their paintings. Both of them also have secondary colours. Image B s use of colours is different
to image A s , image B has neutral colours , because the painting is night time the artist used
darker colours , on the left side of the painting , where a building is the colour dark red runs across
the building , which pops out and
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Examples Of Diction In Beowulf
Beowulf speaks volumes about the ways of life during the Anglo Saxon period. It is to England
what Homer s Odyssey and Iliad are to Greece. It is, as some call it, the mother poem of England.
This mother poem has been passed down through oral tradition for numerous years and scholars
believe that an educated Christian monk transcribed the poem, preserving it in written form.
Beowulfhas survived for nearly 1,300 years due to how well it conveys the Anglo Saxon culture
and the unique characteristics of the poem in its imagery, tone, style and diction. This epic poem
depicts picturesque imagery of various kinds. It is acutely gruesome in many instances, such as the
battle with Grendel and the description of hell s captive and his mother. The... Show more content
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With much alliteration, imaginative kennings, and caesura. The narrator uses strong alliteration
and does so quite intricately, using single, double and triple alliterations at points throughout the
poem; such as in lines 30 32, Then, when darkness had dropped, Grendel / Went up to Herot,
wondering what the warriors / Would do in that hall when their drinking was done. (L. 30 32)
The narrator frequently uses kennings in this poem. A kenning in Anglo Saxon literature is a
metaphorical phrase or compound word that names an event, person, place, or thing indirectly.
There are four different types of kennings that the narrator uses within Beowulf which are
prepositional phrase (ex. shepherd of evil = Grendel, guardian of crime = Grendel), hyphenated
compound (ex. sea road = the ocean, ring giver = king), possessive (ex. God s bright beacon =
the sun), and open compound (ex. wakeful sleeper = Beowulf) kennings. A unique quality of the
style of Beowulf is caesura, which is seen in nearly every line within the poem. Caesura is a
characteristic of Old English poetry; it is a pause or a break within a line of poetry and it is usually
indicated by the natural rhythm of the language. Alliteration coincides with caesura; usually the
first stressed syllable before the caesura alliterates with the first stressed syllable after the
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Analysis on the Lion King on Broadway Essay
When I went to go see The Lion King on Broadway a few words came to mind after the play;
amazing, stunning, and unbelievable! I was a little unsure at first, because I thought I was too
young to see something from a Disney World production. I was also wondering how Disney was
going to manage putting a film starring non human characters, into a three dimensional stage.
However, using all their Disney magic with a little help from a great stage producer The Lion King
Musical kept my attention all the way through with their; voice and diction, staging, and many other
elements. Right from the beginning, wonderful costume and prop design showed through. The
opening sequence starred Rafiki, played by Tsidii Le Loka, singing Circle of... Show more content
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That is a theater moment, and having never seen the show before it really did give me chills. The
rest of the first act moves briskly and features several other spectacular set pieces and musical
numbers, although the second act was prolonged. This production of The Lion King features an
incredibly talented cast, from the leads to the members of the chorus. You know you have a
fantastic ensemble when the singers in the aisle during the entrance have voices and personality to
match the lead actors. The dance crew also lives up to the challenging choreography. One of the
break out stars among the leads are Adam Jacobs as adult Simba, possessed of a bright, clear voice
and an inescapable presence from the second he swings on to the stage. J. Anthony Crane rivals
Jeremy Irons droll sarcasm as Scar, and his physicality makes the most of his outstanding costume;
as he shifts to and from his mask at Scar s most predatory moments. Dionne Randolph infuses
King Mufasa with his big, boastful voice and imposing presence, but is remarkably tender in his
moments with Young Simba. In addition, speaking of Young Simba, both of the young actors in
the performance I attended Dusan Brown as Simba and Madai Monica Williams as Young Nala are
amazingly talented actors, singers, and dancers with buckets of
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Planet T Shirt Summary
The Planet T Shirt contains five chapters that will show how a t shirt can travel the world. The first
section talks about how cotton produces in Delta, Mississippi farm. America produces more cotton
in the world, and 90 percent of the cotton is genetically modified. Technology has made a
significant impact on the cotton farm; farmers use the machine to pick cotton. One cotton farm can
produce nine million t shirtequivalent of every person in New York City. The second chapter is
about the machine that makes the process of raw cotton. U.S. exports the cotton to different
countries that produce fabrics. In the video, it shows various kind of machine that processes the
cotton such as Trutzschlet Blendomat, Schlafhorst SE 8 OE Spinning machine,
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E Books Vs. Books
E books are digital versions of traditional books which are available online and are
readable on other electronic devices or computers. While, traditional books are paper books
available at libraries or book stores. E books came into existence in 1930. The godfather of e
book was Bob Brown, who named it as Readies . According to Desiree Dreeuws, in the
1960s, computer scientists developed what were called hypertext editing and file retrieval
systems, which involved document hyperlinking and graphics. These systems are considered by
many to be the first e books. Since then there has been an immense growth in technology
world, which also boosted the usage of e books in the world. However, there has been still a
huge argument on why e books are better than the books and what makes them so different yet
very useful to humankind?
There are always questions leading to e books because of its rapid growth in a short time.
Technologies have a bright future and they are going to have growth in most aspects. According
to Stephen king, The future is going to be what the future is going to be. So no matter how
difficult it gets to switch from a book to an e book, people would have to do it to keep up with
the progressing world. Despite of this, many people from age group of 60s or above still choose
to read paper book, the traditional way. However, most of the youngsters and the elderly people
have switched to e books from their paper books. The
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Subjective Expectation Of Privacy In The Fourth Amendment
WARRANT AND AS A RESULT OF AN ILLEGAL SEARCH The defendant or proponent of a
motion to suppress has the burden of establishing that his own Fourth Amendment rights were
violated by the challenged search or seizure. (Rakas v. Illinois (1978) 439 U.S. 128, 131.) In
other words, the Fourth Amendment depends on the property rights were violated because the
person is claiming that they had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the invaded place. (Rakas
v. Illinois, supra, 439 U.S. at p.143.) In order to prove that the defendant has standing to challenge
the validity of a search, the defendant must show that there is an actual subjective expectation of
privacy and that the subjective expectation of privacy is one that the society recognizes as
reasonable. (Smith v. Maryland (1979) 442 U.S. 735, 740.) Additionally, under the Fourth
Amendment, all warrantless searches are per se unreasonable unless there is a warrantless
exception then officers need a warrant to conduct a search and seizure of a person s home. (U.S.
Const. amend. IV.) (A)Mr. Meyers has Standing to Challenge the Search and Seizure of the
handgun and Magazine because he holds a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in the Apartment
where he has his Personal Belongings in. In Olson, the Supreme Court held that an overnight guest
is alone enough to show that they have an expectation of privacy
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Prozac Side Effects
Side effects
Depending on medication and the individual; will have an impact on the side effect/s. The side
effects for Prozac are usually anxiety, diarrhea, drowsiness, dyspepsia, insomnia, nausea,
nervousness, tremor, weakness, headache, anorexia, decreased libido, xerostomia, and decreased
appetite. Other side effects include bulimia nervosa, dizziness, skin rash, and diaphoresis. Side
effects for citalopram would be drowsiness, nausea, insomnia, xerostomia, and diaphoresis.
Additional side effects would be diarrhoea, ejaculatory disorder, anxiety, tremor, and vomiting.
SSRIs, commonly side effects are nausea, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, weight change.
Atypical antidepressants side effects include nausea, fatigue, weight gain, blurred ... Show more
content on ...
This helps to allocate their thought process of how they think and feel. This then guides the way it
makes them feel also the thought process behind it. Emotion leads to behavior; which influences
how we think and feel.
M1 Evaluation
Biological factors and cognitive factors; explaining the impacts of schizophrenia and depression.
Biological Depression
Genetic factors
There is a research (Zhang et al.2005) supporting that there is a mutation within the gene that
decreases the serotonin in the brain which is a common factor found in depressed patients. Found to
be ten times more effective to individuals that have contained it within their genes than patients that
was not.
This gene erodes eighty percent of serotonin generated in the brain due to the presence of the
mutant gene. The enzyme tryptophan hydroxlase 2; produces the serotonin levels in the brain.
Caron et al had investigated that this gene was present within 9/87 patients with depression, with an
exceptional 3/219 healthy controls. SSRI medication did not have a reaction with the medication as
it did have an effect with the intake of
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Summary Of Joe Kanty s Spunk
Throughout the short story Spunk , Joe Kanty, (the husband of Lena Kanty) plays a certain role
that deals a lot with disrespect, miscommunication, and the morals of specific boundaries that need
to be set when dealing with the rights and wrong doings of your spouse. Joe is the type of
character that sort of stays in his shell, meaning that he doesn t necessarily express his feelings as
much as he might wantto. He is very scrawny and quiet, and is afraid to stick up for himself. As if
he allows people to run over him because he s too shy or too trapped in himself to actually speak
up about what s on his mindor bothering him the most. Joe would be the type to probably let
someone walk all over him. He could say something to other characters in the story, and then as
the reader, you might think to yourself he doesn t seem too sure , or he might not actually mean
what he s saying, he s just trying to talk big in front of his friends, because in reality, he seems a
little unsure of how he really wants to address his situation. With this being said, Joe could be
gloomy when it comes down to the fact of him seeing his wifeand knowing that everyone else is
seeing his wife with another man. The way he goes about addressing the fact though is harsh and
he could ve handled the situation a little better than what he did. For example, in the story, after
Walter and Elijah were talking to Joe about seeing his wife with another man, it said how he stood
there silent for a long
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Ecclesiastes Word Vanity Essay
In the book of Ecclesiastes, the word vanity is used almost thirty five times, compared to
approximately twenty five times elsewhere in the Old Testament (Meek, n.d.). Furthermore, when
a single word is used multiple times throughout a book in the Bible such as the word vanity, it is
important to understand the word s contextual meaning to determine the biblical significance of
the word vanity. Subsequently, in other books of the Bible the words vain, vanity, and vanities,
are primarily associated with emptiness, worthlessness, wickedness, falseness, or a breath (Meek,
n.d.). Therefore, in the analysis of the word vanity within the book of Ecclesiastes, I believe it is
important to ascertain the identity of the person suspected of authoring this book to assist in the
comprehension of the word vanity. Consequently, the author of book of Ecclesiastes was a teacher
of wisdom and in Chapter 1 Verse 1, Qoheleth is... Show more content on ...
Additionally, Qoheleth s message in the book of Ecclesiastes can be simply summarized as life is
hard and humankind will never understand the fulfillment of life regardless of where they chose to
seek happiness whether it is in work, pleasure, wisdom, wealth, and status (Longman, 2009).
Moreover, the author is portraying humankind does not have a chance to understand the vanities of
life before their death (Longman, 2009). Next, as we continue to understand the word vanity within
the book of Ecclesiastes, many Christians interpret Qoheleth s emphasis on vanity or
meaninglessness as a conclusion about a life without a God (Ortlund, 2013). Thus, Qoheleth s
usage of the word vanity is synonymous with how he portrays life as under the sun and human
accomplishment; therefore, no matter how hard we work the impact of lives dies with us in our
grave (Ortlund,
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Explain Stretegies to Overcome Barriers to Effective...
Health And Social Care(Communication)
btec national diploma in health and social care level (1C)| Unit 1: Developing effective
communication in health and social care| P4: explain strategies used in health and social care
environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.| | |
For this question I am going to explain strategies used in health and social care environments to
overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.
There are many different strategies can be used to overcome barriers of communication in a health
and social care settings:
1. Building relationships and appropriate verbal and non verbal communication.
It is very important ... Show more content on ...
With this system blind people can read by running their fingers across the dots, and can write by
impressing the raised dots into paper using a frame called Braille slate, or a Braille writer.
Other possible strategies are: * Use language to describe things. * Assist people to describe things.
* Explain details that sighted people might take for granted. * Check glasses. Other aids and
Another example, people with hearing disability may use hearing aids. They are battery powered
electronic devices with small microphones to pick up and increase the volume of sound received
by a person. Also, text phones, relay systems and minicoms may be used for people who are deaf
or hard of hearing.
Other possible strategies are: * Don t shout. Use normal clear speech and make sure your fase is
visible for people who can lip read. * Show pictures or write messages. * Learn to sign (for
people who used sign language). * Ask for help from, or employ, a communicator or interpreter for
sign languages. * Check that hearing aids and equipment are working.
For people with physical and intellectual disabilities may be used strategies, such as: * Increase
your knowledge of disabilities. * Be calm and patient. * Use pictures and signs as well as clear,
simple speech. * Set up group meeting where people can share speech. * Check that people do not
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Freedom Of Speech According To The Bill Of Rights
Freedom of speech has been part of a controversial debate for many decades. Whether or not
limitations should be placed on people s freedom to voice their opinions has become a compelling
discussion. The fact is that people feel that they have the right to full freedom of speech under the
first Amendment. But the dangers of speaking ones mind did not present itself when the first
Amendment was first created and now more than ever many view their freedom to speak as a tool
to hurt others. So there should be limits on our freedom of speechbecause actions may speak louder
than words but words have the power to hurt more.
People have always valued their right to speak their mind. According to The Bill of Rights Institute,
the Bill ... Show more content on ...
In actuality it should be encouraged so that people don t bottle up their feelings. People need to
express their opinions otherwise we would all listen to one person and not think for ourselves.
But then you have those who speak with no filter; those who spit out words just to see someone
crumble to the ground; those who we call bullies. According to Loyola University Chicago The
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of expression yet we see how
this guaranteed freedom often leads to dire consequences, such as grief induced suicides. Since
the beginning of time we ve had people who would misuse their freedom of speech by judging
others out loud with no shame but instead a feeling of pride and they defend themselves by
saying that they have the right to say what they want, when they want. These people know
nothing of the person they are laughing at or pushing around, they just feel they can so they will.
For example, in the Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne, when Hester was released from prison
the women in the crowd yelled to each other (page 61) Why, gossips, what is it but to laugh in the
faces of our godly magistrates, and make a pride out of what they, worthy gentlemen, meant for a
punishment? The women in the crowd judged her by how perfect she made the Scarlet Letter look
and shouted to each other how the letter is not enough of a punishment. They called her names and
judge her sin yet
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Beethoven 5th Symphony Essay
Symphony No.5 in C minor, ensembles work by German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Generally perceived by the unfavorable four note opening theme frequently translated as the
musical appearance of fate knocking at the door.
This hard hitting piece included flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, timpani, and
groups of violins, piccolo, contrabassoon, and trombones. The rhythm of the 5th symphony was
very important. Beethoven created a tempo allegro con brio (fast with spirit). I think him doing
this worked well with this piece and made it that much more creative. As for the tone color, that s
a hard one. There is no overall tone color for the whole symphony. The harmony was mainly
minor mode. The notes were very present and it got easier to hear and notice the instruments once
I listened to the symphony a few times. I feel like Beethoven s motive was the basic four note
motive he introduced. Seems like he really took his time with this piece. He created the 5th
symphony ... Show more content on ...
This piece is extremely sensational and over the top, additionally quiet and settle. The fifth
ensemble is erratic which makes it all the more energizing and fascinating to listen to. It begins
intense, solid. What s more, straight forward, then switches and goes into a milder, more quiet vibe.
Just about makes you need to waltz. This mix is mind boggling. I could hear verging on each
instrument unmistakably and they all assumed a noteworthy part in this piece. Beethoven s
utilization of these instruments made conceivable a more extensive scope of shading,
magnificence, splendor, and the bigger the standard ensemble is one of the elements that makes this
last development my most loved bit of Beethoven s music. I truly delighted in and acknowledged
listening to Beethoven s fifth orchestra. It simply has such a great amount to
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Functional Group Decision Making
Functional Group Decision Making(FDM)
FDM answers the basic question asked by the developers of this theory. Their question is as
follows. Why do some groups make good decisions while others make bad ones? Their model
argues that the answer to this question has to do with whether the group has successfully
accomplished four functions, which they call requisite functions (pg.141). The four functions of
this theory are problem analysis, goal setting, identify alternatives, and evaluate and select. Problem
analysis is when the group focuses on the nature, extent and likely causes of the problem. This
requires the group to be careful when differentiating between problems and the symptoms of the
problems. Goal setting is when the group identifies what an ideal solution would look like. The
group decides what elements are necessary and what elements are ideal but not necessary.
Identifying alternatives is when the group generates a large number of possible solutions. This is
when the group wants to brainstorm as many possible solutions, no matter what the quality of the
solution is. Finally, evaluate and select is when the group evaluate each alternative using the
established goals.
Examples From The Film
Goal setting is the first example that I found in the film. I saw this when the foreman says what the
goal of the jury is and what is needed for the guilty or not guilty verdict. I saw that one of the jurors
used problem analysis. This was when the juror started
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The Jupiter Missile Crisis
How close were we to another nuclear World War III? After the U.S. failed to dethrone Castro in
Cuba with the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961, Kennedy s administration planned Operation
Mongoose. While planning the operation, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev created a secret
agreement with Cuban premier Fidel Castro, to place missiles in Cuba to prevent any invasion
attempts. The missiles could launch over 1,000 miles and take the lives of approximately 80
million Americans. After U 2 spy planes discovered the missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy
ordered a secret emergency meeting with his senior military, political, and diplomatic advisers. But
to protect the U.S. from destruction, President Kennedy had two decisions to make. He either had to
... Show more content on ...
invaded Cuba, they would then remove the missiles. However, he asserted giving the diplomatic
channel more time. The same day that afternoon, ABC news correspondent reported to the White
House that a Soviet agent suggested an agreement could be reached, where the Soviets would
dismantle their missiles. As long as the U.S. promised not to invade the island. Later the evening,
Khrushchev sent the president a resolution that had resembled the one that the news correspondent
had reported. However, the next day, October 27, Khrushchev sent another message indicating that
the Jupiter Missiles were to be removed from Turkey. Later that same day one of the U.S. U 2 jets
was shot down over Cuba. President Kennedy and his advisers then planned an attack on Cuba.
They decided to carry out the first message sent by Khrushchev, however, they would ignore the
second message. Attorney General, Robert Kennedy met secretly with the Soviet Diplomat, Anatoly
Dobrynin, and specified that the U.S. was already planning on removing the missiles in Turkey and
that the information about the missiles could not be released to the public. The last day, October
28, Khrushchev issued a public statement stating the Cuban missiles would be removed. However,
the blockade continued until the Soviets confirmed removal of the IL 28 Bombers from
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The Sunflower Simon Wiesenthal Response
The Holocaust was a genocide that occured from 1933 1945, and one of its survivors was Simon
Wiesenthal. Wiesenthal was an architect before he was captured by the Nazis. After he was set
free, he dedicated his life to finding Nazi war criminals and persecuting them in court. Later on
in his life, he wrote a memoir, The Sunflower. It was about one of his many experiences at the
Lemberg concentration camp where he got roped in to listening to a dynig SS soldier, Karl. Right
before, Wiesenthal leaves Karl s room, Karl asks for Wiesenthal, on behalf of all the Jews he
persecuted, for forgiveness. Wiesenthal left Karl s room without forgiving him, and then asks the
readers, What would I have done? At the end of The Sunflower, people who Wiesenthal picked
to respond to his question, had their answers published. The most interesting response was Jose
Hobday s. Hobday believed that Wiesenthal should have apologized to Karl because it would
have given Karl a sense of peace, making it easier for him to pass on. Hobday has the correct
answer to Wiesenthal s question because even though all of the Jews that Karl persecuted are
dead and will not be able to apologize to him in person, Karl just wants someone to know that he
is sorry for his actions. Jose Hobday was a Franciscan nun of Seneca, Iroquois, and Seminole
descent. She wrote about Catholic and Native American spirituality, and her writings have appeared
in many publications such as Parabola, Cross Currents, The National
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Parli Self Evaluation
Parli Self Evaluation This was the first time during my collegiate career giving a parli debate, so I
thought it was very challenging to say the least. Some of the Improvements I could make were
actually practicing the debate itself. I could also practice body language and making eye contact
with the audience. Lastly, I could improve on my writingskills so I understand what I am trying to
say when debating against the other team. A. A strong point that I feel like I done well on was
how I used the proper format for debate. This allowed me to have a well laid out topic to present
for the audience. This allowed the audience to follow along with what I was discussing. Overall, I
felt like the parli debate was very challenging and I did not perform
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Pediatric Lead Poisoning Research Paper
Introduction The lead was one of the first metals detected and used by humans. They figured out
how to take advantage of it, by low melting points, which gave them the ability to form stable
compounds that made it useful in the manufacture of hundreds of products. This commercial
attractiveness has resulted in the processing of millions of tons of lead ore, leading to widespread
dissemination of lead in the human environment. Despite its usefulness, the risks are more and
worse than its benefits. The blood lead level (BLL) is the gold standard for determining health
effects. However, the threshold level at which lead begins to cause biochemical, subclinical, or
clinical disturbance is not yet determined. The Centers for Disease Control and... Show more
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Too much lead in the body of a child can cause lasting and severe problems. This causes
weakness in some of the senses and can slow the child s growth. (1) Lead poisoning probably has
the severest effect of chronic environmental illness in children. Despite efforts to control it,
serious cases of lead poisoning still appear. (1) Lead poisoning is one of the most common and
preventable pediatric health problems today. Etiology Human activities have been contributing to
the widespread of lead. For example: burning fossil fuels, mining, and manufacturing. Lead was
the key element in the synthesis of paint and gasoline and is still used in manufacturing
batteries, roofing materials, pottery, pipes, solder, and some cosmetics. (1) In the upcoming
paragraphs the most common factors of lead exposure will be listed and discussed: Lead paint:
The leaded paint was commonly used until 1960 and mostly eliminated in 1978. It was the
easiest way of exposure to large amounts of lead, and it was the most common sources. Such as
the people who work in the field of pigment by exposure to it by breathing. For the children, they
may chew on painted surfaces such as windowsills
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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
It was a sign of growing up, when the dark made no more difference to you than the day. ―
Roddy Doyle (page 278) This quote is from Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle. Paddy
Clarke Ha Ha Ha is about a 10 year old boy named Patrick Clarke, but everyone calls him Paddy.
This books setting is in 1968 s Dublin, Ireland. At the beginning of the book, Paddy is a cruel
boy; he enjoys the Three Stooges, Geronimo, Father Damien and the Lepers, and also his
favorite soccer player George Best. Paddy has challenges in life just like every other 10 year old
boy he has problems at home, but when he s with his friends it s a different story. Paddy hangs
around with his friends in his neighborhood and they just love to get into trouble, and... Show more
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The boys love playing around the neighborhood even though what they did was very chancy and
they could have gotten in trouble. Though they occasionally got in trouble, they kept up with
their crazy activities. School is also a big part of Paddy s life. Paddy believes that he is
exceptionally smart and he thinks that he is smarter than his teacher Mr. Hennessey. Paddy
thought that hw was so much smarter than Henno because he did everything that he was
supposed to do. I listened. I watched. I did my homework. I came home at Friday lunchtime. I m
in the best desk. It was true. I d made no mistakes all week. All my sums had been right. I d got
through the twelve times table inside thirty seconds. (192) Paddy believes that he does
everything he can to be as smart and superior as he thinks he is. Aside from Paddy thinking that
he is superior, there are some crazy things that go one in school. An example would be when
James O Keefe got in trouble for pruning. He had been caught doing it to Albert Genocci. Now he
was going to talk about pruning. The shock made me forget to breathe... I know you are only
playing when you do it, said Mister Finnucane. (109) Pruning was something that wasn t allowed in
Paddy s school even though everyone thought that it was funny. School is very important to Paddy,
with his smarts and
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Gravedigger # 2 In Shakespeare s Hamlet
Name: Gravedigger
Gravedigger #2 is a small, dreary looking man with a slouched back. At the age of 35, he still
manages to make jokes about the way society is place. In the play, the script places gravedigger #2
as a nameless man but his real name is Bill Faller. Bill is 5 feet tall and weighs 135 pounds. He has
dark, brown eyes as well as brown hair. He is very hygienic when it comes to his teeth.
Bill comes from a family of hardworking workers. His father was a gravedigger as well as his
grandfather. Bill has always wanted to reach his dream of going to college to become a lawyer.
However, his father passed away when Bill was 17 and one of his father s wishes was to continue
the grave digging job and to teach his son. He also wanted Bill to be the one to throw the last
shovel of dirt on his grave when he was buried. Bill was very close to his father. He loved his
mother but he felt a stronger connection ... Show more content on ...
He is the Prince of Denmark and is 30 years old. Hamlet is hostile when it comes to his mother
and uncle. He is intelligent, having studied at the University of Wittenberg and he also someone
who is difficult to understand when it comes to decision making. Some of his choices are based
on impulse while others are made off of fact and logical thinking. His mind is mysterious and
difficult to comprehend. There is always an underlying message in the words that Hamlet speaks.
Hamlet s father s death impacted him greatly while he was studying at the university. He is
contemplative about life after death and trying to prove his uncle guilty of killing his father.
Hamlet also turns into a madman sometimes in this play with his disapproved behavior. When
Hamlet s mother remarried to his uncle after his father s death, his behavior changed. His attitude
toward women became hostile and unfriendly. Overall. Hamlet is a very intelligent man, but there
are times in his life where the mind will come before the
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Narcissistic Stereotypes
The youngest generation obsesses over gaining approval in a way unprecedented by the past. This
obsession stems from the increase of narcissistic attitudes found in children, including
overconfidence, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy (Mayo Clinic Staff). The
skyrocketing growth of social networking and the increase in the prevalence of superficial
celebrities shown in the media only enhances narcissistic behaviors. However, these attitudes are
initially caused by the actions of parents. An occurring shift in parenting styles centers around
rewarding kids even when the child s amount of effort does not warrant praise. This type of award
system fosters narcissistic attitudes that affect how kids interact with their surroundings,... Show
more content on ...
The biggest influence of personality are childhood experiences and the way in which parents choose
to raise their kids. The shift in parenting styles contributes to the growing levels of narcissistic
attitudes presented in the youngest generation. Because of the shift in values, the media evolved to
highlight vain celebrities instead of focusing on the successes of brilliant, hard working people.
Social media takes away the emotional involvement in relationships and replaces those feelings
with shallow gratification that causes people to grow an unhealthy attachment to the social
network. Nothing can replace the convenience of social media, but if society changes the way it
views online relationships then the focus will shift from having online relationships to improving
interpersonal communication. Narcissism is a problem that can be fixed with healthy role models
and a positive, unselfish outlook that starts with how parents treat their children s successes and
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Essay about Symbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John...
Symbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck
At first glance John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums seems to be a story of a woman whose
niche is in the garden. Upon deeper inspection, the story reveals strong symbolisms of children,
vulnerability, and connection being the most important, of the main character. Elisa Allen is the
main character who is at her strongest and most proud in the garden and weakened when she
becomes vulnerable and loses her connection to the outer world. Elisa shows a new aura of
confidence when she makes this connection to a peddler, who also is the cause of her realization
of reality and her crying.
The chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa s children. She tends her garden and handles ... Show more
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She is happy and pleased by her ability to nurture the chrysanthemums as she would her children.
Elisa s vulnerability is shown through her experience with the peddler shows an interest in the
chrysanthemums when he describes them as a
quick puff of colored smoke (223). By admiring the chrysanthemums, he figuratively admires Elisa
Allen. The peddler gives Elisa a connection that she can t do with anyone else. By giving him the
pot to put the chrysanthemum seedlings in, she gives him the symbol of her inner self. She begins to
feel hope as the peddler leaves. She dresses up nice and prepares for her night out with her
husband. This preparation process symbolizes that she is preparing for a change in her life.
Her washing and dressing is symbolic of her transition. Tearing off her soiled clothes and
flinging them into the corner, she scrubbed herself with a little block of pumice, legs and thighs,
loins and chest and arms, until her skin was scratched and red. This is symbolic of Elisa coming
out of her old being, releasing a newness she had become to know. She tightened her stomach and
threw out her chest She put on her newest under clothing and her nicest stocking and the dress
which was the symbol of her prettiness. She worked carefully on her hair, penciled her eyebrows
and rouged her lips. All of this is brought about because one man took interest in her
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101 Biofuel s Future Of The U.s.
Jevanni CousinsProfessor ReidSCC 101 Biofuel s Future in the U.S. and the WorldOne of the
major problems confronting the United States and the World today, is the growing lack of fossil
fuels and the accrual emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. The United States is still dependent
on fossil fuels today such as coaldespite numerous efforts to decrease that dependency, and are also
relying on imported oil from multiple foreign countries particularly in the Middle East. The use of
fossil fuelhas generated great anxiety in greenhouse gas emissions and governments from all over
the world, including the United States which is leading the effort in combating this issue. The
problems have grown so huge in this century that President Barack Obama made it a major
initiative during his administration to overcome it. He once said we cannot drill our way to
energy but must fast track investments in renewable sources of energy like solar power, wind
power and advanced biofuels (Obama). In this paper, I will discuss biofuels, the types biofuels,
along with its potential and challenges that it may face in our growing society. In recognition of the
issues that exist due to fossil fuels, the United States elective bodies has been preaching the
encouragement for the uses of biofuels, which has prompt an increase in the United States
production of biofuels such as biodiesel, biobutanol, and ethanol. In many partsof the world today,
the alternative
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Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine Versus...
Abstract Eczema in paediatrics affects 25% of school going children in Singapore. It is a
common skin disorder and the prevalence has increased over the years. Treatment options usually
involve the use of corticosteroids in Western Medicine. Researches have shown that the use of
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has increased widely in Singapore as an alternate treatment
for eczema. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the two different
treatment options, evaluating the duration, outcome and recurrence rate of eczema in paediatrics.
A selective sampling will be used to obtain a total sample size of 50 participants from 2 different
clinics. A questionnaire will be used to obtain data from parents awaiting... Show more content on ...
Upon completion of the survey, a token of appreciation will be given to the parents to
acknowledge their participation in this study. This will be in a form of a small notebook titled
Eczema Diary which can be used to record the progress of their child during the course of
treatment. After two months, the surveyors will contact the parents to follow up on the child s
progress with the respective treatments based on the 3 follow up questions. Ethical
implications We will first seek consent from the Head of Department in the respective clinics in
order to conduct this study in the clinics. Upon approval, the surveyors will set up posters for
advertisement purpose at the counter of the respective clinics. The surveyors will approach the
parents awaiting consultation at the respective clinics. Upon conducting the survey, the
surveyors will have to seek permission from the caregivers to conduct the survey. They will also
need the parents consent to follow up with the progress of their child for a period of 2 months.
The surveyors will need to get approval to have the parent s contact details so as to collect the
data necessary for the study. Dissemination of results The findings will be reported to the
Singapore Health Promotion Board. This will increase the public awareness for children with
eczema and provide better outcomes about treatment options for eczema. Work plan This pilot
study will take a total of 3 months. The first two weeks will be
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Example Of Class President
Class president In 9th and 10th grade, I was chosen as a class president. I used to take account of
students attendance, as well as their participation in activities. Science club Our science club
mainly focuses on Olympiads and I have been a member since 7th grade. I usually spend 7 hours
per week, but when Olympiads come near, this number can go up to 16 hours. Most students aren
t interested in our club because to most people when they hear Hobby school, the first thing that
comes into their mind is Debate Club, but I still am trying my best to appeal to other students and
give them hope. Preparing for Olympiad is really tough and takes a long time. For example, I start
my preparation for the national Olympiad from winter,
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Rawls Vs Norzick s Theory Essay
1.What are some important common ground, () both theorists utilize in constructing and ultimately
defending their theories?
Some important common ground both theorists utilize in constructing and defending their theories
are that both talked about justice, liberty, and equality. Both Rawls and Norzick believe that justice,
liberty, and equality would make a better society. Both talked strongly about a just society.
Rawls and Norzick tried to figure out how to create a more just society. They also believed in
moral side constraint. Lastly, they both touched on property rights.
2.By Characterizing his original position as the appropriate initial status quo what moral
sensibilities does Rawl appeal to in order to advance his theory? Please ... Show more content on ...
His second constraint states that they must be chosen behind a veil of ignorance. By placing the
parties behind a veil of ignorance, Rawls believes that the choice situation will nullify the effects of
specific contingencies that put men at odds. He also thinks it will tempt them to exploit social and
natural circumstances to their own advantage.
3.Norzick s entitlement theory of justice place the appeal (main argument) of the theory by looking
at two different beliefs/ behaviors in society to determine what is just. What are these two different
beliefs/behaviors? Please explain each. How do they apply to the concept of the minimal state
The entitlement theory of justice tells us that whatever arises from a just situation by just steps is
itself just. Norzick s two beliefs are absolute property ownership rights. His other belief is
redistribution rights.
Norzicks belief of property ownership rights is the right of ownership over oneself and over
things in the world. For example, in a class discussion, we talked about how if someone wanted to
give their eye to someone who needs it, they have the right to do so because they absolute property
ownership of their
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Descriptive Essay Sunny Day. Online assignment writing service.
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Descriptive Essay Sunny Day. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Descriptive Essay Sunny Day 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Descriptive Essay Sunny Day Descriptive Essay Sunny Day
  • 2. Water In Emerson s Essay An essay discussing the use of water throughout Emerson s Nature. The essay analyzes the use of water to symbolize a man s spirit, a life force, the connection of man and nature, and the sheer power that nature holds. The use of water metaphorically and literally is explained in depth and viewed through many different lenses. Many metaphors and multiple uses of imagery are created through the idea of water. I will use this source to connect and bring more figurative language pieces about water into my essay. The essay also explains Emerson s background and why water is used so frequently throughout Emerson s essay. Knowing this background information will be helpful in explaining the metaphors. A blog post depicting how Emerson used metaphors of nature and of himself to show how nature should be viewed. The post provided a further argument that Emerson believes that Nature should be viewed as innocent and pure and not as a way for temporary gain. The post also explains the metaphor pertaining to a snake shedding his skin, and the allusion to youthfulness. I will use this post to explain Emerson s views on youthfulness, and bring a different perspective to the meaning behind the transparent eyeball. The post also explains some of the reasons for Emerson to be study nature in such a close manner, which I will use to explain... Show more content on ... Later, in the essay it discusses each argument in Nature and the relevance in today s society. Language is the most thoroughly discussed chapter. The author discusses the use of figurative language and how many writers after Emerson followed his lead and used more metaphors, and personification in their own writings. The essay also discusses how Emerson viewed Nature and Philosophy, the author argues that Emerson believed Nature to be the law. I will use this perspective to explain the reasoning behind certain ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Family And Family Life 50 years ago, a prominent stereotype in America portrayed the men as hardworking breadwinners while on the opposite side of the spectrum the woman stayed home taking care of the house, children, cooking and cleaning. In the current generation, a lot has changed, roles have slightly switched and men and women both have the opportunity to work in the field they desire. These changes have brought new values and brought forth many obstacles with balancing the family/work life. Although the stereotype about the father being the one working and the motherstaying home changed significantly over the years, when both parents are working and trying to keep their family together there are many obstacles that come along. In today s society, many face the complication of not being able to spend enough time with their children due to work, not being as flexible in balancing the work life versus family life and having to face the situation of trying to pick between choosing their child over a dream job. To begin with, today it is very common that both parents go to work in order to support their family, but sometimes either mom, dad, or both can be working too much and not realize that they can be missing out on being a part of their child s life later regretting their pass decisions as their children grow older. It is very common that some parents put more time into working rather than spending time with their child and do not realize that it affects their family and their child due to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay about The Truth About The Big Two He While reading Ernest Hemingway s short story Big Two Hearted River, ; one might think that it is just about a man named Nick Adams returning to Seney, to go camping and fishing. It may not be clear to some readers why the town of Seney is burned down or why Hemingway talks about each of Nick s action in great amount of detail. While first reading the story one might not notice that Hemingway has many symbolic parts, so that he can get the true meaning of the story across to the reader. The story is truly about Nick Adams wanting to get on with his life enjoying to its fullest and putting all of the awful events that have happened to him in the past. When Nick arrives at the town of Seney, he sees that the town is completely burned to ... Show more content on ... He started to walk through the ferns and jack pines and Nick was becoming exceedingly content. Nick was thinking that, amp;#8230;the country was alive again, ; (474). Hemingway left the country untouched by the fire because he wanted to show to the readers that Nick was trying to the war behind him and get on with his life trying to enjoy it to its fullest, ;Nick tries to put everything behind him, which is shown by his happiness and excitement amp;#8230; ; (Annelie Lewis). When Nick gets to the fishing grounds he does not use normal worm bait he uses, grasshoppers as bait. When Nick got into the river he hooked the grasshopper from the thorax to the last segment of the abdomen. Then grasshopper proceeded to hold the hook with his front feet, while it was spitting tobacco juice on it. Hemingway used the grasshopper as a symbol that when life had Nick down he was just going to get back up and continue to try and not give up. While Nick is fishing he caught a small fish but he ended up letting it go, but soon after he caught another fish which was the biggest one he had ever seen. He tried valiantly to get a hold of the fish and pull it in but he could not and the fish bit through the line and escaped. Hemingway was showing that nothing in this life is easy and it should not put you down, because when the fish got away from Nick, he was not aggravated he smoked his cigarette and continued to fish. He ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Fifth Of May By Francisco De Goya Gladis Flores Humanities 1101 The Third of May Francisco De Goya was born on March 30 about 1746 in Fuentes de todos, Spain. He studied painting from age 14. He became a court painter to the Spanish Crown in 1786 and the early portion of his career. Goya was considered one of the most crucial Spanish artists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Francisco married Josefa Bayeu y SubГas.The couple had only one child; he received the name of Xavier. One of the most recognized paintings was the Third of May in 1808. The third of May, is one of the greatest testament to the honors of the war ever painted (Discovering the humanities page. 405) The oil canvas painting is shocking since it shows a terrible moment in the Spanish war versus French army. The French army invaded the Spanish, putting them in a line and they started to shoot, not asking questions just shooting.This painting is very controversial, because in the picture the very first thing that we can see are the terrifying faces of the Spanish moreover, the face of monk asking for marcy is symbolic because a monk in the hispanic culture mean church, religion and seeing him in his knees is unrespefull. Second, the symbolic lamb that is in the middle can reflect faith for Spanish in the moment. the fellow in the middle is calling all attention in the painting with the light on him with the white shirt and yellow pants and his terrifying gestures. Lastly, the french soldiers who are ready to kill the Spanish ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Biological Theory Of Psychology There are 5 renowned approaches to abnormal Psychology, each one is unique and have influenced each other in some way. Freud s approach infuriated psychologists, Watson felt it was not testable, Carl Rogers (Humanism) rejects Watson s (Behaviour) scientific method. Some approaches are practiced more than others, they all have their strength and weaknesses, different assumptions and treatments however, the end goal is the same. Finding the underlying cause of abnormal behaviour and applying treatment. I am going to explain the biological model, also known as the Medical model. The biological model views mental illnesses the same way it views physical illness. The biological model emphasises on the biological and physical bases of ... Show more content on ... A transmitter is a neurochemical that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. Norepinephrine, Dopamine and Serotonin are especially important when it comes to mental health issues. High levels of Norepinephrine and Dopamine are seen when a depressed mood is evident. Serotonin is thought to cause high anxiety when there is too much available. The Endocrine system releases hormones, in males if there s an imbalance in testosterone levels it is thought to cause high level of aggression. Third assumption is genetic predisposition. It was Charles Dawin who first introduced the idea that evolution and genetics play a role in human behaviour, natural selection influences whether certain behaviour patterns are passed down to future generations. Genetics are biological markers passed down from generation to generation that can influence a range of things, what colour eyes they have to whether they develop a mental disorder. There are many psychological disorders that are influenced by genetics, including schizophrenia, bipolar, Alzheimer s and anxiety disorders. Psychologists study the relationship between genes and mental heath in several ways. A couple of well known studies are the Minnesota Twin study identical twins (monozygotic) were raised separately and did not meet until they were 40 years old. The personality and temperament traits were surprisingly similar as if they were reared together. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Brothers Grimm s Cinderella Life lessons stick with people throughout their life even if they re derived from children s stories. There are valuable lessons in three versions of Cinderella, a beloved fairy tale around the world. Grimm s version of Cinderella published in 1812 was a very momentous tale among youngins in Germany. Korea s version of Cinderellapublished in 1990 was a widespread tale amount children in Korea. Disney s depiction of Cinderella was a popular tale amount kids in America. In each variation of Cinderella Grimm, Korea, and Disney one valuable theme stands out among all others. The Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella displays and proves a very simple but meaningful theme: if you do everything that you are asked to do you will be rewarded in the end. Before the readers could realize that this was the theme of the story the Grimm Brothers explained how the evil stepmom made Cinderella do extra work so she couldn t go to the ball, even though Cinderella did all the work her evil stepmother kept giving more and more so she definitely could not go to the ball. This theme was meant for children in Europe particularly Germany ... Show more content on ... The theme is meant to imply that you have to work and do what you re asked for a reward. The way the author showed this is when Pear Blossomed evil stepmother scatterers a bag of rice around the courtyard and says to pear blossom you have to hull this rice and polish it all or else you ll be put in a sack and sent back to china. (2) Later when she does all of this thanks to one of her bird friend s her stepmother was outraged and had her do more hard work to be able to go to the festival in town.This theme was meant for children in the 1990 s in Korea, because there was a lot of work to do in Korea in the 1990 s. This is why the author kept on bringing up that Pear Blossom had to do hard work such as hulling and polishing ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Admin Curse Short Story The Admin Curse Long ago, a few years after the Ender Plague, Creator Notch had finally completed the creation of the majority of the Worlds of Minecraftia. He had created it to be large enough for numerous players to roam about and live in it. He had become content with his creation, but he could not watch over every part of it by himself. He needed a form of assistance. Notch had handpicked a group of players who exemplified an excellent leading ability to assist him in the supervision of each section of the World of Minecraftia. This group preferred to call themselves administrators of these sections, or Admins for short. They spent many years carefully watching over each section of Minecraftia. The Admins had decided to elect a secondary leader who would answer directly to Notch and inform the other Admins of his requests. This would make the administration of Minecraftia more efficient. Notch ... Show more content on ... The armies marched across the Worlds of Minecraftia, cursing the land with Adminium as they marched. The Admin Armies had entered many sections uncharted by players and quickly invaded and took over these sections, enslaved the resident mobs to do the Leader s bidding, and began to terraform the land to build the Leader s Admin Towers. The Admins had soon created an empire, and the Admin Leader was their ruler. After thinking long and hard about the future of his empire, the Admin Leader decided that his army was not enough as it was. He needed more Admin Creations to join his ranks. He would do this without a second thought, but one problem arose: there were very few players left within Minecraftia, and what few remained went into hiding where the Admin Leader could not find them. For the future of his empire, he needed to find these players so that he could transform ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Tuban Missile Crisis It s hard to think that the press of a button by any world leader at any moment. You and everyone you knew would would disappear without any notice. Each country had their own nuclear weapons during the cold war and knew they could destroy each other but during the cuban missile crisis this was the closet both countries came to having an all out nuclear war. Destruction was feared the most for the 13 days it took place. After the failed attempt at attacking cubaknown as the bay of pigs, cuba asked for help from the ussr and they happily agreed. They secretly set up nuclear missiles in cuba to protect cuba and the soviet uniontook it as an advantage. On october 14, 1962 a U 2 spy plane was flying over Cuba and discovered a medium range missile being assembled. It was photographed ... Show more content on ... Kennedy also demanded a withdrawal of all the soviet missiles on cuba. This danger was a serious threat because the soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said that they would not send offensive weapons to cuba after the Bay of pigs and this made it clear that he was lying. Kennedy knew the gravest dangers were at hand and was shocked to find this out. It was such a danger because Cuba was only 90 miles away from Florida, this would be an advantage for the soviet union. He responded with a naval blockade surrounding Cuba. This is technically an act of war so they only stopped the missile carrying ships, the Soviet union was very mad so he wrote a letter to Kennedy The violation of freedom to use international waters and international airspace is an act of aggression which pushes mankind toward the abyss of world nuclear missile war It was a very tense time where both leaders were ready to launch an attack. With Kennedy demanding the removal of the missiles the soviet union would not budge. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Brand and Roy Morgan THE BANG OLUFSEN CASE STUDY Using the Roy Morgan Values Segments 1 to re position a brand Discover your edge By Colin Benjamin, Michele Levine, Simon Pownall Stuart Tolliday 1 Developed in conjunction with Colin Benjamin of The Horizon Network Bang Olufsen brand repositioning case study THE BANG OLUFSEN VALUE SEGMENTS CASE STUDY This report examines in detail the application of the theory of Roy Morgan Values Segments 1 between 1994 and 1997 to affect a change in the target customers for a prestige brand in the home entertainment industry, and so increase turnover and profits significantly above that which could be expected with a more of the same approach. Background Bang Olufsen is one of the oldest ... Show more content on ... The service backup is second to none with regard to spare parts availability, and customers fall in love with their products to the point that they will spend hundreds of dollars repairing fifteen and twenty year old equipment rather than replace it. The average time between purchases was over seven years, which meant that repeat business was hard to come by. The business in Australia was small, successful and profitable, with steady but unspectacular growth. By 1993, Bang Olufsen in Denmark had just completed a radical restructure, and the company, under a new young and aggressive management team was in the process of making a remarkable turn around from the brink of disaster. Following the massive restructuring program, Bang Olufsen was looking for significant growth opportunities. The main European markets were well established and it was assumed that there was limited opportunity for double digit growth, therefore it was decided to focus on the agency run markets and push some serious expansion into the Asian region. There had long been a belief held by Bang Olufsen Denmark (typical of many European based companies) that a country as large as Australia needed far wider coverage than just the main capital cities. In Denmark, a country of five million people, there were over 100 B O dealers, in fact one in almost every town, so they could not see why at least the top 50 towns and cities in Australia should ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Worth Of Sport Event Sponsorship A Journal of Management and Marketing Research The worth of sport event sponsorship: an event study Jin Woo Kim The University of Texas at Arlington Abstract The authors investigate the relationship between sports related event sponsorship and stock market valuation and identify factors that influence the financial rewards of sponsorship using World Cup and PGA tour sponsorship data. In particular, relationship between sports sponsorship with financial performance is examined in terms of sponsorship fit, event characteristics, and brand equity. Event study results show that sponsorship for World Cup and PGA is positively related to abnormal stock returns for sponsors but not every sponsor enjoys significantly positive cumulative abnormal ... Show more content on ... Sports sponsorship makes it possible to link the aspiration and passion of a target audience to specific sports (Arun, 2004). In general, sponsorship holds a unique position in the marketing mix because it is effective in building brand awareness, providing differentiated marketing platforms, facilitating direct business benefits and providing valuable networking and hospitality opportunities (ADREVIEW). The number of companies sponsoring events has increased over the past decade. However, it is somewhat unclear how the effectiveness of event marketing activities can be measured. As mentioned earlier, approach to sports sponsorship can be divided into two The worth of sport, Page 2 Journal of Management and Marketing Research research stream (see Table 1). One is the consumer psychology approach which incorporates effect of sports sponsorship in terms of consumers awareness, recognition, and behavioral intentions. The other approach focuses on grasping the potential contribution of sports sponsorship to positive or negative changes in stock price. The effect of sponsorship on firm value in the stock market can be investigated in financial perspective. Approach Consumer psychologic al approach Table 1. Literature Review on Sponsorship Effects Researchers Contents Speed and Conceptual framework about the effect of Thompson, sponsor event fit, perceived sincerity of the
  • 12. 2000 sponsor, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Benefits Of College Athletes A majority of college athletes is living in poverty and know the NCAA is exploiting their talents for financial gain. College athletes deserve more than a scholarship; their values, on average, are much greater, The fair market value of the average FBS football and basketball [player] was $121,048 and $265,027, respectively. ( Price of Poverty). More often than not, players know that they are not being treated fairly, often finding work arounds in the system to receive payments they feel they deserve. Top level athletes jump on the opportunity to go pro to be paid for their work, feeling there is no reward for sticking around to finish their degree in an impoverished environment. Although they are not professionals, college athletes would... Show more content on ... College athletes graduate at an abysmal rate, but improve under conditions where players received the equivalent of more money in private colleges. Today, athletes continue to grow impatient with the NCAA s strict regulation of paying athletes, so much that many have been driven to accepting under the table money from third parties. Although they are not professionals, college athletes would greatly benefit from being paid because it improves their financial security, increases their likelihood to complete their degree, and lessens their feeling of being exploited. In sum, the evidence displayed the necessary information to conclude and affirm the claim that college athletes are struggling in more ways than one, and the NCAA s outdated restrictions have lead to nothing but frustration of former and current ... Get more on ...
  • 14. An Example Of An Immigrant As A Refugee To be considered a refugee, one must be forcefully removed from their homeland through a fear of violent persecution or driven away by some form of armed conflict (UNHCR, 2016). Examples of this would be people being displaced by violent warfare or other political conflict in which their lives or well being may be at stake. In addition to this, such conditions may make it difficult, or even impossible, for these people to return to their home. On the other hand, migrants are defined as people who leave their homeland by choice without any threat of violence. Often, migrants hope to find a better life for their families by seeking out economic opportunity in a foreign land, and are not necessarily at risk if they were to return (UNHCR, 2016). ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Four Gospels Of Matthew, Luke, And John In the New Testament, the main figure Jesus Christ brings us the definitive truth about divine Revelation. In the New Testament the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the main witnesses to the life and teaching of Jesus, forms the heart of all writings and occupy a unique place in Church. It is a collection of 27 Books written in less than 100 years (51 to 105 A.D.) after Christ as a Missionary Handbook. In which proclaims the birth, growth and teachings of the Christian Church. The New Testament is a record of historical events, the good news events of the saving life of the Lord JesusChrist, His life, death, resurrection, ascension and how his work is continued in the world. This overall is explain and asserted by the apostles... Show more content on ... after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. It seems written for Jews to prove Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the coming of Messiah. Mark, is the earliest and shortest story of Jesus life, as it was written about 70 A.D. and publish after the fall of Jerusalem. Luke, was written about 75 A.D. It is present as for the Greeks to show Jesus as a universal saviour. John, written between 90 and 100 A.D. and is written for instruction of the early Christian Church, as it presents Jesus as the eternal Word of God who descended from heaven and became a man.. Then next follows The acts of the Apostles Peter and Paul which are the acts. After than are the 13 Epistles (letters) from Paul to Churches and people. This large section includes Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon. Then follows 8 Other Letters , which are the Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 john, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The last section is A Vision , which are the revelations. The Old Testament is the story of the preparation for the coming of Christ. The old Testament is filled with many sacred events, people and place. The Acts are the proclaiming the message of the Saviour who has ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Summary Of Destiny Of The Republic Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Medicine, Madness, and Murder of a President by Candice Millard is a non fiction book that explains the assassination of the 20th president of the United States, James Garfield. President Garfield was the second president to be murdered while serving a term in office. This book is exceptional because of the historical context it makes you feel as if Charles Guiteau is standing right in front of you with a gun pointed at the president. Personally, I never knew much about President Garfield, until I read Destiny of the Republic. The thing about this book is that Mr. Garfield is a person who I have come to love. I admire his courage and honesty. President Garfield grew up without much money but somehow managed to make it work; he did everything he could in order to get a good education. President Garfield s honesty was prevalent in almost every part of the book. There wasn t really any moment when Mr. Garfield wasn t honest. It was extraordinary how the author was able to intertwine multiple different stories into one book. She included President Garfield s assassination, Roscoe Conkling exploiting the spoils system in American government, Joseph Lister s journey with attempting a sterile environment while operating, and Alexander Graham Bell making a metal detector to try and find the bullet stuck inside the president. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Queen Guinevere Research Paper Love, betrayal, and death all describe one legendary queen s story. Queen Guinevere s love story, predominantly found in different types of literature, varies widely in many different portrayals, and is still used present day. Even though the stories details may vary, they all usually have the same tragic end. This makes Guinevereone of the most interesting characters to learn more about. The legend of Queen Guinevere is one of deep love and heavy heartbreak. It always ends in betrayal and death. However, the love story within is one of greatest told. She was married to King Arthurof Britain ( Guinevere. Compton s). However, she was not in love with him. She loved someone else named Sir Lancelot. He was King Arthur s closest knight ( Guinevere. ... Show more content on ... In some stories, Guinevere is abducted and King Arthur or Sir Lancelot comes to rescue her. In some cases this rescue leads to King Arthur s death. The abductor also varies from story to story. In some cases, it is Arthur s nephew, Mordred, who wants to take the throne from Arthur ( Guinevere. UXL Encyclopedia). In others, it is random people who want to get an edge up on the king. Regardless of the abductor, in stories where she is discussed and has to have a man come save her, it makes her seem less strong and capable. One more detail that changes from story to story is how Queen Guinevere is portrayed. All of the other details of the story help to justify this. She is either portrayed as loyal or betraying. In most cases, she is seen as betraying to King Arthur because of her affair ( Guinevere. UXL Encyclopedia). However, in others she is seen as loyal for not seeing Lancelot after her husband s death ( Guinevere. UXL Encyclopedia). How she is portrayed helps to realize the theme of the story and understand her character ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Report On Phr ( Personal Health Record ) INTRODUCTION: I am going to prepare a report on PHR (personal health record), What are its benefits and How it is useful.PHR is an E device used by the patients to maintain their health information in a safe and secure environment. This stands in opposite to the more likely used e medical record and data is operated by hospitals and contains data entered by physician or billing data to help insurance company. The proposition of a PHR is to give a total and brief outline of a patient s health history which is available on the internet. The information data on a PHR may consolidate patient reported result data, lab results, data from contraptions, for instance, remote electronic measuring scales or assembled inactively from an advanced cell phone. BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY: St. jon Medical Hospital: The development work of the another stage comprising of an 600 bed healing facility, Nurses lodging and living arrangements of Staff was begun in june 1977. The OPD were opened on July 8, 1985. From there on, the IPD were opened steadily. At the point when the last period of development was finished in 1989, the grounds had all the obliged offices. A theater, with 900 seats, was included 1999 as a remembrance of the Silver Jubilee of the hospital. At present St. Jon Medical Hospital has 1800 IPD beds, conveyed among the Departments of GM, GS, O G, Ped, CT Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Ophthal, Dermat, Dental Sx, Genito urinary Sx, ENT dept, kidny, Ortho, ICU, Cardiac, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Nicaraguan Revolution Research Question: To what extent was liberation theology a catalyst for the Nicaraguan Revolution? Historical Context of the Nicaraguan Revolution Somoza GarcГa gained support from the US through the assassination of Sandino and repression of a peasant movement and was elected President of Nicaragua in 1936. Under the Somozas, social stability was achieved through political schemes and brutal repression, which allowed for rapid economic growth in which the elite would benefit the most. Under the last Somoza dictator, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, corruption and human rights violations made the Nicaraguan government especially unpopular and led to the end of the Somoza dictatorship as the guerrilla Sandinistas eventually took over the Nicaraguan government. Both the... Show more content on ... It became a concern to some Bishops in Nicaragua that the Sandinistas would actually gain power after they overthrew the Somoza government, however if they rejected the Sandinistas movement they would be alienating themselves from the majority of the Catholic people who supported the Sandinistas and prevent the possibility of a relationship between the Sandinistas. So the support of the Sandinistas by Catholic bishops was a strategic one in order for the Church to have some influence over the Nicaraguan government. The political activism of the Church in Nicaragua was through collaboration with the Sandinistas. Students from the Revolutionary Christian Movement participated in the Sandinistas movement as soldiers and the clerical base leaders joined the movement as well as they collaborated with Sandinistas to end the struggles of the Nicaraguan ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Welfare And Economic Security Welfare and economic security are issues that have plagued every society, if an individual is too old to work, disabled, the family bread winner dies, or is involuntarily unemployed, societies have to deal with this, and usually the government has to step in to fix this issue (DeWitt 2010). The United States is a very interesting society to watch deal with a problem such as inequality as social and economic inequality has marked the American experience (Lewis 1993, pg. 4). The individualist and self reliant mindset emphasises the idea that individuals have the equal chance to wind up unequal (Lewis 1993). Equal opportunities for everyone mean that if you fail to take care of your family, it is no ones fault but your own. However, this... Show more content on ... This is reflected in aspects of American life such as private property, the free market, and welfare. Because of this, there has always been a distrust of government, gaining too much power and controlling the American way of life too much, and limiting the result of pure individualism. The gruelling system of checks and balances was put in place to control this very fear. The prospect of equal personal opportunity developed in the late nineteenth century, with names such as Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller made it big in their fields, after starting from so little in life (Lewis 1993). If an individual pursues their own self interests, they will indirectly promote the good of society (Smith 2013). The individualistic nature is ingrained deep in the American psyche and lifestyle. America has always been the land of equal opportunity for all. Society is benign and what you achieve in life is all on you. When it comes to the free market, the government is kept at bay, only stepping in to control monopolies from corrupting the system. When the market is left alone, it will adjust, this is the same mindset Americans have about themselves, leave people alone and they will adjust and get through themselves. America is a country based around fear. Fears of an imperial presidency emerging, of the government gaining too much power, and of the people rebelling. Inequality of initial opportunity is not taken into account. Parents give their kids every head start in life that ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Media Portrayal Of Beauty Some people occasionally feel that their own appearance is unacceptable to society because of what others are expecting based on published media. Those include, social media, published articles, and even movies and TV shows. The media s portrayal of beauty has had a generational effect on American society with young people falling victim to unrealistic standards. Failing to participate in these ideals can lead to non acceptance, ostracization, and even bullying due to the unfounded judgements of those who do participate in the beauty standards perpetuated by the media . As a matter of fact, research on the impact of those ideals have been done. Many of the studies have been made based on the outlook of people who would most likely be affected by the media, and their arguments refute the idea that the media doesn t impact people. The concept of having or being pressured into aiming for unrealistic visions based on what society deems acceptable is absurd and should be addressed. Although in the past decades, women have been the center of beauty, during the present time, the portrayal of beauty is no longer limited to females only. The vision of beauty applies to both male and female teenagers, young adults and adults. Based on what you own, dress like, and even the way you act determines if you are considered beautiful by the media. The ultimate goal of this paper is to explore the reasons on why media affect people, how some feel pressured into changing just for the fear of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Technology And Modern Society Sometimes in life, we have to learn how to take a joke. In a society where making fun of a serious issue is often looked down upon, people tend to lose their sense of humor and forget about maintaining a positive mindset. Although there are situations and events that should not be made fun of, there are still minor flaws in society that should be pointed out. One of these flaws is the way technology is being used by today s generation. Our minds are becoming consumed and preoccupied by modern technology. The advancement of technology has had an enormous impact on our world. Whether it has had a positive or negative impact is debatable, however, technology has indeed changed the lives of millions of people around the world. One journalist who efficiently managed to describe this issue is Peter Greene. Peter Greene is a contributor for the Huffington Post. His satire A Classroom of Tomorrow takes place in a classroom where the teacher is focusing his/her lesson more on the sponsored technology than actually teaching the children. This piece of satire was intriguing due to the fact that it focused on a concept that is prevalent in today s world. As technology continues to develop day by day, more questions about the use of technology arise. Technology is a pivotal aspect of modern society which is why Greene felt the need to talk about issues surrounding technology. This piece of satire also focusses on America s education system and the funding behind it. In the satire, the school prioritized sponsorships. If a student did not have a sponsorship deal, they were perceived as poor. As a result, they were not given the same quality of education as the other students who did have sponsorship deals. This issue corresponds with a larger issue in America which is the funding given to public schools. Schools are mostly funded by the local and state governments. The issue with this is that the poorer regions are given less funding for their schools. This drastically affects a student s learning experience since their quality of education and their access to resources are dependent on their financial situation. The main targets of this satire are poverty, the government, and the way people of this generation are ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Little Rock Nine Thesis Imagine if you were a young 15 year old girl or boy growing up in Little Rock, Arkansas and the Supreme Court just ruled that school segregation is unconstitutional. So you enroll in a previously white only school. As you enter on your first day of school, there are people outside that school yelling and screaming at you. There are armed men outside your schoolthat will not let you enter. You eventually get let in through a side door. The next thing that you know you are in the school and people are harassing you. When the day finally ends, you hate your life because you have to go back to school the next day. When you wake up the next morning though, you find out that for the rest of the school year you will need to be escorted by members... Show more content on ... Outside the school they would rally around the nine and create taunts to bring down the nine s moral (source #1). They would create mean or cruel nicknames for the nine (source #4). Many people wanted them gone, some parents wanted even kept their children home in protest to the nines being at the school. The white students mocked the African American students (source #4). They were mistreated so much that they were not allowed to enter through the front door, instead to enter the school they had to go through a side door (source #4). The nine were only allowed to enter because people were massing outside the school yelling and chanting at the nine to go away (source #4). One of the nine has said that a group of students trapped her in the bathroom and tried to burn her alive by dropping small pieces of paper that was on fire onto her (source #1). Some people hated them so much that when they saw them the white students might spit on them (source ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Liberal And Realist Interpretations Of The Period... Esau Quiroz Essay #1 When one begins to examine the period of 1815 until 1914 one will find that there are various interpretations of what transpired during this period. The two interpretations that will be examined in this analysis are the liberal and realist s interpretations of this period. The Liberal interpretation refers to this period as Pax Britannica. Liberals see this period as a time of peace and a time in which Britain became the first liberal hegemonic power. The relist interpretation seeks to demonstrate how this period was not entirely peaceful and demonstrate why they do not believe Britain can be referred to as a hegemonic power. This analysis will seek to demonstrate three separate notion the first being the similarities between Britain in the period between 1815 1914 and the modern day US dominated international system. The second notion will be to demonstrate how the liberal interpretation of this period is the most accurate, and to also demonstrate how the United States is the modern day hegemon. The third notion will be to demonstrate that a hegemonic power does not need to be the largest militarily. Before one may enter an analysis of the liberal and realist interpretations of the periods between 1815 and 1914 one must define what a hegemon is. Hegemony is when the predominance of one nation state over others is present. (FLS 8) In the eyes of liberals hegemonic powers are public goods as long as the hegemonic nation state is a liberal ... Get more on ...
  • 25. History And Background Of Bed Bath And Beyond History and Background Bed, Bath and Beyond is part of the Home Furnishing Stores Industry. This industry finished the 2016 year with $96.57 Billion in sales, a 3.4% increase over 2015. (Yahoo Finance, 2017) Per Yahoo Finance Bed Bath and Beyond Inc. leads the Home Furnishing Stores Industry in terms of market capitalization with a $5.8 Billion market cap. (Yahoo Finance, 20172) This industry is directly impacted by the housing market though despite the housing market crash in 2008, it has remained strong due to no debt and the introduction of online sales and mobile optimization of its online shopping platform. As the housing market slowly recovers from the rapid decline in 2008, Bed Bath and Beyond is gradually rising in terms of sales... Show more content on ... In 1987, The founders changed the name of the company to Bed Bath and Beyond to better reflect their superstore format. By 1991 Bed Bath and Beyond had opened 7 new superstores in New Jersey, California, Virginia, Illinois, Maryland, and Florida, and expanded two existing stores into the superstore format. The company s growth soared in the early 1990s, fueled by its ability to tap into hot marketing trends. Between 1989 and 1993 the company increased its number of stores from 24 to 38 in 11 states. (Company, n.d) Bed Bath Beyond went public on the NASDAQ exchange in June 1992, trading at $17 per share, and immediately became a Wall Street favorite, fueled by a rush of media coverage and the launch of a new Manhattan store. By May 1993 shares were trading around $32 as the company announced record sales for the year, an astonishing $216.7 million, with earnings of $15.9 million. In 1994 the company began offering small electric appliances such as coffee makers, hair dryers, toaster ovens, and vacuum cleaners, as well as other home accessories such as gourmet foods, clocks and lamps, further expanding its customer base and strengthening the chain s edge in the retail market. Today Bed Bath Beyond stock shares trade at $39.71, demonstrating a steady, gradual increase, despite some ups and downs along ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Chaucer s The Franklin s Tale from the Canterbury Tales Chaucer s The Franklin s Tale from the Canterbury Tales The Franklin s Tale, one of the many stories comprising the Canterbury Tales, is one of Chaucer s most celebrated and most contradictory works. This tale set in medieval Brittany narrates the uncanny marriage of the knight Arveragus and his lady Dorigen. This unlikely union was based on mutual trust, love and truthfulness and knew neither the rule of the lady that was typical of courtly love, nor the domination by the husband that was expected of a traditional marriage. In the controversial scene that will be discussed here, Arveragus orders Dorigen to give herself to a man to whom she had made the reckless promise of giving her love if he could accomplish an impossible deed. ... Show more content on ... In their vows Arveragus and Dorigen constantly refer to each other, as shows the presence of many pronouns: He freely gave his promise as a knight That he would never darken her delight By exercising his authority Against her will, or showing jealousy, [...] To which Dorigen replies: God grant there never be betwixt us twain, Through any fault of mine, dispute or strife. Sir, I will be your true and humble wife, (Chaucer 337 338) Trouthe is what the promise is based on but it is not the promise itself. The promise is respect and truth to each other, obedience but not authority. Finally, we should also note that Arveragus poses one condition to this agreement: that it should remain private and that it should never stain his honor. Save that his sovereignty in name upon her He should preserve, lest it should shame his honour. (Chaucer 338) After such an ideal marriage agreement comes the time to try its practicability. Arveragus leaves for two years of battle and noble deeds and Dorigen waits in worry and despair. So far, the marriage is safe. No one, not even his wife expected Arveragus to stay home by her side. The rules of knighthood compelled him to go fight. Derek Brewer, Professor Emeritus of English literature at the University of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Animal Assisted Therapy By Dr. Levinson Animal assisted therapy was created in 1792 to help patients in mental asylums to be able to interact with animals in peaceful environments and opportunities that otherwise they would not see. This was created by Dr. Levinson when he first saw a dog and boy that he had been treating interact with one another. This soon began to spread throughout the countries. It first arrived in the U.S. in 1944 through 1945 at a Hospital north of New York City, the hospital called Pawling army air force convalescent. The patients here interacted with farm animals such as horses and chickens. But with many things it took a long time before any data from places like this was collected. However it is becoming a more respected field among professionals ( Altschiller, D. 2011). It has been seen that pets can help calm people, lower blood pressure and they are great for people or children that cannot or do not relate well to other people. Pets may help patients recover from acute illness a study of patients following their discharge from the critical care unit found that 11 out of 39 patients without pets died within the subsequent year, compared with only three of 53 patients who had pets (Floyd, et al. 2003).There are many animals that can be used in pet therapybut we are going to mainly focus on dogs and horses. Therapy Dogs are people s pets registered with an organization such as Therapy Dogs International, founded in 1976, the dogs are temperament tested and insured by the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Research Paper On The Great Chicago Fire The Greatness of The Great Chicago Fire The Great Chicago Fire was a fire that kept growing and eventually burned a majority of Chicago. It destroyed over 40 acres of Chicago. Over 100,000 of the people living there were left homeless and around 300 people were killed. Around 17,500 buildings perished in the fire. The fire overall burned through about 4 acres of Chicago, taking out everything and most living things in its path. The fire started around 9 at night on October 8th. The fire started in or around the O Leary family s barn. Nobody even knows how the fire started, but there are many stories telling how. A very popular story says a cow kicked over a lantern in the barn which then caught the hay on fire then leading to the whole ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Globalization Is A Form Of A New Market As our world has grown increasingly interconnected the practices in the field of business have changed in a way never seen before in history. With a globalized economy come many advantages for the western countries at the forefront of this development. Inexpensive labor sources, countless potential business partners, and a larger pool of potential customers have drastically increased profits for Western corporations. However, with these benefits many have come to question the morality of this form of business. Many have cited these advantages as being extremely one sided and believe that a globalized market is simply a form of neo imperialism. As a result, business has become a balancing act with leaders of the economy expected to balance... Show more content on ... Aside from Pearl Harbor the mainland of the U.S. remained completely untouched (Timeline). During the war new life was breathed into the economy, factories were built to supply weapons causing employment to skyrocket (World War). As a result America was the only country that possessed an industrial system capable of supplying the tools necessary for rebuilding the world. Eisenhower began providing the countries left in shambles with aide manufactured by U.S. factories, establishing America as a global leader. Because of this aide and these country s lack of industry a system of global economic dependence on the United States began. The U.S. also began to help redevelop the economies and systems of self sufficiency within Western Germany, Japan, and Britain to help it combat the Soviet Union and its allies (BBC, History). All the while the profits of American corporations skyrocketed (Modern). By taking advantage of these countries in their state of weakness and their dependence on U.S. manufactured goods, America entered the Golden Age of Capitalism (Modern). With the war s end started an upward trend for the west, with the United States at the helm, towards worldwide financial hegemony. From the post war era to now America continued to utilize unsustainable business practices, leading to its position as the central economic hub of the world. With the top gross domestic ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Mayoral Political Campaigns Holbrook, T. M., and Weinschenk, A.C. 2013. Campaigns, Mobilization, and Turnout in Mayoral Elections. Political Research Quarterly 67(1): 42 55. Thesis: Political campaigns, campaign activities, and campaign spending drive turnout in mayoral elections. Theory: Voter turnout in local elections is relatively low compared to state and federal elections. Research that has been done on local level turnout has largely focused on institutional influences, such as nonpartisan elections, the form of government and timing of elections (Karnig and Walter, 1983; Marschall, 2010; Hajnal and Lewis, 2003). One aspect that has been missing is campaign influence on local mayoral election turnout. The influence of campaigns on turnout has primarily focused on presidential and congressional races (Holbrook and McClurg, 2005). Local elections are useful in that voters preexisting information of the elections and candidates are quite low and additional information from campaigns would reduce information costs associated with voting ... Show more content on ... Cities, 340 elections occurring in 144 cities from 1996 2011. The outcome, voter turnout in mayoral elections measured by the number of votes cast divided by the city s voting age population. Primary variables of interest, spending, is the amount of spending per capita and also look at spending gap between first and second place candidates, margin of victory, number of candidates, number of city council seats up for election, if election is a runoff election, if there is an incumbent on the ballot, and also account for institutional and socioeconomic variables. The authors use multivariate general least squares regressions first looking at mobilization, institutions, population characteristics, and turnout (Table1) followed by campaign determinants of competition (Table 2), effects of incumbent challengers spending (Table 3), and changes in campaign activities on voter turnout (Table ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of The Painting Cathedral Street The painting Cathedral Street, Woolloomooloo 56x29 cm was painted by Jeffery Smart. Jeffery Smart was born in Adelaide South Australia in 1921, he attended the South Australia School of Arts Crafts, and he finished school in 1941. He had travelled and studied in Europe from 1948 to 1950. Smart was involved in many things such as making the Australia radio and television program the Argonauts and also took a role in a program under the pseudonyms Phidias , he as a writer for the Daily Telegraph newspaper as an art critic. He lived in Italy in 1963, he s into fine arts, he sees paintingas a form of incarnation and a spirit man made in the world, I am trying to paint the real world I live, as beautifully as I can with my own... Show more content on ... There s only one figure in this painting and it s a lady sitting on her chair crossed legged at the left side near the door, she is the main subject matter. There is half painted window on the right side; the window has red Curtin s. Secondary colours and a bit of primary have been used, the wall of the house is mixed colours greyish and pinkish, the door is blue, and the boxes one is red and the other green. The pathway is dark grey. The lady s clothes are purple; she s also wearing pink shoes. In imageB ( Nighthawks ) there are Three customers sitting in a restaurant named Phillie s with one server unlike image A , the figures are the subject matters , these figures are three males and one female siting on the beach in the cafe , the one of them the opposite directions to other two customers while the cafe worker serves them drinks. The cafe is an organic shaped, buildings are at the opposite side of the cafe. The name of the cafe is on top of the cafe s building the letters are bold and delicate. There are chairs around the bench in the cafe. Image A B have windows, doors in their paintings. Both of them also have secondary colours. Image B s use of colours is different to image A s , image B has neutral colours , because the painting is night time the artist used darker colours , on the left side of the painting , where a building is the colour dark red runs across the building , which pops out and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Examples Of Diction In Beowulf Beowulf speaks volumes about the ways of life during the Anglo Saxon period. It is to England what Homer s Odyssey and Iliad are to Greece. It is, as some call it, the mother poem of England. This mother poem has been passed down through oral tradition for numerous years and scholars believe that an educated Christian monk transcribed the poem, preserving it in written form. Beowulfhas survived for nearly 1,300 years due to how well it conveys the Anglo Saxon culture and the unique characteristics of the poem in its imagery, tone, style and diction. This epic poem depicts picturesque imagery of various kinds. It is acutely gruesome in many instances, such as the battle with Grendel and the description of hell s captive and his mother. The... Show more content on ... With much alliteration, imaginative kennings, and caesura. The narrator uses strong alliteration and does so quite intricately, using single, double and triple alliterations at points throughout the poem; such as in lines 30 32, Then, when darkness had dropped, Grendel / Went up to Herot, wondering what the warriors / Would do in that hall when their drinking was done. (L. 30 32) The narrator frequently uses kennings in this poem. A kenning in Anglo Saxon literature is a metaphorical phrase or compound word that names an event, person, place, or thing indirectly. There are four different types of kennings that the narrator uses within Beowulf which are prepositional phrase (ex. shepherd of evil = Grendel, guardian of crime = Grendel), hyphenated compound (ex. sea road = the ocean, ring giver = king), possessive (ex. God s bright beacon = the sun), and open compound (ex. wakeful sleeper = Beowulf) kennings. A unique quality of the style of Beowulf is caesura, which is seen in nearly every line within the poem. Caesura is a characteristic of Old English poetry; it is a pause or a break within a line of poetry and it is usually indicated by the natural rhythm of the language. Alliteration coincides with caesura; usually the first stressed syllable before the caesura alliterates with the first stressed syllable after the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Analysis on the Lion King on Broadway Essay When I went to go see The Lion King on Broadway a few words came to mind after the play; amazing, stunning, and unbelievable! I was a little unsure at first, because I thought I was too young to see something from a Disney World production. I was also wondering how Disney was going to manage putting a film starring non human characters, into a three dimensional stage. However, using all their Disney magic with a little help from a great stage producer The Lion King Musical kept my attention all the way through with their; voice and diction, staging, and many other elements. Right from the beginning, wonderful costume and prop design showed through. The opening sequence starred Rafiki, played by Tsidii Le Loka, singing Circle of... Show more content on ... That is a theater moment, and having never seen the show before it really did give me chills. The rest of the first act moves briskly and features several other spectacular set pieces and musical numbers, although the second act was prolonged. This production of The Lion King features an incredibly talented cast, from the leads to the members of the chorus. You know you have a fantastic ensemble when the singers in the aisle during the entrance have voices and personality to match the lead actors. The dance crew also lives up to the challenging choreography. One of the break out stars among the leads are Adam Jacobs as adult Simba, possessed of a bright, clear voice and an inescapable presence from the second he swings on to the stage. J. Anthony Crane rivals Jeremy Irons droll sarcasm as Scar, and his physicality makes the most of his outstanding costume; as he shifts to and from his mask at Scar s most predatory moments. Dionne Randolph infuses King Mufasa with his big, boastful voice and imposing presence, but is remarkably tender in his moments with Young Simba. In addition, speaking of Young Simba, both of the young actors in the performance I attended Dusan Brown as Simba and Madai Monica Williams as Young Nala are amazingly talented actors, singers, and dancers with buckets of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Planet T Shirt Summary The Planet T Shirt contains five chapters that will show how a t shirt can travel the world. The first section talks about how cotton produces in Delta, Mississippi farm. America produces more cotton in the world, and 90 percent of the cotton is genetically modified. Technology has made a significant impact on the cotton farm; farmers use the machine to pick cotton. One cotton farm can produce nine million t shirtequivalent of every person in New York City. The second chapter is about the machine that makes the process of raw cotton. U.S. exports the cotton to different countries that produce fabrics. In the video, it shows various kind of machine that processes the cotton such as Trutzschlet Blendomat, Schlafhorst SE 8 OE Spinning machine, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. E Books Vs. Books E books are digital versions of traditional books which are available online and are readable on other electronic devices or computers. While, traditional books are paper books available at libraries or book stores. E books came into existence in 1930. The godfather of e book was Bob Brown, who named it as Readies . According to Desiree Dreeuws, in the 1960s, computer scientists developed what were called hypertext editing and file retrieval systems, which involved document hyperlinking and graphics. These systems are considered by many to be the first e books. Since then there has been an immense growth in technology world, which also boosted the usage of e books in the world. However, there has been still a huge argument on why e books are better than the books and what makes them so different yet very useful to humankind? There are always questions leading to e books because of its rapid growth in a short time. Technologies have a bright future and they are going to have growth in most aspects. According to Stephen king, The future is going to be what the future is going to be. So no matter how difficult it gets to switch from a book to an e book, people would have to do it to keep up with the progressing world. Despite of this, many people from age group of 60s or above still choose to read paper book, the traditional way. However, most of the youngsters and the elderly people have switched to e books from their paper books. The ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Subjective Expectation Of Privacy In The Fourth Amendment III.THE HANDGUN AND MAGAZINE SEIZED IN THE APARTMENT SHOULD BE SUPPRESSED BECAUSE THEY WERE OBTAINED UNJUSTIFIABLY WITHOUT A WARRANT AND AS A RESULT OF AN ILLEGAL SEARCH The defendant or proponent of a motion to suppress has the burden of establishing that his own Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the challenged search or seizure. (Rakas v. Illinois (1978) 439 U.S. 128, 131.) In other words, the Fourth Amendment depends on the property rights were violated because the person is claiming that they had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the invaded place. (Rakas v. Illinois, supra, 439 U.S. at p.143.) In order to prove that the defendant has standing to challenge the validity of a search, the defendant must show that there is an actual subjective expectation of privacy and that the subjective expectation of privacy is one that the society recognizes as reasonable. (Smith v. Maryland (1979) 442 U.S. 735, 740.) Additionally, under the Fourth Amendment, all warrantless searches are per se unreasonable unless there is a warrantless exception then officers need a warrant to conduct a search and seizure of a person s home. (U.S. Const. amend. IV.) (A)Mr. Meyers has Standing to Challenge the Search and Seizure of the handgun and Magazine because he holds a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in the Apartment where he has his Personal Belongings in. In Olson, the Supreme Court held that an overnight guest is alone enough to show that they have an expectation of privacy ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Prozac Side Effects Side effects Depending on medication and the individual; will have an impact on the side effect/s. The side effects for Prozac are usually anxiety, diarrhea, drowsiness, dyspepsia, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, tremor, weakness, headache, anorexia, decreased libido, xerostomia, and decreased appetite. Other side effects include bulimia nervosa, dizziness, skin rash, and diaphoresis. Side effects for citalopram would be drowsiness, nausea, insomnia, xerostomia, and diaphoresis. Additional side effects would be diarrhoea, ejaculatory disorder, anxiety, tremor, and vomiting. SSRIs, commonly side effects are nausea, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, weight change. Atypical antidepressants side effects include nausea, fatigue, weight gain, blurred ... Show more content on ... This helps to allocate their thought process of how they think and feel. This then guides the way it makes them feel also the thought process behind it. Emotion leads to behavior; which influences how we think and feel. M1 Evaluation Biological factors and cognitive factors; explaining the impacts of schizophrenia and depression. Biological Depression Genetic factors There is a research (Zhang et al.2005) supporting that there is a mutation within the gene that decreases the serotonin in the brain which is a common factor found in depressed patients. Found to be ten times more effective to individuals that have contained it within their genes than patients that was not. This gene erodes eighty percent of serotonin generated in the brain due to the presence of the mutant gene. The enzyme tryptophan hydroxlase 2; produces the serotonin levels in the brain. Caron et al had investigated that this gene was present within 9/87 patients with depression, with an exceptional 3/219 healthy controls. SSRI medication did not have a reaction with the medication as it did have an effect with the intake of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Summary Of Joe Kanty s Spunk Throughout the short story Spunk , Joe Kanty, (the husband of Lena Kanty) plays a certain role that deals a lot with disrespect, miscommunication, and the morals of specific boundaries that need to be set when dealing with the rights and wrong doings of your spouse. Joe is the type of character that sort of stays in his shell, meaning that he doesn t necessarily express his feelings as much as he might wantto. He is very scrawny and quiet, and is afraid to stick up for himself. As if he allows people to run over him because he s too shy or too trapped in himself to actually speak up about what s on his mindor bothering him the most. Joe would be the type to probably let someone walk all over him. He could say something to other characters in the story, and then as the reader, you might think to yourself he doesn t seem too sure , or he might not actually mean what he s saying, he s just trying to talk big in front of his friends, because in reality, he seems a little unsure of how he really wants to address his situation. With this being said, Joe could be gloomy when it comes down to the fact of him seeing his wifeand knowing that everyone else is seeing his wife with another man. The way he goes about addressing the fact though is harsh and he could ve handled the situation a little better than what he did. For example, in the story, after Walter and Elijah were talking to Joe about seeing his wife with another man, it said how he stood there silent for a long ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Ecclesiastes Word Vanity Essay In the book of Ecclesiastes, the word vanity is used almost thirty five times, compared to approximately twenty five times elsewhere in the Old Testament (Meek, n.d.). Furthermore, when a single word is used multiple times throughout a book in the Bible such as the word vanity, it is important to understand the word s contextual meaning to determine the biblical significance of the word vanity. Subsequently, in other books of the Bible the words vain, vanity, and vanities, are primarily associated with emptiness, worthlessness, wickedness, falseness, or a breath (Meek, n.d.). Therefore, in the analysis of the word vanity within the book of Ecclesiastes, I believe it is important to ascertain the identity of the person suspected of authoring this book to assist in the comprehension of the word vanity. Consequently, the author of book of Ecclesiastes was a teacher of wisdom and in Chapter 1 Verse 1, Qoheleth is... Show more content on ... Additionally, Qoheleth s message in the book of Ecclesiastes can be simply summarized as life is hard and humankind will never understand the fulfillment of life regardless of where they chose to seek happiness whether it is in work, pleasure, wisdom, wealth, and status (Longman, 2009). Moreover, the author is portraying humankind does not have a chance to understand the vanities of life before their death (Longman, 2009). Next, as we continue to understand the word vanity within the book of Ecclesiastes, many Christians interpret Qoheleth s emphasis on vanity or meaninglessness as a conclusion about a life without a God (Ortlund, 2013). Thus, Qoheleth s usage of the word vanity is synonymous with how he portrays life as under the sun and human accomplishment; therefore, no matter how hard we work the impact of lives dies with us in our grave (Ortlund, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Explain Stretegies to Overcome Barriers to Effective... Health And Social Care(Communication) . btec national diploma in health and social care level (1C)| Unit 1: Developing effective communication in health and social care| P4: explain strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.| | | For this question I am going to explain strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions. There are many different strategies can be used to overcome barriers of communication in a health and social care settings: 1. Building relationships and appropriate verbal and non verbal communication. It is very important ... Show more content on ... With this system blind people can read by running their fingers across the dots, and can write by impressing the raised dots into paper using a frame called Braille slate, or a Braille writer. Other possible strategies are: * Use language to describe things. * Assist people to describe things. * Explain details that sighted people might take for granted. * Check glasses. Other aids and equipment. Another example, people with hearing disability may use hearing aids. They are battery powered electronic devices with small microphones to pick up and increase the volume of sound received by a person. Also, text phones, relay systems and minicoms may be used for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Other possible strategies are: * Don t shout. Use normal clear speech and make sure your fase is visible for people who can lip read. * Show pictures or write messages. * Learn to sign (for people who used sign language). * Ask for help from, or employ, a communicator or interpreter for sign languages. * Check that hearing aids and equipment are working. For people with physical and intellectual disabilities may be used strategies, such as: * Increase your knowledge of disabilities. * Be calm and patient. * Use pictures and signs as well as clear, simple speech. * Set up group meeting where people can share speech. * Check that people do not become ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Freedom Of Speech According To The Bill Of Rights Freedom of speech has been part of a controversial debate for many decades. Whether or not limitations should be placed on people s freedom to voice their opinions has become a compelling discussion. The fact is that people feel that they have the right to full freedom of speech under the first Amendment. But the dangers of speaking ones mind did not present itself when the first Amendment was first created and now more than ever many view their freedom to speak as a tool to hurt others. So there should be limits on our freedom of speechbecause actions may speak louder than words but words have the power to hurt more. People have always valued their right to speak their mind. According to The Bill of Rights Institute, the Bill ... Show more content on ... In actuality it should be encouraged so that people don t bottle up their feelings. People need to express their opinions otherwise we would all listen to one person and not think for ourselves. But then you have those who speak with no filter; those who spit out words just to see someone crumble to the ground; those who we call bullies. According to Loyola University Chicago The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of expression yet we see how this guaranteed freedom often leads to dire consequences, such as grief induced suicides. Since the beginning of time we ve had people who would misuse their freedom of speech by judging others out loud with no shame but instead a feeling of pride and they defend themselves by saying that they have the right to say what they want, when they want. These people know nothing of the person they are laughing at or pushing around, they just feel they can so they will. For example, in the Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne, when Hester was released from prison the women in the crowd yelled to each other (page 61) Why, gossips, what is it but to laugh in the faces of our godly magistrates, and make a pride out of what they, worthy gentlemen, meant for a punishment? The women in the crowd judged her by how perfect she made the Scarlet Letter look and shouted to each other how the letter is not enough of a punishment. They called her names and judge her sin yet ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Beethoven 5th Symphony Essay Symphony No.5 in C minor, ensembles work by German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. Generally perceived by the unfavorable four note opening theme frequently translated as the musical appearance of fate knocking at the door. This hard hitting piece included flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, timpani, and groups of violins, piccolo, contrabassoon, and trombones. The rhythm of the 5th symphony was very important. Beethoven created a tempo allegro con brio (fast with spirit). I think him doing this worked well with this piece and made it that much more creative. As for the tone color, that s a hard one. There is no overall tone color for the whole symphony. The harmony was mainly minor mode. The notes were very present and it got easier to hear and notice the instruments once I listened to the symphony a few times. I feel like Beethoven s motive was the basic four note motive he introduced. Seems like he really took his time with this piece. He created the 5th symphony ... Show more content on ... This piece is extremely sensational and over the top, additionally quiet and settle. The fifth ensemble is erratic which makes it all the more energizing and fascinating to listen to. It begins intense, solid. What s more, straight forward, then switches and goes into a milder, more quiet vibe. Just about makes you need to waltz. This mix is mind boggling. I could hear verging on each instrument unmistakably and they all assumed a noteworthy part in this piece. Beethoven s utilization of these instruments made conceivable a more extensive scope of shading, magnificence, splendor, and the bigger the standard ensemble is one of the elements that makes this last development my most loved bit of Beethoven s music. I truly delighted in and acknowledged listening to Beethoven s fifth orchestra. It simply has such a great amount to ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Functional Group Decision Making Functional Group Decision Making(FDM) Definition FDM answers the basic question asked by the developers of this theory. Their question is as follows. Why do some groups make good decisions while others make bad ones? Their model argues that the answer to this question has to do with whether the group has successfully accomplished four functions, which they call requisite functions (pg.141). The four functions of this theory are problem analysis, goal setting, identify alternatives, and evaluate and select. Problem analysis is when the group focuses on the nature, extent and likely causes of the problem. This requires the group to be careful when differentiating between problems and the symptoms of the problems. Goal setting is when the group identifies what an ideal solution would look like. The group decides what elements are necessary and what elements are ideal but not necessary. Identifying alternatives is when the group generates a large number of possible solutions. This is when the group wants to brainstorm as many possible solutions, no matter what the quality of the solution is. Finally, evaluate and select is when the group evaluate each alternative using the established goals. Examples From The Film Goal setting is the first example that I found in the film. I saw this when the foreman says what the goal of the jury is and what is needed for the guilty or not guilty verdict. I saw that one of the jurors used problem analysis. This was when the juror started ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Jupiter Missile Crisis How close were we to another nuclear World War III? After the U.S. failed to dethrone Castro in Cuba with the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961, Kennedy s administration planned Operation Mongoose. While planning the operation, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev created a secret agreement with Cuban premier Fidel Castro, to place missiles in Cuba to prevent any invasion attempts. The missiles could launch over 1,000 miles and take the lives of approximately 80 million Americans. After U 2 spy planes discovered the missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy ordered a secret emergency meeting with his senior military, political, and diplomatic advisers. But to protect the U.S. from destruction, President Kennedy had two decisions to make. He either had to ... Show more content on ... invaded Cuba, they would then remove the missiles. However, he asserted giving the diplomatic channel more time. The same day that afternoon, ABC news correspondent reported to the White House that a Soviet agent suggested an agreement could be reached, where the Soviets would dismantle their missiles. As long as the U.S. promised not to invade the island. Later the evening, Khrushchev sent the president a resolution that had resembled the one that the news correspondent had reported. However, the next day, October 27, Khrushchev sent another message indicating that the Jupiter Missiles were to be removed from Turkey. Later that same day one of the U.S. U 2 jets was shot down over Cuba. President Kennedy and his advisers then planned an attack on Cuba. They decided to carry out the first message sent by Khrushchev, however, they would ignore the second message. Attorney General, Robert Kennedy met secretly with the Soviet Diplomat, Anatoly Dobrynin, and specified that the U.S. was already planning on removing the missiles in Turkey and that the information about the missiles could not be released to the public. The last day, October 28, Khrushchev issued a public statement stating the Cuban missiles would be removed. However, the blockade continued until the Soviets confirmed removal of the IL 28 Bombers from ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Sunflower Simon Wiesenthal Response The Holocaust was a genocide that occured from 1933 1945, and one of its survivors was Simon Wiesenthal. Wiesenthal was an architect before he was captured by the Nazis. After he was set free, he dedicated his life to finding Nazi war criminals and persecuting them in court. Later on in his life, he wrote a memoir, The Sunflower. It was about one of his many experiences at the Lemberg concentration camp where he got roped in to listening to a dynig SS soldier, Karl. Right before, Wiesenthal leaves Karl s room, Karl asks for Wiesenthal, on behalf of all the Jews he persecuted, for forgiveness. Wiesenthal left Karl s room without forgiving him, and then asks the readers, What would I have done? At the end of The Sunflower, people who Wiesenthal picked to respond to his question, had their answers published. The most interesting response was Jose Hobday s. Hobday believed that Wiesenthal should have apologized to Karl because it would have given Karl a sense of peace, making it easier for him to pass on. Hobday has the correct answer to Wiesenthal s question because even though all of the Jews that Karl persecuted are dead and will not be able to apologize to him in person, Karl just wants someone to know that he is sorry for his actions. Jose Hobday was a Franciscan nun of Seneca, Iroquois, and Seminole descent. She wrote about Catholic and Native American spirituality, and her writings have appeared in many publications such as Parabola, Cross Currents, The National ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Parli Self Evaluation Parli Self Evaluation This was the first time during my collegiate career giving a parli debate, so I thought it was very challenging to say the least. Some of the Improvements I could make were actually practicing the debate itself. I could also practice body language and making eye contact with the audience. Lastly, I could improve on my writingskills so I understand what I am trying to say when debating against the other team. A. A strong point that I feel like I done well on was how I used the proper format for debate. This allowed me to have a well laid out topic to present for the audience. This allowed the audience to follow along with what I was discussing. Overall, I felt like the parli debate was very challenging and I did not perform ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Pediatric Lead Poisoning Research Paper Introduction The lead was one of the first metals detected and used by humans. They figured out how to take advantage of it, by low melting points, which gave them the ability to form stable compounds that made it useful in the manufacture of hundreds of products. This commercial attractiveness has resulted in the processing of millions of tons of lead ore, leading to widespread dissemination of lead in the human environment. Despite its usefulness, the risks are more and worse than its benefits. The blood lead level (BLL) is the gold standard for determining health effects. However, the threshold level at which lead begins to cause biochemical, subclinical, or clinical disturbance is not yet determined. The Centers for Disease Control and... Show more content on ... Too much lead in the body of a child can cause lasting and severe problems. This causes weakness in some of the senses and can slow the child s growth. (1) Lead poisoning probably has the severest effect of chronic environmental illness in children. Despite efforts to control it, serious cases of lead poisoning still appear. (1) Lead poisoning is one of the most common and preventable pediatric health problems today. Etiology Human activities have been contributing to the widespread of lead. For example: burning fossil fuels, mining, and manufacturing. Lead was the key element in the synthesis of paint and gasoline and is still used in manufacturing batteries, roofing materials, pottery, pipes, solder, and some cosmetics. (1) In the upcoming paragraphs the most common factors of lead exposure will be listed and discussed: Lead paint: The leaded paint was commonly used until 1960 and mostly eliminated in 1978. It was the easiest way of exposure to large amounts of lead, and it was the most common sources. Such as the people who work in the field of pigment by exposure to it by breathing. For the children, they may chew on painted surfaces such as windowsills ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha It was a sign of growing up, when the dark made no more difference to you than the day. ― Roddy Doyle (page 278) This quote is from Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha is about a 10 year old boy named Patrick Clarke, but everyone calls him Paddy. This books setting is in 1968 s Dublin, Ireland. At the beginning of the book, Paddy is a cruel boy; he enjoys the Three Stooges, Geronimo, Father Damien and the Lepers, and also his favorite soccer player George Best. Paddy has challenges in life just like every other 10 year old boy he has problems at home, but when he s with his friends it s a different story. Paddy hangs around with his friends in his neighborhood and they just love to get into trouble, and... Show more content on ... The boys love playing around the neighborhood even though what they did was very chancy and they could have gotten in trouble. Though they occasionally got in trouble, they kept up with their crazy activities. School is also a big part of Paddy s life. Paddy believes that he is exceptionally smart and he thinks that he is smarter than his teacher Mr. Hennessey. Paddy thought that hw was so much smarter than Henno because he did everything that he was supposed to do. I listened. I watched. I did my homework. I came home at Friday lunchtime. I m in the best desk. It was true. I d made no mistakes all week. All my sums had been right. I d got through the twelve times table inside thirty seconds. (192) Paddy believes that he does everything he can to be as smart and superior as he thinks he is. Aside from Paddy thinking that he is superior, there are some crazy things that go one in school. An example would be when James O Keefe got in trouble for pruning. He had been caught doing it to Albert Genocci. Now he was going to talk about pruning. The shock made me forget to breathe... I know you are only playing when you do it, said Mister Finnucane. (109) Pruning was something that wasn t allowed in Paddy s school even though everyone thought that it was funny. School is very important to Paddy, with his smarts and ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Gravedigger # 2 In Shakespeare s Hamlet Name: Gravedigger Gravedigger #2 is a small, dreary looking man with a slouched back. At the age of 35, he still manages to make jokes about the way society is place. In the play, the script places gravedigger #2 as a nameless man but his real name is Bill Faller. Bill is 5 feet tall and weighs 135 pounds. He has dark, brown eyes as well as brown hair. He is very hygienic when it comes to his teeth. Bill comes from a family of hardworking workers. His father was a gravedigger as well as his grandfather. Bill has always wanted to reach his dream of going to college to become a lawyer. However, his father passed away when Bill was 17 and one of his father s wishes was to continue the grave digging job and to teach his son. He also wanted Bill to be the one to throw the last shovel of dirt on his grave when he was buried. Bill was very close to his father. He loved his mother but he felt a stronger connection ... Show more content on ... He is the Prince of Denmark and is 30 years old. Hamlet is hostile when it comes to his mother and uncle. He is intelligent, having studied at the University of Wittenberg and he also someone who is difficult to understand when it comes to decision making. Some of his choices are based on impulse while others are made off of fact and logical thinking. His mind is mysterious and difficult to comprehend. There is always an underlying message in the words that Hamlet speaks. Hamlet s father s death impacted him greatly while he was studying at the university. He is contemplative about life after death and trying to prove his uncle guilty of killing his father. Hamlet also turns into a madman sometimes in this play with his disapproved behavior. When Hamlet s mother remarried to his uncle after his father s death, his behavior changed. His attitude toward women became hostile and unfriendly. Overall. Hamlet is a very intelligent man, but there are times in his life where the mind will come before the ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Narcissistic Stereotypes The youngest generation obsesses over gaining approval in a way unprecedented by the past. This obsession stems from the increase of narcissistic attitudes found in children, including overconfidence, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy (Mayo Clinic Staff). The skyrocketing growth of social networking and the increase in the prevalence of superficial celebrities shown in the media only enhances narcissistic behaviors. However, these attitudes are initially caused by the actions of parents. An occurring shift in parenting styles centers around rewarding kids even when the child s amount of effort does not warrant praise. This type of award system fosters narcissistic attitudes that affect how kids interact with their surroundings,... Show more content on ... The biggest influence of personality are childhood experiences and the way in which parents choose to raise their kids. The shift in parenting styles contributes to the growing levels of narcissistic attitudes presented in the youngest generation. Because of the shift in values, the media evolved to highlight vain celebrities instead of focusing on the successes of brilliant, hard working people. Social media takes away the emotional involvement in relationships and replaces those feelings with shallow gratification that causes people to grow an unhealthy attachment to the social network. Nothing can replace the convenience of social media, but if society changes the way it views online relationships then the focus will shift from having online relationships to improving interpersonal communication. Narcissism is a problem that can be fixed with healthy role models and a positive, unselfish outlook that starts with how parents treat their children s successes and ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Essay about Symbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John... Symbolism in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck At first glance John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums seems to be a story of a woman whose niche is in the garden. Upon deeper inspection, the story reveals strong symbolisms of children, vulnerability, and connection being the most important, of the main character. Elisa Allen is the main character who is at her strongest and most proud in the garden and weakened when she becomes vulnerable and loses her connection to the outer world. Elisa shows a new aura of confidence when she makes this connection to a peddler, who also is the cause of her realization of reality and her crying. The chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa s children. She tends her garden and handles ... Show more content on ... She is happy and pleased by her ability to nurture the chrysanthemums as she would her children. Elisa s vulnerability is shown through her experience with the peddler shows an interest in the chrysanthemums when he describes them as a quick puff of colored smoke (223). By admiring the chrysanthemums, he figuratively admires Elisa Allen. The peddler gives Elisa a connection that she can t do with anyone else. By giving him the pot to put the chrysanthemum seedlings in, she gives him the symbol of her inner self. She begins to feel hope as the peddler leaves. She dresses up nice and prepares for her night out with her husband. This preparation process symbolizes that she is preparing for a change in her life. Her washing and dressing is symbolic of her transition. Tearing off her soiled clothes and flinging them into the corner, she scrubbed herself with a little block of pumice, legs and thighs, loins and chest and arms, until her skin was scratched and red. This is symbolic of Elisa coming out of her old being, releasing a newness she had become to know. She tightened her stomach and threw out her chest She put on her newest under clothing and her nicest stocking and the dress which was the symbol of her prettiness. She worked carefully on her hair, penciled her eyebrows and rouged her lips. All of this is brought about because one man took interest in her ... Get more on ...
  • 52. 101 Biofuel s Future Of The U.s. Jevanni CousinsProfessor ReidSCC 101 Biofuel s Future in the U.S. and the WorldOne of the major problems confronting the United States and the World today, is the growing lack of fossil fuels and the accrual emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. The United States is still dependent on fossil fuels today such as coaldespite numerous efforts to decrease that dependency, and are also relying on imported oil from multiple foreign countries particularly in the Middle East. The use of fossil fuelhas generated great anxiety in greenhouse gas emissions and governments from all over the world, including the United States which is leading the effort in combating this issue. The problems have grown so huge in this century that President Barack Obama made it a major initiative during his administration to overcome it. He once said we cannot drill our way to energy but must fast track investments in renewable sources of energy like solar power, wind power and advanced biofuels (Obama). In this paper, I will discuss biofuels, the types biofuels, along with its potential and challenges that it may face in our growing society. In recognition of the issues that exist due to fossil fuels, the United States elective bodies has been preaching the encouragement for the uses of biofuels, which has prompt an increase in the United States production of biofuels such as biodiesel, biobutanol, and ethanol. In many partsof the world today, the alternative ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine Versus... Abstract Eczema in paediatrics affects 25% of school going children in Singapore. It is a common skin disorder and the prevalence has increased over the years. Treatment options usually involve the use of corticosteroids in Western Medicine. Researches have shown that the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has increased widely in Singapore as an alternate treatment for eczema. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the two different treatment options, evaluating the duration, outcome and recurrence rate of eczema in paediatrics. A selective sampling will be used to obtain a total sample size of 50 participants from 2 different clinics. A questionnaire will be used to obtain data from parents awaiting... Show more content on ... Upon completion of the survey, a token of appreciation will be given to the parents to acknowledge their participation in this study. This will be in a form of a small notebook titled Eczema Diary which can be used to record the progress of their child during the course of treatment. After two months, the surveyors will contact the parents to follow up on the child s progress with the respective treatments based on the 3 follow up questions. Ethical implications We will first seek consent from the Head of Department in the respective clinics in order to conduct this study in the clinics. Upon approval, the surveyors will set up posters for advertisement purpose at the counter of the respective clinics. The surveyors will approach the parents awaiting consultation at the respective clinics. Upon conducting the survey, the surveyors will have to seek permission from the caregivers to conduct the survey. They will also need the parents consent to follow up with the progress of their child for a period of 2 months. The surveyors will need to get approval to have the parent s contact details so as to collect the data necessary for the study. Dissemination of results The findings will be reported to the Singapore Health Promotion Board. This will increase the public awareness for children with eczema and provide better outcomes about treatment options for eczema. Work plan This pilot study will take a total of 3 months. The first two weeks will be ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Example Of Class President Class president In 9th and 10th grade, I was chosen as a class president. I used to take account of students attendance, as well as their participation in activities. Science club Our science club mainly focuses on Olympiads and I have been a member since 7th grade. I usually spend 7 hours per week, but when Olympiads come near, this number can go up to 16 hours. Most students aren t interested in our club because to most people when they hear Hobby school, the first thing that comes into their mind is Debate Club, but I still am trying my best to appeal to other students and give them hope. Preparing for Olympiad is really tough and takes a long time. For example, I start my preparation for the national Olympiad from winter, ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Rawls Vs Norzick s Theory Essay 1.What are some important common ground, () both theorists utilize in constructing and ultimately defending their theories? Some important common ground both theorists utilize in constructing and defending their theories are that both talked about justice, liberty, and equality. Both Rawls and Norzick believe that justice, liberty, and equality would make a better society. Both talked strongly about a just society. Rawls and Norzick tried to figure out how to create a more just society. They also believed in moral side constraint. Lastly, they both touched on property rights. 2.By Characterizing his original position as the appropriate initial status quo what moral sensibilities does Rawl appeal to in order to advance his theory? Please ... Show more content on ... His second constraint states that they must be chosen behind a veil of ignorance. By placing the parties behind a veil of ignorance, Rawls believes that the choice situation will nullify the effects of specific contingencies that put men at odds. He also thinks it will tempt them to exploit social and natural circumstances to their own advantage. 3.Norzick s entitlement theory of justice place the appeal (main argument) of the theory by looking at two different beliefs/ behaviors in society to determine what is just. What are these two different beliefs/behaviors? Please explain each. How do they apply to the concept of the minimal state The entitlement theory of justice tells us that whatever arises from a just situation by just steps is itself just. Norzick s two beliefs are absolute property ownership rights. His other belief is redistribution rights. Norzicks belief of property ownership rights is the right of ownership over oneself and over things in the world. For example, in a class discussion, we talked about how if someone wanted to give their eye to someone who needs it, they have the right to do so because they absolute property ownership of their ... Get more on ...