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Ann DeMarle

Emergent Media Center
at Champlain College

Friday, November 22, 13

Hello, thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight.
I’m Ann DeMarle the Associate Dean of Emergent Media Center and the director of the Emergent Media Center at Champlain College (EMC).
Friday, November 22, 13

We have about 80-100 students working on a variety of projects at the EMC.
We believe in the inherent possibilities of youth to create meaningful solutions to Wicked Problems. What’s a wicked problem? It’s a term from the fields of
engineering and math.
Wicked Problems

Friday, November 22, 13

We have about 80-100 students working on a variety of projects at the EMC.
We believe in the inherent possibilities of youth to create meaningful solutions to Wicked Problems. What’s a wicked problem? It’s a term from the fields of
engineering and math.
“es un problema difícil o imposible de resolver
porque los requisitos suelen ser difíciles de
reconocer por incompletos, contradictorios, y
Friday, November 22, 13

Wicked Problems are problems that seem to have no solutions – I bet you can name a few – global warming, overpopulation, & economic inequity. We
challenge our students to tackle the “wicked problems” facing our collective future through technology married to the human touch.
“A problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.” —
“a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve
because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing
requirements that are often difficult to recognize.”
Friday, November 22, 13

Wicked Problems are problems that seem to have no solutions – I’m betting you can name a few – global warming, overpopulation, economic equity,
violence against women.. We challenge our students to tackle the “wicked problems” facing our collective future through technology married with the human
“A problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.” —
Friday, November 22, 13

We support them by providing a process and by building a collaborative team composed of students, faculty, staff and subject matter experts.
• Brainstorming
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
• Prototyping & Proposal
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
• Iterative Design
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
• Production
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
• User Testing
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
• Refinement
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
• Release
Friday, November 22, 13

A quick look at our development process
Masie Learning Summits:
Learning Apps
Friday, November 22, 13

A sampling of some of our projects our students have built include: apps for learning and health;
Center for Integration of Medical & Innovative Technology:
Emergency Response Simulator
Friday, November 22, 13

an online web training tool that simulates disasters and trains responders for emergencies;
This emergency response training project was developed in conjunction with the Center for Integration of Medical and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) at Massachusetts General Hospital
and is funded by the VHA Health Foundation. Using the National Incident Management System (NIMS), RIPS (Real-Time Incident Preparedness Simulator) seeks to go beyond other
instructional tools by delivering tense, engaging disaster scenarios. Players work together to resolve disasters, while a Disaster Moderator (DM) introduces additional challenges in the
form of on-the-fly modifications to the scenario. The DM also provides feedback and facilitates a thorough debriefing.
Open Sims Business Solutions
Friday, November 22, 13

a collaborative project management tool in the virtual world with IBM;
The Emergent Media Center at Champlain College and IBM began this project in the Fall of 2008.  A team  of students, along with faculty and staff support worked on creating unique
three-dimensional business solutions in the virtual world of OpenSim, an open-source version of the popular sim, Second Life.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Innovation Grant:
University of Vermont
Cystic Fibrosis Breath Biofeedback Games
Friday, November 22, 13

a video game and breathing device for children with Cystic Fibrosis;
In partnership with the UVM College of Medicine and Dr. Peter Bingham, the Emergent Media Center took an innovative approach to reaching children with Cystic Fibrosis by creating an
electronic game prototype encouraging the improved adoption of breathing exercises and furthering the research into the effectiveness of such a game.  This project has completed the
production stage and is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  LUDICROSS & CREEP FRONTIER

capacity in the patients,

These were proven successful at increasing motivation and lung
Ford Foundation:
Rural Economic Equity Game
Friday, November 22, 13

and currently the students are completing a project with the Ford Foundation that will enable rural communities to understand the concept of sustainability through
balancing economic value chains,
Friday, November 22, 13

But perhaps the most wicked problem the EMC has been asked to address was brought to us by the United Nations Population Fund and a partnering
organization Population Media Center.
The shooting of 14-year-old Pakistani Malala Yousufzai
Friday, November 22, 13

That of VAWG. as exemplified by the shooting of 14-year-old Pakistani Malala Yousufzai for being a public advocate of education for girls.
Its forms include:
Abuso Físico
EEUU: una mujer es golpeada (usualmente por su compañero de vida)
cada 15 segundos.
Globalmente, un mínimo de 1 de cada 3 mujeres y niñas es
golpeada o abusada sexualmente en su vida.
Los Niños que son testigos de la violencia de su padre son 10
veces más propensos a cometer abuso contra sus esposas de adultos.
Africa: hay más de 90 millones de mujeres y niñas víctimas de la
circuncisión femenina u otras formas de mutilación genital.
EEUU: 63.84% de las mujeres que reportan abuso desde la edad de
18 fueron víctimas del esposo, compañero de vida, novio, o en una cita.

Friday, November 22, 13

Physical Abuse
US: a women is battered (usually by an intimate partner) every 15 seconds.
Globally, at least 1 in every 3 women and girls is battered or sexually abused during her lifetime.
Boys who witness their father’s violence are 10 times more likely to commit abuse against their spouses as adults.
Africa: over 90 million women and girls that are victims of female circumcision or other forms of genital mutilation.
US: 63.84% of women reporting abuse from the age of 18 were victims of their husband, intimate partner, boyfriend, or on a date.
Physical Abuse
US: a women is battered (usually by an intimate partner) every 15
Globally, at least 1 in every 3 women and girls is battered or
sexually abused during her lifetime.
Boys who witness their father’s violence are 10 times more
likely to commit abuse against their spouses as adults.
Africa: over 90 million women and girls that are victims of female
circumcision or other forms of genital mutilation.
US: 63.84% of women reporting abuse from the age of 18 were
victims of their husband, intimate partner, boyfriend, or on a date.

Friday, November 22, 13

That of VAWG.
Physical Abuse
Tráfico Sexual
EEUU: se estima 17,500 mujeres, niños y niñas traficadas
anualmente para la explotación sexual o trabajo forzado.
4 millones de mujeres y niñas traficadas anualmente a nivel

Globalmente se calcula un millón de menores, en su mayoría niñas,
entran al comercio sexual cada año.

Friday, November 22, 13

Sex Trafficking
US: an estimated 17,500 women and children are trafficked annually for sexual exploitation or forced labor.
4 million women and girls are trafficked annually worldwide.
Globally an estimated one million children, mostly girls, enter the sex trade each year.
Sex Trafficking
US: an estimated 17,500 women and children are trafficked
annually for sexual exploitation or forced labor.
4 million women and girls are trafficked annually worldwide.
Globally an estimated one million children, mostly girls, enter the
sex trade each year.

Friday, November 22, 13

EEUU: 33% de víctimas de femicidio muertas a mano de su
compañero íntimo.
Al menos 60 millones de niñas se "pierden" en varias poblaciones,
mayormente en Asia, como resultado de abortos para seleccionar el
sexo, infanticidio o negligencia.
Zimbabwe: la violencia doméstica en más del 60% de casos de
asesinato que pasan por la corte en Harare.
"Asesinato por honor" acaba con las vidas de miles de mujeres
jóvenes cada año, principalmente en Noráfrica, Asia occidental y partes
del Sur de Asia.

Friday, November 22, 13

US: 33% of female homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner.
At least 60 million girls are "missing" from various populations, mostly in Asia, as a result of sex-selective abortions, infanticide or neglect.
Zimbabwe: domestic violence accounts for more than 60% of murder cases that go through the high court in Harare.
"Honour killings" end the lives of thousands of young women every year, mainly in North Africa, Western Asia and parts of South Asia.
US: 33% of female homicide victims are killed by an intimate
At least 60 million girls are "missing" from various populations,
mostly in Asia, as a result of sex-selective abortions, infanticide or
Zimbabwe: domestic violence accounts for more than 60% of
murder cases that go through the high court in Harare.
"Honour killings" end the lives of thousands of young women
every year, mainly in North Africa, Western Asia and parts of South Asia.

Friday, November 22, 13

Friday, November 22, 13

This is an issue that I am not isolated from. Just two years before we began this project, in relatively crime free Burlington, VT, we lost a colleague at the
Laura Winterbottom, a quiet colleague from Champlain’s marketing department. She was abducted and murdered by a stranger after leaving her sister after
dinner out.
Friday, November 22, 13

This is an issue that I am not isolated from. Just two years before we began this project, in relatively crime free Burlington, VT, we lost a colleague at the
Laura Winterbottom, a quiet colleague from Champlain’s marketing department. She was abducted and murdered by a stranger after leaving her sister after
dinner out.
Friday, November 22, 13
Friday, November 22, 13

Together with the UN and PMC, the solution we created is BREAKAWAY: the game to address violence against women and girls. It brings us here this week.
A project developed by 120+ student developers and volunteers to include translators, musicians, and marketing professionals.
Friday, November 22, 13

BREAKAWAY is an official tool of the UN’s UNiTE campaign to End VAWG
Metas del Proyecto:
Cambio del
1. Concientización
2. Rendición de cuentas
3. Actitud y cambio de comportamiento
4. Incidencia

Friday, November 22, 13

Many programs focus on victims. Yet the UN has identified VAW as a key driver of worldwide poverty. So we’re taking a different tack - our goal is to change the
attitudes & behavior of men and boys. Its designed to educate during the critical social development years of 8 -15 years old.
Its Goal is Behavior Shift in a stepped approach:
1. Awareness
2. Personal Accountability
3. Attitude & Behavior Change
4. Advocacy
Project Goals:
Behavior Shift
2.Personal Accountability
3.Attitude & Behavior Change

Friday, November 22, 13

Many programs focus on victims. Yet the UN has identified VAW as a key driver of worldwide poverty. So we’re taking a different tack - our goal is to change the
attitudes & behavior of men and boys. Its designed to educate during the critical social development years of 8 -14 years old.
Why Games?
Experiential Learning
• Identification with
• Role playing real life
• Active decision making =
critical thinking
• Reflection & storytelling

Friday, November 22, 13

The solution relies on the medium that speaks directly to boys—video games. They are powerful learning tools.
• Entertainment Education
• Social Change
• Role Modeling:
• Positive
• Negative
• Transitional
• Narrative 70/30 rule

Friday, November 22, 13

The solution also depends on a behavioral methodology developed in LAtin American proven to be effective when used in a linear format of radio & video
• Player becomes the Transitional Character.
• Interactivity leads to decision-making.
• Player experiences cause and effect.

Friday, November 22, 13

Joining games & Sabido produces brings unique strengths for social change
Friday, November 22, 13

The project brought forward some HUGE challenges to concept & development: How do you create a first person game that is meant to appeal to EVERY
boy in the world?
What cultural language supports a world audience? An audience with widely disparate world-views and economic opportunities. In traveling to the
townships of South Africa in an early phase of discovery, the students recognized their answer. The universal language would be that of
Friday, November 22, 13

Soccer! The team’s solution is a free web delivered soccer game — most popular sport worldwide and with national teams in more countries than the UN is
Our player has the chance in the game to make heroic decisions – decisions of self-discovery – that impact the final game score, the team’s
outcome in the championship, AND gauges their growth in terms of the issue of violence against women and girls.
Desafíos: un público mundial
• Tecnología-sistema de entrega
• Relato universal-tema
• Contexto-puede ser la cancha de
cualquier niño?
• Etnicidad — estereotipos
• Vestimenta — religión— que sea aceptable
• Sin implicaciones románticas ni sexuales
• Cómo se presentan a las niñas
• Sin presentar acciones violentas
• Idioma y localización
• Sin socio de relaciones públicas
• Brechas en el financiamiento
Friday, November 22, 13

In designing the game we had many challenges/ Specifically our challenges mostly centered on storytelling, player choice, distribution, & asset management.
Technology—delivery system I Universal story—theme I Setting—could this be every boy’s home turf? I Ethnicity — stereotypes I Clothing — religion
—cool factor I No romantic or sexual implications I Portrayal of girls not as victims I No violent actions I Language & localization I No PR partner I
Funding gaps
Friday, November 22, 13

BREAKAWAY’s solution is based on the age old dilemma of peer pressure - who do you side with & who will hang out with you?
Friday, November 22, 13

The game system is based on an interactive narrative and a series of skill-building mini-games (shooting, defending, tackling). Choices in these determine you
and your team’s chances at winning the longer play soccer matches.
Friday, November 22, 13

As the player, you make choices on how to treat the girls in the narrative. These decisions determine which team mates you practice with and therefore what
soccer skills you learn from your team mates. Literally you can not win if you do not become a champion for the girls in the narrative.
Friday, November 22, 13

In BREAKAWAY, the issue of violence against women is never explicitly conveyed & it does not demand the boys to take on adult violence. In fact to the boys, our
players, the theme is soccer. Created for global distribution BREAKAWAY was launched with the World Cup in 2010. International soccer star, Samuel Eto’o is the
game’s spokesperson and a walk-on character in the game!
Online Top 20 Countries:
American Samoa
Albania & India (tied)
Australia, France & Pakistan (tied)
Morocco & South Africa (tied)
Friday, November 22, 13

After three years of development, the game was released as 13 episodes and 4 languages. To date has been played online in over 180 countries....letting us
know that we had created a universal story.
•49% under 18 years old
•31% female, 64% male
•88% more positive choices
Friday, November 22, 13

Of those players:
• Age: 49% age 18 or under
• Gender Breakdown: 31% female, 64% male, 5% do not report gender
• Over 88% of players made more positive choices than negative choice
On the ground partnerships:
• UNDP El Salvador
• University of Sonsonate
• Network of Municipalities, Sonsonate
• City of Hebron, Palestine
• Fundacion Privada Samuel Eto’o
• Grassroots Soccer
• Ikamva Youth
• ManUp Campaign
• Streetfootballworld
• Restless Development
• Sinethemba Secondary School
• Bishop’s Preparatory School
Friday, November 22, 13

Through on the ground partnerships over 750 CDs have been distributed during World Cup and another 200,000 for distribution are free to groups that
wish to incorporate the game into their programs through the UNFPA country offices.
Facilitator’s Guide
Friday, November 22, 13

The team also developed a free online is a newly developed Facilitators Guide for groups to incorporate the game into their educational programs. It
increases the reflective capacity of the game experience and brings forward support systems for change within real life.
The Camp Model
Friday, November 22, 13

In the summer of 2011, one of my students Mahmoud Jabari with us here this week, successfully organized and ran a suite of BREAKAWAY summer
camps for over 120 youth in the divided West Bank city of Hebron. Though even the camp facilitators disagreed as to the role of women in society, they
agreed to one key concept – respect for each other’s opinions.
The Camp Model
Friday, November 22, 13

Some children in the camp disagreed so forcefully with even the idea of girls being able to play sports that they would not attend discussions or
The Camp Model
Friday, November 22, 13

– that is at first. They continued to play BREAKAWAY and drawn in by soccer and the game narrative and the
Respect changes attitudes
Friday, November 22, 13

respectful approach of the facilitators, these children changed their attitudes
Respect changes attitudes
Friday, November 22, 13

and behavior – to the point of actually playing soccer alongside the girls.
Friday, November 22, 13

In the online and the facilitated camp model we’ve witnessed positive attitude shift:
as 13 YO Foluso said after playing the online game:
and from 12 yo Haroun after playing through the Hebron camps:
“It has shown me that it is not about how good your soccer skills
are. It is about attitude, teamwork & determination.
What you do when you are not on the pitch is important as well.”
—Foluso, age 13, England
Friday, November 22, 13

In the online and the facilitated camp model we’ve witnessed positive attitude shift:
as 13 YO Foluso said after playing the online game:
and from 12 yo Haroun after playing through the Hebron camps:
“I told my friends about how great this
game is & I shared with them that
violence against women is negative &
how to make right decisions.”
—Haroun, age 12, Hebron

“It has shown me that it is not about how good your soccer skills
are. It is about attitude, teamwork & determination.
What you do when you are not on the pitch is important as well.”
—Foluso, age 13, England
Friday, November 22, 13

In the online and the facilitated camp model we’ve witnessed positive attitude shift:
as 13 YO Foluso said after playing the online game:
and from 12 yo Haroun after playing through the Hebron camps:
Friday, November 22, 13

So it is our pleasure to partner...
Friday, November 22, 13

with UNDP, University of Sonsonate, and the Network of 5 Municipalities of Sonsonate...
Facilitator Training &
Youth Camps in Sonsonate
Friday, November 22, 13

to offer facilitator training and youth camps. Here in El Salvador we’ve trained 45 Facilitators - now referees and over 70 children are participating in the youth
Game Play
Friday, November 22, 13

The camp model has been fine-tuned and includes: Game play
Learning Activities
Friday, November 22, 13

Learning activities that reinforce the concepts in the game’s episodes.
Friday, November 22, 13

Friday, November 22, 13

and reflective dialogue that builds on personal experiences.
Friday, November 22, 13
Next Steps:
Breakaway Initiative

• Impact Assessment
• On the ground partnerships
• Broad Distribution
Friday, November 22, 13
“It has shown me that it is not about how good your soccer skills are. It is
about attitude, teamwork and determination. What you do when you are
not on the pitch is important as well.”
—Foluso, age 13, England
Friday, November 22, 13
Become a
Champion for
Ann DeMarle

Friday, November 22, 13

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DeMarle- BREAKAWAY game and camp model El Salvador Nov. 2013

  • 1. Creating Champions Ann DeMarle Emergent Media Center at Champlain College Friday, November 22, 13 Hello, thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight. I’m Ann DeMarle the Associate Dean of Emergent Media Center and the director of the Emergent Media Center at Champlain College (EMC).
  • 2. Friday, November 22, 13 We have about 80-100 students working on a variety of projects at the EMC. We believe in the inherent possibilities of youth to create meaningful solutions to Wicked Problems. What’s a wicked problem? It’s a term from the fields of engineering and math.
  • 3. Wicked Problems Friday, November 22, 13 We have about 80-100 students working on a variety of projects at the EMC. We believe in the inherent possibilities of youth to create meaningful solutions to Wicked Problems. What’s a wicked problem? It’s a term from the fields of engineering and math.
  • 4. “es un problema difícil o imposible de resolver porque los requisitos suelen ser difíciles de reconocer por incompletos, contradictorios, y cambiantes.” — Friday, November 22, 13 Wicked Problems are problems that seem to have no solutions – I bet you can name a few – global warming, overpopulation, & economic inequity. We challenge our students to tackle the “wicked problems” facing our collective future through technology married to the human touch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “A problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.” —
  • 5. “a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.” — Friday, November 22, 13 Wicked Problems are problems that seem to have no solutions – I’m betting you can name a few – global warming, overpopulation, economic equity, violence against women.. We challenge our students to tackle the “wicked problems” facing our collective future through technology married with the human touch. “A problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.” —
  • 6. Friday, November 22, 13 We support them by providing a process and by building a collaborative team composed of students, faculty, staff and subject matter experts.
  • 7. • Brainstorming Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 8. • Prototyping & Proposal Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 9. • Iterative Design Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 10. • Production Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 11. • User Testing Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 12. • Refinement Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 13. • Release Friday, November 22, 13 A quick look at our development process
  • 14. Masie Learning Summits: Learning Apps Friday, November 22, 13 A sampling of some of our projects our students have built include: apps for learning and health;
  • 15. Center for Integration of Medical & Innovative Technology: Emergency Response Simulator Friday, November 22, 13 an online web training tool that simulates disasters and trains responders for emergencies; This emergency response training project was developed in conjunction with the Center for Integration of Medical and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) at Massachusetts General Hospital and is funded by the VHA Health Foundation. Using the National Incident Management System (NIMS), RIPS (Real-Time Incident Preparedness Simulator) seeks to go beyond other instructional tools by delivering tense, engaging disaster scenarios. Players work together to resolve disasters, while a Disaster Moderator (DM) introduces additional challenges in the form of on-the-fly modifications to the scenario. The DM also provides feedback and facilitates a thorough debriefing.
  • 16. IBM: Open Sims Business Solutions Friday, November 22, 13 a collaborative project management tool in the virtual world with IBM; The Emergent Media Center at Champlain College and IBM began this project in the Fall of 2008.  A team  of students, along with faculty and staff support worked on creating unique three-dimensional business solutions in the virtual world of OpenSim, an open-source version of the popular sim, Second Life.
  • 17. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Innovation Grant: University of Vermont Cystic Fibrosis Breath Biofeedback Games Friday, November 22, 13 a video game and breathing device for children with Cystic Fibrosis; In partnership with the UVM College of Medicine and Dr. Peter Bingham, the Emergent Media Center took an innovative approach to reaching children with Cystic Fibrosis by creating an electronic game prototype encouraging the improved adoption of breathing exercises and furthering the research into the effectiveness of such a game.  This project has completed the production stage and is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  LUDICROSS & CREEP FRONTIER capacity in the patients, These were proven successful at increasing motivation and lung
  • 18. Ford Foundation: Rural Economic Equity Game Friday, November 22, 13 and currently the students are completing a project with the Ford Foundation that will enable rural communities to understand the concept of sustainability through balancing economic value chains,
  • 19. Friday, November 22, 13 But perhaps the most wicked problem the EMC has been asked to address was brought to us by the United Nations Population Fund and a partnering organization Population Media Center.
  • 20. The shooting of 14-year-old Pakistani Malala Yousufzai Friday, November 22, 13 That of VAWG. as exemplified by the shooting of 14-year-old Pakistani Malala Yousufzai for being a public advocate of education for girls. Its forms include:
  • 21. Abuso Físico EEUU: una mujer es golpeada (usualmente por su compañero de vida) cada 15 segundos. Globalmente, un mínimo de 1 de cada 3 mujeres y niñas es golpeada o abusada sexualmente en su vida. Los Niños que son testigos de la violencia de su padre son 10 veces más propensos a cometer abuso contra sus esposas de adultos. Africa: hay más de 90 millones de mujeres y niñas víctimas de la circuncisión femenina u otras formas de mutilación genital. EEUU: 63.84% de las mujeres que reportan abuso desde la edad de 18 fueron víctimas del esposo, compañero de vida, novio, o en una cita. Friday, November 22, 13 Physical Abuse US: a women is battered (usually by an intimate partner) every 15 seconds. Globally, at least 1 in every 3 women and girls is battered or sexually abused during her lifetime. Boys who witness their father’s violence are 10 times more likely to commit abuse against their spouses as adults. Africa: over 90 million women and girls that are victims of female circumcision or other forms of genital mutilation. US: 63.84% of women reporting abuse from the age of 18 were victims of their husband, intimate partner, boyfriend, or on a date.
  • 22. Physical Abuse US: a women is battered (usually by an intimate partner) every 15 seconds. Globally, at least 1 in every 3 women and girls is battered or sexually abused during her lifetime. Boys who witness their father’s violence are 10 times more likely to commit abuse against their spouses as adults. Africa: over 90 million women and girls that are victims of female circumcision or other forms of genital mutilation. US: 63.84% of women reporting abuse from the age of 18 were victims of their husband, intimate partner, boyfriend, or on a date. Friday, November 22, 13 That of VAWG. Physical Abuse
  • 23. Tráfico Sexual EEUU: se estima 17,500 mujeres, niños y niñas traficadas anualmente para la explotación sexual o trabajo forzado. 4 millones de mujeres y niñas traficadas anualmente a nivel mundial. Globalmente se calcula un millón de menores, en su mayoría niñas, entran al comercio sexual cada año. Friday, November 22, 13 Sex Trafficking US: an estimated 17,500 women and children are trafficked annually for sexual exploitation or forced labor. 4 million women and girls are trafficked annually worldwide. Globally an estimated one million children, mostly girls, enter the sex trade each year.
  • 24. Sex Trafficking US: an estimated 17,500 women and children are trafficked annually for sexual exploitation or forced labor. 4 million women and girls are trafficked annually worldwide. Globally an estimated one million children, mostly girls, enter the sex trade each year. Friday, November 22, 13 Sex Traffickin g
  • 25. Asesinato EEUU: 33% de víctimas de femicidio muertas a mano de su compañero íntimo. Al menos 60 millones de niñas se "pierden" en varias poblaciones, mayormente en Asia, como resultado de abortos para seleccionar el sexo, infanticidio o negligencia. Zimbabwe: la violencia doméstica en más del 60% de casos de asesinato que pasan por la corte en Harare. "Asesinato por honor" acaba con las vidas de miles de mujeres jóvenes cada año, principalmente en Noráfrica, Asia occidental y partes del Sur de Asia. Friday, November 22, 13 Murder US: 33% of female homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner. At least 60 million girls are "missing" from various populations, mostly in Asia, as a result of sex-selective abortions, infanticide or neglect. Zimbabwe: domestic violence accounts for more than 60% of murder cases that go through the high court in Harare. "Honour killings" end the lives of thousands of young women every year, mainly in North Africa, Western Asia and parts of South Asia.
  • 26. Murder US: 33% of female homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner. At least 60 million girls are "missing" from various populations, mostly in Asia, as a result of sex-selective abortions, infanticide or neglect. Zimbabwe: domestic violence accounts for more than 60% of murder cases that go through the high court in Harare. "Honour killings" end the lives of thousands of young women every year, mainly in North Africa, Western Asia and parts of South Asia. Friday, November 22, 13 M ur de r
  • 27. Friday, November 22, 13 This is an issue that I am not isolated from. Just two years before we began this project, in relatively crime free Burlington, VT, we lost a colleague at the college, Laura Winterbottom, a quiet colleague from Champlain’s marketing department. She was abducted and murdered by a stranger after leaving her sister after dinner out.
  • 28. Friday, November 22, 13 This is an issue that I am not isolated from. Just two years before we began this project, in relatively crime free Burlington, VT, we lost a colleague at the college, Laura Winterbottom, a quiet colleague from Champlain’s marketing department. She was abducted and murdered by a stranger after leaving her sister after dinner out.
  • 30. Friday, November 22, 13 Together with the UN and PMC, the solution we created is BREAKAWAY: the game to address violence against women and girls. It brings us here this week. A project developed by 120+ student developers and volunteers to include translators, musicians, and marketing professionals.
  • 31. Friday, November 22, 13 BREAKAWAY is an official tool of the UN’s UNiTE campaign to End VAWG
  • 32. Metas del Proyecto: Cambio del comportamiento 1. Concientización 2. Rendición de cuentas 3. Actitud y cambio de comportamiento 4. Incidencia Friday, November 22, 13 Many programs focus on victims. Yet the UN has identified VAW as a key driver of worldwide poverty. So we’re taking a different tack - our goal is to change the attitudes & behavior of men and boys. Its designed to educate during the critical social development years of 8 -15 years old. Its Goal is Behavior Shift in a stepped approach: 1. Awareness 2. Personal Accountability 3. Attitude & Behavior Change 4. Advocacy
  • 33. Project Goals: Behavior Shift 1.Awareness 2.Personal Accountability 3.Attitude & Behavior Change 4.Advocacy Friday, November 22, 13 Many programs focus on victims. Yet the UN has identified VAW as a key driver of worldwide poverty. So we’re taking a different tack - our goal is to change the attitudes & behavior of men and boys. Its designed to educate during the critical social development years of 8 -14 years old.
  • 34. Why Games? Experiential Learning • Identification with characters • Role playing real life situations • Active decision making = critical thinking • Reflection & storytelling Friday, November 22, 13 The solution relies on the medium that speaks directly to boys—video games. They are powerful learning tools.
  • 35. Sabido Methodology • Entertainment Education • Social Change • Role Modeling: • Positive • Negative • Transitional • Narrative 70/30 rule Friday, November 22, 13 The solution also depends on a behavioral methodology developed in LAtin American proven to be effective when used in a linear format of radio & video
  • 36. • Player becomes the Transitional Character. • Interactivity leads to decision-making. • Player experiences cause and effect. Friday, November 22, 13 Joining games & Sabido produces brings unique strengths for social change
  • 37. Friday, November 22, 13 The project brought forward some HUGE challenges to concept & development: How do you create a first person game that is meant to appeal to EVERY boy in the world? What cultural language supports a world audience? An audience with widely disparate world-views and economic opportunities. In traveling to the townships of South Africa in an early phase of discovery, the students recognized their answer. The universal language would be that of
  • 38. Friday, November 22, 13 Soccer! The team’s solution is a free web delivered soccer game — most popular sport worldwide and with national teams in more countries than the UN is in. Our player has the chance in the game to make heroic decisions – decisions of self-discovery – that impact the final game score, the team’s outcome in the championship, AND gauges their growth in terms of the issue of violence against women and girls.
  • 39. Desafíos: un público mundial • Tecnología-sistema de entrega • Relato universal-tema • Contexto-puede ser la cancha de cualquier niño? • Etnicidad — estereotipos • Vestimenta — religión— que sea aceptable • Sin implicaciones románticas ni sexuales • Cómo se presentan a las niñas • Sin presentar acciones violentas • Idioma y localización • Sin socio de relaciones públicas • Brechas en el financiamiento Friday, November 22, 13 In designing the game we had many challenges/ Specifically our challenges mostly centered on storytelling, player choice, distribution, & asset management. Technology—delivery system I Universal story—theme I Setting—could this be every boy’s home turf? I Ethnicity — stereotypes I Clothing — religion —cool factor I No romantic or sexual implications I Portrayal of girls not as victims I No violent actions I Language & localization I No PR partner I Funding gaps
  • 40. Friday, November 22, 13 BREAKAWAY’s solution is based on the age old dilemma of peer pressure - who do you side with & who will hang out with you?
  • 41. Friday, November 22, 13 The game system is based on an interactive narrative and a series of skill-building mini-games (shooting, defending, tackling). Choices in these determine you and your team’s chances at winning the longer play soccer matches.
  • 42. Friday, November 22, 13 As the player, you make choices on how to treat the girls in the narrative. These decisions determine which team mates you practice with and therefore what soccer skills you learn from your team mates. Literally you can not win if you do not become a champion for the girls in the narrative.
  • 43. Friday, November 22, 13 In BREAKAWAY, the issue of violence against women is never explicitly conveyed & it does not demand the boys to take on adult violence. In fact to the boys, our players, the theme is soccer. Created for global distribution BREAKAWAY was launched with the World Cup in 2010. International soccer star, Samuel Eto’o is the game’s spokesperson and a walk-on character in the game!
  • 44. Online Top 20 Countries: US UK Canada American Samoa Albania & India (tied) Algeria Brazil Australia, France & Pakistan (tied) Malaysia Spain Philippines Morocco & South Africa (tied) Iran Japan Mexico Indonesia Friday, November 22, 13 After three years of development, the game was released as 13 episodes and 4 languages. To date has been played online in over 180 countries....letting us know that we had created a universal story.
  • 45. •49% under 18 years old •31% female, 64% male •88% more positive choices Friday, November 22, 13 Of those players: • Age: 49% age 18 or under • Gender Breakdown: 31% female, 64% male, 5% do not report gender • Over 88% of players made more positive choices than negative choice
  • 46. On the ground partnerships: • UNDP El Salvador • University of Sonsonate • Network of Municipalities, Sonsonate • City of Hebron, Palestine • Fundacion Privada Samuel Eto’o • Grassroots Soccer • Ikamva Youth • ManUp Campaign • Streetfootballworld • Restless Development • Sinethemba Secondary School • Bishop’s Preparatory School Friday, November 22, 13 Through on the ground partnerships over 750 CDs have been distributed during World Cup and another 200,000 for distribution are free to groups that wish to incorporate the game into their programs through the UNFPA country offices.
  • 47. Facilitator’s Guide Friday, November 22, 13 The team also developed a free online is a newly developed Facilitators Guide for groups to incorporate the game into their educational programs. It increases the reflective capacity of the game experience and brings forward support systems for change within real life.
  • 48. The Camp Model Friday, November 22, 13 In the summer of 2011, one of my students Mahmoud Jabari with us here this week, successfully organized and ran a suite of BREAKAWAY summer camps for over 120 youth in the divided West Bank city of Hebron. Though even the camp facilitators disagreed as to the role of women in society, they agreed to one key concept – respect for each other’s opinions.
  • 49. The Camp Model Friday, November 22, 13 Some children in the camp disagreed so forcefully with even the idea of girls being able to play sports that they would not attend discussions or activities
  • 50. The Camp Model Friday, November 22, 13 – that is at first. They continued to play BREAKAWAY and drawn in by soccer and the game narrative and the
  • 51. Respect changes attitudes Friday, November 22, 13 respectful approach of the facilitators, these children changed their attitudes
  • 52. Respect changes attitudes Friday, November 22, 13 and behavior – to the point of actually playing soccer alongside the girls.
  • 53. Friday, November 22, 13 In the online and the facilitated camp model we’ve witnessed positive attitude shift: as 13 YO Foluso said after playing the online game: and from 12 yo Haroun after playing through the Hebron camps:
  • 54. “It has shown me that it is not about how good your soccer skills are. It is about attitude, teamwork & determination. What you do when you are not on the pitch is important as well.” —Foluso, age 13, England Friday, November 22, 13 In the online and the facilitated camp model we’ve witnessed positive attitude shift: as 13 YO Foluso said after playing the online game: and from 12 yo Haroun after playing through the Hebron camps:
  • 55. “I told my friends about how great this game is & I shared with them that violence against women is negative & how to make right decisions.” —Haroun, age 12, Hebron “It has shown me that it is not about how good your soccer skills are. It is about attitude, teamwork & determination. What you do when you are not on the pitch is important as well.” —Foluso, age 13, England Friday, November 22, 13 In the online and the facilitated camp model we’ve witnessed positive attitude shift: as 13 YO Foluso said after playing the online game: and from 12 yo Haroun after playing through the Hebron camps:
  • 56. Friday, November 22, 13 So it is our pleasure to partner...
  • 57. Friday, November 22, 13 with UNDP, University of Sonsonate, and the Network of 5 Municipalities of Sonsonate...
  • 58. Facilitator Training & Youth Camps in Sonsonate Friday, November 22, 13 to offer facilitator training and youth camps. Here in El Salvador we’ve trained 45 Facilitators - now referees and over 70 children are participating in the youth camps.
  • 59. Game Play Friday, November 22, 13 The camp model has been fine-tuned and includes: Game play
  • 60. Learning Activities Friday, November 22, 13 Learning activities that reinforce the concepts in the game’s episodes.
  • 62. Reflective Dialogue Friday, November 22, 13 and reflective dialogue that builds on personal experiences.
  • 64. Next Steps: Breakaway Initiative • Impact Assessment • On the ground partnerships • Broad Distribution Friday, November 22, 13
  • 65. “It has shown me that it is not about how good your soccer skills are. It is about attitude, teamwork and determination. What you do when you are not on the pitch is important as well.” —Foluso, age 13, England Friday, November 22, 13
  • 66. Become a Champion for Change Ann DeMarle Friday, November 22, 13