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A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680
      A Comparative Analysis Of PI And Neuro Fuzzy
  Controllers In Direct Torque Control Of Induction Motor
                             A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar**
   *(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,S.V.I.T Engg College, Anantapur,India)
                **(Department of Electrical Engineering,J.N.T.U,Anantapur,India.)

        The implementation of conventional             harmonic currents.
DTC in Induction Motor drives consisting of                      Various methods have been proposed to
PI torque controller suffers from complex              overcome these drawbacks, such as variable
tuning and Overshoot problems. One of the              structure     control    approach,fuzzy     logic
various methods to tackle this problem is              control,neural netwok control,adaptive control
implementation of intelligent controllers like         methods have been proposed for motion control
neuro fuzzy-based controller This paper                of Induction motor drive[2-12]. The PI control
presents the simulation and analysis of a              is simple and offers a wide stability margin, but
Neuro fuzzy-based torque controller for DTC            it incorporates tuning,overshoot problems. The
of Induction motor drives. This control                fuzzy logic can compensate the system
scheme uses the speed error calculated from            nonlinearities through human expertise. Yet, it
reference speed and estimated speed which              relies too much on the intuition and experience
generates the estimated Torque and                     of the designer. The neural network can handle
compared with the actual Torque and                    the complicated nonlinear characteristics of the
generates the inverter switching states. In this       system, but suffer from the problem of lengthy
paper a modified ANFIS structure is                    training and convergence time. The adaptive
proposed. This structure generates the desired         control can self adjust the controller parameters
reference voltage which regulates the                  to adapt system parameter variations.
performance       of     induction       motor.        Unfortunately, it generally requires a reference
Comparisons and analysis under various                 model of the system.
operating conditions between hysteresis-based
PI torque controller and Neuro fuzzy-based                       The controller proposed in this paper is
torque controller are presented. The results           neuro fuzzy-based controller which gives better
show that the proposed controller managed to           performance compared to PI controller. The
reduce the overshoot        and give better            neural network is well known for its learning
performance.                                           ability and approximation to any arbitrary
                                                       continuous function.[9] It has been proposed in
Keywords-direct torque control, induction              the literature that neural networks can be applied
motor drive, PI controller, complex tuning,            to parameter identification and state estimation .
Overshoot, neuro fuzzy controller.                     The fuzzy logic controller solves the problem of
                                                       non-linearities and parameter variations of IM
1 Introduction                                         drive. It achieves high dynamic performance and
         Direct torque control(DTC) of induction       accurate speed control with good steady-state
motor drives has gained popularity due to its          characteristics. The fuzzy rules and membership
simple control structure and sensorless operation.     functions are tuned to give better performance.
The structure of conventional DTC drive                The proposed neuro fuzzy-based controller has
originally introduced in [1], is simple. It consists   been simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
of torque and flux hysteresis-based controllers,       The performance of the proposed controller is
flux and torque estimator switching look-up            evaluated under various operating conditions.
table. Despite of its simplicity, it was well          The simulation results confirm the efficacy of the
known that the implementation of the hysteresis-       control system.
based DTC –PI controller requires fine tuning                    This paper is organized as follows : first
and cannot cope with parameters variation.. This       the machine modeling of Induction Motor,
resulted in unpredictable switching frequency of       second the direct torque control strategy using PI
the switching devices. Further the variable            controller, third the direct torque control strategy
switching frequency will generate unpredictable        using neuro fuzzy-based controller, fourth

                                                                                          672 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                 Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680
Simulation results at different          operating     λqr = Lriqr + Lmiqs             (2)
conditions, fifth conclusions.
                                                       The electromagnetic torque in the stationary
2.Induction Motor Modelling                            reference frame is given as
         The induction motor model can be
developed from its fundamental electrical and          Te = (3/2)(P/2)(λdsi qs −λqsids) (3)
mechanical equations. In the stationary reference
frame the voltage equations are given by
                                                       3. DTC with PI Controller
Vds = Rsids + pλds                                               In the DTC scheme [1] (Figure 1), the
Vqs = Rsiqs + pλqs                                     electromagnetic torque and flux signals are
0 = Rr idr + ωr λqr + pλdr                             delivered to two hysteresis comparators. The
0 = Rr iqr - ωr λdr + pλqr   (1)                       corresponding output variables and the stator
                                                       flux position sector are used to select the
         Where p indicates the differential            appropriate voltage vector from a switching table
operator(d/dt). The stator and rotor flux linkages     which generates pulses to control the power
are defined using their respective self leakage        switches in the inverter. This scheme presents
inductances and mutual inductances as given            many     disadvantages      (variable   switching
below                                                  frequency - current and torque distortion caused
                                                       by sector changes - start and low-speed operation
λds = Lsids + Lmidr                                    problems ).
λqs = Lsiqs + Lmiqr
λdr = Lridr + Lmids

                        Figure 1 : Direct Torque Control scheme with PI Controller

          All the schemes cited above use a PI
controller for speed control. The use of PI                      Fuzzy logic and artificial neural
controllers to command a high performance              networks can be combined to design a direct
direct torque controlled induction motor drive is      torque neuro fuzzy controller. Human expert
often characterised by an overshoot during start       knowledge can be used to build an initial
up. This is mainly caused by the fact that the         artificial neural network structure whose
high value of the PI gains needed for rapid load       parameters could be obtained using online or
disturbance rejection generates a positive high        offline learning processes. To eliminate the
torque error. This will let the DTC scheme take        above difficulties, a Direct Torque Neuro Fuzzy
control of the motor speed driving it to a value       Control scheme (DTNFC) has been proposed.
corresponding to the reference stator flux. At
start up, the PI controller acts only on the error              The Neuro Fuzzy inference system
torque value by driving it to the zero border.         (ANFIS) is one of the proposed methods to
When this border is crossed, the PI controller         combine Fuzzy logic and artificial neural
takes control of the motor speed and drives it to      networks[17,21,22]. Figure 2 shows the adaptive
the reference value.                                   NF inference system structure It is composed of
                                                       five functional blocks (rule base, database, a
4. DTC with Neuro-fuzzy controller                     decision making unit, a fuzzyfication interface

                                                                                             673 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680
and a defuzzyfication interface) which are                      The block scheme of the proposed self-
generated using four network layers:                  tuned direct torque neuro-fuzzy controller
Layer 1: This layer is composed of a number of        (DTNFC) for a voltage source PWM inverter fed
computing nodes whose activation functions are        induction motor is presented in Figure 3. The
fuzzy logic membership functions (usually,            internal structure of the NFC is shown in Figure
triangular or bell-shaped functions).                 2.
Layer 2: This layer chooses the minimum value
of the inputs.                                                 In the first layer of the NF structure,
Layer 3: This layer normalises each input with        sampled speed error we ,multiplied by respective
respect to the others (The ith node output is the     weights wψ and wT , is mapped through three
ith input divided the sum of all the other inputs).   fuzzy logic membership functions. These
Layer 4: This layer’s ith node output is a linear     functions are chosen to be triangular shaped as
function of the third layer’s ith node output and     shown in Figure 2.The second layer calculates
the ANFIS input signals and sums all the input        the minimum of the input signals. The output
signals. The ANFIS structure can be tuned             values are normalised in the third layer, to satisfy
automatically by a least-square estimation (for       the following relation:
output membership functions) and a back                                σi = wi / (Σk wk)   (4)
propagation algorithm (for output and input
membership functions).                                         where wi and σi are the ith output signal
                                                      of the second and third layer respectively. σi is
                                                      considered to be the weights.

                          Figure 2 : Proposed Neuro fuzzy structure Controller

                             Figure 3 : Triangular membership function sets

                                                                                         674 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
               Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                      Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680

                Figure 4 : Direct Torque Control scheme with Neuro Fuzzy Controller

         The Neuro Fuzzy speed controller            inverter which in turn controls the Torque
combines fuzzy logic and artificial neural           parameter of Induction motor[12,15,26].
networks to evaluate the reference torque. This      .
evaluation is performed using the reference          5. Simulation Results
speed and actual speed errors. This calculated                Direct Torque control scheme with PI
error gives the estimated torque value which is      controller and Neuro fuzzy controller are
compared with the actual torque value in the         implemented in the Induction motor drive with
Hysteresis comparator. The corresponding             the following parameters under various operating
torque,flux from hysteresis comparators and          conditions at no load and sudden change in load
angle estimated from Flux Torque estimator are       applied to the motor. All the results are
given as inputs to Switching table which             represented taking time as the    x-axis.
generates the appropriate voltage vector for the     V=260/50Hz.        Rs=0.9Ω Rr=1.227Ω          P=2
                                                     Ls=150.64mH,       Lr=150.64mH.      Lm=143.84mH

                    Figure 5 : Torque Characteristics at no load with PI Controller

                                                                                      675 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                 Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680

  Figure 6 : Torque Characteristics with sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with PI

                      Figure 7 : Speed Characteristics at no load with PI Controller

Figure 8: Speed Characteristics at sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with PI Controller

                            Figure 9 : Stator flux response with PI controller

                                                                                       676 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                         Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680

            Figure 10 : Magnetizing and Torque components of stator current with PI controller

                 Figure 11: Torque Characteristics at no load with NeuroFuzzy Controller

Figure 12 : Torque Characteristics at sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with NeuroFuzzy

                 Figure 13 : Speed Characteristics at no load with NeuroFuzzy Controller

                                                                                        677 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                 Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680

Figure 14 : Speed Characteristics at sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with NeuroFuzzy

                    Figure 15 :Stator flux response with Neuro fuzzy controller

      Figure 16 : Magnetizing and Torque components of stator current with Neuro fuzzy controller

                                                                                      678 | P a g e
A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and
               Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                      Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680

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                                              Controller    Controller
                   Overshoot                  47%           7%
                   Computational effort       21.6µs        97.2µs

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  • 1. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 A Comparative Analysis Of PI And Neuro Fuzzy Controllers In Direct Torque Control Of Induction Motor Drives A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar** *(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,S.V.I.T Engg College, Anantapur,India) **(Department of Electrical Engineering,J.N.T.U,Anantapur,India.) Abstract: The implementation of conventional harmonic currents. DTC in Induction Motor drives consisting of Various methods have been proposed to PI torque controller suffers from complex overcome these drawbacks, such as variable tuning and Overshoot problems. One of the structure control approach,fuzzy logic various methods to tackle this problem is control,neural netwok control,adaptive control implementation of intelligent controllers like methods have been proposed for motion control neuro fuzzy-based controller This paper of Induction motor drive[2-12]. The PI control presents the simulation and analysis of a is simple and offers a wide stability margin, but Neuro fuzzy-based torque controller for DTC it incorporates tuning,overshoot problems. The of Induction motor drives. This control fuzzy logic can compensate the system scheme uses the speed error calculated from nonlinearities through human expertise. Yet, it reference speed and estimated speed which relies too much on the intuition and experience generates the estimated Torque and of the designer. The neural network can handle compared with the actual Torque and the complicated nonlinear characteristics of the generates the inverter switching states. In this system, but suffer from the problem of lengthy paper a modified ANFIS structure is training and convergence time. The adaptive proposed. This structure generates the desired control can self adjust the controller parameters reference voltage which regulates the to adapt system parameter variations. performance of induction motor. Unfortunately, it generally requires a reference Comparisons and analysis under various model of the system. operating conditions between hysteresis-based PI torque controller and Neuro fuzzy-based The controller proposed in this paper is torque controller are presented. The results neuro fuzzy-based controller which gives better show that the proposed controller managed to performance compared to PI controller. The reduce the overshoot and give better neural network is well known for its learning performance. ability and approximation to any arbitrary continuous function.[9] It has been proposed in Keywords-direct torque control, induction the literature that neural networks can be applied motor drive, PI controller, complex tuning, to parameter identification and state estimation . Overshoot, neuro fuzzy controller. The fuzzy logic controller solves the problem of non-linearities and parameter variations of IM 1 Introduction drive. It achieves high dynamic performance and Direct torque control(DTC) of induction accurate speed control with good steady-state motor drives has gained popularity due to its characteristics. The fuzzy rules and membership simple control structure and sensorless operation. functions are tuned to give better performance. The structure of conventional DTC drive The proposed neuro fuzzy-based controller has originally introduced in [1], is simple. It consists been simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. of torque and flux hysteresis-based controllers, The performance of the proposed controller is flux and torque estimator switching look-up evaluated under various operating conditions. table. Despite of its simplicity, it was well The simulation results confirm the efficacy of the known that the implementation of the hysteresis- control system. based DTC –PI controller requires fine tuning This paper is organized as follows : first and cannot cope with parameters variation.. This the machine modeling of Induction Motor, resulted in unpredictable switching frequency of second the direct torque control strategy using PI the switching devices. Further the variable controller, third the direct torque control strategy switching frequency will generate unpredictable using neuro fuzzy-based controller, fourth 672 | P a g e
  • 2. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 Simulation results at different operating λqr = Lriqr + Lmiqs (2) conditions, fifth conclusions. The electromagnetic torque in the stationary 2.Induction Motor Modelling reference frame is given as The induction motor model can be developed from its fundamental electrical and Te = (3/2)(P/2)(λdsi qs −λqsids) (3) mechanical equations. In the stationary reference frame the voltage equations are given by 3. DTC with PI Controller Vds = Rsids + pλds In the DTC scheme [1] (Figure 1), the Vqs = Rsiqs + pλqs electromagnetic torque and flux signals are 0 = Rr idr + ωr λqr + pλdr delivered to two hysteresis comparators. The 0 = Rr iqr - ωr λdr + pλqr (1) corresponding output variables and the stator flux position sector are used to select the Where p indicates the differential appropriate voltage vector from a switching table operator(d/dt). The stator and rotor flux linkages which generates pulses to control the power are defined using their respective self leakage switches in the inverter. This scheme presents inductances and mutual inductances as given many disadvantages (variable switching below frequency - current and torque distortion caused by sector changes - start and low-speed operation λds = Lsids + Lmidr problems ). λqs = Lsiqs + Lmiqr λdr = Lridr + Lmids Figure 1 : Direct Torque Control scheme with PI Controller All the schemes cited above use a PI controller for speed control. The use of PI Fuzzy logic and artificial neural controllers to command a high performance networks can be combined to design a direct direct torque controlled induction motor drive is torque neuro fuzzy controller. Human expert often characterised by an overshoot during start knowledge can be used to build an initial up. This is mainly caused by the fact that the artificial neural network structure whose high value of the PI gains needed for rapid load parameters could be obtained using online or disturbance rejection generates a positive high offline learning processes. To eliminate the torque error. This will let the DTC scheme take above difficulties, a Direct Torque Neuro Fuzzy control of the motor speed driving it to a value Control scheme (DTNFC) has been proposed. corresponding to the reference stator flux. At start up, the PI controller acts only on the error The Neuro Fuzzy inference system torque value by driving it to the zero border. (ANFIS) is one of the proposed methods to When this border is crossed, the PI controller combine Fuzzy logic and artificial neural takes control of the motor speed and drives it to networks[17,21,22]. Figure 2 shows the adaptive the reference value. NF inference system structure It is composed of five functional blocks (rule base, database, a 4. DTC with Neuro-fuzzy controller decision making unit, a fuzzyfication interface 673 | P a g e
  • 3. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 and a defuzzyfication interface) which are The block scheme of the proposed self- generated using four network layers: tuned direct torque neuro-fuzzy controller Layer 1: This layer is composed of a number of (DTNFC) for a voltage source PWM inverter fed computing nodes whose activation functions are induction motor is presented in Figure 3. The fuzzy logic membership functions (usually, internal structure of the NFC is shown in Figure triangular or bell-shaped functions). 2. Layer 2: This layer chooses the minimum value of the inputs. In the first layer of the NF structure, Layer 3: This layer normalises each input with sampled speed error we ,multiplied by respective respect to the others (The ith node output is the weights wψ and wT , is mapped through three ith input divided the sum of all the other inputs). fuzzy logic membership functions. These Layer 4: This layer’s ith node output is a linear functions are chosen to be triangular shaped as function of the third layer’s ith node output and shown in Figure 2.The second layer calculates the ANFIS input signals and sums all the input the minimum of the input signals. The output signals. The ANFIS structure can be tuned values are normalised in the third layer, to satisfy automatically by a least-square estimation (for the following relation: output membership functions) and a back σi = wi / (Σk wk) (4) propagation algorithm (for output and input membership functions). where wi and σi are the ith output signal of the second and third layer respectively. σi is considered to be the weights. Figure 2 : Proposed Neuro fuzzy structure Controller Figure 3 : Triangular membership function sets 674 | P a g e
  • 4. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 Figure 4 : Direct Torque Control scheme with Neuro Fuzzy Controller The Neuro Fuzzy speed controller inverter which in turn controls the Torque combines fuzzy logic and artificial neural parameter of Induction motor[12,15,26]. networks to evaluate the reference torque. This . evaluation is performed using the reference 5. Simulation Results speed and actual speed errors. This calculated Direct Torque control scheme with PI error gives the estimated torque value which is controller and Neuro fuzzy controller are compared with the actual torque value in the implemented in the Induction motor drive with Hysteresis comparator. The corresponding the following parameters under various operating torque,flux from hysteresis comparators and conditions at no load and sudden change in load angle estimated from Flux Torque estimator are applied to the motor. All the results are given as inputs to Switching table which represented taking time as the x-axis. generates the appropriate voltage vector for the V=260/50Hz. Rs=0.9Ω Rr=1.227Ω P=2 Ls=150.64mH, Lr=150.64mH. Lm=143.84mH Figure 5 : Torque Characteristics at no load with PI Controller 675 | P a g e
  • 5. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 Figure 6 : Torque Characteristics with sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with PI Controller Figure 7 : Speed Characteristics at no load with PI Controller Figure 8: Speed Characteristics at sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with PI Controller Figure 9 : Stator flux response with PI controller 676 | P a g e
  • 6. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 Figure 10 : Magnetizing and Torque components of stator current with PI controller Figure 11: Torque Characteristics at no load with NeuroFuzzy Controller Figure 12 : Torque Characteristics at sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with NeuroFuzzy Controller Figure 13 : Speed Characteristics at no load with NeuroFuzzy Controller 677 | P a g e
  • 7. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 Figure 14 : Speed Characteristics at sudden change in load Torque from -6.4Nm to 6.4Nm with NeuroFuzzy Controller Figure 15 :Stator flux response with Neuro fuzzy controller Figure 16 : Magnetizing and Torque components of stator current with Neuro fuzzy controller 678 | P a g e
  • 8. A.Sudhakar*,M.Vijaya Kumar / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, June-July 2012, pp.672-680 Parameters PI Neuro-fuzzy Controller Controller Overshoot 47% 7% Computational effort 21.6µs 97.2µs Table I : Comparison between PI Controller and Neuro fuzzy Controller The overshoot and time for Transcations on Idustrial Electronics, vol computational effort for PI controller and Neuro 47, no 2,2000, pp 380-388. fuzzy controller in Direct Torque control of [5] L. Mokrani and R. Abdessemed., (2003) Induction Motor are estimated. Table I shows A fuzzy self-tuning P1 controller for that DTNFC scheme gives better performances speed control of induction motor drive, than the conventional DTC scheme with PI Proceedings of IEEEConference on controller. We can remark however that the high Control Applications, CCA , vol. 1, 23-25 value of the DTNFC scheme regarding ,2003,pp 785-790. computational effort does not affect the control [6] W J Wang and J Y Chen., Compositive cycle since it stays below 50% of its value. adaptive position control of induction motors based on passivity theory, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 6. Conclusions vol.16, no.2,,2001,pp. 180- 185. In this paper, both Direct torque [7] T C. Chen and T T. Sheu., Model controlled PI controller and neuro fuzzy reference neural network controller for Controllers are discussed.The PI controller induction motor speed control" , IEEE cannot prevent DTC scheme from driving the Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. motor speed to the stator flux corresponding 17, no.2,2002, pp.157- 163. speed. This will most likely result in a speed [8] M. N. Uddin, T S. Radwan and M. A. overshoot. Simulation of the DTNFC Induction Rahman., Performance of fuzzy logic- motor drive for speed control shows promising based indirect vector control for induction results. The motor reaches the reference speed motor drive, IEEE Trans. Ind rapidly and with minimum overshoot. The Applications, vol. 38, no. 5, simulation results obtained show the ,2002,pp.1219-1225. effectiveness of neuro fuzzy controller in speed [9] B. Kosko. Neural Networks and Fuzzy regulation of induction motor. Systems: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence. Englewood References Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,1992. [1] 1. Takahashi and T. Noguchi., A new [10] A. Miloudi, E. A. Alradadi, A. Draou A quick-response and high-efficiency new control strategy of direct torque fuzzy control strategy of an induction motor control of a PWM inverterfed induction IEEE Trans. IndAppl. Vol. IA-22, No, motor drive ”, Conf. Rec. ISIE2006, 5,1986 pp. 820-827. Montreal, CANADA, 09 – 13 ,2006. [2] E. C. Shin, T S. Park., W. H. Oh and J. Y [11] G. Buja A new control strategy of the Yoo A design method of PI controller for induction motor drives: The direct flux an induction motor with parameter and torque control,” IEEE Ind.Electron. variation. The 29th Annual Conference of Soc. Newslett., vol. 45,1998, pp. 14–16. the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, [12] P. Vas Sensorless Vector and Direct IECON '03.vol 1, 2-6 2003, pp. 408 - 413. Torque Control. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford [3] C. F. Hu, R. B. Hong, and C. H. Liu., Univ. Press.,1998 Stability analysis and P1 controller tuning [13] D. Casadei, G. Serra, A. Tani, for a speed-sensorless vector-controlled Implementation of a Direct Torque induction motor drive 30th Annual Control Algorithm for Induction Motors Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics based on Discrete Space Vector Society, IECON 2004, vol. 1, 2-6, 2004, Modulation IEEE Trans. Power Electron., pp.877 - 882. Vol. 15, N◦ 4,2000, pp. 769-777. [4] B. Robyns, F. Berthereau, J-P. Hautier, [14] P. Z. Grabowski, M. P. Kazmierkowski, and H. Buyse.,A fuzzy-logic based B. K. Bose, F. Blaabjerg, A Simple Direct multimodel field orientation in an indirect Torque Neuro Fuzzy Control of PWM FOC of an induction motor , IEEE Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive IEEE 679 | P a g e
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