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Self - Community - Global 
Prolific Organized 
davin infinity visionary artist of life 
author, speaker, facilitator, artist, film-maker, performer
this is my story. 
this is my portfolio. 
this is my philosophy. 
this is my passion in action.
In 2007, I built the largest online library in the world of 
thriving solutions for humanity & its home planet
i design living systems 
using graphic visualization & communication strategy
i also design & teach online courses for new paradigm education 
here is the module for my new earth emissary course
i have been a graphic designer for 19 years 
i am also a creative director 
I use design, video, brand identitiy, 
storytelling, marketing & social media 
to launch brands & movements
The Magic Creation Formula
The Innovation League of Super HeroesA new association for a new era 
Joining the Forces of: 
Creative Professionals United 
The Creator Collective 
The League of Awesomeness 
I like to build collectives 
& mastermind groups
THE INVITATION: Our Potential Affiliate Partners 
Sponsors & Supportive Movements
Flight Media
Davin Infinity: World Renown artist of the Divine Feminine & Goddess Energies 
i worked on over 70 global projects over 10 years with empowered women clients. 
the power of the male and female in co-creative harmony is one of the strongest forces in the universe. but sacred union begins within.
I help make entrepreneurs and 
leaders create their portrait of their highest self embodied.
Visual Language for a 
new era of communication
communicate Deliver Value
Mind body 
Unified by spirit 
The skills most needed to face the challenges of the 21st Century
Workshops, Seminars & Presentations 
Heroic Creativity 
Personal Brand Icon 
Effective Collaboration 
Entrepreneur Skills 
Global Thinking
Strategist & Consultant 
As a consultant, I help individuals develop the thinking skills necessary to be effective, competitive and relevant in the current economy. I help organizations define problems, recognize opportunities, and develop new products and services by finding out-of-the-box solutions to produce innovation. Like never before, companies are recognizing that innovative thinking is a requirement for success in the emerging world economy.
Big Ideas. Relentless Creative Drive. 
Collaboration Dynamics. Fluid Communication. Davin Skonberg - the Creative Maverick 
Creative Director
Storytelling: Dream, Design, Develop, and Deliver 
- The Power of Visual Storytelling: Using Visuals, Videos, 
and Social Media to Market Your Brand 
- Attention is the new commodity. Visual storytelling is the new currency. (The adult attention span shrinks every year. It is now between 3-8 seconds). And because images are so much easier to process, it is in human nature to pay more attention to the visual elements than to text 
- Did you know that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text? Or that web posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those without? Viewers spend 100% more time on web pages with videos. 
The stories we tell create the world - and the world is in the midst of complete reinvention - and stories are the DNA source code. change the stories and you change the world. Ideas lead to inspiration - and the journey narrative of stories communicate ideas, values and inspire the hero in us. Make a client or customer the hero of a story you create together through business ventures. Show you care about there story and understand the journey.
Apple’s Company Core Belief was that “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Apple creates tools that help people unleash their creativity. 
Great companies have great purposes. What’s yours? 
Trusted organizations tell memorable stories. What’s yours?
creative leader 
“Attention is the new commodity. 
Visual storytelling is the new currency.” 
I am an accomplished Sr. Designer and Art Director with broad experience including: marketing & PR, copywriting, educational materials, branding, new media and video, business-to-business, and visual merchandising. My skill combo of vision, strategy and organization makes for a rare holistic employee that can be effective in different roles. My personal and professional skills are very refined.
Brand Identity 
concept art 
Biz Development & strategy 
Book Design 
Creative Adventurer on a Bold Life Mission
• ( I-C-I ) Imagination, Creativity 
& Innovation 
• Design Thinking & Systems Design 
• Collaboration & Co-Creation 
• Social Artistry & Activism 
• Brand Identity Strategist 
• Communication Specialist 
• Media Producer & Storyteller 
• Creative Director 
• Creative Strategist & Consultant 
• Performance Coach
Connected to the Grand Picture of Life on Earth 
“Creativity is simply connecting things.” 
- Steve Jobs
davin infinity 
visionary artist of life 
author, speaker, facilitator, artist, film-maker, performer
Davin Infinity: World Renown artist of the 
Divine Feminine & Goddess Energies 
from projects like Divine Nectar, the film which showed the power of womens sacred sexuality... to birth films on conscious conception and sacred relationships, i made 
visionary films with visionary women. 
From the archetypes of the priestess (of the Goddess)... to the health and vitality of the shakti energy within every human... 
i worked on over 70 global projects over 
10 years with empowered women clients. 
the power of the male and female in co-creative harmony is one of the strongest forces in the universe. but sacred union begins within.
In service to divine union & 
the awakening of the worldspirit
The 5 Modules of the N.E.E. Course: 
Module 1: Deprogram 
The Times We Live In: An Artificial Reality 
What An Emissary Is During This Shift 
Who You Are & Who You Are Not 
The New Paradigm Way : Dump the Old “B.S.” (Belief Systems) 
the Old World vs. the New World 
The Challenges & the Opportunities 
The Choice We Have to Make (Homework) 
Working with our Emotions and Fears 
Clearing Tauma and Past Memories 
Revealing What’s In the Way (Homework) 
Connecting with Your True Nature (Homework) 
Module 2: Awareness 
New Earth Consciousness 
Creation vs. Destruction 
How We Got Here (Historically) / Our True History / Our True Nature 
The Source We Come From: Interconnected & Interdependent 
Great Exemplars: Leaders & Movements Before Us (Homework) 
Observing Your Life: Self-Destruction vs. Self-Reconstruction (Homework) 
Core Values: 10 Intentions for a Better World 
Resistance vs. Commitment (Homework) 
Reality Creation: Conscious Evolution, Adaptation & Innovation 
Overcoming the 15 Greatest Global Challenges 
Mind, Body & Spirit: Inform, Activate, Embody, Expand 
Module 3: Define & Declare 
the Declaration of Consciousness 
Define Your Place in the World 
the 3 Types of Vision 
How You Impact the World (Homework) 
What We Have Learned from the Old World’s Lessons 
The 8 Aspects of an Integrated Life of Harmony 
Being in Service: From Self, to Others, to Global 
Developing Your Skills & Experience (Homework) 
the Art of Transformation 
Sovereignty, Freedom & Liberation 
From Complexity to Simplicity 
The Wholeness - Living Foods & Daily Energetic Practices
Module 4: The New Earth Emissary 
The 3 Components of a New Earth Emissary: 
Connection, Creativity, Co-Creation 
Connection: To Earth, Others, Your Guidance & Soul Essence 
Creativity: The Most Important Skill of the 21st Century 
Heroic, Adventure, Magic & Imagination 
Becoming Mythically Embodied (Homework) 
Accessing Your Divine Creative Spirit 
Sacred Union - Divine Masculine & Feminine Power 
Co-Creation: Collaboration, Conflict Resolution, Council, 
Mastermind, Resources 
Harmony & Balance: Being vs. Doing, Inner Sacred Union, 
Story & Systems Unite 
Creating a “Blueprint of We” (Homework) 
The Heart: the Intelligence for Global Coherence 
Module 5: The Renaissance 
The Global Uprise & Revolutions 
the New Earth in Pop Culture & Mainstream Media 
The Rise of the Artist, Leader & Entrepreneur 
The Human Spirit at Work & Play 
The Artist: E(ART)H is a Game, School, Theater & Quest 
Leader: Vision, Strategy & Action 
Entrepreneur: The Future of Work as a Messenger, Influencer, 
Producer & Creator 
How To Integrate All 3 Into your Personal & Professional Life 
The Journey of Life from a Modern Lens: Artificial Reality? 
The Key Components of the New Earth: Radiant Health, Spirituality, 
Community, Sustainability, etc. 
The Key Movements, Stories and Examples of the New Earth 
Following Nature’s Guidance (Homework) 
Being in Service to the Greater Good of Humanity
I’m Davin Infinity, the founder of the New Earth Emissary Course. 
My goal is to help people transform their limiting beliefs so that they can shift their energy and enter the new paradigm of a thriving co-creative society known as the New Earth. Translation? I’m here to help you become successful, creative and fully expressed ! 
I am a living example of what it’s like to walk this path. I entered the unknown 18 years ago at the age of 20. And I came out the other end with a sense of courage, empowered creativity and relentless passion to help others. With any epic life long journey, I had to overcome doubt, resistance, fear and disconnection from being centered in the heart. But I kept going and I reached the soil of the New Earth. Over the last 7 years I have studied with and interviewed leaders of the new world on my Creative Energy radio and TV show. They helped overcome my own resistance by helping me to commit to building the New Earth. 
I have spent 15 years traveling the world studying, preparing and embodying the coming age of the New Earth, training with wisdom keepers and thought leaders. I have shared my wisdom with thousands of people through facilitating workshops and speaking at over 30 conferences or festivals. I have also co-created over 500 new paradigm projects as an entrepreneur and creative director, working with very diverse clients. It is my life purpose to share with the world that we have the power to create. I have mastered this through learning the art of transformation. And I want to share this art form with you.
For the last 15 years, I have traveled the world research-ing 
and celebrating the worldspirit of such diverse 
cultures in 32 countries. But it was about 10 years ago 
when I turned my focus to visiting some of the world’s 
most renown new societies, education centers, land 
projects and organizations that were living examples of 
an emerging paradigm I refer to as the New Earth. 
I did apprenticeships and trainings and documented 
and interviewed these places for my Creative Energy 
TV show. 
I am a part of several organizations and movements. 
Here are a few: 
Agents of Conscious Evolution 
the Tribal Convergence Network 
the HUB - global network of social entrepreneur centers 
Separation, fear based Ego control, self-denial, unforgiveness, outdated belief systems, scarcity & poverty consciousness, material excess, male vs. female, race vs. race, unfulfilling careers, emotional self-gratification, corporate greed, sexual & domestic abuse, global grid matrix control, unsustainable livelihood, thermo-nuclear radiation abuse, mass species extinction, dominion over animal kingdom, wars... 
Unified heart consciousness, sovereign co-creation, self-realization, crystalline vibrations, creative self-empowerment, transparent communication, conscious teamwork, honest integrity, non-judgmental, vibrational discernment, loving the body from authentic presence, sacred union, emotional intelligence, self-fulfilling careers, enlightened philanthropy, prosperity consciousness, radiant health embodiment, inner- evolving life purpose, ecologically thriving lifestyle, raw living superfoods, biomimicry architecture and permaculture, inner and outer peace... 
Ungrounded New Age philosophy, unclarity, anticipation, energy shifts, misunderstanding, false prophecies, power struggles, protests and revolutions, anxiety... 
The New Earth Emissary Course offers the essential tools, 
wisdom and stories for you heroic quest to discover freedom.
The Human Spirit Is: 
So why are we struggling so 
often here on Earth? 
Is it because we have created an artificial reality and lost our connection to the wisdom and energy of the planet ?
I was a curious child. 
a little rebellious, 
but filled with awe & wonder. 
The world was my playground 
and life was art. 
now that I am all grown up, 
some things remain the same. 
i found a way out of the matrix. 
and i never looked back. 
The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting 
for our senses to grow sharper ~ William Butler Yeats
Now that I look back, I am wondering where it all began? 
At the age of 16, I skydived for the first time. 
Yes, it does change your life in an instant. 
In one leap, I removed fear of death and heights from my psyche. I remembered what it fealt like to fly. 
As if it was all too familiar?
Just a year later, at the age of 17, I took an LSD journey with several “well experienced” friends. We planned our entire journey around visiting the Academy of Sciences and the aquarium along with the closing finale: 
The Laserium show inside the Planetaerium dome. The scheduled show that night was not a coincidence. It was Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album. 
Imagine all of the colors of the rainbow customed animated with sacred geometric patterns above you as one of the most psychedelic albums of all time plays in surround sound. This also changed my life. During a brief, yet eternal period, my body, heart, lungs and mind opened up to the vast interconnected patterns of all life and I dissolved into a unified field with the audience, the colors, patterns and sounds. I was guided by the round curveature of the dome, which immerses you in a 360 degree experience of the spherical nature of the cosmos, into the interconnected awakening of my own reality and the natural world.
From a Double Major in college, to working as a Creative Professional, 
My journeys continued. 
My weekends were always filled with epic advntures. I was driven by passion, power and purpose.
I put the same creative spirit into my performance direction, film-making and visionary art as i did with my clients’ projects. My personal life and my professional life became one unified source of inspiration.
I studied many things and went on many adventures. I visited 32 countries and climbed ancient pyramids and decoded ancient 
languages and powerful mythical stories.
I was open to receiving the wisdom of our ancestors & our record Keepers
Everywhere I go 
i look for art, beauty, 
nature, reflections and creative people who want to collaborate. 
this is the true from of language. 
all knowledge is passed down through 5 forms: 
music, art, the spoken word, architecure and 
i communicate and create my reality by following the natural laws of the universe and the ancient and modern principles of success. I also teach these in my career. 
i believe that humanity is a reflection of its own ability to breakthrough its limitations.
A 10 Day Training at the 
Federation of Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind in Italy.
the journeys continued... 
i uncovered the greatest mysteries, wisdom, and creation principles. 
Then like a lightning bolt, i channeled these 12 years of research and experiences into 10 full color books that one day may become the foundation for a new humanity transitioning into a goldedn age.
books like “A Guide To Eternity” 
which showed how Physics, energy and human experience are all connected by a unified field
and “New Earth Creation” 
which is a complete manual for the re-invention of humanity to thrive
For a good period of my life, I felt like I entered a time machine in the future and entered earth in the 20th century from another dimension and world. 
Life to me feels like we are in the dark ages (or at least the middle ages). i remember living in a golden age where human love, creativity and abundance was the celebrated way of life. maybe its my mission (in the now) to take us there.
When i was filming a few water births, being a part of a woman and mans journey as they were initiated into becoming creators of a new being, my life forever changed. I knew that humanity is not living up to its full potential, and that we are shut off from our own sensual and creative powers. i also realized that we are a young species. newborns just waking up to our own reflection and all of the magic and miracles of life.
our global and individual challenges come from our inability to love, feel, create and care for others on the deepest level. So this is why i set out on a journey to make “Birth of the new world”. an epic film about our epic birthing powers that come from the universal principles that gives a sun its radiance, a galaxy its spiral, and a human its magnificent brain and heart. 
what not a better way to reclaim these powers then through an awakened visionary man as film-maker, and miss jaiya - a world renown Goddess and educator of tantric sexuality, pleasure and natural birth - as example.
with all of this goddess juice and creative energy, i am very focused on helping out our global social and ecological crisis. I am committed to sustainability and to helping create new social systems and orginzations that can thrive.
my company works with these visionary green organizations who are putting on the superhero cape to save the world. 
i help them cultivate their mission and their message and then put it out in the world through story and systems, design and video, heart and soul.
we are undergoing the greatest transformation of human consciousness. we are stepping into an entirely new realm of creative possibilities.
our new world is going to look very different. 
our choices and actions will build this world.
The Three Things I Learned: 
1. Learn About Yourself 
2. Show up and support others 
3. Life is Your Creation 
A new world is being born 
by an uprise of creative technology 
and the human need for revolutionary 
freedom from a history of oppression. 
I am committed to being a part of 
the greatest and most important 
global renaissance. 
I am ready to step up as a leader 
and declare freedom for 100% of 
humanity. Since creativity is the 
greatest human resource of energy, 
i declare that this is what i will learn, 
teach and share on an epic level.
My Personal Formula: 
My Business Formula:
do you fear death ? 
For me, death is a 
heroic journey into 
the next experience 
of being.
a return to the source

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Davin Skonberg
Sacred Women Art & Design Portfolio
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Davin Skonberg
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Davin Skonberg
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Davin Skonberg
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Davin Infinity : Visionary Artist of Life, Business & Community

  • 1. Self - Community - Global Prolific Organized Effective Creative Performance davin infinity visionary artist of life author, speaker, facilitator, artist, film-maker, performer
  • 2. this is my story. this is my portfolio. this is my philosophy. this is my passion in action.
  • 3. In 2007, I built the largest online library in the world of thriving solutions for humanity & its home planet
  • 4. i design living systems using graphic visualization & communication strategy
  • 5. i also design & teach online courses for new paradigm education here is the module for my new earth emissary course
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  • 8. i have been a graphic designer for 19 years i am also a creative director I use design, video, brand identitiy, storytelling, marketing & social media to launch brands & movements
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  • 17. The Innovation League of Super HeroesA new association for a new era Joining the Forces of: Creative Professionals United The Creator Collective The League of Awesomeness I like to build collectives & mastermind groups
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  • 19. THE INVITATION: Our Potential Affiliate Partners Sponsors & Supportive Movements
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  • 25. Davin Infinity: World Renown artist of the Divine Feminine & Goddess Energies i worked on over 70 global projects over 10 years with empowered women clients. the power of the male and female in co-creative harmony is one of the strongest forces in the universe. but sacred union begins within.
  • 26. I help make entrepreneurs and leaders create their portrait of their highest self embodied.
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  • 29. Visual Language for a new era of communication
  • 31. Mind body Unified by spirit The skills most needed to face the challenges of the 21st Century
  • 32. Heroic Effective Creative Magical Optimistic Qualities
  • 33. Workshops, Seminars & Presentations THEMES: Heroic Creativity Personal Brand Icon Effective Collaboration Entrepreneur Skills Global Thinking
  • 34. Creative Strategist & Consultant As a consultant, I help individuals develop the thinking skills necessary to be effective, competitive and relevant in the current economy. I help organizations define problems, recognize opportunities, and develop new products and services by finding out-of-the-box solutions to produce innovation. Like never before, companies are recognizing that innovative thinking is a requirement for success in the emerging world economy.
  • 35.
  • 36. Big Ideas. Relentless Creative Drive. Collaboration Dynamics. Fluid Communication. Davin Skonberg - the Creative Maverick Creative Director
  • 38. BRAND IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT Storytelling: Dream, Design, Develop, and Deliver - The Power of Visual Storytelling: Using Visuals, Videos, and Social Media to Market Your Brand - Attention is the new commodity. Visual storytelling is the new currency. (The adult attention span shrinks every year. It is now between 3-8 seconds). And because images are so much easier to process, it is in human nature to pay more attention to the visual elements than to text - Did you know that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text? Or that web posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those without? Viewers spend 100% more time on web pages with videos. The stories we tell create the world - and the world is in the midst of complete reinvention - and stories are the DNA source code. change the stories and you change the world. Ideas lead to inspiration - and the journey narrative of stories communicate ideas, values and inspire the hero in us. Make a client or customer the hero of a story you create together through business ventures. Show you care about there story and understand the journey.
  • 39.
  • 40. Apple’s Company Core Belief was that “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Apple creates tools that help people unleash their creativity. Great companies have great purposes. What’s yours? Trusted organizations tell memorable stories. What’s yours?
  • 41. creative leader “Attention is the new commodity. Visual storytelling is the new currency.” I am an accomplished Sr. Designer and Art Director with broad experience including: marketing & PR, copywriting, educational materials, branding, new media and video, business-to-business, and visual merchandising. My skill combo of vision, strategy and organization makes for a rare holistic employee that can be effective in different roles. My personal and professional skills are very refined.
  • 42. Brand Identity concept art Biz Development & strategy Book Design VISUAL MAPS & DIAGRAMS
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  • 46. Creative Adventurer on a Bold Life Mission
  • 47. TOOLS • ( I-C-I ) Imagination, Creativity & Innovation • Design Thinking & Systems Design • Collaboration & Co-Creation • Social Artistry & Activism SKILLS • Brand Identity Strategist • Communication Specialist • Media Producer & Storyteller • Creative Director • Creative Strategist & Consultant • Performance Coach
  • 49. Connected to the Grand Picture of Life on Earth “Creativity is simply connecting things.” - Steve Jobs
  • 50. davin infinity visionary artist of life author, speaker, facilitator, artist, film-maker, performer
  • 51. Davin Infinity: World Renown artist of the Divine Feminine & Goddess Energies from projects like Divine Nectar, the film which showed the power of womens sacred sexuality... to birth films on conscious conception and sacred relationships, i made visionary films with visionary women. From the archetypes of the priestess (of the Goddess)... to the health and vitality of the shakti energy within every human... i worked on over 70 global projects over 10 years with empowered women clients. the power of the male and female in co-creative harmony is one of the strongest forces in the universe. but sacred union begins within.
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  • 54. In service to divine union & the awakening of the worldspirit
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  • 56. The 5 Modules of the N.E.E. Course: Module 1: Deprogram The Times We Live In: An Artificial Reality What An Emissary Is During This Shift Who You Are & Who You Are Not The New Paradigm Way : Dump the Old “B.S.” (Belief Systems) the Old World vs. the New World The Challenges & the Opportunities The Choice We Have to Make (Homework) Working with our Emotions and Fears Clearing Tauma and Past Memories Revealing What’s In the Way (Homework) Connecting with Your True Nature (Homework) Module 2: Awareness New Earth Consciousness Creation vs. Destruction How We Got Here (Historically) / Our True History / Our True Nature The Source We Come From: Interconnected & Interdependent Great Exemplars: Leaders & Movements Before Us (Homework) Observing Your Life: Self-Destruction vs. Self-Reconstruction (Homework) Core Values: 10 Intentions for a Better World Resistance vs. Commitment (Homework) Reality Creation: Conscious Evolution, Adaptation & Innovation Overcoming the 15 Greatest Global Challenges Mind, Body & Spirit: Inform, Activate, Embody, Expand Module 3: Define & Declare the Declaration of Consciousness Define Your Place in the World the 3 Types of Vision How You Impact the World (Homework) What We Have Learned from the Old World’s Lessons The 8 Aspects of an Integrated Life of Harmony Being in Service: From Self, to Others, to Global Developing Your Skills & Experience (Homework) the Art of Transformation Sovereignty, Freedom & Liberation From Complexity to Simplicity The Wholeness - Living Foods & Daily Energetic Practices
  • 57. Module 4: The New Earth Emissary The 3 Components of a New Earth Emissary: Connection, Creativity, Co-Creation Connection: To Earth, Others, Your Guidance & Soul Essence Creativity: The Most Important Skill of the 21st Century Heroic, Adventure, Magic & Imagination Becoming Mythically Embodied (Homework) Accessing Your Divine Creative Spirit Sacred Union - Divine Masculine & Feminine Power Co-Creation: Collaboration, Conflict Resolution, Council, Mastermind, Resources Harmony & Balance: Being vs. Doing, Inner Sacred Union, Story & Systems Unite Creating a “Blueprint of We” (Homework) The Heart: the Intelligence for Global Coherence Module 5: The Renaissance The Global Uprise & Revolutions the New Earth in Pop Culture & Mainstream Media The Rise of the Artist, Leader & Entrepreneur The Human Spirit at Work & Play The Artist: E(ART)H is a Game, School, Theater & Quest Leader: Vision, Strategy & Action Entrepreneur: The Future of Work as a Messenger, Influencer, Producer & Creator How To Integrate All 3 Into your Personal & Professional Life The Journey of Life from a Modern Lens: Artificial Reality? The Key Components of the New Earth: Radiant Health, Spirituality, Community, Sustainability, etc. The Key Movements, Stories and Examples of the New Earth Following Nature’s Guidance (Homework) Being in Service to the Greater Good of Humanity
  • 58. I’m Davin Infinity, the founder of the New Earth Emissary Course. My goal is to help people transform their limiting beliefs so that they can shift their energy and enter the new paradigm of a thriving co-creative society known as the New Earth. Translation? I’m here to help you become successful, creative and fully expressed ! I am a living example of what it’s like to walk this path. I entered the unknown 18 years ago at the age of 20. And I came out the other end with a sense of courage, empowered creativity and relentless passion to help others. With any epic life long journey, I had to overcome doubt, resistance, fear and disconnection from being centered in the heart. But I kept going and I reached the soil of the New Earth. Over the last 7 years I have studied with and interviewed leaders of the new world on my Creative Energy radio and TV show. They helped overcome my own resistance by helping me to commit to building the New Earth. I have spent 15 years traveling the world studying, preparing and embodying the coming age of the New Earth, training with wisdom keepers and thought leaders. I have shared my wisdom with thousands of people through facilitating workshops and speaking at over 30 conferences or festivals. I have also co-created over 500 new paradigm projects as an entrepreneur and creative director, working with very diverse clients. It is my life purpose to share with the world that we have the power to create. I have mastered this through learning the art of transformation. And I want to share this art form with you.
  • 59. For the last 15 years, I have traveled the world research-ing and celebrating the worldspirit of such diverse cultures in 32 countries. But it was about 10 years ago when I turned my focus to visiting some of the world’s most renown new societies, education centers, land projects and organizations that were living examples of an emerging paradigm I refer to as the New Earth. I did apprenticeships and trainings and documented and interviewed these places for my Creative Energy TV show. I am a part of several organizations and movements. Here are a few: Agents of Conscious Evolution Bioneers the Tribal Convergence Network Unify the HUB - global network of social entrepreneur centers Evolver i
  • 60.
  • 61. Separation, fear based Ego control, self-denial, unforgiveness, outdated belief systems, scarcity & poverty consciousness, material excess, male vs. female, race vs. race, unfulfilling careers, emotional self-gratification, corporate greed, sexual & domestic abuse, global grid matrix control, unsustainable livelihood, thermo-nuclear radiation abuse, mass species extinction, dominion over animal kingdom, wars... Unified heart consciousness, sovereign co-creation, self-realization, crystalline vibrations, creative self-empowerment, transparent communication, conscious teamwork, honest integrity, non-judgmental, vibrational discernment, loving the body from authentic presence, sacred union, emotional intelligence, self-fulfilling careers, enlightened philanthropy, prosperity consciousness, radiant health embodiment, inner- evolving life purpose, ecologically thriving lifestyle, raw living superfoods, biomimicry architecture and permaculture, inner and outer peace... InterConnected Ungrounded New Age philosophy, unclarity, anticipation, energy shifts, misunderstanding, false prophecies, power struggles, protests and revolutions, anxiety... The New Earth Emissary Course offers the essential tools, wisdom and stories for you heroic quest to discover freedom.
  • 62. The Human Spirit Is: Heroic Imagination Innovation Limitless Creative Freedom Liberation Sensual Erotic Passionate Magical Revolutionary InterConnected So why are we struggling so often here on Earth? Is it because we have created an artificial reality and lost our connection to the wisdom and energy of the planet ?
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  • 65. I was a curious child. a little rebellious, but filled with awe & wonder. The world was my playground and life was art. now that I am all grown up, some things remain the same. i found a way out of the matrix. and i never looked back. The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper ~ William Butler Yeats
  • 66. Now that I look back, I am wondering where it all began? At the age of 16, I skydived for the first time. Yes, it does change your life in an instant. In one leap, I removed fear of death and heights from my psyche. I remembered what it fealt like to fly. As if it was all too familiar?
  • 67. Just a year later, at the age of 17, I took an LSD journey with several “well experienced” friends. We planned our entire journey around visiting the Academy of Sciences and the aquarium along with the closing finale: The Laserium show inside the Planetaerium dome. The scheduled show that night was not a coincidence. It was Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album. Imagine all of the colors of the rainbow customed animated with sacred geometric patterns above you as one of the most psychedelic albums of all time plays in surround sound. This also changed my life. During a brief, yet eternal period, my body, heart, lungs and mind opened up to the vast interconnected patterns of all life and I dissolved into a unified field with the audience, the colors, patterns and sounds. I was guided by the round curveature of the dome, which immerses you in a 360 degree experience of the spherical nature of the cosmos, into the interconnected awakening of my own reality and the natural world.
  • 68. From a Double Major in college, to working as a Creative Professional, My journeys continued. My weekends were always filled with epic advntures. I was driven by passion, power and purpose.
  • 69. I put the same creative spirit into my performance direction, film-making and visionary art as i did with my clients’ projects. My personal life and my professional life became one unified source of inspiration.
  • 70. I studied many things and went on many adventures. I visited 32 countries and climbed ancient pyramids and decoded ancient languages and powerful mythical stories.
  • 71. I was open to receiving the wisdom of our ancestors & our record Keepers
  • 72. Everywhere I go i look for art, beauty, nature, reflections and creative people who want to collaborate. this is the true from of language. all knowledge is passed down through 5 forms: music, art, the spoken word, architecure and nature. i communicate and create my reality by following the natural laws of the universe and the ancient and modern principles of success. I also teach these in my career. i believe that humanity is a reflection of its own ability to breakthrough its limitations.
  • 73. A 10 Day Training at the Federation of Damanhur and the Temples of Humankind in Italy.
  • 74. the journeys continued... i uncovered the greatest mysteries, wisdom, and creation principles. Then like a lightning bolt, i channeled these 12 years of research and experiences into 10 full color books that one day may become the foundation for a new humanity transitioning into a goldedn age.
  • 75. books like “A Guide To Eternity” which showed how Physics, energy and human experience are all connected by a unified field
  • 76. and “New Earth Creation” which is a complete manual for the re-invention of humanity to thrive
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  • 78. For a good period of my life, I felt like I entered a time machine in the future and entered earth in the 20th century from another dimension and world. Life to me feels like we are in the dark ages (or at least the middle ages). i remember living in a golden age where human love, creativity and abundance was the celebrated way of life. maybe its my mission (in the now) to take us there.
  • 79. When i was filming a few water births, being a part of a woman and mans journey as they were initiated into becoming creators of a new being, my life forever changed. I knew that humanity is not living up to its full potential, and that we are shut off from our own sensual and creative powers. i also realized that we are a young species. newborns just waking up to our own reflection and all of the magic and miracles of life.
  • 80. our global and individual challenges come from our inability to love, feel, create and care for others on the deepest level. So this is why i set out on a journey to make “Birth of the new world”. an epic film about our epic birthing powers that come from the universal principles that gives a sun its radiance, a galaxy its spiral, and a human its magnificent brain and heart. what not a better way to reclaim these powers then through an awakened visionary man as film-maker, and miss jaiya - a world renown Goddess and educator of tantric sexuality, pleasure and natural birth - as example.
  • 81. with all of this goddess juice and creative energy, i am very focused on helping out our global social and ecological crisis. I am committed to sustainability and to helping create new social systems and orginzations that can thrive.
  • 82. my company works with these visionary green organizations who are putting on the superhero cape to save the world. i help them cultivate their mission and their message and then put it out in the world through story and systems, design and video, heart and soul.
  • 83. we are undergoing the greatest transformation of human consciousness. we are stepping into an entirely new realm of creative possibilities.
  • 84. our new world is going to look very different. our choices and actions will build this world.
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  • 86. 2 3 1 The Three Things I Learned: 1. Learn About Yourself 2. Show up and support others 3. Life is Your Creation Beliefs Choices Actions Passion Purpose Power INTEGRITY
  • 87. A new world is being born by an uprise of creative technology and the human need for revolutionary freedom from a history of oppression. I am committed to being a part of the greatest and most important global renaissance. I am ready to step up as a leader and declare freedom for 100% of humanity. Since creativity is the greatest human resource of energy, i declare that this is what i will learn, teach and share on an epic level.
  • 88. My Personal Formula: My Business Formula:
  • 89. do you fear death ? For me, death is a heroic journey into the next experience of being.
  • 90. a return to the source