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Your ultimate guide to your most empowered year
By Davin infinity
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
		 – Abraham Lincoln
High Life Year
Creation Formula
1. VISION, STRATEGY & ACTION is the 3 step formula
2. love, beauty & wisdom are the eternal qualities
3. connection, creativity & co-creation are the skills
4. Entrepreneur, leader, artist are the ways you take action
high life year step 1 : VISION
What are the top 5 skills you need to develop stronger to
make this year effective and powerful?
(This is my list of 5 skills and the 5 areas it will improve) write yours now in your journal
high life year step 1 VISION
set your intentions
write yours now in your journal
ideas things people
time energy money
high life year step 1 VISION
are the three elements that
energetically make up our day.
How do you envision these
positively effecting you daily?
write yours now in your journal
high life year step 1 VISION
What if you could design your life and professional path to embody
true freedom and this experience became the highest blessing for the
human spirit? What is your vision of a free humanity?
What if living your purpose became a mission to free the world of its
current misguidance that creates conformity and control?
What are your fears?
What are your limitations? Where is your boundary edge (comfort zone)?
What is the ultimate motivation to move past your edge into new territory?
What is it about taking risks that scare you?write your answers in your journal
write down anything that comes to mind within the three categories in orange above.
When you take these three categories and find the sweet spot in the center, you are
well on your way to turning pro, having the best year ever, and finding your life purpose.
high life year step 1 : VISION ARe you ready to turn pro ?
turning pro: Taking your professional life to the next level is one of the most
important things you can do whether you are an artist, entrepreneur or _________.
Why ? Three main reasons to focus on this year:
Accountability, Integrity & leadership
high life year step 2 : strategy
what is my version
of life balance ?
write your answers in your journal find true success in balance
introvert vs. extrovert
doing vs. being
reacting vs. observing
rational vs. mystical
What is the balance
in my life between:
Making a Difference
high life year step 2 : strategy
write your personal and business
strategies in your journal.
Then write how to design your
lifestyle so the two are not only
in balance, but your love of live
fuels your career.
mindsets & habits
value created
your high performance zone
partners, boss & teams
The purpose here is to find out how
your 1.) daily habits, 2.) weekly
action plans, 3.) short term strategy,
4.) long term goals get mapped out
Phase 1 : Develop now
Assessing the 4 C’s of a Thriving
Business and lifestyle:
- Critical Thinking
- Creativity
- Collaboration
- Communication
			 Phase 2: Your Life Vision Over Time
				 Daily Habits
					Weekly Action Plans
					 Short Term Strategy
						 - 1 month
						 - 3 month
						 - 1 year milestones
						Long Term Strategy:
						 - 5 year
						 - 10 year
						 - Retirement & Elder Years
high life year step 2 : strategy
Achieve more or Connect more
Is my version of success a balance of personal
growth achievement combined with fullfillment
in deep relationships?
develop your strategy for
action in your journal
Phase 3
Strategy Mapping
Here we will be working with
you to identify the resources
and potential partners to bring
your ideas to life or into the
public attention.
high life year step 2 : strategy
write your answers in your journal
high life year step 2 : strategy
What is your life purpose ?
how do you live it fully
this year ?
how do you know if you are
making the right choices ?
how do you know when to
take action ?
What focus and choices will it take to feel these states of being?
What’s your call to action?
high life year step 2 : strategy
write your answers in your journal
a diamond is created over many
years of focused pressure
What is your awareness of
the three general levels
of life consciousness?
Natural Laws & Universal
The best of Ancient &
Modern Wisoom
The corruption & outdated
reality of the modern day
matrix and its use of con-
trol and self obsession.
Make this the Year of Reading Books,
Exploring Imagination & the Power of
the Human Spirit through Stories.
My goal is to read ____ books this year.
SMART Goals:
Simple & Specific
Reaching your Milestones
On a scale of 1 to 10:
How good has your goal setting
and follow through been in the past?
write down your goals
from these 5 categories
The intention of taking decisive action is to guide you into an experience of a
new paradigm on a transforming planet that you create with your beliefs and
your creative energy once you move past your comfort zone and your limitations.
You will discover the messages and signs of your highest guidance.
Your ultimate purpose will be revealed when you get results and feedback.
high life year step 3 : action
Life is not about finding yourself,
it’s about creating yourself.
Your action in life creates great
ripples inside of you that spread out
to your outer reality.
high life year step 3 : action
Bring Vision Into Action
Describe in detail your ideal day and ideal week. Break it
down hourly, and be specific about what you are doing and
how you feel. Write in the present tense. With the right
schedule, I would have time for the following items on my
“high list”
Describe any details about where you want to live (if dif-
ferent from where you are now), or how you make room for
things like travel and vacation.
What experiences do you want?
What type of environemnts and events do you want to go
Desired Schedule is where action has its launch force.
Hourly Structure of the Day
What are your most productive times of the day?
What are your least productive times of the day?
When is the earliest you would like to start working each
At what hour do you want to stop all work?
How many days off do you want per week? Do you care what
day they fall on?
What boundaries do you want to set around your time?
“If you want something you’ve never
had, you must be willing to do
something you’ve never done.”
- Thomas Jefferson
launch force is the method i use to take big action.
here are two of the biggest questions i can ask:
1.) What is one thing you would like to ask for help with this
year? Big goals often take a village, and sometimes we get shy
or afraid to ask for the help we need. What would you love to
have some support around, even if you’re not quite sure who
to ask?
2.) What is THE biggest, most meaningful thing that you would
like to happen this year? Don’t hold back! Close your eyes
and think of the ONE move that trumps all others ­­that if this
were the only thing you focused on this year, you’d call it a
smashing success.
Lets review our magical formula for the best year ever:
1. VISION, STRATEGY & ACTION is the 3 step formula
2. love, beauty & wisdom are the eternal qualities
3. connection, creativity & co-creation are the skills
4. Entrepreneur, leader, artist are the ways you take action
1.) What is one new skill that you would like to develop this year?
Either on your own, or by taking a class. Speaking of which, check
out this awesome new site I found that shows you classes in your
area: Classtivity.
2.) What is one hobby you want to practice? This can be a revival of
an old hobby or favorite pastime (like writing or playing guitar) or a
new one altogether?
3.) Where is one exciting destination you would like to travel to?
What is one creative project or idea you would like to undertake?
Have fun with this!
4.) What one career move would make the biggest impact on your
overall happiness and success this year?
5.) What one money move would make the biggest impact on your
overall financial picture this year?
6.) Who is one person you would like to meet or reach out to this
year? For example, either someone new (and maybe aspirational) or a
re­kindling of an old friendship or relationship.
7.) What area of your physical space can you clean, purge or re­
organize this year?
8.) What is one adventure you would like have this year? Choose
something fun, risky, different, or otherwise soul­stirring!
9.) What is one health or fitness milestone you would like to hit?
This can be related to weight loss, but it certainly doesn’t have to
be. For example, maybe it’s running a race, completing a 30­day chal-
lenge or nailing a difficult yoga pose.
1o.) What is one new system you can put in place, or an area of your
life that you can streamline or organize this year?
Now that we have an idea of how you learn and work,
let’s take a look at your productivity.
Productivity: Getting the result that you want.
Entrepreneur: Someone who builds a profitable business.
Entrepreneurial Productivity: Wanting and having the
ability to build a business that grows, makes profit, and
gives you increasing income.
In order to achieve productivity as an entrepreneur, you
1. Know what you want to achieve with your business
2. Clarify your view and your grasp of what is standing in
the way of your growth, profit and income
3. Identify the actions that give you the highest money
return for every ounce of effort invested 4. Create a work
environment that prevents distraction, puts you in the
“flow” state, and makes
sure that you do the things that produce a growing in-
5. Inspire and motivate yourself at a deep level, so you
feel called to consistently do the things you need to do to
make growth and profit happen
Productivity & Focused Concentration are two of the
biggest things under seige in our lives.
Weekly schedule
Time / period Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Weekly schedule
The world is changing.
The old methods of doing business are cracking away.
A new evolution in conscious business enterprise
led by organizations and entrepreneurs is emerging.
This is the time when you are ready to
engage beyond your thoughts and put
things into motion.
Action Steps for this month:
high life year step 3 : action
The 9 core areas that involve action
5 Creative Action Keys
for Entrepreneurs Ability to Innovate.
Business, at its essence, is a simple thing -  a company
creates unique value by designing products and ser-
vices that meet the needs of customers in a growing
1. Offer a Movement or a Cause. We are an innova-
tion-based economy. The best idea take off and spread.
The people who will most readily engage with your
idea make up your tribe of followers.
    2.    Tell Stories.  In business, people buy from people.
We have been telling stories since the dawn of time,
and stories are the most effective way to emotionally
engage your audience.
    3.    AwakenYour Creative Genius (or Genie). In an
attention-span limited world, creative concepts can
flow past the neocortex and appeal to people on an
emotional level.
    4.    Define your Unique Value. Differentiate Thyself.
It’s not enough to be good anymore – your services
must be unique, and matched to the needs of your au-
   5.   Show Social Proof. It’s a virtuous cycle: testimoni-
als, Facebook Fans, and the legendary word-of-mouth.
Video testimonials are the best – and rank highest on
high life year step 3 : action
you will need to develop these 9 core areas that involve action if you
are to make great progress in creating your new life this year.
The following pages are
resources, techniques or examples
for either vision, strategy or action
Great examples of “strategy mapping” used by
entrepreneurs and media creators
the business model canvas is a great examples of
“strategy mapping” used by entrepreneurs. Download it
for free (just google free business model canvas pdf)
Purpose, Mission, Vision, Strategies, Obstacles,
Goals, Structures, Action Plan, Milestones
	 I will leave you with my mentor Michael Gerber’s 4 Archetypes that Dream, Develop, Design & Deliver your business & life. Within every
entrepreneur’s personality there exist four distinct dimensions that drive and fuel the creation and vision of enterprise: The Dreamer, The Thinker,
The Storyteller, and The Leader. No doubt some of these aspects are more developed in you than others—for we each have our own strengths—but
in order to successfully launch your own enterprise, all four characteristics are must be present. Those that are lacking must be developed if you
are to succeed.
The Dreamer
The Dreamer is the least understood out of the four dimensions. Many think dreaming is the same as daydreaming, because of course every entre-
preneur has a dream. But The Dreamer must have a much larger vision in place. His dream has purpose, that same purpose that lives within the
entrepreneur’s heart. It’s not as simple as the desire to live elsewhere or to have a bigger house and to make more money, but The Dreamer stands
on the mountaintop of imagination and creates dreams where there are none at all.
The Thinker
The Thinker is The Dreamer’s most important companion. The Dreamer represents the “what” and The Thinker represents the methodical “how.”
He compliments The Dreamer by knowing the special role he plays in the manifestation of The Dreamer’s vision. He is the one who asks the ques-
tions essential to formulate the business plan.
The Storyteller
The Storyteller invokes excitement in others when conveying the dream. He knows that without encouragement and excitement no dream has a
chance to become reality. He begins to “speak” the dream or to “sing” the song. The Storyteller in essence represents life and is where The Dreamer
and The Thinker find voice.
The Leader
The Leader is who assumes the responsibility to move the dream forward. He takes the pieces of the puzzle—that of The Dreamer, Thinker and
Storyteller—and puts them together. The execution of the dream rests on his shoulders. He sees where the dream is going, how it’s going to get
there, when it’s going to get there and what it will look like when all is said and done. The Leader realizes that the big picture is a product of all the
small things done very, very well.
	 So, ask yourself: have I nurtured these four characteristics within my own personality? Are all four developed and functional, or is one or
more lacking? If you feel stuck in your business, it may be because The Dreamer, Thinker, Storyteller or Leader is asleep at the wheel. All must be
present. All must be working. As they work, so does your business.
what i have just shared with you in this manual is what i use to vision and take
action to experience living epic. each year gets better with courage. my life so far:
Brendon Burchard’s
1-Page Productivity Planner
Project #1:_____________
5 big things I must do to move this project forward:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
Project #3:_____________
5 big things I must do to move this project forward:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
Project #2:_____________
5 big things I must do to move this project forward:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
People I need to reach out to today.
List the people you have to reach out to today no matter what:
People I’m waiting on.
List the people who you need something from to move forward:
The main things I must complete today, no matter what.
List the priorities and to-dos that must be accomplished today and DO these before getting trapped in your inbox and other people’s agendas.
STRATEGY: Develop : Intake #1
Purpose: Why you do what you do
Passion: What awakens and moves you
Power: Your unique energy signature / personality type / skills
	 Your results of Action from Unstoppable Commitment
Ability - What you are capable of?
- What do you do better then anything else?
Motivation - Determines what you do
Attitude - How well you do it
			 (hopes, focus, discernment, optimism)
In Business:
What you do
How you do it
keep in touch with me:
I create amazing
videos to inspire:
life coach
business consultant
performance trainer
creativity expert
renaissance man
make this the best year ever. every moment matters.
make your life a quest with the ultimate treasure being you at your greatest.

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Davin Skonberg
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High Year Life Creation Manual

  • 1. Your ultimate guide to your most empowered year HIGH YEAR LIFE CREATION By Davin infinity a manual
  • 2. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln High Life Year Creation Formula VISION STRATEGY ACTION
  • 3. 1. VISION, STRATEGY & ACTION is the 3 step formula 2. love, beauty & wisdom are the eternal qualities 3. connection, creativity & co-creation are the skills 4. Entrepreneur, leader, artist are the ways you take action
  • 4.
  • 5. high life year step 1 : VISION What are the top 5 skills you need to develop stronger to make this year effective and powerful? (This is my list of 5 skills and the 5 areas it will improve) write yours now in your journal
  • 6. high life year step 1 VISION set your intentions write yours now in your journal
  • 7. ideas things people time energy money high life year step 1 VISION are the three elements that energetically make up our day. How do you envision these positively effecting you daily? write yours now in your journal
  • 8. high life year step 1 VISION What if you could design your life and professional path to embody true freedom and this experience became the highest blessing for the human spirit? What is your vision of a free humanity? What if living your purpose became a mission to free the world of its current misguidance that creates conformity and control? What are your fears? What are your limitations? Where is your boundary edge (comfort zone)? What is the ultimate motivation to move past your edge into new territory? What is it about taking risks that scare you?write your answers in your journal
  • 9. write down anything that comes to mind within the three categories in orange above. When you take these three categories and find the sweet spot in the center, you are well on your way to turning pro, having the best year ever, and finding your life purpose. high life year step 1 : VISION ARe you ready to turn pro ? turning pro: Taking your professional life to the next level is one of the most important things you can do whether you are an artist, entrepreneur or _________. Why ? Three main reasons to focus on this year: Accountability, Integrity & leadership
  • 10. high life year step 2 : strategy what is my version of life balance ? write your answers in your journal find true success in balance introvert vs. extrovert doing vs. being reacting vs. observing rational vs. mystical What is the balance in my life between: Learning Growing Creating Receiving Giving Serving Making a Difference
  • 11. high life year step 2 : strategy write your personal and business strategies in your journal. Then write how to design your lifestyle so the two are not only in balance, but your love of live fuels your career. Health community environments relationships mindsets & habits value created your high performance zone partners, boss & teams The purpose here is to find out how your 1.) daily habits, 2.) weekly action plans, 3.) short term strategy, 4.) long term goals get mapped out
  • 12. Phase 1 : Develop now Assessing the 4 C’s of a Thriving Business and lifestyle: - Critical Thinking - Creativity - Collaboration - Communication Phase 2: Your Life Vision Over Time Values Daily Habits Weekly Action Plans Short Term Strategy - 1 month - 3 month - 1 year milestones Long Term Strategy: - 5 year - 10 year - Retirement & Elder Years high life year step 2 : strategy Achieve more or Connect more Is my version of success a balance of personal growth achievement combined with fullfillment in deep relationships?
  • 13. develop your strategy for action in your journal
  • 14. Guidance You Phase 3 Strategy Mapping Here we will be working with you to identify the resources and potential partners to bring your ideas to life or into the public attention. high life year step 2 : strategy Collaboration write your answers in your journal
  • 15. high life year step 2 : strategy What is your life purpose ? how do you live it fully this year ? how do you know if you are making the right choices ? how do you know when to take action ?
  • 16. What focus and choices will it take to feel these states of being?
  • 17. What’s your call to action?
  • 18. high life year step 2 : strategy write your answers in your journal a diamond is created over many years of focused pressure
  • 19.
  • 20. What is your awareness of the three general levels of life consciousness? Natural Laws & Universal Principles The best of Ancient & Modern Wisoom The corruption & outdated reality of the modern day matrix and its use of con- trol and self obsession.
  • 21. Make this the Year of Reading Books, Exploring Imagination & the Power of the Human Spirit through Stories. My goal is to read ____ books this year. SMART Goals: Simple & Specific Measurable Attainable Results Timely Reaching your Milestones On a scale of 1 to 10: How good has your goal setting and follow through been in the past? write down your goals from these 5 categories
  • 23. The intention of taking decisive action is to guide you into an experience of a new paradigm on a transforming planet that you create with your beliefs and your creative energy once you move past your comfort zone and your limitations. You will discover the messages and signs of your highest guidance. Your ultimate purpose will be revealed when you get results and feedback. high life year step 3 : action
  • 24. Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. Your action in life creates great ripples inside of you that spread out to your outer reality. high life year step 3 : action Bring Vision Into Action Describe in detail your ideal day and ideal week. Break it down hourly, and be specific about what you are doing and how you feel. Write in the present tense. With the right schedule, I would have time for the following items on my “high list” Describe any details about where you want to live (if dif- ferent from where you are now), or how you make room for things like travel and vacation. What experiences do you want? What type of environemnts and events do you want to go to? Desired Schedule is where action has its launch force. Hourly Structure of the Day What are your most productive times of the day? What are your least productive times of the day? When is the earliest you would like to start working each day? At what hour do you want to stop all work? How many days off do you want per week? Do you care what day they fall on? What boundaries do you want to set around your time?
  • 25. “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” - Thomas Jefferson launch force is the method i use to take big action. here are two of the biggest questions i can ask: 1.) What is one thing you would like to ask for help with this year? Big goals often take a village, and sometimes we get shy or afraid to ask for the help we need. What would you love to have some support around, even if you’re not quite sure who to ask? 2.) What is THE biggest, most meaningful thing that you would like to happen this year? Don’t hold back! Close your eyes and think of the ONE move that trumps all others ­­that if this were the only thing you focused on this year, you’d call it a smashing success.
  • 26. Lets review our magical formula for the best year ever: 1. VISION, STRATEGY & ACTION is the 3 step formula 2. love, beauty & wisdom are the eternal qualities 3. connection, creativity & co-creation are the skills 4. Entrepreneur, leader, artist are the ways you take action 1.) What is one new skill that you would like to develop this year? Either on your own, or by taking a class. Speaking of which, check out this awesome new site I found that shows you classes in your area: Classtivity. 2.) What is one hobby you want to practice? This can be a revival of an old hobby or favorite pastime (like writing or playing guitar) or a new one altogether? 3.) Where is one exciting destination you would like to travel to? What is one creative project or idea you would like to undertake? Have fun with this! 4.) What one career move would make the biggest impact on your overall happiness and success this year? 5.) What one money move would make the biggest impact on your overall financial picture this year? 6.) Who is one person you would like to meet or reach out to this year? For example, either someone new (and maybe aspirational) or a re­kindling of an old friendship or relationship. 7.) What area of your physical space can you clean, purge or re­ organize this year? 8.) What is one adventure you would like have this year? Choose something fun, risky, different, or otherwise soul­stirring! 9.) What is one health or fitness milestone you would like to hit? This can be related to weight loss, but it certainly doesn’t have to be. For example, maybe it’s running a race, completing a 30­day chal- lenge or nailing a difficult yoga pose. 1o.) What is one new system you can put in place, or an area of your life that you can streamline or organize this year? earthly education experiences
  • 27. Now that we have an idea of how you learn and work, let’s take a look at your productivity. Productivity: Getting the result that you want. Entrepreneur: Someone who builds a profitable business. Entrepreneurial Productivity: Wanting and having the ability to build a business that grows, makes profit, and gives you increasing income. In order to achieve productivity as an entrepreneur, you must: 1. Know what you want to achieve with your business 2. Clarify your view and your grasp of what is standing in the way of your growth, profit and income 3. Identify the actions that give you the highest money return for every ounce of effort invested 4. Create a work environment that prevents distraction, puts you in the “flow” state, and makes sure that you do the things that produce a growing in- come 5. Inspire and motivate yourself at a deep level, so you feel called to consistently do the things you need to do to make growth and profit happen Productivity & Focused Concentration are two of the biggest things under seige in our lives. Weekly schedule Name: Time / period Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday © Weekly schedule
  • 28. The world is changing. The old methods of doing business are cracking away. A new evolution in conscious business enterprise led by organizations and entrepreneurs is emerging. ACTION !!! This is the time when you are ready to engage beyond your thoughts and put things into motion. Action Steps for this month:
  • 29. high life year step 3 : action The 9 core areas that involve action
  • 30. 5 Creative Action Keys for Entrepreneurs Ability to Innovate. Business, at its essence, is a simple thing -  a company creates unique value by designing products and ser- vices that meet the needs of customers in a growing market. 1. Offer a Movement or a Cause. We are an innova- tion-based economy. The best idea take off and spread. The people who will most readily engage with your idea make up your tribe of followers.     2.    Tell Stories.  In business, people buy from people. We have been telling stories since the dawn of time, and stories are the most effective way to emotionally engage your audience.     3.    AwakenYour Creative Genius (or Genie). In an attention-span limited world, creative concepts can flow past the neocortex and appeal to people on an emotional level.     4.    Define your Unique Value. Differentiate Thyself. It’s not enough to be good anymore – your services must be unique, and matched to the needs of your au- dience.    5.   Show Social Proof. It’s a virtuous cycle: testimoni- als, Facebook Fans, and the legendary word-of-mouth. Video testimonials are the best – and rank highest on Google. high life year step 3 : action you will need to develop these 9 core areas that involve action if you are to make great progress in creating your new life this year.
  • 31. The following pages are resources, techniques or examples for either vision, strategy or action
  • 32.
  • 33. Great examples of “strategy mapping” used by entrepreneurs and media creators
  • 34. the business model canvas is a great examples of “strategy mapping” used by entrepreneurs. Download it for free (just google free business model canvas pdf) SUCCESS PLAN Purpose, Mission, Vision, Strategies, Obstacles, Goals, Structures, Action Plan, Milestones
  • 35. PASSION TIME ENERGY MONEY VALUE I will leave you with my mentor Michael Gerber’s 4 Archetypes that Dream, Develop, Design & Deliver your business & life. Within every entrepreneur’s personality there exist four distinct dimensions that drive and fuel the creation and vision of enterprise: The Dreamer, The Thinker, The Storyteller, and The Leader. No doubt some of these aspects are more developed in you than others—for we each have our own strengths—but in order to successfully launch your own enterprise, all four characteristics are must be present. Those that are lacking must be developed if you are to succeed. The Dreamer The Dreamer is the least understood out of the four dimensions. Many think dreaming is the same as daydreaming, because of course every entre- preneur has a dream. But The Dreamer must have a much larger vision in place. His dream has purpose, that same purpose that lives within the entrepreneur’s heart. It’s not as simple as the desire to live elsewhere or to have a bigger house and to make more money, but The Dreamer stands on the mountaintop of imagination and creates dreams where there are none at all. The Thinker The Thinker is The Dreamer’s most important companion. The Dreamer represents the “what” and The Thinker represents the methodical “how.” He compliments The Dreamer by knowing the special role he plays in the manifestation of The Dreamer’s vision. He is the one who asks the ques- tions essential to formulate the business plan. The Storyteller The Storyteller invokes excitement in others when conveying the dream. He knows that without encouragement and excitement no dream has a chance to become reality. He begins to “speak” the dream or to “sing” the song. The Storyteller in essence represents life and is where The Dreamer and The Thinker find voice. The Leader The Leader is who assumes the responsibility to move the dream forward. He takes the pieces of the puzzle—that of The Dreamer, Thinker and Storyteller—and puts them together. The execution of the dream rests on his shoulders. He sees where the dream is going, how it’s going to get there, when it’s going to get there and what it will look like when all is said and done. The Leader realizes that the big picture is a product of all the small things done very, very well. So, ask yourself: have I nurtured these four characteristics within my own personality? Are all four developed and functional, or is one or more lacking? If you feel stuck in your business, it may be because The Dreamer, Thinker, Storyteller or Leader is asleep at the wheel. All must be present. All must be working. As they work, so does your business.
  • 36. what i have just shared with you in this manual is what i use to vision and take action to experience living epic. each year gets better with courage. my life so far:
  • 37. Brendon Burchard’s 1-Page Productivity Planner PROJECTS Project #1:_____________ 5 big things I must do to move this project forward: 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ Project #3:_____________ 5 big things I must do to move this project forward: 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ Project #2:_____________ 5 big things I must do to move this project forward: 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ PEOPLE People I need to reach out to today. List the people you have to reach out to today no matter what: People I’m waiting on. List the people who you need something from to move forward: PRIORITIES The main things I must complete today, no matter what. List the priorities and to-dos that must be accomplished today and DO these before getting trapped in your inbox and other people’s agendas.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. STRATEGY: Develop : Intake #1 Purpose: Why you do what you do Passion: What awakens and moves you Power: Your unique energy signature / personality type / skills Your results of Action from Unstoppable Commitment Ability - What you are capable of? - What do you do better then anything else? Motivation - Determines what you do Attitude - How well you do it (hopes, focus, discernment, optimism) In Business: What you do How you do it D1 D2 D3
  • 41. keep in touch with me: I create amazing videos to inspire: speaker life coach business consultant performance trainer creativity expert renaissance man
  • 42. make this the best year ever. every moment matters. make your life a quest with the ultimate treasure being you at your greatest.