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43: AmยฐJรฑQ> 2019
In the face of difficult situations,
transforming optimism, into action takes
a lot of courage. Optimism does not
mean being blindsided about the
hurdles and challenges. Optimism is
being able to see a positive outcome
despite the hurdles. It is like having a
periscopic vision. A periscope that
maneuvers criss-cross the hurdles, and
shows you to the goal that is inspiring.
Optimism does not mean recklessness.
Optimism is acknowledging the
anxieties and possible failures and yet
moving firmly and positively towards the
goal. Optimism pumps energy into
Off course, if one doesn't travel, then
one does not reach anywhere. Action is
as important as optimism, inspiration
and motivation. While optimism,
I strongly believe that before one
leads others, one must lead oneself. A
leader cannot lead people while
standing on the sidelines. Practice what
you preach has been a success mantra
for ages. I have seen phenomenal
leaders who would not mind to roll up
their sleeves, if required. These leaders
scored very high on credibility among
their employees. it is important for the
leader to have the right attitude and
action. Attitude would amount for loads
of optimism backed by equal amount of
inspiration and motivation. Before we
talk about action let us dwell for a minute
on the optimism, inspiration and
Optimism is an attitude, Inspiration
are the 'aha' moments, Motivation is a
state of mind. Motivation can be derived
from a deep routed sense of purpose.
Whenever one feels low, revisiting the
purpose does help one to get on to the
course again. A motivated person would
always know and be mentally prepared
to act on what he/she is supposed to do
each day. The actions would be goal
driven and will have a plan with
intermittent milestones. A motivated
person would neither be hesitant to
delegate things that can be handled by
others, nor be reluctant to do it
himself/herself if situation demands.
Two 'R's in the kitty of such a person
would be reminders & rewards.Aperson
with a drive would not want anything 'not
done' even accidently, so would set
reminders for self. Celebration of
successes, big and small keeps the fire
of motivation burning.
An entrepreneur needs to be
inspired for self before that inspiration
can drive others to go beyond
themselves. Inspiration and optimism
have a symbiotic relationship.
Inspiration fuels optimism, and
optimism maintains the continuum of
inspiration. It may be a small or big
inspiration. It could be about the values,
the vision,and the mission or maybe
about the policies, the processes, or the
avenues of business. It could even be
about dealing with people or finding a
new calling. No inspiration that nudges
entrepreneur an inch forward in the
quest can be considered insignificant.
On sunny days, it may be a great idea to
make a list of all those things, activities
or people that inspire you. The list
would come in handy when one is lost
about where to look.
: AmยฐJรฑQ> 201944
Consistency: Consistency in action
requires a whole lot of commitment to
sustain the effort with a long term vision.
Consistency can be achieved by
inculcating habits, schedules and
rituals. For example as an entrepreneur
every once in a week one could review
the key tasks, while every once in a
month the goals are reviewed, every
quarter one chooses to review the
business plan, potential and avenues
and once in six months one could look at
the enabling and empowering activates.
The idea is to pick the critical success
factors of a business and building rituals
around it so that one never loses the site
of these. Consistency asks for doing
things even when you do not feel like it.
Hindsight: Taking the analogy of
Chandrashila a bit further, from time to
time when I stopped to take those
precious five breaths, I turned around to
see how high I had climbed. It gave me a
great sense of accomplishment and a lot
of grit to go forward. Apart from
Focus: Focus on the goals and the
objectives. Focus on the positivity.
Focus not just on the outcomes, but also
on the foot print that you are leaving
behind. A journey, an activity will always
leave its trail that will not go away for a
very long time. Be aware and articulate
of what trail you are leaving behind. This
trail will end up chalking the DNA and
the cultural fabric of the organization. It
will influence the sustaining capacity as
well. The 'how' part will also add up to
the goodwill you would be creating for
yourself. Needless to say, you have to
first be aware of what DNA you would
like your enterprise to possess.
inspiration and motivation is a state of
mind and very personal in nature, action
can be disconnected from the state of
mind. Here are some thoughts that
come to mind in this context. To be
effective an entrepreneurs actions
should have:
Rhythm:I would like to draw an
analogy here from my trekking
experience. While trekking uphill the
Chandrashila Summit when I tried to
increase my pace, I was getting
breathless. Blame it on the sedentary
lifestyle. Indeed I may have practiced a
bit of hiking before the trek, but one
additional factor also was, that the air is
rare as you go on heights. After all
Chandrashila is 13000 ft. above sea
level. Our guide gave me a valuable
lesson that can be applied to our work
life as well. He told me, while pace is
important, building a rhythm in the pace
eliminates a lot of effort. He instructed
me to determine the number of steps
before pausing to recoup for a few
seconds. Climb 1, 2, 3, 4, 5โ€ฆโ€ฆ Pause
for 5 breathsโ€ฆ climb again. It motivated
me to complete those specific counts of
steps when I was getting breathless.
However, he instructed me to pause
after specific number of steps whether
or not I was breathless. My efforts
reduced to a great extent. I realized that
not only my pace increased, rhythm also
enhanced my motivation. It also helped
me to look around and absorb the scenic
beauty every time I paused for those five
Pace: Adjust the pace based on the
urgency and importance. Induce a
sense of urgency in the minds of the
employees for significant activities. The
pace can also be determined by the
number of people that should be walking
along side. Like they say, if you want to
go far, walk alone; if you want to go
strong, walk together.
45: AmยฐJรฑQ> 2019
motivation, hindsight would also help
you learn from the mistakes that you
may have committed. It could tell you if a
course correction was required. One
would be able to gauge one's strengths
a n d t h i n k t h r o u g h b u i l d i n g
And now D-for Discipline
Persistence: Persistence is more
about providing a follow through to the
actions or decisions that have already
been taken. Persistence will ensure
achievement of results. It would take a
lot of effort to stay at it, particularly when
the results are distant or the pace and
progress is either slower than planned
or the things are not going as desired.
In the words of Abraham Lincoln,
โ€œDiscipline is choosing between what
you want now and what you want most.โ€œ
It is the bridge between goals and
success. An entrepreneur needs to
exercise discipline on two levels, a. self
discipline and b. business discipline.
Self discipline:
Be truthful to self: Sometimes one
gets a feeling that as an entrepreneur
one lives many lives. How one comes
across to the customers and how one
comes across to the employees is way
different than each other. How an
entrepreneur gets projected in the
fraternity is yet another aspect. There
are filters and walls in the roles that an
entrepreneur plays. In the heat of all the
roles that are significant, one may
project only one aspect of the 'elephant'.
However, it is important that at least to
oneself, an entrepreneur should look at
the elephant in room holistically. There
might be some insights about self or the
business that could be good or bad, but,
h a r d t o d i g e s t . T h e l e a s t a n
e n t r e p r e n e u r s h o u l d d o i s t o
acknowledge the same to self. With
acknowledgement starts the journey of
Be punctual: Be punctual in arriving
to office on time, replying to mails, taking
decisions. It will help to get things off the
plate on time. Moreover, your staff is
watching you. `Wm amOm VWm ร Om. They
will follow your lead.
Ti m i n g & Ti m e l i n e s s : Ye s ,
punctuality and timeliness& timing are
two different disciplines. There are
several activities like reprimand,
reward, apology, action, giving and
fulfilling commitments, paper work etc.,
where timeliness and timing is
important. As an example, if need gets
created to reprimand someone, or
reward someone, justice delayed is
justice denied. However, if the
circumstances are such, when acting
out would be counterproductive (e.g.
presence of customers/ outsiders/ junior
staff in case of reprimand) one has to
know that a few minutes delay will avoid
any negative fall-outs of that reprimand.
Timeliness needs promptness and
timing may need restrain.
Be proactive: Have a edge over the
rest. Do not wait for the opportunity to
knock your door. Pre-empt and create
: AmยฐJรฑQ> 201946
the opportunities. Similarly do not wait
for hurricane to hit you. Work on pre-
emptive damage control. Doing failure
analysis and keeping a plan B and plan
C is wise. It is not a reflection on your
confidence in the planA.
Keep connected with people that
matter: As the time goes by and the
organization grows, more people join in.
Layers get created in the organization.
The layers also create distance
between the entrepreneur and the
people. So often I have heard
successful entrepreneurs lamenting
that they do not know people by their
names any more. Keeping connected
needs a conscious effort. One need to
earmark time or activity dedicated to
keeping connected and has to be
particular about following through that
activity. I have seen entrepreneurs
losing touch with people who have
helped them in their days of struggle,
their mentors, their star ex-employees
and such important people which they
are remorseful about later. It needs an
effort to keep connected with these
people as well.
Keep an eye on profit everyday:
Some business communities in India,
have a system of recording the inflow
and out flow on daily basis in such a way
that at the end of every day they would
know if the day was a plus for them or
minus. It may be a great idea to look into
such systems and adopt them. A small
plus almost every day would surely
cumulate into a successful year.
However, there could be gains on some
days that one may not be able to
calculate in currency. These gains may
be strategic; they too need to be valued.
Negotiate: Profits are built on not
taking things on the face value.
Expenses can be saved on good
negotiation. I have witnessed some very
hard negotiations. Sometimes
negotiators become insensitive of the
fact that other person is also doing
business. A win- lose situation usually
quickly turns into a lose- lose situation. If
the negotiation drives the opposite party
to the wall, it is very likely that the
opposite party may cut corners or
compromise on quality or delivery
schedules to make up for the erosion at
their end. Negotiate earnestly but with
Build network: Keeping connected
with old contacts does not absolve an
entrepreneur of building new network.
New horizons, new directions are going
to come from new people in the network.
In the hectic pace of everyday, one
might lose sight building new networks
that would benefit the business. While
doing so, one also must have a closer
look at what are the long term and short
term goals of the organization and then
focus the effort on crafting the network
t h a t w o u l d h e l p t h e f u t u r e
accomplishment. It goes without saying
that building focused network and
building relationships with this network
are two different things needing different
Business discipline: Saving and spending: The concept
'business cycle', itself determines the
'cycle' of ups and downs in the business.
Plan in advance and create reserves.
Exercise financial discipline. Ensure
that monies allocated to mandatory
activities do not get diverted to other
activities. Availability of cash-flows will
always tempt one for over spend.
Exercise restrainโ€ฆ focusโ€ฆ Financial
discipline is the nucleus of stability of
businesses. Warren Buffet says, โ€œWe
don't have to be smarter than the rest,
we have to be more disciplined than the
47: AmยฐJรฑQ> 2019
70 I ride the tide rather than fighting it
77 My recovery from the setbacks is rather quick
62 I stick to my routine, but I am not rigid
75 I plan the work
80 Setbacks make me more vigilant
73 I may fail, but I will not fail myself
64 I feel inspired most of the times
61 I may not know everything
65 When I am low, I do not mind talking it out to few close ones
63 I have the ability to change myself if the business requires it
67 I can take advice
69 In my past, I have faced failures and come out shining
68 I am not shy of rolling up my sleeves from time to time and dirtying my hands
71 I know at times I may have to compromise with my standard of living
Sr. No. I thinkโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. 1 2 3 4 5
66 I have few wise people close to me, with whom I can talk it out if required
72 I have enough mental and physical energy when the time gets tough
74 I am ready for hard work as well as smart work
76 I work the plan
78 I do celebrate success
79 Success does not make me complacent
Here is the way you score yourself 1= Note at all; 2= Mostly no; 3=May be; 4= Mostly yes; 5= Very much so
Table 1
Keep your ears to the ground:
conduct market research. Market
research of internal as well as external
market will give you crucial information
about your industry. This would give you
important triggers to execute and adapt
your plans. Know about updates on your
industry (Political, Economical, Social,
Technological, Market, Legal and
Environmental). Know about the trends
a n d g r o w t h r a t e s . K n o w y o u r
competition, and your customers. Also,
keep checking the pulse of the
employees- current as well as
future.Similarly, taking regular reviews
of the departmental heads, with follow
through on specific SMART goals would
also help an organization to stay close to
ground reality. This discipline is rarely
enjoyable but almost always profitable.
Test your ideas: Entrepreneurs are
entrepreneurs because of their sharp
instincts about the business ideas. It is
important to keep those instincts alive.
However, at times series of successes
could make one believe that all the ideas
are bound to be good. An entrepreneur
is a human too, as prone to error as
anyone else. If you have the right
connections that will help you to test
your ideas, do use those connects.
Bounce the ideas with people, do a pilot
testing before launching full-fledged.
Sometimes the risk is not worth taking.
Dr. Kalindi Kale,
Do you have it in you!
Continuing from where we left off,
here are the next 20 questions that you
may ask yourself about your mind as an
entrepreneur that you may want to pass
on as a DNAto the enterprise. (Table1)
Founder ofARCSticture and Buzzroute
Customer satisfaction: To me
customer satisfaction is more of a
discipline more than a goal that the
company should aim for. According to
Merriam-Webster dictionary Discipline
is control gained by enforcing
obedience or order, orderly or
prescribed conduct or pattern of
behavior, training that corrects, molds,
or perfects the mental faculties or moral
character. For perpetuality of success of
an enterprise, Customer satisfaction
has to become more of a discipline than
a much sought aspiration. The
ownership of inculcating customer
satisfaction as a discipline lies on the
shoulder of the entrepreneur.
The list of disciplines that the
entrepreneur should have is daunting.
One may ask, where is the freedom that
entrepreneurship should have got me?
All this discipline is binding me so hard. I
would like to quote Steven Covey and
say- Many people see discipline as the
absence of freedom, when in fact it is the
source of freedom.

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D - for Discipline, E - for Efforts

  • 1.
  • 2. 43: AmยฐJรฑQ> 2019 In the face of difficult situations, transforming optimism, into action takes a lot of courage. Optimism does not mean being blindsided about the hurdles and challenges. Optimism is being able to see a positive outcome despite the hurdles. It is like having a periscopic vision. A periscope that maneuvers criss-cross the hurdles, and shows you to the goal that is inspiring. Optimism does not mean recklessness. Optimism is acknowledging the anxieties and possible failures and yet moving firmly and positively towards the goal. Optimism pumps energy into efforts. Off course, if one doesn't travel, then one does not reach anywhere. Action is as important as optimism, inspiration and motivation. While optimism, I strongly believe that before one leads others, one must lead oneself. A leader cannot lead people while standing on the sidelines. Practice what you preach has been a success mantra for ages. I have seen phenomenal leaders who would not mind to roll up their sleeves, if required. These leaders scored very high on credibility among their employees. it is important for the leader to have the right attitude and action. Attitude would amount for loads of optimism backed by equal amount of inspiration and motivation. Before we talk about action let us dwell for a minute on the optimism, inspiration and motivation. Optimism is an attitude, Inspiration are the 'aha' moments, Motivation is a state of mind. Motivation can be derived from a deep routed sense of purpose. Whenever one feels low, revisiting the purpose does help one to get on to the course again. A motivated person would always know and be mentally prepared to act on what he/she is supposed to do each day. The actions would be goal driven and will have a plan with intermittent milestones. A motivated person would neither be hesitant to delegate things that can be handled by others, nor be reluctant to do it himself/herself if situation demands. Two 'R's in the kitty of such a person would be reminders & rewards.Aperson with a drive would not want anything 'not done' even accidently, so would set reminders for self. Celebration of successes, big and small keeps the fire of motivation burning. An entrepreneur needs to be inspired for self before that inspiration can drive others to go beyond themselves. Inspiration and optimism have a symbiotic relationship. Inspiration fuels optimism, and optimism maintains the continuum of inspiration. It may be a small or big inspiration. It could be about the values, the vision,and the mission or maybe about the policies, the processes, or the avenues of business. It could even be about dealing with people or finding a new calling. No inspiration that nudges entrepreneur an inch forward in the quest can be considered insignificant. On sunny days, it may be a great idea to make a list of all those things, activities or people that inspire you. The list would come in handy when one is lost about where to look.
  • 3. : AmยฐJรฑQ> 201944 Consistency: Consistency in action requires a whole lot of commitment to sustain the effort with a long term vision. Consistency can be achieved by inculcating habits, schedules and rituals. For example as an entrepreneur every once in a week one could review the key tasks, while every once in a month the goals are reviewed, every quarter one chooses to review the business plan, potential and avenues and once in six months one could look at the enabling and empowering activates. The idea is to pick the critical success factors of a business and building rituals around it so that one never loses the site of these. Consistency asks for doing things even when you do not feel like it. Hindsight: Taking the analogy of Chandrashila a bit further, from time to time when I stopped to take those precious five breaths, I turned around to see how high I had climbed. It gave me a great sense of accomplishment and a lot of grit to go forward. Apart from Focus: Focus on the goals and the objectives. Focus on the positivity. Focus not just on the outcomes, but also on the foot print that you are leaving behind. A journey, an activity will always leave its trail that will not go away for a very long time. Be aware and articulate of what trail you are leaving behind. This trail will end up chalking the DNA and the cultural fabric of the organization. It will influence the sustaining capacity as well. The 'how' part will also add up to the goodwill you would be creating for yourself. Needless to say, you have to first be aware of what DNA you would like your enterprise to possess. inspiration and motivation is a state of mind and very personal in nature, action can be disconnected from the state of mind. Here are some thoughts that come to mind in this context. To be effective an entrepreneurs actions should have: Rhythm:I would like to draw an analogy here from my trekking experience. While trekking uphill the Chandrashila Summit when I tried to increase my pace, I was getting breathless. Blame it on the sedentary lifestyle. Indeed I may have practiced a bit of hiking before the trek, but one additional factor also was, that the air is rare as you go on heights. After all Chandrashila is 13000 ft. above sea level. Our guide gave me a valuable lesson that can be applied to our work life as well. He told me, while pace is important, building a rhythm in the pace eliminates a lot of effort. He instructed me to determine the number of steps before pausing to recoup for a few seconds. Climb 1, 2, 3, 4, 5โ€ฆโ€ฆ Pause for 5 breathsโ€ฆ climb again. It motivated me to complete those specific counts of steps when I was getting breathless. However, he instructed me to pause after specific number of steps whether or not I was breathless. My efforts reduced to a great extent. I realized that not only my pace increased, rhythm also enhanced my motivation. It also helped me to look around and absorb the scenic beauty every time I paused for those five breaths. Pace: Adjust the pace based on the urgency and importance. Induce a sense of urgency in the minds of the employees for significant activities. The pace can also be determined by the number of people that should be walking along side. Like they say, if you want to go far, walk alone; if you want to go strong, walk together.
  • 4. 45: AmยฐJรฑQ> 2019 motivation, hindsight would also help you learn from the mistakes that you may have committed. It could tell you if a course correction was required. One would be able to gauge one's strengths a n d t h i n k t h r o u g h b u i l d i n g effectiveness. And now D-for Discipline Persistence: Persistence is more about providing a follow through to the actions or decisions that have already been taken. Persistence will ensure achievement of results. It would take a lot of effort to stay at it, particularly when the results are distant or the pace and progress is either slower than planned or the things are not going as desired. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, โ€œDiscipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.โ€œ It is the bridge between goals and success. An entrepreneur needs to exercise discipline on two levels, a. self discipline and b. business discipline. Self discipline: Be truthful to self: Sometimes one gets a feeling that as an entrepreneur one lives many lives. How one comes across to the customers and how one comes across to the employees is way different than each other. How an entrepreneur gets projected in the fraternity is yet another aspect. There are filters and walls in the roles that an entrepreneur plays. In the heat of all the roles that are significant, one may project only one aspect of the 'elephant'. However, it is important that at least to oneself, an entrepreneur should look at the elephant in room holistically. There might be some insights about self or the business that could be good or bad, but, h a r d t o d i g e s t . T h e l e a s t a n e n t r e p r e n e u r s h o u l d d o i s t o acknowledge the same to self. With acknowledgement starts the journey of correction. Be punctual: Be punctual in arriving to office on time, replying to mails, taking decisions. It will help to get things off the plate on time. Moreover, your staff is watching you. `Wm amOm VWm ร Om. They will follow your lead. Ti m i n g & Ti m e l i n e s s : Ye s , punctuality and timeliness& timing are two different disciplines. There are several activities like reprimand, reward, apology, action, giving and fulfilling commitments, paper work etc., where timeliness and timing is important. As an example, if need gets created to reprimand someone, or reward someone, justice delayed is justice denied. However, if the circumstances are such, when acting out would be counterproductive (e.g. presence of customers/ outsiders/ junior staff in case of reprimand) one has to know that a few minutes delay will avoid any negative fall-outs of that reprimand. Timeliness needs promptness and timing may need restrain. Be proactive: Have a edge over the rest. Do not wait for the opportunity to knock your door. Pre-empt and create
  • 5. : AmยฐJรฑQ> 201946 the opportunities. Similarly do not wait for hurricane to hit you. Work on pre- emptive damage control. Doing failure analysis and keeping a plan B and plan C is wise. It is not a reflection on your confidence in the planA. Keep connected with people that matter: As the time goes by and the organization grows, more people join in. Layers get created in the organization. The layers also create distance between the entrepreneur and the people. So often I have heard successful entrepreneurs lamenting that they do not know people by their names any more. Keeping connected needs a conscious effort. One need to earmark time or activity dedicated to keeping connected and has to be particular about following through that activity. I have seen entrepreneurs losing touch with people who have helped them in their days of struggle, their mentors, their star ex-employees and such important people which they are remorseful about later. It needs an effort to keep connected with these people as well. Keep an eye on profit everyday: Some business communities in India, have a system of recording the inflow and out flow on daily basis in such a way that at the end of every day they would know if the day was a plus for them or minus. It may be a great idea to look into such systems and adopt them. A small plus almost every day would surely cumulate into a successful year. However, there could be gains on some days that one may not be able to calculate in currency. These gains may be strategic; they too need to be valued. Negotiate: Profits are built on not taking things on the face value. Expenses can be saved on good negotiation. I have witnessed some very hard negotiations. Sometimes negotiators become insensitive of the fact that other person is also doing business. A win- lose situation usually quickly turns into a lose- lose situation. If the negotiation drives the opposite party to the wall, it is very likely that the opposite party may cut corners or compromise on quality or delivery schedules to make up for the erosion at their end. Negotiate earnestly but with fairness. Build network: Keeping connected with old contacts does not absolve an entrepreneur of building new network. New horizons, new directions are going to come from new people in the network. In the hectic pace of everyday, one might lose sight building new networks that would benefit the business. While doing so, one also must have a closer look at what are the long term and short term goals of the organization and then focus the effort on crafting the network t h a t w o u l d h e l p t h e f u t u r e accomplishment. It goes without saying that building focused network and building relationships with this network are two different things needing different efforts. Business discipline: Saving and spending: The concept 'business cycle', itself determines the 'cycle' of ups and downs in the business. Plan in advance and create reserves. Exercise financial discipline. Ensure that monies allocated to mandatory activities do not get diverted to other activities. Availability of cash-flows will always tempt one for over spend. Exercise restrainโ€ฆ focusโ€ฆ Financial discipline is the nucleus of stability of businesses. Warren Buffet says, โ€œWe don't have to be smarter than the rest, we have to be more disciplined than the rest.โ€
  • 6. 47: AmยฐJรฑQ> 2019 70 I ride the tide rather than fighting it 77 My recovery from the setbacks is rather quick 62 I stick to my routine, but I am not rigid 75 I plan the work 80 Setbacks make me more vigilant 73 I may fail, but I will not fail myself 64 I feel inspired most of the times 61 I may not know everything 65 When I am low, I do not mind talking it out to few close ones 63 I have the ability to change myself if the business requires it 67 I can take advice 69 In my past, I have faced failures and come out shining 68 I am not shy of rolling up my sleeves from time to time and dirtying my hands 71 I know at times I may have to compromise with my standard of living Sr. No. I thinkโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. 1 2 3 4 5 66 I have few wise people close to me, with whom I can talk it out if required 72 I have enough mental and physical energy when the time gets tough 74 I am ready for hard work as well as smart work 76 I work the plan 78 I do celebrate success 79 Success does not make me complacent Here is the way you score yourself 1= Note at all; 2= Mostly no; 3=May be; 4= Mostly yes; 5= Very much so Table 1 Keep your ears to the ground: conduct market research. Market research of internal as well as external market will give you crucial information about your industry. This would give you important triggers to execute and adapt your plans. Know about updates on your industry (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Market, Legal and Environmental). Know about the trends a n d g r o w t h r a t e s . K n o w y o u r competition, and your customers. Also, keep checking the pulse of the employees- current as well as future.Similarly, taking regular reviews of the departmental heads, with follow through on specific SMART goals would also help an organization to stay close to ground reality. This discipline is rarely enjoyable but almost always profitable. Test your ideas: Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs because of their sharp instincts about the business ideas. It is important to keep those instincts alive. However, at times series of successes could make one believe that all the ideas are bound to be good. An entrepreneur is a human too, as prone to error as anyone else. If you have the right connections that will help you to test your ideas, do use those connects. Bounce the ideas with people, do a pilot testing before launching full-fledged. Sometimes the risk is not worth taking. Events. Dr. Kalindi Kale, Do you have it in you! ---------------------------------------------------- Email: Continuing from where we left off, here are the next 20 questions that you may ask yourself about your mind as an entrepreneur that you may want to pass on as a DNAto the enterprise. (Table1) Founder ofARCSticture and Buzzroute Customer satisfaction: To me customer satisfaction is more of a discipline more than a goal that the company should aim for. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary Discipline is control gained by enforcing obedience or order, orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior, training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character. For perpetuality of success of an enterprise, Customer satisfaction has to become more of a discipline than a much sought aspiration. The ownership of inculcating customer satisfaction as a discipline lies on the shoulder of the entrepreneur. The list of disciplines that the entrepreneur should have is daunting. One may ask, where is the freedom that entrepreneurship should have got me? All this discipline is binding me so hard. I would like to quote Steven Covey and say- Many people see discipline as the absence of freedom, when in fact it is the source of freedom.