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Cyber Security and Terrorism Research Article
Cyber Security and Terrorism Research Article
Senior Capstone
Homeland Security has a wide range of organizations that fills
in as a way to deal with shielding the United States locally and
universally. These offices incorporate however are not
restricted to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Transportation
Security Administration, United States Coast Guard,
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure, and so forth. These offices
serves the administration in tending to at least one stages. For
instance, The Federal Emergency Management Agency,
otherwise called FEMA, is an organization that serves numerous
partners in mitigating, planning, responding, and recovering
from catastrophic events.
On a bigger degree, Cybersecurity is a developing and learning
field that is utilized in Cybersecurity and Infrastructure and
different organizations to shield significant specialized data
from fear monger assaults, for example, hacking. Its primary
unit of examination is the administration where relieving is the
stage being polished. This principle point is basic to the
Homeland Security and Emergency Management's (HSEM)
discipline. As of now, there is an issue of how does
Cybersecurity adequately change the danger of psychological
militant assaults, wherein there are sure and negative credits to
its methods for assurance. Innovation, organize security, basic
frameworks including PC frameworks, and so forth is the thing
that makes up Cybersecurity.
In spite of the fact that there might be a comprehension of what
fear based oppression is, there has not yet been an unequivocal
meaning of psychological oppression. As per Wilson, a few
definitions for digital fear mongering can result from the
assailants expectation while others centers on the impacts of the
assault itself (Wilson, 2007). A few assaults can bring about
mischief causing the death toll or harm while different assaults
may bring about troublesome PCs and dread equivalents to fear
based oppression. There should be a control on the yield of
what dread is truly delegated with regards to an assault. When
an infection occurs on a PC, is the proprietor of that PC
apprehensive? On the off chance that the proprietor is
apprehensive does it add up to a similar sort of dread starting at
an aggressor from an alternate nation causing the infection?
This can be alluded to what was the reason for that infection in
any case.
When managing Cybersecurity and fear based oppression, there
should be a decent measure of assaults occurring on the double
or sequentially to cause dread inside the organization or nation.
Digital fear mongers are seen assaulting different organizations
consecutive for an extensive stretch in result accomplishing
their objectives or if nothing else making consideration them
(Lewis, 2002). In the event that the fear based oppressor
neglects to increase any profit by their assault on a lot of PC
frameworks, at that point it would not be delegated a
psychological militant assault. A model would interfere with
several frameworks so as to cause a force blackout or some
other sort of interruption. In the event that the assailant didn't
cause any disturbance, the individual fizzled at threatening
work force.
The United States had the option to learn and become dependent
on past fear based oppressor assaults to get more grounded in
their security. Locally, the United States has strategies that
invigorates them a feeling of to limit dangers of psychological
oppression. Two of which are the full grown liberal
establishments that disparages any intentions in viciousness, for
example, fear based oppression, and the economy and
administrative ability to limit from the outcomes brought about
by psychological militant assaults (Friedman, 2011). Since the
United States ought the strength to not be unequivocally
influenced by such assaults, dread or fear not to be what is
given to the aggressors. On the off chance that dread is
restricted, digital fear mongering would not be such a
tremendous ascribe to Cybersecurity.
Other than the association of dread, Cyberterrorism can likewise
assault as a methods for correspondence. Data security is vital
to numerous associations, including the psychological militants
(Bogdanoski and Petreski, 2013). Cybersecurity must
comprehend the strategies and systems that assailants use to
invade their basic frameworks and PCs. Fear based oppressors
realizes that media press will communicate the assault and
whatever is related with it. This gives them the thought process
to actualize the message they are attempting to provide for the
United States, in result causing fear. Different reasons can be
their methods for correspondence for other psychological
militant associations or to move data clandestinely.
Steganography, concealed messages help pictures or recordings
are utilized encoded and went on through a bearer (Jahangiri,
Literature Review
Technology, Threats, and Risks
There are a sum of resources that compiles together to address
technology, risks, and threats in relation to cybersecurity. The
Internet of Things (Abomhara, 2015), Risks of Cyberterrorism
(Lewis, 2002), and Threats Associated with the Internet
(Heidenreich and Gray, 2014) are credible resources that
addresses this topic. The article breaks down one issue which
are the relations to digital psychological oppression and its
assaults on the country's basic foundation and the country
security strategies that are set up. Fear mongering as the
country and basic framework reliance on PC systems causes
new vulnerabilities or "a huge electronic Achilles' heel."
Accessibility that a digital dread needs to abuse those
vulnerabilities to intrude on a PC arrange that is new and not
yet exceptionally made sure about to cause interruption or to
close down basic capacities. These sources has components to
reevaluating digital dangers, various methodologies utilized as a
risk, hacking and fear, and the connection among cybercrime
and the economy. There is an attempt to order types of threats,
characterize cyber-attacks, and recognize attacks with respect to
the Internet of Things (IoT) services and technology. IoT and its
connection to digital security is the principle point. IoT gadgets
are developing wherever inside organizations and offices while
IoT administrations are additionally spreading all inclusive. The
significant resources for IoT alongside potential dangers,
assaults, and vulnerabilities inside the Internet of Things is
clarified. All through this sources, digital security and the
requirement for key anticipation strategies close by the issue
develops just as the development for potential needs. Digital
security needs greater security for itself and IoT foundations.
There is a market interest concerning mentioned security
protection and its difficulties. The articles tends to key focuses
similarly as tending to necessities and needs of security and
dangers, bargaining, and participating in appraisals and trust.
Analytical processes are made for the threats of the web related
with digital security. Security in the United States' foundation
is constantly the most mind boggling challenge. The creators
address how basic cybersecurity inside the United States as
headways of the Internet have prompted these non-customary
security concerns (Heidenreich and Gray, 2014). This article
looks at this specialized issue through breaking down the
activities that fear based oppressors make inside the media,
their system vulnerabilities, the United States' interconnected
basic frameworks, and national and global angles. The creators
additionally carry the regard for goals, guidelines, and
strategies towards assurance (Heidenreich and Gray, 2014).
Right now, plans to bring consideration of these basic issues
and the potential reactions of the internet members.
Terrorism and Cyberspace
The Cause of Terrorism (Crenshaw, 1981), A Global Threat
(Bogdanoski and Petreski, 2013), Influence of Terror
(Friedman, 2011), Cyberspace’s Identity (Turkle, 1999),
International Viewpoint on Cyberterrorism (Oluwafemi et al.,
2013), Cyber Terrorism and Attacks (Wilson, 2003), Managing
Fear (Friedman, 2011), and How Terrorist use the Internet
(Theohary, 2011).
Cyber terrorism is presented with past fear based oppressor
assaults including the 09/11 assault, the occurrence in Australia
of March 2000, and so on. Information robberies, basic
foundations, programmers, and so on were analyzed by public
safety advisors, the CIA, and numerous other Homeland
Security offices, authorities, and associations. Digital fear
based oppression included focuses on that are frameworks of
specialized security including basic and physical foundation.
Strategies and methods of digital psychological oppression
utilized included observing hardware, information transmission,
and the utilization of steganography for information data.
National reactions to digital psychological warfare dangers
included worldwide activities from phone collaborations,
programming investigation, innovation improvement, and
information interchanges.
This outcomes in assaults appearing as though psychological
militant assaults and an emotional responses and claims.
Political choices produced using the Homeland Security
ingrains this sort of dread in individuals and distinguishing
proof in assaults. Subjective brain research discloses to us that
individuals depend too vigorously on starting impressions of
hazard and markdown later data, an impact called securing
(Friedman, 2011). These digital dread both household and
universal use correspondence as their essential source and it is
directly under the country's noses. The principle targets would
be non-military personnel PCs and legislative organization basic
frameworks. There are connected vulnerabilities for each sort of
assault and influences related with digital assaults is
additionally included.
Conversations tended to right now from concentrating on the
fear based oppressor, the administration's reaction, and data
tasks in the two settings. There is a concentration to data
fighting by giving the foundation and its connection to the
internet or security. The requirement for reserves convinces fear
based oppressors to follow up on cybercrime through methods
for correspondence so as to request dealing of medications,
people, weapons, and so on the creator makes reference to
connections being worked among programmers and
psychological militant all together for abilities and assets to be
extended also. In the wake of tending to the reason, the articles
carries the concentration to digital assaults by and large.
This article includes the internet and its character. Right now,
creator welcomes center around the creation and usage into
virtual space (Turkle, 1999). Corresponding to the internet,
there are confusion of numerous data and how things are
depicted. Virtual personae, character, and development of range
are what is being surveyed right now. At the point when
engaged with the internet, it can either be a position of solace
for individuals to address uncertain issues. Concerning others, it
can give a space of chance for individuals to fill in as a group
through hardship of new digital sociality materials. The creator
accepts that the early ban is a period of extreme communication
with individuals and thoughts that will come into contact with
Digital History of Computers (Casey, 2011), Understanding
Cybercrime (Ciardhuain, 2004), Cybersecurity Limitations
(Brenner, 2006), Cybersecurity without the Violence
(O’Connell, 2012), and Organizations and Cybercrime
(Broadhurst et al., 2013).
Breaking down computerized proof and PC wrongdoing through
the measurable science, PCs, and web's perspective is a part of
the history of computers. There is also attention given to an
expansion in the realness of virtual occasions due to the
inclusion of cybersecurity. A couple of focuses on that are
associated with cybersecurity ranges from digital tormenting to
institutional despise violations. This article passes on the use of
digital aggressors and their simple access to innovation to
hassle others. These cybercrimes everywhere is a colossal on-
going issue and this article makes use to address it and the sky
is the limit from there.
There is an understanding on the limits, locale of cybercrime
and how the law, wrongdoing as a rule, and social change is
associated with this. Cybercrime makes these standards
hazardous in fluctuating manners and in changing degrees. The
article makes reference to that cybercrime doesn't have a one
area since it occurs on all levels through innovation. The nation
of the cybercrime happening can affirm ward over the
individuals doing the cybercrime both broadly and universally.
What this article additionally calls attention to is the issue of
how to organize issue professes to affirm ward over
transnational cybercriminals (Brenner, 2006). The article
investigates digital security without anyone else without the
digital war. Recommendation is given of the legislature don't
watch global law rules, particularly including the Internet
(O'Connell, 2012). This article makes inquiries concerning the
global law and its reaction to the web and innovation. The
creator additionally exhibits a postulation on the worldwide law
leads corresponding to financial activities and their
correspondences. There is open space for criticism regarding
how the laws raises issues just as an approach to beat them
Cybercrime is a national and worldwide issue with the capacity
to forestall, recognize, explore, and arraign the wrongdoing, and
is quick turning into a developing worldwide concern (United
Nations, 2004) (Broadhurst et al., 2013). The creators give
subtleties on cybercriminals, what they are prepared to do, and
their potential as to assaulting. In view of this development
universally, it will pull in a lot more digital dread. This extents
from illicit access to PC frameworks. Data frameworks are
tended to in various perspectives and might be focused for the
information they contain, including banking and Visa subtleties,
business exchange insider facts, or arranged data held by
governments (Broadhurst et al., 2013).
Insider Threats (Hunker and Probst, 2011), Human Behavior
within Insiders (Greitzer and Hohimer, 2011), Security Threat
Modeling and Analysis (Oladimeji et al., 2006), Framework for
Security Requirements Needed (Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003),
Survey Method of Threats in Cybersecurity (Jang-Jaccard and
Nepal, 2014), Risk Analysis of Information Security (Peltier,
2010), Impacts of Cyber-Attacks on the Economy (Cashell et
al., 2004), Critical Infrastructures (Maglaras et al., 2018),
Management Model (Limba et al., 2019), and Cyber-physical
Systems Viewopoint (Yu and Xue, 2016).
This article investigates cybersecurity and psychological
oppression locally. A considerable lot of digital dangers are
presented inside the organization and is an on-going issue since
it is hard to pinpoint is are the insider dangers. What an insider
is and how to distinguish insider dangers is also stated. The
article recognizes potential methodologies from the mechanical,
the sociological, and the socio-specialized part of insider risk.
Perceptions are additionally made all through the article on the
connection among insiders and untouchables and how the two
may contrast with respect to dangers. The article examines the
ordinary conduct of human conduct in a work setting to make
sense of what the attributes of an insider assault would
resemble. With regards to digital security dangers towards the
legislature and basic frameworks, insider risk are among the
absolute initial not many of the reason. This system likewise
finishes up convincing variables that can be the base of risk
presentation. This evaluation makes a framework that can be
appropriate to organizations and associations with risk and
notice breaking down issues.
Security risk includes demonstrating and dissecting and gives a
methodology that all organizations can utilize. This sources
comprises of danger demonstrating, application and
programming advancement, nitty gritty structure, and
investigating. Having this lucidity and requirement makes
organizations in the long run utilize the equivalent investigating
of security dangers and that's just the beginning. As a result of
the measure of danger demonstrating and breaking down, this
course fills in as a bank of assets and backing. Backing of three
principle centers. "More contextual analyses are likewise
expected to decide the quality and shortcoming of the proposed
system" (Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., and Chung, 2006,
An overview of developing dangers in digital security is
involved. The article presents Malware as the essential
wellspring of weapon with regards to digital assaults. These
Malware assaults prompts existing vulnerabilities of the
attributes of developing advances. A short time later of which
evaluates of new relief strategies are served on whether they
work viably. All through the review, the creators address new
reliable assaults in developing advances including online
networking, distributed computing, cell phone innovation, and
basic foundation (Jang-Jaccard and Nepal, 2014). The reason for
this investigation is to give the important assets and abilities to
play out a hazard examination effectively. The writer analyzes
intermittently through this article approaches to all the more
likely hazard evaluations to the necessities of the association or
organization. There is an examination for every conversation to
the hazard appraisal process. Just as give the essentials required
and the inclusion of the Facilitated Risk Analysis and
Assessment Process (FRAAP). When managing FRAAP, the
creator starts with the foundation data, the making of this
procedure, significant key ideas, and the procedure itself.
In spite of the fact that digital security includes innovation, it
despite everything includes security. Right now, absence of
adequate security will be tended to just as what security
necessities are. The writers group this article as a structure as a
result of its rules and how it is molded. The creators
additionally makes reference to the significance of giving an
idea of practical objectives, incorporating useful necessities
with suitable imperatives (Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003). In the
start of the article, the writers assumes the liability to stake the
reason behind why it makes a difference. In detail everything
tended to in the article has a purpose behind requiring it. They
likewise tell the best way to recognize the relationship of
security necessities and the subtleties of programming conduct,
with the assistance of Jackson's Problem Frames approach
(Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003). Digital security of every single
specialized framework and the privacy of all information
retained are perceived as a national policy centered issue
(Cashell et al., 2004). The article additionally addresses two
significant patterns that adds to its development. It is likewise
brought to consideration the issue of assets to data security.
Some portion of the appropriate response must originate from
financial examination. The writers of this articles structure
addresses that become a piece of the exploration later in the
article. Right now, review is additionally led in whether there is
training on the compelling expense of digital assaults and the
economies' digital security.
The presentation of Smart framework and its connection with
digital frameworks are point by point in the start of this article.
The creators notice the presence of cutting edge observing,
control, and correspondence advancements that gives
dependable and make sure about vitality supply, improve
activity effectiveness for generators and wholesalers, and give
adaptable decisions to prosumers (Yu and Xue, 2016). The
lattices comprise of physical systems administration frameworks
and digital foundations that comes into contact with innovative
difficulties. In the article the writers likewise uncover a review
of the issues managing digital physical frameworks. Visuals,
information, models, and examinations are the techniques
presented inside this article by the writers too. Examination of
the significance of digital security and basic foundation is
conducted. There are significant resources being used of basic
foundations, for example, government establishments, banks,
open and private administrations, squander water treatment, and
so on that utilization data innovations on the day by day.
It is likewise referenced the inclusion of correspondence and
data frameworks have on the reliance of these frameworks. The
writers of the article communicates the fundamental issue of the
absence of digital security is that it is as yet treated as a
specialized viewpoint or innovation with simple access of
placing it in organizations (Limba et al., 2019). The creator
specifies Modern Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) frameworks which are significant for recognizing and
overseeing. This source recognizes the Internet of Things (IoT),
SCADA's advancement, and complex innovation frameworks.
Security issues for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and current
arrangements have additionally been seen and tended to all
through this article. The creators have thought about that new
work ought to essentially concentrate on the harmony between
approaches that can manage a wide assortment of assaults,
distinguishing gatecrashers or aggressors with restorative
arrangements that gives correspondence and execution of
SCADA/ICS frameworks (Maglaras et al., 2018). Overall, the
foundation of Cybersecurity is found within the literature and
extended into grouping details, such as terrorism and
cyberspace, technology, threats, risks, and so forth. The
information found in these sources has a common ground of a
piece of information that is shared within all of them.
Research Methods
Research Design
The type of research design used would be qualitative
research method. It is an approach used to obtain real human
experiences. Using this research design, there is an ability to
gain information. Using qualitative design enables the research
for cybersecurity and its relation to terrorism. The method
brings about multiple research articles in which are all focused
on the main topics of cybersecurity. The theory that is created
involves complex and broad thinking for better comprehension.
Sampling Methodology
The sampling method used in this research article was grounded
theory. Grounded theory provides a theory based off the finding
documents or interviews formulated. This method is used in this
research article to form a theory or hypothesis on cyber security
based off the documents collected. Because this article seeks to
formulate the connection between cyber security and terrorism
in Homeland Security, the findings must be of supporting
documents that can be addressed. “More contextual analyses are
likewise expected to decide the quality and shortcoming of the
proposed system" (Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., and Chung,
2006, n.p.).
Data Collection
Throughout this research process, the data was collected
electronically, selecting resources mainly of books, journals,
and surveys.
The database used was Google Scholar. Through this
database each research article had its own database that was
forwarded to from PDF files to different institutions. Other than
that, the school’s library was not needed nor were interviews or
surveys conducted. The resources need to be as reliable and
accurate as possible because the topic is about the Homeland
Security’s cybersecurity and terrorism.
Data Analysis
The data analysis began when the annotated bibliographies
were conducted. A brief review of each source were made in
order to determine if the source was relevant to the topic.
The purpose of the annotated bibliographies were to gain a
summary of each resource. Each source became clear after
doing the bibliographies and there was the ability to organize
them based off what topic it addressed.
An outline was conducted to keep the research in order. When
there is a clear and organized research paper, the information
because easier to give. For example, programming conduct with
the assistance of Jackson's Problem Frames approach (Moffett
and Nuseibeh, 2003) was conducted in one source.
The only limitations these sources had were the lack of
inter-personal attempts, such as interviews, personal bias, or
population sampling.
Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things:
vulnerabilities, threats, intruders
and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65-
Bogdanoski, M., & Petreski, D. (2013). Cyber terrorism–global
security threat. Contemporary
Macedonian Defense-International Scientific Defense, Security
and Peace Journal, 13(24), 59-73.
Brenner, S. W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, law and
social change, 46(4-5), 189-206.
Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., & Bouhours, B.
(2013). Organizations and
Cybercrime. Available at SSRN 2345525.
Casey, E. (2011). Digital evidence and computer crime:
Forensic science, computers, and the
internet. Academic press.
Cashell, B., Jackson, W. D., Jickling, M., & Webel, B. (2004).
The economic impact of cyber-
attacks. Congressional Research Service Documents, CRS
RL32331 (Washington DC),
Ciardhuáin, S. Ó. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime
investigations. International Journal
of Digital Evidence, 3(1), 1-22.
Crenshaw, M. (1981). The causes of terrorism. Comparative
politics, 13(4), 379-399.
Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of
homeland security. Political Science
Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106.
Greitzer, F., & Hohimer, R. (2011). Modeling Human Behavior
to Anticipate Insider Attacks.
Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), 25-48. Retrieved February 7,
2020, from
Heidenreich, B., & Gray, D. H. (2014). Cyber-Security: The
Threat of the Internet. Global
Security Studies, 5(1).
Hunker, J., & Probst, C. W. (2011). Insiders and Insider
Threats-An Overview of Definitions and
Mitigation Techniques. JoWUA, 2(1), 4-27.
Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). A survey of emerging
threats in cybersecurity. Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 973-993.
Lewis, J. A. (2002). Assessing the risks of cyber terrorism,
cyber war and other cyber threats.
Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Limba, T., Plėta, T., Agafonov, K., & Damkus, M. (2019).
Cyber security management model
for critical infrastructure.
Maglaras, L. A., Kim, K. H., Janicke, H., Ferrag, M. A., Rallis,
S., Fragkou, P., ... & Cruz, T. J.
Moffett, J. D., & Nuseibeh, B. A. (2003). A framework for
security requirements engineering.
Report-University of York Department of Computer Science
O’Connell, M. E. (2012). Cyber security without cyber war.
Journal of Conflict and Security
Law, 17(2), 187-209.
Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., & Chung, L. (2006). Security
threat modeling and analysis: A
goal-oriented approach. In Proc. of the 10th IASTED
International Conference on
Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006) (pp. 13-15).
Oluwafemi, O., Adesuyi, F. A., & Abdulhamid, S. M. (2013).
Combating terrorism with
cybersecurity: The Nigerian perspective. World journal of
computer application and technology, 1(4), 103-109.
Peltier, T. R. (2010). Information security risk analysis.
Auerbach publications.
Theohary, C. A. (2011). Terrorist use of the internet:
Information operations in cyberspace.
DIANE Publishing.
Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary
sociology, 28(6), 643-648.
Wilson, C. (2003). Computer attack and cyber terrorism:
vulnerabilities and policy issues for
Congress. Focus on Terrorism, 9(1), 1-42.
Yu, X., & Xue, Y. (2016). Smart grids: A cyber–physical
systems perspective. Proceedings of
the IEEE, 104(5), 1058-1070.
Find at least three sources of scholarly information you can use
in your paper: ONE BOOK AND TWO ARTICLES. These
sources will be your working bibliography. Scholarly sources
are peer-reviewed books and articles. Your sources for this
paper will come exclusively from the Tyree Library catalog
(books) and the JSTOR library database
Arch of Titus. Rome. c. 81 CE (restored 1822-24). Concrete and
white marble, height 15 m.
The Taj Mahal’s visual extravagance is an expression of
political domination at the court of Shah Jahan.
· Multiplicity of shape; pattern
· Color of materials
· Scale of structure
· Play of light and shadow on structure
· Mausoleum within the context of entire planned complex
· Related to identity of Nur Jahan
· Visual Complexity – Islamic ideals of spiritual expression
· Geometric perfection as expression of religious belief
· Taj Mahal as connection between heavens and earth
· Iconography of color of materials
· Political structure of the court of Shah Jahan
· Spread of Islam into India
· Courtly marriages and relationships in Mughal Empire
· The Shah as power broker
· Conceptions of romantic love in Mughal Empire
Research Paper
Your research paper must make a claim about one artwork. It
will identify, formally analyze and contextualize ONE artwork
The paper will be Six pages in length and consult and cite at
least three scholarly sources using Chicago style.
Your paper will contain a specific thesis statement (the claim
you are making) and will explain HOW your artwork is
representative of its culture.
All papers must be double-spaced with 1" inch margins all
around. Please use Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Please check
for spelling and grammatical errors.
You must use proper footnotes and a bibliography. Information
you find and use in your paper must be cited properly using
footnotes. See the attached sample page as a guide. Papers
submitted without footnotes, with footnotes in improper form,
or without a proper bibliography will not be accepted.
Your paper will consist of five sections:
Introductory Paragraph with THESIS STATEMENT
Formal Analysis of your artwork (refer back to thesis
Iconography of your artwork (refer back to thesis statement)
Iconology of your artwork (refer back to thesis statement)
Summary Paragraph with reiteration of thesis statement
1. Introductory Paragraph – Identify your artwork and state your
2. Formal Analysis - Description and analysis of the work in
your own words:
Detailed formal description of the works, moving from the
general to the specific (Analysis: breaking the whole into parts
for understanding.) Include elements and principles of design:
subject, lines, medium, color, light, space, composition, scale,
and technique. Ask and answer: How does the art work in
formal terms?
3. Iconography
Discussion of the content, symbolism and meaning of the work
as conveyed through its formal elements. Include information
about what story or idea the object depicts.
4. Iconology - Synthesis - Thesis of paper: SO WHAT factor
•Discussion of period style revealed in the form of the artwork
and contextualization of the object in a specific movement/era.
Thesis communicates to viewer how to see and experience the
Your synthesis should make clear the relevance of THIS
WORK. Your reader should understand why it is meaningful
and useful to study the work and form discussions around it.
5. Summary Paragraph – Reiterate your thesis.
Barbara Brushstroke began work on her most famous painting,
The Universe in Red, White, and Blue, in 1942.[footnoteRef:1]
It is a monumental canvas (eight feet tall and ten feet wide) and
it was executed in both oil and acrylic.[footnoteRef:2] As can
be seen in the attached copy of the work, it contains large swirls
of paint in the colors mentioned in the title as well as many
other colors. The swirls are of differing sizes and appear to be
placed randomly on the canvas using a large paintbrush. A
series of irregular linear shapes cross the canvas at various
angles and seem to have been applied by either pouring or
splashing since there are no brushstrokes in these linear shapes.
[1: Mary Tarte, The Life and Work of Barbara Brushstroke
(NY: Routledge, 2002), 2.] [2: Ibid.]
Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things:
vulnerabilities, threats, intruders
and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65-
Bogdanoski, M., & Petreski, D. (2013). Cyber terrorism–global
security threat. Contemporary
Macedonian Defense-International Scientific Defense, Security
and Peace Journal, 13(24), 59-73.
Brenner, S. W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, law and
social change, 46(4-5), 189-206.
Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., & Bouhours, B.
(2013). Organizations and
Cybercrime. Available at SSRN 2345525.
Casey, E. (2011). Digital evidence and computer crime:
Forensic science, computers, and the
internet. Academic press.
Cashell, B., Jackson, W. D., Jickling, M., & Webel, B. (2004).
The economic impact of cyber-
attacks. Congressional Research Service Documents, CRS
RL32331 (Washington DC),
Ciardhuáin, S. Ó. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime
investigations. International Journal
of Digital Evidence, 3(1), 1-22.
Crenshaw, M. (1981). The causes of terrorism. Comparative
politics, 13(4), 379-399.
Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of
homeland security. Political Science
Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106.
Greitzer, F., & Hohimer, R. (2011). Modeling Human Behavior
to Anticipate Insider Attacks.
Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), 25-48. Retrieved February 7,
2020, from
Heidenreich, B., & Gray, D. H. (2014). Cyber-Security: The
Threat of the Internet. Global
Security Studies, 5(1).
Hunker, J., & Probst, C. W. (2011). Insiders and Insider
Threats-An Overview of Definitions and
Mitigation Techniques. JoWUA, 2(1), 4-27.
Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). A survey of emerging
threats in cybersecurity. Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 973-993.
Lewis, J. A. (2002). Assessing the risks of cyber terrorism,
cyber war and other cyber threats.
Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Limba, T., Plėta, T., Agafonov, K., & Damkus, M. (2019).
Cyber security management model
for critical infrastructure.
Maglaras, L. A., Kim, K. H., Janicke, H., Ferrag, M. A., Rallis,
S., Fragkou, P., ... & Cruz, T. J.
Moffett, J. D., & Nuseibeh, B. A. (2003). A framework for
security requirements engineering.
Report-University of York Department of Computer Science
O’Connell, M. E. (2012). Cyber security without cyber war.
Journal of Conflict and Security
Law, 17(2), 187-209.
Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., & Chung, L. (2006). Security
threat modeling and analysis: A
goal-oriented approach. In Proc. of the 10th IASTED
International Conference on
Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006) (pp. 13-15).
Oluwafemi, O., Adesuyi, F. A., & Abdulhamid, S. M. (2013).
Combating terrorism with
cybersecurity: The Nigerian perspective. World journal of
computer application and technology, 1(4), 103-109.
Peltier, T. R. (2010). Information security risk analysis.
Auerbach publications.
Theohary, C. A. (2011). Terrorist use of the internet:
Information operations in cyberspace.
DIANE Publishing.
Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary
sociology, 28(6), 643-648.
Wilson, C. (2003). Computer attack and cyber terrorism:
vulnerabilities and policy issues for
Congress. Focus on Terrorism, 9(1), 1-42.
Yu, X., & Xue, Y. (2016). Smart grids: A cyber–physical
systems perspective. Proceedings of
the IEEE, 104(5), 1058-1070.
Paper Checklist
1. Introduction
· The paper has a heading stating “INTRODUCTION” (Check)
· Intro explains why your research is relevant to HSEM (Check)
· Identify the thesis statement: THE THESIS STATEMENT IS
THE QUESTION THAT YOU are answering or the focus of the
paper. (Check)
· Identify sequentially, how the thesis statement will be
addressed. (Check)
2. Literature Review
· The research paper has a heading stating, “Literature
· The literature review section has an introductory
statement. (Check)
· The literature review is organized (you could use heading to
organize the themes that you identified from the review of the
literature. (Check)
· The review discusses what has or, has not been covered by the
literature and explains the consequences of such focus or lack
of focus (Check)
· The review of the literature is supported by substantial
evidence i.e. in-text citations (Check)
· The literature review section has a conclusion
statement (Check)
3. Research Method
· Research Design (Heading)
· Discuss the research design that is being used
· Explain what it is
· Discuss why and how this design is suited to your research
· Sampling methodology (Heading)
· What is or are the sampling methodology that is or was used?
· Define what the sampling methodology is
· Why did you use this sampling methodology?
· Data collection (Heading)
· Discuss how the date for this research was collected
· Which databases did you use, and why?
· Did you use the library, and why?
· Did you conduct interviews or surveys, and why?
· Etc
· Data analysis (Heading)
· Discuss when the data analysis began
· Discuss how the collected data was analyzed
· Annotated bibliography
· Why did you do this?
· What was the outcome?
· etc
· Mind maps (discuss this technique only if it was used)
· Why did you do this?
· How did you do this?
· What was the outcome
· etc
· Outline
· Why did you do this? (discuss this technique only if it used)
· Etc
· Limitations (Heading)
· Discuss any limitations
· Sample size
· Personal bias
· Sampling
· Etc
4. Research Findings
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendations
8. Reference
· The research paper has a heading stating
· All the references ARE in APA style. (Check)
· All references are cited in-text (Check)
9. Grammar
· Read the paper once (Check)
· Have someone else read the essay for grammatical
errors (Check)
Please note that:
· you will earn a zero for every missed assignment (and you
cannot resubmit the work)
· Students will automatically earn a maximum of 50% of the
points for every assignment that is over 30% plagiarized and a
zero if the work is over 50% plagiarized.
· plagiarism is the unaccredited use, whether intentional or
unintentional, of someone else’s words or ideas.
· plagiarism also includes the resubmission of your personal
work that had been submitted in a previous semester in this
course or in any other class unless otherwise discussed with the
professor and, approved by the professor.
· you will lose points if your work is not supported by evidence
i.e. in-text citations and references proper grammar and analysis
is the minimum expectation for all writing assignments
Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things:
vulnerabilities, threats, intruders
and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65-
Bogdanoski, M., & Petreski, D. (2013). Cyber terrorism–global
security threat. Contemporary
Macedonian Defense-International Scientific Defense, Security
and Peace Journal, 13(24), 59-73.
Brenner, S. W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, law and
social change, 46(4-5), 189-206.
Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., & Bouhours, B.
(2013). Organizations and
Cybercrime. Available at SSRN 2345525.
Casey, E. (2011). Digital evidence and computer crime:
Forensic science, computers, and the
internet. Academic press.
Cashell, B., Jackson, W. D., Jickling, M., & Webel, B. (2004).
The economic impact of cyber-
attacks. Congressional Research Service Documents, CRS
RL32331 (Washington DC),
Ciardhuáin, S. Ó. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime
investigations. International Journal
of Digital Evidence, 3(1), 1-22.
Crenshaw, M. (1981). The causes of terrorism. Comparative
politics, 13(4), 379-399.
Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of
homeland security. Political Science
Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106.
Greitzer, F., & Hohimer, R. (2011). Modeling Human Behavior
to Anticipate Insider Attacks.
Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), 25-48. Retrieved February 7,
2020, from
Heidenreich, B., & Gray, D. H. (2014). Cyber-Security: The
Threat of the Internet. Global
Security Studies, 5(1).
Hunker, J., & Probst, C. W. (2011). Insiders and Insider
Threats-An Overview of Definitions and
Mitigation Techniques. JoWUA, 2(1), 4-27.
Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). A survey of emerging
threats in cybersecurity. Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 973-993.
Lewis, J. A. (2002). Assessing the risks of cyber terrorism,
cyber war and other cyber threats.
Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Limba, T., Plėta, T., Agafonov, K., & Damkus, M. (2019).
Cyber security management model
for critical infrastructure.
Maglaras, L. A., Kim, K. H., Janicke, H., Ferrag, M. A., Rallis,
S., Fragkou, P., ... & Cruz, T. J.
Moffett, J. D., & Nuseibeh, B. A. (2003). A framework for
security requirements engineering.
Report-University of York Department of Computer Science
O’Connell, M. E. (2012). Cyber security without cyber war.
Journal of Conflict and Security
Law, 17(2), 187-209.
Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., & Chung, L. (2006). Security
threat modeling and analysis: A
goal-oriented approach. In Proc. of the 10th IASTED
International Conference on
Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006) (pp. 13-15).
Oluwafemi, O., Adesuyi, F. A., & Abdulhamid, S. M. (2013).
Combating terrorism with
cybersecurity: The Nigerian perspective. World journal of
computer application and technology, 1(4), 103-109.
Peltier, T. R. (2010). Information security risk analysis.
Auerbach publications.
Theohary, C. A. (2011). Terrorist use of the internet:
Information operations in cyberspace.
DIANE Publishing.
Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary
sociology, 28(6), 643-648.
Wilson, C. (2003). Computer attack and cyber terrorism:
vulnerabilities and policy issues for
Congress. Focus on Terrorism, 9(1), 1-42.
Yu, X., & Xue, Y. (2016). Smart grids: A cyber–physical
systems perspective. Proceedings of
the IEEE, 104(5), 1058-1070.

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Cyber Security and Terrorism Research Article2Cybe.docx

  • 1. Cyber Security and Terrorism Research Article 2 Cyber Security and Terrorism Research Article Senior Capstone Introduction Homeland Security has a wide range of organizations that fills in as a way to deal with shielding the United States locally and universally. These offices incorporate however are not restricted to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Transportation Security Administration, United States Coast Guard, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure, and so forth. These offices serves the administration in tending to at least one stages. For instance, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, otherwise called FEMA, is an organization that serves numerous partners in mitigating, planning, responding, and recovering from catastrophic events. On a bigger degree, Cybersecurity is a developing and learning field that is utilized in Cybersecurity and Infrastructure and different organizations to shield significant specialized data from fear monger assaults, for example, hacking. Its primary
  • 2. unit of examination is the administration where relieving is the stage being polished. This principle point is basic to the Homeland Security and Emergency Management's (HSEM) discipline. As of now, there is an issue of how does Cybersecurity adequately change the danger of psychological militant assaults, wherein there are sure and negative credits to its methods for assurance. Innovation, organize security, basic frameworks including PC frameworks, and so forth is the thing that makes up Cybersecurity. In spite of the fact that there might be a comprehension of what fear based oppression is, there has not yet been an unequivocal meaning of psychological oppression. As per Wilson, a few definitions for digital fear mongering can result from the assailants expectation while others centers on the impacts of the assault itself (Wilson, 2007). A few assaults can bring about mischief causing the death toll or harm while different assaults may bring about troublesome PCs and dread equivalents to fear based oppression. There should be a control on the yield of what dread is truly delegated with regards to an assault. When an infection occurs on a PC, is the proprietor of that PC apprehensive? On the off chance that the proprietor is apprehensive does it add up to a similar sort of dread starting at an aggressor from an alternate nation causing the infection? This can be alluded to what was the reason for that infection in any case. When managing Cybersecurity and fear based oppression, there should be a decent measure of assaults occurring on the double or sequentially to cause dread inside the organization or nation. Digital fear mongers are seen assaulting different organizations consecutive for an extensive stretch in result accomplishing their objectives or if nothing else making consideration them (Lewis, 2002). In the event that the fear based oppressor neglects to increase any profit by their assault on a lot of PC frameworks, at that point it would not be delegated a psychological militant assault. A model would interfere with several frameworks so as to cause a force blackout or some
  • 3. other sort of interruption. In the event that the assailant didn't cause any disturbance, the individual fizzled at threatening work force. The United States had the option to learn and become dependent on past fear based oppressor assaults to get more grounded in their security. Locally, the United States has strategies that invigorates them a feeling of to limit dangers of psychological oppression. Two of which are the full grown liberal establishments that disparages any intentions in viciousness, for example, fear based oppression, and the economy and administrative ability to limit from the outcomes brought about by psychological militant assaults (Friedman, 2011). Since the United States ought the strength to not be unequivocally influenced by such assaults, dread or fear not to be what is given to the aggressors. On the off chance that dread is restricted, digital fear mongering would not be such a tremendous ascribe to Cybersecurity. Other than the association of dread, Cyberterrorism can likewise assault as a methods for correspondence. Data security is vital to numerous associations, including the psychological militants (Bogdanoski and Petreski, 2013). Cybersecurity must comprehend the strategies and systems that assailants use to invade their basic frameworks and PCs. Fear based oppressors realizes that media press will communicate the assault and whatever is related with it. This gives them the thought process to actualize the message they are attempting to provide for the United States, in result causing fear. Different reasons can be their methods for correspondence for other psychological militant associations or to move data clandestinely. Steganography, concealed messages help pictures or recordings are utilized encoded and went on through a bearer (Jahangiri, 2009). Literature Review Technology, Threats, and Risks There are a sum of resources that compiles together to address technology, risks, and threats in relation to cybersecurity. The
  • 4. Internet of Things (Abomhara, 2015), Risks of Cyberterrorism (Lewis, 2002), and Threats Associated with the Internet (Heidenreich and Gray, 2014) are credible resources that addresses this topic. The article breaks down one issue which are the relations to digital psychological oppression and its assaults on the country's basic foundation and the country security strategies that are set up. Fear mongering as the country and basic framework reliance on PC systems causes new vulnerabilities or "a huge electronic Achilles' heel." Accessibility that a digital dread needs to abuse those vulnerabilities to intrude on a PC arrange that is new and not yet exceptionally made sure about to cause interruption or to close down basic capacities. These sources has components to reevaluating digital dangers, various methodologies utilized as a risk, hacking and fear, and the connection among cybercrime and the economy. There is an attempt to order types of threats, characterize cyber-attacks, and recognize attacks with respect to the Internet of Things (IoT) services and technology. IoT and its connection to digital security is the principle point. IoT gadgets are developing wherever inside organizations and offices while IoT administrations are additionally spreading all inclusive. The significant resources for IoT alongside potential dangers, assaults, and vulnerabilities inside the Internet of Things is clarified. All through this sources, digital security and the requirement for key anticipation strategies close by the issue develops just as the development for potential needs. Digital security needs greater security for itself and IoT foundations. There is a market interest concerning mentioned security protection and its difficulties. The articles tends to key focuses similarly as tending to necessities and needs of security and dangers, bargaining, and participating in appraisals and trust. Analytical processes are made for the threats of the web related with digital security. Security in the United States' foundation is constantly the most mind boggling challenge. The creators address how basic cybersecurity inside the United States as headways of the Internet have prompted these non-customary
  • 5. security concerns (Heidenreich and Gray, 2014). This article looks at this specialized issue through breaking down the activities that fear based oppressors make inside the media, their system vulnerabilities, the United States' interconnected basic frameworks, and national and global angles. The creators additionally carry the regard for goals, guidelines, and strategies towards assurance (Heidenreich and Gray, 2014). Right now, plans to bring consideration of these basic issues and the potential reactions of the internet members. Terrorism and Cyberspace The Cause of Terrorism (Crenshaw, 1981), A Global Threat (Bogdanoski and Petreski, 2013), Influence of Terror (Friedman, 2011), Cyberspace’s Identity (Turkle, 1999), International Viewpoint on Cyberterrorism (Oluwafemi et al., 2013), Cyber Terrorism and Attacks (Wilson, 2003), Managing Fear (Friedman, 2011), and How Terrorist use the Internet (Theohary, 2011). Cyber terrorism is presented with past fear based oppressor assaults including the 09/11 assault, the occurrence in Australia of March 2000, and so on. Information robberies, basic foundations, programmers, and so on were analyzed by public safety advisors, the CIA, and numerous other Homeland Security offices, authorities, and associations. Digital fear based oppression included focuses on that are frameworks of specialized security including basic and physical foundation. Strategies and methods of digital psychological oppression utilized included observing hardware, information transmission, and the utilization of steganography for information data. National reactions to digital psychological warfare dangers included worldwide activities from phone collaborations, programming investigation, innovation improvement, and information interchanges. This outcomes in assaults appearing as though psychological militant assaults and an emotional responses and claims. Political choices produced using the Homeland Security ingrains this sort of dread in individuals and distinguishing
  • 6. proof in assaults. Subjective brain research discloses to us that individuals depend too vigorously on starting impressions of hazard and markdown later data, an impact called securing (Friedman, 2011). These digital dread both household and universal use correspondence as their essential source and it is directly under the country's noses. The principle targets would be non-military personnel PCs and legislative organization basic frameworks. There are connected vulnerabilities for each sort of assault and influences related with digital assaults is additionally included. Conversations tended to right now from concentrating on the fear based oppressor, the administration's reaction, and data tasks in the two settings. There is a concentration to data fighting by giving the foundation and its connection to the internet or security. The requirement for reserves convinces fear based oppressors to follow up on cybercrime through methods for correspondence so as to request dealing of medications, people, weapons, and so on the creator makes reference to connections being worked among programmers and psychological militant all together for abilities and assets to be extended also. In the wake of tending to the reason, the articles carries the concentration to digital assaults by and large. This article includes the internet and its character. Right now, creator welcomes center around the creation and usage into virtual space (Turkle, 1999). Corresponding to the internet, there are confusion of numerous data and how things are depicted. Virtual personae, character, and development of range are what is being surveyed right now. At the point when engaged with the internet, it can either be a position of solace for individuals to address uncertain issues. Concerning others, it can give a space of chance for individuals to fill in as a group through hardship of new digital sociality materials. The creator accepts that the early ban is a period of extreme communication with individuals and thoughts that will come into contact with others. Cybercrime
  • 7. Digital History of Computers (Casey, 2011), Understanding Cybercrime (Ciardhuain, 2004), Cybersecurity Limitations (Brenner, 2006), Cybersecurity without the Violence (O’Connell, 2012), and Organizations and Cybercrime (Broadhurst et al., 2013). Breaking down computerized proof and PC wrongdoing through the measurable science, PCs, and web's perspective is a part of the history of computers. There is also attention given to an expansion in the realness of virtual occasions due to the inclusion of cybersecurity. A couple of focuses on that are associated with cybersecurity ranges from digital tormenting to institutional despise violations. This article passes on the use of digital aggressors and their simple access to innovation to hassle others. These cybercrimes everywhere is a colossal on- going issue and this article makes use to address it and the sky is the limit from there. There is an understanding on the limits, locale of cybercrime and how the law, wrongdoing as a rule, and social change is associated with this. Cybercrime makes these standards hazardous in fluctuating manners and in changing degrees. The article makes reference to that cybercrime doesn't have a one area since it occurs on all levels through innovation. The nation of the cybercrime happening can affirm ward over the individuals doing the cybercrime both broadly and universally. What this article additionally calls attention to is the issue of how to organize issue professes to affirm ward over transnational cybercriminals (Brenner, 2006). The article investigates digital security without anyone else without the digital war. Recommendation is given of the legislature don't watch global law rules, particularly including the Internet (O'Connell, 2012). This article makes inquiries concerning the global law and its reaction to the web and innovation. The creator additionally exhibits a postulation on the worldwide law leads corresponding to financial activities and their correspondences. There is open space for criticism regarding how the laws raises issues just as an approach to beat them
  • 8. legitimately. Cybercrime is a national and worldwide issue with the capacity to forestall, recognize, explore, and arraign the wrongdoing, and is quick turning into a developing worldwide concern (United Nations, 2004) (Broadhurst et al., 2013). The creators give subtleties on cybercriminals, what they are prepared to do, and their potential as to assaulting. In view of this development universally, it will pull in a lot more digital dread. This extents from illicit access to PC frameworks. Data frameworks are tended to in various perspectives and might be focused for the information they contain, including banking and Visa subtleties, business exchange insider facts, or arranged data held by governments (Broadhurst et al., 2013). Cybersecurity Insider Threats (Hunker and Probst, 2011), Human Behavior within Insiders (Greitzer and Hohimer, 2011), Security Threat Modeling and Analysis (Oladimeji et al., 2006), Framework for Security Requirements Needed (Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003), Survey Method of Threats in Cybersecurity (Jang-Jaccard and Nepal, 2014), Risk Analysis of Information Security (Peltier, 2010), Impacts of Cyber-Attacks on the Economy (Cashell et al., 2004), Critical Infrastructures (Maglaras et al., 2018), Management Model (Limba et al., 2019), and Cyber-physical Systems Viewopoint (Yu and Xue, 2016). This article investigates cybersecurity and psychological oppression locally. A considerable lot of digital dangers are presented inside the organization and is an on-going issue since it is hard to pinpoint is are the insider dangers. What an insider is and how to distinguish insider dangers is also stated. The article recognizes potential methodologies from the mechanical, the sociological, and the socio-specialized part of insider risk. Perceptions are additionally made all through the article on the connection among insiders and untouchables and how the two may contrast with respect to dangers. The article examines the ordinary conduct of human conduct in a work setting to make sense of what the attributes of an insider assault would
  • 9. resemble. With regards to digital security dangers towards the legislature and basic frameworks, insider risk are among the absolute initial not many of the reason. This system likewise finishes up convincing variables that can be the base of risk presentation. This evaluation makes a framework that can be appropriate to organizations and associations with risk and notice breaking down issues. Security risk includes demonstrating and dissecting and gives a methodology that all organizations can utilize. This sources comprises of danger demonstrating, application and programming advancement, nitty gritty structure, and investigating. Having this lucidity and requirement makes organizations in the long run utilize the equivalent investigating of security dangers and that's just the beginning. As a result of the measure of danger demonstrating and breaking down, this course fills in as a bank of assets and backing. Backing of three principle centers. "More contextual analyses are likewise expected to decide the quality and shortcoming of the proposed system" (Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., and Chung, 2006, n.p.). An overview of developing dangers in digital security is involved. The article presents Malware as the essential wellspring of weapon with regards to digital assaults. These Malware assaults prompts existing vulnerabilities of the attributes of developing advances. A short time later of which evaluates of new relief strategies are served on whether they work viably. All through the review, the creators address new reliable assaults in developing advances including online networking, distributed computing, cell phone innovation, and basic foundation (Jang-Jaccard and Nepal, 2014). The reason for this investigation is to give the important assets and abilities to play out a hazard examination effectively. The writer analyzes intermittently through this article approaches to all the more likely hazard evaluations to the necessities of the association or organization. There is an examination for every conversation to the hazard appraisal process. Just as give the essentials required
  • 10. and the inclusion of the Facilitated Risk Analysis and Assessment Process (FRAAP). When managing FRAAP, the creator starts with the foundation data, the making of this procedure, significant key ideas, and the procedure itself. In spite of the fact that digital security includes innovation, it despite everything includes security. Right now, absence of adequate security will be tended to just as what security necessities are. The writers group this article as a structure as a result of its rules and how it is molded. The creators additionally makes reference to the significance of giving an idea of practical objectives, incorporating useful necessities with suitable imperatives (Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003). In the start of the article, the writers assumes the liability to stake the reason behind why it makes a difference. In detail everything tended to in the article has a purpose behind requiring it. They likewise tell the best way to recognize the relationship of security necessities and the subtleties of programming conduct, with the assistance of Jackson's Problem Frames approach (Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003). Digital security of every single specialized framework and the privacy of all information retained are perceived as a national policy centered issue (Cashell et al., 2004). The article additionally addresses two significant patterns that adds to its development. It is likewise brought to consideration the issue of assets to data security. Some portion of the appropriate response must originate from financial examination. The writers of this articles structure addresses that become a piece of the exploration later in the article. Right now, review is additionally led in whether there is training on the compelling expense of digital assaults and the economies' digital security. The presentation of Smart framework and its connection with digital frameworks are point by point in the start of this article. The creators notice the presence of cutting edge observing, control, and correspondence advancements that gives dependable and make sure about vitality supply, improve activity effectiveness for generators and wholesalers, and give
  • 11. adaptable decisions to prosumers (Yu and Xue, 2016). The lattices comprise of physical systems administration frameworks and digital foundations that comes into contact with innovative difficulties. In the article the writers likewise uncover a review of the issues managing digital physical frameworks. Visuals, information, models, and examinations are the techniques presented inside this article by the writers too. Examination of the significance of digital security and basic foundation is conducted. There are significant resources being used of basic foundations, for example, government establishments, banks, open and private administrations, squander water treatment, and so on that utilization data innovations on the day by day. It is likewise referenced the inclusion of correspondence and data frameworks have on the reliance of these frameworks. The writers of the article communicates the fundamental issue of the absence of digital security is that it is as yet treated as a specialized viewpoint or innovation with simple access of placing it in organizations (Limba et al., 2019). The creator specifies Modern Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) frameworks which are significant for recognizing and overseeing. This source recognizes the Internet of Things (IoT), SCADA's advancement, and complex innovation frameworks. Security issues for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and current arrangements have additionally been seen and tended to all through this article. The creators have thought about that new work ought to essentially concentrate on the harmony between approaches that can manage a wide assortment of assaults, distinguishing gatecrashers or aggressors with restorative arrangements that gives correspondence and execution of SCADA/ICS frameworks (Maglaras et al., 2018). Overall, the foundation of Cybersecurity is found within the literature and extended into grouping details, such as terrorism and cyberspace, technology, threats, risks, and so forth. The information found in these sources has a common ground of a piece of information that is shared within all of them. Research Methods
  • 12. Research Design The type of research design used would be qualitative research method. It is an approach used to obtain real human experiences. Using this research design, there is an ability to gain information. Using qualitative design enables the research for cybersecurity and its relation to terrorism. The method brings about multiple research articles in which are all focused on the main topics of cybersecurity. The theory that is created involves complex and broad thinking for better comprehension. Sampling Methodology The sampling method used in this research article was grounded theory. Grounded theory provides a theory based off the finding documents or interviews formulated. This method is used in this research article to form a theory or hypothesis on cyber security based off the documents collected. Because this article seeks to formulate the connection between cyber security and terrorism in Homeland Security, the findings must be of supporting documents that can be addressed. “More contextual analyses are likewise expected to decide the quality and shortcoming of the proposed system" (Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., and Chung, 2006, n.p.). Data Collection Throughout this research process, the data was collected electronically, selecting resources mainly of books, journals, and surveys. The database used was Google Scholar. Through this database each research article had its own database that was forwarded to from PDF files to different institutions. Other than that, the school’s library was not needed nor were interviews or surveys conducted. The resources need to be as reliable and accurate as possible because the topic is about the Homeland Security’s cybersecurity and terrorism. Data Analysis The data analysis began when the annotated bibliographies were conducted. A brief review of each source were made in order to determine if the source was relevant to the topic.
  • 13. The purpose of the annotated bibliographies were to gain a summary of each resource. Each source became clear after doing the bibliographies and there was the ability to organize them based off what topic it addressed. An outline was conducted to keep the research in order. When there is a clear and organized research paper, the information because easier to give. For example, programming conduct with the assistance of Jackson's Problem Frames approach (Moffett and Nuseibeh, 2003) was conducted in one source. Limitations The only limitations these sources had were the lack of inter-personal attempts, such as interviews, personal bias, or population sampling. Reference Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: vulnerabilities, threats, intruders and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65- 88. Bogdanoski, M., & Petreski, D. (2013). Cyber terrorism–global security threat. Contemporary Macedonian Defense-International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 13(24), 59-73. Brenner, S. W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, law and social change, 46(4-5), 189-206. Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., & Bouhours, B. (2013). Organizations and Cybercrime. Available at SSRN 2345525. Casey, E. (2011). Digital evidence and computer crime: Forensic science, computers, and the internet. Academic press. Cashell, B., Jackson, W. D., Jickling, M., & Webel, B. (2004). The economic impact of cyber- attacks. Congressional Research Service Documents, CRS RL32331 (Washington DC), Ciardhuáin, S. Ó. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime
  • 14. investigations. International Journal of Digital Evidence, 3(1), 1-22. Crenshaw, M. (1981). The causes of terrorism. Comparative politics, 13(4), 379-399. Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of homeland security. Political Science Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106. Greitzer, F., & Hohimer, R. (2011). Modeling Human Behavior to Anticipate Insider Attacks. Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), 25-48. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from Heidenreich, B., & Gray, D. H. (2014). Cyber-Security: The Threat of the Internet. Global Security Studies, 5(1). Hunker, J., & Probst, C. W. (2011). Insiders and Insider Threats-An Overview of Definitions and Mitigation Techniques. JoWUA, 2(1), 4-27. Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). A survey of emerging threats in cybersecurity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 973-993. Lewis, J. A. (2002). Assessing the risks of cyber terrorism, cyber war and other cyber threats. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies. Limba, T., Plėta, T., Agafonov, K., & Damkus, M. (2019). Cyber security management model for critical infrastructure. Maglaras, L. A., Kim, K. H., Janicke, H., Ferrag, M. A., Rallis, S., Fragkou, P., ... & Cruz, T. J. Moffett, J. D., & Nuseibeh, B. A. (2003). A framework for security requirements engineering. Report-University of York Department of Computer Science YCS. O’Connell, M. E. (2012). Cyber security without cyber war. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 17(2), 187-209.
  • 15. Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., & Chung, L. (2006). Security threat modeling and analysis: A goal-oriented approach. In Proc. of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006) (pp. 13-15). Oluwafemi, O., Adesuyi, F. A., & Abdulhamid, S. M. (2013). Combating terrorism with cybersecurity: The Nigerian perspective. World journal of computer application and technology, 1(4), 103-109. Peltier, T. R. (2010). Information security risk analysis. Auerbach publications. Theohary, C. A. (2011). Terrorist use of the internet: Information operations in cyberspace. DIANE Publishing. Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary sociology, 28(6), 643-648. Wilson, C. (2003). Computer attack and cyber terrorism: vulnerabilities and policy issues for Congress. Focus on Terrorism, 9(1), 1-42. Yu, X., & Xue, Y. (2016). Smart grids: A cyber–physical systems perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(5), 1058-1070. BIBLIOGRAPHY Find at least three sources of scholarly information you can use in your paper: ONE BOOK AND TWO ARTICLES. These sources will be your working bibliography. Scholarly sources are peer-reviewed books and articles. Your sources for this paper will come exclusively from the Tyree Library catalog (books) and the JSTOR library database (articles). Arch of Titus. Rome. c. 81 CE (restored 1822-24). Concrete and
  • 16. white marble, height 15 m. THESIS STATEMENT AND OUTLINE The Taj Mahal’s visual extravagance is an expression of political domination at the court of Shah Jahan. FORMAL ANALYSIS · Multiplicity of shape; pattern · Color of materials · Scale of structure · Play of light and shadow on structure · Mausoleum within the context of entire planned complex ICONOGRAPHY · Related to identity of Nur Jahan · Visual Complexity – Islamic ideals of spiritual expression · Geometric perfection as expression of religious belief · Taj Mahal as connection between heavens and earth · Iconography of color of materials ICONOLOGY · Political structure of the court of Shah Jahan · Spread of Islam into India · Courtly marriages and relationships in Mughal Empire · The Shah as power broker
  • 17. · Conceptions of romantic love in Mughal Empire Research Paper Your research paper must make a claim about one artwork. It will identify, formally analyze and contextualize ONE artwork The paper will be Six pages in length and consult and cite at least three scholarly sources using Chicago style. Your paper will contain a specific thesis statement (the claim you are making) and will explain HOW your artwork is representative of its culture. All papers must be double-spaced with 1" inch margins all around. Please use Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Please check for spelling and grammatical errors. You must use proper footnotes and a bibliography. Information you find and use in your paper must be cited properly using footnotes. See the attached sample page as a guide. Papers submitted without footnotes, with footnotes in improper form, or without a proper bibliography will not be accepted. PAPER OUTLINE Your paper will consist of five sections: Introductory Paragraph with THESIS STATEMENT Formal Analysis of your artwork (refer back to thesis statement) Iconography of your artwork (refer back to thesis statement) Iconology of your artwork (refer back to thesis statement) Summary Paragraph with reiteration of thesis statement 1. Introductory Paragraph – Identify your artwork and state your thesis. 2. Formal Analysis - Description and analysis of the work in
  • 18. your own words: Detailed formal description of the works, moving from the general to the specific (Analysis: breaking the whole into parts for understanding.) Include elements and principles of design: subject, lines, medium, color, light, space, composition, scale, and technique. Ask and answer: How does the art work in formal terms? 3. Iconography Discussion of the content, symbolism and meaning of the work as conveyed through its formal elements. Include information about what story or idea the object depicts. 4. Iconology - Synthesis - Thesis of paper: SO WHAT factor •Discussion of period style revealed in the form of the artwork and contextualization of the object in a specific movement/era. Thesis communicates to viewer how to see and experience the artworks. Your synthesis should make clear the relevance of THIS WORK. Your reader should understand why it is meaningful and useful to study the work and form discussions around it. 5. Summary Paragraph – Reiterate your thesis. EXAMPLE PAGE IN A RESEARCH PAPER SHOWING PROPER FOOTNOTE FORM
  • 19. Barbara Brushstroke began work on her most famous painting, The Universe in Red, White, and Blue, in 1942.[footnoteRef:1] It is a monumental canvas (eight feet tall and ten feet wide) and it was executed in both oil and acrylic.[footnoteRef:2] As can be seen in the attached copy of the work, it contains large swirls of paint in the colors mentioned in the title as well as many other colors. The swirls are of differing sizes and appear to be placed randomly on the canvas using a large paintbrush. A series of irregular linear shapes cross the canvas at various angles and seem to have been applied by either pouring or splashing since there are no brushstrokes in these linear shapes. [1: Mary Tarte, The Life and Work of Barbara Brushstroke (NY: Routledge, 2002), 2.] [2: Ibid.] References Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: vulnerabilities, threats, intruders and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65- 88. Bogdanoski, M., & Petreski, D. (2013). Cyber terrorism–global security threat. Contemporary Macedonian Defense-International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 13(24), 59-73. Brenner, S. W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, law and social change, 46(4-5), 189-206. Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., & Bouhours, B. (2013). Organizations and Cybercrime. Available at SSRN 2345525. Casey, E. (2011). Digital evidence and computer crime: Forensic science, computers, and the
  • 20. internet. Academic press. Cashell, B., Jackson, W. D., Jickling, M., & Webel, B. (2004). The economic impact of cyber- attacks. Congressional Research Service Documents, CRS RL32331 (Washington DC), Ciardhuáin, S. Ó. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime investigations. International Journal of Digital Evidence, 3(1), 1-22. Crenshaw, M. (1981). The causes of terrorism. Comparative politics, 13(4), 379-399. Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of homeland security. Political Science Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106. Greitzer, F., & Hohimer, R. (2011). Modeling Human Behavior to Anticipate Insider Attacks. Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), 25-48. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from Heidenreich, B., & Gray, D. H. (2014). Cyber-Security: The Threat of the Internet. Global Security Studies, 5(1). Hunker, J., & Probst, C. W. (2011). Insiders and Insider Threats-An Overview of Definitions and Mitigation Techniques. JoWUA, 2(1), 4-27. Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). A survey of emerging threats in cybersecurity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 973-993. Lewis, J. A. (2002). Assessing the risks of cyber terrorism, cyber war and other cyber threats. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies. Limba, T., Plėta, T., Agafonov, K., & Damkus, M. (2019). Cyber security management model for critical infrastructure. Maglaras, L. A., Kim, K. H., Janicke, H., Ferrag, M. A., Rallis, S., Fragkou, P., ... & Cruz, T. J. Moffett, J. D., & Nuseibeh, B. A. (2003). A framework for
  • 21. security requirements engineering. Report-University of York Department of Computer Science YCS. O’Connell, M. E. (2012). Cyber security without cyber war. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 17(2), 187-209. Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., & Chung, L. (2006). Security threat modeling and analysis: A goal-oriented approach. In Proc. of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006) (pp. 13-15). Oluwafemi, O., Adesuyi, F. A., & Abdulhamid, S. M. (2013). Combating terrorism with cybersecurity: The Nigerian perspective. World journal of computer application and technology, 1(4), 103-109. Peltier, T. R. (2010). Information security risk analysis. Auerbach publications. Theohary, C. A. (2011). Terrorist use of the internet: Information operations in cyberspace. DIANE Publishing. Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary sociology, 28(6), 643-648. Wilson, C. (2003). Computer attack and cyber terrorism: vulnerabilities and policy issues for Congress. Focus on Terrorism, 9(1), 1-42. Yu, X., & Xue, Y. (2016). Smart grids: A cyber–physical systems perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(5), 1058-1070. Paper Checklist 1. Introduction · The paper has a heading stating “INTRODUCTION” (Check)
  • 22. · Intro explains why your research is relevant to HSEM (Check) · Identify the thesis statement: THE THESIS STATEMENT IS THE QUESTION THAT YOU are answering or the focus of the paper. (Check) · Identify sequentially, how the thesis statement will be addressed. (Check) 2. Literature Review · The research paper has a heading stating, “Literature Review”(Check) · The literature review section has an introductory statement. (Check) · The literature review is organized (you could use heading to organize the themes that you identified from the review of the literature. (Check) · The review discusses what has or, has not been covered by the literature and explains the consequences of such focus or lack of focus (Check) · The review of the literature is supported by substantial evidence i.e. in-text citations (Check) · The literature review section has a conclusion statement (Check) . 3. Research Method · Research Design (Heading) · Discuss the research design that is being used · · · Explain what it is · Discuss why and how this design is suited to your research topic · Sampling methodology (Heading) · What is or are the sampling methodology that is or was used? · Define what the sampling methodology is · Why did you use this sampling methodology?
  • 23. · Data collection (Heading) · Discuss how the date for this research was collected · Which databases did you use, and why? · Did you use the library, and why? · Did you conduct interviews or surveys, and why? · Etc · · Data analysis (Heading) · Discuss when the data analysis began · Discuss how the collected data was analyzed · Annotated bibliography · Why did you do this? · What was the outcome? · etc · Mind maps (discuss this technique only if it was used) · Why did you do this? · How did you do this? · What was the outcome · etc · Outline · Why did you do this? (discuss this technique only if it used) · Etc · · Limitations (Heading) · Discuss any limitations · Sample size · Personal bias · Sampling · Etc 4. Research Findings 5. Discussion
  • 24. 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendations 8. Reference · The research paper has a heading stating “REFERENCE” (Check) · All the references ARE in APA style. (Check) · All references are cited in-text (Check) 9. Grammar · Read the paper once (Check) · Have someone else read the essay for grammatical errors (Check) Please note that: · you will earn a zero for every missed assignment (and you cannot resubmit the work) · Students will automatically earn a maximum of 50% of the points for every assignment that is over 30% plagiarized and a zero if the work is over 50% plagiarized. · plagiarism is the unaccredited use, whether intentional or unintentional, of someone else’s words or ideas. · plagiarism also includes the resubmission of your personal work that had been submitted in a previous semester in this course or in any other class unless otherwise discussed with the professor and, approved by the professor. · you will lose points if your work is not supported by evidence i.e. in-text citations and references proper grammar and analysis is the minimum expectation for all writing assignments
  • 25. References Abomhara, M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: vulnerabilities, threats, intruders and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 4(1), 65- 88. Bogdanoski, M., & Petreski, D. (2013). Cyber terrorism–global security threat. Contemporary Macedonian Defense-International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 13(24), 59-73. Brenner, S. W. (2006). Cybercrime jurisdiction. Crime, law and social change, 46(4-5), 189-206. Broadhurst, R., Grabosky, P., Alazab, M., & Bouhours, B. (2013). Organizations and Cybercrime. Available at SSRN 2345525. Casey, E. (2011). Digital evidence and computer crime: Forensic science, computers, and the internet. Academic press. Cashell, B., Jackson, W. D., Jickling, M., & Webel, B. (2004). The economic impact of cyber- attacks. Congressional Research Service Documents, CRS
  • 26. RL32331 (Washington DC), Ciardhuáin, S. Ó. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime investigations. International Journal of Digital Evidence, 3(1), 1-22. Crenshaw, M. (1981). The causes of terrorism. Comparative politics, 13(4), 379-399. Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of homeland security. Political Science Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106. Greitzer, F., & Hohimer, R. (2011). Modeling Human Behavior to Anticipate Insider Attacks. Journal of Strategic Security, 4(2), 25-48. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from Heidenreich, B., & Gray, D. H. (2014). Cyber-Security: The Threat of the Internet. Global Security Studies, 5(1). Hunker, J., & Probst, C. W. (2011). Insiders and Insider Threats-An Overview of Definitions and Mitigation Techniques. JoWUA, 2(1), 4-27. Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014). A survey of emerging threats in cybersecurity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(5), 973-993. Lewis, J. A. (2002). Assessing the risks of cyber terrorism, cyber war and other cyber threats. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic & International Studies. Limba, T., Plėta, T., Agafonov, K., & Damkus, M. (2019). Cyber security management model for critical infrastructure. Maglaras, L. A., Kim, K. H., Janicke, H., Ferrag, M. A., Rallis, S., Fragkou, P., ... & Cruz, T. J. Moffett, J. D., & Nuseibeh, B. A. (2003). A framework for security requirements engineering. Report-University of York Department of Computer Science YCS. O’Connell, M. E. (2012). Cyber security without cyber war.
  • 27. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 17(2), 187-209. Oladimeji, E. A., Supakkul, S., & Chung, L. (2006). Security threat modeling and analysis: A goal-oriented approach. In Proc. of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2006) (pp. 13-15). Oluwafemi, O., Adesuyi, F. A., & Abdulhamid, S. M. (2013). Combating terrorism with cybersecurity: The Nigerian perspective. World journal of computer application and technology, 1(4), 103-109. Peltier, T. R. (2010). Information security risk analysis. Auerbach publications. Theohary, C. A. (2011). Terrorist use of the internet: Information operations in cyberspace. DIANE Publishing. Turkle, S. (1999). Cyberspace and identity. Contemporary sociology, 28(6), 643-648. Wilson, C. (2003). Computer attack and cyber terrorism: vulnerabilities and policy issues for Congress. Focus on Terrorism, 9(1), 1-42. Yu, X., & Xue, Y. (2016). Smart grids: A cyber–physical systems perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(5), 1058-1070.