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The Customer Experience in the
      Hospitality Industry
                        Part 2
       The Sub Sector & Competitive Set Performance

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                                   © Customer Service Benchmarking Ltd June 2012

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                   “A vital piece of intelligence for all hospitality leaders.
  Whether in preparation to welcome the world as hosts of the Olympic Games 2012 or
     simply to grow sales and profit in the most competitive economic conditions for a
 generation, this report, based on robust “actual” visit data identifies the challenges and
                                     opportunities ahead.
 The report presents compelling evidence for a shift in focus - to engage existing guests
and leave them with a desire to return and tell their friends. Peer to peer recommendation
      has always been the most powerful marketing vehicle and in a social media-rich
                 environment the opportunities and risks are even greater.
  Such customer centric intelligence, vital for competitive advantage, was not previously
available but Customer Service Benchmark now provides an accessible tool for all leaders
  to assess where they are currently and to identify the scale of their opportunity-gap by
              measuring and benchmarking performance in areas that matter.
               The report raises some important questions and challenges.”

                                                                              Bob Cotton

                 “A vital piece of intelligence”
                     “When the majority are average, focus on and deliver
                       excellent experiences for competitive advantage”

   In Part 1 we illustrated the performance of the hospitality industry. In Part 2 we drill down to consider the relative
  performance of the sub sectors of the Hospitality Industry and each of their constituent competitive sets. We aim to
challenge. We aim to identify average and offer guidance for those who aspire for more by highlighting the performance
                                          gaps and identifying opportunities.

            Sub Sector             Accommodation                 Food Led                 Drink Led

         Competitive Sets                 B&Bs                Casual Dining          Community Pubs

                                    Budget Hotels               Fast Food                High Street

                                      3-4* Hotels                Coffee +            Destination Pubs

                                       5* Hotels                Fine Dining

                                   Boutique Hotels             Gastro Pubs


Every Sub Sector, Every Question Below Target
    Each sub sector performs below target in all areas. Too much emphasis on training systems and process. Too little
                                         welcome, warmth, interest and knowledge.
             Accommodation businesses only manage a welcome score of 77.68% even with a receptionist.
         Being welcome is not defined by saying hello, it is exhibiting behaviours that make people feel welcome!
                                     The Drink-led Sector offers the best perceived value.
                      Food-led team appear to be trained - but in what? It appears the wrong things.
 Restaurant teams are perceived to be better trained - they know how to take orders, serve goods and transact guests yet
lack personality. What is the purpose of your training? Provide systems and processes to aid the team but train knowledge
                      to instil confidence and release personality. Recognise behaviours that matter!
    Food                                                                                                             78

      Personality                                                                                                    76
   Welcome, Warmth,
  Interest, Confidence
     Pace, Training,
    Perceived Value,                                                                                                 72
      Willingness to
      Recommend          Welcome   Warmth   Interest   Confidence   Pace   Training
                                                                                     Knowledge   Value   Recommend

   WANTED: Places that excite and satisfy guest emotional needs!
I've learned
that people
will forget
what you said,
people will
forget what
you did, but
people will
never forget
how you made
them feel.

Maya Angelou

                 photo credit: Ben Sutherland

Accommodation fails to deliver Home from
             Home Experiences
    Disappointing performance from the Accommodation-led Sector, only 5* Hotels achieve 90% and only for
     reflections. Under-performing overall, 5* Hotels benefit from kudos and association rather than the team
    behaviours and the experience afforded guests. Guests want to tell people they stayed there despite the
                                       experience rather than because of it.
 Boutique Hotels demonstrate how differentiation on design rather than actual guest experience fails to deliver.
3-4* Hotel performance demonstrates why it has shrunk in a sector revolutionised by the development of budget
hotels. While net growth in rooms has been nominal over the last 30 years, the growth in Budget hotels that offer
a better price and a better experience has hastened the demise of the undifferentiated and squeezed mid market
           3-4 Star
           5 Star
           B&B                                                                                                      90

    Differentiate or die!
   Experience is the only
   competitive advantage
     opportunity for mid                                                                                            70
      market as budget
      hotels grow and
                                                                                                   Average Score

    Ensure you deliver on experience not just design and kudos!
“We brought prices down, down, down so they are now
                           essentially commodities. So if we want to succeed in this
                           business, we have to move in a direction of adding other
                           value to the relationship with our clients. And so where I
                            might have said 15 years ago, 'We want to be the best
                               discount brokerage,' today I want to be the best
                                 'relationship company' in financial services.”
                                                Charles Schwab

 “We have the best customer satisfaction record, based on
Transportation Dept. statistics, of any airline in America, the
fewest complaints filed per 100,000 passengers carried. So
    you’re not just getting low fares, you’re also getting
                wonderful customer service.”
                       Herb Kelleher

                            Price isn’t enough!
                 Even for successful low-cost operators!
5* Hotels Reliant on Kudos and Maslow
   5 Star willingness to recommend is excellent but clearly driven by kudos rather than the quality of the experience.
     High price provides status and high personal brand value but experiences are formal and often inhospitable.
  B&B personality performance eclipses all. Boutique Hotels are welcoming but often disappoint on every other level.
          Warmth is the most concerning aspect - reserved, formal, slightly distant or just don’t care prevails.
 Guests want warmth & personality - a home from home experience is sadly lacking across the accommodation sector.
                            Stop processing people and start welcoming guests to your home!
Budget hotels are growing, booking is easy, they are developing the experience and offering far more than a cheap bed.


      3-4 Star
      5 Star                                                                                                                  90

What are the
doormen and
receptionists                                                                                                                 70

                  Welcome   Warmth   Interest   Confidence   Pace   Training   Knowledge   Value   Recommend   Average Score

                 Formality is the enemy of warmth and hospitality!
Be welcoming - AND MEAN IT!

• Let your personality and welcome reach out from beyond the counter.
• Acknowledge queuing guests - let them see you are there and have seen
• Make eye contact and Smile - with your eyes as well as your mouth.
• Be first, Be there & Mean it
• Ensure all team members recognise their responsibility to welcome
• Make the section closest to the entrance smaller, providing that team
   member the capacity to welcome guests
• Only one host - are you sure?
• Good Afternoon, Hello, Hi, Evening Madam or Howday Dooday - it’s less
   about what you say and more about how you say it

             Recognise team members that mean it!
Food-Led Businesses lack personality
  Unlike the hotel sector the restaurant industry has “enjoyed” phenomenal growth in guest choice - the competitive
 challenge has grown in tough economic times yet price rather than experience has been the approach adopted by
    most. Each competitive set delivers experiences below the 90% target. Fine Dining best and only 6.34% adrift.
                 Over-supply and the challenging economic climate demands competitive advantage.
The consumer needs experiences, they want places to escape, socialise, explore and enjoy, yet the evidence shows
 a bewildering choice that fails to excite and engage. In the face of rising prices, debt burdens, static or falling sales
  and profit the answer is not to slash costs and cut prices but to engage guests and provide experiences worthy of
recommendation. Discounting is not a long term or strategic solution. The eating-out market fails to deliver and faces
  increasing competition from supermarkets and entertainment sources that better meet their experience and value
      Casual Dining
      Coffee +
      Fast Food                                                                                                              90
      Fine Dining


  Ancillary is 19.52%
    adrift of earning
  recommendations.                                                                                                           70

                                                                                                       Average Score

                        Price is an unsustainable battleground!
Unrivalled choice but lacking
          experience and engagement
                               Welcome, Warmth, Interest and Knowledge are weakest!
     Ancillary where the hospitality provision is secondary e.g. motorway services, theme parks, museums and
                              supermarkets are the worst performers in almost all areas.
            Surprisingly(?) even those with formal host / maitre’d, the welcome is below 90% target level.
           70%-89.9% just means ambivalence, it is not at the level (90%) required to develop advocacy!
                 Fast Food and Coffee+ ‘off the pace’ required by guests and lacking in personality.
              Gastros: over-promising on design and marketing but failing to meet guest expectations.


Welcome      Warmth   Interest         Confidence   Pace              Training   Knowledge   Value          Recommend   Average Score

          Ancillary              Casual Dining            Coffee +              Fast Food           Fine Dining          Gastro

          In a competitive market - Differentiate on Experience!
Drink Competitive Sets Illustrate
     why there are so many closures!
The Smoking ban effectively turned pubs into restaurants overnight and with the added competition from a rapidly
growing restaurant sector which has benefitted from fresh ideas and investment, pubs have largely lost their place
and their way. Despite an enviable heritage and fondness they have allowed others to steal a march on them and
                                clearly bring up the rear in the experience stakes.
      Once the heart of the community - “the third place” - they now close at a double digit rate every week.
 Pubs and Bars - venues for convivial socialising and escape, fail to deliver against all measures but particularly
  disappointing and damaging is the lack of personality factors. Most even fail to acknowledge guests at the bar.
                  Destination pubs are the best performing set but still almost 10% below target.



                                                                                               Average Score
                        Community                    Destination                 High Street

                      Return to what made pubs the social hub!
Experience Lite in Pubs and Bars
 Destination Pubs perform best against all measures but are they restaurants in disguise developed by restauranteurs?
    The drink-led sector looks much worse without the contribution of pubs in destination locations which serve food.
If only... there were only pubs? Competition has grown, needs have changed and a more discerning and affluent society
choose restaurants that fulfil multiple needs, excite and engage them while those pubs stuck in the past struggle on and
A great pint is not enough! A proud heritage - the envy of many nations is diminishing fast. High Street pubs and bars are
              being supported by capex fuelled fashionable design - an unsustainable strategy as volumes fall.

     High Street


 Welcome @                                                                                                                     70
  68.52% is
actually saying
   go away!
                   Welcome   Warmth   Interest   Confidence   Pace   Training   Knowledge
                                                                                           Value   Recommend   Average Score

                               Pubs need to be the 3rd place again!
Experience Benchmarks
          We have evolving experience metrics for each of the following segments of the Hospitality sector.
Sadly all below the 90% target - the level required for advocacy and recommendation. We are pleased to be helping
                                                  one client at a time.
 Part 3 considers the performance of the basket of talent which makes up The Eclectic Benchmark. The report will
          illustrate clearly the gaps between the average performers (the majority) and the best of the best!



                                                       5* Hotels

                                                                                                                                                                                  Fine Dining
                                                                                                                                 Gastro Pubs


    Hospitality Sector

                                                                                                                 Casual Dining

                                                                                                                                               Coffee +
                                                                                                      Food Led
                                                                           Budget Hotels

                                         3-4* Hotels

                                                                                                                                                                                                Drink Led

                                                                                                                                                                                                            High Street

                                                                                                                                                          Fast Food


                                            Focus teams on consumer metrics that matter!
                                                 You have to be better than the rest!
Insufficiently Welcoming across
    the “experience” sector
         Contract Catering, Motorway Services, Theme Parks and other ancillarys provide the worst welcome
                                           followed by Community pubs
                Only Boutique Hotels provide a level of welcome worthy of note and recommendation



3-4* Hotels

              5* Hotels

                                                                                                                                            Fine Dining
                                                           Budget Hotels

                                                                           Casual Dining


                                                                                                                                                          Gastro Pubs

                                                                                                                                                                        High Street
                                                                                                                                Fast Food
                                                                                           Coffee +


                          You wouldn’t fail to greet guests to your home!
A lack of Warmth across the Sector
                       Fast Food and Boutique join the underachievers Ancillary and Community.
                            Fine Dining and Gastro leading the way but all below 90% target.
Caring for, being attentive, listening to, demonstrating enthusiasm and affection or kindness towards guests delivers a
     sense of warmth. A simple gift easily bestowed upon guests will provide significant competitive advantage.
Warmth is the key driver of recommendation : 29.7% of guests cited warmth as the key reason for their willingness to





                                                                                                                                                     Fine Dining

                         5* Hotels


                                                                                                                                                                   Gastro Pubs
                                                                                    Casual Dining
           3-4* Hotels

                                                                    Budget Hotels

                                                                                                    Coffee +

                                                                                                                                                                                 High Street
                                                                                                                                         Fast Food


          Turn up the heat on operators to demonstrate warmth!
Show Interest
   The worst area : evidence of an inability to demonstrate an interest in the guests themselves and their needs.
                           An abject performance seriously limits sales and profitability.
   Asking questions of the guest about their day, work, recent activities, holidays, shopping exploits etc, not only
demonstrates you are interested in them but it provides the essential sales fuel. Understanding guests facilitates the
best matching of goods, services and an experience to guests encouraging them to return, to bring their friends and
                                       therefore maximise long term sales.




                                                                                                                                                      Fine Dining
                       5* Hotels

                                                                                                                                                                    Gastro Pubs

                                                                     Budget Hotels

                                                                                     Casual Dining


                                                                                                                                                                                  High Street
         3-4* Hotels

                                                                                                     Coffee +

                                                                                                                                          Fast Food


                                   Ask questions - show interest in their needs!
Emotions Matter

“Fill guests with a burning desire to return and
               bring their friends”
Demonstrate Knowledge
 Knowledge is the foundation for confidence and guest interaction. Without knowledge team members will actively
 avoid engaging with guests. 5* Hotels are the only competitive set reaching target levels while fine dining is close.
These high-end experiences do not have the exclusive rights to demonstrating knowledge and staffing levels are not
an acceptable excuse. Every team member from every team should share their knowledge PROACTIVELY and build
                 the guests’ appreciation of your points of differentiation, values and substantiality.



                          5* Hotels


                                                                                                                                                       Fine Dining

                                                                                                                                                                     Gastro Pubs
                                                                                      Casual Dining
            3-4* Hotels

                                                                     Budget Hotels


                                                                                                                                                                                   High Street
                                                                                                      Coffee +


                                                                                                                                           Fast Food



              Stop training systems and processes!
   Develop team member knowledge for competitive advantage!
Insufficient Perceived Value
 The perceived value is insufficient to justify the price in all but the case of 5* Hotels providing competitive advantage
  opportunities for alternate forms of entertainment, relaxation, socialising, exploration and emotional need fulfilment.
                                Price does not define value as demonstrated by 5* hotels.
   Perceived value is judged emotionally, subjectively by the individual and on the whole experience - how well the
                          experience actually met or exceeded the experience they anticipated.
Boutique Hotels prices are clearly deemed unjustified by the experience and 67.5% means these guests are detractors.
                              High hopes destroyed by the reality are punished dramatically.
 5* Hotels benefit from the desire of guests to tell people where they have been staying but trading on kudos alone is
      Budget and Fast Food offers may have lower initial expectations but this can be an opportunity or a curse.
                                                                Your marketing indicates a
                                                                promise and an expectation                                                                                                       85
                                                                 which must be delivered!

                     5* Hotels


                                                                                                                                                       Fine Dining

                                                                      Budget Hotels
      3-4* Hotels

                                                                                      Casual Dining

                                                                                                                                                                     Gastro Pubs
                                                                                                                                           Fast Food
                                                                                                      Coffee +


                                                                                                                                                                                   High Street


                    The Experience is the justification for price elasticity!
Guests not inspired to Recommend
 Willingness to recommend is a reflection of the whole experience, the emotional value added and the confidence
                                   that it will be replicated if recommended to others.
The experiences being offered are not good enough - they fail to excite. Only 5* Hotels exceed the target level. High
         price is not a barrier evidenced by 5*, Fine Dining and Gastros better-than-average performance.
 Provide guests with the fuel and confidence to recommend. In the world of social media word spreads faster than
ever before. Every negative is heard by more people and damages not only the errant operator concerned. Trading
         on price, design or kudos is fragile lasting only until a competitor who gets it all right comes along.

                                                                    Budget brands have to work
                                                                   harder to gain recommendation
                                                                    - its not cool to declare your                                                                                                85
                                                                   allegiance to such brands from
                       5* Hotels

                                                                             the rooftops.


                                                                                                                                                                      Gastro Pubs
                                                                                                                                                        Fine Dining

         3-4* Hotels

                                                                                       Casual Dining
                                                                       Budget Hotels

                                                                                                       Coffee +

                                                                                                                                                                                    High Street

                                                                                                                                            Fast Food

                                                                  Willingness to Recommend

        87% of experiences fail to generate recommendations!
Competitive Advantage Quotes
• “An organisation's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate
    competitive advantage.” - Jack Welch
•   “Customer service isn’t just a department” - Tony Hsieh
•   “When you’ve got only single-digit market share — and you’re competing with the big boys —
    you either differentiate or die.” – Michael Dell
•   “Arsenal have won that advantage, nobody gave it to them. By playing fantastic football and by
    winning matches and by winning trophies, they won that respect that the opponent has for
    them.” - Jose Mourinho
•   “Good enough never is. Set your standards so high that even the flaws are considered
    excellent.” – Debbi Fields
•   “It’s one thing to read about your company, but when a customer can associate it with an
    actual person, it creates a deeper, more meaningful connection to the brand.” Tony Hsieh
•   “Information is power, particularly when the competition ignores the opportunity to do the
    same.” – Mark Cuban
•   “A society's competitive advantage will come not from how well its’ schools teach the
    multiplication and periodic tables, but from how well they stimulate imagination and creativity.”
    - Albert Einstein
•   “You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones
    who do what you do.” — Jerry Garcia

Make your Customer’s Experiences your Competitive Advantage
PACE + PERSONALITY = Competitive Advantage
Are you in the business of providing experiences at pace? Ensure your pace meets the expectations of guests - long
   queues, no personality - disaster. Fast Food is expected to be just that and queues are detractors unless you
             manage the guests’ queue experience. Engage people in the queue: show them you care.
                       Demonstrate you recognise their pain. Don’t stroll through peak times.
Acknowledge people - Apologise - Give them confidence that you know they are there and that you understand they
                     have little time to stand in a queue. Perfect solution pace and personality!

                                                      90%                                                  90

                     GAP > 10%
                                                                      GAP 20%                              85
                                                                      Get faster                           80
                                                                   With personality!                       75


                            Pace                                            Personality
                                           Coffee +                     Fast Food

                     Fast Food & Coffee + Be personable at pace!
Useful Reading
                                                         “Those spending the most money are the worst brands.”

                                                                   “Good is the enemy of great.”

•Drive - Daniel H. Pink                        “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success;
•The Service Profit Chain - Heskett, Sasser &   leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the
 Schlesinger                                   right wall.”

•The One thing you need to know - Marcus
•The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
 - Stephen R. Covey
•Maverick - Ricardo Semler
•Made in America - Sam Walton
•Purple Cow - Seth Godin
•The Experience Economy - B. Joseph Pine II,
 James H. Gilmore
•Gung Ho - Ken Blanchard
•Whale Done - Ken Blanchard
•Funky Business - Kjell Nordstrom & Jonas
•Fundamentals - Jim Sullivan
•The Nordstrom Way - Spencer McCarthy
•Good to Great - Jim Collins
•First Break all the Rules - Marcus
•Emotional Branding - Marcus Gobe

        You have all the time in the world - make space to read!
Guests Migrate Faster than Ever
   Social Media means that word of mouth now happens at                                                               100
 lightning speeds, disgruntled guests no longer tell 8-10 but
     potentially thousands direct from their mobile phone.
                                                                          78.35     74                                75
 The bottom 10% demonstrate a Net Promoter Score of -92
 meaning almost every guest is a detractor and looking for                                                            50
            somewhere better to go or staying in.
 Those providing experiences worthy of recommendations                                                                25
               must be active on Social Media.
 Those failing to grow competitive advantage and advocacy                                    12.4
 must focus on what matters and on delivering experiences.                                               -96

  Social Media means consumers find new opportunities to                       Guest                                  -25
         satisfy their needs faster than ever before.                         Migration
                                                                              Pattern                                 -50

               Looking to buy a business?
   Why believe the arbitrarily generated goodwill valuation?                                                          -100
 The P&L a/c accurately describes history not the likelihood of
                                                                      Net Promoter Score
                   future sales and profits.                                          Amazon
                                                                                     Eclectic Benchmark Contributor
                                                                                     Hospitality Sector
                                                                                     Bottom 10%

             Deliver experiences and embrace Social Media!
Going out of business in
    blissful ignorance?
In 2012 the speed to extinction of Bottom 10% operations is faster than ever before - thanks to social media, high
           debt burdens, poor guest experiences and world class competitors - hastening the inevitable.
           Unwelcoming, cold, inhospitable and a perfect recipe for declining sales, profits and closure.
               “If you always do what you always did then you will always get what you always got”
 If you have a business that delivers against your system and process requirements and yet is suffering declining
         sales do not assume its because of current economic conditions. Many businesses are growing.
                                            Measure what guests feel!





            Warmth   Interest   Confidence   Pace    Training   Knowledge    Value
                                                                                      Recommend   Average Score

            P&L a/c’s do not measure future sales potential!
 The average performance of the sector and its sub sets is not made up of
polarised highs and lows. The vast majority of venues are gathered around
  the mean. In such markets the opportunity for those who differentiate is
 great. Added to this, differentiation in highly competitive markets is crucial
         and offers huge rewards to experience-starved consumers.

                                     Hospitality businesses must focus on
                                  experience, not the goods they offer or the
                                   service they provide - rather focus on the
                                 experience they afford time-poor, discerning
                                guests who long for escape, socialisation and

               Measure what guests think about you!
Boutique hotels market a differentiated position promising an experience that is in
     demand. Excellent! In many cases the experience fails to live up to the
                  expectations and aspirations of the guests.

 5* hotels are differentiated and appeal to high level emotional needs but kudos
                alone is not sustainable - formal is not hospitable.

Budget hotels have developed a successful differentiated offer led by price but are
 adding more experience than 3-4* and are winning, squeezing the mid-market
                        while challenging the old order.

                      Differentiate on Experience!
B&Bs owner-led warmth threatens to provide a recipe for success but lacking
follow though across other question areas and the marketing clout of budget

Pace is a basic expectation in the fast food and Coffee + market - work more
            efficiently with personality for competitive advantage

Simple requirements such as welcome are missing even from those with host
                       doormen and receptionists

                      Measure what matters!
The restaurant market is highly competitive though very few operators recognise
               and take advantage of the experience opportunity

Pubs and bars have a fine history and heritage, they are fondly considered but
have failed to react to the competitive charge that has taken place around them
               - they were the 3rd place now they are in 3rd place.

 While the goods must meet expectations and the service must be professional
  and efficient it is the experience that will attract loyal guests and advocacy

    Emotions drive value, engage guests to drive advocacy!
Its not the burger, pizza, draught ale, bed or spa that develop competitive
advantage, these are replicable by the next new market entrant - it’s the emotions
   you develop that define the brand and issues forth advocates, ambivalents,
                            backbenchers or assassins.

Focus on and consistently deliver the things that matter and are in short supply to
    ensure your business stands out in a cluttered and pressurised market

Be Better!
The current environment is made for standout hospitality
     operators who deliver excellent experiences!
What can we
         t  3
     a r                           learn from the
    P coming soon....
                                  best of the best?
                              Why some businesses prosper and others fail
                              Which businesses are setting the pace - the
                              Eclectic Benchmark Contributors
                              Case 1: Knowledge = confidence and growth
                              Case 2: The power of personality and pace
                              Case 3: Engaging guests drives promotion
                              Case 4: Budget Hotels - Better than you

Differentiated, better and prospering
Improve your
Competitive Advantage

                                   Our clients outperform the sector, their sub
                                   sectors and the appropriate competitive set
                           If you would like to:
                                   Focus the team on what matters
                                   Benchmark your current performance
                                   Improve your guests experiences
                                   Grow advocacy and competitive advantage
                           We would be delighted to support your guest experience

                                  In our hands the right questions + independent professional mystery
                                  guests enables us to produce pragmatic, operator centric intelligence
                                reports that drive focus, improved customer service and guest advocacy
    @davidmchattie | @CSBenchmark

Customer experience report part 2
Customer experience report part 2
Customer experience report part 2
Customer experience report part 2
Customer experience report part 2

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Customer experience report part 2

  • 1. The Customer Experience in the Hospitality Industry Part 2 The Sub Sector & Competitive Set Performance Sponsored by © Customer Service Benchmarking Ltd June 2012 1
  • 2. ARE YOU BEING SERVED? Why is it that we recognise the increasing demands of Using a first-class legal team combined with a unique customers in the hospitality sector, but so often fail to apply technology platform, we can deliver fixed priced legal the same measures to the legal profession? How often do you services in a more flexible, tailored way whether you are a hear lawyers talking about customer service? small business, mid-sized company, or a large organisation balancing your internal legal capabilities with an external We believe all businesses, small or large, should expect the panel of experts. same level of service from their legal partners as they do from their hospitality providers. We’ve built our business model We know how important it is to meet both the changing around the needs of our clients, providing price certainty and needs of our clients and their expectation for a quality service choice. service at a fair price. Learn more at or call 0844 257 6000 LEGAL MATTERS 2
  • 3. Forward “A vital piece of intelligence for all hospitality leaders. Whether in preparation to welcome the world as hosts of the Olympic Games 2012 or simply to grow sales and profit in the most competitive economic conditions for a generation, this report, based on robust “actual” visit data identifies the challenges and opportunities ahead. The report presents compelling evidence for a shift in focus - to engage existing guests and leave them with a desire to return and tell their friends. Peer to peer recommendation has always been the most powerful marketing vehicle and in a social media-rich environment the opportunities and risks are even greater. Such customer centric intelligence, vital for competitive advantage, was not previously available but Customer Service Benchmark now provides an accessible tool for all leaders to assess where they are currently and to identify the scale of their opportunity-gap by measuring and benchmarking performance in areas that matter. The report raises some important questions and challenges.” Bob Cotton “A vital piece of intelligence” 3
  • 4. Introduction “When the majority are average, focus on and deliver excellent experiences for competitive advantage” In Part 1 we illustrated the performance of the hospitality industry. In Part 2 we drill down to consider the relative performance of the sub sectors of the Hospitality Industry and each of their constituent competitive sets. We aim to challenge. We aim to identify average and offer guidance for those who aspire for more by highlighting the performance gaps and identifying opportunities. Sub Sector Accommodation Food Led Drink Led Competitive Sets B&Bs Casual Dining Community Pubs Budget Hotels Fast Food High Street 3-4* Hotels Coffee + Destination Pubs 5* Hotels Fine Dining Boutique Hotels Gastro Pubs Ancillary 4
  • 5. Every Sub Sector, Every Question Below Target Each sub sector performs below target in all areas. Too much emphasis on training systems and process. Too little welcome, warmth, interest and knowledge. Accommodation businesses only manage a welcome score of 77.68% even with a receptionist. Being welcome is not defined by saying hello, it is exhibiting behaviours that make people feel welcome! The Drink-led Sector offers the best perceived value. Food-led team appear to be trained - but in what? It appears the wrong things. Restaurant teams are perceived to be better trained - they know how to take orders, serve goods and transact guests yet lack personality. What is the purpose of your training? Provide systems and processes to aid the team but train knowledge to instil confidence and release personality. Recognise behaviours that matter! 80 Accommodation Drink Food 78 Personality 76 Welcome, Warmth, Interest, Confidence Skills Pace, Training, 74 Knowledge Reflections Perceived Value, 72 Willingness to Recommend Welcome Warmth Interest Confidence Pace Training 70 Knowledge Value Recommend WANTED: Places that excite and satisfy guest emotional needs! 10
  • 6. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou photo credit: Ben Sutherland 11
  • 7. Accommodation fails to deliver Home from Home Experiences Disappointing performance from the Accommodation-led Sector, only 5* Hotels achieve 90% and only for reflections. Under-performing overall, 5* Hotels benefit from kudos and association rather than the team behaviours and the experience afforded guests. Guests want to tell people they stayed there despite the experience rather than because of it. Boutique Hotels demonstrate how differentiation on design rather than actual guest experience fails to deliver. 3-4* Hotel performance demonstrates why it has shrunk in a sector revolutionised by the development of budget hotels. While net growth in rooms has been nominal over the last 30 years, the growth in Budget hotels that offer a better price and a better experience has hastened the demise of the undifferentiated and squeezed mid market offers. 100 3-4 Star 5 Star B&B 90 Boutique Budget 80 Differentiate or die! Experience is the only competitive advantage opportunity for mid 70 market as budget hotels grow and improve. Personality Skills Reflections 60 Average Score Ensure you deliver on experience not just design and kudos! 12
  • 8. “We brought prices down, down, down so they are now essentially commodities. So if we want to succeed in this business, we have to move in a direction of adding other value to the relationship with our clients. And so where I might have said 15 years ago, 'We want to be the best discount brokerage,' today I want to be the best 'relationship company' in financial services.” Charles Schwab “We have the best customer satisfaction record, based on Transportation Dept. statistics, of any airline in America, the fewest complaints filed per 100,000 passengers carried. So you’re not just getting low fares, you’re also getting wonderful customer service.” Herb Kelleher Price isn’t enough! Even for successful low-cost operators! 13
  • 9. 5* Hotels Reliant on Kudos and Maslow 5 Star willingness to recommend is excellent but clearly driven by kudos rather than the quality of the experience. High price provides status and high personal brand value but experiences are formal and often inhospitable. B&B personality performance eclipses all. Boutique Hotels are welcoming but often disappoint on every other level. Warmth is the most concerning aspect - reserved, formal, slightly distant or just don’t care prevails. Guests want warmth & personality - a home from home experience is sadly lacking across the accommodation sector. Stop processing people and start welcoming guests to your home! Budget hotels are growing, booking is easy, they are developing the experience and offering far more than a cheap bed. 100 3-4 Star 5 Star 90 B&B Boutique Budget 80 What are the doormen and receptionists 70 doing? 60 Welcome Warmth Interest Confidence Pace Training Knowledge Value Recommend Average Score Formality is the enemy of warmth and hospitality! 14
  • 10. Be welcoming - AND MEAN IT! • Let your personality and welcome reach out from beyond the counter. • Acknowledge queuing guests - let them see you are there and have seen them • Make eye contact and Smile - with your eyes as well as your mouth. • Be first, Be there & Mean it • Ensure all team members recognise their responsibility to welcome guests • Make the section closest to the entrance smaller, providing that team member the capacity to welcome guests • Only one host - are you sure? • Good Afternoon, Hello, Hi, Evening Madam or Howday Dooday - it’s less about what you say and more about how you say it Recognise team members that mean it! 15
  • 11. Food-Led Businesses lack personality Unlike the hotel sector the restaurant industry has “enjoyed” phenomenal growth in guest choice - the competitive challenge has grown in tough economic times yet price rather than experience has been the approach adopted by most. Each competitive set delivers experiences below the 90% target. Fine Dining best and only 6.34% adrift. Over-supply and the challenging economic climate demands competitive advantage. The consumer needs experiences, they want places to escape, socialise, explore and enjoy, yet the evidence shows a bewildering choice that fails to excite and engage. In the face of rising prices, debt burdens, static or falling sales and profit the answer is not to slash costs and cut prices but to engage guests and provide experiences worthy of recommendation. Discounting is not a long term or strategic solution. The eating-out market fails to deliver and faces increasing competition from supermarkets and entertainment sources that better meet their experience and value requirements. 100 Ancillary Casual Dining Coffee + Fast Food 90 Fine Dining Gastro 80 Ancillary is 19.52% adrift of earning recommendations. 70 Personality Skills Reflections 60 Average Score Price is an unsustainable battleground! 16
  • 12. Unrivalled choice but lacking experience and engagement Welcome, Warmth, Interest and Knowledge are weakest! Ancillary where the hospitality provision is secondary e.g. motorway services, theme parks, museums and supermarkets are the worst performers in almost all areas. Surprisingly(?) even those with formal host / maitre’d, the welcome is below 90% target level. 70%-89.9% just means ambivalence, it is not at the level (90%) required to develop advocacy! Fast Food and Coffee+ ‘off the pace’ required by guests and lacking in personality. Gastros: over-promising on design and marketing but failing to meet guest expectations. 90 75 60 Welcome Warmth Interest Confidence Pace Training Knowledge Value Recommend Average Score Ancillary Casual Dining Coffee + Fast Food Fine Dining Gastro In a competitive market - Differentiate on Experience! 17
  • 13. Drink Competitive Sets Illustrate why there are so many closures! The Smoking ban effectively turned pubs into restaurants overnight and with the added competition from a rapidly growing restaurant sector which has benefitted from fresh ideas and investment, pubs have largely lost their place and their way. Despite an enviable heritage and fondness they have allowed others to steal a march on them and clearly bring up the rear in the experience stakes. Once the heart of the community - “the third place” - they now close at a double digit rate every week. Pubs and Bars - venues for convivial socialising and escape, fail to deliver against all measures but particularly disappointing and damaging is the lack of personality factors. Most even fail to acknowledge guests at the bar. Destination pubs are the best performing set but still almost 10% below target. 90 80 70 Personality Skills Reflections 60 Average Score Community Destination High Street Return to what made pubs the social hub! 18
  • 14. Experience Lite in Pubs and Bars Destination Pubs perform best against all measures but are they restaurants in disguise developed by restauranteurs? The drink-led sector looks much worse without the contribution of pubs in destination locations which serve food. If only... there were only pubs? Competition has grown, needs have changed and a more discerning and affluent society choose restaurants that fulfil multiple needs, excite and engage them while those pubs stuck in the past struggle on and close. A great pint is not enough! A proud heritage - the envy of many nations is diminishing fast. High Street pubs and bars are being supported by capex fuelled fashionable design - an unsustainable strategy as volumes fall. 90 Community Destination High Street 80 Community Pubs Welcome @ 70 68.52% is actually saying go away! Welcome Warmth Interest Confidence Pace Training Knowledge 60 Value Recommend Average Score Pubs need to be the 3rd place again! 19
  • 15. Experience Benchmarks We have evolving experience metrics for each of the following segments of the Hospitality sector. Sadly all below the 90% target - the level required for advocacy and recommendation. We are pleased to be helping one client at a time. Part 3 considers the performance of the basket of talent which makes up The Eclectic Benchmark. The report will illustrate clearly the gaps between the average performers (the majority) and the best of the best! 90 85 80 5* Hotels Fine Dining Gastro Pubs B&B’s 75 Destination Accommodation Hospitality Sector Casual Dining Coffee + Food Led Budget Hotels Boutique 3-4* Hotels Drink Led Community High Street 70 Fast Food Ancillary 65 Focus teams on consumer metrics that matter! You have to be better than the rest! 20
  • 16. Insufficiently Welcoming across the “experience” sector Contract Catering, Motorway Services, Theme Parks and other ancillarys provide the worst welcome followed by Community pubs Only Boutique Hotels provide a level of welcome worthy of note and recommendation 90 85 80 Boutique 75 3-4* Hotels 5* Hotels Fine Dining Budget Hotels B&B’s Destination Casual Dining 70 Gastro Pubs Community High Street Fast Food 65 Coffee + Ancillary 60 Welcome You wouldn’t fail to greet guests to your home! 21
  • 17. A lack of Warmth across the Sector Fast Food and Boutique join the underachievers Ancillary and Community. Fine Dining and Gastro leading the way but all below 90% target. Caring for, being attentive, listening to, demonstrating enthusiasm and affection or kindness towards guests delivers a sense of warmth. A simple gift easily bestowed upon guests will provide significant competitive advantage. Warmth is the key driver of recommendation : 29.7% of guests cited warmth as the key reason for their willingness to recommend. 90 85 80 75 Fine Dining B&B’s Destination 5* Hotels 70 Gastro Pubs Casual Dining 3-4* Hotels Budget Hotels Boutique Community 65 Coffee + High Street Fast Food Ancillary 60 Warmth Turn up the heat on operators to demonstrate warmth! 22
  • 18. Show Interest The worst area : evidence of an inability to demonstrate an interest in the guests themselves and their needs. An abject performance seriously limits sales and profitability. Asking questions of the guest about their day, work, recent activities, holidays, shopping exploits etc, not only demonstrates you are interested in them but it provides the essential sales fuel. Understanding guests facilitates the best matching of goods, services and an experience to guests encouraging them to return, to bring their friends and therefore maximise long term sales. 90 85 80 75 Fine Dining B&B’s 5* Hotels Gastro Pubs Destination 70 Boutique Budget Hotels Casual Dining Community High Street 3-4* Hotels Coffee + 65 Fast Food Ancillary 60 Interest Ask questions - show interest in their needs! 23
  • 19. Emotions Matter “Fill guests with a burning desire to return and bring their friends” 24
  • 20. Demonstrate Knowledge Knowledge is the foundation for confidence and guest interaction. Without knowledge team members will actively avoid engaging with guests. 5* Hotels are the only competitive set reaching target levels while fine dining is close. These high-end experiences do not have the exclusive rights to demonstrating knowledge and staffing levels are not an acceptable excuse. Every team member from every team should share their knowledge PROACTIVELY and build the guests’ appreciation of your points of differentiation, values and substantiality. 90 85 80 5* Hotels 75 Fine Dining B&B’s Gastro Pubs Destination 70 Casual Dining 3-4* Hotels Budget Hotels Community High Street Coffee + 65 Fast Food Ancillary Boutique 60 Knowledge Stop training systems and processes! Develop team member knowledge for competitive advantage! 25
  • 21. Insufficient Perceived Value The perceived value is insufficient to justify the price in all but the case of 5* Hotels providing competitive advantage opportunities for alternate forms of entertainment, relaxation, socialising, exploration and emotional need fulfilment. Price does not define value as demonstrated by 5* hotels. Perceived value is judged emotionally, subjectively by the individual and on the whole experience - how well the experience actually met or exceeded the experience they anticipated. Boutique Hotels prices are clearly deemed unjustified by the experience and 67.5% means these guests are detractors. High hopes destroyed by the reality are punished dramatically. 5* Hotels benefit from the desire of guests to tell people where they have been staying but trading on kudos alone is fragile. Budget and Fast Food offers may have lower initial expectations but this can be an opportunity or a curse. 90 Your marketing indicates a promise and an expectation 85 which must be delivered! 80 5* Hotels 75 Fine Dining B&B’s Destination Budget Hotels 3-4* Hotels 70 Casual Dining Gastro Pubs Fast Food Coffee + Community Ancillary High Street 65 Boutique 60 Value The Experience is the justification for price elasticity! 26
  • 22. Guests not inspired to Recommend Willingness to recommend is a reflection of the whole experience, the emotional value added and the confidence that it will be replicated if recommended to others. The experiences being offered are not good enough - they fail to excite. Only 5* Hotels exceed the target level. High price is not a barrier evidenced by 5*, Fine Dining and Gastros better-than-average performance. Provide guests with the fuel and confidence to recommend. In the world of social media word spreads faster than ever before. Every negative is heard by more people and damages not only the errant operator concerned. Trading on price, design or kudos is fragile lasting only until a competitor who gets it all right comes along. 90 Budget brands have to work harder to gain recommendation - its not cool to declare your 85 allegiance to such brands from 5* Hotels the rooftops. 80 75 Gastro Pubs Fine Dining B&B’s Destination 3-4* Hotels 70 Casual Dining Budget Hotels Boutique Coffee + High Street Community 65 Fast Food Ancillary 60 Willingness to Recommend 87% of experiences fail to generate recommendations! 27
  • 23. Competitive Advantage Quotes • “An organisation's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” - Jack Welch • “Customer service isn’t just a department” - Tony Hsieh • “When you’ve got only single-digit market share — and you’re competing with the big boys — you either differentiate or die.” – Michael Dell • “Arsenal have won that advantage, nobody gave it to them. By playing fantastic football and by winning matches and by winning trophies, they won that respect that the opponent has for them.” - Jose Mourinho • “Good enough never is. Set your standards so high that even the flaws are considered excellent.” – Debbi Fields • “It’s one thing to read about your company, but when a customer can associate it with an actual person, it creates a deeper, more meaningful connection to the brand.” Tony Hsieh • “Information is power, particularly when the competition ignores the opportunity to do the same.” – Mark Cuban • “A society's competitive advantage will come not from how well its’ schools teach the multiplication and periodic tables, but from how well they stimulate imagination and creativity.” - Albert Einstein • “You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” — Jerry Garcia Make your Customer’s Experiences your Competitive Advantage 28
  • 24. PACE + PERSONALITY = Competitive Advantage Are you in the business of providing experiences at pace? Ensure your pace meets the expectations of guests - long queues, no personality - disaster. Fast Food is expected to be just that and queues are detractors unless you manage the guests’ queue experience. Engage people in the queue: show them you care. Demonstrate you recognise their pain. Don’t stroll through peak times. Acknowledge people - Apologise - Give them confidence that you know they are there and that you understand they have little time to stand in a queue. Perfect solution pace and personality! 90% 90 GAP > 10% Target GAP 20% 85 Get faster 80 With personality! 75 70 65 60 Pace Personality Coffee + Fast Food Fast Food & Coffee + Be personable at pace! 29
  • 25. Useful Reading “Those spending the most money are the worst brands.” “Good is the enemy of great.” •Drive - Daniel H. Pink “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; •The Service Profit Chain - Heskett, Sasser & leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the Schlesinger right wall.” •The One thing you need to know - Marcus Buckingham •The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey •Maverick - Ricardo Semler •Made in America - Sam Walton •Purple Cow - Seth Godin •The Experience Economy - B. Joseph Pine II, James H. Gilmore •Gung Ho - Ken Blanchard •Whale Done - Ken Blanchard •Funky Business - Kjell Nordstrom & Jonas Ridderstrale •Fundamentals - Jim Sullivan •The Nordstrom Way - Spencer McCarthy •Good to Great - Jim Collins •First Break all the Rules - Marcus Buckingham •Emotional Branding - Marcus Gobe You have all the time in the world - make space to read! 30
  • 26. Guests Migrate Faster than Ever Social Media means that word of mouth now happens at 100 lightning speeds, disgruntled guests no longer tell 8-10 but potentially thousands direct from their mobile phone. 78.35 74 75 70.33 The bottom 10% demonstrate a Net Promoter Score of -92 meaning almost every guest is a detractor and looking for 50 somewhere better to go or staying in. Those providing experiences worthy of recommendations 25 must be active on Social Media. Those failing to grow competitive advantage and advocacy 12.4 must focus on what matters and on delivering experiences. -96 0 Social Media means consumers find new opportunities to Guest -25 satisfy their needs faster than ever before. Migration Pattern -50 -75 Looking to buy a business? Why believe the arbitrarily generated goodwill valuation? -100 The P&L a/c accurately describes history not the likelihood of Net Promoter Score future sales and profits. Amazon Apple Eclectic Benchmark Contributor Hospitality Sector Bottom 10% Deliver experiences and embrace Social Media! 31
  • 27. Going out of business in blissful ignorance? In 2012 the speed to extinction of Bottom 10% operations is faster than ever before - thanks to social media, high debt burdens, poor guest experiences and world class competitors - hastening the inevitable. Unwelcoming, cold, inhospitable and a perfect recipe for declining sales, profits and closure. “If you always do what you always did then you will always get what you always got” If you have a business that delivers against your system and process requirements and yet is suffering declining sales do not assume its because of current economic conditions. Many businesses are growing. Measure what guests feel! 60 45 30 15 Welcome 0 Warmth Interest Confidence Pace Training Knowledge Value Recommend Average Score P&L a/c’s do not measure future sales potential! 32
  • 28. Conclusions The average performance of the sector and its sub sets is not made up of polarised highs and lows. The vast majority of venues are gathered around the mean. In such markets the opportunity for those who differentiate is great. Added to this, differentiation in highly competitive markets is crucial and offers huge rewards to experience-starved consumers. Hospitality businesses must focus on experience, not the goods they offer or the service they provide - rather focus on the experience they afford time-poor, discerning guests who long for escape, socialisation and exploration. Measure what guests think about you! 33
  • 29. Boutique hotels market a differentiated position promising an experience that is in demand. Excellent! In many cases the experience fails to live up to the expectations and aspirations of the guests. 5* hotels are differentiated and appeal to high level emotional needs but kudos alone is not sustainable - formal is not hospitable. Budget hotels have developed a successful differentiated offer led by price but are adding more experience than 3-4* and are winning, squeezing the mid-market while challenging the old order. Differentiate on Experience! 34
  • 30. B&Bs owner-led warmth threatens to provide a recipe for success but lacking follow though across other question areas and the marketing clout of budget operators Pace is a basic expectation in the fast food and Coffee + market - work more efficiently with personality for competitive advantage Simple requirements such as welcome are missing even from those with host doormen and receptionists Measure what matters! 35
  • 31. The restaurant market is highly competitive though very few operators recognise and take advantage of the experience opportunity Pubs and bars have a fine history and heritage, they are fondly considered but have failed to react to the competitive charge that has taken place around them - they were the 3rd place now they are in 3rd place. While the goods must meet expectations and the service must be professional and efficient it is the experience that will attract loyal guests and advocacy Emotions drive value, engage guests to drive advocacy! 36
  • 32. Its not the burger, pizza, draught ale, bed or spa that develop competitive advantage, these are replicable by the next new market entrant - it’s the emotions you develop that define the brand and issues forth advocates, ambivalents, backbenchers or assassins. Focus on and consistently deliver the things that matter and are in short supply to ensure your business stands out in a cluttered and pressurised market 37
  • 33. Be Better! The current environment is made for standout hospitality operators who deliver excellent experiences! 38
  • 34. What can we t 3 a r learn from the P coming soon.... best of the best? Why some businesses prosper and others fail Which businesses are setting the pace - the Eclectic Benchmark Contributors Case 1: Knowledge = confidence and growth Case 2: The power of personality and pace Case 3: Engaging guests drives promotion Case 4: Budget Hotels - Better than you imagined? Differentiated, better and prospering 39
  • 35. Improve your Competitive Advantage Our clients outperform the sector, their sub sectors and the appropriate competitive set If you would like to: Focus the team on what matters Benchmark your current performance Improve your guests experiences Grow advocacy and competitive advantage We would be delighted to support your guest experience development. In our hands the right questions + independent professional mystery guests enables us to produce pragmatic, operator centric intelligence reports that drive focus, improved customer service and guest advocacy @davidmchattie | @CSBenchmark 07795813097 40