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Curriculum Inception
Will give $30 total: $15 up front and $15 when complete
Need By: Friday, 7/23/2021
Scenario for project
Assume that you are the curriculum designer for a school
district. The school board has
requested that several teams develop proposals for new
curricula to meet newly established
state standards. You and your team must develop the first
proposal to provide as a pilot or
model for the other teams. You have to first identify a specific
curriculum area not currently used
in the school district that would greatly benefit the students in
the district. Use the Internet to
develop a pilot curriculum for a specific discipline area such as
reading, math, science, or for a
grade level (K–12) at a local school district.
Instructions: Curriculum Inception
Write a 4–6 pages in which you:
● Describe the school district for which the pilot curriculum
will be developed using information for
the school district’s publications and/or website. Address the
following characteristics: (a)
geographical location, (b) demographics of the student
population, (c) cultural influences (peer
culture, race, ethnicity, regional), (d) regional accrediting body
standards for curriculum
development, (e) state and local policies and practices related to
curriculum development.
● Describe the specific discipline and grade level(s) for which
the pilot curriculum will be developed.
● Provide a rationale that proposes three benefits to the students
of the pilot curriculum.
● Provide at least four core instructional goals of the
curriculum, providing a rationale for the goals.
● Use at least three relevant, scholarly references published in
the last seven years. (Note:
Wikipedia and other non government websites do not qualify as
scholarly resources. Review the
supplementary readings listed on the first page of the course
guide for possible references.)
The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment
● Propose a pilot curriculum for a school district based on
audience and need analysis.
Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you
are familiar. Research the company on its own website, the
public filings on the Securities and Exchange
Commission's Filings & Forms page, the Strayer
University's online databases, the Lexis Advance database, and
any other sources you can find. The annual report will often
provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Use the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Template [DOCX] to ensure that your assignment meets the
Write a 4–6 pages paper in which you address the following:
· Assess how globalization and technology changes have
impacted the corporation you researched.
· Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-
based model to determine how your corporation could earn
above-average returns.
· Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the
corporation influence its overall success.
· Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall
success of this corporation.
· Use the Strayer University Online Library or the Internet to
locate and include at least three quality references. Note:
Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For
assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with
your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this
assignment is the following:
· Determine the impact of globalization and technology
changes, strategic models, vision and mission statements, and
stakeholders on a corporation's success.
Assignment 1 Template 2021.docx
Needs Improvement
Assess how globalization and technology changes have
impacted the corporation you researched.
0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely assessed how globalization and
technology changes have impacted the corporation you
15.6 (13.00%)
Insufficiently assessed how globalization and technology
changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
18 (15.00%)
Partially assessed how globalization and technology changes
have impacted the corporation you researched.
20.4 (17.00%)
Satisfactorily assessed how globalization and technology
changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
24 (20.00%)
Thoroughly assessed how globalization and technology changes
have impacted the corporation you researched.
Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based
model to determine how your corporation could earn above-
average returns.
0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely applied the industrial
organization model and the resource-based model to determine
how your corporation could earn above-average returns.
19.5 (16.25%)
Insufficiently applied the industrial organization model and the
resource-based model to determine how your corporation could
earn above-average returns.
22.5 (18.75%)
Partially applied the industrial organization model and the
resource-based model to determine how your corporation could
earn above-average returns.
25.5 (21.25%)
Satisfactorily applied the industrial organization model and the
resource-based model to determine how your corporation could
earn above-average returns.
30 (25.00%)
Thoroughly applied the industrial organization model and the
resource-based model to determine how your corporation could
earn above-average returns.
Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the
corporation influence its overall success.
0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely assessed how the vision
statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its
overall success.
15.6 (13.00%)
Insufficiently assessed how the vision statement and mission
statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
18 (15.00%)
Partially assessed how the vision statement and mission
statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
20.4 (17.00%)
Satisfactorily assessed how the vision statement and mission
statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
24 (20.00%)
Thoroughly assessed how the vision statement and mission
statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall
success of this corporation.
0 (0.00%)
Did not submit or incompletely evaluated how each category of
stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation.
15.6 (13.00%)
Insufficiently evaluated how each category of stakeholder
impacts the overall success of this corporation.
18 (15.00%)
Partially evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts
the overall success of this corporation.
20.4 (17.00%)
Satisfactorily evaluated how each category of stakeholder
impacts the overall success of this corporation.
24 (20.00%)
Thoroughly evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts
the overall success of this corporation.
Include four references.
0 (0.00%)
No references provided.
3.9 (3.25%)
Does not meet the required number of references; all references
poor-quality choices.
4.5 (3.75%)
Does not meet the required number of references; some
references poor-quality choices.
5.1 (4.25%)
Meets number of required references; all references high-quality
6 (5.00%)
Exceeds number of required references; all references high-
quality choices.
Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.
(SWS only)
0 (0.00%)
More than 8 errors present.
7.8 (6.50%)
7–8 errors present.
9 (7.50%)
5–6 errors present.
10.2 (8.50%)
3–4 errors present.
12 (10.00%)
0–2 errors present.
10Week 3 Assignment 1
Student’s Full Name
Strayer University
BUS499 Business Administration Capstone
Professor’s Name
Template Instructions (delete this page before submitting)
This template is provided to help you meet the assignment
This page should NOT be submitted with your assignment, as it
is not part of an academically written paper. Note the “Clarity,
writing mechanics, and formatting requirements” section of the
grading rubric.
· Read the explanations provided in the template for each
section of your paper.
· The explanations are in blue font below.
· You should have already read the assignment instructions in
· Type your response to each of the assignment requirements
within the designated sections.
· Each assignment requirement is identified using a section
Heading that is in black font
· DO NOT add extra spaces between sections.
· DO NOT change the margins.
· You are required to have a heading for each of the sections in
your paper.
· The required headings have been provided for you.
· DO NOT delete, alter, or add anything to the section
· DO NOT type the assignment instructions into the sections.
· After typing your responses, change the font color to black
and make sure it is not in bold.
· Be sure to change the font color on the title page to black after
typing your name, professor’s name, and date.
· Everything in blue font below should be deleted and replaced
with your responses.
· DELETE this entire page before you submit your assignment
to avoid losing points.
· The assignment is due in week 3.
· Late submissions negatively impact your grade.
· Include at least 4 full and complete academically w ritten
pages that address the requirements. The title page, this
instruction page, and the source page do not count.
· Use at least 3 quality sources, one of which MUST be the
course textbook.
· Strayer uses SafeAssign – an automated plagiarism checker. It
is advised that you do your own writing and use external
resources to support what you have written in your own words.
Week 3 Assignment 1
Write your introduction here. Include one (1) paragraph (not
more than 6 lines of text) that explains what your paper will
discuss. Much of your introduction may be taken from the
assignment instructions (in your own words). Read all
assignment resources to understand what should be included in
your paper. Be sure to review the assignment instructions in
Blackboard, the grading rubric, and the recorded writing
workshop to understand the requirements. Do not exceed 6 lines
of text in this introduction. There should be no direct quotes in
this section. After reading these instructions, replace this blue
text with your introduction and change the font color to
Thoroughly assess how globalization has impacted the publicly
traded corporation you researched. Review the How to Earn Full
Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key
Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what
is expected in your assessment. Also review the “Select a
Company to Research video to help in selecting a corporation
that meets the requirement. Provide a thoughtful and well
researched response. Remember to take advantage of the Strayer
Virtual Library provides an Online Research Portal. Consider
for example, how your chosen company has been involved in
expanding globally, how it has been impacted by global
competition, and the global economy. Do not simply define the
term globalization. If your company has locations in other
countries, do not just state that your corporation has locations
in other countries or simply list the various countries in which
the company does business. You need to assess the impact
globalization has had on your selected corporation. Use the
Effective Body Paragraph and Integrating Evidence resources
has you build your assessment.
Your assessment should demonstrate that you have read,
understand, and can apply the globalization concepts covered in
the textbook and course resources. You must consider the
various aspects of globalization discussed in the course and
make judgments about their impacts to your selected
corporation. Do not write about globalization in general terms.
Your assessment should be directly related to your selected
publicly traded corporation. Your writing here should
thoroughly assess how globalization has impacted your chosen
corporation. Do not Google “globalization”. You must display
an understanding based on what is studied in this course and
demonstrate an ability to apply the concepts in a real-world
assessment of a corporation. Your textbook must be a source
along with other credible sources that support the globalization
concepts covered in this course. Visit library resource on
Selecting Sources to help in selecting credible academic
resources. Read chapters 1-3 in the course textbook as each
chapter provides a solid background on Globalization that
applies to this section. Review the Week 1 & 2 Learn video
Lectures for supporting content. Properly cite your sources and
avoid the use of direct quotes. Visit the Strayer Virtual Writing
Center for detailed information on ethical writing, plagiarism,
and citations. Remember that the HYPERLINK
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font
color to black.Technology
Thoroughly assess how technological changes have impacted
the publicly traded corporation you researched. Review the How
to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key
Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what
is expected in your application. Provide a thoughtful and well
researched response. Consider for example, how the company
has been impacted by cloud computing, social media,
crowdfunding, program apps, email, texting, websites, mobile,
automation, robotics, IOT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial
Intelligence), e-commerce, data and analytics, etc. Research
how the company may have been impacted by diffusion and
disruptive technologies as explained in the textbook. Do not
simply define the term technology. You will need to assess the
impact changes in technology have had on your selected
corporation. Use the Effective Body Paragraph and Integrating
Evidence resources has you build your assessment
Your assessment should demonstrate that you have read,
understand, and can apply the technology concepts covered in
the textbook and course resources. You must consider the
various aspects of technological changes discussed in the course
and make judgments about their impacts to your selected
corporation. Do not write about technology in general terms.
Your assessment should be directly related to your selected
publicly traded corporation. If your company is technologically
advanced, do not simply list the various technologies they
possess but rather assess how changes in technology have
impacted the corporation. You must display an understanding
based on what is studied in this course and demonstrate an
ability to apply the concepts in a real-world assessment of a
corporation. Do not Google “technology”. Your writing here
should thoroughly assess how changes in technology have
impacted your chosen corporation.
Your textbook must be a source along with other credible
sources that support the technology concepts covered in this
course. You must display an understanding based on what is
studied in this course. Visit library resource on Selecting
Sources to help in selecting credible academic resources. Read
chapters 1-3 in the course textbook as each chapter provides a
solid background on Technology that applies to this section.
Review the Week 1 & 2 Learn video Lectures for supporting
content. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes.
Visit the Strayer Virtual Writing Center for detailed information
on ethical writing, plagiarism, and citations. Remember that the
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font
color to black.Industrial Organization Model
Thoroughly apply the industrial organization model to
determine how your corporation could earn above-average
returns (i.e. revenue). Review the How to Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to
ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your
application. Your application should walk through the
components the model suggests are needed to earn above
average returns. Hint: see Figure 1.2 in the textbook. Do not
Google “Industrial Organization Model” or simply provide a
definition or write in general terms. Your writing here should
apply the components of the model, as described in the course
material, to your specific corporation, demonstrate your
understanding of the concepts, as described in this course, and
demonstrate your ability to apply those concepts to a real-world
corporation. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as it
provides a solid background on this model.Review the Week 1
Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources
and avoid the use of direct quotes. Remember that the
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your application and change the font
color to black.Resource-Based Model
Thoroughly apply the resource-based model to determine how
your corporation could earn above-average returns (i.e.
revenue). Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1
Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear
understanding of what is expected in your application. Your
application should walk through the components the model
suggests are needed to earn superior returns. Hint: See Figure
1.3 in the textbook. Do not Google “Resource-Based Model” or
simply provide a definition or write in general terms. Your
writing here should apply the components of the model, as
described in the course material, to your specific corporation,
demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, as described in
this course, and demonstrate your ability to apply those
concepts to a real-world corporation. Read chapter 1 in the
course textbook as it provides a solid background on this model.
Review the Week 1 Learn video Lecture for supporting content.
Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. Remember
that the HYPERLINK
"iframe%20src=%22https:/ m/embedplaylis
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your application and change the font
color to black.Vision
Thoroughly assess how the vision statement of the corporation
influences its overall success. Review the How to Earn Full
Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key
Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what
is expected in your assessment. Include the actual vision
statement for your chosen company (be sure to quote and cite
your source). Consider the key concepts discussed in chapter 1
regarding vision in your assessment of your selected
corporation’s vision statement. Do not simply provide a
definition of vision or make general statements. Do not simply
copy and paste the vision statement. In addition to the actual
vision statement for your corporation, your writing must
demonstrate that you understand the concept of vision, as
discussed in this course, and can assess the impact your
corporation’s vision statement has on its overall success. You
must consider the various aspects of vision statements discus sed
in the course and make judgments about their impacts to your
selected corporation. The assessment is critical to this
assignment requirement. Without an assessment you have not
met the requirements. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as
it provides a solid background on vision. Review the Week 1
Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources.
Remember that the HYPERLINK
activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title =%22Kaltura
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font
color to black.Mission
Thoroughly assess how the mission statement of the corporation
influences its overall success. Review the How to Earn Full
Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key
Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what
is expected in your assessment. Include the actual mission
statement for your chosen company (be sure to quote and cite
your source). Consider the key concepts discussed in chapter 1
regarding mission in your assessment of your selected
corporation’s mission statement. Do not simply provide a
definition of mission or make general statements. Do not simply
copy and paste the mission statement. In addition to the actual
mission statement of your selected corporation, your writing
must demonstrate that you understand the concept of mission, as
discussed in this course, and can assess the impact your
corporation’s mission statement has on its overall success. You
must consider the various aspects of mission statements
discussed in the course and make judgments about their impacts
to your selected corporation. The assessment is critical to this
assignment requirement. Without an assessment you have not
met the requirements. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as
it provides a solid background on missions. Review the Week 1
Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources.
Remember that the HYPERLINK
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font
color to black.Stakeholders
Thoroughly evaluate how each category of stakeholder,
described in the textbook, impacts the overall success of your
selected corporation. Review the How to Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to
ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your
evaluation. Do not Google “stakeholders” or simply provide a
definition or list of stakeholders. You must provide an
evaluation that demonstrates your understanding of each
classification of stakeholders, as described in this course. Hint:
See Figure 1.4. Do not write in general terms about
stakeholders. Your evaluation must thoroughly and specifically
describe how each classification of stakeholders impacts your
selected corporation’s success. It is critical that you display
your understanding of stakeholder classifications. Without the
identification and evaluation of each of the stakeholder
classifications, discussed in the course, you have not met the
requirements. Read chapter 1 for additional background on
Stakeholders and the Classifications, as it provides a solid
background that applies to this section. Review the Week 1
Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources
and avoid the use of direct quotes. Remember that the
"iframe%20src=%22https:/ playlis
media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=% 22no-referrer-when-
%20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on
Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on
meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions,
replace this blue text with your evaluation and change the font
color to black.
1. Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson. 2020. Strategic management:
Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization (13th
ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning
2. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How
to Find (e.g. web address)
3. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How
to Find (e.g. web address)
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Curriculum Inception Will give $30 total $15 up front an

  • 1. Curriculum Inception Will give $30 total: $15 up front and $15 when complete Need By: Friday, 7/23/2021 Scenario for project Assume that you are the curriculum designer for a school district. The school board has requested that several teams develop proposals for new curricula to meet newly established state standards. You and your team must develop the first proposal to provide as a pilot or model for the other teams. You have to first identify a specific curriculum area not currently used in the school district that would greatly benefit the students in the district. Use the Internet to develop a pilot curriculum for a specific discipline area such as reading, math, science, or for a grade level (K–12) at a local school district. Instructions: Curriculum Inception Write a 4–6 pages in which you: ● Describe the school district for which the pilot curriculum will be developed using information for the school district’s publications and/or website. Address the following characteristics: (a) geographical location, (b) demographics of the student population, (c) cultural influences (peer culture, race, ethnicity, regional), (d) regional accrediting body
  • 2. standards for curriculum development, (e) state and local policies and practices related to curriculum development. ● Describe the specific discipline and grade level(s) for which the pilot curriculum will be developed. ● Provide a rationale that proposes three benefits to the students of the pilot curriculum. ● Provide at least four core instructional goals of the curriculum, providing a rationale for the goals. ● Use at least three relevant, scholarly references published in the last seven years. (Note: Wikipedia and other non government websites do not qualify as scholarly resources. Review the supplementary readings listed on the first page of the course guide for possible references.) The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment is: ● Propose a pilot curriculum for a school district based on audience and need analysis. Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission's Filings & Forms page, the Strayer University's online databases, the Lexis Advance database, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Use the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
  • 3. Template [DOCX] to ensure that your assignment meets the requirements. Requirements Write a 4–6 pages paper in which you address the following: · Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. · Apply the industrial organization model and the resource- based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. · Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. · Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. · Use the Strayer University Online Library or the Internet to locate and include at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is the following: · Determine the impact of globalization and technology changes, strategic models, vision and mission statements, and stakeholders on a corporation's success. Assignment 1 Template 2021.docx ·
  • 4. Unacceptable Needs Improvement Satisfactory Competent Exemplary Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely assessed how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Points: 15.6 (13.00%) Insufficiently assessed how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Points: 18 (15.00%) Partially assessed how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Points: 20.4 (17.00%) Satisfactorily assessed how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Points: 24 (20.00%) Thoroughly assessed how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above- average returns. Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely applied the industrial
  • 5. organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Points: 19.5 (16.25%) Insufficiently applied the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Points: 22.5 (18.75%) Partially applied the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Points: 25.5 (21.25%) Satisfactorily applied the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Points: 30 (25.00%) Thoroughly applied the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely assessed how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Points: 15.6 (13.00%) Insufficiently assessed how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Points: 18 (15.00%) Partially assessed how the vision statement and mission
  • 6. statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Points: 20.4 (17.00%) Satisfactorily assessed how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Points: 24 (20.00%) Thoroughly assessed how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Points: 0 (0.00%) Did not submit or incompletely evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Points: 15.6 (13.00%) Insufficiently evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Points: 18 (15.00%) Partially evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Points: 20.4 (17.00%) Satisfactorily evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Points: 24 (20.00%) Thoroughly evaluated how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Include four references. Points: 0 (0.00%) No references provided. Points:
  • 7. 3.9 (3.25%) Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor-quality choices. Points: 4.5 (3.75%) Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor-quality choices. Points: 5.1 (4.25%) Meets number of required references; all references high-quality choices. Points: 6 (5.00%) Exceeds number of required references; all references high- quality choices. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements. (SWS only) Points: 0 (0.00%) More than 8 errors present. Points: 7.8 (6.50%) 7–8 errors present. Points: 9 (7.50%) 5–6 errors present. Points: 10.2 (8.50%) 3–4 errors present. Points: 12 (10.00%) 0–2 errors present. 1
  • 8. 10Week 3 Assignment 1 Student’s Full Name Strayer University BUS499 Business Administration Capstone Professor’s Name Date Template Instructions (delete this page before submitting) This template is provided to help you meet the assignment requirements. This page should NOT be submitted with your assignment, as it is not part of an academically written paper. Note the “Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements” section of the grading rubric. HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE · Read the explanations provided in the template for each section of your paper. · The explanations are in blue font below. · You should have already read the assignment instructions in Blackboard. · Type your response to each of the assignment requirements within the designated sections. · Each assignment requirement is identified using a section Heading that is in black font · DO NOT add extra spaces between sections. · DO NOT change the margins. · You are required to have a heading for each of the sections in
  • 9. your paper. · The required headings have been provided for you. · DO NOT delete, alter, or add anything to the section Headings. · DO NOT type the assignment instructions into the sections. · After typing your responses, change the font color to black and make sure it is not in bold. · Be sure to change the font color on the title page to black after typing your name, professor’s name, and date. · Everything in blue font below should be deleted and replaced with your responses. · DELETE this entire page before you submit your assignment to avoid losing points. REMINDERS · The assignment is due in week 3. · Late submissions negatively impact your grade. · Include at least 4 full and complete academically w ritten pages that address the requirements. The title page, this instruction page, and the source page do not count. · Use at least 3 quality sources, one of which MUST be the course textbook. · Strayer uses SafeAssign – an automated plagiarism checker. It is advised that you do your own writing and use external resources to support what you have written in your own words. Week 3 Assignment 1 Write your introduction here. Include one (1) paragraph (not more than 6 lines of text) that explains what your paper will discuss. Much of your introduction may be taken from the assignment instructions (in your own words). Read all assignment resources to understand what should be included in your paper. Be sure to review the assignment instructions in Blackboard, the grading rubric, and the recorded writing workshop to understand the requirements. Do not exceed 6 lines of text in this introduction. There should be no direct quotes in
  • 10. this section. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your introduction and change the font color to black.Globalization Thoroughly assess how globalization has impacted the publicly traded corporation you researched. Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your assessment. Also review the “Select a Company to Research video to help in selecting a corporation that meets the requirement. Provide a thoughtful and well researched response. Remember to take advantage of the Strayer Virtual Library provides an Online Research Portal. Consider for example, how your chosen company has been involved in expanding globally, how it has been impacted by global competition, and the global economy. Do not simply define the term globalization. If your company has locations in other countries, do not just state that your corporation has locations in other countries or simply list the various countries in which the company does business. You need to assess the impact globalization has had on your selected corporation. Use the Effective Body Paragraph and Integrating Evidence resources has you build your assessment. Your assessment should demonstrate that you have read, understand, and can apply the globalization concepts covered in the textbook and course resources. You must consider the various aspects of globalization discussed in the course and make judgments about their impacts to your selected corporation. Do not write about globalization in general terms. Your assessment should be directly related to your selected publicly traded corporation. Your writing here should thoroughly assess how globalization has impacted your chosen corporation. Do not Google “globalization”. You must display an understanding based on what is studied in this course and demonstrate an ability to apply the concepts in a real-world assessment of a corporation. Your textbook must be a source along with other credible sources that support the globalization
  • 11. concepts covered in this course. Visit library resource on Selecting Sources to help in selecting credible academic resources. Read chapters 1-3 in the course textbook as each chapter provides a solid background on Globalization that applies to this section. Review the Week 1 & 2 Learn video Lectures for supporting content. Properly cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. Visit the Strayer Virtual Writing Center for detailed information on ethical writing, plagiarism, and citations. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291% 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=%22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title=%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font color to black.Technology Thoroughly assess how technological changes have impacted the publicly traded corporation you researched. Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your application. Provide a thoughtful and well researched response. Consider for example, how the company has been impacted by cloud computing, social media, crowdfunding, program apps, email, texting, websites, mobile, automation, robotics, IOT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), e-commerce, data and analytics, etc. Research
  • 12. how the company may have been impacted by diffusion and disruptive technologies as explained in the textbook. Do not simply define the term technology. You will need to assess the impact changes in technology have had on your selected corporation. Use the Effective Body Paragraph and Integrating Evidence resources has you build your assessment Your assessment should demonstrate that you have read, understand, and can apply the technology concepts covered in the textbook and course resources. You must consider the various aspects of technological changes discussed in the course and make judgments about their impacts to your selected corporation. Do not write about technology in general terms. Your assessment should be directly related to your selected publicly traded corporation. If your company is technologically advanced, do not simply list the various technologies they possess but rather assess how changes in technology have impacted the corporation. You must display an understanding based on what is studied in this course and demonstrate an ability to apply the concepts in a real-world assessment of a corporation. Do not Google “technology”. Your writing here should thoroughly assess how changes in technology have impacted your chosen corporation. Your textbook must be a source along with other credible sources that support the technology concepts covered in this course. You must display an understanding based on what is studied in this course. Visit library resource on Selecting Sources to help in selecting credible academic resources. Read chapters 1-3 in the course textbook as each chapter provides a solid background on Technology that applies to this section. Review the Week 1 & 2 Learn video Lectures for supporting content. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. Visit the Strayer Virtual Writing Center for detailed information on ethical writing, plagiarism, and citations. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291%
  • 13. 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=%22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title=%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font color to black.Industrial Organization Model Thoroughly apply the industrial organization model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns (i.e. revenue). Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your application. Your application should walk through the components the model suggests are needed to earn above average returns. Hint: see Figure 1.2 in the textbook. Do not Google “Industrial Organization Model” or simply provide a definition or write in general terms. Your writing here should apply the components of the model, as described in the course material, to your specific corporation, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, as described in this course, and demonstrate your ability to apply those concepts to a real-world corporation. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as it provides a solid background on this model.Review the Week 1 Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291%
  • 14. 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=%22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title=%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your application and change the font color to black.Resource-Based Model Thoroughly apply the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns (i.e. revenue). Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your application. Your application should walk through the components the model suggests are needed to earn superior returns. Hint: See Figure 1.3 in the textbook. Do not Google “Resource-Based Model” or simply provide a definition or write in general terms. Your writing here should apply the components of the model, as described in the course material, to your specific corporation, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, as described in this course, and demonstrate your ability to apply those concepts to a real-world corporation. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as it provides a solid background on this model. Review the Week 1 Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ m/embedplaylis t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291% 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull
  • 15. screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=%22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title=%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your application and change the font color to black.Vision Thoroughly assess how the vision statement of the corporation influences its overall success. Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your assessment. Include the actual vision statement for your chosen company (be sure to quote and cite your source). Consider the key concepts discussed in chapter 1 regarding vision in your assessment of your selected corporation’s vision statement. Do not simply provide a definition of vision or make general statements. Do not simply copy and paste the vision statement. In addition to the actual vision statement for your corporation, your writing must demonstrate that you understand the concept of vision, as discussed in this course, and can assess the impact your corporation’s vision statement has on its overall success. You must consider the various aspects of vision statements discus sed in the course and make judgments about their impacts to your selected corporation. The assessment is critical to this assignment requirement. Without an assessment you have not met the requirements. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as it provides a solid background on vision. Review the Week 1 Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources.
  • 16. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291% 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=%22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title =%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font color to black.Mission Thoroughly assess how the mission statement of the corporation influences its overall success. Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your assessment. Include the actual mission statement for your chosen company (be sure to quote and cite your source). Consider the key concepts discussed in chapter 1 regarding mission in your assessment of your selected corporation’s mission statement. Do not simply provide a definition of mission or make general statements. Do not simply copy and paste the mission statement. In addition to the actual mission statement of your selected corporation, your writing must demonstrate that you understand the concept of mission, as discussed in this course, and can assess the impact your corporation’s mission statement has on its overall success. You must consider the various aspects of mission statements discussed in the course and make judgments about their impacts to your selected corporation. The assessment is critical to this
  • 17. assignment requirement. Without an assessment you have not met the requirements. Read chapter 1 in the course textbook as it provides a solid background on missions. Review the Week 1 Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291% 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=%22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title=%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your assessment and change the font color to black.Stakeholders Thoroughly evaluate how each category of stakeholder, described in the textbook, impacts the overall success of your selected corporation. Review the How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 Video titled “Key Outcomes/Expectations” to ensure a clear understanding of what is expected in your evaluation. Do not Google “stakeholders” or simply provide a definition or list of stakeholders. You must provide an evaluation that demonstrates your understanding of each classification of stakeholders, as described in this course. Hint: See Figure 1.4. Do not write in general terms about stakeholders. Your evaluation must thoroughly and specifically describe how each classification of stakeholders impacts your selected corporation’s success. It is critical that you display your understanding of stakeholder classifications. Without the
  • 18. identification and evaluation of each of the stakeholder classifications, discussed in the course, you have not met the requirements. Read chapter 1 for additional background on Stakeholders and the Classifications, as it provides a solid background that applies to this section. Review the Week 1 Learn video Lecture for supporting content. Cite your sources and avoid the use of direct quotes. Remember that the HYPERLINK "iframe%20src=%22https:/ playlis t/secure/embed/v2/1/playlistId/1_8jvf13ny/uiConfId/41283291% 22%20width=%22400%22%20height=%22620%22%20allowfull screen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozAllowFullScreen%20al low=%22autoplay%20*;%20fullscreen%20*;%20encrypted- media%20*%22%20referrerpolicy=% 22no-referrer-when- downgrade%22%20sandbox=%22allow-forms%20allow-same- origin%20allow-scripts%20allow-top-navigation%20allow- pointer-lock%20allow-popups%20allow-modals%20allow- orientation-lock%20allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox%20allow- presentation%20allow-top-navigation-by-user- activation%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20title=%22Kaltura %20Player%22%3e%3c/iframe" How To Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1 video series provides additional guidance on meeting the requirements. After reading these instructions, replace this blue text with your evaluation and change the font color to black. Sources 1. Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson. 2020. Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization (13th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning 2. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How to Find (e.g. web address) 3. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How to Find (e.g. web address)