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CSSO — compress CSS
Roman Dvornov
Minsk 2016
Working at Avito
Building SPA
Author of basis.js
Maintainer of CSSO
Don't expect happy end
CSS-minifiers aren't needed!
It's a joke… or maybe not
CSS-minifiers aren't needed!




a lot of CSS – compression needed
What tool to choose?
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
cssnanocsso clean-css
YUI Compressor fork
Heroes of the day
There are much more minifiers
but not so famous or 

not in active developing
Let's compare
clean-css 3.4.9 cssnano 3.5.2 csso 2.0.0
147 427 bytes
118 186
273 ms
117 440
1 813 ms
117 756
169 ms
200 341 bytes
142 667
389 ms
145 030
1 983 ms
144 262
222 ms
7 707 bytes
5 ms
17 ms
1 831
4 ms
1 092 bytes
3 ms
13 ms
3 ms
It looks like…
Libraries are written well,
real CSS is not
clean-css 3.4.9 cssnano 3.5.2 csso 2.0.0
602 233 bytes (5 month ago)
430 240
1 077 ms
439 024
23 270 ms
435 588
531 ms
822 021 bytes (now)
587 906
1 705 ms
604 503
48 550 ms
595 834
616 ms
gzip compression factor is 8 (~72Kb)
That means the result can be improved!
Our numbers
Every minifier works the same way
Basic minification
• Deletion
• Replacement
• Structural optimization
You may think that 

CSS minification is all about 

W3C specifications
In fact sh*t happens all the time
That's why
• Specs are changing
• Various browser support of CSS
• Browser's bugs
• CSS hacks
Most important
Minification shouldn't

break or repair the CSS
What to delete
• Whitespaces and comments (most part of saving)
• Rules with wrong selectors
• Empty rules
• Wrong declarations
• Malposed @import, @charset
• …
Always respect specifications
calc(4 * 2em - 10% / 3)
Original CSS
calc(4*2em - 10%/3)
Whitespace deletion
More examples
• Units for zero dimensions

0px ! 0
• Quotes

[attr="name"] ! [attr=name]

url('image.png') ! url(image.png)
• …
But it's not so simple
• 0px ! 0

But it's not so simple
• 0px ! 0

• 0deg ! 0

wrong, not a length unit
But it's not so simple
• 0px ! 0

• 0deg ! 0

wrong, not a length unit
• flex: 1 0 0px ! flex: 1 0 0

wrong, doesn't work as expected in IE
Replace with shorter forms
Most interesting: colour
• hsl ! rgb, hsla ! rgba
• rgb(100%, 0, 0) ! rgb(255, 0, 0)
• rgba(a, b, c, 1) ! rgb(a, b, c)
• normalize: rgb(500, -100, 0) ! rgb(255, 0, 0)
• rgb(255, 0, 0) ! #ff0000
• #aabbcc ! #abc
• #ff0000 ! red, darkslateblue ! #483d8b
More examples
• Number normalization: 0.00 ! 0 or 0.123 ! .123
• Special values for some properties
• font-weight:bold ! font-weight:700
• background:none ! background:0 0
• from ! 0%, 100% ! to for @keyframes
• …
Isn't effective actually
Structural optimization
Merging and moving
declarations and rules
The most complicated and expensive 

.foo {
color: red;
color: green;
.foo {
color: green;
Declaration deletion
color: red has never to be used by browser –

can be deleted
Let's check
Are you a proper minifier or not? ;)
.foo {
color: red;
color: rgba(…);
.foo {
color: rgba(…);
Deletion of declarations
.foo {
color: red;
color: rgba(…);
.foo {
color: rgba(…);
} Wrong
Old browsers 

don't support rgba()
Deletion of declarations
.foo {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
.qux {
color: red;
.foo, .qux {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
.foo {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
.qux {
color: red;
.foo, .qux {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
Different results, e.g.
<div class="bar qux">
span {
color: red;
div {
color: green;
ul {
color: red;
span, ul {
color: red;
div {
color: green;
span {
color: red;
div {
color: green;
ul {
color: red;
span, ul {
color: red;
div {
color: green;

elements have a single name
.foo {
color: red;
span {
color: green;
.bar {
color: red;
.foo, .bar {
color: red;
span {
color: green;
.foo {
color: red;
span {
color: green;
.bar {
color: red;
.foo, .bar {
color: red;
span {
color: green;
different specificity –
order doesn't matter
.foo {
color: red;
.bar:not(.baz) {
color: red;
.bar:not(.baz) {
color: red;
.foo {
color: red;
.bar:not(.baz) {
color: red;
.bar:not(.baz) {
color: red;
Old browsers 

don't support :not()
.foo {
color: red;
width: 100px;
.bar {
color: green;
width: 100px;
.foo, .bar {
width: 100px;
.foo {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
Moving common parts aside
Moving direction matters
.foo {
color: red;
.bar {
color: red;
color: rgba(..);
.foo, .bar {
color: red;
.bar {
color: rgba(..);
Moving common parts aside
In this case only moving up is correct
.foo {
color: rgba(..);
.bar {
color: red;
color: rgba(..);
.bar {
color: red;
.foo, .bar {
color: rgba(..);
Moving common parts aside
In this case only moving down is correct
Too many things 

minifier should respect…
Basic optimization summary
• Common approaches
• Usually whitespace deletion is most effective
• Many hacks and edge cases
• Every minifier has bugs
Advanced optimizations
Usage data
Usage data
.foo {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
.qux {
color: red;
.foo, .qux {
color: red;
.bar {
color: green;
This transformation isn't safe,
since we don't know 

how CSS is used in markup
But what if we knew?
"classes": ["foo", "bar"],
"tags": ["ul", "li"]
.foo { color: red } { color: green }
ul li, ol li { color: blue }
+ .foo { color: red }
ul li { color: blue }
.module1-foo { background: red; }
.module1-bar { font-size: 1.5em; background: yellow; }
.module2-baz { background: red; }
.module2-qux { font-size: 1.5em; background: yellow; width: 50px; }
Rules with .module1-foo and .module2-baz 

can't be merged,
since .module1-bar is between them
.module1-foo { background: red; }
.module1-bar { font-size: 1.5em; background: yellow; }
.module2-baz { background: red; }
.module2-qux { font-size: 1.5em; background: yellow; width: 50px; }
Rules merge is safe only if we sure that class
names are never applied to a single element
Usage data
"scopes": [
["module1-foo", "module1-bar"],
["module2-baz", "module2-qux"]
With this JSON we explain to optimizer that

module1-* and module2-* class names 

are never applied to a single element
The basic minification result (157 bytes)
34 bytes extra saving
The result with usage data (123 bytes)
Feature is already available in CSSO!
Profit for our project
• 823 Kb Original CSS
• 596 Kb Basic optimization
• 437 Kb Optimization with usage data
159 Kb extra saving (26%)
How to generate usage data?
There is no universal solution – 

it depends on the technology stack
It is expected such tools will be created soon
.foo { color: red } { color: green }
.a { color: red }
.a.b { color: green }
"foo": "a",
"bar": "b"
Rename map
• 823 Kb Orignal CSS
• 596 Kb Basic optimization
• 385 Kb Rename (currently outside CSSO)
211 Kb of extra saving (35%)
Profit for our project
364Kb of extra saving (61%)
All together
• 823 Kb Original CSS
• 596 Kb Basic optimization
• 232 Kb Rename + Usage data
Should it be a part of minifier?
Yep, because it leads 

to a new optimization
.bar {
color: red;
.bar:hover {
color: green
.a { color: red }
.a:hover { color: green }
"foo": "a",
"bar": "a"
Rename map
The single new name for old two
names – reduce selector count
Nobody writes this sort of CSS…
.foo {
color: red;
.foo:hover {
color: green
.bar {
color: red;
.bar:hover {
color: green
ResultCSS + usage data
.bar {
color: red;
.bar:hover {
color: green
In development – coming soon in CSSO
• ~10 Kb of extra saving (~3-4%)
• 1431 of 6904 selectors were deleted
Selector count decreased by ~20%
Profit for our project
quick and dirty numbers
To compress or not to compress?
What is the effect of minification?
Parse Stylesheet
Recalculate Style
How CSS to became an image
Parse Stylesheet
Recalculate Style
Characteristics of CSS that affect performance
Quantitative characteristics
(size, number of selectors etc.)
Qualitative characteristics
(complexity of layout and effects)
Parse Stylesheet
Recalculate Style
Automation of enhancement
Compression can give 

a positive effect
Currently, have no ideas
how to automate
Parse Stylesheet
Recalculate Style
Solution: gzip, SDCH …
It matters for cold
page load only
Parse Stylesheet
Recalculate Style
Parse Stylesheet
Solution: use a minifier
Performs every time 

on page load
Less text – less to parse
Original CSS 823 Kb – 35ms
Basic optimisations 596 Kb – 29ms
Rename 385 Kb – 24ms
Rename + usage data 232 Kb – 22ms
Quick and dirty tests
Various level of compression and its influence on Parse Stylesheet
Size is reduced by ~4 times, time by ~40%
(Chrome on MacBook Air)
Win10 Desktop 19ms → 11ms
Nexus 5X 68ms → 44ms
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 158ms → 108ms
Quick and dirty tests
On other devices there were more encouraging numbers
CSS 316Kb 215Kb (-39.5%)
+ usage data
Parse Stylesheet
Recalculate Style
Recalculate Style
Solution: rename etc.
Performs every time on page
load and on any DOM
We've hypotheses only,

more details when feature
will be shipped in CSSO ;)
To compress or not to compress?
To compress or not to compress?
But it's still a subject for research
CSSO reborn
What was changed
• 10+ times faster
• 8+ times less memory consumption
• Fixed most of bugs
• Better code base and API
• More downloads and stars on GitHub ;)
1 300 000+ downloads per month
9x since October 2015
500 ms
1 000 ms
1 500 ms
2 000 ms
2 500 ms
3 000 ms
3 500 ms
4 000 ms
4 500 ms
5 000 ms
5 500 ms
6 000 ms
CSSO version
1.4.0 1.5.0 1.6.0 1.7.0 1.8.0 2.0
1 050 ms
Performance changes
500 ms
23 250 ms
Plugin for PostCSS
As fast as CSSO alone
Under the hood the plugin converts PostCSS AST into CSSO
format, optimises it and converts back
New features
• Source Maps
• Usage data
• Support for new parts of CSS
• User friendly error messages
• Support for stdin
• New AST format
Main goal is to build the best CSS optimizer
Coming soon
• New algorithms and optimizations
• Browser support modes
• Property families and declaration sorting
• Name normalization and renaming
• Shorthand properties structure recognition
• And more…
Like CSS, read specs
94 Try CSSO :)
All new around CSSO – @cssoptimizer
Roman Dvornov
Any questions?

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