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CSS Parsing
performance tips & tricks
Roman Dvornov
Moscow, September 2016
Frontend lead in Avito
Specializes in SPA
Maintainer of:

basis.js, CSSO, 


csstree and others
CSS parsing
This talk is the continuation of
CSSTree – 

fastest detailed CSS parser
How this project was born
About a year ago I started 

to maintain CSSO
(a CSS minifier)
CSSO was based on Gonzales
(a CSS parser)
What's wrong with Gonzales
• Development stopped in 2013
• Unhandy and buggy AST format
• Parsing mistakes
• Excessively complex code base
• Slow, high memory consumption, pressure for GC
But I didn’t want 

to spend my time developing the
You can find a lot of CSS parsers
Common problems
• Not developing currently
• Outdated (don't support latest CSS features)
• Buggy
• Unhandy AST
• Slow
PostCSS parser is a good
choice if you need one now
PostCSS pros
• Сonstantly developing
• Parses CSS well, even non-standard syntax 

+ tolerant mode
• Saves formatting info
• Handy API to work with AST
• Fast
General con:
selectors and values are not parsed
(are represented as strings)
That forces developers to
• Use non-robust or non-effective approaches
• Invent their own parsers
• Use additional parsers:


Switching to PostCSS meant writing 

our own selector and value parsers,
what is pretty much the same as
writing an entirely new parser
However, as a result of a continuous
refactoring within a few months 

the CSSO parser was completely rewrote
(which was not planned)
And was extracted 

to a separate project
CSSO – performance boost story
My previous talk about parser performance
After my talk on HolyJS
conference the parser's
performance was improved 

one more time :)
* Thanks Vyacheslav @mraleph Egorov for inspiration
CSSTree: 24 ms
Mensch: 31 ms
CSSOM: 36 ms
PostCSS: 38 ms
Rework: 81 ms
PostCSS Full: 100 ms
Gonzales: 175 ms
Stylecow: 176 ms
Gonzales PE: 214 ms
ParserLib: 414 ms
bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb)
Non-detailed AST
Detailed AST
PostCSS Full =
+ postcss-selector-parser
+ postcss-value-parser
Epic fail
as I realised later I extracted 

the wrong version of the parser
CSSTree: 24 ms
Mensch: 31 ms
CSSOM: 36 ms
PostCSS: 38 ms
Rework: 81 ms
PostCSS Full: 100 ms
Gonzales: 175 ms
Stylecow: 176 ms
Gonzales PE: 214 ms
ParserLib: 414 ms
bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb)
Time after parser
13 ms
Parsers: basic training
Main steps
• Tokenization
• Tree assembling
• whitespaces – [ nrtf]+
• keyword – [a-zA-aZ…]+
• number – [0-9]+
• string – "string" or 'string'
• comment – /* comment */
• punctuation – [;,.#{}[]()…]
Split text into tokens
.foo {
width: 10px;
'.', 'foo', ' ', '{',
'n ', 'width', ':',
' ', '10', 'px', ';',
'n', '}'
We need more info about every
token: type and location
It is more efficient 

to compute type and location
on tokenization step
.foo {
width: 10px;
type: 'FullStop',
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
Tree assembling
function getSelector() {
var selector = {
type: 'Selector',
sequence: []
// main loop
return selector;
Creating a node
for (;currentToken < tokenCount; currentToken++) {
switch (tokens[currentToken]) {
case TokenType.Hash: // #
case TokenType.FullStop: // .
Main loop
"type": "StyleSheet",
"rules": [{
"type": "Atrule",
"name": "import",
"expression": {
"type": "AtruleExpression",
"sequence": [ ... ]
"block": null
Parser performance boost
Part 2: new horizons
type: 'FullStop',
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
Token's cost:
24 + 5 * 4 + array =
min 50 bytes per token
Our project ~1Mb CSS
254 062 tokens
min 12.7 Mb
Out of the box: changing
Compute all tokens at once and then
assembly a tree is much more easy,
but needs more memory, therefore is
(lazy tokenizer)
scanner.token // current token or null // going to next token
scanner.lookup(N) // look ahead, returns
// Nth token from current token
• lookup(N)

fills tokens buffer up to N tokens (if they are not
computed yet), returns N-1 token from buffer
• next()

shift token from buffer, if any, or compute 

next token
Computing the same number of tokens, 

but not simultaneously 

and requires less memory
the approach puts pressure on GC
Reducing token's cost
step by step
type: 'FullStop',
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
Type as string is easy to
understand, but it's for
internal use only and we
can replace it by numbers
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
// '.'.charCodeAt(0)
var FULLSTOP = 46;
type: 46,
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
type: 46,
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
We can avoid substring
storage in the token – it's very
expensive for punctuation
(moreover those substrings
are never used);
Many constructions are
assembled by several
substrings. One long substring
is better than 

a concat of several small ones
type: 46,
value: '.',
offset: 0,
line: 1,
column: 1
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
Look, Ma!
No strings just numbers!
Moreover not an Array, but TypedArray

of objects

of numbers
Array vs. TypedArray
• Can't have holes
• Faster in theory (less checking)
• Can be stored outside the heap (when big
• Prefilled with zeros
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
17 per token
(tokens count) 254 062 x 17 = 4.3Mb
4.3Mb vs. 12.7Mb(min)
Houston we have a problem:
TypedArray has a fixed length,

but we don't know how many tokens
will be found
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
17 per token
(symbols count) 983 085 x 17 = 16.7Mb
16.7Mb vs. 12.7Mb (min)
16.7Mb vs. 12.7Mb (min)
Don't give up, 

let's look on arrays
more attentively
start = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35 ]
end = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, …, 36 ]
start = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35 ]
end = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, …, 36 ]
start = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35 ]
end = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, …, 36 ]
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35, 36 ]
start = offset[i]
end = offset[i + 1]
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
13 per token
983 085 x 13 = 12.7Mb
a {
top: 0;
lines = [
1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
columns = [
1, 2, 3, 4,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
lines & columns
a {
top: 0;
lines = [
1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
columns = [
1, 2, 3, 4,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
lines & columns
line = lines[offset];
column = offset - lines.lastIndexOf(line - 1, offset);
lines & columns
line = lines[offset];
column = offset - lines.lastIndexOf(line - 1, offset);
lines & columns
It's acceptable only for short lines,
that's why we cache the last line
start offset
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
9 per token
983 085 x 9 = 8.8Mb
8.8Mb vs. 12.7Mb(min)
Reduce operations with strings
Performance «killers»*
• RegExp
• String concatenation
• toLowerCase/toUpperCase
• substr/substring
• …
* Polluted GC pulls performance down
Performance «killers»*
• RegExp
• String concatenation
• toLowerCase/toUpperCase
• substr/substring
• …
* Polluted GC pulls performance down
We can’t avoid using
these things, but we
can get rid of the
var start = scanner.tokenStart;
return source.substr(start, scanner.tokenEnd);
Avoid string concatenations
function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) {
if (end - start !== str.length) {
return false;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var sourceCode = source.charCodeAt(i);
var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i - start);
if (sourceCode !== strCode) {
return false;
return true;
String comparison
No substring!
function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) {
if (end - start !== str.length) {
return false;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var sourceCode = source.charCodeAt(i);
var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i - start);
if (sourceCode !== strCode) {
return false;
return true;
String comparison
Length fast-check
function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) {
if (end - start !== str.length) {
return false;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var sourceCode = source.charCodeAt(i);
var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i - start);
if (sourceCode !== strCode) {
return false;
return true;
String comparison
Compare strings 

by char codes
Case insensitive comparison of
* Means avoid toLowerCase/toUpperCase
• Comparison with the reference strings only (str)
• Reference strings may be in lower case and
contain latin letters only (no unicode)
• I read once on Twitter…
Setting of the 6th bit to 1 changes upper case
latin letter to lower case
(works for latin ASCII letters only)
'A' = 01000001
'a' = 01100001
'A'.charCodeAt(0) | 32 === 'a'.charCodeAt(0)
function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) {
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
// source[i].toLowerCase()
if (sourceCode >= 65 && sourceCode <= 90) { // 'A' .. 'Z'
sourceCode = sourceCode | 32;
if (sourceCode !== strCode) {
return false;
Case insensitive string comparison
• Frequent comparison stops on length check
• No substring (no pressure on GC)
• No temporary strings (e.g. result of
• String comparison don't pollute CG
• RegExp
• string concatenation
• toLowerCase/toUpperCase
• substr/substring
No arrays in AST
What's wrong with arrays?
• As we are growing arrays their memory
fragments are to be relocated frequently
(unnecessary memory moving)
• Pressure on GC
• We don't know the size of resulting arrays
Bi-directional list
AST node AST node AST node AST node
Needs a little bit more memory
than arrays, but…
• No memory relocation
• No GC pollution during AST assembly
• next/prev references for free
• Cheap insertion and deletion
• Better for monomorphic walkers
Those approaches and others allowed
to reduce memory consumption,
pressure on GC and made the parser
twice faster than before
CSSTree: 24 ms
Mensch: 31 ms
CSSOM: 36 ms
PostCSS: 38 ms
Rework: 81 ms
PostCSS Full: 100 ms
Gonzales: 175 ms
Stylecow: 176 ms
Gonzales PE: 214 ms
ParserLib: 414 ms
bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb)
It's about this
13 ms
But the story goes on 😋
Parser performance boost story
Part 3: а week after FrontTalks
In general
• Simplify AST structure
• Less memory consumption
• Arrays reusing
• -> loop + string concatenation
• and others…
Once more time about token costs
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
1 types
4 offsets
4 lines
9 per token
983 085 x 9 = 8.8Mb
lines can be computed on demand
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
1 types
4 offsets
4 lines
5 per token
983 085 x 5 = 4.9Mb
Do we really needs all 32 bits for
the offset?
Heuristics: no one parses 

more than 16Mb of CSS
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i]
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i]
offsetAndType = [ 16777216, 788529157, … ]
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i]
offsetAndType = [ 16777216, 788529157, … ]
start = offsetAndType[i] & 0xFFFFFF;
type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24;
type: 46,
start: 0,
end: 1,
line: 1,
column: 1
1 types
4 offsets
4 lines
4 per token
983 085 x 4 = 3.9Mb
3.9-7.8 Mb vs. 12.7 Mb (min)
class Scanner {
next() {
var next = this.currentToken + 1;
this.currentToken = next;
this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd;
this.tokenEnd = this.offsetAndType[next + 1] & 0xFFFFFF;
this.tokenType = this.offsetAndType[next] >> 24;
Needs 2 reads for 3 values
(tokenEnd becomes tokenStart)
class Scanner {
next() {
var next = this.currentToken + 1;
this.currentToken = next;
this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd;
this.tokenEnd = this.offsetAndType[next + 1] & 0xFFFFFF;
this.tokenType = this.offsetAndType[next] >> 24;
But 2 reads look
redundant, let's fix it…
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i]
start = end
end = offsetAndType[i + 1] & 0xFFFFFF;
type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24;
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i]
start = end
end = offsetAndType[i + 1] & 0xFFFFFF;
type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24;
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
The first offset is always zero
offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
Shift offsets to the left
offset = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ]
type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i + 1]
offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i]
start = end
end = offsetAndType[i] & 0xFFFFFF;
type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24;
class Scanner {
next() {
var next = this.currentToken + 1;
this.currentToken = next;
this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd;
this.tokenEnd = this.offsetAndType[next] & 0xFFFFFF;
this.tokenType = this.offsetAndType[next] >> 24;
Now we need just 

one read
class Scanner {
next() {
var next = this.currentToken + 1;
this.currentToken = next;
this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd;
next = this.offsetAndType[next];
this.tokenEnd = next & 0xFFFFFF;
this.tokenType = next >> 24;
-50% reads (~250k)
The scanner creates arrays
every time when it parses 

a new string
The scanner creates arrays
every time when it parses 

a new string
New strategy
• Preallocate 16Kb buffer by default
• Create new buffer only if current is smaller
than needed for parsing
• Significantly improves performance 

especially in cases when parsing a number of
small CSS fragments
CSSTree: 24 ms
Mensch: 31 ms
CSSOM: 36 ms
PostCSS: 38 ms
Rework: 81 ms
PostCSS Full: 100 ms
Gonzales: 175 ms
Stylecow: 176 ms
Gonzales PE: 214 ms
ParserLib: 414 ms
bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb)
13 ms 7 ms
Current results
And still not the end… 😋
One more thing
CSSTree – 

is not just about performance
New feature*:
Parsing and matching of 

CSS values syntax
* Currently unique across CSS parsers
CSS syntax reference
CSS values validator
var csstree = require('css-tree');
var syntax = csstree.syntax.defaultSyntax;
var ast = csstree.parse('… your css …');
csstree.walkDeclarations(ast, function(node) {
if (!syntax.match(, node.value)) {
Your own validator in 8 lines of code
Some tools and plugins
• csstree-validator – npm package + cli command
• stylelint-csstree-validator – plugin for stylelint
• gulp-csstree – plugin for gulp
• SublimeLinter-contrib-csstree – plugin for Sublime Text
• vscode-csstree – plugin for VS Code
• csstree-validator – plugin for Atom

More is coming…
If you want your JavaScript
works as fast as C, 

make it look like C
Previous talks
• CSSO – performance boost story (russian)
• CSS parsing (russian)
Your feedback is welcome
Roman Dvornov

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CSS parsing: performance tips & tricks

  • 1. CSS Parsing performance tips & tricks Roman Dvornov Avito Moscow, September 2016
  • 2. Frontend lead in Avito Specializes in SPA Maintainer of:
 basis.js, CSSO, 
 csstree and others
  • 5. CSSTree – 
 fastest detailed CSS parser 5
  • 6. How this project was born
  • 7. About a year ago I started 
 to maintain CSSO (a CSS minifier) 7
  • 8. CSSO was based on Gonzales (a CSS parser) 8
  • 9. What's wrong with Gonzales • Development stopped in 2013 • Unhandy and buggy AST format • Parsing mistakes • Excessively complex code base • Slow, high memory consumption, pressure for GC 9
  • 10. But I didn’t want 
 to spend my time developing the parser… 10
  • 12. You can find a lot of CSS parsers 12
  • 13. Common problems • Not developing currently • Outdated (don't support latest CSS features) • Buggy • Unhandy AST • Slow 13
  • 14. PostCSS parser is a good choice if you need one now 14
  • 15. PostCSS pros • Сonstantly developing • Parses CSS well, even non-standard syntax 
 + tolerant mode • Saves formatting info • Handy API to work with AST • Fast 15
  • 16. General con: selectors and values are not parsed (are represented as strings) 16
  • 17. That forces developers to • Use non-robust or non-effective approaches • Invent their own parsers • Use additional parsers:
 postcss-value-parser 17
  • 18. Switching to PostCSS meant writing 
 our own selector and value parsers, what is pretty much the same as writing an entirely new parser 18
  • 19. However, as a result of a continuous refactoring within a few months 
 the CSSO parser was completely rewrote (which was not planned) 19
  • 20. And was extracted 
 to a separate project 20
  • 22. CSSO – performance boost story (russian) 22 My previous talk about parser performance
  • 23. After my talk on HolyJS conference the parser's performance was improved 
 one more time :) 23 * Thanks Vyacheslav @mraleph Egorov for inspiration
  • 24. 24 CSSTree: 24 ms Mensch: 31 ms CSSOM: 36 ms PostCSS: 38 ms Rework: 81 ms PostCSS Full: 100 ms Gonzales: 175 ms Stylecow: 176 ms Gonzales PE: 214 ms ParserLib: 414 ms bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb) Non-detailed AST Detailed AST PostCSS Full = + postcss-selector-parser + postcss-value-parser
  • 25. Epic fail as I realised later I extracted 
 the wrong version of the parser 25 😱
  • 26. 26 CSSTree: 24 ms Mensch: 31 ms CSSOM: 36 ms PostCSS: 38 ms Rework: 81 ms PostCSS Full: 100 ms Gonzales: 175 ms Stylecow: 176 ms Gonzales PE: 214 ms ParserLib: 414 ms bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb) Time after parser update 13 ms
  • 28. Main steps • Tokenization • Tree assembling 28
  • 30. 30 • whitespaces – [ nrtf]+ • keyword – [a-zA-aZ…]+ • number – [0-9]+ • string – "string" or 'string' • comment – /* comment */ • punctuation – [;,.#{}[]()…] Split text into tokens
  • 31. 31 .foo { width: 10px; } [ '.', 'foo', ' ', '{', 'n ', 'width', ':', ' ', '10', 'px', ';', 'n', '}' ]
  • 32. We need more info about every token: type and location 32 It is more efficient 
 to compute type and location on tokenization step
  • 33. 33 .foo { width: 10px; } [ { type: 'FullStop', value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ]
  • 35. 35 function getSelector() { var selector = { type: 'Selector', sequence: [] }; // main loop return selector; } Creating a node
  • 36. 36 for (;currentToken < tokenCount; currentToken++) { switch (tokens[currentToken]) { case TokenType.Hash: // # selector.sequence.push(getId()); break; case TokenType.FullStop: // . selector.sequence.push(getClass()); break; … } Main loop
  • 37. 37 { "type": "StyleSheet", "rules": [{ "type": "Atrule", "name": "import", "expression": { "type": "AtruleExpression", "sequence": [ ... ] }, "block": null }] } Result
  • 38. Parser performance boost Part 2: new horizons
  • 39. 39 [ { type: 'FullStop', value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Token's cost: 24 + 5 * 4 + array = min 50 bytes per token Our project ~1Mb CSS 254 062 tokens = min 12.7 Mb
  • 40. Out of the box: changing approach
  • 41. Compute all tokens at once and then assembly a tree is much more easy, but needs more memory, therefore is slower 41
  • 43. 43 scanner.token // current token or null // going to next token scanner.lookup(N) // look ahead, returns // Nth token from current token Key API
  • 44. 44 • lookup(N)
 fills tokens buffer up to N tokens (if they are not computed yet), returns N-1 token from buffer • next()
 shift token from buffer, if any, or compute 
 next token
  • 45. Computing the same number of tokens, 
 but not simultaneously 
 and requires less memory 45
  • 46. Problem: the approach puts pressure on GC 46
  • 48. 48 [ { type: 'FullStop', value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Type as string is easy to understand, but it's for internal use only and we can replace it by numbers
  • 49. 49 [ { type: FULLSTOP, value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] … // '.'.charCodeAt(0) var FULLSTOP = 46; …
  • 50. 50 [ { type: 46, value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ]
  • 51. 51 [ { type: 46, value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] We can avoid substring storage in the token – it's very expensive for punctuation (moreover those substrings are never used); Many constructions are assembled by several substrings. One long substring is better than 
 a concat of several small ones
  • 52. 52 [ { type: 46, value: '.', offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ]
  • 53. 53 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Look, Ma! No strings just numbers!
  • 54. 54 Moreover not an Array, but TypedArray Array 
 of objects Arrays
 of numbers
  • 55. Array vs. TypedArray • Can't have holes • Faster in theory (less checking) • Can be stored outside the heap (when big enough) • Prefilled with zeros 55
  • 56. 56 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 4 4 4 4 17 per token (tokens count) 254 062 x 17 = 4.3Mb
  • 58. Houston we have a problem: TypedArray has a fixed length,
 but we don't know how many tokens will be found 58
  • 59. 59 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 4 4 4 4 17 per token (symbols count) 983 085 x 17 = 16.7Mb
  • 60. 16.7Mb vs. 12.7Mb (min) 60
  • 61. 16.7Mb vs. 12.7Mb (min) 60 Don't give up, 
 let's look on arrays more attentively
  • 62. 61 start = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35 ] end = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, …, 36 ]
  • 63. 61 start = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35 ] end = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, …, 36 ] …
  • 64. 62 start = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35 ] end = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, …, 36 ] offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, …, 35, 36 ] start = offset[i] end = offset[i + 1] + =
  • 65. 63 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 4 4 4 4 13 per token 983 085 x 13 = 12.7Mb
  • 66. 64 a { top: 0; } lines = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 ] columns = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 ] lines & columns
  • 67. 64 a { top: 0; } lines = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 ] columns = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 ] lines & columns
  • 68. 65 line = lines[offset]; column = offset - lines.lastIndexOf(line - 1, offset); lines & columns
  • 69. 65 line = lines[offset]; column = offset - lines.lastIndexOf(line - 1, offset); lines & columns It's acceptable only for short lines, that's why we cache the last line start offset
  • 70. 66 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 4 4 4 4 9 per token 983 085 x 9 = 8.8Mb
  • 73. Performance «killers»* • RegExp • String concatenation • toLowerCase/toUpperCase • substr/substring • … 69 * Polluted GC pulls performance down
  • 74. Performance «killers»* • RegExp • String concatenation • toLowerCase/toUpperCase • substr/substring • … 70 * Polluted GC pulls performance down We can’t avoid using these things, but we can get rid of the rest
  • 75. 71 var start = scanner.tokenStart; …; …; … return source.substr(start, scanner.tokenEnd); Avoid string concatenations
  • 76. 72 function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) { if (end - start !== str.length) { return false; } for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var sourceCode = source.charCodeAt(i); var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i - start); if (sourceCode !== strCode) { return false; } } return true; } String comparison No substring!
  • 77. 73 function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) { if (end - start !== str.length) { return false; } for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var sourceCode = source.charCodeAt(i); var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i - start); if (sourceCode !== strCode) { return false; } } return true; } String comparison Length fast-check
  • 78. 74 function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) { if (end - start !== str.length) { return false; } for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var sourceCode = source.charCodeAt(i); var strCode = str.charCodeAt(i - start); if (sourceCode !== strCode) { return false; } } return true; } String comparison Compare strings 
 by char codes
  • 79. Case insensitive comparison of strings*? 75 * Means avoid toLowerCase/toUpperCase
  • 80. Heuristics • Comparison with the reference strings only (str) • Reference strings may be in lower case and contain latin letters only (no unicode) • I read once on Twitter… 76
  • 81. Setting of the 6th bit to 1 changes upper case latin letter to lower case (works for latin ASCII letters only) 'A' = 01000001 'a' = 01100001 'A'.charCodeAt(0) | 32 === 'a'.charCodeAt(0) 77
  • 82. 78 function cmpStr(source, start, end, str) { … for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { … // source[i].toLowerCase() if (sourceCode >= 65 && sourceCode <= 90) { // 'A' .. 'Z' sourceCode = sourceCode | 32; } if (sourceCode !== strCode) { return false; } } … } Case insensitive string comparison
  • 83. Benefits • Frequent comparison stops on length check • No substring (no pressure on GC) • No temporary strings (e.g. result of toLowerCase/toUpperCase) • String comparison don't pollute CG 79
  • 84. Results • RegExp • string concatenation • toLowerCase/toUpperCase • substr/substring 80
  • 86. What's wrong with arrays? • As we are growing arrays their memory fragments are to be relocated frequently (unnecessary memory moving) • Pressure on GC • We don't know the size of resulting arrays 82
  • 89. 85
  • 90. 85 AST node AST node AST node AST node
  • 91. Needs a little bit more memory than arrays, but… 86
  • 92. Pros • No memory relocation • No GC pollution during AST assembly • next/prev references for free • Cheap insertion and deletion • Better for monomorphic walkers 87
  • 93. Those approaches and others allowed to reduce memory consumption, pressure on GC and made the parser twice faster than before 88
  • 94. 89 CSSTree: 24 ms Mensch: 31 ms CSSOM: 36 ms PostCSS: 38 ms Rework: 81 ms PostCSS Full: 100 ms Gonzales: 175 ms Stylecow: 176 ms Gonzales PE: 214 ms ParserLib: 414 ms bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb) It's about this changes 13 ms
  • 95. But the story goes on 😋 90
  • 96. Parser performance boost story Part 3: а week after FrontTalks
  • 97. In general • Simplify AST structure • Less memory consumption • Arrays reusing • -> loop + string concatenation • and others… 92
  • 98. Once more time about token costs
  • 99. 94 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 types 4 offsets 4 4 lines 4 9 per token 983 085 x 9 = 8.8Mb
  • 100. lines can be computed on demand 95
  • 101. 96 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 types 4 offsets 4 4 lines 4 5 per token 983 085 x 5 = 4.9Mb
  • 102. Do we really needs all 32 bits for the offset? Heuristics: no one parses 
 more than 16Mb of CSS 97
  • 103. 98 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ]
  • 104. 99 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i] + =
  • 105. 100 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i] offsetAndType = [ 16777216, 788529157, … ] + =
  • 106. 101 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i] offsetAndType = [ 16777216, 788529157, … ] start = offsetAndType[i] & 0xFFFFFF; type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24; + =
  • 107. 102 [ { type: 46, start: 0, end: 1, line: 1, column: 1 }, … ] Uint8Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array Uint32Array 1 types 4 offsets 4 4 lines 4 4 per token 983 085 x 4 = 3.9Mb
  • 108. 3.9-7.8 Mb vs. 12.7 Mb (min) 103
  • 109. 104 class Scanner { ... next() { var next = this.currentToken + 1; this.currentToken = next; this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd; this.tokenEnd = this.offsetAndType[next + 1] & 0xFFFFFF; this.tokenType = this.offsetAndType[next] >> 24; } } Needs 2 reads for 3 values (tokenEnd becomes tokenStart)
  • 110. 105 class Scanner { ... next() { var next = this.currentToken + 1; this.currentToken = next; this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd; this.tokenEnd = this.offsetAndType[next + 1] & 0xFFFFFF; this.tokenType = this.offsetAndType[next] >> 24; } } But 2 reads look redundant, let's fix it…
  • 111. 106 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i] start = end end = offsetAndType[i + 1] & 0xFFFFFF; type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24;
  • 112. 106 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i] start = end end = offsetAndType[i + 1] & 0xFFFFFF; type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24; …
  • 113. 107 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] The first offset is always zero
  • 114. 108 offset = [ 0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] Shift offsets to the left
  • 115. 109 offset = [ 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 11, …, 1234 ] type = [ 1, 47, 47, 4, 4, 47, 5, …, 3 ] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i + 1] offsetAndType[i] = type[i] << 24 | offset[i] start = end end = offsetAndType[i] & 0xFFFFFF; type = offsetAndType[i] >> 24; …
  • 116. 110 class Scanner { ... next() { var next = this.currentToken + 1; this.currentToken = next; this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd; this.tokenEnd = this.offsetAndType[next] & 0xFFFFFF; this.tokenType = this.offsetAndType[next] >> 24; } } Now we need just 
 one read
  • 117. 111 class Scanner { ... next() { var next = this.currentToken + 1; this.currentToken = next; this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd; next = this.offsetAndType[next]; this.tokenEnd = next & 0xFFFFFF; this.tokenType = next >> 24; } } -50% reads (~250k) 👌
  • 118. Re-use
  • 119. The scanner creates arrays every time when it parses 
 a new string 113
  • 120. The scanner creates arrays every time when it parses 
 a new string 113
  • 121. New strategy • Preallocate 16Kb buffer by default • Create new buffer only if current is smaller than needed for parsing • Significantly improves performance 
 especially in cases when parsing a number of small CSS fragments 114
  • 122. 115 CSSTree: 24 ms Mensch: 31 ms CSSOM: 36 ms PostCSS: 38 ms Rework: 81 ms PostCSS Full: 100 ms Gonzales: 175 ms Stylecow: 176 ms Gonzales PE: 214 ms ParserLib: 414 ms bootstrap.css v3.3.7 (146Kb) 13 ms 7 ms Current results
  • 123. And still not the end… 😋 116
  • 125. CSSTree – 
 is not just about performance 118
  • 126. New feature*: Parsing and matching of 
 CSS values syntax 119 * Currently unique across CSS parsers
  • 130. 123 var csstree = require('css-tree'); var syntax = csstree.syntax.defaultSyntax; var ast = csstree.parse('… your css …'); csstree.walkDeclarations(ast, function(node) { if (!syntax.match(, node.value)) { console.log(syntax.lastMatchError); } }); Your own validator in 8 lines of code
  • 131. Some tools and plugins • csstree-validator – npm package + cli command • stylelint-csstree-validator – plugin for stylelint • gulp-csstree – plugin for gulp • SublimeLinter-contrib-csstree – plugin for Sublime Text • vscode-csstree – plugin for VS Code • csstree-validator – plugin for Atom
 More is coming… 124
  • 133. If you want your JavaScript works as fast as C, 
 make it look like C 126
  • 134. Previous talks • CSSO – performance boost story (russian) • CSS parsing (russian) 127