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CSEC 610 Individual Assignment Essay
CSEC 610, University of Maryland University College
July 12, 2014
Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities Facing IT Managers
Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities Facing IT Managers
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
Types of Vulnerabilities ............................................................................................................. 5
Important Vulnerability, Impact & Solutions .......................................................................... 8
References .................................................................................................................................... 12
Cyber–security demands are ever increasing in the field of Information Technology with the
globalization of the internet. Disruptions due to cyber–attacks are affecting the economy, costing
companies billions of dollars each year in lost revenue. To counter this problem ... Show more
content on ...
As I stated before there are many different types of security vulnerabilities out there which can
affect the integrity, availability and confidentiality of a resource. So the question still remains what
exactly are these types of vulnerabilities? Especially since they range from software, hardware,
networks and the people that use them. Firstly I will discuss the software vulnerabilities, more
specifically in terms of web applications. This is because more than half of the current computer
security threats and vulnerabilities today affect web applications and that number is ever increasing.
(Fonseca, Seixas, Vieira, Madeira, 2014). When considering the programming language used to
develop web applications you have PHP which is considered a weak language, on the other hand
you have Java, C# and Visual Basic which are considered strong languages. It is important to note
that the language used to develop the web applications is very important because although the
different programming languages are similar overall, each one has different rules of how data is
stored, retrieved, the execution methods, tables and so on. For example when I say how data is
stored and retrieve, I am basically regarding to data types and data structures and how the
programming language that is being used maps their values into type fields like strings for names,
Int for numbers, or even Boolean for true and false statements.
Overall though even if you are using a strong typed
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Title:– Network Scanning using NMAP in Windows Exp.No:–1 Aim:– To study NMAP Software
and demonstrate using various websites. Theory:– Nmap ("Network Mapper") is an open source tool
for network exploration and security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks,
although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine
what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts
are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet
filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. While Nmap is commonly used for
security audits, many systems and network administrators find it useful for ... Show more content on ...
| | | | | | Each regular host in the network is represented by a little circle. The color and size of the
circle is determined by the number of open ports on the host. The more open ports, the larger the
circle. A white circle represents an intermediate host in a network path that was not port scanned. If
a host has fewer than three open ports, it will be green; between three and six open ports, yellow;
more than six open ports, red. | | | | | If a host is a router, switch, or wireless access point, it is drawn
with a square rather than a circle. | | Network distance is shown as concentric gray rings. Each
additional ring signifies one more network hop from the center host. | | Connections between hosts
are shown with colored lines. Primary traceroute connections are shown with blue lines. Alternate
paths (paths between two hosts where a different path already exists) are drawn in orange. Which
path is primary and which paths are alternates is arbitrary and controlled by the order in which paths
were recorded. The thickness of a line is proportional to its round–trip time; hosts with a higher RTT
have a thicker line. Hosts with no traceroute information are clustered around localhost, connected
with a dashed black line. | | If there is no RTT for a hop (a missing traceroute entry), the connection
is shown with a blue dashed line and the unknown host that makes the connection is shown with a
blue outline. | Some
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These other packet provides information on how the data...
Lab #1 – Assessment Worksheet
Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Using Zenmap GUI (Nmap)
Hackers typically follow a five–step approach to seek out and destroy targeted hosts. The first step
in performing an attack is to plan the attack by identifying the target and learning as much as
possible about it. Hackers usually perform an initial reconnaissance and probing scan to identify IP
hosts, open ports, and services enabled on servers and workstations. In this lab, you planned an
attack on where the VM server farm resides, and used the Zenmap GUI to perform an
"Intense Scan" on the targeted IP subnetwork.
Lab Assessment Questions & Answers
1. Name at least five applications and tools pre–loaded on the ... Show more content on ...
Cybersecurity and Communications at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the MITRE
5. Can Zenmap GUI detect which operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations?
Which option includes that scan?
Yes, service info: OS: Linux
6. If you have scanned a live host and detected that it is running Windows XP workstation OS, how
would you use this information for performing a Nessus vulnerability assessment scan?
I would know that would be able to perform this scan because Nessus supports Windows XP.
7. Once a vulnerability is identified by Nessus, where can you check for more information regarding
the identified vulnerability, exploits, and the risk mitigation solution?
Ports/Protocols, 443/tcp, Plugin Name: Service Detection
8. What is the major difference between Zenmap GUI and Nessus?
Nessus scans for vulnerability's and Zenmap GUI is used to map network host within an open port.
9. Why do you need to run both Zenmap GUI and Nessus to perform the first three steps of the
hacking process?
The Zenmap has already run an intense scan on the 254 IP address to map out the network which
makes Nessus able to find the vulnerability located within the 254 IP address.
Zenmap GUI scan report in soft copy with your notes on what you found
Nessus vulnerability scan report in HTML soft
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The Importance Of Security Best Practices
Security Best Practices
"No computer with a connection to the internet is 100 percent safe" (Helmke, 2015). System
Administrators have a responsibility to protect individuals and corporations from breaches and loss.
A breach can have massive economic implications and, even worse, long lasting damage to your
reputation. Linux is just as vulnerable as other operating systems and it appears the majority of best
practice methodologies apply across all operating systems.
"Security Audits"
The first step is to perform a security audit and determine where vulnerabilities may exist. Physical
Placement – The system is extremely vulnerable if not installed in a climate controlled secure room.
Only authorized personnel should have access to the room ... Show more content on
Software versions – Additionally, it is good to hide the machine ID and software versions. This is
simply free information making it easier for the attacker.
Wireless – Helmke (2015) also recommends using wired and avoiding wireless if possible.
NMAP – Another vulnerability is open ports. Tools such as NMAP scan and determine if any ports
are open. Unexpected open ports are clues that a potential breach has occurred and that a cracker has
opened unauthorized ports.
Intrusion Detection Systems – IDS should be installed that contain the capabilities to monitor the
network and send alerts if odd or different behavior is observed.
"Protect your system"
Update Linux kernel and Software – Regular updates are critical to insure the system has the most
stable and reliable load.
Viruses –Linux has an advantage over Windows. Helmke (2015) explains,
"Linux never puts the current directory in your executable path, so typing ls runs /bin/ls rather than
any program named ls in the current directory.
A nonroot user can infect only the files that user has write access to, which is usually only the files
in the user's home directory. This is one of the most important reasons for never using sudo when
you don't need to.
Linux forces you to manually mark files as executable, so you can't accidentally run a file called
myfile.txt.exe thinking it is just a text file.
By having more than one common web browser and email client, Linux has strength through
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Nt1310 Unit 5 Literature Review Of Internet
I would recommend we use as few UDP ports as possible. Some people propose subnets provide
security. When the computer socket going to Wireshark is in promiscuous mode the and the network
ACL is open we can capture all packets going through the machine. This is a software change,
which is a alarming. Subnets provide security only for Tcp and since systems can use UDP for their
connections. UDPis quick and dirty. For example, Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 uses UDP port
1434 for the SQL Server Browser service. This service listens for incoming connections to a named
instance and provides the client the TCP port number that corresponds to that named instance. When
a technician creates named instances within the Database Engine, the SQL Server ... Show more
content on ...
Remember the internet works with ACL or access control list, allowing for the possible for a person
to reach Google without being a part of the same subnet. There is a common method UDP host
punching. UDP hole punching is a commonly used technique employed in network address
translator (NAT) applications for maintaining User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet streams that
traverse the NAT. NAT traversal techniques are typically required for client–to–client networking
applications on the Internet involving hosts connected in private networks, especially in peer–to–
peer, Direct Client–to–Client (DCC) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) deployments. UDP
hole punching establishes connectivity between two hosts communicating across one or more
network address translators. Typically, an application, when it sets up direct communications
between two or more communicating hosts choosing to use a third–party host on the public transit
network by using a UDP port. Usually normal communications traffic or when there is no significant
traffic keep–alive packet traffic usually consisting of empty UDP packets ore packets with minimal
non–intrusive content enable once port state keep the port states open. A common example of
programs which use UDP hole punching consist of Team
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Scope Of Network Security
Threat Examination Team:
An in–house support team of 4 network security administrators and analysts will test and research
the wide scope of threats listed below. The team's background and certifications are as follows
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Information
Security Analyst (CISSP), and GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) Penetration
Tester (GPEN). Each local bank branch must have 3 of these 4 certified professionals present during
internal security audits in order to comply with organizational operations and security procedures.
Threat Examination Scope:
Starting from the basics, the threat scope will encompass human error, hands–on training, passwords
policy upgrades, ... Show more content on ...
If local branch employees are monitored accessing or causing damage to bank property and as a
result are in violations of policy, they will be terminated, legal action will be pursued, and the that
local branch will be put on probation for 6 to 12 months. Other industries may allow for these issues
to go unnoticed but since the Great Recession mitigating fraud/cybersecurity (up to 18%) and and
managing compliance (up to 29%) have reached highs as financial institutions struggle to combat
these challenges. (Pilcher)
The best way for network security administrators and analysts to assess risks to the as–is process
requires setting up a virtual environment using a VMware Workstation, Windows OS virtual image,
and Kali Linux virtual image. (Singh) The purpose if to create an isolated yet duplicate environment
used by the bank tellers for performing malware analysis using static and dynamic techniques. Tools
that are often used in conjunction with this setup include: (definitions, Singh)
Nmap (a network discovery tool used for host discover, open ports, running services)
Wireshark (open source network protocol and packet analyzer used to monitor the network traffic by
putting network interface into promiscuous mode)
PuTTY (open source SSH and telnet client used for remote access to another computer)
SQLmap (open source tool used for detecting and exploiting SQL injection issues in the application
also has options for hacking the vulnerable database)
Metasploit Framework
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It Penetration Testing
Use offense to inform defense. Find flaws before the bad guys do.
Copyright SANS Institute Author Retains Full Rights
This paper is from the SANS Penetration Testing site. Reposting is not permited without express
written permission.
Interested in learning more?
Check out the list of upcoming events offering "Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling
(SEC504)" at https://pen–
Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
A Management Guide to Penetration Testing David A. Shinberg
© SANS Institute 2003,
As part of GIAC practical repository.
Version 2.1a
Practical Assignment ... Show more content on ...
It will include suggested items that should be present in the report given to the owner of the network
being tested. In addition to the list of vulnerabilities detected, corrective actions are an important
part of the final report.
1.1 Scope
2. Preparation
2.1 Technical Preparation
A good penetration tester must be technically competent and methodical. In many situations, a test
team is more appropriate than an individual tester. 2 Care must be taken in selecting, installing and
configuring the platforms used to perform the testing. Although there are several commercial tools
that can be used to perform penetration tests such as Internet Scanner® from Internet Security
Systems3, free tools will be used throughout this testing. Kurtz and Prosise make an excellent point
when they claim; "Running a commercial vulnerability scanner is penetration testing" is a myth. 4
There are several problems with simply running a vulnerability scanner and assuming that a
complete penetration test has been performed. The first is that the vulnerability scanners are only as
good as the person running them. As will be discussed latter in this paper, there is more to
performing a penetration test than just finding
Naturally, the testing performed in support of this paper will be performed by the author only. 3
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Types And Techniques Of Computer System Security Essay
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Types of system security 2a. Internet and network security 2b. Standalone computer security 2c.
Data loss by accidents 2d. Authentications
3. Types and techniques of computer system security 3a. System access control 3b. Data access
control 3c. Spam filter 3d. Firewall software hardware and security 3e. Service mapping tools
4. Network security threats
5. Security tools hold the maximum potential
6. References
A specialized field in computer system security that involves securing a computer system hardware
and software. Security is typically handled by a system administrator who implements the security
policy, network software and hardware needed to protect a system and the resources accessed
through the network from unauthorized access and also ensure that employees have adequate access
to resources. A system security typically relies on layers of protection and also consist of multiple
components includes networking monitoring and security software. All components work together
to increase the overall security of computer system. Passwords are extremely effective system for
improving system security if applied properly. Security is the fundamental component of every
system design. When planning, building and operating a system we should understand the
importance of a strong security policy. The easier way to protect a network into the computer system
from an outside attack is to close it
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The New Security Tools And Techniques Essay
Scenario:–New Security Tools and Techniques
The discussion of the new security tools and techniques as covered in the prescribed text is not all
inclusive. Research magazines, journals, and web sites to find three additional new security tools or
techniques. Cover any new security threats that would be covered by these new security tools.
Compare the tools with those listed in your text. Which one, in your opinion, holds the most
potential? Discuss in your paper which one is the least likely to succeed?
A specialized field in computer system security that involves securing a computer system hardware
and software. Security is typically handled by a system administrator who implements the security
policy, network software and hardware needed to protect a system and the resources accessed
through the network from unauthorized access and also ensure that employees have adequate access
to resources. A system security typically relies on layers of protection and also consist of multiple
components includes networking monitoring and security software. All components work together
to increase the overall security of computer system. Passwords are extremely effective system for
improving system security if applied properly. Security is the fundamental component of every
system design. When planning, building and operating a system we should understand the
importance of a strong security policy. The easier way to protect a network into the computer system
from an
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The Security, Legal, Ethical, Social And Responsibility...
Legality of Port Scanning Kevin Zheng Abstract In this paper I will discuss the security, legal,
ethical, social and responsibility issues of port scanning. The tool being covered in this exam being
used for port scanning is called nmap. Several options will be dicussed on how to use the tool. Then
there will be some discussion on the legal cases that was centered around port scanning. At the end
is a discussion on my opinions of port scanning over all. Introduction Port scanning has many issue
surrounding it. Port scanning is "one of the most fundamental techniques that a hacker can use to
being an attack. Many systems can reveal vast amounts of infrmaiton from being scanned."
(Jamieson, 2001, p. 2). Ports are essentially connection pathways that services use to communicate
on the internet. Ports are similar to telephone numbers in a commercial building. A building may
have one number, however to reach specific people inside, your call may be rerouted to a person's
extension in order to get connected to that person. A port scanning is essentially calling a building or
business and then trying to reach all possible extensions and see who answers. If the person does not
pick up, you may hear in their voicemail who they are. In port scanning, an attacker may be
scanning the entire range of ports, or extensions, from port 0 to port 65535. There are generally a
few standard ports that are tied to
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Similarities And Weaknesses Of Vulnerability Scanners
Comparison of Vulnerability Scanners
With the advancements in information technology, the security concern of the users in the network is
increasing drastically. Various approaches have been adopted to protect respective network from un–
authorized users. New innovative methods have been presented in order to identify potential
discrepancies that can damage the network. Most commonly used approach for this purpose is
vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability can be defined as the potential flaws in the network that
make it prone to possible attack by un–authorized user. Assessment of these vulnerabilities provides
a way to identify as well as develop innovative strategies in order to protect the network. Numbers
of software ... Show more content on ...
Accessing as well as eliminating the all vulnerabilities requires in depth understanding and sound
knowledge about them. It becomes essential to have basic idea behind the working of these
vulnerabilities like the way in which they appear in any system. One must be aware of the flaws
needed to be corrected in order to free the whole system from vulnerabilities, alternatives can also
be devised for this purpose and how to reduce the risk of them in a proactive manner [2]. Various
methods have been introduced for the identification of these vulnerabilities. Some of the methods
include attack graph generation, static analysis and vulnerability scanners. This work presents a
detailed study of the vulnerability scanners. It also analysis number of vulnerability scanners and
make comparison of them based on their identification abilities.
Vulnerability Scanners
A Vulnerability scanner can have access to a variety of vulnerabilities across complete information
systems including network systems, software applications, computers and operating systems. It must
be able to identify the vulnerabilities that could have originated from system administrator activities,
vendors or even everyday user activities. Possible examples of these vulnerabilities include software
bugs, web applications, insecure default configurations, lack of password protection or even failure
to run virus scanning
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The Ethical Hacking Program On
The first week of this class was a challenge because I was not prepared with a project. I felt I had
plenty of time before I had to come up with a project or plan for this class but all too soon I was
enrolled and the class had begun. After looking at a few possible projects and subjects for a thirty
page thesis I decided on going through the Certified Ethical Hacking program on
Over the past fourteen weeks I watched the lectures on, took quizzes on, read chapters and took chapter review tests in the Certified Ethical Hacker version 9
book by Sean–Philip Oriyano. I watched approximately sixty–one hours of lectures, spent several
hours taking assesments and quizzes on and spent somewhere in the neighborhood of
thirty–five hours reading and taking chapter review tests in the CEH version 9 book.
A Certified Ethical Hacker must understand and know how to test for vulnerabilities and weaknesses
in systems. This is done using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker but in a legal
manner to assess the security and preparedness of a target system. The CEH credential certifies
individuals in the discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor neutral perspective. The first week of
class I had to agree to the Certified Ethical Hacker Rules and submit a candidate application and
certification agreement. Once done with that I had to setup a test workstation running Microsoft
Server 2012r2 with Hyper V virtual
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Networking Tools
Networking tools
What is it?
Wireshark is an open–source program which enables users to actively capture and interact with the
network traffic which is being funnelled through the computer. Commonly, pieces of software which
do this are referred to as 'packet sniffers' – As the program is recording the packets which pass
through the network.
Wireshark started development in 1998, under its original name 'Ethereal', which was changed in
2006 following a licensing issue.
How is it used?
Above is a screenshot of the main interface, courtesy of Wireshark. Quite simply, you start the
capture by clicking the shark fin, with the results shown in the main window. Clicking on an entry
expands on it in the bottom frame, allowing you to see the full ... Show more content on ...
On top of this, PuTTY also offers limited FTP facilities which can be used to transfer encrypted
In today's world, PuTTY is mainly talked about when referring to dedicated server; where an SSH
client has become a common swiss–army knife in everyone's toolbox.
How do you use it?
The main interface is shown below, courtesy of ComputerWorld.
The simplest way of using PuTTY is to fill in the host–name/IP and specify the port and connection
type. The session can then be saved to be loaded at a later point.
When the open button is pressed, a command–line interface will be displayed; which ends the GUI
interface of PuTTY. From there you're able to setup iptables, install various packages and change the
root password.
The PuTTY experience can be further customised by editing the settings shown to the left in a tree
view. This includes the appearance, as well as how PuTTY manages the connection.
What is it?
Fiddler is a notorious web–debugging tool which captures HTTP traffic between chosen computers
and the internet. The incoming and outgoing data can be analysed and modified before the responses
make it to the
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Network Vulnerabilities And Cyber Kill Chain Essay
A– ICS Vulnerabilities and cyber kill chain
1. Reconnaissance
This is the phase of the cyber operation in which the cyberwarriors gather information about
potentials targets. This operation can be subdivided in three sub phases. The war planners provides
objectives, targeters search for potential target that might achieve the war objectives, intelligence
professionals gather information about the target's weaknesses that might be exploited in an attack
(Chapple & Seidl, 2015, p. 5.2).
Passive Reconnaissance is a method used by APTs to indirectly gain access to their targets'
information. This technique consist of collecting pieces of information from different sources such
as the Internet, trashes, to build a profile that will provide them the first step toward their
reconnaissance without raising any suspicions.
In our scenario, the company's profile being available on Internet including name, address, tax ID
number, and certain parts of the network connected to the internet where a single DNS lookup could
reveal the IP addresses of some server that could potentially be the first entry point for the APTs. It
is now possible to know precisely the location of each power grid in the used using simple tools
available on Internet, interactive maps from multiple source such as the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (, n.d) and the office of electricity delivery and energy reliability (
show each station with further more detail and this is the type of
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Lab 2 Answers Nessus Essay
Laboratory #2
Lab #2: Perform a Vulnerability Assessment Scan Using Nessus®
(Nessus® is a Registered Trademark of Tenable Network Security, Inc.)
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Upon completing this lab, students will be able to complete the following tasks: * Identify risks,
threats, and vulnerabilities in an IP network infrastructure using ZenMap GUI (Nmap) to perform an
IP host, port, and services scan * Perform a vulnerability assessment scan on a targeted IP
subnetwork using Nessus® * Compare the results of the ZenMap GUI "Intense Scan" with a
Nessus® vulnerability assessment scan * Assess the findings of the vulnerability assessment scan
and identify critical vulnerabilities * Make recommendations for ... Show more content on ...
Answer: Risks = Vulnerabilities x Threats 3. Which application is used for Step #2 in the hacking
process to perform a vulnerability assessment scan? 4. Before you conduct an ethical hacking
process or penetration test on a live production network, what must you do prior to performing the
reconnaissance and probing and scanning procedures?
* Perform an IP host discovery and port/services scan on the targeted IP subnet. * Perform a
vulnerability assessment scan on the targeted IP subnet to discover what the weakest link in the
system. 5. What is a CVE listing? Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing website?
Answer: CVE is Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. 6. Can ZenMap GUI detect what
operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? What would that option look like in
the command line if running a scan on 7. If you have scanned a live host and detected
that it is running Windows XP workstation OS, how would you use this information for performing
a Nessus® vulnerability assessment scan? 8. Once a vulnerability is identified by Nessus®, where
can you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and the risk
mitigation solution?
Answer: After vulnerability is identified by Nessus, you can click on the Reports tab to see details of
the vulnerability include overview,
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Virtual Box Lab Report
Set up the virtual machine environment using virtual box. Virtual systems needed are windows,
Metasploitable and Kali VM
Install 3 different VMs in the virtual box. Ideally, you could have used only windows and Kali VM
to test the Metasploit, but then you have to explicitly turn the windows firewall off , which Is not
suggested on the production network.
Hence, we use Metasploitable, a linux based VM with potential vulnerabilities, to conduct the tests.
You can download the image file of Metasploitable 2 from sourceforge.
Get OpenVAS up and running. Scan the windows and Metasploitable Linux VMs.
OpenVAS is a network vulnerability scanner. It gives you information about the machine, its
network and open ports; and also suggests what all ... Show more content on ...
Simply open the browser and type https://localhost:9392 , you will get a page like this:
Click on the scan which you started, that is, "Metasploitable 2", and you will see results something
like this:
Scanning Windows VM:
Similarly, the scanning of windows VM can be done in the same way. The only difference will be,
when you create the target system, give the IP and name of windows VM instead of Metasploitable
VM. Then run the scans for that too and open the Greenbone Security Assistant WebUI and find the
scan results for it too. The results may look like :
Use nmap and the results (Screenshot) of the OpenVAS vulnerability scans to provide you with an
attack plan.
Once you have used openVAS for vulnerability scnanning, you have a lot of details for both the
VMs and vulnerabilities you can exploit.
As mentioned earlier, you can also
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Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Assignment 1 Essay
Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Using Zenmap GUI (Nmap) Course Name and Number | IA
5010 Foundations of Information Assurance | Student Name | Vishal Gori | Instructor Name | Prof.
Themis Papageorge | Lab Due Date | 19th Sept. 2013 | Lab Assessment Questions & Answers
1. Name at least five applications and tools pre–loaded on the TargetWindows01 server desktop, and
identify whether that application starts as a service on the system or must be run manually.
Manager | N | NetWitness Investigator | N | The Wireshark Network Analyzer | N | Zenmap | N | 2.
What was the allocated source IP host address for the ... Show more content on ...
* 36 scripts were loaded for intense scan operation. * All NSE scripts are currently divided into
following main categories: auth, broadcast, brute, default. discovery, dos, exploit, external, fuzzer,
intrusive,malware, safe, version, and vuln * During intense scan default script is executed along
with timing parameter and verbose script. 7. Describe what each of these tests or scripts performs
within the Zenmap GUI (Nmap) scan report. >> During intense scan default script is executed
along with timing parameter and verbose script. Default These scripts are the default set and are run
when using the –sC or –A options or specifying explicitly like ––script=default. Following are the
few factors considered in deciding whether a script should be run by default: a. Speed b. Usefulness
c. Verbosity d. Reliability e. Intrusiveness f. Privacy Scripts performing following checks are
executed: a. Discovering open ports b. OS detection c. Uptimes d. IP addresses e. MAC addresses f.
Device type (general purpose / webcam / WAP / media device / broadband router) g. Ssh–host key
(DSA & RSA) h. TCP sequence i. IP ID sequence j. Entire network topology, etc. Reference:–usage.html & Zenmap GUI Application 8. How many total IP hosts
(not counting Cisco device interfaces) did Zenmap GUI (Nmap) find on the network? Host IP |
MAC | Nmap O/P for OS |
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Essay on Is 305 Week 3 Lab
Week 3 Laboratory
How to Identify Threats & Vulnerabilities in an IT Infrastructure Using ZeNmap GUI (Nmap)
& Nessus Reports
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Upon completing this lab, students will be able to: 1. Understand how risk from threats and software
vulnerabilities impacts the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure
2 Review a ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) network discovery and Nessus vulnerability assessment scan
report (hardcopy or softcopy)
3. Identify hosts, operating systems, services, applications, and open ports on devices from the
ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) scan report
4. Identify critical, major, and minor ... Show more content on ...
Nmap when introduced was all command line interface, ZeNmap was created to make the software
user friendly. Nmap doesn't tell you the vulnerabilities on a system that requires knowledge of the
computer network, the network baseline, to figure out where the vulnerabilities exist. Nessus is like
Nmap in that it can do network discovery, but unlike Nmap, it is designed to scan systems to
determine their vulnerabilities. Nessus has the ability to create policies which are composed of
scanning specifications.
2. Which scanning application is better for performing a network discovery reconnaissance probing
of an IP network infrastructure? The best application for this process would be Nmap
3. Which scanning application is better for performing a software vulnerability assessment with
suggested remediation steps? Nessus would be the best application for this process.
4. While Nessus provides suggestions for remediation steps, what else does Nessus provide that can
help you assess the risk impact of the identified software vulnerability? Nessus allows users to
identify vulnerabilities, and attack those vulnerabilities to establish the impact of an attack. Nessus
starts with a port scan and attempts to exploit ports that are open.
5. Are open ports necessarily a risk? Why or why not? Open ports are not necessarily a risk, it
depends upon the application that is using the port. If no service is using the
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Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment 1
5. OS Hardening Hardening the OS is an important step because it reduces the attack surface and
opportunities for hackers to get into the system. The Linux Security Checklist from SANS has basic
step by step guidance one can follow in securing an OS (Homsher & Evans, n.d.). 5.1. Never run
Jenkins with root/administrator privileges One should never run with administrator or root privileges
regardless of the operating system platform. If a hacker manages to get in, he or she will still need to
find ways to perform privilege escalation to cause more harm. Hopefully, this buys enough time for
security professionals within the company to notice abnormal behavior and take action. In addition
to not running with administrator or root privileges, implement least privileges by removing sudoer
access to the account that Jenkins uses (Mutch & Anderson, 2011, p.90). Jenkins master installed on
Linux never need sudo access. On Windows, make sure Jenkins user only belongs to "Users" group.
Mac OSX should run Jenkins as "Standard User" because they are not allowed sudo access by
default. The same rules apply to Jenkins nodes because applications such as a compiler or automated
testing run fine with non–administrator privileges. The goal here is to minimize attack surfaces by
taking away administrator privileges when access is not required in the first place. Implementing the
principal of least privileges can reduce the damage caused by compromised account by as much as
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is3110 lab 5 Essay
IS3110 LAB 5
Identify Threats and Vulnerabilities in an IT Infrastructure
1. What are the differences between ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) and Nessus? NMAP is primarily a host
detection and port discovery tool. Instead of using Nessus to look for specific vulnerabilities against
a known quantity of hosts, NMAP discovers active IP hosts using a combination of probes. On the
other hand Nessus takes the open ports into account and notifies you if these ports have potential
security vulnerabilities attached to them.
Nessus is typically installed on a server and runs as a web–based application. Nessus uses plugins to
determine if a vulnerability is present on a specified machine.
2. Which scanning application is better for performing a ... Show more content on ...
What is the source IP address of the Cisco Security Appliance device (refer to page 6 of the pdf
7. How many IP hosts were identified in the Nessus® vulnerability scan? List them.
8. While Nessus provides suggestions for remediation steps, what else does Nessus provide that can
help you assess the risk impact of the identified software vulnerability? Through passive monitoring,
PVS can reveal devices and software on the network that are not authorized, or that may indicate a
network compromise.
9. Are open ports necessarily a risk? Why or why not? They are a risk because a trojan can be used
to transmit data to an attacker. They hold a port open, e.g. Port 31337. The attacker connects to the
trojan and sends requests to do a certain task, for example to make a screenshot. The trojan makes
the screenshot and sends the image via the port to the attacker. On newer trojans, the port number is
quite freely configurable, which makes identifying the trojan by the port number difficult. There are
no control mechanisms available which can prevent a trojan from using an specific port. If a trojan
does use the port 80, for instance, a novice user could imagine the program is a webserver, and may
even simply ignore the port.
10. When you identify a known software vulnerability, where can you go to assess the risk impact of
the software vulnerability? Nessus can detect thousands of problems, and it classifies each as one of
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How Technology Has Changed The Way Users Work
Computing technology has changed the way users work, learn and play–More businesses have gone
online. They have turned into a vital piece of our regular presence. These computer system are
vulnerable against various internal/external threats like malware in both homes business and
environments and this has rapidly escalated firmly over the past several years. Information in this
systems needs to be protected from intruders because it's an essential asset in the organisation. Three
basic important things need to be supplied is integrity confidentiality and availability of information.
The diversity of risk to the network computing by disenchanted attacks has intensely maximised
worldwide. This is according to the U.S federal bureau of investigation .The digital attacks globally
have reached 20,000 in January causing more than 8 billion dollars damage (Mueller, 2003).
Risk assessment simply means looking at each specific task and considering the best way to
complete it.This assists to be aware of the hazards involved in performing the task and something
done to prevent injury. To assess risk, one first need to identify the hazards (that is, tools,
equipment's, materials and work method); Secondly, to decide who might be harmed and how. In
addition, evaluate the risk and put measures to control the risk. Also, record the discovery and
implement them and finally analyse the evaluation and update as necessary.
Keywords:–risk assessment, computing technology, malware,
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Threat Assessment of Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Essay
Threat Assessment of Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Ping sweeps and port scans are two techniques
that a malicious computer user such as a hacker can utilize to compromise an Enterprise networks
security and gain access to their proprietary data. For example, private email messages can be
forwarded to a rogue destination email address: Done by installing a virus program into a user's
email client through a discovered active computers open TCP/IP IMAP port (port number 143) that
is not being currently used by that user (Clarke, 2008). The virus then could take advantage of
security vulnerabilities in that users email client program and forward emails from that users inbox
over to another destination email address without them knowing about ... Show more content on ...
Port Scanning Port scanning is technique used to identify any open or closed Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) network communication ports or services on a
network host device. For example, port number 110 is assigned to Post Office Protocol three (POP3)
for email client application communications on a network. There can be up to 65,000 ports any one
computer or host device and any unused open ports as determined by a port scan may allow a
malicious user unauthorized access to it. This is akin to an open window in a house whereas a
burglar can gain access to it ("Facts about port," ). Also, accessive port scanning can lead to a denial
of service (DoS) attack and not allow authorized users to access their data. Finally, there are again
several utility tools available to perform port scanning such as Nmap as mentioned previously or
SolarWinds Port scanner.
To mitigate the security threat posed by ping sweeps and port scans it is highly recommended that
firewall protection on all network hosts devices should be enabled to close any unused ports to
protect them from unauthorized access. Also, is recommended that the use of a firewall server to
protect the network from any outside intruders be used as well. In conclusion, ping sweeping and
port scanning can threaten the security of a Business Enterprises network and steps
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Difference Between The Kala Virtual Image And The Xp...
In this lab report I will be discussing both the Kali Virtual Image as well as the XP Security Image. I
will also emphasize on three particular tools of my liking related to each image and speak in detail
of what those tools do and how they might help a security practitioner in a security operations
Kali Linux:
Kali Linux is a Linux distribution which is primarily for the security service such as like digital
forensics and penetration testing. It comes on pre–loaded and pre–installed versions of over 500
testing platforms which are currently being used by millions of clients across the globe to securely
certify their programs, applications, clients and web. [1]
Currently, Kali Linux offering is extended to ... Show more content on ...
This type of search use case is useful in identifying the tables and entries with confidential/certified
data which can be a huge loss in case of an attack.
The most important functionality that it offers is that it can help create an out–of–band stateful TCP
connection between the attacker and the database which can then help us emulate an actual scenario
where the system is under attack.
These are the various ways in which sqlmap gives us a way to protect and secure our database
servers underlying the operation system of our web and mobile applications from a potential cyber
security t.
Reaver implements a robust and practical brute force attack targeting a Wi–Fi Protected Setup
(WPS) enabled router. It uses all the permutations and combinations on 6–digit pins to obtain the
passphrases out of it. [5] It can crack wps pins extremely quickly with the time for default
configured pin averaging around 3–5 seconds.
Usage: Run reaver is used to test wireless penetration for Wi–Fi enabled applications and or web
servers. It can take seconds or hours based on the target network. It may vary based on the password
length field as well as the pin configuration restrictions. Once we have the passphrases obtained by
reaver for our use case and the time taken for doing so, we can evaluate the general design for the
password security for our application and the amount of bounding restrictions we ask the user to
take care of
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Ceh Cheat Sheet
Footprinting The phases of an attack 1. Reconnaissance Information gathering, physical and social
engineering, locate network range 2. Scanning – Enumerating Live hosts, access points, accounts
and policies, vulnerability assessment 3. Gaining Access Breech systems, plant malicious code,
backdoors 4. Maintaining Access Rootkits, unpatched systems 5. Clearing Tracks IDS evasion, log
manipulation, decoy traffic Information Gathering 1. Unearth initial information What/ Who is the
target? 2. Locate the network range What is the attack surface? 3. Ascertain active machines What
hosts are alive? 4. Open ports / access points How can they be accessed? 5. Detect operating
systems What platform are they? 6. Uncover ... Show more content on ...
The C&CC is either a chatroom on IRC, or can even be a distributed system of infected machines.
DDoS Tools Trinoo One of the first to demonstrate "Master/slave" DDoS attacks Tribal Flood
Network Could launch several DoS attacks from distributed positions at the same time TFN2K Bug
fixes and updates to the original TFN Stacheldraht Means "Barbed Wire" in German Agobot A
modular IRC bot, many derivatives have been created from this code Nuclear Bot Developed by
"Nuclear Winter Crew" and written in Delphi, many features Domain Name Service DNS is critical
in the footprinting of a target network. It can sometimes save the attacker a lot of time, or at least
corroborate other information that has been gathered. DNS is also a target for several types of
attack. Fields in the SOA record: (Time in seconds) 1882919 7200 3600 14400 2400 Serial Refresh
Retry Expiry TTL Requesting a zone transfer nslookup; ls –d example.dom dig @ns1.example.dom
AXFR host –t AXFR example.dom ns1.example.dom Using Whois whois example.dom Regional
Internet Registrars ARIN (North America) APNIC (Asia Pacific Region) LACNIC (Southern and
Central America and Caribbean) RIPE NCC (Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia) AfriNIC
(Africa) Attacks against DNS servers Zone transfers Information gathering shortcut Zone poisoning
Breach the primary server and alter the zone file to corrupt the domain Cache poisoning Send
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Internet Census 2012 Dataset: Ethical Issues
Katherine Carpenter, David Dittrich, & Manish Karir in The Internet Census 2012 Dataset: An
Ethical Examination express many issues within the examination of weak passwords and the
solutions in which an individual or a company should undergo in order to mitigate the issue. The
article begins with the speakers discussing the issue of "the default password problem" which
expresses that utilizing a weak password is not good in terms of security. The speakers expressing a
disdain pensive tone regarding this issue that users continuously experience.
The speakers expands on the ideas that many home–users that have computer systems do not really
know how vulnerable their computers are to the invasion of privacy due to having a weak password.
The speakers expresses that having a weak password is a keen problem that needs to be addressed.
The stigma with this issue will not go away because the author explains that "the current
circumstances minimize engineering and support expenses by externalizing the cost of properly
securing these devices" which ultimately place users in a dangerous situation (Carpenter, Dittrich, &
Karir, 2015). ... Show more content on ...
In the article, the speakers expresses a demonstration on how "to use this same method – the nmap
Scripting Engine – to find and brute–force guess the password to his remotely accessible web cam"
which is a large problem (Carpenter, Dittrich, & Karir, 2015). This issue is a problem for everyday
society due to the idea that an individual cannot be safe nor have adequate privacy. When the
invasion of an individual's privacy is taken away, their freedom and sense of rights are being
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Nt1310 Unit 6 Lab
Summary This lab provided a virtual environment that simulated a corporate WAN network. Having
a similar network environment at the organization I am currently employed at, I have some
experience with vulnerability scanning. I do not have much experience using the nmap utility
however, so I was interested to get some experience by completing the tasks within this lab. I didn't
experience many challenges following the steps in the lab itself. I was able to launch the
environment successfully and perform the steps without any issue. As with any new environment, it
took me a little time to figure out the layout of the simulation and how it functioned. After reading
the documentation and spending about ten minutes clicking through the different areas, I felt
comfortable and began the steps of the lab. Once I began following the steps of the lab, I only ran
into three minor issues. The first issue was that I seemed unable to double click icons and folders on
the desktop of the virtual machines in the environment. As a workaround, I simply used the right
click mouse functionality to open folders and launch the preconfigured RDP files. The second issue
I experienced was that some of the nmap commands seem to hang and become unresponsive.
However, once I used the Control–c command or hit enter, the completed output would appear in the
screen. ... Show more content on ...
Utilizing two simple command switches, –O and –v, provided a wealth of information about the host
system. Most notably, it listed all of the open ports, protocols, and the operating system of the target
system. This quick gathering of information enabled the execution of more detailed commands
against specific ports to expose specific vulnerabilities. This information can then be used to address
any specific vulnerabilities that are
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Phase 2 : Lab Analysis
The "Phase 2: Scanning" portion of the lab instructions were very confusing as they give commands
to research and test but this portion of the lab has no interconnectivity to the internet. After much
wasted time and talking to the lab assistances, it was noted that the students weren't supposed to test
in this environment but it was just information only and bringing up the help file. To offset and
further understand this, the student set up a separate lab environment using Virtual Box with a Kali
iso. All the main commands were tested with some different variation of options on a number of
sites; (the students own personal IP address but with no website),, and Figure 10 demonstrates the ... Show more content on ...
The only thing better than gaining access to a system and keeping it is the ability to do it covertly or
without anyone knowing what you did. In speaking with covert officers from the CIA who break
into many kinds of locks and security, I found that lock picking is not the preferred method because
you have to pick the lock open and then pick the lock closed again. Their mission is to work
covertly and if someone knows they were there, it is a failed mission. According to the CEH prep
exam book, "Hackers are much like other criminals in that they would like to be sure to remove all
evidence of their activities. This might include using rootkits or other tools to cover their tracks.
Other hackers might hunt down log files and attempt to alter or erase them" (Gregg, 2006).
Covering tracks is maintaining a security awareness by sniffing internal systems for new counter
measures could be an ongoing process to stay ahead of security. Appendix B Results. The second
part of this lab is the actual exercise where the student will use the penetration testing tools and
perform more active reconnaissance, and demonstrate gaining access through exploits found. Again,
all step by step instructions can be found in Appendix B. The following are a summary and specific
results that are called out in the lab. Part 1 is mainly set up and getting used to a tool called "httrack"
to scrap or duplicate a known website we are using
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Designing The Styles Gallery On The Home Tab
Title 1 ABSTRACT To take advantage of this template's design, use the Styles gallery on the Home
tab. You can format your headings by using heading styles, or highlight important text using other
styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work
together to help communicate your ideas. Go ahead and get started. 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1
ETHICAL HACKING Ethical hacking is the view of the IT infrastructure of an organization
through the eyes of a hacker. The aim is to test the strength of the protection of the target. Ethical
hacking is usually done on the basis of pre–agreed agreements on how to deal with the
vulnerabilities found. This can vary from just a reporting up to the actual exploit or fix the leak. 2.2
PHASES OF HACKING Foot Print Scanning Enumeration Access erase Tracks Create Backdoors
2.2.1 Foot Print The purpose of foot print is to obtain general information about a target through
public information on websites, directories, the Yellow Pages. Useful information include names and
addresses of employees, phone numbers, job titles and organization charts. This information will be
used for the hack itself or for social engineering. Foot print is about information gathering of the
potential target e.g, address and name data. The collection of information is essential prior to the
hack operation. It is important to make sure that nothing is overlooked. The techniques that are used
for information gathering are
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The Security For The Networked Environment
The overall security for the networked environment is weak, and the team was able to move quickly
through the information system and gain system level access on most of the attached hosts, within
the scope of the penetration test. Had the organization been equipped with a firewall, the ability to
conduct the following test would have become a more difficult task. However, because packets can
move freely, the systems provide more data than they should. Secondly the team identified the
requirement to segment the network. In its current configuration, Appendix B, the organization is
easily exploitable. Coupled with a firewall, a segmented Local Area Network, and firewall to filter
the local area traffic, the organization becomes a more ... Show more content on ...
However, we noticed telnet services is currently open, opening the possibility for an adversarial
agent to conduct replay attacks,using captured users names and passwords. Lastly, the team
rummaged through the exploited system, but found nothing of value. The .40 System Utilizing the
same exploits found on .60, the team managed to exploit .40. No different than the previous system,
the team managed to achieve system level access utilizing the getsystem command. On its second
exploit, the team again used the MS03_026 exploit, and again the system was compromised.
Nothing of value was recovered from the machine, and the passwords were not cracked during the
allotted amount of time. With most of its services closed, the .40 system only presented these two
potential avenues of approach. Unlike, the .60 machine, the team FTP service was closed on the
machine minimizing the client's overall footprint. System maintenance, and patch management will
reduce the issues found with these two systems. Unpatched systems remain open potentially
allowing attackers to exploit unnecessarily. Regarding the FTP service, the service is always a
potential threat. If possible the organization adopts SSH as the organization's transfer protocol, due
to its encryption capabilities. The team will later present an attack via SSH, but such a vulnerability
itself is easily mitigated. .20 Exploit Moving to the .20 host, the team was able
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The Security Of Information Security
This document is only a brief synopsis of the ever–expanding and demanding field of information
security. It contains explanations, screenshots or visual cues, and tips on multiple subjects such as
system defenses, reducing vulnerabilities, and the presence of malicious threats. Smaller areas, such
as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, are also covered because they are very
significant in the security of information. While vulnerability assessment is a necessity, penetration
testing is purely an option to the security engineer.
What is Information Security ?
Information security is often defined as the security or assurance of information and it requires the
ability to maintain the authenticity of the information. The three common components of
information security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability and they form an essential base for
the overall picture of information security. Confidentiality is perhaps one of the most common
aspects of information security because any information that is withheld from the public within the
intentions to only allow access to authorized individuals is confidential. Encryption is often used to
maintain the confidentiality of information as encryption is one of multiple methods of access
control and Microsoft BitLocker is an example of access control–encryption feature. Although
TrueCrypt is no longer a secure method of protecting data, I will discuss it further in the
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Swot Analysis : Inventive Restorative And Pharmaceutical...
Background Summary.
CMRG is a startup research and development industry. Following five years of phenomenal
achievement in the advancement of inventive restorative and pharmaceutical products it is on its
way to becoming a major player in the medical research and development industry. Because of its
success, CMRG has likewise turned into a notable focus for cybercriminals whose principle
objective is trying to steal its intellectual property and sell its contenders. It is suspected that the
corporate network has been attacked from unapproved sources more than once. In 2012, CMRG was
dishonestly blamed for exploitative innovative work hones. Numerous attacks on the company have
brought about defacement of its public website with Denial of ... Show more content on ...
The use of these security measures and tools will mitigate any form of attacks and limit open doors
of vulnerability.
Security Auditing Tools.
There are several security penetration tools such as Nmap, Nessus, core impact, canvas, Metasploit
framework etc. that companies and corporate institutions can implement to mitigate against the risk
of any security breachs and attacks. These tools help expose vulnerabilities in any company's
internal and external networks, minimizing attacks and breaches. One of such recommended tools
CMRG can take advantage of is the Metasploit Framework by Rapid7. The Metasploit Framework
is the cornerstone on which the commercial products are developed. It is an open source
development that provides the infrastructure, contents, and tools to execute penetration tests and
wide–ranging security evaluation.
The Metasploit Framework includes an official Java–based GUI and also Armitage. It offers
penetration testing software and tools for automating the assessment of an application vulnerability
and its fix. Metasploit Framework has a built–in of Anti–forensic and advanced evasion tools that
allow a will be attacker to evade IPS/IDS and firewalls. (TechTarget)
This Framework (Metasploit) was formerly designed as a portable network tool by HD Moor in
2003. It was however acquired in 2009 by a computer security company Rapid7 with additional
features and versions
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Lab 2 Performing A Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet Essay
Assessment Worksheet
Performing a Vulnerability Assessment
CSS150–1502A–02 : Introduction to Computer Security
Course Name and Number: _____________________________________________________
Johnathan McMullen
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Stephen Osborne
Instructor Name: ______________________________________________________________
Lab Due Date: ________________________________________________________________
In this lab, you used Nmap commands within the Zenmap application to scan the virtual network
and identify the devices on the network and the operating systems and services running on them.
You also used OpenVAS to conduct a vulnerability assessment and record the high risk ... Show
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Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing Web site?
CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. The Mitre Corporation , under contract
with the Department of Homeland Security (sponsor) and the U.S. National Cyber Security
Division (sponsor), is responsible for hosting the CVE database listing web site. The CVE listing is
a database of known software vulnerabilities and exposures and how to mitigate them with
5. Can
Zenmap detect which operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? software
patches and updates.
Which option includes that scan?
The –O command enables OS fingerprinting for OS detection.You can also use the –sV command to
detect software version and the OS
6. How can you limit the breadth and scope of a vulnerability scan?
You can use a text file, which will list only the hosts detected in the Nmap scan.
7. Once a vulnerability has been identified by OpenVAS, where would you check for more
information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and any risk mitigation solution?
The CVE references found at the bottom of the vulnerability table.
8. What is the major difference between Zenmap and OpenVAS?
The second step of the ethical hacking process typically consists of two parts: port scanning and
vulnerability assessment. Zenmap (Nmap) is used to perform an initial IP host discovery as well as
scan for ports/services. OpenVAS is used to scan for vulnerabilities. It also can perform an audit of
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Vulnerability Penetration Test
This report presents the results of the vulnerability assessment and penetration test of Penhaligon's
network infrastructure and company website.
The purpose of this assessment is to identify website and network level security issues that could
compromise the confidentiality of customer data on Penhaligon's servers and to provide any
evidence of security issues for a forthcoming security audit.
This report details the scope of testing conducted, all significant findings along with detailed
remedial advice. The summary below provides the key findings and relates these back to business
impacts. Section two of this report relates the key findings. Section three of this report highlights
potential control areas where Penhaligon may want to invest ... Show more content on ...
However, when access to the Penhaligon is obtained as a result of the testing, the penetration tester
may elect to continue exploring inside the network and further the attack against other systems
within the Penhaligon and may also include testing any data–loss prevention controls that are in
place. Testing may include locations of cardholder data, applications that store, process, or transmit
cardholder data, critical network connections, access points, and other targets appropriate for the
complexity and size of the organization. This should include resources and assets (i.e., any resource
or asset that allows an attacker to obtain the credentials with access to or a route into the
Penhaligon) utilized by users responsible for maintaining the systems that store, process, or transmit
cardholder data or by users with the ability and authority to access cardholder
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An Report On An Industrial Control System
An industrial control system (ICS) includes the devices and systems that are used to manage
industrial production and operation. ICSs include systems that monitor different types of utilities,
such as gas, electrical, water, and sewage (Chapple & Seidl, 2015, p. 243). The ICSs are an
attractive target for an APT because damaging or destroying an ICS can have a crippling effect on a
wide region. To counteract the malicious goal of the enemy and protect its resources and weapons,
the military often utilizes a Kill Chain, sometimes referred to as a kinetic Kill Chain. The concept of
a Kill Chain is best described as a series of steps that involves finding a target, tracking it, and
eventually attacking it with the intent to either damage or ... Show more content on
He can do it by looking for publicly available information on the Internet." (p. 1). The APT probably
used Active Reconnaissance to gather information about the computers connected to the power plant
network. It amassed useful information by using common Internet tools and services. By using port
scans, the APT was able to discover the ports that were opened on the servers, which subsequently
revealed the services that were running on the servers. At that point, the APT could have attacked
the vulnerable ports to gain access to the computer systems.
The APT also might have taken advantage of the Passive Reconnaissance techniques to attack its
target. By using tools, such as NSLOOKUP, TRACERT and WHOIS database, the APT could have
gathered information about the domain names, computer names, IP addresses, DNS resource
records, host names, SMTP servers, and Web servers. Once the APT had gathered all the data, it
could have used more advance tools like NMAP. Tools such as NMAP allow the use of TCP
fingerprinting, which could have led to the discovery of the operating systems that were running on
computers at the power plant. The APT could have also used TELNET, FTP and HTTP to gain
information about the Web servers, browsers, plugins, etc. With information on operating systems,
open vulnerable ports, and the services at its disposal, the APT could have launched a DDoS, buffer
overflow exploits, and other attacks against the target.
The first step in the Cyber Kill Chain is
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Essay On Wireshark And Nmap Vulnerability Assessment Tools
Lookman Omisore UMUC CST 610 The use of Wireshark and Network Mapper (Nmap)
vulnerability assessment tools will identify potential flaws in the Microsoft and Linux operating
systems. In order for an attacker to breach into the computer system; the attacker needs to either be
using the Wireshark or Nmap tool. First, a machine needs to selected by using a variety of
techniques like port scanning and so forth. Once the targeted system has been identified, the tool is
initated and the attacker can sweep through the entire network for weaknesses and open network
ports. Wireshark is an open source network packet analyzer that functions by capturing and
displaying live network for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Wireshark
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Application Of A Penetration Testing Against `` My House...
Chapter 3: Practical test
"My House lab" Scenario.
For this coursework I have decided to perform a penetration testing against "My House lab", to
evaluate and improve my WLAN Infrastructure security.
The scenario that I had examined is a WLAN Infrastructure Network using a Virgin Media Super
Hub (Netgear) , with more than 10 devices connected .
Looking on the internet about the router model I own I could make an interesting discovery. I found
an article written by an expert in computer security, Paul Moore, dating back to March 2014(Paul
Moore,2014). This guy, a year ago, had found a flaw inside the super hub of VirginMedia. Indeed
reboot the router took 1 minute to start well, and in this minute for seven seconds was able to access
the WiFi network without the need for key. Fortunately Paul contacted the Virgin who in turn
contacted the Netgear to try to resolve the issue with the release of a new firmware.
Now the problem is resolved,however is an interesting issue happened, because sometimes, our
security depends not only on us and what we can do to protect it and keep it. Sometimes there may
be larger obstacles, as in this case an error of firmware that we can circumvent but not eliminate
(until the company responsible is not able to patch it).
I adopted different steps to performing penetration testing that is effective in testing how well the
"My House lab"is secure. I have used different softwares such as NMap , Wareshark,
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The New River Guitars Ise Deployment
Executive Summary
The purpose of this document is to provide New River Guitars with detailed documentation of the
ISE 1.2 deployment performed during October and November, 2013. This document will encompass
business and technical requirements, methodology, design, and specific configurations for the ISE
The New River Guitars ISE deployment will leverage ISE version 1.2 software in VMware virtual
machines. A distributed ISE deployment will be utilized placing nodes in the Phoenix and Nashville
data centers. Each data center will house an administrative node (PAN), a monitoring node (MnT),
and two policy service nodes (PSN). The PAN and MnT in Phoenix data center are the primary
devices. The PSNs are placed behind an F5 ... Show more content on ...
Per New River Guitars' requirements, the wired deployment will initially be in monitor mode. This
will allow users who fail authentication to be granted access to the network. Authorization Profiles
that are in use only Permit Access and do not Deny network access. ISE can be transitioned to an
low–impact or closed mode to require users to authenticate and authorize via ISE before being
granted access to the network. Low Impact and closed mode will be tested on lab ISE nodes and test
An authorization rule for Mac Authentication Bypass (MAB) was created. Devices without 802.1x
supplicants are authenticated against the MAB policy and then profiled. Once the device is profiled
a new authorization policy is created based upon the profiled endpoint identity and inserted above
the MAB rule in authorization policies. The intention of this is to profile and categorize every device
on the New River Guitars network.
2. Design Requirements
The primary requirements for this design are listed below to permit or deny users or devices network
access based on defined criteria.
2.1 Business Requirements
● Design a solution to authenticate, authorize and profile New River Guitars workstations using
wired connections based on a machine certificate using EAP–TLS
● Authenticate, authorize and profile New River Guitars wired devices that do
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The Security Of A Home Network
Technology Report
Yu Lun Chou 1730799
MADS 6638 Computer Security Admin.
George Thucydides
Table of content
Vulnerability Test
Incident Response
Introduction Information play an essential role in everywhere. For a company, in order to run the
company well, information management is a necessary skill, and leaking information, odds are ,
causes significant damage to the company. Even though a private network will not have as great
damage as an organization, people like to keep their privacy. Therefore, the security of a home
network is as important as the security of a company, and it is more universal. Hence this article will
present how to built a ... Show more content on ...
It provides for home, business, and school, and it provides free and payable products for different
feature. According to the website Avast! Review – Top Antivirus Software, the free download
version offers virus and malware detection, integrated password manager, and browser cleanup. In
addition, Rubenking, a world–spanning purveyor of free antivirus protection, marks Avst high score
in their independent lab tests and antiphishing test (2015).
Different options for different feature with different price ↑
The feature list in different versions ↑ From the website About Adblock Plus, " Adblock Plus is a
free extension that allows you to – among other things – block annoying ads, disable tracking and
block domains known to spread malware"(2016). There are more illustration about the feature of
Adblock Plus from the same website: allow acceptable ads, disable social media buttons, and typo
protection (2016). Due to people experience the inconvenience while surfing the internet the ads
pops out and the more important point the adware attack, using Adblock Plus is the appropriate
The Schematic diagram of Adblock Plus ↑
After installing Avast and Adblock Plus online, it shows in extensions ↑ Moreover, Avast and
Adblock Plus are available from the internet and it is free. Therefore, people can reinstall these
softwares anytime.
Vulnerability Test According to the lecture Network Security Assessment(2007), in order to
eliminate the risk of vulnerabilities,
... Get more on ...
Vulnerability Assessment ( Va )
1. Introduction
Security is a standout amongst the most difficult and complex issue in Information Technology (IT)
today. Security causes millions of dollars loss to the different organizations every year. Even if 99%
of all assaults result from known vulnerabilities and flawed misconfigurations, an answer is most
certainly not direct. With a crowd of networks, operating system and application related
vulnerabilities, security specialists are getting the opportunity to be logically aware of the need to
review and direct potential security dangers on their network and systems. This requires a more
effective and insightful way to deal with sustaining the project. Vulnerability Assessment (VA) is the
procedure of identifying, quantifying, measuring and organizing dangers connected with system and
host–based network to reduce its risk to the system. Vulnerability Assessment (VA) tools permit
customization of security strategy, computerized examination of vulnerabilities, and formation of
reports that helps to discover security vulnerability.
Network around the world is connected through various hardware and application. Different types of
connections are used to connect network around the world. Many organizations and companies are
using different types of network connected to the internet to flourish their business related activities.
Network is mainly categorized into three forms: LAN, MAN and WAN. All these network are
connected together to make an entire huge network around
... Get more on ...

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CSEC 610 Individual Assignment Essay

  • 1. CSEC 610 Individual Assignment Essay CSEC 610, University of Maryland University College July 12, 2014 Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities Facing IT Managers Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities Facing IT Managers Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3 Types of Vulnerabilities ............................................................................................................. 5 Important Vulnerability, Impact & Solutions .......................................................................... 8 References .................................................................................................................................... 12 Cyber–security demands are ever increasing in the field of Information Technology with the globalization of the internet. Disruptions due to cyber–attacks are affecting the economy, costing companies billions of dollars each year in lost revenue. To counter this problem ... Show more content on ... As I stated before there are many different types of security vulnerabilities out there which can affect the integrity, availability and confidentiality of a resource. So the question still remains what exactly are these types of vulnerabilities? Especially since they range from software, hardware, networks and the people that use them. Firstly I will discuss the software vulnerabilities, more specifically in terms of web applications. This is because more than half of the current computer security threats and vulnerabilities today affect web applications and that number is ever increasing. (Fonseca, Seixas, Vieira, Madeira, 2014). When considering the programming language used to develop web applications you have PHP which is considered a weak language, on the other hand you have Java, C# and Visual Basic which are considered strong languages. It is important to note that the language used to develop the web applications is very important because although the different programming languages are similar overall, each one has different rules of how data is stored, retrieved, the execution methods, tables and so on. For example when I say how data is stored and retrieve, I am basically regarding to data types and data structures and how the programming language that is being used maps their values into type fields like strings for names, Int for numbers, or even Boolean for true and false statements. Overall though even if you are using a strong typed ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Nmap Title:– Network Scanning using NMAP in Windows Exp.No:–1 Aim:– To study NMAP Software and demonstrate using various websites. Theory:– Nmap ("Network Mapper") is an open source tool for network exploration and security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. While Nmap is commonly used for security audits, many systems and network administrators find it useful for ... Show more content on ... | | | | | | Each regular host in the network is represented by a little circle. The color and size of the circle is determined by the number of open ports on the host. The more open ports, the larger the circle. A white circle represents an intermediate host in a network path that was not port scanned. If a host has fewer than three open ports, it will be green; between three and six open ports, yellow; more than six open ports, red. | | | | | If a host is a router, switch, or wireless access point, it is drawn with a square rather than a circle. | | Network distance is shown as concentric gray rings. Each additional ring signifies one more network hop from the center host. | | Connections between hosts are shown with colored lines. Primary traceroute connections are shown with blue lines. Alternate paths (paths between two hosts where a different path already exists) are drawn in orange. Which path is primary and which paths are alternates is arbitrary and controlled by the order in which paths were recorded. The thickness of a line is proportional to its round–trip time; hosts with a higher RTT have a thicker line. Hosts with no traceroute information are clustered around localhost, connected with a dashed black line. | | If there is no RTT for a hop (a missing traceroute entry), the connection is shown with a blue dashed line and the unknown host that makes the connection is shown with a blue outline. | Some ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. These other packet provides information on how the data... Lab #1 – Assessment Worksheet Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Using Zenmap GUI (Nmap) Overview Hackers typically follow a five–step approach to seek out and destroy targeted hosts. The first step in performing an attack is to plan the attack by identifying the target and learning as much as possible about it. Hackers usually perform an initial reconnaissance and probing scan to identify IP hosts, open ports, and services enabled on servers and workstations. In this lab, you planned an attack on where the VM server farm resides, and used the Zenmap GUI to perform an "Intense Scan" on the targeted IP subnetwork. Lab Assessment Questions & Answers 1. Name at least five applications and tools pre–loaded on the ... Show more content on ... Cybersecurity and Communications at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the MITRE Corporation 5. Can Zenmap GUI detect which operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? Which option includes that scan? Yes, service info: OS: Linux 6. If you have scanned a live host and detected that it is running Windows XP workstation OS, how would you use this information for performing a Nessus vulnerability assessment scan? I would know that would be able to perform this scan because Nessus supports Windows XP. 7. Once a vulnerability is identified by Nessus, where can you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and the risk mitigation solution? Ports/Protocols, 443/tcp, Plugin Name: Service Detection 8. What is the major difference between Zenmap GUI and Nessus? Nessus scans for vulnerability's and Zenmap GUI is used to map network host within an open port. 9. Why do you need to run both Zenmap GUI and Nessus to perform the first three steps of the
  • 6. hacking process? The Zenmap has already run an intense scan on the 254 IP address to map out the network which makes Nessus able to find the vulnerability located within the 254 IP address. Zenmap GUI scan report in soft copy with your notes on what you found Nessus vulnerability scan report in HTML soft ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. The Importance Of Security Best Practices Security Best Practices "No computer with a connection to the internet is 100 percent safe" (Helmke, 2015). System Administrators have a responsibility to protect individuals and corporations from breaches and loss. A breach can have massive economic implications and, even worse, long lasting damage to your reputation. Linux is just as vulnerable as other operating systems and it appears the majority of best practice methodologies apply across all operating systems. "Security Audits" The first step is to perform a security audit and determine where vulnerabilities may exist. Physical Placement – The system is extremely vulnerable if not installed in a climate controlled secure room. Only authorized personnel should have access to the room ... Show more content on ... Software versions – Additionally, it is good to hide the machine ID and software versions. This is simply free information making it easier for the attacker. Wireless – Helmke (2015) also recommends using wired and avoiding wireless if possible. NMAP – Another vulnerability is open ports. Tools such as NMAP scan and determine if any ports are open. Unexpected open ports are clues that a potential breach has occurred and that a cracker has opened unauthorized ports. Intrusion Detection Systems – IDS should be installed that contain the capabilities to monitor the network and send alerts if odd or different behavior is observed. "Protect your system" Update Linux kernel and Software – Regular updates are critical to insure the system has the most stable and reliable load. Viruses –Linux has an advantage over Windows. Helmke (2015) explains, "Linux never puts the current directory in your executable path, so typing ls runs /bin/ls rather than any program named ls in the current directory. A nonroot user can infect only the files that user has write access to, which is usually only the files in the user's home directory. This is one of the most important reasons for never using sudo when you don't need to. Linux forces you to manually mark files as executable, so you can't accidentally run a file called myfile.txt.exe thinking it is just a text file. By having more than one common web browser and email client, Linux has strength through ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Nt1310 Unit 5 Literature Review Of Internet I would recommend we use as few UDP ports as possible. Some people propose subnets provide security. When the computer socket going to Wireshark is in promiscuous mode the and the network ACL is open we can capture all packets going through the machine. This is a software change, which is a alarming. Subnets provide security only for Tcp and since systems can use UDP for their connections. UDPis quick and dirty. For example, Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 uses UDP port 1434 for the SQL Server Browser service. This service listens for incoming connections to a named instance and provides the client the TCP port number that corresponds to that named instance. When a technician creates named instances within the Database Engine, the SQL Server ... Show more content on ... Remember the internet works with ACL or access control list, allowing for the possible for a person to reach Google without being a part of the same subnet. There is a common method UDP host punching. UDP hole punching is a commonly used technique employed in network address translator (NAT) applications for maintaining User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet streams that traverse the NAT. NAT traversal techniques are typically required for client–to–client networking applications on the Internet involving hosts connected in private networks, especially in peer–to– peer, Direct Client–to–Client (DCC) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) deployments. UDP hole punching establishes connectivity between two hosts communicating across one or more network address translators. Typically, an application, when it sets up direct communications between two or more communicating hosts choosing to use a third–party host on the public transit network by using a UDP port. Usually normal communications traffic or when there is no significant traffic keep–alive packet traffic usually consisting of empty UDP packets ore packets with minimal non–intrusive content enable once port state keep the port states open. A common example of programs which use UDP hole punching consist of Team ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Scope Of Network Security Threat Examination Team: An in–house support team of 4 network security administrators and analysts will test and research the wide scope of threats listed below. The team's background and certifications are as follows Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Information Security Analyst (CISSP), and GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) Penetration Tester (GPEN). Each local bank branch must have 3 of these 4 certified professionals present during internal security audits in order to comply with organizational operations and security procedures. Threat Examination Scope: Starting from the basics, the threat scope will encompass human error, hands–on training, passwords policy upgrades, ... Show more content on ... If local branch employees are monitored accessing or causing damage to bank property and as a result are in violations of policy, they will be terminated, legal action will be pursued, and the that local branch will be put on probation for 6 to 12 months. Other industries may allow for these issues to go unnoticed but since the Great Recession mitigating fraud/cybersecurity (up to 18%) and and managing compliance (up to 29%) have reached highs as financial institutions struggle to combat these challenges. (Pilcher) The best way for network security administrators and analysts to assess risks to the as–is process requires setting up a virtual environment using a VMware Workstation, Windows OS virtual image, and Kali Linux virtual image. (Singh) The purpose if to create an isolated yet duplicate environment used by the bank tellers for performing malware analysis using static and dynamic techniques. Tools that are often used in conjunction with this setup include: (definitions, Singh) Nmap (a network discovery tool used for host discover, open ports, running services) Wireshark (open source network protocol and packet analyzer used to monitor the network traffic by putting network interface into promiscuous mode) PuTTY (open source SSH and telnet client used for remote access to another computer) SQLmap (open source tool used for detecting and exploiting SQL injection issues in the application also has options for hacking the vulnerable database) Metasploit Framework ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. It Penetration Testing Use offense to inform defense. Find flaws before the bad guys do. Copyright SANS Institute Author Retains Full Rights This paper is from the SANS Penetration Testing site. Reposting is not permited without express written permission. Interested in learning more? Check out the list of upcoming events offering "Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling (SEC504)" at https://pen– Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46 A Management Guide to Penetration Testing David A. Shinberg © SANS Institute 2003, © SA NS In sti tu As part of GIAC practical repository. te 20 03
  • 15. ,A ut ho rr Version 2.1a eta Practical Assignment ... Show more content on ... It will include suggested items that should be present in the report given to the owner of the network being tested. In addition to the list of vulnerabilities detected, corrective actions are an important part of the final report. 1.1 Scope 2. Preparation 2.1 Technical Preparation A good penetration tester must be technically competent and methodical. In many situations, a test team is more appropriate than an individual tester. 2 Care must be taken in selecting, installing and configuring the platforms used to perform the testing. Although there are several commercial tools that can be used to perform penetration tests such as Internet Scanner® from Internet Security Systems3, free tools will be used throughout this testing. Kurtz and Prosise make an excellent point when they claim; "Running a commercial vulnerability scanner is penetration testing" is a myth. 4 There are several problems with simply running a vulnerability scanner and assuming that a complete penetration test has been performed. The first is that the vulnerability scanners are only as good as the person running them. As will be discussed latter in this paper, there is more to performing a penetration test than just finding 2 Naturally, the testing performed in support of this paper will be performed by the author only. 3 ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Types And Techniques Of Computer System Security Essay Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Types of system security 2a. Internet and network security 2b. Standalone computer security 2c. Data loss by accidents 2d. Authentications 3. Types and techniques of computer system security 3a. System access control 3b. Data access control 3c. Spam filter 3d. Firewall software hardware and security 3e. Service mapping tools 4. Network security threats 5. Security tools hold the maximum potential 6. References Introduction A specialized field in computer system security that involves securing a computer system hardware and software. Security is typically handled by a system administrator who implements the security policy, network software and hardware needed to protect a system and the resources accessed through the network from unauthorized access and also ensure that employees have adequate access to resources. A system security typically relies on layers of protection and also consist of multiple components includes networking monitoring and security software. All components work together to increase the overall security of computer system. Passwords are extremely effective system for improving system security if applied properly. Security is the fundamental component of every system design. When planning, building and operating a system we should understand the importance of a strong security policy. The easier way to protect a network into the computer system from an outside attack is to close it ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The New Security Tools And Techniques Essay Scenario:–New Security Tools and Techniques The discussion of the new security tools and techniques as covered in the prescribed text is not all inclusive. Research magazines, journals, and web sites to find three additional new security tools or techniques. Cover any new security threats that would be covered by these new security tools. Compare the tools with those listed in your text. Which one, in your opinion, holds the most potential? Discuss in your paper which one is the least likely to succeed? Introduction A specialized field in computer system security that involves securing a computer system hardware and software. Security is typically handled by a system administrator who implements the security policy, network software and hardware needed to protect a system and the resources accessed through the network from unauthorized access and also ensure that employees have adequate access to resources. A system security typically relies on layers of protection and also consist of multiple components includes networking monitoring and security software. All components work together to increase the overall security of computer system. Passwords are extremely effective system for improving system security if applied properly. Security is the fundamental component of every system design. When planning, building and operating a system we should understand the importance of a strong security policy. The easier way to protect a network into the computer system from an ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Security, Legal, Ethical, Social And Responsibility... Legality of Port Scanning Kevin Zheng Abstract In this paper I will discuss the security, legal, ethical, social and responsibility issues of port scanning. The tool being covered in this exam being used for port scanning is called nmap. Several options will be dicussed on how to use the tool. Then there will be some discussion on the legal cases that was centered around port scanning. At the end is a discussion on my opinions of port scanning over all. Introduction Port scanning has many issue surrounding it. Port scanning is "one of the most fundamental techniques that a hacker can use to being an attack. Many systems can reveal vast amounts of infrmaiton from being scanned." (Jamieson, 2001, p. 2). Ports are essentially connection pathways that services use to communicate on the internet. Ports are similar to telephone numbers in a commercial building. A building may have one number, however to reach specific people inside, your call may be rerouted to a person's extension in order to get connected to that person. A port scanning is essentially calling a building or business and then trying to reach all possible extensions and see who answers. If the person does not pick up, you may hear in their voicemail who they are. In port scanning, an attacker may be scanning the entire range of ports, or extensions, from port 0 to port 65535. There are generally a few standard ports that are tied to ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Similarities And Weaknesses Of Vulnerability Scanners Comparison of Vulnerability Scanners Introduction With the advancements in information technology, the security concern of the users in the network is increasing drastically. Various approaches have been adopted to protect respective network from un– authorized users. New innovative methods have been presented in order to identify potential discrepancies that can damage the network. Most commonly used approach for this purpose is vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability can be defined as the potential flaws in the network that make it prone to possible attack by un–authorized user. Assessment of these vulnerabilities provides a way to identify as well as develop innovative strategies in order to protect the network. Numbers of software ... Show more content on ... Accessing as well as eliminating the all vulnerabilities requires in depth understanding and sound knowledge about them. It becomes essential to have basic idea behind the working of these vulnerabilities like the way in which they appear in any system. One must be aware of the flaws needed to be corrected in order to free the whole system from vulnerabilities, alternatives can also be devised for this purpose and how to reduce the risk of them in a proactive manner [2]. Various methods have been introduced for the identification of these vulnerabilities. Some of the methods include attack graph generation, static analysis and vulnerability scanners. This work presents a detailed study of the vulnerability scanners. It also analysis number of vulnerability scanners and make comparison of them based on their identification abilities. Vulnerability Scanners A Vulnerability scanner can have access to a variety of vulnerabilities across complete information systems including network systems, software applications, computers and operating systems. It must be able to identify the vulnerabilities that could have originated from system administrator activities, vendors or even everyday user activities. Possible examples of these vulnerabilities include software bugs, web applications, insecure default configurations, lack of password protection or even failure to run virus scanning ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Ethical Hacking Program On The first week of this class was a challenge because I was not prepared with a project. I felt I had plenty of time before I had to come up with a project or plan for this class but all too soon I was enrolled and the class had begun. After looking at a few possible projects and subjects for a thirty page thesis I decided on going through the Certified Ethical Hacking program on Over the past fourteen weeks I watched the lectures on, took quizzes on, read chapters and took chapter review tests in the Certified Ethical Hacker version 9 book by Sean–Philip Oriyano. I watched approximately sixty–one hours of lectures, spent several hours taking assesments and quizzes on and spent somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty–five hours reading and taking chapter review tests in the CEH version 9 book. A Certified Ethical Hacker must understand and know how to test for vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems. This is done using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker but in a legal manner to assess the security and preparedness of a target system. The CEH credential certifies individuals in the discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor neutral perspective. The first week of class I had to agree to the Certified Ethical Hacker Rules and submit a candidate application and certification agreement. Once done with that I had to setup a test workstation running Microsoft Server 2012r2 with Hyper V virtual ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Nt1310 Unit 3 Networking Tools Networking tools Wireshark What is it? Wireshark is an open–source program which enables users to actively capture and interact with the network traffic which is being funnelled through the computer. Commonly, pieces of software which do this are referred to as 'packet sniffers' – As the program is recording the packets which pass through the network. Wireshark started development in 1998, under its original name 'Ethereal', which was changed in 2006 following a licensing issue. How is it used? Above is a screenshot of the main interface, courtesy of Wireshark. Quite simply, you start the capture by clicking the shark fin, with the results shown in the main window. Clicking on an entry expands on it in the bottom frame, allowing you to see the full ... Show more content on ... On top of this, PuTTY also offers limited FTP facilities which can be used to transfer encrypted files. In today's world, PuTTY is mainly talked about when referring to dedicated server; where an SSH client has become a common swiss–army knife in everyone's toolbox. How do you use it? The main interface is shown below, courtesy of ComputerWorld. The simplest way of using PuTTY is to fill in the host–name/IP and specify the port and connection type. The session can then be saved to be loaded at a later point. When the open button is pressed, a command–line interface will be displayed; which ends the GUI interface of PuTTY. From there you're able to setup iptables, install various packages and change the root password. The PuTTY experience can be further customised by editing the settings shown to the left in a tree view. This includes the appearance, as well as how PuTTY manages the connection.
  • 28. Fiddler What is it? Fiddler is a notorious web–debugging tool which captures HTTP traffic between chosen computers and the internet. The incoming and outgoing data can be analysed and modified before the responses make it to the ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Network Vulnerabilities And Cyber Kill Chain Essay A– ICS Vulnerabilities and cyber kill chain 1. Reconnaissance This is the phase of the cyber operation in which the cyberwarriors gather information about potentials targets. This operation can be subdivided in three sub phases. The war planners provides objectives, targeters search for potential target that might achieve the war objectives, intelligence professionals gather information about the target's weaknesses that might be exploited in an attack (Chapple & Seidl, 2015, p. 5.2). Passive Reconnaissance is a method used by APTs to indirectly gain access to their targets' information. This technique consist of collecting pieces of information from different sources such as the Internet, trashes, to build a profile that will provide them the first step toward their reconnaissance without raising any suspicions. In our scenario, the company's profile being available on Internet including name, address, tax ID number, and certain parts of the network connected to the internet where a single DNS lookup could reveal the IP addresses of some server that could potentially be the first entry point for the APTs. It is now possible to know precisely the location of each power grid in the used using simple tools available on Internet, interactive maps from multiple source such as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (, n.d) and the office of electricity delivery and energy reliability ( show each station with further more detail and this is the type of ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Lab 2 Answers Nessus Essay Laboratory #2 Lab #2: Perform a Vulnerability Assessment Scan Using Nessus® (Nessus® is a Registered Trademark of Tenable Network Security, Inc.) Learning Objectives and Outcomes Upon completing this lab, students will be able to complete the following tasks: * Identify risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in an IP network infrastructure using ZenMap GUI (Nmap) to perform an IP host, port, and services scan * Perform a vulnerability assessment scan on a targeted IP subnetwork using Nessus® * Compare the results of the ZenMap GUI "Intense Scan" with a Nessus® vulnerability assessment scan * Assess the findings of the vulnerability assessment scan and identify critical vulnerabilities * Make recommendations for ... Show more content on ... Answer: Risks = Vulnerabilities x Threats 3. Which application is used for Step #2 in the hacking process to perform a vulnerability assessment scan? 4. Before you conduct an ethical hacking process or penetration test on a live production network, what must you do prior to performing the reconnaissance and probing and scanning procedures? Answer: * Perform an IP host discovery and port/services scan on the targeted IP subnet. * Perform a vulnerability assessment scan on the targeted IP subnet to discover what the weakest link in the system. 5. What is a CVE listing? Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing website? Answer: CVE is Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. 6. Can ZenMap GUI detect what operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? What would that option look like in the command line if running a scan on 7. If you have scanned a live host and detected that it is running Windows XP workstation OS, how would you use this information for performing a Nessus® vulnerability assessment scan? 8. Once a vulnerability is identified by Nessus®, where can you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and the risk mitigation solution? Answer: After vulnerability is identified by Nessus, you can click on the Reports tab to see details of the vulnerability include overview, ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Virtual Box Lab Report Set up the virtual machine environment using virtual box. Virtual systems needed are windows, Metasploitable and Kali VM Install 3 different VMs in the virtual box. Ideally, you could have used only windows and Kali VM to test the Metasploit, but then you have to explicitly turn the windows firewall off , which Is not suggested on the production network. Hence, we use Metasploitable, a linux based VM with potential vulnerabilities, to conduct the tests. You can download the image file of Metasploitable 2 from sourceforge. Get OpenVAS up and running. Scan the windows and Metasploitable Linux VMs. OpenVAS is a network vulnerability scanner. It gives you information about the machine, its network and open ports; and also suggests what all ... Show more content on ... Simply open the browser and type https://localhost:9392 , you will get a page like this: Click on the scan which you started, that is, "Metasploitable 2", and you will see results something like this: Scanning Windows VM: Similarly, the scanning of windows VM can be done in the same way. The only difference will be, when you create the target system, give the IP and name of windows VM instead of Metasploitable VM. Then run the scans for that too and open the Greenbone Security Assistant WebUI and find the scan results for it too. The results may look like : Use nmap and the results (Screenshot) of the OpenVAS vulnerability scans to provide you with an attack plan. Once you have used openVAS for vulnerability scnanning, you have a lot of details for both the VMs and vulnerabilities you can exploit. As mentioned earlier, you can also ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Assignment 1 Essay Perform Reconnaissance and Probing Using Zenmap GUI (Nmap) Course Name and Number | IA 5010 Foundations of Information Assurance | Student Name | Vishal Gori | Instructor Name | Prof. Themis Papageorge | Lab Due Date | 19th Sept. 2013 | Lab Assessment Questions & Answers 1. Name at least five applications and tools pre–loaded on the TargetWindows01 server desktop, and identify whether that application starts as a service on the system or must be run manually. WINDOWS APPLICATION LOADED | STARTS AS SERVICE Y/N | Filezilla | Y | Nessus Server Manager | N | NetWitness Investigator | N | The Wireshark Network Analyzer | N | Zenmap | N | 2. What was the allocated source IP host address for the ... Show more content on ... * 36 scripts were loaded for intense scan operation. * All NSE scripts are currently divided into following main categories: auth, broadcast, brute, default. discovery, dos, exploit, external, fuzzer, intrusive,malware, safe, version, and vuln * During intense scan default script is executed along with timing parameter and verbose script. 7. Describe what each of these tests or scripts performs within the Zenmap GUI (Nmap) scan report. >> During intense scan default script is executed along with timing parameter and verbose script. Default These scripts are the default set and are run when using the –sC or –A options or specifying explicitly like ––script=default. Following are the few factors considered in deciding whether a script should be run by default: a. Speed b. Usefulness c. Verbosity d. Reliability e. Intrusiveness f. Privacy Scripts performing following checks are executed: a. Discovering open ports b. OS detection c. Uptimes d. IP addresses e. MAC addresses f. Device type (general purpose / webcam / WAP / media device / broadband router) g. Ssh–host key (DSA & RSA) h. TCP sequence i. IP ID sequence j. Entire network topology, etc. Reference:–usage.html & Zenmap GUI Application 8. How many total IP hosts (not counting Cisco device interfaces) did Zenmap GUI (Nmap) find on the network? Host IP | MAC | Nmap O/P for OS | ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Essay on Is 305 Week 3 Lab ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Week 3 Laboratory How to Identify Threats & Vulnerabilities in an IT Infrastructure Using ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) & Nessus Reports Learning Objectives and Outcomes Upon completing this lab, students will be able to: 1. Understand how risk from threats and software vulnerabilities impacts the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure 2 Review a ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) network discovery and Nessus vulnerability assessment scan report (hardcopy or softcopy) 3. Identify hosts, operating systems, services, applications, and open ports on devices from the ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) scan report 4. Identify critical, major, and minor ... Show more content on ... Nmap when introduced was all command line interface, ZeNmap was created to make the software user friendly. Nmap doesn't tell you the vulnerabilities on a system that requires knowledge of the computer network, the network baseline, to figure out where the vulnerabilities exist. Nessus is like Nmap in that it can do network discovery, but unlike Nmap, it is designed to scan systems to determine their vulnerabilities. Nessus has the ability to create policies which are composed of scanning specifications. 2. Which scanning application is better for performing a network discovery reconnaissance probing of an IP network infrastructure? The best application for this process would be Nmap 3. Which scanning application is better for performing a software vulnerability assessment with suggested remediation steps? Nessus would be the best application for this process. 4. While Nessus provides suggestions for remediation steps, what else does Nessus provide that can help you assess the risk impact of the identified software vulnerability? Nessus allows users to identify vulnerabilities, and attack those vulnerabilities to establish the impact of an attack. Nessus starts with a port scan and attempts to exploit ports that are open. 5. Are open ports necessarily a risk? Why or why not? Open ports are not necessarily a risk, it depends upon the application that is using the port. If no service is using the
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  • 41. Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment 1 5. OS Hardening Hardening the OS is an important step because it reduces the attack surface and opportunities for hackers to get into the system. The Linux Security Checklist from SANS has basic step by step guidance one can follow in securing an OS (Homsher & Evans, n.d.). 5.1. Never run Jenkins with root/administrator privileges One should never run with administrator or root privileges regardless of the operating system platform. If a hacker manages to get in, he or she will still need to find ways to perform privilege escalation to cause more harm. Hopefully, this buys enough time for security professionals within the company to notice abnormal behavior and take action. In addition to not running with administrator or root privileges, implement least privileges by removing sudoer access to the account that Jenkins uses (Mutch & Anderson, 2011, p.90). Jenkins master installed on Linux never need sudo access. On Windows, make sure Jenkins user only belongs to "Users" group. Mac OSX should run Jenkins as "Standard User" because they are not allowed sudo access by default. The same rules apply to Jenkins nodes because applications such as a compiler or automated testing run fine with non–administrator privileges. The goal here is to minimize attack surfaces by taking away administrator privileges when access is not required in the first place. Implementing the principal of least privileges can reduce the damage caused by compromised account by as much as 86% ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. is3110 lab 5 Essay IS3110 LAB 5 Identify Threats and Vulnerabilities in an IT Infrastructure 1. What are the differences between ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) and Nessus? NMAP is primarily a host detection and port discovery tool. Instead of using Nessus to look for specific vulnerabilities against a known quantity of hosts, NMAP discovers active IP hosts using a combination of probes. On the other hand Nessus takes the open ports into account and notifies you if these ports have potential security vulnerabilities attached to them. Nessus is typically installed on a server and runs as a web–based application. Nessus uses plugins to determine if a vulnerability is present on a specified machine. 2. Which scanning application is better for performing a ... Show more content on ... What is the source IP address of the Cisco Security Appliance device (refer to page 6 of the pdf report)? 7. How many IP hosts were identified in the Nessus® vulnerability scan? List them. 8. While Nessus provides suggestions for remediation steps, what else does Nessus provide that can help you assess the risk impact of the identified software vulnerability? Through passive monitoring, PVS can reveal devices and software on the network that are not authorized, or that may indicate a network compromise. 9. Are open ports necessarily a risk? Why or why not? They are a risk because a trojan can be used to transmit data to an attacker. They hold a port open, e.g. Port 31337. The attacker connects to the trojan and sends requests to do a certain task, for example to make a screenshot. The trojan makes the screenshot and sends the image via the port to the attacker. On newer trojans, the port number is quite freely configurable, which makes identifying the trojan by the port number difficult. There are no control mechanisms available which can prevent a trojan from using an specific port. If a trojan does use the port 80, for instance, a novice user could imagine the program is a webserver, and may even simply ignore the port. 10. When you identify a known software vulnerability, where can you go to assess the risk impact of the software vulnerability? Nessus can detect thousands of problems, and it classifies each as one of ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. How Technology Has Changed The Way Users Work ABSTRACT Computing technology has changed the way users work, learn and play–More businesses have gone online. They have turned into a vital piece of our regular presence. These computer system are vulnerable against various internal/external threats like malware in both homes business and environments and this has rapidly escalated firmly over the past several years. Information in this systems needs to be protected from intruders because it's an essential asset in the organisation. Three basic important things need to be supplied is integrity confidentiality and availability of information. The diversity of risk to the network computing by disenchanted attacks has intensely maximised worldwide. This is according to the U.S federal bureau of investigation .The digital attacks globally have reached 20,000 in January causing more than 8 billion dollars damage (Mueller, 2003). Risk assessment simply means looking at each specific task and considering the best way to complete it.This assists to be aware of the hazards involved in performing the task and something done to prevent injury. To assess risk, one first need to identify the hazards (that is, tools, equipment's, materials and work method); Secondly, to decide who might be harmed and how. In addition, evaluate the risk and put measures to control the risk. Also, record the discovery and implement them and finally analyse the evaluation and update as necessary. Keywords:–risk assessment, computing technology, malware, ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Threat Assessment of Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Essay Threat Assessment of Ping Sweeps and Port Scans Ping sweeps and port scans are two techniques that a malicious computer user such as a hacker can utilize to compromise an Enterprise networks security and gain access to their proprietary data. For example, private email messages can be forwarded to a rogue destination email address: Done by installing a virus program into a user's email client through a discovered active computers open TCP/IP IMAP port (port number 143) that is not being currently used by that user (Clarke, 2008). The virus then could take advantage of security vulnerabilities in that users email client program and forward emails from that users inbox over to another destination email address without them knowing about ... Show more content on ... Port Scanning Port scanning is technique used to identify any open or closed Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) network communication ports or services on a network host device. For example, port number 110 is assigned to Post Office Protocol three (POP3) for email client application communications on a network. There can be up to 65,000 ports any one computer or host device and any unused open ports as determined by a port scan may allow a malicious user unauthorized access to it. This is akin to an open window in a house whereas a burglar can gain access to it ("Facts about port," ). Also, accessive port scanning can lead to a denial of service (DoS) attack and not allow authorized users to access their data. Finally, there are again several utility tools available to perform port scanning such as Nmap as mentioned previously or SolarWinds Port scanner. Firewall To mitigate the security threat posed by ping sweeps and port scans it is highly recommended that firewall protection on all network hosts devices should be enabled to close any unused ports to protect them from unauthorized access. Also, is recommended that the use of a firewall server to protect the network from any outside intruders be used as well. In conclusion, ping sweeping and port scanning can threaten the security of a Business Enterprises network and steps ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Difference Between The Kala Virtual Image And The Xp... KALI VERSES XP In this lab report I will be discussing both the Kali Virtual Image as well as the XP Security Image. I will also emphasize on three particular tools of my liking related to each image and speak in detail of what those tools do and how they might help a security practitioner in a security operations center. Kali Linux: Kali Linux is a Linux distribution which is primarily for the security service such as like digital forensics and penetration testing. It comes on pre–loaded and pre–installed versions of over 500 testing platforms which are currently being used by millions of clients across the globe to securely certify their programs, applications, clients and web. [1] Currently, Kali Linux offering is extended to ... Show more content on ... This type of search use case is useful in identifying the tables and entries with confidential/certified data which can be a huge loss in case of an attack. The most important functionality that it offers is that it can help create an out–of–band stateful TCP connection between the attacker and the database which can then help us emulate an actual scenario where the system is under attack. These are the various ways in which sqlmap gives us a way to protect and secure our database servers underlying the operation system of our web and mobile applications from a potential cyber security t. Reaver: Reaver implements a robust and practical brute force attack targeting a Wi–Fi Protected Setup (WPS) enabled router. It uses all the permutations and combinations on 6–digit pins to obtain the passphrases out of it. [5] It can crack wps pins extremely quickly with the time for default configured pin averaging around 3–5 seconds. Usage: Run reaver is used to test wireless penetration for Wi–Fi enabled applications and or web servers. It can take seconds or hours based on the target network. It may vary based on the password length field as well as the pin configuration restrictions. Once we have the passphrases obtained by reaver for our use case and the time taken for doing so, we can evaluate the general design for the password security for our application and the amount of bounding restrictions we ask the user to take care of ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Ceh Cheat Sheet Footprinting The phases of an attack 1. Reconnaissance Information gathering, physical and social engineering, locate network range 2. Scanning – Enumerating Live hosts, access points, accounts and policies, vulnerability assessment 3. Gaining Access Breech systems, plant malicious code, backdoors 4. Maintaining Access Rootkits, unpatched systems 5. Clearing Tracks IDS evasion, log manipulation, decoy traffic Information Gathering 1. Unearth initial information What/ Who is the target? 2. Locate the network range What is the attack surface? 3. Ascertain active machines What hosts are alive? 4. Open ports / access points How can they be accessed? 5. Detect operating systems What platform are they? 6. Uncover ... Show more content on ... The C&CC is either a chatroom on IRC, or can even be a distributed system of infected machines. DDoS Tools Trinoo One of the first to demonstrate "Master/slave" DDoS attacks Tribal Flood Network Could launch several DoS attacks from distributed positions at the same time TFN2K Bug fixes and updates to the original TFN Stacheldraht Means "Barbed Wire" in German Agobot A modular IRC bot, many derivatives have been created from this code Nuclear Bot Developed by "Nuclear Winter Crew" and written in Delphi, many features Domain Name Service DNS is critical in the footprinting of a target network. It can sometimes save the attacker a lot of time, or at least corroborate other information that has been gathered. DNS is also a target for several types of attack. Fields in the SOA record: (Time in seconds) 1882919 7200 3600 14400 2400 Serial Refresh Retry Expiry TTL Requesting a zone transfer nslookup; ls –d example.dom dig @ns1.example.dom AXFR host –t AXFR example.dom ns1.example.dom Using Whois whois example.dom Regional Internet Registrars ARIN (North America) APNIC (Asia Pacific Region) LACNIC (Southern and Central America and Caribbean) RIPE NCC (Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia) AfriNIC (Africa) Attacks against DNS servers Zone transfers Information gathering shortcut Zone poisoning Breach the primary server and alter the zone file to corrupt the domain Cache poisoning Send ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Internet Census 2012 Dataset: Ethical Issues Katherine Carpenter, David Dittrich, & Manish Karir in The Internet Census 2012 Dataset: An Ethical Examination express many issues within the examination of weak passwords and the solutions in which an individual or a company should undergo in order to mitigate the issue. The article begins with the speakers discussing the issue of "the default password problem" which expresses that utilizing a weak password is not good in terms of security. The speakers expressing a disdain pensive tone regarding this issue that users continuously experience. The speakers expands on the ideas that many home–users that have computer systems do not really know how vulnerable their computers are to the invasion of privacy due to having a weak password. The speakers expresses that having a weak password is a keen problem that needs to be addressed. The stigma with this issue will not go away because the author explains that "the current circumstances minimize engineering and support expenses by externalizing the cost of properly securing these devices" which ultimately place users in a dangerous situation (Carpenter, Dittrich, & Karir, 2015). ... Show more content on ... In the article, the speakers expresses a demonstration on how "to use this same method – the nmap Scripting Engine – to find and brute–force guess the password to his remotely accessible web cam" which is a large problem (Carpenter, Dittrich, & Karir, 2015). This issue is a problem for everyday society due to the idea that an individual cannot be safe nor have adequate privacy. When the invasion of an individual's privacy is taken away, their freedom and sense of rights are being ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Nt1310 Unit 6 Lab Summary This lab provided a virtual environment that simulated a corporate WAN network. Having a similar network environment at the organization I am currently employed at, I have some experience with vulnerability scanning. I do not have much experience using the nmap utility however, so I was interested to get some experience by completing the tasks within this lab. I didn't experience many challenges following the steps in the lab itself. I was able to launch the environment successfully and perform the steps without any issue. As with any new environment, it took me a little time to figure out the layout of the simulation and how it functioned. After reading the documentation and spending about ten minutes clicking through the different areas, I felt comfortable and began the steps of the lab. Once I began following the steps of the lab, I only ran into three minor issues. The first issue was that I seemed unable to double click icons and folders on the desktop of the virtual machines in the environment. As a workaround, I simply used the right click mouse functionality to open folders and launch the preconfigured RDP files. The second issue I experienced was that some of the nmap commands seem to hang and become unresponsive. However, once I used the Control–c command or hit enter, the completed output would appear in the screen. ... Show more content on ... Utilizing two simple command switches, –O and –v, provided a wealth of information about the host system. Most notably, it listed all of the open ports, protocols, and the operating system of the target system. This quick gathering of information enabled the execution of more detailed commands against specific ports to expose specific vulnerabilities. This information can then be used to address any specific vulnerabilities that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Phase 2 : Lab Analysis The "Phase 2: Scanning" portion of the lab instructions were very confusing as they give commands to research and test but this portion of the lab has no interconnectivity to the internet. After much wasted time and talking to the lab assistances, it was noted that the students weren't supposed to test in this environment but it was just information only and bringing up the help file. To offset and further understand this, the student set up a separate lab environment using Virtual Box with a Kali iso. All the main commands were tested with some different variation of options on a number of sites; (the students own personal IP address but with no website),, and Figure 10 demonstrates the ... Show more content on ... The only thing better than gaining access to a system and keeping it is the ability to do it covertly or without anyone knowing what you did. In speaking with covert officers from the CIA who break into many kinds of locks and security, I found that lock picking is not the preferred method because you have to pick the lock open and then pick the lock closed again. Their mission is to work covertly and if someone knows they were there, it is a failed mission. According to the CEH prep exam book, "Hackers are much like other criminals in that they would like to be sure to remove all evidence of their activities. This might include using rootkits or other tools to cover their tracks. Other hackers might hunt down log files and attempt to alter or erase them" (Gregg, 2006). Covering tracks is maintaining a security awareness by sniffing internal systems for new counter measures could be an ongoing process to stay ahead of security. Appendix B Results. The second part of this lab is the actual exercise where the student will use the penetration testing tools and perform more active reconnaissance, and demonstrate gaining access through exploits found. Again, all step by step instructions can be found in Appendix B. The following are a summary and specific results that are called out in the lab. Part 1 is mainly set up and getting used to a tool called "httrack" to scrap or duplicate a known website we are using ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Designing The Styles Gallery On The Home Tab Title 1 ABSTRACT To take advantage of this template's design, use the Styles gallery on the Home tab. You can format your headings by using heading styles, or highlight important text using other styles, like Emphasis and Intense Quote. These styles come in formatted to look great and work together to help communicate your ideas. Go ahead and get started. 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 ETHICAL HACKING Ethical hacking is the view of the IT infrastructure of an organization through the eyes of a hacker. The aim is to test the strength of the protection of the target. Ethical hacking is usually done on the basis of pre–agreed agreements on how to deal with the vulnerabilities found. This can vary from just a reporting up to the actual exploit or fix the leak. 2.2 PHASES OF HACKING Foot Print Scanning Enumeration Access erase Tracks Create Backdoors 2.2.1 Foot Print The purpose of foot print is to obtain general information about a target through public information on websites, directories, the Yellow Pages. Useful information include names and addresses of employees, phone numbers, job titles and organization charts. This information will be used for the hack itself or for social engineering. Foot print is about information gathering of the potential target e.g, address and name data. The collection of information is essential prior to the hack operation. It is important to make sure that nothing is overlooked. The techniques that are used for information gathering are ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Security For The Networked Environment The overall security for the networked environment is weak, and the team was able to move quickly through the information system and gain system level access on most of the attached hosts, within the scope of the penetration test. Had the organization been equipped with a firewall, the ability to conduct the following test would have become a more difficult task. However, because packets can move freely, the systems provide more data than they should. Secondly the team identified the requirement to segment the network. In its current configuration, Appendix B, the organization is easily exploitable. Coupled with a firewall, a segmented Local Area Network, and firewall to filter the local area traffic, the organization becomes a more ... Show more content on ... However, we noticed telnet services is currently open, opening the possibility for an adversarial agent to conduct replay attacks,using captured users names and passwords. Lastly, the team rummaged through the exploited system, but found nothing of value. The .40 System Utilizing the same exploits found on .60, the team managed to exploit .40. No different than the previous system, the team managed to achieve system level access utilizing the getsystem command. On its second exploit, the team again used the MS03_026 exploit, and again the system was compromised. Nothing of value was recovered from the machine, and the passwords were not cracked during the allotted amount of time. With most of its services closed, the .40 system only presented these two potential avenues of approach. Unlike, the .60 machine, the team FTP service was closed on the machine minimizing the client's overall footprint. System maintenance, and patch management will reduce the issues found with these two systems. Unpatched systems remain open potentially allowing attackers to exploit unnecessarily. Regarding the FTP service, the service is always a potential threat. If possible the organization adopts SSH as the organization's transfer protocol, due to its encryption capabilities. The team will later present an attack via SSH, but such a vulnerability itself is easily mitigated. .20 Exploit Moving to the .20 host, the team was able ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Security Of Information Security This document is only a brief synopsis of the ever–expanding and demanding field of information security. It contains explanations, screenshots or visual cues, and tips on multiple subjects such as system defenses, reducing vulnerabilities, and the presence of malicious threats. Smaller areas, such as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, are also covered because they are very significant in the security of information. While vulnerability assessment is a necessity, penetration testing is purely an option to the security engineer. What is Information Security ? Information security is often defined as the security or assurance of information and it requires the ability to maintain the authenticity of the information. The three common components of information security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability and they form an essential base for the overall picture of information security. Confidentiality is perhaps one of the most common aspects of information security because any information that is withheld from the public within the intentions to only allow access to authorized individuals is confidential. Encryption is often used to maintain the confidentiality of information as encryption is one of multiple methods of access control and Microsoft BitLocker is an example of access control–encryption feature. Although TrueCrypt is no longer a secure method of protecting data, I will discuss it further in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Swot Analysis : Inventive Restorative And Pharmaceutical... Background Summary. CMRG is a startup research and development industry. Following five years of phenomenal achievement in the advancement of inventive restorative and pharmaceutical products it is on its way to becoming a major player in the medical research and development industry. Because of its success, CMRG has likewise turned into a notable focus for cybercriminals whose principle objective is trying to steal its intellectual property and sell its contenders. It is suspected that the corporate network has been attacked from unapproved sources more than once. In 2012, CMRG was dishonestly blamed for exploitative innovative work hones. Numerous attacks on the company have brought about defacement of its public website with Denial of ... Show more content on ... The use of these security measures and tools will mitigate any form of attacks and limit open doors of vulnerability. Security Auditing Tools. There are several security penetration tools such as Nmap, Nessus, core impact, canvas, Metasploit framework etc. that companies and corporate institutions can implement to mitigate against the risk of any security breachs and attacks. These tools help expose vulnerabilities in any company's internal and external networks, minimizing attacks and breaches. One of such recommended tools CMRG can take advantage of is the Metasploit Framework by Rapid7. The Metasploit Framework is the cornerstone on which the commercial products are developed. It is an open source development that provides the infrastructure, contents, and tools to execute penetration tests and wide–ranging security evaluation. The Metasploit Framework includes an official Java–based GUI and also Armitage. It offers penetration testing software and tools for automating the assessment of an application vulnerability and its fix. Metasploit Framework has a built–in of Anti–forensic and advanced evasion tools that allow a will be attacker to evade IPS/IDS and firewalls. (TechTarget) This Framework (Metasploit) was formerly designed as a portable network tool by HD Moor in 2003. It was however acquired in 2009 by a computer security company Rapid7 with additional features and versions ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Lab 2 Performing A Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet Essay Assessment Worksheet Performing a Vulnerability Assessment CSS150–1502A–02 : Introduction to Computer Security Course Name and Number: _____________________________________________________ Johnathan McMullen Student Name: ________________________________________________________________ Stephen Osborne Instructor Name: ______________________________________________________________ Lab Due Date: ________________________________________________________________ Overview In this lab, you used Nmap commands within the Zenmap application to scan the virtual network and identify the devices on the network and the operating systems and services running on them. You also used OpenVAS to conduct a vulnerability assessment and record the high risk ... Show more content on ... Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing Web site? CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. The Mitre Corporation , under contract with the Department of Homeland Security (sponsor) and the U.S. National Cyber Security Division (sponsor), is responsible for hosting the CVE database listing web site. The CVE listing is a database of known software vulnerabilities and exposures and how to mitigate them with 5. Can Zenmap detect which operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? software patches and updates. Which option includes that scan? The –O command enables OS fingerprinting for OS detection.You can also use the –sV command to detect software version and the OS 6. How can you limit the breadth and scope of a vulnerability scan? You can use a text file, which will list only the hosts detected in the Nmap scan. 7. Once a vulnerability has been identified by OpenVAS, where would you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and any risk mitigation solution? The CVE references found at the bottom of the vulnerability table.
  • 68. 8. What is the major difference between Zenmap and OpenVAS? The second step of the ethical hacking process typically consists of two parts: port scanning and vulnerability assessment. Zenmap (Nmap) is used to perform an initial IP host discovery as well as scan for ports/services. OpenVAS is used to scan for vulnerabilities. It also can perform an audit of Unix, Windows, ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Vulnerability Penetration Test This report presents the results of the vulnerability assessment and penetration test of Penhaligon's network infrastructure and company website. The purpose of this assessment is to identify website and network level security issues that could compromise the confidentiality of customer data on Penhaligon's servers and to provide any evidence of security issues for a forthcoming security audit. This report details the scope of testing conducted, all significant findings along with detailed remedial advice. The summary below provides the key findings and relates these back to business impacts. Section two of this report relates the key findings. Section three of this report highlights potential control areas where Penhaligon may want to invest ... Show more content on ... However, when access to the Penhaligon is obtained as a result of the testing, the penetration tester may elect to continue exploring inside the network and further the attack against other systems within the Penhaligon and may also include testing any data–loss prevention controls that are in place. Testing may include locations of cardholder data, applications that store, process, or transmit cardholder data, critical network connections, access points, and other targets appropriate for the complexity and size of the organization. This should include resources and assets (i.e., any resource or asset that allows an attacker to obtain the credentials with access to or a route into the Penhaligon) utilized by users responsible for maintaining the systems that store, process, or transmit cardholder data or by users with the ability and authority to access cardholder ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. An Report On An Industrial Control System An industrial control system (ICS) includes the devices and systems that are used to manage industrial production and operation. ICSs include systems that monitor different types of utilities, such as gas, electrical, water, and sewage (Chapple & Seidl, 2015, p. 243). The ICSs are an attractive target for an APT because damaging or destroying an ICS can have a crippling effect on a wide region. To counteract the malicious goal of the enemy and protect its resources and weapons, the military often utilizes a Kill Chain, sometimes referred to as a kinetic Kill Chain. The concept of a Kill Chain is best described as a series of steps that involves finding a target, tracking it, and eventually attacking it with the intent to either damage or ... Show more content on ... He can do it by looking for publicly available information on the Internet." (p. 1). The APT probably used Active Reconnaissance to gather information about the computers connected to the power plant network. It amassed useful information by using common Internet tools and services. By using port scans, the APT was able to discover the ports that were opened on the servers, which subsequently revealed the services that were running on the servers. At that point, the APT could have attacked the vulnerable ports to gain access to the computer systems. The APT also might have taken advantage of the Passive Reconnaissance techniques to attack its target. By using tools, such as NSLOOKUP, TRACERT and WHOIS database, the APT could have gathered information about the domain names, computer names, IP addresses, DNS resource records, host names, SMTP servers, and Web servers. Once the APT had gathered all the data, it could have used more advance tools like NMAP. Tools such as NMAP allow the use of TCP fingerprinting, which could have led to the discovery of the operating systems that were running on computers at the power plant. The APT could have also used TELNET, FTP and HTTP to gain information about the Web servers, browsers, plugins, etc. With information on operating systems, open vulnerable ports, and the services at its disposal, the APT could have launched a DDoS, buffer overflow exploits, and other attacks against the target. The first step in the Cyber Kill Chain is ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay On Wireshark And Nmap Vulnerability Assessment Tools Lookman Omisore UMUC CST 610 The use of Wireshark and Network Mapper (Nmap) vulnerability assessment tools will identify potential flaws in the Microsoft and Linux operating systems. In order for an attacker to breach into the computer system; the attacker needs to either be using the Wireshark or Nmap tool. First, a machine needs to selected by using a variety of techniques like port scanning and so forth. Once the targeted system has been identified, the tool is initated and the attacker can sweep through the entire network for weaknesses and open network ports. Wireshark is an open source network packet analyzer that functions by capturing and displaying live network for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Wireshark ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Application Of A Penetration Testing Against `` My House... Chapter 3: Practical test "My House lab" Scenario. For this coursework I have decided to perform a penetration testing against "My House lab", to evaluate and improve my WLAN Infrastructure security. The scenario that I had examined is a WLAN Infrastructure Network using a Virgin Media Super Hub (Netgear) , with more than 10 devices connected . Looking on the internet about the router model I own I could make an interesting discovery. I found an article written by an expert in computer security, Paul Moore, dating back to March 2014(Paul Moore,2014). This guy, a year ago, had found a flaw inside the super hub of VirginMedia. Indeed reboot the router took 1 minute to start well, and in this minute for seven seconds was able to access the WiFi network without the need for key. Fortunately Paul contacted the Virgin who in turn contacted the Netgear to try to resolve the issue with the release of a new firmware. Now the problem is resolved,however is an interesting issue happened, because sometimes, our security depends not only on us and what we can do to protect it and keep it. Sometimes there may be larger obstacles, as in this case an error of firmware that we can circumvent but not eliminate (until the company responsible is not able to patch it). Methodologies I adopted different steps to performing penetration testing that is effective in testing how well the "My House lab"is secure. I have used different softwares such as NMap , Wareshark, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The New River Guitars Ise Deployment Executive Summary The purpose of this document is to provide New River Guitars with detailed documentation of the ISE 1.2 deployment performed during October and November, 2013. This document will encompass business and technical requirements, methodology, design, and specific configurations for the ISE deployment. The New River Guitars ISE deployment will leverage ISE version 1.2 software in VMware virtual machines. A distributed ISE deployment will be utilized placing nodes in the Phoenix and Nashville data centers. Each data center will house an administrative node (PAN), a monitoring node (MnT), and two policy service nodes (PSN). The PAN and MnT in Phoenix data center are the primary devices. The PSNs are placed behind an F5 ... Show more content on ... Per New River Guitars' requirements, the wired deployment will initially be in monitor mode. This will allow users who fail authentication to be granted access to the network. Authorization Profiles that are in use only Permit Access and do not Deny network access. ISE can be transitioned to an low–impact or closed mode to require users to authenticate and authorize via ISE before being granted access to the network. Low Impact and closed mode will be tested on lab ISE nodes and test switches. An authorization rule for Mac Authentication Bypass (MAB) was created. Devices without 802.1x supplicants are authenticated against the MAB policy and then profiled. Once the device is profiled a new authorization policy is created based upon the profiled endpoint identity and inserted above the MAB rule in authorization policies. The intention of this is to profile and categorize every device on the New River Guitars network. 2. Design Requirements The primary requirements for this design are listed below to permit or deny users or devices network access based on defined criteria. 2.1 Business Requirements ● Design a solution to authenticate, authorize and profile New River Guitars workstations using wired connections based on a machine certificate using EAP–TLS ● Authenticate, authorize and profile New River Guitars wired devices that do ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. The Security Of A Home Network Technology Report Yu Lun Chou 1730799 MADS 6638 Computer Security Admin. George Thucydides 4/26/2016 Table of content Introduction Inventory Vulnerability Test Protection Support Incident Response Introduction Information play an essential role in everywhere. For a company, in order to run the company well, information management is a necessary skill, and leaking information, odds are , causes significant damage to the company. Even though a private network will not have as great damage as an organization, people like to keep their privacy. Therefore, the security of a home network is as important as the security of a company, and it is more universal. Hence this article will present how to built a ... Show more content on ... It provides for home, business, and school, and it provides free and payable products for different feature. According to the website Avast! Review – Top Antivirus Software, the free download version offers virus and malware detection, integrated password manager, and browser cleanup. In addition, Rubenking, a world–spanning purveyor of free antivirus protection, marks Avst high score in their independent lab tests and antiphishing test (2015). Different options for different feature with different price ↑ The feature list in different versions ↑ From the website About Adblock Plus, " Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to – among other things – block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware"(2016). There are more illustration about the feature of Adblock Plus from the same website: allow acceptable ads, disable social media buttons, and typo protection (2016). Due to people experience the inconvenience while surfing the internet the ads pops out and the more important point the adware attack, using Adblock Plus is the appropriate
  • 81. choice. The Schematic diagram of Adblock Plus ↑ After installing Avast and Adblock Plus online, it shows in extensions ↑ Moreover, Avast and Adblock Plus are available from the internet and it is free. Therefore, people can reinstall these softwares anytime. Vulnerability Test According to the lecture Network Security Assessment(2007), in order to eliminate the risk of vulnerabilities, ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Vulnerability Assessment ( Va ) 1. Introduction Security is a standout amongst the most difficult and complex issue in Information Technology (IT) today. Security causes millions of dollars loss to the different organizations every year. Even if 99% of all assaults result from known vulnerabilities and flawed misconfigurations, an answer is most certainly not direct. With a crowd of networks, operating system and application related vulnerabilities, security specialists are getting the opportunity to be logically aware of the need to review and direct potential security dangers on their network and systems. This requires a more effective and insightful way to deal with sustaining the project. Vulnerability Assessment (VA) is the procedure of identifying, quantifying, measuring and organizing dangers connected with system and host–based network to reduce its risk to the system. Vulnerability Assessment (VA) tools permit customization of security strategy, computerized examination of vulnerabilities, and formation of reports that helps to discover security vulnerability. Network around the world is connected through various hardware and application. Different types of connections are used to connect network around the world. Many organizations and companies are using different types of network connected to the internet to flourish their business related activities. Network is mainly categorized into three forms: LAN, MAN and WAN. All these network are connected together to make an entire huge network around ... Get more on ...