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                Are you prepared?

                   Written By Charlotte Jewer

                   This handbook belongs to:
Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                           Are You Prepared?

1.0 INTRODUCTION AND HANDBOOK INSTRUCTIONS                                     4
1.1 INTRODUCTION                                                               4
1.2 HANDBOOK INSTRUCTIONS AND CONTRACT                                         5
1.3 UPDATE CALENDAR                                                            6

2.0 GETTING ORGANIZED: KNOW WHO IS ON YOUR SIDE                                7
2.1 SKILLS INVENTORY                                                      8-9
2.2 CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS TEAM ROLES (CCT)                                 10
2.3 TEAM MEMBER BIOGRAPHIES                                                11
    SAMPLE TEAM MEMBER BIOGRAPHIES                                         12
    BIOGRAPHIES LIST                                                    13-17
2.4 COMMUNICATIONS TEAM CONTACT LIST                                    18-20
2.5 ORGANIZATIONAL FLOW CHART                                              21
2.6 COMMUNICATIONS FLOW CHART                                              22
2.7 CCT TELEPHONE TREE                                                  23-24
2.8 TRAINING SCHEDULE                                                      25
2.9 BACKGROUNDER AND FACT SHEET                                            26
    BACKGROUNDER TEMPLATE                                                  27
    FACT SHEET TEMPLATE                                                    28
2.10 STAKEHOLDER SATELLITE                                                 29
      STAKEHOLDER SATELLITE TEMPLATE                                       30
2.11 STAKEHOLDER CONTACT SHEETS                                         31-40
      INVESTORS                                                            31
      CUSTOMERS/MEMBERS/DONORS                                             32
      EMPLOYEES AND UNION GROUPS                                           33
      FINANCIAL PLAYERS                                                    34
      COMMUNITY LEADERS                                                    35
      GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS                                                 36
      KEY SUPPLIERS/RETAILERS                                              37
      FAMILIES OF EMPLOYEES                                                38
      INDUSTRY PARTNERS                                                    39
      AFFILIATED ASSOCIATIONS                                              40

3.0 ISSUES MANAGEMENT: WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?                          41

3.1 STEP 1: IDENTIFY POTENTIAL PROBLEMS                                       42
            SWOT ANALYSIS                                                     43
3.2 STEP 2: VERIFY THE SITUATION                                              44
3.3 STEP 3: ASSESS THE CRISIS LEVEL                                           46
           CRISIS INTENSITY CHART                                             47


4.1 STEP 1: IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE                      50
            INTERNAL AUDIENCES MAP                             51
            EXTERNAL AUDIENCES MAP                             52
            TARGET AUDIENCE CONTACT SHEET                   53-54
            SMART OBJECTIVES CHART                             56
4.3 STEP 3: APPROVE A STRATEGY AND TACTICS                     57
            STRATEGY MAP                                       58
            KEY MESSAGES CHART                              59-60
4.6 STEP 6: FINAL PLANNING CHECKLIST                           63

5.0 MEDIA RELATIONS: HOW TO HANDLE THE MOB                       64

5.1 CONSTRUCT A MEDIA LIST                                     64
     DAILY NEWSPAPERS                                          65
     COMMUNITY AND SPECIALITY NEWSPAPERS                       66
     MAGAZINES                                                 67
     TELEVISION                                                68
     RADIO                                                     69
     ONLINE COMMUNITY                                          70
5.2 IDENTIFY A SPOKESPERSON                                    71
5.3 TRAIN YOUR SPOKESPERSON                                 72-73
5.4 SAMPLE DOCUMENTS                                           74
     5.5 NEWS RELEASE TEMPLATE                                 76
     5.6 MEDIA ADVISORY TEMPLATE                               77
     5.7 HOLDING STATEMENT TEMPLATE                            78
     5.8 EMPATHY STATEMENT TEMPLATE                            79
     5.9 FAQ LIST                                              80
5.10 MEDIA CENTRE                                              81
5.11 LOGISTICS CHECKLIST                                       82
5.12 LOCATION RESEARCH                                         83
5.13 CONTACT LOG                                            84-85
5.14 MEDIA MONITORING LOG                                      86
5.15 POTENTIAL PITFALLS                                        87


6.1 EVALUATION                                                   88
    SMART OBJECTIVE EVALUAITON                                   89
6.2 BUDGETING                                                    90
6.3 CHANGING THE CONVERSATION                                    9O
    CSR BRAINSTORMING SATELLITE                                  91

BUDGETARY EVALUATION                                        92-94

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                Are You Prepared?
1.0 Introduction and handbook instructions

1.1 Introduction
Life is unpredictable - while things might be going according
to plan today, tomorrow is another story.

A crisis can come in many forms - a precarious economy, moody
Mother Nature, mechanical failure, and human loss or human error, can all
present serious complications for any organization at any time. While all of these
circumstances are out of anyone’s control, how you handle the fallout is what will
either save or sink the ship.

While crisis communications planning has always been on the radar for most
organizations, in today’s fast-paced globally connected world, citizens and
consumers are more savy, vocal, and in-tune than ever before. There is a demand
for transparency and organizations must be prepared to be open and honest with
the general public.

This handbook is meant to help you and your organization prepare for a storm. In
the world of crisis communications, preparedness can equal success. It is about
building the right team, knowing your audience, creating strategic messages, and
guiding the media. Much of this work can be done before a crisis hits, letting you
act quickly, confidently, and effectively. Consequently, it is how you behave in the
first few hours of a crisis that proves to be critical in minimizing the damage done
to your business and most importantly, your reputation.

1.2 Handbook instructions and contract
This handbook can be used as your guide to help you create a comprehensive
crisis communications plan and team for your organization. It will be your job to
be the crisis communications team leader, or CCTL, to take-charge of compiling
information and completing the templates provided in this handbook. It will also
be your job to act as the knowledge centre of your crisis communications team,
expecting the unexpected.

As the CCTL, you must keep a copy of your completed plan both at the office and
offsite. It is important to note that finalized plans also need to be maintained in
both electronic and paper formats at each location in order to be effective.

As a primary rule, your crisis communications plan must be kept up-to-date at all
times. On a regular basis, when the contact details of crisis communications team
members change, it is extremely important that you amend your contact list as
these changes occur.
(More on building your contact list under “Getting organized.”)

Additionally, your entire crisis plan must be reviewed on a semi-annual basis –
updates on June 15 and December 15 are recommended as favourable times.
Circumstances are always changing both within and outside of your organization,
and you must be sure that you have accounted for these changes, big and small.

It will be your responsibility as the CCTL to make sure that all identified crisis
team members have a copy of the plan along with key emergency response
partners in the event of a crisis. After all, the documents and details contained in
your plan will not only help you save your organization’s reputation, but in critical
circumstances, it can also save lives.

I _______________________________________________, am responsible for filling
out the templates in this crisis communications handbook in full.

I will review my plan on (DATES)__________________________ and

__________________________ along with all other CCT members on a regular
semi- annual basis, committing to make necessary changes to the plan as they
may occur.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                           Are You Prepared?

1.3 Update calendar
What documents need to be reviewed on these dates?
      •   Contact lists
      •   Backgrounder and fact sheets
      •   CCT member biographies
      •   SWOT analysis
      •   Communication strategies
*Templates are provided for each document throughout the handbook.

2.0 Getting organized: Know who is on your side
                  Every home, school, business, community centre etc., is
                  strongly advised to have an emergency procedure plan in
                  place. While this type of careful preparation is widely practiced,
                  building a working crisis communications plan should also
                  become a common exercise. Before any damaging crisis
scenarios come to fruition, is it important to get organized.

In order to do so, this section will highlight a list of important documents that
must be fully completed and kept in active files.

       •   Skills inventory
       •   Crisis communications team roles (CCT)
       •   Team member biographies
       •   Communications team contact list
       •   Organizational flow chart
       •   Communications flow chart
       •   CCT telephone tree
       •   Training schedule
       •   Backgrounder and fact sheet
       •   Stakeholder satellite
       •   Stakeholder contact sheets

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                Are You Prepared?

2.1 Skills inventory
Who do you call when disaster strikes? Answering this question will allow you to
build a competent and reliable team of allies that will work together to stabilize
the situation and repair the damage done. When choosing these individuals, ask
yourself what their strengths and weaknesses are both in and out of the
workplace allowing you to build a skills inventory.

       • Who is a strong writer?
       • Who knows how to talk to the media?
       • Who has the ability to think on their feet in creative and
         intelligent ways?
       • Who knows your organization inside and out?

By collecting this type of information from your colleagues, it will be easy for you
to compile a team of people that compliment each other and bring new talents to
the team. While most of your team members will come from a communications
background, don’t be afraid to look outside of your department for help.

*Use the template on the following page to find three possible candidates for
each skill.

Skills inventory

 Required skill/experience       Candidates
Strong writing

Media relations experience

Social media experience

Creative and strategic thinker

Internal operations knowledge

External operations knowledge

Human resources training

Financial expert

Legal expertise

Technical and computer skills

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                               Are You Prepared?

2.2 Crisis communications team roles (CCT)
The size of your team will depend on the size of your organization, however; the
following are key roles that need to be delegated. Based on the information
collected in your skills inventory and upon agreement of each suitable candidate,
assign the best nominee to each role.

                    Crisis communications team roles

                 Role                          Name and current title


Senior Advisor

Executive Leader


Internal Affairs Coordinator

External Affairs Coordinator

Media Relations Officer

Social Media Specialist

Financial Officer

Information Technology Specialist

Human Resources Specialist and
Family Liaison

Legal Council

2.3 Team member biographies
Once the members of your CCT have been carefully chosen, you must compile a
brief biography on each team member that covers:

       •   Their history with your organization,
       •   Their occupational specialties,
       •   Why they were chosen for their CCT position, and
       •   Any other experience they might have in dealing with a crisis
The media will inevitably be looking for this information when a crisis hits to add a
personal angle to their reports. It is imperative that you create these biographies
in preparation for a crisis, as this information will be extremely difficult to gather
in an emergency situation. (Including a professional photo for each team member
is an added bonus for reporters.)

*Pay special attention to the biography of your executive leader and
spokesperson. These people will have direct contact with the media, therefore;
their biographies need to be especially accurate, informative, and sharply written.
(See more on this in “Media relations: How to handle the mob.”)

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                Are You Prepared?

Sample team member biographies

Leader – Ronald Smith
Ronald Smith has been with Company A as the head of the public relations
department for nine years. A specialist in communications planning and brand
development, Mr. Smith’s organizational skills and advanced knowledge of
Company A’s clientele, have made him the lead of the crisis communications
Mr. Smith was previously involved in the successful resolution of a product recall
in 2005, directing media relations and restoring the trust of key stakeholders.

Internal Affairs Coordinator – Donna Warren
Donna Warren began working with Company B as a sales manager in 1998. Her
superior team management skills and passion for Company B’s brand, propelled
Mrs. Warren to the position as operations officer of Company B’s eastern retail
department in 2007. Mrs. Warren’s thorough knowledge of the mechanics of
Company B’s operations, along with her exceptional interpersonal skills, make her
a strong internal affairs coordinator. Mrs. Warren successfully managed her sales
team through the regretful downsizing of the eastern retail division in 2000 with
grace and compassion.

Biographies list



                   Senior Advisor

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                   Are You Prepared?

         Executive Leader


    Internal Affairs Coordinator

External Affairs Coordinator

      Media Relations Officer

      Social Media Specialist

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                            Are You Prepared?

                  Financial Officer

    Human Resource Specialist and Family Liaison

          Information Technology Specialist

Legal Council

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                            Are You Prepared?

         2.4 Communications team contact list
         Most businesses and organizations are good at keeping track of employee and
                           member contact information. While the human resources
                           department might be the one to keep most of this information
                            organized, it is important for you to keep your own up-to-date
                            record of this information. It is vital to have the details of all
                            your CCT members close at hand, and it is also important to
                            have full contact information for all organization members
             ready in case of emergency.

         *This list must also include emergency contact information for your local fire
         department, police service, and regional hospital services.

         Your CCT contact list must include the following information:

 Name                              Address          Home #       Cell#          E-mail
               CCT role                                                                            Date

Joseph       Media Relations   52 Spruce Dr.        (613)      (613)     01/01/11
Brown                          Ottawa, ON K1S       234-5787   234-9908

Lisa Hill    Assistant Team    19 Falls Rd.         (613)      (613)        05/06/01
             Leader            Ottawa, ON K5N 7J6   667-4356   667-8327

         *Remember to keep both a paper and electronic version of this document at both
         your onsite crisis communications centre and at an external location.

Communications team contact list
Name     CCT role   Address    Home #   Contact #   E-mail          Date

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                  Are You Prepared?

Name   CCT role   Address   Home #      Cell #        E-mail           Date

2.5 Organizational flow chart
  Once you have built your team, it is important that you understand the
  hierarchical approval process that exists in your organization. Every organization
  has a chain of command that needs to be respected at all times – including in a
  time of crisis. While this is expected to alter slightly from normal day-to-day
  procedures, it is important to know who needs to approve of your messages and
  finalize details before anything is acted upon. Additionally, it is important to know
  what path you must follow when communicating information internally to
  employees, members, families, etc.

              Organizational Executive                Board of Directors

                                      CCT Leader

                                    CCT members

      Internal Relations Team      External Relations Team        Media Relations Team

Management          Human          Investors/Donors/Members          Spokespeople

  Internal         Employees         Government Contacts           Media contacts

                    Families           Clients/Suppliers

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                      Are You Prepared?

     2.6 Communications flow chart

     Along with your organizational flow chart, the direction of communications within
     your team is also necessary to define in preparation for a crisis situation. In order
     to avoid panic, CCT members must be placed on the communications flow chart in
     order to identify the order in which decisions are made, how information is
     disseminated and received, and what channels CCT members must follow in order
     to reach all members in an organized manner.

     *The Legal Councilor and the Information Technology Coordinator need to be
     directly consulted on a regular and uninhibited basis as the process unfolds.

                                      Executive Leader

                                        Senior Advisor

                                           CCT Leader

         Legal Council                   CCT Assistant            Information

                    Internal Affairs Coordinator          External Affairs Coordinator

Human Resources Specialist    Financial Officer          Media Relations Officer
  and Family Liaison

  Management                                       Spokesperson     Social Media Coordinator

2.7 CCT telephone tree
               When a crisis happens, time is of the essence - a telephone tree
               will allow a large number of phone calls to be made in a short
               period of time. When everyone shares in the responsibility of
               contacting at least two people, the calling process is completed
               more rapidly and accurately.

As the CCT Leader, your name will be on the top of this list. Build your tree based
on a “need to know” basis – create a hierarchy based on who needs to know what
information before someone else in the chain to effectively communicate your

Once your name is placed on the far left of the tree, follow the lines across where
you will add two new names and corresponding telephone numbers in each box
following your communications chain of command. By completing the telephone
tree template provided on the next page, each person will only have to contact
two new people, who each contact two people themselves, and so on, lessening
the burden on the team leader.

*Your executive leader, or CEO, will have to be informed directly by the team
leader, as the information given to the CEO needs to be as direct and accurate as
possible. This person should be at the top of your contact list.

To create an interactive version of your telephone tree, use an Excel template. In
such a template, each person should have three contacts each. By using simple
Excel formulas, members of your telephone tree can easily be replaced and
updated depending on a change of company position or to account for vacation
schedules etc.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                 Are You Prepared?

2.8 Training schedule

Now that your CCT has been assembled, it is important to conduct a training
exercise in order to get a feel for how well your team performs and to learn what
areas need to be improved. This activity should be scheduled twice a year, with
the same importance as fire drills and evacuation procedures.

Additionally, a media training session for your spokesperson and media relations
specialist will also need to be scheduled into your annual calendar. A media
training specialist will most likely need to be brought in from a local agency, as
this is a highly specialized discipline with training that needs to be conducted by
experienced experts.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                Are You Prepared?

2.9 Backgrounder and fact sheet
When a crisis hits and the media is on your doorstep, it is important to have your
facts straight. This includes having a finalized organizational backgrounder and
fact sheet at your disposal. These documents describe your organization, outline
your reason for being, and answer any anticipated questions the media or general
public may have allowing you to be prepared when the heat is on.

To create an effective backgrounder you should include:

       • A concise statement on the purpose of your organization and
         what issues/subjects/areas you cover
       • A historical overview of your operations along with your
         current activities
       • A brief overview of your organization’s structure and key
       • Touch upon your community relations activities
This document must be accurate and up-to-date and should be reviewed regularly
during your scheduled semi-annual meetings. Once finalized, your backgrounder
should be included in your news releases sent to the media during a crisis
situation. Including this information in your news release will allow you to provide
pertinent information about your company to the media quickly and accurately.

A fact sheet acts much the same way as a backgrounder written in a bullet-style
format. A fact sheet allows you to offer a reporter a shortcut to the information
they need in a hurry. Preparing such a document before a crisis strikes reduces
the need for you to personally answer common questions pertaining to your
organization in a time crunch.

Simply attach factual points on your organization’s history, operations,
products/services, community relations activities, key players, etc. to your news
releases allowing reporters to virtually cut and paste important points.

Backgrounder template

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                            Are You Prepared?

                           Fact sheet template

    • Organizational history and headquarters

    • Operations (local, national, international and industry size)

    • Products/services

    • Community relations initiatives

    • Key players (owners, senior management team)

2.10 Stakeholder satellite
Who could be affected by a crisis in your organization? This could include any or
all of the following groups:

       •   Investors
       •   Customers/members/donors
       •   Employees and union groups
       •   Key financial players such as bank officials, local banking
           representatives, and insurance representatives.
       •   Community leaders
       •   Government officials (elected and regulatory)
       •   Key suppliers/retailers
       •   Families of employees
       •   Industry partners
       •   Affiliated associations
It is extremely important to identify all stakeholders of your organization before a
crisis strikes to avoid overlooking any key players - neglecting any of these key
groups could cause them to lash-out and have a negative impact on your
operations. Use this satellite to brainstorm and place your stakeholders in order of
operational importance from the centre nucleolus outwards.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                  Are You Prepared?

    Stakeholder satellite

        Key stakeholders

2.11 Stakeholder contact sheets
  The stakeholder satellite is followed by a contact list for each group. Place the key
  contacts in descending order of importance to your organization.

Name     Organization       Position     Relationship Phone             E-mail         Date

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                      Are You Prepared?

Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone      E-mail      Date

Employees and union groups
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone   E-mail     Date

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                      Are You Prepared?

  Financial players
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone      E-mail      Date

Community leaders
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone   E-mail     Date

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                      Are You Prepared?

  Government officials
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone      E-mail      Date

Key Suppliers/retailers
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone   E-mail     Date

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                      Are You Prepared?

  Families of employees
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone      E-mail      Date

Industry partners
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone   E-mail     Date

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                      Are You Prepared?

  Affiliated associations
Name   Organization   Position   Relationship Phone      E-mail      Date

3.0 Issues management:
                  What could possibly go wrong?
                      There are a variety of unforeseen circumstances that could
                      arise at any given time within any type of organization.
                      While most crisis situations are out of anyone’s control, how
                      the crisis is handled will either save or ruin your
                      organization’s reputation. It is important to remember that
                      in today’s business world, the public perception of your
                      organization is one of the most important assets in
                      your portfolio.

According to Jo-Anne Polak, former senior vice-president of crisis communications
at Hill & Knowlton Ottawa, the very definition of a crisis directly relates to your
organization’s image: “A crisis is an event or series of events that can severely
damage the reputation of an organization and its ability to conduct business.”

In order to protect this valuable asset, a crisis situation needs to be handled with
great tact. As the premier rule, effective issues management is the best form of
crisis prevention. Following through these various steps of identification will allow
you to act proactively.

STEP 1: Identify potential problems
STEP 2: Verify the situation
STEP 3: Assess the crisis level
STEP 4: Determine the appropriate course of action

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                 Are You Prepared?

3.1 STEP 1: Identify potential problems
The ability to be proactive and anticipate potential problems before they arise can
greatly reduce the element of surprise. Therefore, the first step of issues
management is to identify potential problems by conducting a SWOT Analysis. By
reviewing your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats,
you have a better chance of predicting what issues could possibly arise.

Simply list in bullet points the strengths your organization has in your field along
with the corresponding weaknesses that are internal to your organization. Then
breakdown the opportunities that exist for your organization for growth and
expansion followed by threats you face from competitors or other external forces.

In order to gain additional insight into your organization, practitioners should be
actively conducting media monitoring activities, consulting both upper and lower
level management, studying other competitive organizations, and taking the
general temperature of your stakeholders.

When completed, the weaknesses and threats listed in your SWOT Analysis
should highlight potentially damaging scenarios that could be of crisis proportions
if left unaddressed.

SWOT analysis

          Strengths                         Weaknesses

• Strong community reputation      • Poor knowledge of local

          Opportunities                        Threats

• Partnership with local charity   • Union unrest

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                Are You Prepared?

3.2 STEP 2: Verify the situation
While acting proactively is important, sometimes a crisis cannot be predicted. The
following list of scenarios could adversely impact operations, financial stability,
and the underlying reputation of your organization. Possible crisis situations and
scenarios include, but are not limited to:

       Product/service/operation failures
       Product recall due to malfunction
       Product recall due to illness or death

       Industrial accident involving injuries
       Industrial accident involving death
       Exposure to harmful substances
       Power failures

       Civil disturbances
       Civil unrest
       Community evacuations
       Strikes and protests

       Financial crisis
       Major company layoffs
       Plant/branch closures
       Plummeting stocks
       Funding cutbacks

       Natural disasters
       Major storm damage

       Top-tier management issues
       Death or illness of management personnel
       Reputation damage

Each scenario will vary in intensity and severity, therefore; the communications
  practitioner must ask the following questions in all impending situations in order
  to determine the appropriate course of action:

What happened and where?

When did this happen?

Who is involved?

How did it happen?

What is currently being done?

  When collecting this data, it is also important to consider the following criteria in
  order to confirm the situation is indeed valid:

         • Has the situation been confirmed by a reliable source?
         • Do you have all the facts?
         • Is this an internal or external crisis?
         • Is information consistent from several sources?
         • Is there a clear consensus amongst stakeholders on the
           seriousness of the situation?
         • What other information do you need to know to put the event
           into perspective?

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                  Are You Prepared?

3.3 STEP 3: Assess the crisis level
In order to assess the communications response level, it is important to
determine the severity of the situation. A crisis could rock the very foundation of
your organization or it could be easily handled internally without any harm to
public perception, allowing you to get back to business as usual.

Using the chart below, evaluate the intensity of the crisis using the four level
identification system. For Levels 1 and 2, the crisis team should plan on ongoing
reviews of the situation, but the full crisis plan may not need to be implemented.
For any issues identified as a Level 3 or 4, the crisis team should be alerted
immediately and prepare for action.

Each level is determined not only by the obvious severity of the situation, but also
by the media attention received. However, while it is true that many crisis
situations can be handled internally and virtually go “under the radar” of public
awareness, it is always of highest importance to be honest and truthful with all
audiences during a difficult situation. Attempting to cover-up or underreport
matters of public safety will only result in legal battles, a loss of trust, and the
erosion of your organization’s reputation.

See the chart on the next page for crisis classifications.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                  Are You Prepared?

3.4 STEP 4: Determine the appropriate course of action

Level 1: In a Level 1 scenario, a media relations policy does not need to be
activated as the media are virtually unaware of the current situation as it pertains
to your organization. However, if the media does make a call, a brief statement
needs to be made to assure the public that the incident is under control.

Internal audience members such as the management team and employees
should be made aware of the issue through the human resources specialist along
with information on how the issue is being handled.

Stakeholders must be made aware of the situation and informed of what is
currently being done to mend the issue and get back to business as usual.

Level 2: In a Level 2 scenario, the public is aware of the situation, but no harm
has been done to your organization’s reputation. The procedure for a Level 1
situation must be followed in such a scenario in addition to media outreach to
assure that you and your CCT stay ahead and in control of the story.

As the media have now become more active in the pursuit of information, a news
release must be issued in order to give reporters accurate and timely information
on the issue. (Templates are provided in Media Relations: How to Handle the

Level 3: The intensity of the situation has now mounted to a troubling height in
a Level 3 crisis scenario. Public outrage is beginning to mount and stakeholders
grow concerned about the health of their assets. Actions need to be taken to quell
public unrest and anger.

It is now imperative that at this level, a more forceful media relations plan needs
to be put into action. CCT members need to be on high alert and are expected to
be available at any time.

Level 4: At this level of crisis, a major shock to your organization has caused
the full attention of all your internal and external publics to be fully drawn to the
issue at hand.

Your CEO must provide a public address of empathy and caring to the media at
large to demonstrate sympathy and apologize to the general public. Without such
an address, there is no chance of repairing public confidence in your brand
without the alienation and further aggravation of certain audiences.

4.0 Communications planning:
                   Getting the PR process right

A crisis has been identified and all of your CCT members have been notified. Now
what? It is time to think tactically, clarify your messages, and build a winning

The nature and severity of the crisis situation that you are facing will dictate
whether the crisis is an internal matter or of public concern, needs immediate
attention or can be handled with ease, garners media attention or is easily kept
within your control. In any case, all situations require your team to:

STEP 1. Identify your target audience
STEP 2. Approve your goals and objectives
STEP 3. Approve a strategy and tactics
STEP 4. Establish effective key messages
STEP 5. Define the proper channels for
STEP 6: Review the final planning checklist

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                               Are You Prepared?

4.1 STEP 1: Identify your target audience
Who needs to receive your message? Is this an internal matter where information
needs to be primarily communicated to your employees, the families of
employees, investors, or organization members, etc.? Or, does your message need
to be received largely by the general public reaching groups such as consumers,
activists, or your local community through the media? These are the questions
that will determine your target audience.

In some cases this will be a highly defined demographic, in others, your audience
could be the entire community in which you operate, or, in a colossal case, your
story could garner unfavourable international media attention – think of the
British Petroleum oil spill.

Use the template on the next page to examine all of your possible internal and
external target audiences and draw linkages between them.

Internal audiences

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                  Are You Prepared?

External audiences

Once you have identified your target audiences, get to know them. What methods
      of communication do they use? What kind of messages do they respond to? You
      must decipher the best and fastest way to reach these people. In many cases, you
      will have more than one key audience who need to receive your message. It is
      important to note that you might have to approach these sub-groups differently,
      using different channels and tailoring your messages accordingly.

      Use the following chart to list your target audiences, what is the best means of
      reaching this particular sub-group, who is the best messenger for this group, and
      an approximated timeframe of how long it would take for an important message
      to reach this target audience.

      Target audience contact sheet

    Audience               Means                      Messenger                  Timeframe
Employees           Company e-mail          Internal Affairs Coordinator      Response time
                    or telephone                                              may vary

Regional Media      Press release, phone    Media Relations Officer           0-3 hours Level 3
                    interview, in-person
                    interview                                                 0-1 hour Level 4

Crisis Communications Handbook
                 Are You Prepared?

4.2 STEP 2: Approve your goals and objectives

Your main goal is to get back to business as usual with as little damage to your
organization’s reputation as possible. However, depending on the type of crisis
scenario, you will also have various other goals to chart along the way to
normalcy. You must ask yourself, what must you achieve by when?

Next, your objectives must align with your goals– objectives are the road map for
achieving your goals. An objective will address the 5Ws of your target goals in a
specific and attainable manner.

To create valuable objectives, they must be SMART or,

and Time limited.
By adhering to this criteria, you will be able to successfully measure the success of
your communications campaign when the crisis is over. This is very important as
you need to know if you have indeed met your objectives and communicated your
messages effectively.

A SMART objective will look like the following:

Directly alert all retailers in the eastern sales region via telephone of
an immediate product recall to product numbers S479 to S481 to be
returned to the Cassleman manufacturing plant before September 20,

Use the template on the following page to track your goals and corresponding

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                      Are You Prepared?

     SMART objectives chart
          Goal               Corresponding objective              S     M     A     R     T
Successfully recall       Directly alert all retailers in the
damaged products in the   eastern sales region via telephone of
eastern sales region      an immediate product recall to
without losing retailer   product numbers S479 to S481 to         Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes
confidence.               be returned to the Cassleman
                          manufacturing plant before
                          September 20, 2011.

4.3 STEP 3: Approve your strategy and tactics
Your strategy is part of the big picture - what approach must your CCT take to get
over the mountain and attain your goals? While your strategy must be based on
the situation at hand, all crisis scenarios will require you to:

       1. Tell the truth about the situation without compromising
          private information or matters still under investigation.
       2. Minimize damaging media coverage.
       3. Uphold the safety of your employees and/or
       4. Stay on message and communicate effectively.
       5. Restore trust in your organization and get back to business
          as usual.
By following this line of attack, any crisis scenario will be easier to tackle.

The entire communications process starts with telling the truth - be upfront with
the media, your employees, your clients, and all concerned publics. Withholding
information or trying to cover-up a mishap will only make the situation worse
resulting in a total loss of credibility.

Building effective strategies and tactics that will communicate key information in
a crisis situation, takes creativity. Use the template provided to brainstorm some
strategic concepts and three corresponding tactics to achieve those ends.

                                                             Apologize to retailers
               Restore retailer
               after product recall                            Provide detailed
                                                                information on
                                                                affected products

                                                              Grant full refunds to

Crisis Communications Handbook
                            Are You Prepared?

Strategy map

4.4 STEP 4: Establish effective key messages
As a communications professional, you should be well aware of what a key
message is - the primary thought that you want to leave with your target audience.
Key messages are the core of your writing.

While a key message can be drafted to engage, discuss, promote, or advocate,
the primary action you want your messages to perform in a crisis scenario, is to
inform. You must inform your audience of the current status of the situation, what
your organization is doing to reconcile the issue, and what actions you want your
audience to take, or in some cases, not to take.

Your key messages will differ according to the nature of the crisis and your target
audience in a particular circumstance, however; you can prepare for any situation
by constructing some universal key messages here. In all crisis scenarios, your
first key message must be a sincere apology for any duress, misdoing, damages,
etc. It is important to always begin your messaging by admitting any wrongdoing
in order to restore trust in your brand.

Key messages chart

Key message one:
We sincerely apologize for
(situation)_____________________________, as it was never our
intention to (outcome)_________________________.

Key message two:
(Your organization)_____________________________ is committed to
providing quality (product or service) ____________________ to
(publics)____________________________________ for years to come.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                         Are You Prepared?

Key message three:
We are currently (actions) ____________________________________
to resolve this issue and greatly appreciate your understanding in this
difficult matter.

Additional key messages

Key message four:

Key message five:

In order to avoid bombarding your audience with information that is not pertinent
to them, try to compile the relevant information into concise key messages that
are clear and complete. The following checklist will help you ensure your
messages are effective:

                            Question                                   Yes          No

Have you identified a specific target audience?

Are your messages easily understood by your target

Did you avoid the use of jargon?

Are your messages concise (max.30 words, 10 seconds)?

Were the key messages the focus of the dialogue?

Did you provide the most important items first?

Is there an appropriate call to action?

Have you answered the question: How does this affect

Are your key messages supported by proven, sourced

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                  Are You Prepared?

4.5 STEP 5. Define the proper channels for communication
                     Audience demographics and psychographics dictate that each
                     audience will respond differently to a particular channel of
                     communication. How can you best reach your identified target
                     audience in a time of crisis to inform, influence, and

                    Various channels are used in all communications campaigns,
however; during a time of crisis, it is important to have some tools waiting in your
back pocket.

Establish a dark site

A dark site is a website that has been prepared by your information technology
specialist and is ready to go live when the need arises. Web developers should
purchase web addresses in anticipation of a Level 3 or 4 crisis scenario – in the
middle of a crisis it is often too late to negotiate website design and functionality.

Define a social media strategy

If you don’t already have a solid social media presence, get started. Your social
media specialist needs to respond to concerns, address false claims, and get the
right angle on the story in the online community. It is virtually impossible to
monitor what is being said online without having an ear to the ground. Be active
with the social media tools your organization has deemed appropriate in order to
make connections with this community and proactively uphold your brand in a
positive light.

Prepare traditional communications tools

To manage an internal communications situation, traditional modes of
communications still work effectively. Intranet notifications, a memo posted to
the employee message board, meetings and announcements, are all still effective
ways to reach internal publics. Make sure you are using these tools to your
advantage and decide whose responsibility it is to prepare such materials now.

4.6 STEP 6: Final planning checklist

Before approaching the media, it is important to make sure that you are fully
equipped to answer all inquiries. This checklist will ensure that you have not
forgotten any key steps before your story goes public and you plan your media
strategy in the next section.

                           Question                                 Yes      No

Has the crisis response team been notified?

Have all levels of management been properly
Have you clearly identified the intensity of the current
Is there a consensus amongst your CCT of what must
be done to respond to the crisis?

Do you have effective key messages?

Have you identified all applicable target audiences?
Do you know how to reach them?
Have you developed a general strategy and
corresponding tactics?
Have identified goals and SMART objectives?

Have you considered all possible outcomes of your

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                 Are You Prepared?

        5.0 Media relations: How to handle the mob
                    Not all crisis scenarios will garner media attention – in fact, it
                   is best if they don’t. However, if your story is big or impactful
                  enough to draw the awareness of the media, you better be
                   prepared. If you are scrambling when a reporter calls or
                   suddenly a whole mob of reporters are perched on your
                 doorstep, your organization’s reputation is at stake and you must
               proceed carefully and confidently.

Although facing a forceful media inquiry can be a scary thought, reporters can
also act as allies, helping you inform the community of the current issue. You
must work with the media staying upfront, honest, and cooperative at all times.

In this section, you must take a look at your current media relations archives to
determine what materials are on hand and ready to be sent out to journalists if
requested - do you have media kits, B-roll, audio clips, etc. easily available? The
more pre-prepared materials you have, the more equipped you will be when the
heat is on.

5.1 Construct a media list
Begin your preparation by constructing a media list. You should already have a
working media list at your disposal, but now is the opportune time to make sure it
is up-to-date. Depending on the severity of your crisis situation, you may suddenly
be dealing with media attention outside of your regular contacts. Sometimes
reporters are contacting you for information and sometimes you are working hard
to get to them first with your key messages – the ladder is preferred.

Use the templates provided on the following pages to record the names and
contact information of key media influencers.

*Templates are divided by the various types of media channels.

Daily newspapers

Name     Position    Outlet   Phone   Fax   E-mail   Special

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                 Are You Prepared?

  Community and specialty newspapers

Name    Position   Outlet   Phone      Fax     E-mail        Special


Name    Position   Outlet   Phone   Fax   E-mail   Special

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                                                  Are You Prepared?


Name     Position   Outlet   Phone   Fax        E-mail        Special


Name      Position   Outlet   Phone   Fax   E-mail   Special

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                   Are You Prepared?

  Online community

Name    Position     Outlet   Phone   Fax        E-mail        Special

5.2 Identify a spokesperson

Choosing the appropriate spokesperson to represent your organization in a time of
crisis is a crucial part of your crisis communication planning as this person is the
human face of your organization. The chosen person must deliver your key
messages in a manner that is sympathetic to those affected by the crisis at hand,
offering compassion and empathy.

This person could be a communications officer, an expert, or a senior advisor such
as your CEO. Whoever you choose, this person must be made credible by having a
full knowledgeable of the working of your organization, a history with your
organization, and a clean record check. The following checklist will help make the
choice easier.

                             Question                                    Yes         No

Does the individual have a personality or story that will
resonate with both the media and audience?

Is the spokesperson relevant to the target audience or

Does your potential spokesperson have a working
knowledge of your organization?

Does your spokesperson have a history with your
organization or issue? Can they demonstrate competence
and expertise on the issue at hand?

Have you performed a comprehensive background check
on potential candidates?

Is your spokesperson media savvy?

Can they express empathy, sensitivity to the issue, and
remain poised under pressure?

Is the spokesperson easily capable of staying on

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                Are You Prepared?

5.3 Train your spokesperson

Your spokesperson might be your CEO, your communications director, or an
outside person who has a history with your organization and the issue at hand.
However, whoever it is, they must be trained and prepared to deal with difficult
media inquiries.

Media training is a discipline all to itself - making your candidate appear
comfortable and secure in front of a camera in a difficult circumstance is not an
easy task and requires expert training.

Follow this checklist with your spokesperson and media relations specialist before
answering any media inquiries to ensure you will be prepared.

                            Question                                   Yes         No

Are you familiar with the relevant key messages?

Are you currently aware of public perception?

Have you tested your messages prior to delivery?

Can you consistently express and show concern, empathy
and compassion?
Are you able to sincerely accept responsibility?

Are you able to offer an apology?
Can you provide a summary of facts on the organization
and the action plan in place?
Are you able to be 100 per cent honest in your
Can you emphasize dedication, commitment and social
Can you provide examples and understandable analogies
to establish understanding?
Can you avoid saying “no comment”?

Can you stay on point/on message?
Can you avoid the use of technical jargon?

Can you avoid using humour to address the seriousness
of the situation?
Can you stay calm under pressure?

Can you avoid defensive, argumentative and unreceptive
body language, such as crossed arms?

Can you make consistent eye contact?

Are you sensitive to the non-verbal messages you were

Can you provide your full attention to those asking
Can you avoid fidgeting or disruptive behavior?
Have you reviewed your performance with management?

Are you aware of and comfortable with your role in the
organization going forward?

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                 Are You Prepared?

5.4 Sample documents

The tools that you use to contact, inform, and present your story to the media are
fairly uniform and standardized whatever the situation might be. Therefore, make
sure that you are familiar with the following templates that will need to be rolled
out when the time calls.

       •   News release
       •   Media advisory
       •   Holding statement
       •   Empathy statement
       •   FAQ list

News release
A news release is a PR practitioner’s best friend. It is a key communications tool
in a time of calm, and it will now support you in a time of crisis. Make sure you are
well versed in creating effective leads, sticking to proper formatting, and following
standardized criteria. (Remember to follow an inverted pyramid style when
presenting pertinent information.)

Media advisory
In a crisis situation, a media advisory can be used to give reporters details on your
upcoming press conference where you will give them more information in a more
controlled and stable environment. Use this template to create an “invitation” to
your press conference highlighting the 5Ws of the event.

Holding statement
A holding statement will inform the press that a crisis situation has just broken,
and you will give them more information when it is available. A holding statement
will inform the media that you are presently working to determine the nature of
the scenario and that matters are currently under investigation.

Empathy statement
An empathy statement is an important tool in your crisis media relations plan as it
expresses your sympathy and compassion, and informs the public that your
organization is working to correct the problem. Accidents happen, but it is with an
empathy statement that you will have a platform to address the issue at hand and
deliver a sincere apology.

FAQ list
Preparing a frequently asked questions list will help you anticipate the hard
questions reporters will most likely ask, letting you prepare answers that are
informed and can be delivered with confidence. Simply create a list of the top 30
questions a reporter might ask your spokesperson, making sure to hit on the
difficult topics while answering all of the 5Ws.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                             Are You Prepared?

5.5 News release template
                       Put on organizational letterhead

                 NEWS RELEASE
April 15, 2011

Contact: Contact person, position
###-###-#### (office)
###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail)

                                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                 Headline should be bolded, lower case

(Location): The lead should expand on the headline by answering who, what,
when, where, and why?

       The second paragraph should provide additional facts relevant to the

       “The third paragraph should encompass a quote from the most
relevant source,” says John Smith, director of communications for Company
X. “Offer new information. Every word should count, so don’t waste space.”

        Under most circumstances, the news release should be a maximum
of 250 words. “Finish it off with another quote,” says Smith. “You can use
the same speaker or a different source to highlight various aspects of the

The boilerplate is usually found at the end of a press release, and briefly
describes the organization related above. The short paragraph consists of
just a few sentences and is generally used on every press release.
Boilerplates should be up-to-date, clearly written and short.

                                    - 30 -

5.6 Media advisory template
                     Put on organizational letterhead

             MEDIA ADVISORY
April 15, 2011

Contact: Contact person, position
###-###-#### (office)
###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail)

                                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

          Headline should focus on the newsworthy item

(Location): The opening paragraph should provide the basics of the 5Ws but
stimulate media to learn more. Mention any persons of interest, such as
dignitaries and elected officials who are key to the event.

What:       Describe the event.

When:       April 22, 2011; 7:00 p.m.
            Provide the best time for photos, if applicable.

Where:      Address, location of event and parking directions.

Who:        A list of important people who will be attending your event.

Why:        State the reason for the event and, in brief, what will be
            covered. Do not, however, provide specific information, as that
            may deter media from attending.

For more information, visit


Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                             Are You Prepared?

5.7 Holding statement template
                       Put on organizational letterhead

April 15, 2011

Contact: Contact person, position
###-###-#### (office)
###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail)

                                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                      Incident at (place of crisis)

      (Location): Company A has just been informed that… Company A is
concerned with….

       Paragraph two should give as many of the 5Ws that are known at the
present time. Make sure that you are aware of legal requirements and not
releasing confidential information at this time.

      “The third paragraph should encompass a quote from the most
relevant source,” says John Smith, director of communications for Company

       Let the media know what actions are currently being undertaken by
your organization to address the current situation and address who might
be affected by this issue and what they should do.

       Inform the media that additional information will be provided when it
is available at a press conference (where and when), through further news
releases, or on your website:

                                    - 30 -

5.8 Empathy statement template

                        Put on organizational letterhead

April 15, 2011

Contact: Contact person, position
###-###-#### (office)
###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail)

                                                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                       Incident at (place of crisis)

The following statement was released by (Name, title, and name of
operation) following the (short description of incident and location.)

(Location): We understand the concerns, fears, and questions you may have
about the (incident) that took place (time frame.) Our thoughts and prayers
are with our employees and their families.

      At this time, we are doing everything we can to (actions being taken).

“The safety and well-being of our (those affected) is our first priority,” says

       Inform the media that additional information will be provided when it
is available at a press conference (where and when), through further news
releases, or on your website:

                                      - 30 -

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                         Are You Prepared?

5.9 FAQ list

1. What went wrong?
2. What caused the problem?
3. Who is at fault?
30. Who much will the relief effort cost?

5.10 Media centre

                        In crisis Level 3 and 4 scenarios, media attention will
                        be so intense that a media centre will be required to
                        handle the volume of media inquires received and to
                        regularly brief reporters when news breaks. A media
                        centre will also allow your CCT to work closely with both
                        local and regional media in cooperation to deliver the
                        necessary information to the general public. Therefore,
                        your media centre must be a accommodating and
comfortable environment for this exchange of information to take place.

In such an intense level of crisis, be prepared to provide the media with:

       • Information in a timely manner,
       • Straight facts, reliable sources, and relevant materials, and
       • Readily available points of contact for quotes and more

When setting-up your media centre where the action will take place, use the
following logistics checklist to ensure you are meeting reporters’ needs.

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                          Are You Prepared?

                      5.11 Logistics checklist
Quickly establish a site for the media before they do. This location
should be:

      • A secure location

      • Easily accessible

      • As comfortable as possible

      • Coordinated with regulators

      • Away from family and employees

      • Away from the site of the incident

The media centre must accommodate:

      • Sufficient parking space with room for satellite trucks

      • A private consultation room

      • Toilet facilities and fresh water

      • Sufficient space for a podium and chairs

Additional equipment:

      • Computers/internet access

      • Copy machine and paper/fax machine and paper

      • Electronic outlets

      • A/V equipment

      • Flip charts and markers

      • Notepaper/pens

      • Landlines (incase of no cell phone coverage)

5.12 Location research
    The middle of a crisis is not the time to find a location for your media centre. Take
    the time before an issue breaks to research potential locations that you can have
    on file when needed. Do some research to determine the size of available
    locations, how long such a venue must be booked in advance, and make initial
    contact with location representatives.

    Use the following template to compile this information.

Location       Size     Parking Equipment Reservation                 Cost        Contact
                                           leadtime                             name and #

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                  Are You Prepared?

   5.13 Contact Log
   It is important to keep track of who asked what to whom, when. By keeping a
   contact log, you can monitor the exchange of information in the event that a point
   is later questioned or needs to be followed up. Your log should look like the

Date     Contact         Contact        Spoke      Details Phone         E-mail     Action
time      name            info           with

Date   Contact   Contact   Spoke   Details Phone   E-mail    Action
time    name      info      with

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                         Are You Prepared?

        5.14 Media Monitoring Log
        Once you have done your job of providing the media with the most timely and
        accurate information, it is time to monitor the coverage your story is garnering
        from both local and in some cases, international media outlets. Key criteria to
        look for are whether coverage had a positive, neutral, or negative tone, and the
        reach of the story. It is also important to note if the coverage touches upon your
        key messages and to assess the overall credibility of your spokesperson in
        delivering those messages.

        Your Media Monitoring Log should look like the following:
                                                         Tone                   Ratings 1-10

  Date      Media     Location     Type     Reach    +      /       -          key messages
published   outlet                                                         spokesperson mention

5.15 Potential pitfalls

Avoid using “I.”
       • Speak for the organization using the name or the pronoun “we”
       • Avoid the impression that you, alone, are the authority or the sole
       • Never disagree with the organization you represent saying: “Personally,
          I don’t agree,” or “Speaking for myself…”

Avoid speculation.
       • Stick to the facts of what has, is, and will be done
       • Avoid speculating on worst-case scenarios or pre-determining possible

Avoid making promises you can’t keep.
      • Promise only what you can deliver
      • State your willingness to explore other options

Avoid jargon, technical terms or acronyms.
       • Limit their use and fully explain those you must use.

Avoid negative words and phrases.
       • Stay optimistic
       • Avoid highly-charged analogies, like “At least this is not Bhopal”

Don’t blame others.
       • Accept your fair share of responsibility
       • Don’t point fingers at others
       • Focus your communications on how problems can be rectified, not
          whose fault it is

Avoid using humour as a crutch.
       • Humour of any kind is not appropriate in a crisis situation

Don’t repeat negative allegations.
       • Refute critical allegations concisely
       • Draw upon and reinforce your key messages of reparation and support

Don’t become defensive.
       • Respond to issues not personalities
       • End debates rather than continue them
       • Stay calm in all situations

Crisis Communications Handbook
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    6.0 Evaluation and moving forward: Are you on track?
        After the heat of the crisis has died down, don't let negative content define
           you or your organization. Although you cannot go back in time and erase
              what happened, you can now begin to focus on the future and rebuild
                your reputation, repair public trust, and strengthening your brand.

               Will effective issues management is the more proactive approach,
            after a crisis, reputation repair is a reactive measure. Over time,
         managing and controlling your reputation should become easier and

6.1 Evaluation
If you took the time to create SMART objectives, you can now see if you
successfully met your goals and begin to evaluate the effectiveness of your crisis
communications efforts. By using your original SMART objectives as a measuring
tool, you will discover your CCT’s strengths and weaknesses, helping you prepare
yourself for future scenarios that could be more or less intense.

Use the following template to plug in your original goals and objectives and
compare the outcome of each effort.

SMART objective evaluation
    Original goal     SMART objective   Outcome 

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                                 Are You Prepared?

6.2 Budgeting

Resolving a crisis situation can be a very costly matter. However, if you don’t do
anything, your organization could suffer the risk of extinction. While great efforts
need to be made to address the issue at hand, it is important to track your
spending on reparations to avoid hitting bankruptcy.

While it is impossible to project the total cost of your campaign, it is important to
always keep track of your expenditures. Spending will be an ongoing concern,
therefore; your financial experts and senior management team need to be
consulted before any large expenses are approved.

The budget template in the Appendix will help you to track your finances.

6.3 Changing the conversation

If you don’t like what people are saying about your organization after the fallout, it
is now time to change the conversation.

By publicly changing your conduct, you can project an image of a more advanced
and mature brand than before the crisis situation occurred. A campaign designed
to highlight good works and corporate social responsibility will demonstrate
growth and help to restore the public trust.

Corporate social responsibility or CSR is a very popular concept in the marketing
and communications industry today. While thinking strategically, you want to
make sure that your efforts are still regarded as authentic and sincere without
appearing forged – leading to further damage of your reputation and insulting
your publics.

Use the following template to brainstorm PR campaign strategies that will
demonstrate the reverse of what people are saying about you right now.

While a natural disaster or a crashing stock market are situations that are
completely out of your control, diligently following the advice given in this
handbook and taking responsibility for filling out the templates provided, will help
give you perspective, challenge your current mode of conduct, and alert you to
possible dangers.

Always remember that proactive issues management is the most effective way to
avoid a crisis scenario, keeping you moving in the right direction.

CSR brainstorming satellite


                      public perception

Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                 Are You Prepared?

                  Budgetary evaluation

Item   Dept.   Projected   Actual     Difference     Approved by:
                 total      total

Item   Dept.   Projected   Actual   Difference   Approved by:
                 total      total


Crisis Communications Handbook
                                                 Are You Prepared?

Item   Dept.   Projected   Actual     Difference     Approved by:
                 total      total


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Crisis Communications Handbook

  • 1. CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK   Are you prepared?                                   Written By Charlotte Jewer This handbook belongs to:       _______________________________________________________________________________ 
  • 4. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared?   1.0 Introduction and handbook instructions 1.1 Introduction Life is unpredictable - while things might be going according to plan today, tomorrow is another story. A crisis can come in many forms - a precarious economy, moody Mother Nature, mechanical failure, and human loss or human error, can all present serious complications for any organization at any time. While all of these circumstances are out of anyone’s control, how you handle the fallout is what will either save or sink the ship. While crisis communications planning has always been on the radar for most organizations, in today’s fast-paced globally connected world, citizens and consumers are more savy, vocal, and in-tune than ever before. There is a demand for transparency and organizations must be prepared to be open and honest with the general public. This handbook is meant to help you and your organization prepare for a storm. In the world of crisis communications, preparedness can equal success. It is about building the right team, knowing your audience, creating strategic messages, and guiding the media. Much of this work can be done before a crisis hits, letting you act quickly, confidently, and effectively. Consequently, it is how you behave in the first few hours of a crisis that proves to be critical in minimizing the damage done to your business and most importantly, your reputation.   4 
  • 5. 1.2 Handbook instructions and contract This handbook can be used as your guide to help you create a comprehensive crisis communications plan and team for your organization. It will be your job to be the crisis communications team leader, or CCTL, to take-charge of compiling information and completing the templates provided in this handbook. It will also be your job to act as the knowledge centre of your crisis communications team, expecting the unexpected. As the CCTL, you must keep a copy of your completed plan both at the office and offsite. It is important to note that finalized plans also need to be maintained in both electronic and paper formats at each location in order to be effective. As a primary rule, your crisis communications plan must be kept up-to-date at all times. On a regular basis, when the contact details of crisis communications team members change, it is extremely important that you amend your contact list as these changes occur. (More on building your contact list under “Getting organized.”) Additionally, your entire crisis plan must be reviewed on a semi-annual basis – updates on June 15 and December 15 are recommended as favourable times. Circumstances are always changing both within and outside of your organization, and you must be sure that you have accounted for these changes, big and small. It will be your responsibility as the CCTL to make sure that all identified crisis team members have a copy of the plan along with key emergency response partners in the event of a crisis. After all, the documents and details contained in your plan will not only help you save your organization’s reputation, but in critical circumstances, it can also save lives. I _______________________________________________, am responsible for filling out the templates in this crisis communications handbook in full. I will review my plan on (DATES)__________________________ and __________________________ along with all other CCT members on a regular semi- annual basis, committing to make necessary changes to the plan as they may occur.   5 
  • 6. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 1.3 Update calendar What documents need to be reviewed on these dates? • Contact lists • Backgrounder and fact sheets • CCT member biographies • SWOT analysis • Communication strategies *Templates are provided for each document throughout the handbook.   6 
  • 7. 2.0 Getting organized: Know who is on your side Every home, school, business, community centre etc., is strongly advised to have an emergency procedure plan in place. While this type of careful preparation is widely practiced, building a working crisis communications plan should also become a common exercise. Before any damaging crisis scenarios come to fruition, is it important to get organized. In order to do so, this section will highlight a list of important documents that must be fully completed and kept in active files. • Skills inventory • Crisis communications team roles (CCT) • Team member biographies • Communications team contact list • Organizational flow chart • Communications flow chart • CCT telephone tree • Training schedule • Backgrounder and fact sheet • Stakeholder satellite • Stakeholder contact sheets   7 
  • 8. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 2.1 Skills inventory Who do you call when disaster strikes? Answering this question will allow you to build a competent and reliable team of allies that will work together to stabilize the situation and repair the damage done. When choosing these individuals, ask yourself what their strengths and weaknesses are both in and out of the workplace allowing you to build a skills inventory. • Who is a strong writer? • Who knows how to talk to the media? • Who has the ability to think on their feet in creative and intelligent ways? • Who knows your organization inside and out? By collecting this type of information from your colleagues, it will be easy for you to compile a team of people that compliment each other and bring new talents to the team. While most of your team members will come from a communications background, don’t be afraid to look outside of your department for help. *Use the template on the following page to find three possible candidates for each skill.   8 
  • 9. Skills inventory Required skill/experience Candidates Strong writing Media relations experience Social media experience Creative and strategic thinker Internal operations knowledge External operations knowledge Human resources training Financial expert Legal expertise Technical and computer skills   9 
  • 10. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 2.2 Crisis communications team roles (CCT) The size of your team will depend on the size of your organization, however; the following are key roles that need to be delegated. Based on the information collected in your skills inventory and upon agreement of each suitable candidate, assign the best nominee to each role. Crisis communications team roles Role Name and current title Leader Assistant Senior Advisor Executive Leader Spokesperson Internal Affairs Coordinator External Affairs Coordinator Media Relations Officer Social Media Specialist Financial Officer Information Technology Specialist Human Resources Specialist and Family Liaison Legal Council   10 
  • 11. 2.3 Team member biographies Once the members of your CCT have been carefully chosen, you must compile a brief biography on each team member that covers: • Their history with your organization, • Their occupational specialties, • Why they were chosen for their CCT position, and • Any other experience they might have in dealing with a crisis scenario The media will inevitably be looking for this information when a crisis hits to add a personal angle to their reports. It is imperative that you create these biographies in preparation for a crisis, as this information will be extremely difficult to gather in an emergency situation. (Including a professional photo for each team member is an added bonus for reporters.) *Pay special attention to the biography of your executive leader and spokesperson. These people will have direct contact with the media, therefore; their biographies need to be especially accurate, informative, and sharply written. (See more on this in “Media relations: How to handle the mob.”)   11 
  • 12. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Sample team member biographies Leader – Ronald Smith Ronald Smith has been with Company A as the head of the public relations department for nine years. A specialist in communications planning and brand development, Mr. Smith’s organizational skills and advanced knowledge of Company A’s clientele, have made him the lead of the crisis communications team. Mr. Smith was previously involved in the successful resolution of a product recall in 2005, directing media relations and restoring the trust of key stakeholders. Internal Affairs Coordinator – Donna Warren Donna Warren began working with Company B as a sales manager in 1998. Her superior team management skills and passion for Company B’s brand, propelled Mrs. Warren to the position as operations officer of Company B’s eastern retail department in 2007. Mrs. Warren’s thorough knowledge of the mechanics of Company B’s operations, along with her exceptional interpersonal skills, make her a strong internal affairs coordinator. Mrs. Warren successfully managed her sales team through the regretful downsizing of the eastern retail division in 2000 with grace and compassion.   12 
  • 13. Biographies list Leader Assistant Senior Advisor   13 
  • 14. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Executive Leader Spokesperson Internal Affairs Coordinator   14 
  • 15. External Affairs Coordinator Media Relations Officer Social Media Specialist   15 
  • 16. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Financial Officer Human Resource Specialist and Family Liaison Information Technology Specialist   16 
  • 18. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 2.4 Communications team contact list Most businesses and organizations are good at keeping track of employee and member contact information. While the human resources department might be the one to keep most of this information organized, it is important for you to keep your own up-to-date record of this information. It is vital to have the details of all your CCT members close at hand, and it is also important to have full contact information for all organization members ready in case of emergency. *This list must also include emergency contact information for your local fire department, police service, and regional hospital services. Your CCT contact list must include the following information: Name Address Home # Cell# E-mail CCT role Date revised Joseph Media Relations 52 Spruce Dr. (613) (613) 01/01/11 Brown Ottawa, ON K1S 234-5787 234-9908 5P9 Lisa Hill Assistant Team 19 Falls Rd. (613) (613) 05/06/01 Leader Ottawa, ON K5N 7J6 667-4356 667-8327 *Remember to keep both a paper and electronic version of this document at both your onsite crisis communications centre and at an external location.   18 
  • 19. Communications team contact list Name CCT role Address Home # Contact # E-mail Date revised   19 
  • 20. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Name CCT role Address Home # Cell # E-mail Date revised   20 
  • 21. 2.5 Organizational flow chart Once you have built your team, it is important that you understand the hierarchical approval process that exists in your organization. Every organization has a chain of command that needs to be respected at all times – including in a time of crisis. While this is expected to alter slightly from normal day-to-day procedures, it is important to know who needs to approve of your messages and finalize details before anything is acted upon. Additionally, it is important to know what path you must follow when communicating information internally to employees, members, families, etc. Organizational Executive Board of Directors CCT Leader CCT members Internal Relations Team External Relations Team Media Relations Team Management Human Investors/Donors/Members Spokespeople Resources Internal Employees Government Contacts Media contacts departments Families Clients/Suppliers   21 
  • 22. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 2.6 Communications flow chart Along with your organizational flow chart, the direction of communications within your team is also necessary to define in preparation for a crisis situation. In order to avoid panic, CCT members must be placed on the communications flow chart in order to identify the order in which decisions are made, how information is disseminated and received, and what channels CCT members must follow in order to reach all members in an organized manner. *The Legal Councilor and the Information Technology Coordinator need to be directly consulted on a regular and uninhibited basis as the process unfolds. Executive Leader Senior Advisor CCT Leader Legal Council CCT Assistant Information Technology Coordinator Internal Affairs Coordinator External Affairs Coordinator Human Resources Specialist Financial Officer Media Relations Officer and Family Liaison Management Spokesperson Social Media Coordinator   22 
  • 23. 2.7 CCT telephone tree When a crisis happens, time is of the essence - a telephone tree will allow a large number of phone calls to be made in a short period of time. When everyone shares in the responsibility of contacting at least two people, the calling process is completed more rapidly and accurately. As the CCT Leader, your name will be on the top of this list. Build your tree based on a “need to know” basis – create a hierarchy based on who needs to know what information before someone else in the chain to effectively communicate your message. Once your name is placed on the far left of the tree, follow the lines across where you will add two new names and corresponding telephone numbers in each box following your communications chain of command. By completing the telephone tree template provided on the next page, each person will only have to contact two new people, who each contact two people themselves, and so on, lessening the burden on the team leader. *Your executive leader, or CEO, will have to be informed directly by the team leader, as the information given to the CEO needs to be as direct and accurate as possible. This person should be at the top of your contact list. To create an interactive version of your telephone tree, use an Excel template. In such a template, each person should have three contacts each. By using simple Excel formulas, members of your telephone tree can easily be replaced and updated depending on a change of company position or to account for vacation schedules etc.   23 
  • 24. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared?   24 
  • 25. 2.8 Training schedule Now that your CCT has been assembled, it is important to conduct a training exercise in order to get a feel for how well your team performs and to learn what areas need to be improved. This activity should be scheduled twice a year, with the same importance as fire drills and evacuation procedures. Additionally, a media training session for your spokesperson and media relations specialist will also need to be scheduled into your annual calendar. A media training specialist will most likely need to be brought in from a local agency, as this is a highly specialized discipline with training that needs to be conducted by experienced experts.   25 
  • 26. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 2.9 Backgrounder and fact sheet When a crisis hits and the media is on your doorstep, it is important to have your facts straight. This includes having a finalized organizational backgrounder and fact sheet at your disposal. These documents describe your organization, outline your reason for being, and answer any anticipated questions the media or general public may have allowing you to be prepared when the heat is on. To create an effective backgrounder you should include: • A concise statement on the purpose of your organization and what issues/subjects/areas you cover • A historical overview of your operations along with your current activities • A brief overview of your organization’s structure and key players • Touch upon your community relations activities This document must be accurate and up-to-date and should be reviewed regularly during your scheduled semi-annual meetings. Once finalized, your backgrounder should be included in your news releases sent to the media during a crisis situation. Including this information in your news release will allow you to provide pertinent information about your company to the media quickly and accurately. A fact sheet acts much the same way as a backgrounder written in a bullet-style format. A fact sheet allows you to offer a reporter a shortcut to the information they need in a hurry. Preparing such a document before a crisis strikes reduces the need for you to personally answer common questions pertaining to your organization in a time crunch. Simply attach factual points on your organization’s history, operations, products/services, community relations activities, key players, etc. to your news releases allowing reporters to virtually cut and paste important points.   26 
  • 28. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Fact sheet template • Organizational history and headquarters • Operations (local, national, international and industry size) • Products/services • Community relations initiatives • Key players (owners, senior management team)   28 
  • 29. 2.10 Stakeholder satellite Who could be affected by a crisis in your organization? This could include any or all of the following groups: • Investors • Customers/members/donors • Employees and union groups • Key financial players such as bank officials, local banking representatives, and insurance representatives. • Community leaders • Government officials (elected and regulatory) • Key suppliers/retailers • Families of employees • Industry partners • Affiliated associations It is extremely important to identify all stakeholders of your organization before a crisis strikes to avoid overlooking any key players - neglecting any of these key groups could cause them to lash-out and have a negative impact on your operations. Use this satellite to brainstorm and place your stakeholders in order of operational importance from the centre nucleolus outwards.   29 
  • 30. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Stakeholder satellite Key stakeholders   30 
  • 31. 2.11 Stakeholder contact sheets The stakeholder satellite is followed by a contact list for each group. Place the key contacts in descending order of importance to your organization. Investors Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   31 
  • 32. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Customers/members/donors Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   32 
  • 33. Employees and union groups Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   33 
  • 34. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Financial players Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   34 
  • 35. Community leaders Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   35 
  • 36. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Government officials Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   36 
  • 37. Key Suppliers/retailers Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   37 
  • 38. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Families of employees Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   38 
  • 39. Industry partners Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   39 
  • 40. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Affiliated associations Name Organization Position Relationship Phone E-mail Date revised   40 
  • 41. 3.0 Issues management: What could possibly go wrong? There are a variety of unforeseen circumstances that could arise at any given time within any type of organization. While most crisis situations are out of anyone’s control, how the crisis is handled will either save or ruin your organization’s reputation. It is important to remember that in today’s business world, the public perception of your organization is one of the most important assets in your portfolio. According to Jo-Anne Polak, former senior vice-president of crisis communications at Hill & Knowlton Ottawa, the very definition of a crisis directly relates to your organization’s image: “A crisis is an event or series of events that can severely damage the reputation of an organization and its ability to conduct business.” In order to protect this valuable asset, a crisis situation needs to be handled with great tact. As the premier rule, effective issues management is the best form of crisis prevention. Following through these various steps of identification will allow you to act proactively. STEP 1: Identify potential problems STEP 2: Verify the situation STEP 3: Assess the crisis level STEP 4: Determine the appropriate course of action   41 
  • 42. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 3.1 STEP 1: Identify potential problems The ability to be proactive and anticipate potential problems before they arise can greatly reduce the element of surprise. Therefore, the first step of issues management is to identify potential problems by conducting a SWOT Analysis. By reviewing your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you have a better chance of predicting what issues could possibly arise. Simply list in bullet points the strengths your organization has in your field along with the corresponding weaknesses that are internal to your organization. Then breakdown the opportunities that exist for your organization for growth and expansion followed by threats you face from competitors or other external forces. In order to gain additional insight into your organization, practitioners should be actively conducting media monitoring activities, consulting both upper and lower level management, studying other competitive organizations, and taking the general temperature of your stakeholders. When completed, the weaknesses and threats listed in your SWOT Analysis should highlight potentially damaging scenarios that could be of crisis proportions if left unaddressed.   42 
  • 43. SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses • Strong community reputation • Poor knowledge of local officials Opportunities Threats • Partnership with local charity • Union unrest   43 
  • 44. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 3.2 STEP 2: Verify the situation While acting proactively is important, sometimes a crisis cannot be predicted. The following list of scenarios could adversely impact operations, financial stability, and the underlying reputation of your organization. Possible crisis situations and scenarios include, but are not limited to: Product/service/operation failures Product recall due to malfunction Product recall due to illness or death Accidents Industrial accident involving injuries Industrial accident involving death Explosions/fires Exposure to harmful substances Power failures Civil disturbances Civil unrest Community evacuations Strikes and protests Financial crisis Major company layoffs Plant/branch closures Plummeting stocks Funding cutbacks Natural disasters Flooding/earthquakes/hurricanes/tornados Major storm damage Top-tier management issues Death or illness of management personnel Reputation damage   44 
  • 45. Each scenario will vary in intensity and severity, therefore; the communications practitioner must ask the following questions in all impending situations in order to determine the appropriate course of action: What happened and where? When did this happen? Who is involved? How did it happen? What is currently being done? When collecting this data, it is also important to consider the following criteria in order to confirm the situation is indeed valid: • Has the situation been confirmed by a reliable source? • Do you have all the facts? • Is this an internal or external crisis? • Is information consistent from several sources? • Is there a clear consensus amongst stakeholders on the seriousness of the situation? • What other information do you need to know to put the event into perspective?   45 
  • 46. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 3.3 STEP 3: Assess the crisis level In order to assess the communications response level, it is important to determine the severity of the situation. A crisis could rock the very foundation of your organization or it could be easily handled internally without any harm to public perception, allowing you to get back to business as usual. Using the chart below, evaluate the intensity of the crisis using the four level identification system. For Levels 1 and 2, the crisis team should plan on ongoing reviews of the situation, but the full crisis plan may not need to be implemented. For any issues identified as a Level 3 or 4, the crisis team should be alerted immediately and prepare for action. Each level is determined not only by the obvious severity of the situation, but also by the media attention received. However, while it is true that many crisis situations can be handled internally and virtually go “under the radar” of public awareness, it is always of highest importance to be honest and truthful with all audiences during a difficult situation. Attempting to cover-up or underreport matters of public safety will only result in legal battles, a loss of trust, and the erosion of your organization’s reputation. See the chart on the next page for crisis classifications.     46 
  • 47.   47 
  • 48. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 3.4 STEP 4: Determine the appropriate course of action Level 1: In a Level 1 scenario, a media relations policy does not need to be activated as the media are virtually unaware of the current situation as it pertains to your organization. However, if the media does make a call, a brief statement needs to be made to assure the public that the incident is under control. Internal audience members such as the management team and employees should be made aware of the issue through the human resources specialist along with information on how the issue is being handled. Stakeholders must be made aware of the situation and informed of what is currently being done to mend the issue and get back to business as usual. Level 2: In a Level 2 scenario, the public is aware of the situation, but no harm has been done to your organization’s reputation. The procedure for a Level 1 situation must be followed in such a scenario in addition to media outreach to assure that you and your CCT stay ahead and in control of the story. As the media have now become more active in the pursuit of information, a news release must be issued in order to give reporters accurate and timely information on the issue. (Templates are provided in Media Relations: How to Handle the Mob.) Level 3: The intensity of the situation has now mounted to a troubling height in a Level 3 crisis scenario. Public outrage is beginning to mount and stakeholders grow concerned about the health of their assets. Actions need to be taken to quell public unrest and anger. It is now imperative that at this level, a more forceful media relations plan needs to be put into action. CCT members need to be on high alert and are expected to be available at any time. Level 4: At this level of crisis, a major shock to your organization has caused the full attention of all your internal and external publics to be fully drawn to the issue at hand. Your CEO must provide a public address of empathy and caring to the media at large to demonstrate sympathy and apologize to the general public. Without such an address, there is no chance of repairing public confidence in your brand without the alienation and further aggravation of certain audiences.   48 
  • 49. 4.0 Communications planning: Getting the PR process right A crisis has been identified and all of your CCT members have been notified. Now what? It is time to think tactically, clarify your messages, and build a winning strategy. The nature and severity of the crisis situation that you are facing will dictate whether the crisis is an internal matter or of public concern, needs immediate attention or can be handled with ease, garners media attention or is easily kept within your control. In any case, all situations require your team to: STEP 1. Identify your target audience STEP 2. Approve your goals and objectives STEP 3. Approve a strategy and tactics STEP 4. Establish effective key messages STEP 5. Define the proper channels for communication STEP 6: Review the final planning checklist   49 
  • 50. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 4.1 STEP 1: Identify your target audience Who needs to receive your message? Is this an internal matter where information needs to be primarily communicated to your employees, the families of employees, investors, or organization members, etc.? Or, does your message need to be received largely by the general public reaching groups such as consumers, activists, or your local community through the media? These are the questions that will determine your target audience. In some cases this will be a highly defined demographic, in others, your audience could be the entire community in which you operate, or, in a colossal case, your story could garner unfavourable international media attention – think of the British Petroleum oil spill. Use the template on the next page to examine all of your possible internal and external target audiences and draw linkages between them.   50 
  • 52. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? External audiences   52 
  • 53. Once you have identified your target audiences, get to know them. What methods of communication do they use? What kind of messages do they respond to? You must decipher the best and fastest way to reach these people. In many cases, you will have more than one key audience who need to receive your message. It is important to note that you might have to approach these sub-groups differently, using different channels and tailoring your messages accordingly. Use the following chart to list your target audiences, what is the best means of reaching this particular sub-group, who is the best messenger for this group, and an approximated timeframe of how long it would take for an important message to reach this target audience. Target audience contact sheet Audience Means Messenger Timeframe Employees Company e-mail Internal Affairs Coordinator Response time or telephone may vary Regional Media Press release, phone Media Relations Officer 0-3 hours Level 3 interview, in-person interview 0-1 hour Level 4   53 
  • 54. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared?   54 
  • 55. 4.2 STEP 2: Approve your goals and objectives Your main goal is to get back to business as usual with as little damage to your organization’s reputation as possible. However, depending on the type of crisis scenario, you will also have various other goals to chart along the way to normalcy. You must ask yourself, what must you achieve by when? Next, your objectives must align with your goals– objectives are the road map for achieving your goals. An objective will address the 5Ws of your target goals in a specific and attainable manner. To create valuable objectives, they must be SMART or, Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Time limited. By adhering to this criteria, you will be able to successfully measure the success of your communications campaign when the crisis is over. This is very important as you need to know if you have indeed met your objectives and communicated your messages effectively. A SMART objective will look like the following: Directly alert all retailers in the eastern sales region via telephone of an immediate product recall to product numbers S479 to S481 to be returned to the Cassleman manufacturing plant before September 20, 2011. Use the template on the following page to track your goals and corresponding objectives.   55 
  • 56. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? SMART objectives chart Goal Corresponding objective S M A R T Successfully recall Directly alert all retailers in the damaged products in the eastern sales region via telephone of eastern sales region an immediate product recall to without losing retailer product numbers S479 to S481 to Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes confidence. be returned to the Cassleman manufacturing plant before September 20, 2011.   56 
  • 57. 4.3 STEP 3: Approve your strategy and tactics Your strategy is part of the big picture - what approach must your CCT take to get over the mountain and attain your goals? While your strategy must be based on the situation at hand, all crisis scenarios will require you to: 1. Tell the truth about the situation without compromising private information or matters still under investigation. 2. Minimize damaging media coverage. 3. Uphold the safety of your employees and/or clients/consumers. 4. Stay on message and communicate effectively. 5. Restore trust in your organization and get back to business as usual. By following this line of attack, any crisis scenario will be easier to tackle. The entire communications process starts with telling the truth - be upfront with the media, your employees, your clients, and all concerned publics. Withholding information or trying to cover-up a mishap will only make the situation worse resulting in a total loss of credibility. Building effective strategies and tactics that will communicate key information in a crisis situation, takes creativity. Use the template provided to brainstorm some strategic concepts and three corresponding tactics to achieve those ends. Apologize to retailers directly Restore retailer confidence after product recall Provide detailed information on affected products Grant full refunds to retailers   57 
  • 58. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Strategy map   58 
  • 59. 4.4 STEP 4: Establish effective key messages As a communications professional, you should be well aware of what a key message is - the primary thought that you want to leave with your target audience. Key messages are the core of your writing. While a key message can be drafted to engage, discuss, promote, or advocate, the primary action you want your messages to perform in a crisis scenario, is to inform. You must inform your audience of the current status of the situation, what your organization is doing to reconcile the issue, and what actions you want your audience to take, or in some cases, not to take. Your key messages will differ according to the nature of the crisis and your target audience in a particular circumstance, however; you can prepare for any situation by constructing some universal key messages here. In all crisis scenarios, your first key message must be a sincere apology for any duress, misdoing, damages, etc. It is important to always begin your messaging by admitting any wrongdoing in order to restore trust in your brand. Key messages chart Key message one: We sincerely apologize for (situation)_____________________________, as it was never our intention to (outcome)_________________________. Key message two: (Your organization)_____________________________ is committed to providing quality (product or service) ____________________ to (publics)____________________________________ for years to come.   59 
  • 60. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Key message three: We are currently (actions) ____________________________________ to resolve this issue and greatly appreciate your understanding in this difficult matter. Additional key messages Key message four: Key message five:   60 
  • 61. In order to avoid bombarding your audience with information that is not pertinent to them, try to compile the relevant information into concise key messages that are clear and complete. The following checklist will help you ensure your messages are effective: Question Yes No Have you identified a specific target audience? Are your messages easily understood by your target audience? Did you avoid the use of jargon? Are your messages concise (max.30 words, 10 seconds)? Were the key messages the focus of the dialogue? Did you provide the most important items first? Is there an appropriate call to action? Have you answered the question: How does this affect me? Are your key messages supported by proven, sourced facts?   61 
  • 62. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 4.5 STEP 5. Define the proper channels for communication Audience demographics and psychographics dictate that each audience will respond differently to a particular channel of communication. How can you best reach your identified target audience in a time of crisis to inform, influence, and persuade? Various channels are used in all communications campaigns, however; during a time of crisis, it is important to have some tools waiting in your back pocket. Establish a dark site A dark site is a website that has been prepared by your information technology specialist and is ready to go live when the need arises. Web developers should purchase web addresses in anticipation of a Level 3 or 4 crisis scenario – in the middle of a crisis it is often too late to negotiate website design and functionality. Define a social media strategy If you don’t already have a solid social media presence, get started. Your social media specialist needs to respond to concerns, address false claims, and get the right angle on the story in the online community. It is virtually impossible to monitor what is being said online without having an ear to the ground. Be active with the social media tools your organization has deemed appropriate in order to make connections with this community and proactively uphold your brand in a positive light. Prepare traditional communications tools To manage an internal communications situation, traditional modes of communications still work effectively. Intranet notifications, a memo posted to the employee message board, meetings and announcements, are all still effective ways to reach internal publics. Make sure you are using these tools to your advantage and decide whose responsibility it is to prepare such materials now.   62 
  • 63. 4.6 STEP 6: Final planning checklist Before approaching the media, it is important to make sure that you are fully equipped to answer all inquiries. This checklist will ensure that you have not forgotten any key steps before your story goes public and you plan your media strategy in the next section. Question Yes No Has the crisis response team been notified? Have all levels of management been properly informed? Have you clearly identified the intensity of the current situation? Is there a consensus amongst your CCT of what must be done to respond to the crisis? Do you have effective key messages? Have you identified all applicable target audiences? Do you know how to reach them? Have you developed a general strategy and corresponding tactics? Have identified goals and SMART objectives? Have you considered all possible outcomes of your actions?   63 
  • 64. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.0 Media relations: How to handle the mob Not all crisis scenarios will garner media attention – in fact, it is best if they don’t. However, if your story is big or impactful enough to draw the awareness of the media, you better be prepared. If you are scrambling when a reporter calls or suddenly a whole mob of reporters are perched on your doorstep, your organization’s reputation is at stake and you must proceed carefully and confidently. Although facing a forceful media inquiry can be a scary thought, reporters can also act as allies, helping you inform the community of the current issue. You must work with the media staying upfront, honest, and cooperative at all times. In this section, you must take a look at your current media relations archives to determine what materials are on hand and ready to be sent out to journalists if requested - do you have media kits, B-roll, audio clips, etc. easily available? The more pre-prepared materials you have, the more equipped you will be when the heat is on. 5.1 Construct a media list Begin your preparation by constructing a media list. You should already have a working media list at your disposal, but now is the opportune time to make sure it is up-to-date. Depending on the severity of your crisis situation, you may suddenly be dealing with media attention outside of your regular contacts. Sometimes reporters are contacting you for information and sometimes you are working hard to get to them first with your key messages – the ladder is preferred. Use the templates provided on the following pages to record the names and contact information of key media influencers. *Templates are divided by the various types of media channels.   64 
  • 65. Daily newspapers Name Position Outlet Phone Fax E-mail Special notes   65 
  • 66. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Community and specialty newspapers Name Position Outlet Phone Fax E-mail Special notes   66 
  • 67. Magazines Name Position Outlet Phone Fax E-mail Special notes   67 
  • 68. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Television Name Position Outlet Phone Fax E-mail Special notes   68 
  • 69. Radio Name Position Outlet Phone Fax E-mail Special notes   69 
  • 70. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Online community Name Position Outlet Phone Fax E-mail Special notes   70 
  • 71. 5.2 Identify a spokesperson Choosing the appropriate spokesperson to represent your organization in a time of crisis is a crucial part of your crisis communication planning as this person is the human face of your organization. The chosen person must deliver your key messages in a manner that is sympathetic to those affected by the crisis at hand, offering compassion and empathy. This person could be a communications officer, an expert, or a senior advisor such as your CEO. Whoever you choose, this person must be made credible by having a full knowledgeable of the working of your organization, a history with your organization, and a clean record check. The following checklist will help make the choice easier. Question Yes No Does the individual have a personality or story that will resonate with both the media and audience? Is the spokesperson relevant to the target audience or demographic? Does your potential spokesperson have a working knowledge of your organization? Does your spokesperson have a history with your organization or issue? Can they demonstrate competence and expertise on the issue at hand? Have you performed a comprehensive background check on potential candidates? Is your spokesperson media savvy? Can they express empathy, sensitivity to the issue, and remain poised under pressure? Is the spokesperson easily capable of staying on message?   71 
  • 72. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.3 Train your spokesperson Your spokesperson might be your CEO, your communications director, or an outside person who has a history with your organization and the issue at hand. However, whoever it is, they must be trained and prepared to deal with difficult media inquiries. Media training is a discipline all to itself - making your candidate appear comfortable and secure in front of a camera in a difficult circumstance is not an easy task and requires expert training. Follow this checklist with your spokesperson and media relations specialist before answering any media inquiries to ensure you will be prepared. Question Yes No Are you familiar with the relevant key messages? Are you currently aware of public perception? Have you tested your messages prior to delivery? Can you consistently express and show concern, empathy and compassion? Are you able to sincerely accept responsibility? Are you able to offer an apology? Can you provide a summary of facts on the organization and the action plan in place? Are you able to be 100 per cent honest in your responses? Can you emphasize dedication, commitment and social responsibility? Can you provide examples and understandable analogies to establish understanding? Can you avoid saying “no comment”? Can you stay on point/on message? Can you avoid the use of technical jargon?   72 
  • 73. Can you avoid using humour to address the seriousness of the situation? Can you stay calm under pressure? Can you avoid defensive, argumentative and unreceptive body language, such as crossed arms? Can you make consistent eye contact? Are you sensitive to the non-verbal messages you were communicating? Can you provide your full attention to those asking questions? Can you avoid fidgeting or disruptive behavior? Have you reviewed your performance with management? Are you aware of and comfortable with your role in the organization going forward?   73 
  • 74. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.4 Sample documents The tools that you use to contact, inform, and present your story to the media are fairly uniform and standardized whatever the situation might be. Therefore, make sure that you are familiar with the following templates that will need to be rolled out when the time calls. • News release • Media advisory • Holding statement • Empathy statement • FAQ list News release A news release is a PR practitioner’s best friend. It is a key communications tool in a time of calm, and it will now support you in a time of crisis. Make sure you are well versed in creating effective leads, sticking to proper formatting, and following standardized criteria. (Remember to follow an inverted pyramid style when presenting pertinent information.) Media advisory In a crisis situation, a media advisory can be used to give reporters details on your upcoming press conference where you will give them more information in a more controlled and stable environment. Use this template to create an “invitation” to your press conference highlighting the 5Ws of the event. Holding statement A holding statement will inform the press that a crisis situation has just broken, and you will give them more information when it is available. A holding statement will inform the media that you are presently working to determine the nature of the scenario and that matters are currently under investigation.   74 
  • 75. Empathy statement An empathy statement is an important tool in your crisis media relations plan as it expresses your sympathy and compassion, and informs the public that your organization is working to correct the problem. Accidents happen, but it is with an empathy statement that you will have a platform to address the issue at hand and deliver a sincere apology. FAQ list Preparing a frequently asked questions list will help you anticipate the hard questions reporters will most likely ask, letting you prepare answers that are informed and can be delivered with confidence. Simply create a list of the top 30 questions a reporter might ask your spokesperson, making sure to hit on the difficult topics while answering all of the 5Ws.   75 
  • 76. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.5 News release template Put on organizational letterhead NEWS RELEASE April 15, 2011 Contact: Contact person, position ###-###-#### (office) ###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Headline should be bolded, lower case (Location): The lead should expand on the headline by answering who, what, when, where, and why? The second paragraph should provide additional facts relevant to the situation. “The third paragraph should encompass a quote from the most relevant source,” says John Smith, director of communications for Company X. “Offer new information. Every word should count, so don’t waste space.” Under most circumstances, the news release should be a maximum of 250 words. “Finish it off with another quote,” says Smith. “You can use the same speaker or a different source to highlight various aspects of the crisis.” The boilerplate is usually found at the end of a press release, and briefly describes the organization related above. The short paragraph consists of just a few sentences and is generally used on every press release. Boilerplates should be up-to-date, clearly written and short. - 30 -   76 
  • 77. 5.6 Media advisory template Put on organizational letterhead MEDIA ADVISORY April 15, 2011 Contact: Contact person, position ###-###-#### (office) ###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Headline should focus on the newsworthy item (Location): The opening paragraph should provide the basics of the 5Ws but stimulate media to learn more. Mention any persons of interest, such as dignitaries and elected officials who are key to the event. What: Describe the event. When: April 22, 2011; 7:00 p.m. Provide the best time for photos, if applicable. Where: Address, location of event and parking directions. Who: A list of important people who will be attending your event. Why: State the reason for the event and, in brief, what will be covered. Do not, however, provide specific information, as that may deter media from attending. For more information, visit -30-   77 
  • 78. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.7 Holding statement template Put on organizational letterhead HOLDING STATEMENT April 15, 2011 Contact: Contact person, position ###-###-#### (office) ###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Incident at (place of crisis) (Location): Company A has just been informed that… Company A is concerned with…. Paragraph two should give as many of the 5Ws that are known at the present time. Make sure that you are aware of legal requirements and not releasing confidential information at this time. “The third paragraph should encompass a quote from the most relevant source,” says John Smith, director of communications for Company A. Let the media know what actions are currently being undertaken by your organization to address the current situation and address who might be affected by this issue and what they should do. Inform the media that additional information will be provided when it is available at a press conference (where and when), through further news releases, or on your website: - 30 -   78 
  • 79. 5.8 Empathy statement template Put on organizational letterhead EMPATHY STATEMENT April 15, 2011 Contact: Contact person, position ###-###-#### (office) ###-###-#### (cell) (e-mail) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Incident at (place of crisis) The following statement was released by (Name, title, and name of operation) following the (short description of incident and location.) (Location): We understand the concerns, fears, and questions you may have about the (incident) that took place (time frame.) Our thoughts and prayers are with our employees and their families. At this time, we are doing everything we can to (actions being taken). “The safety and well-being of our (those affected) is our first priority,” says spokesperson. Inform the media that additional information will be provided when it is available at a press conference (where and when), through further news releases, or on your website: - 30 -   79 
  • 80. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.9 FAQ list 1. What went wrong? 2. What caused the problem? 3. Who is at fault? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Who much will the relief effort cost?   80 
  • 81. 5.10 Media centre In crisis Level 3 and 4 scenarios, media attention will be so intense that a media centre will be required to handle the volume of media inquires received and to regularly brief reporters when news breaks. A media centre will also allow your CCT to work closely with both local and regional media in cooperation to deliver the necessary information to the general public. Therefore, your media centre must be a accommodating and comfortable environment for this exchange of information to take place. In such an intense level of crisis, be prepared to provide the media with: • Information in a timely manner, • Straight facts, reliable sources, and relevant materials, and • Readily available points of contact for quotes and more information. When setting-up your media centre where the action will take place, use the following logistics checklist to ensure you are meeting reporters’ needs.   81 
  • 82. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.11 Logistics checklist Quickly establish a site for the media before they do. This location should be: • A secure location • Easily accessible • As comfortable as possible • Coordinated with regulators • Away from family and employees • Away from the site of the incident The media centre must accommodate: • Sufficient parking space with room for satellite trucks • A private consultation room • Toilet facilities and fresh water • Sufficient space for a podium and chairs Additional equipment: • Computers/internet access • Copy machine and paper/fax machine and paper • Electronic outlets • A/V equipment • Flip charts and markers • Notepaper/pens • Landlines (incase of no cell phone coverage)   82 
  • 83. 5.12 Location research The middle of a crisis is not the time to find a location for your media centre. Take the time before an issue breaks to research potential locations that you can have on file when needed. Do some research to determine the size of available locations, how long such a venue must be booked in advance, and make initial contact with location representatives. Use the following template to compile this information. Location Size Parking Equipment Reservation Cost Contact leadtime name and #   83 
  • 84. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.13 Contact Log It is important to keep track of who asked what to whom, when. By keeping a contact log, you can monitor the exchange of information in the event that a point is later questioned or needs to be followed up. Your log should look like the following: Date Contact Contact Spoke Details Phone E-mail Action time name info with   84 
  • 85. Date Contact Contact Spoke Details Phone E-mail Action time name info with   85 
  • 86. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 5.14 Media Monitoring Log Once you have done your job of providing the media with the most timely and accurate information, it is time to monitor the coverage your story is garnering from both local and in some cases, international media outlets. Key criteria to look for are whether coverage had a positive, neutral, or negative tone, and the reach of the story. It is also important to note if the coverage touches upon your key messages and to assess the overall credibility of your spokesperson in delivering those messages. Your Media Monitoring Log should look like the following: Tone Ratings 1-10 Date Media Location Type Reach + / - key messages published outlet spokesperson mention credibility   86 
  • 87.   5.15 Potential pitfalls Avoid using “I.” • Speak for the organization using the name or the pronoun “we” • Avoid the impression that you, alone, are the authority or the sole decision-maker • Never disagree with the organization you represent saying: “Personally, I don’t agree,” or “Speaking for myself…” Avoid speculation. • Stick to the facts of what has, is, and will be done • Avoid speculating on worst-case scenarios or pre-determining possible outcomes Avoid making promises you can’t keep. • Promise only what you can deliver • State your willingness to explore other options Avoid jargon, technical terms or acronyms. • Limit their use and fully explain those you must use. Avoid negative words and phrases. • Stay optimistic • Avoid highly-charged analogies, like “At least this is not Bhopal” Don’t blame others. • Accept your fair share of responsibility • Don’t point fingers at others • Focus your communications on how problems can be rectified, not whose fault it is Avoid using humour as a crutch. • Humour of any kind is not appropriate in a crisis situation Don’t repeat negative allegations. • Refute critical allegations concisely • Draw upon and reinforce your key messages of reparation and support Don’t become defensive. • Respond to issues not personalities • End debates rather than continue them • Stay calm in all situations   87 
  • 88. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 6.0 Evaluation and moving forward: Are you on track? After the heat of the crisis has died down, don't let negative content define you or your organization. Although you cannot go back in time and erase what happened, you can now begin to focus on the future and rebuild your reputation, repair public trust, and strengthening your brand. Will effective issues management is the more proactive approach, after a crisis, reputation repair is a reactive measure. Over time, managing and controlling your reputation should become easier and easier. 6.1 Evaluation If you took the time to create SMART objectives, you can now see if you successfully met your goals and begin to evaluate the effectiveness of your crisis communications efforts. By using your original SMART objectives as a measuring tool, you will discover your CCT’s strengths and weaknesses, helping you prepare yourself for future scenarios that could be more or less intense. Use the following template to plug in your original goals and objectives and compare the outcome of each effort.   88 
  • 89. SMART objective evaluation Original goal SMART objective Outcome    89 
  • 90. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? 6.2 Budgeting Resolving a crisis situation can be a very costly matter. However, if you don’t do anything, your organization could suffer the risk of extinction. While great efforts need to be made to address the issue at hand, it is important to track your spending on reparations to avoid hitting bankruptcy. While it is impossible to project the total cost of your campaign, it is important to always keep track of your expenditures. Spending will be an ongoing concern, therefore; your financial experts and senior management team need to be consulted before any large expenses are approved. The budget template in the Appendix will help you to track your finances. 6.3 Changing the conversation If you don’t like what people are saying about your organization after the fallout, it is now time to change the conversation. By publicly changing your conduct, you can project an image of a more advanced and mature brand than before the crisis situation occurred. A campaign designed to highlight good works and corporate social responsibility will demonstrate growth and help to restore the public trust. Corporate social responsibility or CSR is a very popular concept in the marketing and communications industry today. While thinking strategically, you want to make sure that your efforts are still regarded as authentic and sincere without appearing forged – leading to further damage of your reputation and insulting your publics. Use the following template to brainstorm PR campaign strategies that will demonstrate the reverse of what people are saying about you right now. While a natural disaster or a crashing stock market are situations that are completely out of your control, diligently following the advice given in this handbook and taking responsibility for filling out the templates provided, will help give you perspective, challenge your current mode of conduct, and alert you to possible dangers. Always remember that proactive issues management is the most effective way to avoid a crisis scenario, keeping you moving in the right direction.     90 
  • 91. CSR brainstorming satellite     Current public perception   91 
  • 92. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Appendix Budgetary evaluation Item Dept. Projected Actual Difference Approved by: total total   92 
  • 93. Item Dept. Projected Actual Difference Approved by: total total     93 
  • 94. Crisis Communications Handbook Are You Prepared? Item Dept. Projected Actual Difference Approved by: total total   94