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Active Citizenship
Annual Report 2012-2013
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared that “government of the people, by the people, for
the people, shall not perish from the earth.” One hundred and fifty years after Gettysburg,
many still question whether this nation “so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.”
Self-government is both exhilarating and difficult. Learning the demands and rewards of
democratic life requires guidance, wisdom, and lots of practice. And the learning begins
during the school years. That is why the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago is
committed to strengthening our democracy—one classroom at a time. CRFC recognizes
the essential role of our elementary and high schools in developing active citizens.
CRFC provides training and resources for the teachers who build our democracy every day.
We offer opportunities to students from second grade through high school to understand
today’s issues and enact our Constitution’s enduring values in their schools and in our
communities. CRFC puts students face-to-face with lawyers, judges, and policymakers
so that everyone’s voice is part of the conversation.
This 2012-2013 Annual Report shares some of those voices from this past year. It also
provides us with our opportunity to recognize the people and organizations that support
our mission. For all those efforts and contributions, we are deeply appreciative.
We are proud to be involved in an organization with so important a mission, and so
successful a track record. However, President Lincoln’s challenge remains for all of us.
Join us in our effort to strengthen our democracy for future generations.
Steven M. Elrod	 Nisan Chavkin
Chairman of the Board of Directors	 Executive Director
Letter from the Chairman and the Executive Director
The Power of Active Citizenship
cover photo: by David Terry
What is
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago?
The Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago (CRFC) strengthens
American democracy by helping young people feel invested in democracy.
Through exciting hands-on programs that deal with rights, law, and policy,
CRFC teaches elementary, middle, and high school students about their
role in America in ways a textbook just can’t.
CRFC supports teachers with training and resources to empower their
students to be active and informed citizens, including:
•	Classroom-tested professional development
•	Interactive student programs
•	Content experts in the classroom
•	Innovative, problem-based curricula
•	Nonpartisan lesson plans and classroom materials
Founded in 1974, CRFC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.
Over 800adult professionals volunteered their time
and expertise to CRFC to ensure young people know they have
an important voice in their communities and their country.
In 2012-2013, CRFC’s programs made it possible for over
12,000students to experiment with democracy on their terms.
More than 200schools participated in
CRFC programs and benefitted from a more
civil, informed, and proactive student body.
CRFC supported over 560teachers
who are commited to prepare their
students for informed civic engagement.
(by+the) Numbers
Annual Report 2012-2013
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago2
Before the
Summit, I never
truly understood
how high school
students could have
an impact on their
Amber, a high school senior, looked around at
the many images of federal judges on a wall of
the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse before she turned
her attention to health care. At issue was a
policy that would provide comprehensive
health insurance to every person under
nineteen years of age.
Was it a good idea?
Amber and nearly 200
students from other
Illinois schools were
about to decide.
Amber was a student
leader at CRFC’s
2007 Illinois Youth
Summit. She engaged
and mobilized other
students on an issue that
affected them directly.
They reviewed evidence,
discussed pros and
cons, shared divergent
opinions, and tried to reach common ground.
“Before the Summit, I never truly understood
how high school students could have an
impact on their communities,” she said. “For
me, the Summit took my energy and passion
and allowed me to act on it. It also taught me
to not be afraid to have a voice.”
Amber’s Illinois Youth Summit experience
paved the way for a life devoted to public
service and activism. Amber spent many hours
working with young volunteers on the Obama
Campaign and for Mayors Against Illegal
Guns. Somewhat serendipitously, she
now works for Enroll America,
a nonprofit organization that
educates the uninsured about
the health coverage options
made available by the
Affordable Care Act.
“The Youth Summit
was my first glimpse at
healthcare and how it
affects all Americans at
many levels,” said Amber.
“CRFC empowered me to get more involved
in my community and to care about issues,
legislation, and legislators that impact my life and
the lives of those around me. I always tell them
about the Youth Summit when I explain why it
is important for young people to be involved.”
Amber’s Story
Empowered to Get More Involved
Annual Report 2012-2013 3
Ameerah’s Story
Watch Me Change the World
Thirteen year-old Ameerah remembers the day
gang members shot and killed her cousin. He
was a victim of mistaken identity.
Ameerah, like so many of her classmates, was
afraid to walk to school. She feared that she
might become the next statistic. She feared
losing a classmate, friend, or another family
member to gun violence.
Ameerah didn’t want to be afraid. She knew she
wanted to do something about the problem. She
knew she wanted to change her community on
Chicago’s west side for the better.
“What can I possibly do to change the
situation?” she thought. “Who can I talk to?
Who will care?” She didn’t know where to start.
When Ameerah’s teacher at Polaris Charter
Academy signed her class up for CRFC’s ABC
Project: Action-Based Communities, all of
that changed.
“Before [ABC Project], we didn’t really believe
that we had a voice in our community,” she said.
With the guidance of their teachers, Ms. Moy
and Ms. Peck, Ameerah’s class embarked on
a campaign to create a Day of Peace –
24 hours without violence – in their
community. Ameerah believed, “If people saw
what one day of peace was like, they would
want every day to be that way.”
Some students teamed up with film students
at nearby Westinghouse High School to
create professional-looking Public Service
Announcements to get the word out about their
Day of Peace. Others interviewed community
leaders and peace activists for a book they
published entitled “Peacekeepers of Chicago.”
They also organized peace rallies and a
community stewardship day.
“We were very touched when [the community]
came out to support us. It was really powerful
for us…” Ameerah said.
In the end, the students got what they asked
for—one day of peace in their community. On
June 10, 2013, there were no shootings or other
violent crimes in their neighborhoods. Now the
students want to take their initiative citywide.
“You can tell me that we can’t do anything—
that we are just children—that we can’t make a
difference in the world. I say just watch! Watch
me change the world. Watch me give back to
my community. Watch me make
a difference in everybody’s life,”
Ameerah proclaimed.
Ameerah’s and her classmates’
work was so impressive that
they were asked to keynote the
2013 Expeditionary Learning
Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
They will address over 800
educators about their experience.
If people saw
what one day
of peace was
like, they would
want every day
to be that way.
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago4
During the 12 years she served as Assistant
Public Defender of Cook County, Natasha
saw her share of young people pass through
the juvenile justice system – young men and
women accused of crimes – some of which
they were guilty, some of
which they were not.
Natasha knew many of the
children who she represented
could not read, but she
quickly discovered that most
of them did not even have a
basic understanding of their
rights or of the criminal
justice system.
When Natasha noticed her
clients becoming younger
and younger, she decided she
needed to be on the prevention
end of the system. While still
at the Public Defender’s office,
she began pursuing a master’s
degree in secondary education. Natasha
graduated in May 2012 and just completed her
first year as a high school law teacher at Hirsch
High School on Chicago’s south side.
When Natasha heard about CRFC’s Illinois
Youth Summit, she knew it would be “a great
opportunity for students to learn how the
law interacts and intersects with their daily
lives.” In May 2013, her students deliberated
controversial public policy questions with
nearly 200 students from other Illinois
schools. They examined their rights and the
Students Realize Their Lives Can Be So Much Bigger
rights of others, learned to appreciate opinions
that differ from their own, and worked together
to answer current questions.
Natasha said, “The Illinois Youth Summit
helped me synthesize the different tenets of our
democracy and teach it in a way that students
feel invested in it. The students were excited
to go downtown and be inside the federal
courthouse and to talk to adults who actually
cared about what they had to say. It helped them
realize that their lives can be so much bigger
than the 10 block radius to which they are
“We are going to hear from our young people –
one way or another,” she said. “We can either
be reactive and let them self-destruct or we can
be proactive and give
them the skills and
resources they need
to participate in and
build up democracy.
CRFC’s Youth Summit
gives young people
a platform for their
voices to be heard in
a constructive way. ”
Natasha’s Story
...we can be
proactive and
give them
the skills and
they need to
participate in
and build up
I think it helps
students see
that it doesn’t
matter where
you come from,
that you can do
anything you
want in life…
Annual Report 2012-2013 5
Seeing the Students“Get It”
Makes the Experience Special
One afternoon five years ago, Steven was
reunited with his 8th grade teacher at a local
grocery store. Ms. Strok, who was now the
principal at Evergreen Academy Middle School
in Chicago’s McKinley Park neighborhood,
was proud to see that her former student had
grown up to be a successful attorney. She
could not wait to get Steven to her school
through CRFC’s Edward J. Lewis II Lawyers
in the Classroom Program.
Every year since, Steven and his colleagues
at the law firm O’Connor & Nakos, Ltd.
have volunteered in Mr. Kanelos’ 8th grade
social studies class at Evergreen. They help
his students learn about the Constitution and
provide them with real-world applications of
the Bill of Rights.
In a recent class, Steven led an activity on
Freedom of Speech. Students had to decide
whether speech is protected in different
scenarios. The students surprised Steven and
his colleagues with their well-reasoned
replies. “Seeing the students
‘get it’ definitely makes the
experience special,” he said.
By participating in
the Lawyers in the
Classroom program, Steven feels a
true connection to his community.
Like many of the students
Steven works with, he also grew
up in a working-class Chicago
neighborhood and was raised in a
single-parent home.
“By seeing that the lawyers in the
classroom come from a similar
upbringing, I think it helps the
students see that it doesn’t matter where you
come from, that you can do anything you
want in life if you just put your mind to it and
always try your best,” he said.
Recently, when Steven and his colleagues
found out that one of the students they work
with wouldn’t be able to go on her class trip to
Washington, D.C. because her mother lost her
job, they rallied together to get their firm to
sponsor her trip. Ms. Strok pointed out that if
it hadn’t been for the strong relationships built
through the Lawyers in the Classroom
program, the student would have
missed out on a very important
learning experience.
Steven’s Story
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago6
Equal Justice Under Law
With the guidance of James Jacobs (middle)
of the Office of the Cook County Public
Defender and other legal experts, students
deliberate the U.S. Supreme Court case,
Florence v. Freeholders at CRFC’s Equal Justice
Under Law program at the Dirksen U.S.
Courthouse. Later, nearly 200 students voted
on a public policy regarding strip searches for
all people entering the jail system.
Primary Voice
Students participate as jurors in State v. Wolf, one of
CRFC’s interactive mock trial programs. State v. Wolf
is part of Primary Voice, a program that uses classic
children’s literature (in this case, The Three Little
Pigs) to teach about rights and the legal system.
“I learned that the Fourth Amendment and the
necessity for security in prison must be balanced.”
– Student, Waubonsie Valley High School (Aurora, Illinois)
CivicYouth Leadership Project
High school students pose with Illinois Solicitor General,
Michael Scodro (second from left) at the Civic Youth
Leadership Project event, “A Day at the U.S. Supreme Court”
at IIT Chicago-Kent School of Law. Students learned about
the inner workings of the Court and examined the same-sex
marriage cases that were decided during October Term 2012.
“CRFC programs, such as the Civic Youth Leadership Project, are not
about telling students what to think but showing them how to think.”
– High School Teacher, Hancock College Preparatory High School (Chicago, Illinois)
“What they learned doing the State v. Wolf Mock Trial
will be with them for the rest of their lives as they
mature and become respectful, responsible citizens
and future leaders of tomorrow.”
– 2nd Grade Teacher, Chicago Public Schools
Annual Report 2012-2013 7
CRFC’s programs prepare students for academic and life success
with inquiry-based programs. ABC Project: Action-Based Communities
gives students opportunities to research community problems,
ask questions, work together, evaluate potential solutions, and take
action on issues that affect them.
“I am leaving a legacy for the next group
of students. I’m going to graduate saying,
‘I made a big impact on my school.’”
– 8th Grade Student, Chicago Public Schools
Preparing Students
for College, Career,
and Civic Life
Civic Learning
Through Doing
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago8
"The students were positively
engaged and on task. They had
thoughtful discussion and came
to the realization that the ten
amendments to the Bill of Rights
are quite necessary. This activity
made a document they have
studied in the past come to life."
– Lawyers In The Classroom
	 Attorney Volunteer
"We don't have equal justice under emotion – we have equal justice
under law, and I think that this is what this program really helps
students to understand."
– Equal Justice Under Law Teacher, Wheaton North High School (Wheaton, Illinois)
Annual Report 2012-2013 9
Second Inaugural Essay Contest Winner
Elayna Mork, a freshman at Glenbrook South High School accepts a $500 college
scholarship for her winning submission to CRFC’s “Second Inaugural” essay contest.
“Although the road before us may be filled with hurdles,
Americans have faced and overcome large challenges before
and we will overcome these as well. Tough decisions will have
to be made and sacrifices shared by all.”
– Excerpt from Elayna Mork’s essay
2012 Teachers of the Year
Keith Matune (right) from Lake Park High School in Roselle, Illinois receives the
2012 Barbara O’Donnell Law-Related Education High School Teacher of the Year Award.
“Mr. Matune has taught me what is truly important; to value
learning and wisdom, to have respect for yourself and those
around you, to always be polite and courteous, and how it is our
responsibility as individuals to be active citizens in our community.”
– Student, Lake Park High School (Roselle, Illinois)
Tony Pugh (right) from Woods Math and Science Academy (now closed), in
Chicago, Illinois receives the 2012 Edward J. Lewis II Law-Related Education
Elementary Teacher of the Year Award.
“Mr. Pugh’s students pose sophisticated questions and appear
to truly enjoy exploring constitutional law issues.…It is evident
that Mr. Pugh cares deeply about his students, which he
demonstrates by his respectful management of his students
and by engaging them in the lessons we present.”
– Attorney Volunteer, McGuireWoods LLP
2012 Bill of Rights in Action Honorees
ComEd, An Exelon Company’s representative Darryl M. Bradford and Mary A.
Dempsey accept the Bill of Rights in Action Award at the 2012 Bill of Rights in
Action Awards Benefit, CRFC’s major fundraising event. Each year, CRFC presents
the Award to organizations and individuals who, because of their community
involvement, set an example of good citizenship for our nation’s young people.
10 Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago
2012 2011
Total Unrestricted
Grants $1,197,657 — $1,197,657 $1,606,127 — $1,606,127
Contributions 59,015 182,500 241,515 105,796 25,000 130,796
Dues and fees 130,605 — 130,605 60,138 1,500 61,638
Interest and dividends 366 76 442 983 — 983
Publication sales 51,026 — 51,026 629 — 629
Fundraisers 229,145 — 229,145 164,225 — 164,225
Donated services 296,850 — 296,850 278,600 — 278,600
Net assets released from restrictions 256,928 (256,928) — 97,584 (97,584) —
2,221,592 (74,352) 2,147,240 2,314,082 (71,084) 2,242,998
Program services 1,760,301 — 1,760,301 1,989,503 — 1,989,503
General and administrative 253,730 — 253,730 257,591 — 257,591
Fundraising 166,107 — 166,107 64,377 — 64,377
2,180,138 2,180,138 2,311,471 2,311,471
Revenue over (under) expenses 41,454 (74,352) (32,898) 2,611 (71,084) (68,473)
Realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 42,807 52,555 95,362 (280) 3,540 3,260
Increase (decrease) in net assets 84,261 (21,797) 62,464 2,331 (67,544) (65,213)
Net assets
Beginning of year 716,020 891,896 1,607,916 713,689 959,440 1,673,129
End of year $800,281 $870,099 $1,670,380 $716,020 $891,896 $1,607,916
These financial statements were abstracted from the organization’s December 31, 2012 financial statements, which were audited by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP.
Because the information does not include all disclosures required by the U.S. generally accepted accounting principals, it does not purport to present the
organization’s financial condition or results. A copy of the audited financial statements will be provided upon written request at the organizational office.
Statement of Activities (Years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011)
Revenue Expenses
Dues and fees
Interest and dividends
Publication sales
Donated services
Net assets released from restrictions
Program services
General and administrative
Annual Report 2012-2013 11
$50,000 and over
Brinson Foundation
Chicago Public Schools
Kapnick Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
The Robert R. McCormick
U.S. Department of
$10,000 to $49,999
ComEd, An Exelon Company
Corboy & Demetrio P.C.
Elgin School District U-46
Emil J. and Marie D.
Kochton Foundation
Foley & Lardner LLP
GE Foundation
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Holland & Knight LLP
Jenner & Block LLP
Paula J. Morency and
Paul E. Dengel
Donald L. Mrozek
Philip H. Corboy Foundation
The Spencer Foundation
Stuart Family Foundation
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Winston & Strawn LLP
$5,000 to $9,999
Baker & McKenzie LLP
Chicago Bar Foundation
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Hoogendoorn & Talbot LLP
Ingredion Incorporated
Motorola Solutions
Carolyn and Peter Pereira
Reed Smith LLP
Schiff Hardin LLP
Sidley Austin LLP
Nisan and Sarah Chavkin
Alex and Jill Dimitrief
Steve and Donna Elrod
Freeborn & Peters LLP
William J. Gibbons
Katten Muchin
Rosenman LLP
Kraft Foods Inc.
John J. and Elisabeth
K. Lewis
McDonald's Corporation
Alyson Morton
Sonya D. Naar
Gordon B. Nash, Jr.
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Perkins Coie LLP
Craig A. Roeder
Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom LLP
The Valorem Law Group
James S. Whitehead
$1000 to $2,499
Mark Buettner and
Liz Dengel
Cengage Learning
Beverly and Morton Chethik
Renee and Frank Citera
Eimer Stahl LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
Gary Feinerman
Victor P. Filippini, Jr.
Shanin T. Fuller
Benjamin Ghess
Diana E. Hess
Margaret A. Hickey
Bernard and Kimbeth Judge
Rachel Kaplan and
Bob Riesman
Andrew Kassof
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Jim and Helen Lewis
Rocco and Roxanne Martino
Molex, Incorporated
The Northern Trust Company
Martin T. O'Donnell
Rony and Catherine Shimony
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
A. Silberman
Jeffrey R. Tone/Katten
& Temple
David Yellen and Leslie
Up to $999
Elizabeth Adkins
Ronald J. Allen
Christina Arrom
Bob and Pat Atkins
William J. Bauer
Janet M. Beavers
Sam and Kathy Bell
Paul P. Biebel, Jr.
Jennifer Bloom
Mena and David Boulanger
Dr. Jerome D. Bowers
Ralph and Rona Brown
Thomas L. Browne
Mary P. Bruner
William R. Burch
Christopher Busse
Kevin and Alice Campbell
Capright Property
Advisors, LLC
Ruben Castillo
Deborah B. Cole
Jeff Colman and Nancy Loeb
Kim Cook
Diane K. Corbett
Matthew C. Crowl
Richard Danaher
DePaul University
School of Law
Mark L. Durbin
Sondra and Karl Eisenberg
Gerald Eisner
Peter A. Ellis
Judge and Mrs.
Richard J. Elrod
Dixie and Rick Erwin
Diane Farwick
Eileen Felson
Lane Fenrich
Karen H. Flax
Mark A. Flessner
Rhona and Hon. Julian Frazin
Radha Friedman
Kulmeet S. Galhotra
Bob Glaves
Daniel and Catherine Goebel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Lee Gould
Martin A. Gradman
Stuart Graff
Douglas Graham
Roxana Hadad
Wafa Haleem
Elizabeth Hanigan
William Hannay
James Harbert
Jared Hasten
Shawn Healy
Harold Hirshman
Frederick J. Huetter
Mia P. Jiganti
Alex Jomarron
Fay Katlin
Richard Katz
Peter Kauffman
Steven Klein
Len Kurfirst
Law Offices of Michael
Murphy Tannen, PC
Joan H. Lefkow
Stephen Legatzke/
Goldberg Kohn Ltd.
Randall Lehner
Steven Levy
Helen and Jim Lewis
Norman and Doris Libman
Scott Livingston
Alexander and Mary Lourie
Tom H. Luetkemeyer
Alex Mahler
Michael Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Matthews and Tracy Hill
Dan May
Patty McCarthy
McGuireWoods LLP
Paula and Bill McMenamin
Mendelsohn Legal Inc.
Mark Mesle
Gretchen Miller
Cecilia Mowatt
Susan Gehagan Mueller
Northern Illinois University
Julian and Sheila Oettinger
Michael and Stephanie
Matthew J. O'Hara
Michelle Olson
Lisa Oppenheim
Deborah Pardini
Patrick L. Patras
Todd Patterson
Sheila Pont
Andrea E. Popvecz
Anthony R. Pugh
Phil and Mary Roden
Kristen Rodriguez
Barbara and Don Ruhman
Daniel K. Ryan
Christopher Sanchez
Donald W. Schaumberger
Stephen A. Schiller
Benjamin Schuster
Charles Sennet
Gary Shapiro
Barry Sheppard
Jacqueline Shiff
Louise A. Silberman
Lisa S. Simmons
Laurel Singleton
Robert S. Spadoni
The Spencer Foundation
Matching Gift
Lisa Stanovich
Barry and Winnifred Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan
Peter D. Sullivan
Thomas P. Sullivan
Mary O'Keefe Twardak
Andrew Vail
Frank Valadez
Jeff Varda
Georgia L. Vlamis
Alan and Lynda Wallis
Matthew Walsh
June Winnie
Hon. Diane P. Wood and
Dr. Robert L. Sufit
Norma Wright
Clifford Yuknis
If we have inadvertently omitted
your name, let us know and
please accept our apologies.
Funders  Contributors
Thank you to our supporters, without
whom CRFC could not do its vital work.
Your investment ensures that children and
teachers have access to high-quality civic
education that strengthens democracy one
classroom at a time.
This list reflects donations received between January 2012 to June 2013.
Steven M. Elrod, Chair
Holland  Knight LLP
Sonya D. Naar, Vice Chair
Attorneys’ Liability
Assurance Society, Inc.
Donald L. Mrozek, Vice Chair
Hinshaw  Culbertson LLP
Dennis F. Regan, Treasurer
The Northern Trust Company
Victor P. Filippini, Jr., Secretary
Holland  Knight LLP
Ronald J. Allen
Northwestern University
School of Law
Steven L. Bashwiner
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
William J. Bauer
U.S. Court of Appeals—7th Circuit
Myles D. Berman
Foley  Lardner LLP
Paul P. Biebel
Circuit Court of Cook County
Darryl M. Bradford
Exelon Corporation
Ruben Castillo
U.S. District Court,
Northern District of Illinois
Renee Citera
Deborah B. Cole
Hoogendoorn  Talbot LLP
Patrick M. Collins
Perkins Coie LLP
Jeffrey D. Colman*
Jenner  Block LLP
Thomas A. Demetrio
Corboy  Demetrio, P.C.
Gary S. Feinerman
U.S. District Court,
Northern District of Illinois
Thomas R. Fitzgerald
Karen H. Flax
Tribune Company
Michael D. Freeborn
Freeborn  Peters LLP
Shanin T. Fuller
Ingredion Incorporated
Benjamin Ghess
Human Resources Development
Institute, Inc.
Diane Green-Kelly
Reed Smith LLP
Diana E. Hess
Spencer Foundation
Margaret A. Hickey
Office of the U.S. Attorney
John J. Jemilo*
Bernard M. Judge*
Andrew A. Kassof
Kirkland  Ellis LLP
James A. Klenk
Thomas P. LaFrance
GE Transportation
John J. Lewis
Robert T. Markowski
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Patricia L. McCarthy
David E. Mendelsohn
DLA Piper LLP (US)
David A. Moes
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Paula J. Morency
Schiff Hardin LLP
Gordon B. Nash, Jr.
Drinker Biddle  Reath LLP
Lisa M. Noller
Foley  Lardner LLP
Julian A. Oettinger*
Carolyn Pereira*‡
Craig A. Roeder
Baker  McKenzie LLP
Gloria Santona
McDonald’s Corporation
Stephen A. Schiller*
R. Ryan Stoll
Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher  Flom LLP
Thomas P. Sullivan*
Jenner  Block LLP
Earl A. Talbot*
Hoogendoorn  Talbot LLP
Jeffrey R. Tone
Katten  Temple LLP
Andrew W. Vail
Jenner  Block LLP
Georgia L. Vlamis
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Dan K. Webb
Winston  Strawn LLP
James S. Whitehead
Sidley Austin LLP
Diane P. Wood
U.S. Court of Appeals—7th Circuit
David N. Yellen
Loyola University Chicago
School of Law
* Life Director
‡ Founder
Board of Directors
Nisan Chavkin
Executive Director
Chris Ahearn
Development Associate
Jessica Chethik
Elementary and Middle
School Programs Director
Gary T. Coleman
Finance and Systems Director
Anne Kennedy
Programs Coordinator
LaVerne E. Mathews
Development Director
Kristy Poteete-Kriegermeier
Communications and
Program Director
Dee Runaas
High School Programs Director
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago
Strengthening Democracy One Classroom at a Time
205 West Randolph Street, Suite 1245 • Chicago, IL 60606-1815
312-663-9057 • fax: 312-663-4321 • •
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Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago - Annual Report 2013

  • 2. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” One hundred and fifty years after Gettysburg, many still question whether this nation “so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” Self-government is both exhilarating and difficult. Learning the demands and rewards of democratic life requires guidance, wisdom, and lots of practice. And the learning begins during the school years. That is why the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago is committed to strengthening our democracy—one classroom at a time. CRFC recognizes the essential role of our elementary and high schools in developing active citizens. CRFC provides training and resources for the teachers who build our democracy every day. We offer opportunities to students from second grade through high school to understand today’s issues and enact our Constitution’s enduring values in their schools and in our communities. CRFC puts students face-to-face with lawyers, judges, and policymakers so that everyone’s voice is part of the conversation. This 2012-2013 Annual Report shares some of those voices from this past year. It also provides us with our opportunity to recognize the people and organizations that support our mission. For all those efforts and contributions, we are deeply appreciative. We are proud to be involved in an organization with so important a mission, and so successful a track record. However, President Lincoln’s challenge remains for all of us. Join us in our effort to strengthen our democracy for future generations. Steven M. Elrod Nisan Chavkin Chairman of the Board of Directors Executive Director Letter from the Chairman and the Executive Director The Power of Active Citizenship StevenM.Elrod NisanChavkin cover photo: by David Terry
  • 3. 1 What is Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago? The Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago (CRFC) strengthens American democracy by helping young people feel invested in democracy. Through exciting hands-on programs that deal with rights, law, and policy, CRFC teaches elementary, middle, and high school students about their role in America in ways a textbook just can’t. CRFC supports teachers with training and resources to empower their students to be active and informed citizens, including: • Classroom-tested professional development • Interactive student programs • Content experts in the classroom • Innovative, problem-based curricula • Nonpartisan lesson plans and classroom materials Founded in 1974, CRFC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Over 800adult professionals volunteered their time and expertise to CRFC to ensure young people know they have an important voice in their communities and their country. In 2012-2013, CRFC’s programs made it possible for over 12,000students to experiment with democracy on their terms. More than 200schools participated in CRFC programs and benefitted from a more civil, informed, and proactive student body. CRFC supported over 560teachers who are commited to prepare their students for informed civic engagement. C+R×F÷C (by+the) Numbers 2012-2013= Annual Report 2012-2013
  • 4. Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago2 Before the Summit, I never truly understood how high school students could have an impact on their communities. Amber, a high school senior, looked around at the many images of federal judges on a wall of the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse before she turned her attention to health care. At issue was a policy that would provide comprehensive health insurance to every person under nineteen years of age. Was it a good idea? Amber and nearly 200 students from other Illinois schools were about to decide. Amber was a student leader at CRFC’s 2007 Illinois Youth Summit. She engaged and mobilized other students on an issue that affected them directly. They reviewed evidence, discussed pros and cons, shared divergent opinions, and tried to reach common ground. “Before the Summit, I never truly understood how high school students could have an impact on their communities,” she said. “For me, the Summit took my energy and passion and allowed me to act on it. It also taught me to not be afraid to have a voice.” Amber’s Illinois Youth Summit experience paved the way for a life devoted to public service and activism. Amber spent many hours working with young volunteers on the Obama Campaign and for Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Somewhat serendipitously, she now works for Enroll America, a nonprofit organization that educates the uninsured about the health coverage options made available by the Affordable Care Act. “The Youth Summit was my first glimpse at healthcare and how it affects all Americans at many levels,” said Amber. “CRFC empowered me to get more involved in my community and to care about issues, legislation, and legislators that impact my life and the lives of those around me. I always tell them about the Youth Summit when I explain why it is important for young people to be involved.” Amber’s Story Empowered to Get More Involved
  • 5. Annual Report 2012-2013 3 Ameerah’s Story Watch Me Change the World Thirteen year-old Ameerah remembers the day gang members shot and killed her cousin. He was a victim of mistaken identity. Ameerah, like so many of her classmates, was afraid to walk to school. She feared that she might become the next statistic. She feared losing a classmate, friend, or another family member to gun violence. Ameerah didn’t want to be afraid. She knew she wanted to do something about the problem. She knew she wanted to change her community on Chicago’s west side for the better. “What can I possibly do to change the situation?” she thought. “Who can I talk to? Who will care?” She didn’t know where to start. When Ameerah’s teacher at Polaris Charter Academy signed her class up for CRFC’s ABC Project: Action-Based Communities, all of that changed. “Before [ABC Project], we didn’t really believe that we had a voice in our community,” she said. With the guidance of their teachers, Ms. Moy and Ms. Peck, Ameerah’s class embarked on a campaign to create a Day of Peace – 24 hours without violence – in their community. Ameerah believed, “If people saw what one day of peace was like, they would want every day to be that way.” Some students teamed up with film students at nearby Westinghouse High School to create professional-looking Public Service Announcements to get the word out about their Day of Peace. Others interviewed community leaders and peace activists for a book they published entitled “Peacekeepers of Chicago.” They also organized peace rallies and a community stewardship day. “We were very touched when [the community] came out to support us. It was really powerful for us…” Ameerah said. In the end, the students got what they asked for—one day of peace in their community. On June 10, 2013, there were no shootings or other violent crimes in their neighborhoods. Now the students want to take their initiative citywide. “You can tell me that we can’t do anything— that we are just children—that we can’t make a difference in the world. I say just watch! Watch me change the world. Watch me give back to my community. Watch me make a difference in everybody’s life,” Ameerah proclaimed. Ameerah’s and her classmates’ work was so impressive that they were asked to keynote the 2013 Expeditionary Learning Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. They will address over 800 educators about their experience. If people saw what one day of peace was like, they would want every day to be that way.
  • 6. Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago4 During the 12 years she served as Assistant Public Defender of Cook County, Natasha saw her share of young people pass through the juvenile justice system – young men and women accused of crimes – some of which they were guilty, some of which they were not. Natasha knew many of the children who she represented could not read, but she quickly discovered that most of them did not even have a basic understanding of their rights or of the criminal justice system. When Natasha noticed her clients becoming younger and younger, she decided she needed to be on the prevention end of the system. While still at the Public Defender’s office, she began pursuing a master’s degree in secondary education. Natasha graduated in May 2012 and just completed her first year as a high school law teacher at Hirsch High School on Chicago’s south side. When Natasha heard about CRFC’s Illinois Youth Summit, she knew it would be “a great opportunity for students to learn how the law interacts and intersects with their daily lives.” In May 2013, her students deliberated controversial public policy questions with nearly 200 students from other Illinois schools. They examined their rights and the Students Realize Their Lives Can Be So Much Bigger rights of others, learned to appreciate opinions that differ from their own, and worked together to answer current questions. Natasha said, “The Illinois Youth Summit helped me synthesize the different tenets of our democracy and teach it in a way that students feel invested in it. The students were excited to go downtown and be inside the federal courthouse and to talk to adults who actually cared about what they had to say. It helped them realize that their lives can be so much bigger than the 10 block radius to which they are accustomed.” “We are going to hear from our young people – one way or another,” she said. “We can either be reactive and let them self-destruct or we can be proactive and give them the skills and resources they need to participate in and build up democracy. CRFC’s Youth Summit gives young people a platform for their voices to be heard in a constructive way. ” Natasha’s Story ...we can be proactive and give them the skills and resources they need to participate in and build up democracy
  • 7. I think it helps students see that it doesn’t matter where you come from, that you can do anything you want in life… Annual Report 2012-2013 5 Seeing the Students“Get It” Makes the Experience Special One afternoon five years ago, Steven was reunited with his 8th grade teacher at a local grocery store. Ms. Strok, who was now the principal at Evergreen Academy Middle School in Chicago’s McKinley Park neighborhood, was proud to see that her former student had grown up to be a successful attorney. She could not wait to get Steven to her school through CRFC’s Edward J. Lewis II Lawyers in the Classroom Program. Every year since, Steven and his colleagues at the law firm O’Connor & Nakos, Ltd. have volunteered in Mr. Kanelos’ 8th grade social studies class at Evergreen. They help his students learn about the Constitution and provide them with real-world applications of the Bill of Rights. In a recent class, Steven led an activity on Freedom of Speech. Students had to decide whether speech is protected in different scenarios. The students surprised Steven and his colleagues with their well-reasoned replies. “Seeing the students ‘get it’ definitely makes the experience special,” he said. By participating in the Lawyers in the Classroom program, Steven feels a true connection to his community. Like many of the students Steven works with, he also grew up in a working-class Chicago neighborhood and was raised in a single-parent home. “By seeing that the lawyers in the classroom come from a similar upbringing, I think it helps the students see that it doesn’t matter where you come from, that you can do anything you want in life if you just put your mind to it and always try your best,” he said. Recently, when Steven and his colleagues found out that one of the students they work with wouldn’t be able to go on her class trip to Washington, D.C. because her mother lost her job, they rallied together to get their firm to sponsor her trip. Ms. Strok pointed out that if it hadn’t been for the strong relationships built through the Lawyers in the Classroom program, the student would have missed out on a very important learning experience. Steven’s Story
  • 8. Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago6 Equal Justice Under Law With the guidance of James Jacobs (middle) of the Office of the Cook County Public Defender and other legal experts, students deliberate the U.S. Supreme Court case, Florence v. Freeholders at CRFC’s Equal Justice Under Law program at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse. Later, nearly 200 students voted on a public policy regarding strip searches for all people entering the jail system. Primary Voice Students participate as jurors in State v. Wolf, one of CRFC’s interactive mock trial programs. State v. Wolf is part of Primary Voice, a program that uses classic children’s literature (in this case, The Three Little Pigs) to teach about rights and the legal system. “I learned that the Fourth Amendment and the necessity for security in prison must be balanced.” – Student, Waubonsie Valley High School (Aurora, Illinois) CivicYouth Leadership Project High school students pose with Illinois Solicitor General, Michael Scodro (second from left) at the Civic Youth Leadership Project event, “A Day at the U.S. Supreme Court” at IIT Chicago-Kent School of Law. Students learned about the inner workings of the Court and examined the same-sex marriage cases that were decided during October Term 2012. “CRFC programs, such as the Civic Youth Leadership Project, are not about telling students what to think but showing them how to think.” – High School Teacher, Hancock College Preparatory High School (Chicago, Illinois) “What they learned doing the State v. Wolf Mock Trial will be with them for the rest of their lives as they mature and become respectful, responsible citizens and future leaders of tomorrow.” – 2nd Grade Teacher, Chicago Public Schools ThePowerofActiveCitizenshipThePowerofActiveCitizenship
  • 9. Annual Report 2012-2013 7 CRFC’s programs prepare students for academic and life success with inquiry-based programs. ABC Project: Action-Based Communities gives students opportunities to research community problems, ask questions, work together, evaluate potential solutions, and take action on issues that affect them. “I am leaving a legacy for the next group of students. I’m going to graduate saying, ‘I made a big impact on my school.’” – 8th Grade Student, Chicago Public Schools Preparing Students for College, Career, and Civic Life Civic Learning Through Doing
  • 10. Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago8 "The students were positively engaged and on task. They had thoughtful discussion and came to the realization that the ten amendments to the Bill of Rights are quite necessary. This activity made a document they have studied in the past come to life." – Lawyers In The Classroom Attorney Volunteer "We don't have equal justice under emotion – we have equal justice under law, and I think that this is what this program really helps students to understand." – Equal Justice Under Law Teacher, Wheaton North High School (Wheaton, Illinois) ThePowerofActiveCitizenshipThePowerofActiveCitizenship
  • 11. Annual Report 2012-2013 9 Second Inaugural Essay Contest Winner Elayna Mork, a freshman at Glenbrook South High School accepts a $500 college scholarship for her winning submission to CRFC’s “Second Inaugural” essay contest. “Although the road before us may be filled with hurdles, Americans have faced and overcome large challenges before and we will overcome these as well. Tough decisions will have to be made and sacrifices shared by all.” – Excerpt from Elayna Mork’s essay 2012 Teachers of the Year Keith Matune (right) from Lake Park High School in Roselle, Illinois receives the 2012 Barbara O’Donnell Law-Related Education High School Teacher of the Year Award. “Mr. Matune has taught me what is truly important; to value learning and wisdom, to have respect for yourself and those around you, to always be polite and courteous, and how it is our responsibility as individuals to be active citizens in our community.” – Student, Lake Park High School (Roselle, Illinois) Tony Pugh (right) from Woods Math and Science Academy (now closed), in Chicago, Illinois receives the 2012 Edward J. Lewis II Law-Related Education Elementary Teacher of the Year Award. “Mr. Pugh’s students pose sophisticated questions and appear to truly enjoy exploring constitutional law issues.…It is evident that Mr. Pugh cares deeply about his students, which he demonstrates by his respectful management of his students and by engaging them in the lessons we present.” – Attorney Volunteer, McGuireWoods LLP 2012 Bill of Rights in Action Honorees ComEd, An Exelon Company’s representative Darryl M. Bradford and Mary A. Dempsey accept the Bill of Rights in Action Award at the 2012 Bill of Rights in Action Awards Benefit, CRFC’s major fundraising event. Each year, CRFC presents the Award to organizations and individuals who, because of their community involvement, set an example of good citizenship for our nation’s young people. Honorees
  • 12. 10 Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago FinancialSummary Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago 2012 2011 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Revenue Grants $1,197,657 — $1,197,657 $1,606,127 — $1,606,127 Contributions 59,015 182,500 241,515 105,796 25,000 130,796 Dues and fees 130,605 — 130,605 60,138 1,500 61,638 Interest and dividends 366 76 442 983 — 983 Publication sales 51,026 — 51,026 629 — 629 Fundraisers 229,145 — 229,145 164,225 — 164,225 Donated services 296,850 — 296,850 278,600 — 278,600 Net assets released from restrictions 256,928 (256,928) — 97,584 (97,584) — 2,221,592 (74,352) 2,147,240 2,314,082 (71,084) 2,242,998 Expenses Program services 1,760,301 — 1,760,301 1,989,503 — 1,989,503 General and administrative 253,730 — 253,730 257,591 — 257,591 Fundraising 166,107 — 166,107 64,377 — 64,377 2,180,138 2,180,138 2,311,471 2,311,471 Revenue over (under) expenses 41,454 (74,352) (32,898) 2,611 (71,084) (68,473) Realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 42,807 52,555 95,362 (280) 3,540 3,260 Increase (decrease) in net assets 84,261 (21,797) 62,464 2,331 (67,544) (65,213) Net assets Beginning of year 716,020 891,896 1,607,916 713,689 959,440 1,673,129 End of year $800,281 $870,099 $1,670,380 $716,020 $891,896 $1,607,916 These financial statements were abstracted from the organization’s December 31, 2012 financial statements, which were audited by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. Because the information does not include all disclosures required by the U.S. generally accepted accounting principals, it does not purport to present the organization’s financial condition or results. A copy of the audited financial statements will be provided upon written request at the organizational office. Statement of Activities (Years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011) Revenue Expenses Grants Contributions Dues and fees Interest and dividends Publication sales Fundraisers Donated services Net assets released from restrictions Program services General and administrative Fundraising
  • 13. Annual Report 2012-2013 11 $50,000 and over Brinson Foundation Chicago Public Schools Kapnick Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation The Robert R. McCormick Foundation U.S. Department of Education $10,000 to $49,999 ComEd, An Exelon Company Corboy & Demetrio P.C. Elgin School District U-46 Emil J. and Marie D. Kochton Foundation Foley & Lardner LLP GE Foundation Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP Holland & Knight LLP Jenner & Block LLP Paula J. Morency and Paul E. Dengel Donald L. Mrozek Philip H. Corboy Foundation The Spencer Foundation Stuart Family Foundation W.W. Grainger, Inc. Winston & Strawn LLP $5,000 to $9,999 Baker & McKenzie LLP Chicago Bar Foundation Dentons DLA Piper LLP (US) Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Hoogendoorn & Talbot LLP Ingredion Incorporated Motorola Solutions Foundation Carolyn and Peter Pereira Reed Smith LLP Schiff Hardin LLP Sidley Austin LLP $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Nisan and Sarah Chavkin Alex and Jill Dimitrief Steve and Donna Elrod Freeborn & Peters LLP William J. Gibbons Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Kraft Foods Inc. John J. and Elisabeth K. Lewis LexisNexis McDonald's Corporation Alyson Morton Sonya D. Naar Gordon B. Nash, Jr. Navigant Consulting, Inc. Perkins Coie LLP Craig A. Roeder Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP The Valorem Law Group James S. Whitehead $1000 to $2,499 AT&T Mark Buettner and Liz Dengel Cengage Learning Beverly and Morton Chethik Renee and Frank Citera Eimer Stahl LLP Ernst & Young LLP Gary Feinerman Victor P. Filippini, Jr. Shanin T. Fuller Benjamin Ghess Diana E. Hess Margaret A. Hickey JAMS Bernard and Kimbeth Judge Rachel Kaplan and Bob Riesman Andrew Kassof Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Jim and Helen Lewis Rocco and Roxanne Martino Molex, Incorporated The Northern Trust Company Martin T. O'Donnell Rony and Catherine Shimony Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Silberman Jeffrey R. Tone/Katten & Temple David Yellen and Leslie Richards-Yellen Up to $999 Elizabeth Adkins Ronald J. Allen Christina Arrom Bob and Pat Atkins William J. Bauer Janet M. Beavers Sam and Kathy Bell Paul P. Biebel, Jr. Jennifer Bloom Mena and David Boulanger Dr. Jerome D. Bowers Ralph and Rona Brown Thomas L. Browne Mary P. Bruner William R. Burch Christopher Busse Kevin and Alice Campbell Capright Property Advisors, LLC Ruben Castillo Deborah B. Cole Jeff Colman and Nancy Loeb Kim Cook Diane K. Corbett Matthew C. Crowl Richard Danaher DePaul University School of Law Mark L. Durbin Sondra and Karl Eisenberg Gerald Eisner Peter A. Ellis Judge and Mrs. Richard J. Elrod Dixie and Rick Erwin Diane Farwick Eileen Felson Lane Fenrich Karen H. Flax Mark A. Flessner Rhona and Hon. Julian Frazin Radha Friedman Kulmeet S. Galhotra Bob Glaves Daniel and Catherine Goebel Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goldsmith Lee Gould Martin A. Gradman Stuart Graff Douglas Graham Roxana Hadad Wafa Haleem Elizabeth Hanigan William Hannay James Harbert Jared Hasten Shawn Healy Harold Hirshman Frederick J. Huetter Mia P. Jiganti Alex Jomarron Fay Katlin Richard Katz Peter Kauffman Steven Klein Len Kurfirst Law Offices of Michael Murphy Tannen, PC Joan H. Lefkow Stephen Legatzke/ Goldberg Kohn Ltd. Randall Lehner Steven Levy Helen and Jim Lewis Norman and Doris Libman Scott Livingston Alexander and Mary Lourie Tom H. Luetkemeyer Alex Mahler Michael Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matthews and Tracy Hill Dan May Patty McCarthy McGuireWoods LLP Paula and Bill McMenamin Mendelsohn Legal Inc. Mark Mesle Gretchen Miller Cecilia Mowatt Susan Gehagan Mueller Northern Illinois University Julian and Sheila Oettinger Michael and Stephanie Oettinger Matthew J. O'Hara Michelle Olson Lisa Oppenheim Deborah Pardini Patrick L. Patras Todd Patterson Sheila Pont Andrea E. Popvecz Anthony R. Pugh Phil and Mary Roden Kristen Rodriguez Barbara and Don Ruhman Daniel K. Ryan Christopher Sanchez Donald W. Schaumberger Stephen A. Schiller Benjamin Schuster Charles Sennet Gary Shapiro Barry Sheppard Jacqueline Shiff Louise A. Silberman Lisa S. Simmons Laurel Singleton Robert S. Spadoni The Spencer Foundation Matching Gift Lisa Stanovich Barry and Winnifred Sullivan Lisa Sullivan Peter D. Sullivan Thomas P. Sullivan Mary O'Keefe Twardak Andrew Vail Frank Valadez Jeff Varda Georgia L. Vlamis Alan and Lynda Wallis Matthew Walsh June Winnie Hon. Diane P. Wood and Dr. Robert L. Sufit Norma Wright Clifford Yuknis If we have inadvertently omitted your name, let us know and please accept our apologies. Funders Contributors Thank you to our supporters, without whom CRFC could not do its vital work. Your investment ensures that children and teachers have access to high-quality civic education that strengthens democracy one classroom at a time. This list reflects donations received between January 2012 to June 2013.
  • 14. Officers Steven M. Elrod, Chair Holland Knight LLP Sonya D. Naar, Vice Chair Attorneys’ Liability Assurance Society, Inc. Donald L. Mrozek, Vice Chair Hinshaw Culbertson LLP Dennis F. Regan, Treasurer The Northern Trust Company Victor P. Filippini, Jr., Secretary Holland Knight LLP Directors Ronald J. Allen Northwestern University School of Law Steven L. Bashwiner Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP William J. Bauer U.S. Court of Appeals—7th Circuit Myles D. Berman Foley Lardner LLP Paul P. Biebel Circuit Court of Cook County Darryl M. Bradford Exelon Corporation Ruben Castillo U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois Renee Citera ALM Deborah B. Cole Hoogendoorn Talbot LLP Patrick M. Collins Perkins Coie LLP Jeffrey D. Colman* Jenner Block LLP Thomas A. Demetrio Corboy Demetrio, P.C. Gary S. Feinerman U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois Thomas R. Fitzgerald Karen H. Flax Tribune Company Michael D. Freeborn Freeborn Peters LLP Shanin T. Fuller Ingredion Incorporated Benjamin Ghess Human Resources Development Institute, Inc. Diane Green-Kelly Reed Smith LLP Diana E. Hess Spencer Foundation Margaret A. Hickey Office of the U.S. Attorney John J. Jemilo* Bernard M. Judge* Andrew A. Kassof Kirkland Ellis LLP James A. Klenk Dentons Thomas P. LaFrance GE Transportation John J. Lewis Nielsen Robert T. Markowski W.W. Grainger, Inc. Patricia L. McCarthy LexisNexis David E. Mendelsohn DLA Piper LLP (US) David A. Moes Navigant Consulting, Inc. Paula J. Morency Schiff Hardin LLP Gordon B. Nash, Jr. Drinker Biddle Reath LLP Lisa M. Noller Foley Lardner LLP Julian A. Oettinger* Carolyn Pereira*‡ Craig A. Roeder Baker McKenzie LLP Gloria Santona McDonald’s Corporation Stephen A. Schiller* R. Ryan Stoll Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher Flom LLP Thomas P. Sullivan* Jenner Block LLP Earl A. Talbot* Hoogendoorn Talbot LLP Jeffrey R. Tone Katten Temple LLP Andrew W. Vail Jenner Block LLP Georgia L. Vlamis Motorola Solutions, Inc. Dan K. Webb Winston Strawn LLP James S. Whitehead Sidley Austin LLP Diane P. Wood U.S. Court of Appeals—7th Circuit David N. Yellen Loyola University Chicago School of Law * Life Director ‡ Founder Board of Directors Staff Nisan Chavkin Executive Director Chris Ahearn Development Associate Jessica Chethik Elementary and Middle School Programs Director Gary T. Coleman Finance and Systems Director Anne Kennedy Programs Coordinator LaVerne E. Mathews Development Director Kristy Poteete-Kriegermeier Communications and Program Director Dee Runaas High School Programs Director Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago Strengthening Democracy One Classroom at a Time 205 West Randolph Street, Suite 1245 • Chicago, IL 60606-1815 312-663-9057 • fax: 312-663-4321 • • Annual Report design Graphic Solutions inc-chgo