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“Do you have to be a geek to be an
effective principal in today’s schools?”

Presentation @
the Council of School Leaders
Winter conference
Feb 14, 2014

Rob Fisher,
École Riverside School
Thompson, Mb.
Everything I’m doing today has been saved online and publicly
accessable so you don’t have to write everything down as we go. I’ll
show you where that is in 3 minutes

I’d like to introduce myself a bit differently this morning so to start off
who am I

I’d like to tell you who am I
if you don’t know robcfisher

If you don’t know robcfisher
this is me
you already know

you already know
I’m currently the principal of École Riverside School
you may not know
more specifically
here in North end Kingston

When I grew up, My grandma lived in our backyard
here. When she passed away i moved in and went to school
Queen’s University

thats Queens university

in Kingston
that looks like this
and like this
B. Arts

I received one of these
B. Phe

and this
B. Ed.

and this
M. Ed.

and this
began teaching

I began my teaching career

As a guest
of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation

for 19 years

My first teaching assignment was
Phys. Ed.

Phys Ed
at the community hall

where I learned some cree words like astum
come here!

astum --that means come here and ati apay
sit down!

ati apay --that means sit down and chee sqwa

chee sqwa -- that means wait
But I learned It was better to learn words like

chee sqwa that means wait
But I learned It was better to know words like kinanaskomitten awow
kapitooteak neeganan
that means welcome to our home
At Otetiskiwin School I was also
Computer coordinator
Vice Principal
Director of Education

where I met a lot of great

including my wife Judy

who is also a teacher,
grade 2

grade 2 in Thompson
here at westwood school

have 2 daughters
2 cats
and Fluffy
and a dog Ashton

When I left
to work in Thompson
that you can see here
I taught

I taught for

3 years
Grade 9
Social Studies
Grade 11
Grade 12
Media production
at RD Parker Collegiate

For the next 4 years
curriculum coordinator

was curriculum coordinator
at the school board office

For the next 2 years
I’ve was seconded to Manitoba Education where I worked with the
technology infusion support group
Right now I’m reading these
this one because it’s funny
this one because it’s interesting
and this one because it scares the hell out of me
in my spare time, this is what I do for fun ,
for those who don’t recognize it-- thats ref hockey

So you know I’m patient

So you know I’m fair

and you know I’m impartial

or maybe I just like to get yelled at.
This is my favorite team

so you know I’m optimistic
not as optimistic

but not as optimistic
as my daughter
or these guys
who cheer for this team

I got/stole the idea for this presentation
here from if you don’t know @dick
photo of robcfisher - by Rachel Fisher
Google Maps and Google streetview - courtesy of Google
photo of Queen’s University Logo - by flickr user Sam-R
photo of Grant Hall - by flickr user Sam-R
photo of Queen’s Football - by flickr user Tyler Ball
photo of Footprint Lake - by flickr user windonfire
photo of Bruins fans - by flickr user geoftheref

photo of 30 Hickson Ave - by Dave Fisher
photo of 30 Hickson Ave Rear - by Dave Fisher

photo of blueberri the cat - by Catharine Fisher
photo of fluffi the cat - by Catharine Fisher
photo of king miner statue - by Catharine Fisher
photo of Ashton the dog - by Catharine Fisher
photo of RDPC - by Catharine Fisher

this is where I found the images Logo - courtesy of Dick

All other images - by Rob Fisher

photo of Nisichawayasihk Welcome sign - by Ross Francois
photo of Duncan Wood Hall - by Ross Francois
photo of Otetiskiwin School - by Ross Francois
photo of Toronto Maple leaf
Logo - by Ross Francois
find me

you can find me online
here on twitter

I’m starting to blog here

and you can find my stuff here including todays presentation

email me here

or here
now you know something about robcfisher

with thanks to Dick Hardt’s presentation style influence
Why did I just
do that with

the reason I showed you this presentation (besides to introduce myself) is that this was the presentation I shared
with everyone at our staff meeting 4 years ago when I began being principal at École riverside
some of our discussion was about how I thought we should be teaching our students to be good presenters and to show their understanding
in a variety of ways. and to avoid death by powerpoint. I donʼt have time during this session to show you this but the clip is on the wiki for this
The idea that presentations should be images and not words etc.and other ideas from “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath
Note taking

notetaking requirements
everything I do with you today and the links associated with them are on here (look at the bottom of the page for the
date and name of this session)
go to live link and show location of todayʼs presentation

Iʼd like to quickly find out something about whoʼs here today
Iʼm going to ask you your name, school, what you do there and your twitter handle if you have one
Besides finding out who is in the room this will create a contact list for you for future relationship building after today
the app were going to look at next is
your name,
school, and location,
what you do there,
your twitter handle

using your cellphones send a message to 37607 and in the text of the message put 70456 and the answer to the ?ʼs
your name, school, location, what you do there, and your twitter handle
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<poll url="">
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<title>Who's here today COSL PD Feb 14,2014 (1)</title>
This is Brenna Phillips
Tell the story of how I know Brenna #savmp
and when I asked Brenna “Do you think you have to be a geek to be an effective administrator?”
She saw the ? as the -ve traits and said “of course not you have to be able to relate to people”
there are a lot of negative connotations when we think of the word ‘geek’
but today I want to reframe what we think of when we think “geek”
here’s the definition from
when I asked the question for today’s session
“Do you have to be a geek to be an effective principal in today’s schools?”
I meant the positive traits of geekiness

What positive traits do
you think of when I say
the word “geek”?

using your cellphones send a message to 37607 and in the text of the message put 78259 and the answer to the positive things that come to
mind when I say the word “geek”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<poll url="">
<!-- This snippet was inserted via the PollEv Presenter app -->
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<!-- TIP: You can draw a solid, filled rectangle on your slide and the PollEv Presenter will automatically display your poll in that area. -->
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<title>Positive things I think of when I hear the word "geek" COSL PD Feb 14,2014</title>
9:15 I’m thinking of as a term of endearment
ie. creative
obsure knowledge base
problem solver
See what the group comes up with
story of my search for ‘geekiness’ in preparation for this presentation
explain the sevec trip.
I asked the dj’s if I could use what I’m about to show you for this presentation
and when I described that I was going to talk about +ve traits of geekiness they agreed right away
why do I think this demonstrates positive traits of geekiness?
Involves the use of technology, it’s creative
involves a obsure knowledge base or something I know very little or nothing about
problem solver, stickwithitness
I’m suggesting we need to search for those people who know things that we don’t
then build relationships and learn together
and this is what I’m suggesting we do as principals, find others that know things you don’t
“Do you have to be a geek to be an effective principal
in today’s schools?”

but back to our original question for today. What I’m currently thinking in response is....
it doesn’t hurt!
or you need to have or be able to find some geeky friends
What is the
point of

It is my intention that you leave at the end of todays session
knowing a few of my geeky friends and the projects we have done together.
That I provide you with Potential future contacts to expand your PLN
and that I leave you wanting to find out more about a couple of the things we look at today
then try them with your students, or at your schools moving forward.
“The highest goal in life is to inquire and create”
– Noam Chomsky

I found this quote from a recent youtube video “The purpose of Education”
Itʼs our teachers and me doing the work, this is an attempt to shine a light on sone of the good work people are doing
Some of my geeky friends are teachers in our school
this is Sophie Ouelette who taught grade 8 in our school. And Sarah Fudge who taught grade 5. A couple of years ago we did this
Make a difference mondays. Explain the project
students talking on CBC radio promoting our project idea
asking for food donations every monday in march 7:30-8:30 am then delivering to the homeless shelter
voice recorder on ipod with make a difference mondays homeless shelter fundraiser
asking people “what do you think about what we’re doing here?”
this is Kristin Donovan who teaches grade 5 @ École Riverside School
Social Justice
Making a difference in
our world
Infusing technology
Peer to peer learning

We applied for the Ken Spencer award for the work Mme. Kristin Donovan and her grade 7 students did last year
Our projects have these foci.
I’d like to highlight 1 of the projects now.
Red hand day, sdml district Children at war project. Starting last year, we begin our remembrance day ceremonies with this video
that was created by our grade 7 students last year as a result of this project.
Thanks to veteran Merv McKay pictured in this photo for many of the images used.
this is Melyssa Girard who teaches grade 8 in our school
this is the blog she created for our use with the parents when we were away for a week in Quebec City recently.
animoto -pie day
this is Allison Kissick who teaches gr 7 in our school
She’s currently exploring an online game with her grade 7 students
this is Erin Donovan who teaches gr 2 in our school and Lois Fisher who is a teacher and literacy with ICT support teacher in Flin
Flon, Mb
so when I got back from Byte I spoke with Erin about he idea and...
this is our bear sunny and their bear flin flin
and this is Lois Fisher from Flin Flon. explain the concept discussion @ byte with Lois
lets try, we know each other if it bombs we’ll be ok
note the comment section
describe how Lois and Erin used this project in their classrooms
here is another one of my geeky friends Jen ashby from Bendigo Austrailia
story of where I met Jen (unplugd11 and more on that later)
and this is Chelsea McKay who taught grade 5 when this project happened. She now is our grade 2/3 teacher @ École Riverside
Explain the 24 hour skype project
show clip what we do for fun at lunch
and 1 clip of whats in my lunchkit if time
this is Micheline Gagne who teaches grade 6 in our school
Wolves without Borders

Explain the wolves without borders project
explain involvement of and the tandberg with Tara
using google earth and datapoints to plot wolf movements
explain the connection with Babbit and Mexico
skyping with Babbit, Minnesota
and our partners in Mexico
collaboratively planning a community survey with their student groups in Babbit
and us right after the international wolf and carnivore conference click on this live link to run the clip
I’ve just selected a few examples for today’s presentation. If you want to see other things
we our doing in our school check out the class wiki’s at
As a guiding

constant conversations about infusion, teaching, and learning with
this guiding principle that we are trying to get our student’s to create more than they consume
many of these projects demonstrate our students as content creators
and I would like to share a couple of examples now
that are examples of partnerships between students and teachers accelerated by technology
Content Creators

as well as creators
Grade 1-3

explain background how this happened
tell the involvement story of
artist in the school
Brenda Gorlick
the practices
the need for collaboration (and for the cosl preso me self proclaimed title of lead collaborator)
city center mall
Grade 1-3

caveat doing a flash mob with gr 1-3 students with involved parents
tell the story of Rachel upset “their ruining the surprize dad!”
play from this live link. Use quicktime backup if issues with youtube
Grade 1-3

You may have noticed the grade 8ʼs taking video with their ipods.
explain why we couldnʼt use the footage --“vertical video syndrome
use live link
vertical video syndrome
Grade 4-7

tell the story of this, gr 4-8
did the same as the gr 1-3
1 week of daily practice with artist in the school brenda gorlick
involved MSA @ RDPC who danced on the benches to help guide the students
showed up in the forum and started right when the bell rang for the afternoon class change
and this is what happened
show the teachers clip after showing the whole thing
risk taking attitude and mindset
and doing things your not sure how to do link for teachers only dancing gangham style
School District of
Mystery Lake
Hedley - lip dub

explain the logisitics of this
select song
find lyrics
use google doc
select lines
create raw video at each of the schools where the student teachers were working
email clips to me
Stefan then edited in imovie
upload to a youtube channel
demo of how to create a shared spreadsheet in google docs
explain the choices
shared doc, preso, ss, etc.
so this is what we created run from this live link
What am i doing as
principal to support
our journey?

I find,initiate, provide technical support then the teachers in our school make it happen
“Of course” - Scott McLeod

in many ways its a mindset
(poster I recently saw online by Scott McLeod)

“Of course” - Scott McLeod

I don’t think that’s what we are about at our school
It’s in part that I trust teachers to do the right thing
and they are willing to take risks and try things
and do the unusual without fear of failure
"When are we going to start asking
ourselves why we make it so hard to
be a great teacher?"
Chris Lehmann
“Beyond the great teacher myth” post Jan 2012 Chris Lehmann
"How do we create schools that
make it easier for all students
and teachers to shine?"
Chris Lehmann
“Beyond the great teacher myth” post Jan 2012 Chris Lehmann
create the climate of doing the unusual. permission to take risks
technical help when needed or I find those who can help
example of darren and kristin yesterday with the smartboard
and systemic changes like Kristin’s schedule
tech buddies as an example of ongoing internal support
how do I show
others (who might
be interested)
what we’re doing
in our school
click on hotlink to hear soundcloud of our gr 8ʼs drumming
socialcam - Dylan and AC/DC
sometimes itʼs the little things that are going on in our school
pictures and tweets on twitter
the sharing of small things as frequently as possible
refillable bottle station project.
I have applied for an LSF grant to be used towards this purchase
show actual first use movie (next slide)
water bottle fountain movie
other things we are
working on right
Show me &
Student Led

Mme. Erin’s grade 2’s were creating movies using showme.
These were shown to parents at our past SLC
here is a Demo of a grade1 clip
seed grant

Our books are QRCoded!
Hear what we think.

we also received a $900 ManAce Seed grant
we were featured in the ManAce journal- Spring issue
and this is what this project is about
this is a qr code. Demonstrate how they work using my phone and
qrbeamer. This code links back to our school website

explain the evolution of our clubs,
gr 7 boys
gr 5 girls
then gr 5 girls and boys
as a sense of belonging?
minecraft grade 5 club in autoplay movie

explain what is
here is our first creation
explain the evolution of our clubs,
gr 7 boys
gr 5 girls
then gr 5 girls and boys
screenshare of the digital space
samples of the kids creations
tell the story of how we are doing this
3D printers

explain what is
here is our first creation

also can use instead of a document camera using your cellphone as the cam. Cost $4 compared to $1500 for a wireless document camera
use airserver and my phone to show the projects
pass the models around the room
here’s what Simone is working on
this is an example of online collaboration but I’ll let my students tell
you the story
Where to get
ideas from? ie. To
find out what
other schools
are doing.

Where do I get project ideas to share with teachers, to try in our school etc. and
RSS feeds

clude the .opml file on wiki for particpants to import
do a quick demo of my rss feeds on feedly and how to find educatiional bloggers to read
Twitterchats ie. #mbedchat

twitter, hashtags and twitterchats
lists -demonstrate my hootsuite stream
hashtags - at conferences how people are using to share between rooms or give 1 current example ie. #mathchat
twitterchats - #mbedchat explain what Zoe is doing with this (ie. The structure of it)
demo depending on available time
twitter, hashtags and twitterchats
lists -demonstrate my hootsuite stream
hashtags - at conferences how people are using to share beteen rooms or give 1 current example ie. #mathchat
twitterchats - #mbedchat
As an example do a couple
Specifically what zoe is doing with #mbedchat√

Edit 0 2 …
Wednesdays from 9-10pm CST
Manitoba Teachers #mbchat
( to get to the archive
use the tags searchable option)
script is
9:10 Q1
920 Q2
930 Q3
940 Q4

950 Q5

Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. CST
Connected principals chat #cpchat
google hangouts

cosl directors
demo a quick hangout with whoever I can connect with for 3 min
other places to find my geeky friends
why __________blank matters. unplug11 (Canadian educators) click on
this hotlink show a quick skim the essays. Manitobans invited were
Darren Kuropatwa, Andy McKeil, Clarence Fisher, Chris Harbeck, John
Evans, and me Rob Fisher.
in addition to the ebook, explain that we also all created a video
throughout the week about what really matters in education. Here is
the link to my video
explain at unplug12 (international) we all wrote “letters from the edge”.
click on the hotlink then on any person here to see their letter. I was a
facilitator at this session. as a source of people to follow on twitter to expand your PLN
for the last part of today’s session I would like everyone here to experience a hands-on opportunity to be part of a the “maker
makey makey intro
show the intro to what they are
Makey Makey Activity

find an online site that
lets you control
something using the keys
on a keyboard

hookup the makey
makey board to control
the screen with the
materials given

Iʼve been using these in a grade 7 makers club and soon will be using in a few of our classrooms
your task today is to in groups at your tables
create something that controls an online website using the materials given
arcade games online
musical instruments online
Summary of
what was
looked at

redo a wordle of what we looked at today
The things we looked at
If you don’t know robcfisher (as a
model of good presentation
Polleverywhere text
who’s here today
Brenna Phillips
Positive traits of geekiness
Geeky friends
Make a difference mondays
Sophie Oulette
Sarah Fudge
Kristin Donovan
Ken Spencer award
Red Hand Day
Melyssa Girard
Allison Kissick
Erin Donovan
Lois Fisher
Teddybear travels
Chelsea McKay
Jenny Ashby
24 hour skype
Micheline Gagne

Wolves without borders
Babbit, Mn
class wikis
Create more than you consume
Gr 1-3 flashmob
Gr 4-8 flashmob
Vertical video syndrome
School District of Mystery Lake
Google drive and google docs and student led
conferences and RSS feeds
3D printers
Social Cam
Water bottle filling station
Maker culture
QR codes
Google hangouts
makey makey boards

Avoiding death by powerpoint
Polleverywhere polling
“Question mark” By flickr user Marco Bellucci

“Summer image of École Riverside school” By google streetview

“Three note strategies: iPad, Moleskine and iPhone” By flickr user andjohan
“A failed reminder” By flickr user massdistraction

“Winter image of École Riverside school” By robcfisher

“Creative commons welcome pack” By flickr user Carlfish
“Zoghal's magical eye” By flickr user looking4poetry

“Show me creation” courtesy of Mme. Pankratz gr 1
“Title page image of robcfisher” courtesy of Mme. Squires as part of our
schoolwide 50th anniversary image creation project

“create more than you consume” By flickr user tyler.wainright

“technology use” By flickr user mrsdkrebs

“Good Idea” By flickr user Celestine Chua

“Teddybear travels” pics by the students of Erin Donovan and Lois Fisher

“Rememberance day 2012 video” created by Hannah Murdy, Matt Tretiak and Matt
“MTS and ManAce logo’s” used with permission from the parent associations
“ManAce seed grant video” created by robcfisher and Keyanna Boycho Oulette
Images also provided by Kristin Donovan, Sophie Ouelett, and Ashley Squires

“Geek ≈ Chic” By flickr user Timmy Toucan

“my geek venn diagram” By flickr user Technovore
“spotlight002” By flickr user k6martini
“do something unusual tomorrow” By flickr user
ModernDope (old account)
“Explosion of positive energy” By flickr user Lucas

all other images and video’s by robcfisher
and thanks to the staff of École Riverside school for providing many
wonderful examples of student learning and engagement to share.....

end with ?ʼs slide

“your turn ;p” By flickr user Maria Ly
Our school’s youtube channels

our school youtube channels
this is our most active channel
Things we didn’t have time for today
and we should teach our students and ourselves to avoid this.....
stop at 5:22
Are you a geek quiz?
Is this your favorite store?
do you know what this is?
Have you ever actually used it?
Thank you!
Cosl winter conference feb 14 2014

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Cosl winter conference feb 14 2014

  • 1. “Do you have to be a geek to be an effective principal in today’s schools?” Presentation @ the Council of School Leaders Winter conference Feb 14, 2014 Rob Fisher, Principal École Riverside School Thompson, Mb.
  • 2. Everything I’m doing today has been saved online and publicly accessable so you don’t have to write everything down as we go. I’ll show you where that is in 3 minutes
  • 3. Start I’d like to introduce myself a bit differently this morning so to start off
  • 4. who am I I’d like to tell you who am I
  • 5. if you don’t know robcfisher If you don’t know robcfisher
  • 7.
  • 8. you already know you already know
  • 9. I’m currently the principal of École Riverside School
  • 10. you may not know
  • 11. born
  • 13. here
  • 15. here in North end Kingston
  • 16. grandma When I grew up, My grandma lived in our backyard
  • 17. here. When she passed away i moved in and went to school
  • 18. here
  • 23. B. Arts I received one of these
  • 27. began teaching I began my teaching career
  • 28. here
  • 30. of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
  • 32. first My first teaching assignment was
  • 34. here
  • 36. Cree where I learned some cree words like astum
  • 37. come here! astum --that means come here and ati apay
  • 38. sit down! ati apay --that means sit down and chee sqwa
  • 39. wait! chee sqwa -- that means wait But I learned It was better to learn words like
  • 40. better neeganan chee sqwa that means wait But I learned It was better to know words like kinanaskomitten awow kapitooteak neeganan
  • 41. that means welcome to our home
  • 42. At Otetiskiwin School I was also
  • 47. great where I met a lot of great
  • 50. teacher who is also a teacher,
  • 51. grade 2 grade 2 in Thompson
  • 53. we we
  • 58. and a dog Ashton
  • 60. NCN
  • 61. to work in Thompson
  • 62. that you can see here
  • 66. Math
  • 74. at RD Parker Collegiate
  • 75. 4 For the next 4 years
  • 77. at the school board office
  • 78. 2 For the next 2 years
  • 79. I’ve was seconded to Manitoba Education where I worked with the technology infusion support group
  • 80. Right now I’m reading these
  • 81. this one because it’s funny
  • 82. this one because it’s interesting
  • 83. and this one because it scares the hell out of me
  • 84. in my spare time, this is what I do for fun , for those who don’t recognize it-- thats ref hockey
  • 85. patient So you know I’m patient
  • 86. fair So you know I’m fair
  • 87. impartial and you know I’m impartial
  • 88. or OR
  • 89. or maybe I just like to get yelled at.
  • 90. This is my favorite team
  • 91. optimistic so you know I’m optimistic
  • 92. not as optimistic but not as optimistic
  • 95. who cheer for this team
  • 96. idea I got/stole the idea for this presentation
  • 97. here from if you don’t know @dick
  • 98. Attributions photo of robcfisher - by Rachel Fisher Google Maps and Google streetview - courtesy of Google photo of Queen’s University Logo - by flickr user Sam-R photo of Grant Hall - by flickr user Sam-R photo of Queen’s Football - by flickr user Tyler Ball photo of Footprint Lake - by flickr user windonfire photo of Bruins fans - by flickr user geoftheref photo of 30 Hickson Ave - by Dave Fisher photo of 30 Hickson Ave Rear - by Dave Fisher photo of blueberri the cat - by Catharine Fisher photo of fluffi the cat - by Catharine Fisher photo of king miner statue - by Catharine Fisher photo of Ashton the dog - by Catharine Fisher photo of RDPC - by Catharine Fisher this is where I found the images Logo - courtesy of Dick Hardt All other images - by Rob Fisher photo of Nisichawayasihk Welcome sign - by Ross Francois photo of Duncan Wood Hall - by Ross Francois photo of Otetiskiwin School - by Ross Francois photo of Toronto Maple leaf Logo - by Ross Francois
  • 99. find me you can find me online
  • 102. and you can find my stuff here including todays presentation
  • 105. now you know something about robcfisher with thanks to Dick Hardt’s presentation style influence
  • 106. 9:05
  • 107. Why did I just do that with you? the reason I showed you this presentation (besides to introduce myself) is that this was the presentation I shared with everyone at our staff meeting 4 years ago when I began being principal at École riverside some of our discussion was about how I thought we should be teaching our students to be good presenters and to show their understanding in a variety of ways. and to avoid death by powerpoint. I donʼt have time during this session to show you this but the clip is on the wiki for this presentation. The idea that presentations should be images and not words etc.and other ideas from “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath
  • 108. Note taking notetaking requirements everything I do with you today and the links associated with them are on here (look at the bottom of the page for the date and name of this session)
  • 109. go to live link and show location of todayʼs presentation
  • 110.
  • 111. Today’s participants Iʼd like to quickly find out something about whoʼs here today Iʼm going to ask you your name, school, what you do there and your twitter handle if you have one Besides finding out who is in the room this will create a contact list for you for future relationship building after today
  • 112. the app were going to look at next is
  • 113. your name, school, and location, what you do there, your twitter handle using your cellphones send a message to 37607 and in the text of the message put 70456 and the answer to the ?ʼs your name, school, location, what you do there, and your twitter handle
  • 114. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <poll url=""> <!-- This snippet was inserted via the PollEv Presenter app --> <!-- The presence of this snippet is used to indicate that a poll will be shown during the slideshow --> <!-- TIP: You can draw a solid, filled rectangle on your slide and the PollEv Presenter will automatically display your poll in that area. --> <!-- The PollEv Presenter app must also be running and logged in for this to work. --> <!-- To remove this, simply delete it from the notes yourself or use the PollEv Presenter to remove it for you. --> <title>Who's here today COSL PD Feb 14,2014 (1)</title> </poll>
  • 115.
  • 116. 9:10
  • 117. This is Brenna Phillips Tell the story of how I know Brenna #savmp and when I asked Brenna “Do you think you have to be a geek to be an effective administrator?” She saw the ? as the -ve traits and said “of course not you have to be able to relate to people”
  • 118. there are a lot of negative connotations when we think of the word ‘geek’
  • 119. but today I want to reframe what we think of when we think “geek”
  • 120. here’s the definition from
  • 121. when I asked the question for today’s session “Do you have to be a geek to be an effective principal in today’s schools?” I meant the positive traits of geekiness
  • 122. 78259 What positive traits do you think of when I say the word “geek”? using your cellphones send a message to 37607 and in the text of the message put 78259 and the answer to the positive things that come to mind when I say the word “geek”
  • 123. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <poll url=""> <!-- This snippet was inserted via the PollEv Presenter app --> <!-- The presence of this snippet is used to indicate that a poll will be shown during the slideshow --> <!-- TIP: You can draw a solid, filled rectangle on your slide and the PollEv Presenter will automatically display your poll in that area. --> <!-- The PollEv Presenter app must also be running and logged in for this to work. --> <!-- To remove this, simply delete it from the notes yourself or use the PollEv Presenter to remove it for you. --> <title>Positive things I think of when I hear the word "geek" COSL PD Feb 14,2014</title> </poll>
  • 124. 9:15 I’m thinking of as a term of endearment ie. creative obsure knowledge base problem solver stickwithitness See what the group comes up with
  • 125. story of my search for ‘geekiness’ in preparation for this presentation explain the sevec trip. I asked the dj’s if I could use what I’m about to show you for this presentation and when I described that I was going to talk about +ve traits of geekiness they agreed right away
  • 126. why do I think this demonstrates positive traits of geekiness? Involves the use of technology, it’s creative involves a obsure knowledge base or something I know very little or nothing about problem solver, stickwithitness
  • 127. I’m suggesting we need to search for those people who know things that we don’t then build relationships and learn together and this is what I’m suggesting we do as principals, find others that know things you don’t
  • 128. 9:18
  • 129. “Do you have to be a geek to be an effective principal in today’s schools?” but back to our original question for today. What I’m currently thinking in response is....
  • 131. or you need to have or be able to find some geeky friends
  • 132.
  • 133. What is the point of today’s session? It is my intention that you leave at the end of todays session knowing a few of my geeky friends and the projects we have done together. That I provide you with Potential future contacts to expand your PLN and that I leave you wanting to find out more about a couple of the things we look at today then try them with your students, or at your schools moving forward.
  • 134. “The highest goal in life is to inquire and create” – Noam Chomsky I found this quote from a recent youtube video “The purpose of Education”
  • 135. Itʼs our teachers and me doing the work, this is an attempt to shine a light on sone of the good work people are doing
  • 136. 9:20
  • 137. Some of my geeky friends are teachers in our school this is Sophie Ouelette who taught grade 8 in our school. And Sarah Fudge who taught grade 5. A couple of years ago we did this project.
  • 138. Make a difference mondays. Explain the project
  • 139. students talking on CBC radio promoting our project idea
  • 140. asking for food donations every monday in march 7:30-8:30 am then delivering to the homeless shelter
  • 141.
  • 142.
  • 143. voice recorder on ipod with make a difference mondays homeless shelter fundraiser asking people “what do you think about what we’re doing here?”
  • 144. 9:23
  • 145. this is Kristin Donovan who teaches grade 5 @ École Riverside School
  • 146. Social Justice Making a difference in our world Infusing technology Peer to peer learning We applied for the Ken Spencer award for the work Mme. Kristin Donovan and her grade 7 students did last year Our projects have these foci.
  • 147. I’d like to highlight 1 of the projects now. Red hand day, sdml district Children at war project. Starting last year, we begin our remembrance day ceremonies with this video that was created by our grade 7 students last year as a result of this project. Thanks to veteran Merv McKay pictured in this photo for many of the images used. PLAY VIDEO
  • 148. 9:28
  • 149. this is Melyssa Girard who teaches grade 8 in our school
  • 150. this is the blog she created for our use with the parents when we were away for a week in Quebec City recently.
  • 152. 9:28
  • 153. this is Allison Kissick who teaches gr 7 in our school
  • 154. She’s currently exploring an online game with her grade 7 students
  • 155. 9:30
  • 156. this is Erin Donovan who teaches gr 2 in our school and Lois Fisher who is a teacher and literacy with ICT support teacher in Flin Flon, Mb
  • 157. so when I got back from Byte I spoke with Erin about he idea and... this is our bear sunny and their bear flin flin
  • 158. and this is Lois Fisher from Flin Flon. explain the concept discussion @ byte with Lois lets try, we know each other if it bombs we’ll be ok
  • 159.
  • 160. note the comment section describe how Lois and Erin used this project in their classrooms
  • 161. 9:35
  • 162. here is another one of my geeky friends Jen ashby from Bendigo Austrailia story of where I met Jen (unplugd11 and more on that later)
  • 163. and this is Chelsea McKay who taught grade 5 when this project happened. She now is our grade 2/3 teacher @ École Riverside
  • 164. Explain the 24 hour skype project
  • 165. show clip what we do for fun at lunch and 1 clip of whats in my lunchkit if time
  • 166. 9:40
  • 167. this is Micheline Gagne who teaches grade 6 in our school
  • 168. Wolves without Borders Explain the wolves without borders project explain involvement of and the tandberg with Tara using google earth and datapoints to plot wolf movements explain the connection with Babbit and Mexico
  • 169. skyping with Babbit, Minnesota
  • 170. and our partners in Mexico
  • 171. collaboratively planning a community survey with their student groups in Babbit
  • 172. and us right after the international wolf and carnivore conference click on this live link to run the clip
  • 173. 9:45
  • 174. I’ve just selected a few examples for today’s presentation. If you want to see other things we our doing in our school check out the class wiki’s at
  • 175. 9:45
  • 176. As a guiding principal constant conversations about infusion, teaching, and learning with this guiding principle that we are trying to get our student’s to create more than they consume many of these projects demonstrate our students as content creators and I would like to share a couple of examples now that are examples of partnerships between students and teachers accelerated by technology
  • 177. Content Creators as well as creators
  • 178. Grade 1-3 flashmob explain background how this happened tell the involvement story of artist in the school Brenda Gorlick the practices the need for collaboration (and for the cosl preso me self proclaimed title of lead collaborator) MSA RCMP city center mall shaw
  • 179. Grade 1-3 flashmob caveat doing a flash mob with gr 1-3 students with involved parents tell the story of Rachel upset “their ruining the surprize dad!”
  • 180. play from this live link. Use quicktime backup if issues with youtube
  • 181. 9:55
  • 182. Grade 1-3 flashmob You may have noticed the grade 8ʼs taking video with their ipods. explain why we couldnʼt use the footage --“vertical video syndrome
  • 183. use live link vertical video syndrome
  • 184. Grade 4-7 flashmob tell the story of this, gr 4-8 did the same as the gr 1-3 1 week of daily practice with artist in the school brenda gorlick involved MSA @ RDPC who danced on the benches to help guide the students showed up in the forum and started right when the bell rang for the afternoon class change and this is what happened "
  • 185.
  • 186. show the teachers clip after showing the whole thing risk taking attitude and mindset and doing things your not sure how to do link for teachers only dancing gangham style
  • 187. School District of Mystery Lake Hedley - lip dub explain the logisitics of this select song find lyrics use google doc select lines create raw video at each of the schools where the student teachers were working email clips to me Stefan then edited in imovie upload to a youtube channel
  • 188. demo of how to create a shared spreadsheet in google docs explain the choices shared doc, preso, ss, etc.
  • 189. so this is what we created run from this live link
  • 190. 10:05
  • 191. What am i doing as principal to support our journey? I find,initiate, provide technical support then the teachers in our school make it happen
  • 192. “Of course” - Scott McLeod in many ways its a mindset (poster I recently saw online by Scott McLeod)
  • 193. X “Of course” - Scott McLeod I don’t think that’s what we are about at our school It’s in part that I trust teachers to do the right thing and they are willing to take risks and try things and do the unusual without fear of failure
  • 194. "When are we going to start asking ourselves why we make it so hard to be a great teacher?" Chris Lehmann “Beyond the great teacher myth” post Jan 2012 Chris Lehmann
  • 195. "How do we create schools that make it easier for all students and teachers to shine?" Chris Lehmann “Beyond the great teacher myth” post Jan 2012 Chris Lehmann
  • 196. create the climate of doing the unusual. permission to take risks technical help when needed or I find those who can help example of darren and kristin yesterday with the smartboard and systemic changes like Kristin’s schedule tech buddies as an example of ongoing internal support
  • 197. 10:10
  • 198. how do I show others (who might be interested) what we’re doing in our school
  • 199. click on hotlink to hear soundcloud of our gr 8ʼs drumming
  • 200. socialcam - Dylan and AC/DC sometimes itʼs the little things that are going on in our school
  • 201. pictures and tweets on twitter the sharing of small things as frequently as possible
  • 202. refillable bottle station project. I have applied for an LSF grant to be used towards this purchase show actual first use movie (next slide)
  • 204.
  • 205. other things we are working on right now
  • 206. Show me & Student Led Conferences Mme. Erin’s grade 2’s were creating movies using showme. These were shown to parents at our past SLC .
  • 207. here is a Demo of a grade1 clip
  • 208.
  • 209. seed grant Our books are QRCoded! Hear what we think. we also received a $900 ManAce Seed grant
  • 210. we were featured in the ManAce journal- Spring issue
  • 211. and this is what this project is about
  • 212. this is a qr code. Demonstrate how they work using my phone and qrbeamer. This code links back to our school website
  • 213.
  • 214. Minecraft explain the evolution of our clubs, gr 7 boys gr 5 girls then gr 5 girls and boys as a sense of belonging?
  • 215. minecraft grade 5 club in autoplay movie
  • 216. Printcraft explain what is here is our first creation
  • 217. explain the evolution of our clubs, gr 7 boys gr 5 girls then gr 5 girls and boys
  • 218. screenshare of the digital space samples of the kids creations tell the story of how we are doing this
  • 219. 3D printers explain what is here is our first creation
  • 220.
  • 221.
  • 222. Airserver also can use instead of a document camera using your cellphone as the cam. Cost $4 compared to $1500 for a wireless document camera use airserver and my phone to show the projects pass the models around the room
  • 223.
  • 224. here’s what Simone is working on
  • 225. this is an example of online collaboration but I’ll let my students tell you the story
  • 226.
  • 227.
  • 228.
  • 229. Where to get ideas from? ie. To find out what other schools are doing. Where do I get project ideas to share with teachers, to try in our school etc.
  • 230. and RSS feeds clude the .opml file on wiki for particpants to import do a quick demo of my rss feeds on feedly and how to find educatiional bloggers to read
  • 231. Twitter Lists Hashtags Twitterchats ie. #mbedchat twitter, hashtags and twitterchats lists -demonstrate my hootsuite stream hashtags - at conferences how people are using to share between rooms or give 1 current example ie. #mathchat twitterchats - #mbedchat explain what Zoe is doing with this (ie. The structure of it) demo depending on available time twitter, hashtags and twitterchats lists -demonstrate my hootsuite stream hashtags - at conferences how people are using to share beteen rooms or give 1 current example ie. #mathchat twitterchats - #mbedchat As an example do a couple #mathchat Twitterchats Specifically what zoe is doing with #mbedchat√
  • 232. Twitterchats Edit 0 2 … Wednesdays from 9-10pm CST Manitoba Teachers #mbchat Archive: ( to get to the archive use the tags searchable option) script is 9:10 Q1 920 Q2 930 Q3 940 Q4 950 Q5 Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. CST Connected principals chat #cpchat archive:
  • 233. google hangouts #savmp cosl directors demo a quick hangout with whoever I can connect with for 3 min
  • 234. other places to find my geeky friends
  • 235. why __________blank matters. unplug11 (Canadian educators) click on this hotlink show a quick skim the essays. Manitobans invited were Darren Kuropatwa, Andy McKeil, Clarence Fisher, Chris Harbeck, John Evans, and me Rob Fisher.
  • 236. in addition to the ebook, explain that we also all created a video throughout the week about what really matters in education. Here is the link to my video
  • 237. explain at unplug12 (international) we all wrote “letters from the edge”. click on the hotlink then on any person here to see their letter. I was a facilitator at this session.
  • 238. as a source of people to follow on twitter to expand your PLN
  • 239.
  • 240. for the last part of today’s session I would like everyone here to experience a hands-on opportunity to be part of a the “maker culture” makey makey intro show the intro to what they are
  • 241. Makey Makey Activity find an online site that lets you control something using the keys on a keyboard hookup the makey makey board to control the screen with the materials given Iʼve been using these in a grade 7 makers club and soon will be using in a few of our classrooms your task today is to in groups at your tables create something that controls an online website using the materials given arcade games online musical instruments online
  • 242. Summary of what was looked at today redo a wordle of what we looked at today
  • 243. The things we looked at today......... If you don’t know robcfisher (as a model of good presentation techniques) slideshare Polleverywhere text Pollev.presenter who’s here today Brenna Phillips Geekiness #savmp Positive traits of geekiness Geeky friends Make a difference mondays Sophie Oulette Sarah Fudge Kristin Donovan Ken Spencer award Red Hand Day Melyssa Girard Kidblog Sevec Allison Kissick Erin Donovan Lois Fisher Teddybear travels Chelsea McKay Jenny Ashby 24 hour skype Micheline Gagne Wolves without borders Babbit, Mn Mexico class wikis Create more than you consume Gr 1-3 flashmob Gr 4-8 flashmob Vertical video syndrome Airserver School District of Mystery Lake lipdub Google drive and google docs and student led conferences and RSS feeds Minecraft Printcraft 3D printers Soundcloud Social Cam Water bottle filling station Twitter/hootsuite Hashtags #mbedchat #cpchat Maker culture Manace QR codes collaboration Google hangouts makey makey boards Unplugd11 Unplugd12 Ahbi Pawandeep Simone Dylan Avoiding death by powerpoint Polleverywhere polling Animoto
  • 244. Attributions “Question mark” By flickr user Marco Bellucci “Summer image of École Riverside school” By google streetview “Three note strategies: iPad, Moleskine and iPhone” By flickr user andjohan “A failed reminder” By flickr user massdistraction “Winter image of École Riverside school” By robcfisher “Creative commons welcome pack” By flickr user Carlfish “Zoghal's magical eye” By flickr user looking4poetry “Show me creation” courtesy of Mme. Pankratz gr 1 “Title page image of robcfisher” courtesy of Mme. Squires as part of our schoolwide 50th anniversary image creation project “create more than you consume” By flickr user tyler.wainright “technology use” By flickr user mrsdkrebs “Good Idea” By flickr user Celestine Chua “Teddybear travels” pics by the students of Erin Donovan and Lois Fisher “Rememberance day 2012 video” created by Hannah Murdy, Matt Tretiak and Matt Rempel “MTS and ManAce logo’s” used with permission from the parent associations “ManAce seed grant video” created by robcfisher and Keyanna Boycho Oulette Images also provided by Kristin Donovan, Sophie Ouelett, and Ashley Squires “Geek ≈ Chic” By flickr user Timmy Toucan “my geek venn diagram” By flickr user Technovore “spotlight002” By flickr user k6martini “do something unusual tomorrow” By flickr user ModernDope (old account) “Explosion of positive energy” By flickr user Lucas all other images and video’s by robcfisher and thanks to the staff of École Riverside school for providing many wonderful examples of student learning and engagement to share..... end with ?ʼs slide “your turn ;p” By flickr user Maria Ly
  • 245. Our school’s youtube channels our school youtube channels Ecoleriversideschool kristin, becky, melissa’s
  • 246. this is our most active channel Ecoleriversideschool kristin, becky, melissa’s
  • 247. Ecoleriversideschool kristin, becky, melissa’s
  • 248.
  • 249. Things we didn’t have time for today
  • 250. and we should teach our students and ourselves to avoid this..... stop at 5:22
  • 251. Are you a geek quiz?
  • 252. Is this your favorite store?
  • 253. do you know what this is? Have you ever actually used it?
  • 254.