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The Play Of Cosi By Louis Nowra
Accomplished Australian playwright Louis Nowra composed the play of Cosi which set in a
mental hospital in Melbourne 1971 and later adapted into a film during 1996. There is a backdrop
of social unrest to the play, being set in the time of the Vietnam Conflict which had been going on
for 10 years prior to the creation of the novel. The attitudes and connotations towards the mentally ill
in those times were of negative association, which is being proven through the setting of the play,
which is in a burnt out theatre with holes in the roof. Nowra uses satire as a genre for literature and
performing arts in which they use vices to ridicule society into improving their mindset and
behaviours towards these particular individuals. There are several ideologies displayed throughout
the play, however, the three central principals of power,love and commitment are most constant and
are expressed through the use of literary devices, such as a frame story, otherwise known as a story
within a story, and poetic justice which is when a virtue is ultimately rewarded, or vice punished, by
an ironic twist of fate related to the characters' own conduct. Characterisation is an important element
of drama in the play because each character expresses the ideologies and validates them thoroughly.
The main protagonist Lewis comprehensively demonstrates the ideologies of power and
commitment, and the concept of love is systematically exposed through the character of not only
Julie, but Lewis too.
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The play "Cosi" by Louis Nowra is the story of a university student who is set the task of
producing a play in a mental institute. The play uses many dramatic techniques including, but not
limited to; the setting of the play, humour, and tension as well as role, to help draw the audience
into the world of the play, the world of these 'mental patients.' The play also helps to bring forward
people's feelings and attitudes towards the mentally ill and people's attitudes towards love and
cheating, to further draw the audience into the world of the play, and the world of the 1970's, when
people with any kind of mental illness where treated as 'outcasts' and were not accepted as socially
Lewis (the main character) is in more content...
The term "Let's hope it doesn't rain" is used to show how damaged the theatre is. This setting is very
important as it provides the audience with an understanding of exactly how the theatre would have
looked. The characters in Cosi highlight the way the theatre looks, so the audience can fully
understand the setting, entirely allowing the audience to become engaged throughout the entire play.
Stage directions are used during the play to reveal even more of the personality of each of the
characters. The extremely–confident personality of Nick is made clear in the first scene, when
Nick, Lucy and Lewis first enter the darkened theatre, and Nick starts to toy with Lucy in the
dark, pretending to be a ghost. Stage directions can also be used to reveal the feelings of
characters. When Lucy and Nick leave, and Lewis is left with Roy, you can tell just by watching
the way Lewis holds his body, and moves about the stage, he feels betrayed by Lucy, and by Nick.
Stage directions are also used to reveal the humour and action on the stage during the entire
performance. At the end of act one, scene two, the audience is and the rest of the patients are told
by Doug that there is a fire in the bathroom, where Doug himself, had just exited. Stage directions
are used to capture the madness as the characters run off of the stage trying to stop the fire, and as
Cherry attacks Doug, and starts to strangle him.
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Cosi Fan Tutte Essay
Darkness is manifested through the reality within Cosi and the fantasy aspect contained in the play,
Cosi Fan Tutte. The darkness behind the truth in regards to the nature of humanity is vastly explored.
Louis Nowra has integrated such concepts within the comical play. Set during the 1970's, the
seemingly contemporary situations reveal much of the dismal reality most had experienced during
that time. Throughout the play, the Cold war is also acknowledged, therefore elucidating the idea
whereby, much of the 'dark' aspect of the play was a result from this conflict. Furthermore, the
character's perspective upon certain concepts such as infidelity, becomes a portal to the reality
during those times. The inclusion of Cosi Fan Tutte more content...
Nowra includes comedic aspects for entertainment but also to uncover dismal truths. Ruth: "You're
doing a fine job messing with my head", the connotations and the literal meaning within this
statement represents the idea of madness. Another dark concept explored in the text. "Do it yourself
lobotomy", humour is used, allowing the audience to focus on the context being displayed, this
recognises lobotomy and other treatments for mental patients during the 1970's. This is considered a
dark reality as many has suffered from these so called 'treatments'. Throughout the play, the use of
riposte discloses truths. "Go burn a cat", apart from it's comedic sense, the literal meaning is
considered tragic. The repetition of this phrase emphasizes the awful act by Doug and his own
atrociousness. Consequently, these are used multiple times to counter attack Doug. Parallelism
between concepts is also utilized as a form of connection between reality and fantasy. Infidelity being
the central theme of Cosi Fan Tutte connects with the infidelity between Lewis and Lucy. The fact
that this treacherous act occurs both in reality and fantasy accentuates the dark concept of
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Inner Journey Cosi
Inner Journey Assessment William F Buckley quoted "If all difficulties were known at the outset of
a long journey most of us would never start at all". This quote relates to journeys, specifically to
inner journeys with the intention that many journeys are difficult and if individuals knew how
difficult the journey was going to be, then most of us would not even commence the journey. A
journey is simply a movement from one place to another. Physical journeys are gateways to inner
journeys, which is a journey of the mind and spirit. Inner journeys take place when an individual
experiences events or is involved in relationships that act as a catalyst to gain greater understanding
about themselves and the world. Inner journeys can more content...
The metaphor transfers the journey from a physical one. The persona is confronted with the
choice of two roads, both fairly similar 'two roads diverged in a yellow wood', and must decide
which one he wants to travel. This is similar to Lewis's situation where he has to decide between
politics, and true love and fidelity and which is more important. The persona, with ultimately
choosing the one that was 'grassy and wanted wear' and the ' one less travelled by'. He wanted to
break away from the norm and experience something new. This road may be more rewarding
despite the fact it presents more challenges. The inner journey is depicted through the use of
language techniques such as, extended metaphor, first person pronoun, repetition and symbolism.
The use of first person pronoun 'I' shows that it is a personal journey where choices need to be
made. The repetition of 'I' in the last stanza highlights the speaker's solitude and that he is proud of
the choice he has made 'and I–I took the one less travelled by', also emphasises that we are
responsible for our own decisions on our own journey. It helps the audience connect to the poem and
inturn reflect on their own inner journey experiences. Frost uses symbolism in the word in the first
line of the first stanza in 'yellow' of the wood. This symbolises the season autumn and the autumnal
time in ones life where time is running out and decisions need to be made, this demonstrates
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Cosi by Louis Nowra
How does Nowra use the opera Cosi fan Tutte to explore the play's main ideas?
Set in a typical mental asylum in the 1970's during the anti–Vietnam War protests and the feminist
movement for women's equal rights, the play 'Cosi' by Louis Nowra deeply explores the themes of
love and fidelity, in a society predominantly concerned with war and politics. Throughout the play,
Nowra uses the play within a play, 'Cosi Fan Tutte', to convey his key values regarding the
importance of love and fidelity in today's world, while questioning the necessity of war and
condemning society's perceptions of madness itself. The playwright delivers these messages through
a number of subtle implications and symbolic features which are evident in the story, more
This very much represents the physical crossing from the 'normal' world into a world which is not
seen from the outside, and pushed to the edge of society, and further resembles a glimpse of hope
for the patients' recovery. In the later scenes of the play, during the performance of Mozart'sopera,
the entire theatre has been transformed into something completely different, with its white walls, the
bright, colourful costumes, and Mozart's "music of the spheres" echoing within the once dark and
dismal place. The new theatre in all its splendour metaphorically resembles the transformations of
the characters themselves, and from this, the audience is encouraged to realise the significance and
therapeutic nature of art, in this case theatre and music: "the music of this opera will keep the world
in harmony", especially in contrast to hopeless treatments such as shock therapy. Through his play,
Nowra also encourages the audience to agree with his personal view that war is unnecessary, and in
a way is a kind of madness itself, due to its chaotic and uncontrollable nature.
Through 'Cosi Fan Tutte', Nowra also focuses on highlighting the inconsistencies and injustices
within the mental health system, through the use of dark humour and cynical depictions of mental
asylums and their preferred methods
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Cosi Quotes And Techniques
In the studied play Cosi composed and directed by Louis Nowra, Lewis' work with the mental
patients enables growth and a deepening of his sense of identity to a large extent, this is shown in
a variety of ways throughout the scenes in the play where he begins as being very content in
himself and having a very low self esteem as well as a low confidence that eventually starts to rise.
Some ways that demonstrate the changes in Lewis are evident through love. His view on love
changes, from the perspective that is presented at the beginning where he says that 'love is not so
important nowadays.', to having love is a important aspect as this is shown through his comment,
'without love the world wouldn't mean much.' During a break, Lewis more content...
Nick's attitude towards Lewis' fellow actors enrages him revealing that he deeply cares for them
and considers them friends. The dramatic action revealed in the stage directions would impact
the audience because it's shocking to see two men who were once close friends who are now
fighting. As Henry starts to leave, Lewis tries to stop him by saying, 'Henry. Stop. [Henry stops.]
I have an idea. Why don't we make Ferrando and Guglielmo disguise themselves as Australian
soldiers?' This tells us that Lewis understands everyone and values what they say as where as
before if Henry started to leave Lewis wouldn't have cared as much. Lewis' use of repetition as he
explains the purpose of the Opera to the characters reveals his changed attitudes towards women
and relationships, and values the idea that Henry has love and commitment. The juxtaposition of
'comedy' and 'tragedy' capture the context the play was set within as this was a time when free love
seemed to be valued over fidelity and
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Nowra's play is set in a 'burnt out theatre'. Discuss the importance of setting and imagery in
conveying Nowra's idea on 'Cosi'.
The setting and imagery used in Louis Nowra's play 'Cosi' explore the turbulent time that took part in
Australia. The play is set in a mental institution in Melbourne, in the 1970's. Using the ominous
presence of the Vietnam War, Nowra explores the insanity of the war; and the need to condemn war
and to protest against Australia's involvement in Vietnam. The main presence of the institution and
involving patients explored the inhumanity and ineffectiveness of the mental health system in the
1970's in Australia. Nowra used the 'play within a play' to explore the Importance of theatre, as a way
of more content...
Ruth's character reminds us that the process of producing the play within the play is about finding a
deeper, more real reality. For characters such as Ruth and Roy, the play is about creating an escape
from their reality within the institution, such as characters like Zac whom "can't stand real things".
For other characters such as Julie, the mental institution surrounds them, but performing the play
allows them to break free from reality. Through producing the play, Lewis explores what is 'real'
and what is 'normal', Nowra introduces the concept that the two concepts contrast with each other.
Nowra concluded the play with Lewis' narration. Turning off the lights sets the realisation of the
brief tails of their lives given by Lewis, which are powered by reality and not a pristine ending, as
life continues to happen.
Louis Nowra's play 'Cosi' explores important concepts dealing with important issues of Australia in
the 1970's. Through the play, Nowra considers the inhumanity and insensitivity towards the mental
health system in the 20th Century. After examining the insanity of war; the need to condemn war
and to protest the involvement of Australian solders, Nowra positions the audience to lean towards
Henry's point of view, supporting the solders for their sacrifice with the respect for their service to
their country. Nowra explores the power of art, as a powerful tool to open up the lives of Lewis and
the patients. Through
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Cosi Fan Tutte Essay
..Year 12 English Essay..
Nowra's play is set in a 'burnt out theatre'. Discuss the importance of setting and imagery in
conveying Nowra's ideas in Cosi.
The burnt out theatre in Nowra's play 'Cosi' represents the life inside an asylum, a life that the
characters know all too well. Life inside an asylum is portrayed as a dark, cold and isolated place,
where the outside world is not often talked about and for others almost doesn't exist. Most of the
characters cannot handle reality but for Nowra is is about exposing the hard times and the difficult
lives of the patients. Lewis is fresh out of university and took on a job as a play director at the asylum
, but is a bit unsettled when he first inspects the theatre that they will more content...
Doug hates them because he likes to be naturally high all the time. Zac likes them because
everything passes like he's in a dream or limbo. I think I'm a naturally addictive personality. I like
what they give you here, because not to be on drugs, whatever sort, is like being in limbo for me.
Drugs make me feel sort of living. Completely opposite for Doug.' (Pg36–37) Non of the patients
would be in the institution if they could cope with the outside world.
The asylum introduces a new world to Lewis, one that is far from his own life,'Asylums are the
most inefficient places on this earth.'(pg 58) One that will challenge him to be more outspoken,
more attentive and more of a leader. This is shown when Roy tries to do Lewis' job for him and
complains about Lewis' directions. 'Couldn't direct a poofter.' (Pg10) Lewis gets emotionally
attached to the patients and more or less throws his relationship and education out the window to
help fulfill their dream, 'Cosi Fan Tutte'. 'It's not the fact that you've let me down, Jerry, it's more the
fact that you've let everyone down. [He looks at the theatre] This theatre could have been ringing
with the music of the spheres, instead of that, a dreadful silence has descended upon us.'– Roy.
Lewis helps them come out of their shells and see their true self worth.
Nowra's setting of the burnt out theatre has a big role in the lives of the patients, it shows the
conditions that the patients lived in before Lewis discovered them
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How Does Lewis Change Throughout The Play Cosi
The development of Lewis and the mental patients is enabled through their performance of the
play,alloweing them to trust each other in the play Cosi by Louis Nowra.The main character Lewis
explores his personality further and reconsiders his view of the patients as normal people rather then
seeing them as crazy people with a mental illness.During the begin of the play you begin to get a
sense on fear from Lewis as he first mets the patients but as the play progress you begin to see that
change has Lewis gains more confident in himself.The play Cosi depicts characters like
Julie,Nick,Justin and lucy who, through their work on the opera with Lewis, grows as individuals
and as a group of outsiders who finds a senses of belonging together. more content...
The stage directions reveals "The Theatre.The performance is over.Lewis,tired and sweaty but
pleased is talking to Justin who shakes his hand". Following this, Justin's repetition in "marvellous.
Just marvellous" proves that Lewis' work with the mental patients was successful. His ability to
gain friendships and develop a deeper understanding of the patients, suggests his growth and
transformation was a success expanded as lewis' sense of identity strengthened as he grew closer to
the patients.This is further proven as roy addresses the audience "Next year, a greater triumph awaits
us, Jerry.The Don!". Roy happiness at the end of the play cements the idea of Lewis' transformation
by demonstrating how much Lewis has impacted on the patients, giving them a border outlook on
life and providing them with a sense of belonging to the world.When Lewis directly addresses the
audience "Yes, Roy. There was no next year. The theatre mysteriously burnt down a week after the
performance..... time to turn out the lights".Thus breaking the fourth wall the illusion of the theatre
is broken down.This highlighting to the audience the directors dramatic intent of the play Cosi
which was to spark a change in social attitudes towards mental illness but not only that but to come to
his own terms with contextual issues and experiences of the mental illness and
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Cosi Quotes
"[hesitantly] This is an unusual position for me...I directed some plays at university...and, well...this
is my first year out." P7
"In a way you're sort of testing yourself by coming here?" (Julie to Lewis p32)
"Make a decision Lewis between going to the moratorium meeting or staying here."
"I'm not going to let them down." P70
"Love is not so important nowadays." P10
"Without love the world wouldn't mean much." P70
"Working with these people has changed you." (Lucy to Lewis)
"He loves the theatre apparently. A great enthusiast when he gets going. He has his down periods
like a lot of people, but he's your support, your natural energiser." Justin to Lewis about Roy P3
"Without this opera more content...
If I could put up with reality I wouldn't be in here." P62
"A lower dosage. It's amazing how much more bright the world seems." P62
" I'm not going to sing a song that's not word perfect. You don't want me to make a fool of myself,
do you?" p13
"I can live with illusion as long as I know it's illusion." P26
"Comedy is better when it's real." P61
"I hate goodbyes. So when the others come out, tell them I'm waiting outside
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"Cosi", by Louis Nowra, is a play which comprises of many distinct characters, each with their
own unique backgrounds and outlooks on life. Throughout Cosi, the different ways in which the
patients escape the depressing reality of the asylum and their conditions become evident. Roy
creates a false memory of a fantastic childhood and obsesses over Cosi Fan Tutte and "the music
of the spheres" so as to suppress the tragic knowledge of his experiences as a child and his life in the
asylum. In a similar way, Ruth obsesses over the notions of truth, reality and illusion, constantly
seeks reassurance and requires detailed routines to feel comfortable. Julie uses drugs in order to feel
"living" and claims that the opera allows her to get more content...
Julie resents being in the asylum and feels that the staff "don't know how to deal with drug users"
(p. 32). For this reason, she looks to Lewis and the making of Cosi Fan Tutte for peace of mind. In
reference to the play, Julie says, "I like it because I'm doing something. Using up energy. Getting
out of my ward. God, how I hate that ward" (p. 36). The asylum is perceived to be prison by all the
patients; one which, like Julie, they all wish to escape using different means. Julie escapes the
asylum through busying herself with Cosi Fan Tutte as well as Lewis, a temporary love interest. The
latter is evident in Julie and Lewis' articulate discussions and "passionate" kiss (p. 68). Julie
discusses her usage of drugs which can also be viewed as a form of escapism on her behalf. She
says that "drugs make [her] feel sort of living" and compares "junk" to love, saying that "Some
people can't imagine life without love" while she "can't imagine life without junk" (p. 37). Julie
does not seem to care that drugs are not an accepted means to feeling alive – she recalls the shrink
calling them a 'crutch' while she calls them a 'rocket to the stars' (p. 32). This highlights that Julie
has her own perception of reality that is contrary to what is widely held to be true,
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Cosi Fan Tutte Analysis
Cosi fan tutte Review Have you ever stared at stage full of people never knowing what they are
saying? Have you ever heard words that sound like gibberish making it extremely painful for you
to understand? Have you ever tried to decipher a cryptic language that keeps you from unfurling
the truth? The play, Cosi fan tutte, by W.A. Mozart and Lorenza De Ponte, fails to impress the
audience by making its dialogue frighteningly difficult to understand. This musical drama, at its
best, is ineffective which can be shown by its recurring dreary themes and its shockingly limited
relatability. Perhaps it only redeemable quality is it genuine and dedicated cast, who try to add
humor and excitement to this otherwise monotonous opus. Music lies at the heart of every
opera. If the songs of the opera fail to impress the audience, it can spell disaster for the
performance. The compositions of Cosi fan tutte prove to be dour and repetitious, ultimately
setting a bleak and distressing atmosphere. For instance songs such as "Sento oddio, che questo
piede" and "Di Scrivermi ogni giorno" address the same topic of Ferrando and Guglielmo leaving
their fiancГ©s Fiordiligi and Dorabella and going off to war. In both of these songs, the men try to
appease their clearly distressed fiancГ©s and in both of these songs the fiancГ©s give and overly
dramatic performance of heartbreak. The themes of heartbreak, affliction and separation coupled
with the repetitive nature of the songs, serve to create a
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People quite often change through their experiences, as evident with a few characters in Louis
Nowra's play Cosi. The major character is, of course, Lewis Riley who is one of a few we observe
who is very much different at the beginning than the end of the play as it can be said that he learns
a great deal during the course of the play as the lessons he receives are of both personal and
professional nature. Although the lessons Lewis learned are influential for the change of another
through the course of the play, Henry, who suffers some form of social phobia, which may be
linked with his severe stutter. Henry starts to overcome his stutter towards the end as he began to
open up from his respect of his own father, who fought in the more content...
Doug is the most dangerous of the residents in the opera cast as he had a history of pyromaniac
meaning he found burning things sexually enticing. 'There's no point to light a fire and not to watch
it burn'. He was one that also did not change as the theatre mysteriously burnt down a week after the
performance with Doug the main suspect, proving not all characters learned from the experiences
during Cosi.
By the end of Cosi, It was not only Lewis that learned a great deal but also Henry and Ruth. Who
both seemed to come out of there shell by the end with Henry beginning to open up and becoming
more a part of the play and Ruth coming to terms with the different kind of 'Truths'. While though
not all the characters learned during the course of Cosi, it still proved a rewarding experience for
others with not just Lewis learning but others as
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Cosi Essay Dale Tilley
How Successful Has Lois Nowra Been in
Challenging the Significant Ideas of Love, Fidelity, Sanity and Insanity in Cosi?
In the play Cosi Louis Nowra challenges the important themes of love, fidelity, sanity and insanity
within a range of dramatic techniques. Cosi is set in Melbourne, during the early 1970's. Numerous
political and radical events were occurring. The Vietnam War protest was raging, the sexual
revolution was rolling, and mental illness was still misunderstood and mistreated. Due to these
contexts, love, fidelity, sanity and insanity are big issues that surface throughout the play. Nowra
comments on society's issues. Firstly, he uses dialogue to convey the characters various thoughts and
feelings towards these more content...
Women had access to the new contraceptive pill and this made it easier for women to engage in
sexual relations outside of marriage. This bought about a questioning of the need for marriage and
fidelity. During the play it becomes apparent that Lucy (Louis' girlfriend and roommate) and Nick
(Louis' best friend) are having an affair. Nick and Lucy both share similar beliefs that the Vietnam
War protest is more important than anything else. Nick and Lucy are the presented as
representatives of the more modern attitudes towards love and fidelity. This is shown by Lucy
and Nick being advocates of free love and seeing sex and love as two different things, this is
evident when Nick says to Lewis "She's sleeping with you, were having sex" (referring to the
relationship between Nick and Lucy.) and "Lucy's not possessive about you, I'm not possessive
about her. What's the fuss?" This shows how societies' views of love and fidelity and what is
acceptable are changing to a more laid back, free attitude. These quotes reflect the values and
attitudes towards sex at the time, as women were now more freely engaging in sexual relations
outside of marriage, and demonstrating 'free love'. After Lewis' learns of the affair between his best
friend and girlfriend, he comes to the realisation that "Woman's consistency is like an Arabian
Phoenix", which in this context, means a woman's fidelity is often talked about and
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Così Fan Tutte Essay
Così Fan Tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, or more familiarly known as Così Fan Tutte, is
one of Mozart's last operas, translated as "Women are all alike, or The School of Lovers." Being
named as such, the principal theme of this opera is the fickleness and infidelity of women. The
libretto of this piece was written by Lorenzo da Ponte, who was also the librettist for Don Giovanni
and La nozze de Figaro, two other renowned operas of Mozart's.1 This opera was first performed in
Vienna at the Burgtheater, on January 26th, 1790.2 Though the exact origin of the story Ponte
based his libretto on is unclear, many people at the time believed that the story was based on a
scandal in Emperor Joseph II's court, where two Viennese officers more content...
Don Alfonso, a wise philosopher, warns two young military officers, Guglielmo and Ferrando, that
all women are infidel, and they cannot trust even their own fiancГ©s, Fiordiligi and Dorabella
(who are sisters). The officers laugh at Don Alfonso, retorting that their fiancГ©s loyalty is
unwavering and eternal. Don Alfonso then asks the men if they would like to make a wager on
their fiancГ©s fidelity to them. Guglielmo and Ferrando quickly accept the bet, believing it to be
highly in their favor. The girls' maid, Despina, joins in on the charade to earn some quick money.
Guglielmo and Ferrando pretend they are leaving for the war, and bid a tearful farewell with their
fiancГ©s. They dress up as Albanians and attempt to sway the other's fiancГ©. Ferrando is
devastated to see his fiancГ©, Dorabella, surrender to Guglielmo's advances so quickly. Fiordiligi,
initially very loyal to Guglielmo, also falls for Ferrando's advances by the end. Both new couples
become engaged, though the men are hurt and bitter, finally seeing the truth to Don Alfonso's words
as the three sing in unison–"Cosi fan tutte"–all women are the same.
In the end, Guglielmo and Ferrando reveal their true identities, and Fiordiligi and Dorabella are
ashamed and confused. However, they properly marry their original fiancГ©s happily, and what
happens afterwards is left for viewers to imagine.4
Fiordiligi, sister of DorabellaSoprano
Dorabella, sister of
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Analysis Of Cosi Fan Tutte
Avtaran Jain Cosi Fan Tutte Review Many have heard the saying that art does not have a language
barrier. However, there are times when the expression above fails to hold true for a performance. It in
during these times, that the unison of the audience breaks, and a dichotomy forms. My recent
experience with the play, Cosi Fan Tutte was somewhat similar to the events described above.
Although Cosi Fan Tutte attempts to establish itself in the hearts of the crowd through its talented
and experienced cast, it ultimately fails due to its tediously repetitive song structure and narrow
intended audience. The adeptness and dexterity of an individual have always been fundamental
talents to look for when viewing a performance. These individuals are the one that help the event
advance to success. When it comes to the qualities mentioned above, the cast of Cosi Fan Tutte
definitely possess most. Because Cosi Fan Tutte is a performance written by Mozart, it comes as no
surprise that the level of singing and acting required is highly demanding even for veterans in the
industry. Yet, despite all these hurdles, the cast of the performance is able to captivate and delight
the audience through its outstanding vocal finesse and entertaining characterization. Ferrando,
played by Carlos Feliciano and Guglielmo, played by Eli Glick are the stars of the show, displaying
their level of musical acumen through songs such as "Una bella serenata" and "E voi ridete" which
require a vocal
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Cosi Naturalism
The style that was used in Cosi was naturalism. Naturalism was developed in the 19th – 20th century
(Justin Cash.2006). It is a movement that originated in European theatres. A Naturalistic role play is
used within a theatrical performance to demonstrate how a character would react in a real life
situation. During the performance no photographs will be used to create an illusion, as it ruins the
full effect of the reality.
Naturalistic theatre refers to an impression of a perfect illusion of reality through a range of theatrical
technique. These techniques include detailed, three–dimensional settings ,everyday speech forms, a
secular world view, an exclusive focus on subjects that are contemporary and indigenous, the
extension of the
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What Happened To Lewis 'Cosi'?
In Louis Nowra's 1971 play, 'Cosi', protagonist Lewis Riley is encouraged to
'bring the patients out of their shells' by directing them in a play but although
Lewis is the one instructing and guiding them, the asylum patients end up altering
Lewis's understandings about love and the mentally ill, as well as shaping his character, confirming
that they evidently educate Lewis more than he teaches them. Lewis, being an 'outsider' ultimately
has the ability to influence the inmates of the asylum. Nowra first indicates this idea by setting the
first scene of the play in a
'brunt out theatre', representing the gloom that the setting originally holds but when Lewis enters the
room, so does a 'chink of light', highlighting the possibility that more content...
Doug claims that women 'pretend they don't play around' which differs from Lewis 'faithful' view
of Lucy. Julie also approaches this topic when she states that 'women are flesh and blood too',
allowing Lewis to question how he really feels about women. Roy's choice of play, 'Cosi Fan Tutte'
also questions women's fidelity, claiming that 'women's faithfulness is like the Arabian Phoenix,
everyone swears it exists but no one has ever seen it'. Through these examples, and many stories
from other patients, Lewis is able to form a more traditional view on romance and is able to
differentiate between love and lust, understanding that love and acceptance are important in
relations, which is what Nowra is trying express throughout the play. This change in Lewis is
apparent when Lewis describes the opera as being about 'important things, like love and fidelity' and
when he reacts with genuine hurt at the fact that Lucy is 'sleeping' with him but 'having sex' with
Nick. This transformation highlights one example of a lesson that Lewis learnt while rehearsing a
play with the asylum patients.
In addition, the patients inadvertently help Lewis develop in character because through his
partnership with the mentally ill, he is able to understand what
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How Does Lewis Create Identity In Cosi
Within the play Cosi by Louis Nowra, the character Lewis grows and deepens his sense of identity
by the connections he develops with the patients in the mental asylum. His character experiences
transformation where he grows in confidence as a director. The text portrays the idea that by Lewis
working with the mental patients, it has changed his sense of identity and his own understanding of
his values. Lewis is shaped as a director, personally renews his attitudes and beliefs about people in
the mental asylum. Working with the patients on "Cosi Fan Tutte" has changed his view on love,
fidelity and also learns the value of love and commitment. When Lewis undertook the role of
directing the play "Cosi Fan Tutte"; he was unsure and more content...
The don!". Lewis bemused replies with "yes, Roy" and Roy leaves. Lewis addresses the audience
directly and comes out of the fourth wall and says, "There was no next year. The theatre
mysteriously burnt down a week after the performance.... Time to turn out the lights." Lewis turns
off the light. Blackout. Roys' happiness at the conclusion of the play Cosi cements the idea of
Lewis' transformation by the fact that Roy shakes Lewis hand, calls him by his nick name "jerry"
and plans there next play "The Don". When Lewis directly addresses the audience, thus breaking the
fourth wall, the illusion of the theatre is broken down. This highlights to the audience Nowra's
dramatic intent of the play Cosi witch was to spark a change in social attitudes towards mental
illness but also come to terms with his own contextual uses and experience of mental illness and the
asylums. By working with the mental patients, it was his way of understanding it all and made a
strong bond and connection with every single mental patient in the asylum working on the play with
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My Current Financial Situation : Cosi
My current financial situation Since February 2015 I have been employed at the business called
Cosi. At the restaurant Cosi's I receive direct deposit, bi– weekly from the range of $250–$370. I can
receive this payment depending on how many hours I receive from my boss. In a week at work
sometimes I make about $20 a week in tips. As far as expenses, I spend about $120 every week. My
expenses as a college student goes to buying food on either grocery shopping, or just buying myself
a meal every day to eat. I spend about $10–$15 if I do not go grocery shopping and buying a meal
daily. If I go grocery shopping I will spend about $70 a week. On a weekend from going out with
friends I manage to spend about $40–$50. So, financially more content...
It is important that every college student has their own bank account information under their name
and not their parents because the older you get you want to show that you are making your own
money and you can be financially stable on your own and start to build your own credit. Credit
Having any type of credit card is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Having a credit card and
paying it off and following all of the rules can help you maintain good credit. In order to remain
with good credit you must always pay off what you owe in time, and never spend more than half
of the amount on the credit card. You can use a credit card overseas, it tracks on of your expenses,
raise your FICO score and some offer cash back. Right now in America having good credit is
everything, it can be the reason you receive a good home or car. A credit card can help you start
off with building good credit, or rebuild off the bad credit you had. Having a credit card is always
the best when you have an emergency and you don't have enough money to cover it. When you are
not smart with using a credit card it will be the biggest down fall you can make with your credit score
. It is never a wise decision to spend all the money you have on your credit card. Once you spend all
you get tempted to go over your total amount. When you default on credit card payments you
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Cosi Essay

  • 1. The Play Of Cosi By Louis Nowra Accomplished Australian playwright Louis Nowra composed the play of Cosi which set in a mental hospital in Melbourne 1971 and later adapted into a film during 1996. There is a backdrop of social unrest to the play, being set in the time of the Vietnam Conflict which had been going on for 10 years prior to the creation of the novel. The attitudes and connotations towards the mentally ill in those times were of negative association, which is being proven through the setting of the play, which is in a burnt out theatre with holes in the roof. Nowra uses satire as a genre for literature and performing arts in which they use vices to ridicule society into improving their mindset and behaviours towards these particular individuals. There are several ideologies displayed throughout the play, however, the three central principals of power,love and commitment are most constant and are expressed through the use of literary devices, such as a frame story, otherwise known as a story within a story, and poetic justice which is when a virtue is ultimately rewarded, or vice punished, by an ironic twist of fate related to the characters' own conduct. Characterisation is an important element of drama in the play because each character expresses the ideologies and validates them thoroughly. The main protagonist Lewis comprehensively demonstrates the ideologies of power and commitment, and the concept of love is systematically exposed through the character of not only Julie, but Lewis too. Get more content on
  • 2. The play "Cosi" by Louis Nowra is the story of a university student who is set the task of producing a play in a mental institute. The play uses many dramatic techniques including, but not limited to; the setting of the play, humour, and tension as well as role, to help draw the audience into the world of the play, the world of these 'mental patients.' The play also helps to bring forward people's feelings and attitudes towards the mentally ill and people's attitudes towards love and cheating, to further draw the audience into the world of the play, and the world of the 1970's, when people with any kind of mental illness where treated as 'outcasts' and were not accepted as socially acceptable. Lewis (the main character) is in more content... The term "Let's hope it doesn't rain" is used to show how damaged the theatre is. This setting is very important as it provides the audience with an understanding of exactly how the theatre would have looked. The characters in Cosi highlight the way the theatre looks, so the audience can fully understand the setting, entirely allowing the audience to become engaged throughout the entire play. Stage directions are used during the play to reveal even more of the personality of each of the characters. The extremely–confident personality of Nick is made clear in the first scene, when Nick, Lucy and Lewis first enter the darkened theatre, and Nick starts to toy with Lucy in the dark, pretending to be a ghost. Stage directions can also be used to reveal the feelings of characters. When Lucy and Nick leave, and Lewis is left with Roy, you can tell just by watching the way Lewis holds his body, and moves about the stage, he feels betrayed by Lucy, and by Nick. Stage directions are also used to reveal the humour and action on the stage during the entire performance. At the end of act one, scene two, the audience is and the rest of the patients are told by Doug that there is a fire in the bathroom, where Doug himself, had just exited. Stage directions are used to capture the madness as the characters run off of the stage trying to stop the fire, and as Cherry attacks Doug, and starts to strangle him. Get more content on
  • 3. Cosi Fan Tutte Essay Darkness is manifested through the reality within Cosi and the fantasy aspect contained in the play, Cosi Fan Tutte. The darkness behind the truth in regards to the nature of humanity is vastly explored. Louis Nowra has integrated such concepts within the comical play. Set during the 1970's, the seemingly contemporary situations reveal much of the dismal reality most had experienced during that time. Throughout the play, the Cold war is also acknowledged, therefore elucidating the idea whereby, much of the 'dark' aspect of the play was a result from this conflict. Furthermore, the character's perspective upon certain concepts such as infidelity, becomes a portal to the reality during those times. The inclusion of Cosi Fan Tutte more content... Nowra includes comedic aspects for entertainment but also to uncover dismal truths. Ruth: "You're doing a fine job messing with my head", the connotations and the literal meaning within this statement represents the idea of madness. Another dark concept explored in the text. "Do it yourself lobotomy", humour is used, allowing the audience to focus on the context being displayed, this recognises lobotomy and other treatments for mental patients during the 1970's. This is considered a dark reality as many has suffered from these so called 'treatments'. Throughout the play, the use of riposte discloses truths. "Go burn a cat", apart from it's comedic sense, the literal meaning is considered tragic. The repetition of this phrase emphasizes the awful act by Doug and his own atrociousness. Consequently, these are used multiple times to counter attack Doug. Parallelism between concepts is also utilized as a form of connection between reality and fantasy. Infidelity being the central theme of Cosi Fan Tutte connects with the infidelity between Lewis and Lucy. The fact that this treacherous act occurs both in reality and fantasy accentuates the dark concept of Get more content on
  • 4. Inner Journey Cosi Inner Journey Assessment William F Buckley quoted "If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey most of us would never start at all". This quote relates to journeys, specifically to inner journeys with the intention that many journeys are difficult and if individuals knew how difficult the journey was going to be, then most of us would not even commence the journey. A journey is simply a movement from one place to another. Physical journeys are gateways to inner journeys, which is a journey of the mind and spirit. Inner journeys take place when an individual experiences events or is involved in relationships that act as a catalyst to gain greater understanding about themselves and the world. Inner journeys can more content... The metaphor transfers the journey from a physical one. The persona is confronted with the choice of two roads, both fairly similar 'two roads diverged in a yellow wood', and must decide which one he wants to travel. This is similar to Lewis's situation where he has to decide between politics, and true love and fidelity and which is more important. The persona, with ultimately choosing the one that was 'grassy and wanted wear' and the ' one less travelled by'. He wanted to break away from the norm and experience something new. This road may be more rewarding despite the fact it presents more challenges. The inner journey is depicted through the use of language techniques such as, extended metaphor, first person pronoun, repetition and symbolism. The use of first person pronoun 'I' shows that it is a personal journey where choices need to be made. The repetition of 'I' in the last stanza highlights the speaker's solitude and that he is proud of the choice he has made 'and I–I took the one less travelled by', also emphasises that we are responsible for our own decisions on our own journey. It helps the audience connect to the poem and inturn reflect on their own inner journey experiences. Frost uses symbolism in the word in the first line of the first stanza in 'yellow' of the wood. This symbolises the season autumn and the autumnal time in ones life where time is running out and decisions need to be made, this demonstrates Get more content on
  • 5. Cosi by Louis Nowra How does Nowra use the opera Cosi fan Tutte to explore the play's main ideas? Set in a typical mental asylum in the 1970's during the anti–Vietnam War protests and the feminist movement for women's equal rights, the play 'Cosi' by Louis Nowra deeply explores the themes of love and fidelity, in a society predominantly concerned with war and politics. Throughout the play, Nowra uses the play within a play, 'Cosi Fan Tutte', to convey his key values regarding the importance of love and fidelity in today's world, while questioning the necessity of war and condemning society's perceptions of madness itself. The playwright delivers these messages through a number of subtle implications and symbolic features which are evident in the story, more content... This very much represents the physical crossing from the 'normal' world into a world which is not seen from the outside, and pushed to the edge of society, and further resembles a glimpse of hope for the patients' recovery. In the later scenes of the play, during the performance of Mozart'sopera, the entire theatre has been transformed into something completely different, with its white walls, the bright, colourful costumes, and Mozart's "music of the spheres" echoing within the once dark and dismal place. The new theatre in all its splendour metaphorically resembles the transformations of the characters themselves, and from this, the audience is encouraged to realise the significance and therapeutic nature of art, in this case theatre and music: "the music of this opera will keep the world in harmony", especially in contrast to hopeless treatments such as shock therapy. Through his play, Nowra also encourages the audience to agree with his personal view that war is unnecessary, and in a way is a kind of madness itself, due to its chaotic and uncontrollable nature. Through 'Cosi Fan Tutte', Nowra also focuses on highlighting the inconsistencies and injustices within the mental health system, through the use of dark humour and cynical depictions of mental asylums and their preferred methods Get more content on
  • 6. Cosi Quotes And Techniques In the studied play Cosi composed and directed by Louis Nowra, Lewis' work with the mental patients enables growth and a deepening of his sense of identity to a large extent, this is shown in a variety of ways throughout the scenes in the play where he begins as being very content in himself and having a very low self esteem as well as a low confidence that eventually starts to rise. Some ways that demonstrate the changes in Lewis are evident through love. His view on love changes, from the perspective that is presented at the beginning where he says that 'love is not so important nowadays.', to having love is a important aspect as this is shown through his comment, 'without love the world wouldn't mean much.' During a break, Lewis more content... Nick's attitude towards Lewis' fellow actors enrages him revealing that he deeply cares for them and considers them friends. The dramatic action revealed in the stage directions would impact the audience because it's shocking to see two men who were once close friends who are now fighting. As Henry starts to leave, Lewis tries to stop him by saying, 'Henry. Stop. [Henry stops.] I have an idea. Why don't we make Ferrando and Guglielmo disguise themselves as Australian soldiers?' This tells us that Lewis understands everyone and values what they say as where as before if Henry started to leave Lewis wouldn't have cared as much. Lewis' use of repetition as he explains the purpose of the Opera to the characters reveals his changed attitudes towards women and relationships, and values the idea that Henry has love and commitment. The juxtaposition of 'comedy' and 'tragedy' capture the context the play was set within as this was a time when free love seemed to be valued over fidelity and Get more content on
  • 7. Cosi Nowra's play is set in a 'burnt out theatre'. Discuss the importance of setting and imagery in conveying Nowra's idea on 'Cosi'. The setting and imagery used in Louis Nowra's play 'Cosi' explore the turbulent time that took part in Australia. The play is set in a mental institution in Melbourne, in the 1970's. Using the ominous presence of the Vietnam War, Nowra explores the insanity of the war; and the need to condemn war and to protest against Australia's involvement in Vietnam. The main presence of the institution and involving patients explored the inhumanity and ineffectiveness of the mental health system in the 1970's in Australia. Nowra used the 'play within a play' to explore the Importance of theatre, as a way of more content... Ruth's character reminds us that the process of producing the play within the play is about finding a deeper, more real reality. For characters such as Ruth and Roy, the play is about creating an escape from their reality within the institution, such as characters like Zac whom "can't stand real things". For other characters such as Julie, the mental institution surrounds them, but performing the play allows them to break free from reality. Through producing the play, Lewis explores what is 'real' and what is 'normal', Nowra introduces the concept that the two concepts contrast with each other. Nowra concluded the play with Lewis' narration. Turning off the lights sets the realisation of the brief tails of their lives given by Lewis, which are powered by reality and not a pristine ending, as life continues to happen. Louis Nowra's play 'Cosi' explores important concepts dealing with important issues of Australia in the 1970's. Through the play, Nowra considers the inhumanity and insensitivity towards the mental health system in the 20th Century. After examining the insanity of war; the need to condemn war and to protest the involvement of Australian solders, Nowra positions the audience to lean towards Henry's point of view, supporting the solders for their sacrifice with the respect for their service to their country. Nowra explores the power of art, as a powerful tool to open up the lives of Lewis and the patients. Through Get more content on
  • 8. Cosi Fan Tutte Essay ..Year 12 English Essay.. Nowra's play is set in a 'burnt out theatre'. Discuss the importance of setting and imagery in conveying Nowra's ideas in Cosi. The burnt out theatre in Nowra's play 'Cosi' represents the life inside an asylum, a life that the characters know all too well. Life inside an asylum is portrayed as a dark, cold and isolated place, where the outside world is not often talked about and for others almost doesn't exist. Most of the characters cannot handle reality but for Nowra is is about exposing the hard times and the difficult lives of the patients. Lewis is fresh out of university and took on a job as a play director at the asylum , but is a bit unsettled when he first inspects the theatre that they will more content... Doug hates them because he likes to be naturally high all the time. Zac likes them because everything passes like he's in a dream or limbo. I think I'm a naturally addictive personality. I like what they give you here, because not to be on drugs, whatever sort, is like being in limbo for me. Drugs make me feel sort of living. Completely opposite for Doug.' (Pg36–37) Non of the patients would be in the institution if they could cope with the outside world. The asylum introduces a new world to Lewis, one that is far from his own life,'Asylums are the most inefficient places on this earth.'(pg 58) One that will challenge him to be more outspoken, more attentive and more of a leader. This is shown when Roy tries to do Lewis' job for him and complains about Lewis' directions. 'Couldn't direct a poofter.' (Pg10) Lewis gets emotionally attached to the patients and more or less throws his relationship and education out the window to help fulfill their dream, 'Cosi Fan Tutte'. 'It's not the fact that you've let me down, Jerry, it's more the fact that you've let everyone down. [He looks at the theatre] This theatre could have been ringing with the music of the spheres, instead of that, a dreadful silence has descended upon us.'– Roy. Lewis helps them come out of their shells and see their true self worth. Nowra's setting of the burnt out theatre has a big role in the lives of the patients, it shows the conditions that the patients lived in before Lewis discovered them Get more content on
  • 9. How Does Lewis Change Throughout The Play Cosi The development of Lewis and the mental patients is enabled through their performance of the play,alloweing them to trust each other in the play Cosi by Louis Nowra.The main character Lewis explores his personality further and reconsiders his view of the patients as normal people rather then seeing them as crazy people with a mental illness.During the begin of the play you begin to get a sense on fear from Lewis as he first mets the patients but as the play progress you begin to see that change has Lewis gains more confident in himself.The play Cosi depicts characters like Julie,Nick,Justin and lucy who, through their work on the opera with Lewis, grows as individuals and as a group of outsiders who finds a senses of belonging together. more content... The stage directions reveals "The Theatre.The performance is over.Lewis,tired and sweaty but pleased is talking to Justin who shakes his hand". Following this, Justin's repetition in "marvellous. Just marvellous" proves that Lewis' work with the mental patients was successful. His ability to gain friendships and develop a deeper understanding of the patients, suggests his growth and transformation was a success expanded as lewis' sense of identity strengthened as he grew closer to the patients.This is further proven as roy addresses the audience "Next year, a greater triumph awaits us, Jerry.The Don!". Roy happiness at the end of the play cements the idea of Lewis' transformation by demonstrating how much Lewis has impacted on the patients, giving them a border outlook on life and providing them with a sense of belonging to the world.When Lewis directly addresses the audience "Yes, Roy. There was no next year. The theatre mysteriously burnt down a week after the performance..... time to turn out the lights".Thus breaking the fourth wall the illusion of the theatre is broken down.This highlighting to the audience the directors dramatic intent of the play Cosi which was to spark a change in social attitudes towards mental illness but not only that but to come to his own terms with contextual issues and experiences of the mental illness and Get more content on
  • 10. Cosi Quotes COSI QUOTES LEWIS "[hesitantly] This is an unusual position for me...I directed some plays at university...and, well...this is my first year out." P7 "In a way you're sort of testing yourself by coming here?" (Julie to Lewis p32) "Make a decision Lewis between going to the moratorium meeting or staying here." "I'm not going to let them down." P70 "Love is not so important nowadays." P10 "Without love the world wouldn't mean much." P70 "Working with these people has changed you." (Lucy to Lewis) ROY "He loves the theatre apparently. A great enthusiast when he gets going. He has his down periods like a lot of people, but he's your support, your natural energiser." Justin to Lewis about Roy P3 "Without this opera more content... If I could put up with reality I wouldn't be in here." P62 "A lower dosage. It's amazing how much more bright the world seems." P62 RUTH " I'm not going to sing a song that's not word perfect. You don't want me to make a fool of myself, do you?" p13 "I can live with illusion as long as I know it's illusion." P26 "Comedy is better when it's real." P61 "I hate goodbyes. So when the others come out, tell them I'm waiting outside Get more content on
  • 11. "Cosi", by Louis Nowra, is a play which comprises of many distinct characters, each with their own unique backgrounds and outlooks on life. Throughout Cosi, the different ways in which the patients escape the depressing reality of the asylum and their conditions become evident. Roy creates a false memory of a fantastic childhood and obsesses over Cosi Fan Tutte and "the music of the spheres" so as to suppress the tragic knowledge of his experiences as a child and his life in the asylum. In a similar way, Ruth obsesses over the notions of truth, reality and illusion, constantly seeks reassurance and requires detailed routines to feel comfortable. Julie uses drugs in order to feel "living" and claims that the opera allows her to get more content... Julie resents being in the asylum and feels that the staff "don't know how to deal with drug users" (p. 32). For this reason, she looks to Lewis and the making of Cosi Fan Tutte for peace of mind. In reference to the play, Julie says, "I like it because I'm doing something. Using up energy. Getting out of my ward. God, how I hate that ward" (p. 36). The asylum is perceived to be prison by all the patients; one which, like Julie, they all wish to escape using different means. Julie escapes the asylum through busying herself with Cosi Fan Tutte as well as Lewis, a temporary love interest. The latter is evident in Julie and Lewis' articulate discussions and "passionate" kiss (p. 68). Julie discusses her usage of drugs which can also be viewed as a form of escapism on her behalf. She says that "drugs make [her] feel sort of living" and compares "junk" to love, saying that "Some people can't imagine life without love" while she "can't imagine life without junk" (p. 37). Julie does not seem to care that drugs are not an accepted means to feeling alive – she recalls the shrink calling them a 'crutch' while she calls them a 'rocket to the stars' (p. 32). This highlights that Julie has her own perception of reality that is contrary to what is widely held to be true, Get more content on
  • 12. Cosi Fan Tutte Analysis Cosi fan tutte Review Have you ever stared at stage full of people never knowing what they are saying? Have you ever heard words that sound like gibberish making it extremely painful for you to understand? Have you ever tried to decipher a cryptic language that keeps you from unfurling the truth? The play, Cosi fan tutte, by W.A. Mozart and Lorenza De Ponte, fails to impress the audience by making its dialogue frighteningly difficult to understand. This musical drama, at its best, is ineffective which can be shown by its recurring dreary themes and its shockingly limited relatability. Perhaps it only redeemable quality is it genuine and dedicated cast, who try to add humor and excitement to this otherwise monotonous opus. Music lies at the heart of every opera. If the songs of the opera fail to impress the audience, it can spell disaster for the performance. The compositions of Cosi fan tutte prove to be dour and repetitious, ultimately setting a bleak and distressing atmosphere. For instance songs such as "Sento oddio, che questo piede" and "Di Scrivermi ogni giorno" address the same topic of Ferrando and Guglielmo leaving their fiancГ©s Fiordiligi and Dorabella and going off to war. In both of these songs, the men try to appease their clearly distressed fiancГ©s and in both of these songs the fiancГ©s give and overly dramatic performance of heartbreak. The themes of heartbreak, affliction and separation coupled with the repetitive nature of the songs, serve to create a Get more content on
  • 13. People quite often change through their experiences, as evident with a few characters in Louis Nowra's play Cosi. The major character is, of course, Lewis Riley who is one of a few we observe who is very much different at the beginning than the end of the play as it can be said that he learns a great deal during the course of the play as the lessons he receives are of both personal and professional nature. Although the lessons Lewis learned are influential for the change of another through the course of the play, Henry, who suffers some form of social phobia, which may be linked with his severe stutter. Henry starts to overcome his stutter towards the end as he began to open up from his respect of his own father, who fought in the more content... Doug is the most dangerous of the residents in the opera cast as he had a history of pyromaniac meaning he found burning things sexually enticing. 'There's no point to light a fire and not to watch it burn'. He was one that also did not change as the theatre mysteriously burnt down a week after the performance with Doug the main suspect, proving not all characters learned from the experiences during Cosi. By the end of Cosi, It was not only Lewis that learned a great deal but also Henry and Ruth. Who both seemed to come out of there shell by the end with Henry beginning to open up and becoming more a part of the play and Ruth coming to terms with the different kind of 'Truths'. While though not all the characters learned during the course of Cosi, it still proved a rewarding experience for others with not just Lewis learning but others as Get more content on
  • 14. Cosi Essay Dale Tilley How Successful Has Lois Nowra Been in Challenging the Significant Ideas of Love, Fidelity, Sanity and Insanity in Cosi? In the play Cosi Louis Nowra challenges the important themes of love, fidelity, sanity and insanity within a range of dramatic techniques. Cosi is set in Melbourne, during the early 1970's. Numerous political and radical events were occurring. The Vietnam War protest was raging, the sexual revolution was rolling, and mental illness was still misunderstood and mistreated. Due to these contexts, love, fidelity, sanity and insanity are big issues that surface throughout the play. Nowra comments on society's issues. Firstly, he uses dialogue to convey the characters various thoughts and feelings towards these more content... Women had access to the new contraceptive pill and this made it easier for women to engage in sexual relations outside of marriage. This bought about a questioning of the need for marriage and fidelity. During the play it becomes apparent that Lucy (Louis' girlfriend and roommate) and Nick (Louis' best friend) are having an affair. Nick and Lucy both share similar beliefs that the Vietnam War protest is more important than anything else. Nick and Lucy are the presented as representatives of the more modern attitudes towards love and fidelity. This is shown by Lucy and Nick being advocates of free love and seeing sex and love as two different things, this is evident when Nick says to Lewis "She's sleeping with you, were having sex" (referring to the relationship between Nick and Lucy.) and "Lucy's not possessive about you, I'm not possessive about her. What's the fuss?" This shows how societies' views of love and fidelity and what is acceptable are changing to a more laid back, free attitude. These quotes reflect the values and attitudes towards sex at the time, as women were now more freely engaging in sexual relations outside of marriage, and demonstrating 'free love'. After Lewis' learns of the affair between his best friend and girlfriend, he comes to the realisation that "Woman's consistency is like an Arabian Phoenix", which in this context, means a woman's fidelity is often talked about and Get more content on
  • 15. CosГ¬ Fan Tutte Essay CosГ¬ Fan Tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, or more familiarly known as CosГ¬ Fan Tutte, is one of Mozart's last operas, translated as "Women are all alike, or The School of Lovers." Being named as such, the principal theme of this opera is the fickleness and infidelity of women. The libretto of this piece was written by Lorenzo da Ponte, who was also the librettist for Don Giovanni and La nozze de Figaro, two other renowned operas of Mozart's.1 This opera was first performed in Vienna at the Burgtheater, on January 26th, 1790.2 Though the exact origin of the story Ponte based his libretto on is unclear, many people at the time believed that the story was based on a scandal in Emperor Joseph II's court, where two Viennese officers more content... Don Alfonso, a wise philosopher, warns two young military officers, Guglielmo and Ferrando, that all women are infidel, and they cannot trust even their own fiancГ©s, Fiordiligi and Dorabella (who are sisters). The officers laugh at Don Alfonso, retorting that their fiancГ©s loyalty is unwavering and eternal. Don Alfonso then asks the men if they would like to make a wager on their fiancГ©s fidelity to them. Guglielmo and Ferrando quickly accept the bet, believing it to be highly in their favor. The girls' maid, Despina, joins in on the charade to earn some quick money. Guglielmo and Ferrando pretend they are leaving for the war, and bid a tearful farewell with their fiancГ©s. They dress up as Albanians and attempt to sway the other's fiancГ©. Ferrando is devastated to see his fiancГ©, Dorabella, surrender to Guglielmo's advances so quickly. Fiordiligi, initially very loyal to Guglielmo, also falls for Ferrando's advances by the end. Both new couples become engaged, though the men are hurt and bitter, finally seeing the truth to Don Alfonso's words as the three sing in unison–"Cosi fan tutte"–all women are the same. In the end, Guglielmo and Ferrando reveal their true identities, and Fiordiligi and Dorabella are ashamed and confused. However, they properly marry their original fiancГ©s happily, and what happens afterwards is left for viewers to imagine.4 Voice CharacterVoice Fiordiligi, sister of DorabellaSoprano Dorabella, sister of Get more content on
  • 16. Analysis Of Cosi Fan Tutte Avtaran Jain Cosi Fan Tutte Review Many have heard the saying that art does not have a language barrier. However, there are times when the expression above fails to hold true for a performance. It in during these times, that the unison of the audience breaks, and a dichotomy forms. My recent experience with the play, Cosi Fan Tutte was somewhat similar to the events described above. Although Cosi Fan Tutte attempts to establish itself in the hearts of the crowd through its talented and experienced cast, it ultimately fails due to its tediously repetitive song structure and narrow intended audience. The adeptness and dexterity of an individual have always been fundamental talents to look for when viewing a performance. These individuals are the one that help the event advance to success. When it comes to the qualities mentioned above, the cast of Cosi Fan Tutte definitely possess most. Because Cosi Fan Tutte is a performance written by Mozart, it comes as no surprise that the level of singing and acting required is highly demanding even for veterans in the industry. Yet, despite all these hurdles, the cast of the performance is able to captivate and delight the audience through its outstanding vocal finesse and entertaining characterization. Ferrando, played by Carlos Feliciano and Guglielmo, played by Eli Glick are the stars of the show, displaying their level of musical acumen through songs such as "Una bella serenata" and "E voi ridete" which require a vocal Get more content on
  • 17. Cosi Naturalism STYLE The style that was used in Cosi was naturalism. Naturalism was developed in the 19th – 20th century (Justin Cash.2006). It is a movement that originated in European theatres. A Naturalistic role play is used within a theatrical performance to demonstrate how a character would react in a real life situation. During the performance no photographs will be used to create an illusion, as it ruins the full effect of the reality. Naturalistic theatre refers to an impression of a perfect illusion of reality through a range of theatrical technique. These techniques include detailed, three–dimensional settings ,everyday speech forms, a secular world view, an exclusive focus on subjects that are contemporary and indigenous, the extension of the Get more content on
  • 18. What Happened To Lewis 'Cosi'? In Louis Nowra's 1971 play, 'Cosi', protagonist Lewis Riley is encouraged to 'bring the patients out of their shells' by directing them in a play but although Lewis is the one instructing and guiding them, the asylum patients end up altering Lewis's understandings about love and the mentally ill, as well as shaping his character, confirming that they evidently educate Lewis more than he teaches them. Lewis, being an 'outsider' ultimately has the ability to influence the inmates of the asylum. Nowra first indicates this idea by setting the first scene of the play in a 'brunt out theatre', representing the gloom that the setting originally holds but when Lewis enters the room, so does a 'chink of light', highlighting the possibility that more content... Doug claims that women 'pretend they don't play around' which differs from Lewis 'faithful' view of Lucy. Julie also approaches this topic when she states that 'women are flesh and blood too', allowing Lewis to question how he really feels about women. Roy's choice of play, 'Cosi Fan Tutte' also questions women's fidelity, claiming that 'women's faithfulness is like the Arabian Phoenix, everyone swears it exists but no one has ever seen it'. Through these examples, and many stories from other patients, Lewis is able to form a more traditional view on romance and is able to differentiate between love and lust, understanding that love and acceptance are important in relations, which is what Nowra is trying express throughout the play. This change in Lewis is apparent when Lewis describes the opera as being about 'important things, like love and fidelity' and when he reacts with genuine hurt at the fact that Lucy is 'sleeping' with him but 'having sex' with Nick. This transformation highlights one example of a lesson that Lewis learnt while rehearsing a play with the asylum patients. In addition, the patients inadvertently help Lewis develop in character because through his partnership with the mentally ill, he is able to understand what Get more content on
  • 19. How Does Lewis Create Identity In Cosi Within the play Cosi by Louis Nowra, the character Lewis grows and deepens his sense of identity by the connections he develops with the patients in the mental asylum. His character experiences transformation where he grows in confidence as a director. The text portrays the idea that by Lewis working with the mental patients, it has changed his sense of identity and his own understanding of his values. Lewis is shaped as a director, personally renews his attitudes and beliefs about people in the mental asylum. Working with the patients on "Cosi Fan Tutte" has changed his view on love, fidelity and also learns the value of love and commitment. When Lewis undertook the role of directing the play "Cosi Fan Tutte"; he was unsure and more content... The don!". Lewis bemused replies with "yes, Roy" and Roy leaves. Lewis addresses the audience directly and comes out of the fourth wall and says, "There was no next year. The theatre mysteriously burnt down a week after the performance.... Time to turn out the lights." Lewis turns off the light. Blackout. Roys' happiness at the conclusion of the play Cosi cements the idea of Lewis' transformation by the fact that Roy shakes Lewis hand, calls him by his nick name "jerry" and plans there next play "The Don". When Lewis directly addresses the audience, thus breaking the fourth wall, the illusion of the theatre is broken down. This highlights to the audience Nowra's dramatic intent of the play Cosi witch was to spark a change in social attitudes towards mental illness but also come to terms with his own contextual uses and experience of mental illness and the asylums. By working with the mental patients, it was his way of understanding it all and made a strong bond and connection with every single mental patient in the asylum working on the play with Get more content on
  • 20. My Current Financial Situation : Cosi My current financial situation Since February 2015 I have been employed at the business called Cosi. At the restaurant Cosi's I receive direct deposit, bi– weekly from the range of $250–$370. I can receive this payment depending on how many hours I receive from my boss. In a week at work sometimes I make about $20 a week in tips. As far as expenses, I spend about $120 every week. My expenses as a college student goes to buying food on either grocery shopping, or just buying myself a meal every day to eat. I spend about $10–$15 if I do not go grocery shopping and buying a meal daily. If I go grocery shopping I will spend about $70 a week. On a weekend from going out with friends I manage to spend about $40–$50. So, financially more content... It is important that every college student has their own bank account information under their name and not their parents because the older you get you want to show that you are making your own money and you can be financially stable on your own and start to build your own credit. Credit Having any type of credit card is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Having a credit card and paying it off and following all of the rules can help you maintain good credit. In order to remain with good credit you must always pay off what you owe in time, and never spend more than half of the amount on the credit card. You can use a credit card overseas, it tracks on of your expenses, raise your FICO score and some offer cash back. Right now in America having good credit is everything, it can be the reason you receive a good home or car. A credit card can help you start off with building good credit, or rebuild off the bad credit you had. Having a credit card is always the best when you have an emergency and you don't have enough money to cover it. When you are not smart with using a credit card it will be the biggest down fall you can make with your credit score . It is never a wise decision to spend all the money you have on your credit card. Once you spend all you get tempted to go over your total amount. When you default on credit card payments you Get more content on