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Essay on Reality Television Shows
In 1968 American artist Andy Warhol said 'In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.'
The expression is normally linked to people in the entertainment industry and more recently related
to those figures, involved in Reality TV.
There is no exact definition of Reality Television and people also have different opinions of what
it is. But it tends be a combination of genres such as: documentary, drama and many other genre's
depending on the type show. It can also be described as ' a hybrid of non–fiction and entertainment
Charlie Parsons, creator of the television show, Survivor defines reality TV as
'Shows containing producer created environments that control contestant behaviour'.
But this definition does more content...
This deliberate manipulation begins to question the authenticity of reality TV. In almost every
episode of MIC there is some sort of gathering where the majority of the cast get together and either
resolve or worsen current issues.
Observation and surveillance is an element of documentaries, reality television is dependant on
observation. The constant visuals, allows us into the peoples live and eventually lead us to form
emotional connections with them. Professor of media studies Mark Andrejevic, this is a natural
outcome of the culture of CCTV we live in now.
'Reality television is suggesting that surveillance can be fun!'.
'Voyeurism. A voyeur is a peeping tom. Many commentators believe that reality television has
moved beyond surveillance into voyeurism. Audiences are positioned as peeping toms who gain
pleasure from the exhibitionism of the participants. There is also voyeuristic pleasure to be gained
from knowing the emotions displayed are real. If someone is crying, for instance, it means they are
really upset.'
We enjoy the dramatization performed in each episode, this eventually hooks us and you feel as if
you must continue watch to find out what happen in the next episode to fill a void created by not
watching it.
A lot of the themes in Made In Chelsea are quite overt, money, power, materialism, love,
relationships as well as other subjects. From a Marxist point of view underlying themes would
include alienation. That
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Disadvantages Of Reality Tv
Reality television (RTV) programs are one of the most famous types of television shows, especially
among teens. Statistics show that between the ages of twelve and seventeen in America, three out of
their four favourite programs are reality television programs, but people have a very vague idea of
what reality television is, or when to classify a certain show as a reality program. According to
Alice Hall in her paper "Viewer's Perception of Reality Programs," reality program does not have a
standard definition because of its variety and diversity, but she gathered data based on group
interviews, asked them why they like RTV and what characteristics constitutes a reality program.
Basically, she proposed that the reason why it is famous is because of what is is. She then
concluded that RTV is a television program that shows an unscripted presentation of real people's
experience that shows novelty and unpredictability to its audience (Hall). Hall also states that there
are no definite sub–genres of reality television more content...
Competition–based RTV is similar to game shows but focuses more on how human interactions are
affected while trying to win the prize. An example would be Big Brother and Survivor that heavily
relies on human relationships (and public voting) to be able to win the cash prize, whereas in game
shows like Deal or No Deal and Wheel of Fortune, contestants and their human interactions does not
affect the game at all. In contrast, voyeur–based RTV is similar to documentaries but highly
accentuated the role of producers of the show. As said above, producers use frankenbiting to create
a story out of seemingly boring everyday lives of ordinary people. Examples would be Cops that
gives their day–by–day routine and describes their work to the camera, which usually does not
happen when they are away from
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The Reality Of Reality Tv Essay
People watch media for different reasons. Reality TV is a common source of entertainment on
various channels and media outlets. The purpose of reality TV is to "promise more drama,
suspense, and laughter while pushing the envelope of what is morally and socially acceptable,
funny, and, of course entertaining" (Glouner et al.). This type of media allows real people to
connect to those on TV. Reality is not completely real, there are aspects of it that are scripted,
rehearsed and completely altered (Crouch). Reality TV has existed for over 60 years. The first
reality show debuted in 1948 and it was called "Candid Camera". This show consisted of hidden
cameras capturing pranks that were done to the contestants (History of Reality TV Timeline).
This show was inspired by a radio show that hid microphones and it led to the creative thought of
hidden cameras. Within a year and a half, the first game show was created (History of Reality TV
Timeline). This is a different form of reality TV. People are able to demonstrate their intellectual
ability on the spot. As it was seen in the documentary "The Quiz Show", even game shows are not
completely authentic. In the documentary it showed how the quiz show was rigged and people
were hand picked to be on the show based on their looks. Most of the people were blonde and blue
eyed, stereotypical American. In 1965, the first dating show was aired (History of Reality TV
Timeline). The show was comprised of a female picking one male out of
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Reality Tv Research Paper
How do you allow reality television to influence your reality?
I remember lying on the couch and constantly sweating due to my heavy zebra designed blanket
tightly wrapped around me. Despite swatting flies, I recall this moment because I remember
listening to Josh verbally abusing his pregnant girlfriend on 16 and pregnant. I could not take my
eyes off of the TV, it was like my eyes were glued to the screen. I could not believe how such a
gutless man could talk to the mother of his unborn child like that. I asked myself, how anyone could
have a baby by someone, so disrespectful. Yet, that is a common message received fromreality
television. The true crisis of reality television is the image of how networks present females in the
media and raises anxieties regarding the impact more content...
From my own observations, reality TV lives for the drama, the aggression, sexual interest and
gossip. According to Reality on MTV, disparaging language "indicates the descriptive words that
are intended to be derogatory, demanding, abusive and slanderous. (Reality on MTV, 10). " For
example, Barbara from Teen Mom 2 "was upset at Janelle for missing an appointment to babysit
her son Jace. Barbara angrily yelled, "You're the worst piece of [bleeped 'sh*t'] mother!" (Reality
on MTV, 23). How do you think such derogatory language influences the minds of its viewers? To
illiterate, my earlier anecdote explained the amazement yet, disappointment due to the harsh things
a father said to the mother of his unborn child on 16 and pregnant. Jamshid Askar, from Deseret
News believes reality TV is sending out the message of "Gossiping and calling names are a normal
part of a relationship between girls' and that being mean earns you more respect than being nice."
The verbal language of reality television is not the only impression left of its
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Essay on Reality TV
Reality TV
Can you believe that reality television has actually been around since 1948? Most of us may have
thought that this idea of real television just came about in the last decade but actually it's been
around for quite some time. In 1948 Candid Camera was the first reality show to be broadcasted
on television. Many considered this to be the "granddaddy" of the reality TV genre (History of
reality TV). This show actually began in radio broadcasting. Allen Funt was the man in charge of this
whole new production. He started by simply taping complaints of men in service and broadcasting
them over the Armed Forces Radio. This is what later became known as the television show, Candid
Camera. Candid Camera was known more content...
Why Do People Watch Reality Television?
There has been a huge increase in "reality" based television over the last few years. From Survivor
to Big Brother it seems that we are constantly being bombarded with a new type of reality television
program. But why do people watch these shows? What makes these shows so interesting? One
theory brought up in an article in Psychology Today by Steven Reiss Ph.D. and James Wiltz, a Ph.D.
candidate at Ohio State University, is that, "reality television allows Americans to fantasize about
gaining status through automatic fame" (Reiss and Wiltz, 2001). This is the American dream,
acquiring fame with little to no work at all. And what better way to do it than on television?
But can reality television actually be called reality? Do people watch because reality television
offers an alternative to boring and hackneyed type programs? The fact is that reality TV is just as
boring and predictable as the so–called unreal programs. Reality TV can, for the most part, hardly be
considered real. An article in Rolling Stone confirms this, stating that, "The premise is always the
same: Put ordinary stiffs on television on TV and they'll do anything, anything, to stay on TV.
Didn't we already learn that from Kirstie Alley?" (Rolling Stone, 2001). If this were in fact the
case, then way would anyone watch what is described as something as horribly predictable as the
above? How could such a style of
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Reality TV and Love Essays
Reality TV and Love
It seems that you can't turn on a television set anymore without a reality show being on. All
networks have recently started to pump out reality shows left and right. And why wouldn't they?
Reality shows are highly rated, with three of them being in the top ten on the Nielsen ratings chart. In
fact, these shows are becoming more popular than the sitcoms and dramas aired. New sitcoms and
dramas struggle to get attention of the public when going against a reality show. Programs such as
The Beast and Go Fish, which critics loved and raved about, are victims of the wrath of reality
shows. These shows are now cancelled.
What makes these shows so popular? They bring out a certain attribute of more content...
Different shows use different techniques such as using factors like money or material wealth; all
which have proved to be successes for them in the ratings. Love is used in many different ways to
please the people and to get ratings.
False Image of Love
Reality shows strive to create relationships and keep viewers attention by interesting or shocking
them. The relationships are not however, natural relationships. One example of an unnatural
relationship development in reality TV would be Fox's "Married by America". In this show,
people who have just met get engaged in hopes that in just a few weeks, the couple will marry. In
most cases, people date for a period of time before being engaged and people usually do not marry
as quickly as the couples do in the show. There is also more relationship development. Other
examples would be marrying someone for their money, such as CBS's "Cupid" or NBC's "For
Love or Money". The shows both deal with someone marrying someone for money rather than for
Love. Marrying someone just for money is unnatural; people usually marry someone for love and
not just for their money. Reality shows say they are promoting healthy and normal relationships. The
shows say they are not trying to sensationalize relationships or twist the story. The shows claim they
do not edit the show, and that it's all real and it's showing exactly what the couples do. It
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I Want To Teach Reality Tv By May Friedman
Reality TV is one of the many elements that contribute to popular culture within the society.
According to an article "Survivor Skills: Authenticity, Representation and Why I Want to Teach
Reality TV" by May Friedman, the aspect of reality TV brings some form of popular culture into the
social work education. Friedman explains that in her teaching of social work education, there is a
strong lack of popular culture, which should begin with the experiences a student undergoes both in
a classroom and informal setting. She emphasizes that an examination of popular culture can be
understood through the examination of different surroundings exhibited in reality TVs. Similarly,
the author uses her experience as a Social Work student to explain the need for reality TV in
preparing students for the popular culture within different societies.
The main aim of this article is to bring an understanding on Friedman's experience during her years
as a student and later his methods of teaching popular culture through reality TV. The article explains
the frustrations of graduate school whereby students watched different shows based on their biases
and life circumstances. For instance, Friedman points out that student taking the law course would
gather to watch Law and Order while those in nursing preferred ER. Being a social work students,
she explains that students gathered to watch reality TV, specifically, Survivor, as a way to pass time.
It is during these Thursday Nights that Friedman
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Reality Tv
Reality TV
Blake Brandt
Reality TV has unseen effects and is detrimental to society. Reality TV is the current trend on TV
that has brought back the buzz to television, but it also has unforeseen effects on its viewers. Some
examples of Reality TV shows include: American Idol, The Bachelorette, Americas next top model,
fear factor, etc...These shows range from singing talents, overcome their fears, to looks and beauty.
Reality TV brings drama and voyeurism to its viewers by making its viewers too involved, taking
them away from more important matters, and by wasting valuable resources on pointless
It has been said that the viewers that watch these shows on a regular basis tend to be
psychologically effected by more content...
Unfortunately most Reality TV shows will leave their garbage behind for someone else to pick
up. There is an increasing rate of lawsuits against these shows that have left emotional scars on the
participants. People who have been cast out of certain Show have to be rehabilitated after being in
the show. One woman, Paula Goodspeed, committed suicide, after being rejected from American
Idol. The judges Simon, Paula, and Jerry didn't agree that the girl's singing skill were good enough
for the show; therefore after criticizing her Paula went and ended her life near one of the judge's
Some people disagree with Reality TV being detrimental. In "The Case for Reality TV" Michael
Hirschorn argues why Reality TV is beneficial to society. He begins by saying more people had
watched American Idol, the previous week than the state of the union address on the broad cast
networks combined. Hirschorn states that Reality TV is the liveliest genre on the set right now and
has addressed a visceral need for a different kind of television at a time when the Web has made
more traditionally produced video seem as stagey as Moliere. That Reality TV shows can leave
behind the story structure and pacing of scripted television and also filter out the canned plots and
characters. He also argues that Reality TV can place real people in artificial surrounding designed for
maximum emotional impact, and at the
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The Reality Of Reality Tv Essay
It is a given that the culture we consume shapes who we are, more specifically what we view on
television shapes the content of our minds. It is also generally known that children can be easily
influenced by what they see on television. Reality TV is no exception to this rule. It may appear
that reality TV is a benign phenomenon but it is in fact a virus that has quickly diseased our
society. More specifically, it attracts girls most mercilessly by affecting them negatively as to how
they perceive themselves. Indeed, girls who watch reality TV learn that deceit and meanness is
normal behaviour in order to achieve success, begin to self–objectify more and have a higher
expectation of more drama and conflict in their lives as well. The reality of reality TV is that it
negatively portrays females. Is there no end to the onslaught on the female gender by television?
According to Melissa Henson, director of communications and public education for the Parents
Television Council, "Because girls are seeing people behaving in a negative way on reality
programs, they tend to accept that that 's normative behaviour." (Semigram, 1) That may be fine
when the behaviour is positive but what of the behaviour viewed on reality TV? Watching a
heavy diet of meanness and lying in order for females to get ahead has a horrible impact on girls.
Does reality TV really portray meanness and deceit? Yes, it unquestionably does! In fact, an
extensive survey done by The Girl Scouts of the USA
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Essays On Reality Tv

  • 1. Essay on Reality Television Shows In 1968 American artist Andy Warhol said 'In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.' The expression is normally linked to people in the entertainment industry and more recently related to those figures, involved in Reality TV. There is no exact definition of Reality Television and people also have different opinions of what it is. But it tends be a combination of genres such as: documentary, drama and many other genre's depending on the type show. It can also be described as ' a hybrid of non–fiction and entertainment elements'. Charlie Parsons, creator of the television show, Survivor defines reality TV as 'Shows containing producer created environments that control contestant behaviour'. But this definition does more content... This deliberate manipulation begins to question the authenticity of reality TV. In almost every episode of MIC there is some sort of gathering where the majority of the cast get together and either resolve or worsen current issues. Observation and surveillance is an element of documentaries, reality television is dependant on observation. The constant visuals, allows us into the peoples live and eventually lead us to form emotional connections with them. Professor of media studies Mark Andrejevic, this is a natural outcome of the culture of CCTV we live in now. 'Reality television is suggesting that surveillance can be fun!'. 'Voyeurism. A voyeur is a peeping tom. Many commentators believe that reality television has moved beyond surveillance into voyeurism. Audiences are positioned as peeping toms who gain pleasure from the exhibitionism of the participants. There is also voyeuristic pleasure to be gained from knowing the emotions displayed are real. If someone is crying, for instance, it means they are really upset.' We enjoy the dramatization performed in each episode, this eventually hooks us and you feel as if you must continue watch to find out what happen in the next episode to fill a void created by not watching it. A lot of the themes in Made In Chelsea are quite overt, money, power, materialism, love, relationships as well as other subjects. From a Marxist point of view underlying themes would include alienation. That Get more content on
  • 2. Disadvantages Of Reality Tv Reality television (RTV) programs are one of the most famous types of television shows, especially among teens. Statistics show that between the ages of twelve and seventeen in America, three out of their four favourite programs are reality television programs, but people have a very vague idea of what reality television is, or when to classify a certain show as a reality program. According to Alice Hall in her paper "Viewer's Perception of Reality Programs," reality program does not have a standard definition because of its variety and diversity, but she gathered data based on group interviews, asked them why they like RTV and what characteristics constitutes a reality program. Basically, she proposed that the reason why it is famous is because of what is is. She then concluded that RTV is a television program that shows an unscripted presentation of real people's experience that shows novelty and unpredictability to its audience (Hall). Hall also states that there are no definite sub–genres of reality television more content... Competition–based RTV is similar to game shows but focuses more on how human interactions are affected while trying to win the prize. An example would be Big Brother and Survivor that heavily relies on human relationships (and public voting) to be able to win the cash prize, whereas in game shows like Deal or No Deal and Wheel of Fortune, contestants and their human interactions does not affect the game at all. In contrast, voyeur–based RTV is similar to documentaries but highly accentuated the role of producers of the show. As said above, producers use frankenbiting to create a story out of seemingly boring everyday lives of ordinary people. Examples would be Cops that gives their day–by–day routine and describes their work to the camera, which usually does not happen when they are away from Get more content on
  • 3. The Reality Of Reality Tv Essay People watch media for different reasons. Reality TV is a common source of entertainment on various channels and media outlets. The purpose of reality TV is to "promise more drama, suspense, and laughter while pushing the envelope of what is morally and socially acceptable, funny, and, of course entertaining" (Glouner et al.). This type of media allows real people to connect to those on TV. Reality is not completely real, there are aspects of it that are scripted, rehearsed and completely altered (Crouch). Reality TV has existed for over 60 years. The first reality show debuted in 1948 and it was called "Candid Camera". This show consisted of hidden cameras capturing pranks that were done to the contestants (History of Reality TV Timeline). This show was inspired by a radio show that hid microphones and it led to the creative thought of hidden cameras. Within a year and a half, the first game show was created (History of Reality TV Timeline). This is a different form of reality TV. People are able to demonstrate their intellectual ability on the spot. As it was seen in the documentary "The Quiz Show", even game shows are not completely authentic. In the documentary it showed how the quiz show was rigged and people were hand picked to be on the show based on their looks. Most of the people were blonde and blue eyed, stereotypical American. In 1965, the first dating show was aired (History of Reality TV Timeline). The show was comprised of a female picking one male out of Get more content on
  • 4. Reality Tv Research Paper How do you allow reality television to influence your reality? I remember lying on the couch and constantly sweating due to my heavy zebra designed blanket tightly wrapped around me. Despite swatting flies, I recall this moment because I remember listening to Josh verbally abusing his pregnant girlfriend on 16 and pregnant. I could not take my eyes off of the TV, it was like my eyes were glued to the screen. I could not believe how such a gutless man could talk to the mother of his unborn child like that. I asked myself, how anyone could have a baby by someone, so disrespectful. Yet, that is a common message received fromreality television. The true crisis of reality television is the image of how networks present females in the media and raises anxieties regarding the impact more content... From my own observations, reality TV lives for the drama, the aggression, sexual interest and gossip. According to Reality on MTV, disparaging language "indicates the descriptive words that are intended to be derogatory, demanding, abusive and slanderous. (Reality on MTV, 10). " For example, Barbara from Teen Mom 2 "was upset at Janelle for missing an appointment to babysit her son Jace. Barbara angrily yelled, "You're the worst piece of [bleeped 'sh*t'] mother!" (Reality on MTV, 23). How do you think such derogatory language influences the minds of its viewers? To illiterate, my earlier anecdote explained the amazement yet, disappointment due to the harsh things a father said to the mother of his unborn child on 16 and pregnant. Jamshid Askar, from Deseret News believes reality TV is sending out the message of "Gossiping and calling names are a normal part of a relationship between girls' and that being mean earns you more respect than being nice." The verbal language of reality television is not the only impression left of its Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Reality TV Reality TV Can you believe that reality television has actually been around since 1948? Most of us may have thought that this idea of real television just came about in the last decade but actually it's been around for quite some time. In 1948 Candid Camera was the first reality show to be broadcasted on television. Many considered this to be the "granddaddy" of the reality TV genre (History of reality TV). This show actually began in radio broadcasting. Allen Funt was the man in charge of this whole new production. He started by simply taping complaints of men in service and broadcasting them over the Armed Forces Radio. This is what later became known as the television show, Candid Camera. Candid Camera was known more content... Why Do People Watch Reality Television? There has been a huge increase in "reality" based television over the last few years. From Survivor to Big Brother it seems that we are constantly being bombarded with a new type of reality television program. But why do people watch these shows? What makes these shows so interesting? One theory brought up in an article in Psychology Today by Steven Reiss Ph.D. and James Wiltz, a Ph.D. candidate at Ohio State University, is that, "reality television allows Americans to fantasize about gaining status through automatic fame" (Reiss and Wiltz, 2001). This is the American dream, acquiring fame with little to no work at all. And what better way to do it than on television? But can reality television actually be called reality? Do people watch because reality television offers an alternative to boring and hackneyed type programs? The fact is that reality TV is just as boring and predictable as the so–called unreal programs. Reality TV can, for the most part, hardly be considered real. An article in Rolling Stone confirms this, stating that, "The premise is always the same: Put ordinary stiffs on television on TV and they'll do anything, anything, to stay on TV. Didn't we already learn that from Kirstie Alley?" (Rolling Stone, 2001). If this were in fact the case, then way would anyone watch what is described as something as horribly predictable as the above? How could such a style of Get more content on
  • 6. Reality TV and Love Essays Reality TV and Love It seems that you can't turn on a television set anymore without a reality show being on. All networks have recently started to pump out reality shows left and right. And why wouldn't they? Reality shows are highly rated, with three of them being in the top ten on the Nielsen ratings chart. In fact, these shows are becoming more popular than the sitcoms and dramas aired. New sitcoms and dramas struggle to get attention of the public when going against a reality show. Programs such as The Beast and Go Fish, which critics loved and raved about, are victims of the wrath of reality shows. These shows are now cancelled. What makes these shows so popular? They bring out a certain attribute of more content... Different shows use different techniques such as using factors like money or material wealth; all which have proved to be successes for them in the ratings. Love is used in many different ways to please the people and to get ratings. False Image of Love Reality shows strive to create relationships and keep viewers attention by interesting or shocking them. The relationships are not however, natural relationships. One example of an unnatural relationship development in reality TV would be Fox's "Married by America". In this show, people who have just met get engaged in hopes that in just a few weeks, the couple will marry. In most cases, people date for a period of time before being engaged and people usually do not marry as quickly as the couples do in the show. There is also more relationship development. Other examples would be marrying someone for their money, such as CBS's "Cupid" or NBC's "For Love or Money". The shows both deal with someone marrying someone for money rather than for Love. Marrying someone just for money is unnatural; people usually marry someone for love and not just for their money. Reality shows say they are promoting healthy and normal relationships. The shows say they are not trying to sensationalize relationships or twist the story. The shows claim they do not edit the show, and that it's all real and it's showing exactly what the couples do. It Get more content on
  • 7. I Want To Teach Reality Tv By May Friedman Reality TV is one of the many elements that contribute to popular culture within the society. According to an article "Survivor Skills: Authenticity, Representation and Why I Want to Teach Reality TV" by May Friedman, the aspect of reality TV brings some form of popular culture into the social work education. Friedman explains that in her teaching of social work education, there is a strong lack of popular culture, which should begin with the experiences a student undergoes both in a classroom and informal setting. She emphasizes that an examination of popular culture can be understood through the examination of different surroundings exhibited in reality TVs. Similarly, the author uses her experience as a Social Work student to explain the need for reality TV in preparing students for the popular culture within different societies. The main aim of this article is to bring an understanding on Friedman's experience during her years as a student and later his methods of teaching popular culture through reality TV. The article explains the frustrations of graduate school whereby students watched different shows based on their biases and life circumstances. For instance, Friedman points out that student taking the law course would gather to watch Law and Order while those in nursing preferred ER. Being a social work students, she explains that students gathered to watch reality TV, specifically, Survivor, as a way to pass time. It is during these Thursday Nights that Friedman Get more content on
  • 8. Reality Tv Reality TV Blake Brandt Reality TV has unseen effects and is detrimental to society. Reality TV is the current trend on TV that has brought back the buzz to television, but it also has unforeseen effects on its viewers. Some examples of Reality TV shows include: American Idol, The Bachelorette, Americas next top model, fear factor, etc...These shows range from singing talents, overcome their fears, to looks and beauty. Reality TV brings drama and voyeurism to its viewers by making its viewers too involved, taking them away from more important matters, and by wasting valuable resources on pointless entertainment. It has been said that the viewers that watch these shows on a regular basis tend to be psychologically effected by more content... Unfortunately most Reality TV shows will leave their garbage behind for someone else to pick up. There is an increasing rate of lawsuits against these shows that have left emotional scars on the participants. People who have been cast out of certain Show have to be rehabilitated after being in the show. One woman, Paula Goodspeed, committed suicide, after being rejected from American Idol. The judges Simon, Paula, and Jerry didn't agree that the girl's singing skill were good enough for the show; therefore after criticizing her Paula went and ended her life near one of the judge's homes. Some people disagree with Reality TV being detrimental. In "The Case for Reality TV" Michael Hirschorn argues why Reality TV is beneficial to society. He begins by saying more people had watched American Idol, the previous week than the state of the union address on the broad cast networks combined. Hirschorn states that Reality TV is the liveliest genre on the set right now and has addressed a visceral need for a different kind of television at a time when the Web has made more traditionally produced video seem as stagey as Moliere. That Reality TV shows can leave behind the story structure and pacing of scripted television and also filter out the canned plots and characters. He also argues that Reality TV can place real people in artificial surrounding designed for maximum emotional impact, and at the Get more content on
  • 9. The Reality Of Reality Tv Essay It is a given that the culture we consume shapes who we are, more specifically what we view on television shapes the content of our minds. It is also generally known that children can be easily influenced by what they see on television. Reality TV is no exception to this rule. It may appear that reality TV is a benign phenomenon but it is in fact a virus that has quickly diseased our society. More specifically, it attracts girls most mercilessly by affecting them negatively as to how they perceive themselves. Indeed, girls who watch reality TV learn that deceit and meanness is normal behaviour in order to achieve success, begin to self–objectify more and have a higher expectation of more drama and conflict in their lives as well. The reality of reality TV is that it negatively portrays females. Is there no end to the onslaught on the female gender by television? According to Melissa Henson, director of communications and public education for the Parents Television Council, "Because girls are seeing people behaving in a negative way on reality programs, they tend to accept that that 's normative behaviour." (Semigram, 1) That may be fine when the behaviour is positive but what of the behaviour viewed on reality TV? Watching a heavy diet of meanness and lying in order for females to get ahead has a horrible impact on girls. Does reality TV really portray meanness and deceit? Yes, it unquestionably does! In fact, an extensive survey done by The Girl Scouts of the USA Get more content on