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Mehtap Malumbo

Corporate Identity


Individuals need to express themselves with an identity so are corporate or organizations. The

first traits of identity symbols trace back to the use of coat of arms for kings, nobles, cities and

on army uniforms. The aim of these signs and symbols were to hold the people together,

create a common soul and communicate their goals as one. Nowadays, organizations have a

similar approach towards a corporate identity. Okay’s explanation, “they use their logos,

corporate colors, behavioral style, and communications methods to differentiate themselves,

to stick in the minds of their target audiences and to create strong corporate image. They also

integrate the internal stakeholder using the corporate identity” further emphasizes the use of

corporate identities (2005: 17).

       All organizations have an identity. Corporate identity is the process defined as the

institution for all the activities of an organization in public relation administration. According

to Olins, corporate identity answers three key questions: Who is the organization? What does

it do? And how does it do? (As cited in Olins, 1990) Okay argument on the corporate identity

states that, “it is not only visual designs, but a combination of designs, communications,

behavior, philosophy, and culture. All these components are used by the organization to

compose a “corporate identity.” As a result of the corporate identity activities a corporate

image is established” (2005: 39).

       In this study, it will be analyzed that the effect of corporate identity on positive

corporate image. Additionally, the contribution of other important corporate identity concepts

shall be discussed.


Cotler and Armstrong’s definition of the concept of corporate identity explains:

   Companies use public relations to communicate with their publics by setting objectives, choosing PR
   messages and vehicles, implementing the PR plan, and evaluating PR results. To accomplish these goals,
   public relations professionals use several tools such as news, WOM, internet and special events. They
   prepare written, audiovisual, and corporate identity materials and contribute money and time to public
   service activities (2008: 441).


Okay emphasizes that corporate identity refers to what the organizations or corporate

communicates through various channels. On the other hand, corporate image refers to how the

public views these organizations or corporate. A Corporation cannot build the corporate

image because it cannot control the context in which their communication is understood,

interpreted and received (2005: 96). “Originally, corporate identity was synonymous with

organizational nomenclature, logos, company house style and visual identification. Many

corporate identity practitioners had (and have) their roots in graphic design and

understandably a good deal of importance were assigned to graphic design” (Riel and Balmer

1997: 1). According to Blythe,

   Corporate Identity is the outward manifestation of the organization, a visual means of identification. It
   includes not only the corporate logo, but also the house style used on the company’s letterheads and
   corporate publications, interior and exterior design of buildings, staff uniforms and vehicle livery and
   packaging and products (2006: 148).


One such theorist, Akdemir, explains that corporate identity is defined as characteristics of a

corporation and designing skills that differentiate from others, reflecting of skills and

introducing concrete personality. Corporate identity is used to distinguish corporations from

their competitors and present marketing opportunities. Therefore, many corporations need an

effective corporate identity management. The importance of corporate identity is increasing

day by day with the degree of remembrance of the corporation and its image having effect on

consumer preferences (2003: 93). According to Melevar and Jenkins,

       Firms have become increasingly aware of the importance of developing and managing their corporate
       identity. The identity of a corporation has been recognized as a strategic resource and source of
       competitive advantage. Effective management of corporate identity can serve to address the needs of the
       firm’s important stakeholders by generally inspiring confidence in the company to all target groups
       (2002: 1).

A well-planned corporate identity covers both internal and external corporate advantages.

Internal corporate advantages

   According to Tuna, top management can discover the motivating power behind the

organizational behavior of their corporation and its employees. Additionally, human resources

managers can better understand the employee personality required for their corporate

environment. This approach helps in hiring employees that will be beneficial to the

organization and avoid costly mistakes that would have otherwise been incurred. As a result,

employees get a better understanding of the corporate goal vision and characteristics hence

willingly support the corporation (2007: 16).

External Corporate Advantages

   Similarly, Tuna mentions that after the completion of the corporate identity process, the

results are evaluated to determine the shortcomings or mistakes in the percept of the

corporation. The press, unions, suppliers, distributors, resellers and other important parties

through better understanding of the corporation’s vision and mission, they will be supportive

to the corporate and be persuasive to the public (2007: 17).


   According to Okay, corporate image is the individuals’ thoughts about an object, a

corporation or another person. These thoughts not always coincide with the facts. Everyone

may have an individual image. To create a positive corporate or individual image, various

image improvement activities are necessary (2005: 242).


Okay notes that corporate identity plays a major role to form a good corporate image.

Although corporate image expresses desired situation, it also defines concrete activities.

Corporate identity includes corporate design such as logo, colors, symbol, corporate

communication, corporate behavior and philosophy. These elements affect each other. Use of

these elements in an organization composes the “corporate identity” (2005: 242-272).


According to Tuna, identity has emerged with the naming of institution, its logo, style and

visual identity between 1950 and 1960. Identity was defined as elements of corporate

behavior and corporate communication between 1970 and 1980. In 1990, the concept of

corporate identity gained great importance with establishment of Internal Corporate Identity

Group (2007: 9-17).

   Balmer and Van Riel argue that corporate identity is the corporate philosophy, design,

corporation’s member behaviors and communication (1997: 2).


Okay claims that corporate philosophy is based on a corporate foundation idea about itself. It

consists of top management’s targets and the foundation of business structure for a corporate

development. Corporate philosophy has three main functions. First, the orientation functions.

Orientation function appears from corporate foundations which combines important rules.

Thereby, it sets the direction for the corporate behavior. Second is the corporate philosophy.

Written corporate philosophy plays a major role towards creating a corporate identity. It

supports in making life easier employees. It creates strong relationships with target audiences.
Lastly, the motivation functions. Motivation integrates employees with the corporation.

Motivation requires that employees be assigned suitable tasks and be shown respected (2005:

111). An article on the concept of philosophy statement states,

       philosophy statement is that it may contribute to organizational performance by inspiring employee
       motivation or feeling of commitment to the organization. It the lofty ideals expressed in the philosophy
       statement resonates with the private values of employees, and then employees may be more willing to
       view the meeting of organizational ends as consistent with their own desires (Ledford, 1994: 8) .


Tuna argues that corporate design refers to the appearance of an organization and its products

with respect to the target audience of the corporate identity. Corporate design comprises of

corporate visual elements such as; its name, slogan, typography, logo or symbol, color,

product design, environment design, promotion products, publications and office design. All

Corporate design activities should align with the principles of management effectiveness and

efficiency (2007: 73).

Corporate Identity Manuel

It is a kind of booklet that includes the rules about the corporate design. Using of corporate

colors, typographies, letterheads, shapes of documents etc. are the important elements of the

corporate identity manual. Nowadays, with the developing technology, corporate identity

manuals are published on the internal network of the organizations (2005: 157). According to


       a style guide is a rule-driven document that sets the parameters for consistency and acceptability for all
       written materials produced by an individual or group. A house style guide is one that is produced for an
       organization's internal use and is specifically tailored for its specific writing contexts (Mckay, 1997:

Corporate Color

Geçikli says that color is the important and expressive element of every visual identity. The

corporations choose proper colors according to the intended effects on the target audience.

Some questions should be considered; “what kind of meaning is communicated on integration

and feeling”, “does the color represent the attractiveness of the products”, “is it appropriate to

the corporate philosophy” and “Does it have an effective contrast against the competitors”.

Colors have different meanings according to different cultures. For example, while green

color connotes illness in Brazil, it connotes health in Denmark. Researchers have shown that

colors have effect on human psychology. Red means powerful, impulsive, active and

energetic. On the contrary, blue connotes relaxing, cool, soft and reality. Green connotes

relaxing, calm, comfortable and reliability. For this reason, many banks use green color

(2008: 217).

Logo and Symbol

According to Öztürk’s article, corporate logo consists of letters, words or numbers that

represent the corporation. Symbols can be represented as colorful or uncolored, two or three

dimensional graphic. Some corporations use both to capture their target audience’s mind.

Therefore, symbols should have an appearance that aligns with the corporate identity. Logos

must have a structure that is interesting, different, reflecting the professionalism and also in

line with the vision and mission. Logo must be authentic (2006: 4).

Typography and Font Type

Okay expresses that typography is the form of size and layout in the printed publications. In

the corporate identity management, the choice of the most appropriate character plays a

central role. Some characters are designed to increase emotional tones and presenting power.

Some characters define a traditional corporation, some express modernity. For example

Times New Roman connotes smart, elegant, and traditional (2005: 144).


Akyürek notes that corporate communication is applied on long term basis to create a

corporate and maintain it or changing it. The key messages are transferred to the targeted

groups through corporate communication. It helps to make employees well informed of

corporate policies. Gossip procession lowers when employees access the actual information.

Corporate activities, projects, goals, financial tables are communicated to the right role

through use of corporate communication. Corporate Employees are informed of the corporate

happenings through corporate publications. Motivation rises with the communication of the

correct information (2005: 6).

Corporate Internal Communication

According to Theaker, “The flow of ideas, information and knowledge around the

organization is crucial to success. The role of communication as the process by which this

flow is achieved is central to the management of the organization” (As cited in Quirke, 1995).

Quirke sees need for change reflected in the shift from a limited number of internal

communications techniques, such as notice boards, memos and company newsletters, to more

interactive media such as meetings, forums, video conferences and email (2008: 234).

How to communicate?

Newsletters, brochures and handbooks, banners and posters, bulletin boards, system, Internet

and intranet, written on-premises announcement circulars, announcements, documents, and

reports. Corporate communication must be aligned to the corporate philosophy so that the

corporate identity is easily understood and the image is reinforced on the targeted group.

Alison Theaker elaborates that;

a business can only achieve its best when everyone’s energies are pointed in the same direction and are
       not at cross purposes. Employees need to have a clear picture of the overall direction and ambitions of
       the company [and] a clear sense of wherever or she fits in and how [they] contribute to the company’s
       goals (2001: 168).



According to İşçi, introduction of the products, explanation of annual activities and business

trips are such applications of meetings. In meetings, we share our written and verbal

information with stakeholders. We also provide them information about the organization. For

example, press meetings have an important role that influences public opinion and giving

information. The reasons of these success meetings depend on public interest and information

of environment (2002: 45).

Press Relations

Colapinto states that media relations are essential in maintaining a strong image and to

influence media, employees and investors especially in large businesses. They are also a tool

to influence customers’ opinions and choices. Corporations have significant incentives to

target its information and manage the positive outlook hence bring the likely benefits.

Therefore great attention has to be paid to the relationship with journalists (2009: 1).

Exhibitions and Fairs

Okay states that exhibitions and fairs are some of the significant communication tools

occurring in face to face relationship with target audiences. They are ideal tools to transfer

identity, culture and design of a corporation. Attendees to the exhibitions or fairs, have

opportunities to see and recognize the participating organizations (2005: 192).


Okay says that employee is part of corporate identity creation. There is an interaction between

employee’s policy and the corporate identity process. This is supported by internal and
external Information Behavior. External public relations activities delivered by the

corporations’ public relations department. On the other hand internal information behavior

refers to internal public relation activities delivered by either corporation’s public relations or

internal communications department. Similarly, Social behavior refers to corporate social

responsibility behavior that includes ethic behavior and ecological behavior towards the

ecosystem (2005: 197).


Theaker says that “corporate culture refers to the way we do things around here” (Theaker,

2001: 99). All of the interactions and relationships are a form of corporate personality.

Corporate personality consists of corporate history, values, mission, vision and culture. It

penetrates employees’ mind, structure, process, product and services. Employees’ behavior

and their conversations are shown by culture. They are not written or verbal rules but every

employee knows and obeys them. Johnson and Scholes argue that stories, symbols, power

structures, organizational structures, rituals and routines, and control constitute the cultural

web (As cited in Johnson and Scholes, 2008: 141). According to Schein, it is

       culture is both a dynamic phenomenon that surrounds us at all times, being constantly enacted and
       created by our interactions with others and shaped by leadership behavior, and a set of structures,
       routines, rules, and norms that guide and constrain behavior (2004: 1).

       Göksel, Kocabaş and Elden imply that organizations can give effective and persuasive

messages through employees who believe in organization’s prestige and reliability. Thus, if

these organizations have loyal employees, they will be successful in the public relations

activities (1997:124).

       Tuna states that organizations have to take action for harmonizing corporate culture

process. There must be adaptation for job requiring training. The orientation consists of

history and structure of the organization, organizational chart, product and services, policies,

salary, working hours, training, insurance, employee services, colleagues, work environment,

tasks etc. This way, new employee is informed about organization and he or she feels part of

the organization. This situation creates high motivation (2007:44).


To sum up, corporations need to plan their corporate identity in order to move one step ahead

and to create stronger brand between other competitors in conditions of competition. Every

company has its own corporate identity, but more important is to manage whole work at once.

When it comes to corporate identity, first thing comes to mind is their logo, color and the

typography. In order for all these designs to be consistent and sustainable, companies need a

well prepared corporate identity manual. Corporate identity is not consisting of only corporate

design and symbols. Furthermore it is also consist of the connection between internal and

external corporate stakeholders, culture and corporate philosophy. These elements create

characteristics of corporate identity.

       The aim of managing corporate identity is to find the best image, and to deliver the

message related with the image to the public. Corporate identity is formed with these elements

mentioned above. Image is integral of beliefs like, brand personality, emotions and

connotations that consists in the minds of stakeholders about brand.

       Companies do not create their corporate identity on their stakeholders, but they create

their well prepared positive corporate identity image. Moreover, companies need to involve

their workers in every step to process. However the success will come with the workers who

embrace the identity, culture, philosophy and story of the corporation and their contribution.

Companies need to move along with their external stakeholders, to create their plan

according to the stakeholders’ needs and to do a research about what similarities shown

between their identity and the image on their stakeholders’ minds. The companies which get

the same result in both of these can be called that they are succeeded about their identity.

       As a result, symbols of corporation are agents of creating corporate identity and to

maintain integrity. The companies that are strong on creating corporate identity can be

recognized easily with their good, service, public relations and advertisement, and they easily

catch the trustworthy corporate image.


  1. Akdemir, Ali. (2003) Kurumsallaşma Yönelimli Entelektüel Sermayenin
      Etkinleştirilmesinde Liderin Stratejik Rolü. Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
      Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  2. Akyürek, Doç. Dr. Rüveyde. (2005) Kurumsal İletişim Yönetimi. Eskişehir: Anadolu
      Üniversitesi Web-Ofset Tesisleri.
  3. Balmer, John M.T. and Van Riel, Cees B.M. (1997) Corporate identity: the concept,
      its measurement and management. Glasgow, UK: MCB University Press.
  4. Blythe, Jim. (2006) Essentials of Marketing Communications. Gosport, UK: Ashford
      Colour Press Ltd.
  5. Colapinto, Cinzia. (2009) Trends in media relations: An exploratory study in Italy.
      Italy: Prism.
  6. Cotler. and Armstrong. (2008) The Principles of Marketing. The United States of
      America: Pearson Education, Inc.
  7. Geçikli, Fatma. (2008) Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım
      Dağıtım A.Ş.
  8. Göksel, Prof. Dr. A. Bülent. and Kocabaş, Dr. Füsun. and Elden,Dr. Müge. (1997)
      Pazarlama İletişimi Açısından Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklam. İstanbul: Yayınevi
      Yayıncılık Ltd.
  9. İşçi, Metin. (2002) Halkla İlişkiler. İstanbul: Der Yayınları
  10. Ledford, Gerald. (1994) Realizing A Corporate Philosophy. Los Angeles, CA: Ceo
  11. Mckay, Peter D. (1997) Establishing a corporate style guide: a bibliographic essay.
      Technical Communication.
  12. Melewar. and Jenkins, Elizabeth. (2002) Defining the Corporate Identity Construct.
      UK: Henry Stewart Publications.
  13. Okay, Ayla. (2005) Kurum Kimliği. İstanbul: Kapital Medya A.Ş.
  14. Öztürk, Gülay. (2006) Logonun Kurum Kimliği Üzerindeki Etkisi. İstanbul: İstanbul
      Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi.
  15. Schein, Edgar H. (2004) Organizational Culture and Leadership. United States of
      America: Jossey-Bass.
  16. Theaker, Alison. (2008) Halkla İlişkilerin El Kitabı. İstanbul: Kapital Medya
      Hizmetleri A.Ş.
  17. Theaker, Alison. (2001) The Public Relations Handbook. USA: Routledge
  18. Tuna, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Muharrem. and Akbaş Tuna, Ayşen. (2007) Kurumsal Kimlik
      Yönetimi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.


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Corporate identity,corporate image, corporate culture

  • 1. Mehtap Malumbo Corporate Identity ABSTRACT Individuals need to express themselves with an identity so are corporate or organizations. The first traits of identity symbols trace back to the use of coat of arms for kings, nobles, cities and on army uniforms. The aim of these signs and symbols were to hold the people together, create a common soul and communicate their goals as one. Nowadays, organizations have a similar approach towards a corporate identity. Okay’s explanation, “they use their logos, corporate colors, behavioral style, and communications methods to differentiate themselves, to stick in the minds of their target audiences and to create strong corporate image. They also integrate the internal stakeholder using the corporate identity” further emphasizes the use of corporate identities (2005: 17). All organizations have an identity. Corporate identity is the process defined as the institution for all the activities of an organization in public relation administration. According to Olins, corporate identity answers three key questions: Who is the organization? What does it do? And how does it do? (As cited in Olins, 1990) Okay argument on the corporate identity states that, “it is not only visual designs, but a combination of designs, communications, behavior, philosophy, and culture. All these components are used by the organization to compose a “corporate identity.” As a result of the corporate identity activities a corporate image is established” (2005: 39). In this study, it will be analyzed that the effect of corporate identity on positive corporate image. Additionally, the contribution of other important corporate identity concepts shall be discussed. 1
  • 2. CORPORATE IDENTITY IN TERMS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Cotler and Armstrong’s definition of the concept of corporate identity explains: Companies use public relations to communicate with their publics by setting objectives, choosing PR messages and vehicles, implementing the PR plan, and evaluating PR results. To accomplish these goals, public relations professionals use several tools such as news, WOM, internet and special events. They prepare written, audiovisual, and corporate identity materials and contribute money and time to public service activities (2008: 441). THE CONCEPT OF CORPORATE IDENTITY Okay emphasizes that corporate identity refers to what the organizations or corporate communicates through various channels. On the other hand, corporate image refers to how the public views these organizations or corporate. A Corporation cannot build the corporate image because it cannot control the context in which their communication is understood, interpreted and received (2005: 96). “Originally, corporate identity was synonymous with organizational nomenclature, logos, company house style and visual identification. Many corporate identity practitioners had (and have) their roots in graphic design and understandably a good deal of importance were assigned to graphic design” (Riel and Balmer 1997: 1). According to Blythe, Corporate Identity is the outward manifestation of the organization, a visual means of identification. It includes not only the corporate logo, but also the house style used on the company’s letterheads and corporate publications, interior and exterior design of buildings, staff uniforms and vehicle livery and packaging and products (2006: 148). THE IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE IDENTITY One such theorist, Akdemir, explains that corporate identity is defined as characteristics of a corporation and designing skills that differentiate from others, reflecting of skills and introducing concrete personality. Corporate identity is used to distinguish corporations from their competitors and present marketing opportunities. Therefore, many corporations need an effective corporate identity management. The importance of corporate identity is increasing 2
  • 3. day by day with the degree of remembrance of the corporation and its image having effect on consumer preferences (2003: 93). According to Melevar and Jenkins, Firms have become increasingly aware of the importance of developing and managing their corporate identity. The identity of a corporation has been recognized as a strategic resource and source of competitive advantage. Effective management of corporate identity can serve to address the needs of the firm’s important stakeholders by generally inspiring confidence in the company to all target groups (2002: 1). A well-planned corporate identity covers both internal and external corporate advantages. Internal corporate advantages According to Tuna, top management can discover the motivating power behind the organizational behavior of their corporation and its employees. Additionally, human resources managers can better understand the employee personality required for their corporate environment. This approach helps in hiring employees that will be beneficial to the organization and avoid costly mistakes that would have otherwise been incurred. As a result, employees get a better understanding of the corporate goal vision and characteristics hence willingly support the corporation (2007: 16). External Corporate Advantages Similarly, Tuna mentions that after the completion of the corporate identity process, the results are evaluated to determine the shortcomings or mistakes in the percept of the corporation. The press, unions, suppliers, distributors, resellers and other important parties through better understanding of the corporation’s vision and mission, they will be supportive to the corporate and be persuasive to the public (2007: 17). CORPORATE IMAGE According to Okay, corporate image is the individuals’ thoughts about an object, a corporation or another person. These thoughts not always coincide with the facts. Everyone 3
  • 4. may have an individual image. To create a positive corporate or individual image, various image improvement activities are necessary (2005: 242). THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CORPORATE IDENTITY AND CORPORATE IMAGE: Okay notes that corporate identity plays a major role to form a good corporate image. Although corporate image expresses desired situation, it also defines concrete activities. Corporate identity includes corporate design such as logo, colors, symbol, corporate communication, corporate behavior and philosophy. These elements affect each other. Use of these elements in an organization composes the “corporate identity” (2005: 242-272). HISTORY OF CORPORATE IDENTITY According to Tuna, identity has emerged with the naming of institution, its logo, style and visual identity between 1950 and 1960. Identity was defined as elements of corporate behavior and corporate communication between 1970 and 1980. In 1990, the concept of corporate identity gained great importance with establishment of Internal Corporate Identity Group (2007: 9-17). Balmer and Van Riel argue that corporate identity is the corporate philosophy, design, corporation’s member behaviors and communication (1997: 2). CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY Okay claims that corporate philosophy is based on a corporate foundation idea about itself. It consists of top management’s targets and the foundation of business structure for a corporate development. Corporate philosophy has three main functions. First, the orientation functions. Orientation function appears from corporate foundations which combines important rules. Thereby, it sets the direction for the corporate behavior. Second is the corporate philosophy. Written corporate philosophy plays a major role towards creating a corporate identity. It supports in making life easier employees. It creates strong relationships with target audiences. 4
  • 5. Lastly, the motivation functions. Motivation integrates employees with the corporation. Motivation requires that employees be assigned suitable tasks and be shown respected (2005: 111). An article on the concept of philosophy statement states, philosophy statement is that it may contribute to organizational performance by inspiring employee motivation or feeling of commitment to the organization. It the lofty ideals expressed in the philosophy statement resonates with the private values of employees, and then employees may be more willing to view the meeting of organizational ends as consistent with their own desires (Ledford, 1994: 8) . THE CONCEPT OF CORPORATE DESIGN Tuna argues that corporate design refers to the appearance of an organization and its products with respect to the target audience of the corporate identity. Corporate design comprises of corporate visual elements such as; its name, slogan, typography, logo or symbol, color, product design, environment design, promotion products, publications and office design. All Corporate design activities should align with the principles of management effectiveness and efficiency (2007: 73). Corporate Identity Manuel It is a kind of booklet that includes the rules about the corporate design. Using of corporate colors, typographies, letterheads, shapes of documents etc. are the important elements of the corporate identity manual. Nowadays, with the developing technology, corporate identity manuals are published on the internal network of the organizations (2005: 157). According to Mckay, a style guide is a rule-driven document that sets the parameters for consistency and acceptability for all written materials produced by an individual or group. A house style guide is one that is produced for an organization's internal use and is specifically tailored for its specific writing contexts (Mckay, 1997: 1). Corporate Color Geçikli says that color is the important and expressive element of every visual identity. The corporations choose proper colors according to the intended effects on the target audience. 5
  • 6. Some questions should be considered; “what kind of meaning is communicated on integration and feeling”, “does the color represent the attractiveness of the products”, “is it appropriate to the corporate philosophy” and “Does it have an effective contrast against the competitors”. Colors have different meanings according to different cultures. For example, while green color connotes illness in Brazil, it connotes health in Denmark. Researchers have shown that colors have effect on human psychology. Red means powerful, impulsive, active and energetic. On the contrary, blue connotes relaxing, cool, soft and reality. Green connotes relaxing, calm, comfortable and reliability. For this reason, many banks use green color (2008: 217). Logo and Symbol According to Öztürk’s article, corporate logo consists of letters, words or numbers that represent the corporation. Symbols can be represented as colorful or uncolored, two or three dimensional graphic. Some corporations use both to capture their target audience’s mind. Therefore, symbols should have an appearance that aligns with the corporate identity. Logos must have a structure that is interesting, different, reflecting the professionalism and also in line with the vision and mission. Logo must be authentic (2006: 4). Typography and Font Type Okay expresses that typography is the form of size and layout in the printed publications. In the corporate identity management, the choice of the most appropriate character plays a central role. Some characters are designed to increase emotional tones and presenting power. Some characters define a traditional corporation, some express modernity. For example Times New Roman connotes smart, elegant, and traditional (2005: 144). 6
  • 7. CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Akyürek notes that corporate communication is applied on long term basis to create a corporate and maintain it or changing it. The key messages are transferred to the targeted groups through corporate communication. It helps to make employees well informed of corporate policies. Gossip procession lowers when employees access the actual information. Corporate activities, projects, goals, financial tables are communicated to the right role through use of corporate communication. Corporate Employees are informed of the corporate happenings through corporate publications. Motivation rises with the communication of the correct information (2005: 6). Corporate Internal Communication According to Theaker, “The flow of ideas, information and knowledge around the organization is crucial to success. The role of communication as the process by which this flow is achieved is central to the management of the organization” (As cited in Quirke, 1995). Quirke sees need for change reflected in the shift from a limited number of internal communications techniques, such as notice boards, memos and company newsletters, to more interactive media such as meetings, forums, video conferences and email (2008: 234). How to communicate? Newsletters, brochures and handbooks, banners and posters, bulletin boards, system, Internet and intranet, written on-premises announcement circulars, announcements, documents, and reports. Corporate communication must be aligned to the corporate philosophy so that the corporate identity is easily understood and the image is reinforced on the targeted group. Alison Theaker elaborates that; 7
  • 8. a business can only achieve its best when everyone’s energies are pointed in the same direction and are not at cross purposes. Employees need to have a clear picture of the overall direction and ambitions of the company [and] a clear sense of wherever or she fits in and how [they] contribute to the company’s goals (2001: 168). EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Meetings According to İşçi, introduction of the products, explanation of annual activities and business trips are such applications of meetings. In meetings, we share our written and verbal information with stakeholders. We also provide them information about the organization. For example, press meetings have an important role that influences public opinion and giving information. The reasons of these success meetings depend on public interest and information of environment (2002: 45). Press Relations Colapinto states that media relations are essential in maintaining a strong image and to influence media, employees and investors especially in large businesses. They are also a tool to influence customers’ opinions and choices. Corporations have significant incentives to target its information and manage the positive outlook hence bring the likely benefits. Therefore great attention has to be paid to the relationship with journalists (2009: 1). Exhibitions and Fairs Okay states that exhibitions and fairs are some of the significant communication tools occurring in face to face relationship with target audiences. They are ideal tools to transfer identity, culture and design of a corporation. Attendees to the exhibitions or fairs, have opportunities to see and recognize the participating organizations (2005: 192). CORPORATE BEHAVIOR Okay says that employee is part of corporate identity creation. There is an interaction between employee’s policy and the corporate identity process. This is supported by internal and 8
  • 9. external Information Behavior. External public relations activities delivered by the corporations’ public relations department. On the other hand internal information behavior refers to internal public relation activities delivered by either corporation’s public relations or internal communications department. Similarly, Social behavior refers to corporate social responsibility behavior that includes ethic behavior and ecological behavior towards the ecosystem (2005: 197). CORPORATE CULTURE Theaker says that “corporate culture refers to the way we do things around here” (Theaker, 2001: 99). All of the interactions and relationships are a form of corporate personality. Corporate personality consists of corporate history, values, mission, vision and culture. It penetrates employees’ mind, structure, process, product and services. Employees’ behavior and their conversations are shown by culture. They are not written or verbal rules but every employee knows and obeys them. Johnson and Scholes argue that stories, symbols, power structures, organizational structures, rituals and routines, and control constitute the cultural web (As cited in Johnson and Scholes, 2008: 141). According to Schein, it is culture is both a dynamic phenomenon that surrounds us at all times, being constantly enacted and created by our interactions with others and shaped by leadership behavior, and a set of structures, routines, rules, and norms that guide and constrain behavior (2004: 1). Göksel, Kocabaş and Elden imply that organizations can give effective and persuasive messages through employees who believe in organization’s prestige and reliability. Thus, if these organizations have loyal employees, they will be successful in the public relations activities (1997:124). Tuna states that organizations have to take action for harmonizing corporate culture process. There must be adaptation for job requiring training. The orientation consists of history and structure of the organization, organizational chart, product and services, policies, 9
  • 10. salary, working hours, training, insurance, employee services, colleagues, work environment, tasks etc. This way, new employee is informed about organization and he or she feels part of the organization. This situation creates high motivation (2007:44). CONCLUSION To sum up, corporations need to plan their corporate identity in order to move one step ahead and to create stronger brand between other competitors in conditions of competition. Every company has its own corporate identity, but more important is to manage whole work at once. When it comes to corporate identity, first thing comes to mind is their logo, color and the typography. In order for all these designs to be consistent and sustainable, companies need a well prepared corporate identity manual. Corporate identity is not consisting of only corporate design and symbols. Furthermore it is also consist of the connection between internal and external corporate stakeholders, culture and corporate philosophy. These elements create characteristics of corporate identity. The aim of managing corporate identity is to find the best image, and to deliver the message related with the image to the public. Corporate identity is formed with these elements mentioned above. Image is integral of beliefs like, brand personality, emotions and connotations that consists in the minds of stakeholders about brand. Companies do not create their corporate identity on their stakeholders, but they create their well prepared positive corporate identity image. Moreover, companies need to involve their workers in every step to process. However the success will come with the workers who embrace the identity, culture, philosophy and story of the corporation and their contribution. 10
  • 11. Companies need to move along with their external stakeholders, to create their plan according to the stakeholders’ needs and to do a research about what similarities shown between their identity and the image on their stakeholders’ minds. The companies which get the same result in both of these can be called that they are succeeded about their identity. As a result, symbols of corporation are agents of creating corporate identity and to maintain integrity. The companies that are strong on creating corporate identity can be recognized easily with their good, service, public relations and advertisement, and they easily catch the trustworthy corporate image. 11
  • 12. REFERENCES 1. Akdemir, Ali. (2003) Kurumsallaşma Yönelimli Entelektüel Sermayenin Etkinleştirilmesinde Liderin Stratejik Rolü. Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. 2. Akyürek, Doç. Dr. Rüveyde. (2005) Kurumsal İletişim Yönetimi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Web-Ofset Tesisleri. 3. Balmer, John M.T. and Van Riel, Cees B.M. (1997) Corporate identity: the concept, its measurement and management. Glasgow, UK: MCB University Press. 4. Blythe, Jim. (2006) Essentials of Marketing Communications. Gosport, UK: Ashford Colour Press Ltd. 5. Colapinto, Cinzia. (2009) Trends in media relations: An exploratory study in Italy. Italy: Prism. 6. Cotler. and Armstrong. (2008) The Principles of Marketing. The United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc. 7. Geçikli, Fatma. (2008) Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. 8. Göksel, Prof. Dr. A. Bülent. and Kocabaş, Dr. Füsun. and Elden,Dr. Müge. (1997) Pazarlama İletişimi Açısından Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklam. İstanbul: Yayınevi Yayıncılık Ltd. 9. İşçi, Metin. (2002) Halkla İlişkiler. İstanbul: Der Yayınları 10. Ledford, Gerald. (1994) Realizing A Corporate Philosophy. Los Angeles, CA: Ceo Publication. 11. Mckay, Peter D. (1997) Establishing a corporate style guide: a bibliographic essay. Technical Communication. 12. Melewar. and Jenkins, Elizabeth. (2002) Defining the Corporate Identity Construct. UK: Henry Stewart Publications. 13. Okay, Ayla. (2005) Kurum Kimliği. İstanbul: Kapital Medya A.Ş. 14. Öztürk, Gülay. (2006) Logonun Kurum Kimliği Üzerindeki Etkisi. İstanbul: İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 15. Schein, Edgar H. (2004) Organizational Culture and Leadership. United States of America: Jossey-Bass. 16. Theaker, Alison. (2008) Halkla İlişkilerin El Kitabı. İstanbul: Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. 17. Theaker, Alison. (2001) The Public Relations Handbook. USA: Routledge 18. Tuna, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Muharrem. and Akbaş Tuna, Ayşen. (2007) Kurumsal Kimlik Yönetimi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık. 12