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      and Salesmanship
         Proven copy strategies
     For stronger leads, better sales
and longer-lasting customer relationships

   Presented by Carol Worthington-Levy
“A copywriter is a salesperson with
              a typewriter.”

               —Anonymous, c. 1920

“One of the worst mistakes you can
    make as a copywriter is to assume
    your job is about writing. It’s not.”

            —Dean Reick, ProCopyTips 2012

A great direct marketing effort
              works like a salesman

    • Walks the prospect through the steps of the
      selling process
    • Answers concerns or it suggests that by
      calling, they will get the answers they need
    • Teases the prospect into
      responding, through the use of benefit copy
      and offer
Copywriting with salesmanship
               is hard, dirty work.

    “Before actually writing the copy, I write down every
    conceivable fact and selling idea. Then I get them organized
    and relate them to research and the copy platform”.

    “I spend a long time studying the precedents. I look at every
    advertisement which has appeared for competing products
    during the past 20 years.”
                                  — David Ogilvy

We can learn from the great salesmen
      how to set up and close a sale…

7 Steps to Closing More Sales
             — Roy Chitwood, Max Sacks International, sales trainers

1.   Approach the prospect
2.   Qualification of prospect
3.   Prospect agrees on need
4.   You Sell them on your company
     and/or product
5.   Fill the need that’s been identified
6.   Get their Commitment, and you commit to them
7.   Cement the sale


Translated to direct marketing

Get prospect’s attention.                  Approach and qualification; agreement
                                           on need
Present product benefits                   Fill the need

Call to action                             Act of commitment

Present company credentials                Sell the company

Call to action                             Suggest/request their commitment

Statements about no-risk guarantee,        Cement the sale
ease of ordering, ease of
implementation etc.
Call to action                             Ask for the order

Back-end fulfillment (delivery of order)   Act of commitment

Roy Chitwood’s six buying motives:
1. Desire for gain (often financial, sometimes
2. Fear of loss (same as #1)
3. Comfort and convenience
4. Security and protection
5. Pride of ownership
6. Satisfaction

Oreck’s advertisement is a paper salesman

1.    Approach the prospect
2.    Qualification of prospect
3.    Prospect agrees on need
4.    You Sell them on your
      and/or product
5.    Fill the need that’s been
6.    Get their
      Commitment, and you
      commit to them
7.    Cement the sale

FABS (Features, Advantages, Benefits)

     •   Feature: what it does

     •   Advantage: how that makes it superior or
         delivers a technical benefit

     •   Benefit: how that translates into a
         PERSONAL problem solved or need
What are the FABs for…
•    Feature: what it
                            … A toothbrush?
•    Advantage: how
     that makes it
     superior or delivers   … A washing machine?
     a technical benefit
•    Benefit: how that
     translates into a
     PERSONAL problem       … A thumb drive?
     solved or need

                                 … A DMA conference?

What are the FABs in
      this ad?

 •   Feature: what it does
 •   Advantage: how that makes
     it superior or delivers a
     technical benefit
 •   Benefit: how that translates
     into a PERSONAL problem
     solved or need answered

Which ad’s FABs are more compelling?

Think of your own products or a
product/service you’ve been hired to sell.
          What are its FABs?
What matters the most to your customer?

     • Share with the rest of us!
     Feature: what it does
     Advantage: how that makes it superior or delivers a
     technical benefit
     Benefit: how that translates into a PERSONAL problem
     solved or need answered

Cinch the deal with
                    The Guaranteed Close
     "If we can [deliver our promise] can you think of any reason why you
         wouldn't [summary of desired act of commitment]?”
     Sales guru Brian Tracy’s example:
     ”If I can show you the absolute best investment you’ve ever seen, would you
          be willing to invest in it today?” – takes them from ‘no’ to ‘maybe’
     Try this with your own product … For example:
     “If we can promise that our air filter will make your home more comfortable
         and healthy that you ever dreamed possible — could even eliminate
         allergies and illness — then would you buy one right now?”
     Use this approach in your letter, your brochure, your self mailer, your email…
        you can even put a call to action of this kind at the end of some copy
        blocks within a catalog or website!

Translating salesmanship
      into catalog, email and
         other DM copy…

The ‘email salesman’…
     • Lots of competition in the email box
     • Distractions all around
     • Tiny space makes it tough to explain enough to
       draw the prospect in
     • How to generate the salesman’s steps?
       1.   Approach the prospect
       2.   Qualification of prospect
       3.   Prospect agrees on need
       4.   You Sell them on your company
            and/or product
       5.   Fill the need that’s been identified

The ‘email salesman’…
     • You won’t sell ‘off the email’ – that’s a landing
       page’s job — so keep it brief
     • Plan your email based on reality:
       – for big contracts, you’ll need a two step
       – For single inexpensive stuff, one step should work

B to B email: what matters most to this customer?

• Very successful email
• Going to people who
  handle sharp
  objects/metal in their
• They know the Kevlar
  brand – but may not
  know Superior Glove
• Superior wants to sell
  them their own
  branded glove that
  competes with Kevlar

                                     © Beasley Direct Marketing
Alternate way to
address that concern
  – and your FABs
• Offer-driven headline
  gets attention
• The title of the
  book/offer uses two
  words that are key to
  the customer’s
  interest: cut

Running through the sales steps
•   Subject line: Commute
    the REI way
    (Approach prospect)
•   This is to an existing
    customer (Qualification
    of prospect)
•   Copy approach: Head
    from camp to campus –
    time to switch
    gears, ramp up with
    must-have equipment
    (Fill the need that’s been
•   Free shipping offer (Get
    their commitment)
                                 (I Clicked on “ride it” …)

Clicks send them to landing page
• To keep the sales
  patter consistent, a
  landing page is better
  than your website’s
  home page
• Copy confirms that
  this is the place for
  them to get stuff for
  fall cycling and school
• What’s missing?
  The offer should
  show here, too.

Answer all
• Subject line offer: ‘Let us treat
  you to a free pastry’ –
  approach, creates instant affinity.
  A treat!
• Headline tells them what they
  will get, when and what they
  have to do
• Email body copy has appetite
  appeal, targets market who looks
  for quality food rather than cheap
• Very short schedule and time
  period to take advantage of the
Email must hit the point quickly…
      Or you’ll lose their attention!

       Which one grabs attention more quickly?
Salesmanship in Direct mail
Outgoing envelope: Create a sense of mystery or
intrigue that arouses curiosity—and compels the
prospect to read further.
"Your outer envelope is the come-on …the dust jacket
on the book, the display window outside the store, the
hot pants on the hooker." — Bill Jayme

Outgoing envelope
Sales steps:
1. Approach the
2. Qualification of
3. Prospect agrees
      on need
Create affinity
through sympathetic
copy that challenges
the ‘no return’
debacle of wine

Outgoing envelope
Sales steps:
1.    Approach the prospect: build
      affinity as someone who
      believes in patient education
2.    Qualification of prospect: we
      are asking them for their
      expert opinion
3.    Prospect agrees on need
4.    Make them feel
      appreciated, with mention of
      an offer

Showing your prospect special
respect – which they feel they
deserve— is a powerful motivator to
them to keep reading
                                      © Beasley Direct Marketing
Outgoing envelope
Sales steps:
1. Approach the
2. Qualification of
3. Prospect agrees
      on need
This is a fear-based
connection — for
example, no working
accountant wants to
have limitations to                   © Beasley Direct Marketing
completing their

The direct response Letter
     What makes a letter a ‘paper salesman’? See how this parallels the
     sales conversation…
     1. Get their attention with some offer that you know will be of interest
         to them
     2. Establish affinity (you understand my situation)
     3. Reveal that you have something that they want or need
     4. Establish qualification (here’s why we are qualified to provide you
         what you need)
     5. Show the benefits, with features and advantages built in as part of
         the conversation
     6. Introduce scarcity such as a time limit or limited quantity
     7. Guarantee their satisfaction and assure of no risk
     8. Close the sale
     9. Remind them of the offer
     10. Close the sale

Additional sales devices in DM
     • Use involvement pieces to drive home the
       sales message…
       –  A temporary membership card
       –  A checklist or a quiz
       –  A testimonial note
       –  A letter from an authority touting your product or service
       –  A coupon to show the value of the offer
       –  A lift letter, addressing what may be in the way of the
       – An actual inserted sample of a product
       Choose the right one (or two) and you likely get a
       lift in response!
Sales steps:
1. Approach prospect
2. Qualification
3. Prospect agrees on
• Offer keeps their
attention, establishes
• Certificate
the offer

Add-on pieces to support the sale
This buckslip shows proof of value

Add-on pieces to support the sale
This buckslip shows deadline/
limited time offer

This lift letter addresses their
obvious need for lawn service
every year

                                 This note
                                 them of their

Add-on pieces
         to support the sale
     A strong testimonial piece brings the
     story home — they like folks like
     themselves who struggle with the
     same issues

Even the reply form can support the
            sales conversation…
• What’s more powerful? A
  simple form to fill out, or a
• Remind them of FABs
• Give them multiple ways
  to say YES to reduce their
• Remind them of the offer

Reply form as a paper salesman
• A personalized
  membership certificate
  ‘seals the deal’
• Reminder of the offer
• A sticker to remove and
  apply in the “yes” section

All of these tactics imitate
the sales conversation of the
world’s greatest sales gurus!

Catalog as paper salesman: The Cover
     1. Approach the prospect – High visibility and high
        contrast to get attention, teaser headlines
     2. Qualification of prospect – Refer to the
        customer’s interest in your product line/topic
     3. Prospect agrees on need
     4. You Sell them on your company
        and/or product – mention your
        guarantee, quality, and include a testimonial
     5. Fill the need that’s been identified – Show best-
        selling product on front and back cover
A well-chosen offer helps with
           customer self-identification
•    If they like the offer, they
     feel the catalog is really
     for them
•    Don’t be coy about your
     offer: show them you
     have nothing to hide

Show the life that the
customer yearns for — and
 they will feel connection
         with you

•        Teasers should have specific
         product AND emotional
•        Offer should be easy to
         find, straightforward to
         create trust in the

Even in B2B, salesmanship is key to
              getting attention
                      • Dramatic photo gets
                      • But the copy teasers are
                        what drives
                        desire, interest, and
                      • Special offers help this
                        customer to self-identify

Don’t forget the back cover —
           it’s the first thing they see!
     • Back to the FABs: Present a key benefit in the headline
     • Sell product that has a good record of being interesting
       to best customers – so your prospect sees herself as a
     • Keep copy brief, emotional, and save long sells for
     • Teasers show customer you’ve got something for
       them: this is the salesman opening his kit and showing
       his goods
     • Present the offer and expiration date or scarcity

The back cover as salesman
                 • Headline describes
                   the life this prospect
                   wants: they feel that
                   you understand them
                 • Body copy describes
                   how this product fits
                   into their ideal life
                 • Offer copy indicates
                   time limit for urgency

Compare these before and after back covers…
                                                • Good sell copy makes
                                                this back cover work
                                                measurably harder

                                                • Clever headlines like
                                                ―so many teas, so little
                                                time‖ don‘t drive the sale
                                                like a mention of
                                                the special offer

                                                • Don‘t let your designer
                                                tell you that nobody
                                                reads copy anymore.
                                                Customers and good
                                                prospects DO read your
                                                interesting product copy
44    Before       After: significantly improved performance
Inside the catalog:
                the introductory note
     • Make it personal: use it to establish context
         •   ―Dear Golf Nut‖
     • Use it to establish rapport
         •   ―Dear Fellow Golf Nut‖
     • Describe what you know they like and
       want, to gain affinity
     •   Share your excitement about the products they‘re
         about to view
     •   Skip the ‗spring is in the air‘ junk copy — always

The introductory note
                   • Use it to open your
                     sales case: Mention
                     products or product
                     categories, and specific
                     page numbers when
                     referring to them.
                   • Warmth and strong
                     suggestion that your
                     purchase from this
                     catalog will improve
                     your life – and why.
                   • Tell a story about a
                     customer to gain
                     connection and trust

Even B2B catalogs benefit from an intro letter
                         • Show affinity with
                         • Respectful but friendly
                         • Gain trust with guarantee
                         • Legible signature says
                           ―the buck stops here‖

Establish a voice for
         your brand
             • Signed by the
               Minister of
               Tea, letter sets the
               tone for the very
               strong voice in
               Republic of Tea

             • We easily suspend
               disbelief when the
               Minister offers
               better quality life
               through tea!

Copy elements that encourage sales
                              • Positioning headline
                              • Offer (earn money
                                for your school)
                              • Engage readership
                                with 1-2-3 copy
                              • Use callouts to draw
                                in the reader
                                (salesman opens his
                                case to show goods)
                              • Table of contents
                                (view the open case
                                of goods) — also
                                think of this like an
                                ecommerce site

Inside: added-value, crossheads
        and introductions to products
     • Set the mood
     • Value added copy holds a products on
       spread together for improved cross-sell
     • Give back to your customer, they
       like you more
     • Help customer envision using your product
     • Ease concerns about whether the product
       will do its job
Good crosshead ties a whole line
                 of products together
• Great selling copy encourages purchase of multiple products
• “Good-better-best” copy gives customer reason to choose

Added-value helps customers envision the
            experience of using your goods
     • History and special features of a product group
     • Recipes that use this pot or pan build appetite appeal,
       excite the customer into planning their menu with this product.

Added-value charts help customer to compare
           your classes of products at a glance
• Good-better-
  best copy
  takes it from
  “should I buy
  it” to “which
  one should I

Use added-value to build
 an emotional bond with
      the customer

• “Dewars Profiles” of
  children for kid’s clothing
  catalog shows how
  individual kids are -
  supports their want for
  their own fashion ‘style’

Added-value sells
        a group of
       products by

       • A Yoga article on
         Nautilus Fitness
         catalog page that
         sells yoga DVDs and

Testimonials add value too — if they are
           short, natural and believable.
• Nautilus sells its
  TreadClimber by
  showing results
• Keep testimonial
  trimmed to the
  point you want
  to make — cut
  out the “we love
  you” copy
Typical B2B catalog — just facts, impersonal
• The original
• Just the facts, not
  very visual or
  inspiring or even

•    No sales language
    — the assumption
    that the prospect
    understands the

B2B catalog as a “paper salesman”
• The replacement
  catalog Includes
  demonstrations that
  puts the reader in
  the driver’s seat

•    Explanation of the
    product with
    emphasis on
    successful use and

• THIS catalog sold
  product as the
  original one.           Demo - using OUR paper vs. using THEIR paper

Website as salesman: engage the visitor
      with strong voice and great content
• Don’t assume
  the viewer
  understands the
  message you
  want them to
  get when they
  see a picture
• Tell them what
  you want them
  to do

They came to you — so reward them…
 make an emotional pitch that pays off their search

• Put the
  product or
  service ‘in their
  hands’ through
• Tell them what
  you want them
  to do (Find a

‘Open up your sales kit’
           and show them the goods
• Selling copy
  on a website
  is more than
  just keywords
• Incorporate
  those words
  into sales
  language that
  engages your
Don’t forget value-add content
                  on your website!
• What does
  your customer
  enjoy learning
• What do they
  find fun and
• What can you
  teach or show
  them that
  makes your
  products more

Just a few more tips…

“Clarity trumps grammar”
                   — Herschell Gordon Lewis

     • Write like you talk, or worser
     • Start sentences with “And” to pull the reader
     • Making your sentences more
       conversational, less formal
     • Avoid words that can be read more than one

To write believable copy…
• Make a logical transition to each new selling point
• Don’t make unsubstantiated statements
• Be specific in presenting information
• Keep the voice consistent
• Avoid conditional language, asterisks, etc.
• Encourage contact with customer service
  representative if they have any questions - “we have
  nothing to hide”.
• Support with testimonials - but edit them down to
  make them easy and fast to read

Long copy or short copy?
           The eternal question!

Long copy…
     • Long copy is needed to sell complicated or expensive
       products off the page
     • Long copy can be used in a magalog format to develop
       a ‘following’ for a product such as continuity or clubs
     • If copy is too short, people are frustrated by lack of
     • Make it easy to read: Long copy can look flat and grey
       if left with no breaks… so
     • Break Long copy into smaller digestible chunks via…
        – Sidebars
        – Subheads and short paragraphs

Short copy…
     • Short copy is best for lead-generation for big, very
       technical or expensive products. It gets the
       conversation going — so be ready for their calls!
     • Short copy is appropriate for simple products that
       don’t require explanation
     • People bore easily. If copy has too many irrelevant
       facts or has lots of ‘clever’ junk in it, people will be
       bored and stop reading it. Resist the temptation!

Common sense is a good guide…
     • A $2500 couch requires more information than
     a $99 spiral votive holder.

                              THE BOTTOM LINE…
                              The best copy is when the reader‘s

                              time is not wasted — they get what
                              they need to ‗cross the hurdle‘ from
                              consideration to action
The power of enrollment is heightened
            with an emotional sell
•  Copy on left is completely dependent on the photo and a
  retail experience.
• Copy on right ―dresses the reader‖ in the jacket

     Copywriting that turns your effort into a sales machine …
        • Is engaging, creating affinity and trust
        • Is relentless, hitting every hurdle to the sale
        • Utilizes features, advantages and benefits at every turn
        • Incorporates written user imagery so prospect sees
          themselves using the product successfully
        • Gets to the point quickly: so don’t fall in love with the
          genius and art of your writing
        • Doesn’t try to do too much - keep your eye on the ball!
        • Creating desire and action by the prospect or customer

Always remember:

• You’re on probation, awaiting your reader’s
• If they don’t believe any single statement, they’re
  likely to reject your entire selling argument

A final note: Leo Burnette’s
          3 principles of the creative process

     1. There is an inherent drama in every product. Our
        No.1 job is to dig for it and capitalize on it.
     2. Try a few approaches to find the right one. When
        you reach for the stars, you may not quite get
        one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud
     3. Steep yourself in your subject, work like hell, and
        love, honor and obey your hunches.

© 2012 - all rights reserved. Carol Worthington-Levy

                                                                Thank you!
                                                            Carol Worthington-Levy

                                                         for a trove of educational articles


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Copywriting and Salesmanship: Partners in Profitability

  • 1. Welcome to Copywriting and Salesmanship Proven copy strategies For stronger leads, better sales and longer-lasting customer relationships Presented by Carol Worthington-Levy
  • 2. “A copywriter is a salesperson with a typewriter.” —Anonymous, c. 1920 2
  • 3. “One of the worst mistakes you can make as a copywriter is to assume your job is about writing. It’s not.” —Dean Reick, ProCopyTips 2012 3
  • 4. A great direct marketing effort works like a salesman • Walks the prospect through the steps of the selling process • Answers concerns or it suggests that by calling, they will get the answers they need • Teases the prospect into responding, through the use of benefit copy and offer 4
  • 5. Copywriting with salesmanship is hard, dirty work. “Before actually writing the copy, I write down every conceivable fact and selling idea. Then I get them organized and relate them to research and the copy platform”. “I spend a long time studying the precedents. I look at every advertisement which has appeared for competing products during the past 20 years.” — David Ogilvy 5
  • 6. We can learn from the great salesmen how to set up and close a sale… 6
  • 7. 7 Steps to Closing More Sales — Roy Chitwood, Max Sacks International, sales trainers 1. Approach the prospect 2. Qualification of prospect 3. Prospect agrees on need 4. You Sell them on your company and/or product 5. Fill the need that’s been identified 6. Get their Commitment, and you commit to them 7. Cement the sale Reference: 7
  • 8. Translated to direct marketing efforts… DIRECT MARKETING STEP CORRESPONDS TO SALES STEP Get prospect’s attention. Approach and qualification; agreement on need Present product benefits Fill the need Call to action Act of commitment Present company credentials Sell the company Call to action Suggest/request their commitment Statements about no-risk guarantee, Cement the sale ease of ordering, ease of implementation etc. Call to action Ask for the order Back-end fulfillment (delivery of order) Act of commitment 8
  • 9. Roy Chitwood’s six buying motives: 1. Desire for gain (often financial, sometimes emotional) 2. Fear of loss (same as #1) 3. Comfort and convenience 4. Security and protection 5. Pride of ownership 6. Satisfaction 9
  • 10. Oreck’s advertisement is a paper salesman 1. Approach the prospect 2. Qualification of prospect 3. Prospect agrees on need 4. You Sell them on your company and/or product 5. Fill the need that’s been identified 6. Get their Commitment, and you commit to them 7. Cement the sale 10
  • 11. FABS (Features, Advantages, Benefits) • Feature: what it does • Advantage: how that makes it superior or delivers a technical benefit • Benefit: how that translates into a PERSONAL problem solved or need answered 11
  • 12. What are the FABs for… • Feature: what it … A toothbrush? does • Advantage: how that makes it superior or delivers … A washing machine? a technical benefit • Benefit: how that translates into a PERSONAL problem … A thumb drive? solved or need answered … A DMA conference? 12
  • 13. What are the FABs in this ad? • Feature: what it does • Advantage: how that makes it superior or delivers a technical benefit • Benefit: how that translates into a PERSONAL problem solved or need answered 13
  • 14. Which ad’s FABs are more compelling? 14
  • 15. Think of your own products or a product/service you’ve been hired to sell. What are its FABs? What matters the most to your customer? • Share with the rest of us! Feature: what it does Advantage: how that makes it superior or delivers a technical benefit Benefit: how that translates into a PERSONAL problem solved or need answered 15
  • 16. Cinch the deal with The Guaranteed Close "If we can [deliver our promise] can you think of any reason why you wouldn't [summary of desired act of commitment]?” Sales guru Brian Tracy’s example: ”If I can show you the absolute best investment you’ve ever seen, would you be willing to invest in it today?” – takes them from ‘no’ to ‘maybe’ Try this with your own product … For example: “If we can promise that our air filter will make your home more comfortable and healthy that you ever dreamed possible — could even eliminate allergies and illness — then would you buy one right now?” Use this approach in your letter, your brochure, your self mailer, your email… you can even put a call to action of this kind at the end of some copy blocks within a catalog or website! 16
  • 17. Translating salesmanship into catalog, email and other DM copy… 17
  • 18. The ‘email salesman’… • Lots of competition in the email box • Distractions all around • Tiny space makes it tough to explain enough to draw the prospect in • How to generate the salesman’s steps? 1. Approach the prospect 2. Qualification of prospect 3. Prospect agrees on need 4. You Sell them on your company and/or product 5. Fill the need that’s been identified 18
  • 19. The ‘email salesman’… • You won’t sell ‘off the email’ – that’s a landing page’s job — so keep it brief • Plan your email based on reality: – for big contracts, you’ll need a two step – For single inexpensive stuff, one step should work 19
  • 20. B to B email: what matters most to this customer? • Very successful email • Going to people who handle sharp objects/metal in their jobs • They know the Kevlar brand – but may not know Superior Glove • Superior wants to sell them their own branded glove that competes with Kevlar 20 © Beasley Direct Marketing
  • 21. Alternate way to address that concern – and your FABs • Offer-driven headline gets attention • The title of the book/offer uses two words that are key to the customer’s interest: cut protection 21
  • 22. Running through the sales steps • Subject line: Commute the REI way (Approach prospect) • This is to an existing customer (Qualification of prospect) • Copy approach: Head from camp to campus – time to switch gears, ramp up with must-have equipment (Fill the need that’s been identified) • Free shipping offer (Get their commitment) (I Clicked on “ride it” …) 22
  • 23. Clicks send them to landing page • To keep the sales patter consistent, a landing page is better than your website’s home page • Copy confirms that this is the place for them to get stuff for fall cycling and school commuting • What’s missing? The offer should show here, too. 23
  • 24. Answer all questions… • Subject line offer: ‘Let us treat you to a free pastry’ – approach, creates instant affinity. A treat! • Headline tells them what they will get, when and what they have to do • Email body copy has appetite appeal, targets market who looks for quality food rather than cheap food • Very short schedule and time period to take advantage of the offer 24
  • 25. Email must hit the point quickly… Or you’ll lose their attention! Which one grabs attention more quickly? 25
  • 26. Salesmanship in Direct mail Outgoing envelope: Create a sense of mystery or intrigue that arouses curiosity—and compels the prospect to read further. "Your outer envelope is the come-on …the dust jacket on the book, the display window outside the store, the hot pants on the hooker." — Bill Jayme 26
  • 27. Outgoing envelope Sales steps: 1. Approach the prospect 2. Qualification of prospect 3. Prospect agrees on need Create affinity through sympathetic copy that challenges the ‘no return’ debacle of wine buying 27
  • 28. Outgoing envelope Sales steps: 1. Approach the prospect: build affinity as someone who believes in patient education 2. Qualification of prospect: we are asking them for their expert opinion 3. Prospect agrees on need 4. Make them feel appreciated, with mention of an offer Showing your prospect special respect – which they feel they deserve— is a powerful motivator to them to keep reading 28 © Beasley Direct Marketing
  • 29. Outgoing envelope Sales steps: 1. Approach the prospect 2. Qualification of prospect 3. Prospect agrees on need This is a fear-based connection — for example, no working accountant wants to have limitations to © Beasley Direct Marketing completing their assignment 29
  • 30. The direct response Letter What makes a letter a ‘paper salesman’? See how this parallels the sales conversation… 1. Get their attention with some offer that you know will be of interest to them 2. Establish affinity (you understand my situation) 3. Reveal that you have something that they want or need 4. Establish qualification (here’s why we are qualified to provide you what you need) 5. Show the benefits, with features and advantages built in as part of the conversation 6. Introduce scarcity such as a time limit or limited quantity 7. Guarantee their satisfaction and assure of no risk 8. Close the sale 9. Remind them of the offer 10. Close the sale 30
  • 31. Additional sales devices in DM • Use involvement pieces to drive home the sales message… – A temporary membership card – A checklist or a quiz – A testimonial note – A letter from an authority touting your product or service – A coupon to show the value of the offer – A lift letter, addressing what may be in the way of the decision – An actual inserted sample of a product Choose the right one (or two) and you likely get a lift in response! 31
  • 32. Letter Sales steps: 1. Approach prospect 2. Qualification 3. Prospect agrees on need • Offer keeps their attention, establishes opportunity • Certificate highlights the offer 32
  • 33. Add-on pieces to support the sale This buckslip shows proof of value 33
  • 34. Add-on pieces to support the sale This buckslip shows deadline/ limited time offer This lift letter addresses their obvious need for lawn service every year This note reminds them of their potential loss! 34
  • 35. Add-on pieces to support the sale A strong testimonial piece brings the story home — they like folks like themselves who struggle with the same issues 35
  • 36. Even the reply form can support the sales conversation… • What’s more powerful? A simple form to fill out, or a ‘response-driving machine’? • Remind them of FABs • Give them multiple ways to say YES to reduce their resistance • Remind them of the offer 36
  • 37. Reply form as a paper salesman • A personalized membership certificate ‘seals the deal’ • Reminder of the offer • A sticker to remove and apply in the “yes” section All of these tactics imitate the sales conversation of the world’s greatest sales gurus! 37
  • 38. Catalog as paper salesman: The Cover 1. Approach the prospect – High visibility and high contrast to get attention, teaser headlines 2. Qualification of prospect – Refer to the customer’s interest in your product line/topic 3. Prospect agrees on need 4. You Sell them on your company and/or product – mention your guarantee, quality, and include a testimonial 5. Fill the need that’s been identified – Show best- selling product on front and back cover 38
  • 39. A well-chosen offer helps with customer self-identification • If they like the offer, they feel the catalog is really for them • Don’t be coy about your offer: show them you have nothing to hide 39
  • 40. Show the life that the customer yearns for — and they will feel connection with you • Teasers should have specific product AND emotional triggers • Offer should be easy to find, straightforward to create trust in the relationship 40
  • 41. Even in B2B, salesmanship is key to getting attention • Dramatic photo gets attention… • But the copy teasers are what drives desire, interest, and affinity • Special offers help this customer to self-identify 41
  • 42. Don’t forget the back cover — it’s the first thing they see! • Back to the FABs: Present a key benefit in the headline • Sell product that has a good record of being interesting to best customers – so your prospect sees herself as a customer • Keep copy brief, emotional, and save long sells for inside • Teasers show customer you’ve got something for them: this is the salesman opening his kit and showing his goods • Present the offer and expiration date or scarcity message 42
  • 43. The back cover as salesman • Headline describes the life this prospect wants: they feel that you understand them • Body copy describes how this product fits into their ideal life • Offer copy indicates time limit for urgency 43
  • 44. Compare these before and after back covers… • Good sell copy makes this back cover work measurably harder • Clever headlines like ―so many teas, so little time‖ don‘t drive the sale like a mention of the special offer • Don‘t let your designer tell you that nobody reads copy anymore. Customers and good prospects DO read your interesting product copy 44 Before After: significantly improved performance
  • 45. Inside the catalog: the introductory note • Make it personal: use it to establish context • ―Dear Golf Nut‖ • Use it to establish rapport • ―Dear Fellow Golf Nut‖ • Describe what you know they like and want, to gain affinity • Share your excitement about the products they‘re about to view • Skip the ‗spring is in the air‘ junk copy — always 45
  • 46. The introductory note • Use it to open your sales case: Mention products or product categories, and specific page numbers when referring to them. • Warmth and strong suggestion that your purchase from this catalog will improve your life – and why. • Tell a story about a customer to gain connection and trust 46
  • 47. Even B2B catalogs benefit from an intro letter • Show affinity with customer • Respectful but friendly • Gain trust with guarantee • Legible signature says ―the buck stops here‖ 47
  • 48. Establish a voice for your brand • Signed by the Minister of Tea, letter sets the tone for the very strong voice in Republic of Tea • We easily suspend disbelief when the Minister offers better quality life through tea! 48
  • 49. Copy elements that encourage sales • Positioning headline • Offer (earn money for your school) • Engage readership with 1-2-3 copy • Use callouts to draw in the reader (salesman opens his case to show goods) • Table of contents (view the open case of goods) — also think of this like an ecommerce site “nav” 49
  • 50. Inside: added-value, crossheads and introductions to products • Set the mood • Value added copy holds a products on spread together for improved cross-sell • Give back to your customer, they like you more • Help customer envision using your product • Ease concerns about whether the product will do its job 50
  • 51. Good crosshead ties a whole line of products together • Great selling copy encourages purchase of multiple products • “Good-better-best” copy gives customer reason to choose 51
  • 52. Added-value helps customers envision the experience of using your goods • History and special features of a product group • Recipes that use this pot or pan build appetite appeal, excite the customer into planning their menu with this product. 52
  • 53. Added-value charts help customer to compare your classes of products at a glance • Good-better- best copy takes it from “should I buy it” to “which one should I buy” 53
  • 54. Use added-value to build an emotional bond with the customer • “Dewars Profiles” of children for kid’s clothing catalog shows how individual kids are - supports their want for their own fashion ‘style’ 54
  • 55. Added-value sells a group of products by educating customer • A Yoga article on Nautilus Fitness catalog page that sells yoga DVDs and equipment 55
  • 56. Testimonials add value too — if they are short, natural and believable. • Nautilus sells its TreadClimber by showing results • Keep testimonial trimmed to the point you want to make — cut out the “we love you” copy 56
  • 57. Typical B2B catalog — just facts, impersonal • The original catalog: • Just the facts, not very visual or inspiring or even engaging • No sales language — the assumption that the prospect understands the product. 57
  • 58. B2B catalog as a “paper salesman” • The replacement catalog Includes demonstrations that puts the reader in the driver’s seat • Explanation of the product with emphasis on successful use and comparison • THIS catalog sold OVER TWICE the product as the original one. Demo - using OUR paper vs. using THEIR paper 58
  • 59. Website as salesman: engage the visitor with strong voice and great content • Don’t assume the viewer understands the message you want them to get when they see a picture • Tell them what you want them to do 59
  • 60. They came to you — so reward them… make an emotional pitch that pays off their search • Put the product or service ‘in their hands’ through motivating copy • Tell them what you want them to do (Find a trip) 60
  • 61. ‘Open up your sales kit’ and show them the goods • Selling copy on a website is more than just keywords • Incorporate those words into sales language that engages your visitor 61
  • 62. Don’t forget value-add content on your website! • What does your customer enjoy learning about? • What do they find fun and interesting? • What can you teach or show them that makes your products more relevant? 62
  • 63. Just a few more tips… 63
  • 64. “Clarity trumps grammar” — Herschell Gordon Lewis • Write like you talk, or worser • Start sentences with “And” to pull the reader along • Making your sentences more conversational, less formal • Avoid words that can be read more than one way 64
  • 65. To write believable copy… • Make a logical transition to each new selling point • Don’t make unsubstantiated statements • Be specific in presenting information • Keep the voice consistent • Avoid conditional language, asterisks, etc. • Encourage contact with customer service representative if they have any questions - “we have nothing to hide”. • Support with testimonials - but edit them down to make them easy and fast to read 65
  • 66. Long copy or short copy? The eternal question! 66
  • 67. Long copy… • Long copy is needed to sell complicated or expensive products off the page • Long copy can be used in a magalog format to develop a ‘following’ for a product such as continuity or clubs • If copy is too short, people are frustrated by lack of information. • Make it easy to read: Long copy can look flat and grey if left with no breaks… so • Break Long copy into smaller digestible chunks via… – Sidebars – Subheads and short paragraphs 67
  • 68. Short copy… • Short copy is best for lead-generation for big, very technical or expensive products. It gets the conversation going — so be ready for their calls! • Short copy is appropriate for simple products that don’t require explanation • People bore easily. If copy has too many irrelevant facts or has lots of ‘clever’ junk in it, people will be bored and stop reading it. Resist the temptation! 68
  • 69. Common sense is a good guide… • A $2500 couch requires more information than a $99 spiral votive holder. THE BOTTOM LINE… The best copy is when the reader‘s time is not wasted — they get what they need to ‗cross the hurdle‘ from consideration to action 69
  • 70. The power of enrollment is heightened with an emotional sell • Copy on left is completely dependent on the photo and a retail experience. • Copy on right ―dresses the reader‖ in the jacket 70
  • 71. Summary Copywriting that turns your effort into a sales machine … • Is engaging, creating affinity and trust • Is relentless, hitting every hurdle to the sale • Utilizes features, advantages and benefits at every turn • Incorporates written user imagery so prospect sees themselves using the product successfully • Gets to the point quickly: so don’t fall in love with the genius and art of your writing • Doesn’t try to do too much - keep your eye on the ball! • Creating desire and action by the prospect or customer 71
  • 72. Always remember: • You’re on probation, awaiting your reader’s acceptance • If they don’t believe any single statement, they’re likely to reject your entire selling argument 72
  • 73. A final note: Leo Burnette’s 3 principles of the creative process 1. There is an inherent drama in every product. Our No.1 job is to dig for it and capitalize on it. 2. Try a few approaches to find the right one. When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either. 3. Steep yourself in your subject, work like hell, and love, honor and obey your hunches. 73
  • 74. Questions? Email © 2012 - all rights reserved. Carol Worthington-Levy Thank you! Carol Worthington-Levy Visit for a trove of educational articles 74