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Launch Tree
Stefan Rooyackers

                    © 2009
© 2009

This report is © Copyrighted by SEO Heaven Europe. No part of this
may be copied, or changed in any format, or used in any way other than
what is outlined within this course under any circumstances.

Copyrights, Stefan Rooyackers, SEO Heaven Europe
                                                                         © 2009

© 2009

The Launch Tree Summary

The Launch Tree is a workshop designed by Mike Filsaime en Anik
Singal. It is a marketing strategy that operates from the central idea
of giving customers control of their buying process. It is important to
customize the buying process in order to make the customer feel good
about buying the product. It is also the best way to sell more than just
one product alone.

The document before you is a short summary of the Launch Tree work-
shop. It should be enough to give you insight into this marketing meth-
od. Of course, we can’t give you the whole course. If you are interested,
check out the workshop itself.

Information about the author

Stefan Rooyackers
Stefan Rooyackers (1959) has worked in the financial sector since 1995.
He is an expert in selling loans and all kinds of insurances. For this he
has many websites with subjects like funeral insurances, life insur-
ances and single-premium assurance polices. He has also written books
about these subjects, as well as about mortgages and pension issues. He
is always looking for ways to expand his knowledge.

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© 2009

Module 1: The Psychology of the Launch Tree	     8
Module 2 - Launch Tree Case Studies		            10
Module 3 - Easily Creating Valuable
Upsells & Downsells					                         11
Module 4 – How to build your own Launch Tree	    20
Module 5 – Drawing your Tree			                  30
Module 6 – The words that sell Upsells		         37
Module 7 – Growing the branches of your Tree	    44
Module 8 – Increase conversions by 29%
for each branch through 1-click technology! 		   52
Module 9 – Always think recurrences! 		          59
Module 10 – Post-Launch affiliate income –
Monetize Your List!					                         67
Module 11 – Let's review				                     77

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Module 1: The Psychology of the
                       Launch Tree
         The Launch Tree is needed when:
            •	 Your business is all about offering real and lasting value to
                your customers…
            •	 You want mass distribution of your product (which requires
                a far lower upfront cost — meaning you need the Launch Tree!)…
         Then you need to implement the Launch Tree strategic exactly.

         Upsells allow for customization. By providing your customer with the
         ability to customize their order, they have the final power over their
         purchase decision and will therefore feel better about their purchase

         By upselling and downselling right you’re actually building a strong
         lifelong relationship with them. An upsell is a product with a higher
         price than the previous offer. A downsell is a product with a lower price
         than the previous offer. Don’t look at upsells as upselling. Look at them
         as customizations. Upsell and downsell add value.

         Don’t use a heavy-handed upsell process and pressure customers into
         buying even your best products, you haven’t presented them with real
         value. They'll be resentful or confused, and either way you lose that

         If they bought product A, product B obviously needs to complement it.
         So, product B should make product A either more “complete” or easier
         to use. Give your customer more of what they really want.

         Launch tree principle: Give your customers a choice and let them
         make the final decision. Eg, when you search a book on Amazon,
         Amazon even tells you what other customers who buy your book are
         buying. That makes you feel comfortable adding more products; you
         know they are relevant and you'll probably like them.

         Launch tree principle: First take care of what your custo-
         mer originally wanted, THEN offer them additional options. Eventhe
© 2009

         specific upsell you offer needs to be properly timed.

                                         Pagina 8

What if the customer buying the suit does not have an extra $60 for the
shirt and tie? You can use downsell principles.

What exactly is a downsell?
A downsell is the offer you make after someone says no to an upsell.
It’s typically a lower price (or a payment plan). It’s meant to “save the
sale” and to get your customer saying “yes” again.

So if the customer said “no,” you need to figure out why. From experi-
ence, we can assure you that 95 percent of the time, it’s the money.

Respect your customers. Coercing your customers into saying “yes”,
without properly explaining what they are saying yes to is not only
unethical, but illegal.

The next logical step:
   •	 Customize your upsells based on the customer’s responsed.
   •	 Take into account your customer’s previous selection when
       designing your upsells.

Give your costumer control of the order process. Mike thought he
was adding things to his cart — so he should have final control of the
Customize the upsells based on the customer's responses. Give con-
trol of the order process to the customer.

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                                Pagina 9

Module 2 - Launch Tree Case

         From those cases, we learned the right procedures as follows:

            1.	 Review your current sales process.
            2.	 Write down changes you can make to your marketing
                 vocabulary right now.
            3.	 Write down all of the small things that might be causing
                 friction in your sales process.
            4.	 Look for ways to add a "free" component to your offers.
            5.	 Do a quick analysis of your pricing -- main offer, bump (if
                 you have one), and upsells/downsells. Note down any jumps
                 that might be too big or too small.
            6.	 IMPORTANT! If you have no upsells or downsells right
                 now, write down three ideas for products. They should all be
                 products you can create using our quick methods, resale rights,
                 PLR, etc.
            7.	 Write down at least ten things you know about your
                 customers. Go beyond basic things like "they are interested in
                 Internet marketing." Get into their problems, concerns, wishes,
                 and emotional hot buttons.
            8.	 Start a list of concerns and issues your customers might
                 have after placing an order.
            9.	 Do your products make sense? Take a look at your products,
                 especially any upsells or downsells, and how "relevant" they
                 are. Do any stick out as being a little off base?
            10.	 Come up with at least three ideas for recurrence revenue
            11.	 Compare your best and worst "offers". Look at your
                 product with the highest conversions and the one with the
                 lowest conversions. Compare them on the initial concept of
                 each part of their respective "offers" (what your customer gets,
                 how they get it, how much it costs, and how they will pay).
                 Why do you think the best one is such a high converting offer?
                 What do you think is wrong with the lowest converting offer?
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Module 3 - Easily Creating Valuable
       Upsells & Downsells

Key point: Your upsells and downsells MUST be closely related to
your primary offer – (And that means they are probably interested in
more — but only if it fits) and each MUST make sense to your customer
if you want them to say "yes".

Most people don’t realize they already have what they need to build
their tree. Start by asking yourself how what you’ve done in the past
can add value to your main product.

Key point: Downsell or upsell need to be directly related to the initial
offer and be adding value to your customers. Give your upsells and
downsells a logical flow, both in value and price.

The good news is that it's actually quite easy to create upsells and
downsells. Once you know what all the basic building stones are and
how they work, you can put them together in so many different ways.

There are two basic ways to do so:
   1.	 Use what you have. This is called recycling or repurposing
        content. Frankly, if your basic content is still valuable, you can
        and should re-use it.
   2.	 Start from a scratch. This is not as hard as you think, as you'll
        soon find out !
So some people will ask, what is an offer? An “offer” is not just the
product – it involves everything about the product, including how
customers will perceive and receive it.

An offer actually consists of all of these components:
   •	 What are your customers going to get?
   •	 How are they going to get it?
   •	 What are they willing to spend, and…
   •	 How are they going to pay for it? (Will it be a split payment, or
       a one-time lump sum?)
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Designing an offer

         Step1: Your content inventory
         Gather your contents assess. The goal of this exercise is to figure out
         what you already have that can be turned into an upsell or downsell.

         When performing this inventory, what items should you "count?"
           1.	 You should count any content, meaning any intellectual
               property you have ever developed on the targeted topic.
           2.	 Any products you own rights to.
           3.	 Any good quality private label rights
           4.	 Names of close contacts of colleagues within your reach who
               could help you develop products, or have their own products.
           5.	 Also review your main offer — sometimes there are things in
               your main offer that can be pulled out (only if it makes sense
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Your goal is to take every opportunity to turn what you’ve already cre-
ated into upsells and downsells!

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                               Pagina 13

Step 2: Your Content Development Plan

         Another way to create upsells and downsells easily is to recycle
         content. In order to recycle content, you will take a previously created
         product and extend its life by re-using it in various ways.
            1.	 Turn website and blog content into educational products.
                 With just a little rewriting, you can create ebooks, newsletters,
                 and even e-courses.
            2.	 Turn website and blog content into an audio book. Hire
                 some voiceover talent, and you can turn your blog into an
                 audio book.
            3.	 Turn your email into a product. Your email is probably
                 FULL of answers to questions and solutions to problems. So
                 convert your email exchanges into a “source of information
                 on my private email coaching" product (you'll have to remove
                 some names to protect your correspondents' privacy of course).
                 This one would also make a great audio book.
            4.	 Turn articles into an ebook, audio book or "video book".
                 If you do article marketing, you've probably published lots of
                 articles within your reach. Compile them all into an ebook or
                 an audio book. You can even do a "video book" (see the next
                 section on Creating New Media).
            5.	 Re-record old audio interviews. This can actually be a
                 lot of fun and makes a great upsell. Contact the people you
                 originally interviewed, and ask them the same questions as you did
                 before. Then package the new interviews with the old ones for
                 a "back to the future" product. The “old content” now becomes
                 a new product, and with very little effort on your part.
            6.	 Get transcriptions made. Use a service like Casting-
        (the best in our opinion) to turn any audio into an
                 ebook. The transcript can also be bundled into a deluxe version
                 with the a udios for an upsell. This one's just a little more work:
                 Get a video transcribed, and then add screenshots from the
                 video to the transcript to make an ebook, or physical book, to
                 accompany the video.
            7.	 Record a workshop or a conference. You can turn these into
                 physical DVDs for an upsell, then offer the downloadable
                 recordings as a downsell.
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8.	 Turn workshop content into a book. Record a workshop and
        then hire a good editor/writer to transform the workshop into a
        book and/or a workbook.
   9.	 Turn your autoresponders and newsletters into books or
        audios. You can now offer your "talking newsletters" or
        "talking e-courses" as an upsell.
   10.	 Turn planning sessions into products. If you recorded or
        videotaped any of the meetings or planning sessions when you
        created a big product, offer them as a “making of” audio book
        or film. This is a great way to recycle any "work" you do. In
        fact, we did this with Launch Tree. We recorded the “making
        of” and offered it as a bonus. We also recorded the planning
        of our own launch tree and offered it as part of one of our
        valuable upsells.

Important recycling tip: When recycling older content, for example
an audio tape, it might contain some date-specific references that will
be out of place — thing like mentions of current events or pop culture.

Create New Media from what you have
You can change the medium by simply changing the way the product is
delivered. For example, if it’s physical, make it digital. If it’s written,
make it into an audio or video and so on.

Our Top Five media-switch ideas

- Digital to physical. If a product you previously offered was in a
digital format, you can usually create an upsell by making it a physical
product. For example, if you've got a series of recorded webinars for
download, for an upsell create a package of physical DVDs.

- Physical to digital. If a product was physical, make a downsell
by going digital. For example, if you've been publishing a physical
newsletter, create a digital "collection" of back issues as a downsell.

- LIVE to recorded. Record any LIVE event, and then offer it as
a physical product (upsell) or online video (downsell). For example,
hold a seminar or workshop, record all the sessions, and then turn the
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recordings into a product.

                                Pagina 15

Conversions can be VERY high on this type of upsell/downsell. You
         can even sell them PRE-event, since people who can't travel to the
         actual seminar will usually jump at the chance to get recordings of the

         - Print to audio. Audio books are hot, especially if people can
         download them to their iPod or other digital player. For example, if
         you have an ebook on a topic, go to or and hire
         someone to make an audio book for you. You immediately have a great
         upsell that adds a lot of value.

         - Print or PDF to "video book". Here's how you create a "video
         book." You take your ebook or other written content, and make some
         Powerpoint slides for each chapter. Then record yourself reading the
         text of the book while you step through the Powerpoint slides.
         Adding artwork to the Powerpoints makes it much nicer too.

         Now take that recording and turn it into a physical upsell by putting the
         recordings on DVD or cd-rom. The downsell becomes a downloadable
         video in Flash.

         Adding value is easy. Don’t be fooled into thinking that adding value
         is a complex task. It is often just as easy as repackaging how you offer
         your upsells or downsells.

         Tip: Do interviews LIVE and let your customers be a “fly on the wall”.
         You can then charge more while adding absolutely no extra work on
         your part. And the perfect downsell to that offer can be to remove the
         LIVE element and simply send them the recorded version.

         Using other people's products
         - Buy resale rights, reprint rights, or master resale rights to an
         existing product. The product doesn't have to be just an ebook. You
         can purchase resale rights to audios, videos, software, and even conti-
         nuity products like membership sites.
         - Customize some high quality PLR (Private Label Rights)
         content. PLR has gotten a bad reputation, mainly because a lot of it is
         pretty low quality and people use it without changing it.
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Actually this type of "white label" content has been around for a long
time. For example, if you get a print newsletter from your doctor,
dentist, veterinarian, realtor, or other professional, chances are it's a
canned newsletter — they just add their name and picture.

We recommend that if you use PLR, hire a good writer and designer to
customize it and adjust it for you. Then add quality extras, like check-
lists, and then create an audio or video version. In other words, use the
PLR to save research time, but do everything you would do to your
OWN product to professionalize it.

- Clinch a JV or other type of partnership with an expert in your
reach. Using someone else’s product is one of the fastest ways to
complete your tree — and with almost no work on your end. If you are
just starting, this may be your preferred route.

If you have an ebook about improving your golf game, perhaps you
can partner with someone who offers a monthly newsletter to golfers.
You can now generate recurrence revenue without having to do any
extra work. You’re also bringing great value to your customers through
a newsletter that is tested and proven.

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                               Pagina 17

When deciding who to approach for promoting products, you
         should first search within your own pool of associates. Then ask
         yourself these questions:
            •	 Who do you already know who provides valuable information
                — perhaps you’re even a customer?
            •	 Is this person honest and willing to offer his content at a fair
                price or percentage of profits?
            •	 Would this person be willing to sign a simple agreement that
                spells out each of your responsibilities and compensation?
            •	 Do you feel comfortable promoting this person’s products or
                services? Would you, yourself, buy it?
            •	 What does this person offer that will help you and your
            •	 Is this arrangement also a good investment for your partner?

         When partnering with another marketeer
           •	 Always work with someone you know and trust.
           •	 Have an agreement in writing.
           •	 Make sure the terms are equally satisfactory to both parties.
           •	 Spell out each person's responsibilities.

         Don’t hold back. When trying to determine what your upsells and
         downsells should be, the sky really is your limit. Whatever you and
         your team cannot produce, many outsourcing options exist to help you.
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                                       Pagina 18

Ready-to-use upsell and downsell ideas:

Boot Camps

These have very high perceived value and are the easiest upsells to do.
Here's what we recommend for a Boot Camp upsell…
   •	 Four to six week series
   •	 Use
   •	 Hold one per week
   •	 Do in-depth sessions
   •	 Better yet, get experts to participate in the webinars, reveal
        their secrets, etc.
   •	 Be sure to record these! Make the recordings available to those
        who bought the live Boot Camp.
   •	 Make the recorded sessions only (no live attendance) as a
        downsell. Charge 50 percent for the post Boot Camp recorded
   •	 You can also re-purpose or recycle these recordings later.

Recordings of Live events

   •	    If you are selling any type of training or course, videos of ses-
         sions that teach advanced topics will sell especially well.
    •	 The videos don't have to be high tech. You can set up a video
         camera and tape yourself teaching a "class" on the topic to a
         group at the local library, community center, or church. The
         point is to tape a "live session" with an audience.
If there is any kind of complex, intimidating, or time-consuming task
you can do for your customers, this will convert amazingly. Some
         •	 "We build it for you" website businesses. You would
              design the site, write the copy, make the graphics and even
              populate with affiliate products.
         •	 Turnkey product development. If you have a strong team
              of outsourcers in place, you can sell a custom product
              package, such as an ebook, video course, audio interview
              series, etc. These also have a very high perceived value.
                                                                             © 2009

                                Pagina 19

Module 4 – How to build your own
                     Launch Tree

         First there are different types of offers that can go on your tree. Then
         you'll make several initial sketches of the offers on your Launch
         Tree. Finally, if you haven’t done a Content Inventory and a Content
         Development Plan, better go back and do those now. You can't start
         building a Launch Tree without some offers to put on the branches -
         and you need products to make offers.

         A. What different-sized Launch Trees look like

         By mapping out your Launch Tree, you are getting an insight into
         the sequence your customer may follow during the checkout process.
         There are three different kinds of trees:

         1.	 Short-tree if you don’t have one click technology (1-2 offers of
             upsells or downsells).
         2.	 Medium tree (2-3).
         3.	 Tall tree (3-4) highly related offers.

         B. The different types of offer

         Provide more than one offer. Every Launch Tree consists of different
         types of offers, offered in a certain order based on whether your cus-
         tomer says “yes” or “no”.

         Basic types of offer - Main offer, bump, upsell, downsell, recurrence
         and bonus

         Post Launch offer - After your customer goes through your entire
         Launch Tree, you can (and should) continue to present them with of-
         fers. That includes not only your own products, but affiliate products
         (such as related software offered by another marketeer).
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Backend offer – A general term for any product you offer to your cur-
rent customers after the initial Launch Tree process is over. This can be
a one-off product or a recurrence product.

"Launch within a launch" offer - This is a term we use for a spe-
cial type of offer you present to customers shortly after a big product
duct launch. This offer is designed to ride the momentum from the
launch, while your customers are still excited and hanging onto your
every word. You generate some buzz for this product during the actual
launch, but you don't offer it for sale until about 10–30 days after the
launch closes.

Affiliate, JV, or partner offer - Here you are paid a commission for
promoting someone else's product to your customers.

Now it's time to brainstorm the arrangement of your offers into your
own Launch Tree!

C. Arranging (and rearranging) offers

Lay out everything you have.
-  irst, create a flow, a story — which one would best follow which
     •	 Second, lay them out based on which ones you can charge the
          least to most for.
     •	 Third, decide on how many upsells/downsells you want and
          what you plan on launching within a launch later.
     •	 Fourth, plan if you have recurrence — if so, have a content
          plan ready for at least the next three months.

When sketching your tree, the point is to get you thinking and to show
you any flaws in your sales process.
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Sketch 1 - The Story
         How do the products flow from one to the other logically? What kind
         of story do the products tell your customer?

         Important note: Remember not to shove your customers into your
         existing products. If you try to force a tree, it won’t work. It’ll irritate
         your customers and it will not produce results.

         Sketch 2 - The Prices
         Prices should make sense. Think about the prices first before you think
         about anything else. Be sure downsells are priced at 50% of the prior
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Sketch 3 - Selection and Timing
   •	 How many upsells and downsells do you want to offer
   •	 Try to select which products will be upsells and which will be
   •	 What products do you plan to use for a launch within a
       launch? Choose these carefully, because they could be your
       highest converting products. You'll be promoting them to
       highly enthusiastic customers and also during the honeymoon
       period of peak momentum right after your main launch.
   •	 Will you have a recurrence continuity program? If it’s content
       based (virtually all are), you need a content plan that covers at
       least three months.

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D. How big should your Tree be?

         Is bigger necessarily better? The size of your tree depends on the
         number of offers you have, your projected traffic, your pricing
         strategies as well as how much value you feel you can pack into your
         sales process.

         Here are some tips to help you decide on whether to shoot for a short,
         medium or long tree:

            •	   If you're just starting out, go with a short tree. It's always
                 best to get started and try on something. Don't let the lack of
                 a big tree with lots of products stop you from at least starting!
            •	   If you have no 1-Click technology (see Module 8), stick with
                 a short tree and then focus on a launch within a launch.
                 In other words, you'll launch, bring in plenty of customers, and
                 then carefully upsell those customers while the post-launch
                 momentum is riding high. This also can really work well for
                 you if you have a medium to large tree.
            •	   If you're planning a big launch, go with at least
                 amedium-sized tree. A large tree is probably best, and
                 worth the extra planning, product development, and testing.
                 You're going to invest a lot of time, energy, and planning for a
                 big launch. So optimize for the most revenue during the launch
                 and use a large tree.
            •	   Never force a big tree if you don't have high quality,
                 value-driven products to back it up. There’s nothing worse
                 than being dragged through upsell after upsell of low-value
                 junk products. It makes you look bad and it really annoys your
                 customers — it will backfire!
            •	   Remember the launch within a launch strategy. By plan-
                 ning to introduce some upsells after you launch, while momen-
                 tum is high, you can save some of your best upsells for later.
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E. Where should you place offers on your Tree?

Remember, a bump is an extra product offered right at the point of
#1 Bump Recommendation: Make your bump a recurring offer, with
the first month FREE.
#2 Bump Recommendation: If you're going to offer a membership or
subscription with a one-time payment, make it FREE to try for at least
seven days. The automatic re-billing kicks in after those first seven

F. The pricing ladder

The price of your initial offer should always fit the niche and the type of
product. The price has to be congruent with its perceived value.

The percentage of sales you make from your visitors will depend on
two things:
   1.	 The value of the offer.
   2.	 The quotation where the customer enters the sales process.

Gradual price increases and decreases are well-tolerated by customers
if you follow these rules:

Rule #1 - Gradually increase the price of the offers during the actual
sales process, especially between the first and second offer.
Rule #2 - Your highest-priced offer should have a logical price relation-
ship to your first offer.
Rule #3 - Price much more gradually when starting with free down-
Rule #4 - If the customer pays anything for the initial tryout — Even if
it is a $1 trial —your upsells can be priced higher.
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G. Five simple pricing formulas

         Every niche and product is different. The only true way to know…
            1.	 Observe (copy and paste) what the top companies in your
                industry are doing.
            2.	 Test!

         Formula #1 - Double the value and cut the price in half
         Formula #2 - Simple bump pricing
         Formula #3 - 3X Rule: Price the first upsell and beyond
         Formula #4 - The 70% rule
         Formula #5 - The 50% downsell rule

         There are two key rules to remember when you put a payment plan in

         Rule #1 - Charge interest.
         Rule #2 - Payment plan pricing should look pretty.

         Be sure that payment plan numbers appear natural and attractive to the

         Payment Plan strategy #3 - Make a lump sum or payment plan into its
         own upsell/downsell.

         It’s obviously to your benefit to collect all the money up front. Here are
         two strategies to convince them to pay you up front.
              1.	 Charge interest. As we already discussed, many will not want
                  to pay extra for the same product, especially when you have an
                  iron-clad guarantee.
              2.	 Free bonus for those who pay up front.

         Always be transparent when adding a finance charge!
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H. The importance of downsells

Listen to your customer. When your customer says “no” to your offer,
try and anticipate the reason why and provide an alternative. Downsells
are vitally important for two reasons:

   •	   Offering a downsell is the best way to turn a non-buyer into a
   •	   Downsells can generate a huge amount of additional revenue!

Understand why people say No. You should assume that the reason
the customer said no was because of price. The perfect solution is
obviously to lower the price. A downsell is presented when a customer
says no to an upsell offer in your tree.
The offer is either:
    1.	 Similar to the upsell but with certain c o m p o n e n t s (like bo-
        nuses) removed, which justifies the lower price, or
    2.	 The same offer — broken up into a payment plan.
If you are reducing the price, remember that a 50 percent reduction is
the sweet spot.

Save that revenue!
Through the downsell, you actually communicate some very important
things to the customer:
    •	 You tell them you are sensitive to their predicament, and to
        their wallet. In effect, you are saying to them, I understand
        that the price might be too much for you at this time, so let me
        present you with an alternative which might fit your situation
    •	 You show the customer that you are still willing to provide
        them with the most important value. You are willing to re-
        move the non-essentials, because you still want them to be able
        to get the all the benefits from the key pieces of the offer.
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I. Rules of pricing downsells

         Rule #1 - Downsells are typically offered only when the initial offer
         was $150 or more.
         Rule #2 - You must offer a product that retains as much of the essential
         offer value as possible — but without duplicating it.
         Rule #3 - You must not exceed the value of the initial offer while
         lowering the price.
         Rule #4 - You must not keep the value the same while lowering the

         The trick is to reduce the value enough to appease the ones who bought
         the upsell, but not enough to deflate the value altogether (hence killing
         your downsell conversion).

            •	   You should always provide something different in the
                 downsell. Often that simply means removing components.
            •	   You have to be able to justify the downsell by clearly showing
                 that it is, in fact, a different offer.
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J. How to easily create downsells

It’s about the starting value. If your original product has a sufficient
amount of value already packed into it, this should allow you to remove
components without destroying the overall value and do so at a lower

   •	   Almost any product can be turned into a downsell, provided the
        original price is $150 or more.
   •	   Downsells are typically used for products only.

4 Simple ways to make downsells from what you already have:
#1 - Remove components.
#2 - Remove bonuses.
#3 - Digitize a physical product.
#4 - Offer recordings of live events.

   •	   Use the 50 percent rule: Cut the price by 50 percent for the
   •	   With payment plans…
          •	 Three or five payments is usually best.
          •	 Add a finance charge.

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Module 5 – Drawing your Tree

         A. The mechanics of the Tree

         The “yes and no tracks” are a visual representation of what happens
         when a customer says “yes” or “no”. Customers who say “yes” are
         shown different offers than customers who say “no”. On your Launch
         Tree, the “yes track” and the “no track” are like branches connecting
         your offers together. The customer who says “yes” follows a different
         set of branches than the customer who says “no”.
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B. The elements of a Launch Tree

   •	   A list of all the offers you will put on your tree:
        •	 Main offer
        •	 Bump (if you have one)
        •	 Upsells
        •	 Downsells
   •	   Price of each offer
   •	   Affiliate commission for each offer.
   •	   Expected conversion percentage for each offer.

For example:

1. Physical Products — Account for the fulfillment and material costs.
2. VIP Coaching — Account for the cost of your coaches and staff.
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C. Drawing your Launch Tree

         Drawing your tree allows you to organize everything while still letting
         new ideas pop in. it also let you see the entire flow and have the flex-
         ibility to make changes as needed. A drawing shows your programmers
         and designers exactly what you need. Drawing helps you see the tree
         from the customer's point of view.

         Step by Step checklist

            •	   Short Tree: One to two upsells; downsells are optional. Recur-
                 rences are recommended but optional. Typically no bump offer
                 (but still recommended).
            •	   Medium Tree: Two to three upsells; one downsell (recom-
                 mended). Recurrence offer recommended but optional. Typi-
                 cally no bump offer (but still recommended).
            •	   Tall Tree: Three to five upsells; two to three downsells.
                 Recurrences are highly recommended. Bump offer highly re-

         Step 1 - Print out the Launch Tree fill in the blanks diagram.

         Step 2 - Write down your main offer details
         Remember, your main offer is the first product you show your visitors.
         Be sure to include the:
            •	 Price
            •	 Affiliate Commission
            •	 Expected Conversion Percentage (Take a safe guess here —
                 feel free to use the numbers above as benchmarks.)
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Step 3 - Write down bump details
   •	 Price
   •	 Affiliate Commission
   •	 Expected Conversion Percentage

Step 4 - Write down Upsell #1 Details
   •	 Price
   •	 Affiliate Commission
   •	 Expected Conversion Percentage

Step 5 - Write down Upsell #2 Details
Note: This is what you show the customer who said YES toupsell #1.
   •	 Price
   •	 Affiliate Commission
   •	 Expected Conversion Percentage

Step 6 - Write down Downsell #1 Details
Note: This is what you show the customer who said NO to upsell #1.
Be sure this downsell makes sense. It should be 50 percent of the price
of upsell #1.
    •	 Price
    •	 Affiliate Commission
    •	 Expected Conversion Percent

Step 7 - Write Down Upsell #3 Details
Note: This is what you show the customer who said YES to upsell#2.
   •	 Price
   •	 Affiliate Commission
   •	 Expected Conversion Percent

Step 8 - Write Down Downsell #2 Details
Note: This is what you show the customer who said NO to upsell #2.
Be sure this downsell makes sense. It should be 50 percent of the price
of upsell #2.
    •	 Price
    •	 Affiliate Commission
    •	 Expected Conversion Percent
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Step 9 - Write Down Downsell #3 Details
         Note: This is what you show the customer who said NO to upsell #3.
            •	 Price
            •	 Affiliate Commission
            •	 Expected Conversion Percent

         D. Software to help you draw the Tree

         Once you think you have created an effective tree, it's a good idea to
         create a formal process map. A process map is basically a flow chart
         that shows all the steps – in this case, the steps your customer will take
         as they go through your sales process.

         In your own process map, you want to include all of the following in-
         formation on your tree:
             •	 Product Name
             •	 Customer Response - Yes or No
             •	 Price
             •	 Affiliate Commission
             •	 Expected Conversion Percentage

         Why should you create a formal process map?
         The formal process map really helps when you are talking to…
            •	 Your programmer(s)
            •	 You web designer
            •	 Writers and designers who work on your products
            •	 Your copywriter(s)
            •	 Your JV partners
            •	 Your customer support team
            •	 People who test your sales process before you go live
            •	 Anyone involved in the product launch

         The tree allows everyone to see at a glance what is supposed to happen
         with your customers on launch day. It also helps them to visualize how
         everything is supposed to work.
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Software to help you draw a process map
You can draw a process map using graphics programs like Paint or
Fireworks, but that can be a tedious process. There are software pro-
grams specifically designed to create process maps and to do mind
mapping (brainstorming ideas while drawing the map).

Web-Based Programs
Bubbl is a free online mind-mapping tool that allows you to create a
quick process map and print it out. You can also email your mind map,
embed it in a blog or website, and save it as an image.

Another online mind mapping tool that allows you to create and edit
mind maps, and share them. Basic accounts are free, premium accounts
have a small monthly fee.

PC Programs
Smart Draw is a popular program that does a lot of the drawing for
you. Pick a process map template (they have some really nice ones),
input information, and let the software draw the actual map. It aligns
everything automatically and generates a professional-looking process
map in seconds.

Mac users are lucky — OmniGraffel is one of the most powerful soft-
ware packages available for making diagrams, process maps, charts,
and even website mockups. The interface is intuitive and easy to learn,
and there's a great Auto Layout feature which lines up all the items
on the map according to whatever rules you specify.
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E. Critique your Tree

         Provide a positive experience. When presenting an upsell or a down-
         sell, don’t make your customers think “That’s not fair, why didn’t you
         just offer me that in the first place?” Your first offer should always be
         your best value. All upsells need to be structured in a way that makes
         your best even better.

         Deadly Mistake #1 - You make a Yes customer feel bad about what
         they just bought.
         How to avoid mistake #1 - The make your best value better

         Here is what you should do:
            •	 Offer the complete DVD set as your main product.
            •	 Then offer a second, different DVD that dives into a
                 specialized sub-topic in depth.

         Mistake #2 - Not respecting the meaning of No.
         How to avoid mistake #2 - Always create a different track for the
         No customer

         F. Is your Tree too big or too small?

         There is no one-size-fits-all Launch Tree.
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Module 6 – The words that sell

A. Upsell VooDoo #1: The power of Free

Just the word ‘free’ can double your conversions. This may mean that
when you use the word free:
    •	 You make your customer feel like they escaped from a prison
         or a trap. Accept this for free — get out of jail (or school).
    •	 You make your customers feel noble, uplifted, joyful, happy
         and carefree...
    •	 By giving them something for free, you become their friend,
         you endear yourself to them, heck, they love you!

Launch Tree principle: Before you start your upsell process – find
something your customer can say “yes” to. Put them on the right track!

B. The psychology of Free

Three more psychological laws of human nature kick in when you offer
something “free…” and get them to accept.

Law #1 – Reciprocity
As soon as people accept something for free, many feel that they owe
you. The law of reciprocity kicks in. You helped them, now they
will help you.

Law #2 - Commitment and consistency
This law states that people tend to stick to their initial commitments,
no matter what that commitment was. Being steady and consistent is
highly valued in society; we get praised for it all the time.

Law #3 - Removal of risk
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C. Positioning around the word Free”

         The best part of using the word “free” is that you don’t have to change
         your actual upsell or downsell much – just how you position it. Use
         “free” instead of “discount” when possible.

         Example #: Buy 1, Get X Free
         A) Buy two months, get the third free.
         B) Buy two months, get our newsletter free for one year.
         C) Buy two months, get any of our other products free.

         A is best, because you lock the customer in for three months
         instead of two. Yes, in all cases they still have to pay you $800 right
         up front.

         Example #: Just add free bonuses

         Example #: Free Priority Access Club

         You basically tell customers that with this upsell they get Gold level
         status for free. With this status, they will be the first to be notified of
         new developments and receive a special treatment throughout the year.

         D. Upsell VooDoo #2: Why to never say Thank you for your

         Don't close the buying loop too soon! What you should say instead…
         Here are words that keep the psychological buying loop open:

            •	   Order customization - Step 1 of 2 (or 2 of 3, etc.)
            •	   Order processing
            •	   Order confirmation
            •	   You are not done! Please finish the final steps
            •	   Almost complete — Please complete the final steps

         With the statements above, the customer is being told “Your main order
         is not done. I need your attention, so don’t go anywhere!”
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E. Upsell VooDoo #3: Prime real estate – The page behind the order

Remember the shelf space in our supermarket example? On your
website you have “prime shelf space”. The page that comes right after
your customer places their order is worth at least a 42 percent raise for
you right now.

F. Upsell VooDoo #4: Say goodbye to the one-time offer

The bad part is that a One-Time Offer (OTO) is a blatant sales pitch.
Remember, people hate to be sold. So ditch the hard sell OTOs and use
a better approach.
Choose, Upgrade, Customize!
The big retailers don't shove an OTO in the face of their customers. In-
stead, they allow them to retain control. They help customers say yes.
They give them freedom.

G. Upsell VooDoo #5: Order progress bars and timelines

If you have more than one upsell and downsell, things can get visually
and mentally confusing for your customer. Some of our favorite ways
to add a timeline:

   •	   Always tell the customer where they are in the process. This
        way they subconsciously register what's coming next. We've
        found that people don't mind a longer sales process as long as
        they can anticipate the end-point.
   •	   The best way is to use both a visual cue like a progress bar, and
        appropriate language, like Customize your order: Step 1 of 3.
   •	   The most common pieces of an order are Customize  Cart
         Checkout  Receipt. You want to be sure to include all of
   •	   Another way is to Confirm the order.
   •	   You can also display an “Order Details” list in a sidebar or next
        to items in the cart. This grays out the sections the customer has
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        yet to finish, but allows them to click back and make changes.

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H. Upsell VooDoo #6: Order buttons…What they should (and
         shouldn't) say

         What your button on the Upsell sales pays should pay…
         Most upsell pages have the same problem: “Buy now!”
           1.	 At this point this can be a threatening statement — the word
                “buy” makes them think a little
           2.	 You’re also closing the buying loop again. If you have more
                offers coming, you do not want to close that buying loop!

         I. Upsell VooDoo #7: Importance of 1-click Upsells - Doubling your

         1-click technology lets your customer buy an upsell or downsell with
         just one mouse click. They have to enter their credit card information
         just once. The system remembers their credit card, so all they have to
         do is just click a button to buy the next item. Make it clear to the cus-
         tomer what happens when they click this button. Explain they are being
         billed and for how much.

         J. Upsell VooDoo #8: What your No Thanks buttons should say

         Our goal is to get 60 percent to say “yes” to at least one of the offers.
         Since the reality is that most will say no you can’t kill the tree process
         by giving them an easy-to-see option to say “no”. This doesn’t mean
         you should hide this button!

         Example for no thanks button:
         ___ “No thanks Mike, I already know everything I need to know
         about [enter your topic here]. I know others will use this informa-
         tion to improve their life and receive an excellent return on their
         investment, but I am willing to take my chances, and pay more
         later if I change my mind.”
         Bold this “No Thanks” text and make sure it is a dark gray color. Let
         the button don’t just say “No Thanks”, but let the customer know what
         he is missing out on.
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K. Upsell VooDoo #9: The importance of the Yes check box

Insert a “Yes, I want” box. The box reads something like this: “Yes,
I’m ready to get started now! Please sign me up.” This works very well,
not only above an Upgrade button, but when sprinkled throughout
your main sales page. Now they’ve committed to accepting something
from you.
Here's an example of a powerful yes statement:

And another:

Note: The Terms and Conditions box should not be automatically
checked. It should be unchecked by default.

L. Upsell VooDoo #10: Which colors work best

We have found these colors for buttons convert best:
  •	 Blue - Universal color of hyperlinks, always a safe choice.
  •	 Green - A calm color that's associated with money and
      prosperity. It’s also great for yes buttons because it means GO!
  •	 Yellow - A happy color that stands out nicely (Amazon uses
  •	 Black and White - Neutral, easy to read.

Avoid red. This color is the universal color for stop or warning.
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M. The last word on sales letters and videos

         A sales letter is the one opportunity you have to explain your offer to
         the customer. It lets them see your product and learn about how it can
         help them.
         Launch Tree principle: A sales letter should be as long as it needs to be.
         It should explain all benefits and features and provide everything your
         visitor needs to help them say “yes”.

         Top Five sales letter writing tips
         For your main sales page copy:
         1 - Justify the price in the reader's mind.
         To do that, you must list all the value you're offering -- every single bit.
         Also be sure to justify reductions or increases in price.
         2 - Always bring up — and then remove — any objections.
         Anticipate and address them right there.

         For upsell copy (in addition to #1 and #2 above):
         3 - Show the reader that they are getting new, improved, or more
         content— more value.
         If that means you need a whole new sales letter to present the upsell
         properly, go ahead. Remember, because they already said yes, you can
         assume they are interested in what you have to say so say it.

         For downsell copy (in addition to 1 and 2 above):
         4 - Reassure the reader about the lower cost.
         Justify it. For example, explain that digital downloads don't cost you as
         much as a big box of DVDs + shipping.
         5 - Reassure them that they are getting almost as good a deal... and
         that nothing essential is left out.

         Launch Tree principle: Always write a complete, compelling sales let-
         ter that presents your offer with all of its features, benefits and testimo-
         nials. A sales letter has massive advantages.
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•	   Some people won't sit through a video, but they will skim
        a sales page. A busy person can still get to the point of your
        sales message.
   •	   You can use bold and highlighted words to attract someone’s
        attention to a certain section.
   •	   It's easy for the reader to go back and reread a section of a
        sales letter— very important. Different people are attracted to
        different features of the product, so you have to give people a
        chance to check out their favorite parts, especially testimonials.
   •	   Your sales letter can be as long as you need to make your
        case. You can put everything in it — every feature, every bo-
        nus, every testimonial, etc. Some people get antsy after just 23
        minutes of video!
   •	   The sales letter gives the reader much more control over
        how and when they absorb your message. Psychologically
        that's a much better way to treat the customer. The more control
        you keep in the customer's hands, the better.

Let's look at some of the disadvantages of video:
    •	 With a video, people can't skip forward to parts that interest
         them without missing a key phrase, thought or point.
    •	 Videos are most effective when they are short. The longer the
         video, the more likely the viewer will bail out before you can
         make your entire case.
    •	 If someone doesn't watch the entire video, they feel incomplete
         — like they missed something. They may like the offer. But if
         they have to stop the video while it’s playing, they feel cheated.
         Once again, they lose control over the sales process.
    •	 If their attention is distracted from the video for a moment,
         they tend to miss things. That makes it very easy for them to
         get into a “no mindset. They think, I'm not sure what this is
         all about, therefore I am not interested.
Obviously you are going to bump up against all these limitations with
a video only approach!
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Module 7 – Growing the branches of
                     your Tree

         A. The mistake most marketers make: Losing momentum

         There is no better time than right after launch to…
            •	 Put more offers in front of your customers. They bought from
                 you. They loved your product (hopefully). They’ll be excited
                 to hear about more offers.
            •	 Communicate like crazy with your customers. Send them
                 follow-up emails and give them ample reasons to log in, visit
                 your blog, and click on links in your emails.
            •	 Show your customer that you were not just excited about
                 helping them before the launch of your product; you’re there
                 for the long haul with them.
            •	 Follow-up with the non-buyers on your lead list. Remember,
                 just because they didn't buy, doesn't mean they are not interes-
                 ted. They want to hear from you or else they will unsubscribe.

         B.	      Build a business, not just products

         When you follow-up properly with your customers by providing a se-
         quence of subsequent products — you’re officially building a busi-

         From your customer's perspective, your business is the collective
         value that your entire enterprise offers. That includes not just your
         products or services, but your brand, mission, energy, websites, sup-
         port, and even the output of your team.
         Think of your business as an Offer — the ultimate offer. Customers
         perceive your business as the totality of everything you bring to the
         table. To them, your business is something they interact with, and that
         they can return to over and over again to get literally endless amounts
         of value.
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C. Right after your Launch — What next?

The most critical period after a launch is the first 30-40 days. If you are
not active within this period, you will quickly lose the attention of your
prospect or customer. By active we mean:
    •	 Consistent and constant communication with your list.
    •	 New product offerings.
    •	 Releasing testimonials (keeping the excitement up).
    •	 Releasing proof that your product works.
    •	 Conducting webinars, teleseminars, and other events to build a
         personal relationship.
    •	 Offering them more products.
If you can get them to spend more money within the first 30-40 days of
their exposure to you… they will have a stronger relationship with you.

Communication must lead to growth.
Here are three options that have worked very well for the authors of the
Launch Tree. They use all three at the same time and recommend you
do the same.
    •	 An affiliate or JV launch. Team up with another
        marketer who has a complementary high end product you can
        promote to your customers. Remember, even if your list is
        smaller than other marketers' lists — you still have the best
        out of all of them. The last three times Anik has done this,
        he’s dominated the launch and been the top affiliate by far!
        Later, you'll learn how PPC Classroom recently earned over
        $512,000 in affiliate commissions in the few weeks after a
        launch by promoting a highly related product.
    •	 A “launch within a launch” - internal launch. This strategy
        alone has made Mike and Anik millions after a launch. It’s a
        truly unique concept that 98 percent of marketers do not use.
    •	 Launch a recurrence product. There is no better way to build
        and maintain a relationship with your customer than to have
        them paying you every month!

If a recurring element was not involved in your original launch, then
you can launch one afterwards as a “launch within a launch.” However,
if you already had a recurring element as a part of it, consider launching
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an even higher level program.

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D. Option 1: Post-Launch: Affiliate/JV Promos

         Be Careful – Your relationship is on the line…
         Choosing an affiliate promotion is a big responsibility. Don't take this
         lightly. You should be very certain that the product and company you
         are promoting are of the value your customers expect from you.
         The easiest way to kill your reputation and relationship is to highly
         endorse a product, have a customer buy it simply because they trust
         you… and then have the product fail to deliver on its promises.

         The Launch Tree course will teach you how to find the right affiliates
         and joint ventures. For now, just be aware of the following when choos-
         ing an affiliate promotion:
             •	 Is this product something you like and believe in?
             •	 Do you sincerely feel that this product provides value to your
             •	 Does it fit in with your business?
             •	 Would you be proud to put your name on it?
             •	 Would you use the product yourself?
             •	 Does the product creator have a good reputation?

         Remember, when you promote an affiliate product, you are putting
         your name, your reputation and your brand behind it.

         Here are some guidelines to follow if you are setting up to put all your
         weight behind one affiliate promotion after your own launch.
         1. Start promoting at least one week before the launch.
         2. Prepare a killer stack of bonuses.
         3. Choose a promotion schedule to use.

         Here are specific techniques to use:
            1. Highly related: Just like your upsells and downsells, all your
            bonuses should be highly targeted. Don’t just “shove” in anything
            and everything you have. Add value.
            2. Tease during the week: Never announce your bonuses until 48
            hours before the launch. We like to tease the list during the pre-
            launch, saying that we have a large bonus coming soon. Build the
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3. Announce it 24 hours before launch: We typically announce
the bonus about 24 hours before launch. This is the best timeframe
to get the “shock and awe” effect. You’re able to use this to make
your bonus page go viral very fast.
We consistently see sales from many who are not even on our own
lists. They planned on buying the product and found out about our
bonus, and then bought it purely for the bonus.
4. “Price of product X 10” rule: If you really want to destroy it
and blow past any competing affiliate, use this rule.
Let’s assume the price of the affiliate product is $397. The best bo-
nus you can add will be worth $3,997 at least.
5. Mail at least three times before launch: This is why you want
to start a week before. As a bare minimum you want to mail twice
for the pre-launch, and of course on launch day.
6. Make a video: Videos are key, especially if you can do a product
Tour or show the product being used. You’ll likely be the only af-
filiate going to this length and the results will show. The video will
also go viral. We typically like to make the second pre-launch mail-
ing into a video release.
7. Follow-up mailing two to three days after launch: You can
easily see a 30 percent jump in sales if you mail again within two to
three days after the launch.

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E. Option 2  3 — Post-Launch: Internal launches and

         Option 2 Post-Launch: Launch within a Launch. The basis principles
             1.	 You develop a new product that ONLY your customers can
                 order. You will not offer this product to the pre-launch list, or
                 to any of your other lists or customers.
             2.	 Drop hints about the new product from day one! You should
                 be preparing your customers for your “launch within a launch”
                 starting the very same day you sell them the first product. But
                 you must do this quietly and behind the scenes.
             3.	 Release the launch within a launch product seven to 30
                 days after your initial launch. The earliest it should be done
                 is 7-10 days after the first launch. And the latest it should be
                 done is one month after launch.

         A launch within a launch is the perfect upsell if…
            •	 you can't implement 1-Click technology right now;
            •	 you can't get your own merchant account.

         The key is to start dropping those hints about the launch within a
         launch product to your new customers. Remember, you want to think
         of each new customer as their own little launch!

         Option 3 Post-Launch: Recurrences

         The authors of the Launch Tree believe it is essential to offer a recur-
         rence program as an upsell. This sort of product is a constant and stable
         source of income. This is needed to stay a business and to expand your
         business while you don’t have a new launch.

         There are many types of recurrence programs. Just think about a monthly
         premium (audio) newsletter. It is mostly about the quality value of the
         product. As long as the customer sees and experiences the more value
         of the product, he will keep paying for it.
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F. Case study: Adding $1M to the annual revenue

Perfect Launch within a Launch timing and a high ticket recur-
rence program
The following idea was pioneered by Amit Mehta and it added a mini-
mum of $1 million a year to their business — all recurrences.
They combined two concepts:
   •	 The Launch within a Launch — Only allowing their customers
        to order — not the pre-launch list.
   •	 Higher ticket recurrence — Although they already had a recur-
        rence program, they were able to build so much value that their
        customers purchased an upgrade, and paid 400 percent more
        than their current recurrences!

What can you learn from this case study? Two BIG lessons…
  1.	 It’s all about value again. As long as the value is there, your
       customers will pay. Don’t be shy of launching a “high-priced
       recurrence program.
  2.	 Adding recurrences creates consistent revenue you can
       count on. That way you can focus on building your business
       knowing you’ll have income the next month - even if you don’t
       launch a “new” product.

G. Momentum builders: Future cross sells and upsells

Now is the time to plan the upsells and cross sells that will keep the
momentum of your launch going, even post-launch. Go through this
list and see if you can come up with at least five more upsells and cross
sells, on top of the ones you have already planned for your Launch
•	 Different media

   •	   Written - Digital download, print, or data CD
   •	   Spoken - Download or physical CD
   •	   Video - Download or physical DVD
   •	   Software - Download or physical CD
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•	    Different types of content

              •	   Ebooks
              •	   Workbooks
              •	   Checklists and tip sheets
              •	   Process maps
              •	   Heat maps and diagrams
              •	   Newsletters
              •	   Magazines
              •	   Glossaries and FAQs
              •	   Resource Directories
              •	   Spreadsheets
              •	   PowerPoints
              •	   Articles
              •	   Reviews
              •	   Photos
              •	   Web graphics
              •	   Email exchanges
              •	   Physical books
              •	   Screen capture videos
              •	   Templates
              •	   PLR products
              •	   Resale rights products
              •	   Live teleseminars, webinars, upstream conferences
              •	   Written transcripts of audio and video
              •	   Recordings of teleseminars, webinars, upstream conferences
              •	   Recording of a live lecture, seminar, workshop, class
              •	   Memberships
              •	   Subscriptions
              •	   Courses
              •	   Live coaching
              •	   Email coaching
              •	   Platinum or elite coaching groups
              •	   Offline workshops, seminars, classes
              •	   Live events, large scale
© 2009

                                        Pagina 50

H. Case Study: Live event — Launch within a Launch

How live events can be a great post-launch momentum builder:
1.	 Customers get to actively participate. The attendees at your live
    event are going to get a very intimate view of you and your busi-
    ness, while actively participating with others who share their same
2.	 A live event strengthens your business’ image.
3.	 It keeps your product top of mind with your customers.
4.	 It’s a one-stop shop for your product.
5.	 Back-of-the-room sales can generate significant additional
6.	 It gives you an opportunity to obtain powerful testimonials
    and endorsements.

                                                                          © 2009

                              Pagina 51

Module 8 – Increase conversions by
         29% for each branch through 1-click

         A. What is 1-Click technology?

         1-Click technology is one of the easiest ways to gently guide your cus-
         tomers through the shopping cart process while drastically increasing
         your conversions.

         When Amazon implemented its 1-Click Ordering it discovered that
         customers would add more products to their cart during each shopping
         session. 1-Click made it incredibly easy to just click one button and
         purchase the item.

         And here's a close up. See how Amazon makes it super easy to just
         click and buy?

         In fact, Amazon even tried to patent one-click technology. Lucky for
         us, the patent application was rejected, so we can all implement one-
         click technology into our sales process.
         One-click technology allows your customer to say yes to your
© 2009

         offers and pay for them by clicking one button.

                                        Pagina 52

Here's how it works:
   •	 The customer accepts your initial offer and enters their credit
        card information.
   •	 The system remembers the credit card information, number,
        expiration date, etc…(Just make sure your system is encrypted
        and secure.)
   •	 You present the first upsell to the customer. When they click
        the Customize my Order button, the system just pings the
        credit card again. The system can also be designed to only bill
        the credit card at the end – it totals all the charges and bills
        them at one time. Mike and Anik prefer to bill immediately, in
        pieces, as the customer is making choices.
   •	 This can be repeated for as long as the customer stays on the
        upsell/downsell path.
   •	 The customer will see the charges on their credit card state-

NOTE: Some 1-click scripts will wait until the entire process is com-
plete and will charge the customer one lump sum. Others will process
and show multiple charges on the customer's credit card statement.

B. So why don't most marketers use 1-Click?

Why don’t more people use it? This is because:
  •	 You need a merchant account to implement 1-Click. Lots of
      small- to medium-sized businesses on the internet stick to us-
      ing 3rd party companies. A real sign of a true business is when
      you have your own merchant account.
  •	 You need a 1-Click script that will work with both your-
      merchant account and payment gateway.You can have the
      script built or you can use the Butterfly Marketing script,
      which is the only out-of-the-box 1-Click script we would
      recommend because it does not require custom coding. Either
      way, the technology on the credit card processing terminal has
      to integrate well with your payment gateway.
                                                                           © 2009

                               Pagina 53

•	   You need access to programming talent you can trust.
                 Developing or customizing a script, integrating it in your web
                 pages, and testing and debugging it all require an experienced
         This technology will be handling and storing sensitive data, includ-
         ing credit card information. You need to choose a credible programmer
         who can be trusted.
             •	 Testing your 1-Click process can be a big job. You need a
                 group of people to test from different ISPs, different locations,
                 different browsers and even different parts of the world. If you
                 don't, you may find yourself with lots of failed orders on launch
                 day (yes, we've been there!).
             •	 You need to invest money and time in 1-Click. Paying for a
                 script and a programmer, as well as getting all the order pages
                 designed and implemented, takes time and money. If you're
                 short on either, you need to start planning now. Begin setting
                 aside resources to invest in getting 1-Click up and running
             •	 Most third-party payment processors simply won't allow
                 you to use 1-Click. For example…
                 •	 Do you use ClickBank? ClickBank says it is planning to
                       offer a 1-Click upsell solution in the future, but it's not yet
                 •	 What about PayPal? Big Warning! Do not even consider
                       developing a script to do 1-Click ordering with PayPal.
                       Any script that does this is a violation of the PayPal terms
                       of agreement.

                      PayPal requires the customer to exit your site and go to a
                      transaction page in order to confirm the amount (and other
                      information). This is required, even if the customer has
                      already entered payment information.

                      So if you attempt to use a 1-Click script with PayPal,
                      your account will be shut down.
                      Do you prefer Paydotcom? It's a great payment processor
                      (if we do say so ourselves). But Paydotcom does not cur-
                      rently offer 1-Click because of PayPal.
© 2009

                                          Pagina 54

Do you like Google Checkout? It's another nice third-
             party payment processor. But unfortunately, it doesn't
             allow 1-Click, and it doesn't look like it has plans to offer
             it in the future.
        •	   What about other services – Every day new services are
             popping out that claim to offer 1-Click. We have not yet
             tested many. However, our experience shows that many do
             not keep the “Launch Tree” strategies in mind.

Important. Just because you do not have 1-Click does not mean you
cannot use the Launch Tree. We’re going to give you advice on how
to start using the Launch Tree right away — even without 1-Click
However, we still recommend that you work hard to get access to this

For one-click technology you can choose between your own script or
one out of the box.
What are the benefits of purchasing a pre-made 1-Click upsell
There are definite benefits to using a pre-made, out of the box script
like Butterfly Marketing. .
    •	 You don't need to locate, test out, and hire a programmer.
    •	 The script has already been tested.
    •	 The script will most likely work with most major payment
But, there are also benefits of hiring someone to build a script for
    •	 You can get a solution customized for your business.
    •	 As you grow, you'll need technical talent, and this is an
        opportunity to develop a relationship with a programmer.
    •	 You own the script.
    •	 Your programmer will know the script he created inside out, so
        changes and enhancements will be easier to do.
                                                                             © 2009

                                Pagina 55

With so many different options available, your first step should be to
         talk it over with your merchant account provider and your programmer.
         Because different payment processors have different requirements, you
         should talk with all the players involved — and if you can, get them
         talking to each other. This will help you work out what you need to get
         1-Click technology up and running for your website and your Launch

         Testing your Launch Tree order process
         It doesn't matter whether you use an out-of-the-box script or build your
         own -- you must test the entire order process completely. This includes
         making sure that
             •	 Purchase confirmation emails arrive.
             •	 Product is delivered.
             •	 Logins work (if it is a membership site).
             •	 Upsells and downsells are delivered properly.
             •	 Users have access to their account or to the support system.

         IMPORTANT WARNING! Do not use your own credit card to
         place test orders! Your credit card account could be shut down.
© 2009

                                        Pagina 56

C. What if you're not ready for 1-Click?

1-Click is NOT mandatory for a successful sales process.
We strongly believe it's always better to get started with upsells and
downsells anyway. Just try it, even without 1-Click. Why?
   •	 It's always better to try, than not to try at all! The power
        of upselling and downselling won't really hit you until you
        give it a chance and see what happens. Even Anik had to try it
        with a drop dead simple upsell (not using any of the tips in this
        course) before he was convinced. You need to see that custom-
        ers will respond, even without 1-Click. That will get you fired
        up to make 1-Click happen for your business.
   •	 Even if your conversions are not as high, you still make
        more sales — guranteed. Without an upsell, you are denying
        value to those customers who are your biggest fans. Because
        the ones who want your product badly enough will put in their
        credit card twice. Without a downsell, you're basically turning
        people away simply on the basis of price. That's not fair to you
        or them. You lose money, and they miss out on something that
        could benefit them.
   •	 Upselling and downselling make good marketing sense. If
        you believe in your products, you owe it to your customers
        to offer them more. You want your visitors and customers to
        expect to see additional valuable options when they come to
        your site. They're used to it already, from the world's biggest
        companies. It's not about taking more…it's about giving more.
   •	 Just because it's not 1-Click, doesn't mean people won't
        buy! People experience upsells when they go to all kinds of
        businesses, and sometimes they do have to pull out their wallet
        a second time. For example, at McDonald's, if you eat inside
        the restaurant, you have to pay again if you decide to order a
        sundae after your meal J!). So you won't be hitting them with
        anything new if you present them with an upsell and they can't
        1-Click. Your conversions just won't be AS high.
   •	 Upselling and downselling make good business sense —
        without them, you leave money on the table. Just offering
        one upsell and one downsell (provided they're good) will in-
        crease your revenue significantly.
                                                                            © 2009

                               Pagina 57

How to use the Launch Tree without 1-Click?

         NOTE: Remember to keep it SIMPLE! You can start your Launch
         Tree with just 1 upsell -- you don't even need a downsell, though we
         recommend it. Just follow the steps and Get Started!
            1.	 Keep your Launch Tree short.
            2.	 Draw out a simple Launch Tree with only one upsell and down-
                sell (maximum 2 products).
            3.	 Plan your launch within a launch right away! This is where
                you will make the majority of your profits. (We'll talk about
                this in detail in Module 10.)
            4.	 Get your upsell and downsell products ready.
            5.	 Be sure to use correct sales vocabulary in your sales process.
            6.	 Be sure to build a list!
            7.	 Set a goal to reach before you apply for your merchant account.
© 2009

                                       Pagina 58

Module 9 – Always think


If you don't have a recurring revenue program, you could be lea-
ving thousands - even hundreds of thousands - of dollars on the
table every month!
    •	 We're going to prove just how essential a recurring revenue
        program is by showing you how much money PPC Classroom
        2.0 would have lost without a recurring revenue program.
    •	 Then you’ll learn how to position your own recurrence offer
        so your customers will actually want it. It’s all about Launch
        Tree principles.
    •	 We're also going to share some very important things you
        should implement into your recurrence program right away, to
        avoid those dreaded charge backs
    •	 We’ll discuss the whole issue of “forced continuity”.
    •	 You’ll also learn that it's not just about getting people to buy
        your recurrence offer.
In fact, recurrence is so important; you absolutely must read this
module twice from start to finish!

A. Case Study: PPC Classroom recurrence

PPC Classroom 2.0 — October 2008
This launch included the complete Launch Tree of Mike and Anik, with
four upsells and two downsells. On average the recurring element is
worth $362,500 a month!
In other words, without the recurring element, PPC Classroom would
have been almost $1.5 million dollars poorer!
                                                                          © 2009

                              Pagina 59

Why recurrence is better than no recurrence
         Launch Tree principle: Recurring revenue allows you to build and
         grow a business, instead of constantly having to sell new products.
             •	 Without recurring revenue: Your income will always be
                 dependent on the very last product you launched. That's
                 not really building a business.
             •	 Without recurring revenue: It's like owning a retail store,
                 where you have to keep selling and restocking every day just
                 to keep the business alive.
             •	 Without recurring revenue: You never get paid for what you
                 did in the past.
             •	 Without recurring revenue: If new sales stop – your business
         If your business model includes built-in recurring revenue, your
         business takes on a very different form.
             •	 With recurring revenue: You can plan on a relatively steady
                 flow of revenue. That allows you to build a real business that
                 can be expanded and scaled.
             •	 With recurring revenue: It's like owning an investment pro-
                 perty. You have to maintain, improve, maybe even beautify the
                 recurring product, but you don't have to create it from scratch
                 or sell it over and over again.
             •	 With recurring revenue. You can be paid again and again for
                 value you created in the past.
             •	 With recurring revenue: You build a stronger relationship with
                 your customers.
             •	 With recurring revenue: You run a real business!

         Long term relationships = more revenue!
           •	 Your business will fizzle out if you don't constantly provide
                your subscribers with additional value.
           •	 Customer acquisition costs might be advertising costs like
                PPC (Pay per Click)
           •	 You always have to spend x amount of time, money, and re-
                sources to acquire a customer.
           •	 By adding recurring income, your average customer is worth
                much more than the initial transaction.
           •	 The additional income allows you to invest more into your
© 2009


                                       Pagina 60

B. How to position recurrences to make customers WANT it

Explicitly state what the customer will get, what they are agreeing to,
how much it will cost, and how to cancel. Don’t hide anything in the
fine print!
Never hide the recurring charges!
We've all seen these tactics. Some companies trick you into agreeing
to a monthly recurring charge. Some of the nasty practices are:
    •	 They don't explicitly tell the customer that by buying the
         product, he is also signing up for a recurring charge.
    •	 They omit the continuity aspect from their sales pages
    •	 They hide the recurring charges in the fine print, in a font so
         small that you can't even read it with a magnifying glass.
    •	 They reveal the continuity charges at the very end of the sales
         process. Some companies really cross the line, and only tell
         you after your card has been charged.
    •	 They say just enough about the program to satisfy the law, but
         it's still clear as mud to the customer.

Customers are rightfully angry if they fall victim to these practices.
  •	 Book of the month, fruit of the month, and coffee of the
      month clubs;
  •	 Magazine, journal, newspaper, and newsletter subscriptions;
  •	 Monthly or annual maintenance or service contracts;
  •	 Cell phone contracts;
  •	 Monthly charges for Internet, phone, cable, and satellite;
  •	 Monthly or annual web hosting.

Be transparent!
When we sign up for these continuity programs, we know exactly what
we are getting into!
When you sell a continuity program, remember to do the following:
   •	 Explain exactly what the continuity program is and what they
        will get.
   •	 Tell customers exactly what they will be charged.
   •	 Tell them precisely when they will be charged.
                                                                          © 2009

                              Pagina 61

6 Strategies to avoid charge back issues
         1.	 Always remind people that their card will be billed.
         2.	 Include cancellation instructions in every communication
         3.	 Be quick to react when someone complains.
         4.	 After the sale, be sure to send an immediate email explaining the
             charges and terms.
              •	 What they purchased
              •	 Where they purchased it (the website URL)
              •	 How much they paid
              •	 The last four digits of the credit card they used
              •	 The exact wording that will appear on their credit card
              •	 How to contact customer support
         5.	 If you sell a physical product, include a copy of the terms and a
             receipt inside the actual product
         6.	 Allow customers to cancel themselves without customer support.
© 2009

                                       Pagina 62

C. 4 Positioning tactics for your continuity program

By offering a continuity program, you are also accepting the responsi-
bility the value of your program.

Tactic #1 - Position the continuity side-by-side with the main offer.
   •	 Present the recurring program alongside your main offer.
   •	 Sell the recurring program on its merits, just like the rest of
        the offer

Tactic #2 – make ease of cancellation a selling point.
Show the customer that your program is different by turning ease of
cancellation into a selling point.
   •	 It starts the relationship off right.
   •	 It reduces risk.
   •	 The customer retains freedom and control.

Tactic #3 - Properly position the benefits of educational recurrence
   •	 Can I package the benefits of my recurring offer in a more at-
        tractive way?
   •	 Can I use language that is more uplifting, positive, tantalizing,
        or gentle in my sales copy?
   •	 Should I deliver the product in a different, easy-to-digest for-
   •	 What if I focus on the end results my customers will get once
        they've eaten their broccoli?

Tactic #4 - Increase up-front value (build reciprocity)
   •	 PPC Classroom — The course that has students making over
        $4 million dollars a year for free?
   •	 Butterfly marketing — The $2,000 software for free?
   •	 Net effect — The Stomper SEO Course 2.0 for free?
                                                                          © 2009

                               Pagina 63

D. Is forced continuity bad?

         When forcing your customers into signing up for your continuity
         program, they won’t feel 100 percent safe when entering into that type
         of transaction.

         In reality, your recurring offer is automated continuity. But the
         problem is
             •	 Nobody likes to be forced into doing something.
             •	 Nobody likes not being able to choose.
             •	 Nobody likes not having control.
             •	 Nobody likes being backed against a wall!

         This negative mindset is apparent when you look at the typical
         complaints about forced continuity.
            •	 Customers will complain that they didn’t realize a recurring
                subscription was required.
            •	 Customers say they simply did not know they were signing up
                for a monthly fee.
            •	 Customers will email support asking for a refund shortly
                after signing up (without even looking at the subscription or

         In fact, there are really four ways to sell a continuity program and you
         only want to use one of them:
             •	 Front-end continuity: maybe.
             •	 Hidden continuity: no!
             •	 Forced continuity: hmmm maybe.
             •	 Optional continuity: yes!
© 2009

                                        Pagina 64

The new forced continuity model - optional continuity
Optional continuity has now taken centre stage in marketing circles as
of late. How it works.
You make the continuity program into an option that the customer can
choose to remove from their cart. Essentials of the optional continuity
    •	 The continuity program is completely transparent. All the
         benefits of the continuity program are featured in the sales
         letter. Explain why the continuity program is so valuable.
    •	 Be sure to give the customer an obvious way to say no to the
         continuity offer.
    •	 Recommended: Make the continuity offer free for the first

What to expect from optional continuity
   •	 Higher conversions
Depending on the offer and the market, the increase in conversions was
anywhere from 12 percent on the low end to 28 percent on the higher
end. That’s right, forced continuity had actually been suppressing re-
sponse 12 – 28 percent all these years!
   •	 Lower customer service burden
   •	 Higher tetention

                                                                          © 2009

                              Pagina 65

Launch tree - Internet Marketing
Launch tree - Internet Marketing
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Launch tree - Internet Marketing
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Launch tree - Internet Marketing

  • 1.
  • 2. Launch Tree Stefan Rooyackers © 2009
  • 3. © 2009
  • 4. This report is © Copyrighted by SEO Heaven Europe. No part of this may be copied, or changed in any format, or used in any way other than what is outlined within this course under any circumstances. Copyrights, Stefan Rooyackers, SEO Heaven Europe © 2009
  • 5. © 2009
  • 6. The Launch Tree Summary The Launch Tree is a workshop designed by Mike Filsaime en Anik Singal. It is a marketing strategy that operates from the central idea of giving customers control of their buying process. It is important to customize the buying process in order to make the customer feel good about buying the product. It is also the best way to sell more than just one product alone. The document before you is a short summary of the Launch Tree work- shop. It should be enough to give you insight into this marketing meth- od. Of course, we can’t give you the whole course. If you are interested, check out the workshop itself. Information about the author Stefan Rooyackers Stefan Rooyackers (1959) has worked in the financial sector since 1995. He is an expert in selling loans and all kinds of insurances. For this he has many websites with subjects like funeral insurances, life insur- ances and single-premium assurance polices. He has also written books about these subjects, as well as about mortgages and pension issues. He is always looking for ways to expand his knowledge. © 2009
  • 7. © 2009
  • 8. Inhoudsopgave Module 1: The Psychology of the Launch Tree 8 Module 2 - Launch Tree Case Studies 10 Module 3 - Easily Creating Valuable Upsells & Downsells 11 Module 4 – How to build your own Launch Tree 20 Module 5 – Drawing your Tree 30 Module 6 – The words that sell Upsells 37 Module 7 – Growing the branches of your Tree 44 Module 8 – Increase conversions by 29% for each branch through 1-click technology! 52 Module 9 – Always think recurrences! 59 Module 10 – Post-Launch affiliate income – Monetize Your List! 67 Module 11 – Let's review 77 © 2009
  • 9. Module 1: The Psychology of the Launch Tree The Launch Tree is needed when: • Your business is all about offering real and lasting value to your customers… • You want mass distribution of your product (which requires a far lower upfront cost — meaning you need the Launch Tree!)… Then you need to implement the Launch Tree strategic exactly. Upsells allow for customization. By providing your customer with the ability to customize their order, they have the final power over their purchase decision and will therefore feel better about their purchase experience. By upselling and downselling right you’re actually building a strong lifelong relationship with them. An upsell is a product with a higher price than the previous offer. A downsell is a product with a lower price than the previous offer. Don’t look at upsells as upselling. Look at them as customizations. Upsell and downsell add value. Don’t use a heavy-handed upsell process and pressure customers into buying even your best products, you haven’t presented them with real value. They'll be resentful or confused, and either way you lose that customer. If they bought product A, product B obviously needs to complement it. So, product B should make product A either more “complete” or easier to use. Give your customer more of what they really want. Launch tree principle: Give your customers a choice and let them make the final decision. Eg, when you search a book on Amazon, Amazon even tells you what other customers who buy your book are buying. That makes you feel comfortable adding more products; you know they are relevant and you'll probably like them. Launch tree principle: First take care of what your custo- mer originally wanted, THEN offer them additional options. Eventhe © 2009 specific upsell you offer needs to be properly timed. Pagina 8
  • 10. What if the customer buying the suit does not have an extra $60 for the shirt and tie? You can use downsell principles. What exactly is a downsell? A downsell is the offer you make after someone says no to an upsell. It’s typically a lower price (or a payment plan). It’s meant to “save the sale” and to get your customer saying “yes” again. So if the customer said “no,” you need to figure out why. From experi- ence, we can assure you that 95 percent of the time, it’s the money. Respect your customers. Coercing your customers into saying “yes”, without properly explaining what they are saying yes to is not only unethical, but illegal. The next logical step: • Customize your upsells based on the customer’s responsed. • Take into account your customer’s previous selection when designing your upsells. Give your costumer control of the order process. Mike thought he was adding things to his cart — so he should have final control of the cart! Customize the upsells based on the customer's responses. Give con- trol of the order process to the customer. © 2009 Pagina 9
  • 11. Module 2 - Launch Tree Case Studies From those cases, we learned the right procedures as follows: Procedures 1. Review your current sales process. 2. Write down changes you can make to your marketing vocabulary right now. 3. Write down all of the small things that might be causing friction in your sales process. 4. Look for ways to add a "free" component to your offers. 5. Do a quick analysis of your pricing -- main offer, bump (if you have one), and upsells/downsells. Note down any jumps that might be too big or too small. 6. IMPORTANT! If you have no upsells or downsells right now, write down three ideas for products. They should all be products you can create using our quick methods, resale rights, PLR, etc. 7. Write down at least ten things you know about your customers. Go beyond basic things like "they are interested in Internet marketing." Get into their problems, concerns, wishes, and emotional hot buttons. 8. Start a list of concerns and issues your customers might have after placing an order. 9. Do your products make sense? Take a look at your products, especially any upsells or downsells, and how "relevant" they are. Do any stick out as being a little off base? 10. Come up with at least three ideas for recurrence revenue products. 11. Compare your best and worst "offers". Look at your product with the highest conversions and the one with the lowest conversions. Compare them on the initial concept of each part of their respective "offers" (what your customer gets, how they get it, how much it costs, and how they will pay). Why do you think the best one is such a high converting offer? What do you think is wrong with the lowest converting offer? © 2009 Pagina 10
  • 12. Module 3 - Easily Creating Valuable Upsells & Downsells Key point: Your upsells and downsells MUST be closely related to your primary offer – (And that means they are probably interested in more — but only if it fits) and each MUST make sense to your customer if you want them to say "yes". Most people don’t realize they already have what they need to build their tree. Start by asking yourself how what you’ve done in the past can add value to your main product. Key point: Downsell or upsell need to be directly related to the initial offer and be adding value to your customers. Give your upsells and downsells a logical flow, both in value and price. The good news is that it's actually quite easy to create upsells and downsells. Once you know what all the basic building stones are and how they work, you can put them together in so many different ways. There are two basic ways to do so: 1. Use what you have. This is called recycling or repurposing content. Frankly, if your basic content is still valuable, you can and should re-use it. 2. Start from a scratch. This is not as hard as you think, as you'll soon find out ! So some people will ask, what is an offer? An “offer” is not just the product – it involves everything about the product, including how customers will perceive and receive it. An offer actually consists of all of these components: • What are your customers going to get? • How are they going to get it? • What are they willing to spend, and… • How are they going to pay for it? (Will it be a split payment, or a one-time lump sum?) © 2009 Pagina 11
  • 13. Designing an offer Step1: Your content inventory Gather your contents assess. The goal of this exercise is to figure out what you already have that can be turned into an upsell or downsell. When performing this inventory, what items should you "count?" 1. You should count any content, meaning any intellectual property you have ever developed on the targeted topic. 2. Any products you own rights to. 3. Any good quality private label rights 4. Names of close contacts of colleagues within your reach who could help you develop products, or have their own products. 5. Also review your main offer — sometimes there are things in your main offer that can be pulled out (only if it makes sense though). © 2009 Pagina 12
  • 14. Your goal is to take every opportunity to turn what you’ve already cre- ated into upsells and downsells! © 2009 Pagina 13
  • 15. Step 2: Your Content Development Plan Another way to create upsells and downsells easily is to recycle content. In order to recycle content, you will take a previously created product and extend its life by re-using it in various ways. 1. Turn website and blog content into educational products. With just a little rewriting, you can create ebooks, newsletters, and even e-courses. 2. Turn website and blog content into an audio book. Hire some voiceover talent, and you can turn your blog into an audio book. 3. Turn your email into a product. Your email is probably FULL of answers to questions and solutions to problems. So convert your email exchanges into a “source of information on my private email coaching" product (you'll have to remove some names to protect your correspondents' privacy of course). This one would also make a great audio book. 4. Turn articles into an ebook, audio book or "video book". If you do article marketing, you've probably published lots of articles within your reach. Compile them all into an ebook or an audio book. You can even do a "video book" (see the next section on Creating New Media). 5. Re-record old audio interviews. This can actually be a lot of fun and makes a great upsell. Contact the people you originally interviewed, and ask them the same questions as you did before. Then package the new interviews with the old ones for a "back to the future" product. The “old content” now becomes a new product, and with very little effort on your part. 6. Get transcriptions made. Use a service like Casting- (the best in our opinion) to turn any audio into an ebook. The transcript can also be bundled into a deluxe version with the a udios for an upsell. This one's just a little more work: Get a video transcribed, and then add screenshots from the video to the transcript to make an ebook, or physical book, to accompany the video. 7. Record a workshop or a conference. You can turn these into physical DVDs for an upsell, then offer the downloadable recordings as a downsell. © 2009 Pagina 14
  • 16. 8. Turn workshop content into a book. Record a workshop and then hire a good editor/writer to transform the workshop into a book and/or a workbook. 9. Turn your autoresponders and newsletters into books or audios. You can now offer your "talking newsletters" or "talking e-courses" as an upsell. 10. Turn planning sessions into products. If you recorded or videotaped any of the meetings or planning sessions when you created a big product, offer them as a “making of” audio book or film. This is a great way to recycle any "work" you do. In fact, we did this with Launch Tree. We recorded the “making of” and offered it as a bonus. We also recorded the planning of our own launch tree and offered it as part of one of our valuable upsells. Important recycling tip: When recycling older content, for example an audio tape, it might contain some date-specific references that will be out of place — thing like mentions of current events or pop culture. Create New Media from what you have You can change the medium by simply changing the way the product is delivered. For example, if it’s physical, make it digital. If it’s written, make it into an audio or video and so on. Our Top Five media-switch ideas - Digital to physical. If a product you previously offered was in a digital format, you can usually create an upsell by making it a physical product. For example, if you've got a series of recorded webinars for download, for an upsell create a package of physical DVDs. - Physical to digital. If a product was physical, make a downsell by going digital. For example, if you've been publishing a physical newsletter, create a digital "collection" of back issues as a downsell. - LIVE to recorded. Record any LIVE event, and then offer it as a physical product (upsell) or online video (downsell). For example, hold a seminar or workshop, record all the sessions, and then turn the © 2009 recordings into a product. Pagina 15
  • 17. Conversions can be VERY high on this type of upsell/downsell. You can even sell them PRE-event, since people who can't travel to the actual seminar will usually jump at the chance to get recordings of the sessions. - Print to audio. Audio books are hot, especially if people can download them to their iPod or other digital player. For example, if you have an ebook on a topic, go to or and hire someone to make an audio book for you. You immediately have a great upsell that adds a lot of value. - Print or PDF to "video book". Here's how you create a "video book." You take your ebook or other written content, and make some Powerpoint slides for each chapter. Then record yourself reading the text of the book while you step through the Powerpoint slides. Adding artwork to the Powerpoints makes it much nicer too. Now take that recording and turn it into a physical upsell by putting the recordings on DVD or cd-rom. The downsell becomes a downloadable video in Flash. Adding value is easy. Don’t be fooled into thinking that adding value is a complex task. It is often just as easy as repackaging how you offer your upsells or downsells. Tip: Do interviews LIVE and let your customers be a “fly on the wall”. You can then charge more while adding absolutely no extra work on your part. And the perfect downsell to that offer can be to remove the LIVE element and simply send them the recorded version. Using other people's products - Buy resale rights, reprint rights, or master resale rights to an existing product. The product doesn't have to be just an ebook. You can purchase resale rights to audios, videos, software, and even conti- nuity products like membership sites. - Customize some high quality PLR (Private Label Rights) content. PLR has gotten a bad reputation, mainly because a lot of it is pretty low quality and people use it without changing it. © 2009 Pagina 16
  • 18. Actually this type of "white label" content has been around for a long time. For example, if you get a print newsletter from your doctor, dentist, veterinarian, realtor, or other professional, chances are it's a canned newsletter — they just add their name and picture. We recommend that if you use PLR, hire a good writer and designer to customize it and adjust it for you. Then add quality extras, like check- lists, and then create an audio or video version. In other words, use the PLR to save research time, but do everything you would do to your OWN product to professionalize it. - Clinch a JV or other type of partnership with an expert in your reach. Using someone else’s product is one of the fastest ways to complete your tree — and with almost no work on your end. If you are just starting, this may be your preferred route. If you have an ebook about improving your golf game, perhaps you can partner with someone who offers a monthly newsletter to golfers. You can now generate recurrence revenue without having to do any extra work. You’re also bringing great value to your customers through a newsletter that is tested and proven. © 2009 Pagina 17
  • 19. When deciding who to approach for promoting products, you should first search within your own pool of associates. Then ask yourself these questions: • Who do you already know who provides valuable information — perhaps you’re even a customer? • Is this person honest and willing to offer his content at a fair price or percentage of profits? • Would this person be willing to sign a simple agreement that spells out each of your responsibilities and compensation? • Do you feel comfortable promoting this person’s products or services? Would you, yourself, buy it? • What does this person offer that will help you and your business? • Is this arrangement also a good investment for your partner? When partnering with another marketeer • Always work with someone you know and trust. • Have an agreement in writing. • Make sure the terms are equally satisfactory to both parties. • Spell out each person's responsibilities. Don’t hold back. When trying to determine what your upsells and downsells should be, the sky really is your limit. Whatever you and your team cannot produce, many outsourcing options exist to help you. © 2009 Pagina 18
  • 20. Ready-to-use upsell and downsell ideas: Boot Camps These have very high perceived value and are the easiest upsells to do. Here's what we recommend for a Boot Camp upsell… • Four to six week series • Use • Hold one per week • Do in-depth sessions • Better yet, get experts to participate in the webinars, reveal their secrets, etc. • Be sure to record these! Make the recordings available to those who bought the live Boot Camp. • Make the recorded sessions only (no live attendance) as a downsell. Charge 50 percent for the post Boot Camp recorded version. • You can also re-purpose or recycle these recordings later. Recordings of Live events • If you are selling any type of training or course, videos of ses- sions that teach advanced topics will sell especially well. • The videos don't have to be high tech. You can set up a video camera and tape yourself teaching a "class" on the topic to a group at the local library, community center, or church. The point is to tape a "live session" with an audience. If there is any kind of complex, intimidating, or time-consuming task you can do for your customers, this will convert amazingly. Some ideas… • "We build it for you" website businesses. You would design the site, write the copy, make the graphics and even populate with affiliate products. • Turnkey product development. If you have a strong team of outsourcers in place, you can sell a custom product package, such as an ebook, video course, audio interview series, etc. These also have a very high perceived value. © 2009 Pagina 19
  • 21. Module 4 – How to build your own Launch Tree First there are different types of offers that can go on your tree. Then you'll make several initial sketches of the offers on your Launch Tree. Finally, if you haven’t done a Content Inventory and a Content Development Plan, better go back and do those now. You can't start building a Launch Tree without some offers to put on the branches - and you need products to make offers. A. What different-sized Launch Trees look like By mapping out your Launch Tree, you are getting an insight into the sequence your customer may follow during the checkout process. There are three different kinds of trees: 1. Short-tree if you don’t have one click technology (1-2 offers of upsells or downsells). 2. Medium tree (2-3). 3. Tall tree (3-4) highly related offers. B. The different types of offer Provide more than one offer. Every Launch Tree consists of different types of offers, offered in a certain order based on whether your cus- tomer says “yes” or “no”. Basic types of offer - Main offer, bump, upsell, downsell, recurrence and bonus Post Launch offer - After your customer goes through your entire Launch Tree, you can (and should) continue to present them with of- fers. That includes not only your own products, but affiliate products (such as related software offered by another marketeer). © 2009 Pagina 20
  • 22. Backend offer – A general term for any product you offer to your cur- rent customers after the initial Launch Tree process is over. This can be a one-off product or a recurrence product. "Launch within a launch" offer - This is a term we use for a spe- cial type of offer you present to customers shortly after a big product duct launch. This offer is designed to ride the momentum from the launch, while your customers are still excited and hanging onto your every word. You generate some buzz for this product during the actual launch, but you don't offer it for sale until about 10–30 days after the launch closes. Affiliate, JV, or partner offer - Here you are paid a commission for promoting someone else's product to your customers. Now it's time to brainstorm the arrangement of your offers into your own Launch Tree! C. Arranging (and rearranging) offers Lay out everything you have. - irst, create a flow, a story — which one would best follow which F one... • Second, lay them out based on which ones you can charge the least to most for. • Third, decide on how many upsells/downsells you want and what you plan on launching within a launch later. • Fourth, plan if you have recurrence — if so, have a content plan ready for at least the next three months. When sketching your tree, the point is to get you thinking and to show you any flaws in your sales process. © 2009 Pagina 21
  • 23. Sketch 1 - The Story How do the products flow from one to the other logically? What kind of story do the products tell your customer? Important note: Remember not to shove your customers into your existing products. If you try to force a tree, it won’t work. It’ll irritate your customers and it will not produce results. Sketch 2 - The Prices Prices should make sense. Think about the prices first before you think about anything else. Be sure downsells are priced at 50% of the prior offer. © 2009 Pagina 22
  • 24. Sketch 3 - Selection and Timing • How many upsells and downsells do you want to offer completely? • Try to select which products will be upsells and which will be downsells. • What products do you plan to use for a launch within a launch? Choose these carefully, because they could be your highest converting products. You'll be promoting them to highly enthusiastic customers and also during the honeymoon period of peak momentum right after your main launch. • Will you have a recurrence continuity program? If it’s content based (virtually all are), you need a content plan that covers at least three months. © 2009 Pagina 23
  • 25. D. How big should your Tree be? Is bigger necessarily better? The size of your tree depends on the number of offers you have, your projected traffic, your pricing strategies as well as how much value you feel you can pack into your sales process. Here are some tips to help you decide on whether to shoot for a short, medium or long tree: • If you're just starting out, go with a short tree. It's always best to get started and try on something. Don't let the lack of a big tree with lots of products stop you from at least starting! • If you have no 1-Click technology (see Module 8), stick with a short tree and then focus on a launch within a launch. In other words, you'll launch, bring in plenty of customers, and then carefully upsell those customers while the post-launch momentum is riding high. This also can really work well for you if you have a medium to large tree. • If you're planning a big launch, go with at least amedium-sized tree. A large tree is probably best, and worth the extra planning, product development, and testing. You're going to invest a lot of time, energy, and planning for a big launch. So optimize for the most revenue during the launch and use a large tree. • Never force a big tree if you don't have high quality, value-driven products to back it up. There’s nothing worse than being dragged through upsell after upsell of low-value junk products. It makes you look bad and it really annoys your customers — it will backfire! • Remember the launch within a launch strategy. By plan- ning to introduce some upsells after you launch, while momen- tum is high, you can save some of your best upsells for later. © 2009 Pagina 24
  • 26. E. Where should you place offers on your Tree? Remember, a bump is an extra product offered right at the point of checkout. #1 Bump Recommendation: Make your bump a recurring offer, with the first month FREE. #2 Bump Recommendation: If you're going to offer a membership or subscription with a one-time payment, make it FREE to try for at least seven days. The automatic re-billing kicks in after those first seven days. F. The pricing ladder The price of your initial offer should always fit the niche and the type of product. The price has to be congruent with its perceived value. The percentage of sales you make from your visitors will depend on two things: 1. The value of the offer. 2. The quotation where the customer enters the sales process. Gradual price increases and decreases are well-tolerated by customers if you follow these rules: Rule #1 - Gradually increase the price of the offers during the actual sales process, especially between the first and second offer. Rule #2 - Your highest-priced offer should have a logical price relation- ship to your first offer. Rule #3 - Price much more gradually when starting with free down- loads. Rule #4 - If the customer pays anything for the initial tryout — Even if it is a $1 trial —your upsells can be priced higher. © 2009 Pagina 25
  • 27. G. Five simple pricing formulas Every niche and product is different. The only true way to know… 1. Observe (copy and paste) what the top companies in your industry are doing. 2. Test! Formula #1 - Double the value and cut the price in half Formula #2 - Simple bump pricing Formula #3 - 3X Rule: Price the first upsell and beyond Formula #4 - The 70% rule Formula #5 - The 50% downsell rule There are two key rules to remember when you put a payment plan in place. Rule #1 - Charge interest. Rule #2 - Payment plan pricing should look pretty. Be sure that payment plan numbers appear natural and attractive to the customer. Payment Plan strategy #3 - Make a lump sum or payment plan into its own upsell/downsell. It’s obviously to your benefit to collect all the money up front. Here are two strategies to convince them to pay you up front. 1. Charge interest. As we already discussed, many will not want to pay extra for the same product, especially when you have an iron-clad guarantee. 2. Free bonus for those who pay up front. Always be transparent when adding a finance charge! © 2009 Pagina 26
  • 28. H. The importance of downsells Listen to your customer. When your customer says “no” to your offer, try and anticipate the reason why and provide an alternative. Downsells are vitally important for two reasons: • Offering a downsell is the best way to turn a non-buyer into a buyer. • Downsells can generate a huge amount of additional revenue! Understand why people say No. You should assume that the reason the customer said no was because of price. The perfect solution is obviously to lower the price. A downsell is presented when a customer says no to an upsell offer in your tree. The offer is either: 1. Similar to the upsell but with certain c o m p o n e n t s (like bo- nuses) removed, which justifies the lower price, or 2. The same offer — broken up into a payment plan. If you are reducing the price, remember that a 50 percent reduction is the sweet spot. Save that revenue! Through the downsell, you actually communicate some very important things to the customer: • You tell them you are sensitive to their predicament, and to their wallet. In effect, you are saying to them, I understand that the price might be too much for you at this time, so let me present you with an alternative which might fit your situation better. • You show the customer that you are still willing to provide them with the most important value. You are willing to re- move the non-essentials, because you still want them to be able to get the all the benefits from the key pieces of the offer. © 2009 Pagina 27
  • 29. I. Rules of pricing downsells Rule #1 - Downsells are typically offered only when the initial offer was $150 or more. Rule #2 - You must offer a product that retains as much of the essential offer value as possible — but without duplicating it. Rule #3 - You must not exceed the value of the initial offer while lowering the price. Rule #4 - You must not keep the value the same while lowering the price. The trick is to reduce the value enough to appease the ones who bought the upsell, but not enough to deflate the value altogether (hence killing your downsell conversion). • You should always provide something different in the downsell. Often that simply means removing components. • You have to be able to justify the downsell by clearly showing that it is, in fact, a different offer. © 2009 Pagina 28
  • 30. J. How to easily create downsells It’s about the starting value. If your original product has a sufficient amount of value already packed into it, this should allow you to remove components without destroying the overall value and do so at a lower cost. • Almost any product can be turned into a downsell, provided the original price is $150 or more. • Downsells are typically used for products only. 4 Simple ways to make downsells from what you already have: #1 - Remove components. #2 - Remove bonuses. #3 - Digitize a physical product. #4 - Offer recordings of live events. • Use the 50 percent rule: Cut the price by 50 percent for the downsell. • With payment plans… • Three or five payments is usually best. • Add a finance charge. © 2009 Pagina 29
  • 31. Module 5 – Drawing your Tree A. The mechanics of the Tree The “yes and no tracks” are a visual representation of what happens when a customer says “yes” or “no”. Customers who say “yes” are shown different offers than customers who say “no”. On your Launch Tree, the “yes track” and the “no track” are like branches connecting your offers together. The customer who says “yes” follows a different set of branches than the customer who says “no”. © 2009 Pagina 30
  • 32. B. The elements of a Launch Tree • A list of all the offers you will put on your tree: • Main offer • Bump (if you have one) • Upsells • Downsells • Price of each offer • Affiliate commission for each offer. • Expected conversion percentage for each offer. For example: 1. Physical Products — Account for the fulfillment and material costs. 2. VIP Coaching — Account for the cost of your coaches and staff. © 2009 Pagina 31
  • 33. C. Drawing your Launch Tree Drawing your tree allows you to organize everything while still letting new ideas pop in. it also let you see the entire flow and have the flex- ibility to make changes as needed. A drawing shows your programmers and designers exactly what you need. Drawing helps you see the tree from the customer's point of view. Step by Step checklist • Short Tree: One to two upsells; downsells are optional. Recur- rences are recommended but optional. Typically no bump offer (but still recommended). • Medium Tree: Two to three upsells; one downsell (recom- mended). Recurrence offer recommended but optional. Typi- cally no bump offer (but still recommended). • Tall Tree: Three to five upsells; two to three downsells. Recurrences are highly recommended. Bump offer highly re- commended. Step 1 - Print out the Launch Tree fill in the blanks diagram. Step 2 - Write down your main offer details Remember, your main offer is the first product you show your visitors. Be sure to include the: • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percentage (Take a safe guess here — feel free to use the numbers above as benchmarks.) © 2009 Pagina 32
  • 34. Step 3 - Write down bump details • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percentage Step 4 - Write down Upsell #1 Details • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percentage Step 5 - Write down Upsell #2 Details Note: This is what you show the customer who said YES toupsell #1. • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percentage Step 6 - Write down Downsell #1 Details Note: This is what you show the customer who said NO to upsell #1. Be sure this downsell makes sense. It should be 50 percent of the price of upsell #1. • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percent Step 7 - Write Down Upsell #3 Details Note: This is what you show the customer who said YES to upsell#2. • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percent Step 8 - Write Down Downsell #2 Details Note: This is what you show the customer who said NO to upsell #2. Be sure this downsell makes sense. It should be 50 percent of the price of upsell #2. • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percent © 2009 Pagina 33
  • 35. Step 9 - Write Down Downsell #3 Details Note: This is what you show the customer who said NO to upsell #3. • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percent D. Software to help you draw the Tree Once you think you have created an effective tree, it's a good idea to create a formal process map. A process map is basically a flow chart that shows all the steps – in this case, the steps your customer will take as they go through your sales process. In your own process map, you want to include all of the following in- formation on your tree: • Product Name • Customer Response - Yes or No • Price • Affiliate Commission • Expected Conversion Percentage Why should you create a formal process map? The formal process map really helps when you are talking to… • Your programmer(s) • You web designer • Writers and designers who work on your products • Your copywriter(s) • Your JV partners • Your customer support team • People who test your sales process before you go live • Anyone involved in the product launch The tree allows everyone to see at a glance what is supposed to happen with your customers on launch day. It also helps them to visualize how everything is supposed to work. © 2009 Pagina 34
  • 36. Software to help you draw a process map You can draw a process map using graphics programs like Paint or Fireworks, but that can be a tedious process. There are software pro- grams specifically designed to create process maps and to do mind mapping (brainstorming ideas while drawing the map). Web-Based Programs Bubbl Bubbl is a free online mind-mapping tool that allows you to create a quick process map and print it out. You can also email your mind map, embed it in a blog or website, and save it as an image. Mindomo Another online mind mapping tool that allows you to create and edit mind maps, and share them. Basic accounts are free, premium accounts have a small monthly fee. PC Programs Smart Draw is a popular program that does a lot of the drawing for you. Pick a process map template (they have some really nice ones), input information, and let the software draw the actual map. It aligns everything automatically and generates a professional-looking process map in seconds. MAC Mac users are lucky — OmniGraffel is one of the most powerful soft- ware packages available for making diagrams, process maps, charts, and even website mockups. The interface is intuitive and easy to learn, and there's a great Auto Layout feature which lines up all the items on the map according to whatever rules you specify. © 2009 Pagina 35
  • 37. E. Critique your Tree Provide a positive experience. When presenting an upsell or a down- sell, don’t make your customers think “That’s not fair, why didn’t you just offer me that in the first place?” Your first offer should always be your best value. All upsells need to be structured in a way that makes your best even better. Deadly Mistake #1 - You make a Yes customer feel bad about what they just bought. How to avoid mistake #1 - The make your best value better principle Here is what you should do: • Offer the complete DVD set as your main product. • Then offer a second, different DVD that dives into a specialized sub-topic in depth. Mistake #2 - Not respecting the meaning of No. How to avoid mistake #2 - Always create a different track for the No customer F. Is your Tree too big or too small? There is no one-size-fits-all Launch Tree. © 2009 Pagina 36
  • 38. Module 6 – The words that sell Upsells A. Upsell VooDoo #1: The power of Free Just the word ‘free’ can double your conversions. This may mean that when you use the word free: • You make your customer feel like they escaped from a prison or a trap. Accept this for free — get out of jail (or school). • You make your customers feel noble, uplifted, joyful, happy and carefree... • By giving them something for free, you become their friend, you endear yourself to them, heck, they love you! Launch Tree principle: Before you start your upsell process – find something your customer can say “yes” to. Put them on the right track! B. The psychology of Free Three more psychological laws of human nature kick in when you offer something “free…” and get them to accept. Law #1 – Reciprocity As soon as people accept something for free, many feel that they owe you. The law of reciprocity kicks in. You helped them, now they will help you. Law #2 - Commitment and consistency This law states that people tend to stick to their initial commitments, no matter what that commitment was. Being steady and consistent is highly valued in society; we get praised for it all the time. Law #3 - Removal of risk © 2009 Pagina 37
  • 39. C. Positioning around the word Free” The best part of using the word “free” is that you don’t have to change your actual upsell or downsell much – just how you position it. Use “free” instead of “discount” when possible. Example #: Buy 1, Get X Free A) Buy two months, get the third free. B) Buy two months, get our newsletter free for one year. C) Buy two months, get any of our other products free. A is best, because you lock the customer in for three months instead of two. Yes, in all cases they still have to pay you $800 right up front. Example #: Just add free bonuses Example #: Free Priority Access Club You basically tell customers that with this upsell they get Gold level status for free. With this status, they will be the first to be notified of new developments and receive a special treatment throughout the year. D. Upsell VooDoo #2: Why to never say Thank you for your order Don't close the buying loop too soon! What you should say instead… Here are words that keep the psychological buying loop open: • Order customization - Step 1 of 2 (or 2 of 3, etc.) • Order processing • Order confirmation • You are not done! Please finish the final steps • Almost complete — Please complete the final steps With the statements above, the customer is being told “Your main order is not done. I need your attention, so don’t go anywhere!” © 2009 Pagina 38
  • 40. E. Upsell VooDoo #3: Prime real estate – The page behind the order page Remember the shelf space in our supermarket example? On your website you have “prime shelf space”. The page that comes right after your customer places their order is worth at least a 42 percent raise for you right now. F. Upsell VooDoo #4: Say goodbye to the one-time offer The bad part is that a One-Time Offer (OTO) is a blatant sales pitch. Remember, people hate to be sold. So ditch the hard sell OTOs and use a better approach. Choose, Upgrade, Customize! The big retailers don't shove an OTO in the face of their customers. In- stead, they allow them to retain control. They help customers say yes. They give them freedom. G. Upsell VooDoo #5: Order progress bars and timelines If you have more than one upsell and downsell, things can get visually and mentally confusing for your customer. Some of our favorite ways to add a timeline: • Always tell the customer where they are in the process. This way they subconsciously register what's coming next. We've found that people don't mind a longer sales process as long as they can anticipate the end-point. • The best way is to use both a visual cue like a progress bar, and appropriate language, like Customize your order: Step 1 of 3. • The most common pieces of an order are Customize Cart Checkout Receipt. You want to be sure to include all of these. • Another way is to Confirm the order. • You can also display an “Order Details” list in a sidebar or next to items in the cart. This grays out the sections the customer has © 2009 yet to finish, but allows them to click back and make changes. Pagina 39
  • 41. H. Upsell VooDoo #6: Order buttons…What they should (and shouldn't) say What your button on the Upsell sales pays should pay… Most upsell pages have the same problem: “Buy now!” 1. At this point this can be a threatening statement — the word “buy” makes them think a little 2. You’re also closing the buying loop again. If you have more offers coming, you do not want to close that buying loop! I. Upsell VooDoo #7: Importance of 1-click Upsells - Doubling your conversions! 1-click technology lets your customer buy an upsell or downsell with just one mouse click. They have to enter their credit card information just once. The system remembers their credit card, so all they have to do is just click a button to buy the next item. Make it clear to the cus- tomer what happens when they click this button. Explain they are being billed and for how much. J. Upsell VooDoo #8: What your No Thanks buttons should say Our goal is to get 60 percent to say “yes” to at least one of the offers. Since the reality is that most will say no you can’t kill the tree process by giving them an easy-to-see option to say “no”. This doesn’t mean you should hide this button! Example for no thanks button: ___ “No thanks Mike, I already know everything I need to know about [enter your topic here]. I know others will use this informa- tion to improve their life and receive an excellent return on their investment, but I am willing to take my chances, and pay more later if I change my mind.” Bold this “No Thanks” text and make sure it is a dark gray color. Let the button don’t just say “No Thanks”, but let the customer know what he is missing out on. © 2009 Pagina 40
  • 42. K. Upsell VooDoo #9: The importance of the Yes check box Insert a “Yes, I want” box. The box reads something like this: “Yes, I’m ready to get started now! Please sign me up.” This works very well, not only above an Upgrade button, but when sprinkled throughout your main sales page. Now they’ve committed to accepting something from you. Here's an example of a powerful yes statement: And another: Note: The Terms and Conditions box should not be automatically checked. It should be unchecked by default. L. Upsell VooDoo #10: Which colors work best We have found these colors for buttons convert best: • Blue - Universal color of hyperlinks, always a safe choice. • Green - A calm color that's associated with money and prosperity. It’s also great for yes buttons because it means GO! • Yellow - A happy color that stands out nicely (Amazon uses this). • Black and White - Neutral, easy to read. Avoid red. This color is the universal color for stop or warning. © 2009 Pagina 41
  • 43. M. The last word on sales letters and videos A sales letter is the one opportunity you have to explain your offer to the customer. It lets them see your product and learn about how it can help them. Launch Tree principle: A sales letter should be as long as it needs to be. It should explain all benefits and features and provide everything your visitor needs to help them say “yes”. Top Five sales letter writing tips For your main sales page copy: 1 - Justify the price in the reader's mind. To do that, you must list all the value you're offering -- every single bit. Also be sure to justify reductions or increases in price. 2 - Always bring up — and then remove — any objections. Anticipate and address them right there. For upsell copy (in addition to #1 and #2 above): 3 - Show the reader that they are getting new, improved, or more content— more value. If that means you need a whole new sales letter to present the upsell properly, go ahead. Remember, because they already said yes, you can assume they are interested in what you have to say so say it. For downsell copy (in addition to 1 and 2 above): 4 - Reassure the reader about the lower cost. Justify it. For example, explain that digital downloads don't cost you as much as a big box of DVDs + shipping. 5 - Reassure them that they are getting almost as good a deal... and that nothing essential is left out. Launch Tree principle: Always write a complete, compelling sales let- ter that presents your offer with all of its features, benefits and testimo- nials. A sales letter has massive advantages. © 2009 Pagina 42
  • 44. Some people won't sit through a video, but they will skim a sales page. A busy person can still get to the point of your sales message. • You can use bold and highlighted words to attract someone’s attention to a certain section. • It's easy for the reader to go back and reread a section of a sales letter— very important. Different people are attracted to different features of the product, so you have to give people a chance to check out their favorite parts, especially testimonials. • Your sales letter can be as long as you need to make your case. You can put everything in it — every feature, every bo- nus, every testimonial, etc. Some people get antsy after just 23 minutes of video! • The sales letter gives the reader much more control over how and when they absorb your message. Psychologically that's a much better way to treat the customer. The more control you keep in the customer's hands, the better. Let's look at some of the disadvantages of video: • With a video, people can't skip forward to parts that interest them without missing a key phrase, thought or point. • Videos are most effective when they are short. The longer the video, the more likely the viewer will bail out before you can make your entire case. • If someone doesn't watch the entire video, they feel incomplete — like they missed something. They may like the offer. But if they have to stop the video while it’s playing, they feel cheated. Once again, they lose control over the sales process. • If their attention is distracted from the video for a moment, they tend to miss things. That makes it very easy for them to get into a “no mindset. They think, I'm not sure what this is all about, therefore I am not interested. Obviously you are going to bump up against all these limitations with a video only approach! © 2009 Pagina 43
  • 45. Module 7 – Growing the branches of your Tree A. The mistake most marketers make: Losing momentum There is no better time than right after launch to… • Put more offers in front of your customers. They bought from you. They loved your product (hopefully). They’ll be excited to hear about more offers. • Communicate like crazy with your customers. Send them follow-up emails and give them ample reasons to log in, visit your blog, and click on links in your emails. • Show your customer that you were not just excited about helping them before the launch of your product; you’re there for the long haul with them. • Follow-up with the non-buyers on your lead list. Remember, just because they didn't buy, doesn't mean they are not interes- ted. They want to hear from you or else they will unsubscribe. B. Build a business, not just products When you follow-up properly with your customers by providing a se- quence of subsequent products — you’re officially building a busi- ness. From your customer's perspective, your business is the collective value that your entire enterprise offers. That includes not just your products or services, but your brand, mission, energy, websites, sup- port, and even the output of your team. Think of your business as an Offer — the ultimate offer. Customers perceive your business as the totality of everything you bring to the table. To them, your business is something they interact with, and that they can return to over and over again to get literally endless amounts of value. © 2009 Pagina 44
  • 46. C. Right after your Launch — What next? The most critical period after a launch is the first 30-40 days. If you are not active within this period, you will quickly lose the attention of your prospect or customer. By active we mean: • Consistent and constant communication with your list. • New product offerings. • Releasing testimonials (keeping the excitement up). • Releasing proof that your product works. • Conducting webinars, teleseminars, and other events to build a personal relationship. • Offering them more products. If you can get them to spend more money within the first 30-40 days of their exposure to you… they will have a stronger relationship with you. Communication must lead to growth. Here are three options that have worked very well for the authors of the Launch Tree. They use all three at the same time and recommend you do the same. • An affiliate or JV launch. Team up with another marketer who has a complementary high end product you can promote to your customers. Remember, even if your list is smaller than other marketers' lists — you still have the best out of all of them. The last three times Anik has done this, he’s dominated the launch and been the top affiliate by far! Later, you'll learn how PPC Classroom recently earned over $512,000 in affiliate commissions in the few weeks after a launch by promoting a highly related product. • A “launch within a launch” - internal launch. This strategy alone has made Mike and Anik millions after a launch. It’s a truly unique concept that 98 percent of marketers do not use. • Launch a recurrence product. There is no better way to build and maintain a relationship with your customer than to have them paying you every month! If a recurring element was not involved in your original launch, then you can launch one afterwards as a “launch within a launch.” However, if you already had a recurring element as a part of it, consider launching © 2009 an even higher level program. Pagina 45
  • 47. D. Option 1: Post-Launch: Affiliate/JV Promos Be Careful – Your relationship is on the line… Choosing an affiliate promotion is a big responsibility. Don't take this lightly. You should be very certain that the product and company you are promoting are of the value your customers expect from you. The easiest way to kill your reputation and relationship is to highly endorse a product, have a customer buy it simply because they trust you… and then have the product fail to deliver on its promises. The Launch Tree course will teach you how to find the right affiliates and joint ventures. For now, just be aware of the following when choos- ing an affiliate promotion: • Is this product something you like and believe in? • Do you sincerely feel that this product provides value to your customers? • Does it fit in with your business? • Would you be proud to put your name on it? • Would you use the product yourself? • Does the product creator have a good reputation? Remember, when you promote an affiliate product, you are putting your name, your reputation and your brand behind it. Here are some guidelines to follow if you are setting up to put all your weight behind one affiliate promotion after your own launch. 1. Start promoting at least one week before the launch. 2. Prepare a killer stack of bonuses. 3. Choose a promotion schedule to use. Here are specific techniques to use: 1. Highly related: Just like your upsells and downsells, all your bonuses should be highly targeted. Don’t just “shove” in anything and everything you have. Add value. 2. Tease during the week: Never announce your bonuses until 48 hours before the launch. We like to tease the list during the pre- launch, saying that we have a large bonus coming soon. Build the anticipation. © 2009 Pagina 46
  • 48. 3. Announce it 24 hours before launch: We typically announce the bonus about 24 hours before launch. This is the best timeframe to get the “shock and awe” effect. You’re able to use this to make your bonus page go viral very fast. We consistently see sales from many who are not even on our own lists. They planned on buying the product and found out about our bonus, and then bought it purely for the bonus. 4. “Price of product X 10” rule: If you really want to destroy it and blow past any competing affiliate, use this rule. Let’s assume the price of the affiliate product is $397. The best bo- nus you can add will be worth $3,997 at least. 5. Mail at least three times before launch: This is why you want to start a week before. As a bare minimum you want to mail twice for the pre-launch, and of course on launch day. 6. Make a video: Videos are key, especially if you can do a product Tour or show the product being used. You’ll likely be the only af- filiate going to this length and the results will show. The video will also go viral. We typically like to make the second pre-launch mail- ing into a video release. 7. Follow-up mailing two to three days after launch: You can easily see a 30 percent jump in sales if you mail again within two to three days after the launch. © 2009 Pagina 47
  • 49. E. Option 2 3 — Post-Launch: Internal launches and recurrences Option 2 Post-Launch: Launch within a Launch. The basis principles are: 1. You develop a new product that ONLY your customers can order. You will not offer this product to the pre-launch list, or to any of your other lists or customers. 2. Drop hints about the new product from day one! You should be preparing your customers for your “launch within a launch” starting the very same day you sell them the first product. But you must do this quietly and behind the scenes. 3. Release the launch within a launch product seven to 30 days after your initial launch. The earliest it should be done is 7-10 days after the first launch. And the latest it should be done is one month after launch. A launch within a launch is the perfect upsell if… • you can't implement 1-Click technology right now; • you can't get your own merchant account. The key is to start dropping those hints about the launch within a launch product to your new customers. Remember, you want to think of each new customer as their own little launch! Option 3 Post-Launch: Recurrences The authors of the Launch Tree believe it is essential to offer a recur- rence program as an upsell. This sort of product is a constant and stable source of income. This is needed to stay a business and to expand your business while you don’t have a new launch. There are many types of recurrence programs. Just think about a monthly premium (audio) newsletter. It is mostly about the quality value of the product. As long as the customer sees and experiences the more value of the product, he will keep paying for it. © 2009 Pagina 48
  • 50. F. Case study: Adding $1M to the annual revenue Perfect Launch within a Launch timing and a high ticket recur- rence program The following idea was pioneered by Amit Mehta and it added a mini- mum of $1 million a year to their business — all recurrences. They combined two concepts: • The Launch within a Launch — Only allowing their customers to order — not the pre-launch list. • Higher ticket recurrence — Although they already had a recur- rence program, they were able to build so much value that their customers purchased an upgrade, and paid 400 percent more than their current recurrences! What can you learn from this case study? Two BIG lessons… 1. It’s all about value again. As long as the value is there, your customers will pay. Don’t be shy of launching a “high-priced recurrence program. 2. Adding recurrences creates consistent revenue you can count on. That way you can focus on building your business knowing you’ll have income the next month - even if you don’t launch a “new” product. G. Momentum builders: Future cross sells and upsells Now is the time to plan the upsells and cross sells that will keep the momentum of your launch going, even post-launch. Go through this list and see if you can come up with at least five more upsells and cross sells, on top of the ones you have already planned for your Launch Tree: • Different media • Written - Digital download, print, or data CD • Spoken - Download or physical CD • Video - Download or physical DVD • Software - Download or physical CD © 2009 Pagina 49
  • 51. Different types of content • Ebooks • Workbooks • Checklists and tip sheets • Process maps • Heat maps and diagrams • Newsletters • Magazines • Glossaries and FAQs • Resource Directories • Spreadsheets • PowerPoints • Articles • Reviews • Photos • Web graphics • Email exchanges • Physical books • Screen capture videos • Templates • PLR products • Resale rights products • Live teleseminars, webinars, upstream conferences • Written transcripts of audio and video • Recordings of teleseminars, webinars, upstream conferences • Recording of a live lecture, seminar, workshop, class • Memberships • Subscriptions • Courses • Live coaching • Email coaching • Platinum or elite coaching groups • Offline workshops, seminars, classes • Live events, large scale © 2009 Pagina 50
  • 52. H. Case Study: Live event — Launch within a Launch How live events can be a great post-launch momentum builder: 1. Customers get to actively participate. The attendees at your live event are going to get a very intimate view of you and your busi- ness, while actively participating with others who share their same goals. 2. A live event strengthens your business’ image. 3. It keeps your product top of mind with your customers. 4. It’s a one-stop shop for your product. 5. Back-of-the-room sales can generate significant additional revenue. 6. It gives you an opportunity to obtain powerful testimonials and endorsements. © 2009 Pagina 51
  • 53. Module 8 – Increase conversions by 29% for each branch through 1-click technology! A. What is 1-Click technology? 1-Click technology is one of the easiest ways to gently guide your cus- tomers through the shopping cart process while drastically increasing your conversions. When Amazon implemented its 1-Click Ordering it discovered that customers would add more products to their cart during each shopping session. 1-Click made it incredibly easy to just click one button and purchase the item. And here's a close up. See how Amazon makes it super easy to just click and buy? In fact, Amazon even tried to patent one-click technology. Lucky for us, the patent application was rejected, so we can all implement one- click technology into our sales process. One-click technology allows your customer to say yes to your © 2009 offers and pay for them by clicking one button. Pagina 52
  • 54. Here's how it works: • The customer accepts your initial offer and enters their credit card information. • The system remembers the credit card information, number, expiration date, etc…(Just make sure your system is encrypted and secure.) • You present the first upsell to the customer. When they click the Customize my Order button, the system just pings the credit card again. The system can also be designed to only bill the credit card at the end – it totals all the charges and bills them at one time. Mike and Anik prefer to bill immediately, in pieces, as the customer is making choices. • This can be repeated for as long as the customer stays on the upsell/downsell path. • The customer will see the charges on their credit card state- ment. NOTE: Some 1-click scripts will wait until the entire process is com- plete and will charge the customer one lump sum. Others will process and show multiple charges on the customer's credit card statement. B. So why don't most marketers use 1-Click? Why don’t more people use it? This is because: • You need a merchant account to implement 1-Click. Lots of small- to medium-sized businesses on the internet stick to us- ing 3rd party companies. A real sign of a true business is when you have your own merchant account. • You need a 1-Click script that will work with both your- merchant account and payment gateway.You can have the script built or you can use the Butterfly Marketing script, which is the only out-of-the-box 1-Click script we would recommend because it does not require custom coding. Either way, the technology on the credit card processing terminal has to integrate well with your payment gateway. © 2009 Pagina 53
  • 55. You need access to programming talent you can trust. Developing or customizing a script, integrating it in your web pages, and testing and debugging it all require an experienced programmer. This technology will be handling and storing sensitive data, includ- ing credit card information. You need to choose a credible programmer who can be trusted. • Testing your 1-Click process can be a big job. You need a group of people to test from different ISPs, different locations, different browsers and even different parts of the world. If you don't, you may find yourself with lots of failed orders on launch day (yes, we've been there!). • You need to invest money and time in 1-Click. Paying for a script and a programmer, as well as getting all the order pages designed and implemented, takes time and money. If you're short on either, you need to start planning now. Begin setting aside resources to invest in getting 1-Click up and running smoothly. • Most third-party payment processors simply won't allow you to use 1-Click. For example… • Do you use ClickBank? ClickBank says it is planning to offer a 1-Click upsell solution in the future, but it's not yet available. • What about PayPal? Big Warning! Do not even consider developing a script to do 1-Click ordering with PayPal. Any script that does this is a violation of the PayPal terms of agreement. PayPal requires the customer to exit your site and go to a transaction page in order to confirm the amount (and other information). This is required, even if the customer has already entered payment information. So if you attempt to use a 1-Click script with PayPal, your account will be shut down. Do you prefer Paydotcom? It's a great payment processor (if we do say so ourselves). But Paydotcom does not cur- rently offer 1-Click because of PayPal. © 2009 Pagina 54
  • 56. Do you like Google Checkout? It's another nice third- party payment processor. But unfortunately, it doesn't allow 1-Click, and it doesn't look like it has plans to offer it in the future. • What about other services – Every day new services are popping out that claim to offer 1-Click. We have not yet tested many. However, our experience shows that many do not keep the “Launch Tree” strategies in mind. Important. Just because you do not have 1-Click does not mean you cannot use the Launch Tree. We’re going to give you advice on how to start using the Launch Tree right away — even without 1-Click technology. However, we still recommend that you work hard to get access to this technology. For one-click technology you can choose between your own script or one out of the box. What are the benefits of purchasing a pre-made 1-Click upsell technology? There are definite benefits to using a pre-made, out of the box script like Butterfly Marketing. . • You don't need to locate, test out, and hire a programmer. • The script has already been tested. • The script will most likely work with most major payment gateways. But, there are also benefits of hiring someone to build a script for you: • You can get a solution customized for your business. • As you grow, you'll need technical talent, and this is an opportunity to develop a relationship with a programmer. • You own the script. • Your programmer will know the script he created inside out, so changes and enhancements will be easier to do. © 2009 Pagina 55
  • 57. With so many different options available, your first step should be to talk it over with your merchant account provider and your programmer. Why? Because different payment processors have different requirements, you should talk with all the players involved — and if you can, get them talking to each other. This will help you work out what you need to get 1-Click technology up and running for your website and your Launch Tree. Testing your Launch Tree order process It doesn't matter whether you use an out-of-the-box script or build your own -- you must test the entire order process completely. This includes making sure that • Purchase confirmation emails arrive. • Product is delivered. • Logins work (if it is a membership site). • Upsells and downsells are delivered properly. • Users have access to their account or to the support system. IMPORTANT WARNING! Do not use your own credit card to place test orders! Your credit card account could be shut down. © 2009 Pagina 56
  • 58. C. What if you're not ready for 1-Click? 1-Click is NOT mandatory for a successful sales process. We strongly believe it's always better to get started with upsells and downsells anyway. Just try it, even without 1-Click. Why? • It's always better to try, than not to try at all! The power of upselling and downselling won't really hit you until you give it a chance and see what happens. Even Anik had to try it with a drop dead simple upsell (not using any of the tips in this course) before he was convinced. You need to see that custom- ers will respond, even without 1-Click. That will get you fired up to make 1-Click happen for your business. • Even if your conversions are not as high, you still make more sales — guranteed. Without an upsell, you are denying value to those customers who are your biggest fans. Because the ones who want your product badly enough will put in their credit card twice. Without a downsell, you're basically turning people away simply on the basis of price. That's not fair to you or them. You lose money, and they miss out on something that could benefit them. • Upselling and downselling make good marketing sense. If you believe in your products, you owe it to your customers to offer them more. You want your visitors and customers to expect to see additional valuable options when they come to your site. They're used to it already, from the world's biggest companies. It's not about taking more…it's about giving more. • Just because it's not 1-Click, doesn't mean people won't buy! People experience upsells when they go to all kinds of businesses, and sometimes they do have to pull out their wallet a second time. For example, at McDonald's, if you eat inside the restaurant, you have to pay again if you decide to order a sundae after your meal J!). So you won't be hitting them with anything new if you present them with an upsell and they can't 1-Click. Your conversions just won't be AS high. • Upselling and downselling make good business sense — without them, you leave money on the table. Just offering one upsell and one downsell (provided they're good) will in- crease your revenue significantly. © 2009 Pagina 57
  • 59. How to use the Launch Tree without 1-Click? NOTE: Remember to keep it SIMPLE! You can start your Launch Tree with just 1 upsell -- you don't even need a downsell, though we recommend it. Just follow the steps and Get Started! 1. Keep your Launch Tree short. 2. Draw out a simple Launch Tree with only one upsell and down- sell (maximum 2 products). 3. Plan your launch within a launch right away! This is where you will make the majority of your profits. (We'll talk about this in detail in Module 10.) 4. Get your upsell and downsell products ready. 5. Be sure to use correct sales vocabulary in your sales process. 6. Be sure to build a list! 7. Set a goal to reach before you apply for your merchant account. © 2009 Pagina 58
  • 60. Module 9 – Always think recurrences! Introduction If you don't have a recurring revenue program, you could be lea- ving thousands - even hundreds of thousands - of dollars on the table every month! • We're going to prove just how essential a recurring revenue program is by showing you how much money PPC Classroom 2.0 would have lost without a recurring revenue program. • Then you’ll learn how to position your own recurrence offer so your customers will actually want it. It’s all about Launch Tree principles. • We're also going to share some very important things you should implement into your recurrence program right away, to avoid those dreaded charge backs • We’ll discuss the whole issue of “forced continuity”. • You’ll also learn that it's not just about getting people to buy your recurrence offer. In fact, recurrence is so important; you absolutely must read this module twice from start to finish! A. Case Study: PPC Classroom recurrence PPC Classroom 2.0 — October 2008 This launch included the complete Launch Tree of Mike and Anik, with four upsells and two downsells. On average the recurring element is worth $362,500 a month! In other words, without the recurring element, PPC Classroom would have been almost $1.5 million dollars poorer! © 2009 Pagina 59
  • 61. Why recurrence is better than no recurrence Launch Tree principle: Recurring revenue allows you to build and grow a business, instead of constantly having to sell new products. • Without recurring revenue: Your income will always be dependent on the very last product you launched. That's not really building a business. • Without recurring revenue: It's like owning a retail store, where you have to keep selling and restocking every day just to keep the business alive. • Without recurring revenue: You never get paid for what you did in the past. • Without recurring revenue: If new sales stop – your business ends. If your business model includes built-in recurring revenue, your business takes on a very different form. • With recurring revenue: You can plan on a relatively steady flow of revenue. That allows you to build a real business that can be expanded and scaled. • With recurring revenue: It's like owning an investment pro- perty. You have to maintain, improve, maybe even beautify the recurring product, but you don't have to create it from scratch or sell it over and over again. • With recurring revenue. You can be paid again and again for value you created in the past. • With recurring revenue: You build a stronger relationship with your customers. • With recurring revenue: You run a real business! Long term relationships = more revenue! • Your business will fizzle out if you don't constantly provide your subscribers with additional value. • Customer acquisition costs might be advertising costs like PPC (Pay per Click) • You always have to spend x amount of time, money, and re- sources to acquire a customer. • By adding recurring income, your average customer is worth much more than the initial transaction. • The additional income allows you to invest more into your © 2009 marketing Pagina 60
  • 62. B. How to position recurrences to make customers WANT it Explicitly state what the customer will get, what they are agreeing to, how much it will cost, and how to cancel. Don’t hide anything in the fine print! Never hide the recurring charges! We've all seen these tactics. Some companies trick you into agreeing to a monthly recurring charge. Some of the nasty practices are: • They don't explicitly tell the customer that by buying the product, he is also signing up for a recurring charge. • They omit the continuity aspect from their sales pages altogether. • They hide the recurring charges in the fine print, in a font so small that you can't even read it with a magnifying glass. • They reveal the continuity charges at the very end of the sales process. Some companies really cross the line, and only tell you after your card has been charged. • They say just enough about the program to satisfy the law, but it's still clear as mud to the customer. Customers are rightfully angry if they fall victim to these practices. • Book of the month, fruit of the month, and coffee of the month clubs; • Magazine, journal, newspaper, and newsletter subscriptions; • Monthly or annual maintenance or service contracts; • Cell phone contracts; • Monthly charges for Internet, phone, cable, and satellite; • Monthly or annual web hosting. Be transparent! When we sign up for these continuity programs, we know exactly what we are getting into! When you sell a continuity program, remember to do the following: • Explain exactly what the continuity program is and what they will get. • Tell customers exactly what they will be charged. • Tell them precisely when they will be charged. © 2009 Pagina 61
  • 63. 6 Strategies to avoid charge back issues 1. Always remind people that their card will be billed. 2. Include cancellation instructions in every communication 3. Be quick to react when someone complains. 4. After the sale, be sure to send an immediate email explaining the charges and terms. • What they purchased • Where they purchased it (the website URL) • How much they paid • The last four digits of the credit card they used • The exact wording that will appear on their credit card statement • How to contact customer support 5. If you sell a physical product, include a copy of the terms and a receipt inside the actual product 6. Allow customers to cancel themselves without customer support. © 2009 Pagina 62
  • 64. C. 4 Positioning tactics for your continuity program By offering a continuity program, you are also accepting the responsi- bility the value of your program. Tactic #1 - Position the continuity side-by-side with the main offer. • Present the recurring program alongside your main offer. • Sell the recurring program on its merits, just like the rest of the offer Tactic #2 – make ease of cancellation a selling point. Show the customer that your program is different by turning ease of cancellation into a selling point. • It starts the relationship off right. • It reduces risk. • The customer retains freedom and control. Tactic #3 - Properly position the benefits of educational recurrence • Can I package the benefits of my recurring offer in a more at- tractive way? • Can I use language that is more uplifting, positive, tantalizing, or gentle in my sales copy? • Should I deliver the product in a different, easy-to-digest for- mat? • What if I focus on the end results my customers will get once they've eaten their broccoli? Tactic #4 - Increase up-front value (build reciprocity) Examples… • PPC Classroom — The course that has students making over $4 million dollars a year for free? • Butterfly marketing — The $2,000 software for free? • Net effect — The Stomper SEO Course 2.0 for free? © 2009 Pagina 63
  • 65. D. Is forced continuity bad? When forcing your customers into signing up for your continuity program, they won’t feel 100 percent safe when entering into that type of transaction. In reality, your recurring offer is automated continuity. But the problem is • Nobody likes to be forced into doing something. • Nobody likes not being able to choose. • Nobody likes not having control. • Nobody likes being backed against a wall! This negative mindset is apparent when you look at the typical complaints about forced continuity. • Customers will complain that they didn’t realize a recurring subscription was required. • Customers say they simply did not know they were signing up for a monthly fee. • Customers will email support asking for a refund shortly after signing up (without even looking at the subscription or membership!). In fact, there are really four ways to sell a continuity program and you only want to use one of them: • Front-end continuity: maybe. • Hidden continuity: no! • Forced continuity: hmmm maybe. • Optional continuity: yes! © 2009 Pagina 64
  • 66. The new forced continuity model - optional continuity Optional continuity has now taken centre stage in marketing circles as of late. How it works. You make the continuity program into an option that the customer can choose to remove from their cart. Essentials of the optional continuity strategy: • The continuity program is completely transparent. All the benefits of the continuity program are featured in the sales letter. Explain why the continuity program is so valuable. • Be sure to give the customer an obvious way to say no to the continuity offer. • Recommended: Make the continuity offer free for the first month. What to expect from optional continuity • Higher conversions Depending on the offer and the market, the increase in conversions was anywhere from 12 percent on the low end to 28 percent on the higher end. That’s right, forced continuity had actually been suppressing re- sponse 12 – 28 percent all these years! • Lower customer service burden • Higher tetention © 2009 Pagina 65