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Bahir Dar University
College of Science
Chemistry Department
Chemistry Teaching and Teacher Education
(ChEd. 772)
Presentation on:
Conception of Teacher Education and Chemistry Teaching at
National and International levels
By: Derejaw Yesgat
Oct., 2021
Bahir Dar
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Presentation Outlines
Teacher Education in Ethiopia
Teacher Education in Japan
Teaching Chemistry Nationally and
Teaching Chemistry Internationally
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Teacher education refers to the policies, procedures, and provision
designed to equip teachers with
 knowledge ,attitudes , behaviors & skills
 Those require to teachers to perform their tasks effectively in the
classroom, schools, and wider community.
There are three key pillars that support quality education:
access to quality teachers
use of quality learning tools and
the establishment of safe and supportive quality learning environments.
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To improve educational system, the most important factor to be
kept in mind is
 improving the quality of teachers along with the standard of
Improving the quality of teachers is necessary because
a person who would educate others must be educated first
substantial and valuable education can only find from qualified teachers &
Only substantial and valuable education can lead the students towards resourceful
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
The quality of teachers is related to the training approach in teacher
Student teachers should be equipped with academic discipline and
pedagogical technique in their training.
Beyond the academic discipline, teacher education should equip student
teachers with theoretical disciplines like psychology, sociology and philosophy.
The philosophical basis provides the insights to the student teachers ancient and
modern philosophical thoughts of the philosophical thinkers of education and
various aspects, such as, curriculum instruction and discipline.
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The sociological basis helps the student teachers to understand the role of
the society and its dynamics in the educational system.
The psychological basis helps the student teachers to develop insights into
the psychological well-being of the students.
This enables them to understand their self and the learning situations.
Teachers used it to provide meaningful and relevant learning experiences to
their students and students are able to benefit from learning.
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History of Teacher Education in Ethiopia (1900 -1990)
 Teacher education in Ethiopia from 1900 to the present consists of different
phases of religious, social & political reorganization.
Ethiopia has long and rich tradition of indigenous education over 1ooo years,
 it was associated with the Coptic Church education (Pankhurst 1974).
The traditional Church education was divided into three phases that seem
parallel to the Western-oriented education system.
 Nebab Bet primary,
Zema Bet secondary, and
Quoine Bet higher education (Habtemariam, 1970).
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Hist… cont’d
Modern education was introduced in Ethiopia under the rule of the Emperor
Menelik II in (1889-1913) 1908 (Alemayehu, 2012)
Church leaders was opposed introduction of modern education,
It was based on fears that foreigner may corrupt church's tradition.
During Emperor Haile Selassie (1930 –1974) a significant development was
registered in the education sector.
The development was in educational structure, teacher training, educational
management etc (Kassaye, 2005).
 Amharic was the medium of instruction & focused on training in
communication skills (reading & writing) and basic mathematics
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
 The focus shifted towards giving priority to education &
many schools and higher learning institutions were established.
The aim was to produce qualified teachers & administrators capable
of running the state machinery smoothly.
reforms & policies were introduced to improve the quality of
teacher education.
 the first primary teacher training program was initiated
In 1944-5 at Menelik School in Addis Ababa.
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Present State of Teacher Education in Ethiopia
Ethiopia’s government adopted an Education & Training Policy in 1994.
aimed to achieve four educational goals: quality, access, relevance, & equity
To achieve these goals
qualified teachers was trained parallel with the education system
new teachers training colleges was established & existing ones was upgraded
 methodological approaches of teachers was improved and
 teachers were expected to have ability, professional interest, physical and
mental fitness appropriate for the profession (MOE, 2012).
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Teacher educ…cont’d
Education & Training Policy (1994) helped to chart out the
Education Sector Development Programs (ESDPs).
 ESDPs was aimed to meet the educational goals of the nation by
 improving education both qualitatively and quantitatively
providing adequate numbers of qualified teachers to meet the demands
of the greatly increased enrolment in educational institutions.
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Policies and Reforms of Teacher education in Ethiopia
Teacher education should undergo reform to be align with the new global
environments (Sahlberg, 2004).
The objective of teacher education programs is to prepare teachers to teach
in the context of educational globalization.
Through educational globalization (Misra 2010)
 the total education system of the world become under one roof
unification of teaching curriculum, methodology, and
upgrading of knowledge & systems to maintain efficiency & effectiveness
became simple
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Policy & reform… contd
Ethiopia’s teacher education programs have under go structural and curricular
change in all teacher education activities (Tessema, 2006) like
 reduction in duration of teacher education from 12+4 years to 12+3.
 reduction in duration of teacher education from 12+2 to 10+3 years
The structural & curricular change, results new policy reform. Some of the policies
& reforms made were
Education and Training Policy (1994)
Teacher Development Programs (TDPs) and
Teacher Education System Overhaul Program (TESO),
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Education and Training Policy (1994)
The policy statement refers to the employment of learner-centered, active
learning, & problem-solving approaches (Serbessa, 2006).
Highlights the policy regarding teacher’s training & recruitment (MOE, 1994)
Those polices were
teacher trainees should have the proper knowledge, skill, ability, professional
interest and physical and mental readiness.
Teachers should required to have the necessary teaching qualification and
competency in the media of instruction.
Emphasis on professional development of teachers (continuous education &
training, professional ethics and teaching performance)
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Education &Training policy…cont’d
The Education and Training Policy (1994) has a basic objective to, (FDRGE, 1994).
develop the physical and mental potential
enhance problem-solving capacity of individuals and
expanding education by providing basic education for all
In view of this, MOE develop a new gender & diversity sensitive selection
criteria for (MOE, 2013).
primary school teachers and
secondary school teacher trainees.
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Training policy… cont’d
According to the new selection guidelines (MOE, 2013) .
primary level teachers were trained both for the integrated school
(1-4) cluster, (5-6) integrated and for (7-8) linear subjects being taught.
Secondary school teachers were given training for three years & one year
professional & practical training Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT).
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Training policy… cont’d
The Education & Training Policy also aimed to improve the structure of
education in relation to
the development of student profiles
educational interventions
method and language of instructions at different levels
recruitment, training, methodology, & career development of teachers.
Though impressive achievements in quantity of graduate were observed,
their competence however remains questionable (MOE 2004).
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Teacher education system overhaul (TESO)
 Program designed to pre-service training time significantly to focus on observing
the school environment related to their field of study
Its intention was to integrate campus experience with the school based practice in
meaning full way.
Focuses on five programs on a priority basis with emphasis on the recruitment &
training of teacher education.
Also focuses on student-centered learning, practice oriented training & self-
preparedness for the teaching profession.
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Though, TESO was implemented with great hope, the desired result are
yet to be achieved. Some of the reasons are
 authorities (experts) are not yet fully prepared
schooling and teacher preparation activities are not proportional and
teacher preparation were not aligned with the aims and practices
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Teacher development program (TDP)
Implemented at all levels of the education system
i.e general education, Colleges of Teacher Educations (CTEs) & in
Aimed to improve the system of teacher education methodology like
knowledge, attitudes & skills of those with in teacher education system.
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Teacher Professional Development in Ethiopia
Professional development
provides various opportunities and experiences to teacher in a planned
and systematic way to improve and develop their profession.
cultivate teachers knowledge of practice
enhances pedagogical skills needed at different levels
Use to implement the current technology in their teaching.
Conducted at all levels across primary teacher development to
university teacher development.
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Teacher professional development… cont’d
The various teacher professional development programs introduced by
Ethiopian government include:
 CPD & HDP,
 English Language Improvement Program, and
 Pedagogical Resource Centers (PRCs)
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Teacher professional development… cont’d
Induction: professional support services provided to newly employed teachers &
educational specialists
CPD focuses on
 improving the teaching-learning process with emphasis on active learning,
practicing continuous assessment,
managing large classes and Solving problem through action research etc.
HDP focuses on (MOE, 2004).
 improve the quality of education in Ethiopia through a licensing program
 develop the skills and professionalism of teacher educators
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English Language Improvement Program (ELIP)
Focused on improving English language teaching skills of primary &
secondary school teachers (British Council, 2010).
It has shown them
how to develop their own materials for English language learning,
how to create a better communication with their students.
Pedagogical Resource Centers (PRCs)
Aim to train the educators on different teaching complexities such as
 teachers organize their work
teachers mobilize their resources (Yizengaw, 2003).
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Paradigm shift in Ethiopia Teacher Education
 In Ethiopia, number of Paradigm shifts were made on teacher education
Menilik – II and Haileselase – I Period (1889-1972)
A teacher training system was started in late 1940s
Best performer of grade VIII students was recruited and trained for 1 year
Best performers of Grade-X students were recruited and trained for 2 years.
Latter the government sensed dissatisfaction on the education system, and
initiated a study called the Education Sector Review (ESR) in 1971
It was suggested that the rural population be made the target of educational
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Paradigm shift…Cont’d
Derge Era (1974-1991)
 Derge continued the training of teachers for three levels,
 elementary (Grade I-VI)
junior secondary (Grade VII-VIII) and
secondary (Grade IX-XII)
In 1982, Derge argued that the education policy favoring some regions & urban
areas (Negash)
The government launched a reform study in 1983.
New curricula that reflected the new policy were developed (Engida, 2002) the
teacher educators were increasingly Ethiopians rather than foreigners.
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The New Era in Ethiopia Education System
Ethiopian education system undergo content and structural reform in 1994.
The change in structure & content of school curricula lead to
upgrading of teacher education from a mere subject area to professional
Introduction of ICT, action research and civic & ethical education and
Introduction of digital television instructional delivery
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
The New Era in Ethiopia Education System…cont’d
All the above mentioned Ethiopian education policies are based on
nature and scope of active learning
student centered, and
problem solving approaches associated with constructivism.
Hence there was paradigm shift from
traditional teacher-centered approaches of the past to student-centered
(active learning) approach.
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Challenges of Teacher Education in Ethiopia
Some of the major challenges that hinder implementation of policy
reform of 1994 (Mesfin I. 2020) were
problems of quality and relevance of program of studies
Insufficient resource specially in science laboratory (equipment and chemicals).
Misinterpretation of implementation of plasma teaching
Misinterpretation of CPD and HDP
Inadequate capacity of experts for professional development
Assigning system of leadership and management of educational institutions.
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Teacher education in international level
Most developed country have nearly similar teacher education experiences
(Didaktika R. 2018).
Teacher selection, recruitment, certification and Quality control
Learning tools and resources, Facilities, Technology,
Structure and time schedule and etc
Japanese is top ranked developed country in their educational system
Most of the time Japan is second ranked next to Finland.
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Teacher Education in Japan
Administration and finance of School Education
Public elementary & junior high schools are established by a city, town or village
school principals & teachers are employed by the prefectural boards of
Public high schools are established & governed by the prefectural boards of
Majority of Japan schools are public (97%), few private (3%).
 The government only cover 1/3 of school costs for public schools (Yamasaki,2016
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Teacher Certification
 There were Open system and accreditation system certification.
The Educational Personnel Certification Law publicized in 1949
allowed anyone who had earned the required academic degree and
earned the required credits to be certified as a teacher, regardless of their
university or field of study,
called an “open system” of teacher training.
Teacher certificates were awarded by prefectural boards of education in every
prefecture of Japan.
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Teacher Certification… Cont’d
In 1953, an accreditation system for teacher education programs
was introduced in order to improve the quality of new teachers.
Teacher candidates had to earn the credits in professional and academic
subjects at institutions accredited by the Educational Personnel Training
 which operated under the purview of the Ministry of Education.
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Present Qualifications and Teaching Certification
Teacher certification rule was revised at 2015 .
Advanced certification was started
To each level school teacher (elementary, junior high school, high school,
and KG school) teachers can certified in
Advanced certificate (masters degree) graduate from graduate school
Class 1 certificate (bachelors degree) graduate from university
Class 2 certificate (associate degree) graduate from junior college
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Teacher certification…cont’d
Applicants for future elementary school teachers must earn more of
teaching course (41) & some content or subject matter courses (8)
Applicants for junior high school teachers have to earn at least 20 credits
of junior high school subject matters and 31 credits of teaching courses
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Teacher Recruitment and Staff Development
Teacher Recruitment
Candidates apply for teacher employment & recruited with two stage
written test covering areas of teaching, such as pedagogy and educational
laws and regulations, a written test covering general education and an
aptitude test.
second examination includes a micro-teaching, a practical examination,
interviews and a written test
Registered on the list of these scheduled for employment (reserved)
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Staff Development
Japan’s school teachers are legally obligated to engage in CPD.
newly recruited teachers engaged to two CPD programs.
 in-school, they receive guidance from an experienced teacher (6 hrs per week).
The second type of development is given at staff development centers at the board
of education for 25 days.
In any school all teachers must conduct annual research in group
the research finding present in a public meeting
Ranked research published and distributed to each school
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Chemistry Teaching
 Internationally almost in all developed countries like America, China, India,
Japan etc.
 chemistry teaching is conducting through innovative and active learning
method (Reid N. 2007)
 Innovative learning strategies could be used by teachers at all levels of
chemistry education to enhance the students’ motivation to learn chemistry.
 Some dominant chemistry teaching method in Japan are
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Laboratory teaching method
It follows the principle of learning by doing
wonderful opportunity for making the connection between the unseen
microscopic world and the observable macroscopic world in which we live
Teacher must see that, students are allowed to work independently without
much interference.
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Inquiry-Based teaching
Constructivist approach, which students have ownership of their learning
It starts with exploration and questioning and leads to investigation into a
worthy questions, issue, problem or idea
It involves asking questions, gathering and analyzing information, generating
solutions, making decisions, justifying conclusions and taking action
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Problem-Solving Teaching strategy
It help students to realize that the knowledge they have already gained can
be applied to anew situations
The result of the problems-solving are shared among all students
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Teaching chemistry using ICT
Cognitive psychologists assume that the understanding of chemistry includes the
ability to think on three levels:
the macroscopic level,
the symbolic level and
the level of particles.
Students have the most difficulties in understanding the sub microscopic level - the
level of particles because
it reaches beyond their experience. In these cases the interactive multimedia can be used as
an effective tool.
3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
Teaching Chemistry in Ethiopia
Even if the policy reform (1994) clearly declared the paradigm shift from
teacher-centered to student-centered (active learning) method, its
implementation has been still in problem due to the following (Ejigu O. 2017)
Unproportionally of student- teacher and student- class ratio
Resistance of teachers and students to student-centered teaching method
Time allotment to science subjects
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Teaching Chemistry in Ethiopia…cont’d
Common obstacles to the implementation of active learning are
(Zewdu Agegnehu 2002)
lack of institutional support and learning resources
Teachers’ lack of expertise
 Inappropriate curricular materials and
Student teachers less preference to actively participate in learning due to
lack of prior experience
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Teaching Chemistry in Ethiopia…contd
Due to the above obstacle mostly teaching chemistry in Ethiopia conducted
through teacher-centered (tradition) teaching method.
Even if there is a practice of implementation of student-centered teaching, it is
not that much fruitful
Common chemistry teaching methods in Ethiopia are
Lecturing (teacher talking) method
Group discussion teaching method
Demonstration teaching method
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Lecture Teaching Method
Teacher controlled and information centered approach in which teacher works
as a role resource in classroom instruction.
Chemistry and other decline are conducted through this method
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Group Discussion Teaching Method
Collaborative exchange of ideas among a teacher and students or among
students for the purpose of
furthering students thinking & learning,
problem solving and
Understanding the lesson.
Even if it is active learning method, there was teachers and students
misinterpretation during its implementation.
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3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
• .

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  • 1. Bahir Dar University College of Science Chemistry Department Chemistry Teaching and Teacher Education (ChEd. 772) Presentation on: Conception of Teacher Education and Chemistry Teaching at National and International levels By: Derejaw Yesgat Oct., 2021 Bahir Dar 1 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 2. Presentation Outlines Introduction Teacher Education in Ethiopia Teacher Education in Japan Teaching Chemistry Nationally and Teaching Chemistry Internationally 2 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 3. Introduction Teacher education refers to the policies, procedures, and provision designed to equip teachers with  knowledge ,attitudes , behaviors & skills  Those require to teachers to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, schools, and wider community. There are three key pillars that support quality education: access to quality teachers use of quality learning tools and the establishment of safe and supportive quality learning environments. 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education 3
  • 4. Intro…cont’d To improve educational system, the most important factor to be kept in mind is  improving the quality of teachers along with the standard of teaching. Improving the quality of teachers is necessary because a person who would educate others must be educated first substantial and valuable education can only find from qualified teachers & Only substantial and valuable education can lead the students towards resourceful citizen. 4 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 5. introduction…cont’d The quality of teachers is related to the training approach in teacher education Student teachers should be equipped with academic discipline and pedagogical technique in their training. Beyond the academic discipline, teacher education should equip student teachers with theoretical disciplines like psychology, sociology and philosophy. The philosophical basis provides the insights to the student teachers ancient and modern philosophical thoughts of the philosophical thinkers of education and various aspects, such as, curriculum instruction and discipline. 5 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 6. introduction…cont’d The sociological basis helps the student teachers to understand the role of the society and its dynamics in the educational system. The psychological basis helps the student teachers to develop insights into the psychological well-being of the students. This enables them to understand their self and the learning situations. Teachers used it to provide meaningful and relevant learning experiences to their students and students are able to benefit from learning. 6 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 7. History of Teacher Education in Ethiopia (1900 -1990)  Teacher education in Ethiopia from 1900 to the present consists of different phases of religious, social & political reorganization. Ethiopia has long and rich tradition of indigenous education over 1ooo years,  it was associated with the Coptic Church education (Pankhurst 1974). The traditional Church education was divided into three phases that seem parallel to the Western-oriented education system.  Nebab Bet primary, Zema Bet secondary, and Quoine Bet higher education (Habtemariam, 1970). 7 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 8. Hist… cont’d Modern education was introduced in Ethiopia under the rule of the Emperor Menelik II in (1889-1913) 1908 (Alemayehu, 2012) Church leaders was opposed introduction of modern education, It was based on fears that foreigner may corrupt church's tradition. During Emperor Haile Selassie (1930 –1974) a significant development was registered in the education sector. The development was in educational structure, teacher training, educational management etc (Kassaye, 2005).  Amharic was the medium of instruction & focused on training in communication skills (reading & writing) and basic mathematics 8 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 9. Hist…cont’d  The focus shifted towards giving priority to education & many schools and higher learning institutions were established. The aim was to produce qualified teachers & administrators capable of running the state machinery smoothly. reforms & policies were introduced to improve the quality of teacher education.  the first primary teacher training program was initiated In 1944-5 at Menelik School in Addis Ababa. 9 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 10. Present State of Teacher Education in Ethiopia Ethiopia’s government adopted an Education & Training Policy in 1994. aimed to achieve four educational goals: quality, access, relevance, & equity (UNESCO). To achieve these goals qualified teachers was trained parallel with the education system new teachers training colleges was established & existing ones was upgraded  methodological approaches of teachers was improved and  teachers were expected to have ability, professional interest, physical and mental fitness appropriate for the profession (MOE, 2012). 10 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 11. Teacher educ…cont’d Education & Training Policy (1994) helped to chart out the Education Sector Development Programs (ESDPs).  ESDPs was aimed to meet the educational goals of the nation by  improving education both qualitatively and quantitatively providing adequate numbers of qualified teachers to meet the demands of the greatly increased enrolment in educational institutions. 11 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 12. Policies and Reforms of Teacher education in Ethiopia Teacher education should undergo reform to be align with the new global environments (Sahlberg, 2004). The objective of teacher education programs is to prepare teachers to teach in the context of educational globalization. Through educational globalization (Misra 2010)  the total education system of the world become under one roof unification of teaching curriculum, methodology, and upgrading of knowledge & systems to maintain efficiency & effectiveness became simple 12 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 13. Policy & reform… contd Ethiopia’s teacher education programs have under go structural and curricular change in all teacher education activities (Tessema, 2006) like  reduction in duration of teacher education from 12+4 years to 12+3.  reduction in duration of teacher education from 12+2 to 10+3 years The structural & curricular change, results new policy reform. Some of the policies & reforms made were Education and Training Policy (1994) Teacher Development Programs (TDPs) and Teacher Education System Overhaul Program (TESO), 13 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 14. Education and Training Policy (1994) The policy statement refers to the employment of learner-centered, active learning, & problem-solving approaches (Serbessa, 2006). Highlights the policy regarding teacher’s training & recruitment (MOE, 1994) Those polices were teacher trainees should have the proper knowledge, skill, ability, professional interest and physical and mental readiness. Teachers should required to have the necessary teaching qualification and competency in the media of instruction. Emphasis on professional development of teachers (continuous education & training, professional ethics and teaching performance) 14 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 15. Education &Training policy…cont’d The Education and Training Policy (1994) has a basic objective to, (FDRGE, 1994). develop the physical and mental potential enhance problem-solving capacity of individuals and expanding education by providing basic education for all In view of this, MOE develop a new gender & diversity sensitive selection criteria for (MOE, 2013). primary school teachers and secondary school teacher trainees. 15 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 16. Training policy… cont’d According to the new selection guidelines (MOE, 2013) . primary level teachers were trained both for the integrated school curriculum (1-4) cluster, (5-6) integrated and for (7-8) linear subjects being taught. Secondary school teachers were given training for three years & one year professional & practical training Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT). 16 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 17. Training policy… cont’d The Education & Training Policy also aimed to improve the structure of education in relation to the development of student profiles educational interventions method and language of instructions at different levels recruitment, training, methodology, & career development of teachers. Though impressive achievements in quantity of graduate were observed, their competence however remains questionable (MOE 2004). 17 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 18. Teacher education system overhaul (TESO)  Program designed to pre-service training time significantly to focus on observing the school environment related to their field of study Its intention was to integrate campus experience with the school based practice in meaning full way. Focuses on five programs on a priority basis with emphasis on the recruitment & training of teacher education. Also focuses on student-centered learning, practice oriented training & self- preparedness for the teaching profession. 18 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 19. Teso…cont’d Though, TESO was implemented with great hope, the desired result are yet to be achieved. Some of the reasons are  authorities (experts) are not yet fully prepared schooling and teacher preparation activities are not proportional and teacher preparation were not aligned with the aims and practices 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education 19
  • 20. Teacher development program (TDP) Implemented at all levels of the education system i.e general education, Colleges of Teacher Educations (CTEs) & in universities. Aimed to improve the system of teacher education methodology like knowledge, attitudes & skills of those with in teacher education system. 20 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 21. Teacher Professional Development in Ethiopia Professional development provides various opportunities and experiences to teacher in a planned and systematic way to improve and develop their profession. cultivate teachers knowledge of practice enhances pedagogical skills needed at different levels Use to implement the current technology in their teaching. Conducted at all levels across primary teacher development to university teacher development. 21 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 22. Teacher professional development… cont’d The various teacher professional development programs introduced by Ethiopian government include: Induction  CPD & HDP,  English Language Improvement Program, and  Pedagogical Resource Centers (PRCs) 22 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 23. Teacher professional development… cont’d Induction: professional support services provided to newly employed teachers & educational specialists CPD focuses on  improving the teaching-learning process with emphasis on active learning, practicing continuous assessment, managing large classes and Solving problem through action research etc. HDP focuses on (MOE, 2004).  improve the quality of education in Ethiopia through a licensing program  develop the skills and professionalism of teacher educators 23 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 24. English Language Improvement Program (ELIP) Focused on improving English language teaching skills of primary & secondary school teachers (British Council, 2010). It has shown them how to develop their own materials for English language learning, how to create a better communication with their students. Pedagogical Resource Centers (PRCs) Aim to train the educators on different teaching complexities such as how  teachers organize their work teachers mobilize their resources (Yizengaw, 2003). 24 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 25. Paradigm shift in Ethiopia Teacher Education  In Ethiopia, number of Paradigm shifts were made on teacher education Menilik – II and Haileselase – I Period (1889-1972) A teacher training system was started in late 1940s Best performer of grade VIII students was recruited and trained for 1 year Best performers of Grade-X students were recruited and trained for 2 years. Latter the government sensed dissatisfaction on the education system, and initiated a study called the Education Sector Review (ESR) in 1971 It was suggested that the rural population be made the target of educational policy. 25 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 26. Paradigm shift…Cont’d Derge Era (1974-1991)  Derge continued the training of teachers for three levels,  elementary (Grade I-VI) junior secondary (Grade VII-VIII) and secondary (Grade IX-XII) In 1982, Derge argued that the education policy favoring some regions & urban areas (Negash) The government launched a reform study in 1983. New curricula that reflected the new policy were developed (Engida, 2002) the teacher educators were increasingly Ethiopians rather than foreigners. 26 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 27. The New Era in Ethiopia Education System Ethiopian education system undergo content and structural reform in 1994. The change in structure & content of school curricula lead to upgrading of teacher education from a mere subject area to professional courses. Introduction of ICT, action research and civic & ethical education and Introduction of digital television instructional delivery 27 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 28. The New Era in Ethiopia Education System…cont’d All the above mentioned Ethiopian education policies are based on nature and scope of active learning student centered, and problem solving approaches associated with constructivism. Hence there was paradigm shift from traditional teacher-centered approaches of the past to student-centered (active learning) approach. 28 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 29. Challenges of Teacher Education in Ethiopia Some of the major challenges that hinder implementation of policy reform of 1994 (Mesfin I. 2020) were problems of quality and relevance of program of studies Insufficient resource specially in science laboratory (equipment and chemicals). Misinterpretation of implementation of plasma teaching Misinterpretation of CPD and HDP Inadequate capacity of experts for professional development Assigning system of leadership and management of educational institutions. 29 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 30. Teacher education in international level Most developed country have nearly similar teacher education experiences (Didaktika R. 2018). Teacher selection, recruitment, certification and Quality control Learning tools and resources, Facilities, Technology, Structure and time schedule and etc Japanese is top ranked developed country in their educational system Most of the time Japan is second ranked next to Finland. 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education 30
  • 31. Teacher Education in Japan Administration and finance of School Education Public elementary & junior high schools are established by a city, town or village but school principals & teachers are employed by the prefectural boards of education. Public high schools are established & governed by the prefectural boards of education. Majority of Japan schools are public (97%), few private (3%).  The government only cover 1/3 of school costs for public schools (Yamasaki,2016 ). 31 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 32. Teacher Certification  There were Open system and accreditation system certification. The Educational Personnel Certification Law publicized in 1949 allowed anyone who had earned the required academic degree and earned the required credits to be certified as a teacher, regardless of their university or field of study, called an “open system” of teacher training. Teacher certificates were awarded by prefectural boards of education in every prefecture of Japan. 32 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 33. Teacher Certification… Cont’d In 1953, an accreditation system for teacher education programs was introduced in order to improve the quality of new teachers. Teacher candidates had to earn the credits in professional and academic subjects at institutions accredited by the Educational Personnel Training Council  which operated under the purview of the Ministry of Education. 33 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 34. Present Qualifications and Teaching Certification Teacher certification rule was revised at 2015 . Advanced certification was started To each level school teacher (elementary, junior high school, high school, and KG school) teachers can certified in Advanced certificate (masters degree) graduate from graduate school Class 1 certificate (bachelors degree) graduate from university Class 2 certificate (associate degree) graduate from junior college 34 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 35. Teacher certification…cont’d Applicants for future elementary school teachers must earn more of teaching course (41) & some content or subject matter courses (8) Applicants for junior high school teachers have to earn at least 20 credits of junior high school subject matters and 31 credits of teaching courses 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education 35
  • 36. Teacher Recruitment and Staff Development Teacher Recruitment Candidates apply for teacher employment & recruited with two stage written test covering areas of teaching, such as pedagogy and educational laws and regulations, a written test covering general education and an aptitude test. second examination includes a micro-teaching, a practical examination, interviews and a written test Registered on the list of these scheduled for employment (reserved) 36 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 37. Staff Development Japan’s school teachers are legally obligated to engage in CPD. newly recruited teachers engaged to two CPD programs.  in-school, they receive guidance from an experienced teacher (6 hrs per week). The second type of development is given at staff development centers at the board of education for 25 days. In any school all teachers must conduct annual research in group the research finding present in a public meeting Ranked research published and distributed to each school 37 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 38. Chemistry Teaching  Internationally almost in all developed countries like America, China, India, Japan etc.  chemistry teaching is conducting through innovative and active learning method (Reid N. 2007)  Innovative learning strategies could be used by teachers at all levels of chemistry education to enhance the students’ motivation to learn chemistry.  Some dominant chemistry teaching method in Japan are 38 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 39. Laboratory teaching method It follows the principle of learning by doing wonderful opportunity for making the connection between the unseen microscopic world and the observable macroscopic world in which we live Teacher must see that, students are allowed to work independently without much interference. 39 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 40. Inquiry-Based teaching Constructivist approach, which students have ownership of their learning It starts with exploration and questioning and leads to investigation into a worthy questions, issue, problem or idea It involves asking questions, gathering and analyzing information, generating solutions, making decisions, justifying conclusions and taking action 40 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 41. Problem-Solving Teaching strategy It help students to realize that the knowledge they have already gained can be applied to anew situations The result of the problems-solving are shared among all students 41 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 42. Teaching chemistry using ICT Cognitive psychologists assume that the understanding of chemistry includes the ability to think on three levels: the macroscopic level, the symbolic level and the level of particles. Students have the most difficulties in understanding the sub microscopic level - the level of particles because it reaches beyond their experience. In these cases the interactive multimedia can be used as an effective tool. 42 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 43. Teaching Chemistry in Ethiopia Even if the policy reform (1994) clearly declared the paradigm shift from teacher-centered to student-centered (active learning) method, its implementation has been still in problem due to the following (Ejigu O. 2017) Unproportionally of student- teacher and student- class ratio Resistance of teachers and students to student-centered teaching method Time allotment to science subjects 43 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 44. Teaching Chemistry in Ethiopia…cont’d Common obstacles to the implementation of active learning are (Zewdu Agegnehu 2002) lack of institutional support and learning resources Teachers’ lack of expertise  Inappropriate curricular materials and Student teachers less preference to actively participate in learning due to lack of prior experience 44 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 45. Teaching Chemistry in Ethiopia…contd Due to the above obstacle mostly teaching chemistry in Ethiopia conducted through teacher-centered (tradition) teaching method. Even if there is a practice of implementation of student-centered teaching, it is not that much fruitful Common chemistry teaching methods in Ethiopia are Lecturing (teacher talking) method Group discussion teaching method Demonstration teaching method 45 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 46. Lecture Teaching Method Teacher controlled and information centered approach in which teacher works as a role resource in classroom instruction. Chemistry and other decline are conducted through this method 46 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 47. Group Discussion Teaching Method Collaborative exchange of ideas among a teacher and students or among students for the purpose of furthering students thinking & learning, problem solving and Understanding the lesson. Even if it is active learning method, there was teachers and students misinterpretation during its implementation. 47 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 48. . 3/25/2022 Chem. Teaching and Teacher Education • .