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Case Report

Game-based Exercises for Dynamic
Short-Sitting Balance Rehabilitation of
People With Chronic Spinal Cord and
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Aimee L Betker, Ankur Desai, Cristabel Nett, Naaz Kapadia, Tony Szturm
                                                                                          AL Betker, MSc, is a PhD candi-
                                                                                          date, Department of Electrical and
Background and Purpose                                                                    Computer Engineering, University
Goal-oriented, task-specific training has been shown to improve function; however,         of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Mani-
it can be difficult to maintain patient interest. This report describes a rehabilitation   toba, Canada.
protocol for the maintenance of balance in a short-sitting position following spinal      A Desai, BPhysio, is a student in
cord and head injuries by use of a center-of-pressure– controlled video game– based       the School of Medical Rehabilita-
tool. The scientific justification for the selected treatment is discussed.                 tion, University of Manitoba.

                                                                                          C Nett, BMR (PT), is a physical
Case Descriptions                                                                         therapist in public practice and a
Three adults were treated: 1 young adult with spina bifida (T10 and L1–L2), 1              clinical lecturer with the School of
                                                                                          Medical Rehabilitation, University
middle-aged adult with complete paraplegia (complete lesion at T11–L1), and               of Manitoba.
1 middle-aged adult with traumatic brain injury. All patients used wheelchairs
full-time.                                                                                N Kapadia, BPhysio, is a student in
                                                                                          the School of Medical Rehabilita-
                                                                                          tion, University of Manitoba.
                                                                                          T Szturm, PhD, is Associate Profes-
The patients showed increased motivation to perform the game-based exercises and          sor, Division of Physical Therapy,
increased dynamic short-sitting balance.                                                  School of Medical Rehabilitation,
                                                                                          University of Manitoba, R106-771
Discussion                                                                                McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Mani-
                                                                                          toba, Canada R3E 0T6. Address all
The patients exhibited increases in practice volume and attention span during             correspondence to Dr Szturm at:
training with the game-based tool. In addition, they demonstrated substantial im-
provements in dynamic balance control. These observations indicate that a video
                                                                                          [Betker AL, Desai A, Nett C, et al.
game–based exercise approach can have a substantial positive effect by improving          Game-based exercises for dy-
dynamic short-sitting balance.                                                            namic short-sitting balance re-
                                                                                          habilitation of people with chronic
                                                                                          spinal cord and traumatic brain in-
                                                                                          juries. Phys Ther. 2007;87:1389 –

                                                                                          © 2007 American Physical Therapy

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October 2007                                                           Volume 87   Number 10    Physical Therapy f      1389
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

       alance of the human body re-             proaches, however, is maintaining        biofeedback were created. This in-
       quires timely control of the po-         people’s interest in performing re-      teractive exercise tool has been ap-
       sition and motion of the center          petitive tasks and ensuring that they    plied to standing balance.25,26 Betker
of body mass relative to the base of            complete the treatment program. A        et al25 administered a questionnaire
support. Maintaining balance in a               lack of interest or a short attention    to 15 subjects (7 with balance disor-
short-sitting position at rest; during          span also can impair the potential       ders and 8 without balance disor-
voluntary head, arm, and body move-             effectiveness of therapeutic exer-       ders) after they played a 10-minute
ments; and during transfers and                 cises. Conversely, the use of reward-    session of each game. The results
wheelchair use (both indoors and                ing activities has been shown to         were encouraging. The subjects indi-
outdoors) involves many essential               improve people’s motivation to prac-     cated that the games were challeng-
sensory and motor processes. Feed-              tice.7–11 Various approaches have        ing and fun and would be a welcome
forward predictive controls, which              been put forth to couple motivating      addition to current treatment pro-
initiate preparatory postural adjust-           experiences with rehabilitation exer-    grams. Subsequently, Betker et al26
ments       (goal-directed   voluntary          cises. Biofeedback, in which a bio-      reported on the feasibility and bene-
movements), are required to main-               logical signal is recorded and pre-      fits of interactive standing balance
tain balance during these move-                 sented to people, has long been used     exercises carried out with the COP-
ments and to anticipate potential fu-           clinically to create and strengthen      controlled video game system for 3
ture disturbances.1 Sensory feedback            the awareness of a given task or         people who had chronic neurologi-
processes are essential for respond-            performance.12–16                        cal deficits. The postexercise obser-
ing in a timely fashion to unexpected                                                    vations demonstrated that the peo-
disturbances or to correct for move-            Novel and promising methods of ap-       ple exhibited few falls, decreased
ment errors.                                    plying biofeedback to rehabilitation     COP excursion limits for some tasks,
                                                are virtual reality and video            and increased attention span during
Restoration and maintenance of in-              games.17–22 In a study by Webster et     training.
dependent dynamic short-sitting bal-            al,23 a virtual environment was cre-
ance* are priorities for many people            ated to help people with the control     In our treatment program, COP-
who use wheelchairs because of a                and mobility of their wheelchairs,       controlled video game-based exer-
spinal cord lesion or an acquired or            and participants had to navigate         cises were used to attempt to im-
traumatic brain injury. As in standing          through a virtual obstacle course. Af-   prove dynamic short-sitting balance
posture, poor balance in a short-               ter treatment, the participants exhib-   in people with central nervous sys-
sitting position will increase the fear         ited a decrease in wheelchair acci-      tem injuries. We thought that the
of falling, fall risk, and mobility limi-       dents and falls and showed better        inclusion of motivational and func-
tations, creating greater patient de-           performance on an actual obstacle        tional gaming in rehabilitation and
pendency in basic and instrumental              course compared with subjects who        sports training might increase the
activities of daily living. Poor posture        did not have training with the virtual   people’s desire to perform their ex-
also can have an effect on a person’s           course. Video games were used by         ercises and therefore result in im-
self-confidence in dealing with other            O’Connor et al24 in an attempt to        proved dynamic balance control af-
people.2 In turn, these issues can              increase the physiologic responses       ter the exercises.
cause reduced levels of physical ac-            of people using manual wheelchairs
tivity, participation in sports, and,           and to examine their effects on the      Case Descriptions
more generally, quality of life.                motivation of the people to perform      Patient Histories
                                                their exercises. The GAMEWheels          Three people consented to be
Evidence from human studies shows               system interfaced commercial video       treated and provided the following
that goal-oriented, task-specific train-         games with rollers, allowing station-    information.
ing improves function and that in-              ary propulsion of the wheelchairs.
creased amounts of training produce             The observations showed that 87%         Patient 1 was a 26-year-old man with
better outcomes3–5 (for a complete              of the subjects found that the games     spina bifida (myelomeningocele) ex-
review, see Kwakkel6). One problem              motivated them to perform their          tending from T10 to L1–L2 and re-
with task-specific treatment ap-                 exercises.                               sulting in complete paraplegia and
                                                                                         poorly developed lower extremities.
                                                On the basis of these ideas and re-      At the time of initial assessment, he
* Defined as maintaining an upright position     sults, 3 interactive video game-based    demonstrated good static and dy-
of the torso while sitting on the buttocks or
thighs (or both), with the shank hanging over   exercises that are controlled by use     namic short-sitting balance and was
the sitting surface.                            of center-of-pressure (COP) signal       independent with all transfers, activ-

1390   f   Physical Therapy   Volume 87     Number 10                                                             October 2007
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

ities of daily living, and work. As a     hands for support because of im-              their weight back and forth; and in
person who participated in Paralym-       paired balance and trunk control. As          both modes together, players must
pic sports, he actively raced for         a result (and because of his size), he        shift their weight in all directions.
Team Canada and was actively train-       had to be transferred with a Hoyer            Thus, movement range and speed in
ing to improve dynamic balance con-       lift. He used a powered wheelchair            all or targeted directions are exer-
trol, an important requirement for        for mobility indoors and outdoors.            cised. Difficulty levels can be config-
high-speed wheelchair racing.             He had no sensory loss, and his in-           ured through the receptacle size, the
                                          tellectual and memory functions also          object speed, the number of objects,
Patient 2 was a 52-year-old man with      were intact. However, he was easily           and the option of multiple objects
complete paraplegia (T11-L1) and a        distracted during most activities and         appearing at specified intervals.
transfemoral amputation; these inju-      therapy, requiring constant cuing
ries resulted from a motor vehicle        and verbal commands to stay fo-               In Memory Match (Fig. 1b), the goal
accident 10 months before recruit-        cused on the task at hand.                    is to select 2 matching cards from a
ment into our treatment program.                                                        3     3 or 4      4 array of squares.
After the accident, he received in-       COP-Controlled Video                          Game players select a card (square)
patient rehabilitation for 6 months.      Game– based Exercise Tool                     by shifting their weight to move the
At the time of initial assessment, be-    The COP position signal has long              on-screen COP indicator to 1 of the 9
fore the current treatment program,       been used as an indicator of balance          or 16 possible cards (squares). Once
he demonstrated complete motor            performance.27–30 We developed the            the COP is held still in a square for a
and sensory loss below the T11 level,     COP-controlled video game-based               duration selected by the player, the
demonstrated dependent short-             exercise tool for use with the Force-         card is revealed. The second card
sitting balance (he sat with a ky-        Sensitive Applications (FSA) soft-            then is selected in a similar manner;
photic posture with bilateral upper-      ware† and pressure mat.† The COP              if the cards match, they remain face
extremity support and was unable to       position signal input is acquired via a       up. This process is repeated until all
perform any functional activity with      flexible pressure mat measuring                of the card pairs are selected. Diffi-
the upper extremities in an unsup-        53 53 0.036 cm and containing                 culty levels can be configured
ported short-sitting position), and re-   a 16      16 grid of piezoelectricity-        through the number of seconds the
quired moderate assistance from           resistive sensors spaced 2.8575 cm            players have to select their cards and
one person for transfers. His primary     apart (other mat sizes are available).        the number of cards displayed (9 or
treatment goal was to regain inde-        The flexibility of the pressure mat            16).
pendent short-sitting balance for re-     permits games to be performed on
turn to office work.                       solid, fixed surfaces and allows pro-          In Balloon Burst (Fig. 1c), a newly
                                          gression to compliant surfaces, with          created game, the goal is to “pop”
Patient 3 was a 41-year-old man who       the FSA pressure mat being placed             balloons. Stationary balloons appear
had had a severe traumatic brain in-      between the patient and the surface.          at random locations on the screen.
jury more than 5 years before the         The position of the COP is calculated         Game players must shift their weight
current treatment program. He had         from the pressures produced by the            in all directions in order to move the
received physical therapy interven-       patient seated on the pressure mat.           on-screen COP marker over the bal-
tion several times during those 5         This COP position signal then is              loon to pop it. The difficulty level
years for trunk and lower-extremity       mapped as an input to each of 3               can be configured through the size
motor control and balance re-             different games (Under Pressure,              of the balloon.
education. His upper-limb function        Memory Match, and Balloon Burst),
was good bilaterally, but he had poor     which are described below.                    In order to allow a customized and
trunk and lower-limb motor control                                                      graded protocol for each player, the
and high muscle tone (velocity-           In Under Pressure (Fig. 1a), game             interactive video game system of-
dependent resistance to stretch),         players shift their weight to move a          fered the following features. The ad-
which fluctuated from extensor tone        receptacle in order to “catch” an ob-         justable difficulty levels within the
to flexor tone, depending on his po-       ject. The game comprises 3 modes:             game software helped to ensure that
sitioning. He had a progressive           in the horizontal mode, players must          each player was competitive and
plantar-flexion contracture of the         shift their weight side to side; in the       could successfully play the video
right ankle secondary to spasticity       vertical mode, players must shift             games while exercising his full range
(hypertonity of the plantar flexors).                                                    and speed of voluntary movement.
He was unable to maintain short-          †Vista Medical, 3–55 Henlow Bay, Winnipeg,    This feature is important to prevent a
sitting balance without the use of his    Manitoba, Canada R3Y 1G4.                     player from becoming frustrated and

October 2007                                                                Volume 87    Number 10    Physical Therapy f   1391
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Figure 1.
Screenshots of games. (a) Under Pressure during horizontal mode. The game player must move the flower under the bee. The total
number of bees, the number of bees caught, and mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) movement ranges (in centimeters) are
displayed. (b) Memory Match. The game player must select cards in order to find the pairs. The number of pairs found and the ML
and AP movement ranges (in centimeters) are displayed. (c) Balloon Burst. The game player must move the cursor over the balloon
to pop it. The total number of balloons, the number of balloons popped, and the ML and AP movement ranges (in centimeters) are

quickly losing interest. The game           games increase your motivation to         plane; the disturbance can be multi-
software allows the player’s move-          perform your exercises? Were the          directional.32 For the purpose of our
ment range to be determined dynam-          video game-based exercises chal-          treatment program, an air bladder
ically or manually and can be scaled,       lenging? Did the difficulty levels of      was used to distort and produce an
allowing even people who are se-            the video games enhance the exer-         unstable support surface, in a man-
verely disabled to play and be              cises? and Do you prefer video            ner similar to the compliant foam
competitive.                                game-based balance exercises to tra-      pad used during standing. The air
                                            ditional balance exercises? The re-       bladder modified the surface reac-
Evaluations and Outcome                     sponse options were: “strongly dis-       tion forces under the seat; thus, the
Measures                                    agree,” “disagree,” “agree,” and          surface could not completely recip-
Two different test protocols were           “strongly agree.”                         rocate the normal forces beneath the
used to obtain quantitative out-                                                      seat as the center of body mass
come measurements: (1) a question-          Dynamic balance assessment. In            moved. The result was an increase
naire that was administered after the       keeping with the Sensory Organiza-        in the magnitude and frequency
exercises and (2) stability measure-        tion Test concept, Shumway-Cook           of involuntary (unpredictable) body
ments that were obtained during a           and Horak31 devised a clinical tool       sway. To prevent a loss of balance,
set of 6 tasks performed under 2            for testing the sensory component         a fall, or both, an individual must be
conditions (before and after exer-          of balance: the Clinical Test of Sen-     able to sense and respond to this
cise). The 2 protocols are described        sory Interaction and Balance. In the      condition. This condition consti-
below.                                      Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction      tutes a demand on whole-body
                                            and Balance, a compliant foam pad         balance reactions, and continuous
Questionnaire. After exercise, a            is used as an unstable support base       automatic postural adjustments are
questionnaire that included the fol-        to simulate the Sensory Organization      required to maintain upright short-
lowing questions was administered:          Test in terms of somatosensory dis-       sitting balance and postural stability.
Were the video game-based exer-             tortion, with an added advantage          The degree of difficulty of the bal-
cises fun to play? Did the video            that it is not limited to the pitch       ance tasks could be adjusted by se-

1392   f   Physical Therapy   Volume 87   Number 10                                                               October 2007
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Table 1.
Task Descriptions

                Task                            Description
                1                               Maintain erect short-sitting balance with eyes open and looking straight ahead, as part
                                                 of the CTSIB.a
                2                               Maintain erect short-sitting balance with eyes closed, as part of the CTSIB.
                3                               Perform rhythmic left and right horizontal head rotations to visual targets placed 120°
                4                               Perform a rhythmic arm lifting and lowering task while holding a 50-cm lightweight
                                                  wooden pole, 1.91 cm in diameter, with the hands kept shoulder width apart.
                                                  Raise the pole to eye level and then back down to the legs, keeping elbows
                5                               Perform rhythmic left and right horizontal trunk rotations to approximately 30° in
                                                  each direction.
                6                               Perform rhythmic forward trunk bending and extension to return to the upright
                                                  (erect) short-sitting position. The amplitude of trunk flexion should be
                                                  approximately 30°.
    CTSIB Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance.

lecting different shapes and sizes                     The 4 movements (tasks 3– 6) were                based exercises; the patients did not
for the air bladder, just as different                 paced by the beat of a metronome,                receive any other balance training or
thicknesses and densities could be                     set to a frequency of 0.4 Hz. These              physical therapy intervention during
selected for the foam pad used dur-                    movements were selected because                  the treatment period. The patients
ing standing.                                          they represent important functional              were transferred from their wheel-
                                                       activities of daily living and work.             chairs to a low treatment plinth for
A SwisDisk‡ was used for patients 2                    The metronome frequency was se-                  all treatments.
and 3, and a deflated (80%–90% of                       lected to represent relatively slow
the air removed) yellow Physio Gym-                    self-paced movement speeds. For all              Patient 1 played Under Pressure in all
nic§ ball (a more difficult and unsta-                  6 tasks and both surfaces (cushion               modes only. Patient 2 played Under
ble surface) was used to challenge                     and air bladder), a fall was recorded            Pressure 80% of the time, played
patient 1. Patients were transferred                   if the patients could not maintain in-           Memory Match 19% of the time, and
from their wheelchairs to a low treat-                 dependent balance for 20 seconds or              tried the new game, Balloon Burst,
ment plinth for all testing. To mini-                  if they could not perform the move-              for the remaining 1% of the time.
mize any skin irritation during test-                  ments without holding on with their              Patient 3 played Under Pressure 70%
ing (and treatment), the patients                      hands. A physical therapist was po-              of the time and Memory Match for
were seated on their regular seat                      sitioned directly behind the patients            the remainder of the time. The
cushions (foam-type cushions de-                       to provide assistance, if needed.                games were played with the patients
signed to help distribute forces                                                                        sitting on the treatment plinth and
evenly, away from bony promi-                          Intervention                                     progressed (as appropriate) to sitting
nences, thus reducing the risk of ul-                  All treatments were performed at an              on a deflated Physio Gynmic ball or
ceration). Each patient was in-                        outpatient physical therapy clinic               SwisDisk; the FSA pressure mat was
structed to perform 6 tasks (Tab. 1),                  operated by the Division of Physical             placed between the patient and the
each 20 seconds in duration, under 2                   Therapy, School of Medical Rehabil-              surface (Fig. 2). The ball or disk
different conditions: first while sit-                  itation, University of Manitoba; the             added uncertainty to the system, as it
ting on their regular seat cushions                    program was designed partially for               would randomly modify the surface
and then while sitting on the air blad-                the clinical training of undergraduate           reaction forces; for people with sen-
ders. Hand support was not permit-                     physical therapist students under su-            sation, it would distort or delay the
ted for this test.                                     pervision. Each patient attended                 pressure information from seat-to-
                                                       twelve 30- to 45-minute exercise ses-            surface contact.
‡ PI Professional Therapy Products Inc, PO             sions 2 or 3 times per week. The
Box 1067, Athens, TN 37371.
  Ledraplastic Spa, Via Brigata Re 1, Osoppo,          exercise regimen consisted solely of             As improvements in game play
Udine, Italy 33010.                                    our COP-controlled video game-                   scores were noted and as improve-

October 2007                                                                                Volume 87    Number 10      Physical Therapy f   1393
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Figure 2.
System setup. The patient sits on the pressure mat (1), which is connected to the laptop by the interface box (2). The laptop currently
displays the game Balloon Burst. The pressure mat is currently placed on top of the SwisDisk (3); the Physio Gymnic (4) ball also is

ments in balance and head-arm-trunk              computer display. Initially, the              movement. Alternately, very slow
control were observed, the treat-                program was set so that a rela-               speeds required the patients to
ment program progressed. In gen-                 tively small COP excursion pro-               hold the COP position at the de-
eral, the minimum game play score                duced a moderate to large game                sired locations for longer periods
was set at 50% success—for exam-                 cursor movement. As game play                 of time. For example, when a lat-
ple, catching the object 50% of the              scores improved and as balance                eral or anterior trunk tilt was re-
time in Under Pressure.                          or trunk control improved, scal-              quired to catch the object at a
                                                 ing was increased so that larger              very slow target speed, the pa-
There were a number of game pa-                  and larger COP excursions were                tient would have to hold the tilted
rameters and task conditions that                required to move the game                     position for a few seconds. Game
could be adjusted and modified                    cursor.                                       speed was adjusted, scaling was
when appropriate in order to permit                                                            adjusted, or both as game play
the treatment program to progress             2. The speed of the game targets                 scores improved and as balance
and to challenge the patients. These             (objects) was adjusted. Initially,            improved.
included the following 5 items:                  the speed was set to slow; this
                                                 setting permitted more time for            3. The exercise interval was in-
1. A scaling factor was used to map              the patients to move and posi-                creased by increasing the number
   the magnitude of COP excursion                tion the game cursor (COP) to                 of game targets, that is, the num-
   (movement range) to the excur-                catch the object. Increasing the              ber of objects. Initially, the in-
   sion of the game cursor on the                game speed required faster COP                terval duration was set to be-

1394   f   Physical Therapy   Volume 87   Number 10                                                                      October 2007
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

   tween 15 and 30 seconds of             Dynamic Balance Assessment                  recorded before exercise for patient
   game play. As tolerated, this dura-    The results of the dynamic balance          3. In addition, hand support was re-
   tion was increased to 60 to 90         assessment are shown in Table 2.            quired during all 6 tasks on both sur-
   seconds in order to increase the                                                   faces (cushion and disk). After exer-
   number of repetitions and to           Before exercise, patient 1 main-            cise, patient 3 was able to maintain
   build endurance.                       tained independent short-sitting bal-       independent short-sitting balance for
                                          ance for the full 20 seconds during         20 seconds during all tasks on both
4. Reliance on hand support for bal-      all 6 tasks when he sat on his regular      surfaces.
   ance progressed to less reliance,      wheelchair cushion; in addition,
   from using both hands to using         short-sitting balance was maintained        Discussion
   one hand and then using no hand        for the eyes-open, head rotation, and       Here we report on the feasibility and
   support.                               arm lifting tasks when he sat on the        benefits of interactive COP-controlled
                                          deflated Physio Gymnic ball. How-            video game-based exercises for short-
5. Air bladders were used to intro-       ever, for 3 other conditions, when          sitting balance rehabilitation. Our ob-
   duce a destabilizing compliant         patient 1 sat on the deflated Physio         servations demonstrate that improved
   support surface. Once the pa-          Gymnic ball, he clearly lost short-         rehabilitative interventions, which in-
   tients were able to play the games     sitting balance, and therapist inter-       corporate a functional approach to
   without hand support, a compli-        vention was required to prevent a           training and graded balance condi-
   ant support surface was intro-         fall. After exercise, patient 1 main-       tions or disturbances (ie, sensory feed-
   duced. By changing the amount          tained independent short-sitting bal-       back and increased muscle activity),
   of air in the Physio Gymnic ball or    ance for the full 20 seconds during         can produce substantial improve-
   SwisDisk, an appropriate training      all 6 tasks on both surfaces.               ments in dynamic short-sitting bal-
   level was achieved and progress                                                    ance. Complete spinal cord lesions
   was made. For patients 2 and 3,        For patient 2, 9 falls were recorded        below T10, T11, or T12 will abolish
   within 3 treatment sessions, air       before exercise. Patient 2 was able to      proprioceptive and cutaneous or
   bladders were being used for the       maintain independent short-sitting          pressure sensation in the hip joints
   entire treatment session. For pa-      balance (without the use of his             and in the pelvis structures and
   tient 1, an air bladder was used       hands for support) only while sitting       thereby will reduce the available spa-
   immediately, as this type of sup-      on the wheelchair cushion in the            tial information, which is needed to
   port surface was required to chal-     eyes-open, head rotation, and arm           maintain short-sitting balance in the
   lenge his balance control.             lifting tasks. After exercise, patient 2    unsupported upright position. This ef-
                                          was able to maintain independent            fect is amplified without vision—that
Outcomes                                  short-sitting balance for the full 20       is, in dark or low-light conditions—
Questionnaire                             seconds during all tasks on both sur-       and during sitting on different compli-
The questionnaire results were very       faces (cushion and disk).                   ant surfaces. Learning a new balance
positive, with all patients answering                                                 sense is an important objective during
“strongly agree” to all 5 questions.      Before training with the COP-               rehabilitation for people with com-
All of the patients indicated that they   controlled video game-based system,         plete thoracic spinal cord lesions and
enjoyed the video game-based tool,        patient 3 typically would attend only       traumatic brain injuries. Functionally,
preferring it over exercise programs      to balance exercises for 20 to 30 sec-      during game play, interactive move-
that they had performed in the past,      onds at a time, with the training ses-      ments are random, varying in direc-
and indicated that they would like to     sions typically lasting for only 10 to      tion, amplitude, and precision; thus,
continue the treatment. The adjust-       15 minutes. After practice with the         during game play, people need to
able parameters and different modes       COP-controlled video game-based             make slow, maintained goal-directed
of the tool offered sufficient diffi-       system, patient 3 was able to main-         movements or quick shifts in the COP
culty levels; even patient 1, who par-    tain concentration during the games         trajectory. At moderate to high target
ticipated in Paralympic sports, found     (balance exercises) for up to 2 to 3        (object) speed settings, these body
the games to be challenging. In ad-       minutes at a time and would repeat          movements require active mediolat-
dition, patient 2 particularly enjoyed    this activity 10 to 15 times. The du-       eral and anteroposterior weight
the new game, Balloon Burst, prefer-      ration of the exercises increased           shifts—for example, acceleration of
ring it over the other games.             from short-interval training (approx-       the center of mass toward the in-
                                          imately 20 seconds for 10 –15 min-          tended target, followed quickly by
                                          utes) to 2-minute interval training for     body deceleration to stop the
                                          20 to 30 minutes. Twelve falls were         movement.

October 2007                                                              Volume 87    Number 10    Physical Therapy f   1395
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Table 2.
Dynamic Balance Assessment Resultsa

        Surface                Task          Result for:
                                             Patient 1                      Patient 2                      Patient 3
                                             Before             After       Before          After          Before          After
                                             Exercise           Exercise    Exercise        Exercise       Exercise        Exercise
        Cushion                1             —                  —           —               —              Fall            —
                               2             —                  —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               3             —                  —           —               —              Fall            —
                               4             —                  —           —               —              Fall            —
                               5             —                  —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               6             —                  —           Fall            —              Fall            —
        Air bladder            1             —                  —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               2             Fall               —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               3             —                  —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               4             —                  —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               5             Fall               —           Fall            —              Fall            —
                               6             Fall               —           Fall            —              Fall            —
    Dashes indicate that no fall occurred.

The interactive gaming activities (ex-                fects produced in the COP trajectory      In future treatment programs, the
ercises) were designed around a flex-                  by different materials.33                 questions used to quantify the level
ible pressure mat for COP recording.                                                            of motivation or fun during a partic-
This method allows training to be                     A main observation in this case re-       ular therapy program will be neutral
conducted on compliant or uneven                      port was that the interactive gaming      in order to not lead or bias an indi-
surfaces; that is, the mat may be                     intervention can motivate people          vidual’s responses.
placed on top of a compliant or ir-                   with chronic spinal cord and trau-
regular surface rather than on a force                matic brain injuries to practice dy-      Another observation was that after
platform. The ability to apply a                      namic movement tasks. This ap-            exercise, all patients exhibited de-
graded compliant support surface,                     proach was applied effectively to         creased fall rates. In particular, after
along with the adjustable parameters                  people with severe balance and mo-        exercise, patients 2 and 3 were able
of the tool, offers a variety of diffi-                bility limitations and to an individual   to maintain independent short-
culty levels. For example, a deflated                  who actively participated in sports.      sitting balance while performing
Physio Gymnic ball was required to                    All 3 people indicated that they en-      many demanding functional tasks.
challenge the balance of patient 1,                   joyed the video game-based tool, pre-     This observation is consistent with
who is active in wheelchair racing                    ferring it to normal treatment regi-      the observation that intense practice
and team sports. Similarly, a Swis-                   mens, and that they would like to         of a motor task following a complete
Disk was used to increase the bal-                    continue the treatment. These obser-      spinal cord lesion can result in sub-
ance requirements of the exercises                    vations showed that our COP-              stantial functional improvements.
for patients 2 and 3. Thus, each game                 controlled video game system pro-
and session could be enhanced to                      vided a motivational and challenging      During game play, voluntary move-
meet the needs and performance lev-                   environment. It has been shown that       ments were generated in multiple
els of each patient. Such flexibility                  with the proper experiences and vol-      directions and were varied in ampli-
can better prepare people to interact                 ume of practice, the spinal cord can      tude and speed. The patients pro-
and deal with more dynamic envi-                      establish new neuronal associations       duced accurate targeted movements,
ronmental conditions. Flexible pres-                  and demonstrate functional improve-       were competitive at least 50% of the
sure mats permit accurate COP                         ments.34,35 One limitation of our         time, and did not fall. It was evident
recording while eliminating the non-                  treatment program is the potentially      that there was a temporary loss of
linear distortions and damping ef-                    biased language in the questionnaire.     balance and unwanted movements

1396      f    Physical Therapy      Volume 87      Number 10                                                              October 2007
Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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Computer games and spinal injuries

  • 1. Case Report Game-based Exercises for Dynamic Short-Sitting Balance Rehabilitation of People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries Aimee L Betker, Ankur Desai, Cristabel Nett, Naaz Kapadia, Tony Szturm AL Betker, MSc, is a PhD candi- date, Department of Electrical and Background and Purpose Computer Engineering, University Goal-oriented, task-specific training has been shown to improve function; however, of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Mani- it can be difficult to maintain patient interest. This report describes a rehabilitation toba, Canada. protocol for the maintenance of balance in a short-sitting position following spinal A Desai, BPhysio, is a student in cord and head injuries by use of a center-of-pressure– controlled video game– based the School of Medical Rehabilita- tool. The scientific justification for the selected treatment is discussed. tion, University of Manitoba. C Nett, BMR (PT), is a physical Case Descriptions therapist in public practice and a Three adults were treated: 1 young adult with spina bifida (T10 and L1–L2), 1 clinical lecturer with the School of Medical Rehabilitation, University middle-aged adult with complete paraplegia (complete lesion at T11–L1), and of Manitoba. 1 middle-aged adult with traumatic brain injury. All patients used wheelchairs full-time. N Kapadia, BPhysio, is a student in the School of Medical Rehabilita- tion, University of Manitoba. Outcomes T Szturm, PhD, is Associate Profes- The patients showed increased motivation to perform the game-based exercises and sor, Division of Physical Therapy, increased dynamic short-sitting balance. School of Medical Rehabilitation, University of Manitoba, R106-771 Discussion McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Mani- toba, Canada R3E 0T6. Address all The patients exhibited increases in practice volume and attention span during correspondence to Dr Szturm at: training with the game-based tool. In addition, they demonstrated substantial im- provements in dynamic balance control. These observations indicate that a video [Betker AL, Desai A, Nett C, et al. game–based exercise approach can have a substantial positive effect by improving Game-based exercises for dy- dynamic short-sitting balance. namic short-sitting balance re- habilitation of people with chronic spinal cord and traumatic brain in- juries. Phys Ther. 2007;87:1389 – 1398.] © 2007 American Physical Therapy Association Post a Rapid Response or find The Bottom Line: October 2007 Volume 87 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1389
  • 2. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries B alance of the human body re- proaches, however, is maintaining biofeedback were created. This in- quires timely control of the po- people’s interest in performing re- teractive exercise tool has been ap- sition and motion of the center petitive tasks and ensuring that they plied to standing balance.25,26 Betker of body mass relative to the base of complete the treatment program. A et al25 administered a questionnaire support. Maintaining balance in a lack of interest or a short attention to 15 subjects (7 with balance disor- short-sitting position at rest; during span also can impair the potential ders and 8 without balance disor- voluntary head, arm, and body move- effectiveness of therapeutic exer- ders) after they played a 10-minute ments; and during transfers and cises. Conversely, the use of reward- session of each game. The results wheelchair use (both indoors and ing activities has been shown to were encouraging. The subjects indi- outdoors) involves many essential improve people’s motivation to prac- cated that the games were challeng- sensory and motor processes. Feed- tice.7–11 Various approaches have ing and fun and would be a welcome forward predictive controls, which been put forth to couple motivating addition to current treatment pro- initiate preparatory postural adjust- experiences with rehabilitation exer- grams. Subsequently, Betker et al26 ments (goal-directed voluntary cises. Biofeedback, in which a bio- reported on the feasibility and bene- movements), are required to main- logical signal is recorded and pre- fits of interactive standing balance tain balance during these move- sented to people, has long been used exercises carried out with the COP- ments and to anticipate potential fu- clinically to create and strengthen controlled video game system for 3 ture disturbances.1 Sensory feedback the awareness of a given task or people who had chronic neurologi- processes are essential for respond- performance.12–16 cal deficits. The postexercise obser- ing in a timely fashion to unexpected vations demonstrated that the peo- disturbances or to correct for move- Novel and promising methods of ap- ple exhibited few falls, decreased ment errors. plying biofeedback to rehabilitation COP excursion limits for some tasks, are virtual reality and video and increased attention span during Restoration and maintenance of in- games.17–22 In a study by Webster et training. dependent dynamic short-sitting bal- al,23 a virtual environment was cre- ance* are priorities for many people ated to help people with the control In our treatment program, COP- who use wheelchairs because of a and mobility of their wheelchairs, controlled video game-based exer- spinal cord lesion or an acquired or and participants had to navigate cises were used to attempt to im- traumatic brain injury. As in standing through a virtual obstacle course. Af- prove dynamic short-sitting balance posture, poor balance in a short- ter treatment, the participants exhib- in people with central nervous sys- sitting position will increase the fear ited a decrease in wheelchair acci- tem injuries. We thought that the of falling, fall risk, and mobility limi- dents and falls and showed better inclusion of motivational and func- tations, creating greater patient de- performance on an actual obstacle tional gaming in rehabilitation and pendency in basic and instrumental course compared with subjects who sports training might increase the activities of daily living. Poor posture did not have training with the virtual people’s desire to perform their ex- also can have an effect on a person’s course. Video games were used by ercises and therefore result in im- self-confidence in dealing with other O’Connor et al24 in an attempt to proved dynamic balance control af- people.2 In turn, these issues can increase the physiologic responses ter the exercises. cause reduced levels of physical ac- of people using manual wheelchairs tivity, participation in sports, and, and to examine their effects on the Case Descriptions more generally, quality of life. motivation of the people to perform Patient Histories their exercises. The GAMEWheels Three people consented to be Evidence from human studies shows system interfaced commercial video treated and provided the following that goal-oriented, task-specific train- games with rollers, allowing station- information. ing improves function and that in- ary propulsion of the wheelchairs. creased amounts of training produce The observations showed that 87% Patient 1 was a 26-year-old man with better outcomes3–5 (for a complete of the subjects found that the games spina bifida (myelomeningocele) ex- review, see Kwakkel6). One problem motivated them to perform their tending from T10 to L1–L2 and re- with task-specific treatment ap- exercises. sulting in complete paraplegia and poorly developed lower extremities. On the basis of these ideas and re- At the time of initial assessment, he * Defined as maintaining an upright position sults, 3 interactive video game-based demonstrated good static and dy- of the torso while sitting on the buttocks or thighs (or both), with the shank hanging over exercises that are controlled by use namic short-sitting balance and was the sitting surface. of center-of-pressure (COP) signal independent with all transfers, activ- 1390 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 10 October 2007
  • 3. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries ities of daily living, and work. As a hands for support because of im- their weight back and forth; and in person who participated in Paralym- paired balance and trunk control. As both modes together, players must pic sports, he actively raced for a result (and because of his size), he shift their weight in all directions. Team Canada and was actively train- had to be transferred with a Hoyer Thus, movement range and speed in ing to improve dynamic balance con- lift. He used a powered wheelchair all or targeted directions are exer- trol, an important requirement for for mobility indoors and outdoors. cised. Difficulty levels can be config- high-speed wheelchair racing. He had no sensory loss, and his in- ured through the receptacle size, the tellectual and memory functions also object speed, the number of objects, Patient 2 was a 52-year-old man with were intact. However, he was easily and the option of multiple objects complete paraplegia (T11-L1) and a distracted during most activities and appearing at specified intervals. transfemoral amputation; these inju- therapy, requiring constant cuing ries resulted from a motor vehicle and verbal commands to stay fo- In Memory Match (Fig. 1b), the goal accident 10 months before recruit- cused on the task at hand. is to select 2 matching cards from a ment into our treatment program. 3 3 or 4 4 array of squares. After the accident, he received in- COP-Controlled Video Game players select a card (square) patient rehabilitation for 6 months. Game– based Exercise Tool by shifting their weight to move the At the time of initial assessment, be- The COP position signal has long on-screen COP indicator to 1 of the 9 fore the current treatment program, been used as an indicator of balance or 16 possible cards (squares). Once he demonstrated complete motor performance.27–30 We developed the the COP is held still in a square for a and sensory loss below the T11 level, COP-controlled video game-based duration selected by the player, the demonstrated dependent short- exercise tool for use with the Force- card is revealed. The second card sitting balance (he sat with a ky- Sensitive Applications (FSA) soft- then is selected in a similar manner; photic posture with bilateral upper- ware† and pressure mat.† The COP if the cards match, they remain face extremity support and was unable to position signal input is acquired via a up. This process is repeated until all perform any functional activity with flexible pressure mat measuring of the card pairs are selected. Diffi- the upper extremities in an unsup- 53 53 0.036 cm and containing culty levels can be configured ported short-sitting position), and re- a 16 16 grid of piezoelectricity- through the number of seconds the quired moderate assistance from resistive sensors spaced 2.8575 cm players have to select their cards and one person for transfers. His primary apart (other mat sizes are available). the number of cards displayed (9 or treatment goal was to regain inde- The flexibility of the pressure mat 16). pendent short-sitting balance for re- permits games to be performed on turn to office work. solid, fixed surfaces and allows pro- In Balloon Burst (Fig. 1c), a newly gression to compliant surfaces, with created game, the goal is to “pop” Patient 3 was a 41-year-old man who the FSA pressure mat being placed balloons. Stationary balloons appear had had a severe traumatic brain in- between the patient and the surface. at random locations on the screen. jury more than 5 years before the The position of the COP is calculated Game players must shift their weight current treatment program. He had from the pressures produced by the in all directions in order to move the received physical therapy interven- patient seated on the pressure mat. on-screen COP marker over the bal- tion several times during those 5 This COP position signal then is loon to pop it. The difficulty level years for trunk and lower-extremity mapped as an input to each of 3 can be configured through the size motor control and balance re- different games (Under Pressure, of the balloon. education. His upper-limb function Memory Match, and Balloon Burst), was good bilaterally, but he had poor which are described below. In order to allow a customized and trunk and lower-limb motor control graded protocol for each player, the and high muscle tone (velocity- In Under Pressure (Fig. 1a), game interactive video game system of- dependent resistance to stretch), players shift their weight to move a fered the following features. The ad- which fluctuated from extensor tone receptacle in order to “catch” an ob- justable difficulty levels within the to flexor tone, depending on his po- ject. The game comprises 3 modes: game software helped to ensure that sitioning. He had a progressive in the horizontal mode, players must each player was competitive and plantar-flexion contracture of the shift their weight side to side; in the could successfully play the video right ankle secondary to spasticity vertical mode, players must shift games while exercising his full range (hypertonity of the plantar flexors). and speed of voluntary movement. He was unable to maintain short- †Vista Medical, 3–55 Henlow Bay, Winnipeg, This feature is important to prevent a sitting balance without the use of his Manitoba, Canada R3Y 1G4. player from becoming frustrated and October 2007 Volume 87 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1391
  • 4. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries Figure 1. Screenshots of games. (a) Under Pressure during horizontal mode. The game player must move the flower under the bee. The total number of bees, the number of bees caught, and mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) movement ranges (in centimeters) are displayed. (b) Memory Match. The game player must select cards in order to find the pairs. The number of pairs found and the ML and AP movement ranges (in centimeters) are displayed. (c) Balloon Burst. The game player must move the cursor over the balloon to pop it. The total number of balloons, the number of balloons popped, and the ML and AP movement ranges (in centimeters) are displayed. quickly losing interest. The game games increase your motivation to plane; the disturbance can be multi- software allows the player’s move- perform your exercises? Were the directional.32 For the purpose of our ment range to be determined dynam- video game-based exercises chal- treatment program, an air bladder ically or manually and can be scaled, lenging? Did the difficulty levels of was used to distort and produce an allowing even people who are se- the video games enhance the exer- unstable support surface, in a man- verely disabled to play and be cises? and Do you prefer video ner similar to the compliant foam competitive. game-based balance exercises to tra- pad used during standing. The air ditional balance exercises? The re- bladder modified the surface reac- Evaluations and Outcome sponse options were: “strongly dis- tion forces under the seat; thus, the Measures agree,” “disagree,” “agree,” and surface could not completely recip- Two different test protocols were “strongly agree.” rocate the normal forces beneath the used to obtain quantitative out- seat as the center of body mass come measurements: (1) a question- Dynamic balance assessment. In moved. The result was an increase naire that was administered after the keeping with the Sensory Organiza- in the magnitude and frequency exercises and (2) stability measure- tion Test concept, Shumway-Cook of involuntary (unpredictable) body ments that were obtained during a and Horak31 devised a clinical tool sway. To prevent a loss of balance, set of 6 tasks performed under 2 for testing the sensory component a fall, or both, an individual must be conditions (before and after exer- of balance: the Clinical Test of Sen- able to sense and respond to this cise). The 2 protocols are described sory Interaction and Balance. In the condition. This condition consti- below. Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction tutes a demand on whole-body and Balance, a compliant foam pad balance reactions, and continuous Questionnaire. After exercise, a is used as an unstable support base automatic postural adjustments are questionnaire that included the fol- to simulate the Sensory Organization required to maintain upright short- lowing questions was administered: Test in terms of somatosensory dis- sitting balance and postural stability. Were the video game-based exer- tortion, with an added advantage The degree of difficulty of the bal- cises fun to play? Did the video that it is not limited to the pitch ance tasks could be adjusted by se- 1392 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 10 October 2007
  • 5. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries Table 1. Task Descriptions Task Description 1 Maintain erect short-sitting balance with eyes open and looking straight ahead, as part of the CTSIB.a 2 Maintain erect short-sitting balance with eyes closed, as part of the CTSIB. 3 Perform rhythmic left and right horizontal head rotations to visual targets placed 120° apart. 4 Perform a rhythmic arm lifting and lowering task while holding a 50-cm lightweight wooden pole, 1.91 cm in diameter, with the hands kept shoulder width apart. Raise the pole to eye level and then back down to the legs, keeping elbows extended. 5 Perform rhythmic left and right horizontal trunk rotations to approximately 30° in each direction. 6 Perform rhythmic forward trunk bending and extension to return to the upright (erect) short-sitting position. The amplitude of trunk flexion should be approximately 30°. a CTSIB Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance. lecting different shapes and sizes The 4 movements (tasks 3– 6) were based exercises; the patients did not for the air bladder, just as different paced by the beat of a metronome, receive any other balance training or thicknesses and densities could be set to a frequency of 0.4 Hz. These physical therapy intervention during selected for the foam pad used dur- movements were selected because the treatment period. The patients ing standing. they represent important functional were transferred from their wheel- activities of daily living and work. chairs to a low treatment plinth for A SwisDisk‡ was used for patients 2 The metronome frequency was se- all treatments. and 3, and a deflated (80%–90% of lected to represent relatively slow the air removed) yellow Physio Gym- self-paced movement speeds. For all Patient 1 played Under Pressure in all nic§ ball (a more difficult and unsta- 6 tasks and both surfaces (cushion modes only. Patient 2 played Under ble surface) was used to challenge and air bladder), a fall was recorded Pressure 80% of the time, played patient 1. Patients were transferred if the patients could not maintain in- Memory Match 19% of the time, and from their wheelchairs to a low treat- dependent balance for 20 seconds or tried the new game, Balloon Burst, ment plinth for all testing. To mini- if they could not perform the move- for the remaining 1% of the time. mize any skin irritation during test- ments without holding on with their Patient 3 played Under Pressure 70% ing (and treatment), the patients hands. A physical therapist was po- of the time and Memory Match for were seated on their regular seat sitioned directly behind the patients the remainder of the time. The cushions (foam-type cushions de- to provide assistance, if needed. games were played with the patients signed to help distribute forces sitting on the treatment plinth and evenly, away from bony promi- Intervention progressed (as appropriate) to sitting nences, thus reducing the risk of ul- All treatments were performed at an on a deflated Physio Gynmic ball or ceration). Each patient was in- outpatient physical therapy clinic SwisDisk; the FSA pressure mat was structed to perform 6 tasks (Tab. 1), operated by the Division of Physical placed between the patient and the each 20 seconds in duration, under 2 Therapy, School of Medical Rehabil- surface (Fig. 2). The ball or disk different conditions: first while sit- itation, University of Manitoba; the added uncertainty to the system, as it ting on their regular seat cushions program was designed partially for would randomly modify the surface and then while sitting on the air blad- the clinical training of undergraduate reaction forces; for people with sen- ders. Hand support was not permit- physical therapist students under su- sation, it would distort or delay the ted for this test. pervision. Each patient attended pressure information from seat-to- twelve 30- to 45-minute exercise ses- surface contact. ‡ PI Professional Therapy Products Inc, PO sions 2 or 3 times per week. The Box 1067, Athens, TN 37371. § Ledraplastic Spa, Via Brigata Re 1, Osoppo, exercise regimen consisted solely of As improvements in game play Udine, Italy 33010. our COP-controlled video game- scores were noted and as improve- October 2007 Volume 87 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1393
  • 6. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries Figure 2. System setup. The patient sits on the pressure mat (1), which is connected to the laptop by the interface box (2). The laptop currently displays the game Balloon Burst. The pressure mat is currently placed on top of the SwisDisk (3); the Physio Gymnic (4) ball also is depicted. ments in balance and head-arm-trunk computer display. Initially, the movement. Alternately, very slow control were observed, the treat- program was set so that a rela- speeds required the patients to ment program progressed. In gen- tively small COP excursion pro- hold the COP position at the de- eral, the minimum game play score duced a moderate to large game sired locations for longer periods was set at 50% success—for exam- cursor movement. As game play of time. For example, when a lat- ple, catching the object 50% of the scores improved and as balance eral or anterior trunk tilt was re- time in Under Pressure. or trunk control improved, scal- quired to catch the object at a ing was increased so that larger very slow target speed, the pa- There were a number of game pa- and larger COP excursions were tient would have to hold the tilted rameters and task conditions that required to move the game position for a few seconds. Game could be adjusted and modified cursor. speed was adjusted, scaling was when appropriate in order to permit adjusted, or both as game play the treatment program to progress 2. The speed of the game targets scores improved and as balance and to challenge the patients. These (objects) was adjusted. Initially, improved. included the following 5 items: the speed was set to slow; this setting permitted more time for 3. The exercise interval was in- 1. A scaling factor was used to map the patients to move and posi- creased by increasing the number the magnitude of COP excursion tion the game cursor (COP) to of game targets, that is, the num- (movement range) to the excur- catch the object. Increasing the ber of objects. Initially, the in- sion of the game cursor on the game speed required faster COP terval duration was set to be- 1394 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 10 October 2007
  • 7. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries tween 15 and 30 seconds of Dynamic Balance Assessment recorded before exercise for patient game play. As tolerated, this dura- The results of the dynamic balance 3. In addition, hand support was re- tion was increased to 60 to 90 assessment are shown in Table 2. quired during all 6 tasks on both sur- seconds in order to increase the faces (cushion and disk). After exer- number of repetitions and to Before exercise, patient 1 main- cise, patient 3 was able to maintain build endurance. tained independent short-sitting bal- independent short-sitting balance for ance for the full 20 seconds during 20 seconds during all tasks on both 4. Reliance on hand support for bal- all 6 tasks when he sat on his regular surfaces. ance progressed to less reliance, wheelchair cushion; in addition, from using both hands to using short-sitting balance was maintained Discussion one hand and then using no hand for the eyes-open, head rotation, and Here we report on the feasibility and support. arm lifting tasks when he sat on the benefits of interactive COP-controlled deflated Physio Gymnic ball. How- video game-based exercises for short- 5. Air bladders were used to intro- ever, for 3 other conditions, when sitting balance rehabilitation. Our ob- duce a destabilizing compliant patient 1 sat on the deflated Physio servations demonstrate that improved support surface. Once the pa- Gymnic ball, he clearly lost short- rehabilitative interventions, which in- tients were able to play the games sitting balance, and therapist inter- corporate a functional approach to without hand support, a compli- vention was required to prevent a training and graded balance condi- ant support surface was intro- fall. After exercise, patient 1 main- tions or disturbances (ie, sensory feed- duced. By changing the amount tained independent short-sitting bal- back and increased muscle activity), of air in the Physio Gymnic ball or ance for the full 20 seconds during can produce substantial improve- SwisDisk, an appropriate training all 6 tasks on both surfaces. ments in dynamic short-sitting bal- level was achieved and progress ance. Complete spinal cord lesions was made. For patients 2 and 3, For patient 2, 9 falls were recorded below T10, T11, or T12 will abolish within 3 treatment sessions, air before exercise. Patient 2 was able to proprioceptive and cutaneous or bladders were being used for the maintain independent short-sitting pressure sensation in the hip joints entire treatment session. For pa- balance (without the use of his and in the pelvis structures and tient 1, an air bladder was used hands for support) only while sitting thereby will reduce the available spa- immediately, as this type of sup- on the wheelchair cushion in the tial information, which is needed to port surface was required to chal- eyes-open, head rotation, and arm maintain short-sitting balance in the lenge his balance control. lifting tasks. After exercise, patient 2 unsupported upright position. This ef- was able to maintain independent fect is amplified without vision—that Outcomes short-sitting balance for the full 20 is, in dark or low-light conditions— Questionnaire seconds during all tasks on both sur- and during sitting on different compli- The questionnaire results were very faces (cushion and disk). ant surfaces. Learning a new balance positive, with all patients answering sense is an important objective during “strongly agree” to all 5 questions. Before training with the COP- rehabilitation for people with com- All of the patients indicated that they controlled video game-based system, plete thoracic spinal cord lesions and enjoyed the video game-based tool, patient 3 typically would attend only traumatic brain injuries. Functionally, preferring it over exercise programs to balance exercises for 20 to 30 sec- during game play, interactive move- that they had performed in the past, onds at a time, with the training ses- ments are random, varying in direc- and indicated that they would like to sions typically lasting for only 10 to tion, amplitude, and precision; thus, continue the treatment. The adjust- 15 minutes. After practice with the during game play, people need to able parameters and different modes COP-controlled video game-based make slow, maintained goal-directed of the tool offered sufficient diffi- system, patient 3 was able to main- movements or quick shifts in the COP culty levels; even patient 1, who par- tain concentration during the games trajectory. At moderate to high target ticipated in Paralympic sports, found (balance exercises) for up to 2 to 3 (object) speed settings, these body the games to be challenging. In ad- minutes at a time and would repeat movements require active mediolat- dition, patient 2 particularly enjoyed this activity 10 to 15 times. The du- eral and anteroposterior weight the new game, Balloon Burst, prefer- ration of the exercises increased shifts—for example, acceleration of ring it over the other games. from short-interval training (approx- the center of mass toward the in- imately 20 seconds for 10 –15 min- tended target, followed quickly by utes) to 2-minute interval training for body deceleration to stop the 20 to 30 minutes. Twelve falls were movement. October 2007 Volume 87 Number 10 Physical Therapy f 1395
  • 8. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries Table 2. Dynamic Balance Assessment Resultsa Surface Task Result for: Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Before After Before After Before After Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Cushion 1 — — — — Fall — 2 — — Fall — Fall — 3 — — — — Fall — 4 — — — — Fall — 5 — — Fall — Fall — 6 — — Fall — Fall — Air bladder 1 — — Fall — Fall — 2 Fall — Fall — Fall — 3 — — Fall — Fall — 4 — — Fall — Fall — 5 Fall — Fall — Fall — 6 Fall — Fall — Fall — a Dashes indicate that no fall occurred. The interactive gaming activities (ex- fects produced in the COP trajectory In future treatment programs, the ercises) were designed around a flex- by different materials.33 questions used to quantify the level ible pressure mat for COP recording. of motivation or fun during a partic- This method allows training to be A main observation in this case re- ular therapy program will be neutral conducted on compliant or uneven port was that the interactive gaming in order to not lead or bias an indi- surfaces; that is, the mat may be intervention can motivate people vidual’s responses. placed on top of a compliant or ir- with chronic spinal cord and trau- regular surface rather than on a force matic brain injuries to practice dy- Another observation was that after platform. The ability to apply a namic movement tasks. This ap- exercise, all patients exhibited de- graded compliant support surface, proach was applied effectively to creased fall rates. In particular, after along with the adjustable parameters people with severe balance and mo- exercise, patients 2 and 3 were able of the tool, offers a variety of diffi- bility limitations and to an individual to maintain independent short- culty levels. For example, a deflated who actively participated in sports. sitting balance while performing Physio Gymnic ball was required to All 3 people indicated that they en- many demanding functional tasks. challenge the balance of patient 1, joyed the video game-based tool, pre- This observation is consistent with who is active in wheelchair racing ferring it to normal treatment regi- the observation that intense practice and team sports. Similarly, a Swis- mens, and that they would like to of a motor task following a complete Disk was used to increase the bal- continue the treatment. These obser- spinal cord lesion can result in sub- ance requirements of the exercises vations showed that our COP- stantial functional improvements. for patients 2 and 3. Thus, each game controlled video game system pro- and session could be enhanced to vided a motivational and challenging During game play, voluntary move- meet the needs and performance lev- environment. It has been shown that ments were generated in multiple els of each patient. Such flexibility with the proper experiences and vol- directions and were varied in ampli- can better prepare people to interact ume of practice, the spinal cord can tude and speed. The patients pro- and deal with more dynamic envi- establish new neuronal associations duced accurate targeted movements, ronmental conditions. Flexible pres- and demonstrate functional improve- were competitive at least 50% of the sure mats permit accurate COP ments.34,35 One limitation of our time, and did not fall. It was evident recording while eliminating the non- treatment program is the potentially that there was a temporary loss of linear distortions and damping ef- biased language in the questionnaire. balance and unwanted movements 1396 f Physical Therapy Volume 87 Number 10 October 2007
  • 9. Game-based Exercises for People With Chronic Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries (because of poor sensory control, be coupled effectively with video 2 Douglas J. Wheelchair exercises for fitness and confidence. Diabetes Self Manag. motor control, or both and the effect game play and that this treatment 2005;22:47– 48, 51–53, 55. of the compliant support surface); offers the following values for reha- 3 Remple MS, Bruneau RM, VandenBerg PM, however, corrective balance reac- bilitation: goal-directed and intended et al. Sensitivity of cortical movement rep- resentations to motor experience: evi- tions were generated successfully. behavior with random target pre- dence that skill learning but not strength Thus, both goal-directed voluntary sentation and motion; the ability to training induces cortical reorganization. Behav Brain Res. 2001;123:133–141. movements (feedforward control) map small to large active COP excur- 4 Garr JH, Shepherd RB. Neurological Reha- and corrective balance reactions sions to game cursor excursion on bilitation: Optimizing Motor Performance. (feedback control) were evident dur- the computer display; the choice of a Oxford, United Kingdom: Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd; 1998. ing game play. wide range of game speeds and 5 Richards CL, Malouin F, Bravo G, et al. The thus movement speeds; the ability role of technology in task-oriented training Like current biofeedback and virtual to select accuracy from small to large in persons with subacute stroke: a ran- domized controlled trial. Neurorehabil reality systems, the interactive video target (object) sizes; multitasking (in- Neural Repair. 2004;18:199 –211. game system provided the patients corporation of gaze control [head 6 Kwakkel G. Impact of intensity of prac- and the therapist with instantaneous and smooth pursuit], attention to tice after stroke: issues for consideration. 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Am J Oc- cup Ther. 1996;50:639 – 646. of the report feature. In future treat- able, all 3 patients showed decreased 9 Malone TW. Heuristics for designing en- ment programs, the functionality of fall rates after the video game-based joyable user interfaces: lessons from the report feature of the video game exercise therapy. The portability of computer games. In: Proceedings of the 1982 Conference on Human Factors in system will be expanded to include the system affords its use in moni- Computing Systems. New York, NY: ACM additional outcome measures detail- tored at-home programs, a feature Press; 1982:63– 68. ing a patient’s performance. that makes this therapy approach 10 Cunningham D, Krishack M. Virtual real- ity: a holistic approach to rehabilitation. cost-effective. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1999; Further motivation might be 62:90 –93. achieved through the development Ms Betker, Mr Desai, and Dr Szturm pro- 11 Tsang WW, Hui-Chan CW. 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