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Complete your treatment plan template ( I WILL COMPLETE
THIS)for Eliza based on LAST WEEKS assignments findings.
Additionally, write and submit a 700-1,050-word essay that
includes the following:
The treatment theory you would use and why.
A description of how you would address any mental health,
medical, legal, and substance use issues that the client exhibits
in the case study through the lens of your counseling theory of
Include at least three scholarly sources in your paper.
Submit the paper and the treatment plan to your instructor.(I
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the
APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful
Schwitzer, A. M., & Rubin, L. C. (2014).
Diagnosis and treatment planning skills: A popular culture
(2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13:
Here is the example BPS for eliza
PCN-610 Eliza D Psychosocial Example
Name: Eliza Doolittle Date: ********* DOB: ********
Age: 18 Start Time: 1:15p End Time: 2:00p
Identifying Information:
The client is a Caucasian female with average height and
slender build. The client stated that she is currently a freshman
in college, majoring in engineering. The client also stated that
her family resides in a small town approximately two hours
Presenting Problem:
At the onset of the session, the client stated that she had come
to counseling as a result of being caught in a campus dorm with
alcohol (it is an alcohol-free campus). Concerning the incident,
the client stated “the RAs were called because my friends were
being too loud in my dorm. When they arrived, they saw us with
alcohol, and we got in trouble.” The client stated that her
friends in the dorm were intoxicated but she was not, adding, “I
was just buzzed” and adding that she was drinking “because
they were” and “it’s just something to do.”
Life Stressors:
The client identified school as a life stressor, adding “things
came easy to me in high school, I just figured it would be the
same in college”. The client went on to state that, in addition to
the difficulty in increased study requirements, she had struggles
in making friends, stating, “a lot of my friends from high school
have either gone to college somewhere else or are doing other
things,” although the client denied feeling lonely.
Substance Use:
The client denied having a drug or alcohol problem, adding that
she tried marijuana once in high school but “I didn’t like how it
made me feel” and had not taken it since. The client stated that
she was introduced to alcohol in HS when “friends asked me to
drink it with them.” The client stated that “I sometimes drink on
the weekends with friends,” denying drinking in excess or ever
suffering symptoms of being hungover.
Addictions (i.e., Gambling, pornography, video gaming)
The client stated that she occasionally plays a Massive
Multiplayer Online game. When asked how often the client
played, the client stated “one or two times a week” for
approximately “three to five hours” at a time. The client denied
gambling or pornography issues.
Medical/Mental Health Hx/Hospitalizations:
Any past mental health history or hospitalizations denied.
The client denied any current or past abuse, although stating in
passing that she did experience some level of teasing in HS,
although the client denied discussing specifics.
Social Relationships:
The client stated that she had quality relationships, but added
that she felt as though she was, at times, being taken advantage
of. When asked for details, the client stated that her friends
oftentimes pressure her to complete their homework, as well as
often push her to “party in my dorm.” When asked if the client
had ever talked with her friends about said issues, the client
stated that she had not, adding, “it’s not that big of a deal.”
Family Information:
The client stated that she was the only child in her family,
describing her mother as “kind of controlling” and her father as
“a good guy.” The client went on to state that her mother
required her to call approximately once a week “or else she gets
worried,” adding that during HS her mother “was always asking
where I was going or what I was doing.” The client stated that
her parents seemed to have a strained relationship at times,
stating, “when I call, I talk to my mom first, and then she hands
the phone off to my dad, and he goes into another room to talk
with me.” The client also stated that the two frequently
complain to the client about the current status of their marriage.
In the conversation, the client also acknowledged sometimes
feeling as though she were “the middle man” when living at
The client identified as being an agnostic. The client also stated
that her parents are Irish Catholic, even though “they mostly
only go to church on Christmas and Easter.”
Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression Disorder
Depression is a mental disorder that has both social and
health effects to individuals worldwide. Reports from the WHO
suggest that depressive disorders form a significant percentage
of the total number of deaths reported in both developed and
developing countries. Depressive disorders are also a major
cause of disability (U.S. Department of Health, 2017).
Depression is treatable. The commonly used treatments of
depression include psychotherapy and drugs. Studies suggest
that there are various effective strategies available for use to
improve the depression symptoms such as the integration
between specialist and primary health care. The severity of
depression varies from patient to patient. DSM-5 is the
commonly used diagnostic criteria used to differentiate
depressive disorders from sadness (Gore & Widiger, 2013). The
criterion was developed in the United States and has been used
extensively in psychiatric research. The model stipulates the
threshold that the signs and symptoms of depression must meet
to justify a diagnosis. This research analyzes Eliza Doolittle’s
psychosocial assessment and treatment plan.
Eliza Doolittle is an eighteen years old girl. Her residence at the
time of the visit was a school dormitory where she lived with
her friends. Eliza stated the reason for her visit was due to
being sent home from school. The depressive symptoms that
Eliza experienced were anxiety or stress and low self-esteem.
Eliza is the only child in her family. Her father is Burt, and her
mothers name is Joan. She denied being on any medication for
mental health at this time. She also added that she had not
encountered any stressful experiences in her life.
Eliza completed the DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting
Symptom Measure (CCM-1) for adults, which is a questionnaire
with the various depressive symptoms. This questionnaire
enables the healthcare professional to identify the depressive
symptoms that Eliza might have had in the last two weeks
before her visit. According to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria,
Eliza must have experienced at least five symptoms of
depression in the same two weeks period. Eliza must have at
least one of the following symptoms to warrant a diagnosis.
These include: loss of pleasure in usual activities, loss of self-
worth or suicidal, fatigue, weight loss, tiredness, inability to
think correctly, loss of energy and loss of appetite.
Biopsychosocial Assessment
Eliza was identified as a Caucasian female who was a first-year
college student studying engineering. Eliza’s parents live in a
town, which is about two hours away from the health center.
Eliza was sent to counseling because she was found with
alcohol in the dormitory although she claimed she was not
intoxicated. However, she said that she was drunk. Eliza said
that she had been experiencing stress in school since things in
college were not easy as they were in high school. She added
that study requirements have been difficult in college. Eliza
stated that making friends had been difficult for her since her
high school friends either went to different colleges or pursued
other things.
Eliza admitted that she had used substances such as alcohol, and
marijuana, although she said that she has never overused any of
the substances. The only type of addiction that Eliza has was
online gaming. Besides, she denied having been previously
hospitalized due to mental illness. Eliza has had traumatic
experiences, although she stated that she was teased in high
school. Eliza’s social relationships were questionable because
she felt that her friends were misusing her on many occasions.
However, she had a good relationship with her parents despite
there being some strains between the parents. Her family rarely
goes to church; therefore, she is not strictly spiritually aligned.
Eliza denied having had suicidal or homicidal intentions.
Assessment of Eliza’s symptoms using the DSM-5 diagnostic
criteria showed that Eliza had experienced five depressive
symptoms in the last two weeks prior to her visit to counseling.
The symptoms included little pleasure or interest in doing
normal activities, anxiety, slight sleeping problems, lack of
identity, and little enjoyment of social activities. The CCM-1
results show that Eliza has slight symptoms of depression,
which if not managed, can easily become more severe if the
causes are not well managed. According to the DSM-5
diagnostic criteria, the results suggest that Eliza has mild
depression because she had experienced at least one diagnostic
symptom that is a loss of pleasure in usual activities.
The initial treatment goals for Eliza would be directed towards
improving the depressive symptoms that Eliza has experienced.
The major depressive symptoms in Eliza’s life are the loss of
interest in normal activities as well as anxiety. There is no
standard treatment for mild depression. However, Eliza has
several options available for her treatment. First, the symptoms
of mild treatment can go away without being treated. The
physician can allow Eliza to go and come back after two weeks
to check whether the situation will have improved (Schwitzer &
Rubin, 2014). This method is commonly referred to as watchful
waiting. Secondly, the physician can advise Eliza to start doing
exercises. Exercise has been identified as one of the effective
methods of dealing with mild depression (Schwitzer & Rubin,
2014). The physician can decide to involve Eliza in a group
class where they will be doing exercises together. Third, self-
help is a method of treating mild depression where Eliza would
think about her feelings by talking to a psychological therapist
or a friend.
Treatment Planning
APA offers a number of measures that help in the
assessment of patients. The assessment measures should be
administered form the first interview with the patient to help
monitor the progress of the treatment (Weiner & Greene, 2017).
DSM-5 Level 2 of assessing depression are used to measure the
progress that Eliza would be taking during treatment. Eliza
would require CCM-2 to measure her level of anxiety in the
first seven days of treatment (Weiner & Greene, 2017). Eliza
would be required to fill the CCM-2 questionnaire, which
contains eight items whereby she would be needed to rate the
severity of the depression in the last seven days. The physician
then interprets the data and determines the level of depression
of Eliza.
Apart from the assessment provided by APA, Eliza can
use online self-assessment tests to monitor her progress,
especially with the issue of anxiety. Anxiety was the major
problem that Eliza highlighted as a point of concern. She used
to avoid anxious situations to manage her condition (Bot et al.,
2017). Online assessments include questions similar to those of
other assessments tests. The patient is required to give genuine
information to be able to give genuine results. This process is
helpful, especially if the patient has to travel for a long distance
to see the physician.
The findings of the assessment should be conveyed to
Eliza in her native language. Diagnostic information should be
provided in a language that Eliza understands best. The
physician should maintain clear communication with Eliza
(Gilligan et al., 2018). Clear and improved communication
reduces the chances of adverse events by managing the anxiety
of the patient. Although there is no standard way of
communicating assessment results to Eliza or her family, the
physician should be keen to avoid chaos. Communication failure
can be disastrous (Gilligan et al., 2018). The physician should
be able to tell the patient the situation is under control.
The objective of the physician is to guide the patient
through the journey to a healthier state. The outcomes of the
treatment are dependent on not only the prescription of the
physician but also on Eliza’s willingness the get well and
thereby follow the instructions. If the patient misses
appointments or drops-out of the psychological therapies, it may
be difficult for the physician to deliver the agreed-upon
outcomes. However, patient follow-up helps keep the patient on
track. Strategies, measures, and outcomes are achievable when
the relationship between the Eliza and the clinician is
Referrals are necessary when the clinician cannot offer
the services needed by Eliza. The clinician can request the help
of other professionals who can assist in the treatment process
(Russomagno & Waldrop, 2019). If the needs of the client are
outside the expertise of the clinician, a referral would be made.
Examples of referrals in mental illnesses include psychological
therapists, psychiatrists, family therapists, and mental health
nurse. The referrals would be necessary for Eliza to help her
understand her feelings. Therapists would allow her to cope
with the symptoms of depression.
The choice of referrals depends on the inherent condition
that requires the expertize of other professionals. Eliza would
require a psychological therapist who would enable her to
understand the feelings that are depressing her (Russomagno &
Waldrop, 2019). One can clearly see that Eliza feels that she is
alright and doesn’t need any mental care. However, since the
DSM-5 criteria showed that her experiences meet the criteria, it
is necessary for her to get treatment. For this reason, a
psychological therapist would help her understand the feelings
and situations that make her depressed.
Despite the overwhelming evidence on the prevalence of
depression around the world, there are just a few studies that
provide information on its treatment. Furthermore, treatment of
mild depression is not sufficiently researched, although some
studies propose various methods. However, there is one
common feature in all depressive disorders; that is, the patient
follows up. The therapeutic approach that was highlighted as a
possible treatment plan requires the clinician to constantly
follow-up the progress of Eliza. The study also pointed out the
importance of referrals in the treatment of depression.
Bot, M., Middeldorp, C. M., De Geus, E. J. C., Lau, H. M.,
Sinke, M., Van Nieuwenhuizen, B., ... & Penninx, B. W. J. H.
(2017). Validity of LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment
Self-report): a self-report online assessment of lifetime major
depressive disorder.
Psychological medicine
(2), 279-289. DOI:
Gilligan, T., Coyle, N., Frankel, R. M., Berry, D. L., Bohlke,
K., Epstein, R. M., ... & Nguyen, L. H. (2018). Patient-clinician
communication: American Society of Clinical Oncology
consensus guideline.
Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey
(2), 96-97. doi: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000530053.40106.9b
Gore, W. L., & Widiger, T. A. (2013). The DSM-5 dimensional
trait model and five-factor models of general personality.
Journal of abnormal psychology
(3), 816. Doi: org/10.1037/a0032822
Russomagno, S., & Waldrop, J. (2019). Improving Postpartum
Depression Screening and Referral in Pediatric Primary Care.
Journal of Pediatric Health Care
(4), e19-e27.
Schwitzer, A. M., & Rubin, L. C. (2014).
Diagnosis and treatment planning skills: A popular culture
(2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13:
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (2017).
HIPAA for Professionals.
Retrieved from
Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2017).
Handbook of personality assessment
. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

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Complete your treatment plan template ( I WILL COMPLETE THIS)for Eli.docx

  • 1. Complete your treatment plan template ( I WILL COMPLETE THIS)for Eliza based on LAST WEEKS assignments findings. Additionally, write and submit a 700-1,050-word essay that includes the following: The treatment theory you would use and why. A description of how you would address any mental health, medical, legal, and substance use issues that the client exhibits in the case study through the lens of your counseling theory of choice. Include at least three scholarly sources in your paper. Submit the paper and the treatment plan to your instructor.(I WILL COMPLETE THE ATTACHED TREATMENT PLAN) I JUST WANTED YOU TO HAVE IT FOR REFERENCE, PLUS THE PAPER YOU WROTE LAST WEEK. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful CLASS TEXTBOOK REFERENCE: Schwitzer, A. M., & Rubin, L. C. (2014). Diagnosis and treatment planning skills: A popular culture approach (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13:
  • 2. 9781483349763 Here is the example BPS for eliza PCN-610 Eliza D Psychosocial Example Name: Eliza Doolittle Date: ********* DOB: ******** Age: 18 Start Time: 1:15p End Time: 2:00p Identifying Information: The client is a Caucasian female with average height and slender build. The client stated that she is currently a freshman in college, majoring in engineering. The client also stated that her family resides in a small town approximately two hours away. Presenting Problem: At the onset of the session, the client stated that she had come to counseling as a result of being caught in a campus dorm with alcohol (it is an alcohol-free campus). Concerning the incident, the client stated “the RAs were called because my friends were being too loud in my dorm. When they arrived, they saw us with alcohol, and we got in trouble.” The client stated that her friends in the dorm were intoxicated but she was not, adding, “I was just buzzed” and adding that she was drinking “because they were” and “it’s just something to do.” Life Stressors: The client identified school as a life stressor, adding “things came easy to me in high school, I just figured it would be the
  • 3. same in college”. The client went on to state that, in addition to the difficulty in increased study requirements, she had struggles in making friends, stating, “a lot of my friends from high school have either gone to college somewhere else or are doing other things,” although the client denied feeling lonely. Substance Use: Yes No The client denied having a drug or alcohol problem, adding that she tried marijuana once in high school but “I didn’t like how it made me feel” and had not taken it since. The client stated that she was introduced to alcohol in HS when “friends asked me to drink it with them.” The client stated that “I sometimes drink on the weekends with friends,” denying drinking in excess or ever suffering symptoms of being hungover. Addictions (i.e., Gambling, pornography, video gaming) The client stated that she occasionally plays a Massive Multiplayer Online game. When asked how often the client played, the client stated “one or two times a week” for approximately “three to five hours” at a time. The client denied gambling or pornography issues. Medical/Mental Health Hx/Hospitalizations: Any past mental health history or hospitalizations denied. Abuse/Trauma: The client denied any current or past abuse, although stating in passing that she did experience some level of teasing in HS,
  • 4. although the client denied discussing specifics. Social Relationships: The client stated that she had quality relationships, but added that she felt as though she was, at times, being taken advantage of. When asked for details, the client stated that her friends oftentimes pressure her to complete their homework, as well as often push her to “party in my dorm.” When asked if the client had ever talked with her friends about said issues, the client stated that she had not, adding, “it’s not that big of a deal.” Family Information: The client stated that she was the only child in her family, describing her mother as “kind of controlling” and her father as “a good guy.” The client went on to state that her mother required her to call approximately once a week “or else she gets worried,” adding that during HS her mother “was always asking where I was going or what I was doing.” The client stated that her parents seemed to have a strained relationship at times, stating, “when I call, I talk to my mom first, and then she hands the phone off to my dad, and he goes into another room to talk with me.” The client also stated that the two frequently complain to the client about the current status of their marriage. In the conversation, the client also acknowledged sometimes feeling as though she were “the middle man” when living at home. Spiritual: The client identified as being an agnostic. The client also stated that her parents are Irish Catholic, even though “they mostly only go to church on Christmas and Easter.” Suicidal:
  • 5. Denied. Homicidal: Denied. HERE IS THE PAPER YOU WROTE ON THIS CASE FOR ME LAST WEEK. Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression Disorder Depression is a mental disorder that has both social and health effects to individuals worldwide. Reports from the WHO suggest that depressive disorders form a significant percentage of the total number of deaths reported in both developed and developing countries. Depressive disorders are also a major cause of disability (U.S. Department of Health, 2017). Depression is treatable. The commonly used treatments of depression include psychotherapy and drugs. Studies suggest that there are various effective strategies available for use to improve the depression symptoms such as the integration between specialist and primary health care. The severity of depression varies from patient to patient. DSM-5 is the commonly used diagnostic criteria used to differentiate depressive disorders from sadness (Gore & Widiger, 2013). The criterion was developed in the United States and has been used extensively in psychiatric research. The model stipulates the threshold that the signs and symptoms of depression must meet to justify a diagnosis. This research analyzes Eliza Doolittle’s psychosocial assessment and treatment plan. Intake Eliza Doolittle is an eighteen years old girl. Her residence at the
  • 6. time of the visit was a school dormitory where she lived with her friends. Eliza stated the reason for her visit was due to being sent home from school. The depressive symptoms that Eliza experienced were anxiety or stress and low self-esteem. Eliza is the only child in her family. Her father is Burt, and her mothers name is Joan. She denied being on any medication for mental health at this time. She also added that she had not encountered any stressful experiences in her life. Eliza completed the DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure (CCM-1) for adults, which is a questionnaire with the various depressive symptoms. This questionnaire enables the healthcare professional to identify the depressive symptoms that Eliza might have had in the last two weeks before her visit. According to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, Eliza must have experienced at least five symptoms of depression in the same two weeks period. Eliza must have at least one of the following symptoms to warrant a diagnosis. These include: loss of pleasure in usual activities, loss of self- worth or suicidal, fatigue, weight loss, tiredness, inability to think correctly, loss of energy and loss of appetite. Biopsychosocial Assessment Eliza was identified as a Caucasian female who was a first-year college student studying engineering. Eliza’s parents live in a town, which is about two hours away from the health center. Eliza was sent to counseling because she was found with alcohol in the dormitory although she claimed she was not intoxicated. However, she said that she was drunk. Eliza said that she had been experiencing stress in school since things in college were not easy as they were in high school. She added that study requirements have been difficult in college. Eliza stated that making friends had been difficult for her since her high school friends either went to different colleges or pursued other things.
  • 7. Eliza admitted that she had used substances such as alcohol, and marijuana, although she said that she has never overused any of the substances. The only type of addiction that Eliza has was online gaming. Besides, she denied having been previously hospitalized due to mental illness. Eliza has had traumatic experiences, although she stated that she was teased in high school. Eliza’s social relationships were questionable because she felt that her friends were misusing her on many occasions. However, she had a good relationship with her parents despite there being some strains between the parents. Her family rarely goes to church; therefore, she is not strictly spiritually aligned. Eliza denied having had suicidal or homicidal intentions. Assessment of Eliza’s symptoms using the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria showed that Eliza had experienced five depressive symptoms in the last two weeks prior to her visit to counseling. The symptoms included little pleasure or interest in doing normal activities, anxiety, slight sleeping problems, lack of identity, and little enjoyment of social activities. The CCM-1 results show that Eliza has slight symptoms of depression, which if not managed, can easily become more severe if the causes are not well managed. According to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, the results suggest that Eliza has mild depression because she had experienced at least one diagnostic symptom that is a loss of pleasure in usual activities. The initial treatment goals for Eliza would be directed towards improving the depressive symptoms that Eliza has experienced. The major depressive symptoms in Eliza’s life are the loss of interest in normal activities as well as anxiety. There is no standard treatment for mild depression. However, Eliza has several options available for her treatment. First, the symptoms of mild treatment can go away without being treated. The physician can allow Eliza to go and come back after two weeks to check whether the situation will have improved (Schwitzer &
  • 8. Rubin, 2014). This method is commonly referred to as watchful waiting. Secondly, the physician can advise Eliza to start doing exercises. Exercise has been identified as one of the effective methods of dealing with mild depression (Schwitzer & Rubin, 2014). The physician can decide to involve Eliza in a group class where they will be doing exercises together. Third, self- help is a method of treating mild depression where Eliza would think about her feelings by talking to a psychological therapist or a friend. Treatment Planning APA offers a number of measures that help in the assessment of patients. The assessment measures should be administered form the first interview with the patient to help monitor the progress of the treatment (Weiner & Greene, 2017). DSM-5 Level 2 of assessing depression are used to measure the progress that Eliza would be taking during treatment. Eliza would require CCM-2 to measure her level of anxiety in the first seven days of treatment (Weiner & Greene, 2017). Eliza would be required to fill the CCM-2 questionnaire, which contains eight items whereby she would be needed to rate the severity of the depression in the last seven days. The physician then interprets the data and determines the level of depression of Eliza. Apart from the assessment provided by APA, Eliza can use online self-assessment tests to monitor her progress, especially with the issue of anxiety. Anxiety was the major problem that Eliza highlighted as a point of concern. She used to avoid anxious situations to manage her condition (Bot et al., 2017). Online assessments include questions similar to those of other assessments tests. The patient is required to give genuine information to be able to give genuine results. This process is helpful, especially if the patient has to travel for a long distance to see the physician.
  • 9. The findings of the assessment should be conveyed to Eliza in her native language. Diagnostic information should be provided in a language that Eliza understands best. The physician should maintain clear communication with Eliza (Gilligan et al., 2018). Clear and improved communication reduces the chances of adverse events by managing the anxiety of the patient. Although there is no standard way of communicating assessment results to Eliza or her family, the physician should be keen to avoid chaos. Communication failure can be disastrous (Gilligan et al., 2018). The physician should be able to tell the patient the situation is under control. The objective of the physician is to guide the patient through the journey to a healthier state. The outcomes of the treatment are dependent on not only the prescription of the physician but also on Eliza’s willingness the get well and thereby follow the instructions. If the patient misses appointments or drops-out of the psychological therapies, it may be difficult for the physician to deliver the agreed-upon outcomes. However, patient follow-up helps keep the patient on track. Strategies, measures, and outcomes are achievable when the relationship between the Eliza and the clinician is maintained. Referral Referrals are necessary when the clinician cannot offer the services needed by Eliza. The clinician can request the help of other professionals who can assist in the treatment process (Russomagno & Waldrop, 2019). If the needs of the client are outside the expertise of the clinician, a referral would be made. Examples of referrals in mental illnesses include psychological therapists, psychiatrists, family therapists, and mental health nurse. The referrals would be necessary for Eliza to help her understand her feelings. Therapists would allow her to cope
  • 10. with the symptoms of depression. The choice of referrals depends on the inherent condition that requires the expertize of other professionals. Eliza would require a psychological therapist who would enable her to understand the feelings that are depressing her (Russomagno & Waldrop, 2019). One can clearly see that Eliza feels that she is alright and doesn’t need any mental care. However, since the DSM-5 criteria showed that her experiences meet the criteria, it is necessary for her to get treatment. For this reason, a psychological therapist would help her understand the feelings and situations that make her depressed. Conclusion Despite the overwhelming evidence on the prevalence of depression around the world, there are just a few studies that provide information on its treatment. Furthermore, treatment of mild depression is not sufficiently researched, although some studies propose various methods. However, there is one common feature in all depressive disorders; that is, the patient follows up. The therapeutic approach that was highlighted as a possible treatment plan requires the clinician to constantly follow-up the progress of Eliza. The study also pointed out the importance of referrals in the treatment of depression. References Bot, M., Middeldorp, C. M., De Geus, E. J. C., Lau, H. M., Sinke, M., Van Nieuwenhuizen, B., ... & Penninx, B. W. J. H. (2017). Validity of LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment Self-report): a self-report online assessment of lifetime major depressive disorder. Psychological medicine , 47
  • 11. (2), 279-289. DOI: Gilligan, T., Coyle, N., Frankel, R. M., Berry, D. L., Bohlke, K., Epstein, R. M., ... & Nguyen, L. H. (2018). Patient-clinician communication: American Society of Clinical Oncology consensus guideline. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey , 73 (2), 96-97. doi: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000530053.40106.9b Gore, W. L., & Widiger, T. A. (2013). The DSM-5 dimensional trait model and five-factor models of general personality. Journal of abnormal psychology , 122 (3), 816. Doi: org/10.1037/a0032822 Russomagno, S., & Waldrop, J. (2019). Improving Postpartum Depression Screening and Referral in Pediatric Primary Care. Journal of Pediatric Health Care , 33 (4), e19-e27. Schwitzer, A. M., & Rubin, L. C. (2014). Diagnosis and treatment planning skills: A popular culture approach (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 9781483349763 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (2017). HIPAA for Professionals. Retrieved from professionals/index.html
  • 12. Weiner, I. B., & Greene, R. L. (2017). Handbook of personality assessment . New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.