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Client is a 37 year old male who has presented for counseling
due to the recent issue of finding out that his wife was
unfaithful. Reports he is having difficulty in several domains of
his life and wants help figuring out what to do. Client has been
working at the same job for the past 16 years. He is an engineer
at a local firm. Client reports that he is satisfied with his job.
Client has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Client
reports that he is financially secure and is not worried about
financial issues at this time in his life. Client reports holding
Christian faith. He states that he attends church with his wife at
least 2 times per month and that is important to them to raise
their daughter and son with these values. Client reports a
daughter who is 8 and a son who is 6.
Client states that he has few friends and little time for extra-
curricular activities. States that he does enjoy fishing, hunting,
and gun collecting but that none of these activities seem very
enticing over the past several weeks. Client does report having
two very close friends that he has maintained since childhood.
He states that these friendships have been helpful for him in the
past several weeks after he discovered an email between his
wife and a man from her work but both friends are telling him
he should get out of the relationship because of what his wife
did. Client reports that his drinking has increased over the past
couple weeks and that he is utilizing alcohol as a way to cope
with the current problem. He states that he is drinking 2 to 3
vodka and tonics nightly and that this amount is unusual but it
is one of the ways that he is able to sleep and not have to think
about what she did. Before finding out about this incident,
client reports drinking one to two drinks a week. Client reports
no prior problems with alcohol but he does report binge
drinking with fraternity buddies while in college. Reports this
stopped soon after he accepted a full-time engineering position.
Client reports no current or past drug use. Does report trying
marijuana while in college but stating he didn't like it. Client is
a non-smoker. Client reports no other general medical concerns.
Client and wife have owned their home for the past 10 years and
are satisfied with their living conditions. Reports that his
parents live nearby and consist of both his mother and father.
States he has not told his parents yet because he knows they
will be vary mad at his wife. Also reports that he has a sister
who he is close to but she lives in Georgia. States he did tell his
sister because she left her husband after he cheated on her.
States that his parents are still married and have always
appeared to be happy. States that he does not have significant
issues with his immediate family from when he was a child.
Client states that two weeks ago while looking through some
emails he found an email between 'some guy' and his wife.
States that he immediately knew that the emails were
inappropriate because they discussed intimate issues between
his wife and 'that guy'. States that he confronted his wife that
evening and his wife denied any such an issue until client
produced the emails. States that since that time him and his wife
have been arguing non-stop. Reports he cannot believe whether
or not the information she is telling him is true and is worried
that the relationship between his wife and 'that guy' is
significant. States that he recognizes that his relationship with
his wife has been distant over the past few year but sites issues
of work stress as the cause. States over the past two weeks that
he is having headaches, that he feels sick to his stomach, that he
is crying, that he cannot concentrate, that he is having
nightmares and visions of his wife having sex with 'that guy'.
Reports that he cannot get thoughts of his wife and 'that guy'
out of his head. State that this is distracting him at work and at
home. States that he had a consultation with his pastor but it
was not helpful and no matter how much he prays, he still feels
horrible and does not understand why God would allow
something so cruel to happen to him.
Cultural Background:
The client is caucasian
Caucasian American
Religious Issues:
The client report being a christian and attends church with his
Sexual Orientation:
The client reports that he is heterosexual and is attracted to the
female gender. H also reports
not having sex with his wife since the issue of infidelity.
Relevant Cultural Norms:
The client believes in the value of family as an important
component to ensuring positive
development among individuals and conveyed that looks up to
his parents because they have
stayed married for a long period of time. The client has a sister
who has a broken marriage
because of the infidelity from her husband.
Other Relevant Cultural Norms:
The client iso the believe that Family involves faithfulness and
Christianity is what holds family
Current Symptoms:
Reason for Visit Listed as DSM-5 Symptoms:
The client reports issues of infidelity from his wife when as he
presented to counseling. He
reports having difficulty in several domains of his life such as:
his lost of appetite, lack of
concentration due to his inability to stop thinking about his
wife's unfaithfulness, a sense of
hopelessness due to feeling that his world has been rocked,
constant anxiety due to fear that
his wife is still having any affair with the guy and hidding it
from him.
The client also reports lack of trust in his wife and fear he may
not be able to trust her again.
He reports that he had turned to alcohol as a means of coping
with his current situation and is
worried about losing his family. The client further reports that
he is having headache, crying,
continuously, having nightmares and vision of his wife having
sex with the guy which is
causing him distraction from work. Client appear to feel guilty
due to distancing himself from
his wife for the past few years which he blames on work related
Symptoms appeared more consistent with Major Depressive
Disorder (F32.0).
The client meets the following criteria
A- five or more of the following symptoms have been present
for at least two weeks
1. Depressed mood most of the day or nearly every day (APA,
2. Tearfulness hopelessness, sad, empty
5. Agitation
7. Guilt
8. lack of concentration
B. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of function such as his inability to
function at work and other functions
(APA, 2013).
C. The episode is not attributable to a psychological effects of a
substance or to another
medical condition (APA, 2013).
D. The occurrence of the major depressive disorder is not better
explained by schizoaffective
disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional
disorder or other specified and
unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic
disorder (APA, 2013).
E. There has never been a main or hypomanic episode
(American Psychiatric Association,
American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic And
Statistical Manual Of Mental
Disorders DSM-5.
Family Background:
Family of Origin Issues:
Two parents in a stable marital relationship.
Family Environment in Childhood/Adolescence:
The client reports growing up in a stable family with no issue of
unfaithfulness from both
parents however, he conveyed that his sister has experienced
unfaithfulness that lead to a
divorce. The client appears to have had a stable up bringing
with having just few friends.
Infidelity is believed to be one of the most common presenting
issue for marriage and family
therapists. It is devastating to marriages and is believed to be
one of the most serious issue to
be treated. The causes of unfaithfulness are difficult and
different and can take place in a
happy or unhappy marriage. It furthered asserted that it
becomes hard or sometimes
impossible for the faith partner to comprehend the reason why
his/her partner is engaged in an
extra marital affairs. While most unfaithful in marriages
happens as a result of dissatisfaction, it
is believed unfaithfulness also happen as a result of personal
dissatisfaction and low self-
esteem it can be as a result of addiction to sex, love and
romance ( Glass,1998).
Glass, S. (1998, August). Shattered vows. Psychology Today,
pp. 34ff.
Dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and addiction to sex, love and
romance may lead to infidelity
in marriage.
Marital/Partnership History:
Client and his wife has been married for about ten years now
however, client reports that in
the pas few years he had distance himself from his wife due to
work related stress.
Children Issues/Concerns:
Client is concern about the future of his two children if he were
to file for a divorce and is
concern about his finances also.
Social/Community Background:
Connections to Community Support (Church, AA Group):
The client and his family attends a church in the community at
least two times a month. The
client support system includes his Pastor, Sister, friends and
religious faith.
Support Network:
Client support network includes his family, friends and Church.
Hobbies or Volunteer Activities:
Client enjoys fishing, hunting, and gun collecting.
Personal Background:
Developmental History:
The client appears to have a normal birth and reports no
deformity or disability. The client also
reports that he was brought up in a stable home where both
parents are happily married.
No known Disability
The client holds a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering.
No Military background.
History of Trauma:
No history of trauma.
Employment Status:
The client works as mechanical engineer with a local firm.
Legal Status:
The client is an adult who is a Caucasian American.
Financial Status:
The client reports that he is financially stable.
Other Circumstances, Such as Transportation, Housing, et
The client reports that he has live in his home for at least10
Medical Background:
Medical History:
No past or present history of any medication problems.
Use of Medication:
The client is not using any medications.
Current Medications:
The client is not on medications.
Substance Use Background:
The client report previous use of alcohol and drugs (Marijuana)
while in college but conveyed
that he discontinued the use of marijuana because he did not
like it but maintained social
drinking at least one or two drinks a week however, he reported
that due to his present crisis,
he currently drinks two to three vodka and tonic nightly which
is an unusual amount.
The abuse of alcohol and dependence often come from the use
of alcohol as a coping
mechanism from individuals however, using alcohol as a catch-
way to balance out emotional
experience or become less present has some real outcomes
(Glass, 1998). A coping
technique is believed to be something that helps an individual
deal with situation that are
difficult to handle. While all coping techniques provide an
individual with a real or apprehended
outcome, some coping techniques have more negative outcomes
connected with them and
unfortunately, alcohol is one of those coping techniques that
temporarily benefit an individual
however, is overweighted by a long-lasting negative effects on
health and relationship, poor
decision-making and increased dependency (Glass, 1998).
Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy.
Mental Health Background:
Previous Psychological Issues (Depression, Anxiety, et cetera):
No previous psychological issues reported.
Previous Counseling, Hospitalizations:
None reported
Family Fistory of Mental/Psychological Issues:
None reported
Ethical/Legal Background:
Client is a heterosexual caucasian male who is not from a
minority group therefore there is
limited multicultural issue. If this client were to be counsel by a
therapist from a minority group
as the writer is, there will be a need for such therapist to
understand the dominant culture and
not impose upon the client his/her own biases as stated in the
ACA code of ethics B.1.a of the
American Counseling Association.
"Counselors maintain awareness and sensitivity regarding
cultural meanings of confidentiality
and privacy. Counselors respect differing views toward
disclosure of information. Counselors
hold ongoing discussions with client as to how, when and with
whom information is to be
shared" (ACA, 2015).
American Counseling Association (2015). ACA code of Ethics:
Alexandria, VA: Author.
Consultations/Referrals Needed:
Client and wife will be referred for counseling to the licensed
Marriage Therapist to enable him
resolve current situation with his wife.
Couples who experiences infidelity is refer for counseling with
a therapist who help them
understands the purpose of treatment by externalizing the
options. After an infidelity has taken
place, couple who want to rebuild their relationship need to
resolve any conflict about staying
in the relationship, or work toward separating in a positive
manner. Glass stated that one
partner may want to reconcile while the other is still ambivalent
or has decided to leave
because most often the injured partner feel angry while on the
other hand the involved partner
struggles with feelings of guilt and shame (Glass, 1998).
Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy.
Strategies to Address Presenting Problems:
Client has been deeply affected by his wife's unfaithfulness and
is struggling to maintain his
basic functions and perform task at work. In other for the client
to be restore to previous
function the client needs to explore how his wife action has
affected his daily functioning both
at home and worker and seek appropriate therapy to resolve the
present issue.
Glass (1998) asserted in his article that treatment to recovery of
infidelity can be confusing and
hard for couples and the way in which couples recovery or
uncouple after an infidelity has
taken place depends on different components that includes each
partner's commitment to the
healing process of the relationship, cultural values and norms,
and the effect on the children
should they end the relationship.
Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy.
Client has expressed serious distrust in his wife and struggles to
believe her explanation of not
having an affair with the guy anymore and her failure to give
him the password to her social
media is further compounding the pain he feels for her
unfaithful fulness and his distrust of her.
For both client and his wife to resolve their issue, a platform
must be establish for the couple to
have free communication with each other to enable them resolve
the current situation and be
transparent with each other.
Glass asserted in his article that establishing safety and
addressing painful emotions and
traumatic symptoms are essential in the initial stage as there
therapist needs to manage and
stabilize the emotional reaction to the infidelity and obtain a
clear understanding of the
situations surrounding the affair (1998). Being able to explain
or tell the story of the affair will
allow the couples move toward forgiveness (Glass, 1998).
Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy.
Sexuality Research to Support Strategies:
Hyde, J. S., & DeLamater, J. D. (2017). Understanding human
sexuality (13th ed.). New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill.
Lehmiller, Justin J. (01/01/2017). "Controversial issues in
human sexuality research: The state
of the science". European psychologist (1016-9040), 22 (1), p.
Parker, Richard (04/01/2009). "Sexuality, culture and society:
shifting paradigms in sexuality
research". Culture, health & sexuality (1369-1058), 11 (3), p.
Mustanski, B. (2011). Ethical and regulatory issues with
conducting sexuality research with
LGBT adolescents: A call to action for a scientifically informed
approach. Archives of Sexual
Behavior, 40(4), 673-86.
Sakaluk, John K. (01/01/2017). "A Methodological Review of
Exploratory Factor Analysis in
Sexuality Research: Used Practices, Best Practices, and Data
Analysis Resources". The
Journal of sex research (0022-4499), 54 (1), p. 1.
Zou, Z., Song, H., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, X. (2016). Romantic
love vs. drug addiction may
inspire a new treatment for addiction. Frontiers in Psychology,
7, 1436.
Instruments/Screens to Facilitate Diagnosis
Instruments and Screens:
DSM-5 Diagnosis
DSM-5 Diagnosis:
Differential Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis:
Ethical/Legal Consideration of the Diagnosis
Ethical/Legal Consideration of the Diagnosis:
Short-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis
Short-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis:
Long-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis
Long-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis:
Strategies to Promote Optimal Sexual Functioning
Evidence-Based Treatment Interventions to Support Strategies
Treatment Plan Interventions Annotated Bibliography
Based on your diagnostic impression, develop an annotated
bibliography of resources
describing suggested interventions for the client. You should
describe each source in
your own words, not simply use the provided abstract. You will
utilize a minimum of
five current articles from peer-reviewed journals in the
counseling or related
professions from the Capella Library. Cite and reference the
resources using APA 6th
edition guidelines. You may utilize your textbook, but it does
not count as one of your
five scholarly resources. You are also encouraged to utilize
more than five resources if
they aid in developing a comprehensive treatment plan.
Unit 6 Assignment: Identifying Relevant Theories and Models
Learner Name
COUN 5225
Professor Name
Unit 6 Assignment: Elements of an APA Paper
Start writing your introduction here (1–2 paragraphs). An
effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the
purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the
paper. Please double-space and remember to indent all
paragraphs throughout your paper (not block form!). Aim to
keep your writing objective using 3rd person (see handout in the
Discussion board). Unless required for the specific assignment,
please do not include a Table of Contents, as it is not APA
style. Review paper guidelines on page requirements and
number of sources required (if provided.) Unless citing a
classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published
within the past 5 years. Please use headings throughout your
paper that are consistent with the paper’s scoring guide (that
way you ensure you are adequately addressing all required
When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for
errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to
read your paper aloud to yourself. If it does not sound right to
your ear – it is not working on paper! Please submit your
papers to Turnitin (linked in the course) to check for plagiarism.
Also, remember as a Capella learner you have FREE access
through iGuide to personal tutoring services with
Theory Identification
Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure
you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections
of your paper.
Theory One
Theory Two
Theory Three
Neuroscience Influence
Most Effective Theory for Identified Case
Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure
you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections
of your paper.
Systems Perspective
Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure
you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections
of your paper.
Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of
your paper.
NOTE: Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing
and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has
helpful tutorials.
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Client is a 37 year old male who has presented for counseling due .docx

  • 1. Client is a 37 year old male who has presented for counseling due to the recent issue of finding out that his wife was unfaithful. Reports he is having difficulty in several domains of his life and wants help figuring out what to do. Client has been working at the same job for the past 16 years. He is an engineer at a local firm. Client reports that he is satisfied with his job. Client has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Client reports that he is financially secure and is not worried about financial issues at this time in his life. Client reports holding Christian faith. He states that he attends church with his wife at least 2 times per month and that is important to them to raise their daughter and son with these values. Client reports a daughter who is 8 and a son who is 6. Client states that he has few friends and little time for extra- curricular activities. States that he does enjoy fishing, hunting, and gun collecting but that none of these activities seem very enticing over the past several weeks. Client does report having two very close friends that he has maintained since childhood. He states that these friendships have been helpful for him in the past several weeks after he discovered an email between his wife and a man from her work but both friends are telling him he should get out of the relationship because of what his wife did. Client reports that his drinking has increased over the past couple weeks and that he is utilizing alcohol as a way to cope with the current problem. He states that he is drinking 2 to 3 vodka and tonics nightly and that this amount is unusual but it is one of the ways that he is able to sleep and not have to think about what she did. Before finding out about this incident, client reports drinking one to two drinks a week. Client reports no prior problems with alcohol but he does report binge drinking with fraternity buddies while in college. Reports this stopped soon after he accepted a full-time engineering position. Client reports no current or past drug use. Does report trying marijuana while in college but stating he didn't like it. Client is
  • 2. a non-smoker. Client reports no other general medical concerns. Client and wife have owned their home for the past 10 years and are satisfied with their living conditions. Reports that his parents live nearby and consist of both his mother and father. States he has not told his parents yet because he knows they will be vary mad at his wife. Also reports that he has a sister who he is close to but she lives in Georgia. States he did tell his sister because she left her husband after he cheated on her. States that his parents are still married and have always appeared to be happy. States that he does not have significant issues with his immediate family from when he was a child. Client states that two weeks ago while looking through some emails he found an email between 'some guy' and his wife. States that he immediately knew that the emails were inappropriate because they discussed intimate issues between his wife and 'that guy'. States that he confronted his wife that evening and his wife denied any such an issue until client produced the emails. States that since that time him and his wife have been arguing non-stop. Reports he cannot believe whether or not the information she is telling him is true and is worried that the relationship between his wife and 'that guy' is significant. States that he recognizes that his relationship with his wife has been distant over the past few year but sites issues of work stress as the cause. States over the past two weeks that he is having headaches, that he feels sick to his stomach, that he is crying, that he cannot concentrate, that he is having nightmares and visions of his wife having sex with 'that guy'. Reports that he cannot get thoughts of his wife and 'that guy' out of his head. State that this is distracting him at work and at home. States that he had a consultation with his pastor but it was not helpful and no matter how much he prays, he still feels horrible and does not understand why God would allow something so cruel to happen to him.
  • 3. CASE STUDY TREATMENT PLAN BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT FORM Cultural Background: Name: Unknown Age: 37 Gender: male Race: The client is caucasian Ethnicity: Caucasian American Religious Issues: The client report being a christian and attends church with his wife. Sexual Orientation: The client reports that he is heterosexual and is attracted to the
  • 4. female gender. H also reports not having sex with his wife since the issue of infidelity. Relevant Cultural Norms: The client believes in the value of family as an important component to ensuring positive development among individuals and conveyed that looks up to his parents because they have stayed married for a long period of time. The client has a sister who has a broken marriage because of the infidelity from her husband. Other Relevant Cultural Norms: The client iso the believe that Family involves faithfulness and Christianity is what holds family together. Current Symptoms: Reason for Visit Listed as DSM-5 Symptoms: The client reports issues of infidelity from his wife when as he presented to counseling. He reports having difficulty in several domains of his life such as: his lost of appetite, lack of
  • 5. concentration due to his inability to stop thinking about his wife's unfaithfulness, a sense of hopelessness due to feeling that his world has been rocked, constant anxiety due to fear that his wife is still having any affair with the guy and hidding it from him. The client also reports lack of trust in his wife and fear he may not be able to trust her again. He reports that he had turned to alcohol as a means of coping with his current situation and is worried about losing his family. The client further reports that he is having headache, crying, continuously, having nightmares and vision of his wife having sex with the guy which is causing him distraction from work. Client appear to feel guilty due to distancing himself from his wife for the past few years which he blames on work related stress. Symptoms appeared more consistent with Major Depressive Disorder (F32.0). The client meets the following criteria A- five or more of the following symptoms have been present for at least two weeks 1. Depressed mood most of the day or nearly every day (APA,
  • 6. 2013). 2. Tearfulness hopelessness, sad, empty 5. Agitation 7. Guilt 8. lack of concentration B. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of function such as his inability to function at work and other functions (APA, 2013). C. The episode is not attributable to a psychological effects of a substance or to another medical condition (APA, 2013). D. The occurrence of the major depressive disorder is not better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder or other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder (APA, 2013). E. There has never been a main or hypomanic episode (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
  • 7. Reference American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders DSM-5. Family Background: Family of Origin Issues: Two parents in a stable marital relationship. Family Environment in Childhood/Adolescence: The client reports growing up in a stable family with no issue of unfaithfulness from both parents however, he conveyed that his sister has experienced unfaithfulness that lead to a divorce. The client appears to have had a stable up bringing with having just few friends. Infidelity is believed to be one of the most common presenting issue for marriage and family therapists. It is devastating to marriages and is believed to be one of the most serious issue to be treated. The causes of unfaithfulness are difficult and different and can take place in a
  • 8. happy or unhappy marriage. It furthered asserted that it becomes hard or sometimes impossible for the faith partner to comprehend the reason why his/her partner is engaged in an extra marital affairs. While most unfaithful in marriages happens as a result of dissatisfaction, it is believed unfaithfulness also happen as a result of personal dissatisfaction and low self- esteem it can be as a result of addiction to sex, love and romance ( Glass,1998). Reference Glass, S. (1998, August). Shattered vows. Psychology Today, pp. 34ff. Dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and addiction to sex, love and romance may lead to infidelity in marriage. Marital/Partnership History: Client and his wife has been married for about ten years now however, client reports that in the pas few years he had distance himself from his wife due to work related stress. Children Issues/Concerns: Client is concern about the future of his two children if he were
  • 9. to file for a divorce and is concern about his finances also. Social/Community Background: Connections to Community Support (Church, AA Group): The client and his family attends a church in the community at least two times a month. The client support system includes his Pastor, Sister, friends and religious faith. Support Network: Client support network includes his family, friends and Church. Hobbies or Volunteer Activities: Client enjoys fishing, hunting, and gun collecting. Personal Background: Developmental History: The client appears to have a normal birth and reports no deformity or disability. The client also reports that he was brought up in a stable home where both parents are happily married. Disability: No known Disability
  • 10. Educational: The client holds a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering. Military: No Military background. History of Trauma: No history of trauma. Employment Status: The client works as mechanical engineer with a local firm. Legal Status: The client is an adult who is a Caucasian American. Financial Status: The client reports that he is financially stable. Other Circumstances, Such as Transportation, Housing, et cetera: The client reports that he has live in his home for at least10 years. Medical Background: Medical History:
  • 11. No past or present history of any medication problems. Use of Medication: The client is not using any medications. Current Medications: The client is not on medications. Substance Use Background: The client report previous use of alcohol and drugs (Marijuana) while in college but conveyed that he discontinued the use of marijuana because he did not like it but maintained social drinking at least one or two drinks a week however, he reported that due to his present crisis, he currently drinks two to three vodka and tonic nightly which is an unusual amount. The abuse of alcohol and dependence often come from the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism from individuals however, using alcohol as a catch- way to balance out emotional experience or become less present has some real outcomes (Glass, 1998). A coping technique is believed to be something that helps an individual deal with situation that are
  • 12. difficult to handle. While all coping techniques provide an individual with a real or apprehended outcome, some coping techniques have more negative outcomes connected with them and unfortunately, alcohol is one of those coping techniques that temporarily benefit an individual however, is overweighted by a long-lasting negative effects on health and relationship, poor decision-making and increased dependency (Glass, 1998). Reference Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Mental Health Background: Previous Psychological Issues (Depression, Anxiety, et cetera): No previous psychological issues reported. Previous Counseling, Hospitalizations: None reported Family Fistory of Mental/Psychological Issues: None reported Ethical/Legal Background:
  • 13. Client is a heterosexual caucasian male who is not from a minority group therefore there is limited multicultural issue. If this client were to be counsel by a therapist from a minority group as the writer is, there will be a need for such therapist to understand the dominant culture and not impose upon the client his/her own biases as stated in the ACA code of ethics B.1.a of the American Counseling Association. "Counselors maintain awareness and sensitivity regarding cultural meanings of confidentiality and privacy. Counselors respect differing views toward disclosure of information. Counselors hold ongoing discussions with client as to how, when and with whom information is to be shared" (ACA, 2015). Reference American Counseling Association (2015). ACA code of Ethics: Alexandria, VA: Author. Consultations/Referrals Needed: Client and wife will be referred for counseling to the licensed Marriage Therapist to enable him
  • 14. resolve current situation with his wife. Couples who experiences infidelity is refer for counseling with a therapist who help them understands the purpose of treatment by externalizing the options. After an infidelity has taken place, couple who want to rebuild their relationship need to resolve any conflict about staying in the relationship, or work toward separating in a positive manner. Glass stated that one partner may want to reconcile while the other is still ambivalent or has decided to leave because most often the injured partner feel angry while on the other hand the involved partner struggles with feelings of guilt and shame (Glass, 1998). Reference Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Strategies to Address Presenting Problems: 1: Client has been deeply affected by his wife's unfaithfulness and is struggling to maintain his
  • 15. basic functions and perform task at work. In other for the client to be restore to previous function the client needs to explore how his wife action has affected his daily functioning both at home and worker and seek appropriate therapy to resolve the present issue. Glass (1998) asserted in his article that treatment to recovery of infidelity can be confusing and hard for couples and the way in which couples recovery or uncouple after an infidelity has taken place depends on different components that includes each partner's commitment to the healing process of the relationship, cultural values and norms, and the effect on the children should they end the relationship. Reference Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. 2: Client has expressed serious distrust in his wife and struggles to believe her explanation of not having an affair with the guy anymore and her failure to give him the password to her social
  • 16. media is further compounding the pain he feels for her unfaithful fulness and his distrust of her. For both client and his wife to resolve their issue, a platform must be establish for the couple to have free communication with each other to enable them resolve the current situation and be transparent with each other. Glass asserted in his article that establishing safety and addressing painful emotions and traumatic symptoms are essential in the initial stage as there therapist needs to manage and stabilize the emotional reaction to the infidelity and obtain a clear understanding of the situations surrounding the affair (1998). Being able to explain or tell the story of the affair will allow the couples move toward forgiveness (Glass, 1998). Reference Glass, S. (1998). Shattered Vows. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Sexuality Research to Support Strategies: 1: Hyde, J. S., & DeLamater, J. D. (2017). Understanding human sexuality (13th ed.). New York,
  • 17. NY: McGraw-Hill. Lehmiller, Justin J. (01/01/2017). "Controversial issues in human sexuality research: The state of the science". European psychologist (1016-9040), 22 (1), p. 1. Parker, Richard (04/01/2009). "Sexuality, culture and society: shifting paradigms in sexuality research". Culture, health & sexuality (1369-1058), 11 (3), p. 251. 2: Mustanski, B. (2011). Ethical and regulatory issues with conducting sexuality research with LGBT adolescents: A call to action for a scientifically informed approach. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(4), 673-86. doi: 9745- Sakaluk, John K. (01/01/2017). "A Methodological Review of Exploratory Factor Analysis in Sexuality Research: Used Practices, Best Practices, and Data Analysis Resources". The Journal of sex research (0022-4499), 54 (1), p. 1.
  • 18. Zou, Z., Song, H., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, X. (2016). Romantic love vs. drug addiction may inspire a new treatment for addiction. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1436. TREATMENT PLAN Instruments/Screens to Facilitate Diagnosis Instruments and Screens: N/A DSM-5 Diagnosis DSM-5 Diagnosis: N/A Differential Diagnosis Differential Diagnosis: N/A Ethical/Legal Consideration of the Diagnosis Ethical/Legal Consideration of the Diagnosis: N/A Short-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis
  • 19. Short-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis: N/A Long-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis Long-Term Goals to Address the Diagnosis: N/A Strategies to Promote Optimal Sexual Functioning 1: N/A 2: N/A 3: N/A Evidence-Based Treatment Interventions to Support Strategies 1: N/A 2: N/A
  • 20. 3: N/A Treatment Plan Interventions Annotated Bibliography Based on your diagnostic impression, develop an annotated bibliography of resources describing suggested interventions for the client. You should describe each source in your own words, not simply use the provided abstract. You will utilize a minimum of five current articles from peer-reviewed journals in the counseling or related professions from the Capella Library. Cite and reference the resources using APA 6th edition guidelines. You may utilize your textbook, but it does not count as one of your five scholarly resources. You are also encouraged to utilize more than five resources if they aid in developing a comprehensive treatment plan. N/A Running head: [BRIEF VERSION OF THE TITLE, ALL CAPS] 1 [BRIEF VERSION OF THE TITLE, ALL CAPS] 4
  • 21. Unit 6 Assignment: Identifying Relevant Theories and Models Learner Name COUN 5225 Date Professor Name Unit 6 Assignment: Elements of an APA Paper Start writing your introduction here (1–2 paragraphs). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Please double-space and remember to indent all paragraphs throughout your paper (not block form!). Aim to keep your writing objective using 3rd person (see handout in the Discussion board). Unless required for the specific assignment, please do not include a Table of Contents, as it is not APA style. Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required (if provided.) Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past 5 years. Please use headings throughout your paper that are consistent with the paper’s scoring guide (that way you ensure you are adequately addressing all required areas.) When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself. If it does not sound right to your ear – it is not working on paper! Please submit your papers to Turnitin (linked in the course) to check for plagiarism. Also, remember as a Capella learner you have FREE access through iGuide to personal tutoring services with
  • 22. Theory Identification Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections of your paper. Theory One Theory Two Theory Three Neuroscience Influence Most Effective Theory for Identified Case Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections of your paper. Systems Perspective Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure you are addressing the ‘distinguished’ category for all sections of your paper. Conclusion Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of your paper. References NOTE: Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has helpful tutorials.