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Comparing The Film Cinderella And The Loss Of Father-Love
Maid in Manhattan is a spin off of the original Cinderella story, with its story revolving mainly around the life and relations of Marisa. Marisa has a
son, Ty, who she is raising with the aid of her mother. Ty's father is absent throughout the whole of the movie, and as Marisa begins to form somewhat
of a relationship with Chris Marshall, things start to change quite a bit for both Marisa and her son. The question really is why Ty takes such a liking to
this Chris Marshall. I plan to use the writings "'Cinderella' and the Loss of Father–Love" by Jacqueline Schectman and also "A Feminist's View of
Cinderella" by Madonna Kolbenschlag to determine just that. While Ty may gravitate towards Chris in order to fill the gap left by his absent father, it
may also be for his own benefit, an accumulation of power. When Ty first meets Chris Marshall, he seems to look at him in awe, as if this man is
everything he aspires to be. Perhaps the fact that politician Marshall performs speeches so often and with such eloquence is what leads to this awestruck
Ty. Earlier in the movie, Ty had a little fumble with his speech performance, in which he forgot the words and ran off stage in shame. Furthermore, Ty's
father was very much absent from Ty's ... Show more content on ...
There are different ways the slipper could be interpreted. In Kolbenschlags piece, she offers a couple of different interpretations, but the one that really
connects in this instance would be when she describes the slipper as "a symbol of power" (321). For Ty, this power is the ability to control his anxiety
during a performance. He now has harnessed the strange powers of the universe that enable him to let go of any qualms he had with the speech, or with
the circumstances he is placed under. Without Chris, Ty would have never happened upon this 'slipper' that allows him to be someone else, or more
accurately, someone who isn't afraid to do
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Theme Of Loss In Birdsong
The theme of loss is also shown through all three writers' work, demonstrated through the destruction and brutality of the war. In "Birdsong" Stephen
appears a strange and isolated figure at the beginning of the novel who brings with him concepts of unrest, as he possesses a "knife with a singular
scrupulously sharpened blade" which suggests the idea of conflict. As well as losing Isabelle in a romantic sense, he experiences extreme loss and
privation throughout his time in the war, particularly the loss of Weir and Jack Firebrace that are dealt with in graphic but simplistic language. Weir's
death occurs suddenly and within one paragraph his face is said to be "smashing unprotected into mud". Stephen is pained by his death and even feels
"he had loved him" and he had made the ... Show more content on ...
When he dies, Stephen is left alone in the tunnel feeling "bitterly alone", which demonstrates the need for companionship to survive. The idea of loss is
also shown when Elizabeth visits the memorial and notices the columns "teeming" with names of unfound soldiers. Her response to this is one of shock
as she appeared unaware of the multitude of deaths and collapses saying "My God, nobody told me". This emphasises the extent of loss from a postwar
perspective, which makes it appear even more tragic. As "Birdsong" was written after the war, its purpose was to commemorate the losses and honour
the dead, as well as educate and promote remembrance. Loss features just as graphically in "Dulce et Decorum Est" written by Owen during his time in
Craiglockheart hospital, as it is a poem that uses Latin to mock the glory of war and demonstrate the pain and death it can cause. The poem describes a
true account of a soldier being unable to protect himself quickly enough during a gas attack and the haunting effect of this "helpless
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Identity Loss In 'Forgetfulness, AndOnce More To The Lake'
Authors often create texts that share common themes to teach readers importance of certain aspects and hardships of life. Theme may be expressed
through an author's use of rhetorical devices and many other contributing factors such as figurative language and repetition. The essay, "Once More to
the Lake" written by E.B. White and the poem "Forgetfulness" written by Billy Collins, both contain a theme of identity loss. In "Once More to the
Lake" E.B White connects to a lake at young age and when returning with his son years later is unable to identify himself. In similar theme
"Forgetfulness" describes different factors of human life and everyday things being forgotten and lost. Both White and Collins use repetition and
metaphors to further push the theme of identity loss throughout the texts. First and foremost, authors E.B. White and Billy Collins both use exceptional
repetition to portray the themes of their writings "Once More to the Lake" and "Forgetfulness". In the essay "Once More to the Lake," the main
character expressed his connection to the lake from a young age. Later in life he brings his son and begins to be at a loss for his identity while being at
the lake. Similar in theme, the poem "Forgetfulness" is a tale describing the loss of parts of one's life that used to be known, much like identity loss.
Repetition is a major key in both texts for pushing the theme of identity loss. During "Once More to the Lake," E.B White experienced many moments
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Gustave Flaubert Writing Style
The 1800's was a century of change. Medicine was advancing, the effects of the Enlightenment were still underway, and a new age of exploration
occurred as those of Europe began to extend their hands across the world towards America. During these times the common folk changed and adapted
many of their ideals, and suffered many hardships and heartaches. In this period, a man of Normandy named Gustave Flaubert caught many of these
hardships within his writings. With words, thoughts, and crafted phrases, he showed what the common people of this period went through day by day.
As an article put out by TV Tropes explains, Flaubert was famous for his precise, straightforward writing style, filled with the ideal of realism:
"Flaubert 's writing ... Show more content on ...
Felicite, as explained at the very beginning of the story, was known for her cleanliness, making people all around them envy Madame Aubaine for her
choice of servant. Though Madame Aubaine's story is interesting in itself, the story of Felicite is not only one of importance to the story but also to our
understanding of these times in general. Her father and mother were both killed when she was very young, and when her siblings split up without her
she was left alone to find work. Most places where she found it were hostile to a young woman of eighteen, leaving her vulnerable to physical and
verbal abuse. She even experienced this through a brief relationship, and though she did end up loving him he eventually revealed he was only looking
for someone to marry to avoid the draft. Walking away in defeat, she found Madame Aubaine and signed on to work for her fifty years. It's here that she
begins the biggest of her struggles. Under Madame Aubaine she suffered four hardships that were common in Felicite's days. Her first hardship was the
loss of her nephew on his journey to America. As explained in the story, when Felicite's nephew left for the new world she constantly paced back and
forth hoping a letter from him would arrive soon. The constant anxiety of never knowing whether or not he was alright was something that those who
knew New World travelers experienced often. Even more people lost loved ones to this voyage as Felicite did. Without the instant communication and
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Everything That Rises Must Converge Flannery O Connor
Flannery O'Connor's first several short stories address the notion that even if your intentions are good, selfish behaviors will always be punished and
that disliking unlikable people does not inherently make you a good person. The protagonists of the first three O'Connor stories all have good intent
behind their actions and words, yet despite their work and viewpoints they all suffer an immense loss. In the first story "Everything that Rises Must
Converge", Julian experiences moral complications with his mother and his selfishness in focusing on his own emotions inevitably leads to his mother's
death. Julian, even with his educational background and tolerance for different types of people, still harbors strong resentment for the way his ... Show
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Fortune's selfish determination to create his own image in Mary Fortune causes him to lose the one member of his family that he ever truly cared for.
Throughout the entire story, Mr. Fortune praises his own viewpoint and life mindset over the Pitts', who of course are portrayed as an unlikable family.
Like Julian, Mr. Fortune seems to gloat in his own enlightenment and takes pride in disagreeing with the Pitts. Once again, while Mr. Fortune has good
intentions to try and "save" Mary Fortune from the Pitts by trying to turn her into a Fortune, his selfishness in his "fight" against the Pitts versus
Fortune mentality ends up leading to the loss of Mary herself. Mr. Fortune doesn't consider how Mary feels personally when he wants to sell the lawn,
but sees it as if he is attacking Pitts himself and becomes angry when Mary agrees with her father. As Mary continually throughout the story begins to
identify more and more with the Pitts name, Mr. Fortune's selfish notion to fight against the Pitt's mentality leads him to attack Mary as he
metaphorically kill the Pitts attitude. Once Mary stopped representing him and his ideas, Mr. Fortune began to see her as something to fight against, and
harbored no evident guilt for his
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Tomorrow When The War Began Essay Topics
In our forever changing society, it is important to have teen literature as a source where young adults can learn about and enhance their knowledge on
issues related to adolescence and the progression into adulthood. Young Adult novels such as 'Tomorrow, When the War Began' by John Marsden and
others alike provide an escape where young people can be introduced to and understand certain concepts, whether they deal with growing up or just life
in general. In the novel, 'Tomorrow, When the War Began,' first published in 1994, the teens make many choices, both good and bad, and through this it
conveys to the audience that these choices are essential to the fundamentals of life. With the book having a mostly young audience, this type of
information is important because it shows that youth is about learning to make good choices and how these choices are the catalyst to becoming an
adult. Examples of how teenagers are represented include: heroic, intelligent, brave, noble and powerful, just to name a few. From this characterisation,
it empowers readers to reflect upon how they act in their daily lives and this then allows them to know that they themselves can have any of these
qualities in their lives. If readers can identify with given themes from a novel, it allows them to relate the themes to situations that they may be going
through and in turn, it lets readers normalise the struggles that they may be facing in their lives. In the journey of the characters in the novel,
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Comparing Greed And Loss In The Necklace And Disabled
Greed and loss in The Necklace and Disabled
Greed and Loss are dominant themes in both Disabled and The Necklace. Both writers explore these themes in different ways, but their pieces
ultimately imply that greed is bound to result in loss. Both writers also emphasise on the illusive nature of fame and riches which both main characters
fall for. The war appeared magnificent to the soldier in Disabled but it was actually a damaging death plagued battle with no riches or glory to hope for.
Likewise, Mathilde in The Necklace thought the necklace was diamond and after draining life of all her youth, she finds that it was fake. Both the main
characters in the pieces experience loss and are both ruined, one physically and one financially – and perhaps ... Show more content on
She has her moment of glory when she is at the party: "She danced ecstatically, wildly, intoxicated with pleasure..." She has reached ecstasy when she
finally has what she wants. But as we see soon after, 'pride goeth before destruction...' Her delight is not only transient but, as the final twist reveals,
Self–obsession is a predominant factor of the loss that both of the characters experience. Mathilde loses ten years of her life which she spends working
to repay debts she owes – her body wastes away and she loses her youth. Her self–obsession is clear from the outset of the story, as de Maupassant
writes: "She was one of those pretty, delightful girls..." and almost immediately it seems as if she is talking about herself. She thinks she is better than
her own lifestyle, and that she deserves more. This arrogance makes us show less sympathy for Mathilde, as it encourages us to take the view that she
deserved to lose what she had. De Maupassant emphasizes this by adding the contrast of her husband's contentment when he exclaims: "'Ah! Stew!
Splendid'". De Maupassant deploys this contrast to emphasize that it is greed and self–obsession that drive Mathilde. This same self–obsession is also
seen in Disabled. The soldier is now old; his youth consumed by the war that he thought would make him even more attractive. He is obsessed with
himself, and loves being shown off: "After
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Why The USS Indianapolis Die?
Why did the sailors aboard the USS Indianapolis die? There is a difference between why and how they died. On page 101, it says "Knowing how the
men died is not the same thing as knowing why they died." There are reasons why the men died. The sinking caused many problems. As a result of the
sinking, a lot of sailors died. The men were in the water for way too long. They were exposed to a lot of things while they were in the middle of the
ocean. They were exposed to sharks, seawater, oil, sun rays, and even cannibalism. All of those things played a major role in a lot of the men dying.
Maybe not as many of them would have died if help would have came faster. What took the help so long to get there? The help should have been there
way faster.
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The Various Types Of Transitions
The 4 types of transitions are
Emotional – personal experiences such as parent 's separating, bereavement, beginning or leaving a place of care.
Physical – change in environments
Intellectual – maturation, moving from one educational establishment to another.
Physiological – puberty or medical conditions.
Moving into a new nursery or classroom is a big transition for children like getting a new teacher, class mates, class, new room and way of working.
New faces, unknown personalities, lack of knowledge about who provides support will impacts on a child 's confidence, ability to interact, be
comfortable and relax.
This maybe heightened if children are older, teacher is unknown, fear that knocking will direct unwanted attention to themselves may prevent a child
wanting to go/perform this type of task or be unwilling to enter the room – they may become quiet, withdraw and refuse to participate when asked for
volunteers. Positive relationships can support children across the school by adults making themselves known to children. Personalities, attitude and
approach will reassure the children on the type of support they could expect.
A permanent, new class environment offers the opportunity to experience different layouts, places where resources are kept and resource items
themselves. Positive relationships can reassure children that access is the same as they 're already used to. A tour of the new room and its facilities will
help familiarise everyone with what 's
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Comparing The Loss Of Innocence In Wild Swans By Alice...
Both "Wild Swans" by Alice Munro and "Flowers" by Alice Walker explore the loss of innocence in young women. Women have historically been seen
as delicate and in need of protection. It is no wonder that the loss of a woman's virginity is referred to as "deflowering," comparing a woman's sexual
release to the death of beautiful, fragile nature. A woman's innocence is coveted, as people go to great lengths to shield them from both the reality of
death and the pleasures of sex. The loss of certain kinds of innocence, specifically sexual, can be seen as shameful for a woman, as opposed to the
masculine pride a man may feel from the same events. Through the choice of point of view, plot, and tone, Walker depicts Myop in "Flowers" as
finding more peace in her loss of innocence than Rose does in "Wild Swans." Walker tells Myop's story in a third person omniscient point of view, but
limits greatly the extent to which she discloses Myop's inner feelings. Only once does Walker refer to Myop as "unafraid" (Walker 76), giving us some
insight into her thoughts. However, most of the story is told from a rather detached point of view, mostly noting Myop's actions and the setting around
her. Myop's thoughts, then, must be gleaned from the events of the story. One sees in how Myop responds to the corpse – casually plucking a flower
from beside his head – that while the corpse has stripped her of her innocence, she has become more mature through her experience. Myop understands
and accepts
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Metaphor In Where Things Come Back
Where Things Come Back is an odd tale about the way loss can affect people. A young man by the name of Cullen Witter begins his senior year of
highschool in the small static town of Lilly Arkansas. The town becomes infatuated with the supposed return of the long lost Lazarus Woodpecker.
Cullen's summer before his senior year of high school, he first experiences loss in the form of death. His cousin Oslo passed away due to drug abuse.
His second loss is that of his brother, Gabriel Witter, who suddenly goes missing and disappears. Gabriel, Cullen, and Cabot Searcy's lives are all
eventually tied together because of a missionary named Benton Sage. Cullen Witter also experiences the feeling of loss in the form of love and second
chances. This story shows that hope and finding one's faith can all come together for one last chance. Whaley uses a metaphor in Where Things Come
Back to explain Cullen's loss of his cousin Oslo. It states, "Nothing idealistic about seeing your only cousin ghost white and stone dead." It is a
metaphor because it refers Oslo as "ghost white" and "stone dead" without using "like" or "as" as descriptors. The author of Where Things Come Back
also uses an idiom on page 88 of Chapter Nine. It says, "Can we just talk for a minute? I said, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of my situation. Talk
is cheap, he said back." This is an example of an idiom because talk isn't literally measured in wealth, it is just a saying to show that you need to cut to
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Theme In Ghassan Kanafani's Men In The Sun
Theme Of Men In The Sun: In the short novel, Men In The Sun, Ghassan Kanafani engraves a depiction of the evident hardships, anguish, and
humiliation that every Palestinian endures. Ghassan Kanafani uses poignant words to grasp the inmost portion of the hearts of his audience. His usage
of vivid imagery and figurative language forge a mood of pity and sorrow towards the four protagonists. Each protagonist is introduced with a
heartbreaking backstory. These four backstories clarify to the audience why each character has decided to reach Kuwait. As they embark on an
ambitious journey to freedom, they are met with numerous complications; such as weather, age, Abu Baqir, and even each other. As the somber novel
comes to an end, so do the lives of three crucial characters. Hope is truly absent in Men In The Sun and loss surfaces as the mere connecting element:
Abu Qais losses his source of income, Assad his innocence, Marwan his education, and Abul Khaizuran his manhood. Kanafani utilizes these losses to
compose a novel that provides a unique perspective of the Palestinian cause. Furthermore, the unfortunate losses of each character mold their
personality. Kanafani shapes a chilling theme in Men In The Sun: Loss strikes every heart, which is indisputable in the distressing losses of Abu Qais,
Assad, Marwan, and Abul Khaizurn. Abu Qais is the first character the audience is acquainted with. He is hesitant and panicked about his decision to
travel to Kuwait; he was
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Miss Emily Character Analysis
he Misunderstood, Monumental, Murderer, Miss Emily
Viewed by the people in her town as a monument and a tradition of the town, Miss Emily represents the past way of living trying to stand firm in an ear
changing society. While she is seen as a statuesque figure the townspeople still do not understand her and they show pity towards her, little did they
know what she was hiding in her home. Miss Emily grew up in a rich family, she was raised at a higher standard than others and her home is described
as a large plantation home that once stood for wealth and power, but now is seen as a dilapidated and an eye sore. Emily experienced great loss when
her father passed away and even kept his body for three days after he passed, which no one ... Show more content on ...
When he passed Emily was not sure what to do, because she had lost the structure and the social class she had lived her whole life in. This cause some
serious issues for her, as it would anyone. When Homer Barron, a Yankee who was there on work and a sort of odd character, started spending time
with her the town people thought it was odd, but they all thought they would be married. This gave Emily the chance to have a companion and another
man in her life to sort of give her purpose. When Homer decided to go Miss Emily saw this as another loss and she was already scarred from the loss of
her father that this loss would be too much to bare. She murdered Homer using arsenic and kept his corpse in the bed. She had been abandoned by
everyone in the town and her family, and the only family she had ever known was gone, Miss Emily had a very lonely life. While what she did to
Homer and keeping his corpse may seem insane to us in her mind it was making sure she was not left alone again. She found comfort in the corpse
because she had something there with her and yes she probably had mental issues. but no one is supposed to be alone in life and the corpse gave her
companionship. The story ends by saying " We saw a long strand of iron gray hair." this is a symbol of the comfort she took in having his body with her.
Miss Emily Grierson died a lonely woman who sought comfort in the corpse of a man who tried to leave her. While many may view her as "insane" or
crazy i believe
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The Art Of Storytelling : How An Individual Can Recover...
The Art of Storytelling Storytelling is an art that can take many forms. Stories engage people on all different levels and the greatest pathway to tell a
good story is the use of emotion. It can also serve as a medium to communicate unsaid emotions. Stories educate and also preserve history by passing it
carefully on to the next generation. Each person has a different story. One story is a just as fascinating and unique as the other and at some point in life
one gets to realize that no two stories are exactly alike. Telling stories also present a way of understanding one's life with a deeper understanding and
meaning. Stories matter and sometimes all a person wants is a listener or just a way to know they are being heard. Very often, one ... Show more
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With fewer members of the congregation recovery is taking a longer process in the church than supposed to. She not only lose her grandmother who
was very dear to her, she is also afraid for her brother because life in jail can be very hard and she fears he might not survive it. Joe is her younger
brother and she feels she is supposed to protect him but their relationship have changed over the years. In his letters she sees the disconnection they
share as a family. As a society one is generally taught to avoid feeling or displaying of emotions. Joe's letters shows the silence that exists within their
relationship as siblings. Tretheway explains "if something isn't spoken, it isn't fully known and we can absolve ourselves of the responsibility that
knowing entails" (Tretheway 102). In Froma Walsh's article on "Traumatic loss and major disasters: strengthening family and community resilience",
Walsh explains how sharing details about a hurtful event can aid recovery and different families have different motivation to help victims recover.
Walsh also explains that when loss of any kind is suffered one should not expect the victim to have a firm decision on when to start or to stop grieving.
She also explains that the main purpose of finally starting to grief is not to aim for closure but to simply get the strength to get up and move on with
life. Grief is the body's natural response to loss. It is a kind of suffering
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Piedmont University: A Managerial Accounting Case Study
A Managerial Accounting Case Study
The case of Piedmont University discusses fallouts related to the use of quasi–endowment funds by the principal which is supposed to be legally
prohibited thus resulted the university to experience financial crisis including declining of enrollments and consequently escalating of cost incurred and
so to possibly augment from the loss, the university hired Hugh Scott as the new President. The new President established measures to turn around the
situation by increasing tuition fees and stop hiring so as not to shoot up cost further that resulted to a small operating surplus after almost two years.
Amidst the President's attempt to recover the university's state, Neil Malcolm, an alumnus offered his help to audit the school and make some
recommendations that would inhibit the school from fallout, again. Malcolm ... Show more content on ...
Inter–competition between centers may occur and will result to a loss on other's end thus the President must have robust governance cleverness as to
fathom conflict between two or more centers and create possible proactive policies and defining center's responsibilities. On the other hand, some
centers may be essential on the goals and objectives of the university despite being at loss.
Question # 3 – What are the alternatives to a profit center approach? There are numbers of possible alternatives to a profit center approach that will still
keep the university's longevity like by linking school activities to the goals of the university while supporting quality of education through set of
performance measures that would keep each department perform at peek and still having the appropriate cost allocation so as to understand fully the
importance, functions and viability of each department.
Question # 4 – Assuming that most of the issues could be resolved to your satisfaction, would you recommend that the profit center idea be adopted, or
is there an alternative that you would
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Analysis Of George Moore 's ' The Catcher Rye '
George Moore For most people, the death of a relative causes a period of despair that can last a lifetime. In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher In the Rye, an
adolescent 's tightly knit relationship with a family member results in a long–lasting impression on his life; Holden, a young, psychologically lost youth
struggles in life after the recent death of his brother, Allie. While he was alive, Allie maintained a positive outlook, assisting Holden in retaining not
only his innocence but his happiness. Thus, after Allie's death, Holden strayed away from these aspects, after losing not only his brother but his lifeline
to peace, reinforcing Salinger's notion of how a major event can dictate large changes in mentality. As Holden describes his ... Show more content on ...
In addition to this he was young and playful. This was everything that Holden desired to be in society. So when Allie died, Holden lost his connection
to a feeling of innocence. This causes him to be frustrated, and remove himself from society. This is shown above when Holden isolates himself in the
garage. However, even though Holden is strongly against society he does recognize that it holds some value. But, because of Allie, he will never
forgive the world he lives in. He was so innocent and close to Holden that his death continues to impact Holden throughout the story. A quote to
illustrate this is, " It was a very stupid thing to do, I 'll admit, but I hardly didn 't even know I was doing it, and you didn 't know Allie." This quote
illustrates the point that although Holden recognizes the action was foolish, he realizes that it was necessary to express his contempt for what had been
taken away from him. He will never be the same, and will always be frustrated with society for his loss of Allie. But, even though Allie may be
permanently gone he is still with Holden. Holden expresses regret and is upset whenever Allie is brought up. "What I did, I started talking, sort of out
loud, to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed." He even gets depressed to the extent where it 's everyone in his life's fault that he lost
Allie. His depression and contempt for society pop up whenever Allie is mentioned. This tells us as readers that Holden has deep regret over
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Polyperspectivity In William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying
4. William Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" is brilliant in it's use of disrupted narrative, but also in it's pioneering use of polyperspectivity. Indeed, the
polyperspectivity was the crux of the novella. First, it engendered the same confusion that the family felt with the loss of Addie. For many readers, this
would make the novella a difficult read, as people tend to have problems with being taken up into a story, as faulkner intended. Second, it allows one to
experience the return to normalcy (or the opposite, seen in the foil of Darl) that each character experiences, from their own point of view. This gives us
a much more in depth view of each character's particular neurotic tendencies. Finally, the masterful use of polyperspectivity allows ... Show more
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Flannery O'Connor is one of America's best Catholic writers, by a wide margin. In, "The Life You Save May Be Your Own", she goes to great lengths
to portray catholic concepts, especially the fall of man to sin. At the beginning of the story, we can see Tom Shiftlet as a man who is very concerned
with his own "moral intelligence", showing that he is open to the love of God. However, right away, hints har given to show that he could also reject
God. When he is first described, he wears black, traditionally representing the christian adversary, as well as a disconnection from God more generally.
In addition to this, he forms his body into a cross in front of the sun, however it is lopsided and incomplete due to his missing arm. Immediately
(though he seems to care little for money) it is obvious that he lusts after Lucynell Crater's automobile. Mrs. Crater offers to give him a place to stay
and feed him, in exchange for work around the farm. However, lest one think that Mrs. Crater is saintly, she is mostly of the hope that Shiftlet will
marry her deaf daughter. This forms one of the main interplays of the story, in that both characters have something the other wants, and both know it.
This produces quite witty and interesting dialogue throughout. Lucynell the younger, it should be pointed out, is portrayed to be the perfect woman for
the man. Indeed, she seems to represent more than simple innocence, but a gift from God. In the end, Mrs. Crater trades the truck for her daughter's
hand in marriage, in her mind, winning her salvation. Shiftlet takes the car and Lucynell the younger for a honeymoon. They stop to get food, and
Lucynell manages to fall asleep on the table, after which Shiftlet leaves her. Thus he has sealed his fate through rejecting the goodwill of God in the
name of freedom in true luciferian fashion. The car has previously been likened to a casket and a coffin, through Mrs. Crater and Mr. Shiftlet
conversations. It has now become his casket,
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Essay about A Separate Peace: the Theme Rite of Passage
The theme "rite of passage" was used in the novel A Separate Peace, by John Knowles. This moving from innocence to adulthood was contained within
three sets of interconnected symbols: summer and winter, the Devon and Naguamsett Rivers, and peace and war. These symbols served as a backdrop
upon which the novel was developed. The loss if Gene Forrester's innocence was examined through these motifs.
The summer and winter sessions symbolized Gene's loss of innocence. During the summer sessions, the boys of Devon were carefree and showed no
respect for the rules, while the teachers put no effort into enforcing the rules. "This was the way the masters tended to treat us that summer," (Knowles
23). Together, Gene and ... Show more content on ...
It was ugly, saline, fringed with marsh, mud and seaweed," (Knowles 76). The Naguamsett was unfamiliar territory to Gene, unlike the Devon. These
rivers figuratively represented a change from adolescence to adulthood.
The final set of symbols, peace and war, served as a backdrop for Gene's adolescence and maturity. The Summer Session was a time of peace, it was
fun and relaxed. There were no rules for Gene and Finny to follow. "We reminded them of what peace was like, of lives which were not bound up with
destruction," (Knowles ). Unlike the summer session, which was full of peace, the winter session was filled of war. The war came to Devon when Leper
enlisted. It hit Gene even closer when he found out that Finny had tried to enlist into the war but no one would accept him. "I also wrote the Coast
Guard, the Merchant Marine, I wrote to General de Gualle personally, I also wrote Chiang Kai–shek, and I was about ready to write somebody in
Russia," (Knowles 190). Gene's rite of passage was examined through these symbols.
Summer and winter, the Devon and Naguamsett Rivers, and peace and war are three symbols represented in A Separate Peace. A Separate Peace, by
John Knowles, is about a teenager at a Prep school in New Hampshire, and his struggle to find out where he belongs in the war. These symbols
exhibited Gene's loss of
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Analysis Of Human Family By Maya Angelou
Human Family by Maya Angelou
Juxtaposition: When two topics that are brought up together, contrast to bring out the differences in them
Example: "I note the obvious differences in the human family... But we are more alike than we are unalike" Human Family, Maya Angelou, 1–2 and
Function: The speaker points out all the ways that, as humans, we are different. The way we act, the way we look, the ways we are amused, etc. They
talk of how they once traveled the world and saw all the differences in everyone, yet in those differences, found out we are more alike than set apart. As
they note that there are differences in the beginning of the poem, there is contrast in the idea that we are all more alike than unalike. We think that the
speaker is simply going to tell us how we are all the same, but they begins by pointing out that we aren't. That causes the reader to think deeper into the
meaning and what it means if the speaker knows we are all different and unique. This juxtaposition helps the poem as it brings up all the things the
reader would be thinking in their brains if it had simply said that we are all the same. The speaker states that it is fact we are all different, but when
looked at on a deeper level, we all share the same emotions and are very similar.
Alzheimer's by Kelly Cherry
Imagery: The description of an event, object, or person that is so in depth that the reader can picture it in their minds.
Example: "He remembers it as his, remembers the walkway he built between the front room ad the garage, the rhododendron he planted in the back, the
car he used to drive" Alzheimer's, Kelly Cherry, 14–17.
Function: A man with Alzheimers is just arriving home for the first time after being in the hospital. He is welcomed by, what we assume to be, his wife.
As he arrives at the door he begins to think and remember the vivid memories he has in this house. This imagery shows the reader that the man,
although he has alzheimers, can still remember the house he built and everything about where he lived. He also talks earlier in the poem about the
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Nothing Gold Can Stay
With the impending end of every good thing comes a chance for a new beginning and a chance for a perfect moment. In a world where perfect moments
seem scarce, one is constantly reminded how temporary life truly is. Around every corner, something always seems to be going wrong– war, poverty,
famine– and yet some people still manage to find the best in every situation. Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay and the film Gladiator externally
showcase completely different concepts; yet relate in a way that allows one to realize how short life can be. A piece about nature and another about the
life of a Roman soldier; One simply cannot fathom how two pieces as diverse as these can correlate. However, both pieces examine the idea that life's
greatest ... Show more content on ...
Regardless of its short length and appearance as a nature poem, Nothing Gold Can Stay manages to touch the soul of each reader and allow them to
fully understand the mortality of life. "The poem narrates the short–lived experience of Spring's first moments" and the transient nature of life as
described by Frost (Kearney Web). Lines 1–4 describe gold as nature's first color– its most beautiful and the hardest color to hold. In line 4, Frost
analyzes how short lived this moment of pure happiness is. "This line is where the beautiful scene of flourishing nature takes a turn. Notice that it does
so exactly halfway through the poem" (Birmingham Web). The momentary nature of line 4 signifies life's greatest moments slowly beginning to end.
The first half of the poem explains the beginning of nature and its most beautiful moments, yet a shift occurs in line 5 "Then leaf subsides to leaf,"
showing how the moment of gold is gone and nature is simply nature once again– a different, more realistic kind of beauty. The reference to Eden in
line 6 utilizes a mortality in the cycle of human life– birth, life and then eventually death. Life's golden moments are temporary, just like the existence
of a loved one or even one's self. There are cycles of greatness and loss throughout life, as well as the poem. The poem concludes with a rhymed
couplet that shows how dawn loses it's luster and soon turns to day, showing that like the title, nothing gold can truly stay. Frost uses this poem as a
felix culpa metaphor– displaying the fact that although temporary, the greatest moments would have no merit if they were not temporary. There is no
good without bad and, conversely, there is no bad without good. Those golden moments in life and in the poem would never be appreciated fully if they
were eternal, because there would be no ordinary
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Essay on Inco Terms Nb Power Case
Topic : INCO Terms
What costs seem likely to be incurred and by whom? Who might be liable to cover the costs? Is NB Power likely to get all of their costs covered? If not
which costs are at risk?
Diagram the parties. Estimate from the limited data who is responsible? Identify issues.
The following costs would be incurred: 1. Replacement Cost: Cost involved in manufacturing the new turbines. 2. Delay Cost: As it would take another
1 year to manufacture the new turbines which requires NB power to get the old rotors re installed. 3. Loss of Revenue: As the new turbines were
expected to increase the ... Show more content on ...
John * CIF Point Lepreau * DDU Point Lepreau
DEQ St. John: Delivered Ex Quay St. John:
The seller (Siemen's) was supposed to clear the goods for export and was responsible of making the turbines available to NB Turbines on the quay. The
turbines sank when they were being transferred onto a barge for shipping to the nuclear reactor by Irving Equipment.
Costs Incurred by Buyer (NB Turbines) would be as follow: * Replacement Cost: Cost of PO,Buyer would have to pay for the new turbines as they
were shipped on the quay and sank later. * Insurance Cost: Neither seller or buyer has the obligation of insurance, so as the turbines sank after being
made available at the port, so NB Turbines would get the basic insurance coverage from Irving company or/and money from some other insurance
company if they had arranged for some sort of special insurance. * Lawyer fees * Repair Cost, Delay cost, Import, Duties,Taxes, Documentation cost,
Filing Claim, Loss of Time, Loss of revenue, Re installation cost of the old turbines which they had taken out in anticipation of the new ones, Carriage
charges for shipping the turbines back to UK for repair and bring them back, also for the shipping from St .John to Pt Lepreau.
Costs Incurred by Irving Equipment would be that of Investigation along with paying for the Insurance of 214 tonnes of equipment. Depending upon
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Themes In The Yellow Birds By Kevin Powers
In the novel, The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers, several major themes and illustrations present themselves throughout the storyline and strongly
connect to previous readings and films from class. The purpose of this book review will be to identify these illustrations, explain why they are
important, identify how these themes are connected to previous materials, and then determine if a movie could accurately represent the book. As such, I
argue that this book illustrates ideas of the loss of innocence, loss of faith in humanity, and dust symbolizing the war these soldiers are fighting and how
it consumes all. I will then further my argument by the identification of themes such as neorealism, heroism, and PTSD. However, it is first important to
identify the special narrative structure of the book, which is used to create these illustrations and themes. The narrative structure that Kevin Powers uses
is the first person from Private Brandon Bartle's point of view. However, the structure of the story doesn't follow a classical narrative, but instead
follows an alternative narrative where it bounces back and forth between Private Bartle's time in Al Tafar, Iraq and when he is on leave at home in
Richmond, Virginia (Corrigan, 2015). This narrative style allows various illustrations and themes to present themselves with the first being the loss of
innocence is the path to salvation in war. This illustration is vital because it shows that because Bartle lost his innocence he
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Differences Of Takaful's Participant Between Motorcycle...
The differences of takaful's certificate between Motorcycle Policy, Personal Accident Policy, Burglary Policy and Fire Policy. Based on condition, any
claim can be made to the Takaful Company but must refer to the conditions which are provided. For example, if the accident or loss/ damage of
property happen because of involving in any unlawful activities or natural disaster, Takaful Company will not cover the loss of Participants. For
Motorcycle Policy, upon the happening of an accident likely to give rise to a claim under this certificate, the Participant shall give notice to the Takaful
Company within the specific time frame as follows. Firstly, within 7 days if Participant are not physically disabled or hospitalised following the event.
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Takaful Company will not cover personal injury involved. Meanwhile, for Personal Accident Policy the participant shall within 15 days after the
happening of the accident give notice to the Takaful Company with full particulars of the accident and injuries and shall as soon as possible procedure
and act on proper medical or surgical advise. In case of Participant die, the death of the Participant shall be established by an Official Death Certificate
or in the even of his disappearance following an accident or the total loss of a vessel or aircraft by a Court Order presuming his death. For the Burglary
Policy, Participant shall give immediate notice to the police and render all reasonable assistance in tracing and recovering the property and also
participant must deliver to the Company a statement in writing all particulars and details reasonably practicable of the property affected and the value
thereof and of the loss destruction or damage not more than 15 days from the date of occurrence and within 6 weeks after the happening of such event.
For Fire Policy, on the happening of any loss or damage the participant shall forthwith give
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Exploitation of Grief and Loss of 9/11 Essay
Exploitation of Grief Jess Walter creates a post 9/11 world that balances precariously between real and surreal. It is real enough that the reader is able to
comprehend how awful the attack truly was; but surreal enough that the reader feels the same way most Americans did at Ground Zero–confused,
frightened, and grief stricken. Remy, the unwilling hero in all of this is exposed to many different forms of grief both public and personal. Using irony
and satire, Walter critiques the way public forms of grief were presented as the only viable ways of grieving after 9/11. Reporters wanted to broadcast
each and every loss. The government wanted to exploit the grief of the American people so that they could continue what they were doing in ... Show
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April resists public modes of grieving in favor of the more intimate, personal, and domestic setting with someone she knows. She is surprised and a
little repulsed that life did not stop after 9/11. That "stores would never open again" that "businesses [would] shut down" that "lawyers quit their
practices and run into the woods" (145). Instead life went on. Rather than stop and grieve, Americans rushed to return to normalcy and sought to
commercialize grief in newspapers like they did "movie reviews" or "the bridge column" (145). In The Zero, Edgar seems to have the most
sophisticated understanding of grief. In the beginning of the novel, Remy's ex–wife, Carla, calls Remy to discuss Edgar's behavior in school. He has
been letting people in his school assume that Brian is dead and has been using this as an excuse to not take his Physics exam and to not participate in
Physical Education. However, when Carla and Remy confront Edgar he stresses that he understands Remy is not really dead, and he does not wish him
dead or to have died on September 11. Edgar acts as if his father did die so that he can understand how those with a personal loss feel. To clarify his
behavior, Edgar explains to his parents the differences between general grief and personal grief:
... Why is it so hard to believe that I could be grieving the same thing as those other children? I suppose you'd rather I behave like everyone
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The Connections between Holden Caulfield's Problems in The...
Sara Prusik
Mrs. Quick
English 11
6 November 2009
Ties to Holden's Problems "I felt like jumping out the window. I probably would 've, too, if I 'd been sure somebody 'd cover me up as soon as I landed.
I didn 't want a bunch of stupid rubbernecks looking at me when I was all gory" (104). Holden is a complex character with mixed emotions about
everything; many times contradicting his own thoughts and beliefs. Holden's struggles are due to the lack of parental attention, the death of his younger
brother, and his unusual relationships with other characters in the novel, "The Catcher in the Rye." "My parents would have about two hemorrhages
apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them" (1). Struggles in Holden's life ... Show more content on ...
Holden cannot deny this to his sister. Phoebe goes on to suggest that Holden needs to realize that their brother is dead and there is no going back.
Holden has problems admitting his true feelings and cannot get over the loss of his brother. This is the true essences of the book. Holden's unusual
relationships throughout the story cause him yet even further problems. Holden decides to hire a prostitute. This becomes a problem for Holden because
he is never able to connect with her in anyway. He spends the evening talking to her about all of his problems. He pays her the money but she demands
more, this ultimately ends up with Holden getting hurt by her pimp. Another troublesome situation occurs when Holden becomes friends with a stranger
on the train; the stranger turns out to be the mother of a classmate whom he despises. The boy's name is Earnest and he has a reputation at Pency Prep
of being unpopular which his mother is already assumed. Holden then goes on to lie and convince the mother that her son is the most popular student in
school. To Earnest's mother Holden introduces himself as Rudolph, giving her the name of the janitor at school, and lies further about his reasoning for
leaving Pency Prep early stating he has a tumor. This situation is detrimental for Holden because he continues to live his life full of lies. He never owns
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Loss Of Leadership In Lord Of The Flies
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. –Henry Ford (Brainyquote) In the Novel Lord of the Flies
the boys come together, keep together, but then begin to become completely unglued. The boys come together at the start of the Novel when an election
is held. This is the first time all of the boys on the island meet. Ralph wins the election by a landslide against Jack. Although, Jack wants to be the
leader of the boys because he is already the leader of the choirboys, however the boys don't select him. This causes a divide on the island, but doesn't
cause any problems yet. This foreshadows what will happen later in chapters four and five when the boys start to become divided. In this essay, the ...
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The boys don't want to be told what to do. This is not only true in the book but is a simple fact of adolescence. For example, the American Academy of
Pediatrics states that, "From time to time most children defy the wishes of their parents. This is a part of growing up and testing adult guidelines and
expectations. It is one way for children to learn about and discover their own selves, express their individuality, and achieve a sense of autonomy."
(American Academy of Pediatrics) The same goes for Lord of the Flies. The reader can think of Ralph as the parent who has the best interest for his
son/daughter and Jack as his/her's disobedient troubled friend. In Lord of the Flies the boys are at a stage where the disobedient troubled friend has a
significant pull compared to the knowledgeable parent. The friend's opinion can trump the parent's in real life and does in Lord of the Flies when in
chapter 8 some boys leave Ralph for Jack. This is concerning and is one of the main conflicts in Lord of the Flies. The loss of leadership was inevitable
for Ralph because the boys are at a point in their life where they cannot exercise good judgement. For example, Jack is over the moon telling Ralph and
the boys about how he killed a pig. Ralph who has better judgement has to remind Jack and say, "There was a ship–" (Golding, 75) This shows that
Jack and the hunters do not have a good sense of judgement because they don't do the most
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Rites Of Passage In The Glass Castle
As we grow older, we develop by passing through the rites of passages. These rites are commonly portrayed in literary works and in movies. An
example of a work that contains the rites of passage would be The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls. This book is a memoir about her life as a child with
parents who could never settle down. She worked herself from the bottom up, and continues to strive as a published author and journalist. Although The
Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, contains many rites of passage, the three most prominent would be loss,risk–taking, and achieving a goal. In her
memoir, Jeannette struggled with loss because of her family's lifestyle. As Jeanette put it, on page 19, "We were always doing the skedaddle . . ." The
Walls constantly moved to avoid police and the idea of settling down. When moving, the family usually moved to remote locations, working odd jobs
for money. Another example of of loss in Jeannette's life is when her parents threw her cat out of the car. Her mother claimed, "Cat's don't like travel,"
on page 18. Jeannette said, "[My father] stopped the car, grabbed Quixote by the scruff of the neck, and tossed him out the window." Her father sped up
the car and drove off, leaving the cat in the dust behind them. In addition to the loss of her cat, Jeannette's grandmother passed away. Although,
Jeannette was not very close to her grandmother, she mourned the loss of her family member. Although loss is prominent in Jeannette's life,
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Under The Persimmon Tree Analysis
The loss of somebody or someone can lead to PTSD, which can later lead to other effects, and it is said that up to 20% of all adults in America who
have experienced some type of loss develops PTSD. (BS–1) Towards the beginning of the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, there is a character named
Najmah who loses the ability to speak and loses control of her life, as a result of Mada–jan and Habib's loss. (BS–2) As an effect of Baba–jan and Nur
missing from her life, Najmah changes her mindset and the decisions she makes from then on. (BS–3) Najmah's relationships with others and voice is
altered, this happens once she meets Nusrat and she adjusts due to her losses. (TS) Throughout the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, we see a character
named ... Show more content on ...
"I awake with the sun on the morning I plan to take them back into the hills"(57). Najmah is showing awareness and making her own decisions that
show she has control of her life, compared to more later in the novel when she has witnessed the bombing and later, she shows no sign of life or control.
(STEWE–2) Najmah loses sense of her life, that can be seen from how she reacts to her mother and brothers bombing. "I sit in the dirt beside them
quietly, not crying, not thinking, not even aware that I am breathing, and it occurs to me that I might be dead, too"(83). There is no physical reaction
from Najmah showing unawareness. Later, Najmah is being taken to journey elsewhere, and she blindly agrees. "You will be safer dressed as a boy
traveling through strange areas." I obey without thinking,"(85). As a result of her blind acceptance she is given a new identity and ultimately loses a say
in her life, that is caused after the bombing and loss of Mada–Jan and Habib. (CS) Consequently, due to the death of Mada–jan and Habib, Najmah
loses the ability to speak and later loses control of her life, and overall shows Najmah being shaped from the people who are missing in her life.
(MIP–2) Secondly, Najmah's mindset is adjusted once she knows what her goal is, which was ultimately shaped due to the loss of her father and
brother. (SIP–A) Najmah starts to regain her focus and sets a goal for herself due to her need of reuniting with
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The Necklace Analysis
One may wonder how she feels; as if it was all worth it to her now? When she sits to reflect on the evening of January 18th which was filled with
beautiful dresses and the succulent food, is she remorseful? In the story "The Necklace" the main character, Mathilde loses her friend's necklace that
she assumed was made of diamonds. It goes into detail as to how her and her husband Loisel worked tirelessly to replace the garment over the course of
10 years. The theme of this essay is to reveal who is truly at fault for the downfall of Mathilde, comparing society's views, her husband's actions, the
involvement of Madame Forestier, and finally Mathilde herself. Just as our current society; many individuals during Mathilde's era follow the trends of
clothing, decorating, and even technology. In the story, Maupassant elegantly describes the "Antechambers hung with Oriental tapestry, illuminated by
tall bronze candelabra."(Maupassant 42) Equally important, Mathilde allowed for the influence and ideas of what would make her appealing to the rest
of society affect her everyday life. For example, she frequently daydreamed of a life of grandeur in her head such as the " Long reception halls hung
with ancient silk."(Maupassant 42) Moreover, she frequently would compare herself to those who were better off financially allowing for her to feel
unsatisfied and place a sense of false guilt on her husband. The author made it clear as to what she valued by including "She had no gowns, no
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Comparing The Five Stages Of Grief And Loss In Hamlet
The death of a loved one or the loss of a close relationship is a very complicated process that people go through. Elisabeth Kubler Ross proposed in
1969 that there are five stages of normal grief and loss, which are denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. People do not
necessarily go through them in a specific order. They could go through each step in different time, order and intensity. In William Shakespeare´s
Hamlet, Hamlet shows all the stages of grief, after his father death, bouncing back and forth between each phase. In the Lion King, Simba also losses
his father and go through the same periods of acceptance of death. Even though Hamlet and Simba experience all the five stages of grief, some
differences in their grief processes lead them in diverse paths with different endings. The first state of grief that Hamlet experience is depression.
Depression is the state of deep sadness. After ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, Hamlet bargains with himself, saying that the play he arranged for the players to do, will be the deciding factor. He is trying to get more
time to kill Claudius, more time to decide and really prove if the story he knows is true. This is important because Hamlet validates his doubts and
denies from the ghost and now he got a one–way path, no coming back, he needs to kill Claudius to revenge his dad. Bargaining and confirming the
truth is what motives Hamlet to act, because not he is sure of what path he needs to follow. Simba also goes through a brief stage of bargaining. When
talking to his father´s soul, he asks him ´´How can I go back? I´m not what I used to be´´ (52:58) He tries to resolve things and makes thing the way
they were before. After his talk with his father, Simba finally gets to the last stage of grief and he finally accepts his
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Poems Comparison Essay examples
In the poems you have studied a recurring theme is that of 'loss'. This can take many forms: death; identity; hope or loss of innocence
Discuss the poets' treatment of any aspect of the theme of loss in at least 6 of the poems you have studied.
A minimum of 3 poems should be taken from the anthology.
Poems for discussion:
In detail
– Prayer Before Birth (Louis MacNeice)
– Do not go gentle into that good night (Dylan Thomas)
– A mother in a Refugee Camp (Chinua Achebe)
Referred to
– Poem at Thirty–Nine (Alice Walker)
–Death Of A Son (Jon Silkin)
–Mid Term Break(Seamus Heaney)
Loss is universal. An inevitable condition of life; you cannot have one without the ... Show more content on ...
People would not want to hear that their loved ones merely gave up and died passively. This poem in itself is a celebration of life, the poem is not only
about death but it is an affirmation of life. To further emphasise the points being made Dylan Thomas utilises a wide range of literary devices.
Parallelism is used from lines seven to fifteen to juxtapose the different attitudes of the so called "genres" of men at their death. This is used to outline
that if you continuously lead one set type of lifestyle whether it is as a "wild man", a "grave man" or a "good man" you will not be satisfied when your
time comes to die. The only true way to be satisfied is to live a life of balance; only with a good contrast can you be at peace.
The general attitude towards loss in "Death Of A Son" is the complete opposite. Whereas Thomas reverently encourages the continuation of life, or at
least to fight against death, in "Death of a Son" death is an escape and as a release, it is therefore seen as a relief. The life of this boy has only been a
cause of suffering; suffering for his parents having to watch with no hope day after day and also suffering for himself. This is shown as he "neither sang
nor laughed" "but rather, like a house in mourning kept the eye turned in to watch the silence". The word "mourning" here creates a sense of foreboding
due to the
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Comparing The Aeneid Essay: Love, Lust, And Loss
Aeneas and Dido: Love, Lust, and Loss
Virgil's The Aeneid Book IV, begins with a conversation between Dido, the queen of Carthage, and her sister Anna. Topic Dido is torn between her love
for Sychaeus, her beloved, deceased husband, and this Trojan warrior, Aeneas. He has entered her life, and Cupid has kindled the flames of love within
her towards him. Dido explains to Anna that she feels betrayed by her heart and mind. Argument Dido states, "If my mind was not set, fixedly and
immovably, never to join myself with any man in the bonds of marriage, because first–love betrayed me, cheated me through dying."(BkIV.15–17)
Reason Tearfully, she remembers her first love, stolen from her by the grave. Anna encourages this new relationship for Dido ... Show more content on ...
(ex 1)They reached the mountain, and a severe storm arose around them. (ex 2)Seeking shelter from the storm, they both arrived at the same cave. (ex
3) During this time alone, the two surrendered themselves to each other, in a union blessed by the gods. (evidence)Dido worried no more about
appearances, she disguises her sin, and excuses it with the word marriage. No longer did she worry about a secret, torrid affair that could bring harm to
her reputation, her character and her respectable social standing were not a concern for her anymore. (transition) The love she had for Aeneas was all
consuming, her self–discipline had fallen away, and no longer was she prudent with the affairs of her heart.
(topic)Rumor reaches Iarbas, and he learns of this affair between Dido and Aeneas. (ex 1) This fills his mind with disruptive thoughts which fuels his
anger at both Aeneas and Dido. (ex 2)He prays to Jupiter, and tells him of this woman, Dido, who has scorned marriage with him and taken Aeneas as
lord of her country and master of her heart. (ex 3) Jupiter hears Iarbas and knows that Aeneas is the chosen one to rule Italy. (transition)Calling for his
son Mercury, he tells him to go to Aeneas and, "Let him sail: that's it in total, let that be my
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Meet Xavier, a Male Nurse Who Lost His Wife Essay
Xavier is a 32–year–old, African American, widowed male. After the loss of his wife he escaped into his work as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN)
in order to avoid the pain of his loss. However, because of this he also avoided processing the loss of his wife. Approximately six months ago he was
laid off from his job after 11 years as a CNA, and as a result he was no longer able to properly care for himself or pay his bills, which resulted in the
loss of his housing. Subsequent threats of suicide led to a month long hospitalization, and he was treated for Major Depression. After which Xavier
made arrangements to live with a friend, and upon his release from the hospital it was recommended that he continued care in an outpatient ... Show
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The therapist believes the clients are completely capable of healing themselves; he or she just needs the proper environment in which to realize this.
The therapist focuses on the person rather than the problem, and with the aid of thorough discussion and a caring, empathetic environment the client
will realize he or she can become self–reliant in creating goals and coping with problems. The therapist would see Xavier as someone suffering from a
discrepancy between his self–concept and his experience in reality (Corey, 2009). Xavier sees himself as a burden and not a "real man" due to his
change in lifestyle over the last year. He has built up a mask through socialization and he needs to remove it so that he can focus on what he thinks of
himself and become less concerned about what others think of him. The therapist would see Xavier as completely capable of working through his
problem with the aid of their relationship. Within the structure of the relationship between Xavier and his therapist, Xavier's self–healing will be
activated (Corey, 2009). All Xavier needs is empathy and acceptance and he will learn to feel those things about his self.
What might help Xavier?
The person–centered therapy approach suggests that it isn't the therapist who is helping the client per se, but the client who has the ability to find their
own solutions. Therefore, the therapeutic process would not be an attempt to change Xavier;
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Theme Of Babe In Paradise
Marisa Silver's collection, Babe in Paradise, transcribes a theme of loss located in Los Angeles. In the collection, every character copes with loss in
various scenarios. What defines the term loss in Silver's work? A central theme in Babe in Paradise inhibits losing a family member. However, many
characters deal with loss in their version, which comprises of hope, pride, mental state, and reality. After loss, an individual's personality can change
either in a positive or negative forefront, this is shown heavily in Babe in Paradise. Silver's collection demonstrates how severely a tragedy affects the
character, not as an individual, but how their loss affects the people around them. In "Babe in Paradise", the characters, Babe and Delia, ... Show more
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In the next story featuring Babe, we see how she performs after the house fire. "Thief" shows the reader what happens to Babe after the fire but also
introduces new characters, Billy and his mother. As the story begins, Billy and his mother arrive at their house being robbed. Very quickly, Billy's
mother finds a woman and it emerges to be Babe. Although, robbery was committed, Babe was given a second chance. Once settled, all the characters
give a backstory to each other. Billy, at birth, has had a hole in his heart and his mother raised him by her standards. She took no chances at Billy
missing any medical treatments. Billy, however, sought independence after years of unwanted assistance. Billy "accepts his wheelchair" (Silver 94) as if
it were his legs and his mother was "like a worried airplane passenger who valiantly stays awake to support the unaware pilot" (Silver 94). Silver
introduces a new version of loss, selfishness and independence. Billy was being controlled by her mother, but she desired a safekeeping for him. The
mother was being selfish that she did not think about what Billy had wanted. Eventually, Babe's actions reflect what she has been through in "Babe in
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Darla Neugebauer's View On Social Media
PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) –– The social media firestorm rages on between supporters and opponents of a Portland diner owner who
admits to screaming at a toddler to stop the child from screaming.
The owner of Marcy's Diner says after 40 minutes of listening to the child scream, she had had enough. She asked the family to leave, when they didn't
–– she screamed at the child to stop. The child's mother said her 21 month old wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, and she's defending her actions
as a parent.
The situation has become a topic of conversation across the country, with NEWS CENTER's Facebook posts reaching more than 7 million people. The
reaction of the diner owner, Darla Neugebauer, has sparked support from some and criticism from others on social media. ... Show more content on ...
While many have expressed their dissatisfaction at Neuberger's actions, others have come to her defense, acknowledging how irritating a screaming
child can be. Others also say that parents need to be considerate of others.
"They're worse than drunks, they're than nasty smokers, they're worse than pot – screaming children have no place in restaurants," said Tim Fleischaker,
who came to Marcy's Monday to support the business.
"Parents, it is your responsibility to teach your children proper behavior in public! I would never subject other customers to my kids screaming or
crying," wrote Donna Harmon on Facebook.
"She did exactly what all of us at least once in our life wanted to do, but never had the guts to actually do it," wrote Michelle Doody on Facebook.
Many parents we spoke with even supported Neugebauer's choice to kick the family out of the diner.
"Any child is going to be a child, but if you're a parent and you see that the child is a little bit out of control, I think it's common courtesy to just do
something about it," said Louise
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Analysis Of Gwen Harwood 's Anthology Of Selected Poems
The notion that ordinary, everyday experiences encompass universal emotions of both sadness and delight is central to Gwen Harwood's anthology of
Selected Poems. This Australian poet often uses her personal journey towards self–knowledge and experience of growing up to comment on universal
aspects of raw, uncensored life experiences. She aims to convey the idea that motherhood is a difficult experience for many women who resent the way
they are forced to abandon their individuality and careers. Harwood also illustrates the sadness in the loss of innocence and regrets in childhood.
However, she also reminds the audience of the importance of celebrating the richness and vitality of human life such as the importance and power of
women and parenthood. Ultimately the collection also suggests that aspects of both sadness and delight are evident in every human experience.
Harwood's works challenge the patriarchal, societal view of motherhood as a role of delight, joy and fulfillment, revealing the hollow façade of
meaningless that often comes with domestic suburban roles. She explores the role of women in her contemporary Australian society, criticising and
challenging the expectations that women must be restricted to the domestic sphere in this patriarchal society. Harwood's graphic description and
evocative imagery conveys the hopelessness of many women. Home of Mercy explores how females are dehumanized as the pregnant, unmarried girls
have 'sinned' in the eyes of society and
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Comparing Ornament And Crime And Loss
"The evolution of culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament from objects of daily use." I agree with Adolf Loos, what is natural to someone
of a particular culture is a degeneration to the modern man and women. In his essay Ornament and Crime, Loss emphasizes that ornament and
decorations are unnecessary in modern society. He also states that is harmful for our economy, a waste of human labor, money and ruined material. I
agree with him that ruined material can be used for something much more important than decorations someone's face or body. "Weep not. Behold!
What makes our period so important is that it is incapable of producing new ornament. We have out–grown ornament, we have struggled through to a
state without ornament. Behold,
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Analysis Of Under The Persimmon Tree
(AGG) The loss of somebody or someone can lead to PTSD, which can later lead to other effects, and it is said that up to 20% of all adults in America
who have experienced some type of loss develops PTSD ("PTSD Statistics"). (BS–1) Towards the beginning of the novel Under the Persimmon Tree,
there is a character named Najmah who loses the ability to speak and loses control of her life, as a result of Mada–jan and Habib's loss. (BS–2) As an
effect of Baba–jan and Nur missing from her life, Najmah changes her mindset and the decisions she makes from then on. (BS–3) Najmah's
relationships with others and voice is altered, this happens once she meets Nusrat and she adjusts due to her losses. (TS) Throughout the novel Under
the Persimmon Tree, we see a character named Najmah who is ultimately shaped through the people who are missing in her life.
(MIP–1) Firstly, Najmah is altered due to the fact that Mada–jan and Habib are missing from her life. (SIP–A) Due to Mada–jan and Habib's loss,
Najmah loses the ability to speak. (STEWE–1) Before Najmah witnessed her mother and brother's bombing she can be seen speaking willingly. "I
thought it was the Pashtun Talib," I say. "I don't want them to steal the animals"(58). Najmah's reaction shows her awareness and will to speak freely
compared to later in the novel, when she doesn't speak freely and overall loses the ability to speak. (STEWE–2) Later, Najmah loses the ability to speak
and this can be seen when she witnesses their death, "My
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Disarming Anger Research Paper
As a professional, it can be very challenging when dealing with an individual who enters your office with a ball of rage brewing inside of them. From
the text, I have realized that the expression of anger is "only a clue" that there are some underlying issues that we need to explore and resolve. I ask
myself, "How will I be able to address and disarm their anger successfully? First, we need to explore the cause and effect of the anger and whether or
not the anger is the result of something that the agency has done. While doing so, we need to remember to not take it personally. A friend, who is a
licensed social worker once told me, "that their crisis is not your crisis. I never thought too much about it then, but after taking this class I realize what
she meant. DO NOT OWN A PROBLEM THAT IS NOT YOURS – only help the individual in coping and resolving their issue/s. If you find that their
anger is due to something that the agency has done – then address it and explain ... Show more content on ...
Keeping in mind that, when we are angry, "we cannot see straight and/or even think straight" is when I need to step back and allow the client to calm
down, gather their thoughts, and express the true underlying issue. We have all been in a situation where we have had anger to the point that our own
thinking process is compromised and taking a moment to actually think about what is causing your frustration, might be the best way to defuse the
anger. I know for myself, I have learnt to process the situation before addressing it and often after thinking about it – I realize it wasn't such a BIG deal
... Get more on ...

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Comparing The Film Cinderella And The Loss Of Father-Love

  • 1. Comparing The Film Cinderella And The Loss Of Father-Love Maid in Manhattan is a spin off of the original Cinderella story, with its story revolving mainly around the life and relations of Marisa. Marisa has a son, Ty, who she is raising with the aid of her mother. Ty's father is absent throughout the whole of the movie, and as Marisa begins to form somewhat of a relationship with Chris Marshall, things start to change quite a bit for both Marisa and her son. The question really is why Ty takes such a liking to this Chris Marshall. I plan to use the writings "'Cinderella' and the Loss of Father–Love" by Jacqueline Schectman and also "A Feminist's View of Cinderella" by Madonna Kolbenschlag to determine just that. While Ty may gravitate towards Chris in order to fill the gap left by his absent father, it may also be for his own benefit, an accumulation of power. When Ty first meets Chris Marshall, he seems to look at him in awe, as if this man is everything he aspires to be. Perhaps the fact that politician Marshall performs speeches so often and with such eloquence is what leads to this awestruck Ty. Earlier in the movie, Ty had a little fumble with his speech performance, in which he forgot the words and ran off stage in shame. Furthermore, Ty's father was very much absent from Ty's ... Show more content on ... There are different ways the slipper could be interpreted. In Kolbenschlags piece, she offers a couple of different interpretations, but the one that really connects in this instance would be when she describes the slipper as "a symbol of power" (321). For Ty, this power is the ability to control his anxiety during a performance. He now has harnessed the strange powers of the universe that enable him to let go of any qualms he had with the speech, or with the circumstances he is placed under. Without Chris, Ty would have never happened upon this 'slipper' that allows him to be someone else, or more accurately, someone who isn't afraid to do ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Theme Of Loss In Birdsong The theme of loss is also shown through all three writers' work, demonstrated through the destruction and brutality of the war. In "Birdsong" Stephen appears a strange and isolated figure at the beginning of the novel who brings with him concepts of unrest, as he possesses a "knife with a singular scrupulously sharpened blade" which suggests the idea of conflict. As well as losing Isabelle in a romantic sense, he experiences extreme loss and privation throughout his time in the war, particularly the loss of Weir and Jack Firebrace that are dealt with in graphic but simplistic language. Weir's death occurs suddenly and within one paragraph his face is said to be "smashing unprotected into mud". Stephen is pained by his death and even feels "he had loved him" and he had made the ... Show more content on ... When he dies, Stephen is left alone in the tunnel feeling "bitterly alone", which demonstrates the need for companionship to survive. The idea of loss is also shown when Elizabeth visits the memorial and notices the columns "teeming" with names of unfound soldiers. Her response to this is one of shock as she appeared unaware of the multitude of deaths and collapses saying "My God, nobody told me". This emphasises the extent of loss from a postwar perspective, which makes it appear even more tragic. As "Birdsong" was written after the war, its purpose was to commemorate the losses and honour the dead, as well as educate and promote remembrance. Loss features just as graphically in "Dulce et Decorum Est" written by Owen during his time in Craiglockheart hospital, as it is a poem that uses Latin to mock the glory of war and demonstrate the pain and death it can cause. The poem describes a true account of a soldier being unable to protect himself quickly enough during a gas attack and the haunting effect of this "helpless ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Identity Loss In 'Forgetfulness, AndOnce More To The Lake' Authors often create texts that share common themes to teach readers importance of certain aspects and hardships of life. Theme may be expressed through an author's use of rhetorical devices and many other contributing factors such as figurative language and repetition. The essay, "Once More to the Lake" written by E.B. White and the poem "Forgetfulness" written by Billy Collins, both contain a theme of identity loss. In "Once More to the Lake" E.B White connects to a lake at young age and when returning with his son years later is unable to identify himself. In similar theme "Forgetfulness" describes different factors of human life and everyday things being forgotten and lost. Both White and Collins use repetition and metaphors to further push the theme of identity loss throughout the texts. First and foremost, authors E.B. White and Billy Collins both use exceptional repetition to portray the themes of their writings "Once More to the Lake" and "Forgetfulness". In the essay "Once More to the Lake," the main character expressed his connection to the lake from a young age. Later in life he brings his son and begins to be at a loss for his identity while being at the lake. Similar in theme, the poem "Forgetfulness" is a tale describing the loss of parts of one's life that used to be known, much like identity loss. Repetition is a major key in both texts for pushing the theme of identity loss. During "Once More to the Lake," E.B White experienced many moments that ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Gustave Flaubert Writing Style The 1800's was a century of change. Medicine was advancing, the effects of the Enlightenment were still underway, and a new age of exploration occurred as those of Europe began to extend their hands across the world towards America. During these times the common folk changed and adapted many of their ideals, and suffered many hardships and heartaches. In this period, a man of Normandy named Gustave Flaubert caught many of these hardships within his writings. With words, thoughts, and crafted phrases, he showed what the common people of this period went through day by day. As an article put out by TV Tropes explains, Flaubert was famous for his precise, straightforward writing style, filled with the ideal of realism: "Flaubert 's writing ... Show more content on ... Felicite, as explained at the very beginning of the story, was known for her cleanliness, making people all around them envy Madame Aubaine for her choice of servant. Though Madame Aubaine's story is interesting in itself, the story of Felicite is not only one of importance to the story but also to our understanding of these times in general. Her father and mother were both killed when she was very young, and when her siblings split up without her she was left alone to find work. Most places where she found it were hostile to a young woman of eighteen, leaving her vulnerable to physical and verbal abuse. She even experienced this through a brief relationship, and though she did end up loving him he eventually revealed he was only looking for someone to marry to avoid the draft. Walking away in defeat, she found Madame Aubaine and signed on to work for her fifty years. It's here that she begins the biggest of her struggles. Under Madame Aubaine she suffered four hardships that were common in Felicite's days. Her first hardship was the loss of her nephew on his journey to America. As explained in the story, when Felicite's nephew left for the new world she constantly paced back and forth hoping a letter from him would arrive soon. The constant anxiety of never knowing whether or not he was alright was something that those who knew New World travelers experienced often. Even more people lost loved ones to this voyage as Felicite did. Without the instant communication and ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Everything That Rises Must Converge Flannery O Connor Flannery O'Connor's first several short stories address the notion that even if your intentions are good, selfish behaviors will always be punished and that disliking unlikable people does not inherently make you a good person. The protagonists of the first three O'Connor stories all have good intent behind their actions and words, yet despite their work and viewpoints they all suffer an immense loss. In the first story "Everything that Rises Must Converge", Julian experiences moral complications with his mother and his selfishness in focusing on his own emotions inevitably leads to his mother's death. Julian, even with his educational background and tolerance for different types of people, still harbors strong resentment for the way his ... Show more content on ... Fortune's selfish determination to create his own image in Mary Fortune causes him to lose the one member of his family that he ever truly cared for. Throughout the entire story, Mr. Fortune praises his own viewpoint and life mindset over the Pitts', who of course are portrayed as an unlikable family. Like Julian, Mr. Fortune seems to gloat in his own enlightenment and takes pride in disagreeing with the Pitts. Once again, while Mr. Fortune has good intentions to try and "save" Mary Fortune from the Pitts by trying to turn her into a Fortune, his selfishness in his "fight" against the Pitts versus Fortune mentality ends up leading to the loss of Mary herself. Mr. Fortune doesn't consider how Mary feels personally when he wants to sell the lawn, but sees it as if he is attacking Pitts himself and becomes angry when Mary agrees with her father. As Mary continually throughout the story begins to identify more and more with the Pitts name, Mr. Fortune's selfish notion to fight against the Pitt's mentality leads him to attack Mary as he metaphorically kill the Pitts attitude. Once Mary stopped representing him and his ideas, Mr. Fortune began to see her as something to fight against, and harbored no evident guilt for his ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Tomorrow When The War Began Essay Topics In our forever changing society, it is important to have teen literature as a source where young adults can learn about and enhance their knowledge on issues related to adolescence and the progression into adulthood. Young Adult novels such as 'Tomorrow, When the War Began' by John Marsden and others alike provide an escape where young people can be introduced to and understand certain concepts, whether they deal with growing up or just life in general. In the novel, 'Tomorrow, When the War Began,' first published in 1994, the teens make many choices, both good and bad, and through this it conveys to the audience that these choices are essential to the fundamentals of life. With the book having a mostly young audience, this type of information is important because it shows that youth is about learning to make good choices and how these choices are the catalyst to becoming an adult. Examples of how teenagers are represented include: heroic, intelligent, brave, noble and powerful, just to name a few. From this characterisation, it empowers readers to reflect upon how they act in their daily lives and this then allows them to know that they themselves can have any of these qualities in their lives. If readers can identify with given themes from a novel, it allows them to relate the themes to situations that they may be going through and in turn, it lets readers normalise the struggles that they may be facing in their lives. In the journey of the characters in the novel, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Comparing Greed And Loss In The Necklace And Disabled Greed and loss in The Necklace and Disabled Greed and Loss are dominant themes in both Disabled and The Necklace. Both writers explore these themes in different ways, but their pieces ultimately imply that greed is bound to result in loss. Both writers also emphasise on the illusive nature of fame and riches which both main characters fall for. The war appeared magnificent to the soldier in Disabled but it was actually a damaging death plagued battle with no riches or glory to hope for. Likewise, Mathilde in The Necklace thought the necklace was diamond and after draining life of all her youth, she finds that it was fake. Both the main characters in the pieces experience loss and are both ruined, one physically and one financially – and perhaps ... Show more content on ... She has her moment of glory when she is at the party: "She danced ecstatically, wildly, intoxicated with pleasure..." She has reached ecstasy when she finally has what she wants. But as we see soon after, 'pride goeth before destruction...' Her delight is not only transient but, as the final twist reveals, illusionary. Self–obsession is a predominant factor of the loss that both of the characters experience. Mathilde loses ten years of her life which she spends working to repay debts she owes – her body wastes away and she loses her youth. Her self–obsession is clear from the outset of the story, as de Maupassant writes: "She was one of those pretty, delightful girls..." and almost immediately it seems as if she is talking about herself. She thinks she is better than her own lifestyle, and that she deserves more. This arrogance makes us show less sympathy for Mathilde, as it encourages us to take the view that she deserved to lose what she had. De Maupassant emphasizes this by adding the contrast of her husband's contentment when he exclaims: "'Ah! Stew! Splendid'". De Maupassant deploys this contrast to emphasize that it is greed and self–obsession that drive Mathilde. This same self–obsession is also seen in Disabled. The soldier is now old; his youth consumed by the war that he thought would make him even more attractive. He is obsessed with himself, and loves being shown off: "After ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Why The USS Indianapolis Die? Why did the sailors aboard the USS Indianapolis die? There is a difference between why and how they died. On page 101, it says "Knowing how the men died is not the same thing as knowing why they died." There are reasons why the men died. The sinking caused many problems. As a result of the sinking, a lot of sailors died. The men were in the water for way too long. They were exposed to a lot of things while they were in the middle of the ocean. They were exposed to sharks, seawater, oil, sun rays, and even cannibalism. All of those things played a major role in a lot of the men dying. Maybe not as many of them would have died if help would have came faster. What took the help so long to get there? The help should have been there way faster. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Various Types Of Transitions The 4 types of transitions are Emotional – personal experiences such as parent 's separating, bereavement, beginning or leaving a place of care. Physical – change in environments Intellectual – maturation, moving from one educational establishment to another. Physiological – puberty or medical conditions. Moving into a new nursery or classroom is a big transition for children like getting a new teacher, class mates, class, new room and way of working. New faces, unknown personalities, lack of knowledge about who provides support will impacts on a child 's confidence, ability to interact, be comfortable and relax. This maybe heightened if children are older, teacher is unknown, fear that knocking will direct unwanted attention to themselves may prevent a child wanting to go/perform this type of task or be unwilling to enter the room – they may become quiet, withdraw and refuse to participate when asked for volunteers. Positive relationships can support children across the school by adults making themselves known to children. Personalities, attitude and approach will reassure the children on the type of support they could expect. A permanent, new class environment offers the opportunity to experience different layouts, places where resources are kept and resource items themselves. Positive relationships can reassure children that access is the same as they 're already used to. A tour of the new room and its facilities will help familiarise everyone with what 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Comparing The Loss Of Innocence In Wild Swans By Alice... Both "Wild Swans" by Alice Munro and "Flowers" by Alice Walker explore the loss of innocence in young women. Women have historically been seen as delicate and in need of protection. It is no wonder that the loss of a woman's virginity is referred to as "deflowering," comparing a woman's sexual release to the death of beautiful, fragile nature. A woman's innocence is coveted, as people go to great lengths to shield them from both the reality of death and the pleasures of sex. The loss of certain kinds of innocence, specifically sexual, can be seen as shameful for a woman, as opposed to the masculine pride a man may feel from the same events. Through the choice of point of view, plot, and tone, Walker depicts Myop in "Flowers" as finding more peace in her loss of innocence than Rose does in "Wild Swans." Walker tells Myop's story in a third person omniscient point of view, but limits greatly the extent to which she discloses Myop's inner feelings. Only once does Walker refer to Myop as "unafraid" (Walker 76), giving us some insight into her thoughts. However, most of the story is told from a rather detached point of view, mostly noting Myop's actions and the setting around her. Myop's thoughts, then, must be gleaned from the events of the story. One sees in how Myop responds to the corpse – casually plucking a flower from beside his head – that while the corpse has stripped her of her innocence, she has become more mature through her experience. Myop understands and accepts ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Metaphor In Where Things Come Back Where Things Come Back is an odd tale about the way loss can affect people. A young man by the name of Cullen Witter begins his senior year of highschool in the small static town of Lilly Arkansas. The town becomes infatuated with the supposed return of the long lost Lazarus Woodpecker. Cullen's summer before his senior year of high school, he first experiences loss in the form of death. His cousin Oslo passed away due to drug abuse. His second loss is that of his brother, Gabriel Witter, who suddenly goes missing and disappears. Gabriel, Cullen, and Cabot Searcy's lives are all eventually tied together because of a missionary named Benton Sage. Cullen Witter also experiences the feeling of loss in the form of love and second chances. This story shows that hope and finding one's faith can all come together for one last chance. Whaley uses a metaphor in Where Things Come Back to explain Cullen's loss of his cousin Oslo. It states, "Nothing idealistic about seeing your only cousin ghost white and stone dead." It is a metaphor because it refers Oslo as "ghost white" and "stone dead" without using "like" or "as" as descriptors. The author of Where Things Come Back also uses an idiom on page 88 of Chapter Nine. It says, "Can we just talk for a minute? I said, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of my situation. Talk is cheap, he said back." This is an example of an idiom because talk isn't literally measured in wealth, it is just a saying to show that you need to cut to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Theme In Ghassan Kanafani's Men In The Sun Theme Of Men In The Sun: In the short novel, Men In The Sun, Ghassan Kanafani engraves a depiction of the evident hardships, anguish, and humiliation that every Palestinian endures. Ghassan Kanafani uses poignant words to grasp the inmost portion of the hearts of his audience. His usage of vivid imagery and figurative language forge a mood of pity and sorrow towards the four protagonists. Each protagonist is introduced with a heartbreaking backstory. These four backstories clarify to the audience why each character has decided to reach Kuwait. As they embark on an ambitious journey to freedom, they are met with numerous complications; such as weather, age, Abu Baqir, and even each other. As the somber novel comes to an end, so do the lives of three crucial characters. Hope is truly absent in Men In The Sun and loss surfaces as the mere connecting element: Abu Qais losses his source of income, Assad his innocence, Marwan his education, and Abul Khaizuran his manhood. Kanafani utilizes these losses to compose a novel that provides a unique perspective of the Palestinian cause. Furthermore, the unfortunate losses of each character mold their personality. Kanafani shapes a chilling theme in Men In The Sun: Loss strikes every heart, which is indisputable in the distressing losses of Abu Qais, Assad, Marwan, and Abul Khaizurn. Abu Qais is the first character the audience is acquainted with. He is hesitant and panicked about his decision to travel to Kuwait; he was ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Miss Emily Character Analysis he Misunderstood, Monumental, Murderer, Miss Emily Viewed by the people in her town as a monument and a tradition of the town, Miss Emily represents the past way of living trying to stand firm in an ear changing society. While she is seen as a statuesque figure the townspeople still do not understand her and they show pity towards her, little did they know what she was hiding in her home. Miss Emily grew up in a rich family, she was raised at a higher standard than others and her home is described as a large plantation home that once stood for wealth and power, but now is seen as a dilapidated and an eye sore. Emily experienced great loss when her father passed away and even kept his body for three days after he passed, which no one ... Show more content on ... When he passed Emily was not sure what to do, because she had lost the structure and the social class she had lived her whole life in. This cause some serious issues for her, as it would anyone. When Homer Barron, a Yankee who was there on work and a sort of odd character, started spending time with her the town people thought it was odd, but they all thought they would be married. This gave Emily the chance to have a companion and another man in her life to sort of give her purpose. When Homer decided to go Miss Emily saw this as another loss and she was already scarred from the loss of her father that this loss would be too much to bare. She murdered Homer using arsenic and kept his corpse in the bed. She had been abandoned by everyone in the town and her family, and the only family she had ever known was gone, Miss Emily had a very lonely life. While what she did to Homer and keeping his corpse may seem insane to us in her mind it was making sure she was not left alone again. She found comfort in the corpse because she had something there with her and yes she probably had mental issues. but no one is supposed to be alone in life and the corpse gave her companionship. The story ends by saying " We saw a long strand of iron gray hair." this is a symbol of the comfort she took in having his body with her. Miss Emily Grierson died a lonely woman who sought comfort in the corpse of a man who tried to leave her. While many may view her as "insane" or crazy i believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Art Of Storytelling : How An Individual Can Recover... The Art of Storytelling Storytelling is an art that can take many forms. Stories engage people on all different levels and the greatest pathway to tell a good story is the use of emotion. It can also serve as a medium to communicate unsaid emotions. Stories educate and also preserve history by passing it carefully on to the next generation. Each person has a different story. One story is a just as fascinating and unique as the other and at some point in life one gets to realize that no two stories are exactly alike. Telling stories also present a way of understanding one's life with a deeper understanding and meaning. Stories matter and sometimes all a person wants is a listener or just a way to know they are being heard. Very often, one ... Show more content on ... With fewer members of the congregation recovery is taking a longer process in the church than supposed to. She not only lose her grandmother who was very dear to her, she is also afraid for her brother because life in jail can be very hard and she fears he might not survive it. Joe is her younger brother and she feels she is supposed to protect him but their relationship have changed over the years. In his letters she sees the disconnection they share as a family. As a society one is generally taught to avoid feeling or displaying of emotions. Joe's letters shows the silence that exists within their relationship as siblings. Tretheway explains "if something isn't spoken, it isn't fully known and we can absolve ourselves of the responsibility that knowing entails" (Tretheway 102). In Froma Walsh's article on "Traumatic loss and major disasters: strengthening family and community resilience", Walsh explains how sharing details about a hurtful event can aid recovery and different families have different motivation to help victims recover. Walsh also explains that when loss of any kind is suffered one should not expect the victim to have a firm decision on when to start or to stop grieving. She also explains that the main purpose of finally starting to grief is not to aim for closure but to simply get the strength to get up and move on with life. Grief is the body's natural response to loss. It is a kind of suffering ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Piedmont University: A Managerial Accounting Case Study PIEDMONT UNIVERSITY: A Managerial Accounting Case Study Introduction The case of Piedmont University discusses fallouts related to the use of quasi–endowment funds by the principal which is supposed to be legally prohibited thus resulted the university to experience financial crisis including declining of enrollments and consequently escalating of cost incurred and so to possibly augment from the loss, the university hired Hugh Scott as the new President. The new President established measures to turn around the situation by increasing tuition fees and stop hiring so as not to shoot up cost further that resulted to a small operating surplus after almost two years. Amidst the President's attempt to recover the university's state, Neil Malcolm, an alumnus offered his help to audit the school and make some recommendations that would inhibit the school from fallout, again. Malcolm ... Show more content on ... Inter–competition between centers may occur and will result to a loss on other's end thus the President must have robust governance cleverness as to fathom conflict between two or more centers and create possible proactive policies and defining center's responsibilities. On the other hand, some centers may be essential on the goals and objectives of the university despite being at loss. Question # 3 – What are the alternatives to a profit center approach? There are numbers of possible alternatives to a profit center approach that will still keep the university's longevity like by linking school activities to the goals of the university while supporting quality of education through set of performance measures that would keep each department perform at peek and still having the appropriate cost allocation so as to understand fully the importance, functions and viability of each department. Question # 4 – Assuming that most of the issues could be resolved to your satisfaction, would you recommend that the profit center idea be adopted, or is there an alternative that you would ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Analysis Of George Moore 's ' The Catcher Rye ' George Moore For most people, the death of a relative causes a period of despair that can last a lifetime. In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher In the Rye, an adolescent 's tightly knit relationship with a family member results in a long–lasting impression on his life; Holden, a young, psychologically lost youth struggles in life after the recent death of his brother, Allie. While he was alive, Allie maintained a positive outlook, assisting Holden in retaining not only his innocence but his happiness. Thus, after Allie's death, Holden strayed away from these aspects, after losing not only his brother but his lifeline to peace, reinforcing Salinger's notion of how a major event can dictate large changes in mentality. As Holden describes his ... Show more content on ... In addition to this he was young and playful. This was everything that Holden desired to be in society. So when Allie died, Holden lost his connection to a feeling of innocence. This causes him to be frustrated, and remove himself from society. This is shown above when Holden isolates himself in the garage. However, even though Holden is strongly against society he does recognize that it holds some value. But, because of Allie, he will never forgive the world he lives in. He was so innocent and close to Holden that his death continues to impact Holden throughout the story. A quote to illustrate this is, " It was a very stupid thing to do, I 'll admit, but I hardly didn 't even know I was doing it, and you didn 't know Allie." This quote illustrates the point that although Holden recognizes the action was foolish, he realizes that it was necessary to express his contempt for what had been taken away from him. He will never be the same, and will always be frustrated with society for his loss of Allie. But, even though Allie may be permanently gone he is still with Holden. Holden expresses regret and is upset whenever Allie is brought up. "What I did, I started talking, sort of out loud, to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed." He even gets depressed to the extent where it 's everyone in his life's fault that he lost Allie. His depression and contempt for society pop up whenever Allie is mentioned. This tells us as readers that Holden has deep regret over ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Polyperspectivity In William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying 4. William Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" is brilliant in it's use of disrupted narrative, but also in it's pioneering use of polyperspectivity. Indeed, the polyperspectivity was the crux of the novella. First, it engendered the same confusion that the family felt with the loss of Addie. For many readers, this would make the novella a difficult read, as people tend to have problems with being taken up into a story, as faulkner intended. Second, it allows one to experience the return to normalcy (or the opposite, seen in the foil of Darl) that each character experiences, from their own point of view. This gives us a much more in depth view of each character's particular neurotic tendencies. Finally, the masterful use of polyperspectivity allows ... Show more content on ... Flannery O'Connor is one of America's best Catholic writers, by a wide margin. In, "The Life You Save May Be Your Own", she goes to great lengths to portray catholic concepts, especially the fall of man to sin. At the beginning of the story, we can see Tom Shiftlet as a man who is very concerned with his own "moral intelligence", showing that he is open to the love of God. However, right away, hints har given to show that he could also reject God. When he is first described, he wears black, traditionally representing the christian adversary, as well as a disconnection from God more generally. In addition to this, he forms his body into a cross in front of the sun, however it is lopsided and incomplete due to his missing arm. Immediately (though he seems to care little for money) it is obvious that he lusts after Lucynell Crater's automobile. Mrs. Crater offers to give him a place to stay and feed him, in exchange for work around the farm. However, lest one think that Mrs. Crater is saintly, she is mostly of the hope that Shiftlet will marry her deaf daughter. This forms one of the main interplays of the story, in that both characters have something the other wants, and both know it. This produces quite witty and interesting dialogue throughout. Lucynell the younger, it should be pointed out, is portrayed to be the perfect woman for the man. Indeed, she seems to represent more than simple innocence, but a gift from God. In the end, Mrs. Crater trades the truck for her daughter's hand in marriage, in her mind, winning her salvation. Shiftlet takes the car and Lucynell the younger for a honeymoon. They stop to get food, and Lucynell manages to fall asleep on the table, after which Shiftlet leaves her. Thus he has sealed his fate through rejecting the goodwill of God in the name of freedom in true luciferian fashion. The car has previously been likened to a casket and a coffin, through Mrs. Crater and Mr. Shiftlet conversations. It has now become his casket, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Essay about A Separate Peace: the Theme Rite of Passage A SEPARATE PEACE The theme "rite of passage" was used in the novel A Separate Peace, by John Knowles. This moving from innocence to adulthood was contained within three sets of interconnected symbols: summer and winter, the Devon and Naguamsett Rivers, and peace and war. These symbols served as a backdrop upon which the novel was developed. The loss if Gene Forrester's innocence was examined through these motifs. The summer and winter sessions symbolized Gene's loss of innocence. During the summer sessions, the boys of Devon were carefree and showed no respect for the rules, while the teachers put no effort into enforcing the rules. "This was the way the masters tended to treat us that summer," (Knowles 23). Together, Gene and ... Show more content on ... It was ugly, saline, fringed with marsh, mud and seaweed," (Knowles 76). The Naguamsett was unfamiliar territory to Gene, unlike the Devon. These rivers figuratively represented a change from adolescence to adulthood. The final set of symbols, peace and war, served as a backdrop for Gene's adolescence and maturity. The Summer Session was a time of peace, it was fun and relaxed. There were no rules for Gene and Finny to follow. "We reminded them of what peace was like, of lives which were not bound up with destruction," (Knowles ). Unlike the summer session, which was full of peace, the winter session was filled of war. The war came to Devon when Leper enlisted. It hit Gene even closer when he found out that Finny had tried to enlist into the war but no one would accept him. "I also wrote the Coast Guard, the Merchant Marine, I wrote to General de Gualle personally, I also wrote Chiang Kai–shek, and I was about ready to write somebody in Russia," (Knowles 190). Gene's rite of passage was examined through these symbols. Summer and winter, the Devon and Naguamsett Rivers, and peace and war are three symbols represented in A Separate Peace. A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, is about a teenager at a Prep school in New Hampshire, and his struggle to find out where he belongs in the war. These symbols exhibited Gene's loss of ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Analysis Of Human Family By Maya Angelou Human Family by Maya Angelou Juxtaposition: When two topics that are brought up together, contrast to bring out the differences in them Example: "I note the obvious differences in the human family... But we are more alike than we are unalike" Human Family, Maya Angelou, 1–2 and 35–36. Function: The speaker points out all the ways that, as humans, we are different. The way we act, the way we look, the ways we are amused, etc. They talk of how they once traveled the world and saw all the differences in everyone, yet in those differences, found out we are more alike than set apart. As they note that there are differences in the beginning of the poem, there is contrast in the idea that we are all more alike than unalike. We think that the speaker is simply going to tell us how we are all the same, but they begins by pointing out that we aren't. That causes the reader to think deeper into the meaning and what it means if the speaker knows we are all different and unique. This juxtaposition helps the poem as it brings up all the things the reader would be thinking in their brains if it had simply said that we are all the same. The speaker states that it is fact we are all different, but when looked at on a deeper level, we all share the same emotions and are very similar. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Alzheimer's by Kelly Cherry Imagery: The description of an event, object, or person that is so in depth that the reader can picture it in their minds. Example: "He remembers it as his, remembers the walkway he built between the front room ad the garage, the rhododendron he planted in the back, the car he used to drive" Alzheimer's, Kelly Cherry, 14–17. Function: A man with Alzheimers is just arriving home for the first time after being in the hospital. He is welcomed by, what we assume to be, his wife. As he arrives at the door he begins to think and remember the vivid memories he has in this house. This imagery shows the reader that the man, although he has alzheimers, can still remember the house he built and everything about where he lived. He also talks earlier in the poem about the weather ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Nothing Gold Can Stay With the impending end of every good thing comes a chance for a new beginning and a chance for a perfect moment. In a world where perfect moments seem scarce, one is constantly reminded how temporary life truly is. Around every corner, something always seems to be going wrong– war, poverty, famine– and yet some people still manage to find the best in every situation. Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay and the film Gladiator externally showcase completely different concepts; yet relate in a way that allows one to realize how short life can be. A piece about nature and another about the life of a Roman soldier; One simply cannot fathom how two pieces as diverse as these can correlate. However, both pieces examine the idea that life's greatest ... Show more content on ... Regardless of its short length and appearance as a nature poem, Nothing Gold Can Stay manages to touch the soul of each reader and allow them to fully understand the mortality of life. "The poem narrates the short–lived experience of Spring's first moments" and the transient nature of life as described by Frost (Kearney Web). Lines 1–4 describe gold as nature's first color– its most beautiful and the hardest color to hold. In line 4, Frost analyzes how short lived this moment of pure happiness is. "This line is where the beautiful scene of flourishing nature takes a turn. Notice that it does so exactly halfway through the poem" (Birmingham Web). The momentary nature of line 4 signifies life's greatest moments slowly beginning to end. The first half of the poem explains the beginning of nature and its most beautiful moments, yet a shift occurs in line 5 "Then leaf subsides to leaf," showing how the moment of gold is gone and nature is simply nature once again– a different, more realistic kind of beauty. The reference to Eden in line 6 utilizes a mortality in the cycle of human life– birth, life and then eventually death. Life's golden moments are temporary, just like the existence of a loved one or even one's self. There are cycles of greatness and loss throughout life, as well as the poem. The poem concludes with a rhymed couplet that shows how dawn loses it's luster and soon turns to day, showing that like the title, nothing gold can truly stay. Frost uses this poem as a felix culpa metaphor– displaying the fact that although temporary, the greatest moments would have no merit if they were not temporary. There is no good without bad and, conversely, there is no bad without good. Those golden moments in life and in the poem would never be appreciated fully if they were eternal, because there would be no ordinary ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay on Inco Terms Nb Power Case Topic : INCO Terms What costs seem likely to be incurred and by whom? Who might be liable to cover the costs? Is NB Power likely to get all of their costs covered? If not which costs are at risk? Diagram the parties. Estimate from the limited data who is responsible? Identify issues. Sol: The following costs would be incurred: 1. Replacement Cost: Cost involved in manufacturing the new turbines. 2. Delay Cost: As it would take another 1 year to manufacture the new turbines which requires NB power to get the old rotors re installed. 3. Loss of Revenue: As the new turbines were expected to increase the ... Show more content on ... John * CIF Point Lepreau * DDU Point Lepreau DEQ St. John: Delivered Ex Quay St. John: The seller (Siemen's) was supposed to clear the goods for export and was responsible of making the turbines available to NB Turbines on the quay. The turbines sank when they were being transferred onto a barge for shipping to the nuclear reactor by Irving Equipment. Costs Incurred by Buyer (NB Turbines) would be as follow: * Replacement Cost: Cost of PO,Buyer would have to pay for the new turbines as they were shipped on the quay and sank later. * Insurance Cost: Neither seller or buyer has the obligation of insurance, so as the turbines sank after being made available at the port, so NB Turbines would get the basic insurance coverage from Irving company or/and money from some other insurance company if they had arranged for some sort of special insurance. * Lawyer fees * Repair Cost, Delay cost, Import, Duties,Taxes, Documentation cost, Filing Claim, Loss of Time, Loss of revenue, Re installation cost of the old turbines which they had taken out in anticipation of the new ones, Carriage charges for shipping the turbines back to UK for repair and bring them back, also for the shipping from St .John to Pt Lepreau. Costs Incurred by Irving Equipment would be that of Investigation along with paying for the Insurance of 214 tonnes of equipment. Depending upon NB ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Themes In The Yellow Birds By Kevin Powers In the novel, The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers, several major themes and illustrations present themselves throughout the storyline and strongly connect to previous readings and films from class. The purpose of this book review will be to identify these illustrations, explain why they are important, identify how these themes are connected to previous materials, and then determine if a movie could accurately represent the book. As such, I argue that this book illustrates ideas of the loss of innocence, loss of faith in humanity, and dust symbolizing the war these soldiers are fighting and how it consumes all. I will then further my argument by the identification of themes such as neorealism, heroism, and PTSD. However, it is first important to identify the special narrative structure of the book, which is used to create these illustrations and themes. The narrative structure that Kevin Powers uses is the first person from Private Brandon Bartle's point of view. However, the structure of the story doesn't follow a classical narrative, but instead follows an alternative narrative where it bounces back and forth between Private Bartle's time in Al Tafar, Iraq and when he is on leave at home in Richmond, Virginia (Corrigan, 2015). This narrative style allows various illustrations and themes to present themselves with the first being the loss of innocence is the path to salvation in war. This illustration is vital because it shows that because Bartle lost his innocence he ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Differences Of Takaful's Participant Between Motorcycle... The differences of takaful's certificate between Motorcycle Policy, Personal Accident Policy, Burglary Policy and Fire Policy. Based on condition, any claim can be made to the Takaful Company but must refer to the conditions which are provided. For example, if the accident or loss/ damage of property happen because of involving in any unlawful activities or natural disaster, Takaful Company will not cover the loss of Participants. For Motorcycle Policy, upon the happening of an accident likely to give rise to a claim under this certificate, the Participant shall give notice to the Takaful Company within the specific time frame as follows. Firstly, within 7 days if Participant are not physically disabled or hospitalised following the event. ... Show more content on ... Takaful Company will not cover personal injury involved. Meanwhile, for Personal Accident Policy the participant shall within 15 days after the happening of the accident give notice to the Takaful Company with full particulars of the accident and injuries and shall as soon as possible procedure and act on proper medical or surgical advise. In case of Participant die, the death of the Participant shall be established by an Official Death Certificate or in the even of his disappearance following an accident or the total loss of a vessel or aircraft by a Court Order presuming his death. For the Burglary Policy, Participant shall give immediate notice to the police and render all reasonable assistance in tracing and recovering the property and also participant must deliver to the Company a statement in writing all particulars and details reasonably practicable of the property affected and the value thereof and of the loss destruction or damage not more than 15 days from the date of occurrence and within 6 weeks after the happening of such event. For Fire Policy, on the happening of any loss or damage the participant shall forthwith give ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Exploitation of Grief and Loss of 9/11 Essay Exploitation of Grief Jess Walter creates a post 9/11 world that balances precariously between real and surreal. It is real enough that the reader is able to comprehend how awful the attack truly was; but surreal enough that the reader feels the same way most Americans did at Ground Zero–confused, frightened, and grief stricken. Remy, the unwilling hero in all of this is exposed to many different forms of grief both public and personal. Using irony and satire, Walter critiques the way public forms of grief were presented as the only viable ways of grieving after 9/11. Reporters wanted to broadcast each and every loss. The government wanted to exploit the grief of the American people so that they could continue what they were doing in ... Show more content on ... April resists public modes of grieving in favor of the more intimate, personal, and domestic setting with someone she knows. She is surprised and a little repulsed that life did not stop after 9/11. That "stores would never open again" that "businesses [would] shut down" that "lawyers quit their practices and run into the woods" (145). Instead life went on. Rather than stop and grieve, Americans rushed to return to normalcy and sought to commercialize grief in newspapers like they did "movie reviews" or "the bridge column" (145). In The Zero, Edgar seems to have the most sophisticated understanding of grief. In the beginning of the novel, Remy's ex–wife, Carla, calls Remy to discuss Edgar's behavior in school. He has been letting people in his school assume that Brian is dead and has been using this as an excuse to not take his Physics exam and to not participate in Physical Education. However, when Carla and Remy confront Edgar he stresses that he understands Remy is not really dead, and he does not wish him dead or to have died on September 11. Edgar acts as if his father did die so that he can understand how those with a personal loss feel. To clarify his behavior, Edgar explains to his parents the differences between general grief and personal grief: ... Why is it so hard to believe that I could be grieving the same thing as those other children? I suppose you'd rather I behave like everyone ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Connections between Holden Caulfield's Problems in The... Sara Prusik Mrs. Quick English 11 6 November 2009 Ties to Holden's Problems "I felt like jumping out the window. I probably would 've, too, if I 'd been sure somebody 'd cover me up as soon as I landed. I didn 't want a bunch of stupid rubbernecks looking at me when I was all gory" (104). Holden is a complex character with mixed emotions about everything; many times contradicting his own thoughts and beliefs. Holden's struggles are due to the lack of parental attention, the death of his younger brother, and his unusual relationships with other characters in the novel, "The Catcher in the Rye." "My parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them" (1). Struggles in Holden's life ... Show more content on ... Holden cannot deny this to his sister. Phoebe goes on to suggest that Holden needs to realize that their brother is dead and there is no going back. Holden has problems admitting his true feelings and cannot get over the loss of his brother. This is the true essences of the book. Holden's unusual relationships throughout the story cause him yet even further problems. Holden decides to hire a prostitute. This becomes a problem for Holden because he is never able to connect with her in anyway. He spends the evening talking to her about all of his problems. He pays her the money but she demands more, this ultimately ends up with Holden getting hurt by her pimp. Another troublesome situation occurs when Holden becomes friends with a stranger on the train; the stranger turns out to be the mother of a classmate whom he despises. The boy's name is Earnest and he has a reputation at Pency Prep of being unpopular which his mother is already assumed. Holden then goes on to lie and convince the mother that her son is the most popular student in school. To Earnest's mother Holden introduces himself as Rudolph, giving her the name of the janitor at school, and lies further about his reasoning for leaving Pency Prep early stating he has a tumor. This situation is detrimental for Holden because he continues to live his life full of lies. He never owns up ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Loss Of Leadership In Lord Of The Flies Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. –Henry Ford (Brainyquote) In the Novel Lord of the Flies the boys come together, keep together, but then begin to become completely unglued. The boys come together at the start of the Novel when an election is held. This is the first time all of the boys on the island meet. Ralph wins the election by a landslide against Jack. Although, Jack wants to be the leader of the boys because he is already the leader of the choirboys, however the boys don't select him. This causes a divide on the island, but doesn't cause any problems yet. This foreshadows what will happen later in chapters four and five when the boys start to become divided. In this essay, the ... Show more content on ... The boys don't want to be told what to do. This is not only true in the book but is a simple fact of adolescence. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics states that, "From time to time most children defy the wishes of their parents. This is a part of growing up and testing adult guidelines and expectations. It is one way for children to learn about and discover their own selves, express their individuality, and achieve a sense of autonomy." (American Academy of Pediatrics) The same goes for Lord of the Flies. The reader can think of Ralph as the parent who has the best interest for his son/daughter and Jack as his/her's disobedient troubled friend. In Lord of the Flies the boys are at a stage where the disobedient troubled friend has a significant pull compared to the knowledgeable parent. The friend's opinion can trump the parent's in real life and does in Lord of the Flies when in chapter 8 some boys leave Ralph for Jack. This is concerning and is one of the main conflicts in Lord of the Flies. The loss of leadership was inevitable for Ralph because the boys are at a point in their life where they cannot exercise good judgement. For example, Jack is over the moon telling Ralph and the boys about how he killed a pig. Ralph who has better judgement has to remind Jack and say, "There was a ship–" (Golding, 75) This shows that Jack and the hunters do not have a good sense of judgement because they don't do the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Rites Of Passage In The Glass Castle As we grow older, we develop by passing through the rites of passages. These rites are commonly portrayed in literary works and in movies. An example of a work that contains the rites of passage would be The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls. This book is a memoir about her life as a child with parents who could never settle down. She worked herself from the bottom up, and continues to strive as a published author and journalist. Although The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls, contains many rites of passage, the three most prominent would be loss,risk–taking, and achieving a goal. In her memoir, Jeannette struggled with loss because of her family's lifestyle. As Jeanette put it, on page 19, "We were always doing the skedaddle . . ." The Walls constantly moved to avoid police and the idea of settling down. When moving, the family usually moved to remote locations, working odd jobs for money. Another example of of loss in Jeannette's life is when her parents threw her cat out of the car. Her mother claimed, "Cat's don't like travel," on page 18. Jeannette said, "[My father] stopped the car, grabbed Quixote by the scruff of the neck, and tossed him out the window." Her father sped up the car and drove off, leaving the cat in the dust behind them. In addition to the loss of her cat, Jeannette's grandmother passed away. Although, Jeannette was not very close to her grandmother, she mourned the loss of her family member. Although loss is prominent in Jeannette's life, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Under The Persimmon Tree Analysis The loss of somebody or someone can lead to PTSD, which can later lead to other effects, and it is said that up to 20% of all adults in America who have experienced some type of loss develops PTSD. (BS–1) Towards the beginning of the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, there is a character named Najmah who loses the ability to speak and loses control of her life, as a result of Mada–jan and Habib's loss. (BS–2) As an effect of Baba–jan and Nur missing from her life, Najmah changes her mindset and the decisions she makes from then on. (BS–3) Najmah's relationships with others and voice is altered, this happens once she meets Nusrat and she adjusts due to her losses. (TS) Throughout the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, we see a character named ... Show more content on ... "I awake with the sun on the morning I plan to take them back into the hills"(57). Najmah is showing awareness and making her own decisions that show she has control of her life, compared to more later in the novel when she has witnessed the bombing and later, she shows no sign of life or control. (STEWE–2) Najmah loses sense of her life, that can be seen from how she reacts to her mother and brothers bombing. "I sit in the dirt beside them quietly, not crying, not thinking, not even aware that I am breathing, and it occurs to me that I might be dead, too"(83). There is no physical reaction from Najmah showing unawareness. Later, Najmah is being taken to journey elsewhere, and she blindly agrees. "You will be safer dressed as a boy traveling through strange areas." I obey without thinking,"(85). As a result of her blind acceptance she is given a new identity and ultimately loses a say in her life, that is caused after the bombing and loss of Mada–Jan and Habib. (CS) Consequently, due to the death of Mada–jan and Habib, Najmah loses the ability to speak and later loses control of her life, and overall shows Najmah being shaped from the people who are missing in her life. (MIP–2) Secondly, Najmah's mindset is adjusted once she knows what her goal is, which was ultimately shaped due to the loss of her father and brother. (SIP–A) Najmah starts to regain her focus and sets a goal for herself due to her need of reuniting with ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Necklace Analysis One may wonder how she feels; as if it was all worth it to her now? When she sits to reflect on the evening of January 18th which was filled with beautiful dresses and the succulent food, is she remorseful? In the story "The Necklace" the main character, Mathilde loses her friend's necklace that she assumed was made of diamonds. It goes into detail as to how her and her husband Loisel worked tirelessly to replace the garment over the course of 10 years. The theme of this essay is to reveal who is truly at fault for the downfall of Mathilde, comparing society's views, her husband's actions, the involvement of Madame Forestier, and finally Mathilde herself. Just as our current society; many individuals during Mathilde's era follow the trends of clothing, decorating, and even technology. In the story, Maupassant elegantly describes the "Antechambers hung with Oriental tapestry, illuminated by tall bronze candelabra."(Maupassant 42) Equally important, Mathilde allowed for the influence and ideas of what would make her appealing to the rest of society affect her everyday life. For example, she frequently daydreamed of a life of grandeur in her head such as the " Long reception halls hung with ancient silk."(Maupassant 42) Moreover, she frequently would compare herself to those who were better off financially allowing for her to feel unsatisfied and place a sense of false guilt on her husband. The author made it clear as to what she valued by including "She had no gowns, no ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Comparing The Five Stages Of Grief And Loss In Hamlet The death of a loved one or the loss of a close relationship is a very complicated process that people go through. Elisabeth Kubler Ross proposed in 1969 that there are five stages of normal grief and loss, which are denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. People do not necessarily go through them in a specific order. They could go through each step in different time, order and intensity. In William Shakespeare´s Hamlet, Hamlet shows all the stages of grief, after his father death, bouncing back and forth between each phase. In the Lion King, Simba also losses his father and go through the same periods of acceptance of death. Even though Hamlet and Simba experience all the five stages of grief, some differences in their grief processes lead them in diverse paths with different endings. The first state of grief that Hamlet experience is depression. Depression is the state of deep sadness. After ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, Hamlet bargains with himself, saying that the play he arranged for the players to do, will be the deciding factor. He is trying to get more time to kill Claudius, more time to decide and really prove if the story he knows is true. This is important because Hamlet validates his doubts and denies from the ghost and now he got a one–way path, no coming back, he needs to kill Claudius to revenge his dad. Bargaining and confirming the truth is what motives Hamlet to act, because not he is sure of what path he needs to follow. Simba also goes through a brief stage of bargaining. When talking to his father´s soul, he asks him ´´How can I go back? I´m not what I used to be´´ (52:58) He tries to resolve things and makes thing the way they were before. After his talk with his father, Simba finally gets to the last stage of grief and he finally accepts his ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Poems Comparison Essay examples ICCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE POETRY COURSEWORK In the poems you have studied a recurring theme is that of 'loss'. This can take many forms: death; identity; hope or loss of innocence Discuss the poets' treatment of any aspect of the theme of loss in at least 6 of the poems you have studied. A minimum of 3 poems should be taken from the anthology. Poems for discussion: In detail – Prayer Before Birth (Louis MacNeice) – Do not go gentle into that good night (Dylan Thomas) – A mother in a Refugee Camp (Chinua Achebe) Referred to – Poem at Thirty–Nine (Alice Walker) –Death Of A Son (Jon Silkin) –Mid Term Break(Seamus Heaney) Loss is universal. An inevitable condition of life; you cannot have one without the ... Show more content on ... People would not want to hear that their loved ones merely gave up and died passively. This poem in itself is a celebration of life, the poem is not only about death but it is an affirmation of life. To further emphasise the points being made Dylan Thomas utilises a wide range of literary devices. Parallelism is used from lines seven to fifteen to juxtapose the different attitudes of the so called "genres" of men at their death. This is used to outline that if you continuously lead one set type of lifestyle whether it is as a "wild man", a "grave man" or a "good man" you will not be satisfied when your time comes to die. The only true way to be satisfied is to live a life of balance; only with a good contrast can you be at peace. The general attitude towards loss in "Death Of A Son" is the complete opposite. Whereas Thomas reverently encourages the continuation of life, or at least to fight against death, in "Death of a Son" death is an escape and as a release, it is therefore seen as a relief. The life of this boy has only been a cause of suffering; suffering for his parents having to watch with no hope day after day and also suffering for himself. This is shown as he "neither sang nor laughed" "but rather, like a house in mourning kept the eye turned in to watch the silence". The word "mourning" here creates a sense of foreboding due to the ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Comparing The Aeneid Essay: Love, Lust, And Loss Aeneas and Dido: Love, Lust, and Loss Virgil's The Aeneid Book IV, begins with a conversation between Dido, the queen of Carthage, and her sister Anna. Topic Dido is torn between her love for Sychaeus, her beloved, deceased husband, and this Trojan warrior, Aeneas. He has entered her life, and Cupid has kindled the flames of love within her towards him. Dido explains to Anna that she feels betrayed by her heart and mind. Argument Dido states, "If my mind was not set, fixedly and immovably, never to join myself with any man in the bonds of marriage, because first–love betrayed me, cheated me through dying."(BkIV.15–17) Reason Tearfully, she remembers her first love, stolen from her by the grave. Anna encourages this new relationship for Dido ... Show more content on ... (ex 1)They reached the mountain, and a severe storm arose around them. (ex 2)Seeking shelter from the storm, they both arrived at the same cave. (ex 3) During this time alone, the two surrendered themselves to each other, in a union blessed by the gods. (evidence)Dido worried no more about appearances, she disguises her sin, and excuses it with the word marriage. No longer did she worry about a secret, torrid affair that could bring harm to her reputation, her character and her respectable social standing were not a concern for her anymore. (transition) The love she had for Aeneas was all consuming, her self–discipline had fallen away, and no longer was she prudent with the affairs of her heart. (topic)Rumor reaches Iarbas, and he learns of this affair between Dido and Aeneas. (ex 1) This fills his mind with disruptive thoughts which fuels his anger at both Aeneas and Dido. (ex 2)He prays to Jupiter, and tells him of this woman, Dido, who has scorned marriage with him and taken Aeneas as lord of her country and master of her heart. (ex 3) Jupiter hears Iarbas and knows that Aeneas is the chosen one to rule Italy. (transition)Calling for his son Mercury, he tells him to go to Aeneas and, "Let him sail: that's it in total, let that be my ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Meet Xavier, a Male Nurse Who Lost His Wife Essay Xavier is a 32–year–old, African American, widowed male. After the loss of his wife he escaped into his work as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN) in order to avoid the pain of his loss. However, because of this he also avoided processing the loss of his wife. Approximately six months ago he was laid off from his job after 11 years as a CNA, and as a result he was no longer able to properly care for himself or pay his bills, which resulted in the loss of his housing. Subsequent threats of suicide led to a month long hospitalization, and he was treated for Major Depression. After which Xavier made arrangements to live with a friend, and upon his release from the hospital it was recommended that he continued care in an outpatient ... Show more content on ... The therapist believes the clients are completely capable of healing themselves; he or she just needs the proper environment in which to realize this. The therapist focuses on the person rather than the problem, and with the aid of thorough discussion and a caring, empathetic environment the client will realize he or she can become self–reliant in creating goals and coping with problems. The therapist would see Xavier as someone suffering from a discrepancy between his self–concept and his experience in reality (Corey, 2009). Xavier sees himself as a burden and not a "real man" due to his change in lifestyle over the last year. He has built up a mask through socialization and he needs to remove it so that he can focus on what he thinks of himself and become less concerned about what others think of him. The therapist would see Xavier as completely capable of working through his problem with the aid of their relationship. Within the structure of the relationship between Xavier and his therapist, Xavier's self–healing will be activated (Corey, 2009). All Xavier needs is empathy and acceptance and he will learn to feel those things about his self. What might help Xavier? The person–centered therapy approach suggests that it isn't the therapist who is helping the client per se, but the client who has the ability to find their own solutions. Therefore, the therapeutic process would not be an attempt to change Xavier; ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Theme Of Babe In Paradise Marisa Silver's collection, Babe in Paradise, transcribes a theme of loss located in Los Angeles. In the collection, every character copes with loss in various scenarios. What defines the term loss in Silver's work? A central theme in Babe in Paradise inhibits losing a family member. However, many characters deal with loss in their version, which comprises of hope, pride, mental state, and reality. After loss, an individual's personality can change either in a positive or negative forefront, this is shown heavily in Babe in Paradise. Silver's collection demonstrates how severely a tragedy affects the character, not as an individual, but how their loss affects the people around them. In "Babe in Paradise", the characters, Babe and Delia, ... Show more content on ... In the next story featuring Babe, we see how she performs after the house fire. "Thief" shows the reader what happens to Babe after the fire but also introduces new characters, Billy and his mother. As the story begins, Billy and his mother arrive at their house being robbed. Very quickly, Billy's mother finds a woman and it emerges to be Babe. Although, robbery was committed, Babe was given a second chance. Once settled, all the characters give a backstory to each other. Billy, at birth, has had a hole in his heart and his mother raised him by her standards. She took no chances at Billy missing any medical treatments. Billy, however, sought independence after years of unwanted assistance. Billy "accepts his wheelchair" (Silver 94) as if it were his legs and his mother was "like a worried airplane passenger who valiantly stays awake to support the unaware pilot" (Silver 94). Silver introduces a new version of loss, selfishness and independence. Billy was being controlled by her mother, but she desired a safekeeping for him. The mother was being selfish that she did not think about what Billy had wanted. Eventually, Babe's actions reflect what she has been through in "Babe in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Darla Neugebauer's View On Social Media PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) –– The social media firestorm rages on between supporters and opponents of a Portland diner owner who admits to screaming at a toddler to stop the child from screaming. The owner of Marcy's Diner says after 40 minutes of listening to the child scream, she had had enough. She asked the family to leave, when they didn't –– she screamed at the child to stop. The child's mother said her 21 month old wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, and she's defending her actions as a parent. The situation has become a topic of conversation across the country, with NEWS CENTER's Facebook posts reaching more than 7 million people. The reaction of the diner owner, Darla Neugebauer, has sparked support from some and criticism from others on social media. ... Show more content on ... While many have expressed their dissatisfaction at Neuberger's actions, others have come to her defense, acknowledging how irritating a screaming child can be. Others also say that parents need to be considerate of others. "They're worse than drunks, they're than nasty smokers, they're worse than pot – screaming children have no place in restaurants," said Tim Fleischaker, who came to Marcy's Monday to support the business. "Parents, it is your responsibility to teach your children proper behavior in public! I would never subject other customers to my kids screaming or crying," wrote Donna Harmon on Facebook. "She did exactly what all of us at least once in our life wanted to do, but never had the guts to actually do it," wrote Michelle Doody on Facebook. Many parents we spoke with even supported Neugebauer's choice to kick the family out of the diner. "Any child is going to be a child, but if you're a parent and you see that the child is a little bit out of control, I think it's common courtesy to just do something about it," said Louise ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Analysis Of Gwen Harwood 's Anthology Of Selected Poems The notion that ordinary, everyday experiences encompass universal emotions of both sadness and delight is central to Gwen Harwood's anthology of Selected Poems. This Australian poet often uses her personal journey towards self–knowledge and experience of growing up to comment on universal aspects of raw, uncensored life experiences. She aims to convey the idea that motherhood is a difficult experience for many women who resent the way they are forced to abandon their individuality and careers. Harwood also illustrates the sadness in the loss of innocence and regrets in childhood. However, she also reminds the audience of the importance of celebrating the richness and vitality of human life such as the importance and power of women and parenthood. Ultimately the collection also suggests that aspects of both sadness and delight are evident in every human experience. Harwood's works challenge the patriarchal, societal view of motherhood as a role of delight, joy and fulfillment, revealing the hollow façade of meaningless that often comes with domestic suburban roles. She explores the role of women in her contemporary Australian society, criticising and challenging the expectations that women must be restricted to the domestic sphere in this patriarchal society. Harwood's graphic description and evocative imagery conveys the hopelessness of many women. Home of Mercy explores how females are dehumanized as the pregnant, unmarried girls have 'sinned' in the eyes of society and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Comparing Ornament And Crime And Loss "The evolution of culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament from objects of daily use." I agree with Adolf Loos, what is natural to someone of a particular culture is a degeneration to the modern man and women. In his essay Ornament and Crime, Loss emphasizes that ornament and decorations are unnecessary in modern society. He also states that is harmful for our economy, a waste of human labor, money and ruined material. I agree with him that ruined material can be used for something much more important than decorations someone's face or body. "Weep not. Behold! What makes our period so important is that it is incapable of producing new ornament. We have out–grown ornament, we have struggled through to a state without ornament. Behold, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Analysis Of Under The Persimmon Tree (AGG) The loss of somebody or someone can lead to PTSD, which can later lead to other effects, and it is said that up to 20% of all adults in America who have experienced some type of loss develops PTSD ("PTSD Statistics"). (BS–1) Towards the beginning of the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, there is a character named Najmah who loses the ability to speak and loses control of her life, as a result of Mada–jan and Habib's loss. (BS–2) As an effect of Baba–jan and Nur missing from her life, Najmah changes her mindset and the decisions she makes from then on. (BS–3) Najmah's relationships with others and voice is altered, this happens once she meets Nusrat and she adjusts due to her losses. (TS) Throughout the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, we see a character named Najmah who is ultimately shaped through the people who are missing in her life. (MIP–1) Firstly, Najmah is altered due to the fact that Mada–jan and Habib are missing from her life. (SIP–A) Due to Mada–jan and Habib's loss, Najmah loses the ability to speak. (STEWE–1) Before Najmah witnessed her mother and brother's bombing she can be seen speaking willingly. "I thought it was the Pashtun Talib," I say. "I don't want them to steal the animals"(58). Najmah's reaction shows her awareness and will to speak freely compared to later in the novel, when she doesn't speak freely and overall loses the ability to speak. (STEWE–2) Later, Najmah loses the ability to speak and this can be seen when she witnesses their death, "My ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Disarming Anger Research Paper As a professional, it can be very challenging when dealing with an individual who enters your office with a ball of rage brewing inside of them. From the text, I have realized that the expression of anger is "only a clue" that there are some underlying issues that we need to explore and resolve. I ask myself, "How will I be able to address and disarm their anger successfully? First, we need to explore the cause and effect of the anger and whether or not the anger is the result of something that the agency has done. While doing so, we need to remember to not take it personally. A friend, who is a licensed social worker once told me, "that their crisis is not your crisis. I never thought too much about it then, but after taking this class I realize what she meant. DO NOT OWN A PROBLEM THAT IS NOT YOURS – only help the individual in coping and resolving their issue/s. If you find that their anger is due to something that the agency has done – then address it and explain ... Show more content on ... Keeping in mind that, when we are angry, "we cannot see straight and/or even think straight" is when I need to step back and allow the client to calm down, gather their thoughts, and express the true underlying issue. We have all been in a situation where we have had anger to the point that our own thinking process is compromised and taking a moment to actually think about what is causing your frustration, might be the best way to defuse the anger. I know for myself, I have learnt to process the situation before addressing it and often after thinking about it – I realize it wasn't such a BIG deal after ... Get more on ...