SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Company: Enter Company name here
Campaign: Enter Campaign name here
Product or Service: Enter Product or Service name here
Marketing Director: Enter Student Name here
Chief Marketing Officer: Enter Professor Name here
Submitted on: Enter Date here
Product / Service and Features
Instructions: Include a description of your product or service.
What is its core function or purpose? Write a full paragraph.
Replace this box with Logo or Photo representing your Product
or Service.
Enter Description:
Instructions: Name and describe at least three key features of
your product or service. Feature NameDescription of Feature
Marketing Goals
Instructions: Provide three to five marketing goals for the
campaign. Use the five SMART elements to create a detailed
description of each goal.
Goal: Build brand awareness Description: Ensure 80% of target
segments become aware of the offering within 6 months of
Goal: Growth in market share Description: Capture at least 3%
of the product’s category share from competitors within Year
Goal: Add new accounts or relationships Description: Increase
requests for quotes (in value terms) by 10% in Year One and by
25% in Year Two. Marketing GoalSMART Description
(Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound)
Marketing Goal 1Marketing Goal 2Marketing Goal 3Marketing
Goal 4Marketing Goal 5
Build brand awarenessIncrease in number of items sold Growth
in market shareCapture a new target marketIncrease overall
company revenuesIncrease donations to organization Add new
accounts or relationshipsImprove ROI on advertising
expenditureEnhance the company’s image
Target Audience and Competition
Instructions: Search the Web for the campaigns of two
competitors with a similar product or service. Using all the rows
in the table below, summarize how your campaign compares to
the campaigns of these two competitors.
What are the key characteristics of your target audience?
How will you differentiate your brand from the
What are the top features of the product, from the customer
Describe the best target audience for this product.Response:
What is your best estimate of the cost of the product or service?
Customer Needs and Desires
What customer “need” does the product or service address?
Why would a customer buy it? What value does it deliver?
What customer “desire” does the product or service fulfill?
How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image? How does it
connect the customer with others?
Customer Values and Beliefs
What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience?
How will this campaign connect your brand to those customer
values and beliefs?
Marketing Messages and Story
What are the key features you need to highlight in your
marketing messages for this campaign?
What is the “story” you will use to appeal to customers in this
What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing
story in this campaign?
Social Media Strategy
Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this
How will you use social media to engage your audience for this
How will you use social media to spread your marketing
message widely in this campaign?
8Social Media ChannelUniverse SizeIdeal Demographic(s)Cons
of Channel
Marketing Metrics and Budget Allocation ($1MM)
A Minimum of 75% of the Budget must be for Digital
Marketing Channels versus Traditional. You must have a
minimum of 4 Marketing Categories.
SAMPLE CHART: Replace the contents of the chart below
with your own budget items.
For Metrics, consider these questions: How will you measure
your campaign’s performance? What are the key data items you
need? How frequently will you collect these data items? What
metrics will you calculate, based on the campaign data?
9Marketing CategoryBudget%TypeWhy This Category?Metric
Calculation Frequency of Data
CollectionFacebook$300,00030%DigitalWith target age of
50…..What Metric(s) can be calculated with this
data?WeeklyTwitter$100,00010%DigitalTwitter and
Facebook…..What Metric(s) can be calculated with this
data?DailyLinkedIn$250,00025%DigitalBecause the buyers
…What Metric(s) can be calculated with this
data?MonthlyRadio$100,00010%TraditionalWe will focus our
radio efforts ….What Metric(s) can be calculated with this
data?Bi-MonthlyOutdoor Billboards$150,00015%TraditionalFor
billboards…..What Metric(s) can be calculated with this
Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful
Specify the reasons why the executive team should endorse your
Enter description:
Specify reasons:
Conclude your presentation:
Thank your audience and invite questions
ReferencesReferences list (Sources) should reflect 7 weeks of
learning and content, including textbook readings, articles,
lectures, and external content you found in your research.
You may add an extra References slide if needed
Note that your References slides do not count towards the total
of 15 slides
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Assignment 1 : Key Terms and Concepts
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contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written
permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to
change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 1: Key Terms and Concepts (1198)
Page 1 of 2
The table below lists major terms and concepts used in
Assignment 1, the Campaign Brief. The key terms and concepts
defined and put into context in relation to their use in this
• Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving
from Traditional to Digital. New Jersey: Wiley.
• Clemente, Mark N. (2002). The Marketing Glossary. New
Term Definition
Campaign A series of promotional messages featuring a
common theme and scheduled to run during a designated period
of time. May include advertising, public relations activities,
sales promotions, and direct marketing.
Campaign Brief A document that describes the theme for the
campaign, states its goals, and describes how these goals will be
accomplished. Some examples of campaign goals are: an
increase in awareness, an increase in sales, and/or
an increase in acquiring new customers.
Chief Marketing Officer
A Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) – also known as a Global
Marketing Officer or Marketing Director - is a
corporate executive responsible for marketing activities in an
Database Marketing Database marketing is a form of direct
marketing that uses customer data, stored in databases, to
personalized marketing messages to both prospective and
existing customers. The database system enables
users to enter, retrieve, sort, edit, and index the stored
Features Characteristics or attributes that supplement a
product’s basic function. These are used by the marketer to
advertise extra advantages of the product. For example, if a
laptop is thin and lightweight, these are features
that may add to its basic functionality in attracting purchasers.
Market Research Information that relates to a specific
marketing opportunity or problem, and the process of
collecting, analyzing,
and reporting this information.
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Assignment 1 : Key Terms and Concepts
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written
permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to
change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 1: Key Terms and Concepts (1198)
Page 2 of 2
Term Definition
Demographics The study of a market’s composition based on
socioeconomic variables, such as age, sex. Occupation,
religion, level of education, race, nationality, income, or family
size. Demographic information is useful in
analyzing consumer behavior because buyer wants, preferences,
and product usage patterns often are similar
among members of a given demographic category.
Target Audience or Target
The segment of a population to which advertising and other
marketing communications are directed. Target
audiences are usually defined in terms of geographic,
demographic, or psychographic attributes. Marketers
study target audiences and their characteristics in order to
devise impactful promotional strategies.
Values and Beliefs These are deeply rooted ethical traits,
underlying a person’s worldview, which have a significant
effect on their
purchasing decisions.
Point of Differentiation A point of differentiation, also known
as a differentiator, is a key characteristic of a product or service
distinguishes it from similar items offered by other companies.
Social Media Electronic media platforms that allow customers
to share text, images, audio, and video information with each
other and with companies or non-profit organizations. Some
examples are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
Value Proposition A brief statement from a marketer offering a
set of benefits that will satisfy one or more needs of the
Media Channel The avenues through which messages are sent.
In marketing, these refer to the means by which promotional
communications are disseminated to the target market. The
target market may include customers, other
businesses, partners, or non-profit donors. Some examples of
media channels are print media, radio,
television, blogs, video blogs, direct-to-customer mail, email,
and social media platforms, such as Facebook,
YouTube, LinkedIn etc.
JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment
Campaign Brief
[Enter Due Date]
Chief Marketing Officer
[Enter Your Name]
Campaign Proposal for [Enter Name of Your Product or
Consumer Need
Core Results
(Reference needed)
Demographics and Characteristics
(Reference needed)
Underlying Values
· Value #1: Enter short description
· Value #2: Enter short description
· Value #3: Enter short description
Value Connection with Buyers
· Point of Difference: Enter short description
· Point of Difference: Enter short description
· Point of Difference: Enter short description
Value Proposition
(2 sentences max.)
Target Social Media Channels
· Channel #1. Core audience description (reference).
· Channel #2. Core audience description (reference).
· Channel #3. Core audience description (reference).
How will you use these channels for a successful campaign? (2-
3 sentences max.)
G. REFERENCES (Enter References to Support Your Brief
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is
subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWMI 518 – Assignment 1 Template (1196)
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Assignment 2 : Key Terms and Concepts
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written
permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to
change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2: Key Terms and Concepts (1198)
Page 1 of 3
The table below lists major terms and concepts used in
Assignment 2, the Marketing Campaign Slide Deck. The key
terms and concepts are
defined and put into context in relation to their use in this
• Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving
from Traditional to Digital. New Jersey: Wiley.
• Clemente, Mark N. (2002). The Marketing Glossary. New
Terms Definitions
Key Features Characteristics that go beyond a product’s basic
function, helping to define its brand and make it more attractive
Marketing Goals Goal formulation is the process of
establishing precise points of measurement to pursue corporate
Goals relate to specific levels of magnitude or time. For
example, the campaign’s objective may be to increase
sales. Its goal, however, would be to increase sales by 10% over
the next six months.
SMART Goals For your campaign to benefit your company, you
need clearly defined and attainable goals. The acronym SMART
reminds you to make your goals Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Target Audience The segment of a population to which
advertising and other marketing communications are directed.
audiences are usually defined in terms of geographic,
demographic, or psychographic attributes. Marketers study
target audiences and their characteristics in order to devise
impactful promotional strategies.
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Assignment 2 : Key Terms and Concepts
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written
permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to
change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2: Key Terms and Concepts (1198)
Page 2 of 3
Terms Definitions
Competitors Competitors are other providers who offer a
product or service that performs the same or a similar function
yours in a shared marketplace. Competition is the rivalry among
product or service providers, all of whom are
attempting to increase their sales, profits, or market share.
Differentiation Key characteristics of your product or service
that distinguishes it from similar items offered by your
By highlighting these differences, you can attract consumers
who are likely to become repeat purchasers and
brand advocates.
Customer Need A product or service offers to provide an item
or perform an action that will fulfill some requirement or need
in the
life of a customer.
Customer Desire A product or service offers to fulfill a
customer’s wish, such as their desire to look and feel better, or
to achieve
some other personal goal, as a result of using the brand.
Customer Values
and Beliefs
Customers are motivated to buy products and services that align
with their worldview. This worldview is grounded
in a person’s core ethical values and beliefs, deeply rooted
traits that marketers should not expect to change.
Brand The combination of symbols, words, or designs that
differentiate one company’s product from another company’s
product. Customers often develop a relationship with a
particular brand that forms the basis for the loyalty and
advocacy that digital marketers seek.
Marketing Story A successful and compelling marketing story
uses the key features and history of your brand to appeal to
customers and pique their interest.
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Assignment 2 : Key Terms and Concepts
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or
disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written
permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to
change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2: Key Terms and Concepts (1198)
Page 3 of 3
Terms Definitions
Marketing information sent from the marketer to current and
prospective consumers, highlighting the key benefits
of the product or service, such as quality, economy, value, and
performance. Marketing messages must be readily
understandable and attractive to the target audience.
Social Media Electronic media platforms where people can
create individual accounts, as well as groups based on shared
interests – e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,
YouTube, etc. Individuals and members of social media
groups can post and share comments, images, videos, and other
electronic information.
Channels Venues and methods for connecting with customers,
including print media, radio, TV, blogs, mailings, email, and
social media.
Demographic A particular sector or segment of a population,
defined by characteristics such as age, sex, race, geographic
location, education level, income level, occupation, etc.
Traditional Channels Radio, TV, billboards, printed newspapers
and magazines.
Digital Channels Company websites, social media platforms,
online communities, influencers, and product review sites.
Marketing Metrics Ways to measure the success of a marketing
campaign or strategy. Traditional measures focus on sales and
profits, but Kotler et al. propose some new measures of success,
as follows: growth rates for new customers,
repeat purchasers, and brand advocates.
Budget Allocation Division of the budgeted amount for a
project or campaign into various categories of spending.
Allocations may be
expressed as dollar amounts or as percentages. See the template
for some budget allocation examples.
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 1 of 8
Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck
Part A: Drafts for Slides 1 to 7, due Week 5, Sunday (Weight:
Part B: Complete Marketing Campaign Slide Deck, due Week 7,
Sunday (Weight: 25%)
In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of
Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief
Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief
and shared it with the executive team. They
have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed
Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be
developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and
presented via Zoom in Assignment 3.
For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to
15 slides. To support you in this assignment,
use the JWI518_ Assignment_2_Template available in your
Blackboard course. This template is provided as
a guide for developing your slides, to ensure that all required
content is included.
Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members
of the company’s executive team. As high-
level decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know
that you must present your ideas concisely,
to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy-
in and approval for the campaign.
Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your
JWI 518 - Marketing in a Global
Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture
Notes, articles, videos, and external resources.
You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief
in Assignment 1.
Submission of Part A and Part B
In Week 5, for Part A, you will submit draft versions of Slides 1
to 7. Your professor will grade the slides and
provide feedback to help you revise and refine your slides. Your
draft slides should be as complete as
possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your
slides and indicate what will be added and where
you plan to locate the data. Assignment 2, Part A is due by
Sunday, midnight of Week 5.
In Week 7, you will submit your complete slide deck as
Assignment 2, Part B. Be sure to implement the
suggested revisions from your professor, to improve your draft
slides. Also apply the lessons learned from
Part A to the remaining slides that you create. The professor’s
feedback will help you to create a polished
and professional presentation. Assignment 2, Part B is due by
Sunday, midnight of Week 7.
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
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contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 2 of 8
Construct your slides for Assignment 2 using the Slide Deck
Outline below. The slide numbers in
parentheses refer to the numbered slides in the
Assignment_2_Template. You may add some additional
slides for topics that need them, but your total slide deck must
be no more than 15 slides.
Slide Deck Outline
• Company name, campaign name, product or service name
• Student name, professor name, submission date
• Introduce the product or service for the campaign:
o Description of the product or service
o What is its core purpose or function?
• What are its key features?
o Use this or a similar format - Feature: brief summary of the
• Which marketing goals will this campaign support?
o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goals
o Write a brief SMART description for each goal
t &
Recorded, and Time-Bound
o You may select from the sample goals below or add your own
alternative goals:
s mix of products/services
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 3 of 8
• What are the key characteristics of your campaign’s target
• How will you differentiate your brand from the competition?
o Use the chart provided in the template to compare your
product or service to similar offerings
from two competitors in the marketplace
• Customer Need:
o What customer “need” does your product or service address?
o Why would a customer buy the product or service?
o What is the value that the product or service delivers?
• Customer Desire:
o What customer “desire” does the product or service fulfill?
o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image?
o How does it connect the customer with others?
• What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience?
• How can you connect your brand to those values and beliefs?
• What are the key features you need to highlight in your
marketing messages for this campaign?
• What is the “story” that you will use to appeal to customers in
this campaign?
• What words and images will you use to “frame” your
marketing story for this campaign?
• Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this
o Choose at least 3 channels
• How will you use social media to engage your audience for
this campaign?
• How will you use social media to spread your marketing
message widely in this campaign?
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 4 of 8
• What metrics will you use to measure your campaign’s
• How often will you need to collect data to calculate those
• Why did you select those particular metrics for each marketing
• Allocate appropriate funding to both traditional media and
digital media
o Use the chart provided in the template to allocate your budget
and select your metrics
• Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful
• Specify the reasons why the executive team should endorse
your proposal
• Thank your audience and invite questions
• List of References (Sources)
Slide Deck Formatting Requirements
• Submit your assignment in the form of a 10 to 15 slide
PowerPoint deck
o Note: Your References slide(s) do not count towards the total
of 15 slides
• Use the Assignment_2_Template provided and include all the
required content items
• Limit the amount of text by expressing your ideas briefly and
• Format your slides professionally and consistently
• Review your slides to remove any spelling and grammatical
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 5 of 8
Rubric – Assignment 2, Part A
Low Pass
High Pass
1. (Slides 1 and 2)
Includes a
completed Cover
slide. Describes
the product or
service and its
Weight: 15%
Cover slide is
missing or
description of
product and
features is
missing or poor.
Cover slide is partially
complete; description
of product and
features is partially
Cover slide is
description of
product and
features is
Cover slide is
description of
product and
features is very
Cover slide is
description of
product and
features is
2. (Slides 3 and 4)
marketing goals.
Describes target
audience and
differentiates the
brand from
Weight: 25%
Marketing goals
are missing or
Description of
the target
audience and
from competitors
is missing or
Marketing goals are
partially complete.
Description of the
target audience and
differentiation from
competitors is
partially complete
marketing goals
are selected.
Description of
the target
audience is
satisfactory and
from competitors
is well
goals are
Description of
the target
audience is
good and
competitors is
very well
marketing goals
are selected.
Description of the
target audience is
excellent and
from competitors
is excellently
3. (Slides 5 and 6)
customer needs
and desires.
Identifies customer
core values and
beliefs and
explains their
connection to the
Weight: 25%
Description of
customer needs
and desires is
missing or
Description of
customer values
and beliefs and
an explanation of
the connection to
the brand are
missing or
Description of
customer needs and
desires is partially
Description of
customer values and
beliefs and an
explanation of the
connection to the
brand are partially
Customer needs
and desires are
well described.
Customer values
and beliefs are
well described
and the
connection to
the brand is
needs and
desires are
very well
values and
beliefs are well
described and
the connection
to the brand is
very well
Customer needs
and desires are
Customer values
and beliefs are
described and the
connection to the
brand is fully and
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 6 of 8
4. (Slide 7) Uses
key features to
create a marketing
story; provides
words and images
to frame the story.
Weight: 20%
Marketing story
is missing or
words or images
to frame the
story are missing
or incomplete.
Marketing story is
partially complete; a
few words or images
to frame the story are
Marketing story
is complete and
multiple words
or images to
frame the story
are provided.
Marketing story
is very well
crafted; good
selection of
words or
images to
frame the story.
Marketing story is
crafted; very good
selection of words
or images to
frame the story.
5. The draft slides
follow the
template. The text
is free from
grammar and
spelling errors and
the formatting is
Weight: 15%
The draft slides
do not follow the
template and/or
there are
grammar or
spelling errors
and the
formatting is
The draft slides
mostly follow the
template and there
are some grammar or
spelling errors and
the formatting is
The draft slides
follow the
template and
there are a few
grammar or
spelling errors
and the
formatting is
The draft slides
use the
template well
and there are
no grammar or
spelling errors
and the
formatting is
The draft slides
use the template
very well and
there are no
grammar or
spelling errors
and the
formatting is
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 7 of 8
Rubric – Assignment 2, Part B
Low Pass
High Pass
1. Slide deck
feedback given by
professor when
grading Part A.
Weight: 10%
Student has
ignored all
feedback from the
Student has
feedback, but in a
way that does not
improve the slides.
Student has
feedback, in a
way that
improves some of
the slides.
Student has
feedback, in a
way that
improves most of
the slides.
Student has
feedback to
improve all the
2. (Slide 8) Selects
three social media
channels; explains
how social media
will be used to
engage the
audience and
spread the
message widely.
Weight: 25%
Does not select
three social media
explanation of how
social media will
be used to engage
the audience and
spread the
message widely is
missing or poor.
Selects fewer than
three social media
channels; provides
a minimal
explanation of how
social media will be
used to engage the
audience and
spread the
message widely.
Selects three
social media
provides a
explanation of
how social media
will be used to
engage the
audience and
spread the
message widely.
Selects three
social media
provides a very
good explanation
of how social
media will be
used to engage
the audience and
spread the
message widely.
Selects three social
media channels;
provides an
explanation of how
social media will be
used to engage the
audience and
spread the
message widely.
3. (Slide 9)
funding to both
traditional and
digital media.
Provides suitable
metrics. Specifies
frequency of data
collection and
rationale for metric
Weight: 25%
Does not allocate
funding to both
traditional and
digital media.
Does not provide
suitable metrics,
frequency of data
collection and
Partially allocates
appropriate funding
to both traditional
and digital media.
Provides some
suitable metrics,
with frequency of
data collection and
funding to both
traditional and
digital media.
choice of metrics,
with frequency of
data collection
and rationale.
funding very well
to both traditional
and digital
Provides very
good choice of
metrics, with
frequency of
data collection
and rationale.
appropriate funding
excellently to both
traditional and
digital media.
Provides excellent
choice of metrics,
with frequency of
data collection and
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 8 of 8
Low Pass
High Pass
4. (Slide 10)
Describes the
short term and
long term benefits
of a successful
campaign and
specifies reasons
why the executive
team should
endorse the
References are
provided in a
manner that
enables the reader
to identify the
Weight: 25%
Does not describe
the short term and
long term benefits
of a successful
campaign and/or
does not specify
reasons why the
executive team
should endorse the
References are not
included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
Partially describes
the short term and
long term benefits
of a successful
campaign and/or
minimally specifies
reasons why the
executive team
should endorse the
References may not
be included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
describes the
short term and
long term benefits
of a successful
campaign, and
clearly specifies
reasons why the
executive team
should endorse
the proposal.
References are
mostly accurate
but some may not
be included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
Provides a good,
description of the
short term and
long term
benefits of a
Specifies very
well the reasons
why the
executive team
should endorse
the proposal.
All references
are included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
describes the short
term and long term
benefits of a
Specifies in an
exemplary manner
the reasons why
the executive team
should endorse the
All references are
included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
5. The slide deck
follows the
template. It is well
and consistently
formatted and free
from grammar and
spelling errors.
Weight: 15%
The slide deck
does not follow the
template and/or
there are
grammar or
spelling errors.
The slide deck
mostly follows the
template and there
are some
formatting, grammar
or spelling errors.
The slide deck
follows the
template and
there are a few
grammar or
spelling errors.
The slide deck
uses the
template well
and there are no
grammar or
spelling errors.
The slide deck
uses the template
very well and there
are no formatting,
grammar or
spelling errors.
Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide DeckPart A: Drafts
for Slides 1 to 7, due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 10%)Part B:
Complete Marketing Campaign Slide Deck, due Week 7, Sunday
(Weight: 25%)Campaign Proposal (Slide 1 –
Student name, professor name, submission dateProduct / Service
e product or service for the
campaign:o Description of the product or serviceo What is its
or a similar format - Feature: brief summary of the
goals will this campaign support?o Provide a minimum of 3 and
a maximum of 5 goalso Write a brief SMART description for
Relevant & Recorded, and Time-Boundo You may select from
the sample goal
s to
Change or improve the company’s imageTarget Audience and
your brand from the competition?o Use the chart provided in the
template to compare your product or service to similar offerings
from two competitors in the marketplaceCustomer Needs and
does your product or service address?o Why would a customer
buy the product or service?o What is the value that the product
“desire” does the product or service fulfill?o How does it
reinforce the customer’s self-image?o How does it connect the
How can you connect your brand to those values and
key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages
will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this
campaign?Social Media Str
advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign?o
social media to spread your marketing message widely in this
metrics will you use to measure your campaign’s
metrics for each
funding to both traditional media and digital mediao Use the
chart provided in the template to allocate your budget and select
your metricsConclusion (Slide 10 –
the short term and long te
Specify the reasons why the executive team should endorse your
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 1 of 4
Assignment 1: Campaign Brief
Due Week 3, Sunday midnight of your time zone (Weight: 10%)
“In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being
Seth Godin
In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of
Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief
Marketing Officer (CMO) has asked you to prepare a Campaign
Brief to use at the executive team meeting.
A brief is similar to a memo but, whereas a memo is mainly
informative, a brief recommends a course of
action and therefore it has a persuasive tone. Your brief in this
case will focus on the product or service that
you have chosen to promote in your Marketing Campaign Plan
in Assignment 2.
The purpose of the Campaign Brief is to summarize your
research thus far and to present your strategy for
marketing your product or service. Since the CMO and
executive team are busy, high-level stakeholders, a
brief is an appropriate vehicle to keep them informed without
taking up too much of their time. To meet this
goal, your Campaign Brief will be short and concise – only two
to three pages long.
Leverage what you have learned in the first three weeks of your
marketing course, including the textbook
readings, Week 2 Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external
resources. This assignment provides you
with a practical application of the ideas you have been studying
and useful preparation for Assignment 2.
Use the JWI518_Assignment_1_Template provided in your
course shell. The headings below mirror the
sections in the template and provide you with some detailed
prompts for each section. Respond to all the
prompts and questions below to ensure that you include all
required content in the assignment.
• Briefly describe the product or service you have selected for
your marketing campaign.
• What are key features of your product or service? Remember
to be brief, but provide context.
For example, use the format “Feature: Brief summary of the
• What consumer “need” does your product or service address?
• What are the core results your buyers are seeking?
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 2 of 4
• What are the key demographics and characteristics of your
ideal target audience for this
• Is your target audience one segment, or should it be divided
into two or more sub-segments?
What are those segments?
• What are the top two or three underlying values and beliefs
that you will target for this
• How can you connect your product or service to the values and
beliefs you have prioritized?
• What are the top three differentiators that distinguish your
product or service from similar
offerings sold by your competitors?
• Write a two-sentence value proposition for this campaign in a
manner that is engaging but
• What are the top three channels you will use to advertise to
reach the target audience you have
identified, and what are their core demographic audiences?
• How will you use the social media channels you selected to
engage your target audience and
spread your marketing message?
Campaign Brief Formatting Requirements
• Typed, using a professional font (size 10-12)
• Use the Assignment_1_Template provided in the course shell
• Do NOT include a Cover page, as this is a professional brief
and not a paper. Instead, use the
spaces that are provided for your name, the date, etc. in the
• References must be included and provide information that
enables the reader to locate the original
source. Application and analysis of course materials and
resources are expected, and additional
research is welcome.
• Your Campaign Brief should be two to three pages in length,
including your References list
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 3 of 4
Rubric – Assignment 1
Low Pass
High Pass
1. Describes
the product or
service and the
buyer problem
it addresses.
Weight: 20%
Does not or
describes the
product or
service and buyer
describes the
product or
service and buyer
describes the
product or
service and buyer
describes the
product or
service and buyer
describes the
product or
service and buyer
2. Describes
the target
audience and
their top 2 or 3
values or
Weight: 20%
Does not or
describes the
target audience
and their top 2 or
3 values or
describes the
target audience
and their top 2 or
3 values or
describes the
target audience
and their top 2 or
3 values or
describes the
target audience
and their top 2 or
3 values or
describes the
target audience
and their top 2 or
3 values or
3. Describes
the top 3
and creates an
effective value
proposition for
the campaign.
Weight: 25%
Does not or
describes the top
3 differentiators.
Does not create
or creates an
ineffective value
proposition for
the campaign.
describes the top
3 differentiators.
Creates a
effective value
proposition for
the campaign.
describes the top
3 differentiators
and creates an
effective value
proposition for
the campaign.
describes the top
3 differentiators
and creates a
strong and
effective value
proposition for
the campaign.
describes the top
3 differentiators
and creates an
excellent and
effective value
proposition for
the campaign.
4. Identifies 3
social media
channels for
the campaign
and explains
how they will
be used.
Weight: 25%
Does not or
identifies 3 social
media channels.
Does not or
describes how
they will be used
in the campaign.
Identifies 3 social
media channels;
writes a poor or
description of
how they will be
Identifies 3 social
media channels;
writes a
description of
how they will be
used in the
Identifies 3 social
media channels;
writes a complete
and effective
description of
how they will be
used in the
Identifies 3 social
media channels;
writes an
description of
how they will be
used in the
JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment
Academic Submissions and Evaluations
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or
in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer
University. This course
guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 4 of 4
Low Pass
High Pass
5. The
Brief follows
the template
and is free
from grammar
and spelling
References are
provided in a
manner that
enables the
reader to
identify the
Weight: 10%
The Campaign
Brief does not
follow the
template and/or
there are
grammar or
spelling errors.
References are
not included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
The Campaign
Brief follows the
template, but
there are some
grammar or
spelling errors.
References may
not be included in
a manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
The Campaign
Brief follows the
template, but
there are a few
grammar or
spelling errors.
References are
mostly accurate
but some may
not be included in
a manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
The Campaign
Brief makes good
use of the
template and
there are no
grammar or
spelling errors.
All References
are included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
The Campaign
Brief makes
excellent use of
the template and
there are no
grammar or
spelling errors.
All References
are included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
Assignment 1: Campaign Brief“In a busy marketplace, not
standing out is the same as being invisible.”A. Product or
ServiceB. Buyer ProblemC. Target AudienceD. Values and
BeliefsE. Marketing MessageF. Social Media StrategyG.
ReferencesCampaign Brief Formatting Requirements

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Company Enter Company name hereCampaign Enter Ca.docx

  • 1. Company: Enter Company name here Campaign: Enter Campaign name here Product or Service: Enter Product or Service name here Marketing Director: Enter Student Name here Chief Marketing Officer: Enter Professor Name here Submitted on: Enter Date here CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL 1 Product / Service and Features PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION Instructions: Include a description of your product or service. What is its core function or purpose? Write a full paragraph. Replace this box with Logo or Photo representing your Product or Service. KEY FEATURES Enter Description: 2 Instructions: Name and describe at least three key features of your product or service. Feature NameDescription of Feature
  • 2. Marketing Goals CAMPAIGN MARKETING GOALS AND DESCRIPTIONS Instructions: Provide three to five marketing goals for the campaign. Use the five SMART elements to create a detailed description of each goal. 3 SAMPLE SMART DESCRIPTIONS Goal: Build brand awareness Description: Ensure 80% of target segments become aware of the offering within 6 months of launch. Goal: Growth in market share Description: Capture at least 3% of the product’s category share from competitors within Year One. Goal: Add new accounts or relationships Description: Increase requests for quotes (in value terms) by 10% in Year One and by 25% in Year Two. Marketing GoalSMART Description (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) Marketing Goal 1Marketing Goal 2Marketing Goal 3Marketing Goal 4Marketing Goal 5
  • 3. SAMPLE GOALS Build brand awarenessIncrease in number of items sold Growth in market shareCapture a new target marketIncrease overall company revenuesIncrease donations to organization Add new accounts or relationshipsImprove ROI on advertising expenditureEnhance the company’s image Target Audience and Competition TARGET AUDIENCE DESCRIPTION Response: DIFFERENTIATION of your BRAND Response: COMPETITIVE CAMPAIGN ANALYSIS Instructions: Search the Web for the campaigns of two competitors with a similar product or service. Using all the rows in the table below, summarize how your campaign compares to the campaigns of these two competitors. 4 What are the key characteristics of your target audience? How will you differentiate your brand from the competition?COMPARISONCOMPANY & PRODUCT/SERVICECOMPETITOR 1COMPETITOR 2NAME of COMPANY and NAME OF PRODUCT/SERVICE: Response: Response: Response: KEY FEATURES and BENEFITS: What are the top features of the product, from the customer perspective?Response:
  • 4. Response: Response: TARGET AUDIENCE: Describe the best target audience for this product.Response: Response: Response: COST: What is your best estimate of the cost of the product or service? Response: Response: Response: Customer Needs and Desires CUSTOMER NEED What customer “need” does the product or service address? Why would a customer buy it? What value does it deliver? CUSTOMER DESIRE What customer “desire” does the product or service fulfill? How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image? How does it connect the customer with others? Response: Response:
  • 5. 5 Customer Values and Beliefs CUSTOMER VALUES AND BELIEFS What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience? BRAND CONNECTION TO VALUES AND BELIEFS How will this campaign connect your brand to those customer values and beliefs? Response: Response: 6 Marketing Messages and Story MESSAGES What are the key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages for this campaign? MARKETING STORY What is the “story” you will use to appeal to customers in this campaign? Response: Response: Response: WORDS AND IMAGES What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing story in this campaign? 7 Social Media Strategy TOP THREE ADVERTISING CHANNELS, DEMOGRAPHICS and USE of SOCIAL MEDIA
  • 6. Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign? ENGAGEMENT How will you use social media to engage your audience for this campaign? Response: Response: EXPAND MESSAGE How will you use social media to spread your marketing message widely in this campaign? 8Social Media ChannelUniverse SizeIdeal Demographic(s)Cons of Channel Marketing Metrics and Budget Allocation ($1MM) HOW WILL YOU ALLOCATE THE $1MM BUDGET FOR THIS CAMPAIGN? (NOTE: YOU MUST SPEND THE FULL $1MM) A Minimum of 75% of the Budget must be for Digital Marketing Channels versus Traditional. You must have a minimum of 4 Marketing Categories. SAMPLE CHART: Replace the contents of the chart below with your own budget items. For Metrics, consider these questions: How will you measure your campaign’s performance? What are the key data items you
  • 7. need? How frequently will you collect these data items? What metrics will you calculate, based on the campaign data? 9Marketing CategoryBudget%TypeWhy This Category?Metric Calculation Frequency of Data CollectionFacebook$300,00030%DigitalWith target age of 50…..What Metric(s) can be calculated with this data?WeeklyTwitter$100,00010%DigitalTwitter and Facebook…..What Metric(s) can be calculated with this data?DailyLinkedIn$250,00025%DigitalBecause the buyers …What Metric(s) can be calculated with this data?MonthlyRadio$100,00010%TraditionalWe will focus our radio efforts ….What Metric(s) can be calculated with this data?Bi-MonthlyOutdoor Billboards$150,00015%TraditionalFor billboards…..What Metric(s) can be calculated with this data?QuarterlyTOTAL$1,000,000100% Conclusion BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED CAMPAIGN
  • 8. Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign REASONS TO ENDORSE THE PROPOSAL Specify the reasons why the executive team should endorse your proposal Enter description: Specify reasons: Conclude your presentation: THANK YOU! Thank your audience and invite questions 10 ReferencesReferences list (Sources) should reflect 7 weeks of learning and content, including textbook readings, articles, lectures, and external content you found in your research. You may add an extra References slide if needed Note that your References slides do not count towards the total of 15 slides JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Assignment 1 : Key Terms and Concepts © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
  • 9. JWI 518 – Assignment 1: Key Terms and Concepts (1198) Page 1 of 2 The table below lists major terms and concepts used in Assignment 1, the Campaign Brief. The key terms and concepts are defined and put into context in relation to their use in this assignment. Sources: • Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital. New Jersey: Wiley. • Clemente, Mark N. (2002). The Marketing Glossary. New York: AMACOM Term Definition Campaign A series of promotional messages featuring a common theme and scheduled to run during a designated period of time. May include advertising, public relations activities, sales promotions, and direct marketing. Campaign Brief A document that describes the theme for the campaign, states its goals, and describes how these goals will be accomplished. Some examples of campaign goals are: an increase in awareness, an increase in sales, and/or an increase in acquiring new customers. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) A Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) – also known as a Global Marketing Officer or Marketing Director - is a
  • 10. corporate executive responsible for marketing activities in an organization. Database Marketing Database marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses customer data, stored in databases, to generate personalized marketing messages to both prospective and existing customers. The database system enables users to enter, retrieve, sort, edit, and index the stored information. Features Characteristics or attributes that supplement a product’s basic function. These are used by the marketer to advertise extra advantages of the product. For example, if a laptop is thin and lightweight, these are features that may add to its basic functionality in attracting purchasers. Market Research Information that relates to a specific marketing opportunity or problem, and the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting this information. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Assignment 1 : Key Terms and Concepts © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
  • 11. JWI 518 – Assignment 1: Key Terms and Concepts (1198) Page 2 of 2 Term Definition Demographics The study of a market’s composition based on socioeconomic variables, such as age, sex. Occupation, religion, level of education, race, nationality, income, or family size. Demographic information is useful in analyzing consumer behavior because buyer wants, preferences, and product usage patterns often are similar among members of a given demographic category. Target Audience or Target Market The segment of a population to which advertising and other marketing communications are directed. Target audiences are usually defined in terms of geographic, demographic, or psychographic attributes. Marketers study target audiences and their characteristics in order to devise impactful promotional strategies. Values and Beliefs These are deeply rooted ethical traits, underlying a person’s worldview, which have a significant effect on their purchasing decisions. Point of Differentiation A point of differentiation, also known as a differentiator, is a key characteristic of a product or service that distinguishes it from similar items offered by other companies.
  • 12. Social Media Electronic media platforms that allow customers to share text, images, audio, and video information with each other and with companies or non-profit organizations. Some examples are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Value Proposition A brief statement from a marketer offering a set of benefits that will satisfy one or more needs of the customer. Media Channel The avenues through which messages are sent. In marketing, these refer to the means by which promotional communications are disseminated to the target market. The target market may include customers, other businesses, partners, or non-profit donors. Some examples of media channels are print media, radio, television, blogs, video blogs, direct-to-customer mail, email, and social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn etc. JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment Campaign Brief DATE [Enter Due Date] TO Chief Marketing Officer FROM [Enter Your Name] SUBJECT Campaign Proposal for [Enter Name of Your Product or Service]
  • 13. A. PRODUCT OR SERVICE DESCRIPTION B. BUYER PROBLEM Consumer Need Core Results (Reference needed) C. TARGET AUDIENCE Demographics and Characteristics (Reference needed) Segmentation D. VALUES AND BELIEFS Underlying Values · Value #1: Enter short description · Value #2: Enter short description · Value #3: Enter short description Value Connection with Buyers E. MARKETING MESSAGE Differentiation · Point of Difference: Enter short description · Point of Difference: Enter short description · Point of Difference: Enter short description Value Proposition (2 sentences max.)
  • 14. F. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY Target Social Media Channels · Channel #1. Core audience description (reference). · Channel #2. Core audience description (reference). · Channel #3. Core audience description (reference). How will you use these channels for a successful campaign? (2- 3 sentences max.) G. REFERENCES (Enter References to Support Your Brief Here) © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWMI 518 – Assignment 1 Template (1196) JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Assignment 2 : Key Terms and Concepts © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to
  • 15. change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2: Key Terms and Concepts (1198) Page 1 of 3 The table below lists major terms and concepts used in Assignment 2, the Marketing Campaign Slide Deck. The key terms and concepts are defined and put into context in relation to their use in this assignment. Sources: • Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital. New Jersey: Wiley. • Clemente, Mark N. (2002). The Marketing Glossary. New York: AMACOM Terms Definitions SLIDE 2 Key Features Characteristics that go beyond a product’s basic function, helping to define its brand and make it more attractive to customers. SLIDE 3 Marketing Goals Goal formulation is the process of establishing precise points of measurement to pursue corporate objectives. Goals relate to specific levels of magnitude or time. For example, the campaign’s objective may be to increase
  • 16. sales. Its goal, however, would be to increase sales by 10% over the next six months. SMART Goals For your campaign to benefit your company, you need clearly defined and attainable goals. The acronym SMART reminds you to make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. SLIDE 4 Target Audience The segment of a population to which advertising and other marketing communications are directed. Target audiences are usually defined in terms of geographic, demographic, or psychographic attributes. Marketers study target audiences and their characteristics in order to devise impactful promotional strategies. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Assignment 2 : Key Terms and Concepts © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2: Key Terms and Concepts (1198) Page 2 of 3
  • 17. Terms Definitions Competitors Competitors are other providers who offer a product or service that performs the same or a similar function to yours in a shared marketplace. Competition is the rivalry among product or service providers, all of whom are attempting to increase their sales, profits, or market share. Differentiation Key characteristics of your product or service that distinguishes it from similar items offered by your competitors. By highlighting these differences, you can attract consumers who are likely to become repeat purchasers and brand advocates. SLIDE 5 Customer Need A product or service offers to provide an item or perform an action that will fulfill some requirement or need in the life of a customer. Customer Desire A product or service offers to fulfill a customer’s wish, such as their desire to look and feel better, or to achieve some other personal goal, as a result of using the brand. SLIDE 6 Customer Values and Beliefs Customers are motivated to buy products and services that align
  • 18. with their worldview. This worldview is grounded in a person’s core ethical values and beliefs, deeply rooted traits that marketers should not expect to change. Brand The combination of symbols, words, or designs that differentiate one company’s product from another company’s product. Customers often develop a relationship with a particular brand that forms the basis for the loyalty and advocacy that digital marketers seek. SLIDE 7 Marketing Story A successful and compelling marketing story uses the key features and history of your brand to appeal to customers and pique their interest. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Assignment 2 : Key Terms and Concepts © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2: Key Terms and Concepts (1198) Page 3 of 3
  • 19. Terms Definitions Marketing Messages Marketing information sent from the marketer to current and prospective consumers, highlighting the key benefits of the product or service, such as quality, economy, value, and performance. Marketing messages must be readily understandable and attractive to the target audience. SLIDE 8 Social Media Electronic media platforms where people can create individual accounts, as well as groups based on shared interests – e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. Individuals and members of social media groups can post and share comments, images, videos, and other electronic information. Channels Venues and methods for connecting with customers, including print media, radio, TV, blogs, mailings, email, and social media. Demographic A particular sector or segment of a population, defined by characteristics such as age, sex, race, geographic location, education level, income level, occupation, etc. SLIDE 9 Traditional Channels Radio, TV, billboards, printed newspapers and magazines. Digital Channels Company websites, social media platforms, online communities, influencers, and product review sites.
  • 20. Marketing Metrics Ways to measure the success of a marketing campaign or strategy. Traditional measures focus on sales and profits, but Kotler et al. propose some new measures of success, as follows: growth rates for new customers, repeat purchasers, and brand advocates. Budget Allocation Division of the budgeted amount for a project or campaign into various categories of spending. Allocations may be expressed as dollar amounts or as percentages. See the template for some budget allocation examples. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 1 of 8 Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck
  • 21. Part A: Drafts for Slides 1 to 7, due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 10%) Part B: Complete Marketing Campaign Slide Deck, due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 25%) Overview In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief and shared it with the executive team. They have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and presented via Zoom in Assignment 3. For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to 15 slides. To support you in this assignment, use the JWI518_ Assignment_2_Template available in your Blackboard course. This template is provided as a guide for developing your slides, to ensure that all required content is included. Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members of the company’s executive team. As high- level decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know that you must present your ideas concisely, to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy- in and approval for the campaign. Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your JWI 518 - Marketing in a Global Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture
  • 22. Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief in Assignment 1. Submission of Part A and Part B In Week 5, for Part A, you will submit draft versions of Slides 1 to 7. Your professor will grade the slides and provide feedback to help you revise and refine your slides. Your draft slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides and indicate what will be added and where you plan to locate the data. Assignment 2, Part A is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 5. In Week 7, you will submit your complete slide deck as Assignment 2, Part B. Be sure to implement the suggested revisions from your professor, to improve your draft slides. Also apply the lessons learned from Part A to the remaining slides that you create. The professor’s feedback will help you to create a polished and professional presentation. Assignment 2, Part B is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 7. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary
  • 23. information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 2 of 8 Instructions Construct your slides for Assignment 2 using the Slide Deck Outline below. The slide numbers in parentheses refer to the numbered slides in the Assignment_2_Template. You may add some additional slides for topics that need them, but your total slide deck must be no more than 15 slides. Slide Deck Outline CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL (SLIDE 1 – COVER SLIDE) • Company name, campaign name, product or service name • Student name, professor name, submission date PRODUCT / SERVICE AND FEATURES (SLIDE 2) • Introduce the product or service for the campaign: o Description of the product or service o What is its core purpose or function?
  • 24. • What are its key features? o Use this or a similar format - Feature: brief summary of the feature CAMPAIGN MARKETING GOALS (SLIDE 3) • Which marketing goals will this campaign support? o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goals o Write a brief SMART description for each goal t & Recorded, and Time-Bound o You may select from the sample goals below or add your own alternative goals: s mix of products/services JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document
  • 25. contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 3 of 8 TARGET AUDIENCE AND COMPETITION (SLIDE 4) • What are the key characteristics of your campaign’s target audience? • How will you differentiate your brand from the competition? o Use the chart provided in the template to compare your product or service to similar offerings from two competitors in the marketplace CUSTOMER NEEDS AND DESIRES (SLIDE 5) • Customer Need: o What customer “need” does your product or service address? o Why would a customer buy the product or service? o What is the value that the product or service delivers? • Customer Desire: o What customer “desire” does the product or service fulfill? o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image? o How does it connect the customer with others?
  • 26. CUSTOMER VALUES AND BELIEFS (SLIDE 6) • What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience? • How can you connect your brand to those values and beliefs? MARKETING MESSAGES AND STORY (SLIDE 7) • What are the key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages for this campaign? • What is the “story” that you will use to appeal to customers in this campaign? • What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this campaign? SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY (SLIDE 8) • Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign? o Choose at least 3 channels • How will you use social media to engage your audience for this campaign? • How will you use social media to spread your marketing message widely in this campaign? JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations
  • 27. © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 4 of 8 MARKETING METRICS AND BUDGET (SLIDE 9) • What metrics will you use to measure your campaign’s performance? • How often will you need to collect data to calculate those metrics? • Why did you select those particular metrics for each marketing category? • Allocate appropriate funding to both traditional media and digital media o Use the chart provided in the template to allocate your budget and select your metrics CONCLUSION (SLIDE 10 – CLOSING SLIDE) • Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign • Specify the reasons why the executive team should endorse
  • 28. your proposal • Thank your audience and invite questions REFERENCES • List of References (Sources) Slide Deck Formatting Requirements • Submit your assignment in the form of a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint deck o Note: Your References slide(s) do not count towards the total of 15 slides • Use the Assignment_2_Template provided and include all the required content items • Limit the amount of text by expressing your ideas briefly and succinctly • Format your slides professionally and consistently • Review your slides to remove any spelling and grammatical errors JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations
  • 29. © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 5 of 8 Rubric – Assignment 2, Part A CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
  • 30. 1. (Slides 1 and 2) Includes a completed Cover slide. Describes the product or service and its features. Weight: 15% Cover slide is missing or incomplete; description of product and features is missing or poor. Cover slide is partially complete; description of product and features is partially complete. Cover slide is included; description of product and features is satisfactory. Cover slide is included; description of product and features is very
  • 31. good Cover slide is included; description of product and features is excellent. 2. (Slides 3 and 4) Selects appropriate marketing goals. Describes target audience and differentiates the brand from competitors. Weight: 25% Marketing goals are missing or incomplete. Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is missing or incomplete. Marketing goals are partially complete.
  • 32. Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is partially complete Appropriate marketing goals are selected. Description of the target audience is satisfactory and differentiation from competitors is well explained. Appropriate marketing goals are selected. Description of the target audience is good and differentiation from competitors is very well explained. Appropriate
  • 33. marketing goals are selected. Description of the target audience is excellent and differentiation from competitors is excellently explained. 3. (Slides 5 and 6) Describes customer needs and desires. Identifies customer core values and beliefs and explains their connection to the brand. Weight: 25% Description of customer needs and desires is missing or incomplete. Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to
  • 34. the brand are missing or incomplete. Description of customer needs and desires is partially complete. Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are partially complete. Customer needs and desires are well described. Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is clearly explained. Customer needs and desires are very well described.
  • 35. Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is very well explained. Customer needs and desires are excellently described. Customer values and beliefs are excellently described and the connection to the brand is fully and effectively explained. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course
  • 36. guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 6 of 8 4. (Slide 7) Uses key features to create a marketing story; provides words and images to frame the story. Weight: 20% Marketing story is missing or incomplete; words or images to frame the story are missing or incomplete. Marketing story is partially complete; a few words or images to frame the story are provided. Marketing story is complete and satisfactory; multiple words or images to frame the story
  • 37. are provided. Marketing story is very well crafted; good selection of words or images to frame the story. Marketing story is excellently crafted; very good selection of words or images to frame the story. 5. The draft slides follow the template. The text is free from grammar and spelling errors and the formatting is consistent. Weight: 15% The draft slides do not follow the template and/or there are numerous grammar or spelling errors
  • 38. and the formatting is consistent. . The draft slides mostly follow the template and there are some grammar or spelling errors and the formatting is consistent. . The draft slides follow the template and there are a few grammar or spelling errors and the formatting is consistent. . The draft slides use the template well and there are no grammar or
  • 39. spelling errors and the formatting is consistent. . The draft slides use the template very well and there are no grammar or spelling errors and the formatting is consistent. . JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
  • 40. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 7 of 8 Rubric – Assignment 2, Part B CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors 1. Slide deck incorporates feedback given by professor when grading Part A. Weight: 10% Student has ignored all
  • 41. feedback from the professor. Student has incorporated feedback, but in a way that does not substantively improve the slides. Student has incorporated feedback, in a way that substantively improves some of the slides. Student has incorporated feedback, in a way that substantively improves most of the slides. Student has incorporated feedback to significantly improve all the slides. 2. (Slide 8) Selects three social media channels; explains
  • 42. how social media will be used to engage the audience and spread the message widely. Weight: 25% Does not select three social media channels; explanation of how social media will be used to engage the audience and spread the message widely is missing or poor. Selects fewer than three social media channels; provides a minimal explanation of how social media will be used to engage the audience and spread the message widely. Selects three social media channels; provides a satisfactory
  • 43. explanation of how social media will be used to engage the audience and spread the message widely. Selects three social media channels; provides a very good explanation of how social media will be used to engage the audience and spread the message widely. Selects three social media channels; provides an excellent explanation of how social media will be used to engage the audience and spread the message widely. 3. (Slide 9) Allocates appropriate funding to both traditional and
  • 44. digital media. Provides suitable metrics. Specifies frequency of data collection and rationale for metric selection. Weight: 25% Does not allocate appropriate funding to both traditional and digital media. Does not provide suitable metrics, frequency of data collection and rationale. Partially allocates appropriate funding to both traditional and digital media. Provides some suitable metrics, with frequency of data collection and rationale.
  • 45. Satisfactorily allocates appropriate funding to both traditional and digital media. Provides satisfactory choice of metrics, with frequency of data collection and rationale. Allocates appropriate funding very well to both traditional and digital media. Provides very good choice of metrics, with frequency of data collection and rationale. Allocates appropriate funding excellently to both traditional and digital media. Provides excellent choice of metrics,
  • 46. with frequency of data collection and rationale. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1196) Page 8 of 8 CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass
  • 47. High Pass Honors 4. (Slide 10) Describes the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign and specifies reasons why the executive team should endorse the proposal. References are provided in a manner that enables the reader to identify the sources. Weight: 25% Does not describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign and/or does not specify reasons why the executive team should endorse the proposal.
  • 48. References are not included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources Partially describes the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign and/or minimally specifies reasons why the executive team should endorse the proposal. References may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources Satisfactorily describes the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign, and clearly specifies reasons why the executive team should endorse
  • 49. the proposal. References are mostly accurate but some may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. Provides a good, detailed description of the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign. Specifies very well the reasons why the executive team should endorse the proposal. All references are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. Excellently
  • 50. describes the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign. Specifies in an exemplary manner the reasons why the executive team should endorse the proposal. All references are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. 5. The slide deck follows the template. It is well and consistently formatted and free from grammar and spelling errors. Weight: 15% The slide deck does not follow the template and/or there are numerous formatting,
  • 51. grammar or spelling errors. The slide deck mostly follows the template and there are some formatting, grammar or spelling errors. The slide deck follows the template and there are a few formatting, grammar or spelling errors. The slide deck uses the template well and there are no formatting, grammar or spelling errors. The slide deck uses the template very well and there are no formatting, grammar or spelling errors.
  • 52. Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide DeckPart A: Drafts for Slides 1 to 7, due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 10%)Part B: Complete Marketing Campaign Slide Deck, due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 25%)Campaign Proposal (Slide 1 – Student name, professor name, submission dateProduct / Service e product or service for the campaign:o Description of the product or serviceo What is its or a similar format - Feature: brief summary of the marketing goals will this campaign support?o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goalso Write a brief SMART description for Relevant & Recorded, and Time-Boundo You may select from the sample goal s to Change or improve the company’s imageTarget Audience and your brand from the competition?o Use the chart provided in the template to compare your product or service to similar offerings from two competitors in the marketplaceCustomer Needs and does your product or service address?o Why would a customer buy the product or service?o What is the value that the product “desire” does the product or service fulfill?o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image?o How does it connect the
  • 53. How can you connect your brand to those values and key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this campaign?Social Media Str advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign?o social media to spread your marketing message widely in this metrics will you use to measure your campaign’s metrics for each funding to both traditional media and digital mediao Use the chart provided in the template to allocate your budget and select your metricsConclusion (Slide 10 – the short term and long te Specify the reasons why the executive team should endorse your JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
  • 54. copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 1 of 4 Assignment 1: Campaign Brief Due Week 3, Sunday midnight of your time zone (Weight: 10%) “In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” Seth Godin Overview In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has asked you to prepare a Campaign Brief to use at the executive team meeting. A brief is similar to a memo but, whereas a memo is mainly informative, a brief recommends a course of action and therefore it has a persuasive tone. Your brief in this case will focus on the product or service that you have chosen to promote in your Marketing Campaign Plan in Assignment 2. The purpose of the Campaign Brief is to summarize your research thus far and to present your strategy for marketing your product or service. Since the CMO and executive team are busy, high-level stakeholders, a brief is an appropriate vehicle to keep them informed without
  • 55. taking up too much of their time. To meet this goal, your Campaign Brief will be short and concise – only two to three pages long. Leverage what you have learned in the first three weeks of your marketing course, including the textbook readings, Week 2 Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. This assignment provides you with a practical application of the ideas you have been studying and useful preparation for Assignment 2. Instructions Use the JWI518_Assignment_1_Template provided in your course shell. The headings below mirror the sections in the template and provide you with some detailed prompts for each section. Respond to all the prompts and questions below to ensure that you include all required content in the assignment. A. PRODUCT OR SERVICE • Briefly describe the product or service you have selected for your marketing campaign. • What are key features of your product or service? Remember to be brief, but provide context. For example, use the format “Feature: Brief summary of the feature.” B. BUYER PROBLEM
  • 56. • What consumer “need” does your product or service address? • What are the core results your buyers are seeking? JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 2 of 4 C. TARGET AUDIENCE • What are the key demographics and characteristics of your ideal target audience for this campaign? • Is your target audience one segment, or should it be divided into two or more sub-segments? What are those segments? D. VALUES AND BELIEFS • What are the top two or three underlying values and beliefs
  • 57. that you will target for this campaign? • How can you connect your product or service to the values and beliefs you have prioritized? E. MARKETING MESSAGE • What are the top three differentiators that distinguish your product or service from similar offerings sold by your competitors? • Write a two-sentence value proposition for this campaign in a manner that is engaging but succinct. F. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY • What are the top three channels you will use to advertise to reach the target audience you have identified, and what are their core demographic audiences? • How will you use the social media channels you selected to engage your target audience and spread your marketing message? G. REFERENCES Campaign Brief Formatting Requirements • Typed, using a professional font (size 10-12)
  • 58. • Use the Assignment_1_Template provided in the course shell • Do NOT include a Cover page, as this is a professional brief and not a paper. Instead, use the spaces that are provided for your name, the date, etc. in the template. • References must be included and provide information that enables the reader to locate the original source. Application and analysis of course materials and resources are expected, and additional research is welcome. • Your Campaign Brief should be two to three pages in length, including your References list JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 3 of 4
  • 59. Rubric – Assignment 1 CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors 1. Describes the product or service and the buyer problem it addresses. Weight: 20% Does not or unsatisfactorily describes the product or service and buyer
  • 60. problem. Partially describes the product or service and buyer problem. Satisfactorily describes the product or service and buyer problem. Completely describes the product or service and buyer problem. Exemplarily describes the product or service and buyer problem. 2. Describes the target audience and their top 2 or 3 values or beliefs. Weight: 20%
  • 61. Does not or unsatisfactorily describes the target audience and their top 2 or 3 values or beliefs. Partially describes the target audience and their top 2 or 3 values or beliefs. Satisfactorily describes the target audience and their top 2 or 3 values or beliefs. Completely describes the target audience and their top 2 or 3 values or beliefs. Exemplarily describes the target audience and their top 2 or 3 values or beliefs.
  • 62. 3. Describes the top 3 differentiators and creates an effective value proposition for the campaign. Weight: 25% Does not or unsatisfactorily describes the top 3 differentiators. Does not create or creates an ineffective value proposition for the campaign. Partially describes the top 3 differentiators. Creates a minimally effective value proposition for the campaign. Satisfactorily describes the top 3 differentiators
  • 63. and creates an effective value proposition for the campaign. Completely describes the top 3 differentiators and creates a strong and effective value proposition for the campaign. Exemplarily describes the top 3 differentiators and creates an excellent and effective value proposition for the campaign. 4. Identifies 3 social media channels for the campaign and explains how they will be used. Weight: 25%
  • 64. Does not or unsatisfactorily identifies 3 social media channels. Does not or unsatisfactorily describes how they will be used in the campaign. Identifies 3 social media channels; writes a poor or insufficient description of how they will be used. Identifies 3 social media channels; writes a satisfactory description of how they will be used in the campaign. Identifies 3 social media channels; writes a complete and effective description of how they will be used in the campaign.
  • 65. Identifies 3 social media channels; writes an exemplary description of how they will be used in the campaign. JWI 518: Marketing In a Global Environment Academic Submissions and Evaluations © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 518 – Assignment 1 (1196) Page 4 of 4 CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass
  • 66. Pass High Pass Honors 5. The Campaign Brief follows the template and is free from grammar and spelling errors. References are provided in a manner that enables the reader to identify the sources. Weight: 10% The Campaign Brief does not follow the template and/or there are numerous
  • 67. grammar or spelling errors. References are not included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. The Campaign Brief follows the template, but there are some grammar or spelling errors. References may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. The Campaign Brief follows the template, but there are a few grammar or spelling errors. References are mostly accurate but some may
  • 68. not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. The Campaign Brief makes good use of the template and there are no grammar or spelling errors. All References are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources. The Campaign Brief makes excellent use of the template and there are no grammar or spelling errors. All References are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly
  • 69. identify sources. Assignment 1: Campaign Brief“In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.”A. Product or ServiceB. Buyer ProblemC. Target AudienceD. Values and BeliefsE. Marketing MessageF. Social Media StrategyG. ReferencesCampaign Brief Formatting Requirements