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Commentary Essay
Crafting a commentary essay can be both challenging and intellectually stimulating. The
difficulty lies in the delicate balance between offering personal insights and maintaining a
critical, analytical approach. Unlike other essay types, a commentary essay requires a thorough
understanding of the subject matter and the ability to present a cohesive argument while
incorporating relevant evidence.
One of the primary challenges is finding the right blend of objectivity and subjectivity. Striking
this balance is essential to ensure that your personal opinions enhance rather than overshadow the
analytical depth of the commentary. This demands a high level of self-awareness and critical
thinking skills, as you navigate through the complexities of the topic.
Moreover, a commentary essay often demands extensive research to support your perspectives
effectively. The process of gathering relevant information, selecting credible sources, and
synthesizing the data can be time-consuming. The challenge is not just in finding information but
also in discerning its significance and relevance to your argument.
Structuring the essay is another aspect that can pose difficulties. A commentary essay typically
requires a clear introduction, a well-organized body, and a thoughtful conclusion. Ensuring a
seamless flow of ideas while addressing counterarguments adds an additional layer of
complexity. Achieving this requires careful planning and meticulous attention to detail.
Furthermore, the language used in a commentary essay should be both articulate and accessible.
Balancing sophistication with clarity is no small feat, as it requires a nuanced understanding of
your audience and the ability to communicate complex ideas in an understandable manner.
In conclusion, the process of writing a commentary essay is a demanding task that requires a
combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication. Navigating
through the challenges of maintaining objectivity, incorporating personal insights, and
structuring the essay can be a formidable endeavor. However, it is through overcoming these
difficulties that one can produce a commentary essay that is both insightful and compelling.
If you find yourself needing assistance with similar essays or facing challenges in the writing
process, consider exploring resources like, where you can access professional
support to enhance your academic endeavors.
Commentary Essay Commentary Essay
Alzheimer s Degenerative Disease
Alzheimer s dementia is a prototypical neurodegenerative disease characterized by a
series of abnormalities in the brain that selectively affect neurons in specific regions.
There is a progressive decrease in neuronal activity and neuronal survival.
Historically, researchers have used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology
to scan patients with Alzheimer s disease and the normal elderly. Using
supercomputers, color coded maps were created that revealed the degenerative
sequence of Alzheimer s disease via novel brainmapping methods. These brain maps
showed a wave of gray matter loss that was strongly related to the progressive
decline in cognitive functioning which is a key feature of the disease. The Alzheimer
s patients lost an average... Show more content on ...
Under normal condition tau binds to microtubules, stabilizing neuronal structure
and integrity. Hyperphosphorylation of tau is assumed to be the cause of the
formation of paired helical filaments neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). The principle
components of the senile plaques are neurofibrillary tangles in the cell bodies,
neuropil threads, and neurites as well as extracellular A beta amyloid. These
lesions are surrounded by microglial and astrocytes. The brain regions affected by
Alzheimer s disease also contain neuritic or senile plaques in which extracellular
deposits of amyloid are surrounded by dystrophic axons as well as the process of
astrocytes and microglia. The principle constituent of amyloid is a 4kDa peptide
called A beta amyloid. A beta amyloid is cleaved from a larger precursor protein
called amyloid precursor protein. Similar abnormalities occur in transgenic mice with
mutant APP and in individuals with Alzheimer s
Are Animals In Zoos
These days there are several different animal breeds in zoos for people to look at.
They are all over the world, some are in good conditions and the animals are treated
well, but then there Вґs the ones that are opposite of that. Are these zoos really
necessary for the well being of the animals, or is it just cruel capturing them and
closing them in much smaller places than what they should have and letting them be
abused?Every kind of animal is ready there to just be looked and used as an
entertainment in zoos. Some animals have a big environment around them, but what
about the animals stuck in the less fortunate countries with little money to support
what every breeds requires and needs in order to survive and live a satisfied life?
There are more of those than the other. Especially if you go to vacation on a ... Show
more content on ...
Without these they wouldn t have survived in the wild. The kind of animals that is
being talked about now are the animals that are hunted and killed for their skin to
be sold, teeth to be used in rituals by so called witches and healers. For example, the
rhino is endangered now because hunter have been cutting their horns off and
leaving them for dead. The hunters earn thousands on killing with no remorse and
the animals disappear as the years go by while we can t do anything. These
endangered animals have been taking care of and still are by people and put in zoos
and protected against anyone that are going to hurt them. Making sure that they mate
and get children so they won t disappear from earth like many others have. Without
the zoos that do this task it would be uncertain of how many animals would have
been killed of the planet and the only thing left of them would be pictures and
The Color White Analysis
The color white has many meanings ranging from innocence to light. For
weddings, a white dress means purity while a white piece of paper means a clean
slate. All of the meanings seems far fetch to the people who consider themselves
indecent even if they want to change. In this play Willie fits into this group of
people. The blank paper appears several times in the dialogue which shows that it
has some significance to Willie. She evens compares the sky to to colorof a clean
piece of paper (1090). Willie s life is no where near fitting for a thirteen year old,
and she maybe rethinking her past while talking to Tom about her time in school.
She tells Tom about how Miss Preston would give Willie the paper and tell her,
Draw what you please! (1089).... Show more content on ...
The doll is falling apart do to age or neglect (1083). Willie is telling Tom all of
these wonderful stories about her inherited beaux and Alva while holding the doll.
Everything seems innocent, but there is a hidden meaning behind the her doll.
Williams describes Willie as childlike and laughing randomly while resembling a
doll with her makeup (1083). Willie tells Tom that she is worried about washing
the dolls hair because of the doll s compound fracture (1088). She says, I think that
most of her brains spilled out. She s been acting silly ever since. Saying an doing
the most outrageous things (1088). The doll s compound fracture and brains
spilling out represents Willie after losing her parents and sister while now being
homeless. Spilling brains can make a person go crazy and so can losing all of
their family members like Willie. She evens refers herself as being peculiar to
Tom in the beginning of their conversation (1082). Since her parents are gone,
Willie looks up to Alva instead. She learns to sleep with men from her sister which
is an outrageous thing to do for a thirteen year old. Although she is talking to her
doll in the dialogue, Willie is speaking of herself. The doll resembles Willie in some
ways. She still tries to convince Tom that her life can be extravagant, but the doll is
Contract Law Essays
Contract Law On Monday Samantha offered to sell her oboe to Penny for ВЈ1,000.
Penny replied I will buy it if I can raise the money . Samantha promised that she
would not sell the oboe to anyone else before Saturday, and added that Penny could
collect the oboe at any time before noon on Saturday. On Wednesday, Penny phoned
and left a message with Samantha s daughter, Anne, saying that she had got the
money and would collect the oboe on Saturday morning about 10.30am. Anne forgot
to tell her mother about the phone call. On Thursday morning Samantha was
entertaining friends and discussing the sale of her oboe. Gillian was interested and
offered to buy the oboe for ВЈ1,300. Samantha... Show more content on ...
If this were to be considered such, then the acceptance would not necessarily be
binding. Samantha then promised that she would not sell the oboe to anyone else
before Saturday and added that Penny could collect it anytime before noon on that
day. Then on Wednesday, there is a phone call from Penny hoping to reach Samantha
to tell of confirmation of accumulating the money required to purchase the oboe.
Unfortunately, Samantha was unavailable and her daughter Anne took the phone call.
Penny left a message with Anne that she had the agreed sum of money and would
collect the oboe on the agreed day at 10.30am, in this case the Saturday of the same
week. Anne then forgot to tell Samantha about the message. Could this still be taken
as acceptance of the offer by Samantha? Penny had passed on the acceptance, but it
was to Anne, not to Samantha. On the Thursday, Samantha was entertaining friends
and the subject of the sale of the oboe came into conversation. One of her friends,
Gillian, was interested and offered Samantha ВЈ1300 for the oboe. Samantha was
obviously very happy with this offer, as it was ВЈ300 over the amount she had
offered Penny. She accepted the offer from Gillian and a contract was formed. In any
other circumstances, this would be a very simple and straightforward contract, but
due to outstanding issues with Penny, shadows were cast over its legitimacy. If
The Story Of An Hour Essay
In The Story of an Hour, I can relate to so many different things that go on in this
short tragic story. After reading the story I almost felt like Louise Mallard and I were
living the same life with different events and a different outcome. Everything about
the two of us comes down to being always misunderstood and just wanting to be free.
In the beginning of the story, we look at Louise Mallard from a bird s eye point of
view. Louise is introduced as a devoted young wife who has been told the news of her
husband s unfortunate death. When Chopin goes deeper into Louise s thoughts and
feelings, they surprisingly contradict her initial description of her. I grew up in New
Jersey my whole life. I lived in a huge house and everyone in ... Show more content
on ...
That s why I understand Louise so much. We were not what people expected us to
be. We were just living our life how we had to.
Louise Mallard is seen by the reader as dependent and helpless because of how she
is treated by others, even her own sister. When the news comes about her husband
being killed, she tells her like one would tell a child that their dog just died. You
can just sense how Louise has dealt with being hovered over her whole life by her
sister. A good example of this is when her sister is pleading with her to come out of
the room that she has locked herself into saying, Louise, open the door! I beg; open
the door В– you will make yourself ill (16, paragraph 17.) Being able to read Louise
s thoughts, you discover that she is not weak in her mind and spirit, she is just highly
In my life, being hovered over is an everyday, every hour, and every minute kind of
thing for me. Since I was a baby, my parents have been highly overprotective. Like
Louise, I am looked at by my parents as dependent and helpless. I am very much
independent, but I am some what confined. Though I live by myself in a whole
different state than my parents; it sometimes feels like they live right next door.
The fact that my parents pay all of my bills, and on top of that pay me an
allowance of someone with a full time job every Friday, seems to give them a right
to barge in on my life. Having no complaints about any of this, I
Hammurabi s Sixth Rulers Of Babylon
Babylon was one of the many city states that formed in ancient Mesopotamia.
Hammurabi was Babylon s sixth ruler back in 1754 B.C.E. In an attempt to bring
law and order, Hammurabi set a collection of laws engraved in stone on a 7 foot
high stele. There were a total of 282 clauses that helped changed the legal system.
They were placed for everyone to see. This became one of the most famous ancient
legal document. It was also the first time laws were written down. Prior to
Hammurabi s Law Code the laws continuously changed, it was difficult to get a fair
trial and there was no stability in justice. This was a way for everyone to see that
there will be consequences. Hammurabi believed that the punishment should fit the
crime, but not for all
Elizabeth Siddal And The Femme Fatale
In pre Raphaelite paintings, a famously known model, Elizabeth Siddal appears as
an idealised form of female body. In the 19th century, she was the central figure of
the muse that often combined with man s fantasy and sensuality with poetic
idealism. Although Rossetti and Siddal s marriage was not so idealised rather a
tragedy, but they formed a relationship of an artist and the muse. After the death of
Siddal, Rossetti departed from the notion of ideal women but he was preoccupied
with the theme of Lilith in both his paintings and poetry. Rossetti manifested many of
the demonized figure imagery, the femme fatal , in his art and to a certain extent, we
could see that he was not free from the memory of his wronged wife. Furthermore, it
is noteworthy that many male artists depicted the female body imagery in two
categories, which are either the idealised, the muse or the cult of feminine beauty, the
femme fatale. Those binary structured perception between the muse and the femme
fatale have a strong relationship with the man s agony and anxiety over the female
challenges that were emerging at different levels of society. Bear this ideas in mind,
the paper attempts to explore the Lilith images in Rossetti s art with the particular
focus on how the muse turned into femme fatale. Furthermore, it will discuss
Rossetti s engagements with his wife, Elizabeth Siddal from the perspective of
personal and psychological aspects. First, the paper will briefly discuss the
The Works Of The Opera Billy Budd, The Handsome Sailor
There are two possible fates we each face in life. We either forget our mistakes or
carry them on our shoulders forever. This burden has evolved into a common theme
for operas, novels and other pieces of literature. For instance, Benjamin Britten uses
this motif as a threshold for his opera Billy Budd. He explores the hunting troubles
of captain Edward Fairfax Vere by setting up a narration on retrospect of the hanging
of Billy Budd, the handsome sailor . Inspired by Herman Melvilles novel, the opera
became well known. In effect, in 1997 John Dexter directed one of the
performances in the Metropolitan Opera. The story begins with captain Vere as an
old man who narrates in retrospect the story of Billy Budd on his ship the
Indomitable. Billy, the handsome sailor, kills the master at arms, Claggart, and is,
therefore, condemned to death by law. Vere decides not to influence Billy s verdict
and simply hears out what the other three highly ranked sailors have to say. Despite
the captain being against the ruling, Billy has to be hanged in order to follow the
laws and avoid mutiny from the ship s crew. The narration proceeds with Billy s
waiting for his hanging and the execution itself. By the end of the account, Vere
asserts that he has accepted Billy s death. It can be easy to believe this assumption,
but nothing could be further from the truth. Captain Vere has not come to terms with
this episode of his life, neither should he.
Vere is still plagued by this chapter of his
The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock
Commentary: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
T.S. Eliot s poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, illustrates the fear of the
fragmentation of society today. In the poem, Eliot creates the persona of Prufrock.
Prufrock is speaking to an unknown listener. The persona of Prufrock is Eliot s
interpretation of Western society and its impotency. His views on society is seen as
a modernistic point of view, which idolizes the ideas to regress back to a classicist
era. Eliot illustrates his contempt for the modern society by illustrating fragmentation
with synecdoche, characterization of Prufrock, and allusions to literary traditions
throughout the narrative. In his poem, Eliot clings to the idea of a classical society in
which he is witnessing fall apart.
Throughout The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Eliot illustrates fragmentation by
using synecdoche to illustrate his fear of a societal breakdown. The fragmentation
represents Eliot s view on the broken, chaotic world. Throughout the poem, Eliot
uses faces, hands, arms, chins, arms with light brown hair, fingers, and the head, yet
he never describes a whole human. The human in which Prufrock is imagining is
potentially the woman which he hopes to talk to that evening. Eliot writes of this
mystery woman, Arms that are braceleted and white and bare/ [But in the lamplight,
downed with light brown hair!]/ Is it perfume from a dress/ That makes me digress?
In the end, Prufrock s thoughts are broken by real life. Eliot
Essay about The Shallows
Professor Provost
RPW 210
27 October 2011
The Shallows; Real or Make Believe The Internet is something that some consider
their lifesavers, while others believe that it takes their life away. The Shallows: What
The Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, by Nicholas Carr is a novel that explores the
different areas of how new technologies affect humans in different ways, regarding
multi tasking and distractions, to how new technologies make us lose a little part of
ourselves. Throughout the book Carr puts forward very strong arguments, but then
loses creditability with his use of fallacies in argument.
Within the very first chapter Hal and Me , is where the first fallacy arises. Hal and
Me , gives the reader some insight of what they ... Show more content on ...
Many generalizations are present throughout this chapter that weaken Carr s
argument. This quote is just one of the few generalizations, The intellectual ethic
of a technology is rarely recognized by its inventors. They are usually so intent on
solving a particular problem or untangling some thorny scientific or engineering
dilemma that they don t see the implications of their work. The users of the
technology are also usually oblivious to its ethic. They, too, are concerned with the
practical benefits they gain from employing the tool (Carr 45). As stated before
this quote is a generalization. Carr is generalizing with the assumption that
inventors are usually so intent on solving a problem that they aren t focuses on the
benefits or consumers, which isn t very true anymore. Many inventors who create
products are now looing for the benefits that its user or consumer will get.
Therefore this quote can confuse the reader. Another contradiction appears in
chapter 3 Tools of the Mind , Carr states Language itself is not a technology (51).
This is a contradiction to chapter 5 A Medium Of The Most General Nature , where
the whole concept of the chapter is writing and reading, which is considered
language to most. When reading chapter 5 and remembering this quote, it makes the
reader question Carr s credibility of chapter 3 of how language evolves from humans,
and that reading and writing is part of our culture and is not a technology.
Characteristics Of A Great Leader
To be a great leader one must have many attributes or qualities. Some of the most
important are flexibility, communication, courage, humility, and responsibility. A
great leader must be flexible as being a leader usually consists of dealing with new
challenges all the time, especially in the technological age. Communication consists
of effectively conveying expectations and understanding how people will interpret
the leader s directions. A great leader must have the courage to see the path that the
group must take to complete the goal regardless of the consequences. When a great
leader does not correctly handle a situation he or she must have the humility to admit
that he or she was wrong. Also, this leader must be responsible for the... Show more
content on ...
Part of the reason that the idea of great leaders being born is appealing is that a
great leader is so hard to define. It can be discussed what great leaders do and how
they act. Sometimes all we are good at though is identifying who a great leader is
outside of ourselves. It is difficult to answer the question Why aren t you a great
leader? . The initial reaction would most commonly be that you just aren t. It seems
that you weren t meant to be. With that the idea that great leaders are born to be that
way seems appealing. If we look at history many great leaders came seemingly out of
nowhere. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln did not need to attend leadership
seminars to lead the nation. With all that is done for leadership nowadays and the
mixed results, it seems that there is something intrinsic that great leaders have.
Many companies focus their efforts on trying to develop leaders from within the
company to fill critical roles. Many times though there is a leadership talent gap
from where the company would like the given leader to be and where he or she
actually is. A lot of what is attributed to a leader begin great is luck. To be truly great
the leader usually is presented with a monumental opportunity to lead in the face of
adversity. The leader is lucky to have come upon this situation and be given the
chance to rise to the occasion. By capitalizing on this lucky situation the
Temperley s The History Of Serbia
1.The history of Serbia is a non fiction history book published in 1917, during the
Great war. A war that was started in the Balkans from a Serbian national Yugoslav
nationalist. As the Balkans was considered the powder keg of Europe at the time.The
Author was British historian H.W.V. Temperley who fought in Great War in Turkey
before publishing this work, so it is likely that he had some curiosity to the people
who ended up causing at that time the deadliest war in history. Being a historian of
Modern history, there is a chance he was curious about the Orthodox Yugoslavic
people before the war started, but that can not be known for certain.
The book was written in England, in English, for the British educated literati, it is
unlikely that ... Show more content on ...
Looking at the last few sections of the book about the last last few decades of
history do have more of a theme along the lines of the whole area is a mess . That
is not a quote, but he puts it into nicer words with Nationality is a recent but intense
growth in the they hate one another (Temperley 308 9). His final
two chapters are even called The Bosnia and Yugoslav Question, and The
Macedonia Question(Temperley 286 and 308). The war would end only a year
later, and there were still so many unanswered questions, so many issues. With his
liberal use of the the terms Serbian, Albanian, Croatian, Bulgaria, and Bosnia, it is
rather clear that he and other foreign intellectuals see each group as their own
separate entity, even going so far as to use the word race to separate them. 4.
Temperley s historical accounts of Serbia is rather rare for England at the time,
but for the Balkans themselves it is pretty common. That is why is is pretty easy
to find so many books, letters, and pamphlets about the Yugoslav people written in
Yugoslav, but finding anything from the time in English is rather rare. So
Temperley s work is more on the rare side because it is in English and published for
an English speaking audience. This work is a rare window into the Balkans from the
time to anyone who does not speak the languages, which is to say most of the
African America As A Nation Of Slaves In America
Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things
racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a
nation of cowards, Attorney General Eric Holder. I do believe that as a nation, we
do steer away from controversial subjects as race, racism, and the old times of slavery
. As a nation we have come a very good way from the past, slaves are no longer a
part of everyday life, and for the most part there are equal opportunities, and laws
for equal opportunities for anyone of all races, colors, and ethnic backgrounds.
Through the years African Americans have been a target for slavery at the
beginning of times to the still racial slurs people utter under their breaths. We as a
nation need to come together as one and realize the considerable experiences
African Americans have been through. In the late 1700 s slaves were uprooted
from their homes in West Africa, shackled and transported to the New World,
where they were sold off. The conditions of the chambers where the African
American slaves were held were deplorable, roomed with rats and given just
enough food for survival. They endured physical and psychological trials from the
European slave traders, who saw them as only a pretty penny. Many slaves did not
make the full journey and died from smallpox. Coming forty seven years or so later,
a case was made against slavery and owning and selling the people of Africa by
Edward Trelawny. Unfortunately, slaves
Germans Essay
By the twentieth century over two million Germans have immigrated to the United
States. Regardless of where they settled they came from a multitude of areas and for
a variety of reasons. They were a highly diversified group in terms of regional origin,
religious and political orientation, education, and socioeconomic standing.
There were a multitude of push factors, or issues that caused Germans to want to
leave Germany from inside the country. One of those is that during the time of
World War One, Germany s government started having mandatory military service.
This meant that any male over the age of 15 would either have to serve in Germany
s military or they would have to leave the country. Many people did not want to
serve, and as a ... Show more content on ...
These railroads even kept free hotels. This was ideal for many immigrants because
they usually came into the country with barely any money. Another pull factor was
that relatives and friends of German natives who migrated first would write back and
encourage others to follow. This led to chain migrations .
We can see by looking at 4 census report where most of the Germans migrated to
where they came to New York. I found that the 1880 and 1920 were pretty similar.
There were a few more counties that increased but most stayed the same. I t wasn t
until the 1960 census that things started really changing. I also noticed that the 3
counties in upper New York: St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton and Washington
county which is located on the eastern side were always in the lowest percentile
through all 4 censuses, they never changed. Also after the 1920 census more Germans
were living in the NY City area then before. Also Erie County, which was the highest
in the 1880 census, stayed high throughout out all 4 censuses. From the first census to
the last, it seems the trend for the most counties with the highest German population
were moving out toward western New York.
Looking at the 1880 census the county with the highest amount of German was Erie
County. Why was the county such a popular place to come? The Erie Canal had
opened in 1825. It made Western New York easily accessible from the Atlantic coast
for the first time. For an immigrant arriving at New York
Evaluation Of A Summative Evaluation
Component Two
Type of evaluation The type of evaluation that will be conducted will be a summative
evaluation. The summative evaluation will be conducted at the end of the program to
see if the goals of the program were accomplished. Were the children able to learn
about nutrition
Evaluation Goals
1)To determine if this program is successful in educating the children in various
cooking techniques.
2)To help children in a low income area discover affordable ways to meal preparation.
3)To determine if the program can be conducted in other low in come areas.
Evaluation Questions
1)Are the children committed to coming to the class on a weekly basis?
2)Is the program providing the children with life skills they can apply at home?
3)Are the children enjoying the program?
The rationale of this evaluation is to confirm that the goals of the program are being
meet. That the children are being educated in making healthy choices and
participating in the program. In order for the evaluation to be accurate research needs
to determine if the program will be effective.
Component Three
Literature Review Learning how to cook is an essential life skill that not only
children need but youth as well. In an article by Jessica Herbert and her fellow
authors they mentioned how by participating in a cooking program it helps children
gain a new perspective on cooking (Herbert et al.2014). Mardie Townsend mentioned
in the article Volunteering in a School Kitchen Garden
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Essays
Mr. Smith is portrayed as an honest man with strong opinions. He is the ideal
politician in an ideal society. The film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington depicts a
reassuring image that happens to be an image of the past (Wheeler). However, in
today s legislature, people like Mr. Smith are rare due to the fact that a politician s
primary goal is re election. The good of the people may come as another intention
of a politician, but it is always secondary to bringing home the pork. There should be
more people like Mr. Smith because the legislature would be able to make decisions
more effectively and efficiently, rather than how slowly they currently operate. This
is an unfortunate truth, yet it is how our society has been shaped to operate.... Show
more content on ...
Taylor, a special interest group member, controlled everything Senator Paine did
until he finally decided to change. This denotes the impact that wealth can have in
the government. The system is designed so that things such as pork barreling can
pass and sometimes need to pass in order for a law to go through. This creates a
system of lies and corruption, with members of the Senate not looking out for the
national good. Senators are forced to focus on improving their own district
because it is all they can do to ensure re election. The most successful Senators do
this because it gains short term approval from their district and gets them a future
vote. This is a method of maintaining their career, and is something they are in
some cases forced to do. If someone like Mr. Smith came in and was consistently
free of corruption, people would vote for him based on his truthfulness. The
legislature s set up allows for corruption to exist in the government. The government
shutdown of 2013 ended after a deal was reached in the U.S. Senate that included a
provision that raised the spending cap on a dam construction project in Kentucky
(Hudak). In this case, 2.2 billion dollars were set aside for this project (Almasy).
CNN s article stated: So much for a clean bill (Almasy). Despite the fact that the
major issue occurring was the government shutdown, Senator Mitch McConnell still
pushed for his rider to be added to the bill. Salient issues are not being addressed
Club Of America Research Paper
What is Clubs of America? Clubs of America is the world s first and foremost
monthly gift club specialist since 1994. The company has been providing
subscription services for a variety of consumable gift products such as beer, wine,
flower, fruit, cigar, coffee, chocolate and even pizza clubs. The company is family
owned and operated and allows its subscribers to experience and taste products
before subscribing them. All their products are carefully chosen by experts in their
respective fields. So if you want the finest of products at the best values and also
want to enjoy a most pleasurable shopping experience then you must shop at Clubs
of America. How to use a Clubs of America coupon? You can easily browse for Clubs
of America coupons
Visible Minority And Immigrant Racism
Visible Minority and Immigrant Racism in the Canadian Work Environment
In the ideal world, every person is treated equally in the workplace whether it be
hiring, promotion, assignments or termination. However in reality, racial
discrimination and harassment remain pervasive in the workplace, with 1 in 4
visible minority workers who reported that they had experienced racial harassment or
discrimination in the workplace [3]. In this essay, I will be discussing the social
history of racism in the workplace, the nature of racism in the labour force, motives
and factors, immigration policies, temporary programs and exploitation of
employment, the de skilling of individuals and non recognition of foreign credentials,
the social history of racism in the workplace, racism in the sociological conflict theory
paradigm, and finally, policy recommendations to aimed to eliminate and decrease
racism in the work environment. In the Canadian work environment, racism exists as
a complex and multidimensional inequality for visible minorities and immigrants, and
can be examined socially, economically and politically using the sociological Marxist
conflict theory paradigm.
The Social History of Racism in the Workplace
The scramble to increase wealth began following the discovery of the western
hemisphere by wealth seeking European empires. Initially, empires sought for gold
but later realized the soil of the new lands were of the greatest wealth, but could only
be acquired through the labour
Essay on Comparing Romeo and Juliet Films
Comparing Romeo and Juliet Films In this essay I intend to compare both the part
scenes of Franco Zefferelli and Baz Lurhman movie. Franco s film was screened in
1970; the actors who play the role of Romeo Juliet are Leonardo Whiting and
Olivia Hussey. Baz s film was screened in 1997. Leonardo Di Caprio played the
role of Romeo and Clare Danes had played the role of Juliet. In this essay I will
discuss the differences in both these film that tell the same story written by William
Shakespeare. The setting is the most vital part in these movie it shows us the age in
which the play is set in by just the glimpse of the furniture s and other materials such
as the columns, arts and... Show more content on ...
Tybalt, in both the movies he is exposed as the mean, powerful, short tempered
man, though in Baz s version we see the all great Tybalt enjoying himself with his
dear old aunt Lady Capulet. Lady C in the old version is seen as stern, cold hearted
looking women, I know of this by just the expression that she gives of. Lady C in
the modern version is seen as wild women who is seen kissing her own nephew,
she is also seen being persuasive when she makes her daughter Juliet dance with
Paris. We see Juliet as a young pretty girl who dances gracefully in the old version.
I notice her afraid, when Romeo tries to kiss her hand she, she quickly retrieves her
hand from him. We also witness the look of a shock and upset when she founds out
that Romeo is a Montague. Baz s version Juliet looks a bit older, she is pretty and
innocent, though she unlike the other Juliet had let Romeo kiss, and she wasn t
afraid or ashamed by committing this kiss. Juliet I noticed is not a girl who obeys
her parents, when her mother and the nurse were calling for her she seems to ignore
them and run
Analysis Of The Book Sacrifice Zones By Steve Lerner
In the book, Sacrifice Zones, Steve Lerner takes readers through twelve separate
stories of communities in the United States that have been unwillingly exposed to
high levels of environmental toxicity. In each of these cases, citizens of those
communities reacted to and pushed back against being exposed to toxic
chemicals, sometimes successfully and sometimes less so. In every case, the
people most heavily exposed to these health hazards were minorities and low
income citizens, which, Lerner argues, is why government officials and corporate
decision makers chose knowingly to risk exposing them. This paper will outline
Lerner s book and argue that despite a long history of protests, lawsuits, media
attention and nationwide outrage, willing exposure of low income and minority
Americans to toxic chemicals in the pursuit of government and corporate interests
is still a major problem today. There is certainly not enough space to examine all
twelve stories presented in Lerner s book in this paper, and they are all shocking
both in terms of the level of exposure to toxic chemicals and the questionable choices
of corporate and government officials but a few stories stand out.
In Marietta, Ohio, a steel plant called Eramet has been pumping the air full of a toxic
chemical called Manganese. The chemical is known to cause health problems,
particularly damaging to neurochemical and motor function. When a study confirmed
that manganese concentrations in the area were much higher than
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center And The
Based on these concerns, the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC) and
the Department of Defense (DoD) Center for Deployment Health Research,
conducted epidemiologic studies to determine whether adverse health conditions of
US service members assigned to locations with burn pits could be attributed to the
burn pit emissions. The study looked at respiratory symptoms and diseases, chronic
multi symptom illness (CMI), cardiovascular diseases, lupus, sleep apnea, rheumatoid
arthritis, and birth outcomes of infants of parents who deployed. Although, the result
of the study was that all health outcomes of personnel that deployed to areas with a
burn pit were about the same or lower compared to personnel that never deployed
(Armed Forces... Show more content on ...
P. Engelbrecht et al., 2009). Geological dust exists naturally in the environment and is
difficult to control on a large scale in arid conditions such as Afghanistan where dust
storms are typical. However, watering, laying gravel or asphalt, and limiting
movement can be used to limit the amount of airborne geological dust that enters the
breathing zone. Burn pits are doctrinally used early in U.S. military deployments
when waste management systems such as recycling, land filling, and incinerations is
not an option to dispose of the majority of solid waste (mixed waste) (Institute of
Medicine, 2011). Disposing of mixed waste (metal, plastic, rubber, electronics,
batteries, fuel etc.) through the use of burn pits creates a plume of smoke that may
include lead, zinc, and cadmium as airborne particulates and cause potential health
effects if inhaled (Johann P Engelbrecht, McDonald, Gillies, Gertler, 2008). Health
conditions related to the inhalation of air with elevated PM has been correlated to
events where temperature inversions occurred. Meteorological conditions in
Afghanistan where inversions are most likely occur from fall to spring (Johann P
Engelbrecht et al.,
Themes Of The Cask Of The Amontillado
Eyad Daoud
Alyson Dickerman
ENG 102 18
February 25, 2015
Themes of A.S. Byatt and Poe
In the stories The Cask of The Amontillado and The Thing in The Forest , the
themes loss, madness, and fear were used. They both seem to start with some type of
loss and end with a type of madness. In both stories Montresor and Penny from The
Thing in The Forest have lost something affecting their lives greatly. These losses put
these characters in some type of state of madness. Their loss make these stories, they
are the most important because without them, there wouldn t be a story.
Montresor is known for his name, he was once really wealthy and with not a whole
lot left Montresor really has nothing. When Fortunato insults Montresor, though
nothing in Fortunato s mind, Montresor did not take this insult lightly as he would
not accept an insult to his name without doing something about it. Montresor also
was almost jealousy of Fortunato, he feared this person who became wealthy of his
wife is going to take his place, now in the same social circle and wealth, Montresor
wasn t having it.
Penny fears the past which is coming back to haunt her in a way. Her childhood
experience in leaving on her own to a safer place to avoid war. Penny s fear caused
her to make up a girl who was almost exactly like her in her mind. Seeing her even
40 years later after all this was over, which was a type of madness. Montresor s fear
affected him so much that he wanted revenge on Fortunato and to
How Did The British Conquest Of South Africa
During the British Conquest of South Africa the English used their superiority to
defeat overwhelming armies and kingdoms. Six months throughout 1879 the British
army had to fight through entire kingdoms in a new and hostile environment. As a
result, the british army had decimated and destroyed societies throughout South Africa
exploiting their methods and resources. The successful conquest of South Africawas
caused by the British exploiting their advanced technology, the british also had
defensive and offensive military tactics which were extremely effective, the British
also contained great transportation tools that weren t native to South Africa such as
war horses and wagons. Due to the advancement in technology and development the
British... Show more content on ...
One example of these tactics in use was placed in the battle of Rorke s Drift.
Within this battle a total of 139 British Soldiers managed to hold off 4,500 zulu
warriors. The soldiers created a perimeter of sandbags and boxes connecting them
to nearby buildings throughout the camp. These buildings were important as
some buildings contained wounded men and were also used to take out groups of
zulus at once in these compact spaces. Over time the Zulu s overran this stage of
defence as the first building was put on fire and the zulu s overran a sandbag wall.
As the british were well prepared for this they had a wall made out of barrels in the
middle of the complex where they set up taking their positions once more fighting
for their lives. Again the zulu s had overran the british pushing them to form a small
circle in the complex created a last stand until the Zulu s finally retreated (British
Battles). Due to this strategy the british managed to fight in Rorke s drift for a total
of 12 hours (Britannica) As this strategy was used with two different defence lines
the British managed to hold of waves of Zulu s twice as if they formed a compact
square the result of this battle might have been different. Another example of british
tactics that helped them survive battle of Khambula. The British created two main
fortifications out of sandbags and wagons as the Zulu
Sergio Marchionne Undertakes Major Strategic And
Complete Name: Complete Unit #2 Student Name: King, Roger
1. Sergio Marchionne Undertakes Major Strategic and Cultural Change at Chrysler
Group (p.86)
2. What are the observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions
associated with Chrysler s culture. Explain
Student Answer: Corporate values and morals important to an organization. Espoused
values contribute to the development of normal standards of the organization for how
it conducts business now and in the future. They are established by the founder of a
new or small company and by the top management of a larger company (Kinicki, A.
Kreitner, R. 2012 p. 63). Sergio Marchionne has developed a strong reputation for
challenging the traditionally bureaucratic nature of management in car manufacturing
in the US and Italy. He has also succeeded in building effective relationships with key
stakeholders (e.g. trade unions, governments) as part of two substantial change
management aerogrammes. He then streamlined senior leadership and asked most of
his remaining 15 direct reports to lead more than one function, knowing that the
increased work load would yield faster decision making. Marchionne also gave his
team full authority to take risks without bureaucratic barriers. People were trusted
Changing Adolescent Attitudes Towards Stuttering...
The article Changing adolescent attitudes toward stuttering from the Journal of
Fluency Disorders analyzes the attitudes that high schoolers have towards stuttering
and stutterers. The purpose of this study was to stop the manifestation of the negative
stigmas/stereotypes that are usually associated with stutteringwhile also determining
whether or not these feelings could be improved among adolescents. A public
opinion survey was first distributed to two health classes at a local high school. They
were then given a live oral presentation done by someone who suffers from a stutter.
The same opinion poll was redistributed afterwards. In two other separate classes, the
same survey was given but instead they watched a video presentation about stuttering
which featured the same person from the presentation. After the video was displayed,
there was another short oral presentation... Show more content on ...
Emily Blunt is just one of many famous individuals who has been publicly open
about their own personal stuttering problems; a problem that the star had struggled
with from the age of 7 to 14. When recalling this event from her childhood, the
actress remembers particularly having trouble with her vowels especially at the
beginning of words (NPR). However, she was able to solve this problem after her
elementary school teacher realized that she spoke fluently whenever she did accents
and impressions. After this discovery, Blunt started to participate in theatre and
eventually overcame her stuttering problem. She says that if it weren t for her
childhood stutter, she never would have pursued a career in acting. Since then she has
been recognized by the American Institute for Stuttering and was given their Freeing
Voices award, an award given to people who have achieved professional success in
spite of their stuttering (Stuttering
Leap Of The Brethren Pantry Summary
Least of the Brethren is a local food pantry in Pinkneyville, it is where I am
choosing to plunge for my assignment. I am choosing this culture because of the high
number of low socioeconomic students that attend school in our area. I feel it is
important to understand the needs in our area in order to connect with future students
and their families. To be very honest, I know there is a great needfor support in our
area. However, I assume the families that need this support also receive government
assistance through programs such as WIC and Link. Plunging into this culture I
hope to gain a better understanding of why pantries are still needed and how I can
become more active in addressing the need locally. With the knowledge I hope to gain
... Show more content on ...
During the break the volunteers asked us several questions. From what I gathered all
of the volunteers also need the assistance of the pantry. Many asked us how they
could help us, assuming we had fallen on hard times. I assured them they we were
just there to help them and donate our time. Volunteers receive each goods in their
boxes in return for their help.
Application of Plunge Experience Prior to taking the plunge I was not aware that even
with government programs there is still a need for pantries in our local area. This
brings a very large challenge to my educational environment. I will need to find out
which students will require this need to be addressed. As a classroom teacher, I will
need to bring awareness to the students that do not have this need that a part of their
role in our community is to help those in need. This can be done through volunteering
and donations.
The challenge that individuals from the group will bring to the education
environment is one that directly impact their learning. It is well understood that
children cannot learn until their most basic needs are met. Yes, we offer free
breakfast to students, but many arrive too late to receive this service and often one
muffin is not enough to address their hunger. This plunge made me aware of the
challenges many students will face in my
Essay on The Iconic Rod Sterling Spoke Out Against
The iconic Rod Serling contributed to televisions Golden Age , the writer and
director of the very accomplished series The Twilight Zone and The Night Gallery
, has not only dazzled the world with his mind boggling work in the expansive sci
fi genre but has also successfully utilized his position in television and radio to
speak out against socialism. During World War II, Serling fought Nazi forces in
Europe. It was there that he realized the true wrongs in the world. Serling
understood the world had been blinded by socialist eyes and poisoned by prejudice
hearts. He found that with television he could take a part of the problem, and using a
small number of people, get my point across. In this... Show more content on ...
At the end of this upside down film the Statue of Liberty is shown with the haggard
face of a monkey instead of the glorious statue we know today, too Serling s credit.
He found a way to utilized such eerie details like this in order to tell the audience
what is happening without actually needing the characters to speak at this point.
Lady Liberty has been transformed therefore the world did not belong to the human
race, something left unsaid at the end of this cinematic picture. Another example
of Serling s work against socialism is in the ingenious tale of The Shelter, 1961
nuclear war has unleashed hell and those who were caught in the fray desperately
sought shelter. An episode such as this was based on human morals and
questioned what man was willing to do for the sake of another man. Serling lifted
the veil of ignorance by giving the gift of awareness. It is in this glorious
achievement that the world can truly see Serling s genius, because when we are
made aware of our mistakes as people, there can be no excuse for what we continue
to do. Serling was audacious enough to ask the people of this earth to question
themselves along with their humanity. In the closing of the episode The Shelter,
Serling explained what he believed to be humanity s greatest struggle, No moral, no
message, no prophetic tract, just a simple state of fact: for civilization to
A Report On A Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or
urinary tract (StГ–ppler, 2016). Kidney stones are produced with varying
circumstances. Kidney stones form when your urine contains more crystal
developing substances such as: calcium, oxalate and uric acid, than the fluid in your
urine can dilute. At the same time, your urine may lack substances that prevent
crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stones to
form. Even though not all may have kidney stones grow large enough, everyone has
the possibility to grow large kidney stones. One of the factors that determine whether
the kidney stones grow large in size or not are: low urine volume, abnormally high
concentration of stone promoters, abnormally low concentration of stone inhibitors
(, 2016). The amount of inhibitors determine a substantial part as to
whether kidney stones form because they eliminate the smaller crystals and waste.
There are varying home remedies that exist but, not many actually cure kidney
stones. This experiment was conducted in order to observe the way in which two
types of kidney stones will react when mixed with a diluted form of EDTA (.01M)
and .01M hydrochloric acid.
This experiment has serval parts to it, such as titrations, where after the forming of
the kidney stones, they will be titrated with a .01M solution of EDTA. Whether
something dissolves or not is determined by the
India-Pakistan Timeline
India/Pakistan Timeline 1947 India was separated by Hindus and Muslims in the
past but now the new Muslim state Pakistan was a new home for the Muslims.
There were Hard rioting and people died up to an estimated half a million people.
About a million people were homeless... Since the British left, the land of Jammu
and Kashmir was remained with violence. 1948 India and Pakistan went to war in
October 1947 after Pakistan flourished a Muslim insurgency in Kashmir. India
accepted a request for armed assistance from Kashmir s Maharaja, in return for
access to India. But the nature of that accession has long been the subject of
debate. The war ended on 1 January 1949, with a ceasefire line. The status of the
land remained in violence because agreed papers confirming access never existed.
1965 The two countries went to war again after Pakistan launched a war across the
ceasefire line into Indian s land Jammu and Kashmir. India got revenge by crossing
the international border at Lahore. 1971 Pakistan entered into a civil war after East
Pakistan wanted autonomy and later wanted independence. India attacked East
Pakistan to support its people after millions of civilians left to India. At the end of
1971, Bangladesh was created out of East Pakistan. 1989 Resistance to Indian rule
broke out in Kashmir valley in 1989, with some groups calling for independence and
others calling for union with Pakistan. India accused Pakistan of supplying weapons
to the enemies. During the 1990s,
Zero Tolerance Policy Pros And Cons
Zero Tolerance Policies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Schools are institutions where acquisition of knowledge is fostered in a nurturing
milieu. In 1994, when Congress passed The Gun Free Schools Act , also known as
the Zero Tolerance Policy by many, it was intended to provide students and
educators with a safe environment conducive to learning. Nonetheless, the real result
of these policies is not safer schools, but significant adverse effects, such as severe
disruption of students academic progress in ways that have lasting negative
consequences (Juvenile Law Center, 2014). However, over the past 25 years,
opponents of the Zero Tolerancepolicy has decried it as a school to prison pipeline
believing that it does more harm than good. Despite the true nature of the act and
the authority granted by this piece of legislation, school officials relied heavily on
the policy to punish minor infractions. As a result, critics argued that a school to
prison pipeline movement took place in the American education system (Juvenile
Law Center, 2014). In addition, denigrators of the Zero Tolerance policy cited the
kids for cash scandal, that took place in the mid 1990 s, as a perfect example of the
overreach of the policy (Juvenile Law Center, 2014). In 2008, two judges in Luzerne
County, PA were found guilty of receiving bribes from private for profit, youth
detention center builder. In this case, President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior
Judge Michael Coahan
Examples Of Critical Incident Of A Teacher
As a student, I have been inspired by a few teachers at both my primary and
secondary schools to seek an interest in the teaching profession. One year after
finishing secondary school where I obtained most of my passes I took some time
to reflect back on my twelve years at school and the few critical incidents that have
cultivated my thinking about teachers and teaching. Some incidents were positive
and others negative, but all assisted to shape the type of teacher I want to be in the
future! A few critical incidents that shaped my thinking were the first time I came
first in a class, the evening I approached the lackadaisical teacher and the day where
I was escorted out of class. At primary schoolI was not referred to as an A student
until I entered standard three where Mr. Singh was my teacher. Personally, I
considered him the ideal teacher; he had a... Show more content on ...
I was honestly confused. When she came outside she told me that she was
disappointed in me when she saw my mark for the subject and she knew that I am
capable of so much and if I focused and stopped indulging in disruptive behaviour in
class I could receive a high grade in all my subjects. I was surprised because it was
the first time in secondary school a teacher showed me that they cared about me. I
saw the hurt in her eyes when she talked to me. Research suggests caring
relationships with teacher s help students do better in school and act more kindly
toward others. (Zakrzewski, 2012, para. 1) When a teacher truly shows interest in a
student it means so much to that student. That evening I went home and analysed
everything she told me and I had a new perspective about her, my education and my
future. As a teacher, I will try to motivate all my students from early to insure that
they have the right mindset to learn and to prepare for their
American Orator Injustice
Speakers of the past always make us think more deeply than we would like to, as
confirmed in Grimke s Duty of the American Orator. In the passage the author,
Grimke, discusses his opinion that you must speak about the union to be an
acceptable orator. The beginning of the passage states which side an orator should
stand on and the consequences of believing the opposing stance. It convincingly
explains what we as an American people must work to achieve and further
describes how we are different from other countries. Grimke allows the reader to
decide whether he wants to speak for or speak against the union. He presents to
them a choice and deeply explains the influences of each. What must an influential
person address in order to be a successful orator? Let the American orator discharge
all other duties but this, if indeed it be not impossible, with the energy and
eloquence of John Rutledge, and the disinterested fidelity of Robert Morris, yet
shall he be counted a traitor if he attempt to dissolve the union (McGuffey Fourth
Reader, pg. 283). The influential orator must speak of the subject like he believes it
despite his opinion, if it is best for the country. If he does not speak about the subject
persuasively... Show more content on ...
The greater the interests, and the more sacred the rights which may be at stake, the
more resolutely should he appeal to the generous feelings, the noble sentiments, the
calm considerate wisdom, which become a free, educated, peaceful Christian people
(McGuffey Fourth Reader, pg 285). This quote correctly identifies what the world
does today. When certain rights are in jeopardy America turns to Christian beliefs.
Therefore, we as Christians have the same responsibilities as those orators of
pronounced positions. We, like American orators, must reject selfishness, jealousy,
fear, and disrespect among our people. Additionally, we must encourage patriotism
Jack The Ripper Essay
Jack The Ripper
In August 1888, the first of a series of murders was committed by a killer who
became known as Jack the Ripper. To this day the identity of the killer remains a
mystery. Five women were brutally killed in the East End of London, by a maniac
who appeared to kill without warning and with no remorse.
1)What can you learn from Source A?
Source A tells us that the two murders were aimed directly at the poorest people in
East End at the time, and usually because of the poverty at that time, the women had
to revert to prostitution so this tells us that the murderer had a great dislike for poor
people or mainly prostitutes, but there was no clear motive for him to do it. It ... Show
more content on ...
Other than that they all agree in the fact that they all agree that they were very
peculiar ways, and that the killer put in an excess of effort.
3)How useful are Sources D and E…?
The evidence of Elizabeth Long, the rippers only survivor, described the man she
had seen Annie Chapman, another victim talking to prior to her death. The
description is quite vague as she only comments on what she could make out when
it was dark and from far away, so it seems quite unreliable and it doesn t tell us
enough, so concentrating on this to find the Ripper would be a waste of time. But
it was an eye witness account so it would be quite useful. Source E relies on an
article published in a local newspaper, so it could be biased, and it also relies on the
information of only one informant and that could also be biased. The source was
produced to inform the neighborhood about they could be on the look out and be
aware that there was a murderer loose. The article says that it is basically the police s
fault that these murders keep happening because they should have strengthened and
he went from each police station to another, but with no avail. This is saying that the
police didn t pay any attention until the first murder happened. Then the informant
claimed he
Nt1310 Unit 4 Lab Report
Analysis For the first part of the lab, our goal was to calculate the time constant, пЃґ,
of an RC circuit. We made an RC series circuit and connected it to the Rigol wave
generator to produce a square waveform for current. Then, we collected data of the
voltage across the capacitor at different points in time using a myDAQ and the
4BL application. In order to find the time constant, we linearized the voltage we
measured across the capacitor and then performed a linear regression on the data.
The equation for the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time is: V_c
(t)=V_b (1 e^(( t)/RC) ) where V_c (t) is the voltage across the capacitor as a
function of time and V_b is the input voltage. We then linearize the data by
manipulating the... Show more content on ...
Looking at the values for resonance frequency we got from both methods, at first
glance it appears that the second method is more accurate. However, in order to
better compare the two methods, we can calculate the percent error from the
theoretical value for the resonant frequency. The formula for percent error is: percent
error=| (experimental value accepted value)/(accepted value) | Г— 100 We get that
the percent error for method 1 is 19.3% and the percent error for method 2 is 1.2%.
This affirms that the method 2 is the more accurate method to measure the resonant
frequency. This may be due to the fact that method 1 involves using estimations by
eye, which allows for human error and inaccurate estimations. The difference
between the experimental and theoretical values for the resonant frequency could
also result from faulty equipment, which may not function as the manufacturer
claims or be worn down by natural decay. Lastly using the theoretical value for the
RLC circuit and Equation 2, we calculate a Q factor of Q=0.19. This low Q factor
indicates that the peak of the curve is not very sharp and there could have been
overdamping, which potentially increases the error in reading the resonant frequency,
especially for the reading by
Masculinity In Cathedral
Men are under constant careful scrutiny of other men (Kimmel). They tend to watch
each other, rank each other and grant each other acceptance into the realm of
manhood (Kimmel). Because manhood is demonstrated by the approval of other
men, men are inherently self insecure and look for the approval of others. This
concept is evidently displayed in many of stories in Raymond Carver s collection.
Specifically, the short stories They re Not Your Husband and Cathedral demonstrate
the insecure nature of men. The need for the Earl Ober to seek admiration by other
men in story They re Not Your Husband, and the narrator s apprehension of his wife s
friend in Cathedral ultimately indicate that men are self doubting. Thus, men as a
social... Show more content on ...
When the narrator s wife tells the narrator that Robert recently lost his wife, he thinks
that it is a tragedy that Robert s wife was a woman whose husband could never read
the expression on her face (Carver 70). This proposition sounds atrocious to the
narrator, because he and the other men of the other stories are used to determining
their masculinity through the eyes of other men (Kimmel). Moreover, the insecurity
of the male narrator is demonstrated by his apprehension of Robert, for whom his
wife once worked. The narrator is clearly uncomfortable having the Robert in his
house. Although he claims that this is because Robert is blind, it is rather obvious
that it is due to the fact that the narrator fears that Robert is a rival for his wife and
thus, will usurp his masculinity (Benson). However, the narrator soon realizes
what it really means to be blind. As a result, he no longer feels threatened by
Robert and therefore is not insecure about his masculinity. In fact, when the narrator
s wife falls asleep on the couch with her robe open and showing a juicy thigh , at
first, the narrator draw[s] her robe back over her (Carver 71). However, after he
glances at the blind man, and realizes that the he is no longer an intimidation, he
flip[s] the robe open again (Carver 71). In other words, the narrator does not care
that his wife probably would rather not be showing a juicy thigh. He would only
consider the decency of his wife if he felt the another man was threatening his
masculinity. Moreover, once the narrator is no longer insecure, he is actually able to
connect with Robert, without fearing that Robert will steal his wife. The narrator
agrees to help Robert understand what a cathedral is. Because the narrator s
insecurity is only present when the narrator believes that Robert will emasculate him,
the occurrences of the story
Chinese Influence On Vietnamese Culture, Language And...
Vietnam is one of the countries in Southeast Asia with a population of over 95 million
people. It has a long history of being ruled by China for over a thousand years,
resulting in a strong Chinese influence on Vietnamese culture, language and writing
system. Even after Vietnam has gained their independence in the tenth century,
Chinese was still the language was being spoken and used in many written
documents. However during the 16th and 17th centuries when Catholic missionaries
arrived in Vietnam, they wanted to establish a writing system that could be easily
taught to people in order to maintain their Catholic influence after they left. In 1651, a
writing system based on the roman alphabet called Quб»‘c ngб»Ї was created gaining
popularity amongst missionaries and followers. It took several years for the language
to become more prominent in Vietnam eventually being deemed the official language
used for public documents in 1910. Though the transition from Chinese to Quб»‘c
ngб»Ї was very slow and difficult, eventually it became the writing system that
everyone used over time.
Introduction Vietnamese falls under the Mon Khmer group of the Austro Asiatic
family of languages, which mean that most of the vocabulary within the language
contain different buildups of lower intonations leading to a strong stressed syllable.
There are three major dialects of Vietnamese: Hanoi primarily spoken in Northern
Vietnam, Hue used mostly in Central Vietnam and Saigon which
American Conquest Research Paper
According to the Anglo Saxon Chronicle on William I, the first Norman king was a
very wise and great man, and more honored and more powerful than any of his
predecessors , but he also caused castles to be built and oppressed the poor. 1 The
portrait of William the Conqueror is very conflicted, especially in this source since
it was written from an Anglo Saxon perspective, or, in other words, from the
perspective of the loser side of the 1066 Hastings battle. If the Norman Conquest
had any impact on England, it can certainly be expressed in terms of changes in the
political balance of power. I will argue, however, that the Norman Conquest did not
radically change England, at least not on every aspect, but certainly opened the way
for deeper... Show more content on ...
Firstly, William brought new incomes with his new lands, even if it still seems less
important to the huge Angevin empire of Henry II, that also included Aquitaine,
Maine and Anjou. There was also a decrease in land value, especially in the North
after their two revolts against the king, which led to the systematical destruction of
the countryside by William I, to make sure that no army could ever be raised from
here. However, William also had a positive impact on the English economy, since he
developped the trade with the Continent, expanded the cities and encouraged
urbanization and the settlement of Jews, who could lend with interest and thus
trigger the economic growth. William II continued his father work but apparently
increased the taxes. Thus, the Council, after William II s death, required that his
brother, Henry I, abolish all the previous taxes, fines, especially on marriage and
inheritance. Thus, Henry promised that all fines and debts which were owed to [his]
brother [are] remit[ted]. 4 Once again however, Henry II is way more striking in that
matter. He invented two taxes, the scutage that allows a vassal to pay money to the
king instead on his military service, and the aid, a special tax for marriages and
knighting ceremonies. Thus, Henry II went even further and institutionalized the
taxes that the Normans previously unformely
How Did The Great Depression Affect The Economy
Throughout the history of the United States, many economic recessions and
depressions have occurred, and will occur. These recessions and depressions are in
part caused by the actions of the denizens of the United States on a microeconomic
level, and also by the government itself on a macroeconomic level. The worst of
these economic events is widely considered to be the Great Depression, occurring in
the 1930 s. However, a worldwide event is widely credited with pulling the United
Statesout of what is believed to be it s greatest economic trial: World War II.
Although the second World War was the most destructive war in history, economic
evidence proves that this war brought the U.S. out of its Great Depression.
The Great Depression ... Show more content on ...
However, World War II led to a rise in employment across many fields, whether it
be government or manufacturing. Between January 1939 and November 1943,
employment rapidly rose in the U.S. by 12.9 million jobs, but then fell by 3.7
million through to December 1945. On net, employment increased by an annualized
rate of 3.9 percent during that time span. (Ghanbari, 2). These job growths were
concentrated in manufacturing and government roles, which accounted for 38 and
20 percent of net employment growth, respectively (Ghanbari, 2). On a more
specific note relating to employment, World War II s spike in governmental jobs
was a sustained growth past 1948. Employment in federal government after January
of 1939 rose by an annual 1.5 percent yearly (Ghanbari, 4). Simply put, government
jobs increased rapidly during and after the Second World War, all the way up until
the last noted increase in December of 2015, with local government jobs making up
approximately two thirds of all government employment (Ghanbari, 4). Another thing
that is noted on the topic of employment is that Since 1939, employment trends have
tended to coincide with business cycles, albeit imperfectly, declining during
recessions and rising during recoveries and expansions. (Ghanbari, 5). This quote
and evidence proves how the Great Depression led to a fall in employment, but
World War II expanded the market and allowed
School Lunch Choices
The majority of children in schools are lacking nutrition critical to get through the
day, especially if they are going to practice right after school. This is why, as an
active, hungry student; I believe that we should be able to have multiply choices for
lunch. When yes, we do have the portion sizes required by the state, children should
not have to go home from schoolhungry. Also, not everyone likes certain foods they
serve for lunch, and with more than one main foodchoice, everyone is bound to find
something they like. This is why I think that we should expand the lunch choices.
Our school currently has very small food portions. I surveyed ten random kids in
junior high and high school and nine out of the ten said they would pay at
Dramatic Tension In Macbeth
On a foul thunderous day in Scotland, Macbeth a tragic hero is forced to seek out
witches in hope to know what his future entails. This visit is set of a dark and filthy
cave referred to as the heath. The failed assassinating of Fleance and Macduff rude
disregard for Macbeths banquet foreshadows Macbeth actions at this point in the play.
Macbethfeels insecure with regards to prolonging his kingship if Fleance, Banquos
heir still lives. His fear is a result of a prophecy by the witches upon Banquo s life,
before he was brutally assassinated by murders hired by Macbeth. The witches are
an emblem of his state of mind and a test of his human agency. The aim of this essay
is to explore how William Shakespeareattempts to use dramatic tension to plot the
tragedy and ultimately question... Show more content on ...
He believes that they speak truth good caution and can really foretell the future since
both of their prophecies that he will be Thane of Cawdor and ultimately King of
Scotland come true. Therefore Macbeth deliberately seeks out the sisters whereas
their initially encounter was accidental. What Macbeth doesn t realize is that the
weird sisters are cunning and deceitful in their prophecies. The weird sisters first tell
Macbeth a known fact, that he is Thane of Glamis , in order to gain his trust so that
ultimately everything they say thereafter he believes. Similarly in this encounter the
weird sister use the same form of trickery on him. This is evident in their first
apparition Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. The audience, as well
Macbeth already knows that Macduff threatens Macbeth s reign hence he boycotted
the banquet. They meet at their initial meeting place, the heath and the encounter is
still dominated with thunder, darkness and conjuring up of spirits. In his first
encounter with the weird sister Macbeth thought of them as fantastical , intriguing
and of strange intelligence and he spoke to them with respect speak if you
Placement Testing In High Schools
Placement Test Report
Out of every class level in high school, it is constantly argued which year is the
Some say freshman year because you do not know what to expect, some say junior
year because of the SAT and ACT testing, and some say senior year because of
constant college applications.
However, currently the most important time of the year for seniors is approaching,
applying to and visiting colleges. This is both a very stressful and nerve wrecking
time for all seniors in high school because they all want to get into their desired
colleges. While applying to colleges, there are many steps required and it is a
unique process for each school. For example, while some schools require the
Common App questions and essays, others require ... Show more content on ...
This year В· especially, I am being prepared for college and the tests that I may have
to complete upon admission. Even though I may feel prepared, there are always
going to be a couple of questions that I am may completely go blank on. Some of
these questions may be about higher level
Algebra, Pre Calculus or different types of math. The questions that I do not
comprehend, I can go back into my old notes and reteach myself how to do a
specific problem by practicing examples. Another resource I can use to my
advantage is to ask my teacher for extra time to help prepare me for difficult
problems that I may encounter on a Placement Test.
Overall, researching and learning about the college Placement Test and what to
expect, was very beneficial to me. The test s main purpose is to evaluate students
based on their mathematical skills and place them accordingly. I now have an idea of
what the format of the test is and what types of questions and ability they require.
Montclair State University. Math Readiness Tests Montclair State University. N.p.,
n.d. Web.
27 Sept. 2017.
Placement Tests. William Paterson University. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept.
Midwest Compare And Contrast
I am going to compare and contrast the two region midwest and the west region. In a
article it stated that the Midwestern United States or Midwest refers to the north
central states of the United States of America, specifically Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South
Dakota, and Wisconsin. The West, region, western U.S., mostly west of the Great
Plainsand including, by federal government definition, Alaska, Arizona, California,
Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and
Wyoming. The west region is hotter than the midwest region.
In a article it stated the west has Virtually every part of the United Statesexcept the
Eastern Seaboard has been the West ... Show more content on ...
The Midwest remains a melting pot of Protestantism and Calvinism, mistrustful of
authority and power. While in the west there culture was like a region of cowboys,
Indians, covered wagons, outlaws, prospectors, and a whole society operating just
outside the law. as with other sections of the United States, regional boundaries are
somewhat imprecise. The West of the cowboy and the cattle drive covered many
non Western states, including Kansas and Nebraska. Much of the West s fiercest
Indian fighting took place in the Dakotas, both of which are now considered to be
part of the Middle West. Alaska and Hawaii, geographically the most western of all
the states, are really no part of the popularly conceived West at all.
In conclusion the midwest and the west region are not very much alike. But they do
have some similarities that i explained in my essay. But i believe the midwest is
more put together than the west because of its land and background of its religion and

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Commentary Essay.pdf

  • 1. Commentary Essay Crafting a commentary essay can be both challenging and intellectually stimulating. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance between offering personal insights and maintaining a critical, analytical approach. Unlike other essay types, a commentary essay requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter and the ability to present a cohesive argument while incorporating relevant evidence. One of the primary challenges is finding the right blend of objectivity and subjectivity. Striking this balance is essential to ensure that your personal opinions enhance rather than overshadow the analytical depth of the commentary. This demands a high level of self-awareness and critical thinking skills, as you navigate through the complexities of the topic. Moreover, a commentary essay often demands extensive research to support your perspectives effectively. The process of gathering relevant information, selecting credible sources, and synthesizing the data can be time-consuming. The challenge is not just in finding information but also in discerning its significance and relevance to your argument. Structuring the essay is another aspect that can pose difficulties. A commentary essay typically requires a clear introduction, a well-organized body, and a thoughtful conclusion. Ensuring a seamless flow of ideas while addressing counterarguments adds an additional layer of complexity. Achieving this requires careful planning and meticulous attention to detail. Furthermore, the language used in a commentary essay should be both articulate and accessible. Balancing sophistication with clarity is no small feat, as it requires a nuanced understanding of your audience and the ability to communicate complex ideas in an understandable manner. In conclusion, the process of writing a commentary essay is a demanding task that requires a combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication. Navigating through the challenges of maintaining objectivity, incorporating personal insights, and structuring the essay can be a formidable endeavor. However, it is through overcoming these difficulties that one can produce a commentary essay that is both insightful and compelling. If you find yourself needing assistance with similar essays or facing challenges in the writing process, consider exploring resources like, where you can access professional support to enhance your academic endeavors. Commentary Essay Commentary Essay
  • 2. Alzheimer s Degenerative Disease Alzheimer s dementia is a prototypical neurodegenerative disease characterized by a series of abnormalities in the brain that selectively affect neurons in specific regions. There is a progressive decrease in neuronal activity and neuronal survival. Historically, researchers have used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology to scan patients with Alzheimer s disease and the normal elderly. Using supercomputers, color coded maps were created that revealed the degenerative sequence of Alzheimer s disease via novel brainmapping methods. These brain maps showed a wave of gray matter loss that was strongly related to the progressive decline in cognitive functioning which is a key feature of the disease. The Alzheimer s patients lost an average... Show more content on ... Under normal condition tau binds to microtubules, stabilizing neuronal structure and integrity. Hyperphosphorylation of tau is assumed to be the cause of the formation of paired helical filaments neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). The principle components of the senile plaques are neurofibrillary tangles in the cell bodies, neuropil threads, and neurites as well as extracellular A beta amyloid. These lesions are surrounded by microglial and astrocytes. The brain regions affected by Alzheimer s disease also contain neuritic or senile plaques in which extracellular deposits of amyloid are surrounded by dystrophic axons as well as the process of astrocytes and microglia. The principle constituent of amyloid is a 4kDa peptide called A beta amyloid. A beta amyloid is cleaved from a larger precursor protein called amyloid precursor protein. Similar abnormalities occur in transgenic mice with mutant APP and in individuals with Alzheimer s
  • 3. Are Animals In Zoos IN THE WILD OR CAGED UP? These days there are several different animal breeds in zoos for people to look at. They are all over the world, some are in good conditions and the animals are treated well, but then there Вґs the ones that are opposite of that. Are these zoos really necessary for the well being of the animals, or is it just cruel capturing them and closing them in much smaller places than what they should have and letting them be abused?Every kind of animal is ready there to just be looked and used as an entertainment in zoos. Some animals have a big environment around them, but what about the animals stuck in the less fortunate countries with little money to support what every breeds requires and needs in order to survive and live a satisfied life? There are more of those than the other. Especially if you go to vacation on a ... Show more content on ... Without these they wouldn t have survived in the wild. The kind of animals that is being talked about now are the animals that are hunted and killed for their skin to be sold, teeth to be used in rituals by so called witches and healers. For example, the rhino is endangered now because hunter have been cutting their horns off and leaving them for dead. The hunters earn thousands on killing with no remorse and the animals disappear as the years go by while we can t do anything. These endangered animals have been taking care of and still are by people and put in zoos and protected against anyone that are going to hurt them. Making sure that they mate and get children so they won t disappear from earth like many others have. Without the zoos that do this task it would be uncertain of how many animals would have been killed of the planet and the only thing left of them would be pictures and
  • 4. The Color White Analysis The color white has many meanings ranging from innocence to light. For weddings, a white dress means purity while a white piece of paper means a clean slate. All of the meanings seems far fetch to the people who consider themselves indecent even if they want to change. In this play Willie fits into this group of people. The blank paper appears several times in the dialogue which shows that it has some significance to Willie. She evens compares the sky to to colorof a clean piece of paper (1090). Willie s life is no where near fitting for a thirteen year old, and she maybe rethinking her past while talking to Tom about her time in school. She tells Tom about how Miss Preston would give Willie the paper and tell her, Draw what you please! (1089).... Show more content on ... The doll is falling apart do to age or neglect (1083). Willie is telling Tom all of these wonderful stories about her inherited beaux and Alva while holding the doll. Everything seems innocent, but there is a hidden meaning behind the her doll. Williams describes Willie as childlike and laughing randomly while resembling a doll with her makeup (1083). Willie tells Tom that she is worried about washing the dolls hair because of the doll s compound fracture (1088). She says, I think that most of her brains spilled out. She s been acting silly ever since. Saying an doing the most outrageous things (1088). The doll s compound fracture and brains spilling out represents Willie after losing her parents and sister while now being homeless. Spilling brains can make a person go crazy and so can losing all of their family members like Willie. She evens refers herself as being peculiar to Tom in the beginning of their conversation (1082). Since her parents are gone, Willie looks up to Alva instead. She learns to sleep with men from her sister which is an outrageous thing to do for a thirteen year old. Although she is talking to her doll in the dialogue, Willie is speaking of herself. The doll resembles Willie in some ways. She still tries to convince Tom that her life can be extravagant, but the doll is showing
  • 5. Contract Law Essays Contract Law On Monday Samantha offered to sell her oboe to Penny for ВЈ1,000. Penny replied I will buy it if I can raise the money . Samantha promised that she would not sell the oboe to anyone else before Saturday, and added that Penny could collect the oboe at any time before noon on Saturday. On Wednesday, Penny phoned and left a message with Samantha s daughter, Anne, saying that she had got the money and would collect the oboe on Saturday morning about 10.30am. Anne forgot to tell her mother about the phone call. On Thursday morning Samantha was entertaining friends and discussing the sale of her oboe. Gillian was interested and offered to buy the oboe for ВЈ1,300. Samantha... Show more content on ... If this were to be considered such, then the acceptance would not necessarily be binding. Samantha then promised that she would not sell the oboe to anyone else before Saturday and added that Penny could collect it anytime before noon on that day. Then on Wednesday, there is a phone call from Penny hoping to reach Samantha to tell of confirmation of accumulating the money required to purchase the oboe. Unfortunately, Samantha was unavailable and her daughter Anne took the phone call. Penny left a message with Anne that she had the agreed sum of money and would collect the oboe on the agreed day at 10.30am, in this case the Saturday of the same week. Anne then forgot to tell Samantha about the message. Could this still be taken as acceptance of the offer by Samantha? Penny had passed on the acceptance, but it was to Anne, not to Samantha. On the Thursday, Samantha was entertaining friends and the subject of the sale of the oboe came into conversation. One of her friends, Gillian, was interested and offered Samantha ВЈ1300 for the oboe. Samantha was obviously very happy with this offer, as it was ВЈ300 over the amount she had offered Penny. She accepted the offer from Gillian and a contract was formed. In any other circumstances, this would be a very simple and straightforward contract, but due to outstanding issues with Penny, shadows were cast over its legitimacy. If
  • 6. The Story Of An Hour Essay In The Story of an Hour, I can relate to so many different things that go on in this short tragic story. After reading the story I almost felt like Louise Mallard and I were living the same life with different events and a different outcome. Everything about the two of us comes down to being always misunderstood and just wanting to be free. In the beginning of the story, we look at Louise Mallard from a bird s eye point of view. Louise is introduced as a devoted young wife who has been told the news of her husband s unfortunate death. When Chopin goes deeper into Louise s thoughts and feelings, they surprisingly contradict her initial description of her. I grew up in New Jersey my whole life. I lived in a huge house and everyone in ... Show more content on ... That s why I understand Louise so much. We were not what people expected us to be. We were just living our life how we had to. Louise Mallard is seen by the reader as dependent and helpless because of how she is treated by others, even her own sister. When the news comes about her husband being killed, she tells her like one would tell a child that their dog just died. You can just sense how Louise has dealt with being hovered over her whole life by her sister. A good example of this is when her sister is pleading with her to come out of the room that she has locked herself into saying, Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door В– you will make yourself ill (16, paragraph 17.) Being able to read Louise s thoughts, you discover that she is not weak in her mind and spirit, she is just highly confined. In my life, being hovered over is an everyday, every hour, and every minute kind of thing for me. Since I was a baby, my parents have been highly overprotective. Like Louise, I am looked at by my parents as dependent and helpless. I am very much independent, but I am some what confined. Though I live by myself in a whole different state than my parents; it sometimes feels like they live right next door. The fact that my parents pay all of my bills, and on top of that pay me an allowance of someone with a full time job every Friday, seems to give them a right to barge in on my life. Having no complaints about any of this, I
  • 7. Hammurabi s Sixth Rulers Of Babylon Babylon was one of the many city states that formed in ancient Mesopotamia. Hammurabi was Babylon s sixth ruler back in 1754 B.C.E. In an attempt to bring law and order, Hammurabi set a collection of laws engraved in stone on a 7 foot high stele. There were a total of 282 clauses that helped changed the legal system. They were placed for everyone to see. This became one of the most famous ancient legal document. It was also the first time laws were written down. Prior to Hammurabi s Law Code the laws continuously changed, it was difficult to get a fair trial and there was no stability in justice. This was a way for everyone to see that there will be consequences. Hammurabi believed that the punishment should fit the crime, but not for all
  • 8. Elizabeth Siddal And The Femme Fatale In pre Raphaelite paintings, a famously known model, Elizabeth Siddal appears as an idealised form of female body. In the 19th century, she was the central figure of the muse that often combined with man s fantasy and sensuality with poetic idealism. Although Rossetti and Siddal s marriage was not so idealised rather a tragedy, but they formed a relationship of an artist and the muse. After the death of Siddal, Rossetti departed from the notion of ideal women but he was preoccupied with the theme of Lilith in both his paintings and poetry. Rossetti manifested many of the demonized figure imagery, the femme fatal , in his art and to a certain extent, we could see that he was not free from the memory of his wronged wife. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that many male artists depicted the female body imagery in two categories, which are either the idealised, the muse or the cult of feminine beauty, the femme fatale. Those binary structured perception between the muse and the femme fatale have a strong relationship with the man s agony and anxiety over the female challenges that were emerging at different levels of society. Bear this ideas in mind, the paper attempts to explore the Lilith images in Rossetti s art with the particular focus on how the muse turned into femme fatale. Furthermore, it will discuss Rossetti s engagements with his wife, Elizabeth Siddal from the perspective of personal and psychological aspects. First, the paper will briefly discuss the
  • 9. The Works Of The Opera Billy Budd, The Handsome Sailor There are two possible fates we each face in life. We either forget our mistakes or carry them on our shoulders forever. This burden has evolved into a common theme for operas, novels and other pieces of literature. For instance, Benjamin Britten uses this motif as a threshold for his opera Billy Budd. He explores the hunting troubles of captain Edward Fairfax Vere by setting up a narration on retrospect of the hanging of Billy Budd, the handsome sailor . Inspired by Herman Melvilles novel, the opera became well known. In effect, in 1997 John Dexter directed one of the performances in the Metropolitan Opera. The story begins with captain Vere as an old man who narrates in retrospect the story of Billy Budd on his ship the Indomitable. Billy, the handsome sailor, kills the master at arms, Claggart, and is, therefore, condemned to death by law. Vere decides not to influence Billy s verdict and simply hears out what the other three highly ranked sailors have to say. Despite the captain being against the ruling, Billy has to be hanged in order to follow the laws and avoid mutiny from the ship s crew. The narration proceeds with Billy s waiting for his hanging and the execution itself. By the end of the account, Vere asserts that he has accepted Billy s death. It can be easy to believe this assumption, but nothing could be further from the truth. Captain Vere has not come to terms with this episode of his life, neither should he. Vere is still plagued by this chapter of his
  • 10. The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock Commentary: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock T.S. Eliot s poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, illustrates the fear of the fragmentation of society today. In the poem, Eliot creates the persona of Prufrock. Prufrock is speaking to an unknown listener. The persona of Prufrock is Eliot s interpretation of Western society and its impotency. His views on society is seen as a modernistic point of view, which idolizes the ideas to regress back to a classicist era. Eliot illustrates his contempt for the modern society by illustrating fragmentation with synecdoche, characterization of Prufrock, and allusions to literary traditions throughout the narrative. In his poem, Eliot clings to the idea of a classical society in which he is witnessing fall apart. Throughout The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Eliot illustrates fragmentation by using synecdoche to illustrate his fear of a societal breakdown. The fragmentation represents Eliot s view on the broken, chaotic world. Throughout the poem, Eliot uses faces, hands, arms, chins, arms with light brown hair, fingers, and the head, yet he never describes a whole human. The human in which Prufrock is imagining is potentially the woman which he hopes to talk to that evening. Eliot writes of this mystery woman, Arms that are braceleted and white and bare/ [But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!]/ Is it perfume from a dress/ That makes me digress? In the end, Prufrock s thoughts are broken by real life. Eliot
  • 11. Essay about The Shallows Professor Provost RPW 210 27 October 2011 The Shallows; Real or Make Believe The Internet is something that some consider their lifesavers, while others believe that it takes their life away. The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, by Nicholas Carr is a novel that explores the different areas of how new technologies affect humans in different ways, regarding multi tasking and distractions, to how new technologies make us lose a little part of ourselves. Throughout the book Carr puts forward very strong arguments, but then loses creditability with his use of fallacies in argument. Within the very first chapter Hal and Me , is where the first fallacy arises. Hal and Me , gives the reader some insight of what they ... Show more content on ... Many generalizations are present throughout this chapter that weaken Carr s argument. This quote is just one of the few generalizations, The intellectual ethic of a technology is rarely recognized by its inventors. They are usually so intent on solving a particular problem or untangling some thorny scientific or engineering dilemma that they don t see the implications of their work. The users of the technology are also usually oblivious to its ethic. They, too, are concerned with the practical benefits they gain from employing the tool (Carr 45). As stated before this quote is a generalization. Carr is generalizing with the assumption that inventors are usually so intent on solving a problem that they aren t focuses on the benefits or consumers, which isn t very true anymore. Many inventors who create products are now looing for the benefits that its user or consumer will get. Therefore this quote can confuse the reader. Another contradiction appears in chapter 3 Tools of the Mind , Carr states Language itself is not a technology (51). This is a contradiction to chapter 5 A Medium Of The Most General Nature , where the whole concept of the chapter is writing and reading, which is considered language to most. When reading chapter 5 and remembering this quote, it makes the reader question Carr s credibility of chapter 3 of how language evolves from humans, and that reading and writing is part of our culture and is not a technology.
  • 12. Characteristics Of A Great Leader To be a great leader one must have many attributes or qualities. Some of the most important are flexibility, communication, courage, humility, and responsibility. A great leader must be flexible as being a leader usually consists of dealing with new challenges all the time, especially in the technological age. Communication consists of effectively conveying expectations and understanding how people will interpret the leader s directions. A great leader must have the courage to see the path that the group must take to complete the goal regardless of the consequences. When a great leader does not correctly handle a situation he or she must have the humility to admit that he or she was wrong. Also, this leader must be responsible for the... Show more content on ... Part of the reason that the idea of great leaders being born is appealing is that a great leader is so hard to define. It can be discussed what great leaders do and how they act. Sometimes all we are good at though is identifying who a great leader is outside of ourselves. It is difficult to answer the question Why aren t you a great leader? . The initial reaction would most commonly be that you just aren t. It seems that you weren t meant to be. With that the idea that great leaders are born to be that way seems appealing. If we look at history many great leaders came seemingly out of nowhere. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln did not need to attend leadership seminars to lead the nation. With all that is done for leadership nowadays and the mixed results, it seems that there is something intrinsic that great leaders have. Many companies focus their efforts on trying to develop leaders from within the company to fill critical roles. Many times though there is a leadership talent gap from where the company would like the given leader to be and where he or she actually is. A lot of what is attributed to a leader begin great is luck. To be truly great the leader usually is presented with a monumental opportunity to lead in the face of adversity. The leader is lucky to have come upon this situation and be given the chance to rise to the occasion. By capitalizing on this lucky situation the
  • 13. Temperley s The History Of Serbia 1.The history of Serbia is a non fiction history book published in 1917, during the Great war. A war that was started in the Balkans from a Serbian national Yugoslav nationalist. As the Balkans was considered the powder keg of Europe at the time.The Author was British historian H.W.V. Temperley who fought in Great War in Turkey before publishing this work, so it is likely that he had some curiosity to the people who ended up causing at that time the deadliest war in history. Being a historian of Modern history, there is a chance he was curious about the Orthodox Yugoslavic people before the war started, but that can not be known for certain. The book was written in England, in English, for the British educated literati, it is unlikely that ... Show more content on ... Looking at the last few sections of the book about the last last few decades of history do have more of a theme along the lines of the whole area is a mess . That is not a quote, but he puts it into nicer words with Nationality is a recent but intense growth in the they hate one another (Temperley 308 9). His final two chapters are even called The Bosnia and Yugoslav Question, and The Macedonia Question(Temperley 286 and 308). The war would end only a year later, and there were still so many unanswered questions, so many issues. With his liberal use of the the terms Serbian, Albanian, Croatian, Bulgaria, and Bosnia, it is rather clear that he and other foreign intellectuals see each group as their own separate entity, even going so far as to use the word race to separate them. 4. Temperley s historical accounts of Serbia is rather rare for England at the time, but for the Balkans themselves it is pretty common. That is why is is pretty easy to find so many books, letters, and pamphlets about the Yugoslav people written in Yugoslav, but finding anything from the time in English is rather rare. So Temperley s work is more on the rare side because it is in English and published for an English speaking audience. This work is a rare window into the Balkans from the time to anyone who does not speak the languages, which is to say most of the
  • 14. African America As A Nation Of Slaves In America Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards, Attorney General Eric Holder. I do believe that as a nation, we do steer away from controversial subjects as race, racism, and the old times of slavery . As a nation we have come a very good way from the past, slaves are no longer a part of everyday life, and for the most part there are equal opportunities, and laws for equal opportunities for anyone of all races, colors, and ethnic backgrounds. Through the years African Americans have been a target for slavery at the beginning of times to the still racial slurs people utter under their breaths. We as a nation need to come together as one and realize the considerable experiences African Americans have been through. In the late 1700 s slaves were uprooted from their homes in West Africa, shackled and transported to the New World, where they were sold off. The conditions of the chambers where the African American slaves were held were deplorable, roomed with rats and given just enough food for survival. They endured physical and psychological trials from the European slave traders, who saw them as only a pretty penny. Many slaves did not make the full journey and died from smallpox. Coming forty seven years or so later, a case was made against slavery and owning and selling the people of Africa by Edward Trelawny. Unfortunately, slaves
  • 15. Germans Essay By the twentieth century over two million Germans have immigrated to the United States. Regardless of where they settled they came from a multitude of areas and for a variety of reasons. They were a highly diversified group in terms of regional origin, religious and political orientation, education, and socioeconomic standing. There were a multitude of push factors, or issues that caused Germans to want to leave Germany from inside the country. One of those is that during the time of World War One, Germany s government started having mandatory military service. This meant that any male over the age of 15 would either have to serve in Germany s military or they would have to leave the country. Many people did not want to serve, and as a ... Show more content on ... These railroads even kept free hotels. This was ideal for many immigrants because they usually came into the country with barely any money. Another pull factor was that relatives and friends of German natives who migrated first would write back and encourage others to follow. This led to chain migrations . We can see by looking at 4 census report where most of the Germans migrated to where they came to New York. I found that the 1880 and 1920 were pretty similar. There were a few more counties that increased but most stayed the same. I t wasn t until the 1960 census that things started really changing. I also noticed that the 3 counties in upper New York: St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton and Washington county which is located on the eastern side were always in the lowest percentile through all 4 censuses, they never changed. Also after the 1920 census more Germans were living in the NY City area then before. Also Erie County, which was the highest in the 1880 census, stayed high throughout out all 4 censuses. From the first census to the last, it seems the trend for the most counties with the highest German population were moving out toward western New York. Looking at the 1880 census the county with the highest amount of German was Erie County. Why was the county such a popular place to come? The Erie Canal had opened in 1825. It made Western New York easily accessible from the Atlantic coast for the first time. For an immigrant arriving at New York
  • 16. Evaluation Of A Summative Evaluation Component Two Type of evaluation The type of evaluation that will be conducted will be a summative evaluation. The summative evaluation will be conducted at the end of the program to see if the goals of the program were accomplished. Were the children able to learn about nutrition Evaluation Goals 1)To determine if this program is successful in educating the children in various cooking techniques. 2)To help children in a low income area discover affordable ways to meal preparation. 3)To determine if the program can be conducted in other low in come areas. Evaluation Questions 1)Are the children committed to coming to the class on a weekly basis? 2)Is the program providing the children with life skills they can apply at home? 3)Are the children enjoying the program? Rationale The rationale of this evaluation is to confirm that the goals of the program are being meet. That the children are being educated in making healthy choices and participating in the program. In order for the evaluation to be accurate research needs to determine if the program will be effective. Component Three Literature Review Learning how to cook is an essential life skill that not only children need but youth as well. In an article by Jessica Herbert and her fellow authors they mentioned how by participating in a cooking program it helps children gain a new perspective on cooking (Herbert et al.2014). Mardie Townsend mentioned in the article Volunteering in a School Kitchen Garden
  • 17. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Essays Mr. Smith is portrayed as an honest man with strong opinions. He is the ideal politician in an ideal society. The film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington depicts a reassuring image that happens to be an image of the past (Wheeler). However, in today s legislature, people like Mr. Smith are rare due to the fact that a politician s primary goal is re election. The good of the people may come as another intention of a politician, but it is always secondary to bringing home the pork. There should be more people like Mr. Smith because the legislature would be able to make decisions more effectively and efficiently, rather than how slowly they currently operate. This is an unfortunate truth, yet it is how our society has been shaped to operate.... Show more content on ... Taylor, a special interest group member, controlled everything Senator Paine did until he finally decided to change. This denotes the impact that wealth can have in the government. The system is designed so that things such as pork barreling can pass and sometimes need to pass in order for a law to go through. This creates a system of lies and corruption, with members of the Senate not looking out for the national good. Senators are forced to focus on improving their own district because it is all they can do to ensure re election. The most successful Senators do this because it gains short term approval from their district and gets them a future vote. This is a method of maintaining their career, and is something they are in some cases forced to do. If someone like Mr. Smith came in and was consistently free of corruption, people would vote for him based on his truthfulness. The legislature s set up allows for corruption to exist in the government. The government shutdown of 2013 ended after a deal was reached in the U.S. Senate that included a provision that raised the spending cap on a dam construction project in Kentucky (Hudak). In this case, 2.2 billion dollars were set aside for this project (Almasy). CNN s article stated: So much for a clean bill (Almasy). Despite the fact that the major issue occurring was the government shutdown, Senator Mitch McConnell still pushed for his rider to be added to the bill. Salient issues are not being addressed
  • 18. Club Of America Research Paper What is Clubs of America? Clubs of America is the world s first and foremost monthly gift club specialist since 1994. The company has been providing subscription services for a variety of consumable gift products such as beer, wine, flower, fruit, cigar, coffee, chocolate and even pizza clubs. The company is family owned and operated and allows its subscribers to experience and taste products before subscribing them. All their products are carefully chosen by experts in their respective fields. So if you want the finest of products at the best values and also want to enjoy a most pleasurable shopping experience then you must shop at Clubs of America. How to use a Clubs of America coupon? You can easily browse for Clubs of America coupons
  • 19. Visible Minority And Immigrant Racism Visible Minority and Immigrant Racism in the Canadian Work Environment In the ideal world, every person is treated equally in the workplace whether it be hiring, promotion, assignments or termination. However in reality, racial discrimination and harassment remain pervasive in the workplace, with 1 in 4 visible minority workers who reported that they had experienced racial harassment or discrimination in the workplace [3]. In this essay, I will be discussing the social history of racism in the workplace, the nature of racism in the labour force, motives and factors, immigration policies, temporary programs and exploitation of employment, the de skilling of individuals and non recognition of foreign credentials, the social history of racism in the workplace, racism in the sociological conflict theory paradigm, and finally, policy recommendations to aimed to eliminate and decrease racism in the work environment. In the Canadian work environment, racism exists as a complex and multidimensional inequality for visible minorities and immigrants, and can be examined socially, economically and politically using the sociological Marxist conflict theory paradigm. The Social History of Racism in the Workplace The scramble to increase wealth began following the discovery of the western hemisphere by wealth seeking European empires. Initially, empires sought for gold but later realized the soil of the new lands were of the greatest wealth, but could only be acquired through the labour
  • 20. Essay on Comparing Romeo and Juliet Films Comparing Romeo and Juliet Films In this essay I intend to compare both the part scenes of Franco Zefferelli and Baz Lurhman movie. Franco s film was screened in 1970; the actors who play the role of Romeo Juliet are Leonardo Whiting and Olivia Hussey. Baz s film was screened in 1997. Leonardo Di Caprio played the role of Romeo and Clare Danes had played the role of Juliet. In this essay I will discuss the differences in both these film that tell the same story written by William Shakespeare. The setting is the most vital part in these movie it shows us the age in which the play is set in by just the glimpse of the furniture s and other materials such as the columns, arts and... Show more content on ... Tybalt, in both the movies he is exposed as the mean, powerful, short tempered man, though in Baz s version we see the all great Tybalt enjoying himself with his dear old aunt Lady Capulet. Lady C in the old version is seen as stern, cold hearted looking women, I know of this by just the expression that she gives of. Lady C in the modern version is seen as wild women who is seen kissing her own nephew, she is also seen being persuasive when she makes her daughter Juliet dance with Paris. We see Juliet as a young pretty girl who dances gracefully in the old version. I notice her afraid, when Romeo tries to kiss her hand she, she quickly retrieves her hand from him. We also witness the look of a shock and upset when she founds out that Romeo is a Montague. Baz s version Juliet looks a bit older, she is pretty and innocent, though she unlike the other Juliet had let Romeo kiss, and she wasn t afraid or ashamed by committing this kiss. Juliet I noticed is not a girl who obeys her parents, when her mother and the nurse were calling for her she seems to ignore them and run
  • 21. Analysis Of The Book Sacrifice Zones By Steve Lerner In the book, Sacrifice Zones, Steve Lerner takes readers through twelve separate stories of communities in the United States that have been unwillingly exposed to high levels of environmental toxicity. In each of these cases, citizens of those communities reacted to and pushed back against being exposed to toxic chemicals, sometimes successfully and sometimes less so. In every case, the people most heavily exposed to these health hazards were minorities and low income citizens, which, Lerner argues, is why government officials and corporate decision makers chose knowingly to risk exposing them. This paper will outline Lerner s book and argue that despite a long history of protests, lawsuits, media attention and nationwide outrage, willing exposure of low income and minority Americans to toxic chemicals in the pursuit of government and corporate interests is still a major problem today. There is certainly not enough space to examine all twelve stories presented in Lerner s book in this paper, and they are all shocking both in terms of the level of exposure to toxic chemicals and the questionable choices of corporate and government officials but a few stories stand out. In Marietta, Ohio, a steel plant called Eramet has been pumping the air full of a toxic chemical called Manganese. The chemical is known to cause health problems, particularly damaging to neurochemical and motor function. When a study confirmed that manganese concentrations in the area were much higher than
  • 22. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center And The Department... Based on these concerns, the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC) and the Department of Defense (DoD) Center for Deployment Health Research, conducted epidemiologic studies to determine whether adverse health conditions of US service members assigned to locations with burn pits could be attributed to the burn pit emissions. The study looked at respiratory symptoms and diseases, chronic multi symptom illness (CMI), cardiovascular diseases, lupus, sleep apnea, rheumatoid arthritis, and birth outcomes of infants of parents who deployed. Although, the result of the study was that all health outcomes of personnel that deployed to areas with a burn pit were about the same or lower compared to personnel that never deployed (Armed Forces... Show more content on ... P. Engelbrecht et al., 2009). Geological dust exists naturally in the environment and is difficult to control on a large scale in arid conditions such as Afghanistan where dust storms are typical. However, watering, laying gravel or asphalt, and limiting movement can be used to limit the amount of airborne geological dust that enters the breathing zone. Burn pits are doctrinally used early in U.S. military deployments when waste management systems such as recycling, land filling, and incinerations is not an option to dispose of the majority of solid waste (mixed waste) (Institute of Medicine, 2011). Disposing of mixed waste (metal, plastic, rubber, electronics, batteries, fuel etc.) through the use of burn pits creates a plume of smoke that may include lead, zinc, and cadmium as airborne particulates and cause potential health effects if inhaled (Johann P Engelbrecht, McDonald, Gillies, Gertler, 2008). Health conditions related to the inhalation of air with elevated PM has been correlated to events where temperature inversions occurred. Meteorological conditions in Afghanistan where inversions are most likely occur from fall to spring (Johann P Engelbrecht et al.,
  • 23. Themes Of The Cask Of The Amontillado Eyad Daoud Alyson Dickerman ENG 102 18 February 25, 2015 Themes of A.S. Byatt and Poe In the stories The Cask of The Amontillado and The Thing in The Forest , the themes loss, madness, and fear were used. They both seem to start with some type of loss and end with a type of madness. In both stories Montresor and Penny from The Thing in The Forest have lost something affecting their lives greatly. These losses put these characters in some type of state of madness. Their loss make these stories, they are the most important because without them, there wouldn t be a story. Montresor is known for his name, he was once really wealthy and with not a whole lot left Montresor really has nothing. When Fortunato insults Montresor, though nothing in Fortunato s mind, Montresor did not take this insult lightly as he would not accept an insult to his name without doing something about it. Montresor also was almost jealousy of Fortunato, he feared this person who became wealthy of his wife is going to take his place, now in the same social circle and wealth, Montresor wasn t having it. Penny fears the past which is coming back to haunt her in a way. Her childhood experience in leaving on her own to a safer place to avoid war. Penny s fear caused her to make up a girl who was almost exactly like her in her mind. Seeing her even 40 years later after all this was over, which was a type of madness. Montresor s fear affected him so much that he wanted revenge on Fortunato and to
  • 24. How Did The British Conquest Of South Africa During the British Conquest of South Africa the English used their superiority to defeat overwhelming armies and kingdoms. Six months throughout 1879 the British army had to fight through entire kingdoms in a new and hostile environment. As a result, the british army had decimated and destroyed societies throughout South Africa exploiting their methods and resources. The successful conquest of South Africawas caused by the British exploiting their advanced technology, the british also had defensive and offensive military tactics which were extremely effective, the British also contained great transportation tools that weren t native to South Africa such as war horses and wagons. Due to the advancement in technology and development the British... Show more content on ... One example of these tactics in use was placed in the battle of Rorke s Drift. Within this battle a total of 139 British Soldiers managed to hold off 4,500 zulu warriors. The soldiers created a perimeter of sandbags and boxes connecting them to nearby buildings throughout the camp. These buildings were important as some buildings contained wounded men and were also used to take out groups of zulus at once in these compact spaces. Over time the Zulu s overran this stage of defence as the first building was put on fire and the zulu s overran a sandbag wall. As the british were well prepared for this they had a wall made out of barrels in the middle of the complex where they set up taking their positions once more fighting for their lives. Again the zulu s had overran the british pushing them to form a small circle in the complex created a last stand until the Zulu s finally retreated (British Battles). Due to this strategy the british managed to fight in Rorke s drift for a total of 12 hours (Britannica) As this strategy was used with two different defence lines the British managed to hold of waves of Zulu s twice as if they formed a compact square the result of this battle might have been different. Another example of british tactics that helped them survive battle of Khambula. The British created two main fortifications out of sandbags and wagons as the Zulu
  • 25. Sergio Marchionne Undertakes Major Strategic And Cultural... Complete Name: Complete Unit #2 Student Name: King, Roger **************************************************************************** 1. Sergio Marchionne Undertakes Major Strategic and Cultural Change at Chrysler Group (p.86) **************************************************************************** 2. What are the observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions associated with Chrysler s culture. Explain Student Answer: Corporate values and morals important to an organization. Espoused values contribute to the development of normal standards of the organization for how it conducts business now and in the future. They are established by the founder of a new or small company and by the top management of a larger company (Kinicki, A. Kreitner, R. 2012 p. 63). Sergio Marchionne has developed a strong reputation for challenging the traditionally bureaucratic nature of management in car manufacturing in the US and Italy. He has also succeeded in building effective relationships with key stakeholders (e.g. trade unions, governments) as part of two substantial change management aerogrammes. He then streamlined senior leadership and asked most of his remaining 15 direct reports to lead more than one function, knowing that the increased work load would yield faster decision making. Marchionne also gave his team full authority to take risks without bureaucratic barriers. People were trusted
  • 26. Changing Adolescent Attitudes Towards Stuttering... The article Changing adolescent attitudes toward stuttering from the Journal of Fluency Disorders analyzes the attitudes that high schoolers have towards stuttering and stutterers. The purpose of this study was to stop the manifestation of the negative stigmas/stereotypes that are usually associated with stutteringwhile also determining whether or not these feelings could be improved among adolescents. A public opinion survey was first distributed to two health classes at a local high school. They were then given a live oral presentation done by someone who suffers from a stutter. The same opinion poll was redistributed afterwards. In two other separate classes, the same survey was given but instead they watched a video presentation about stuttering which featured the same person from the presentation. After the video was displayed, there was another short oral presentation... Show more content on ... Emily Blunt is just one of many famous individuals who has been publicly open about their own personal stuttering problems; a problem that the star had struggled with from the age of 7 to 14. When recalling this event from her childhood, the actress remembers particularly having trouble with her vowels especially at the beginning of words (NPR). However, she was able to solve this problem after her elementary school teacher realized that she spoke fluently whenever she did accents and impressions. After this discovery, Blunt started to participate in theatre and eventually overcame her stuttering problem. She says that if it weren t for her childhood stutter, she never would have pursued a career in acting. Since then she has been recognized by the American Institute for Stuttering and was given their Freeing Voices award, an award given to people who have achieved professional success in spite of their stuttering (Stuttering
  • 27. Leap Of The Brethren Pantry Summary Least of the Brethren is a local food pantry in Pinkneyville, it is where I am choosing to plunge for my assignment. I am choosing this culture because of the high number of low socioeconomic students that attend school in our area. I feel it is important to understand the needs in our area in order to connect with future students and their families. To be very honest, I know there is a great needfor support in our area. However, I assume the families that need this support also receive government assistance through programs such as WIC and Link. Plunging into this culture I hope to gain a better understanding of why pantries are still needed and how I can become more active in addressing the need locally. With the knowledge I hope to gain ... Show more content on ... During the break the volunteers asked us several questions. From what I gathered all of the volunteers also need the assistance of the pantry. Many asked us how they could help us, assuming we had fallen on hard times. I assured them they we were just there to help them and donate our time. Volunteers receive each goods in their boxes in return for their help. Application of Plunge Experience Prior to taking the plunge I was not aware that even with government programs there is still a need for pantries in our local area. This brings a very large challenge to my educational environment. I will need to find out which students will require this need to be addressed. As a classroom teacher, I will need to bring awareness to the students that do not have this need that a part of their role in our community is to help those in need. This can be done through volunteering and donations. The challenge that individuals from the group will bring to the education environment is one that directly impact their learning. It is well understood that children cannot learn until their most basic needs are met. Yes, we offer free breakfast to students, but many arrive too late to receive this service and often one muffin is not enough to address their hunger. This plunge made me aware of the challenges many students will face in my
  • 28. Essay on The Iconic Rod Sterling Spoke Out Against Socialism The iconic Rod Serling contributed to televisions Golden Age , the writer and director of the very accomplished series The Twilight Zone and The Night Gallery , has not only dazzled the world with his mind boggling work in the expansive sci fi genre but has also successfully utilized his position in television and radio to speak out against socialism. During World War II, Serling fought Nazi forces in Europe. It was there that he realized the true wrongs in the world. Serling understood the world had been blinded by socialist eyes and poisoned by prejudice hearts. He found that with television he could take a part of the problem, and using a small number of people, get my point across. In this... Show more content on ... At the end of this upside down film the Statue of Liberty is shown with the haggard face of a monkey instead of the glorious statue we know today, too Serling s credit. He found a way to utilized such eerie details like this in order to tell the audience what is happening without actually needing the characters to speak at this point. Lady Liberty has been transformed therefore the world did not belong to the human race, something left unsaid at the end of this cinematic picture. Another example of Serling s work against socialism is in the ingenious tale of The Shelter, 1961 nuclear war has unleashed hell and those who were caught in the fray desperately sought shelter. An episode such as this was based on human morals and questioned what man was willing to do for the sake of another man. Serling lifted the veil of ignorance by giving the gift of awareness. It is in this glorious achievement that the world can truly see Serling s genius, because when we are made aware of our mistakes as people, there can be no excuse for what we continue to do. Serling was audacious enough to ask the people of this earth to question themselves along with their humanity. In the closing of the episode The Shelter, Serling explained what he believed to be humanity s greatest struggle, No moral, no message, no prophetic tract, just a simple state of fact: for civilization to
  • 29. A Report On A Kidney Stones Introduction: Background: A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract (StГ–ppler, 2016). Kidney stones are produced with varying circumstances. Kidney stones form when your urine contains more crystal developing substances such as: calcium, oxalate and uric acid, than the fluid in your urine can dilute. At the same time, your urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stones to form. Even though not all may have kidney stones grow large enough, everyone has the possibility to grow large kidney stones. One of the factors that determine whether the kidney stones grow large in size or not are: low urine volume, abnormally high concentration of stone promoters, abnormally low concentration of stone inhibitors (, 2016). The amount of inhibitors determine a substantial part as to whether kidney stones form because they eliminate the smaller crystals and waste. There are varying home remedies that exist but, not many actually cure kidney stones. This experiment was conducted in order to observe the way in which two types of kidney stones will react when mixed with a diluted form of EDTA (.01M) and .01M hydrochloric acid. Theory: This experiment has serval parts to it, such as titrations, where after the forming of the kidney stones, they will be titrated with a .01M solution of EDTA. Whether something dissolves or not is determined by the
  • 30. India-Pakistan Timeline India/Pakistan Timeline 1947 India was separated by Hindus and Muslims in the past but now the new Muslim state Pakistan was a new home for the Muslims. There were Hard rioting and people died up to an estimated half a million people. About a million people were homeless... Since the British left, the land of Jammu and Kashmir was remained with violence. 1948 India and Pakistan went to war in October 1947 after Pakistan flourished a Muslim insurgency in Kashmir. India accepted a request for armed assistance from Kashmir s Maharaja, in return for access to India. But the nature of that accession has long been the subject of debate. The war ended on 1 January 1949, with a ceasefire line. The status of the land remained in violence because agreed papers confirming access never existed. 1965 The two countries went to war again after Pakistan launched a war across the ceasefire line into Indian s land Jammu and Kashmir. India got revenge by crossing the international border at Lahore. 1971 Pakistan entered into a civil war after East Pakistan wanted autonomy and later wanted independence. India attacked East Pakistan to support its people after millions of civilians left to India. At the end of 1971, Bangladesh was created out of East Pakistan. 1989 Resistance to Indian rule broke out in Kashmir valley in 1989, with some groups calling for independence and others calling for union with Pakistan. India accused Pakistan of supplying weapons to the enemies. During the 1990s,
  • 31. Zero Tolerance Policy Pros And Cons Zero Tolerance Policies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Schools are institutions where acquisition of knowledge is fostered in a nurturing milieu. In 1994, when Congress passed The Gun Free Schools Act , also known as the Zero Tolerance Policy by many, it was intended to provide students and educators with a safe environment conducive to learning. Nonetheless, the real result of these policies is not safer schools, but significant adverse effects, such as severe disruption of students academic progress in ways that have lasting negative consequences (Juvenile Law Center, 2014). However, over the past 25 years, opponents of the Zero Tolerancepolicy has decried it as a school to prison pipeline believing that it does more harm than good. Despite the true nature of the act and the authority granted by this piece of legislation, school officials relied heavily on the policy to punish minor infractions. As a result, critics argued that a school to prison pipeline movement took place in the American education system (Juvenile Law Center, 2014). In addition, denigrators of the Zero Tolerance policy cited the kids for cash scandal, that took place in the mid 1990 s, as a perfect example of the overreach of the policy (Juvenile Law Center, 2014). In 2008, two judges in Luzerne County, PA were found guilty of receiving bribes from private for profit, youth detention center builder. In this case, President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Coahan
  • 32. Examples Of Critical Incident Of A Teacher As a student, I have been inspired by a few teachers at both my primary and secondary schools to seek an interest in the teaching profession. One year after finishing secondary school where I obtained most of my passes I took some time to reflect back on my twelve years at school and the few critical incidents that have cultivated my thinking about teachers and teaching. Some incidents were positive and others negative, but all assisted to shape the type of teacher I want to be in the future! A few critical incidents that shaped my thinking were the first time I came first in a class, the evening I approached the lackadaisical teacher and the day where I was escorted out of class. At primary schoolI was not referred to as an A student until I entered standard three where Mr. Singh was my teacher. Personally, I considered him the ideal teacher; he had a... Show more content on ... I was honestly confused. When she came outside she told me that she was disappointed in me when she saw my mark for the subject and she knew that I am capable of so much and if I focused and stopped indulging in disruptive behaviour in class I could receive a high grade in all my subjects. I was surprised because it was the first time in secondary school a teacher showed me that they cared about me. I saw the hurt in her eyes when she talked to me. Research suggests caring relationships with teacher s help students do better in school and act more kindly toward others. (Zakrzewski, 2012, para. 1) When a teacher truly shows interest in a student it means so much to that student. That evening I went home and analysed everything she told me and I had a new perspective about her, my education and my future. As a teacher, I will try to motivate all my students from early to insure that they have the right mindset to learn and to prepare for their
  • 33. American Orator Injustice Speakers of the past always make us think more deeply than we would like to, as confirmed in Grimke s Duty of the American Orator. In the passage the author, Grimke, discusses his opinion that you must speak about the union to be an acceptable orator. The beginning of the passage states which side an orator should stand on and the consequences of believing the opposing stance. It convincingly explains what we as an American people must work to achieve and further describes how we are different from other countries. Grimke allows the reader to decide whether he wants to speak for or speak against the union. He presents to them a choice and deeply explains the influences of each. What must an influential person address in order to be a successful orator? Let the American orator discharge all other duties but this, if indeed it be not impossible, with the energy and eloquence of John Rutledge, and the disinterested fidelity of Robert Morris, yet shall he be counted a traitor if he attempt to dissolve the union (McGuffey Fourth Reader, pg. 283). The influential orator must speak of the subject like he believes it despite his opinion, if it is best for the country. If he does not speak about the subject persuasively... Show more content on ... The greater the interests, and the more sacred the rights which may be at stake, the more resolutely should he appeal to the generous feelings, the noble sentiments, the calm considerate wisdom, which become a free, educated, peaceful Christian people (McGuffey Fourth Reader, pg 285). This quote correctly identifies what the world does today. When certain rights are in jeopardy America turns to Christian beliefs. Therefore, we as Christians have the same responsibilities as those orators of pronounced positions. We, like American orators, must reject selfishness, jealousy, fear, and disrespect among our people. Additionally, we must encourage patriotism and
  • 34. Jack The Ripper Essay Jack The Ripper In August 1888, the first of a series of murders was committed by a killer who became known as Jack the Ripper. To this day the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Five women were brutally killed in the East End of London, by a maniac who appeared to kill without warning and with no remorse. 1)What can you learn from Source A? Source A tells us that the two murders were aimed directly at the poorest people in East End at the time, and usually because of the poverty at that time, the women had to revert to prostitution so this tells us that the murderer had a great dislike for poor people or mainly prostitutes, but there was no clear motive for him to do it. It ... Show more content on ... Other than that they all agree in the fact that they all agree that they were very peculiar ways, and that the killer put in an excess of effort. 3)How useful are Sources D and E…? The evidence of Elizabeth Long, the rippers only survivor, described the man she had seen Annie Chapman, another victim talking to prior to her death. The description is quite vague as she only comments on what she could make out when it was dark and from far away, so it seems quite unreliable and it doesn t tell us enough, so concentrating on this to find the Ripper would be a waste of time. But it was an eye witness account so it would be quite useful. Source E relies on an article published in a local newspaper, so it could be biased, and it also relies on the information of only one informant and that could also be biased. The source was produced to inform the neighborhood about they could be on the look out and be aware that there was a murderer loose. The article says that it is basically the police s fault that these murders keep happening because they should have strengthened and he went from each police station to another, but with no avail. This is saying that the police didn t pay any attention until the first murder happened. Then the informant claimed he
  • 35. Nt1310 Unit 4 Lab Report Analysis For the first part of the lab, our goal was to calculate the time constant, пЃґ, of an RC circuit. We made an RC series circuit and connected it to the Rigol wave generator to produce a square waveform for current. Then, we collected data of the voltage across the capacitor at different points in time using a myDAQ and the 4BL application. In order to find the time constant, we linearized the voltage we measured across the capacitor and then performed a linear regression on the data. The equation for the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time is: V_c (t)=V_b (1 e^(( t)/RC) ) where V_c (t) is the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time and V_b is the input voltage. We then linearize the data by manipulating the... Show more content on ... Looking at the values for resonance frequency we got from both methods, at first glance it appears that the second method is more accurate. However, in order to better compare the two methods, we can calculate the percent error from the theoretical value for the resonant frequency. The formula for percent error is: percent error=| (experimental value accepted value)/(accepted value) | Г— 100 We get that the percent error for method 1 is 19.3% and the percent error for method 2 is 1.2%. This affirms that the method 2 is the more accurate method to measure the resonant frequency. This may be due to the fact that method 1 involves using estimations by eye, which allows for human error and inaccurate estimations. The difference between the experimental and theoretical values for the resonant frequency could also result from faulty equipment, which may not function as the manufacturer claims or be worn down by natural decay. Lastly using the theoretical value for the RLC circuit and Equation 2, we calculate a Q factor of Q=0.19. This low Q factor indicates that the peak of the curve is not very sharp and there could have been overdamping, which potentially increases the error in reading the resonant frequency, especially for the reading by
  • 36. Masculinity In Cathedral Men are under constant careful scrutiny of other men (Kimmel). They tend to watch each other, rank each other and grant each other acceptance into the realm of manhood (Kimmel). Because manhood is demonstrated by the approval of other men, men are inherently self insecure and look for the approval of others. This concept is evidently displayed in many of stories in Raymond Carver s collection. Specifically, the short stories They re Not Your Husband and Cathedral demonstrate the insecure nature of men. The need for the Earl Ober to seek admiration by other men in story They re Not Your Husband, and the narrator s apprehension of his wife s friend in Cathedral ultimately indicate that men are self doubting. Thus, men as a social... Show more content on ... When the narrator s wife tells the narrator that Robert recently lost his wife, he thinks that it is a tragedy that Robert s wife was a woman whose husband could never read the expression on her face (Carver 70). This proposition sounds atrocious to the narrator, because he and the other men of the other stories are used to determining their masculinity through the eyes of other men (Kimmel). Moreover, the insecurity of the male narrator is demonstrated by his apprehension of Robert, for whom his wife once worked. The narrator is clearly uncomfortable having the Robert in his house. Although he claims that this is because Robert is blind, it is rather obvious that it is due to the fact that the narrator fears that Robert is a rival for his wife and thus, will usurp his masculinity (Benson). However, the narrator soon realizes what it really means to be blind. As a result, he no longer feels threatened by Robert and therefore is not insecure about his masculinity. In fact, when the narrator s wife falls asleep on the couch with her robe open and showing a juicy thigh , at first, the narrator draw[s] her robe back over her (Carver 71). However, after he glances at the blind man, and realizes that the he is no longer an intimidation, he flip[s] the robe open again (Carver 71). In other words, the narrator does not care that his wife probably would rather not be showing a juicy thigh. He would only consider the decency of his wife if he felt the another man was threatening his masculinity. Moreover, once the narrator is no longer insecure, he is actually able to connect with Robert, without fearing that Robert will steal his wife. The narrator agrees to help Robert understand what a cathedral is. Because the narrator s insecurity is only present when the narrator believes that Robert will emasculate him, the occurrences of the story
  • 37. Chinese Influence On Vietnamese Culture, Language And... History Vietnam is one of the countries in Southeast Asia with a population of over 95 million people. It has a long history of being ruled by China for over a thousand years, resulting in a strong Chinese influence on Vietnamese culture, language and writing system. Even after Vietnam has gained their independence in the tenth century, Chinese was still the language was being spoken and used in many written documents. However during the 16th and 17th centuries when Catholic missionaries arrived in Vietnam, they wanted to establish a writing system that could be easily taught to people in order to maintain their Catholic influence after they left. In 1651, a writing system based on the roman alphabet called Quб»‘c ngб»Ї was created gaining popularity amongst missionaries and followers. It took several years for the language to become more prominent in Vietnam eventually being deemed the official language used for public documents in 1910. Though the transition from Chinese to Quб»‘c ngб»Ї was very slow and difficult, eventually it became the writing system that everyone used over time. Introduction Vietnamese falls under the Mon Khmer group of the Austro Asiatic family of languages, which mean that most of the vocabulary within the language contain different buildups of lower intonations leading to a strong stressed syllable. There are three major dialects of Vietnamese: Hanoi primarily spoken in Northern Vietnam, Hue used mostly in Central Vietnam and Saigon which
  • 38. American Conquest Research Paper According to the Anglo Saxon Chronicle on William I, the first Norman king was a very wise and great man, and more honored and more powerful than any of his predecessors , but he also caused castles to be built and oppressed the poor. 1 The portrait of William the Conqueror is very conflicted, especially in this source since it was written from an Anglo Saxon perspective, or, in other words, from the perspective of the loser side of the 1066 Hastings battle. If the Norman Conquest had any impact on England, it can certainly be expressed in terms of changes in the political balance of power. I will argue, however, that the Norman Conquest did not radically change England, at least not on every aspect, but certainly opened the way for deeper... Show more content on ... Firstly, William brought new incomes with his new lands, even if it still seems less important to the huge Angevin empire of Henry II, that also included Aquitaine, Maine and Anjou. There was also a decrease in land value, especially in the North after their two revolts against the king, which led to the systematical destruction of the countryside by William I, to make sure that no army could ever be raised from here. However, William also had a positive impact on the English economy, since he developped the trade with the Continent, expanded the cities and encouraged urbanization and the settlement of Jews, who could lend with interest and thus trigger the economic growth. William II continued his father work but apparently increased the taxes. Thus, the Council, after William II s death, required that his brother, Henry I, abolish all the previous taxes, fines, especially on marriage and inheritance. Thus, Henry promised that all fines and debts which were owed to [his] brother [are] remit[ted]. 4 Once again however, Henry II is way more striking in that matter. He invented two taxes, the scutage that allows a vassal to pay money to the king instead on his military service, and the aid, a special tax for marriages and knighting ceremonies. Thus, Henry II went even further and institutionalized the taxes that the Normans previously unformely
  • 39. How Did The Great Depression Affect The Economy Throughout the history of the United States, many economic recessions and depressions have occurred, and will occur. These recessions and depressions are in part caused by the actions of the denizens of the United States on a microeconomic level, and also by the government itself on a macroeconomic level. The worst of these economic events is widely considered to be the Great Depression, occurring in the 1930 s. However, a worldwide event is widely credited with pulling the United Statesout of what is believed to be it s greatest economic trial: World War II. Although the second World War was the most destructive war in history, economic evidence proves that this war brought the U.S. out of its Great Depression. The Great Depression ... Show more content on ... However, World War II led to a rise in employment across many fields, whether it be government or manufacturing. Between January 1939 and November 1943, employment rapidly rose in the U.S. by 12.9 million jobs, but then fell by 3.7 million through to December 1945. On net, employment increased by an annualized rate of 3.9 percent during that time span. (Ghanbari, 2). These job growths were concentrated in manufacturing and government roles, which accounted for 38 and 20 percent of net employment growth, respectively (Ghanbari, 2). On a more specific note relating to employment, World War II s spike in governmental jobs was a sustained growth past 1948. Employment in federal government after January of 1939 rose by an annual 1.5 percent yearly (Ghanbari, 4). Simply put, government jobs increased rapidly during and after the Second World War, all the way up until the last noted increase in December of 2015, with local government jobs making up approximately two thirds of all government employment (Ghanbari, 4). Another thing that is noted on the topic of employment is that Since 1939, employment trends have tended to coincide with business cycles, albeit imperfectly, declining during recessions and rising during recoveries and expansions. (Ghanbari, 5). This quote and evidence proves how the Great Depression led to a fall in employment, but World War II expanded the market and allowed
  • 40. School Lunch Choices The majority of children in schools are lacking nutrition critical to get through the day, especially if they are going to practice right after school. This is why, as an active, hungry student; I believe that we should be able to have multiply choices for lunch. When yes, we do have the portion sizes required by the state, children should not have to go home from schoolhungry. Also, not everyone likes certain foods they serve for lunch, and with more than one main foodchoice, everyone is bound to find something they like. This is why I think that we should expand the lunch choices. Our school currently has very small food portions. I surveyed ten random kids in junior high and high school and nine out of the ten said they would pay at
  • 41. Dramatic Tension In Macbeth On a foul thunderous day in Scotland, Macbeth a tragic hero is forced to seek out witches in hope to know what his future entails. This visit is set of a dark and filthy cave referred to as the heath. The failed assassinating of Fleance and Macduff rude disregard for Macbeths banquet foreshadows Macbeth actions at this point in the play. Macbethfeels insecure with regards to prolonging his kingship if Fleance, Banquos heir still lives. His fear is a result of a prophecy by the witches upon Banquo s life, before he was brutally assassinated by murders hired by Macbeth. The witches are an emblem of his state of mind and a test of his human agency. The aim of this essay is to explore how William Shakespeareattempts to use dramatic tension to plot the tragedy and ultimately question... Show more content on ... He believes that they speak truth good caution and can really foretell the future since both of their prophecies that he will be Thane of Cawdor and ultimately King of Scotland come true. Therefore Macbeth deliberately seeks out the sisters whereas their initially encounter was accidental. What Macbeth doesn t realize is that the weird sisters are cunning and deceitful in their prophecies. The weird sisters first tell Macbeth a known fact, that he is Thane of Glamis , in order to gain his trust so that ultimately everything they say thereafter he believes. Similarly in this encounter the weird sister use the same form of trickery on him. This is evident in their first apparition Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. The audience, as well Macbeth already knows that Macduff threatens Macbeth s reign hence he boycotted the banquet. They meet at their initial meeting place, the heath and the encounter is still dominated with thunder, darkness and conjuring up of spirits. In his first encounter with the weird sister Macbeth thought of them as fantastical , intriguing and of strange intelligence and he spoke to them with respect speak if you
  • 42. Placement Testing In High Schools Placement Test Report Out of every class level in high school, it is constantly argued which year is the hardest. Some say freshman year because you do not know what to expect, some say junior year because of the SAT and ACT testing, and some say senior year because of constant college applications. However, currently the most important time of the year for seniors is approaching, applying to and visiting colleges. This is both a very stressful and nerve wrecking time for all seniors in high school because they all want to get into their desired colleges. While applying to colleges, there are many steps required and it is a unique process for each school. For example, while some schools require the Common App questions and essays, others require ... Show more content on ... This year В· especially, I am being prepared for college and the tests that I may have to complete upon admission. Even though I may feel prepared, there are always going to be a couple of questions that I am may completely go blank on. Some of these questions may be about higher level Algebra, Pre Calculus or different types of math. The questions that I do not comprehend, I can go back into my old notes and reteach myself how to do a specific problem by practicing examples. Another resource I can use to my advantage is to ask my teacher for extra time to help prepare me for difficult problems that I may encounter on a Placement Test. Overall, researching and learning about the college Placement Test and what to expect, was very beneficial to me. The test s main purpose is to evaluate students based on their mathematical skills and place them accordingly. I now have an idea of what the format of the test is and what types of questions and ability they require. References Montclair State University. Math Readiness Tests Montclair State University. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2017. Placement Tests. William Paterson University. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept.
  • 43. Midwest Compare And Contrast I am going to compare and contrast the two region midwest and the west region. In a article it stated that the Midwestern United States or Midwest refers to the north central states of the United States of America, specifically Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The West, region, western U.S., mostly west of the Great Plainsand including, by federal government definition, Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The west region is hotter than the midwest region. In a article it stated the west has Virtually every part of the United Statesexcept the Eastern Seaboard has been the West ... Show more content on ... The Midwest remains a melting pot of Protestantism and Calvinism, mistrustful of authority and power. While in the west there culture was like a region of cowboys, Indians, covered wagons, outlaws, prospectors, and a whole society operating just outside the law. as with other sections of the United States, regional boundaries are somewhat imprecise. The West of the cowboy and the cattle drive covered many non Western states, including Kansas and Nebraska. Much of the West s fiercest Indian fighting took place in the Dakotas, both of which are now considered to be part of the Middle West. Alaska and Hawaii, geographically the most western of all the states, are really no part of the popularly conceived West at all. In conclusion the midwest and the west region are not very much alike. But they do have some similarities that i explained in my essay. But i believe the midwest is more put together than the west because of its land and background of its religion and