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Commentary On To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I am on page 42. This book is about a town
called Maycomb Alabama, there is a little girl named Scout and she's afraid of the Radley home,
there are also some other people who stir up trouble. In the journal I will be predicting and
evaluating. I predict the kids wont meet Boo because he scares people. Boo has a scar running down
his face. Also bloody hands from eating the pets in the neighborhood. Boo also drools and drools
and drools. Boo also stabbed his dad with scissors repeatedly. He was also apart of a gang. Another
reason kids wont meet Boo because she is locked in the house. Boos parents don't let him out of the
house or to even bee seen. Once in a while people will catch glimpses
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Commentary On The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
(adapted for the stage by Simon Levy)
F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby is an impressive social commentary on many
themes such as power, money, greed, social status, and so on. The Great Gatsby is originally a
novel which has been adapted as a play by Simon Levy. I intend to look at the theoretical aspects of
this play and my major focus will be on the social stratification, inequality and gender roles in the
American life at that time. The story of the Great Gatsby falls into the timeline of the 1920s.
The Story
The story of the Great Gatsby is very interesting. It takes place in Long Island in America. A
mysterious man Jay Gatsby builds a mansion in West Egg (a fictional place in Long island). Jay more content...
The Buchanans would never accept Gatsby as being in the same social status as them because the
Buchanans have had wealth and power in the family for generations and Gatsby had just acquired
the wealth. The Buchanans know that Gatsby comes from the lower class background and so
they think Gatsby's manner, behavior and taste can never match that of the Buchanans. Warner,
Meeker and Eels (2006) describe the concept of the American Dream as follows: "In the bright
glow and warm presence of the American Dream all men are born free and equal. Everyone in the
American Dream has the right, and often the duty, to try to succeed and to do his best to reach the
top". Warner, Meeker and Eells do consider this definition of American Dream contradictory though
as they state that "If all men are born equal, there can be no top level to strive for. No such equality,
neither in position nor in opportunity, exists and that a person's opportunities are very much
dependent on family background" (Warner, Meeker & Eells 2006). So, Gatsby's wealth still doesn't
let him enter the elite social class and this shows the inequality between the rich. During the play,
we can clearly see this when Daisy Buchanan is completely dazzled in the new found riches of Jay
Gatsby but later when Tom exposes Gatsby about his 'shady' businesses, Daisy's reaction is of shock
and she stops talking to Gatsby after that. For Daisy, just being wealthy is
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Presentation Commentary Essay
"There are two secrets to making a good presentation: preparation and practice" (p.6) this from Hindle
(1998) gives clear instruction on to how best go about starting a presentation. First the subject matter
must be refined, the purpose of the presentation decided and the tone set. From this point it is easier
to start gathering materials, the sources will be dictated by the type of presentation being given. If
the presentation is lighter in nature it would be acceptable to gather information from a similarly
informal source such as the internet. However if the presentation is more formal and intended to be
informative rather than entertaining, sources must be thoroughly researched and gathered from
reputable publications. Whilst it more content...
Many may be unable to identify the differences offhand but the written word passed off as spoken
will jar to an audience who may then disengage from a presentation that sounds stilted and
impersonal. The spoken word allows for colloquialisms, words which under the under the usual
grammatical restraints would be frowned upon, become acceptable, even preferable as they bring
the presenter closer to their audience. It implies that the speaker is not reading off a script but
actually talking to the audience. It creates the illusion that they are participating in a conversation
rather than being talked at, which may cause them to become detached from the speaker. A more
relaxed conversational tone builds rapport and will go a long way towards maintaining the attention
of the room. When reading written text the reader is able to go at their own pace, look up certain
words or re–read a sentence. When listening to spoken word this is not possible. As Jay and Jay
(2004) point out, "...for writing for that sort of communication you have to think in new ways about
clarity and lucidity: in a presentation you not only have to present all the relevant information
clearly, you also have to present it in the best order for instant assimilation (p.41)." A good
presentation is one which fulfils its brief, whether that be to entertain, inform or persuade. There are
many different ways in which these objectives can be achieved but
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Theme Of Commentary In Pride And Prejudice
In Pride and Prejudice Austen offers up commentary on a variety of themes – prejudice, family,
marriage, class, and so on. Of all the themes, perhaps none is better developed than that of Pride.
Pride and Prejudice is regarded as a brilliant piece of social commentary, offering a vivid peek into
the British Regency life in 1813. The social milieu of Austen's Regency England was particularly
stratified, and class divisions were rooted in family connections and wealth. In her work, Austen is
often critical of the assumptions, pride, and prejudices of upper–class England. Austen often
satirizes England's prideful, the England she depicts is one in which social mobility is limited, and
class–consciousness and pride are relatively strong. It seems that pride is the bidding factor that of
which hinders the characters from revealing their potentially best nature. Firstly, pride is a
constant presence in characters' attitudes and treatment of each other, coloring their judgments
and leading them to make rather foolish mistakes. The novel, Pride and Prejudice, implies that no
one is ever completely free of pride. In fact, it is pride what prevents Elizabeth and Darcy to
reveal their true feelings about each other. Austen's plot often features characters forging their
respective ways through an established and rigid social hierarchy. Darcy and Elizabeth's love is
shaped and hindered by pride, and therefore they must elude and overcome numerous obstacles,
beginning with the tensions caused by their own personal failings. While Elizabeth's pride makes
her misjudge Darcy on the basis of a poor first impression, Darcy's pride against Elizabeth's poor
social standing blinds him, for a time, to her many virtues. As a matter of fact, Darcy displays
rather bad qualities of being snobbish and arrogant. His sense of social superiority often offends
other characters in the novel, and his pride never seems to desert him. However, when Elizabeth
flatly turns down his marriage proposal and tells him that it was ungentlemanly, Darcy is startled
into realizing just how arrogant and assuming he has been. He reflects later on why he was that
way: "I was spoiled by my parents, who though good themselves . . . allowed, encouraged, almost
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Commentary On Immigration
As I read through this passage I scoured for words that constantly repeated themselves. After doing
so I looked for the one that kept going back to itself and displaying itself in different ways. On
page 363 I noticed this word appear for the first time in this reading, the word that I have chosen is
"Immigrants." The first paragraph speaks strictly about how much you are starting to see the foreign
immigration policy stepping itself up in america more and more over the years. The second
paragraph uses immigrant also but the second paragraph goes over whether it should be an easy
process for an immigrant to obtain citizenship. In the fourth paragraph the word comes back up
again this time the author writes about early year immigration conflicting
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The Study Bible And Bible Commentary Essay
Scriptural Response Four
In this paper, I will write a scriptural response to the assigned reading of the NIV Study Bible and
the Wiersbe Bible Commentary. I will write my response to the reading from Leviticus and Numbers
in the NIV Study Bible and Wiersbe Bible Commentary. Holiness
God stress the importance of holiness all through Leviticus. God stresses this in the way that the
Israelites are to approach him and worship him. God gives expressive and specific details on who
and how to bring sacrifices to him. The sacrifices, which will make the Israelites holy. God what
his people to be a holy people set apart from all others. Wiersbe (2007) states "God's holiness isn't
simply the absence of defilement, a negative thing. The holiness of God is positive and active. It's
God's perfect nature at work in accomplishing God's perfect will" (Wiersbe, p 206). God also stress
the fact that the animals sacrificed are to be clean and without blemish and the first–born. A
precursor to our Savior Jesus Christ who will redeem all humanity.
Character of God Revealed
The specific types of Offerings, which were Burnt, Grain, Fellowship, Sin, and Guilt. They all
reveal the character of God. God's redemptive character. God shows his redemptive character in the
way he deals with the Israelites. God show them exactly how make atonement for their sins. God
gives them specific details on how to live holy. However, the Israelites continue to disobey God and
his word given to Moses. God rewards
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Social Commentary On The Great Gatsby
Intro: The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells us a variety of themes–justice, power and
greed, The American dream and so on. The Great Gatsby is regarded as a brilliant piece of social
commentary. The Great Gatsby concerns the wasteful lives of four wealthy characters as
observed by their acquaintance, narrator Nick Carraway. Like Fitzgerald himself, Nick is from
Minnesota, attended an Ivy League university, served in the U.S. Army during World War I,
moved to New York after the war. The narrator, Nick, is a very clever and well spoken storyteller.
Nick confides with the reader in the first pages of the novel. He says that he needs to tell the story
of a man called Gatsby. It is as if Nick has to overcome disappointment and frustration with a man
who has left him with painful memories. This thesis is valid for three main reasons. First, it is
evident that dreams and memories are central to the overall plot and meaning. Secondly, the
American Dream is a "green light" of desire that Gatsby never stops yearning for and something
he will not forget over time, even as he is dying. This is so, even though no one cares about
Gatsby or his dreams after he died, except maybe Nick. Finally, the fact that Fitzgerald uses
flashback; that Nick is telling us about a main character after he has already died and before the
story begins, is ultimate proof.The Great Gatsby is structured by Nick's memory. Fitzgerald's clever
use of flashback throughout and within the
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Social Satire And Social Commentary
Social commentary is comment on the perceived issues in society, hoping to present the issues in
ways that the audience would understand its importance, and suggest reform. This can be conveyed
through many mediums, including literature, film, and works of art. These methods are not usually
upfront about their opinion compared to, say, speeches or protests, and rely on symbolism to convey
their message to the
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Social Commentary On The Giver By Lois Lowry
I believe reflection is key to growth, and the social commentary in The Giver by Lois Lowry is
that very key. A tale of a seemingly utopian society, I think it is telling of the dangers of
conforming to a societal mold. The story explores a society where all pain and strife have been
eliminated to achieve an ideal society. Citizens are brainwashed by propaganda, and have every
decision, from the number of kids they'll have to the job they'll hold, predetermined for them.
While this may be a far cry from our current society, this book portrays where we are possibly
headed. Our perception of perfection is more defined than ever before: a secure job, a mansion, a
luxury car, and of course the latest iPhone. However, in our plight to achieve "perfection"
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Commentary English Poetry Ib Sample
A Commentary on Behavior of Fish in an Egyptian Tea Garden by Keith Douglas. *The description
of the men drawn to her starts with the rich cotton magnate immediately establishing the hierarchy
the author seeks to show*. This hierarchy is further developed*in the actions of the different suitors.
The rich magnate 'through the frail reefs of furniture swims out', the inverted syntax* in the line*
suggesting grace and power. *T*he self–assured manner in which he acts suggests that the rich man
is above the petty rivalries* that the others have. H*e knows his wealth gives him an insurmountable
edge* (and this is further shown in the last stanza)*. *Also, the* author shows this from the* fact that
*though this* fish is far from pretty more content...
The color ambiguity or duality of the color symbology mentioned above is progressively
demystified as we move through these pars as the author clearly shows that the linkage is with
lust and greed. The author then progresses to describe the others who seek the lady's attention.
The Captain who is supposed to be able to tell when danger approaches is also befuddled by the
charms on show by the lady and so is the unattractive flat eyed flat fish who even though too ugly
to be a real contender satisfies himself by looking at her from the distance. This list of men who
fall into her trap is further expounded with the description of the gallants who 'circle' and try to
make small talk ('fish pause so to nibble or tug) but all to no avail. By now we start seeing the
men and their antics as pathetic as it is pretty clear that the woman has already made up her mind.
The poem ends on a very blunt note. When the ice cream is being had the men are vying for the
woman based on their looks, character and the like while the rich magnate 'stayed to watch' During
this time money became temporarily inconsequential but at the end of the day when the ice cream
was finished, it is paid for by the rich man and the other men seeing this acknowledge defeat and
leave. The author has used a lot of caesura in this stanza to underline the point that after all the show
it was the power of
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Commentary On The Essay What Does Guilt Do
Inevitable, but painful nonetheless, guilt, a part of life, is explored in the article "What Does Guilt
Do?". After acting in an unfavorable way, I feel guilty about my actions and attempt to repay the
person whom I wronged. An essential emotion, guilt helps us remain close to our loved ones and our
communities. Guilt not only makes me feel sorry for what I have done, but also eager to fix
mistakes and be forgiven by others. Studies show that those who feel ashamed of previous actions
are more likely to give back more to others than those who don't feel obligated. More aware of my
decision making, I never let myself repeat my mistake again, as I do not want to feel ashamed or
embarrassed. Precedents of unfavorable actions have a stronghold
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Social Commentary Essay On Social Media
Lyanna Gatdula
Mr. D'Aquila
16 Oct 2017
Social Commentary Essay
Social media platforms continue to be an online distraction and it increases communication barriers
on people's lives. It has a positive effect on young minds and a negative effect. The tv series Black
Mirror Season 3 Episode 1 "Nose–Dive" is an internet–based population where people rate you using
their cellular devices and live a non–genuine life so that the population will like you and they will
give you an acceptable rating. Technology such as phones can have a positive impact on others, but
"Nose–Dive" demonstrates the dangers and warnings of being obsessed with technology and social
media. The producers display how a person can get used to an more content...
Lacie and her desire to be well–known and how she proceeds in taking this great opportunity help
build an understanding of these warnings.
Having a wide amount of recognition on social media can have its consequences. When Lacie
approaches the ground staff at the airport, the woman says that Lacie's flight is canceled, but there
is another standby flight only reserved for members of the Prime Flight Programme, which Lacie
does not qualify for because her rating is a 4.183. Lacie begins to get frustrated and accidentally
uses profanity. Lacie has never used profanity before because of her reputation online. People
who've heard her
Gatdula,3 use profanity begins to rate her down (00:27:34–00:30:26). Further into the episode, Lacie
arrives at Naomi's wedding, even though Naomi said not to come because "It was numbers for
both of us" (00:47:17) meaning it is only numbers for Naomi and she did not want a 2.8 ruining her
wedding. Lacie performs her messy speech, covered in mud, using profanity once again, and
physically threatens to hurt Naomi's husband. During that situation, Lacie begins to stray away from
her artificial attitude and draws closer to her true self, which everyone disliked and proceeds to rate
Lacie down into the negatives(00:52:06–00:57:05). Having one minor incident happen to you while
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Essay about Commentary on Persuasive Speeches
Commentary on Persuasive Speeches
In order to begin this piece of work we looked at persuasive speeches in our lessons. These
speeches were from famous people, such as Hitler and Tony Blair. However, my personal
inspiration came from a speech from Diana Princess Of Wales, entitled, 'Women and children with
aids.' This acted as a style model for my final piece and gave me the basis for my ideas. As well as
this it helped in my planning, as I could see which techniques were the most effective and how to
craft the piece for maximum effect.
My original idea was to write a persuasive speech about the very serious issue of poverty. However, I
found it difficult to write a long enough speech to more content...
The tone of the article is serious and reflective, however it is clear and to the point. This helps the
purpose of the piece come across more clearly. The intended effect on the audience is reached as it
stimulates the reader to reflect on themselves and other people, gently persuading the reader
The structure of the article is clearly set out with a strong opening and ending. There is more
descriptive language in the middle of the article as well as facts and figures used to back up
statements. This makes the piece simple to read but effective at the same time. The lexis which is
used is more challenging for the selected audience, 'acknowledge, desperation, judgemental.' The
lexis would be much more simple compared to an article for a child.
The idea of helping the 'dark shadow of poverty fade' and 'reaching the light at the end of the tunnel'
are used as figurative language features. This was also used as emotive language to stimulate the
audience and their emotions.
The successful aspects of this article include the lexis, which I have chosen to complement the genre,
the shaping of the writing to the selected audience, as well as the purpose. The pictures help the
graphology of the article
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In 1984 by George Orwell, the author depicts the perfect totalitarian society, a society that has
absolute control over everything pertaining to its people. The title of the novel, 1984, was meant
to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the immediate
future. If totalitarianism was not fought against, there was an actual risk that a similar civilization
could come about. By demonstrating what a tyrannical society would be like, Orwell showed the
control and power a government with total rule would possess. The people could not even trust
their neighbors, for anyone could be a spy. The citizens of Oceania were always being watched and
controlled by the Party. The people could never think their own thoughts or know whether or not
they were utterly alone. They were transformed to be like one another. Nobody was to stand out or
they would be executed. By making everybody afraid and the same, the people could be controlled.
George Orwell was attempting to warn the reader that in a totalitarian society, there is no trust except
in the government, privacy or individual thought. Throughout 1984, it is revealed that members of
the Totalitarian society cannot trust anyone except the Party. Winston believes loyalty to be the most
important virtue, but the Party believes there can only be devotion to the Party itself. Even when
Winston knows he and Julia will be caught, he believes "the one thing that matters is that we
shouldn't betray one
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Commentary Sample
Module # 5
C. Commentary: Discuss the central issue addressed in each reading. Explain the relationship among
the different perspectives taken on developing reading competence in each of the readings. What
conclusions might be drawn about the challenges in facilitating literacy for urban and other
underserved students? What approaches might best serve the needs of these students?
Shanahan (2011) makes an excellent point that for each discipline there should be a different way of
ensuring that learning is taking place. Not all disciplines are the same, so their approaches should be
different as well. If students struggle with history they may also struggle with English if they are
taught the same way. Learning goals and strategies vary by class and so should teaching method and
delivery. The points in this article should be taken into consideration when teachers create lesson
Taylor (2003) et al. in this study investigated the effects of teaching on students' reading
achievement. If students are tested repeatedly via assessment and homework over the same topic
they will lose interest and momentum. Taylor makes a point of showing educators that higher order
thinking is necessary and more content...
It is important to understand that there are many factors that can affect how students learn to read.
Schools and teachers are two factors that determine how students learn. Schools may not always
have the most up to date, or helpful resources to help this demographic of students. Teachers may
not always be prepared to help struggling students. Together these two factors enable the
achievement gap to be what it is. In order to alter the gap schools should first work on helping their
teachers and making sure that everyone is on the same
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The Great Gatsby Social Commentary Essay
The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The novel is
set in the summer of 1922 during a time that the author described as the "Jazz Age", this was a time
after World War when American society was getting back on its feet. The Great Gatsby is narrated
through the protagonist Nick Carraway, a young man who moves to the town of West Egg, Long
Island. He moves next door to a mysterious man known as Jay Gatsby, at first Nick didn't know
much about Gatsby except for the throws lavish and extravagant parties he threw every Saturday
night. After attending one of Gatsby's legendary parties and meeting his enigmatic neighbour, Nick
is asked by Gatsby to arrange a reunion with Daisy, Nick's cousin. more content...
Although The Great Gatsby was not he's first novel, it is often considered to be his most credited
and recognised works. Despite The Great Gatsby not as successful during the Fitzgerald life, it
gained recognition after his death due to the novel's depiction on the "Jazz Age" 1920's. The Great
Gatsby is written as somewhat of a social commentary about the disparity between social classes as
well as addressing themes such as power, greed and betrayal. The narrative is told through Nick
Carraway a first–person narrator, although the narrative is told through him he's not the centre of
the story. By doing this the author has made him a bordering narrator, someone who's always on
the outside looking in and observing everyone else. The author illustrates social commentary in the
way he portrays the characters and the setting, such as the locations of West Egg, East Egg.
Although both locations are wealthy one is considered to have a higher standard due to the people
that live there. Social classes are categorised as old money (Tom, Daisy and Jordan), new money(
Jay Gatsby), and no money. By creating distinct social classes Fitzgerald sends strong messages
about the hypocrisy that runs throughout
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Commentary On The Book Speak
The theme for the book Speak is not to be afraid to say something when being attack. In the book
Speak . Melinda had a secret that she hasn't told anyone yet not even her parents. Melinda was
raped by this boy named Andy Evan who she met at her Ex– Best Friend Rachel's party.Melinda kept
this burden all freshman year until the towards the end. Many people in real life go through the same
things just like Melinda.
Melinda might have started high school like a normal teenage girl. However, after her experience,
she would no longer feel normal, but things would be different. After the first kiss with Andy, she
was excited about the thought of starting high school with a boyfriend. But, rather than a boyfriend,
she would enter high school having experienced rape. Because of being raped, she was depressed
and withdrawn and she also lost her friends. Melinda did not trust other boys, such as her lab
partner David, who was genuinely nice to her. She feared if she went out with another boy, she may
experience another rape situation. Instead of enjoying the company of girlfriends in high school, she
was alone. After calling the police, her girlfriends would no longer be friends with more
Melinda was afraid to tell anyone about what happened because she didn't know how people
would react. Melinda is afraid about what Andy Evans might do if she did tell someone. There are
many ways Melinda is afraid to tell anyone. Melinda does not have the ability to call Andy by his
first name. For example on page 45, Melinda says "I see IT in the hallway. IT goes to Merryweather.
IT is walking with Aubrey Cheerleader. IT is my nightmare and I can't wake
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Social Commentary On The Great Gatsby
Social Commentary of The Great Gatsby
Great wealth cannot transform who you truly are. In the novel of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is
the protagonist who is astonishingly wealthy and romantic. Nonetheless, due to the
self–extravagance in luxury and corruption of moral values, the collapsing society in the 1920's
leads Gatsby and his American Dream into destruction. Through a Marxist lens, the character's belief
influences the society by the character's ideology of social stratification, how characters adjust
themselves to accept the materialistic ideology settled by the bourgeoisie, and the result of
dialectical materialism. The idea that any American who works hard can achieve financial success
and even overcome the class distinction more content...
When George Wilson lost his wife Myrtle by a car accident, Tom's words motivates George to
murder Gatsby and kill himself. However, the situation is full of lies: "There was nothing I [Nick]
could say, except the one utterable fact that it wasn't true" (170). Right after the accident, George
becomes deranged enough to murder Tom, and Tom is unaware of the fact that it is Daisy who ran
over Myrtle. However, the fact that the Buchanans manipulate George to make Gatsby the victim
portrays the hierarchical society. The Buchanans, who are the bourgeoisies, are able to cover up
Daisy's crime through George, who represents one of the proletariat that achieves interpellation, and
through Gatsby's sacrifice. Moreover, the Buchanans represent the internally corrupting life of the
very rich in the 1920's: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy– they smash up things and
creatures and then retreated back into their money" (170). The life of the Old Money is what
people dream of. It is a life as the highest state of the social hierarchy in America, which are people
who inherit the advantages to get elite education and wealth. Despite how luxurious their society
looks from the outside, they are people full of dishonest, lacking of moral values due to
self–extravagance in luxury. Just as the Buchanans did, they would use their wealth to cover up
what they have done, and provide the 'image' people to believe in, in order to create a victim that
will in hold their crime. This in this case is Jay Gatsby. Society often denies reality and believe in the
'image' the bourgeoisies create to comfort themselves, but make another victim of the society
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Social Commentary On Welfare To Thursday
Social Commentary Entry Slip I could easily compare my social commentary essay–discussing the
topic of welfare– to a Thursday. This essay was the most time consuming and by far gave me the
most anxiety. Thursday gives me the same emotions. It is only one day away from Friday, which
means the only thing on my mind is the weekend. As much as I want to slack off like some of the
Americans on welfare, the school atmosphere doesn't allow me to, so I am forced to feel the anxiety
of school, rather than the excitement of the weekend.
I decided to title my paper Wel(un)fare. Welfare is a topic filled with controversy, but if you ask me,
it's ruining America. The statistics and background information in my paper can easily back my title
up. Welfare
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Bible Commentary
All Christians have the ability to hear God's voice and to have a close relationship with Him but
some are missing out because they haven't learn how to listen to God with their spirits. Are you
aware that to know God in an intimate relationship is eternal life? Eternal life is not getting a ticket
to heaven because eternal life begins at the moment of salvation. A goodBible commentary is
essential to know Bible truth.
The door is opened when Christ comes into your heart for you to have fellowship and to commune
with God. Trying to hear and know God in the natural with our physical bodies will not cut it,
because God is Spirit. The only way to communicate with God is using your spirit to connect to His
Spirit in heavenly fellowship.
I found no greater pleasure here on earth then I do when I hear God talk to me. I used to ask God all
the time to help me and give more content...
You cannot hear from God or see God with your human natural eyes or ears. Listening to God is
apart from the natural body, which we use to communicate with other people like our family and
friends. The only way we will be able to communicate to God is by using our spirits to talk, listen,
walk and see Almighty God. This is what I hope to be able to do with you is to help you learn to
use your spirit to communicate with God.
Knowing God is essential for Christians.
A relationship with God with close interaction is what life is all about. Hearing God's voice and
knowing His presence daily can take your Christian experience to the highest level. The Bible
reveals to us the way for us to hear God's voice and to know Him better. Through prayer and
intimate knowledge of God all Christians can know God better when they know how to listen to
God with their spirits. The art of hearing God does not have to escape the believer. God is always
near open your spiritual eyes. Find out more about hearing God's voice for
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Commentary Essay Topics

  • 1. Commentary On To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I am on page 42. This book is about a town called Maycomb Alabama, there is a little girl named Scout and she's afraid of the Radley home, there are also some other people who stir up trouble. In the journal I will be predicting and evaluating. I predict the kids wont meet Boo because he scares people. Boo has a scar running down his face. Also bloody hands from eating the pets in the neighborhood. Boo also drools and drools and drools. Boo also stabbed his dad with scissors repeatedly. He was also apart of a gang. Another reason kids wont meet Boo because she is locked in the house. Boos parents don't let him out of the house or to even bee seen. Once in a while people will catch glimpses Get more content on
  • 2. Commentary On The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby (adapted for the stage by Simon Levy) Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby is an impressive social commentary on many themes such as power, money, greed, social status, and so on. The Great Gatsby is originally a novel which has been adapted as a play by Simon Levy. I intend to look at the theoretical aspects of this play and my major focus will be on the social stratification, inequality and gender roles in the American life at that time. The story of the Great Gatsby falls into the timeline of the 1920s. The Story The story of the Great Gatsby is very interesting. It takes place in Long Island in America. A mysterious man Jay Gatsby builds a mansion in West Egg (a fictional place in Long island). Jay more content... The Buchanans would never accept Gatsby as being in the same social status as them because the Buchanans have had wealth and power in the family for generations and Gatsby had just acquired the wealth. The Buchanans know that Gatsby comes from the lower class background and so they think Gatsby's manner, behavior and taste can never match that of the Buchanans. Warner, Meeker and Eels (2006) describe the concept of the American Dream as follows: "In the bright glow and warm presence of the American Dream all men are born free and equal. Everyone in the American Dream has the right, and often the duty, to try to succeed and to do his best to reach the top". Warner, Meeker and Eells do consider this definition of American Dream contradictory though as they state that "If all men are born equal, there can be no top level to strive for. No such equality, neither in position nor in opportunity, exists and that a person's opportunities are very much dependent on family background" (Warner, Meeker & Eells 2006). So, Gatsby's wealth still doesn't let him enter the elite social class and this shows the inequality between the rich. During the play, we can clearly see this when Daisy Buchanan is completely dazzled in the new found riches of Jay Gatsby but later when Tom exposes Gatsby about his 'shady' businesses, Daisy's reaction is of shock and she stops talking to Gatsby after that. For Daisy, just being wealthy is Get more content on
  • 3. Presentation Commentary Essay "There are two secrets to making a good presentation: preparation and practice" (p.6) this from Hindle (1998) gives clear instruction on to how best go about starting a presentation. First the subject matter must be refined, the purpose of the presentation decided and the tone set. From this point it is easier to start gathering materials, the sources will be dictated by the type of presentation being given. If the presentation is lighter in nature it would be acceptable to gather information from a similarly informal source such as the internet. However if the presentation is more formal and intended to be informative rather than entertaining, sources must be thoroughly researched and gathered from reputable publications. Whilst it more content... Many may be unable to identify the differences offhand but the written word passed off as spoken will jar to an audience who may then disengage from a presentation that sounds stilted and impersonal. The spoken word allows for colloquialisms, words which under the under the usual grammatical restraints would be frowned upon, become acceptable, even preferable as they bring the presenter closer to their audience. It implies that the speaker is not reading off a script but actually talking to the audience. It creates the illusion that they are participating in a conversation rather than being talked at, which may cause them to become detached from the speaker. A more relaxed conversational tone builds rapport and will go a long way towards maintaining the attention of the room. When reading written text the reader is able to go at their own pace, look up certain words or re–read a sentence. When listening to spoken word this is not possible. As Jay and Jay (2004) point out, "...for writing for that sort of communication you have to think in new ways about clarity and lucidity: in a presentation you not only have to present all the relevant information clearly, you also have to present it in the best order for instant assimilation (p.41)." A good presentation is one which fulfils its brief, whether that be to entertain, inform or persuade. There are many different ways in which these objectives can be achieved but Get more content on
  • 4. Theme Of Commentary In Pride And Prejudice In Pride and Prejudice Austen offers up commentary on a variety of themes – prejudice, family, marriage, class, and so on. Of all the themes, perhaps none is better developed than that of Pride. Pride and Prejudice is regarded as a brilliant piece of social commentary, offering a vivid peek into the British Regency life in 1813. The social milieu of Austen's Regency England was particularly stratified, and class divisions were rooted in family connections and wealth. In her work, Austen is often critical of the assumptions, pride, and prejudices of upper–class England. Austen often satirizes England's prideful, the England she depicts is one in which social mobility is limited, and class–consciousness and pride are relatively strong. It seems that pride is the bidding factor that of which hinders the characters from revealing their potentially best nature. Firstly, pride is a constant presence in characters' attitudes and treatment of each other, coloring their judgments and leading them to make rather foolish mistakes. The novel, Pride and Prejudice, implies that no one is ever completely free of pride. In fact, it is pride what prevents Elizabeth and Darcy to reveal their true feelings about each other. Austen's plot often features characters forging their respective ways through an established and rigid social hierarchy. Darcy and Elizabeth's love is shaped and hindered by pride, and therefore they must elude and overcome numerous obstacles, beginning with the tensions caused by their own personal failings. While Elizabeth's pride makes her misjudge Darcy on the basis of a poor first impression, Darcy's pride against Elizabeth's poor social standing blinds him, for a time, to her many virtues. As a matter of fact, Darcy displays rather bad qualities of being snobbish and arrogant. His sense of social superiority often offends other characters in the novel, and his pride never seems to desert him. However, when Elizabeth flatly turns down his marriage proposal and tells him that it was ungentlemanly, Darcy is startled into realizing just how arrogant and assuming he has been. He reflects later on why he was that way: "I was spoiled by my parents, who though good themselves . . . allowed, encouraged, almost Get more content on
  • 5. Commentary On Immigration As I read through this passage I scoured for words that constantly repeated themselves. After doing so I looked for the one that kept going back to itself and displaying itself in different ways. On page 363 I noticed this word appear for the first time in this reading, the word that I have chosen is "Immigrants." The first paragraph speaks strictly about how much you are starting to see the foreign immigration policy stepping itself up in america more and more over the years. The second paragraph uses immigrant also but the second paragraph goes over whether it should be an easy process for an immigrant to obtain citizenship. In the fourth paragraph the word comes back up again this time the author writes about early year immigration conflicting Get more content on
  • 6. The Study Bible And Bible Commentary Essay Scriptural Response Four In this paper, I will write a scriptural response to the assigned reading of the NIV Study Bible and the Wiersbe Bible Commentary. I will write my response to the reading from Leviticus and Numbers in the NIV Study Bible and Wiersbe Bible Commentary. Holiness God stress the importance of holiness all through Leviticus. God stresses this in the way that the Israelites are to approach him and worship him. God gives expressive and specific details on who and how to bring sacrifices to him. The sacrifices, which will make the Israelites holy. God what his people to be a holy people set apart from all others. Wiersbe (2007) states "God's holiness isn't simply the absence of defilement, a negative thing. The holiness of God is positive and active. It's God's perfect nature at work in accomplishing God's perfect will" (Wiersbe, p 206). God also stress the fact that the animals sacrificed are to be clean and without blemish and the first–born. A precursor to our Savior Jesus Christ who will redeem all humanity. Character of God Revealed The specific types of Offerings, which were Burnt, Grain, Fellowship, Sin, and Guilt. They all reveal the character of God. God's redemptive character. God shows his redemptive character in the way he deals with the Israelites. God show them exactly how make atonement for their sins. God gives them specific details on how to live holy. However, the Israelites continue to disobey God and his word given to Moses. God rewards Get more content on
  • 7. Social Commentary On The Great Gatsby Intro: The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells us a variety of themes–justice, power and greed, The American dream and so on. The Great Gatsby is regarded as a brilliant piece of social commentary. The Great Gatsby concerns the wasteful lives of four wealthy characters as observed by their acquaintance, narrator Nick Carraway. Like Fitzgerald himself, Nick is from Minnesota, attended an Ivy League university, served in the U.S. Army during World War I, moved to New York after the war. The narrator, Nick, is a very clever and well spoken storyteller. Nick confides with the reader in the first pages of the novel. He says that he needs to tell the story of a man called Gatsby. It is as if Nick has to overcome disappointment and frustration with a man who has left him with painful memories. This thesis is valid for three main reasons. First, it is evident that dreams and memories are central to the overall plot and meaning. Secondly, the American Dream is a "green light" of desire that Gatsby never stops yearning for and something he will not forget over time, even as he is dying. This is so, even though no one cares about Gatsby or his dreams after he died, except maybe Nick. Finally, the fact that Fitzgerald uses flashback; that Nick is telling us about a main character after he has already died and before the story begins, is ultimate proof.The Great Gatsby is structured by Nick's memory. Fitzgerald's clever use of flashback throughout and within the Get more content on
  • 8. Social Satire And Social Commentary Social commentary is comment on the perceived issues in society, hoping to present the issues in ways that the audience would understand its importance, and suggest reform. This can be conveyed through many mediums, including literature, film, and works of art. These methods are not usually upfront about their opinion compared to, say, speeches or protests, and rely on symbolism to convey their message to the Get more content on
  • 9. Social Commentary On The Giver By Lois Lowry I believe reflection is key to growth, and the social commentary in The Giver by Lois Lowry is that very key. A tale of a seemingly utopian society, I think it is telling of the dangers of conforming to a societal mold. The story explores a society where all pain and strife have been eliminated to achieve an ideal society. Citizens are brainwashed by propaganda, and have every decision, from the number of kids they'll have to the job they'll hold, predetermined for them. While this may be a far cry from our current society, this book portrays where we are possibly headed. Our perception of perfection is more defined than ever before: a secure job, a mansion, a luxury car, and of course the latest iPhone. However, in our plight to achieve "perfection" Get more content on
  • 10. Commentary English Poetry Ib Sample A Commentary on Behavior of Fish in an Egyptian Tea Garden by Keith Douglas. *The description of the men drawn to her starts with the rich cotton magnate immediately establishing the hierarchy the author seeks to show*. This hierarchy is further developed*in the actions of the different suitors. The rich magnate 'through the frail reefs of furniture swims out', the inverted syntax* in the line* suggesting grace and power. *T*he self–assured manner in which he acts suggests that the rich man is above the petty rivalries* that the others have. H*e knows his wealth gives him an insurmountable edge* (and this is further shown in the last stanza)*. *Also, the* author shows this from the* fact that *though this* fish is far from pretty more content... The color ambiguity or duality of the color symbology mentioned above is progressively demystified as we move through these pars as the author clearly shows that the linkage is with lust and greed. The author then progresses to describe the others who seek the lady's attention. The Captain who is supposed to be able to tell when danger approaches is also befuddled by the charms on show by the lady and so is the unattractive flat eyed flat fish who even though too ugly to be a real contender satisfies himself by looking at her from the distance. This list of men who fall into her trap is further expounded with the description of the gallants who 'circle' and try to make small talk ('fish pause so to nibble or tug) but all to no avail. By now we start seeing the men and their antics as pathetic as it is pretty clear that the woman has already made up her mind. The poem ends on a very blunt note. When the ice cream is being had the men are vying for the woman based on their looks, character and the like while the rich magnate 'stayed to watch' During this time money became temporarily inconsequential but at the end of the day when the ice cream was finished, it is paid for by the rich man and the other men seeing this acknowledge defeat and leave. The author has used a lot of caesura in this stanza to underline the point that after all the show it was the power of Get more content on
  • 11. Commentary On The Essay What Does Guilt Do Inevitable, but painful nonetheless, guilt, a part of life, is explored in the article "What Does Guilt Do?". After acting in an unfavorable way, I feel guilty about my actions and attempt to repay the person whom I wronged. An essential emotion, guilt helps us remain close to our loved ones and our communities. Guilt not only makes me feel sorry for what I have done, but also eager to fix mistakes and be forgiven by others. Studies show that those who feel ashamed of previous actions are more likely to give back more to others than those who don't feel obligated. More aware of my decision making, I never let myself repeat my mistake again, as I do not want to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Precedents of unfavorable actions have a stronghold Get more content on
  • 12. Social Commentary Essay On Social Media Lyanna Gatdula Mr. D'Aquila ENG 1DP 16 Oct 2017 Social Commentary Essay Social media platforms continue to be an online distraction and it increases communication barriers on people's lives. It has a positive effect on young minds and a negative effect. The tv series Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 1 "Nose–Dive" is an internet–based population where people rate you using their cellular devices and live a non–genuine life so that the population will like you and they will give you an acceptable rating. Technology such as phones can have a positive impact on others, but "Nose–Dive" demonstrates the dangers and warnings of being obsessed with technology and social media. The producers display how a person can get used to an more content... Lacie and her desire to be well–known and how she proceeds in taking this great opportunity help build an understanding of these warnings. Having a wide amount of recognition on social media can have its consequences. When Lacie approaches the ground staff at the airport, the woman says that Lacie's flight is canceled, but there is another standby flight only reserved for members of the Prime Flight Programme, which Lacie does not qualify for because her rating is a 4.183. Lacie begins to get frustrated and accidentally uses profanity. Lacie has never used profanity before because of her reputation online. People who've heard her Gatdula,3 use profanity begins to rate her down (00:27:34–00:30:26). Further into the episode, Lacie arrives at Naomi's wedding, even though Naomi said not to come because "It was numbers for both of us" (00:47:17) meaning it is only numbers for Naomi and she did not want a 2.8 ruining her wedding. Lacie performs her messy speech, covered in mud, using profanity once again, and physically threatens to hurt Naomi's husband. During that situation, Lacie begins to stray away from her artificial attitude and draws closer to her true self, which everyone disliked and proceeds to rate Lacie down into the negatives(00:52:06–00:57:05). Having one minor incident happen to you while you're Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Commentary on Persuasive Speeches Commentary on Persuasive Speeches In order to begin this piece of work we looked at persuasive speeches in our lessons. These speeches were from famous people, such as Hitler and Tony Blair. However, my personal inspiration came from a speech from Diana Princess Of Wales, entitled, 'Women and children with aids.' This acted as a style model for my final piece and gave me the basis for my ideas. As well as this it helped in my planning, as I could see which techniques were the most effective and how to craft the piece for maximum effect. My original idea was to write a persuasive speech about the very serious issue of poverty. However, I found it difficult to write a long enough speech to more content... The tone of the article is serious and reflective, however it is clear and to the point. This helps the purpose of the piece come across more clearly. The intended effect on the audience is reached as it stimulates the reader to reflect on themselves and other people, gently persuading the reader unconsciously. The structure of the article is clearly set out with a strong opening and ending. There is more descriptive language in the middle of the article as well as facts and figures used to back up statements. This makes the piece simple to read but effective at the same time. The lexis which is used is more challenging for the selected audience, 'acknowledge, desperation, judgemental.' The lexis would be much more simple compared to an article for a child. The idea of helping the 'dark shadow of poverty fade' and 'reaching the light at the end of the tunnel' are used as figurative language features. This was also used as emotive language to stimulate the audience and their emotions. The successful aspects of this article include the lexis, which I have chosen to complement the genre, the shaping of the writing to the selected audience, as well as the purpose. The pictures help the graphology of the article Get more content on
  • 14. In 1984 by George Orwell, the author depicts the perfect totalitarian society, a society that has absolute control over everything pertaining to its people. The title of the novel, 1984, was meant to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the immediate future. If totalitarianism was not fought against, there was an actual risk that a similar civilization could come about. By demonstrating what a tyrannical society would be like, Orwell showed the control and power a government with total rule would possess. The people could not even trust their neighbors, for anyone could be a spy. The citizens of Oceania were always being watched and controlled by the Party. The people could never think their own thoughts or know whether or not they were utterly alone. They were transformed to be like one another. Nobody was to stand out or they would be executed. By making everybody afraid and the same, the people could be controlled. George Orwell was attempting to warn the reader that in a totalitarian society, there is no trust except in the government, privacy or individual thought. Throughout 1984, it is revealed that members of the Totalitarian society cannot trust anyone except the Party. Winston believes loyalty to be the most important virtue, but the Party believes there can only be devotion to the Party itself. Even when Winston knows he and Julia will be caught, he believes "the one thing that matters is that we shouldn't betray one Get more content on
  • 15. Commentary Sample Module # 5 C. Commentary: Discuss the central issue addressed in each reading. Explain the relationship among the different perspectives taken on developing reading competence in each of the readings. What conclusions might be drawn about the challenges in facilitating literacy for urban and other underserved students? What approaches might best serve the needs of these students? Shanahan (2011) makes an excellent point that for each discipline there should be a different way of ensuring that learning is taking place. Not all disciplines are the same, so their approaches should be different as well. If students struggle with history they may also struggle with English if they are taught the same way. Learning goals and strategies vary by class and so should teaching method and delivery. The points in this article should be taken into consideration when teachers create lesson plans. Taylor (2003) et al. in this study investigated the effects of teaching on students' reading achievement. If students are tested repeatedly via assessment and homework over the same topic they will lose interest and momentum. Taylor makes a point of showing educators that higher order thinking is necessary and more content... It is important to understand that there are many factors that can affect how students learn to read. Schools and teachers are two factors that determine how students learn. Schools may not always have the most up to date, or helpful resources to help this demographic of students. Teachers may not always be prepared to help struggling students. Together these two factors enable the achievement gap to be what it is. In order to alter the gap schools should first work on helping their teachers and making sure that everyone is on the same Get more content on
  • 16. The Great Gatsby Social Commentary Essay The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The novel is set in the summer of 1922 during a time that the author described as the "Jazz Age", this was a time after World War when American society was getting back on its feet. The Great Gatsby is narrated through the protagonist Nick Carraway, a young man who moves to the town of West Egg, Long Island. He moves next door to a mysterious man known as Jay Gatsby, at first Nick didn't know much about Gatsby except for the throws lavish and extravagant parties he threw every Saturday night. After attending one of Gatsby's legendary parties and meeting his enigmatic neighbour, Nick is asked by Gatsby to arrange a reunion with Daisy, Nick's cousin. more content... Although The Great Gatsby was not he's first novel, it is often considered to be his most credited and recognised works. Despite The Great Gatsby not as successful during the Fitzgerald life, it gained recognition after his death due to the novel's depiction on the "Jazz Age" 1920's. The Great Gatsby is written as somewhat of a social commentary about the disparity between social classes as well as addressing themes such as power, greed and betrayal. The narrative is told through Nick Carraway a first–person narrator, although the narrative is told through him he's not the centre of the story. By doing this the author has made him a bordering narrator, someone who's always on the outside looking in and observing everyone else. The author illustrates social commentary in the way he portrays the characters and the setting, such as the locations of West Egg, East Egg. Although both locations are wealthy one is considered to have a higher standard due to the people that live there. Social classes are categorised as old money (Tom, Daisy and Jordan), new money( Jay Gatsby), and no money. By creating distinct social classes Fitzgerald sends strong messages about the hypocrisy that runs throughout Get more content on
  • 17. Commentary On The Book Speak The theme for the book Speak is not to be afraid to say something when being attack. In the book Speak . Melinda had a secret that she hasn't told anyone yet not even her parents. Melinda was raped by this boy named Andy Evan who she met at her Ex– Best Friend Rachel's party.Melinda kept this burden all freshman year until the towards the end. Many people in real life go through the same things just like Melinda. Melinda might have started high school like a normal teenage girl. However, after her experience, she would no longer feel normal, but things would be different. After the first kiss with Andy, she was excited about the thought of starting high school with a boyfriend. But, rather than a boyfriend, she would enter high school having experienced rape. Because of being raped, she was depressed and withdrawn and she also lost her friends. Melinda did not trust other boys, such as her lab partner David, who was genuinely nice to her. She feared if she went out with another boy, she may experience another rape situation. Instead of enjoying the company of girlfriends in high school, she was alone. After calling the police, her girlfriends would no longer be friends with more content... Melinda was afraid to tell anyone about what happened because she didn't know how people would react. Melinda is afraid about what Andy Evans might do if she did tell someone. There are many ways Melinda is afraid to tell anyone. Melinda does not have the ability to call Andy by his first name. For example on page 45, Melinda says "I see IT in the hallway. IT goes to Merryweather. IT is walking with Aubrey Cheerleader. IT is my nightmare and I can't wake Get more content on
  • 18. Social Commentary On The Great Gatsby Social Commentary of The Great Gatsby Great wealth cannot transform who you truly are. In the novel of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is the protagonist who is astonishingly wealthy and romantic. Nonetheless, due to the self–extravagance in luxury and corruption of moral values, the collapsing society in the 1920's leads Gatsby and his American Dream into destruction. Through a Marxist lens, the character's belief influences the society by the character's ideology of social stratification, how characters adjust themselves to accept the materialistic ideology settled by the bourgeoisie, and the result of dialectical materialism. The idea that any American who works hard can achieve financial success and even overcome the class distinction more content... When George Wilson lost his wife Myrtle by a car accident, Tom's words motivates George to murder Gatsby and kill himself. However, the situation is full of lies: "There was nothing I [Nick] could say, except the one utterable fact that it wasn't true" (170). Right after the accident, George becomes deranged enough to murder Tom, and Tom is unaware of the fact that it is Daisy who ran over Myrtle. However, the fact that the Buchanans manipulate George to make Gatsby the victim portrays the hierarchical society. The Buchanans, who are the bourgeoisies, are able to cover up Daisy's crime through George, who represents one of the proletariat that achieves interpellation, and through Gatsby's sacrifice. Moreover, the Buchanans represent the internally corrupting life of the very rich in the 1920's: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy– they smash up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money" (170). The life of the Old Money is what people dream of. It is a life as the highest state of the social hierarchy in America, which are people who inherit the advantages to get elite education and wealth. Despite how luxurious their society looks from the outside, they are people full of dishonest, lacking of moral values due to self–extravagance in luxury. Just as the Buchanans did, they would use their wealth to cover up what they have done, and provide the 'image' people to believe in, in order to create a victim that will in hold their crime. This in this case is Jay Gatsby. Society often denies reality and believe in the 'image' the bourgeoisies create to comfort themselves, but make another victim of the society Get more content on
  • 19. Social Commentary On Welfare To Thursday Social Commentary Entry Slip I could easily compare my social commentary essay–discussing the topic of welfare– to a Thursday. This essay was the most time consuming and by far gave me the most anxiety. Thursday gives me the same emotions. It is only one day away from Friday, which means the only thing on my mind is the weekend. As much as I want to slack off like some of the Americans on welfare, the school atmosphere doesn't allow me to, so I am forced to feel the anxiety of school, rather than the excitement of the weekend. I decided to title my paper Wel(un)fare. Welfare is a topic filled with controversy, but if you ask me, it's ruining America. The statistics and background information in my paper can easily back my title up. Welfare Get more content on
  • 20. Bible Commentary All Christians have the ability to hear God's voice and to have a close relationship with Him but some are missing out because they haven't learn how to listen to God with their spirits. Are you aware that to know God in an intimate relationship is eternal life? Eternal life is not getting a ticket to heaven because eternal life begins at the moment of salvation. A goodBible commentary is essential to know Bible truth. The door is opened when Christ comes into your heart for you to have fellowship and to commune with God. Trying to hear and know God in the natural with our physical bodies will not cut it, because God is Spirit. The only way to communicate with God is using your spirit to connect to His Spirit in heavenly fellowship. I found no greater pleasure here on earth then I do when I hear God talk to me. I used to ask God all the time to help me and give more content... You cannot hear from God or see God with your human natural eyes or ears. Listening to God is apart from the natural body, which we use to communicate with other people like our family and friends. The only way we will be able to communicate to God is by using our spirits to talk, listen, walk and see Almighty God. This is what I hope to be able to do with you is to help you learn to use your spirit to communicate with God. Knowing God is essential for Christians. A relationship with God with close interaction is what life is all about. Hearing God's voice and knowing His presence daily can take your Christian experience to the highest level. The Bible reveals to us the way for us to hear God's voice and to know Him better. Through prayer and intimate knowledge of God all Christians can know God better when they know how to listen to God with their spirits. The art of hearing God does not have to escape the believer. God is always near open your spiritual eyes. Find out more about hearing God's voice for Get more content on