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Color Coding
Color coding appears to have a significant effect on human beings ability to identify and recognize
labels (Wichmann, Sharpe & Gegenfurtner, 2002). Color increases an individual arousal. That is,
human beings retain more information when it is presented in color rather than black. Furthermore,
arousing events have the ability to increase memory. Color coding also causes perceptually
inconspicuous information to stand out, making it more salient. A research study was conducted to
investigate the outcome of color coding on learning; and to study why learners do better when using
color coded materials instead of monochrome materials (Ozcelik, Karakus, Kursun & Cagiltay,
2009). In this study, decreasing redundant search methods to relate illustrated ... Show more content
on ...
The hypothesis for this study was that color–coded visuals would be more effective than black and
white– coded visuals in enhancing noticeable visual cues, in that way making them more
identifiable and instructional to field–dependent learners. Participants in this study were one
hundred and seventeen students who were placed in different levels based on their performance of
the Group Embedded Figures Teat (GEFT). Participants were instructed to study a 2,000 word
instructional book on the anatomy and functions of the human heart with 19 illustrations. The first
illustration was "treatment 1", which was the black–and–white version and "treatment 2", was the
same illustrations, only difference was seven different colors were used. Measuring student's ability
to use visual cues, students were required to draw a representative diagram of the heart and place the
20 listed parts in their respective positions. The identification was a 20 multiple–choice test
requiring students to identify the numbered parts on a detailed drawing of a heart. The results of the
test revealed field–independent students scored significantly higher on the drawing test than did
field–dependent students on both the black–and–white
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The Colors of Othello Essay
The Colors of Othello
In Shakespeare's Othello, color imagery consistently appears throughout the text. The colors,
specifically black, white, and red, create symbolic and metaphoric meanings which contribute to
larger themes such as racial prejudice, good versus evil, sexuality, and murder. The colors evoke
images in the characters' minds, particularly Othello's. These images, along with their corresponding
idea or theme, influence the actions of the characters, culminating in the murder of Desdemona by
References to black and white carry the most weight and contribute much to the actions of the
characters; those colors often are used as a comment on race, on good and evil, on sexuality, ...
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Brabantio refers to Othello as a "sooty bosom," following Iago's earlier racial image. He stereotypes
Othello, saying that magic must be involved or Desdemona, "a fair" or white woman, never would
have chosen a dark man, a "sooty bosom," to marry. The black and white images placed in
Brabantio's mind influence his views on Othello, or he would not have pointed out Othello's "sooty
bosom." These images that emphasize the colors are what keep him from accepting Othello.
Othello defends himself against Brabantio's accusations of magic, saying, "Yet by your gracious
patience,/ I will a round unvarnished tale deliver/ Of my whole course of love" (1.3.89–91). Othello
will tell the truth of what happened, and the tale will be "unvarnished," or unglossed. He recognizes
that the ideas associated with his color are part of the problem, and he must defend himself against
racist beliefs. By telling an "unvarnished tale," a tale
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Color In The Great Gatsby
In everyday life and works of literature, color symbolizes a wide variety from emotions to political
status. When someone is feeling upset one often says "I'm feeling blue" or when someone is mad
their face turns red giving that color the association with anger. Political status even uses color to
represent each party, one is usually either a blue democrat or red republican. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's
novel, "The Great Gatsby" color plays a significant role throughout the story symbolizing emotions
and social rankings. Colors such as green representing hope and money, grey portraying
hopelessness and low class along with discontent, and yellow exemplifies low class and desire. The
color green is one of the most detectable colors with the use of symbolism within the novel. Across
from Gatsby's mansion is a green light at the end of the dock near the Buchanan house, which is the
light ... Show more content on ...
It represents what outer personality that he shows others. The color yellow is similar to gold and
represents old money, greediness, and social status. Gatsby surrounds himself with yellow. He
believes that decorating himself and house in yellow will signify and show that he is a member of
the wealthier status, however yellow, is not gold. The car that he purchases to impress Daisy is the
color yellow. "Gatsby's ostentatious car, which he buys only to impress Daisy, is yellow and the girls
dressed in "twin yellow dresses" at Gatsby's' party are painted in stark contrast to the "golden"
Jordan (Examples of the Symbolism of colors in "The Great Gatsby")." The yellow car symbolizes
Gatsby's desire to be in a higher class whereas "golden" Jordan symbolizes how valuable she is to
Nick as a person. She is as valuable as gold is to the average person. On the other hand, yellow also
symbolizes destruction and death. Myrtle, married to George but having an having an affair with
Tom is killed by a yellow car symbolizing
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Hair Color Styles
Trendy Women Hair Color Styles In 2018
The Hair color styles have undergone a whole lot of changes in the past few years. If you're thinking
of color your hair to make your personality pleasing to the eye, it is vital for you to get the
information of the latest developments so as to follow something is modern and provides you a great
Get the knowledge of the latest color styles, will be trendy in 2018.
1. Highlighting:
Among the latest trends is by using different colors to create streaks or gradations with dark browns,
platinum, blue or caramel hues. Highlighting can be carried out together with the natural color or
after coloring with an individual bottom part color. Red, brownish and black will be the shades that
provide striking impact as highlighters. However, blue, red and renewable etc. are also well–liked
by ... Show more content on ...
Drop Dyeing:
Another latest popular hair color style is drop dyeing. It entails two well developed or multi–toned
colors. The ends are of darker tone giving an impact of the drop in color. The most well–liked hues
are light burgundy red, darkish, Auburn, stylish ginger or any other powerful color. Mixing up
different extreme colors can also offer you a ravishing look.
6. Pastel Colors:
Pastel colors look very girlish and remarkable on bleached or pale hair. They have an extended
lasting result and are very popular amongst the superstars. This style will still be in craze with varied
hues of pink, silver precious metal, violet, blue, gray, sandy, or smoky. The color can be attempted
different measures of the head of hair and can be solitary, mixture, streaked or dripped dyed.
7. Neon Colors:
You can go for neon colors to provide a spicy and exciting look to flowing hair no matter their
duration and style. Neon colors can be employed with various popular designs. Crimson, red,
yellowish, orange, violet green, electric blue and a great many other colors of neon can be purchased
in the marketplace and may be used to offer you a great
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Color Psychology
Color is defined as "the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object,
usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light;
saturation or chroma; hue" (Webster's Dictionary). Color is an extremely powerful psychological
tool used across the globe. Our world would be bland and boring without the use of color in our
everyday lives. Using color psychology can encourage sales, calm a crowd, and even help a person
send a positive (or negative) message. Many companies use color psychology in their marketing
schemes. June Campbell, writer for Nightcates Multimedia Productions, states, "Colors not only
enhance the appearance of the item –– they also ... Show more content on ...
Finally, even schools are getting in on a bit of color psychology. Some schools are known to paint
the locker room of the opposing team in pink. Yes, pink. Pink drains energy out of a person and
causes fatigue – a very strategic move. Prisons are also known to use pink in their jail cells because
it drains all the negative energy from the inmates. Culture has a large influence on the meanings of
color as well. First, China looks at colors differently than we do here in America. Let us take a look
at the color red once again. In China red is the color worn by brides. If a Chinese woman were to
wear white for her wedding, her parents would not allow her to marry. Secondly, in India red is also
a symbol of purity and good luck, which is why it is the traditional wedding gown color. Also,
yellow is said to be a sacred and imperial color for their culture. Now, in America, we have different
meanings for certain colors than other countries, and our flag colors and symbols best represent us
as a whole. The white represents purity and innocence, red signifies valor and hardiness, and blue
stands for justice, perseverance, and vigilance. The stars show the heavens and all the good that
people strive for, while the strips emulate the sun's rays. Breaking down each country's flag by
symbol and color only shows, in more detail, the background
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The Color Of Color In The Great Gatsby
Throughout the novel, it can be seen that the most common color accompanying with Gatsby is
yellow. With this color, the author skillfully implies what kind of outer self Gatsby intends to show
before others. Yellow is the color of gold, which symbolizes money, materialism and high social
position. First, yellow stands out as the color that represents new money and wealth acquired.
According to Fitzgerald, "On week−ends his Rolls−Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to
and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon
scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains....The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches
away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices
pitches a key higher" (Chapter 3, Page 21). Fitzgerald uses gold, a vivid representation of yellow to
symbolize the wealth gained by Gatsby and the immense desire for him to get even more and to
show it off to the entire society. In the light of the following events, it is easy to see how Gatsby is
blinded by his love for Daisy and therefore money. This evidence shows that he buys a large yellow
Rolls Royce to show off his new money. The band at his party plays "yellow cocktail music" to
show his fulsome way of living and life. Gatsby chooses the yellow color to decorate himself and
his house to show that he has been one member of their class. As Gatsby thinks that Daisy has never
loved anyone else any more except
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The Color Of Water Analysis
Color of God The Color of Water is the story of about a young black man, James McBride, finding
himself through his mother, Ruth McBride. He tells his story, focusing on his childhood in New
York City. His white mother also tells her story, where she was raised a Jew. She married a black
man and had eight children, including James. Before James was even born, her husband died. She
remarried to another black man and had four more children, all black. While growing, James and his
siblings look for answers about their odd lives in their mother. One of their common questions is
about skin color. After church one day, James asks his mother about the color of God. " 'What color
is God's spirit' 'It doesn't have a color,' she said. 'God is the color ... Show more content on ...
She is very spiritual, emphasizing the importance of church and God to her children. "Mommy
loved God. She went to church each and every Sunday, the only white person in sight..." (McBride
45). She tells the children children to focus on their education and God, not the color of their skin.
To the her, the only person whose opinion matters is God. If God loves both whites and blacks, why
should it matter what color one's skin is? If this view was shared by all Americans, life for blacks
would have been much easier. This is why Ruth McBride sees no problem with marrying a black
man. He is just another human being, whom she loved. When her first husband died, leaving her
with eight children, she remarried quickly. Like the first, he was black, and she was able to look past
the color of his skin and see his humanity. She, like God, sees past his skin and looks within. He also
dies, but not before giving Ruth four more children, making a total of twelve children, all with
different skin color than Ruth. If all Americans, both then and now, were able to look past the
outside, whether it be race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion, America would be a better place to
live. James, on the other hand, is embarrassed by his
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Women Of Color In The Color Purple
The novel, The Color Purple, portrays a story about two sisters who communicate through various
letters about their life while they are separated. In the end, they join together through their love and
are finally reunited after thirty years. With the morals of race, gender, and life, the rating of this
novel is excellent. As an African American woman in the Pre–civil rights time, Celie did not feel
welcome or in place during her life in The United States. Women of color in this book were often
victims of white men's crime. Mr._____ saw Celie as any other woman and treated her like "any
husband would". He would physically abuse her for any wrongdoing. When the author showed this
unhealthy relationship, it taught the readers that there should ... Show more content on ...
As a husband, Harpo thought his role was to abuse his wife for any misbehavior or wrongdoing or .
Sofia, unlike most African American women, stood up for herself and did not take the attempted
abuse of Harpo. During a conversation between Harpo and Mr._____ he says, "Wives is like
children., ou have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good
sound beating," (Walker 34). In this quote, Mr._____ advised Harpo to abuse his wife as he would to
children. Teachings and instructions like these from his father sculpted Harpo's abusive attitude
towards Sofia. After Harpo tried to abuse Sofia from listening to Celie's advice, Sofia confronts
Celie and asks her why she would say such a thing. She says to her, "All my life I had to fight. I had
to fight my daddy, i had to fight my brothers, my cousins, uncles. A girl ain't safe in a family of men.
But I never thought I'd had to fight in my own house," (Walker 38). Sofia explains that she has faced
physical abuse from different family members, but never thought she would receive it from her
husband. This creates a conflict between Sofia and Harpo resulting in her feeling a greater insecurity
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The Meaning of Color in Art
What remains the significance of color in art? Could it be the disposition and feelings it provokes to
the viewer, the distinguishing factor in the meaning of a piece? Maybe color is used in the
association of simply shadow work, used only in technical terms to create value and the curvature of
a three dimensional illusion? Or maybe the use of color in artwork appears as simple as how one
learned the use in childhood, gender identification: blue means male and pink means female. True,
artists select colors to produce a certain mood or atmosphere; to create space, light, and shadow,
however, in regards to the artist Cindy Sherman, color is used profoundly in gender roles and
symbolism. Representation and hidden meanings found within artwork is not a new concept by far,
artist have been using such method for centuries. Nonetheless, the unique and slightly nightmarish
way the contemporary artist Cindy Sherman uses color in representational ways brings about a new
light to a familiar technique. Cindy Sherman, an American artist born in 1954, is extensively
acknowledged as one of the most prominent artist in contemporary art. During her career, Sherman
has extensively used the infinite surplus of images from movies and television, the internet,
magazines, as well as art history, to create a massive collection of confrontational artwork. In many
of her pieces she has discovered the manufacture of contemporary identity as well as the
significance of representation, especially in
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Color And The Color Of Color
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. The Colors of the rainbow, color shapes how we
see our world. Color has been around before dinosaurs, and before that, and what ever was before
that, so whenever that was color was there. There will always be an infinite amount of color because
blending colors makes new colors and blending those colors makes, you get the point. But are we
really seeing theses colors? Is our brains just misleading us? Those questions will be answered
through this presentation and many other colorful questions will be too, so let 's dive into our world
of color. First let's lay it out in lavender, with the history of color scientifically. Then we will "blend"
into the science of color, and illusions. Next we will talk about how color affects our mood and life.
Lastly let roll out the red carpet for, how the world looks at color. There is no history of how color
came about. Mind Blowing right? Well there is history of science behind this phenomenon. Let's
start by defining color, color is "the property of reflecting light of a particular wavelength: the
distinct colors of the spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, each of these
shading into the next; the primary colors of the spectrum are red, green, and blue, the light beams of
which variously combined can produce any of the colors" Now with that defined let me explain who
discovered this thing called the Electromagnetic spectrum. Isaac Newton in the 1600's,
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What Is The Color Pallet
The elements of art are quite splendid and balanced in this piece, creating an example of a solid
piece of artwork that follows the principles of design. The green and yellow colors of this piece
blend together perfectly as to create a great visual pleasure, and the hues of blue and black in the
background emphasize the yellows and greens in the foreground, creating a great blend of color. The
color pallet is somewhat contrasting as there are green and yellow hues as well as darker colors such
as black. Texturing is done quite nicely in this piece as well, with the stars and the ground being
great examples of this. The stars look very fluffy and extravagant which couldn't be exemplified
without a brush, and the ground looks very much like a
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A Fluid Mosaic Of Color
Jacob Knauer
Mr. McMahon
English 10H Block 1
10 March 2015
A Fluid Mosaic of Color
F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, follows the story of Jay Gatsby, a man who
personifies the American Dream. The narrator of the novel is Gatsby 's neighbor, Nick Carraway,
who is connected with all the main characters and has the ability to see the good in Gatsby. Through
the focus of Nick, a man with a fairly nondescript background, a story of corruption, illusion and
desperate desire unfolds. The story takes place in the roaring twenties, a time that emphasizes the
dichotomy of society, with the previously rich and the newly rich living a life of jubilance, while
those in the valley of ashes–or other areas of the like–slave away their ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald manages to draw the attention of the reader to miniscule details
and symbols in the text. He uses colors to communicate to the reader feelings and attitudes of the
protagonists. Color symbolism, in many ways, plays a large role in the novel. It is the most powerful
method of granting the reader insight into the personality of a character; it reveals the hidden ideas
and values. The style of symbolism that is most riddled throughout the text is the attachment of
ideas to colors. Some of the color based symbols used are vague, while some are specific. The
colors most prominently represented are the hope and purity of white, the optimism of green, the
wealth of gold and the faux wealth of yellow. In The Great Gatsby, the color white stands for
unblemished, honorable, and pure perfection. When Nick is moving in, one of the first things he
happens to notice is how "Across the courtesy the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered
along the water..." (Fitzgerald 5). The East Egg is seen as old money; it is a lifestyle that is merely
an aspiration at best. Perfection shines from across the bay, in the area where the born–rich live. It is
the area that you cannot work your way into, no matter how hard you try. Again, when Nick sees the
Buchanans' house up close, he describes that even "The windows were ajar and gleaming white."
(Fitzgerald 13). Inside the perfect house as
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The Color In The Great Gatsby
YELLOW & Wilson's Garage: The color yellow is considered to be the unauthentic version of gold.
As previously stated, gold is a color of richness and value which is why we it is clearly visible in the
Gatsby household. Yellow on the other hand, is quite inferior when compared to the standards of
gold. In contrast to Jordan, the golden girl, her admirers are merely, "two girls in twin yellow
dresses." (Fitzgerald.47) They are so unimportant that they aren't even called by their names. They
are simply labeled as, "one of the girls in yellow," (Fitzgerald.47) even though one, "[plays] the
piano," and the other is, "from a famous chorus." (Fitzgerald.56) Along these same lines, Wilson's
garage is thought of as lesser than East or West Egg; since ... Show more content on
While many would connect the color grey with George, the irrelevant individual who never lived up
to the standards of the wealthy, we can also make this connection with Gatsby, who happens to be
one of the wealthiest. Even Gatsby had, "foul dust [floating] in the wake of his dreams,"
(Fitzgerald.4) revealing that although he might seem content on the outside, he is melancholy and
gloomy on the inside. Nevertheless, George Wilson can be best identified as grey, boring and
insignificant. When Nick first encounters George, "a white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his
pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity," (Fitzgerald.29) showing just how distressed George
truly was. He was surrounded by wealthy people living in the luscious lands of West and East Egg,
yet he was stuck in the middle, in a wasteland covered in ash and soot known as The Valley of
Ashes. The Valley of Ashes represents the forgotten, the, "men who move dimly and [are] already
crumbling through the powdery air." (Fitzgerald.26) Every single piece of grey, "the grey cars...the
ash–grey men...the grey land," (Fitzgerald.26) brought hopelessness and anguish upon those who
passed The Valley of Ashes. The Valley stands for pain and destruction as it was the place of death
of Myrtle as she, "knelt in the road and mingled her thick, dark blood with the dust."
(Fitzgerald.147) There isn't a slim chance of happiness in The Valley of Ashes, and there never will
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The Color Code
Importance of Color Code The Color Code is a book written by Taylor Hartman. This book talks
about four personality colors, and how a person of a certain color would act in different situation.
The book shows what would motivate someone, and what they should avoid or be aware of in their
personality type. The Color Code can improve one's school, relationship, and job success if applied
to one's life correctly. Learning the color code matters because it is important for a student to gain a
better understanding of oneself. Gaining understanding of oneself and those around you can help
ones solve conflict whether it's in school, or a work place. For example, let's say there has been a
conflict in the work environment between you and another ... Show more content on
My core personality colors were both the colors red and white, which is odd since their core motives
are almost opposites, red being power, white being peace. As I read further into the book, I found
that when I am surrounded by other people with white personality colors, my red personality color
will come out, and lead the group with confidence and precision. But, when I am surrounded with a
group of red or yellow personality colors, my white personality would show, and I tend to close off
and want to be left alone by the others. By understanding this concept, I try to plan accordingly by
choosing groups that contains people with white personality traits. By doing this, it helps me have a
better learning experience and gives me the ability to experience leadership. Furthermore, I now
understand that when other people try to take over the situation and try to order me to do something,
that causes me to be more angry and stubborn. Realizing this ahead of time, I make sure that I
prepare myself to be acceptable to other people's points of view and suggestions, no matter how
much my red personality wants to take control of the situation. Overall, I apply the personality
concepts to myself by planning ahead of time to avoid situations that may bring negative
consequences, and knowing when I might get mad, so I can also avoid conflict. Especially when
interacting with others for school projects, I realize what situations cause me to want to take over
and possible step on other people's toes. Identifying these situations help me to let others have a
chance to learn and experience things, rather than taking over. In conclusion, the Color Code can
improve success in the future by helping to avoid conflict, having an understanding of others, and
how to be more considerate toward other people of different personality
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Color Of Light Lab
Honors Biology IRP Fall 2017
O'Brien Millard
How does the color of light affect plant growth?
The purpose of this lab was to find what color would be best to grow plants in.
Background Information Chlorophyll is a molecule that is found in plants to help them
photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is when plants take sunlight and convert it to food and energy.
Plants have chlorophyll in them that help them photosynthesize and help make plants appear green.
Chlorophyll is the part of the plant that absorbs and reflects the colors in UV rays to make the plants
appear green. This is why if you ever look at a plant through a microscope you will see little green
circles, these are the chlorophyll. Plants are green because when UV rays from light hit the plant,
green is reflected off of the plant while the other colors from the UV rays are absorbed. Scientists at
NASA propose that plants grow best when exposed to red and blue light but blue seems seems to
provide the most growth. This is because red and blue light seems to be the most absorbed. Even
white lights contain a lot of blue UV rays and that is why white lights also seem to grow plants very
well. The sun contains all of the colors of the rainbow and that is why the natural sunlight tends to
grow plants better than artificial light that might only contain the color that is advertised.
Many farmers use natural sunlight to help grow their crops, but when winter comes they will need to
know what color of light to
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Colors In Beloved
A rainbow consists of different types of beautiful colors, and each of them has a role that makes the
rainbow vibrant and colorful. Colors have different meanings in each and one of them. However, it
can be interpreted as more than one meaning depending on how it is used. In the novel, Beloved, by
Toni Morrison, colors play a significant role throughout the book as it makes the story more
interesting and helps depict and describe how the characters are feeling or what they are doing.
Beloved, is about a woman named, Sethe, who was a slave when she was young and had to kill her
daughter because she does not want her to suffer a life like hers. Later on, Beloved, the baby ghost
that haunts the house has returned as grown women and causes problems ... Show more content on ...
Emeralds are called the birthstone of May; that is when life is renewed again. It is a time when
plants and flowers begin a new life and start to grow after suffering through winter. Rebirth plays a
significant role in Beloved because when Sethe killed her baby, it is said that she became a ghost
and is reincarnated into an older woman. Another example is when Paul D escapes his slavery life in
124, he was able to move on and become a new man. The last example of rebirth is when Denver
goes into her secret to relax it states, "Denver's imagination produced its hunger and its food, which
she badly needed because loneliness wore her out. Veiled and protected by the live green walls, she
felt ripe and clear, and salvation was as easy as a wish." When Denver is lonely and tired, she can
always go into her secret place and feel like new again. The color green is significant in the novel as
it helps us find connections to the changes the characters made to be new
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Color In Pleasantville
When this world was created, God or whatever you believe in made a form of nonverbal
communication by using the display of color. It can have countless different meanings from one day
to the next and can change in a heartbeat. In the movie Pleasantville that was filmed in 1998 and
directed by Gary Ross, color becomes a baffling wonder, that has never been seen before in a town
where everything is perfect. When color starts appearing around the city everything in a perfect
town naturally turns to chaos and terror.
Color was created to show emotion in ways that people don't understand in the small town of
Pleasantville. A remote capable of placing a human being into a TV show was given to a boy, David
and his sister Jenn by a TV repair man. David thought Pleasantville was perfect it was his ideal
universe. Jenn on the other hand wanted to change it, it didn't seem right to her something was
missing. David soon realized that something was wrong as well, the people of Pleasantville were
hiding something, they were hiding their emotions. That's where color comes in, the entire town is
black and white without any color, or emotion. ... Show more content on ...
But in reality they are just expressing themselves, Bill the cafe owner paints pictures to show his
emotions. David learns to show his color when people are making fun of his mom and he punches a
boy out of anger. These are examples of how color gets displayed through emotions. In lovers lane
people reading books became colored where the people listening stayed the same and this is because
the readers were showing emotion. If color is added is shows emotion rather than a black and white
screen showing no mood
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The Color Of Water Essay
The Color of Water is a book about a black man's tribute to his white mother. In this book we
journey through James McBride's life while he figures out who he is. As we go through the book we
learn more about james and his family past. Ruth james mother was a jew her father was abusive did
not care for the children the way a father should. Ruth's mother was disabled but loved the kids and
took care of them as best as she could. As James gets older he wants to know more about where he
came from. He did not know much of his past as a result of his mother not wanting her children
knowing about the rough past she came from. As well as wanting to learn about the secretive past
his mother had he wanted to find himself and in doing so he had to find where he fit in and felt
comfort. ... Show more content on ...
There being such a past puts people like james into confusion when trying to figure out who they are
and where they belong. James had a black father and white mother and asked many times whether
he was white or black. Although, james mother saw the color of his skin as no reason to love him
less James wanted an answer to the question; but this was an answer his mother would not give him.
Because James went to a Jewish school that was mostly white it was hard for him to fit in and it
wasn't until he was older that he found his passion for music. James was not the only one to struggle
with where he belonged his mother also did not know where she fit. The color of our skin should be
no barrier as to where we feel comfortable and fit
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Color In The Wizard Of Oz
n Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz" color is an important element to the descriptive storyline. From
ruby red slippers to the emerald city we will discover the meaning behind Baum's colorful novel.
If we look at the difference between Kansas and Munchkin land, color plays a big role in the setting.
Kansas is a dry flat farmland with mostly brown wheat colors. A rather boring combination
compared to Munchkin land with its eccentric colors and bright rainbow filled atmosphere. The land
of Kansas is quite serious as compared to the childish munchkin land, making color a key
importance to atmosphere and setting.
For the Emerald City, the feeling of a journey's end is not the only feeling radiating from the shining
city. Green is often seen as
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Color In The Wizard Of Oz
Nowadays people don't realize how much color plays a role in the real world and what a great
impact it has on movies tv shows and novels especially L.Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard Of
Oz" color plays a big role in this novel that helps the reader visualize and understand what the
characters are going through from their mood to their appearance the role of color plays a huge part
in the novel and symbolizes many things such as Dorothy's appearance the group meeting Glinda
the good witch all of these clearly show how much color impacts the novel by giving the reader a
better visualize throughout the story. Firstly the color in L.Frank Baum "The Wonderful Wizard Of
Oz" I feel impacts the novel in a big way although I have never seen the movie ... Show more
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Frank Baum also tells us that she prefers to be clean and her clothes being nice and pretty because
visualizing this in my head tells me she wears cute little outfits and that she must be pretty young
just with a few lines and color I can see how she looks and who she is as a character which shows
how these colors symbolize Dorothy's appearance. Secondly, another part of the story that shows
how much color impacts the novel and what it symbolized in a part of the story is where Dorothy,
Lion, Scarecrow and Tim the Woodman meet Glinda the good witch of the South in the sentence it
states "She was both beautiful and young to their
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Color In Ex Machina
Akhil John
Professor Scott
Humanities 200
8 November 2015
Ex Machina: The role of Color The movie "Ex Machina" directed by Alex Garland portrayed what
true artificial intelligence would be like and how that would affect the human race. Garland's work
with Ex Machina painted a picture on what true Artificial Intelligence would be like, a self aware,
thinking, manipulative robot that have traits highly resembling human traits and character that
highly resembles human character. Garland uses color in very subtle ways to add to the complexity
of his masterpiece making his movie have deeper meaning. In the movie Garland uses color, in
order to convey the traditional expressions of each character and the plot as a whole. The use of the
color of t–shirt a caleb is wearing at a certain point brings about the detail in his feelings and the
expression he has. For instance Caleb initially is seen to wear a blue and red t shirt. The
juxtaposition of red and blue which is seen throughout the film highlights to what extent a character
feels uncertain and anxious. This is evident as after Caleb has won the 'competition', he is unsure
how to feel and is nervous. As Caleb gets the job, he starts wearing a lot of blue toned ... Show more
content on ...
Nathan most of the time is shown to wear black clothes which resembles wealth, power and
formality. He is at his most true state when he is wearing black clothes in contrast to when he is
wearing grey clothes he is trying to move away from his personality of excessive drinking and tries
to sober up. He is shown wearing white clothes which suggests purity, peace and love when
discussing with Caleb about his research on Ava showing how he is passionate about his work but
also shows that he is playing the role of God creating artificial intelligence. Garland effectively uses
color again to represent the characters and to show the emotional progressions they go
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Describe The Color Blue
When I see the color blue, I think of my pale–blue, stuffed bunny that I got when I was three years
old. I named him Blue–Sky after the huge expanse of pale blue that loomed over my head as I
played outside and blew bubbles in my backyard on warm summer days. I wanted him to become
my new playmate, looking up at the clouds with me as I found shapes in them and marvled at the
cloudy trails left by airplanes. My earliest memories are filled with the color blue. It was the color of
my first glasses, my favorite toy, and the best slide on the playground across the street from my
house, all seemingly simple objects that my young mind grasped onto in a way that made them
monumental. These things made up my entire world at a time when I was completely carefree, my
mind full of wonder when experiencing even the simplest things. I still think back to my early
childhood sometimes when I look up at the sky on a cloudless day, and it reminds me to stop and
appreciate the little things sometimes when the world starts to feel overwhelming. ... Show more
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Once I was old enough, I would go exploring with my older sisters in those woods to escape the
feelings of fear and unease that I constantly experienced in the real world at home. Surrounded by
green, I could become anything from a Native American living on the plains to a stranded plane
crash survivor trying to find my way back to civilization. Those woods were filled with birdsong
and the buzz of insects, creating a feeling of peace and oneness with nature that allowed me to
escape and find a place where I felt like I could truly belong without fear of judgement. I still feel a
sense of calm whenever I immerse myself in nature and let my imagination wander like it did when
I was
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Color And The Perception Of Color
Color and the Perception of Color
Cynthia Xu
Stoller Middle School
Perception. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through one of the five senses
(Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell, 2000). In other words, it is the process of interpreting and organizing
sensory information. Perception must be understood according to figure–ground, similarity,
proximity, continuity, and other organizing principles. At work in the interpretation of sensory
stimuli are other perceptual phenomena such as perceptual constancy, a phenomenon which occurs
in the perception of size, shape, color, and brightness; depth perception, another phenomenon based
on binocular and monocular cues; and the perception of motion (Wood, 2008). One of the brain's
primary functions is to obtain biologically important information from the various sensory inputs.
The brain of a human is provided with sufficient information about a variety of things such as light,
sound, the atmosphere's chemical composition, temperature, and things such as head orientation,
limb position, the chemical composition of the bloodstream, among other things. Specialized
sensors project signals into the brain when they detect sensory modalities. Light–sensitive neurons
in the retina of the eye, vibration–sensitive neurons in the cochlea of the ear, along with the
pressure–sensitive neurons in the skin are all specialized receptor cells of which each sensory
system begins with. The axons of the sensory receptor
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Light Color Lab
Light, Color, and Solutions Lab In this experiment, the relationships between wavelength,
absorbance, concentration, and cell path are explored through separate, smaller experiments. These
relationships can be combined to derive a single equation known as Beer's Law. This equation is
then used to identify an unknown solution's formula weight. A traditional artist's color wheel, using
pigments, consists of the colors of the rainbow. A color wheel using light, which is known as a
chemist's color wheel, also consists of the rainbow colors. The main difference between these two
color wheels can be seen when colors are mixed together. In the case of mixing light, when all of the
colors are added together, the result is white.1 When mixing pigments, however, the result of all
colors combined is black.1 Mixing colors of light together results in a lighter color; for example,
mixing red and green results in yellow, a lighter color.2 The combination of several paint colors
results in a darker color due to less colors of light being reflected.2 Essentially, the mixing of the
colors of light uses the additive color system while mixing pigment colors using the ... Show more
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Beer's Law cannot be used in all cases, however. Some of the limitations include that there are
deviations when solutions of greater than 0.01 M are used.4 Additionally, particulates being present
within the solution and stray light will also affect the accuracy of Beer's Law.4 For this experiment,
Beer's Law will be used to determine the molar absorptivity
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Color and Mood
Overall, results indicate that the manipulation of the color of questionnaire had no effect on mood.
However, there was an effect of time of day on mood as well as an effect of gender on mood. The
results did not support the main hypothesis that different colors would elicit different moods. Thus,
this study found no support for the prediction that brighter colors would elicit positive moods,
whereas less bright colors would elicit negative moods. These results do not support past research
findings that brighter colors tend to elicit positive moods, whereas, dark colors elicit negative moods
(Hemphill, 1996; Kaya & Epps, 2004). Moreover, this result was not expected given the previously
discussed research by Weller and Livingston (1988) ... Show more content on ...
They found that men tended to have higher scores than women on the Self–assurance subscale in all
ten samples they examined, although this difference was small. Moreover, there does not appear to
be a clear reason that in our study men had higher scores than women on the surprise subscale.
Furthermore, the finding that men rated their moods higher on several subscales was intriguing,
since past research that examined the relationship between colors and emotions suggested that
women were emotionally oriented and reported more emotional responses to colors than men
(Hemphill, 1996). Furthermore, results did not support the hypothesis that the 1:00 PM class would
have more positive moods than the 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM classes; however, results did suggest that
mood was affected by the time of day. Nevertheless, only particular times were affected, for instance
the 4:00 PM late afternoon class had higher scores for the negative moods than the 8:00 AM class.
Also, the 4:00 PM class had higher scores on the shyness subscale than the 1:00 PM midday class.
The results that the late afternoon class had more negative mood than the midday appear to go
against the current literature given that the research suggests that Negative Affect does not fluctuate
throughout the day and is not related to the circadian rhythm (Murray et al., 2002). In contrast,
Positive Affect appears to be related to the circadian rhythm, tends to increase throughout the day
until about 9pm, when PA
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Color Of Color And Color Essay
Color chart– a brief explanation
You must have heard of color charts by now! Today, most companies are making use of charts to
represent different objects. Color is subjective, and each color represents different ideas. Basically, it
is found that there are different shapes of a single color which are referred to with different names.
With the help of a chart it is possible to describe the color of bromeliad parts. Now, there is no need
of referring to a color as red or yellow, instead, you have possibility of using a number from the
What is a color chart?
Firstly, it is vital for you to know the meaning of color charts. They are also referred to as color
reference cards which are defined as flat physical objects that come with a variety of color samples.
It is either a one page chart or available in the form of swatch books or even color– matching fans.
Printable color chart templates appear to be very handy. This can help you carry the copy in your
wallet and refer to colors as and when necessary.
Understanding the color wheel
The color wheel is considered to be a chart that would reflect different colors that you probably see
in a rainbow or the colors obtained when white light passes through a prism. Basically, the color
wheel contains 12 shades and follows the basic principle of color theory. Primary colors need no
mixing! Once you have the primary colors in hand, there is no chance of mixing it with any other
The primary colors may include red,
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Women Of Color In The Color Purple
The novel, The Color Purple, portrays a story about two sisters who communicate through various
letters about their life while they are separated. In the end, they join together through their love and
are finally reunited after thirty years. With the morals of race, gender, and life, the rating of this
novel is excellent. As an African American woman in the Pre–civil rights time, Celie did not feel
welcome or in place during her life in The United States. Women of color in this book were often
victims of white men's crime. Mr._____ saw Celie as any other woman and treated her like "any
husband would". He would physically abuse her for any wrongdoing. When the author showed this
unhealthy relationship, it taught the readers that there should ... Show more content on ...
As a husband, Harpo thought his role was to abuse his wife for any misbehavior or wrongdoing or .
Sofia, unlike most African American women, stood up for herself and did not take the attempted
abuse of Harpo. During a conversation between Harpo and Mr._____ he says, "Wives is like
children., ou have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good
sound beating," (Walker 34). In this quote, Mr._____ advised Harpo to abuse his wife as he would to
children. Teachings and instructions like these from his father sculpted Harpo's abusive attitude
towards Sofia. After Harpo tried to abuse Sofia from listening to Celie's advice, Sofia confronts
Celie and asks her why she would say such a thing. She says to her, "All my life I had to fight. I had
to fight my daddy, i had to fight my brothers, my cousins, uncles. A girl ain't safe in a family of men.
But I never thought I'd had to fight in my own house," (Walker 38). Sofia explains that she has faced
physical abuse from different family members, but never thought she would receive it from her
husband. This creates a conflict between Sofia and Harpo resulting in her feeling a greater insecurity
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Grapheme Color Synesthesia
Synesthesia was discovered back in the 1880s when Francis Galton described a condition where he
thinks of numbers in visual imagery, which is known as synesthesia today. Synesthesia is the
experience in which a stimulation of one sense triggers an additional sensory experience (Rothen &
Mejer, 2010). In other words, it is a condition where the senses are cross–linked, and the experience
is automatic and reliable (Rich, Bradshaw, & Mattingley, 2005). A common type of synesthesia is
called the grapheme color synesthesia, which is when people experience seeing colors when they
come across any letters or numbers even though the font color is black. For instance, the letter "A"
to a synesthete may be a red color, and the number three may be a blue ... Show more content on ...
The encoded stimulus is richer for synesthetes compared to people without synesthesia. Also there is
a performance advantage when the subjects recall the spoken or written words (Gross, Neargarder,
Caldwell–Harris & Cronin–Golomb, 2011; Rothen & Ward, 2012). In Gross et al.'s (2011) study,
they recruited nine color–graphemic synesthetes using a standardized neuropsychological measure
that would trigger color–graphemic synesthesia for verbal tasks. One verbal test that they used was
the Paired Verbal Associates test. For this test, participants were to learn eight pairs of standard
shapes and nonsense shapes. Some trials had immediate recall or a 30–minute delay. In all trials, the
synesthetic participants recalled the standard shape when presented with the nonsense shape. This
test was altered to reduce potential differences between the participant's synesthesia and the colors,
by exchanging the colored squares with the line drawings of familiar shapes. A one–way ANOVA
was conducted for each trial. It revealed that all synesthetes reached ceiling on trial 3 and 4 (M=5.0
+/– 1.7), while none of the control participants reached ceiling (M= 2.89 +/– 2.2). Their results were
very similar to Rothen and Meier's (2010) results. For the most part, their findings supported the
cue–induced encoding/retrieval hypothesis. Significant results were elicited by the tests
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Color Theory Research
Color fills our world with beauty. We delight in the colors of a magnificent sunset and in the bright
red and golden–yellow leaves of autumn. We are charmed by gorgeous flowering plants and the
brilliantly colored arch of a rainbow. We also use color in various ways to add pleasure and interest
to our lives. For example, many people choose the colors of their clothes carefully and decorate their
homes with colors that create beautiful, restful, or exciting effects. By their selection and
arrangement of colors, artists try to make their paintings more realistic or expressive.
Color serves as a means of communication. In sports, different colored uniforms show which team
the players are on. On streets and highways, a red traffic light ... Show more content on ...
Such objects as traffic lights and neon signs appear colored because the light that they give off
contains a limited range of wavelengths. However, most objects appear colored because their
chemical structure absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others. When sunlight strikes a
carrot, for example, molecules in the carrot absorb most of the light of short wavelengths. Most of
the light of longer wavelengths is reflected. When these longer wavelengths of light reach our eyes,
the carrot appears orange.
An object that reflects most of the light of all wavelengths in nearly equal amounts appears white.
An object that absorbs most of the light of all wavelengths in nearly equal amounts appears black.
How we see color
The roles of the eyes and brain. Our ability to see color depends on many highly complicated
workings of the eyes and brain. When we look at an object, light coming from the object enters our
eyes. Each eye focuses the light, forming an image of the object on the retina. The retina is a thin
layer of tissue covering the back and sides of the inside of the eyeball. It contains millions of light–
sensitive cells. These cells absorb most of the light that falls on the retina and convert the light to
electrical signals. These electrical signals then travel through nerves to the brain.
The retina has two main types of
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Color Blindness
Psychology college students attending the University of California, Los Angeles were asked to
complete this experiment as a course requirement. The sample size was twenty–one students. When
conducting the experiment, we did not ask if the students had any disabilities such as color blindness
or blindness. Every student just went through with the experiment without any questions being
asked. All participants were asked to be the experimenter and the subject of the study.
A within–subject design was used, which means that every person who participated was exposed to
both conditions or treatments. In this case, the participant served as the subject, but also as the
person conducting the experiment. This caused ... Show more content on ...
In this case the treatment was whether the ink of the color and the word differ, such as the word blue
in the ink color red. For both posters, each word began with the same letter (e.g. boat and blue),
color, order of the same letter and color, number of syllables, and the number of letters per word
were the same. Mistakes made were not penalized, the participant was simply told that if they made
a mistake to fix it and move on. The participants not only served as subjects, but also experimenters.
Once they served both roles, they moved on to the next group. When the response time was said, the
participant was responsible for writing their own time. The experimenter was responsible for
stopping and starting the watch. Both rooms were in a controlled setting, the lighting, temperature,
and the amount of people inside the room were controlled. Room N and I were clearly labelled.
The words that were used in the control group were, starting from the left column: boat, yogurt,
brain, rat, and goose. The words used are five English words and the colors that were used were red,
green, yellow, black, and blue. This study was conducted at approximately 9:00 a.m on Wednesday
April 5th. In order to record the data of the whole class, every person said their own score out loud
for both group N and I and we took the
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Color In Ex Machina
Akhil John
Professor Scott
Humanities 200
8 November 2015
Ex Machina: The role of Color The movie "Ex Machina" directed by Alex Garland portrayed what
true artificial intelligence would be like and how that would affect the human race. Garland's work
with Ex Machina painted a picture on what true Artificial Intelligence would be like, a self aware,
thinking, manipulative robot that have traits highly resembling human traits and character that
highly resembles human character. Garland uses color in very subtle ways to add to the complexity
of his masterpiece making his movie have deeper meaning. In the movie Garland uses color, in
order to convey the traditional expressions of each character and the plot as a whole. The use of the
color of t–shirt a caleb is wearing at a certain point brings about the detail in his feelings and the
expression he has. For instance Caleb initially is seen to wear a blue and red t shirt. The
juxtaposition of red and blue which is seen throughout the film highlights to what extent a character
feels uncertain and anxious. This is evident as after Caleb has won the 'competition', he is unsure
how to feel and is nervous. As Caleb gets the job, he starts wearing a lot of blue toned ... Show more
content on ...
Nathan most of the time is shown to wear black clothes which resembles wealth, power and
formality. He is at his most true state when he is wearing black clothes in contrast to when he is
wearing grey clothes he is trying to move away from his personality of excessive drinking and tries
to sober up. He is shown wearing white clothes which suggests purity, peace and love when
discussing with Caleb about his research on Ava showing how he is passionate about his work but
also shows that he is playing the role of God creating artificial intelligence. Garland effectively uses
color again to represent the characters and to show the emotional progressions they go
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Color: Aim, And Psycology Of Colors
Table of Content
01– Abstract.................................................................................................1
02– Aim And Objective....................................................................................2
03– Introduction............................................................................................7
04– Literature review.......................................................................................8
05– Research Methodology...............................................................................9
06– Color.............................................................................................
07– Type of Color.........................................................................................
08– Psycology of Colors..................................................................................
09– Role of Colors...........................................................................................
10– Power of Colors For Brand............................................................................
11– Use of colors.............................................................................................
12– Understanding Color and Its Importance..............................................................
13– Power of Colors...........................................................................................
14– Why Color Matters........................................................................................ ... Show more
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14– Colors
Bundling is the most physical representation of a brand. Customers can touch it, lift it up, read its
image correspondence, and determination whether they wish to buy the item. Anyhow, first they
must be pulled in by the bundling or they won't connect with it by any means.
A lot is on the line; its win or lose at the retail retire. Studies demonstrate that when purchasers shop,
they settle on decisions in as meager as 20 seconds. They likewise disregard up to 2/3 of
classification items in retail situations. These insights clarify why such a variety of items fall flat.
What convinces shoppers to plummet to a particular marked item in a store passageway? What is it
about bundling that provokes interest? Unordinary basic outline? Striking representation?
Contemporary way of life symbolism? An unmistakable brand personality? Odds are shading pulls
in individuals first. Fig. 15– Wafers Packaging
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Color In Pleasantville
Color in Pleasantville is something totally unheard of until one day when David and Jennifer are
sent there through their television. In Pleasantville, everything is in black and white and nothing
ever changes. It is always bright sunny skies with a high of seventy–two and low of seventy–two
degrees. Everyday is exactly the same and everything is perfect in their eyes. There is never any
fighting in this town and the only thing the fire department ever does is save cats from trees. The
wives do everything for their husbands, like doing all the cooking and cleaning. The children always
obey their parents and never fight with their siblings. All the men go to work at exactly the same
time everyday and expect dinner on their tables as soon as they get home. At the town's high school,
the basketball team has never missed a single basket in a game and they have never lost a game.
Every single thing in Pleasantville is perfect without a single complaint. One day, twins David and
Jennifer are sent into Pleasantville by a crazy old man and almost instantly things start to change. As
soon as they get to school, Jennifer asks the teacher what is outside of Pleasantville and everyone
looked back at her like she was absolutely insane. As the day progressed, David was trying to make
everything stick to the ... Show more content on ...
As the movie progresses, the books start filling with words and people start reading them like crazy.
The men that did not like the colored things, did not like the books either. Many of the books spoke
of things that were frowned upon in Pleasantville, and when the teenages read what was in the
books, they wanted to do things that were mentioned. The library was shut down when the men
condoning the colors found out it was bringing more color into their once black and white town.
This is representation of how people are influenced by what other people
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Photoshop: Color and Image
Basic concepts and terminology The Photoshop is a tool for photograph retouching, enhancing and
will give you flexible features to produce stunning images which can be put in Web pages. If you
have not fully understood the coloring of your images, you have go through the chapter on Basic
Concepts. Basic Concepts What is computer graphics? There are two main types of computer
graphics– vector and raster images. Vector images, such as those created in Adobe Illustrator, are
made up of mathematically defined lines and curves called vectors. Raster images, such as those
created in Adobe Photoshop, consist of a grid, or raster, of small squares, known as pixels. Several
types of resolutions are important when working with digitized images. They ... Show more content
on ...
Screen frequency is the resolution of the screen you will use when you print your final image. As a
general rule, the image resolution should be twice the screen frequency to achieve the best printed
results. To estimate scan resolution: 1. Multiply the longest dimension of the final image size by the
screen frequency, then multiply this value by the ratio of the screen ruling (which is 2:1). Suppose
you are now scanning an image that is 4 inches wide by 5 inches high. You are going to produce a
final image that is 5 inches wide by 6 inches high. You are using a screen frequency of 150 lpi. 2.
Multiply 6 (the longest output dimension) by 150 (screen frequency) to get 900 pixels. Then
multiply 900 by 2 (the ratio of the screen). This equals to a total of 1800 pixels needed. 3. Divide the
total number of pixels by the longest dimension of the original image. Here, the longest dimension
of the original image is 5 inches. Dividing 1800 by 5 yields a scan resolution of 360 dpi. Importing
images into Photoshop: The following image file formats are allowed: Photoshop 2.5 and 3.0 native
formats, Adobe Illustrator, Amiga IFF and HAM, BMP, Compuserve GIF, EPS, JPEG, Kodak
PhotoCD, Mac Paint, PCX, PICT file (raster only), PIXAR, Pixel Paint, Raw, Scitex CT, Targa and
TIFF. Among the above file formats, some of them are
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Colors By Halsey Meaning
Halsey is a new up and coming artist that many still don't know about. Her song Colors is her most
popular song. Colors became famous from the internet. Halsey isn't quite famous on the radio and
she still has not hit the billboards. This song is interesting because of all the symbolism from the
words. Each lyric line represents a new meaning to the song. The song is confusing to someone just
listening to the song for the first time. The song Colors by Halsey is unique to the music industry
because of all the symbolism that is located throughout the song. The music video to Colors is very
unique and original, just like the song. When starting the music video, you are greeted with Halsey
dressed as a teenager, what seems to be her mom, a middle aged man, and a man that is the same
age as she is. The men are playing tennis and the women are just watching. Halsey is taking photos
with a Polaroid. The video takes place in a high school setting during the '80s or '90s. You assume
that Halsey and the young man like one another. They flirt with each other and they tend to go ...
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But you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky and you decide purple just wasn't for you." This
quote has an interesting perspective. It's showing how when you meet new people, you affect them
differently. We bring different sides out in people. It also could mean that when surrounded we tend
to combine and take characteristics of other people. This can either be a good or a bad thing. "You
were red, and you liked me because I was blue" shows the artist comparing personalities to colors
and showing how we affect people. Consequently, sometimes this will ruin a relationship; however,
it could rescue the relationship as well. No matter how hard we try, we will still continue to change
and continue to change those around us. The artist does a great job displaying this issue in my
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The Effect of Colors on Mood
Got the blues. Green–eyed monster. Seeing Red. These are all phrases that we hear often. Do
different colors really affect our moods? Many studies have shown that some colors make us feel
calm, some make us feel anxious, and others may make us feel more cheerful. Let's take a look at
some colors, their affect on us, their meanings, and some different views in other cultures.
The Effect of Colors on Mood
Colors and moods: A powerful mood–altering tool
Our moods can be greatly influenced by the visual cues of colors. Our mood can be influenced by
our perception of color. Colors can conjure up many feeling and emotions. Following is just a few
The Culture of Colors
Colors often have ... Show more content on ...
Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility. A white flag is a universal symbol for truce. Angels
are usually shown wearing white robes.
The ancient Egyptian pharaohs wore white crowns and the ancient Persians believed all gods wore
white. In China and Japan, white is the color for mourning.
Pink is the most romantic color and is more tranquilizing. Sports teams have been known to pain the
locker rooms to be used by their opposing team bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.
Purple brings to mind royalty, luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic.
Purple robes are an emblem of authority and rank. Purple in a child's room is said to help develop
the imagination according to color theory.
In Thailand, purple is work by a widow mourning her husband's death.
Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. Color can be a powerful mood–altering tool if make
an effort to learn of its influence on us. We can be calmed, uplifted, angered, refreshed, even feel
more romantic, all by color. The next time you select an outfit, paint a room, or buy a car, keep in
mind the many ways our lives are affected by the psychology of color. References
Franco, V. (2002). How colors effect mood. Retrieved November 1, 2005, from
Johnson, D. (2005). Psychology of Color. Retrieved November 7, 2005 from
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Reflection On Colors
I have been really focusing on colors for past 4 years, almost one–fourth of my entire life. I believe
that each of different colors can change someone's life. It sounds unreal, almost. Well, there is
someone who got affected by colors. It's me. In fact, I was not always interested in colors until
Eighth Grade. I used to be a person who did not focus on colors in everyday life, just like most
people do, but now I care colors so much because of situations I have experienced.
Thankfully, everything in the world has a color, and it used for many different purposes. Human
eyes can see many different colors because they are very sensitive. For me, the color is something
that impacts and changes my state and thoughts. I love looking at colors because it supports the
words I am saying and gives me many different moods. I remember the times that I realized how
much colors impact on me.
When I was in eighth grade in South Korea, I got a chance to visit DMZ, or 38th parallel. DMZ
stands for the Demilitarized Zone, where it divides Korea into a half. While I was in DMZ, I felt like
I was in 1970s. South Koreans lived in DMZ, but it was a lonesome place. When I came back to
school, my teacher wanted me to explain the difference between North Korea, DMZ, and South
Korea, and I could not find ways to explain. Suddenly, I thought of colors, only because they were
simple. Then, I immediately started to color the south side of Korea as Blue, North as Red , and
DMZ as Light Purple. I said that Red indicates the communism and blood. Blue as a peace, and
Purple as a confusion. Everyone can guess Red as something about violence, and Blue is something
about peace. However, people don't know what Purple describes because it can be anything. Purple
is certainly the mixture of Red and Blue, but people don't go deeper. I said light Purple because
DMZ was a very clean place. The word confusion came to my mind, because I was confused if I
saw DMZ as more of South side or North side, and I used it to explain the meaning of colors to my
teacher. It was a total success! That's how I started to use them to support my opinion. (I use color to
to give a detail often)
I went to Canada this summer, and I traveled Banff and Vancouver. In Banff,
... Get more on ...
Water Color Tattoos
All you want to know about the Best Water Color Tattoos
Tattoos have evolved to be a fashionable body art that people love to have as a medium to express
that deepest feelings. They are created in a wide range of styles and shapes based on client
perspective so that it can turn out to be their priced possession. With its growing popularity, there
are several trends that have made their way and the best water color tattoos is amongst them.
What Are Water Color Tattoos?
Watercolor or painterly tattoos are an artistic technique of applying tattoos with gradation of colors
as seen in paintings. A simple difference between these tattoos and traditional ones is that the water
color tattoos do not have any sort of outline, while the basic structure of an old school ... Show more
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However, by less it means that it is going to stay on your body for a period of at least 20 years, after
which it may require touch–ups or solid coloring. A good way to ensure that it does not fade faster is
to add black color as this brings the perfect amount of pigments to the water color.
Unlimited shades of color in watercolor tattoos: Another amazing aspect about the best water color
tattoos is that you can get as many shades of color as you want, in order to give a beautiful finish to
it. Just think about the picture that you want to have and then decide the colors that will be ideal for
How to Prevent Fading of Water Tattoos?
As mentioned earlier, water tattoos fade away quickly; however, there are certain steps you need to
take in order to slow down this process. The first step is to go for a splash of pigmentation by
mixing black. This will ensure that the tattoo looks at its best for years to come. Next, do remember
that gaining or losing weight can affect the quality of best water tattoos and thus avoiding it can yet
again be favorable for its
... Get more on ...
Color In Eilis's Life
The colors in this film signify so much more than just clothes or landscape, colors seem to signify
significant moments in Eilis's life. I think that we all subconsciously wear certain colors when we
are feeling a certain way, I know that even on some level we do it consciously, like for example
when you go to a wedding you cannot wear white, or when you go to a funeral you usually wear
black. Especially in a time like the 1950's when women really only wore dresses, their only way of
looking different would be to wear colorful dresses or the makeup on their faces. The film starts out
with Eilis in Ireland and her colors seem rather dull, like grey and she is not wearing an ounce of
makeup. It really helps to show you how boring and dismal ... Show more content on ...
Blue is supposedly most strongly associated with tranquility and a sense of calm, which is what you
would hope to feel when the guy you are with asks you to move into together. She did not hesitate
when he asked, she was simply taking in the area and all of the surroundings and she knew that is
where she was meant to be. This is another strange aspect of this film because it makes Eilis seem
like she is a very independent young woman, and in a time like the 1950's she would not probably
have been as independent and been making all of these decisions on her own. Another peculiar
behavior is when she decides to invite Tony into her room and she initiates the sexual interaction,
which is very irregular for this time period. However after her and Tony had sex for the first time
she is seen wearing a yellow dress, yellow is associated with happiness, intellect, energy, and yellow
produces a warming effect. Yellow stimulates mental activity. Eilis is finally moving away from
Ireland and her family the more time she spends with Tony, for this time period the man being such
a large part of Eilis's life is not surprising in any way. The 1950's women were very concerned about
becoming wives and being mothers, so when she finally felt happy and content to be away from
home it had to be a man that was making the transition so
... Get more on ...

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Color Coding

  • 1. Color Coding Color coding appears to have a significant effect on human beings ability to identify and recognize labels (Wichmann, Sharpe & Gegenfurtner, 2002). Color increases an individual arousal. That is, human beings retain more information when it is presented in color rather than black. Furthermore, arousing events have the ability to increase memory. Color coding also causes perceptually inconspicuous information to stand out, making it more salient. A research study was conducted to investigate the outcome of color coding on learning; and to study why learners do better when using color coded materials instead of monochrome materials (Ozcelik, Karakus, Kursun & Cagiltay, 2009). In this study, decreasing redundant search methods to relate illustrated ... Show more content on ... The hypothesis for this study was that color–coded visuals would be more effective than black and white– coded visuals in enhancing noticeable visual cues, in that way making them more identifiable and instructional to field–dependent learners. Participants in this study were one hundred and seventeen students who were placed in different levels based on their performance of the Group Embedded Figures Teat (GEFT). Participants were instructed to study a 2,000 word instructional book on the anatomy and functions of the human heart with 19 illustrations. The first illustration was "treatment 1", which was the black–and–white version and "treatment 2", was the same illustrations, only difference was seven different colors were used. Measuring student's ability to use visual cues, students were required to draw a representative diagram of the heart and place the 20 listed parts in their respective positions. The identification was a 20 multiple–choice test requiring students to identify the numbered parts on a detailed drawing of a heart. The results of the test revealed field–independent students scored significantly higher on the drawing test than did field–dependent students on both the black–and–white ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Colors of Othello Essay The Colors of Othello In Shakespeare's Othello, color imagery consistently appears throughout the text. The colors, specifically black, white, and red, create symbolic and metaphoric meanings which contribute to larger themes such as racial prejudice, good versus evil, sexuality, and murder. The colors evoke images in the characters' minds, particularly Othello's. These images, along with their corresponding idea or theme, influence the actions of the characters, culminating in the murder of Desdemona by Othello. References to black and white carry the most weight and contribute much to the actions of the characters; those colors often are used as a comment on race, on good and evil, on sexuality, ... Show more content on ... (1.2.63–70) Brabantio refers to Othello as a "sooty bosom," following Iago's earlier racial image. He stereotypes Othello, saying that magic must be involved or Desdemona, "a fair" or white woman, never would have chosen a dark man, a "sooty bosom," to marry. The black and white images placed in Brabantio's mind influence his views on Othello, or he would not have pointed out Othello's "sooty bosom." These images that emphasize the colors are what keep him from accepting Othello. Othello defends himself against Brabantio's accusations of magic, saying, "Yet by your gracious patience,/ I will a round unvarnished tale deliver/ Of my whole course of love" (1.3.89–91). Othello will tell the truth of what happened, and the tale will be "unvarnished," or unglossed. He recognizes that the ideas associated with his color are part of the problem, and he must defend himself against racist beliefs. By telling an "unvarnished tale," a tale ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Color In The Great Gatsby In everyday life and works of literature, color symbolizes a wide variety from emotions to political status. When someone is feeling upset one often says "I'm feeling blue" or when someone is mad their face turns red giving that color the association with anger. Political status even uses color to represent each party, one is usually either a blue democrat or red republican. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, "The Great Gatsby" color plays a significant role throughout the story symbolizing emotions and social rankings. Colors such as green representing hope and money, grey portraying hopelessness and low class along with discontent, and yellow exemplifies low class and desire. The color green is one of the most detectable colors with the use of symbolism within the novel. Across from Gatsby's mansion is a green light at the end of the dock near the Buchanan house, which is the light ... Show more content on ... It represents what outer personality that he shows others. The color yellow is similar to gold and represents old money, greediness, and social status. Gatsby surrounds himself with yellow. He believes that decorating himself and house in yellow will signify and show that he is a member of the wealthier status, however yellow, is not gold. The car that he purchases to impress Daisy is the color yellow. "Gatsby's ostentatious car, which he buys only to impress Daisy, is yellow and the girls dressed in "twin yellow dresses" at Gatsby's' party are painted in stark contrast to the "golden" Jordan (Examples of the Symbolism of colors in "The Great Gatsby")." The yellow car symbolizes Gatsby's desire to be in a higher class whereas "golden" Jordan symbolizes how valuable she is to Nick as a person. She is as valuable as gold is to the average person. On the other hand, yellow also symbolizes destruction and death. Myrtle, married to George but having an having an affair with Tom is killed by a yellow car symbolizing ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Hair Color Styles Trendy Women Hair Color Styles In 2018 The Hair color styles have undergone a whole lot of changes in the past few years. If you're thinking of color your hair to make your personality pleasing to the eye, it is vital for you to get the information of the latest developments so as to follow something is modern and provides you a great look. Get the knowledge of the latest color styles, will be trendy in 2018. 1. Highlighting: Among the latest trends is by using different colors to create streaks or gradations with dark browns, platinum, blue or caramel hues. Highlighting can be carried out together with the natural color or after coloring with an individual bottom part color. Red, brownish and black will be the shades that provide striking impact as highlighters. However, blue, red and renewable etc. are also well–liked by ... Show more content on ... Drop Dyeing: Another latest popular hair color style is drop dyeing. It entails two well developed or multi–toned colors. The ends are of darker tone giving an impact of the drop in color. The most well–liked hues are light burgundy red, darkish, Auburn, stylish ginger or any other powerful color. Mixing up different extreme colors can also offer you a ravishing look. 6. Pastel Colors: Pastel colors look very girlish and remarkable on bleached or pale hair. They have an extended lasting result and are very popular amongst the superstars. This style will still be in craze with varied hues of pink, silver precious metal, violet, blue, gray, sandy, or smoky. The color can be attempted different measures of the head of hair and can be solitary, mixture, streaked or dripped dyed. 7. Neon Colors: You can go for neon colors to provide a spicy and exciting look to flowing hair no matter their duration and style. Neon colors can be employed with various popular designs. Crimson, red, yellowish, orange, violet green, electric blue and a great many other colors of neon can be purchased in the marketplace and may be used to offer you a great ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Color Psychology Color is defined as "the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue" (Webster's Dictionary). Color is an extremely powerful psychological tool used across the globe. Our world would be bland and boring without the use of color in our everyday lives. Using color psychology can encourage sales, calm a crowd, and even help a person send a positive (or negative) message. Many companies use color psychology in their marketing schemes. June Campbell, writer for Nightcates Multimedia Productions, states, "Colors not only enhance the appearance of the item –– they also ... Show more content on ... Finally, even schools are getting in on a bit of color psychology. Some schools are known to paint the locker room of the opposing team in pink. Yes, pink. Pink drains energy out of a person and causes fatigue – a very strategic move. Prisons are also known to use pink in their jail cells because it drains all the negative energy from the inmates. Culture has a large influence on the meanings of color as well. First, China looks at colors differently than we do here in America. Let us take a look at the color red once again. In China red is the color worn by brides. If a Chinese woman were to wear white for her wedding, her parents would not allow her to marry. Secondly, in India red is also a symbol of purity and good luck, which is why it is the traditional wedding gown color. Also, yellow is said to be a sacred and imperial color for their culture. Now, in America, we have different meanings for certain colors than other countries, and our flag colors and symbols best represent us as a whole. The white represents purity and innocence, red signifies valor and hardiness, and blue stands for justice, perseverance, and vigilance. The stars show the heavens and all the good that people strive for, while the strips emulate the sun's rays. Breaking down each country's flag by symbol and color only shows, in more detail, the background ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Color Of Color In The Great Gatsby Throughout the novel, it can be seen that the most common color accompanying with Gatsby is yellow. With this color, the author skillfully implies what kind of outer self Gatsby intends to show before others. Yellow is the color of gold, which symbolizes money, materialism and high social position. First, yellow stands out as the color that represents new money and wealth acquired. According to Fitzgerald, "On week−ends his Rolls−Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains....The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher" (Chapter 3, Page 21). Fitzgerald uses gold, a vivid representation of yellow to symbolize the wealth gained by Gatsby and the immense desire for him to get even more and to show it off to the entire society. In the light of the following events, it is easy to see how Gatsby is blinded by his love for Daisy and therefore money. This evidence shows that he buys a large yellow Rolls Royce to show off his new money. The band at his party plays "yellow cocktail music" to show his fulsome way of living and life. Gatsby chooses the yellow color to decorate himself and his house to show that he has been one member of their class. As Gatsby thinks that Daisy has never loved anyone else any more except ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Color Of Water Analysis Color of God The Color of Water is the story of about a young black man, James McBride, finding himself through his mother, Ruth McBride. He tells his story, focusing on his childhood in New York City. His white mother also tells her story, where she was raised a Jew. She married a black man and had eight children, including James. Before James was even born, her husband died. She remarried to another black man and had four more children, all black. While growing, James and his siblings look for answers about their odd lives in their mother. One of their common questions is about skin color. After church one day, James asks his mother about the color of God. " 'What color is God's spirit' 'It doesn't have a color,' she said. 'God is the color ... Show more content on ... She is very spiritual, emphasizing the importance of church and God to her children. "Mommy loved God. She went to church each and every Sunday, the only white person in sight..." (McBride 45). She tells the children children to focus on their education and God, not the color of their skin. To the her, the only person whose opinion matters is God. If God loves both whites and blacks, why should it matter what color one's skin is? If this view was shared by all Americans, life for blacks would have been much easier. This is why Ruth McBride sees no problem with marrying a black man. He is just another human being, whom she loved. When her first husband died, leaving her with eight children, she remarried quickly. Like the first, he was black, and she was able to look past the color of his skin and see his humanity. She, like God, sees past his skin and looks within. He also dies, but not before giving Ruth four more children, making a total of twelve children, all with different skin color than Ruth. If all Americans, both then and now, were able to look past the outside, whether it be race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion, America would be a better place to live. James, on the other hand, is embarrassed by his ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Women Of Color In The Color Purple The novel, The Color Purple, portrays a story about two sisters who communicate through various letters about their life while they are separated. In the end, they join together through their love and are finally reunited after thirty years. With the morals of race, gender, and life, the rating of this novel is excellent. As an African American woman in the Pre–civil rights time, Celie did not feel welcome or in place during her life in The United States. Women of color in this book were often victims of white men's crime. Mr._____ saw Celie as any other woman and treated her like "any husband would". He would physically abuse her for any wrongdoing. When the author showed this unhealthy relationship, it taught the readers that there should ... Show more content on ... As a husband, Harpo thought his role was to abuse his wife for any misbehavior or wrongdoing or . Sofia, unlike most African American women, stood up for herself and did not take the attempted abuse of Harpo. During a conversation between Harpo and Mr._____ he says, "Wives is like children., ou have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good sound beating," (Walker 34). In this quote, Mr._____ advised Harpo to abuse his wife as he would to children. Teachings and instructions like these from his father sculpted Harpo's abusive attitude towards Sofia. After Harpo tried to abuse Sofia from listening to Celie's advice, Sofia confronts Celie and asks her why she would say such a thing. She says to her, "All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy, i had to fight my brothers, my cousins, uncles. A girl ain't safe in a family of men. But I never thought I'd had to fight in my own house," (Walker 38). Sofia explains that she has faced physical abuse from different family members, but never thought she would receive it from her husband. This creates a conflict between Sofia and Harpo resulting in her feeling a greater insecurity and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Meaning of Color in Art What remains the significance of color in art? Could it be the disposition and feelings it provokes to the viewer, the distinguishing factor in the meaning of a piece? Maybe color is used in the association of simply shadow work, used only in technical terms to create value and the curvature of a three dimensional illusion? Or maybe the use of color in artwork appears as simple as how one learned the use in childhood, gender identification: blue means male and pink means female. True, artists select colors to produce a certain mood or atmosphere; to create space, light, and shadow, however, in regards to the artist Cindy Sherman, color is used profoundly in gender roles and symbolism. Representation and hidden meanings found within artwork is not a new concept by far, artist have been using such method for centuries. Nonetheless, the unique and slightly nightmarish way the contemporary artist Cindy Sherman uses color in representational ways brings about a new light to a familiar technique. Cindy Sherman, an American artist born in 1954, is extensively acknowledged as one of the most prominent artist in contemporary art. During her career, Sherman has extensively used the infinite surplus of images from movies and television, the internet, magazines, as well as art history, to create a massive collection of confrontational artwork. In many of her pieces she has discovered the manufacture of contemporary identity as well as the significance of representation, especially in ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Color And The Color Of Color Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. The Colors of the rainbow, color shapes how we see our world. Color has been around before dinosaurs, and before that, and what ever was before that, so whenever that was color was there. There will always be an infinite amount of color because blending colors makes new colors and blending those colors makes, you get the point. But are we really seeing theses colors? Is our brains just misleading us? Those questions will be answered through this presentation and many other colorful questions will be too, so let 's dive into our world of color. First let's lay it out in lavender, with the history of color scientifically. Then we will "blend" into the science of color, and illusions. Next we will talk about how color affects our mood and life. Lastly let roll out the red carpet for, how the world looks at color. There is no history of how color came about. Mind Blowing right? Well there is history of science behind this phenomenon. Let's start by defining color, color is "the property of reflecting light of a particular wavelength: the distinct colors of the spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, each of these shading into the next; the primary colors of the spectrum are red, green, and blue, the light beams of which variously combined can produce any of the colors" Now with that defined let me explain who discovered this thing called the Electromagnetic spectrum. Isaac Newton in the 1600's, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. What Is The Color Pallet The elements of art are quite splendid and balanced in this piece, creating an example of a solid piece of artwork that follows the principles of design. The green and yellow colors of this piece blend together perfectly as to create a great visual pleasure, and the hues of blue and black in the background emphasize the yellows and greens in the foreground, creating a great blend of color. The color pallet is somewhat contrasting as there are green and yellow hues as well as darker colors such as black. Texturing is done quite nicely in this piece as well, with the stars and the ground being great examples of this. The stars look very fluffy and extravagant which couldn't be exemplified without a brush, and the ground looks very much like a ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. A Fluid Mosaic Of Color Jacob Knauer Mr. McMahon English 10H Block 1 10 March 2015 A Fluid Mosaic of Color F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, follows the story of Jay Gatsby, a man who personifies the American Dream. The narrator of the novel is Gatsby 's neighbor, Nick Carraway, who is connected with all the main characters and has the ability to see the good in Gatsby. Through the focus of Nick, a man with a fairly nondescript background, a story of corruption, illusion and desperate desire unfolds. The story takes place in the roaring twenties, a time that emphasizes the dichotomy of society, with the previously rich and the newly rich living a life of jubilance, while those in the valley of ashes–or other areas of the like–slave away their ... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald manages to draw the attention of the reader to miniscule details and symbols in the text. He uses colors to communicate to the reader feelings and attitudes of the protagonists. Color symbolism, in many ways, plays a large role in the novel. It is the most powerful method of granting the reader insight into the personality of a character; it reveals the hidden ideas and values. The style of symbolism that is most riddled throughout the text is the attachment of ideas to colors. Some of the color based symbols used are vague, while some are specific. The colors most prominently represented are the hope and purity of white, the optimism of green, the wealth of gold and the faux wealth of yellow. In The Great Gatsby, the color white stands for unblemished, honorable, and pure perfection. When Nick is moving in, one of the first things he happens to notice is how "Across the courtesy the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water..." (Fitzgerald 5). The East Egg is seen as old money; it is a lifestyle that is merely an aspiration at best. Perfection shines from across the bay, in the area where the born–rich live. It is the area that you cannot work your way into, no matter how hard you try. Again, when Nick sees the Buchanans' house up close, he describes that even "The windows were ajar and gleaming white." (Fitzgerald 13). Inside the perfect house as ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Color In The Great Gatsby YELLOW & Wilson's Garage: The color yellow is considered to be the unauthentic version of gold. As previously stated, gold is a color of richness and value which is why we it is clearly visible in the Gatsby household. Yellow on the other hand, is quite inferior when compared to the standards of gold. In contrast to Jordan, the golden girl, her admirers are merely, "two girls in twin yellow dresses." (Fitzgerald.47) They are so unimportant that they aren't even called by their names. They are simply labeled as, "one of the girls in yellow," (Fitzgerald.47) even though one, "[plays] the piano," and the other is, "from a famous chorus." (Fitzgerald.56) Along these same lines, Wilson's garage is thought of as lesser than East or West Egg; since ... Show more content on ... While many would connect the color grey with George, the irrelevant individual who never lived up to the standards of the wealthy, we can also make this connection with Gatsby, who happens to be one of the wealthiest. Even Gatsby had, "foul dust [floating] in the wake of his dreams," (Fitzgerald.4) revealing that although he might seem content on the outside, he is melancholy and gloomy on the inside. Nevertheless, George Wilson can be best identified as grey, boring and insignificant. When Nick first encounters George, "a white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity," (Fitzgerald.29) showing just how distressed George truly was. He was surrounded by wealthy people living in the luscious lands of West and East Egg, yet he was stuck in the middle, in a wasteland covered in ash and soot known as The Valley of Ashes. The Valley of Ashes represents the forgotten, the, "men who move dimly and [are] already crumbling through the powdery air." (Fitzgerald.26) Every single piece of grey, "the grey cars...the ash–grey men...the grey land," (Fitzgerald.26) brought hopelessness and anguish upon those who passed The Valley of Ashes. The Valley stands for pain and destruction as it was the place of death of Myrtle as she, "knelt in the road and mingled her thick, dark blood with the dust." (Fitzgerald.147) There isn't a slim chance of happiness in The Valley of Ashes, and there never will be ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Color Code Importance of Color Code The Color Code is a book written by Taylor Hartman. This book talks about four personality colors, and how a person of a certain color would act in different situation. The book shows what would motivate someone, and what they should avoid or be aware of in their personality type. The Color Code can improve one's school, relationship, and job success if applied to one's life correctly. Learning the color code matters because it is important for a student to gain a better understanding of oneself. Gaining understanding of oneself and those around you can help ones solve conflict whether it's in school, or a work place. For example, let's say there has been a conflict in the work environment between you and another ... Show more content on ... My core personality colors were both the colors red and white, which is odd since their core motives are almost opposites, red being power, white being peace. As I read further into the book, I found that when I am surrounded by other people with white personality colors, my red personality color will come out, and lead the group with confidence and precision. But, when I am surrounded with a group of red or yellow personality colors, my white personality would show, and I tend to close off and want to be left alone by the others. By understanding this concept, I try to plan accordingly by choosing groups that contains people with white personality traits. By doing this, it helps me have a better learning experience and gives me the ability to experience leadership. Furthermore, I now understand that when other people try to take over the situation and try to order me to do something, that causes me to be more angry and stubborn. Realizing this ahead of time, I make sure that I prepare myself to be acceptable to other people's points of view and suggestions, no matter how much my red personality wants to take control of the situation. Overall, I apply the personality concepts to myself by planning ahead of time to avoid situations that may bring negative consequences, and knowing when I might get mad, so I can also avoid conflict. Especially when interacting with others for school projects, I realize what situations cause me to want to take over and possible step on other people's toes. Identifying these situations help me to let others have a chance to learn and experience things, rather than taking over. In conclusion, the Color Code can improve success in the future by helping to avoid conflict, having an understanding of others, and how to be more considerate toward other people of different personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Color Of Light Lab Honors Biology IRP Fall 2017 O'Brien Millard Title How does the color of light affect plant growth? Purpose The purpose of this lab was to find what color would be best to grow plants in. Background Information Chlorophyll is a molecule that is found in plants to help them photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is when plants take sunlight and convert it to food and energy. Plants have chlorophyll in them that help them photosynthesize and help make plants appear green. Chlorophyll is the part of the plant that absorbs and reflects the colors in UV rays to make the plants appear green. This is why if you ever look at a plant through a microscope you will see little green circles, these are the chlorophyll. Plants are green because when UV rays from light hit the plant, green is reflected off of the plant while the other colors from the UV rays are absorbed. Scientists at NASA propose that plants grow best when exposed to red and blue light but blue seems seems to provide the most growth. This is because red and blue light seems to be the most absorbed. Even white lights contain a lot of blue UV rays and that is why white lights also seem to grow plants very well. The sun contains all of the colors of the rainbow and that is why the natural sunlight tends to grow plants better than artificial light that might only contain the color that is advertised. Many farmers use natural sunlight to help grow their crops, but when winter comes they will need to know what color of light to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Colors In Beloved A rainbow consists of different types of beautiful colors, and each of them has a role that makes the rainbow vibrant and colorful. Colors have different meanings in each and one of them. However, it can be interpreted as more than one meaning depending on how it is used. In the novel, Beloved, by Toni Morrison, colors play a significant role throughout the book as it makes the story more interesting and helps depict and describe how the characters are feeling or what they are doing. Beloved, is about a woman named, Sethe, who was a slave when she was young and had to kill her daughter because she does not want her to suffer a life like hers. Later on, Beloved, the baby ghost that haunts the house has returned as grown women and causes problems ... Show more content on ... Emeralds are called the birthstone of May; that is when life is renewed again. It is a time when plants and flowers begin a new life and start to grow after suffering through winter. Rebirth plays a significant role in Beloved because when Sethe killed her baby, it is said that she became a ghost and is reincarnated into an older woman. Another example is when Paul D escapes his slavery life in 124, he was able to move on and become a new man. The last example of rebirth is when Denver goes into her secret to relax it states, "Denver's imagination produced its hunger and its food, which she badly needed because loneliness wore her out. Veiled and protected by the live green walls, she felt ripe and clear, and salvation was as easy as a wish." When Denver is lonely and tired, she can always go into her secret place and feel like new again. The color green is significant in the novel as it helps us find connections to the changes the characters made to be new ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Color In Pleasantville When this world was created, God or whatever you believe in made a form of nonverbal communication by using the display of color. It can have countless different meanings from one day to the next and can change in a heartbeat. In the movie Pleasantville that was filmed in 1998 and directed by Gary Ross, color becomes a baffling wonder, that has never been seen before in a town where everything is perfect. When color starts appearing around the city everything in a perfect town naturally turns to chaos and terror. Color was created to show emotion in ways that people don't understand in the small town of Pleasantville. A remote capable of placing a human being into a TV show was given to a boy, David and his sister Jenn by a TV repair man. David thought Pleasantville was perfect it was his ideal universe. Jenn on the other hand wanted to change it, it didn't seem right to her something was missing. David soon realized that something was wrong as well, the people of Pleasantville were hiding something, they were hiding their emotions. That's where color comes in, the entire town is black and white without any color, or emotion. ... Show more content on ... But in reality they are just expressing themselves, Bill the cafe owner paints pictures to show his emotions. David learns to show his color when people are making fun of his mom and he punches a boy out of anger. These are examples of how color gets displayed through emotions. In lovers lane people reading books became colored where the people listening stayed the same and this is because the readers were showing emotion. If color is added is shows emotion rather than a black and white screen showing no mood ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. The Color Of Water Essay The Color of Water is a book about a black man's tribute to his white mother. In this book we journey through James McBride's life while he figures out who he is. As we go through the book we learn more about james and his family past. Ruth james mother was a jew her father was abusive did not care for the children the way a father should. Ruth's mother was disabled but loved the kids and took care of them as best as she could. As James gets older he wants to know more about where he came from. He did not know much of his past as a result of his mother not wanting her children knowing about the rough past she came from. As well as wanting to learn about the secretive past his mother had he wanted to find himself and in doing so he had to find where he fit in and felt comfort. ... Show more content on ... There being such a past puts people like james into confusion when trying to figure out who they are and where they belong. James had a black father and white mother and asked many times whether he was white or black. Although, james mother saw the color of his skin as no reason to love him less James wanted an answer to the question; but this was an answer his mother would not give him. Because James went to a Jewish school that was mostly white it was hard for him to fit in and it wasn't until he was older that he found his passion for music. James was not the only one to struggle with where he belonged his mother also did not know where she fit. The color of our skin should be no barrier as to where we feel comfortable and fit ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Color In The Wizard Of Oz n Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz" color is an important element to the descriptive storyline. From ruby red slippers to the emerald city we will discover the meaning behind Baum's colorful novel. If we look at the difference between Kansas and Munchkin land, color plays a big role in the setting. Kansas is a dry flat farmland with mostly brown wheat colors. A rather boring combination compared to Munchkin land with its eccentric colors and bright rainbow filled atmosphere. The land of Kansas is quite serious as compared to the childish munchkin land, making color a key importance to atmosphere and setting. For the Emerald City, the feeling of a journey's end is not the only feeling radiating from the shining city. Green is often seen as ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Color In The Wizard Of Oz Nowadays people don't realize how much color plays a role in the real world and what a great impact it has on movies tv shows and novels especially L.Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz" color plays a big role in this novel that helps the reader visualize and understand what the characters are going through from their mood to their appearance the role of color plays a huge part in the novel and symbolizes many things such as Dorothy's appearance the group meeting Glinda the good witch all of these clearly show how much color impacts the novel by giving the reader a better visualize throughout the story. Firstly the color in L.Frank Baum "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz" I feel impacts the novel in a big way although I have never seen the movie ... Show more content on ... Frank Baum also tells us that she prefers to be clean and her clothes being nice and pretty because visualizing this in my head tells me she wears cute little outfits and that she must be pretty young just with a few lines and color I can see how she looks and who she is as a character which shows how these colors symbolize Dorothy's appearance. Secondly, another part of the story that shows how much color impacts the novel and what it symbolized in a part of the story is where Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow and Tim the Woodman meet Glinda the good witch of the South in the sentence it states "She was both beautiful and young to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Color In Ex Machina Akhil John Professor Scott Humanities 200 8 November 2015 Ex Machina: The role of Color The movie "Ex Machina" directed by Alex Garland portrayed what true artificial intelligence would be like and how that would affect the human race. Garland's work with Ex Machina painted a picture on what true Artificial Intelligence would be like, a self aware, thinking, manipulative robot that have traits highly resembling human traits and character that highly resembles human character. Garland uses color in very subtle ways to add to the complexity of his masterpiece making his movie have deeper meaning. In the movie Garland uses color, in order to convey the traditional expressions of each character and the plot as a whole. The use of the color of t–shirt a caleb is wearing at a certain point brings about the detail in his feelings and the expression he has. For instance Caleb initially is seen to wear a blue and red t shirt. The juxtaposition of red and blue which is seen throughout the film highlights to what extent a character feels uncertain and anxious. This is evident as after Caleb has won the 'competition', he is unsure how to feel and is nervous. As Caleb gets the job, he starts wearing a lot of blue toned ... Show more content on ... Nathan most of the time is shown to wear black clothes which resembles wealth, power and formality. He is at his most true state when he is wearing black clothes in contrast to when he is wearing grey clothes he is trying to move away from his personality of excessive drinking and tries to sober up. He is shown wearing white clothes which suggests purity, peace and love when discussing with Caleb about his research on Ava showing how he is passionate about his work but also shows that he is playing the role of God creating artificial intelligence. Garland effectively uses color again to represent the characters and to show the emotional progressions they go ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Describe The Color Blue When I see the color blue, I think of my pale–blue, stuffed bunny that I got when I was three years old. I named him Blue–Sky after the huge expanse of pale blue that loomed over my head as I played outside and blew bubbles in my backyard on warm summer days. I wanted him to become my new playmate, looking up at the clouds with me as I found shapes in them and marvled at the cloudy trails left by airplanes. My earliest memories are filled with the color blue. It was the color of my first glasses, my favorite toy, and the best slide on the playground across the street from my house, all seemingly simple objects that my young mind grasped onto in a way that made them monumental. These things made up my entire world at a time when I was completely carefree, my mind full of wonder when experiencing even the simplest things. I still think back to my early childhood sometimes when I look up at the sky on a cloudless day, and it reminds me to stop and appreciate the little things sometimes when the world starts to feel overwhelming. ... Show more content on ... Once I was old enough, I would go exploring with my older sisters in those woods to escape the feelings of fear and unease that I constantly experienced in the real world at home. Surrounded by green, I could become anything from a Native American living on the plains to a stranded plane crash survivor trying to find my way back to civilization. Those woods were filled with birdsong and the buzz of insects, creating a feeling of peace and oneness with nature that allowed me to escape and find a place where I felt like I could truly belong without fear of judgement. I still feel a sense of calm whenever I immerse myself in nature and let my imagination wander like it did when I was ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Color And The Perception Of Color Color and the Perception of Color Cynthia Xu Stoller Middle School Perception. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through one of the five senses (Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell, 2000). In other words, it is the process of interpreting and organizing sensory information. Perception must be understood according to figure–ground, similarity, proximity, continuity, and other organizing principles. At work in the interpretation of sensory stimuli are other perceptual phenomena such as perceptual constancy, a phenomenon which occurs in the perception of size, shape, color, and brightness; depth perception, another phenomenon based on binocular and monocular cues; and the perception of motion (Wood, 2008). One of the brain's primary functions is to obtain biologically important information from the various sensory inputs. The brain of a human is provided with sufficient information about a variety of things such as light, sound, the atmosphere's chemical composition, temperature, and things such as head orientation, limb position, the chemical composition of the bloodstream, among other things. Specialized sensors project signals into the brain when they detect sensory modalities. Light–sensitive neurons in the retina of the eye, vibration–sensitive neurons in the cochlea of the ear, along with the pressure–sensitive neurons in the skin are all specialized receptor cells of which each sensory system begins with. The axons of the sensory receptor ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Light Color Lab Light, Color, and Solutions Lab In this experiment, the relationships between wavelength, absorbance, concentration, and cell path are explored through separate, smaller experiments. These relationships can be combined to derive a single equation known as Beer's Law. This equation is then used to identify an unknown solution's formula weight. A traditional artist's color wheel, using pigments, consists of the colors of the rainbow. A color wheel using light, which is known as a chemist's color wheel, also consists of the rainbow colors. The main difference between these two color wheels can be seen when colors are mixed together. In the case of mixing light, when all of the colors are added together, the result is white.1 When mixing pigments, however, the result of all colors combined is black.1 Mixing colors of light together results in a lighter color; for example, mixing red and green results in yellow, a lighter color.2 The combination of several paint colors results in a darker color due to less colors of light being reflected.2 Essentially, the mixing of the colors of light uses the additive color system while mixing pigment colors using the ... Show more content on ... Beer's Law cannot be used in all cases, however. Some of the limitations include that there are deviations when solutions of greater than 0.01 M are used.4 Additionally, particulates being present within the solution and stray light will also affect the accuracy of Beer's Law.4 For this experiment, Beer's Law will be used to determine the molar absorptivity ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Color and Mood Overall, results indicate that the manipulation of the color of questionnaire had no effect on mood. However, there was an effect of time of day on mood as well as an effect of gender on mood. The results did not support the main hypothesis that different colors would elicit different moods. Thus, this study found no support for the prediction that brighter colors would elicit positive moods, whereas less bright colors would elicit negative moods. These results do not support past research findings that brighter colors tend to elicit positive moods, whereas, dark colors elicit negative moods (Hemphill, 1996; Kaya & Epps, 2004). Moreover, this result was not expected given the previously discussed research by Weller and Livingston (1988) ... Show more content on ... They found that men tended to have higher scores than women on the Self–assurance subscale in all ten samples they examined, although this difference was small. Moreover, there does not appear to be a clear reason that in our study men had higher scores than women on the surprise subscale. Furthermore, the finding that men rated their moods higher on several subscales was intriguing, since past research that examined the relationship between colors and emotions suggested that women were emotionally oriented and reported more emotional responses to colors than men (Hemphill, 1996). Furthermore, results did not support the hypothesis that the 1:00 PM class would have more positive moods than the 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM classes; however, results did suggest that mood was affected by the time of day. Nevertheless, only particular times were affected, for instance the 4:00 PM late afternoon class had higher scores for the negative moods than the 8:00 AM class. Also, the 4:00 PM class had higher scores on the shyness subscale than the 1:00 PM midday class. The results that the late afternoon class had more negative mood than the midday appear to go against the current literature given that the research suggests that Negative Affect does not fluctuate throughout the day and is not related to the circadian rhythm (Murray et al., 2002). In contrast, Positive Affect appears to be related to the circadian rhythm, tends to increase throughout the day until about 9pm, when PA ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Color Of Color And Color Essay Color chart– a brief explanation You must have heard of color charts by now! Today, most companies are making use of charts to represent different objects. Color is subjective, and each color represents different ideas. Basically, it is found that there are different shapes of a single color which are referred to with different names. With the help of a chart it is possible to describe the color of bromeliad parts. Now, there is no need of referring to a color as red or yellow, instead, you have possibility of using a number from the chart. What is a color chart? Firstly, it is vital for you to know the meaning of color charts. They are also referred to as color reference cards which are defined as flat physical objects that come with a variety of color samples. It is either a one page chart or available in the form of swatch books or even color– matching fans. Printable color chart templates appear to be very handy. This can help you carry the copy in your wallet and refer to colors as and when necessary. Understanding the color wheel The color wheel is considered to be a chart that would reflect different colors that you probably see in a rainbow or the colors obtained when white light passes through a prism. Basically, the color wheel contains 12 shades and follows the basic principle of color theory. Primary colors need no mixing! Once you have the primary colors in hand, there is no chance of mixing it with any other colors. The primary colors may include red, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Women Of Color In The Color Purple The novel, The Color Purple, portrays a story about two sisters who communicate through various letters about their life while they are separated. In the end, they join together through their love and are finally reunited after thirty years. With the morals of race, gender, and life, the rating of this novel is excellent. As an African American woman in the Pre–civil rights time, Celie did not feel welcome or in place during her life in The United States. Women of color in this book were often victims of white men's crime. Mr._____ saw Celie as any other woman and treated her like "any husband would". He would physically abuse her for any wrongdoing. When the author showed this unhealthy relationship, it taught the readers that there should ... Show more content on ... As a husband, Harpo thought his role was to abuse his wife for any misbehavior or wrongdoing or . Sofia, unlike most African American women, stood up for herself and did not take the attempted abuse of Harpo. During a conversation between Harpo and Mr._____ he says, "Wives is like children., ou have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good sound beating," (Walker 34). In this quote, Mr._____ advised Harpo to abuse his wife as he would to children. Teachings and instructions like these from his father sculpted Harpo's abusive attitude towards Sofia. After Harpo tried to abuse Sofia from listening to Celie's advice, Sofia confronts Celie and asks her why she would say such a thing. She says to her, "All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy, i had to fight my brothers, my cousins, uncles. A girl ain't safe in a family of men. But I never thought I'd had to fight in my own house," (Walker 38). Sofia explains that she has faced physical abuse from different family members, but never thought she would receive it from her husband. This creates a conflict between Sofia and Harpo resulting in her feeling a greater insecurity and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Grapheme Color Synesthesia Synesthesia was discovered back in the 1880s when Francis Galton described a condition where he thinks of numbers in visual imagery, which is known as synesthesia today. Synesthesia is the experience in which a stimulation of one sense triggers an additional sensory experience (Rothen & Mejer, 2010). In other words, it is a condition where the senses are cross–linked, and the experience is automatic and reliable (Rich, Bradshaw, & Mattingley, 2005). A common type of synesthesia is called the grapheme color synesthesia, which is when people experience seeing colors when they come across any letters or numbers even though the font color is black. For instance, the letter "A" to a synesthete may be a red color, and the number three may be a blue ... Show more content on ... The encoded stimulus is richer for synesthetes compared to people without synesthesia. Also there is a performance advantage when the subjects recall the spoken or written words (Gross, Neargarder, Caldwell–Harris & Cronin–Golomb, 2011; Rothen & Ward, 2012). In Gross et al.'s (2011) study, they recruited nine color–graphemic synesthetes using a standardized neuropsychological measure that would trigger color–graphemic synesthesia for verbal tasks. One verbal test that they used was the Paired Verbal Associates test. For this test, participants were to learn eight pairs of standard shapes and nonsense shapes. Some trials had immediate recall or a 30–minute delay. In all trials, the synesthetic participants recalled the standard shape when presented with the nonsense shape. This test was altered to reduce potential differences between the participant's synesthesia and the colors, by exchanging the colored squares with the line drawings of familiar shapes. A one–way ANOVA was conducted for each trial. It revealed that all synesthetes reached ceiling on trial 3 and 4 (M=5.0 +/– 1.7), while none of the control participants reached ceiling (M= 2.89 +/– 2.2). Their results were very similar to Rothen and Meier's (2010) results. For the most part, their findings supported the cue–induced encoding/retrieval hypothesis. Significant results were elicited by the tests ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Color Theory Research Color fills our world with beauty. We delight in the colors of a magnificent sunset and in the bright red and golden–yellow leaves of autumn. We are charmed by gorgeous flowering plants and the brilliantly colored arch of a rainbow. We also use color in various ways to add pleasure and interest to our lives. For example, many people choose the colors of their clothes carefully and decorate their homes with colors that create beautiful, restful, or exciting effects. By their selection and arrangement of colors, artists try to make their paintings more realistic or expressive. Color serves as a means of communication. In sports, different colored uniforms show which team the players are on. On streets and highways, a red traffic light ... Show more content on ... See ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. Such objects as traffic lights and neon signs appear colored because the light that they give off contains a limited range of wavelengths. However, most objects appear colored because their chemical structure absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others. When sunlight strikes a carrot, for example, molecules in the carrot absorb most of the light of short wavelengths. Most of the light of longer wavelengths is reflected. When these longer wavelengths of light reach our eyes, the carrot appears orange. An object that reflects most of the light of all wavelengths in nearly equal amounts appears white. An object that absorbs most of the light of all wavelengths in nearly equal amounts appears black. How we see color The roles of the eyes and brain. Our ability to see color depends on many highly complicated workings of the eyes and brain. When we look at an object, light coming from the object enters our eyes. Each eye focuses the light, forming an image of the object on the retina. The retina is a thin layer of tissue covering the back and sides of the inside of the eyeball. It contains millions of light– sensitive cells. These cells absorb most of the light that falls on the retina and convert the light to electrical signals. These electrical signals then travel through nerves to the brain. The retina has two main types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Color Blindness Method Participants Psychology college students attending the University of California, Los Angeles were asked to complete this experiment as a course requirement. The sample size was twenty–one students. When conducting the experiment, we did not ask if the students had any disabilities such as color blindness or blindness. Every student just went through with the experiment without any questions being asked. All participants were asked to be the experimenter and the subject of the study. Design A within–subject design was used, which means that every person who participated was exposed to both conditions or treatments. In this case, the participant served as the subject, but also as the person conducting the experiment. This caused ... Show more content on ... In this case the treatment was whether the ink of the color and the word differ, such as the word blue in the ink color red. For both posters, each word began with the same letter (e.g. boat and blue), color, order of the same letter and color, number of syllables, and the number of letters per word were the same. Mistakes made were not penalized, the participant was simply told that if they made a mistake to fix it and move on. The participants not only served as subjects, but also experimenters. Once they served both roles, they moved on to the next group. When the response time was said, the participant was responsible for writing their own time. The experimenter was responsible for stopping and starting the watch. Both rooms were in a controlled setting, the lighting, temperature, and the amount of people inside the room were controlled. Room N and I were clearly labelled. The words that were used in the control group were, starting from the left column: boat, yogurt, brain, rat, and goose. The words used are five English words and the colors that were used were red, green, yellow, black, and blue. This study was conducted at approximately 9:00 a.m on Wednesday April 5th. In order to record the data of the whole class, every person said their own score out loud for both group N and I and we took the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Color In Ex Machina Akhil John Professor Scott Humanities 200 8 November 2015 Ex Machina: The role of Color The movie "Ex Machina" directed by Alex Garland portrayed what true artificial intelligence would be like and how that would affect the human race. Garland's work with Ex Machina painted a picture on what true Artificial Intelligence would be like, a self aware, thinking, manipulative robot that have traits highly resembling human traits and character that highly resembles human character. Garland uses color in very subtle ways to add to the complexity of his masterpiece making his movie have deeper meaning. In the movie Garland uses color, in order to convey the traditional expressions of each character and the plot as a whole. The use of the color of t–shirt a caleb is wearing at a certain point brings about the detail in his feelings and the expression he has. For instance Caleb initially is seen to wear a blue and red t shirt. The juxtaposition of red and blue which is seen throughout the film highlights to what extent a character feels uncertain and anxious. This is evident as after Caleb has won the 'competition', he is unsure how to feel and is nervous. As Caleb gets the job, he starts wearing a lot of blue toned ... Show more content on ... Nathan most of the time is shown to wear black clothes which resembles wealth, power and formality. He is at his most true state when he is wearing black clothes in contrast to when he is wearing grey clothes he is trying to move away from his personality of excessive drinking and tries to sober up. He is shown wearing white clothes which suggests purity, peace and love when discussing with Caleb about his research on Ava showing how he is passionate about his work but also shows that he is playing the role of God creating artificial intelligence. Garland effectively uses color again to represent the characters and to show the emotional progressions they go ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Color: Aim, And Psycology Of Colors Table of Content 01– Abstract.................................................................................................1 02– Aim And Objective....................................................................................2 03– Introduction............................................................................................7 04– Literature review.......................................................................................8 05– Research Methodology...............................................................................9 06– Color............................................................................................. 07– Type of Color......................................................................................... 08– Psycology of Colors.................................................................................. 09– Role of Colors........................................................................................... 10– Power of Colors For Brand............................................................................ 11– Use of colors............................................................................................. 12– Understanding Color and Its Importance.............................................................. 13– Power of Colors........................................................................................... 14– Why Color Matters........................................................................................ ... Show more content on ... 14– Colors IMPACT OF COLORS IN PACKAGING Bundling is the most physical representation of a brand. Customers can touch it, lift it up, read its image correspondence, and determination whether they wish to buy the item. Anyhow, first they must be pulled in by the bundling or they won't connect with it by any means. A lot is on the line; its win or lose at the retail retire. Studies demonstrate that when purchasers shop, they settle on decisions in as meager as 20 seconds. They likewise disregard up to 2/3 of classification items in retail situations. These insights clarify why such a variety of items fall flat. What convinces shoppers to plummet to a particular marked item in a store passageway? What is it about bundling that provokes interest? Unordinary basic outline? Striking representation? Contemporary way of life symbolism? An unmistakable brand personality? Odds are shading pulls in individuals first. Fig. 15– Wafers Packaging OWNABLE ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Color In Pleasantville Color in Pleasantville is something totally unheard of until one day when David and Jennifer are sent there through their television. In Pleasantville, everything is in black and white and nothing ever changes. It is always bright sunny skies with a high of seventy–two and low of seventy–two degrees. Everyday is exactly the same and everything is perfect in their eyes. There is never any fighting in this town and the only thing the fire department ever does is save cats from trees. The wives do everything for their husbands, like doing all the cooking and cleaning. The children always obey their parents and never fight with their siblings. All the men go to work at exactly the same time everyday and expect dinner on their tables as soon as they get home. At the town's high school, the basketball team has never missed a single basket in a game and they have never lost a game. Every single thing in Pleasantville is perfect without a single complaint. One day, twins David and Jennifer are sent into Pleasantville by a crazy old man and almost instantly things start to change. As soon as they get to school, Jennifer asks the teacher what is outside of Pleasantville and everyone looked back at her like she was absolutely insane. As the day progressed, David was trying to make everything stick to the ... Show more content on ... As the movie progresses, the books start filling with words and people start reading them like crazy. The men that did not like the colored things, did not like the books either. Many of the books spoke of things that were frowned upon in Pleasantville, and when the teenages read what was in the books, they wanted to do things that were mentioned. The library was shut down when the men condoning the colors found out it was bringing more color into their once black and white town. This is representation of how people are influenced by what other people ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Photoshop: Color and Image Basic concepts and terminology The Photoshop is a tool for photograph retouching, enhancing and will give you flexible features to produce stunning images which can be put in Web pages. If you have not fully understood the coloring of your images, you have go through the chapter on Basic Concepts. Basic Concepts What is computer graphics? There are two main types of computer graphics– vector and raster images. Vector images, such as those created in Adobe Illustrator, are made up of mathematically defined lines and curves called vectors. Raster images, such as those created in Adobe Photoshop, consist of a grid, or raster, of small squares, known as pixels. Several types of resolutions are important when working with digitized images. They ... Show more content on ... Screen frequency is the resolution of the screen you will use when you print your final image. As a general rule, the image resolution should be twice the screen frequency to achieve the best printed results. To estimate scan resolution: 1. Multiply the longest dimension of the final image size by the screen frequency, then multiply this value by the ratio of the screen ruling (which is 2:1). Suppose you are now scanning an image that is 4 inches wide by 5 inches high. You are going to produce a final image that is 5 inches wide by 6 inches high. You are using a screen frequency of 150 lpi. 2. Multiply 6 (the longest output dimension) by 150 (screen frequency) to get 900 pixels. Then multiply 900 by 2 (the ratio of the screen). This equals to a total of 1800 pixels needed. 3. Divide the total number of pixels by the longest dimension of the original image. Here, the longest dimension of the original image is 5 inches. Dividing 1800 by 5 yields a scan resolution of 360 dpi. Importing images into Photoshop: The following image file formats are allowed: Photoshop 2.5 and 3.0 native formats, Adobe Illustrator, Amiga IFF and HAM, BMP, Compuserve GIF, EPS, JPEG, Kodak PhotoCD, Mac Paint, PCX, PICT file (raster only), PIXAR, Pixel Paint, Raw, Scitex CT, Targa and TIFF. Among the above file formats, some of them are ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Colors By Halsey Meaning Halsey is a new up and coming artist that many still don't know about. Her song Colors is her most popular song. Colors became famous from the internet. Halsey isn't quite famous on the radio and she still has not hit the billboards. This song is interesting because of all the symbolism from the words. Each lyric line represents a new meaning to the song. The song is confusing to someone just listening to the song for the first time. The song Colors by Halsey is unique to the music industry because of all the symbolism that is located throughout the song. The music video to Colors is very unique and original, just like the song. When starting the music video, you are greeted with Halsey dressed as a teenager, what seems to be her mom, a middle aged man, and a man that is the same age as she is. The men are playing tennis and the women are just watching. Halsey is taking photos with a Polaroid. The video takes place in a high school setting during the '80s or '90s. You assume that Halsey and the young man like one another. They flirt with each other and they tend to go ... Show more content on ... But you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky and you decide purple just wasn't for you." This quote has an interesting perspective. It's showing how when you meet new people, you affect them differently. We bring different sides out in people. It also could mean that when surrounded we tend to combine and take characteristics of other people. This can either be a good or a bad thing. "You were red, and you liked me because I was blue" shows the artist comparing personalities to colors and showing how we affect people. Consequently, sometimes this will ruin a relationship; however, it could rescue the relationship as well. No matter how hard we try, we will still continue to change and continue to change those around us. The artist does a great job displaying this issue in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Effect of Colors on Mood THE EFFECT OF COLORS ON MOOD Introduction Got the blues. Green–eyed monster. Seeing Red. These are all phrases that we hear often. Do different colors really affect our moods? Many studies have shown that some colors make us feel calm, some make us feel anxious, and others may make us feel more cheerful. Let's take a look at some colors, their affect on us, their meanings, and some different views in other cultures. The Effect of Colors on Mood Colors and moods: A powerful mood–altering tool Our moods can be greatly influenced by the visual cues of colors. Our mood can be influenced by our perception of color. Colors can conjure up many feeling and emotions. Following is just a few examples: The Culture of Colors Colors often have ... Show more content on ... Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility. A white flag is a universal symbol for truce. Angels are usually shown wearing white robes. The ancient Egyptian pharaohs wore white crowns and the ancient Persians believed all gods wore white. In China and Japan, white is the color for mourning. Pink Pink is the most romantic color and is more tranquilizing. Sports teams have been known to pain the locker rooms to be used by their opposing team bright pink so their opponents will lose energy. Purple Purple brings to mind royalty, luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. Purple robes are an emblem of authority and rank. Purple in a child's room is said to help develop the imagination according to color theory. In Thailand, purple is work by a widow mourning her husband's death. Conclusion Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. Color can be a powerful mood–altering tool if make an effort to learn of its influence on us. We can be calmed, uplifted, angered, refreshed, even feel more romantic, all by color. The next time you select an outfit, paint a room, or buy a car, keep in mind the many ways our lives are affected by the psychology of color. References Franco, V. (2002). How colors effect mood. Retrieved November 1, 2005, from Johnson, D. (2005). Psychology of Color. Retrieved November 7, 2005 from ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Reflection On Colors I have been really focusing on colors for past 4 years, almost one–fourth of my entire life. I believe that each of different colors can change someone's life. It sounds unreal, almost. Well, there is someone who got affected by colors. It's me. In fact, I was not always interested in colors until Eighth Grade. I used to be a person who did not focus on colors in everyday life, just like most people do, but now I care colors so much because of situations I have experienced. Thankfully, everything in the world has a color, and it used for many different purposes. Human eyes can see many different colors because they are very sensitive. For me, the color is something that impacts and changes my state and thoughts. I love looking at colors because it supports the words I am saying and gives me many different moods. I remember the times that I realized how much colors impact on me. When I was in eighth grade in South Korea, I got a chance to visit DMZ, or 38th parallel. DMZ stands for the Demilitarized Zone, where it divides Korea into a half. While I was in DMZ, I felt like I was in 1970s. South Koreans lived in DMZ, but it was a lonesome place. When I came back to school, my teacher wanted me to explain the difference between North Korea, DMZ, and South Korea, and I could not find ways to explain. Suddenly, I thought of colors, only because they were simple. Then, I immediately started to color the south side of Korea as Blue, North as Red , and DMZ as Light Purple. I said that Red indicates the communism and blood. Blue as a peace, and Purple as a confusion. Everyone can guess Red as something about violence, and Blue is something about peace. However, people don't know what Purple describes because it can be anything. Purple is certainly the mixture of Red and Blue, but people don't go deeper. I said light Purple because DMZ was a very clean place. The word confusion came to my mind, because I was confused if I saw DMZ as more of South side or North side, and I used it to explain the meaning of colors to my teacher. It was a total success! That's how I started to use them to support my opinion. (I use color to to give a detail often) I went to Canada this summer, and I traveled Banff and Vancouver. In Banff, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Water Color Tattoos All you want to know about the Best Water Color Tattoos Tattoos have evolved to be a fashionable body art that people love to have as a medium to express that deepest feelings. They are created in a wide range of styles and shapes based on client perspective so that it can turn out to be their priced possession. With its growing popularity, there are several trends that have made their way and the best water color tattoos is amongst them. What Are Water Color Tattoos? Watercolor or painterly tattoos are an artistic technique of applying tattoos with gradation of colors as seen in paintings. A simple difference between these tattoos and traditional ones is that the water color tattoos do not have any sort of outline, while the basic structure of an old school ... Show more content on ... However, by less it means that it is going to stay on your body for a period of at least 20 years, after which it may require touch–ups or solid coloring. A good way to ensure that it does not fade faster is to add black color as this brings the perfect amount of pigments to the water color. Unlimited shades of color in watercolor tattoos: Another amazing aspect about the best water color tattoos is that you can get as many shades of color as you want, in order to give a beautiful finish to it. Just think about the picture that you want to have and then decide the colors that will be ideal for it. How to Prevent Fading of Water Tattoos? As mentioned earlier, water tattoos fade away quickly; however, there are certain steps you need to take in order to slow down this process. The first step is to go for a splash of pigmentation by mixing black. This will ensure that the tattoo looks at its best for years to come. Next, do remember that gaining or losing weight can affect the quality of best water tattoos and thus avoiding it can yet again be favorable for its ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Color In Eilis's Life The colors in this film signify so much more than just clothes or landscape, colors seem to signify significant moments in Eilis's life. I think that we all subconsciously wear certain colors when we are feeling a certain way, I know that even on some level we do it consciously, like for example when you go to a wedding you cannot wear white, or when you go to a funeral you usually wear black. Especially in a time like the 1950's when women really only wore dresses, their only way of looking different would be to wear colorful dresses or the makeup on their faces. The film starts out with Eilis in Ireland and her colors seem rather dull, like grey and she is not wearing an ounce of makeup. It really helps to show you how boring and dismal ... Show more content on ... Blue is supposedly most strongly associated with tranquility and a sense of calm, which is what you would hope to feel when the guy you are with asks you to move into together. She did not hesitate when he asked, she was simply taking in the area and all of the surroundings and she knew that is where she was meant to be. This is another strange aspect of this film because it makes Eilis seem like she is a very independent young woman, and in a time like the 1950's she would not probably have been as independent and been making all of these decisions on her own. Another peculiar behavior is when she decides to invite Tony into her room and she initiates the sexual interaction, which is very irregular for this time period. However after her and Tony had sex for the first time she is seen wearing a yellow dress, yellow is associated with happiness, intellect, energy, and yellow produces a warming effect. Yellow stimulates mental activity. Eilis is finally moving away from Ireland and her family the more time she spends with Tony, for this time period the man being such a large part of Eilis's life is not surprising in any way. The 1950's women were very concerned about becoming wives and being mothers, so when she finally felt happy and content to be away from home it had to be a man that was making the transition so ... Get more on ...