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Natalie Patterson, she/her
Teaching artist
IG: @natalieispoetry
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○ Campus workshops
○ Monthly short film competition
○ Short film production grants
○ Global community
● Setting the scene together
● Watch and discuss films, connect our
minds and bodies
● Panel of students and resources
● Virtual Mingle / Q&A (Optional)
Mental health is personal – YOU are the expert
on your own experience
We are online - this is a public, shared space
We are recording this session for internal
training and evaluation purposes
Please take care of yourself however you need,
including asking for help
Access mental health support throughout this workshop.
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to link to online
Private Chat mental health pros.
They are at the top and have * next
to their names
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We welcome your participation!
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AWI Support and Private Chat them with any issues.
What has self-care been looking like for you these days?
● Yoga & deep breathing
● medication
● Napping
● Writing
● sleep
● Bike riding and spending
lots of time with cousins
● homework
● Gardening
● Watching movies
● sleeping
● Working
● Walking outside everyday
● Sleeping of course
● Trying to sleep and spending
time with friends and family
● baths
● Working out
● listening to music
● Drawing
● retail therapy lol
● sleep and food
● naps
● Walking
● yoga
● listen to music
● I have not had time to do
anything for my self
● Definitely meditation and
taking naps
● Working Out
● drawing
● taking walks
● reading to my kids
● Drawing or painting
● skin care
● Music and researching
● Praying
● walking
● drawing/painting
● By to exercise and watch
a movie and talking with
● I draw or watch a new show.
● Playing games with my son
● skin care yes!
● Yoga and family time!:)
● listening to my mind and
body, so napping
● yard work
● reading
● yes praying
● Patience is cooler than using
● Praying
● A good hot bath lol
● Daily Worship
● Listen to music
● work and sleep, school
● listening to gospel music
● Self care has become one of
my top priorities!
● I wish I had more time for
myself :(
● Pedicure!
● omg I love massages
Mental illness
Mental wellness
Some movies and TV shows that
show mental illness…
● Netflix for sure
● gossip girl
● Punisher
● criminal miinds
● this is us
● the shinning
● hameless
● 13 reasons why
● inan out
● You
● House MD!
● vampire diaries
● 911
● orange in the new black
● All the bright places
● Girl interipred
● The Master
● law and order
● Greys anatomy
● the perks of being a wallflower
● Jane the Virgin
● the ozark
● Hell on wheels
● grand army
● House
● The Undoing
● Psycho
● that 70's show
● Wonder
● Murderers
Characters with mental illness
are portrayed as…
● evil
● million reason why
● Crazy
● sad
● lost
● cray cray
● crazy
● weak
● Murderers
● Racism
● insane
● Troubled and trying to fit in
● ubnstable
● schizophrenia
● different personalities
● emotional
● unfixable
● complex
● sick
● anxious
● Confused
● different
● Depressed
● alcoholics
● outcast
● Unaccepted
● lonely
● tired
● introvert
● Rare condition
● Needed
● Stereotyping needs to be
Across different cultures and languages, people talk about and explore mental
health in multiple ways. In just a few words, please share: How have you experienced
the concept of "mental health" within your own cultural communities?
● non existent
● kept in your family
● Depression does not exist
● didnt
● We don't
● mental health is an excuse or a myth
● its non existent
● They dont believe its real
● kept in the family
● to get over it"
● mute
● Don't acknowledge
● ts open converstion
● they say it will pass
● pray about it
● Depression doesn't exist to my family
● Keep it to yourself
● not recognized
● n my Mexican culture, therapy was not
never a conversation.
● Its kept between us
● we talk about it with fmaily and doctor
● People like to change the subject real quick
● Man up
● latino ..means your weak,,,
● this to shall pass
● They didn't believe it was real and we're lazy
● pray" and itll go away
● what is that? we don't know her.
● t's for "crazy" people
● Talking over cousins, girls night out.
● My parents don't they portray it as a personal problem
● Secondary! but many times depends on family culture!
● Just deal with it
● Pray and don't think about it
● “Depression doesnt exist”
● doesn't kill you makes you stronger, if not you're weak
● and read the scriptures
● don't cry over things you can't control
● Men don't cry
● So sad that people get shut down from expressing & exploring legit feelings
● Talking is the best medicine
● f you don't talk and learn to cope u self medicate
● I had a parent who thouth that therapy for unnecessary.
● I always put my self last
● feel like others telling people to pray about it is just pushing it off
● not really god can help you
● Therapy is cool cuz communication is cool
● or people that are believers absolutely but what about those that are not
● is when you have a one pointed view
● Alwaysnegative
● Overall everyone needs to be more accepting amd willing to listen
● accepting people and being willing to sit and listen
● peopel say you doing to get attention
● especially if the people you're trying to talk to don't (or won't) help
● bosses joke about employees who are depressed and write them up to get
rid of them
A judgment or stereotype that is:
○ Always negative
○ Always untrue
○ Can be internalized
by Jessica Jones and Diana DiBattista
AWI Winner, November 2013
A Hopeful
Angry or
Worried or
How does stigma feel?
● If you don't feel right, get help
● crappy
● horrible hurtful
● Definitely yucky
● Before you care for anyone
else; you must care for yourself.
● Its frustrating
● Sad
● degrading
● Horrible and degrading
● make me feel bad
● Question the legitimacy of your
● ignorant
● lonely
● unacceptable
● Scary
● overwhelmed
● turned away
● angry because they don't know
● solating
● Its so depressing
● lonely
● I was hurt because I needed help
and my own family labelled me.
● Banishing
● alone
● Dark and lonely
● ashamed
● empty
● Ashamed and i felt alone that i
had no one by my side
What makes it difficult to reach out for help?
● embarrasing
● It sucks because it feels like overwhelming to have
that on you or around you. It made me feel like i
couldn'e go on living
● inurance
● being stigmatized
● money
● shame
● Being punished for feeling
● Judgement
● they are afraid
● health insurance
● Being shy
● Feeling weak
● feels like failure
● I didnt like the label cause then back when i was a
kid giving you a pill is what “fixed” the problems
● money cost
● To be judged
● Some one may be trying to sotop you from
speaking out
● you need to be strong especially if your a parent
● Insecure
● pride
● not wanting to be judged
● Feeling judged
● no insurance
● Being told you are weak
● I don't share what I am going through because I
don't want to defend what I am feeling because to
me its true even if person can't accept that its real
● Trying to find the right therapist that you connect
● hesitance and lack of resources!
● that people might just label you as crazy
● overwhelminig to get help and get resources
● Not being able to explain yourself
● Weak
● Afraid that people can judge you
● Im emberrassed
● when you know you need help but you dont wanna ask
● someone telling you not to
● individualism and thinking that we can handle it on our own
● having time
● getting bullied for receiving help
● i dont want to admit it
● Don't know if im important enough to get help
● time
● Embarrassed
● Cost, judgment and self ego
● feeling judged
● lack of resources
● Dont want people to think you are crazy
● conditioned to keep it private
● Feeling you may be judged for your traumas
● Motivation to take care of self
● County takes weeks to see someone
● yes I agree on the If you say anything im gonna .....
● People make you feel like youre in the wrong for things that
have nothing to do with you but tou get blamed for
● i tried getting help in junior high and since the counselor was
considered "hot" by the other girls they considered me doing it
on purpose. i gave up after they began to spread rumors.
● some times you don't know you need help
● People might not know where to go get help.
A Relaxing
or refreshing
Stressful or
intergenerational trauma, cultural and
structural racism, self-harm, images of slavery
The Beautiful Black Man
by Calvin Walker
AWI Winner, August 2020
What did you think? How did you feel?
● so sad made me cry
● you be you
● that was good. generational trauma is
real. we all gotta have more empathy
for the struggle of people by thinking
about the context and past they come
● We need to lift everyone up for who
they are without judgement
● t was a very realist video and helps
show what is going on now
● Protect our black men.because the
have to work 10 times harder.
● dont change because someone wants
you to
● you should feel comfortable in your
own skin and body
● Facts!
● society makes him hide his beauty
● The struggle fo men to fit in and be
respected is very difficult
● It makes me so ashamed that racism comes from
our history and that it has ever existed
● How some people in the black community, in this
case, black men, deal with mental health
● THat others are cruel no matter what we do it is
in there heart to be that way
● Society judges without knowing
● be yourself today not their past
● gentle kind soul
● there is strength in showing emotions
● I think this is a very real message and it is very
real experiences that have happened to people
vey sad and heart breaking!
● No one is born a racist. You learn how to be a
● mental illness does not discriminate
● True. Past can be hard to avoid
● Many men are pressured not to show their
● Unfortunatelywe cannot change history but try
to heal and move on
● need more conversation as a whole
What are some practices that help
support your wellness?
● Uplifting others
● Be Kind to yourself and others!
● being kind
● smile
● make time for yourself at least 30 min a day
● pray for one another
● Be the example you want to see
● be happy
● Practice self-esteem
● Helping others in need
● taking time for yourself and encouraging
● praying,reading, do projects, plan yoga
events with others.
● Check in onothers
● treat yourself when possible
● Checking in with yourself and people
around you!
● Just be polite and think before you speak.
● Have God in your life
● think positively
● Trying to find an opportunity to just laugh
with others.
● acknowledge others
● Calm environment
● take a step back and breathe
● giving good adivce
● hear someone when they need it
● be nice to everyone and be considerate
● focus on what went well today at the end of the night
● Be the person you needed as akid
● nclude everyone
● Remember, all people carry burdens.
● creating a safe, accepting, loving space for yourselves
as well as others
● Answer the question - how are you? HONESTLY
● i feel like although the intention is there to help
others, you should have that same intentions with
yourself first
● call or text people and ask how there doing
● just sitting outside embracing nature and breath
● Prayer and private devotions and hugging my pet.
● night or day
● Journal and get in tune with emotion
● walking my dog
● stop and smell the roses, but in your head.
● we are all human and all have feelings
● a simple smile can be very powerful, same as a good
morning, or Hi
● take someone who is stuck at home for a drive around
so they can get out
A Relaxing
or refreshing
Stressful or
by Samuel León
AWI Winner, September 2018
substance use
A Head
I didn’t feel it in
my body
What did you think? How did you feel?
● Felt it all over. Recovering addict here.
They did a good job conveying a lot of
the ideas/feelings of addiction and
recovery. Being creative as recovery was
a good ending.
● scared for many young children are
going through
● relate to it in a way
● anxiety. brought up childhood memories.
my father is addicted to meth.
● I felt stressed.
● nervous and anxious
● Nervous
● It reminded me of a brother i lost to
mental health issues
● I thought it was a way to view ur past and
learn from it and making something out
of it
● my bf is an artist who started painting
during his recovery and it's his escape.
Definitely hit home for me
● loved the end with her crushing her pills
into the paint and using it to show hope
● nervous
● This film was difficult for me. Because my
sister pasted away from a drug overdose
● Its sad to see
● anxious relating to people that were in my
● Drugs dont do anything besides making it
● Nervous.... hopeful....... happy at her smile
and finding peace in the mixing of her
● it was really sad that some many people go
throught this and you never really know
● dont know how it feels but my bf telling me
his dad die because of bad drugs
● Thinking about my artist friends who turn
their pain into art. Also, thinking of the
people I know that have gone through drug
addiction or have been affected from
someone that struggles with addiction.
● My brother also passed away cause of
● Sorry to hear that, Chevelle.
● i loved this experience would love to do it
How can we support ourselves and others?
● Just listen to others once in a while
● think postive and giving each other
● dont judge
● listening
● be available to listen
● reach out
● we can use todays experience for others
in need...
● Listen
● Talk to each other
● sharing our experiences, educating
more people against stigmas
● reaching out
● Talking
● be understanding and or making an
effort to understand
● eat healthy food
● being there when friends or family or
significant others need us
● reaching out
● lift each other up
● create art
● call a friend whom you see has some
● Keep negative comments to ourselves
● Listen wthout judging
● making time to self care and to be there even
when people don't need help
● We can be honest and listen to other points of
● help each other
● Pray for them,listen to them also ask how they
are doing
● reach out and hear them out
● Spend quality time with people (be safe)
● Just listening to someone is enough no matter
what it is when someone knows there is at
least someone who cares it can help them
● make an effort
● stop listen hear learn....
● being open minded
● Listen, no matter what
● be more compassionate to others feelings
● Check on yourself first
● send a text to check in
● lift each other up dont put people down
● yup! You gotta have enough in your cup to
Digital round of applause
for our panel!
Movies for Mental Health
Online: Extension
Exclusive Facebook Group
Art and wellness prompts
Film-based discussion training
Click the link in the chat to learn more!
Nicole Bernard, she/her
Student, College of the Sequoias
Jennie Garcia, she/her
Counselor, Veteran's Resource Center, College of the Sequoias
Devonderia Sanchez, LMFT
Mental Health Counselor, Student Health Services
College of the Sequoias
Mary Alice Boylan, LMFT, she/her
Clinical Manager of the Counseling Center
Family Services of Tulare County
Please fill out the evaluation!
If you are receiving credit for attending this workshop, please
complete the evaluation. At the end, you’ll be prompted to
add your information to a sign-in sheet. Evaluation
responses will remain separate and anonymous.
Virtual Mingle / Panel Q&A
Ask a question or share a thought!
You can raise your hand (see image below) to be given
instructions to audio in, use the public chat box, or
send a private message to AWI Support / a panelist.
Stay in touch:
Sign up for Extension!
...and don’t forget to copy/paste the
resources in the Shared Notes!

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  • 3. #Movies4MentalHealth POLL: Who’s here today? A Student at College of the Sequoias C B #Movies4MentalHealth Faculty/staff at College of the Sequoias Somebody else (share in chat!)
  • 4. #Movies4MentalHealth POLL: Where in the world are you? CaliforniaA C B #Movies4MentalHealth Another state Another country
  • 5. #Movies4MentalHealth#Movies4MentalHealth ○ Campus workshops ○ Monthly short film competition ○ Short film production grants ○ Global community BROUGHT TO YOU BY
  • 6. #Movies4MentalHealth HERE’S THE PLAN ● Setting the scene together ● Watch and discuss films, connect our minds and bodies ● Panel of students and resources ● Virtual Mingle / Q&A (Optional) #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 7. #Movies4MentalHealth Mental health is personal – YOU are the expert on your own experience We are online - this is a public, shared space We are recording this session for internal training and evaluation purposes Please take care of yourself however you need, including asking for help HEADS UP #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 8. #Movies4MentalHealth NEED SUPPORT? Access mental health support throughout this workshop. Click Shared Notes to link to online resources Private Chat mental health pros. They are at the top and have * next to their names #1 #2 #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 9. #Movies4MentalHealth 3 WAYS TO ENGAGE We welcome your participation! CHAT BOX: Use the Public Chat to connect with the whole group#1 #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 10. #Movies4MentalHealth POLL: respond to a Poll when prompted #2 Set Your Status by clicking on your name and selecting from the drop-down menu #3 3 WAYS TO ENGAGE We welcome your participation! #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 11. #Movies4MentalHealth If you need tech support, ask… Look for the person whose name begins with AWI Support and Private Chat them with any issues. #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 12. #Movies4MentalHealth IN JUST A FEW WORDS... What has self-care been looking like for you these days? #Movies4MentalHealth ● Yoga & deep breathing exercises ● medication ● Napping ● Writing ● sleep ● Bike riding and spending lots of time with cousins ● homework ● Gardening ● Watching movies ● sleeping ● Working ● Walking outside everyday ● Sleeping of course ● Trying to sleep and spending time with friends and family ● baths ● Working out ● listening to music ● Drawing ● retail therapy lol ● sleep and food ● naps ● Walking ● yoga ● listen to music ● I have not had time to do anything for my self ● Definitely meditation and taking naps ● Working Out ● drawing ● taking walks ● reading to my kids ● Drawing or painting ● skin care ● Music and researching ● Praying ● walking ● drawing/painting ● By to exercise and watch a movie and talking with friends ● I draw or watch a new show. ● Playing games with my son ● skin care yes! ● Yoga and family time!:) ● listening to my mind and body, so napping ● yard work ● reading ● yes praying ● Patience is cooler than using Amazon ● Praying ● A good hot bath lol ● Daily Worship ● Listen to music ● work and sleep, school ● listening to gospel music ● Self care has become one of my top priorities! ● I wish I had more time for myself :( ● Pedicure! ● omg I love massages
  • 15. #Movies4MentalHealth Some movies and TV shows that show mental illness… #Movies4MentalHealth ● Netflix for sure ● gossip girl ● Punisher ● criminal miinds ● this is us ● the shinning ● hameless ● 13 reasons why ● inan out ● You ● House MD! ● vampire diaries ● 911 ● orange in the new black ● All the bright places ● Girl interipred ● The Master ● law and order ● Greys anatomy ● the perks of being a wallflower ● Jane the Virgin ● the ozark ● Hell on wheels ● RATCHED ● MOM ● grand army ● House ● The Undoing ● Psycho ● that 70's show ● Wonder ● Murderers
  • 16. #Movies4MentalHealth Characters with mental illness are portrayed as… #Movies4MentalHealth ● evil ● million reason why ● Crazy ● sad ● lost ● cray cray ● crazy ● weak ● Murderers ● Racism ● insane ● Troubled and trying to fit in ● ubnstable ● schizophrenia ● different personalities ● emotional ● unfixable ● complex ● sick ● anxious ● Confused ● different ● Depressed ● alcoholics ● outcast ● Unaccepted ● lonely ● tired ● introvert ● Rare condition ● Needed ● Stereotyping needs to be SHUT DOWN
  • 17. #Movies4MentalHealth MH ACROSS CULTURES Across different cultures and languages, people talk about and explore mental health in multiple ways. In just a few words, please share: How have you experienced the concept of "mental health" within your own cultural communities? ● non existent ● kept in your family ● Depression does not exist ● didnt ● We don't ● mental health is an excuse or a myth ● its non existent ● They dont believe its real ● kept in the family ● to get over it" ● mute ● Don't acknowledge ● ts open converstion ● they say it will pass ● pray about it ● Depression doesn't exist to my family ● Keep it to yourself ● not recognized ● n my Mexican culture, therapy was not never a conversation. ● Its kept between us ● we talk about it with fmaily and doctor ● People like to change the subject real quick ● Man up ● latino ..means your weak,,, ● this to shall pass ● They didn't believe it was real and we're lazy ● pray" and itll go away ● what is that? we don't know her. ● t's for "crazy" people ● Talking over cousins, girls night out. ● My parents don't they portray it as a personal problem ● Secondary! but many times depends on family culture! ● Just deal with it ● Pray and don't think about it ● “Depression doesnt exist” ● doesn't kill you makes you stronger, if not you're weak ● and read the scriptures ● don't cry over things you can't control ● Men don't cry ● So sad that people get shut down from expressing & exploring legit feelings ● Talking is the best medicine ● f you don't talk and learn to cope u self medicate ● I had a parent who thouth that therapy for unnecessary. ● I always put my self last ● feel like others telling people to pray about it is just pushing it off ● not really god can help you ● Therapy is cool cuz communication is cool ● or people that are believers absolutely but what about those that are not ● is when you have a one pointed view ● Alwaysnegative ● Overall everyone needs to be more accepting amd willing to listen ● accepting people and being willing to sit and listen ● peopel say you doing to get attention ● especially if the people you're trying to talk to don't (or won't) help ● bosses joke about employees who are depressed and write them up to get rid of them
  • 18. #Movies4MentalHealth WHAT IS STIGMA? A judgment or stereotype that is: ○ Always negative ○ Always untrue ○ Can be internalized
  • 19. #Movies4MentalHealth Gladys by Jessica Jones and Diana DiBattista AWI Winner, November 2013 CONTENT HEADS UP depression
  • 20. #Movies4MentalHealth HOW ARE YOU FEELING AFTER WATCHING THIS FILM? A Hopeful C B #Movies4MentalHealth D E Sad Angry or Frustrated Overwhelmed Worried or Anxious
  • 21. #Movies4MentalHealth How does stigma feel? #Movies4MentalHealth ● If you don't feel right, get help ● crappy ● horrible hurtful ● Definitely yucky ● Before you care for anyone else; you must care for yourself. ● Its frustrating ● Sad ● degrading ● Horrible and degrading ● make me feel bad ● Question the legitimacy of your feelings ● ignorant ● lonely ● unacceptable ● Scary ● overwhelmed ● turned away ● angry because they don't know ● solating ● Its so depressing ● lonely ● I was hurt because I needed help and my own family labelled me. ● Banishing ● alone ● Dark and lonely ● ashamed ● empty ● Ashamed and i felt alone that i had no one by my side
  • 22. #Movies4MentalHealth What makes it difficult to reach out for help? #Movies4MentalHealth ● embarrasing ● It sucks because it feels like overwhelming to have that on you or around you. It made me feel like i couldn'e go on living ● inurance ● being stigmatized ● money ● shame ● Being punished for feeling ● Judgement ● they are afraid ● health insurance ● Being shy ● Feeling weak ● feels like failure ● I didnt like the label cause then back when i was a kid giving you a pill is what “fixed” the problems ● money cost ● To be judged ● Some one may be trying to sotop you from speaking out ● you need to be strong especially if your a parent ● Insecure ● pride ● not wanting to be judged ● Feeling judged ● no insurance ● Being told you are weak ● I don't share what I am going through because I don't want to defend what I am feeling because to me its true even if person can't accept that its real ● Trying to find the right therapist that you connect with ● hesitance and lack of resources! ● that people might just label you as crazy ● overwhelminig to get help and get resources ● Not being able to explain yourself ● Weak ● Afraid that people can judge you ● Im emberrassed ● when you know you need help but you dont wanna ask ● someone telling you not to ● individualism and thinking that we can handle it on our own ● having time ● getting bullied for receiving help ● i dont want to admit it ● Don't know if im important enough to get help ● time ● Embarrassed ● Cost, judgment and self ego ● feeling judged ● lack of resources ● Dont want people to think you are crazy ● conditioned to keep it private ● Feeling you may be judged for your traumas ● Motivation to take care of self ● County takes weeks to see someone ● yes I agree on the If you say anything im gonna ..... ● People make you feel like youre in the wrong for things that have nothing to do with you but tou get blamed for ● i tried getting help in junior high and since the counselor was considered "hot" by the other girls they considered me doing it on purpose. i gave up after they began to spread rumors. ● some times you don't know you need help ● People might not know where to go get help.
  • 24. #Movies4MentalHealth HOW WAS THIS BREATHING EXERCISE FOR YOU? #Movies4MentalHealth A Relaxing C B D E Invigorating or refreshing Meh Stressful or uncomfortable New
  • 25. #Movies4MentalHealth CONTENT HEADS UP intergenerational trauma, cultural and structural racism, self-harm, images of slavery The Beautiful Black Man by Calvin Walker AWI Winner, August 2020
  • 26. #Movies4MentalHealth What did you think? How did you feel? #Movies4MentalHealth ● so sad made me cry ● you be you ● that was good. generational trauma is real. we all gotta have more empathy for the struggle of people by thinking about the context and past they come from. ● We need to lift everyone up for who they are without judgement ● t was a very realist video and helps show what is going on now ● Protect our black men.because the have to work 10 times harder. ● dont change because someone wants you to ● you should feel comfortable in your own skin and body ● Facts! ● society makes him hide his beauty ● The struggle fo men to fit in and be respected is very difficult ● It makes me so ashamed that racism comes from our history and that it has ever existed ● How some people in the black community, in this case, black men, deal with mental health ● THat others are cruel no matter what we do it is in there heart to be that way ● Society judges without knowing ● be yourself today not their past ● gentle kind soul ● there is strength in showing emotions ● I think this is a very real message and it is very real experiences that have happened to people vey sad and heart breaking! ● No one is born a racist. You learn how to be a racist ● mental illness does not discriminate ● True. Past can be hard to avoid ● Many men are pressured not to show their feelings ● Unfortunatelywe cannot change history but try to heal and move on ● need more conversation as a whole
  • 27. #Movies4MentalHealth What are some practices that help support your wellness? ● Uplifting others ● Be Kind to yourself and others! ● being kind ● smile ● make time for yourself at least 30 min a day ● pray for one another ● Be the example you want to see ● be happy ● Practice self-esteem ● Helping others in need ● taking time for yourself and encouraging others ● praying,reading, do projects, plan yoga events with others. ● Check in onothers ● treat yourself when possible ● Checking in with yourself and people around you! ● Just be polite and think before you speak. ● Have God in your life ● think positively ● Trying to find an opportunity to just laugh with others. ● acknowledge others ● Calm environment ● take a step back and breathe ● giving good adivce ● hear someone when they need it ● be nice to everyone and be considerate ● focus on what went well today at the end of the night ● Be the person you needed as akid ● nclude everyone ● Remember, all people carry burdens. ● creating a safe, accepting, loving space for yourselves as well as others ● Answer the question - how are you? HONESTLY ● i feel like although the intention is there to help others, you should have that same intentions with yourself first ● call or text people and ask how there doing ● just sitting outside embracing nature and breath ● Prayer and private devotions and hugging my pet. ● night or day ● Journal and get in tune with emotion ● walking my dog ● stop and smell the roses, but in your head. ● we are all human and all have feelings ● a simple smile can be very powerful, same as a good morning, or Hi ● take someone who is stuck at home for a drive around so they can get out
  • 29. #Movies4MentalHealth HOW WAS THE BODY SCAN FOR YOU? #Movies4MentalHealth A Relaxing C B D E Invigorating or refreshing Meh Stressful or uncomfortable New
  • 30. #Movies4MentalHealth Blue by Samuel León AWI Winner, September 2018 CONTENT HEADS UP substance use
  • 31. #Movies4MentalHealth WHERE DID YOU EXPERIENCE THIS IN YOUR BODY? #Movies4MentalHealth A Head C B D E Shoulders Somewhere else I didn’t feel it in my body Belly
  • 32. #Movies4MentalHealth What did you think? How did you feel? #Movies4MentalHealth ● Felt it all over. Recovering addict here. They did a good job conveying a lot of the ideas/feelings of addiction and recovery. Being creative as recovery was a good ending. ● scared for many young children are going through ● relate to it in a way ● anxiety. brought up childhood memories. my father is addicted to meth. ● I felt stressed. ● nervous and anxious ● Nervous ● It reminded me of a brother i lost to mental health issues ● I thought it was a way to view ur past and learn from it and making something out of it ● my bf is an artist who started painting during his recovery and it's his escape. Definitely hit home for me ● loved the end with her crushing her pills into the paint and using it to show hope ● nervous ● This film was difficult for me. Because my sister pasted away from a drug overdose ● Its sad to see ● anxious relating to people that were in my life ● Drugs dont do anything besides making it worse ● Nervous.... hopeful....... happy at her smile and finding peace in the mixing of her painting ● it was really sad that some many people go throught this and you never really know ● dont know how it feels but my bf telling me his dad die because of bad drugs ● Thinking about my artist friends who turn their pain into art. Also, thinking of the people I know that have gone through drug addiction or have been affected from someone that struggles with addiction. ● My brother also passed away cause of drugs ● Sorry to hear that, Chevelle. ● i loved this experience would love to do it again...
  • 33. #Movies4MentalHealth How can we support ourselves and others? #Movies4MentalHealth ● Just listen to others once in a while ● think postive and giving each other adivce ● dont judge ● listening ● be available to listen ● reach out ● we can use todays experience for others in need... ● Listen ● Talk to each other ● sharing our experiences, educating more people against stigmas ● reaching out ● Talking ● be understanding and or making an effort to understand ● eat healthy food ● being there when friends or family or significant others need us ● reaching out ● lift each other up ● create art ● call a friend whom you see has some pain. ● Keep negative comments to ourselves ● Listen wthout judging ● making time to self care and to be there even when people don't need help ● We can be honest and listen to other points of view ● help each other ● Pray for them,listen to them also ask how they are doing ● reach out and hear them out ● Spend quality time with people (be safe) ● Just listening to someone is enough no matter what it is when someone knows there is at least someone who cares it can help them ● make an effort ● stop listen hear learn.... ● being open minded ● Listen, no matter what ● be more compassionate to others feelings ● Check on yourself first ● send a text to check in ● lift each other up dont put people down ● yup! You gotta have enough in your cup to share
  • 34. #Movies4MentalHealth PANEL Digital round of applause for our panel! #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 35. #Movies4MentalHealth Movies for Mental Health Online: Extension Exclusive Facebook Group Art and wellness prompts Film-based discussion training Click the link in the chat to learn more!
  • 36. #Movies4MentalHealth#Movies4MentalHealth MEET THE PANEL Nicole Bernard, she/her Student, College of the Sequoias Jennie Garcia, she/her Counselor, Veteran's Resource Center, College of the Sequoias Devonderia Sanchez, LMFT Mental Health Counselor, Student Health Services College of the Sequoias Mary Alice Boylan, LMFT, she/her Clinical Manager of the Counseling Center Family Services of Tulare County
  • 37. #Movies4MentalHealth Please fill out the evaluation! @artwithimpact #Movies4MentalHealth If you are receiving credit for attending this workshop, please complete the evaluation. At the end, you’ll be prompted to add your information to a sign-in sheet. Evaluation responses will remain separate and anonymous.
  • 38. #Movies4MentalHealth Virtual Mingle / Panel Q&A Ask a question or share a thought! You can raise your hand (see image below) to be given instructions to audio in, use the public chat box, or send a private message to AWI Support / a panelist. #Movies4MentalHealth
  • 39. #Movies4MentalHealth Stay in touch: Sign up for Extension! ...and don’t forget to copy/paste the resources in the Shared Notes! @artwithimpact #Movies4MentalHealth