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Cloud Computing : The Nature Of The Cloud
Background A.The Nature of the Cloud 1.Cloud computing includes web–based email systems and
social networking sites like Gmail, Hotmail, Facebook and Linked In to name a few. 2.The use of
cloud computing, in which information is being stored and shared across the world, is growing at a
rapid pace. To further help conceptualize this process, the cloud has also been described as
something similar to a shared, pay–as–you–use public utility supplying water to a community. 3.The
concept of cloud computing has quickly spread over the last few years, while use of cloud
computing has increased exponentially just over the last few months with mainstream companies
like Apple offering cloud access in products such as the iPhone and iPad. 4.One cause of confusion is
whether "cloud computing" is synonymous with "the internet." At a first uniformed glance, it seems
that the two are the same thing. However, this is not true. The main difference between the internet
and cloud computing is storage. The internet, to use the mall analogy, is the unvested shopper, but
the cloud involves the shopper who also owns a shop in the mall and leaves his/her car parked in
the lot. 5.Cloud–computing services, offered by cloud–computing service providers (CCSPs),
represent a collection of technologies aimed at "allowing access to large amounts of computing
power in a fully virtualized manner." 6.There are three main types of cloud–computing services: (1)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), (2)
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Cloud Computing Essay
The need for sharing of resources, having an online backup storage system as well as providing an
online efficient environment for businesses gave rise to the discovery of the clouds. Cloud
computing is thus the latest technology in both the technological sector and the business sector. It
refers to Cloud computing for example, provides an online platform upon which individuals and
businesses can store and retrieve their information effectively when connected to the internet. It thus
saves on the costs that could have otherwise been used for the purchase of additional storage
devices. There is no worries of how the online documents will open up because cloud computing
comes with online document reading software such as Google docs. more content...
For the service provider of the application, there are also lowered costs because the provider only
needs to sustain a single application for an organization. Some of the companies that offer this
kind of service include; Zoho, Microsoft, Salesforce and Google. Platform as a Service refers to a
kind of cloud of computing where the service provider only provides a platform or infrastructure
upon which the customer uses to install his or her own applications (Williams, 2012). However
in order to ensure that the platform provides supports a wider range of applications, it allows for
the combination of servers and operating systems. and Google App Engine are some
of the most popular platforms falling under this category. Lastly, the Infrastructure as a Service is
a kind of cloud computing where the provider gives out basic storage and basic computing
capabilities through a standardized form. It is meant to work on workloads by pooling together
networking equipment, storage systems, servers, Centre space (Williams, 2012). GoGrid, Amazon
and 3 Tera are some of the examples of this platform. Importance of Cloud Computing For Business
Cloud Computing has very many benefits especially for the businesses. First, it leads to reduced
technological costs. This is because unlike purchasing of a system which is expensive, the payment
is only made upon usage and thus making it cheap (Marston et al 2011). Secondly, there are much
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The Cloud Of Cloud Computing Essay
Cloud Computing By Brooks ward ITEC 250 Cloud computing is storing and accessing data and
programing over the Internet instead have on your computers hard drive. This makes everything
physically close to you, which makes data access fast and easy without carrying around an usb.
Although, the computer industry has operated under a local storage system for decades some still
favor the old way because the cloud doesn't have dedicated network attached storage hardware in
residence. For it to be cloud computing you need to have access to your data or your programs over
the Internet and synch it along with other information over the Web. Cloud computing is very
convenient because it can be done anywhere, and anytime. Businesses use the cloud as
"Software–as–a–Service (SaaS), where the business subscribes to an application it accesses over
the Internet"(Cloud & cloud, 2016). The benefits of SaaS you can sign up and rapidly start using
innovative business apps and data is accessible from any connected computer No data is lost if
your computer breaks, as data is in the cloud and the service is able to dynamically scale to usage
needs Another one is Platform–As–Service where the business creates it own application for the
company's use and it supports everything you need to build and deliver web based applications.
The Benefits of PaaS are the ability to develop applications and market faster, Deploy new
applications to the
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Cloud Computing In Business Essay
MS – Management Information Systems – 513 Project The Application of Cloud Computing in
Business Karthikeyan T Gajendran Table of Contents o Abstract o Introduction o How it works? o
Types of cloud services: Types of cloud services SaaS– software as a service IaaS –
Infrastructure as a service PaaS – Platform as a Service FaaS – Functions as a Service
Hybrid cloud o Benefits and Advantages of cloud computing o Cloud computing in Banking and
Financial Services sector o Cloud computing Risks Abstract: This project is going to discuss about
the Cloud Computing and its application in business. To briefly describe what more
Any number of end users and/or computing resources can be added on the fly. User accounts and
resources can also be added dynamically as workloads demand those resources using the feature
called auto–scaling. Types of cloud services: There are different types of cloud computing services
available on the market which falls into one of the following categories. SaaS – software as a
service: This type of cloud computing offers applications over the internet via the browser. The
most popular SaaS business applications are Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365. Other
popular cloud services are Salesforce, enterprise applications, ERP suites from Oracle and SAP. SaaS
applications offer wide range of configuration options and development environments that allows
clients to set up their own additions and modifications. IaaS – Infrastructure as a service: At a
minimum, IaaS public cloud services offer storage and compute services on a pay–per–use model.
But the full array of public cloud providers services offered by all major is mind blowing. Virtual
private networks, Highly scalable databases, big data analytics, machine learning , developer tools,
application monitoring etc. Amazon Web Services was the first IaaS provider, followed by
Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud. PaaS – Platform as a Service: PaaS
provides sets of services and workflows that targets developers, who can use shared tools,
technologies, processes and APIs to fast
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Cloud Computing Essay
An In–Depth Overview of Cloud Computing
An Introduction
For many of us it's hard to imagine a world without the computer, but this technology is still
relatively new. The Atanasoff–Berry Computer, developed by John Atanasoff and Cliff Berry, which
is considered to be the first electronic digital computer, wasn't developed until 1937. (Mackintosh,
1987) This development led to the creation of the modern computer, however, it wasn't until 1973
that Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn laid the groundwork for what we now call the internet. (IHF, 2016)
They created network protocols, enabling computers everywhere to connect and share information
with each other. These protocols consist of a set of rules and standards to eliminate communication more content...
Several computing paradigms or models have been developed which maintain the distributed
architecture manifest in this network system. These include Peer–to–Peer, Cluster, and Jungle
Computing, as well as Cloud Computing which is built on top of grid and utility computing, as seen
in Figure 2. (Kahanwal & Singh, 2012)
Anatomy of a Cloud
Cloud Computing is a recently emergent paradigm whereby services, such as data, programs and
hardware, are managed and delivered over the internet. These services are provided to computers and
other devices on–demand, like the electricity over the grid. This model offers users not only
services, but unlimited computing power, accessed from anywhere in the world via a web browser.
Instead of relying on the power of a local, individual device, computing power is distributed, virtual
and scalable, enabling users to access the computation, storage and other application resources
on–demand. (Sun, White & Gray, 2011) According to Carl Hewitt, "Cloud Computing is a paradigm
in which information is permanently stored in servers on the internet and cached temporarily on
clients that include desktops, entertainment centers, table computers, notebooks, wall computers,
handhelds, sensors, monitors, etc." (Hewitt, 2008)
Characteristics. A publication by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology defines
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WhatВґs Cloud Computing? Essay
Cloud computing is an internet based computing which provides various applications and services
like storage, servers, infrastructure, networking with low cost, on–demand self service, pay as you
go model, location independent resource pooling, reasonable price , rapid elasticity etc. Cloud
computing is one way to increase the capacity add capabilities without investing in new
infrastructures like computer hardware involves storage memory, licensing for new software,
training for a person and in a dynamic way. Cloud computing is innovative which uses well
advanced computational power resource and gigantic improvement in storage capabilities, Cloud is
the long dreamed vision of computing utilities, which helps in enable ling the sharing more
End users who enjoy these resources and services available in the internet without knowing the
knowledge of where and how these resources are manage. It is always available and is highly
mobile across the platforms; Cloud along with this it reduces the cost of deployment. It also
allows unlimited storage size. Cloud with its increased computing power and advanced techniques
provide services in a rapid scalability as and when needed i.e. elastically. It also allows workgroup
collaboration in real time. Cloud because of its wide range of applications it allows users to store
data their data remotely in the cloud and enjoy the on–demand high quality cloud applications and
reveal burden from the local storage, cost and maintenance. In this according to the user's
perspective, including both individuals (private) and enterprises like companies appealing the cloud
benefits by storing data remotely into the cloud in a flexible on–demand manner and relief of the
burden of storage management along with this he/she can also enjoy the universal data access which
dependent geographical locations and avoidance of the capital expenditure, software, hardware and
personnel management and maintenances and so on. User can store their data on cloud and reveal
from the local data storage and its maintenance. Cloud is in a distributive in nature includes shared
pool of configuring resources both in hardware and software. As an increasing number of clients who
store their
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Cloud Computing Essay
To be competitive in business it requires a high level of adaptability among business offerings as
well as an underlying agile IT infrastructure. Quick paced business requirements challenge the
capabilities of their corresponding IT departments to deliver innovative solutions quickly and
Over the years, cloud computing has become and innovating solution for companies to use to keep
pace with managing business needs and the corresponding IT requirements. One specific realm in
cloud computing called Software as a Service (SaaS) is the notion where third party companies
(such as, Taleo, and NetSuite) provide powerful applications to meet business needs
via the web (e.g. the cloud). Software as a more content...
The first challenge: how to accurately get information from legacy systems in the SaaS application;
this is particularly important for legacy systems such as Customer Relation Management
applications (CRM) where years of business data are stored on legacy systems. Legacy systems
typically represent many decades of business knowledge and operation experience (Peel, 2010). In
order for SaaS systems to be useful from the beginning, legacy data must be migrated to the new
solution – quickly (Peel, 2010).
The second challenge involves properly synchronizing information between the SaaS application and
legacy systems. Legacy systems are most likely to be the system of record for critical corporate
information about customers, products, orders, and more! SaaS solutions need to synchronize
information with the particular legacy subsystem so the company has a single accurate real–time
view of business activities through their data. Furthermore, when dealing with differing data formats
and workflows between SaaS/legacy systems it is challenging and must be done securely and reliably.
The last challenge is to extract information from SaaS solutions. While many SaaS services provide
rich reporting capabilities, the reporting functionality is limited to the capabilities provided by the
application vendor. There is a need to extract information from SaaS applications into existing
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Cloud Computing Essay
Cloud Computing: Cloud computing has become one of the hot topics in the field of Information
Technology(IT) industry. Cloud computing looks forward towards the potential development in the
new market. NIST has provided the description as a literature in cloud computing technologies.
According to NIST, cloud computing is a model for permitting omnipresent, suitable, on–demand
network access to large pool of configurable computing resources that can be provisioned rapidly and
can be released with minimum management effort [12]. Cloud computing technologies can be
executed in a wide range of architectures, under different favors and deployment models, and can
coexist with other technologies and software design approaches. Cloud computing more
However companies providing cloud computing services counter argue to this say that they live
and die by their reputations. Customers pay these companies because they are trust worthy in
security measures. Otherwise, they would lose their clients. It's their job to provide best services
to their clients. Privacy is the other issue. The data can be accessed from any location; it's
possible that the client's privacy could be weakened. One way to solve this problem is by using
proper authentication techniques. Another solution is to provide authorization so that each and
every user can access only the data relevant to his/her job. Copy time and costs also play an
important role. How fast can the data be copied is important for data resiliency. Reliability is also
an issue [21]. Challenges: The services in cloud computing must have high up time. The failure
of system or a web benefit in the cloud must be straightforward to the user and they should have
the capacity to manage Internet failure and distributed denial of service kinds of attack [22].
Interoperability among various cloud service organization is a major challenge today. Because of
absence of a standard cloud computing API, it is hard for a client to move from with one cloud
service provider to another. The client may lose data and services if the CSP is gone out of service
[22]. The customers of cloud services are anxious about the security and confidentiality of their
sensitive client data. This fear is
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What Are Cloud Computing? Essay
5.1 What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is the growing method of computing adopted by
many organizations nowadays around the world. The word 'cloud' refers to the network, the
servers providing the cloud services can be located anywhere in the world (Garg & Buyya, 2012).
The services are provided through internet and made available to the end users. Several definitions
are given for the cloud computing in the literature. According to (Mell & Grance, 2011), "Cloud
computing is a model for enabling convenient, on–demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider
interaction. This Cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential
characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models." Different advantages of
having cloud computing includes, services are available on demand, the users have to pay only
as per the use and the services are accessible from anywhere as it is available over network. There
are different service models and deployment models available for cloud computing. 5.1.1 Service
Models Cloud services are divided into three model based on the resources or services provided.
Figure below shows the service models as layered architecture with the service contents. Fig1. Cloud
service models (from Savolainen, 2012) Infrastructure as a service
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Cloud Computing Essay
Abstract I have put together a short research paper on a few software programs geared towards the
further success of our company. I have researched cloud computing, electronic records management,
decision support system, computer integrated manufacturing, and supply chain amangement. All of
these applications could bring us closer to our goals set by the company and could also ensure our
status as one of the top aviation manufacturing companies. I have listed each applications target and
use along with how I believe it could help our company. Cloud Computing Cloud computing has an
abundant amount of different applications, one of which is the implementation of a private cloud
server. I think our company could benefit more content...
Aside from saving our company money by allowing us to cut budgets, the cloud offers cheap
rates for businesses and the cloud is payed for only by our use. The cloud will only charge our
company for whatever time we have used its services. According to Coles, "Companies that
adopted cloud services experienced a 20.66% average improvement in time to market, 18.80%
average increase in process efficiency, and 15.07% reduction in IT spending. Together, these
benefits led to a 19.63% increase in company growth." The cloud services will continue to grow
and more and more companies will be switching to it. The main hurdle is security, as stated earlier
is top notch, but it is still a big concern. I think adopting this service would be a huge benefit to
our company. Electronic Records Management In order to manage our records, we should also up
our game in electronic records management. All of our records should be being kept up in an
electronic file and archived in case there is ever a need to review. Sales records are also very
important and we want to make sure we keep a thorough record of all completed transactions and
our contracts. Our record keeping shows that we are responsible and this is also acts as an
insurance policy for our company in many cases. Our company always needs to be ready for any
unfortunate legal matters whether that be with the IRS,
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Essay On Cloud Computing
Abstract Cloud computing is an emerging technology these days. Cloud computing is the
development of distributed , parallel ,grid computing and virtualization technologies.In this paper,we
actually explore the architecture of cloud computing as well as we explore distributed , grid and
utility computing. We also address the several popular cloud computing platforms. In this paper, we
aim to point the risks of cloud computing. We identified several challenges from the cloud computing
adoption perspective. However, the biggest concern and privacy issues are the strongest
barrier for the users to adapt into cloud computing systems. In this paper, we investigate several
cloud computing platforms and its architecture and more content...
2.2 Platform as a Service(PaaS) PaaS is a development platform supporting the full "Software
Lifecycle" which allows cloud consumers to develop cloud services and applications (e.g. SaaS)
directly on the PaaS cloud. Hence, SaaS only hosts completed cloud applications whereas PaaS
offers a development platform that hosts both completed and in–progress cloud applications and this
is the only difference between SaaS and PaaS. It provides the Run–time environment for
application,development and deployment tools. 2.3 Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Cloud
consumers directly use IT infrastructures (processing, storage, networks and other fundamental
computing resources) provided in the IaaS cloud. IaaS provides access to fundamental resource
such as physical machines,virtual machine and virtual storage. Amazon EC2 is the example of IaaS.
3 Deployment Model It defines the type of access of the cloud. 3.1 Public Cloud– It allows system
and services to be accessible to the general public. 3.2 Private Cloud–It allows system and services
to be accessible within an organisation. 3.3 Community Cloud–It allows system and services to be
accessible to a group of organisation. 3.4 Hybrid Cloud–It is the mixture of public and private cloud
in which the critical activities are performed by private cloud and non–critical activities are
performed by public
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Cloud Computing: Pros and Cons Essay
Cloud computing has greatly influenced many aspects within the growing technology sector. This
innovative approach has altered the way many businesses and individuals use technology. While
there is no one clear definition of cloud computing, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient,
on–demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction" (Mell & Grance, 2011). It is composed
of three service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS,) Platform as a more
Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages The primary concern of cloud computing for
many business users is its cost. Cloud computing is economically feasible because it reduces the
computing costs for the end user by "eliminating its fixed and overhead costs for hardware and
software" (Jackson, 2011). This economical feasibility will help lead to increased efficiency.
Kevin L. Jackson (2011), general manager of cloud services for NJVC, also realizes that the "cost
savings can only be realized through the use of significant pooling of these configurable computing
resources or resource pooling." Businesses can minimize costs by ensuring that their employees use
the cloud service and only pay for the amount of the service consumed as an alternative to spending
money on additional servers and storage devices that are seldom used, in addition to licenses fees
that accumulate from the infrequent use of software by employees (Jackson, 2011). While on the
topic of costs, start–up costs are lower because the service does not require investing a great deal of
money in any new hardware, software, or additional employees if the user already has a computer
and access to the internet. Many people are more likely to prefer this service over a system that
requires a higher initial investment. Many sources
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Cloud Computing Essay
Introduction Over the past several years the term cloud computing has become common in homes
and organizations alike. Cloud computing can be defined as a pooled set of computing resources
that are furnished via the internet. There are three types of cloud services typically available, these
services are Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a
Service (SaaS). Organizations can benefit greatly from cloud services because they eliminate the
need to buy and manage physical resources. Although such an action cuts cost it leaves organization
victim to the vulnerabilities and threats that exist in cloud computing. Throughout this paper I will
discuss the vulnerabilities and threats that more content...
The Cloud Security Alliance reported that providers lack to offer much insight on their hiring
practices and standards and for potential employees and access controls and audit techniques being
used within their firm (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011). Providers with lapse practices and controls
create an opening for attackers; they can simply gain employment with providers and attack the
infrastructure from within. A cloud service account is very similar to most web–based account;
access to the account requires a username and password for authentication. Threat such as phishing
and person–in–the–middle attacks used to gain access to passwords can result in an attacker
gaining access to a cloud service account. Once the attacker gains access to the account steal data,
manipulate data, redirect traffic, or carry out attacks from your allocated resource which can
devastate an organizations reputation (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011). Cloud technologies revolve
heavily around virtual machines that reside on physical servers (Talbot, 2009). One physical server
could be the home of a slew of virtual machines; should an attacker interrupt the normal operations
of a physical server it could result in the inoperability of the virtual machines also. One of the
techniques can be used is an attacker implanting a virtual machine on a physical server (Talbot,
2009). Once the
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Cloud Computing Essays
Introduction The information technology industry is growing at a rapid pace. Every business entity
needs some form of IT support to ensure that business operations are continuously running. As an
entity grows in size and revenue, the information system needed to support the entity needs to grow
as well. Some businesses may not have enough resources to accommodate this expansion. Their
building may be too small or they cannot afford to purchase the equipment. When this is the case, an
organization will choose to migrate their network infrastructure to a cloud computing environment.
Cloud computing allows for a company to implement a large scale network without having to incur
expenses for modifying the building infrastructure. more content...
One section is referred to the public cloud in which it can be used as a pay as you go service
(Armbrust et al., 2010). The private cloud is the second section. This is in reference to the
enormous data centers in use by organizations and private businesses. These businesses will see
the most benefit from using cloud technology. Furthermore, people involved in cloud computing
can be organized into two groups as well; the cloud providers and the cloud user's. The cloud
user's take resources from the cloud and utilize data storage. Cloud providers house the hardware
or equipment for the cloud and also manage it. Ignoring the security concerns for cloud computing,
it is very resourceful to large organizations. Specifically where the demand for processing power
and data storage is constantly fluctuating. Configuring the cloud to absorb increased network traffic
and processing jobs will eventually cause the cloud to be underutilized other times. Though a
company has the option to pay per hour for computing resources (Armbrust et al., 2010). This
allows for the company to only pay for what they need and prove beneficial to overhead costs as the
cost for renting processing power is much cheaper than owning it. Moreover, cloud computing is
applicable in the aerospace industry. In the aviation industry, flight charts could be pushed to the
cloud and then downloaded to an aircraft anywhere in the world. This could help pilots
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Project Questions On Cloud Computing Essay
Contents Chapter 12 Introduction and Concept Formulation2 1.1Case Study and Problem
Statement2 1.2Objectives3 1.3Feasibility Aspects of the Project3 1.3.1Technical Feasibility3
1.3.2Legal Feasibility3 1.3.3Operational Feasibility4 1.3.4Economic Feasibility4 1.3.5Schedule
Feasibility4 1.4Resources Required5 1.4.1Windows Server5 1.4.2Windows Server 2012 R25
1.4.3Set–up5 1.4.4Virtual Machine6 1.5Introduction of Cloud Computing6 1.5.1Introduction6
1.5.2Example7 1.5.3Why to use Cloud Computing7 1.5.4Benefits of Cloud Computing9 1.5.5Types
of Clouds10 1.5.6Cloud Computing Services11 1.5.7Cloud Computing Architecture12 1.5.8Security
concern13 1.5.9Privacy Concern14 1.5.10Virtualization14 1.6Summary16 Chapter 1 Introduction
and Concept Formulation 1.1Case Study and Problem Statement Dhaval Desai Group, IT Company
in Auckland, who serve over 1000 customer through its 20 offices and 5 different global sites. The
company provides logistic software and their support. The company develops customized logistic
system for parcel service. Logistic system has to handle around 400 million parcels a year. They
need effective solution to handle all structure. They have identified the benefits of Cloud Computing
and start putting into effects. It works for them in various reasons and shown excellent performance.
Hardware and software demand reduced for employees. The employees have to run Cloud
Computing System to perform their IT
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Essay on Cloud Computing
1.Cloud Computing Cloud computing is becoming one of the key words of the IT industry. The
cloud is a metaphor for the Internet or infrastructure of communication between the architectural
components, based on an abstraction that hides the complexity of infrastructure. Each part of this
infrastructure is provided as a service and they are normally allocated in data centres, using hardware
shared computing and storage (Buyya et al. 2009b). To use the service, users need only take their
machines operating system, browser and Internet access. All computing resources are available on
the Internet. Therefore, the user's machinery does not need to have high computational resources, as
a result reducing the cost in the acquisition more content...
The goal of Utility Computing is to provide the basic components such as storage, CPU and
bandwidth of a network as a "commodity" through specialized providers with a low cost per unit
used. Users of services based on Utility Computing do not have to worry about scalability, because
the storage capacity provided is practically endless. A review of some proposed definition for cloud
computing can be found at (Vaquero et al. 2009). The Cloud Security Alliance Has adopted the
definition developed by The National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST that the
computing in the cloud is the model exhibiting the following characteristics, on–demand
self–service, Broad Network Access, Resource pooling, and Rapid elasticity and Measured Service
(CSA 2009). 1.1.Services Model The cloud computing environment consists of three models of
services. These models are important because they define a standard for architectural Cloud
computing solutions (Armbrust et al. 2009). Figure 1 shows these service models http:/
/–software–or–storage–as–a–service –Software as a Service (SaaS) The
SaaS model provides software for specific purposes that are available to users through the Internet.
The software are available from multiple user devices via a thin client interface as a Web browser in
SaaS, you do not
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Cloud Computing: A Summary Analysis
Summary Analysis
Cloud Computing is a fairly new term used to identify a type of computer connectivity, IT services
and on–demand delivery offered via the web. The way that it works is, Cloud Computing offers an
easy approach to accessing servers, storage, databases and a wide set of request over the Internet.
Cloud Computing also allows cloud–based service providers to own and sustain the
network–connected equipment necessary for these application services. This is all done while
permitting a business to facilitate and use the services that are deemed essential via a web
application (Amazon, 2016).
The cloud can provide swift access to malleable and low budget IT resources. With the use of cloud
computing, you are not required to make big direct investments in hardware and spend a lot of time
on managing that hardware and associated services. Cloud Computing compromises a
comprehensive set of on–demand services, such as global computing, storage, database, analytics,
application, and deployment services. These services will assist an organization move quicker,
reduce IT costs, and scale systems. Cloud Computing has three key categories, they are usually
referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Mobile as a Service
(MaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
One of the primary issue that needed to be address in Cloud Computing was security. As a result, all
types of security procedures are mandatory to be employed by cloud service
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Essay On Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing: An Intervention in Today's Technology
The technology used in Cloud Computing is often centralized on demand and can be offered in
terms of services. Just like most internet service providers, the cloud services provide platforms for
their clients to create web services (applications) on the internet. These applications are accessed
through the web opposed to running off your local hard drive. Cloud computing enables its users
to conveniently use various resources like storage, servers, and applications that can be launched
with minimal effort. In common terms, cloud computing proposes three types of services: 1) SaaS:
Software as a service, 2) PaaS: Platform as a service, and 3) IaaS: Infrastructure as a service. Cloud more content...
A business of this size can take advantage of wide ranges of computing options available, such as
storage and networking capabilities that can easily be scaled up or down based on the growth of the
business. Finally, for mid to large corporations, cloud computing is beneficial as these companies
require complex hosting needs and wide infrastructure requirements, demanding applications and
high traffic websites. For them, cloud computing can reduce costs and provide increased efficiency,
agility, flexibility, and productivity.
The cloud is a big shift from the conventional way companies imagine IT resources to be. What is
it about cloud computing that is making it so popular? Here are a few reasons that are the main
drivers for companies to switch over to cloud computing. The first reason is the cost factor
because it helps companies avoid large capital expenses on upgrades and hardware. An example
of this can be setting up data centers, this can be cost prevailing as companies will have to invest
in racks or servers, electricity costs for power and cooling 24/7, and IT experts for managing all the
equipment and providing client support. All of these costs can add up quickly.
The cloud also helps companies to cope up with demands of their current and future business
requirements. Computational speeds play a major role in doing so because cloud computing has
boundless amounts of
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Cloud Computing Essay
When computer services are offered physically, users have access to the resources that computers
use. The services include network, storage and operating system. The term cloud computing refers to
the offering of such services over the internet. Many companies charge money for their offered cloud
services while others don't. Cyber–forensic investigations have been affected by cloud computing
since the beginning of the cloud. Computer Forensics is based on the investigation of crimes or
policy breaches that are done through the examination of electronics and computers and other
storage devices. This paper seeks to access the impact of cloud computing and storage on
cyber–forensic investigations.
Cloud computing has not been left behind more content...
The security measurements are different for the users and the cloud services provider. At the
highest level the cloud provider makes sure the information of the user is kept safe while in the
lower level individuals must make sure their credentials required in order to log into the cloud
are kept secret. In case of a breach, cloud services providers will not be responsible the mishandled
logins since they are not in position to identify who the real user of the service is. Therefore, as
long as the correct log in is provided, anyone could access a cloud account. Accessing the cloud
with someone else's credentials is an indication of how easy it actually has become for criminals to
get what they want. Hackers identify loopholes such as this to access the information and the data. In
order to conceal their acts they put on measures that will protect them from being identified.
The impacts of cloud computing have touched almost every area of Information Technology. The
information kept in the cloud is private and confidential and protected by laws that regulate it and
protect it. The cloud providers face laws that relate to the preservation of critical information
touching on taxes, security, and sometime employment regulations. Also in other circumstances,
they are forced to comply with laws requiring them to destroy such information.
Nowadays, more users are storing and share information
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Cloud Computing Essay
Cloud Computing, Educational Styles, and Proper
Way of Doing Research
Cloud Computing
The cloud computing is defined as a process where data and programs are stored and accessed
over the internet. It does not use computer's hard drive to store data and files. People use cloud
computing knowingly and unknowingly. It helps to store, manage, backup and recover a large
number of data. It is useful to create new apps and services and also hosts websites and blogs.
People use this for streaming audio and video and delivers software that is on demand (Microsoft,
2017). The companies using cloud computing do not need to invest a significant amount of money in
buying hardware and managing it. They can use the right type of cloud services to more
Data can easily be accessed when they are lost or damaged.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
The main problem with using this service is the downtime. Not even the best cloud provider can
provide immunity to service downtime. Any issue with the internet can impact the productivity.
Likewise, the security and privacy of the data in the cloud might be in risks as companies are
outsourcing all of their sensitive data. The files can get leaked as it is difficult how much we can
trust the service providers. There is also the risk of vulnerability to attack as evil people will try to
access data over the internet. There is a threat of severe attacks and security breaches. Likewise, the
companies have limited control and flexibility regarding the functions and infrastructure. The service
might be costly for small businesses and short–term projects. There are other demerits such as low
bandwidth, lack of full support, software incompatibility and lack of insight into the network.
Educational Learning Styles
Traditional Brick and Mortar College Environment
In this education system, students go to college regularly and attend classes. It is a face to face
education system when instructors present lectures live. The students have the opportunity to ask
questions if they need any clarifications regarding the topics professors presented during the class.
The classroom setting is more interactive and a great place to build social connections with
classmates and
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Cloud Computing Essays

  • 1. Cloud Computing : The Nature Of The Cloud Background A.The Nature of the Cloud 1.Cloud computing includes web–based email systems and social networking sites like Gmail, Hotmail, Facebook and Linked In to name a few. 2.The use of cloud computing, in which information is being stored and shared across the world, is growing at a rapid pace. To further help conceptualize this process, the cloud has also been described as something similar to a shared, pay–as–you–use public utility supplying water to a community. 3.The concept of cloud computing has quickly spread over the last few years, while use of cloud computing has increased exponentially just over the last few months with mainstream companies like Apple offering cloud access in products such as the iPhone and iPad. 4.One cause of confusion is whether "cloud computing" is synonymous with "the internet." At a first uniformed glance, it seems that the two are the same thing. However, this is not true. The main difference between the internet and cloud computing is storage. The internet, to use the mall analogy, is the unvested shopper, but the cloud involves the shopper who also owns a shop in the mall and leaves his/her car parked in the lot. 5.Cloud–computing services, offered by cloud–computing service providers (CCSPs), represent a collection of technologies aimed at "allowing access to large amounts of computing power in a fully virtualized manner." 6.There are three main types of cloud–computing services: (1) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), (2) Get more content on
  • 2. Cloud Computing Essay The need for sharing of resources, having an online backup storage system as well as providing an online efficient environment for businesses gave rise to the discovery of the clouds. Cloud computing is thus the latest technology in both the technological sector and the business sector. It refers to Cloud computing for example, provides an online platform upon which individuals and businesses can store and retrieve their information effectively when connected to the internet. It thus saves on the costs that could have otherwise been used for the purchase of additional storage devices. There is no worries of how the online documents will open up because cloud computing comes with online document reading software such as Google docs. more content... For the service provider of the application, there are also lowered costs because the provider only needs to sustain a single application for an organization. Some of the companies that offer this kind of service include; Zoho, Microsoft, Salesforce and Google. Platform as a Service refers to a kind of cloud of computing where the service provider only provides a platform or infrastructure upon which the customer uses to install his or her own applications (Williams, 2012). However in order to ensure that the platform provides supports a wider range of applications, it allows for the combination of servers and operating systems. and Google App Engine are some of the most popular platforms falling under this category. Lastly, the Infrastructure as a Service is a kind of cloud computing where the provider gives out basic storage and basic computing capabilities through a standardized form. It is meant to work on workloads by pooling together networking equipment, storage systems, servers, Centre space (Williams, 2012). GoGrid, Amazon and 3 Tera are some of the examples of this platform. Importance of Cloud Computing For Business Cloud Computing has very many benefits especially for the businesses. First, it leads to reduced technological costs. This is because unlike purchasing of a system which is expensive, the payment is only made upon usage and thus making it cheap (Marston et al 2011). Secondly, there are much reduced Get more content on
  • 3. The Cloud Of Cloud Computing Essay Cloud Computing By Brooks ward ITEC 250 Cloud computing is storing and accessing data and programing over the Internet instead have on your computers hard drive. This makes everything physically close to you, which makes data access fast and easy without carrying around an usb. Although, the computer industry has operated under a local storage system for decades some still favor the old way because the cloud doesn't have dedicated network attached storage hardware in residence. For it to be cloud computing you need to have access to your data or your programs over the Internet and synch it along with other information over the Web. Cloud computing is very convenient because it can be done anywhere, and anytime. Businesses use the cloud as "Software–as–a–Service (SaaS), where the business subscribes to an application it accesses over the Internet"(Cloud & cloud, 2016). The benefits of SaaS you can sign up and rapidly start using innovative business apps and data is accessible from any connected computer No data is lost if your computer breaks, as data is in the cloud and the service is able to dynamically scale to usage needs Another one is Platform–As–Service where the business creates it own application for the company's use and it supports everything you need to build and deliver web based applications. The Benefits of PaaS are the ability to develop applications and market faster, Deploy new applications to the Get more content on
  • 4. Cloud Computing In Business Essay MS – Management Information Systems – 513 Project The Application of Cloud Computing in Business Karthikeyan T Gajendran Table of Contents o Abstract o Introduction o How it works? o Types of cloud services: Types of cloud services SaaS– software as a service IaaS – Infrastructure as a service PaaS – Platform as a Service FaaS – Functions as a Service Hybrid cloud o Benefits and Advantages of cloud computing o Cloud computing in Banking and Financial Services sector o Cloud computing Risks Abstract: This project is going to discuss about the Cloud Computing and its application in business. To briefly describe what more content... Any number of end users and/or computing resources can be added on the fly. User accounts and resources can also be added dynamically as workloads demand those resources using the feature called auto–scaling. Types of cloud services: There are different types of cloud computing services available on the market which falls into one of the following categories. SaaS – software as a service: This type of cloud computing offers applications over the internet via the browser. The most popular SaaS business applications are Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365. Other popular cloud services are Salesforce, enterprise applications, ERP suites from Oracle and SAP. SaaS applications offer wide range of configuration options and development environments that allows clients to set up their own additions and modifications. IaaS – Infrastructure as a service: At a minimum, IaaS public cloud services offer storage and compute services on a pay–per–use model. But the full array of public cloud providers services offered by all major is mind blowing. Virtual private networks, Highly scalable databases, big data analytics, machine learning , developer tools, application monitoring etc. Amazon Web Services was the first IaaS provider, followed by Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud. PaaS – Platform as a Service: PaaS provides sets of services and workflows that targets developers, who can use shared tools, technologies, processes and APIs to fast Get more content on
  • 5. Cloud Computing Essay An In–Depth Overview of Cloud Computing An Introduction For many of us it's hard to imagine a world without the computer, but this technology is still relatively new. The Atanasoff–Berry Computer, developed by John Atanasoff and Cliff Berry, which is considered to be the first electronic digital computer, wasn't developed until 1937. (Mackintosh, 1987) This development led to the creation of the modern computer, however, it wasn't until 1973 that Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn laid the groundwork for what we now call the internet. (IHF, 2016) They created network protocols, enabling computers everywhere to connect and share information with each other. These protocols consist of a set of rules and standards to eliminate communication more content... Several computing paradigms or models have been developed which maintain the distributed architecture manifest in this network system. These include Peer–to–Peer, Cluster, and Jungle Computing, as well as Cloud Computing which is built on top of grid and utility computing, as seen in Figure 2. (Kahanwal & Singh, 2012) Anatomy of a Cloud Cloud Computing is a recently emergent paradigm whereby services, such as data, programs and hardware, are managed and delivered over the internet. These services are provided to computers and other devices on–demand, like the electricity over the grid. This model offers users not only services, but unlimited computing power, accessed from anywhere in the world via a web browser. Instead of relying on the power of a local, individual device, computing power is distributed, virtual and scalable, enabling users to access the computation, storage and other application resources on–demand. (Sun, White & Gray, 2011) According to Carl Hewitt, "Cloud Computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the internet and cached temporarily on clients that include desktops, entertainment centers, table computers, notebooks, wall computers, handhelds, sensors, monitors, etc." (Hewitt, 2008) Characteristics. A publication by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology defines Get more content on
  • 6. WhatВґs Cloud Computing? Essay Cloud computing is an internet based computing which provides various applications and services like storage, servers, infrastructure, networking with low cost, on–demand self service, pay as you go model, location independent resource pooling, reasonable price , rapid elasticity etc. Cloud computing is one way to increase the capacity add capabilities without investing in new infrastructures like computer hardware involves storage memory, licensing for new software, training for a person and in a dynamic way. Cloud computing is innovative which uses well advanced computational power resource and gigantic improvement in storage capabilities, Cloud is the long dreamed vision of computing utilities, which helps in enable ling the sharing more content... End users who enjoy these resources and services available in the internet without knowing the knowledge of where and how these resources are manage. It is always available and is highly mobile across the platforms; Cloud along with this it reduces the cost of deployment. It also allows unlimited storage size. Cloud with its increased computing power and advanced techniques provide services in a rapid scalability as and when needed i.e. elastically. It also allows workgroup collaboration in real time. Cloud because of its wide range of applications it allows users to store data their data remotely in the cloud and enjoy the on–demand high quality cloud applications and reveal burden from the local storage, cost and maintenance. In this according to the user's perspective, including both individuals (private) and enterprises like companies appealing the cloud benefits by storing data remotely into the cloud in a flexible on–demand manner and relief of the burden of storage management along with this he/she can also enjoy the universal data access which dependent geographical locations and avoidance of the capital expenditure, software, hardware and personnel management and maintenances and so on. User can store their data on cloud and reveal from the local data storage and its maintenance. Cloud is in a distributive in nature includes shared pool of configuring resources both in hardware and software. As an increasing number of clients who store their Get more content on
  • 7. Cloud Computing Essay Introduction To be competitive in business it requires a high level of adaptability among business offerings as well as an underlying agile IT infrastructure. Quick paced business requirements challenge the capabilities of their corresponding IT departments to deliver innovative solutions quickly and cheaply. Over the years, cloud computing has become and innovating solution for companies to use to keep pace with managing business needs and the corresponding IT requirements. One specific realm in cloud computing called Software as a Service (SaaS) is the notion where third party companies (such as, Taleo, and NetSuite) provide powerful applications to meet business needs via the web (e.g. the cloud). Software as a more content... The first challenge: how to accurately get information from legacy systems in the SaaS application; this is particularly important for legacy systems such as Customer Relation Management applications (CRM) where years of business data are stored on legacy systems. Legacy systems typically represent many decades of business knowledge and operation experience (Peel, 2010). In order for SaaS systems to be useful from the beginning, legacy data must be migrated to the new solution – quickly (Peel, 2010). The second challenge involves properly synchronizing information between the SaaS application and legacy systems. Legacy systems are most likely to be the system of record for critical corporate information about customers, products, orders, and more! SaaS solutions need to synchronize information with the particular legacy subsystem so the company has a single accurate real–time view of business activities through their data. Furthermore, when dealing with differing data formats and workflows between SaaS/legacy systems it is challenging and must be done securely and reliably. The last challenge is to extract information from SaaS solutions. While many SaaS services provide rich reporting capabilities, the reporting functionality is limited to the capabilities provided by the application vendor. There is a need to extract information from SaaS applications into existing Get more content on
  • 8. Cloud Computing Essay Cloud Computing: Cloud computing has become one of the hot topics in the field of Information Technology(IT) industry. Cloud computing looks forward towards the potential development in the new market. NIST has provided the description as a literature in cloud computing technologies. According to NIST, cloud computing is a model for permitting omnipresent, suitable, on–demand network access to large pool of configurable computing resources that can be provisioned rapidly and can be released with minimum management effort [12]. Cloud computing technologies can be executed in a wide range of architectures, under different favors and deployment models, and can coexist with other technologies and software design approaches. Cloud computing more content... However companies providing cloud computing services counter argue to this say that they live and die by their reputations. Customers pay these companies because they are trust worthy in security measures. Otherwise, they would lose their clients. It's their job to provide best services to their clients. Privacy is the other issue. The data can be accessed from any location; it's possible that the client's privacy could be weakened. One way to solve this problem is by using proper authentication techniques. Another solution is to provide authorization so that each and every user can access only the data relevant to his/her job. Copy time and costs also play an important role. How fast can the data be copied is important for data resiliency. Reliability is also an issue [21]. Challenges: The services in cloud computing must have high up time. The failure of system or a web benefit in the cloud must be straightforward to the user and they should have the capacity to manage Internet failure and distributed denial of service kinds of attack [22]. Interoperability among various cloud service organization is a major challenge today. Because of absence of a standard cloud computing API, it is hard for a client to move from with one cloud service provider to another. The client may lose data and services if the CSP is gone out of service [22]. The customers of cloud services are anxious about the security and confidentiality of their sensitive client data. This fear is Get more content on
  • 9. What Are Cloud Computing? Essay 5.1 What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is the growing method of computing adopted by many organizations nowadays around the world. The word 'cloud' refers to the network, the servers providing the cloud services can be located anywhere in the world (Garg & Buyya, 2012). The services are provided through internet and made available to the end users. Several definitions are given for the cloud computing in the literature. According to (Mell & Grance, 2011), "Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on–demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This Cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models." Different advantages of having cloud computing includes, services are available on demand, the users have to pay only as per the use and the services are accessible from anywhere as it is available over network. There are different service models and deployment models available for cloud computing. 5.1.1 Service Models Cloud services are divided into three model based on the resources or services provided. Figure below shows the service models as layered architecture with the service contents. Fig1. Cloud service models (from Savolainen, 2012) Infrastructure as a service Get more content on
  • 10. Cloud Computing Essay Abstract I have put together a short research paper on a few software programs geared towards the further success of our company. I have researched cloud computing, electronic records management, decision support system, computer integrated manufacturing, and supply chain amangement. All of these applications could bring us closer to our goals set by the company and could also ensure our status as one of the top aviation manufacturing companies. I have listed each applications target and use along with how I believe it could help our company. Cloud Computing Cloud computing has an abundant amount of different applications, one of which is the implementation of a private cloud server. I think our company could benefit more content... Aside from saving our company money by allowing us to cut budgets, the cloud offers cheap rates for businesses and the cloud is payed for only by our use. The cloud will only charge our company for whatever time we have used its services. According to Coles, "Companies that adopted cloud services experienced a 20.66% average improvement in time to market, 18.80% average increase in process efficiency, and 15.07% reduction in IT spending. Together, these benefits led to a 19.63% increase in company growth." The cloud services will continue to grow and more and more companies will be switching to it. The main hurdle is security, as stated earlier is top notch, but it is still a big concern. I think adopting this service would be a huge benefit to our company. Electronic Records Management In order to manage our records, we should also up our game in electronic records management. All of our records should be being kept up in an electronic file and archived in case there is ever a need to review. Sales records are also very important and we want to make sure we keep a thorough record of all completed transactions and our contracts. Our record keeping shows that we are responsible and this is also acts as an insurance policy for our company in many cases. Our company always needs to be ready for any unfortunate legal matters whether that be with the IRS, Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Cloud Computing Abstract Cloud computing is an emerging technology these days. Cloud computing is the development of distributed , parallel ,grid computing and virtualization technologies.In this paper,we actually explore the architecture of cloud computing as well as we explore distributed , grid and utility computing. We also address the several popular cloud computing platforms. In this paper, we aim to point the risks of cloud computing. We identified several challenges from the cloud computing adoption perspective. However, the biggest concern and privacy issues are the strongest barrier for the users to adapt into cloud computing systems. In this paper, we investigate several cloud computing platforms and its architecture and more content... 2.2 Platform as a Service(PaaS) PaaS is a development platform supporting the full "Software Lifecycle" which allows cloud consumers to develop cloud services and applications (e.g. SaaS) directly on the PaaS cloud. Hence, SaaS only hosts completed cloud applications whereas PaaS offers a development platform that hosts both completed and in–progress cloud applications and this is the only difference between SaaS and PaaS. It provides the Run–time environment for application,development and deployment tools. 2.3 Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Cloud consumers directly use IT infrastructures (processing, storage, networks and other fundamental computing resources) provided in the IaaS cloud. IaaS provides access to fundamental resource such as physical machines,virtual machine and virtual storage. Amazon EC2 is the example of IaaS. 3 Deployment Model It defines the type of access of the cloud. 3.1 Public Cloud– It allows system and services to be accessible to the general public. 3.2 Private Cloud–It allows system and services to be accessible within an organisation. 3.3 Community Cloud–It allows system and services to be accessible to a group of organisation. 3.4 Hybrid Cloud–It is the mixture of public and private cloud in which the critical activities are performed by private cloud and non–critical activities are performed by public Get more content on
  • 12. Cloud Computing: Pros and Cons Essay Cloud computing has greatly influenced many aspects within the growing technology sector. This innovative approach has altered the way many businesses and individuals use technology. While there is no one clear definition of cloud computing, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on–demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction" (Mell & Grance, 2011). It is composed of three service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS,) Platform as a more content... Cloud Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages The primary concern of cloud computing for many business users is its cost. Cloud computing is economically feasible because it reduces the computing costs for the end user by "eliminating its fixed and overhead costs for hardware and software" (Jackson, 2011). This economical feasibility will help lead to increased efficiency. Kevin L. Jackson (2011), general manager of cloud services for NJVC, also realizes that the "cost savings can only be realized through the use of significant pooling of these configurable computing resources or resource pooling." Businesses can minimize costs by ensuring that their employees use the cloud service and only pay for the amount of the service consumed as an alternative to spending money on additional servers and storage devices that are seldom used, in addition to licenses fees that accumulate from the infrequent use of software by employees (Jackson, 2011). While on the topic of costs, start–up costs are lower because the service does not require investing a great deal of money in any new hardware, software, or additional employees if the user already has a computer and access to the internet. Many people are more likely to prefer this service over a system that requires a higher initial investment. Many sources Get more content on
  • 13. Cloud Computing Essay Introduction Over the past several years the term cloud computing has become common in homes and organizations alike. Cloud computing can be defined as a pooled set of computing resources that are furnished via the internet. There are three types of cloud services typically available, these services are Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Organizations can benefit greatly from cloud services because they eliminate the need to buy and manage physical resources. Although such an action cuts cost it leaves organization victim to the vulnerabilities and threats that exist in cloud computing. Throughout this paper I will discuss the vulnerabilities and threats that more content... The Cloud Security Alliance reported that providers lack to offer much insight on their hiring practices and standards and for potential employees and access controls and audit techniques being used within their firm (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011). Providers with lapse practices and controls create an opening for attackers; they can simply gain employment with providers and attack the infrastructure from within. A cloud service account is very similar to most web–based account; access to the account requires a username and password for authentication. Threat such as phishing and person–in–the–middle attacks used to gain access to passwords can result in an attacker gaining access to a cloud service account. Once the attacker gains access to the account steal data, manipulate data, redirect traffic, or carry out attacks from your allocated resource which can devastate an organizations reputation (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011). Cloud technologies revolve heavily around virtual machines that reside on physical servers (Talbot, 2009). One physical server could be the home of a slew of virtual machines; should an attacker interrupt the normal operations of a physical server it could result in the inoperability of the virtual machines also. One of the techniques can be used is an attacker implanting a virtual machine on a physical server (Talbot, 2009). Once the Get more content on
  • 14. Cloud Computing Essays Introduction The information technology industry is growing at a rapid pace. Every business entity needs some form of IT support to ensure that business operations are continuously running. As an entity grows in size and revenue, the information system needed to support the entity needs to grow as well. Some businesses may not have enough resources to accommodate this expansion. Their building may be too small or they cannot afford to purchase the equipment. When this is the case, an organization will choose to migrate their network infrastructure to a cloud computing environment. Cloud computing allows for a company to implement a large scale network without having to incur expenses for modifying the building infrastructure. more content... One section is referred to the public cloud in which it can be used as a pay as you go service (Armbrust et al., 2010). The private cloud is the second section. This is in reference to the enormous data centers in use by organizations and private businesses. These businesses will see the most benefit from using cloud technology. Furthermore, people involved in cloud computing can be organized into two groups as well; the cloud providers and the cloud user's. The cloud user's take resources from the cloud and utilize data storage. Cloud providers house the hardware or equipment for the cloud and also manage it. Ignoring the security concerns for cloud computing, it is very resourceful to large organizations. Specifically where the demand for processing power and data storage is constantly fluctuating. Configuring the cloud to absorb increased network traffic and processing jobs will eventually cause the cloud to be underutilized other times. Though a company has the option to pay per hour for computing resources (Armbrust et al., 2010). This allows for the company to only pay for what they need and prove beneficial to overhead costs as the cost for renting processing power is much cheaper than owning it. Moreover, cloud computing is applicable in the aerospace industry. In the aviation industry, flight charts could be pushed to the cloud and then downloaded to an aircraft anywhere in the world. This could help pilots Get more content on
  • 15. Project Questions On Cloud Computing Essay Contents Chapter 12 Introduction and Concept Formulation2 1.1Case Study and Problem Statement2 1.2Objectives3 1.3Feasibility Aspects of the Project3 1.3.1Technical Feasibility3 1.3.2Legal Feasibility3 1.3.3Operational Feasibility4 1.3.4Economic Feasibility4 1.3.5Schedule Feasibility4 1.4Resources Required5 1.4.1Windows Server5 1.4.2Windows Server 2012 R25 1.4.3Set–up5 1.4.4Virtual Machine6 1.5Introduction of Cloud Computing6 1.5.1Introduction6 1.5.2Example7 1.5.3Why to use Cloud Computing7 1.5.4Benefits of Cloud Computing9 1.5.5Types of Clouds10 1.5.6Cloud Computing Services11 1.5.7Cloud Computing Architecture12 1.5.8Security concern13 1.5.9Privacy Concern14 1.5.10Virtualization14 1.6Summary16 Chapter 1 Introduction and Concept Formulation 1.1Case Study and Problem Statement Dhaval Desai Group, IT Company in Auckland, who serve over 1000 customer through its 20 offices and 5 different global sites. The company provides logistic software and their support. The company develops customized logistic system for parcel service. Logistic system has to handle around 400 million parcels a year. They need effective solution to handle all structure. They have identified the benefits of Cloud Computing and start putting into effects. It works for them in various reasons and shown excellent performance. Hardware and software demand reduced for employees. The employees have to run Cloud Computing System to perform their IT Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Cloud Computing 1.Cloud Computing Cloud computing is becoming one of the key words of the IT industry. The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet or infrastructure of communication between the architectural components, based on an abstraction that hides the complexity of infrastructure. Each part of this infrastructure is provided as a service and they are normally allocated in data centres, using hardware shared computing and storage (Buyya et al. 2009b). To use the service, users need only take their machines operating system, browser and Internet access. All computing resources are available on the Internet. Therefore, the user's machinery does not need to have high computational resources, as a result reducing the cost in the acquisition more content... The goal of Utility Computing is to provide the basic components such as storage, CPU and bandwidth of a network as a "commodity" through specialized providers with a low cost per unit used. Users of services based on Utility Computing do not have to worry about scalability, because the storage capacity provided is practically endless. A review of some proposed definition for cloud computing can be found at (Vaquero et al. 2009). The Cloud Security Alliance Has adopted the definition developed by The National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST that the computing in the cloud is the model exhibiting the following characteristics, on–demand self–service, Broad Network Access, Resource pooling, and Rapid elasticity and Measured Service (CSA 2009). 1.1.Services Model The cloud computing environment consists of three models of services. These models are important because they define a standard for architectural Cloud computing solutions (Armbrust et al. 2009). Figure 1 shows these service models http:/ /–software–or–storage–as–a–service –Software as a Service (SaaS) The SaaS model provides software for specific purposes that are available to users through the Internet. The software are available from multiple user devices via a thin client interface as a Web browser in SaaS, you do not Get more content on
  • 17. Cloud Computing: A Summary Analysis Summary Analysis Cloud Computing is a fairly new term used to identify a type of computer connectivity, IT services and on–demand delivery offered via the web. The way that it works is, Cloud Computing offers an easy approach to accessing servers, storage, databases and a wide set of request over the Internet. Cloud Computing also allows cloud–based service providers to own and sustain the network–connected equipment necessary for these application services. This is all done while permitting a business to facilitate and use the services that are deemed essential via a web application (Amazon, 2016). The cloud can provide swift access to malleable and low budget IT resources. With the use of cloud computing, you are not required to make big direct investments in hardware and spend a lot of time on managing that hardware and associated services. Cloud Computing compromises a comprehensive set of on–demand services, such as global computing, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services. These services will assist an organization move quicker, reduce IT costs, and scale systems. Cloud Computing has three key categories, they are usually referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Mobile as a Service (MaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). One of the primary issue that needed to be address in Cloud Computing was security. As a result, all types of security procedures are mandatory to be employed by cloud service Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Cloud Computing Cloud Computing: An Intervention in Today's Technology The technology used in Cloud Computing is often centralized on demand and can be offered in terms of services. Just like most internet service providers, the cloud services provide platforms for their clients to create web services (applications) on the internet. These applications are accessed through the web opposed to running off your local hard drive. Cloud computing enables its users to conveniently use various resources like storage, servers, and applications that can be launched with minimal effort. In common terms, cloud computing proposes three types of services: 1) SaaS: Software as a service, 2) PaaS: Platform as a service, and 3) IaaS: Infrastructure as a service. Cloud more content... A business of this size can take advantage of wide ranges of computing options available, such as storage and networking capabilities that can easily be scaled up or down based on the growth of the business. Finally, for mid to large corporations, cloud computing is beneficial as these companies require complex hosting needs and wide infrastructure requirements, demanding applications and high traffic websites. For them, cloud computing can reduce costs and provide increased efficiency, agility, flexibility, and productivity. The cloud is a big shift from the conventional way companies imagine IT resources to be. What is it about cloud computing that is making it so popular? Here are a few reasons that are the main drivers for companies to switch over to cloud computing. The first reason is the cost factor because it helps companies avoid large capital expenses on upgrades and hardware. An example of this can be setting up data centers, this can be cost prevailing as companies will have to invest in racks or servers, electricity costs for power and cooling 24/7, and IT experts for managing all the equipment and providing client support. All of these costs can add up quickly. The cloud also helps companies to cope up with demands of their current and future business requirements. Computational speeds play a major role in doing so because cloud computing has boundless amounts of Get more content on
  • 19. Cloud Computing Essay When computer services are offered physically, users have access to the resources that computers use. The services include network, storage and operating system. The term cloud computing refers to the offering of such services over the internet. Many companies charge money for their offered cloud services while others don't. Cyber–forensic investigations have been affected by cloud computing since the beginning of the cloud. Computer Forensics is based on the investigation of crimes or policy breaches that are done through the examination of electronics and computers and other storage devices. This paper seeks to access the impact of cloud computing and storage on cyber–forensic investigations. Cloud computing has not been left behind more content... The security measurements are different for the users and the cloud services provider. At the highest level the cloud provider makes sure the information of the user is kept safe while in the lower level individuals must make sure their credentials required in order to log into the cloud are kept secret. In case of a breach, cloud services providers will not be responsible the mishandled logins since they are not in position to identify who the real user of the service is. Therefore, as long as the correct log in is provided, anyone could access a cloud account. Accessing the cloud with someone else's credentials is an indication of how easy it actually has become for criminals to get what they want. Hackers identify loopholes such as this to access the information and the data. In order to conceal their acts they put on measures that will protect them from being identified. The impacts of cloud computing have touched almost every area of Information Technology. The information kept in the cloud is private and confidential and protected by laws that regulate it and protect it. The cloud providers face laws that relate to the preservation of critical information touching on taxes, security, and sometime employment regulations. Also in other circumstances, they are forced to comply with laws requiring them to destroy such information. Nowadays, more users are storing and share information Get more content on
  • 20. Cloud Computing Essay Cloud Computing, Educational Styles, and Proper Way of Doing Research Cloud Computing The cloud computing is defined as a process where data and programs are stored and accessed over the internet. It does not use computer's hard drive to store data and files. People use cloud computing knowingly and unknowingly. It helps to store, manage, backup and recover a large number of data. It is useful to create new apps and services and also hosts websites and blogs. People use this for streaming audio and video and delivers software that is on demand (Microsoft, 2017). The companies using cloud computing do not need to invest a significant amount of money in buying hardware and managing it. They can use the right type of cloud services to more content... Data can easily be accessed when they are lost or damaged. Disadvantages of Cloud Computing The main problem with using this service is the downtime. Not even the best cloud provider can provide immunity to service downtime. Any issue with the internet can impact the productivity. Likewise, the security and privacy of the data in the cloud might be in risks as companies are outsourcing all of their sensitive data. The files can get leaked as it is difficult how much we can trust the service providers. There is also the risk of vulnerability to attack as evil people will try to access data over the internet. There is a threat of severe attacks and security breaches. Likewise, the companies have limited control and flexibility regarding the functions and infrastructure. The service might be costly for small businesses and short–term projects. There are other demerits such as low bandwidth, lack of full support, software incompatibility and lack of insight into the network. Educational Learning Styles Traditional Brick and Mortar College Environment In this education system, students go to college regularly and attend classes. It is a face to face education system when instructors present lectures live. The students have the opportunity to ask questions if they need any clarifications regarding the topics professors presented during the class. The classroom setting is more interactive and a great place to build social connections with classmates and Get more content on