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4/27/2023 1
Common nerve injury
Occlusions of blood vessels
4/27/2023 2
At the end of this session you will be able to:
 Identify the common fracture of upper limb
 Describe common nerve injury to Upper limb
 Atrophy of related muscles and function lost
 Explain the Occlusions of Blood vessels in UL
 Identify the Clinical significance of arterial
anastomosis in UL
4/27/2023 3
 Clinical Anatomy: Practical applications of
anatomical knowledge to diagnosis and treatment of
 Upper limb is a region consists of Shoulder, Axilla,
Arm, Forearm & Hand with their entire
neurovascular, Musculoskeletal components.
4/27/2023 4
Introduction cont’d
• All structures of the upper limbs are integrated and
• Disease of one structure may affect the overall
activity of the entire limb.
• Example: Fracture of humerus Nerve injury
4/27/2023 5
 Fracture is when the continuity of the bone is broken.
 It is common; the average person has two during a
life time.
 Fracture can be simple/closed or compound/open.
4/27/2023 6
Fracture of the Clavicle
 Most commonly fractured
bone in the body.
 Weakest part medial and
lateral third mostly involved.
 Lateral fragment is depressed
by weight of the arm.
 Pulled medially and forward
by the adductor muscle of the
upper limb.
4/27/2023 7
Fracture of the Clavicle cont’d
Sternocleidomastoid elevates the medial fragments of
the bone.
 Supraclavicular nerve involved callus formation due
to close r/n ship with clavicle.
 Compression of Brachial plexus and Blood vessels.
4/27/2023 8
Fractures of the Scapula
 Usually occur in a runover accident victims or
occupants of automobiles involved in crashes.
 Associated with fractured ribs.
 Mostly require little treatment.
4/27/2023 9
Humerus Fracture
1. Humeral Head Fracture
Common in elder people with Osteoporosis.
 Fracture produced by fibrocartilaginous glenoid labrum
of the scapula.
 Labrum become stucked and unable to move in the
defect shoulder joint difficulty.
4/27/2023 10
Humerus Fracture cont’d
2. Greater tuberosity fracture
Direct trauma or displaced by the glenoid labrum in
shoulder joint dislocation.
 Dislocation severing tearing of the rotator cuff.
 Open reduction of the fracture attaches the rotator
cuff to its place.
4/27/2023 11
Humerus Fracture cont’d
3. Lesser tuberosity Fracture
o Can be caused by Posterior dislocation of the shoulder
o Fragment receive the insertion of subscapularis tendon.
o Axillary nerve may involved.
4/27/2023 12
Humerus fracture cont’d
4. Surgical neck fracture
 Directly: blow on the lateral aspect of
the shoulder.
 Indirectly: falling on stretched hand.
 Axillary artery and posterior humeral
circumflex artery damaged
 Deltoid atrophy but not teres minor
4/27/2023 13
Humerus Fracture cont’d
5. Fracture of the humerus Shaft
o Radial nerve and deep arm artery
are damaged.
o Posterior brachium and
antebrachium muscle are
o Triceps not fully paralyzed but
become weak.
4/27/2023 14
Humerus Fracture cont’d
6. Fracture at distal end of humerus
 Supracondylar common in children.
 Injury to radial and median nerve common but, ulnar
nerve injury is not common.
 Damaged to brachial artery occur at the time of
4/27/2023 15
Humerus Fracture cont’d
6. Fracture at distal end….
 It can be due to Fall on stretched hand and radial
head fracture.
 Radial neck in children.
 Displacement of the fragment is usually considered.
4/27/2023 16
Humerus Fracture cont’d
In general because nerves are in contact with the
humerus, there may be injury when the associated part
of the humerus is fractured.
 Surgical neck – axillary nerve
 Radial groove – radial nerve
 Distal humerus – median nerve
 Medial epicondyle – ulnar nerve
4/27/2023 17
Fractures of the Radius and Ulna
 Fracture of the forearm may be associated with
dislocation of the other bone.
Montenggia’s fracture
 Shaft of the ulna fractured.
 Anterior dislocation of the radial head with rupture
of anular ligament.
4/27/2023 18
Fracture of the radius and ulna cont’d
Galezzi’s fracture
 Proximal 3rd radius and distal ulnar dislocation at
distal radio ulnar joint.
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Fracture of the radius and ulna Cont’d
Colle’s Fracture
Complete fracture distal end of
the radius.
 Most common of the forearm.
 Results from forced
dorsiflexion of the hand.
 Ulnar styloid process avulsed
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Fracture of the radius and ulna cont’d
Dinner fork deformity
 Posterior displacement of the fragment at distal end
of the radius.
Smith’s Fracture
 Distal end of the Radius fall on dorsum of hand.
 Distal fragment displaced anteriorly or reversed
colle’s fracture.
4/27/2023 21
Fracture to bone of the hand
 Common in young adult.
 Unless treated properly, the fragment will not unite.
 Permanent weak and pain of wrist.
Median nerve commonly involved.
4/27/2023 22
Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d
Fracture of the Scaphoid
o Most frequently fractured
carpal bone.
o Fall on the palm fracture
occur at narrow part/ waist
of the scaphoid.
o Radial artery and nerve
4/27/2023 23
Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d
Fracture of the hamate
 Occurred: non- splint of the fractured bony parts
cause of the grip produced because the attached
 Ulnar nerve may be injured & results in decreased in
the grip strength of the hand.
 The ulnar artery may also be damaged.
4/27/2023 24
Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d
Fracture of Lunate
 Fall on stretched hand which causes the
hyperextension of the wrist joint.
 Median nerve is commonly involved.
4/27/2023 25
Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d
Fracture of the metacarpals bone
May occur as a result of direct violence.
 Clenched fist striking a hard object.
Boxer’s fracture
 Oblique fracture of 4th & 5th metacarpals at neck.
 The distal fragment is displaced proximally.
 Shortening of the finger posteriorly.
4/27/2023 26
Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d
Bennett's Fracture
 Base of the thumb metacarpal fractured.
 Occurs when the thumb is forcefully abducted.
 Causes instability of the carpometacarpal joint of the
4/27/2023 27
Brachial plexus injuries
• Affect movements/paralysis and cutaneous
sensation/anesthesia of the upper limb.
• Axillary injury, Lateral cervical region wounds,
stretching and disease are the leading causes.
4/27/2023 28
Compression of cords of the brachial plexuses
 May result from prolonged hyperabduction of the
 Compressed between the coracoid process of the
scapula and the pectoralis minor tendon.
 Symptoms are radiating pain, numbness,
paresthesia (tingling), erythema & weakness of the
4/27/2023 29
Injuries to the superior part of brachial
o C5 & C6 injuries results
from excessive increase in
angle between the neck &
the shoulder.
o Thrown from horse and
o Stretching of the neck
during delivery.
4/27/2023 30
Erb-Duchenne paralysis or erb’s paralysis
• Superior brachial plexuses
injury(C6 & C7)
• The limb are medially rotated
by the sternocostal part of the
pectoralis major.
• Pronated forearm or action of
the biceps brachi lost.Waiter’s
tip position
4/27/2023 31
Muscle affected during erb palsy
Muscle Paralysis Loss of Function Effects
Deltoid Loss of abduction
of shoulder
Arm is adducted
Infraspinatus &
Teres Minor
Loss of lateral
rotation of shoulder
Arm is medially
Biceps brachii &
Elbow is extended Loss of flexion of
Biceps brachii &
Loss of supination Forearm is pronated
4/27/2023 32
Klumpke paralysis
 Inferior parts of the
brachial plexuses(C8 &
T1) are injured.
 Upper limbs pulled up
superior. E.g. during
delivery & grasping
something over the head.
 Less common & muscles
of the hands are involved.
4/27/2023 33
Injuries of the brachial plexuses at root
Long thoracic nerve
 Serratus anterior
paralysed medial boarder
of the the scapula moves
laterally and posteriorly.
“Winged Scapula.”
4/27/2023 34
Dropped Shoulder
 Position of the Scapula on the posterior is
maintained by tone and balance of the muscle
attached to it.
 Paralysis of Trapezius or Cranial nerve XI.
4/27/2023 35
Injury of brachial plexuses at root
Dorsal scapular nerve injury
 Paralyzed rhomboids (minor & major) on the side of
affected scapula located further from midline.
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Injury to axillary nerve in the arm
• Surgical neck of the humerus fractured and deltoid
• Unable to abduct the arm/resistance above 15°.
4/27/2023 37
Injury to Radial Nerve in the Arm
• Superior to origin of its branch.
• All the muscle of the posterior compartments
are paralyzed. e.g. triceps, brachioradialis,
extensor. etc.
• Loss of sensation to skin supplied by the
4/27/2023 38
Radial nerve injury cont’d
 At radial groove muscle
of the posterior
compartment of the
forearm are paralyzed.
 Unable to extend elbow
and wrist joint “ wrist
4/27/2023 39
Injury to musculocutaneous nerve
• It is beneath the biceps brachii muscle and
protected so rarely injured.
• Paralysis of coracobrachialis, biceps and
brachialis (weakened) little supplied by radial
• Elbow flexion, supination of forearm
weakened, Loss of sensation.
4/27/2023 40
Injury to median nerve at elbow
• Compression from the two head of pronator
teres.(Pronator syndrome)
• Except, flexor carpi ulnaris and median half of
the flexor digitorum profundus all flexor
compartment of the forearm are paralyzed.
• Forearm kept in supine position.
• No flexion is occur at interphalangeal joint.
4/27/2023 41
Injury of median nerve at elbow cont’d
Pronator syndrome
4/27/2023 42
Median nerve deformity
• Hand looks flattened and looks “Ape hand.”
• Opposition movement is impossible.
4/27/2023 43
Olecranon bursitis
• is inflammation of the bursa overlying the
olecranon process of the ulna associated
with prolonged pressure at this point.
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Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment
• Occurs where this branch of the radial nerve
passes through two planes of fibers within the
supinator muscle, often following elbow
trauma or a fibrous band within the supinator.
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Posterior interosseous nerve… cont’d
4/27/2023 46
Ulnar nerve injury
• Posterior median epicondyle of the humerus
most common.
At elbow and in forearm
 Fracturing of the medial epicondyle
 Funny or Crazy bone/ Claw hand
4/27/2023 47
Ulnar nerve injury cont’d
 Difficulty in making fist
 Metacarpophalangeal joint become
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Claw hand
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Carpal tunnel syndrome
 Concave anterior surface of the carpal bone
and closed by the flexor retinaculum.
 Compression of the median nerve ‘burning
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Carpal tunnel syndrome cont’d
4/27/2023 51
De Quervain's disease
• is a chronic inflammatory thickening of the
common tendon sheath of the abductor pollicis
longus and extensor pollicis brevis muscles.
• As they run across the lower end of the radius
near the radial styloid.
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De Quervain's disease cont’d
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Dupuytren's contracture
• is an hereditary deformity of the hand
• Due to thickening of the palmar aponeurosis
with resultant fibrosis and eventual contracture
of the fingers.
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Dupuytren's contracture cont’d
4/27/2023 55
Gamekeeper's thumb
• Is caused by a force directed on the thumb
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint to produce a
failure of the ulnar collateral ligament resulting
in instability accompanied by pain and weakness
of the pinch grasp.
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Gamekeeper's thumb cont’d
4/27/2023 57
Ulnar canal syndrome
 Compression of the ulnar nerve at wrist
between pisiform and hook of hamate.
 Hypoesthesia in the medial one and half
 weakness of the intrinsic muscles of the hand.
4/27/2023 58
Absent Palmaris Longus
The palmaris longus muscle may be absent on
one or both sides of the forearm in about 14%
of persons.
Others show variation such as centrally or
distally placed.
The muscle is relatively weak, its absence
produces no disability.
Its not a deformity rather its anatomical
4/27/2023 59
Absence of Pectoral Muscles
Poland syndrome: both the pectoralis major and
minor are absent.
 breast hypoplasia
 absence of two to four rib segments.
4/27/2023 60
Anterior interosseous nerve entrapment
 The deep branch of the median nerve, the
anterior interosseous, may be trapped around the
elbow following a fracture.
 The result is weakness in the flexor pollicis
longus or flexor profundus muscles of the index
and middle finger, making it impossible to flex
the distal phalanx.
4/27/2023 61
Anterior interosseous nerve.. cont’d
4/27/2023 62
Mallet finger
• is avulsion of the extensor attachment of the extensor
digitorum where it inserts into the dorsal terminal
phalanx of the fingers.
• This is often caused by stubbing the finger against a
hard object.
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Mallet Finger cont’d
4/27/2023 64
Summary for nerve injury
Erb’s palsy upper trunk.
 Klumpke’s palsy lower trunk.
 Winging of scapula long thoracic nerve.
 Ape’ s hand median nerve supracondylar
 Wrist drop Radial nerve fracture of spiral
 Claw hand ulnar nerve fracture of
medial epicondyle.
4/27/2023 65
Occlusion of the axillary artery
 Ligation of lacerated subclavian or axillary
artery necessary when stenosis occur.
 Collateral circulation is made by anastomosis.
 E.g. Suprascapular artery receives blood through
anastomosis of:
 supraclavicular,Transversecervical,Intercostal
4/27/2023 66
Volkmann's contracture
• Muscular ischaemia following injury to the
brachial artery typically in a supracondylar
fracture of the humerus.
• Clinically, the finger flexors are usually the
most severely affected, the patient being
unable to extend the fingers when the wrist
is flexed.
4/27/2023 67
Volkmann's contracture cont’d
4/27/2023 68
Compression of Axillary Artery
 Can be palpated inferior part of the lateral
wall of the axilla.
 Compression at 3rd part of axillary artery,
humerus may be important to control profuse
4/27/2023 69
Aneurysm of Axillary Artery
 Enlargement of the first part of axillary artery.
 Compress the trunks of the brachial plexus.
 Causing pain and anesthesia.
4/27/2023 70
Injuries of the axillary veins
• Wound in the axilla involves axillary vein due
to large size and exposed position.
• Proximal part of axillary vein is most
dangerous i.e. air enter and causes emboli.
4/27/2023 71
Venipuncture and Blood transfusion
Superficial veins are clinical important for:
 Vein puncture
 Transfusion
 Cardiac catheterization
 Median cubital vein is most common site
because easily visible.
4/27/2023 72
Venipuncture cont’d
4/27/2023 73
 Knowledge of the normal anatomy of the upper
limb is crucial to identify the clinical conditions.
 Clinical anatomy of the upper limb includes Fracture,
nerve & blood vessels injuries & Muscle paralysis.
Fracture is the most frequently appear as clinical
condition of the upper limb.
4/27/2023 74
1) Keize L., Aurther F., and Anne M.,MOORE
clinically oriented anatomy (2014)seventh
2) Clinical anatomy by regions RICHARD S.
SNELL (2012) ninth edition.
3) FRANK H. NETTER atlas of human anatomy.
4) Keith L & Anne M. Essential clinical anatomy
(2007), 3rd edition.
5) Richard L, Wayne V & Adam W. Grays Anatomy
for students (2007)
4/27/2023 75
4/27/2023 76

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Clininical Anatomy UL.pptx

  • 2. outline Objectives Introduction Fracture Common nerve injury Occlusions of blood vessels Conclusions References 4/27/2023 2
  • 3. Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to:  Identify the common fracture of upper limb  Describe common nerve injury to Upper limb  Atrophy of related muscles and function lost  Explain the Occlusions of Blood vessels in UL  Identify the Clinical significance of arterial anastomosis in UL 4/27/2023 3
  • 4. Introduction  Clinical Anatomy: Practical applications of anatomical knowledge to diagnosis and treatment of disease.  Upper limb is a region consists of Shoulder, Axilla, Arm, Forearm & Hand with their entire neurovascular, Musculoskeletal components. 4/27/2023 4
  • 5. Introduction cont’d • All structures of the upper limbs are integrated and related. • Disease of one structure may affect the overall activity of the entire limb. • Example: Fracture of humerus Nerve injury Paralysis. 4/27/2023 5
  • 6. Fracture  Fracture is when the continuity of the bone is broken.  It is common; the average person has two during a life time.  Fracture can be simple/closed or compound/open. 4/27/2023 6
  • 7. Fracture of the Clavicle  Most commonly fractured bone in the body.  Weakest part medial and lateral third mostly involved.  Lateral fragment is depressed by weight of the arm.  Pulled medially and forward by the adductor muscle of the upper limb. 4/27/2023 7
  • 8. Fracture of the Clavicle cont’d Sternocleidomastoid elevates the medial fragments of the bone.  Supraclavicular nerve involved callus formation due to close r/n ship with clavicle.  Compression of Brachial plexus and Blood vessels. 4/27/2023 8
  • 9. Fractures of the Scapula  Usually occur in a runover accident victims or occupants of automobiles involved in crashes.  Associated with fractured ribs.  Mostly require little treatment. 4/27/2023 9
  • 10. Humerus Fracture 1. Humeral Head Fracture Common in elder people with Osteoporosis.  Fracture produced by fibrocartilaginous glenoid labrum of the scapula.  Labrum become stucked and unable to move in the defect shoulder joint difficulty. 4/27/2023 10
  • 11. Humerus Fracture cont’d 2. Greater tuberosity fracture Direct trauma or displaced by the glenoid labrum in shoulder joint dislocation.  Dislocation severing tearing of the rotator cuff.  Open reduction of the fracture attaches the rotator cuff to its place. 4/27/2023 11
  • 12. Humerus Fracture cont’d 3. Lesser tuberosity Fracture o Can be caused by Posterior dislocation of the shoulder joint. o Fragment receive the insertion of subscapularis tendon. o Axillary nerve may involved. 4/27/2023 12
  • 13. Humerus fracture cont’d 4. Surgical neck fracture  Directly: blow on the lateral aspect of the shoulder.  Indirectly: falling on stretched hand.  Axillary artery and posterior humeral circumflex artery damaged  Deltoid atrophy but not teres minor 4/27/2023 13
  • 14. Humerus Fracture cont’d 5. Fracture of the humerus Shaft o Radial nerve and deep arm artery are damaged. o Posterior brachium and antebrachium muscle are paralyzed. o Triceps not fully paralyzed but become weak. 4/27/2023 14
  • 15. Humerus Fracture cont’d 6. Fracture at distal end of humerus  Supracondylar common in children.  Injury to radial and median nerve common but, ulnar nerve injury is not common.  Damaged to brachial artery occur at the time of fracture. 4/27/2023 15
  • 16. Humerus Fracture cont’d 6. Fracture at distal end….  It can be due to Fall on stretched hand and radial head fracture.  Radial neck in children.  Displacement of the fragment is usually considered. 4/27/2023 16
  • 17. Humerus Fracture cont’d In general because nerves are in contact with the humerus, there may be injury when the associated part of the humerus is fractured.  Surgical neck – axillary nerve  Radial groove – radial nerve  Distal humerus – median nerve  Medial epicondyle – ulnar nerve 4/27/2023 17
  • 18. Fractures of the Radius and Ulna  Fracture of the forearm may be associated with dislocation of the other bone. Montenggia’s fracture  Shaft of the ulna fractured.  Anterior dislocation of the radial head with rupture of anular ligament. 4/27/2023 18
  • 19. Fracture of the radius and ulna cont’d Galezzi’s fracture  Proximal 3rd radius and distal ulnar dislocation at distal radio ulnar joint. 4/27/2023 19
  • 20. Fracture of the radius and ulna Cont’d Colle’s Fracture Complete fracture distal end of the radius.  Most common of the forearm.  Results from forced dorsiflexion of the hand.  Ulnar styloid process avulsed 4/27/2023 20
  • 21. Fracture of the radius and ulna cont’d Dinner fork deformity  Posterior displacement of the fragment at distal end of the radius. Smith’s Fracture  Distal end of the Radius fall on dorsum of hand.  Distal fragment displaced anteriorly or reversed colle’s fracture. 4/27/2023 21
  • 22. Fracture to bone of the hand  Common in young adult.  Unless treated properly, the fragment will not unite.  Permanent weak and pain of wrist. Median nerve commonly involved. 4/27/2023 22
  • 23. Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d Fracture of the Scaphoid o Most frequently fractured carpal bone. o Fall on the palm fracture occur at narrow part/ waist of the scaphoid. o Radial artery and nerve involved. 4/27/2023 23
  • 24. Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d Fracture of the hamate  Occurred: non- splint of the fractured bony parts cause of the grip produced because the attached muscles.  Ulnar nerve may be injured & results in decreased in the grip strength of the hand.  The ulnar artery may also be damaged. 4/27/2023 24
  • 25. Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d Fracture of Lunate  Fall on stretched hand which causes the hyperextension of the wrist joint.  Median nerve is commonly involved. 4/27/2023 25
  • 26. Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d Fracture of the metacarpals bone May occur as a result of direct violence.  Clenched fist striking a hard object. Boxer’s fracture  Oblique fracture of 4th & 5th metacarpals at neck.  The distal fragment is displaced proximally.  Shortening of the finger posteriorly. 4/27/2023 26
  • 27. Fracture to bone of the hand cont’d Bennett's Fracture  Base of the thumb metacarpal fractured.  Occurs when the thumb is forcefully abducted.  Causes instability of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. 4/27/2023 27
  • 28. Brachial plexus injuries • Affect movements/paralysis and cutaneous sensation/anesthesia of the upper limb. • Axillary injury, Lateral cervical region wounds, stretching and disease are the leading causes. 4/27/2023 28
  • 29. Compression of cords of the brachial plexuses  May result from prolonged hyperabduction of the arm.  Compressed between the coracoid process of the scapula and the pectoralis minor tendon.  Symptoms are radiating pain, numbness, paresthesia (tingling), erythema & weakness of the hand. 4/27/2023 29
  • 30. Injuries to the superior part of brachial plexuses o C5 & C6 injuries results from excessive increase in angle between the neck & the shoulder. o Thrown from horse and motorcycle. o Stretching of the neck during delivery. 4/27/2023 30
  • 31. Erb-Duchenne paralysis or erb’s paralysis • Superior brachial plexuses injury(C6 & C7) • The limb are medially rotated by the sternocostal part of the pectoralis major. • Pronated forearm or action of the biceps brachi lost.Waiter’s tip position 4/27/2023 31
  • 32. Muscle affected during erb palsy Muscle Paralysis Loss of Function Effects Deltoid Loss of abduction of shoulder Arm is adducted Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus & Teres Minor Loss of lateral rotation of shoulder Arm is medially rotated Biceps brachii & Brachialis Elbow is extended Loss of flexion of elbow Biceps brachii & Supinator Loss of supination Forearm is pronated 4/27/2023 32
  • 33. Klumpke paralysis  Inferior parts of the brachial plexuses(C8 & T1) are injured.  Upper limbs pulled up superior. E.g. during delivery & grasping something over the head.  Less common & muscles of the hands are involved. 4/27/2023 33
  • 34. Injuries of the brachial plexuses at root Long thoracic nerve  Serratus anterior paralysed medial boarder of the the scapula moves laterally and posteriorly. “Winged Scapula.” 4/27/2023 34
  • 35. Dropped Shoulder  Position of the Scapula on the posterior is maintained by tone and balance of the muscle attached to it.  Paralysis of Trapezius or Cranial nerve XI. 4/27/2023 35
  • 36. Injury of brachial plexuses at root Dorsal scapular nerve injury  Paralyzed rhomboids (minor & major) on the side of affected scapula located further from midline. 4/27/2023 36
  • 37. Injury to axillary nerve in the arm • Surgical neck of the humerus fractured and deltoid atrophies. • Unable to abduct the arm/resistance above 15°. 4/27/2023 37
  • 38. Injury to Radial Nerve in the Arm • Superior to origin of its branch. • All the muscle of the posterior compartments are paralyzed. e.g. triceps, brachioradialis, extensor. etc. • Loss of sensation to skin supplied by the nerve. 4/27/2023 38
  • 39. Radial nerve injury cont’d  At radial groove muscle of the posterior compartment of the forearm are paralyzed.  Unable to extend elbow and wrist joint “ wrist drop.” 4/27/2023 39
  • 40. Injury to musculocutaneous nerve • It is beneath the biceps brachii muscle and protected so rarely injured. • Paralysis of coracobrachialis, biceps and brachialis (weakened) little supplied by radial nerve. • Elbow flexion, supination of forearm weakened, Loss of sensation. 4/27/2023 40
  • 41. Injury to median nerve at elbow • Compression from the two head of pronator teres.(Pronator syndrome) • Except, flexor carpi ulnaris and median half of the flexor digitorum profundus all flexor compartment of the forearm are paralyzed. • Forearm kept in supine position. • No flexion is occur at interphalangeal joint. 4/27/2023 41
  • 42. Injury of median nerve at elbow cont’d Pronator syndrome 4/27/2023 42
  • 43. Median nerve deformity • Hand looks flattened and looks “Ape hand.” • Opposition movement is impossible. 4/27/2023 43
  • 44. Olecranon bursitis • is inflammation of the bursa overlying the olecranon process of the ulna associated with prolonged pressure at this point. 4/27/2023 44
  • 45. Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment • Occurs where this branch of the radial nerve passes through two planes of fibers within the supinator muscle, often following elbow trauma or a fibrous band within the supinator. 4/27/2023 45
  • 46. Posterior interosseous nerve… cont’d 4/27/2023 46
  • 47. Ulnar nerve injury • Posterior median epicondyle of the humerus most common. At elbow and in forearm  Fracturing of the medial epicondyle  Funny or Crazy bone/ Claw hand 4/27/2023 47
  • 48. Ulnar nerve injury cont’d  Difficulty in making fist  Metacarpophalangeal joint become hyperextended. 4/27/2023 48
  • 50. Carpal tunnel syndrome  Concave anterior surface of the carpal bone and closed by the flexor retinaculum.  Compression of the median nerve ‘burning pain.’ 4/27/2023 50
  • 51. Carpal tunnel syndrome cont’d 4/27/2023 51
  • 52. De Quervain's disease • is a chronic inflammatory thickening of the common tendon sheath of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis muscles. • As they run across the lower end of the radius near the radial styloid. 4/27/2023 52
  • 53. De Quervain's disease cont’d 4/27/2023 53
  • 54. Dupuytren's contracture • is an hereditary deformity of the hand • Due to thickening of the palmar aponeurosis with resultant fibrosis and eventual contracture of the fingers. 4/27/2023 54
  • 56. Gamekeeper's thumb • Is caused by a force directed on the thumb metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint to produce a failure of the ulnar collateral ligament resulting in instability accompanied by pain and weakness of the pinch grasp. 4/27/2023 56
  • 58. Ulnar canal syndrome  Compression of the ulnar nerve at wrist between pisiform and hook of hamate.  Hypoesthesia in the medial one and half fingers.  weakness of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 4/27/2023 58
  • 59. Absent Palmaris Longus The palmaris longus muscle may be absent on one or both sides of the forearm in about 14% of persons. Others show variation such as centrally or distally placed. The muscle is relatively weak, its absence produces no disability. Its not a deformity rather its anatomical variation. 4/27/2023 59
  • 60. Absence of Pectoral Muscles Poland syndrome: both the pectoralis major and minor are absent.  breast hypoplasia  absence of two to four rib segments. 4/27/2023 60
  • 61. Anterior interosseous nerve entrapment  The deep branch of the median nerve, the anterior interosseous, may be trapped around the elbow following a fracture.  The result is weakness in the flexor pollicis longus or flexor profundus muscles of the index and middle finger, making it impossible to flex the distal phalanx. 4/27/2023 61
  • 62. Anterior interosseous nerve.. cont’d 4/27/2023 62
  • 63. Mallet finger • is avulsion of the extensor attachment of the extensor digitorum where it inserts into the dorsal terminal phalanx of the fingers. • This is often caused by stubbing the finger against a hard object. 4/27/2023 63
  • 65. Summary for nerve injury Erb’s palsy upper trunk.  Klumpke’s palsy lower trunk.  Winging of scapula long thoracic nerve.  Ape’ s hand median nerve supracondylar fracture.  Wrist drop Radial nerve fracture of spiral groove.  Claw hand ulnar nerve fracture of medial epicondyle. 4/27/2023 65
  • 66. Occlusion of the axillary artery  Ligation of lacerated subclavian or axillary artery necessary when stenosis occur.  Collateral circulation is made by anastomosis.  E.g. Suprascapular artery receives blood through anastomosis of:  supraclavicular,Transversecervical,Intercostal artery. 4/27/2023 66
  • 67. Volkmann's contracture • Muscular ischaemia following injury to the brachial artery typically in a supracondylar fracture of the humerus. • Clinically, the finger flexors are usually the most severely affected, the patient being unable to extend the fingers when the wrist is flexed. 4/27/2023 67
  • 69. Compression of Axillary Artery  Can be palpated inferior part of the lateral wall of the axilla.  Compression at 3rd part of axillary artery, humerus may be important to control profuse bleeding. 4/27/2023 69
  • 70. Aneurysm of Axillary Artery  Enlargement of the first part of axillary artery.  Compress the trunks of the brachial plexus.  Causing pain and anesthesia. 4/27/2023 70
  • 71. Injuries of the axillary veins • Wound in the axilla involves axillary vein due to large size and exposed position. • Proximal part of axillary vein is most dangerous i.e. air enter and causes emboli. 4/27/2023 71
  • 72. Venipuncture and Blood transfusion Superficial veins are clinical important for:  Vein puncture  Transfusion  Cardiac catheterization  Median cubital vein is most common site because easily visible. 4/27/2023 72
  • 74. Conclusions  Knowledge of the normal anatomy of the upper limb is crucial to identify the clinical conditions.  Clinical anatomy of the upper limb includes Fracture, nerve & blood vessels injuries & Muscle paralysis. Fracture is the most frequently appear as clinical condition of the upper limb. 4/27/2023 74
  • 75. References 1) Keize L., Aurther F., and Anne M.,MOORE clinically oriented anatomy (2014)seventh edition. 2) Clinical anatomy by regions RICHARD S. SNELL (2012) ninth edition. 3) FRANK H. NETTER atlas of human anatomy. 4) Keith L & Anne M. Essential clinical anatomy (2007), 3rd edition. 5) Richard L, Wayne V & Adam W. Grays Anatomy for students (2007) 4/27/2023 75