SlideShare a Scribd company logo
2A system must be structured in a way that users
find it intuitively easy to use. In the Web context,
this structure is termed Information Architecture
which makes User Experience simply simple.
Information Architecture 3-fold deliverables:
● Strategic Information Architecture delivers
structural diagrams with technical annotations to
define information flow within a system comprising
client, middle-tier, back-end and integrated systems.
● Technical Information Architecture defines
information process flow and navigation – from User
Interface through business objects and data fields.
● Visual Information Architecture wireframes
define information positioning within a page to
support User Interface design and interactivity.
Information Architecture
documents delivered to
• Mobile Applications
Designing for Human Factors in
User Experience:
Professional Experience:
Training and Education:
■ Membership/Affiliation:
• Microsoft Executive Email Group
• Focus – Bus. Research & Media
• B2B Community of Professionals
• Cellular News group
• LinkedIn/User Experience /Pro
• LinkedIn/Enterprise Architecture
• LinkedIn/Mobile User Experience
• LinkedIn/IBM Web sphere Group
■ Professional Services:
• Consultant: For Global HCI – User
Experience and Information
• Information Architect: CareFirst
Blue Cross Blue Shield – Integrated
Portal for Health Insurance
• Information Architect: SAP
America – Enterprise Portal for SAP
products, solutions and services
• Software Engineer for Testing:
Microsoft Corp. – WebTV product
for electronics consumers market
• Project Manager (Technical)
Novasoft Information Technology
Corp. – Web Applications and Digital
Media Products
■ Education/Workshop/Webinar:
• M.S. Information Systems
• M.A. Communications
• B.F.A. Graphics
• Workshop: Human Factors
International, PET (Persuasion,
Emotion, Trust in User Experience)
• Webinar: Realities for Transforming
Your Enterprise into a Private Cloud
■ Contacts:
• 01-732-771-3318
Visual Resume
Designing a great User Experience is not the
same as designing successful User Engagement.
Mapping Users' Mental Model to measure impact of
Human factors like Persuasion, Emotion and Trust
in inviting successful user engagement, needs well
constructed Information Architecture which is a
science that deals with the technical aspects of HCI
and also an art that delivers uniquely designed,
intuitive User Interface.
Segment 1: Analysis (Strategic User Experience)
- Mobile User Experience Analysis, Innovations,
Trends and Challenges
- Global User Experience and Goals
- Usability Discoveries
Segment 2: Technical (Information Flow/Navigation)
- User Flow, Process Flow
- Conceptual Maps
- Data Gap Analysis
Segment 3: Design (User Interface/Interactivity)
- High-fidelity mock-ups
- Wireframes
- Prototypes (Available on request)
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 1
Sushmita Dutt
Strategic User Experience and Information Architect for
Web, Mobile and Unified Technologies
Strategic User Experience Analytical Concepts:
2 Business Presentations –
Sushmita Dutt
Global User Experience Presentation: 08/14/2012
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 2
• Strategic Global User Experience
Viewable at free access link:
The need for Strategic User Experience: Technology has changed the way we
do business today. Strategic User Experience is recognized by businesses as
a value-driven asset that makes business driven services significant to end-
users. Users today share their interactive experience in connecting to a
business; they talk about all the touch points - services/products interactions,
incentives, pricing, sales, and distribution - that require strategic user
experience planning, schematic concepts and execution.
• Strategic Mobile User Experience
Viewable at free access link:
www novel ebiz com
View a few
Presentation Slides
on page 3
Segment 1: Analysis
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 3
Global User Experience & Mobile User Experience
(Business Presentation Slides)
Strategic User Experience Analytical Concepts
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 4
Basis of the Usability Testing
Methodology Model
Usability study involves investigation into user's performance,
satisfaction and overall 'Ease of Use' of a product, service or
solution. As shown in this model, Contextual Inquiry,
Screening, Testing and Evaluation are industry standard
sequential processes applied to usability research. However,
usability requirements vary from industry to industry, product
to product and the overall scope of interactivities involved in
user’s input and system’s response. It is, therefore, safe to
adhere to a structured usability study methodology which can
be customized to suit specific industry and user market needs
for example testing for Mobile usability involves different
sets of standards.
Mobile usability testing involves an array of different screen sizes,
input methods, performance standards and design standards. We
have to prioritize mobile device screen size, information
speed, user’s familiarity with the type of input methods. Also,
testing on the basis of design guidelines vary from mobile
web to native applications and hybrid applications.
Usability Testing: Discovering and Re-discovering Users
© Conceptualized and Designed by Sushmita Dutt
Usability Testing Methodology Model Usability Discoveries and
Mapping Metrics for measuring
Ensuring Human Factors
© Sushmita Dutt
© Sushmita Dutt
Measuring Usability Use Cases
Scripts on
Pages 5-9:
Usability Testing: Discovering and Re‐discovering  Users
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 5
User Analysis and Usability Evaluation: Sample Scripts
User Evaluation: Questionnaire
eBiz Cloud-based storage system via Web-based, Multi-user Dashboard environment for storage, review,
archiving and distribution of Pharmaceutical Product Life Cycle promotional assets, related content and
Complementing product life cycles, Pharmaceutical companies generate multiple product promotion materials
utilizing print, multi-media, web and mobile platforms to support product sales and marketing efforts. The
proposed content storage via Cloud environment is expected to provide an easy storage, access, review and
distribution of assets among users of a “privately owned cloud zone” within distributed Cloud Storage
Target user group:
Pharmaceutical Companies Marketing and Sales Teams.
1. What content storage device do you use?
(Please circle one or all that apply)
a. My Desktop
b. My External Device(s)
c. My Company’s Data Archive Space
d. Other (Please specify)
2. Do you use online data storage platforms?
(Please circle one or all that apply)
a. Online (Mainstream Sources: YouTube, Facebook..etc)
b. Online (Non-Mainstream Sources: Weblogs, Free File Storage..etc.)
c. Never
d. Other (Please specify)
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 6
3. Have you ever used a web-based dashboard environment?
a. Yes
b. Never
c. Not sure
d. Somewhat (Please specify)
4. How valuable it is to you an online dashboard and content storage program for sharing, distributing
and storing product life cycle promotional content?
a. Very valuable
b. Valuable
c. Somewhat valuable
d. Not sure
5. If you use an online content storage program, how would you describe your activities?
(Please circle all that apply)
a. Store and archive content
b. Search current and dated content
c. Browse specific and related content
d. Other (Please specify)
6. How important is it to have access to historical promotional assets from an archive?
a. Very Important
b. Important
c. Somewhat Important
d. Not Important
7. How much time do you actively devote to reviewing/discussing product promotional assets each
week? (Please circle one that apply)
a. < 3 Hours
b. 3-7 Hours
c. 7-10 Hours
d. > 10 Hours
8. How often do you attend a product promotion meeting? (Please circle one that applies)
a. Once a week
b. Once in two weeks
c. Once a month
d. Other (Please specify)
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 7
Usability Evaluation: Heuristic Evaluation  
A Combination of Usability Heuristics standards have been adopted from Web Site Evaluation
Criteria by Dick Miller and Ten Usability Heuristics by Jakob Nielsen applicable to
The Cloud-based Storage and Dashboard Multi-user Environment:
Evaluation Criterion:
1. Visibility of system status:
Nielsen: The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate
feedback within reasonable time.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): ---------------------------------------------
2. Match between system and the real world:
Nielsen: The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to
the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information
appear in a natural and logical order.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): ---------------------------------------------
Page key:
• Global: A heuristic violation throughout
• Home/Index: A heuristic violation within the Home page or the Index page
• Subject: A heuristic violation within a subject or category page
• Related: A heuristic violation within a page content – headline/sub-head/copy
• Search: A heuristic violation within a search results page
Severity Ratings:
0 = I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all
1 = Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project
2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority
3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority
4 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before release
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 8
3. Appropriate use of web technologies:
Miller: Leading-edge technologies are not employed for their own sake, but in order to meet an
important business, learning, or information need. For example, use of frames is kept to a minimum,
and do not interfere or confuse users’ mental models of the site. In addition graphics are kept to a
minimum and are used only for providing necessary information. The same notion applies to
animated graphics, sound and video. They should not be used unless they meet an important
business, learning, or information need that cannot be addressed with simpler technology. If these
advanced are used, accommodation is made for users who turn off graphic information displays in
their browser.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): ---------------------------------------------
4. Appropriate chunking of Information level to detail
Miller: Information is organized in such a way that it occupies at least most of a screen. For example
if a page requires several screens, there are intra-page links to subsections of the page from both
the top and bottom of the page. In addition horizontal scrolling of pages is never required and
vertical scrolling is kept to a minimum.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): ---------------------------------------------
5. User control and Freedom:
Nielsen: Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency
exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo
and redo.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): ---------------------------------------------
6. Support of de facto standards:
Miller: De facto standard colors are used for unvisited and visited links. In addition pages are
displayed in such a way that those who choose to change default display characteristics to
accommodate visual impairments or preferences may do so without loss of information.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): -------------------------------------------
7. Appropriate download times:
Miller: Page download times for the least sophisticated hardware. software configuration (typically, a
computer several years old using a dial-up connection) typically do not exceed 10 seconds. In rare
cases, an occasional page download time of 15 seconds may be permitted.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): -------------------------------------------
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 9
8. Wide-ranging platform support:
Miller: Displays are viewable on screens with 800X600 resolution. In addition the site works as
intended for all reasonable combinations of hardware and operating system and browser
Beta Evaluation (TBD): ---------------------------------------
9. Clean, professional visual appeal:
Miller: Screens take advantage of white space to guide the viewer’s eye through the display of
information on the page. As a result excessive graphics; a variety of font families, sizes, and
styles; or overly bright colors are not used unless there is a compelling business or learning
reason to do so. In addition each page is identifiable as belonging to a specific site in order to
assist users in their navigation of the site, navigation mechanisms are easy to find and use, and
backgrounds are white or pale pastel colors, with contrasting text colors and saturations.
Textured and patterned backgrounds are used only when they do not interfere with the clear,
legible, and usable display of information.
Minimalist principles should apply to fonts, and only one to two (or, at most, three) families per
page. Fonts (style, color, saturation) are easy to read. For example sans serif fonts are
recommended for headlines, serif for body text. Fonts are legible in both on-screen and
printed versions. Line length is short enough that readers do not have to turn their heads side-
to-side to read complete lines of text, even on very large monitors.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): -------------------------------------------
10. Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors:
Nielsen: Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate
the problem, and constructively suggest a solution.
Beta Evaluation (TBD): -------------------------------------------
View Conceptual Map and
User Flow of the proposed
Cloud-based, Dashboard-driven
Multi-user program on page 13
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 10
User Task-based Methodology
Case brief:
SAP Enterprise Portal
SAP Enterprise Portal has diversely user-centric web
traffic. As Information Architect for SAP, conceptualized
and designed A Unified, Task-Based User Experience
model emphasizing SAP Solutions, Services, Industries,
Partners, Store, Training and Education driving entry points
to the enterprise portal for specific, customer driven user
needs interacting with designated Line of Business Owners. Benefits derived from the Task-
based Model:
■ Persona and Non-Persona
driven User Flow.
■ Hierarchical Content - a feel
for the complexity of content
delivery and dependencies.
■ Transparency in Navigational
System - cross-platform links
and application integration to
accomplish desired user tasks.
View A
Single Use
User Flow
On Page 11
Segment 2 : Technical (Information Flow/Navigation)
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 11
Persona-driven Methodology: Customer-centric User Flow
Case brief:
SAP Enterprise Portal / SME
Within SAP Enterprise portal, SME (Small
Medium Enterprise) Solutions. Is a sub-site
delivering unique Persona-driven, Task-Based
User Flow like - Explore, Learn, Get Expert
Advice, Find a Partner.
Delivered value: The User Flow created transparency in user
information process flow for design and development teams.
Key Points:
• User portal entry
points define two
different user flows
- From Home page
- From Solution page
• User is required to
register to accomplish
specific tasks
Key Points:
• Registered Users
are identified by
personas having
specific, identified
• Non-registered
users are categorized
under non-personas
having access to
general user flow
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 12
Case brief: SAP Marketplace
Within SAP Enterprise portal, SAP
Marketplace is an integrated “hub” promoting
sale of SAP Products and Services tying SAP
partners and re-sellers. The project was
initiated as SAP Marketplace named ‘SAP
Mall’ and later developed into SAP Shop,
Delivered value: A new template and
transparency in online customer flow
Service-oriented Methodology– User Flow for E-Commerce:
Case brief:
eBiz Content Management Dashboard
Supporting product life-cycle promotions, eBiz delivers creative marketing promos in print and digital media to multiple
pharmaceutical clients. Over each quarterly product lifecycle, pharmaceutical companies generate assets which need
some storage facility with easy access for reference, modifications and re-use. An Asset-Based Content Storage,
Delivery and Management System have been conceptualized over a sharable web-based Dashboard interfacing with a
private Cloud Computing Environment.
Delivered value: This concept meets a real need for content storage and sharing utilizing a new technology trend.
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 13
Content Management Conceptual Map for Private Cloud Environment
Need: Pharmaceutical content storage and distribution by multiple users
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 14
Data Visualization, Gap Analysis - Data-centric Portal Environment
Need: 3 groups of Users interacting with sharable data where identifying information gap is
critical to delivery of total user experience.
Case Brief:
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield members log-in and derive member benefits from HealthyBlue, an integrated
application within Member Portal. Member log-in is recognized and mapped to member enrollment status for Healthy
Blue member rewards, if not enrolled, member receives an “Alert”. For each member input, a use case scenario invites
next-level of user interaction and displays related data. Member/User Flow is mapped to Data fields to identify gaps
between user interactions and feedback from the system. Delivered value: Improved user flow and system’s response.
Member gets
‘Alert’ note
Use Cases
mapped to
data flow
1 2
Member response triggers multiple use-cases generating sets of sub- user flows
and data mapping for gap analysis and data visualization over new screens
User experience strategic design roofs the
basic pillars that hold an interactive
technology platform together –
• Information Architecture
• Interactivity Design
• Interface Design
• Data Flow and Business Logic
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 15
How do we translate User Experience Strategies into User Experience Designs?
While each company follows its own user experience strategies primarily driven
by corporate branding policies, here is a structured methodology approach to
user experience design - a generic model:
Strategic User Experience Design Methodology
View methodology logic applied in
designing High-Fidelity Mock-ups and
Segment 3 : Design - User Interface/Interactivity
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 16
Pharma-Clinical collaborative Portal is being developed to serve pharmaceutical companies worldwide with
eCTD (electronic Common Technical Document) web interfaces to transfer data required for USFDA drug
application processes. Portal Goal is to build an online, user-friendly, global environment integrating varied
technical platforms-based applications housed at different Drug Commission Agencies worldwide.
For ease of User Interaction with
navigation, the wireframe has been
slightly modified in the visual design
below. “Sign In” pops-up for behind
registration documents access.
Also, eCTD Modules have been
separated out from 4 user-driven
activities highlighted in progressive
imageries for – Review, Create,
Save and Distribute documents
which drives the Primary
The Navigation Schema:
In a document-driven user experience,
navigational system plays an important
role in hand-holding the user to
‘segmented’ information silos with
logical cross-links to related documents.
The Top Navigation emphasizes knowledge
driven progressive user experience – “Tell me”
The Primary Navigation hand-holds the user for all that is
action oriented – “Let me do it” which will drive traffic to
the site and create more registered users.
The Secondary Navigation is for advanced “Tier-two”
level users mapped around core usabilities of the site.
PharmaClinical - Methodology: Content-driven Collaborative Portal
Case brief:
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 17
SAP Certification - Methodology: Big data Visualization
We are in an era of Big data which is a collection of large and complex data sets. User Experience challenge
in handling big data includes – analysis and visualization of correlated data and designing user interface that
delivers ease of use, personalization and quick delivery of user requested information. For SAP Education,
introduced SAP Certification finder - a user-centric, data filtering process to match user needs for SAP
Certification and display quick results. Delivered value: Appreciation came from LOB for Increased KPI.
delivers page
structure with
annotations on
data filtering
Live page with
two data
interfaces: Free
text search and
Search results
are displayed
on the same
page with
hyper-links to
next level of
Delivered Value: Visual representation of a technical need brought about clarity in User Experience.
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 18
SAP Business ByDesign - Methodology: Online Application Integration
Case Brief:
SAP Business ByDesign is a sub-site within SAP Enterprise Global Portal having an
integrated Online Solution Price Configuration Tool for SAP Business customers to interact
with, select SAP services that suit customer needs and request an estimated price. The online
tool displays an estimated price on the fly.
Customer selects
Build Your Case
at SAP Business
ByDesign home page.
Tool is launched
in a child
With SAP
services, features
and an online
Price Estimator
interacts with the
tool, selects and
submits proffered
services. The
Price Estimator
displays estimated
price on the fly
Child Window
I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 19
Mobile User Experience: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows
Case Brief:
An innovative extension of Medical Mobile product e-Val MD this is a custom mobile
application for medical professionals for creating, accessing, managing and exporting unlimited
number of patient records. With easy to use widgets, user can work on a canvas of full open
screen to add comments, touch-links, add voice-overs to content and receive records on
Access patient records by filtering
criteria (Sort by name, Sort by
Date) and display narrowed down
search result.
Patient Name indicator (icon)
suggests case status
Hyper-linked Name ‘Touch’
displays patient’s expandable
The record is interactive hyper-
text. User can insert an
interactive note like “Any Xrays’?
Interactive note is synced with e-
mail for instant communication
Email feedback like “Here it is” is
displayed within the same pixel
area of the interactive note.
The interactive note on ‘touch’
displays the requested data
element – in this case the X-ray

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  • 1. 2A system must be structured in a way that users find it intuitively easy to use. In the Web context, this structure is termed Information Architecture which makes User Experience simply simple. Information Architecture 3-fold deliverables: ● Strategic Information Architecture delivers structural diagrams with technical annotations to define information flow within a system comprising client, middle-tier, back-end and integrated systems. ● Technical Information Architecture defines information process flow and navigation – from User Interface through business objects and data fields. ● Visual Information Architecture wireframes define information positioning within a page to support User Interface design and interactivity. Information Architecture documents delivered to clients • Mobile Applications Designing for Human Factors in User Experience: Member: Professional Experience: Training and Education: P R O F I L E ■ Membership/Affiliation: • Microsoft Executive Email Group • Focus – Bus. Research & Media • B2B Community of Professionals • Cellular News group • LinkedIn/User Experience /Pro • LinkedIn/Enterprise Architecture • LinkedIn/Mobile User Experience • LinkedIn/IBM Web sphere Group ■ Professional Services: • Consultant: For Global HCI – User Experience and Information Architecture • Information Architect: CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield – Integrated Portal for Health Insurance • Information Architect: SAP America – Enterprise Portal for SAP products, solutions and services • Software Engineer for Testing: Microsoft Corp. – WebTV product for electronics consumers market • Project Manager (Technical) Novasoft Information Technology Corp. – Web Applications and Digital Media Products ■ Education/Workshop/Webinar: • M.S. Information Systems • M.A. Communications • B.F.A. Graphics • Workshop: Human Factors International, PET (Persuasion, Emotion, Trust in User Experience) • Webinar: Realities for Transforming Your Enterprise into a Private Cloud ■ Contacts: • • 01-732-771-3318 PORTFOLIO: Visual Resume Designing a great User Experience is not the same as designing successful User Engagement. Mapping Users' Mental Model to measure impact of Human factors like Persuasion, Emotion and Trust in inviting successful user engagement, needs well constructed Information Architecture which is a science that deals with the technical aspects of HCI and also an art that delivers uniquely designed, intuitive User Interface. Content: Segment 1: Analysis (Strategic User Experience) - Mobile User Experience Analysis, Innovations, Trends and Challenges - Global User Experience and Goals - Usability Discoveries Segment 2: Technical (Information Flow/Navigation) - User Flow, Process Flow - Conceptual Maps - Data Gap Analysis Segment 3: Design (User Interface/Interactivity) - High-fidelity mock-ups - Wireframes - Prototypes (Available on request) I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 1 Sushmita Dutt Strategic User Experience and Information Architect for Web, Mobile and Unified Technologies
  • 2. Strategic User Experience Analytical Concepts: 2 Business Presentations – Sushmita Dutt Global User Experience Presentation: 08/14/2012 sushmitadutt@novel‐ www.novel‐ I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 2 • Strategic Global User Experience Viewable at free access link: tegic-global-user-experience-14021766 The need for Strategic User Experience: Technology has changed the way we do business today. Strategic User Experience is recognized by businesses as a value-driven asset that makes business driven services significant to end- users. Users today share their interactive experience in connecting to a business; they talk about all the touch points - services/products interactions, incentives, pricing, sales, and distribution - that require strategic user experience planning, schematic concepts and execution. • Strategic Mobile User Experience Viewable at free access link: -mobile-user-experience-15612124 www novel ebiz com Mobile Commerce View a few Presentation Slides on page 3 Segment 1: Analysis Why?
  • 3. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 3 Global User Experience & Mobile User Experience (Business Presentation Slides) Strategic User Experience Analytical Concepts
  • 4. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 4 Basis of the Usability Testing Methodology Model Usability study involves investigation into user's performance, satisfaction and overall 'Ease of Use' of a product, service or solution. As shown in this model, Contextual Inquiry, Screening, Testing and Evaluation are industry standard sequential processes applied to usability research. However, usability requirements vary from industry to industry, product to product and the overall scope of interactivities involved in user’s input and system’s response. It is, therefore, safe to adhere to a structured usability study methodology which can be customized to suit specific industry and user market needs for example testing for Mobile usability involves different sets of standards. Mobile usability testing involves an array of different screen sizes, input methods, performance standards and design standards. We have to prioritize mobile device screen size, information speed, user’s familiarity with the type of input methods. Also, testing on the basis of design guidelines vary from mobile web to native applications and hybrid applications.     Usability Testing: Discovering and Re-discovering Users © Conceptualized and Designed by Sushmita Dutt Usability Testing Methodology Model Usability Discoveries and Mapping Metrics for measuring applicability Ensuring Human Factors © Sushmita Dutt © Sushmita Dutt Measuring Usability Use Cases View Usability Sample Scripts on Pages 5-9:
  • 5.   Usability Testing: Discovering and Re‐discovering  Users I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 5     User Analysis and Usability Evaluation: Sample Scripts User Evaluation: Questionnaire Case: eBiz Cloud-based storage system via Web-based, Multi-user Dashboard environment for storage, review, archiving and distribution of Pharmaceutical Product Life Cycle promotional assets, related content and remarks. Purpose: Complementing product life cycles, Pharmaceutical companies generate multiple product promotion materials utilizing print, multi-media, web and mobile platforms to support product sales and marketing efforts. The proposed content storage via Cloud environment is expected to provide an easy storage, access, review and distribution of assets among users of a “privately owned cloud zone” within distributed Cloud Storage Environment. Target user group: Pharmaceutical Companies Marketing and Sales Teams. Questionnaire: 1. What content storage device do you use? (Please circle one or all that apply) a. My Desktop b. My External Device(s) c. My Company’s Data Archive Space d. Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you use online data storage platforms? (Please circle one or all that apply) a. Online (Mainstream Sources: YouTube, Facebook..etc) b. Online (Non-Mainstream Sources: Weblogs, Free File Storage..etc.) c. Never d. Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  • 6. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 6 3. Have you ever used a web-based dashboard environment? a. Yes b. Never c. Not sure d. Somewhat (Please specify) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. How valuable it is to you an online dashboard and content storage program for sharing, distributing and storing product life cycle promotional content? a. Very valuable b. Valuable c. Somewhat valuable d. Not sure 5. If you use an online content storage program, how would you describe your activities? (Please circle all that apply) a. Store and archive content b. Search current and dated content c. Browse specific and related content d. Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 6. How important is it to have access to historical promotional assets from an archive? a. Very Important b. Important c. Somewhat Important d. Not Important 7. How much time do you actively devote to reviewing/discussing product promotional assets each week? (Please circle one that apply) a. < 3 Hours b. 3-7 Hours c. 7-10 Hours d. > 10 Hours 8. How often do you attend a product promotion meeting? (Please circle one that applies) a. Once a week b. Once in two weeks c. Once a month d. Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
  • 7. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 7 Usability Evaluation: Heuristic Evaluation   A Combination of Usability Heuristics standards have been adopted from Web Site Evaluation Criteria by Dick Miller and Ten Usability Heuristics by Jakob Nielsen applicable to The Cloud-based Storage and Dashboard Multi-user Environment: Evaluation Criterion: 1. Visibility of system status: Nielsen: The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time. Beta Evaluation (TBD): --------------------------------------------- 2. Match between system and the real world: Nielsen: The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order. Beta Evaluation (TBD): --------------------------------------------- Page key: • Global: A heuristic violation throughout • Home/Index: A heuristic violation within the Home page or the Index page • Subject: A heuristic violation within a subject or category page • Related: A heuristic violation within a page content – headline/sub-head/copy • Search: A heuristic violation within a search results page Severity Ratings: 0 = I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all 1 = Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project 2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority 3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority 4 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before release
  • 8. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 8 3. Appropriate use of web technologies: Miller: Leading-edge technologies are not employed for their own sake, but in order to meet an important business, learning, or information need. For example, use of frames is kept to a minimum, and do not interfere or confuse users’ mental models of the site. In addition graphics are kept to a minimum and are used only for providing necessary information. The same notion applies to animated graphics, sound and video. They should not be used unless they meet an important business, learning, or information need that cannot be addressed with simpler technology. If these advanced are used, accommodation is made for users who turn off graphic information displays in their browser. Beta Evaluation (TBD): --------------------------------------------- 4. Appropriate chunking of Information level to detail Miller: Information is organized in such a way that it occupies at least most of a screen. For example if a page requires several screens, there are intra-page links to subsections of the page from both the top and bottom of the page. In addition horizontal scrolling of pages is never required and vertical scrolling is kept to a minimum. Beta Evaluation (TBD): --------------------------------------------- 5. User control and Freedom: Nielsen: Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo. Beta Evaluation (TBD): --------------------------------------------- 6. Support of de facto standards: Miller: De facto standard colors are used for unvisited and visited links. In addition pages are displayed in such a way that those who choose to change default display characteristics to accommodate visual impairments or preferences may do so without loss of information. Beta Evaluation (TBD): ------------------------------------------- 7. Appropriate download times: Miller: Page download times for the least sophisticated hardware. software configuration (typically, a computer several years old using a dial-up connection) typically do not exceed 10 seconds. In rare cases, an occasional page download time of 15 seconds may be permitted. Beta Evaluation (TBD): -------------------------------------------
  • 9. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 9 8. Wide-ranging platform support: Miller: Displays are viewable on screens with 800X600 resolution. In addition the site works as intended for all reasonable combinations of hardware and operating system and browser software. Beta Evaluation (TBD): --------------------------------------- 9. Clean, professional visual appeal: Miller: Screens take advantage of white space to guide the viewer’s eye through the display of information on the page. As a result excessive graphics; a variety of font families, sizes, and styles; or overly bright colors are not used unless there is a compelling business or learning reason to do so. In addition each page is identifiable as belonging to a specific site in order to assist users in their navigation of the site, navigation mechanisms are easy to find and use, and backgrounds are white or pale pastel colors, with contrasting text colors and saturations. Textured and patterned backgrounds are used only when they do not interfere with the clear, legible, and usable display of information. Minimalist principles should apply to fonts, and only one to two (or, at most, three) families per page. Fonts (style, color, saturation) are easy to read. For example sans serif fonts are recommended for headlines, serif for body text. Fonts are legible in both on-screen and printed versions. Line length is short enough that readers do not have to turn their heads side- to-side to read complete lines of text, even on very large monitors. Beta Evaluation (TBD): ------------------------------------------- 10. Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors: Nielsen: Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution. Beta Evaluation (TBD): ------------------------------------------- View Conceptual Map and User Flow of the proposed Cloud-based, Dashboard-driven Multi-user program on page 13
  • 10. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 10 : User Task-based Methodology Case brief: SAP Enterprise Portal SAP Enterprise Portal has diversely user-centric web traffic. As Information Architect for SAP, conceptualized and designed A Unified, Task-Based User Experience model emphasizing SAP Solutions, Services, Industries, Partners, Store, Training and Education driving entry points to the enterprise portal for specific, customer driven user needs interacting with designated Line of Business Owners. Benefits derived from the Task- based Model: ■ Persona and Non-Persona driven User Flow. ■ Hierarchical Content - a feel for the complexity of content delivery and dependencies. ■ Transparency in Navigational System - cross-platform links and application integration to accomplish desired user tasks. View A Single Use Case Scenario User Flow On Page 11 Segment 2 : Technical (Information Flow/Navigation)    
  • 11. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 11 Persona-driven Methodology: Customer-centric User Flow Case brief: SAP Enterprise Portal / SME Within SAP Enterprise portal, SME (Small Medium Enterprise) Solutions. Is a sub-site delivering unique Persona-driven, Task-Based User Flow like - Explore, Learn, Get Expert Advice, Find a Partner. Delivered value: The User Flow created transparency in user information process flow for design and development teams. Key Points: • User portal entry points define two different user flows - From Home page - From Solution page • User is required to register to accomplish specific tasks Key Points: • Registered Users are identified by personas having specific, identified needs • Non-registered users are categorized under non-personas having access to general user flow
  • 12. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 12 Case brief: SAP Marketplace Within SAP Enterprise portal, SAP Marketplace is an integrated “hub” promoting sale of SAP Products and Services tying SAP partners and re-sellers. The project was initiated as SAP Marketplace named ‘SAP Mall’ and later developed into SAP Shop, Delivered value: A new template and transparency in online customer flow Service-oriented Methodology– User Flow for E-Commerce:
  • 13. Case brief: eBiz Content Management Dashboard Supporting product life-cycle promotions, eBiz delivers creative marketing promos in print and digital media to multiple pharmaceutical clients. Over each quarterly product lifecycle, pharmaceutical companies generate assets which need some storage facility with easy access for reference, modifications and re-use. An Asset-Based Content Storage, Delivery and Management System have been conceptualized over a sharable web-based Dashboard interfacing with a private Cloud Computing Environment. Delivered value: This concept meets a real need for content storage and sharing utilizing a new technology trend.     I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 13 Content Management Conceptual Map for Private Cloud Environment Need: Pharmaceutical content storage and distribution by multiple users
  • 14. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 14   Data Visualization, Gap Analysis - Data-centric Portal Environment Need: 3 groups of Users interacting with sharable data where identifying information gap is critical to delivery of total user experience. Case Brief: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield members log-in and derive member benefits from HealthyBlue, an integrated application within Member Portal. Member log-in is recognized and mapped to member enrollment status for Healthy Blue member rewards, if not enrolled, member receives an “Alert”. For each member input, a use case scenario invites next-level of user interaction and displays related data. Member/User Flow is mapped to Data fields to identify gaps between user interactions and feedback from the system. Delivered value: Improved user flow and system’s response. Member seeks information Member gets ‘Alert’ note Use Cases mapped to relational data flow 1 2 Member response triggers multiple use-cases generating sets of sub- user flows and data mapping for gap analysis and data visualization over new screens 3
  • 15. User experience strategic design roofs the basic pillars that hold an interactive technology platform together – • Information Architecture • Interactivity Design • Interface Design • Data Flow and Business Logic I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 15   How do we translate User Experience Strategies into User Experience Designs? While each company follows its own user experience strategies primarily driven by corporate branding policies, here is a structured methodology approach to user experience design - a generic model: Strategic User Experience Design Methodology View methodology logic applied in designing High-Fidelity Mock-ups and Wireframes Segment 3 : Design - User Interface/Interactivity
  • 16. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 16 Pharma-Clinical collaborative Portal is being developed to serve pharmaceutical companies worldwide with eCTD (electronic Common Technical Document) web interfaces to transfer data required for USFDA drug application processes. Portal Goal is to build an online, user-friendly, global environment integrating varied technical platforms-based applications housed at different Drug Commission Agencies worldwide. For ease of User Interaction with navigation, the wireframe has been slightly modified in the visual design below. “Sign In” pops-up for behind registration documents access. Also, eCTD Modules have been separated out from 4 user-driven activities highlighted in progressive imageries for – Review, Create, Save and Distribute documents which drives the Primary Navigation. The Navigation Schema: In a document-driven user experience, navigational system plays an important role in hand-holding the user to ‘segmented’ information silos with logical cross-links to related documents. The Top Navigation emphasizes knowledge driven progressive user experience – “Tell me”         The Primary Navigation hand-holds the user for all that is action oriented – “Let me do it” which will drive traffic to the site and create more registered users. The Secondary Navigation is for advanced “Tier-two” level users mapped around core usabilities of the site. PharmaClinical - Methodology: Content-driven Collaborative Portal Case brief:
  • 17. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 17 SAP Certification - Methodology: Big data Visualization We are in an era of Big data which is a collection of large and complex data sets. User Experience challenge in handling big data includes – analysis and visualization of correlated data and designing user interface that delivers ease of use, personalization and quick delivery of user requested information. For SAP Education, introduced SAP Certification finder - a user-centric, data filtering process to match user needs for SAP Certification and display quick results. Delivered value: Appreciation came from LOB for Increased KPI. Wireframe delivers page structure with technical annotations on data filtering processes. Live page with two data filtering interfaces: Free text search and personalized filters. Search results are displayed on the same page with hyper-links to next level of information.
  • 18. Delivered Value: Visual representation of a technical need brought about clarity in User Experience. I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 18 SAP Business ByDesign - Methodology: Online Application Integration Case Brief: SAP Business ByDesign is a sub-site within SAP Enterprise Global Portal having an integrated Online Solution Price Configuration Tool for SAP Business customers to interact with, select SAP services that suit customer needs and request an estimated price. The online tool displays an estimated price on the fly. Customer selects Build Your Case at SAP Business ByDesign home page. Solution Configuration Tool is launched in a child window With SAP business services, features and an online Price Estimator 1 2 Customer interacts with the tool, selects and submits proffered services. The Price Estimator displays estimated price on the fly 3 1 Indicates Child Window
  • 19.     I C O N F I D E N T I A L D O C U M E N T I A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D I S U S H M I T A D U T T. I 19 Mobile User Experience: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Case Brief: An innovative extension of Medical Mobile product e-Val MD this is a custom mobile application for medical professionals for creating, accessing, managing and exporting unlimited number of patient records. With easy to use widgets, user can work on a canvas of full open screen to add comments, touch-links, add voice-overs to content and receive records on demand. Access patient records by filtering criteria (Sort by name, Sort by Date) and display narrowed down search result. 1 Patient Name indicator (icon) suggests case status 2 P Hyper-linked Name ‘Touch’ displays patient’s expandable records 3 The record is interactive hyper- text. User can insert an interactive note like “Any Xrays’? Interactive note is synced with e- mail for instant communication 4 Email feedback like “Here it is” is displayed within the same pixel area of the interactive note. 5 The interactive note on ‘touch’ displays the requested data element – in this case the X-ray 6